#how does that even work? šŸ˜­
goldencherriess Ā· 2 years
Vol 2 of Stranger Things really hurt, ngl
(spoilers in the tags!)
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leverage-ot3 Ā· 2 months
okay Iā€™ve seen a lot of posts about sterling just being crowley and. guys. the implications just hear me out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
bending lore slightly here BUT letā€™s say crowleyā€™s body was once inhabited by a human and crowley is possessing the body (maybe he kills the initial inhabitant bc he doesnā€™t care)
but he still has the guyā€™s memories. he doesnā€™t bother keeping up appearances with his ā€˜ex wifeā€™ because he is too busy building up his hell empire. BUT for some reason he canā€™t quite identify, he still feels something towards his ā€˜daughterā€™. he lets the divorce happen and doesnā€™t feel the need (or desire) to fight for custody, but he can never quite forget her, to cast her out of his mind for good
some hijinks ensue with the leverage team. itā€™s mostly because even a grind culture demon wants some off time every once in a while, and for him the insurance investigator stuff is more of a hobby. interacting with the leverage crew is very low stakes for him, and honestly, quite amusing. they arenā€™t on his level power-wise, but that ford character gives him the mental exercise he hasnā€™t experienced in, well, he canā€™t even remember
he can feel their frustration and anger when they learn he has become employed by interpol and feeds off it. itā€™s great, and relaxing in a way he is never able to achieve while conducting hell-related business
one year he gets wind that olivia is in a really bad situation associated with his ā€˜ex wifeā€™sā€™ new husband. heā€™s selling vital hardware to terrorists, and while that might actually be the kind of chaos he would normally support or be entertained by as the king of hell, something feels wrong about letting olivia stay anywhere near that man
he calls upon the bodyā€™s adversaries. he wouldnā€™t admit it, even under duress, BUT he feels slightly fond of them. nate for the three dimensional chess they play, sophie for her ability to charm and disguise, parker for her chaos and slightly unsettling nature (itā€™s the autism swag and being bad with human interaction but he doesnā€™t know that lol), hardison for his unapologetic intelligence and eliot for his hardened violent past and take-no-shit persona (heā€™s fun to tease)
they perform exactly as he expected, right into his carefully crafted plan. and then olivia is under his care and things get more complicated. he keeps her FAR, FAR away from anything related to the supernatural (heh). no one can find out about her, ESPECIALLY not those imbecile hunter brothers (if for nothing else than the embarrassment in revealing he has a weak spot)
not sure how to work it into this post but I also want to add that somewhere along the way he develops feelings for nate and sophie. the frame up job is near and dear to my heart and you canā€™t convince me that isnā€™t fighting as flirting behavior. his interpol persona is more of a side hustle so to speak, but he finds it fun (relaxing, even) to fill that role. there arenā€™t any obligations of other demons, bothersome hunters, or anything like that. nate and sophie are low stakes, except, they arenā€™t, really. they make him feel things he canā€™t ever really remember feeling. his heart beats fast when sophie sat in his lap and cradled his face, his hands sweat when nate gives him that certain smug look. heā€™s exasperated by the way they can run circles around him like no one else has ever before. they annoy him and get under his skin in a way no one else can and itā€™s infuriating. but also not, at the same time. maybe he likes it
and then the long goodbye job happens
hear me out and suspend your belief here for a second, because I canā€™t remember if crowley supernaturally knows when ppl die/are dead or not.
so nate is in interpol custody and the interviewer is obviously out of her depth. (most people are, when it comes to nathan ford.) he walks in and pours the man a drink, but heā€™s fuming. somewhere along the way he came to care about the team. hell and suffering is literally in his (official) job description, but he can admit (only to himself) that he admires what they do. itā€™s not for him, not anything close to where his passions and interests lie, but he respects their drive and purpose. he is also aware enough to acknowledge that they are a family, a group of misfits that never belonged quite anywhere except to each other.
and nate fucking blew it up, ruined it, because his vice is being so obsessed with the end game that he is apparently willing to let his team, his family, the people that anchor him to reality, die because the ends supposedly justify the means.
not this time. not to sterling crowley
he is enraged. he can admit within the confines of his mind that he cares for nate, for sophie, even for the other three (though nate and sophie have somehow made it a hierarchy where they are more important to him. which he will dissect later in private. maybe.)
nate let them die, he let sophie die, and for what? the black book? hell below, crowley would have made things easier somehow, if he knew that this was where nateā€™s sights had lied. he would have prevented this somehow. he wants to have prevented this. he doesnā€™t want any of them dead and is too afraid to check and verify because that would make it real. the idea of sophie (or any of them) somehow making it to hell instead of heaven would probably break something in him he might not be able to reapir fully.
he yells at nate- heā€™s angry. hellfire burning in his heart because everything is ruined. the deaths aside (however hard it is to set them aside in his mind), nate will not recover from this, not ever. this will be the start of the end, he is sure. a miserable, guilt-ridden existence where he drinks himself to death and nothing will save him. it plays out in crowleyā€™s mind in a thousand different ways that are beyond painful to conceptualize, even in theory.
the story starts to unravel and there is a game afoot. a solemn, miserable, infuriating game because the con is still in session because parker is alive and in the building- which sets another fire alight in his chest. ā€˜parker even know you got hardison killed?ā€™ he rages for her grief when she finds out. he knows it will double when she finds out eliot has perished, too, because he isnā€™t fucking blind.
but nate is a brilliant man, lest he forget too quickly. they are all alive, and somehow still the entire crew slips through his fingers. heā€™s not even angry (he never would have been- he doesnā€™t actually try too hard to catch them. itā€™s about the game, not the consequences). he lets them keep the black book because heā€™s fucking exhausted and honestly, they more than earned it.
ā€˜now weā€™re even. tell sophie to drive carefullyā€™. they will never be even, not really. crowley would never admit or agree that being human is the superior state of being, but that have made him feel human in a way he doesnā€™t actually mind. they keep him on his toes and match him in a way unique to them, they remind him that there are other things than the realm of hell. not necessarily bigger than hell, but maybe just as important in a different sense.
watching the van drive away, something inside him settles. when he walked into the interrogation room that day he thought this was the beginning of the end. itā€™s not the end at all, not an end to anything. itā€™s a continuation of their story. maybe, he thinks, a beginning to a new era in it
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imaybe5tupid Ā· 21 hours
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Traveling alone is quite dangerous for a girl.
(my toshiro overcompensating trans man hc)
bonus 1
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bonus 2 ft. toshiyuki (middle brother) grown up a little but still a menace
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#toshiro nakamoto#shuro dungeon meshi#my comics#i feel like when he announced himself everyone in the household was really excited his dad especially#1) now thereā€™s an heir 2) cause he finally thought his kid was starting to be interesting and for a short time it was kind of novel#he thought it was so cool and edgy to have a son like that but then that quickly wore off#since toshiro didnā€™t start becoming like him or stop being a boring person to him#and lowkey the little inheritance competition where toshiros peers are like. a bratty 14yo and an 8yo.#is his way to walk it back that he should be the heir#even though he already got acknowledged and everything#meanwhile hien trying to be a woke affirming queen and just feeding his insecurities unintentionally ā€œyouā€™re a man arenā€™t youā€#their friendship changes and they try to slot each other more into their gendered expectations and drift apart#toshiro compulsively works out and trains and carries himself and acts in certain ways#to be masculine in this very conventional way to affirm himself as a man and as the heir of a samurai family#and as a counterpoint to his wastrel layabout father#he becomes the kind of stealth trans guy who lives in constant state of fear and stress. to the point his little brothers have no idea#-> creates that distance emotionally from them#dungeon meshi#i think his relationship with his dad is absolutely horrendous hes a scummy guy through and through#but i personally enjoy bad relationships in fiction where there was something good to lose in the first place#and despite everything he does still care like in the first comic hes genuinely trying to be mindful#in his own condescending thoughtless way which like confirms all of toshiros worst fears about how his father sees him#like he really got assigned the retainers who are 1) 2 teenage girls one who wants to escape the other whos lowkey scared of him#3) his ex childhood best friend who things are weird with currently 4) random woman whos never even met him ONCE before#5) his smothering nanny/teacher ALL OF WHOM dont really respect him as a leader at all or have a professional rapport with him evenšŸ˜­#in his dads pov he was like okay ill assign women retainers so he wonā€™t hide from them (wrong). also ones who wont intimidate him (wrong)#damn im smart! meanwhile toshiro having a breakdown over it
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mrstargkonnen Ā· 14 days
I think people are focusing way too much on the s*xual side of things with Noa and Mae.
Likeā€¦stop šŸ›‘
Iā€™m going to assume no one here needs anything explicit to happen between them to ship them. If thatā€™s the only way you consume ships, then thatā€™s on you.
But by ā€˜certainā€™ logic, then shipping Noa, Soona and Anaya means you like to watch animals getting it on irl. Is this true? I doubt it.
Thankfully, Iā€™m capable understanding that shipping the fictional characters we were given is easy because of their human-like qualities and relatable dynamics. The CGI helps to suspend our disbelief a ton too, and of course, the great chemistry the actors delivered IRL. They did a fantastic job!
Because letā€™s be honest, if these characters behaved or resembled irl apes 100%, NO ONE WOULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THEM and these movies would not be what they are.
Theyā€™re shippable because of their dynamic, because of the themes and narrative devices they are using, because of the idea of two opposing worlds coming together through the kindredness of two unlikely heros, because of their relatability in the face of fear, prejudice and the unknown, because of the Shakespearean tragedy of it all-
NOT and I repeat, NOT because they might have s*x šŸ˜’
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lokh Ā· 6 months
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my first attempt at krita and. it turns out i cant draw felines from memory
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of-mutts-and-men Ā· 17 days
Current workout motivation is to bulk up so I can be a big chew toy for doms.
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soullessjack Ā· 2 months
idk i just think itā€™s a little weird that almost every character who gets the ā€œinnocent babyā€ / ā€œlittle ray of sunshineā€ treatment usually ends up just having neurodivergent traits and actual negative traits in the show that nobody pays attention to. like idk man it just feels like diet infantilization to me and itā€™s a teeny weeny bit uncomfortable to see all the time
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aveyna Ā· 3 months
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I've been trying to figure out how to draw in the show's style for a super long time, but gave up and decided to opt for my regular art style.
Anyway, cover WIP for my fanfic over on AO3, 'Knife Through the Heart.'
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skitskatdacat63 Ā· 5 months
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And here is the bull himself >:)
+ lore notes
I was like, ah I should make the shadow something interesting, and then I'm like GIVE HIM BULL HORNS???? OKAY SURE !!!!! I'm glad such thoughts can strike at 7 in the morning....thanks brain. But hehehe I'm glad bcs now this matches up super well with the Nando one!
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New ship dynamic: who's the bull and who's the matador :)
I think, in this AU, Fernando is generally pretty fond of Seb when he first meets him. Like "ah yes my very own protĆ©gĆ©, very nice, I shall mold him in my image." But then Seb starts veering off that course. Bullfighting is all about being dramatic, but Seb maybe has a bit too much(šŸ¤) flair for the dramatic. This escalation starts while he's still Fernando's assistant but he keeps it generally at bay. But god when he becomes a matador himself, he's just off the rails insane.
Bullfighting, to me, is a sport about reckless endangerment of one's self in the pursuit of drama and performance(its literally described as a tragedy in three acts.) But Fernando thinks Seb endangers himself *too* much, not because he cares or anything, but he's making a mockery of the sport!! Especially when Seb starts doing that bull hand symbol(seen above), Fernando just keeps become more enraged with him, not anything to do with the fact that Seb is threatening his records and threatening his own wellbeing, nah of course not.
Seb's gesture is making a mockery of the sport, he's disrespecting the culture, the very nature of it, blah blah blah. Jenson once asks Fernando, after noticing him seething while watching Seb do his gesture, "Which bull are you really trying to defeat?" One could also describe Fernando and Seb's relationship as a "tragedy with three acts."
Anyways Fernando gets very tied up with this rivalry. Even after suffering a severe injury(I have yet to decide, but y'know mchonda electrocution core), he quickly returns to the sport, loath to let Seb get any more headway. And then Seb gets injured, poor little sweet Seb, and neither of them can handle it. Though I already covered this in my prev lore post šŸ¤­ and I think I put it pretty viscerally there so!! I digress.
They're both matadors, but the bull itself is not the only bull Fernando wants to conquer. Conquer as in death? Hm.
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todayisafridaynight Ā· 3 months
The compulsion to do a zhao cosplay was brought to you by my wok and the fact im making cabbage rolls this weekend
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The fics where authors claim to write "canon" jason with super accurate characterization that's totally not like fanon. And it's just the batfam or other characters being like "wow jason you're such an asshole but we'll still use your help when we need it. Otherwise don't interact with us we're so much better than you and morally superior."
Like I don't think that's canon jason guys, sorry but you're not writing jason as he is you're just twisting his character to fit what you think he should be. At some point just straight up say you don't like him and stop trying to prove how you can interpret him way better than anyone.
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steinbit Ā· 4 days
i can't believe it.. . . i actually officially just handed in my thesis... .
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francy-sketches Ā· 6 days
I'm gonna have to work on my final project non stop for like a month straight bc I procrastinated on it too much fuck my stupid baka life
#.txt#also I have to do a movie pitch for it bitch it's an amv with intentionally one dimensional characters šŸ˜­ tf do I even say about it#at least the characters are like. knockoff jaime and tommen so its almost like im drawing asoiaf fanart#unfortunately I've come to hate them. the knockoffs I mean#I wanna change the designs a bit so they dont resemble my blorbos as much. i think im gonna give the kid darker hair#ok well discount jaime just looks like him with 2 hands and a blue cape šŸ’€and I cant change him atp#my worst mistake was giving him like. a solid metal skirt armor thing bc its a pain in the ass to animate#at the start of the year I had the most work done out of everyone how did this happen#its bc they started nitpicking the story and I kinda lost motivation to work on it lke this shit is stupid. and cringe#by they I mean the extra screenwriting teachers we had a couple lessons with which like. this is an animation course not a writing course#I'd get it if it was like. a full time school but we have 2 3 hour classes a week we dont have time for this shit man#ig my mistake was that my idea didn't start from the story it started from the song I wanted to make a cool music video for it#its not that the story is nonsensical or anything its just a very basic fairytale esque thing nothing groundbreaking#'but you're not SAYING anything with this' I'm not trying to omg just let me make my little amv :(#does everything need a plot twist or to subvert expectations is it not enough that it looks cool#there's a couple people who are worse off than me in terms of how much they've done but also theres a couple that are nearly done#looking at them like god I wish that were me.....#and also I think I accidentally overwrote a shot I worked on for 3 hours. killing myself#maybe I can restore a previous version but its on the school computer and the school is closed for a week so im not gonna know until then
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bylertruther Ā· 2 years
the crazy thing abt will and mike is that we mostly learn will is gay because other people tell us he is, but we learn that mike is gay (despite him telling us he's not, begging us to pls see tht he's not gay) because literally everything that he does is so fucking gay. because in him trying to not be gay he is just being so unbelievably extra fucking gay without realizing. like. el is literally his red herring idc i'll say it stone me if u must but the truth must be said !!!!
#why is he always so crazy to save and protect will and even just to figure out if he's okay#but if el is missing he's like damn... tht sucks... but stays his ass at home. calls on his radio but thts it.#he doesn't Go Insane and put himself n everyone he loves in danger jus to find her. he knows she's out there. he SAW her. and yet!!#and when he fucks up with her he needs someone (lucas and will) to hold his hand n guide him through it (which NEVER fucking works#bc they don't know her how mike SHOULD know her as her bf but i digress) but when he fucks up with will HE LITERALLY DOES EXACTLY WHAT#OTHER CHARACTERS ARE TELLING HIM HE NEEDS TO DO FOR EL (LUCAS) OR EXACTLY WHAT OTHER CHARACTERS ARE TELLING EL THAT HE'LL DO FOR HER (MAX)#EL IS LITERALLY CRYING BEGGING PLEADING SAYING YOU DON'T EVEN LOVE ME WHY CAN'T YOU SAY IT YOU THINK I'M A MONSTER#AND HE'S LIKE šŸ˜°šŸ¤šŸ˜¶šŸ«„ BUT WILL CONFESSES UNDER HER NAME AND THEN /PROMPTS HIM/ TO SAY WHATEVER HE NEEDED TO SAY#AND SUDDENLY /THATS/ WHEN HE CAN SAY I LOVE YOU?!!? FOR THE FIRST FUCKING TIME?????#AND THEN AFTERWARD WHEN THEY'RE NOT TALKING HE JUST BRUSHES IT OFF????????????#YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT'S NOT A GAY MAN? YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT'S NOT A HOMOSEXUAL?#meanwhile will has always just been will. the Biggest hint we got was s4 him moving his foot away. but other than that it was always subtle#ppl calling him slurs. bc everything else they PURPOSELY made it so tht it could be either he's just Not There Yet or Could Be gay#but mike is just so. he's fucking gay bro how else can i say it like šŸ˜­#mine#mike
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leenaur143 Ā· 2 months
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šŸ„¹šŸ˜­šŸ¤§ Park Seong Hwa, the man that you are ā¤ļø
How can one person have such beautiful words to say to people he hasn't even met yet and still be so genuine and caring towards? šŸ˜­šŸ¤§ they captioned the letter with the opening line of 'To everyone I love,' and i started bawling at that but then reading the actual thing I lost any sense of composure because he is so KIND MAN šŸ˜­
But seeing you cheering up after being comforted by me before, smiling brightly at trivial stories, wondering about my day, worrying about my well-being, and giving me love for no reason as if it was natural, ATINY, I will bring happiness to your life. I'm so happy that I can do it. Maybe my greatest gift is you.
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whenthegoldrays Ā· 1 month
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