#how do u even trigger tag that? lmao????
lovedlovingly · 1 year
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
least favorite saiki ship and why ?
... its torisai LMAO.
i dont like saying it on here much cuz its one of the most popular ships in the fandom (the number one most popular ship is kubokai, and im not a fan of that either ☠️ i just think theyre the ship you get from looking at the show/manga purely at surface level and just picking two characters that are close friends and saying 'they should date' even though they wouldnt actually fit together.. i just dont see it personally lol.. OKAY ANYWAY SORRY-) but i really dont like torisai 🧍🏻‍♀️
(im about to talk about sa under this, fair warning)
i literally just posted today about people shipping things in ways that mildly trigger me, and torisai shippers do it pretty bad !! for some reason, mikorei shippers and yumetori shippers etc dont really do the thing that torisai shippers do where they romanticize sexual assault in the way they write them.. im not sure why that is, maybe they think that men cant be sa'd in the way women can ? they think cuz its a gay ship that its okay to write tori sexually harassing and assaulting him (+acting like its cute, not tagging it accordingly with warnings, etc) ? crazy. especially since saiki is implied to be a victim of sa (or at least is canonically a victim of sexual harassment and attempted sa) by his brother..
that whole thing is something i genuinely think is awful and nobody should romanticize sa, but toritsuka isn't inherently awful and still had potential and good character development, so that alone doesnt really make the ship that bad since the shippers are the problem.. i actually used to be okay with it until the shippers ruined it for me, but thinking critically about it (and thinking about WHY the shippers believe that their dynamic is so sexually abusive) did make me realize how much the ship sucks anyway.. (imo !!)
its partly because i project onto saiki, but i already mentioned how saiki is canonically a victim of (at least attempted) sa, and i reallly believe that he would not be interested in dating someone who is so obsessed with sex to the point where he canonically sexually harasses people and tries to peep without their consent !! he is literally an sa victim, obviously that would make him so uncomfortable!!
their friendship at the end of the series is nice and one of the most developed in the series, so i get where people got the ship from, cat tank incident invites a lot of content about them... but toritsuka still has a lot of work to do on himself before he can date ANYONE, and ESPECIALLY a literal sa victim..
when he saw saiki as a girl, one of the first things he did was DIRECTLY ask him about his boobs.. WHY WOULD HE DATE HIM AFTER THAT SKSNKAKAMSK..
actually lol, when i made that post today about ship content that triggers me, part of that was specifically inspired by torisai shippers lol.. (not all ofc and no hate, it just isnt my thing !! torisai mutuals i love u please don't unfollow me..) ive seen multiple people post about how they love torisai BECAUSE they would be absolutely awful for each other and bring out the worst in one another.. like hmm.. great for you if you enjoy that, but that is entirely why i DONT ship it !! i hate ships like that, i love my fluffy healthy romantic ships !!
okay anyway anyway, i love their platonic friendship, they care about each other lots, theyre one of the most developed in the series, their friendship has lots of potential, etc.. i just dont see it romantically !!! maybe in the far far future, but definitely not at the point they are at the end of the series..
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minthara · 3 months
really long personal answer to an anon i got. trigger warnings in the tags.
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First of all i wanna apologise to everyone who follows me for the last few days lmao, but i feel like if i dont post about it im literally gonna kill myself. I need somewhere to write down my thoughts because i feel bad always going to the same 2 friends i still have and complain about the same situation again and again about a dude they dont even know that well.
Thank you so much for ur message really, and sorry if im gonna take it as another excuse to write down all my thoughts, but i think it will really help me.
So the pathetic thing. I didnt ever post about this and in real life i think only like. 3 people knew. But after we broke up i begged him for months to take me back. It really was pathetic. And when he called me pathetic i think he was just very very hurt, because that was the second time i broke up with him (just a few weeks ago). It was in the sense of me begging him for so long just to break up again a few months later. I feel fucking stupid even writing this. I spent about 10k euros trying to get away from him, it fucked up my life so massively that i lost a job i really loved over it.
And now my new job is about 5 minutes away from our old apartment and i think thats a huge reason why i cant get over it. Every day i walk past restaurants, the supermarkets, anything we went to together. I had to buy snacks for work today and just burst into tears in the fucking supermarket because we used to go there together. The people at work are always so appreciative bc i know the area so well but they dont know how much it fucking hurts me and its so stupid like. Should i just avoid that part of town forever??? No fucking get over it bitch like wtf its a fucking supermarket.
And it also hurts because i know i wasnt always perfect and there were many times i was super mean to him. But at a point i couldnt deal with his ADHD anymore and that sounds so shitty but im a super organised person to the point where sometimes i wonder if thers anything ocd related but i dont think so. In my head i swap between i have ocd, i have adhd, i have borderline, i have autism  - i have no idea whats wrong with me, but the way i feel cant be normal. I know this because the way i behave isnt normal, i know i can come across as really strange, i cant judge social situations well and often dont know how to behave. But i constantly criticised him for symptoms of his mental illnesss.
But i never physically hurt him, and that was the last straw for me, why i left. I dont know how u can do that to a person you love.
And im just mourning the life i thought i was going to have so, so, so much. I know on tumblr ppl somehow think youre brainwashed when you want a traditional marriage and kids and stuff, but i really thought that was going to happen in the next 2 / 3 years, thats how i planned my life since i was fucking 21 and i met him. And now im almost 27, and i cant even go on dates because i cannot bear talking to new people because all i want is a clone of him but better.
I know i will look back at this and think “u cried about THAT guy???” in a few years, because thats how its always been in my life lol (except for one relationship, but were still really really best friends). I always think afterwards i will never love someone that much again. But it hits so much harder because it was such a serious relationship lol i really wanted to marry him. Sobs lol.
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emiliosandozsequence · 3 months
what scifi media do you like?
OH ANON I HAVE SO MANY. i'm so glad you asked 💕💕💕 (tagging @gorydean too so she sees 💕💕💕)
gotta start first and foremost with the sparrow series by mary doria russell as my blog is basically just a shrine to it at this point. amazing book and definitely recommend it if you love found family, first contact, trauma, tragedy, and the abandonment of the faithful by g-d. huge massive trigger warning tho. everyone says the second book isn't as good as the first, but i completely disagree. i think they're bitg equally as good as each other; the second book just takes awhile to get to the most insanity inducing parts whereas the first one starts out strong with that and keeps going until the end of the story.
i would have more books to recommend, but i've only just started REALLY getting back into reading after several years of not reading as much due to a variety of reasons (mostly trauma and chronic and mental illness). that being said, i have an insane amount of films to give you to watch instead of books.
gotta recommend my all time fav film (or one of the two anyway), the fountain. most people...don't like this movie because they think it's hard to understand and doesn't make sense towards the end (i had to watch it several times to get it), but please please please watch it. it's a beautiful film both visually and plotwise as long as you give it a chance 💕
sound of my voice is softer in terms of scifi, but still definitely scifi. it's another film that lets you decide what to believe. it's also another film people tend not to like for whatever reason, but i think it's extremely well done and the ending is so 💕💕💕💕💕💕
cloud atlas. very much a story in the same vein as the fountain taking place over different timelines. another beautifully done story about how everything and everyone is connected throughout space and time. ofc my fav timelines are the ones with robert frobisher and sonmi-451. i do also recommend the book, but i liked the film better because of a few of the changes they made.
sunshine is one of my fav films ever and i've loved it since i was in high school and first saw it. it reminds me a lot of three body problem in the sense that antagonist (idk if i would exactly call him a villain even tbh) is using g-d as a reason for the things he's doing. there's a few deleted scenes i wish they'd kept in because it really emphasizes this, but even so, this film is gorgeous in so many ways.
i origins. if u can't tell already i'm a huge brit marling fan and i think this is one of her best stories. again: you get to choose what to believe and you really have to watch the whole film for the pay off, but it is so very much worth it. i think i've actually only ever watched this film once, tho idk why bc it's genuinely one of my favs.
looper is another film that idk why more people weren't into it. the setting is dystopian. i was trying to think of a way to explain it in a few short sentences like i have the rest of the films here, but it's one of those films also that i think going into it knowing nothing is better. the kid who plays the rainmaker is so fucking good too. he's not even 10, but he played that role perfectly.
elysium. EVERYONE KNOWS DISTRICT 9 BUT NO ONE KNOWS ELYSIUM. i stand by my opinion that this film would be infinitely better if diego luna were the main character instead of matt damon, but even so i really love this film. the score is gorgeous. also lmao we for real might be living in this universe soon if elon fixes up that space hotel he wants to do fucking rip
ender's game. the author is a homophobic and transphobic dickwad who actively gives his money to anti-lgbt organizations, so watch this for free if you can (and buy the books second hand), but i actually really enjoyed what they did with this film. a lot of people thought it was too rushed, but also like....ender's game is a very Dense book, so i understand why they did it the way they did it. also the score is amazing.
signs. another film involving g-d and religion seen through the lens of scifi and first contact. this film gets shit on a ton for reasons i do not know, but it's actually really well done. it scared the ever living shit out of me the first few times i saw it tho bc i did Not grow up watching horror.
knowing. another film involving g-d and religion seen through the lens of scifi and first contact (can you tell i have a type of film/media i like???). this film also scared the ever living shit out of me when i first saw it to the point i had to sleep with the lights on, but in all actuality it isn't scary at all (i was just 14 and had never seen a thriller before lol). i really love disaster films tbh, but this is one of my all time favs (next to greenland).
another earth i did not like when i first saw it. i thought the whole thing was kind of pointless and didn't make very much sense, but the more i've thought about it since then, the more i've understood it. funnily enough, i never watched it a second time, but it's brit marling, so i probably will eventually. again: definitely recommend.
lucy. listen i know this has scarlett johansson in it and none of us like her, but this film is good despite her. i thought it was going to be dumb as hell when i first saw it, but i actually ended up liking it so much that it's heavily inspired the next novel i'm planning on writing (a scifi space opera about a girl becoming g-d).
origami. okay this one is difficult to find and you WILL have to buy it if you want to watch it (trust me: i have searched FAR and wide for this film in any other place and vimeo is the ONLY place i found it; it's only $5 to rent on there tho), but it's so worth it. it's worth it. it's one of my fav films and i watched it purely because of francois arnaud and i'm glad i did. this literally is his best work imo.
ink is my all time hands down favorite film. idk if you would even call it scifi, but i love it so much i just wanted to talk about it. it very obviously had zero budget, but they used what little money they had VERY wisely and the result was this beautiful film. the story makes me sob every single time. actually it's quite similar to origami, so if you like one, you'll probably like the other.
tron: legacy is another film that people shit on and idk why. it has The Best religious imagery. like how are you going to top one of the programs falling to their knees in prayer as flynn passes by????? the whole thing seems to be a jesus/judas metaphor anyway and i'm crazy for that shit. gotta mention the score as always because daft punk knocked it out of the park (people shit on the score too and i really don't get why).
thelma. i watched this one a whim with a friend and i cannot recommend it enough. i feel like it was kind of popular on here when it first came out bc it's a sapphic film, but it's also just very good in general. i've seen people get super upset about it also bc their interpretation makes it lesbophobic (which is crazy to me but whatever.
melancholia. i did Not like this movie for the longest time, but then i watched it recently and finally Got it. i guess you really do have to be a certain level of depressed to understand this film, so if you're insanely suicidal and can barely function like me, then i recommend it. you will probably get some catharsis out of it like i did. it is a very Strange film tho.
the creator came out at the end of last year and it was so good. definitely my fav film to come out in the last few years and involves g-d, religion, and AI. the score also in this is great (everybody say thank you hans zimmer. again.). the ending makes me sob so much.
more that i love a lot, but not as much (apparently there's a character limit, so i can't explain why these are my favs too, but it's for similar reasons as above).
the matrix trilogy
the fifth element
blade runner 2049
as for tv shows, i don't have as many, but i do have a few that i would highly recommend if you like any of the films above:
halo. again: everyone shits on this show, but the absolute TRAGEDY of it is the fanboys hate it bc they suck and are bigots and everyone else who would like it (LIKE MY MUTUALS) refuses to give it a chance because of its overall reputation, so i'm BEGGING YOU GUYS TO GIVE IT A CHANCE.
foundation. genuinely fucking good. so much of what the creators of this show have done to change the story has been for the better. i read the books and they were okay, but the show is so so good. idk when season 3 will be coming out, but hopefully soon (same for halo, which i actually like better than this show).
the oa. i will forever mourn what we could've had with this show. i can't even talk about it without getting choked up. this getting canceled really truly fucked me up.
castle rock season 1. technically a horror series, but this season is more scifi than horror, i think. everything really comes to a head in episode 9 iirc and that episode still makes me crazy when i think about it. i definitely need to do a rewatch.
firefly/serenity. you've probably heard this one recommended before, but there's a reason for that. it's really so good, but g-d and jesus hate me because it too was canceled before it could even finish ONE SEASON. thankfully there's a film that kind of ties everything together, but WE COULD'VE HAD SO MUCH MORE.
i tried to put in some movies that aren't talked about as much on here!! i also have several letterboxd lists dedicated purely to scifi, which you can find below.
holy holy holy (scifi (and other films) involving religious imagery or straight up just about theology
the sparrow cinematic universe (films that are either discussed in the sparrow or remind me of it or that i could see the main characters watching)
but it was my body. it was my blood. and it was my love. (films that i either genuinely believe could be based off of the sparrow or just remind me of it in some way)
per aspera ad astra (scifi films i have seen or heard of. this literally is every single scifi film i remember ever in existence so it's quite long)
also mainstream scifi that i recommend/am obsessed with
dune series (wer'e talking about the books here; not whatever the fuck denis villenueve pulled with the films lmao)
district 9
annihilation/southern reach trilogy
ex machina
pacific rim
event horizon
mad max: fury road
mobile suit gundam series (mostly hathaway and g-witch tho)
star wars (mostly the prequel and sequel trilogies)
nausicaa of the valley of the wind
castle in the sky
high life
aldnoah zero
real steel
86: eighty-six
this is so much longer than i meant it to be omg. anyway people do not call me the scifi queen for no reason.
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octoberautumnbox · 2 months
2 (An ultimate Yuri fic but you're not ready yet?), 5, 22 (instead of two idiots, change it to just Jo Yuri)
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Sneaks into your drafts while Yuri distracts you
i was right this was so fun :DDDD and as always thank u frisky for the wonderful gifs i think u get more notes on my blog than i do LMAOOOO
2. Anything that you'd like to write but feel like you're unable to? (Ultimate Yuri fic???)
yuri noona ig??? idk i see the vision if its jiheon but yuri is just too babygirl-coded sdfhjghakjf
on a related note im thinking its too early for me to do threesome and up, lots of moving parts with just two people alr ykno :///// but it's something im gonna do, something i have to do
5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
not exactly sure what this means, but if i had to go by how i initially understand it they'd be cheating and noncon. if ever i actually do commit to writing and releasing either (or both) i realize it will be extremely important to put up trigger warnings for those, but on the other hand they'd spoil what i'd be going for so I'll have to think long and hard abt them
22. What is it about watching the same two idiots falling in love over and over again? (Instead of two idiots, change it to just Jo Yuri)
there's just something so appealing to me about having someone thats just for you idk! that theres a plan somewhere out there that sets someone aside for you and makes circumstances to bring you two together, takes a lot of the guesswork out of love but also at the risk of losing the fun that goes along with finding that perfect person idk im sappy like that :////
NOW YURI THO. idk how much i can say atp bc every ask i've answered today has at least tangentially skirted around spoilers on a future fic/s LMAO but with yuri, to use the autumn box analogy again, i just really want to fill it with yuri "and others," all kinds of yuri and all kinds of tags and all kinds of memories that all go into the little autumn box, and while I do think it's a bit of an idiot move to do so especially to put this much love into something that others would disapprove of, eh it's my autumn box :DDDD
thanks for this and the other asks frisky! it's been a while since i started and you've been with this blog nearly every step of the way, i appreciate it so much <333
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
My guy, I love how your blog looks but please think before you use colored text because I can't read.
Here's a screenshoot of how your blog looks for me (I use a laptop):
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And the text is even smaller for me, bc I gave you a closed up picture.
Like, it's beautiful, but I can't see anything you write.
Oh thanks for this!!
I'm glad you brought this to my attention!
🤲💛 have my heart Im happy when ppl lmk this stuff-
I put it in passing on another post, but I wasn't sure if I should just make it a seperate thing, but this gives me that opportunity!
I have stopped using colored text for this exact reason!
I saw an advice list from another writer on tumblr, fml I'll find and tag them if I can, and one of the things they said was to avoid colored text because of this exact reason!
It impairs visibility, and the last thing I wanna do is make it hard not only for 20/20 vision but lower visibility as well!
That being said, I think I'll start to overhaul my old posts so their also non-colored, bc it sucks that you can't read them! >:/
I promise I only ever did this bc I wanted ppl to know if their favs were in that post, but I'll just be doing a better job with prefacing stuff like
"Type: Headcanons, scenario, etc.
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, etc.
Content Warnings: N/A
Trigger Warnings: N/A"
Or something along those lines!
ALSO, the reason I add these shapes
Is to better divide a post/break it up, but please let me know if that's not helpful! I wanna know what works and what doesn't, and u guys r always free welcome to lmk!!
Its important to me, rlly!!
I think also to some degree I expect most ppl to be on mobile, so I haven't considered what in the hell the PC ver of my blog is doin lmao
Again, thanks for the heads up!!
Also I totally forgot what tf my laptop blog looked like omg- thats so blinding 😭😭
That's pretty outdated, and I dont usually see that on mobile, so I didnt think about it, or my laptop actually... hmmm weird
So it's in dire need of an update too, which will happen soon/this week!
Thanks for putting up with my madness no more LMAO <3
Safe Travels Lelakae,
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blue-lock-rocky · 1 year
What would change if sae joined blue lock instead of rin
you know how isagi sought out the highest ranking person because he wanted to get better? sae would tag the highest ranking person to make it clear that he could have eliminated anyone in the room. he could have picked that guy right next to the door. or the guy with the awful green sneakers. whatever.
would be comical if he insists on becoming a midfielder but ego sees his potential
going back to your question, i think the second selection arc would look very different if sae joined blue lock instead of rin. i def don’t see the possibility of sae, aryu and tokimitsu forming a team. rin might not give a fuck about other players but sae wants teammates that interest him.
isagi, though, would totally want to ask sae to join him and bachira. maybe he’d tag along to see if isagi was any good and we’d get some soap opera level of drama when bachira and sae end up playing for barcelona barcha and madrid.
isagi: i thought we were friends—
sae: with a barcha player? never
character arcs are a little harder to ‘predict’ (what am i even saying lmao) but i do like to think that in an au where rin never picks up football, rin is still the biggest sae fanboy. maybe sae would still get triggered when rin goes ‘I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BE THE NO. 1 STRIKER’ and they’re still going to have this huge fight but rin might actually be able to deal with it since he has things he can do without sae. like artsy stuff.
so he might show up during the u-20 game. sitting right next to isagi and bachira’s moms.
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haver-of-wives · 1 year
HELLO everyone I am Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit aka Big T aka Biggest Man, Haver of Wives and the Most Poggers Person to Ever Exist!!!!
I have made thiss blog because I am BORED and also because the servers been a bit quiet and lonely lately an to be completely honest I could use a distraction. from certain things.
anyway WELCOME to my blog which will be so cool and pog and awesome it will make all the other blogs jealous. They will be so jealous that they will be forced to delete themselves because they could never even HOPE to be as cool as this one thats how cool it will be >:3
(OOC info under the cut)
Hello everyone this is a c!Tommy RP blog, the icon was made by me <3 Here is my main: @moondragon618
This is set post prison break (starting somewhere between the Green Smile stream and Inconsolable Differences) and will vaguely follow canon ig? Idk I have like a vague storyline in mind for this lol. Also it'll get c!Prime heavy with all that entails so be warned, but I will try to tag for triggering content.
I've never done an RP blog before btw I have no idea what I'm doing lmao
Also feel free to send asks if u want it'll give me more content :)
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sam-loves-seb · 5 months
i was tagged by the wonderful @energievie yesterday but i never got around to it so i'm doing it today to answer some end of the year questions 💙
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
don't act like you don't know
i know they're watching
oh lover boy
take me out (& take me home)
why do you do this to yourself
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! if people are kind enough to leave me a little message at the end of my works, i want to be able to take the time to respond to it
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh god, i don't know i don't really write anything with angsty endings, i'm a lover of happy endings almost exclusively, so i guess i'll have to go with--
so this is christmas
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
too many to choose from tbh uhh [spins wheel] [flips coin] this one
if it makes you happy
7. Do you write crossovers?
hell yes, i'm a slut for a good crossover, here i have two:
stuck in reverse
made for lovin' you
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
lmao ooooh yeah
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
[sighs] yes, on occasion, but i haven't written any for my current hyperfixation yet (gallavich) but i kinda wanna put some in my bb fic so we'll see if that happens
it also doesn't help that it takes me nine million years to write smut because every time i do i blush like a fucking virgin for literally no reason
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah, a few times
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i've never co-written a fic before, but i've definitely co-plotted many a fic
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
idk u guys i usually say joshdonna from the west wing, but gallavich game them a run for their money this year tbh like i'm down so bad it might actually be them now
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
probably a place in my heart will always be hers solely because i never came up with an actual ending for it so even if by some chance i update it eventually, i doubt i'll ever really finish it
15. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and characterization (i think?)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
pacing and consistency
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
if you can speak/read/write other languages then i say go for it, but me personally i only speak english so you will not see me attempting other languages in a fic bc i know i will butcher it and nobody wants that
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
marvel? like a decade ago? probably clintnat or stevebucky and i orphaned all of them
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
ooo good question, idk i've toyed with the idea of writing feysand (acotar) fics before and even started a couple after my last re-read, but i've never fully pulled the trigger on it. maybe someday i will
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
what we stay alive for
tagging anyone who wants to play, this was really fun
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symptoms-syndrome · 3 years
Seeing like, adults (or even teenagers TBH, tho I haven't seen it happen since I don't rly follow teenagers) get '""called out""" for posting about like, drugs or sex on a blog related to trauma/mental illness is so insane to me like. That's a 28 year old I'm sorry to be the one who has to tell you that 28 year olds fuck sometimes. Ppl are like "u should be mindful of ur audience!!!" YOU chose to be here!!! YOU chose to follow a blog of a person who possibly could and likely will fuck or smoke weed or whatever behavior you consider "inappropriate" bc they reblog inspiring quotes or cute pics or whatever. Like is that not insane person behavior. Just unfollow them!!! Block them if u wanna!!! But to expect someone's content on a blog they made for THEM to cater to YOU specifically is absolutely insane.
I've seen it happen on MULTIPLE occasions and it's just. Mind blowingly entitled to me. @ any of my followers I'm glad u find my content helpful or whatever but if I start posting about fucking or smoking weed or drinking or whatever, like activities that aren't at all weird or unusual or even upsetting or whatever for the average adult, and that makes YOU uncomfortable that's FINE but that's YOUR problem not mine. Full disclosure, I fuck! I smoke weed! I drink alcohol! Some of those things I do (or wish I did LMAO) fairly often! They're significant parts of my life so they're bound to come up on a blog about me! Which is what u signed up for!!! This is MY blog where I reblog things I like and find helpful, y'all are just along for the ride and you can absolutely check out at any time that's totally fine w me thanks for riding along for a bit. But bitching to someone about how parts of their normal adult life are triggering to u or whatever is like getting on a train and complaining it isn't going to ur house. The train is on the track it announced when u got on it IDK what ur expecting.
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piplupod · 2 years
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hey time to be sad in the tags (triggering possibly but im fine don't worry abt me it's only gonna SOUND worrisome but im ok)
#shut up hanna#im doin all my relapses tho so idk what to tag this w. if ur mentally ill and easily triggered just dont read pls#anyway um so i suck at my new job and don't like it ❤️ but theres no other options at this point#um i had a rlly bad embarrassing moment in dance class (not like normal fuckup)#like she asked if anyone knew how this school was doing auditions so i was like 'oh i applied this is how!'#and she was like '...what are you going for? theatre right?' and i was like 'actually i applied for dance. idk if im gonna go thru w it but'#and she was like '...yeah.....ok' and it was RLLY AWKWARD LIKE hxbdbsbhd i know i suck but yall#it was so embarrassing the whole class was so quiet im like damn okay i will definitely not do it then#um then i was the only one who wasnt in the rehearsal following the class so i had to just rlly awkwardly leave#im Terrible at my job which i rlly am only doing so i can pay for these classes lmao#(without that tuition bill i could probably get away w just doing instacart)#and im having some thoughts bc literally.......if one of my cats got hurt or died like. that pain for me would be unbearable#but its also......like........... definitely considerably more pain than my mom would be in if she lost me#which she's all but confirmed lmao#so feeling like. all i care abt is dance and theatre. and i suck so much at both that i cant study them.#but i also suck at the most basic fucking job u can possibly get and i hate it#im really feeling like........why even bother. why am i here#im also concerned bc i went 24 hrs without eating and legitimately did not notice. at all#i ONLY knew bc when i had my break today i was like 'i dont want to eat. im not hungry. and i already ate....' and then#realized that actually the last time i ate was my break the day before#which is very healthy ❤️#anyway im cold and ugly and bad at everything and feeling worse every day#so. idk what the point is anymore ❤️#(im not gonna do anything i promise these are just the thoughts and feelings im having)
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purbleplaces · 3 years
cartoon character running off a cliff and running on the air and realizing they're running on the air and looking at the screen and falling into a small lake hundreds of feet down with a faint splash 
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notveryglittery · 4 years
i’m so goddamn tired
#dani vents#not ts#probs gonna delete later so yknow dont reblog#tag venting in 3 2 1#i don't even know where to begin and tbh this should be on my main blog but idk whatever anyway uh.#1) i haven't slept thru the night/for more than 4hrs at night in like two weeks. which means yes i've been napping a lot during the day.#which i guess would be fine except that i end up hating myself for it bc there's actually SO MUCH i need to be doing to start moving home#2) i need to move home LMAO. i still need to call hr or email my manager or something. figure out how to get backstage to return my costumes#ask if theres any way to get my 5yr pin. and THEN i need to pack all my stuff and idk how i'm gonna go about it. bc i highkey just want to#throw it all in big containers and call it a day. i also need to find out if there's any note in the rental agreement about giving#a notice to me moving?? but idk where the rental agreement is??? and i dont want to ask aeyrie???#and 3) the fucking messages from. Someone last night that have put me in a mood all Day. and i finally opened them and like everyone i asked#advice from says it was manipulative and insincere. the messages i mean. that this person's apology wasn't genuine. which i dont know just?#sucks? i dont know what else i expected. and now i know i need to finally just delete them off fb even tho ive been avoiding that bc i dont#want any potential conflict from our mutual irl friends. like idk!! deleting you off discord and snapchat probs shouldve been obvious!!#oh and ALSO just a little thing here except not that little bc it's a whole ass fucking trigger but there's been a singular ant at a time in#my room twice now and i want to fucking douse myself in bleach every time i fucking hate it.#ok im done now i think if u made it this far uh. sorry but also thank u for caring or something idk.
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artemis-lesbian · 4 years
Does medication help so that if u do smth embarrassing u don't immediately wanna die like I gotta know
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juwon-ah-moved · 3 years
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