#how many dad jokes do they say after everything has cooled down?
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
How Miguel stands while watching the teens on practice missions (he’s actually proud of their work this time):
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mamasbakeria · 1 year
hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
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eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve. 
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name. 
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
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© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
Hey, don't know if you want more requests but here's this. Task force 141 reacting to their daughter grumpily trudging up to them saying some boy at their school won't take no for and answer and "apparently you're scarier than I am so could you please make him go away?" They're just bitter that their dad is more intimidating.
task force 141 + protecting their daughters
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Characters: Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
Warnings: none
A/N: hmmm i don't normally like writing family au's but in the spirit of growth here we are (and it's not so bad lol)
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simon "ghost" riley:
okay so i don't think it's a surprise that if simon found out some guy was harassing his kid at school he would flip out
are we surprised that simon is a super protective dad?
no. not at all.
you would probably have to physically stop him from trying to find out everything about the harasser so he could go beat him up
because lord knows if left unattended he would do exactly that
he has his own experience with people taunting and harassing him as a child and simon wants his kid's childhood to be polar opposites with his own
and this annoying boy at school is a threat to that
and simon's literally been trained to take out threats guys let's be fr
after he manages to cool down he ends up going to pick up his daughter from school and he has her point out who the guy who's giving her trouble is
he doesn't even have to say anything because as soon as this little snot sees ur kid pointing at him with simon staring daggers at him he's two seconds away from peeing his pants
and it's for good reason too because keep in mind this is like a 3'2 child (i don't actually know how tall children are) compared to a 6'4, probably over 200 pounds of muscle, simon with a death glare that's sent shivers down grown men's backs
i mean this kid has no chance sorry dude
definitely turns around and immediately sprints away
and what do you know the next day the snot-nosed turd doesn't even look at your kid except for terrified peeks in her direction
but you know simon still wishes he got to talk with (re: beat up) the kid
john "soap" mactavish:
alright so soap tries to solve things with humor so when he finds out some turd is harassing his daughter the first thing he does is try to make her feel better with some jokes
"geez that kid's a real idiot, how'd he pass first grade?"
"don't let it affect you, sweets, you're too good to be worried about someone who spends 90% of their brainpower on stupid things."
basically soap will trash talk this kid
and yk what same so i can't even blame him
when his daughter asks soap to deal with the kid, he definitely pats her on the back and says something like "i'll see what i can do" and then takes her out for ice cream
soap desperately wants to be the favorite parent so he's hesitant about going all "this kid must be stopped and i will do anything to ensure justice is served" in front of his daughter
definitely calls the school to get a better read on what's going on and then goes to talk to the parents themselves
and unfortunately soap doesn't exactly have ghost's height to help him intimidate people but one thing soap does have is massive muscles
that being said he doesn't want to go full intimidation mode so he tries to breach the topic lightly with the parents
but he will put his foot down if needed
he also insists on talking to the kid and when he does you know he threatens him in the nicest also most vaguest way possible to try and protect himself from any guilt
and although his methods may be questionable they work because the next day the snot-nosed turd apologizes to his daughter
kyle "gaz" garrick:
alright so honestly i can see gaz as the kind of parent who preaches being kind and talking things out
but he's also definitely ready to throw hands if some loser is harassing his kid
now unfortunately for gaz he is not very intimidating
i mean he's tall but other than that there's not much
what can i say he has too many pretty genes to look intimidating
definitely will threaten the kid with a smile on his face though
like he's the kind of guy to sorta smile through it and pretend he's having a great time but his words are saying something else
like once he finds out he'll make his daughter show him who the loser is while he walks her to school
and then he'll pull him aside and tell him that he needs to stop talking to his daughter or else it's not gonna be pretty
and even though there's a smile on his face there's something unsettling about it that has the boy unnerved
and so that day at school he's definitely trying to avoid her
and after that he stops being a problem
john price:
alright price is a certified dilf and he's also super duper protective
especially over his daughter
as soon as hears that someone is harassing her he is seeing red
unlike simon though there's no threat of him doing something rash
definitely will have to go outside and smoke a cigar though
he'll ask his daughter who the guy who's harassing her is and will then find out where he lives
and he'll ask you to talk your daughter out for ice cream and a movie and while you're gone he goes to pay the harasser a little visit
i mean when it comes to protecting his daughter price is stone cold
i mean he is more than ready to threaten this kid if he even dares to look in her direction
and he will make sure the kid knows he's serious about it too
and price will only say things once so god forbid the kid doesn't learn his lesson
if so then um
the kids gonna miss a lot of school is all im gonna say
will then pick you guys up from ice cream and a movie and ask how it was
and will tell his daughter that everything's taken care of and to let him know if the kid tries anything again
and then the next day the kid literally refuses to look at your daughter
so mission accomplished
alejandro vargas:
alright so honestly i feel like alejandro is lowkey really intimidating
like idk it's that one smile he does that's sorta unsettling if you're not viewing it through a "omg he's so hot he's my babygirl i love him" lense
so to kids he can be scary when he wants to
when he finds out someone is harassing his daughter he absolutely flips out
one thing about alejandro is he definitely has a short fuse when it comes to people disrespecting stuff he cares about
also with the cartel and stuff he's very very concerned about his daughter's well-being and how she grows up
he wants to keep her seperate from all the violence of his workplace as long as possible so he tries to keep his cool in front of her
but it's pretty obvious how mad he is (as he should)
he makes his daughter point out who the kid is the next time he picks her up from school and then tells her to wait in the car while he deals with him
since it's in public he can't really do anything drastic but he can still be really scary
like he is not afraid to show this kid a glimpse of a gun to let him know that he means business
and maybe it's kinda sadistic but he wants this kid to be wetting his pants as retribution for what he did to his daughter
and you know what it worked because when alejandro returns the car he gives her a kiss on the top of her head, tells her he's proud of her for talking to him about this, and then drives away before she can see the kid crying with a wet spot on his pants
rodolfo "rudy" parra:
ok you guys know i love rudy but we have to face the facts
he just simply is not intimidating
i mean have you seen that clip of him yelling "special forces!" as he breaches that house in texas?
im sorry but he's just too cute it doesn't work out
but just because he's not intimidated doesn't mean he can't deal with his kid's problems
he absolutely loves his daughter and wants the best for her so when he finds out someone's harassing her he's less mad and more sad that she's going through this
he definitely will make sure she is okay at first and then take her on a day out just to make sure she's happy
and then he'll speak to her teacher to try and get a better feel of what's going on
at first he would probably let the teacher handle it because unlike some of the others he's on the fence about threatening a kid
but if the teacher proves to be incapable then he will take things into his own hands
he'll pull the kid aside and try and tell him nicely to back off and stop harassing his daughter
and if that still doesn't work then the serious voice comes out and you can just tell he's ready to throw hands
which honestly is kind of intimidating in and of itself because it's such a contrast to his normal behavior
and then the next day the kid apologized and then spent the rest of the year giving his daughter plenty of space
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shanieveh · 1 year
BACK TO DECEMBER — late night drinking buddies !
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SCARAMOUCHE — the new kid everyone has mixed feeling about. he rarely talks to anyone not until childe adopted him and forced him to be in his friend group. he didn't know the school had you in it, and when he found out he will do everything for you to notice him again.
CHILDE — will probably already be suspended if not for his rich parents. childe is your average highschooler if not for the way he unsuccessfully causes havoc in the school. the guys hate him, but the girls, oh they write diaries and say incredible confessions in which he awkwardly avoids.
KAZUHA — sweet and gentle guy every single teacher likes. he goes about his day fixing everything and being very patient with anyone he comes across with. he creates ethereal poems, but don't let that fool you, once a drinking session is on course, he says the weirdest shit imaginable.
ALHAITHAM — he was here because he heard that they liked alcohol but now he becomes a tired sad dad of 7 children all of which had too many trauma injected in their bodies. although he is known for his boyfriend, a lot of people still crush on this dude, only to be met with kaveh's broom stick.
AETHER — he is literslly shipped with the whole campus, and even his sister's crush. he is very helpful in every single event but for some reason still not apart of the student council but he doesn't mind. he finds scaramouche annoying at first but they became very close after a while and now he knows the whole drama between you and him.
ALBEDO — the weirdest once you get to know him. scaramouche thought he was the cool guy who is smart and handsome, but boy was he wrong. albedo is a caffeine addict who talks too much about research and science, but they don't mind because he lets you copy off his paper.
CYNO — if this bitch can't shut up about his boyfriend, it isn't about his jokes anymore, it's about how he shows his family everytime he doesn't get what he wants, and even tighnari gets tired of it. but he really doesn't like you for what you did to scaramouche, especially when he sees the dude in tears in their third drinking session.
HEIZOU — he connected the dots, actually he didn't connect shit. typa guy you see with a magnifying glass but doesn't actually use it. he flirts with a lot of people, but hey atleast he asked scaramouche's permission when he flirted with you (scara chase him away)
BACK TO DECEMBER — masterpost || reading club
SUMMARY: you were childhood bestfriends with scaramouche, and with many unanswered confessions and one sided goodbyes, you both meet again, but now he wears a cold glance even turning agressive when his eyes wander yours, and it all came down the day he became the top of your class, beating you and rejoicing in success. his smile was because of your pain. maybe you could turn back time where promises actually never broke, and love was a beautiful thing.
TAGLIST: @yukiipc @wanderchive @user11918163805279 @gekkow @moon-320 @meowmeowmau @mine-lu @sunaaa @lxkeeeee @faaariiii-world @lazy-sanns @starlightaura @ynverse @ukinya @peachysunflowerOx @creammpuff @scarlightsworld @sakurapeach @sketcheeee @divinechicha @trasshy-artist @virette @kyouzki @redsrrrr @ahseya @1999mercury @slu7 @tatiratty @naheana
NOTES: i will fix this and deepen it after i get my laptop for my phone has an image limit thank you for understanding
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morganski-19 · 10 months
I Don't Know Which Way's Home
Chapter 3: Awkward Fumblings
ao3 link, Part 1, Part 2
September 1985
Julie sits on one of the picnic benches in the community area of the trailer park. She has one of her many notebooks open to a page she’s been working on for weeks. It’s a pencil drawing of the short story she wrote a few weeks ago. An empty field with serene trees and clear skies. The perfect background for the forefront of her story, if she could just figure out how to draw it. 
One of the trailer doors slams and a girl around her age goes around her trailer, heading to the gate with a small food tray. Her name is Max, Julie thinks. She and her mom moved into the trailer down the street from her a month or two ago. 
She shuts her notebook, the ideas of how to depict the scene she was drawing not coming to her anyway. It’s weird how the scenes created in her mind can get twisted when she tries drawing them on paper. 
When Max is walking back to her trailer, now with an empty tray of food, Julie walks up to her. 
“Hey,” she says, interrupting Max’s movement. “I’m Julie, I live two trailers down from you.”
“Cool,” Max replies with a cold glare. “I’m Max.”
“Were you feeding your dog?” Julie was never good at making friends, she doesn’t even know why she’s talking to Max at all. But she knows everyone else in the trailer park and they’re either too old to be friends with or too young. There’s just something about Max that she thinks might click. 
Max rolls her eyes slightly. Julie can’t tell if she’s annoyed with her or something else. “Yeah, he’s out back behind that fence.”
“Oh, I’ve seen him a few times. Wondered when he showed up.” They stand there awkwardly for a moment, Julie slightly swaying with the book held in front of her. “It was nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Max says with an attitude that means she probably didn’t mean it. 
Julie gives her a tight-lipped smile before walking back to her trailer. 
She doesn’t talk to Max for a few more weeks. She sees her a lot, just from sitting out on park benches and sometimes at school. But she doesn’t go up to talk to her again, Max clearly didn’t like it the first time. Doesn’t blame her. She caught her at a bad time, probably, and that made her not want to talk to Julie again. It just happens sometimes, most of the time. 
The trailer door slams shut again after a screaming match Julie could hear between Max and her mom. Mainly Max screaming, but about what Julie doesn’t know. After living in a trailer park for so long, she got used to shutting out the noise of the other trailers. They all have the thinnest walls known to man and sound travels fast, but it’s better for everyone if they learn to tune it out. 
It’s bad enough living in a small town where everyone seems to know everything, they don’t need to be hearing what’s going on inside everyone else’s homes. 
Julie expects Max to go behind her trailer to where her dog sits behind the gate. That’s where she normally goes after slamming the door shut. But instead, the table creaks as Max sits across from her on the other bench. 
“What are you doing,” she asks bluntly. 
“Drawing a scene from one of my stories. I can’t seem to get the tone right.” Julie erases the people she had drawn in the foreground, they weren’t right. 
Max nods, looking unsure of why she’s even here. After their last interaction, Julie can’t help but ask the same question. “What is the tone supposed to be?”
“Tense. The story is about a family that seems normal to the reader, but there’s something off that they just can’t place. Until it ends and you find out that the dad was never actually addressed properly because he was a ghost the whole time.”
“Spoilers much,” Max jokes. It’s surprising, but not unwelcome. “That’s a cool concept though.”
“Thanks,” Julie puts her pencil down, deciding to try and figure out how to fix it later. 
“Did you hear anything before, when I was yelling at my mom?” Max blurts out, eyes darting away when asking the question. 
Julie shakes her head. “I try not to listen to what happens in other people’s trailers. You end up hearing things you regret. Like, a lot of sex.”
That makes Max snort. “I get what you mean.” There’s a comfortable silence that falls over them this time, like they bridged a gap that Julie hasn’t ever really before. “Could you show me your drawing, maybe I can help you figure out what to do.”
“Sure,” Julie shrugs. 
. . . 
“What the hell are you doing here, dingus,” Robin scolds him as he walks through the door of Family Video, head throbbing. “You said you had a migraine, get out of here.”
Steve winces when he fully opens his eyes to the bad fluorescents. “I called out last week for an obvious fake sickness, Keith won’t let me do it again, even if it’s real.”
“You look like you can barely stand, Steve. Go home. Actually, no, I’m calling Eddie to come pick you up.”
He waves her off. “No, no. It’s fine. I just need to drink some water and take more painkillers. I’m at the end of my last dose. And I drove over here just fine.”
Robin glares at him, her jaw clenched. “Fine. But if I see you pushing yourself too far across the limit, I am calling Eddie and helping him push you into his car to take you home.”
“I’ll be fine, Rob, promise.” He unscrews the cap of his water bottle and swallows two more pills. 
“And I’m turning off some of the lights, I don’t care.” Robin walks to the light switches by the break room and flips the switch where every other light turns off. Steve hates to admit it, but it did give him a little bit of relief. 
Compared to his other migraines, today’s ranks at about a three. He was able to get out of bed and stand, so that automatically puts it underneath an eighth. And when he takes his pain meds on time and makes sure to stay hydrated, he can make it through one six-hour shift. He probably would have called out if it was any longer, but he can do it today. 
And luckily for him, Thursdays tend to be slow so he’s able to lean on the counter for the majority of his shift while rewinding tapes. A tedious job that Keith would yell at him for not also doing returns while they were rewinding, but he left an hour ago so Steve could do what he wanted. Within reason. 
Halfway through his shift, there is a slight crowd of people as the school day ends always bringing in a few kids on their way home from school. The excess noise from the groups of teens makes Steve’s head throb more, or at least makes him notice it more. He takes a few deep breaths in between customers, trying to keep a less pissed-off face on. It might not work but he tries. 
As the crowd weans down, someone comes up to the counter, dropping a tape on it getting Steve’s attention. 
“Hey, Steve,” a familiar voice he can’t place says. “Don’t take this the wrong way but you look like shit.”
When he lifts his head, he sees Julie, staring at him with more concern than she probably wants to. They haven’t talked since last week when she showed up at his house. Not like he didn’t want to. But he didn’t have a number or an address to go to and waiting to see if he could catch her after school sounded creepy. So, he was waiting for her to come to him, but she didn’t, not yet. Maybe now he could say something, apologize for not trying to get her to stay more. 
“Hey,” he says, perking up a bit. “How are you?”
She shrugs. “As good as I can be. Uh, this might be insanely overdue. I was finally going through some of my old stuff and guess I never returned it.” She slides the tape across the counter. 
Steve picks it up, scans it, and immediately gets rid of the late fees. “You’re good.”
“What,” Julie looks at him confused. “I know I’ve had that tape for at least three weeks, there should be late fees.”
“For most people yeah, but the joys of knowing someone who is willing to cheat the system is no late fees.”
“And risk his job just to let the kids walk over him,” Robin interrupts, coming behind the counter. “Not you, the other kids,” she turns to Steve. “Go take your break, I got it.”
“There still a rush, Rob-.”
“And I can see you struggling from across the store. Go. Take. Your. Break. You absolute dingus.”
Julie looks at them confused. “I know I said you look like shit but are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he brushes off. 
“No, he’s not. He should be home but he’s an idiot who decided it was a good idea to come to work with a migraine.”
Steve rolls his eyes as he goes to grab his lunch from the break room. “I’m going to eat in my car, be back in fifteen.”
“Hey,” Julie calls out to him when he leaves the building. “I don’t mean to take up your break, but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I know you didn’t mean for last week to go like that. It wasn’t fair for me to lash out like that.”
“It’s ok. I’m sorry you couldn’t stay longer.” He sits on the hood of his car, motioning for her to sit next to him.
She does. “Me too. I really hate it at that house.”
“You know you’re not like banned from coming over. I mean you don’t if you don’t want to. But as long as you don’t stay the night and don’t break curfew, Hop said it was ok for you to come over.”
She takes a moment to think about it. “I think I would like that.”
“I would too. I always wanted a sibling,” he adds on, trying to show her that he cares. 
“I did too,” Julie smiles. “I’ll let you get back to your break, hope your head feels better.”
“Thanks. See you around.”
Steve eats his sandwich from his car, taking a moment to lie in the back seat, throwing an arm over his eyes to try and give them a break from the light. When he gets back into the store, it’s a bit better, but still there. It’s one of the many life adjustments he’s had to go through after four years of going through the same thing over and over again, but he’s slowly getting used to it. 
“I saw you talking to Julie on your break, you two good?”
“I think so, she said that she might come over sometimes.”
Robin smiles. “That’s good. She seemed like a good kid. We talked a little bit when you were having your absurdly long talk with Eddie and even though she was kind of reserved, I could tell. Like she just gave me that impression, both in the night before and in that morning. What’s wrong you’re giving me that look when you feel stupid asking a question.”
“I haven’t made a friend under normal circumstances in years, Rob. How do I even go about this?” Steve asks, suddenly hit with the realization that he knows so little about her.
“I don’t know, things. I mean I know you said you didn’t get to talk that much when she was there the last time, so maybe just use what you learned last time and go from there. Also, if you think these are normal circumstances then I hate to break it to you, but it is not. Bond over your shitty father. Get the awkward getting-to-know phase out of the way. Something”
Steve shrugs. “Maybe.”
. . . 
Julie knocks on the door of the Harrington house for the second time in her life, but this time she is supposed to. At least she hopes. All her life she’s felt that wherever her father fucked off, she would never be accepted. Especially when she learned the circumstances of how she came to be, there would be no chance. She half expected that when her case workers finally located her father, he would give up the rights so fast and stick her in the system for two more years until she ages out.
Which in the grand scheme of things, wouldn’t be the worst since she can leave in a few years. But she would do anything to get out of that house and can’t imagine that the next one would be any better.
But there was a small glimpse of hope that she couldn’t help but start to believe in. Steve genuinely seemed interested in knowing her, interested in trying to have some sort of relationship. And he wanted to try too.
It wasn’t surprising really, he was the only family she had that actually seemed interested at all. Someone she didn’t even know about until a month ago, and never met until the previous week. But in the short amount of time that they actually talked, she just had a feeling that this might work out.
“Give him some credit,” Chief Hopper said to her before dropping her off at the foster home. “There was nothing he could do to stop me from bringing you back. I’m not going to tell you what to do with your life because God knows that teenagers never listen to me, but just give it some thought.”
As Steve opens the door and invites her back into his house, she can’t help but think that what he told her was right. She wasn’t mad at Steve, and she should give them both a real chance to do something before jumping to conclusions. Both of them deserved that.
“So,” Steve starts, leading her to the living room. “This is going to sound really stupid.”
“Why do I not like the sound of that?”
He snorts. “I don’t really either, but it’s all I got. We don’t know that much about each other, so I figured we could speed run some of those really stupid icebreakers just to get it out there.”
“To get the awkward stuff out of the way and start to find things in common. I get it.”
“Yep, exactly,” he nods. “So, things about me. I just turned twenty back in August. I’m not in college and don’t plan to be. I work at the video store, as you saw. My favorite color is green, I told you some of my hobbies. And that’s all I got right now.”
“Very interesting information,” She says sarcastically. “My turn, I guess. I’m sixteen, my birthday is in January if you didn’t catch that already. Uhm. I don’t have a job, but I wouldn’t mind getting an after-school one soon to start saving up early. I would like to go to college sometime, but I’m not sure if that would be entirely in the cards right now. My favorite color is blue. And like I said, my hobbies are writing and drawing, but I also like to read a good bit too.”
“What do you want to major in, if you did go to college? Do you know yet?”
“Writing, I think. I’ve been doing it for a while now and I really like it, and English is my favorite subject so I definitely want to do something with literature.”
“That’s really cool. I wasn’t the greatest in school, I tried to pay attention but a lot of the subjects just were hard for me. But I always did the best in history for some reason. Or gym if we’re counting that as a real subject.”
Julie laughs. “Wow, you really were a jock.”
“I like sports and for a time, it was the only thing I thought I was good at.”
“And now? What else are you good at?”
Steve sinks back into the couch, taking a second to think. “I like to think I’m a good cook. I’ve been alone really since high school, so I learned how to cook. Probably not the best in the world, but I like doing it, and it’s fun.”
“What do you mean by really alone?” She asks. “I’m sorry, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to. I was just curious.”
He laughs, like what he just said wasn’t incredibly sad. “I forget that not everyone knows. My dad always went on a lot of business trips, but for the first few years since I was born, my mom stayed home. Then she found out about his cheating, and went with him. After that there were nannies, none stayed for more than a few years, my mom always found something about them that pissed her off. When I started high school, she stopped hiring them. Both of them agreed that I was old enough to be home alone.”
Not like she’s too shocked, but to hear that her suspicions were right about Steve’s parents never being home hurts. She can’t imagine what it was like living in a home where the two people who are supposed to take care of you are never there.
“When did your mom find out about the cheating?” She’s hit with the sudden thought that it might have been around the time she was born, and she couldn’t help but ask.
“I was four, maybe five.” It takes him a second, but his eyes widen, and he sits forward, mouth agape. “Holy shit.”
“That’s probably not a coincidence, is it?”
He runs a hand through his hair. “It would be insane if it was. I thought she wouldn’t have known, that he kept it from her too. She must have found out somehow.”
Guilt hits her. He lived an empty life because of her.
“I’m sorry.”
“Not your fault. It’s his fault, always was. He cheated on my mom constantly. On the rare chance that they were home, the screaming matches were intense. She knew of them, of course she knew about you.”
“I’m still sorry. You didn’t deserve to be left alone because your dad is a piece of shit.”
He huffs. “I’m sorry too.”
“How did you meet Robin? I never got to ask the other day.” She changes the subject to something different, hoping that it will bring them out of the weird mood that they landed in. 
“We worked at the same summer job. Scoops Ahoy, the ice cream place that was in the mall before it burned down. The one with the really terrible sailor outfits.”
Julie winces. “I remember those. They were pretty bad. And Eddie, when did you become friends.”
“Spring break, during all of the craziness that happened.”
She nods her head, letting him ask a question about her before they just start talking. It’s weird but nice at the same time. They strangely get along well and the conversations, while slowing at some points, keep picking back up. It’s feels natural, like it’s not forced. 
But then five o’clock hits and she has to head back to the foster home. He offers to drive her, and she accepts, loading her bike into the back of the car. The car ride isn’t awkward, even if they don’t talk the whole time. It’s comfortable, it’s safe. 
In the short amount of time that she’s known Steve, she can tell that he’s safe to be around. It’s just the feeling she gets from him. She’d be lying if she said it wasn’t surprising, but it’s not unwelcome. 
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Steve says, rustling in his trunk when he helps get out her bike. “I wanted to give you this,”
She takes the box. “A walkie-talkie?”
“Yeah. I use them to talk to the kids I look after and their range is like unbelievably far. So I figured you could use it to talk to me, if you wanted. Or to shoot a warning that you’re coming over. Just something.”
It’s weird, but she accepts it. “Ok, thanks.”
“Yeah no problem,” he shrugs. “I’ll see you around.”
. . . 
When Steve doesn't know how to feel about something, he tends to just not feel anything about it. Like this whole situation about his father, he doesn’t know how to feel about it. 
His father is a cheater and has been for pretty much Steve’s entire existence. There was no secret about that. He’s made his own opinions about that a long time ago, and just shuffled it all to the part of his mind that he doesn’t like to think about too much. Because it hurts too much to think about it all, so he’d rather not. 
But the truth about it was that Steve was used to how his dad was. He was used to the way he treated Steve. How there were barely any phone calls unless he did something that would affect his dad’s image. No birthday or holiday calls, barely even making an appearance during Christmas or Thanksgiving anymore. Just an empty house that was never really lived in enough to even have memories created, let alone any semblance of a life. 
It was just Steve, and he was fine with that. As long as he was the only person that got hurt. 
Even that logic was flawed as his mom has been hurt for years. But that was different, she was an adult. And even though Steve knows that there would be no way that his mom could leave without her reputation being ruined, she still has some responsibility for how he was treated. He never blamed her, but she wasn’t without blame. 
So Steve didn’t care that he was hurt, as long as he was the only child of Richard Harrington that was. And for the majority of his life, that was true. Except it wasn’t. 
And Steve had no idea how to feel about that. 
When Steve wakes up the day after Julie came over again, it’s like all of the hurt that he has tried so hard not to feel has come back to the surface. All of the hurt that he’s become numb to has festered enough to make his skin crawl again. The hurt that would make him want to act out and seek attention from people who never really cared about him, but he wanted them to. 
He stares at his ceiling, thinking about all of the times that he’s woken up just like this. Empty house, bare walls, not a soul other than himself to talk to. More mornings than anyone should have been able to experience. Where it happens enough that the numbers get so large there’s no point in counting them anymore. 
Steve knows that there are people out there that care about him. Knows that there are people that love him. His friends and the family he’s made through the past experiences of his life loved him and he loved them. But the fact that he had to make a family outside of his own just to be loved the way he wanted hurt. 
Parents are supposed to love their kids. At least that’s what it feels like. From what Steve’s observed through his friends and even in his job, families are supposed to love each other. Fathers are supposed to be there to play catch in the yard, moms are supposed to be there to provide a hug that cures all tears. They are supposed to be home, not shove their kids off on someone else. 
It took a long time for Steve to realize that his family was broken and he couldn’t fix it. That one more party wouldn’t get his dad to notice him, for his mom to come home. Making the team got him a phone call because it looked good on them, not because they were proud of him. Getting rejected from college hurt their image, so they cared. Their son refusing to get a job other than part-time at a video store hurt their image, so they cared. There was a scar on his neck that looked suspicious enough that it made people talk, even if it wasn’t true, but it hurt their image, so they cared. 
Not one time did they ever come to visit him during his many hospital stays. Not once did they even send a card. The birthday gifts stopped after the Beemer, and even then it was rare. They didn’t care about him, just what he could do for them. 
Steve was just so tired of acting how people who didn’t even really care about him wanted him to. So he wasn’t going to anymore. 
He gets up and ready, heading straight to his car without a second thought. Driving with a half-baked plan that is made out of a sense of rebellion and just generally wanting something. Steve wants something with someone for the first time in a long time, and he’s tired of holding himself back from it. Even if his dad would hate it, he’s stopped caring that he would. 
“Steve,” Eddie asks confused when he opens the door. “Everything ok?”
Steve nods, letting himself in. “Yep, everything’s fine. Great even.”
“You sure?” Eddie looks at him with a concerned face. “You seem really jittery.”
He is feeling a bit shaky but that’s not going to stop him. “I’m done doing things just because I think it will get my dad’s approval.”
“I thought you already were, but continue. This is good.”
“So I’m going to things that I want, even if I know my dad will hate it. I’m not going to hold myself back anymore.”
“Good, you shouldn’t.”
Steve walks up to him. “I’m going to do what I want, because I want it without thinking of what could happen if he finds out. He acts without thinking of me, why should I act with him in mind.”
“I really like where this is going, Steve, but you are still scaring me a little.”
He lightly grabs the sides of Eddie’s face, a shocked noise slipping out when he does so. “I’m going to do what I want to.”
Before Eddie gets the chance to say anything else, Steve kisses him. Harder than he should of but he doesn’t care. He’s wanted this for far longer than he’s realized and isn’t going to let that voice in the back of his head tell him that it’s wrong anymore. He already canceled their previous plans because of that, he isn’t going to do that again. 
After the shock, Eddie kisses him back, leaning into Steve’s touch and wrapping his arms around him, pulling Steve in closer. 
. . . 
Julie’s least favorite class is probably gym class. A bunch of kids wearing the same clothes, all of which have shorts that are way too short, playing some dumb sport that her teacher deemed important for them to learn. The only good part about the class is that it’s not co-ed, she can’t imagine the comments that would be made about her if the guys were in the class. 
But she has to do it, so she goes out to the gym, the cold air hitting her as she exits the locker room, clutching her middle and just begging it’s something easy today. She notices a girl in a wheelchair by the bleachers, another girl with short hair sitting next to her animately talking about something. It’s Max, Julie realizes. She hasn’t seen her in school since last year, or at all really. 
Not that they were ever really friends. They talked a few times, but never enough to form something real. And after a while, Max came outside in general less and less, always looking like something else was taking over her mind. Julie wanted to reach out and ask if she was ok, but never felt like it was her place to do so. 
And then something big over spring break happened that no one had a good explanation for, and Julie didn’t see Max again for a long time. 
“Do they really make you come to gym class if you can’t participate?” Julie asks, walking over to Max and her friend. 
Max’s eyes are slightly clouded over and she looks at Julie like she can tell that she’s there, but can’t see it. “Yeah, it’s pretty stupid.” Her friend leans over to tell Max who it is, a face of recognition forming. “Julie this is my friend Jane, she just moved back to Hawkins from California.”
“Nice to meet you. Odd to hear someone moving here instead of away.”
“We are happier here,” Jane supplies, speaking with certainty in her voice. 
“I thought you moved too. I haven’t heard anyone drive to your trailer in a few weeks. Thought you might have gotten out of that shit-hole.”
Julie clams up, debating whether or not to tell her. But she’d rather not get emotional in the middle of gym class. “I moved to a place on Cherry Street, that’s probably why.” 
Their conversation is cut short when the teacher calls everyone to the center of the gym to go over the rules. Her mind is everywhere but the gym. Racing thoughts of what could have happened to Max to cause her to be in a wheelchair and possibly blinded, from what she could tell. Only landing at the same spot all of her thoughts seem to end up for the last few weeks. 
She thought that maybe there would be a time when she could think of her mom without almost breaking down, but she couldn’t. It seems that every time someone mentions anything about her, all she can think about is the fact that she’s dead. That Julie is left alone without her mom, forever. 
All she wants is to remember her mom without crying for once. Think of the happy memories with that sadness old people seem to get when talking about their friends. A form of silent sadness that doesn’t cause her to want to rip her heart out. She seems to continuously wake up with sore, red eyes and a pain she has no way of stopping. 
. . . 
July 1986
A few different cars pull up in front of the Mayfield’s trailer, a bunch of kids around her age pouring out and going up the door. All of them cheering when it opens. She recognizes a few of them from her classes. They must have been Max’s friends. 
She hasn’t seen Max since spring break. The only answer that her mom could ever get from asking neighbors was that she was severely injured from the earthquakes and was hospitalized. For months, apparently. 
Max came home last week in a wheelchair. Some people had come over to help build a ramp to the trailer a few days before and showed up again when Max came home. She wanted to go over and say that she was happy to see her back, but it felt wrong for some reason. 
Julie doesn’t know a lot about earthquakes, but she knows that they don’t happen in the middle of America, let alone Indiana. And they don’t happen in the way that it happened here. The cracks in the ground weren’t on any fault lines, or near them at all. And for all of them to start from one location and hit city hall, wasn’t normal. 
Nothing that happened over spring break was normal. She had seen the same bunch of kids running around the trailer park a few days before the quake. And the string of murders that Eddie Munson was wrongfully accused of happened days before the quake. 
None of it made any sense, and Julie had no way of knowing what really happened. Some said this town was possessed by the devil, but that was evangelical Christian panic shit that claimed a board game was demonic. There was something wrong with Hawkins, and Julie wanted to know. But sometimes questions never get answered, and she had to accept that. 
Part 4
Tag list(let me know if you want to be added or removed): @homoerotictangerine, @mugloversonly, @thesuninyaface, @imyelenasexual, @anaibis, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @brainsteddielyrotted, @jackiemonroe5512, @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @cinnamon-mushroomabomination, @lolawonsstuff, @writingandmushroomdragons, @stevesbipanic, @sierra-violet, @steddie-as-they-go, @dauntlessdiva, @mousedetective, @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner, @zombiethingy, @connected-dots-st-reblogger, @that-agender-from-pluto, @allyricas, @cheddartreets, @devondespresso, @crypticcorvidinacottage, @queenie-ofthe-void @chronicpainstevetruther, @cheddartreets, @theupsidedownrealestateagent, @acidbubblegummie, @sirsnacksalot, @l0st-strawberry, @helpimstuckposting, @strawberry-starss, @freddykicksasses, @italianwhore1, @i-threw-my-name-out-the-window, @rageagainsttheapathy, @nuggies4life, @ape31, @whimsicalwitchm, @chrissycunninghamfanblog, @michellegilligan, @hippielittlemetalhead, @bridget-malfoy-stilinski-hale, @jaytriesstuff, @confused-stripes, @faeb1tch42069, @marklee-blackmore, @hel-spawn, @genderless-spoon, @mamafaithful, @estrellami-1, @starryeyedpoet17 @i-amthepizzaman
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doodle-pops · 1 year
May I ask for mini headcanons for the Ainur as parents?
a/n: This was a task. I have never had a more difficult time imagining most of them as fathers, especially Ossë and Tilion. My himbo baby.
The Ainur As Parents
Loving and nurturing father who is always there for his child children every step of the way. The excitement of being a dad to his kiddies fills him to the brim and he can't help wanting to be at their beck and call. He's a fun and loving father who doesn't have a problem becoming terrifyingly dangerous for his babies should any harm befall them. Also, know that he's teaching them all their avian traits so they can show them off proudly.
He's such a laid-back father but also a bit clueless at times. Because of his ability to read emotions, that's one problem out of the way for this papa. He uses it to his full advance to determine whether or not you're having a great day or not. Irmo is also the type to crack all types of jokes with his children as big as they were. He just wants them to exert positive emotions. The only time he had a bit of an external crisis is when his child hit him with the "I'm fine" but they're obviously not.
Hate to say it but he's so clueless when it comes to being a father for most of the way. You can count on him to council and guide them, and also the one to do the heavy scolding if things fall short on mummy's end. Námo rather leaves his spouse to do the conditioning but it doesn't mean he isn't going to be interested in the lifestyle his child decides to live. He is still keeping a watchful eye on his child in the background, ready to get serious if harm befalls them.
He's the definition of a cool and laid-back dad. No fussing, no fretting and no worrying. Every day is an adventure with Ulmo, whether it's swimming with a school of fishes or a pod of whales or searching for seashells. His child's days are going to be filled with wonder and excitement, boredom doesn't exist in their life. You will also be taught wonderful life lessons and have to opportunity to see the world.
Another fun father who enjoys a good roughhousing with his child just to see them happy and hear their laughter. Tulkas will engage in any game with his child as long as it isn't dangerous. Your entire life is going to be rambunctious behaviour and your mother is going to be the one to tell him to calm down with you. When it comes to motivating your heart to touch the sky, you can count on hm to always have your back.
You would think that after having young Tyelko and caring for young animals he would have the perfect idea of how to care for a child of his own, but he's clueless...to a point. Like he knows how to have fun with them and fill their life with adventure and fun but don't really ask him for motivational advice. He's a straightforward person who might come off a bit too harsh when sensitivity is required, but he always has your back.
Oh lawd. Melkor is thrilled to have a descendant of his own and is more than willing to teach them everything important to be as powerful as him. From small, he's bringing them to war meetings and they'll sit on his lap smiling away while he's being all stern. A father who spoils his child rotten and can never say no (because he didn't like being told no).
Excited bird dad number two wants to be a part of every moment of his child's life all the way to adulthood. A perfect mixture of fun and strictness when approaching his child with any obstacle they face in life. Has no problem bringing his sword out should they be harmed. Please, he's teaching his baby bird all his avian traits.
Clueless dad number something at this point. Tilion has seen many elflings throughout his entire life but to care for one and raise them...help him?? He knows how to have fun and would take his little one on hunting trips and teach them all about his job and the sky, filling their minds with wonder. When he's guiding Isil across the sky, he can sometimes see his little one looking up at him. Fills him with pride.
Pays attention to you half of the time and leaves you to your own devices the other half because he's busy with crafting and creating. When he's focused on you, like Melkor, he's teaching you the ropes of the system of world domination. How to be strong and work on your powers, developing them to become as strong as him. Sometimes, he'll bring you into the forge to teach your craft.
A bit of a clueless papa to a point as well. He knows all the ropes of having fun with his child/children. Taking them swimming in underwater caves and with the fishes. Looking for seashells and teaching about the tides and such. He would teach his children how to be tough and courageous, like him.
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sevendeadlyheadcanons · 5 months
All the sins with a s/o who can see and speak with ghosts and spirits. One day they bring up a spirit that’s been lingering around the sin, seemingly watching them and finds that it’s someone who was very important to them (each sin) how would they each react? (You can decide who the important person be, as I know some characters have canon important people in their lives and others we don’t know if they do) thank you!🤍
Hello! You asked for this 4 years ago idk if you’re even still into NNT but let’s do it anyway
-Imagine you just see Elizabeth 106 times and he’s like “What’s up man?”
-All jokes aside if this man has lost so much and you probably see so many different people around him. It’s very endearing to see the amount of people this man has touched the hearts of.
-He doesn’t ask you about your abilities, but one day after hearing about his past from every fallen friend he has ever had and you break and you tell him everything
-He would pretend to be deadpan about it and be like “Oh how nice” but inside he is DYING and mourning them all.
-I think the one that would officially break him would be if he knows Escanor is watching over him. He would break down.
-DOLORES‼️‼️‼️ she was so sweet
-You tell her about her abilities and she thinks it’s really cool. You wait a while to tell her dolores has been watching over her just incase she reacts negatively
-When you do tell her she begins to SOB
-Dolores is very proud of her for fighting in a way that she wants to fight instead of being what Matrona wants her to be.
-Dolores is also proud of Diane and Matrona for realising that there is more to life than fighting
-Diane is in tears and begins to shout out to Dolores that she will always be her best friend and that she misses her dearly
-You have to comfort your big crying gf
-Oh boy
-Imagine ghost Kilia still a baby still following Ban around like she did when she was alive simply because she doesn’t know any better
-Ghost Zhivago and Selion also watching over him and making sure he’s ok
-You tell him one day and he’s like “Cool, another freak you’ll fit in nicely here”
-If you’re his partner i’m gonna assume Elaine is still dead but she’s just happy that Ban managed to move on and find happiness.
-He has a whole club of deceased found family
-You one day tell him about his whole band of ghostly spectators and he simply grins.
-He’s too ‘manly’ to cry infront of you but he’s absolutely sobbing on the inside. He just shows a little grin
-“Guess I gotta lot of people to make proud now huh,” he sort of says to the sky.
-You hug him and he hugs back. Very emotional moment.
-“There’s been a green fairy following you around” “Yeah Helbram. I see him too he lives in my hat lmao”
-He doesn’t believe you when you first tell him about your abilities but you get a ghost to tell you the amount of coins he has in his pocket in order to gain his trust and he’s like “woah ok never mind”
-I guess a lot of fairies died while he was off with Diane so maybe they would tap in from time to time.
-They were originally vengeful but they’ve come to see how this impacted King and they realise it wasn’t his fault and are now mostly supportive
-You tell him about this one day while you’re both sitting under a tree
-He’s flabbergasted
-He keeps apologising and apologising again and again and you have to constantly reassure him they’re not mad and they’re rooting for him (you leave out that they were originally mad for his own mental health)
-You have to hug him to reassure him that this is in no way shape or form his fault
-You don’t tell him, he finds out by reading your thoughts after he sees you staring into the sky at a different ghost one day and he’s like “neat”
-Imagine he hasn’t regained his memories yet and Nadja and Goatdad are following him. And you’re like “Do you know who these are?” and he’s like “No lol”
-Okok but after he regains his memories you tell him about his dad and dead girlfriend and he does choke up a little bit.
-They are both so so proud of him and you tell him that. He tells them (facing the opposite direction of them because he can’t see them) that he couldn’t have done it without them and thanks them.
-They both give him a lil kiss on the head and pat on the back and you have to narrate this for him because he obviously can’t feel it
-He is a mess. You have to give him a non spiritual hug and kiss.
-When you tell her she has several questions including how often you see them, where they mostly linger, if you can enter the capital of the dead etc
-I can imagine that the entirety of Belialuin are watching her and they’re SO MAD like we all got DUNKED for THIS??
-Her father is also shaking his head disapprovingly at her.
-One day you ask her why there’s so many deceased people mad at her and she explains her background. That she was supposed to be a weapon for Belialuin. That they weren’t all supposed to die and things happened the way she didn’t intend it to.
-She is in great pain knowing that the ghosts from her past are disappointed in her but at the same time she knows things had to be the way they were in order for her to be the way she is. She has had over 3000 years to grieve and she simply has moved on.
-Merlin apologises to them, but tells them that this would never have happened if they treated her like the person she deserved to be treated as and was given the love she needed.
-This is very hard on her and you need to comfort her so badly, even if she’s too headstrong to confess that to you.
-So he doesn’t particularly have any dead people in his past however Rosa was an adult when he was very young so we’re gonna pretend that she had passed away from old age (we don’t know much about her so it’s very possible)
-When you tell him about your abilities he thinks it’s very poetic. He feels very sorry for you and is always checking in to make sure you’re ok and that you didn’t see something horrific.
-When you tell him about Rosa he’s horrified. He didn’t know anything about her since he left his home country of Castellio so he wanted to assume she was alive and well.
-You have to comfort him in grieving her as well as tell him how proud she is of him. She checks in on him from time to time to make sure he’s alright and living the fulfilled life she dreamed of him living.
-He constantly thanks her while sobbing on the floor
-You have to drag him away and give him the best cuddle ever
-Her adoptive mama will be watching over her so proud of the strong girl she became
-When they defeated the supreme deity she was by her side and making sure her daughter was ok
-When you tell her about your powers she is amazed and also upset by the heavy burden you carry
-You eventually tell her that her mum is watching over her proud of all that she accomplished and she begins to cry
-Her mama is the closest thing to a mum she’s ever had and she is just so happy to know that she’s by her side always
-You tell her that her mum loves her and wants her to make sure that her father is well and looked after
-She cries happy tears and does exactly as she says
-As always you give her a firm, supportive cuddle
I am so rusty I had to do so much research for this one because all but Gowther lore has escaped my brain.
While doing my research i found out in 4KOTA it reveals that Dolores is still alive but I simply couldn’t figure out who she would mourn so I stuck to it.
Have an amazing day friends 💙💙💙
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regaliasonata · 10 months
Can you do a Ziggy or Eric Myers headcanon?
Eric Myers Headcanons
@lies-of-quantum I will do Ziggy eventually don't worry 👍🏾
-Eric's childhood consisted of growing up amongst drug usage, physical and emotional abuse from his father and overall poor conditions for a kid to live in.
-His dad would sometimes try to sell off Eric even for a quick buck just to make a profit, anyone willing to have some kid to be deliver substances and such worked well but most of the time he refused and ended suffering some violence from Mr. Myers.
-Because of his father Eric developed a habit of not being able to trust or accept love from other people. It's a defense mechanism is the idea of not wanting his feelings hurt and to himself from being treated terrible. However deep down Eric just really wants someone go hug and actually see him for himself.
-Despite not being the greatest mother, Mrs. Myers did her best to help Eric whenever she could. Eric was homeschooled until 7 with his mom teaching him how to count and have perfect organization skills, she always wanted him to get out of his father's antics and finally make life away from that monster.
-Shortly after his 7th birthday an altercation happened within their living space and Eric watched as his father killed his mother, he shot the man with a gun and as authorities sorted out everything Eric was almost placed into foster care. However this was halted as Eric was place into a boarding school as it was revealed Mrs. Myers was saving money for her son to be enrolled.
-Wes and Eric met before when they were younger, his father sold substances to some rich people at the country club all while Eric was sent to steal things around the place. Wes saw a the guy stealing silverware and products from the establishment but looked the other way.
-Eric loves reading, he's got a collection of entries stored in many places. One thing he likes to read is history and how things came to be, after becoming the quantum ranger he can no travel to see and experience unsolved mysteries throughout timeline of the world.
-On one incident when the team was having trouble with an really warping enemy Eric went to Taylor for some advice. She was at a nail salon and Eric had to sit next two her in order to converse and had to get his nails painted to stay...with some hesitation he chose a black and red pattern, five red and five black. Silver guardians kind of joked about it but he really jeered into the members, Wes actually found it cool....Eric's not really into this thing but hey, try everything once.
-He has a huge love for pets but fears he night not be able to show it enough kindness that it needs.
-Eric's first kiss was in high school but the guy was only messing with him so relationships are pretty much out of the question.
-During college a guy tried to proposition him and when he declined the dude made up a rumor about Eric, safe to say a black eye and broken arm shut him up real quick....Wes was the one who did this to the guy.
-Before becoming a full in silver guardian or even the quantum ranger Eric was almost recruited into the Thunder Academy when weighing out some options after college. This in return would've made him a ninja storm ranger, though it's for the best considering that team would've drove him crazy.
-Using time travel Eric found a way to utilize stocks and gain dome money though Wes shut that down quickly.
-After the ransik issues Eric did some thinking and worked with the Time Force to release Notacon and have him live with Trip.
-Eric's gay, like very....but he gives off some butch vibes to be honest. Thing is he's was very closeted with these feelings throughout his life, mainly from trying to keep himself out of anyone's range and wanting to avoid being harrased. His dad caught him holding hands with an old friend and while it was harmless Mr. Myers threatened Eric.
-This actually lead into one incident where Wes and Eric were hanging out and the two got into a playful altercation. Eric had Wes pinned down and he kissed him by accident, after that he talk to Wes for about a month in fear of what would happen at their school if word got out, tbh Wes was pretty much oblivious to the implications and just thought it was the heat of the moment. Though when Wes cornered Eric the dude broke down from the incident and explained everything, it's safe to say that after that Wes became a main source for Eric to express his emotions and vent out.
-Eric enjoys play Devil May Cry and has this weird connection to Virgil.
-Video games are one of his favorite hobbies, when obsessing over Pokémon Sapphire and Emerald Wes decided to work with the team and make two oversized jackets themed over Kyogre and Rayquaza for him. He made one of Groudon and give it Trip while Wes wore the Kyogre one and Eric got the Rayquaza jacket.
-He loves go read manga.
-Because of getting into the schools he attended up to college with hard work, Eric was subject to ridicule by some of the rich students who didn't exactly like his presence, even becme a habit of his to make copies or his work when one teacher was bribed off to constantly displace his assignment. The dean shut this down kept a good eye on Eric's progress warning anyone who tried such a thing will be fired or expelled from the schools.
-His favorite type of dates involve going around the city with Wes and just enjoying the scenery, a giant park allows for him to reminisce about Pokémon Crystal with the national park theme playing in his mind plus hanging with Trip as the xybrianshows Notacon some things about earth culture(he had tears of nostalgia when he heard the national park theme in Soulsilver).
-His favorite type of dude consists of guys that are attentive. Also anyone that can give him great hugs and won't get upset over the littlest of things, if a guy starts yelling he'll have to wrap it up from there...after everything with with father Eric can't deal with all that stress again.
-Sometimes the world scared him and he can't help but time travel to the early 2000s when needed to feel happy again.
-Power Ranger wise Eric would've enjoyed being a green or yellow ranger. When he met Taylor the two decides to switch powers for a week to see who had it easier, frankly both teams benefited crazy from the switch up but being unable to resonate with the different members they were hoisted back into regular positions....Taylor almost murdered Eric when she found out the guy tried cooking the eagle zord.
-While checking out the grid Eric found out about the existence of other ranger teams(sentai counterparts), with some inspiration he decided to make a short story that got picked up for a ranger show within Japan, safe to say Eric indirectly crested the aspect of super sentai within his world. Timeranger being the first series technically of the modern era because the show was canceled for about 8 years. The non adapted sentai before MMPR were released in higher quality after Timeranger, Liveman being a very popular series, He met Conner and kept getting pestered for spoilers on Abaranger.
-Eric is a business major but also obtained an art degree.
-During some personal time escapades Eric found a few other zords relating to the quantum powers. Consisting of a long dragon, a sparrow and turtle, all able to combine with the Q-Rex. The long dragon produces gravitational capabilites, the sparrow allows for matter disruption ans the turtle can fully freeze time.
-Eric doesn't like Alex and anyone comparing him to Wes really irks him. The two actually got into an altercation during his visit to the past.
-Erics's relationship with Wes started when they were having martial arts practice, the dojo they were in was locked in during a storm and Eric..doesn't exactly like harsh storms so Wes decided to keep him company for the evening, the two practiced fo a bit and a few things lead here and there....safe to the other members of the dojo wondered why Eric had "mosquito bites" all over his body.
-For Trip the two had a bit of a moment after Notacon's defeat. The idea of someone who was being thrown into imprisonment for only existing really throw the xybrian off guard and he didn't talk to anyone on the team for weeks, really isolated himself. From learning more about things Eric tried to apologize but Trip was very hostile agaisnt the quantum ranger...unknowingly Eric went to the future and stole the capsule that Notacon was placed in. He gave it to Trip but sadly it would take about a year for the capsule to release, this made Trip open up a bit and the two started to hang out, after the fiasco with Alex's arrival and all thr bad experiences flowing through(Check out the trip headcanons if anyone is confused) Eric stood by Trip's side as a loving friend and the two eventually began a thing.
-Family wise if lucky Eric wants to have maybe one or two kids.
-Forever Red was a fever dream tbh for him especially due to getting drunk after Serpentera. He woke up in bed with Wes and Carter completely hungover and tbh the three of them don't talk about the situation, though some memories flow back a little bit and while they have a mutual friendship Carter still cracks jokes during small talk. (Carter: I think you were the bottom... Eric: Shut...the fuck up.)
-He did do a bit of modeling during college and grew out his hair a bit though Eric stopped when joining the silver guardians.
-Eric doesn't really cry all the time but something about children, holding a baby just makes him bawl his eyes out...DON'T GIVE HIM A BABY HE WON'T LET GO OF IT.
-After Carter ran over a demon reputation grew fast amongst the other teams that worked with and Eric uses this as a main way to deal with enemies. Nadira is in the back of his squad car doing drive-by styled rounds on their enemies.
-Nadira and Eric go shopping together clothes all the time and all the trips are filled with wreckless driving. Taylor nearly murdered him when he borrowed her car for a bit and it came back with dents.
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jellyfishdoodler · 8 months
Tumblr media
Three years ago yesterday, my friend took his own life and I still miss him almost every day. I hope he would like this little piece.
I also wrote something under the cut- mostly just kinda rambling about him but its more just for me.
Take care of yourselves out there and I beg of you, if you are struggling, please reach out to somebody. Because if you leave then you will be so dearly missed by more people than you know.
You are loved, you are cared for, you matter so somebody.
Take care 💛
I think about you a lot. 
But the things that come to mind are mostly about the video games you used to play with me.
You adored the giant mushrooms in minecraft. We explored far lands and deep caves together. You always killed the mobs for me because I was scared of dying even though we had Keep Inventory on. We would have long strip mining sessions and talk about how we were doing. Tell jokes and stories from our lives or just quietly enjoy each other's company. You always got so excited to see any of the in-game critters. You would have loved the cherry blossoms they added.
You always picked dark green in Among Us but always changed your hat for silly situations. Once you thought I was smart for going back and killing you while you were behind the Admin table, but I was just panicking. We laughed about it in the lobby after I lost. I tried looking for screenshots but I think they got lost. But we'd always run around the boxes while we waited.
You loved to wear the cute outfits in Animal Crossing. I gave you the pretty umbrella and it became your favorite item. We gathered on my island like it was a party to catch shooting stars and spin our umbrellas in unison in between the showers. I remember you lighting up like the sun when you got the New Horizons themed Switch for a really good price because it was in a small local game shop everyone overlooked. 
You enjoyed playing Grounded in early access. Telling me how decorating your base was your favorite part even though you couldn't sit in the little grassblade chairs. There's been a major update with story and more items added. It's also multiplayer now... 
I would give almost anything in the world to be able to play with you again, Gydeon.
I think about you a lot.
You were deeply protective and loved your friends with your whole chest every day. Even when it was damaging to you.
We would talk privately outside the server we met in. Saying how so many of them were in the wrong for so much of the drama they caused and that what they were doing was not okay. But they were our friends. We held each other's hands while walking on eggshells together. Trying to settle their emotions and each other's when we had nothing left to give. 
I still remember your bright laugh. I remember your sleepy mumbles not wanting to leave the group call when it got late in your timezone. I remember you being bored out of your mind while you waited in your dad's car. I remember you getting furious over the actions of someone and losing your cool. I remember you being so excited when you figured out and came out as Pansexual. You decorated all your avatars with Pan flag stickers and were so giddy to find out that part of yourself. I remember you joking about your depression. I remember you being down low and I remember how we would go online and play together to escape for a while.
I think about you a lot. 
Finger snapping has become a stim for me because you taught me that the sound comes from when your finger thumps against your palm. 
Whenever I need to feel brave I think about you standing up for what was right even though you got backlash for it. 
You had so much courage and pride but the thing you inspired in me most was to choose kindness above all else. No matter what. Its easy to be rude and angry and violent. It takes a strong spine and head to be able to let petty shit go and to choose to remain soft and gentle in spite of everything.
I think about you a lot. 
Its been 3 years and I still hold some guilt in my heart for what happened. I don't think it will ever go away and I almost don't want it to, but I've worked hard to make it bearable. Your memory still weighs heavily in my chest when I think about you, but it's more like a comfortable weighted blanket rather than an unrelenting mountain trying to swallow me whole.
You were an incredible young man and I'm one of the luckiest people in the world to say I was able to meet you. Even if the time spent with you was far, far too short. 
You were funny. You were smart. You were the kindest, sweetest person I have ever had the honor to get to know. 
You were one of my close friends and I miss you dearly, Gydeon. I love you, buddy.
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hi hi birdie mutual, remember that thing i posted a while ago about how some companions might have gotten nothing in the update due to everything that needed to be known about them being already known?? i was thinking of how does this apply to birdie, and i think it could be becuz well olan and mad dog's mention of them being fathers was just snippets that you get to know of in their bios but dont influence them as much, so in the DE there is more talking about how their experiences being fathers shaped them, then there's birdie who's whole character is basically being the way he is becuz of his sons, succumbing to alcoholism because of the death of his kids and that's a different type of grief from losing someone to the flash, as he's been carrying with this probably before it, so maybe that's why he got little to nothing, all u need to know is how devoted to his kids he was. another interesting thing is he is in that one convo with the depressed guys, but i keep thinking him being in the background and not contributing to trash talking other people is made to show that as much as birdie has sunk in life, he's still a good guy. what do ya think abt this, sorry for long text
no no don't apologize
okay so i agree with you for the most part on the olan and mad dog thing! i would argue that mad dog being a dad is focused on in his bio in a way olan's fatherhood isn't-- his abuse and attitude towards his children makes up 3/4 of his bio after all-- but yeah, still not as much as birdie, considering literally every sentence of his bio either describes him as a single father, describes his children, or describes his grief over losing them. so i do agree that birdie is member whose role as a father was most important to his identity, and probably needed the least explanation
i do still think it's possible to miss that he's a dad-- i've mentioned once or twice that people pretty regularly claim there's no decent dads in lisa because they forget him, and i had a friend who admitted that he thought joey and jimmy were like, pals of his and that he was talking about missing friends since his dialogue just calls them "boys" and doesn't specify they're his kids-- but i can totally see austin and the other devs having the thought of like "the bio says everything about birdie as a dad that it needs to." i would have loved more, obviously, but i can begrudgingly admit that, y'know, i get it
your interpretation of the scene he DID get is cool though! my thought when i saw him in that scene is that it was a sort of meanspirited joke that he was the biggest "loser" in the party-- like yeah, these other losers will trash talk terry and gang up on percy, but birdie is so pathetic to them that they won't even acknowledge him-- but i really really like your interpretation. birdie is a mess in so many ways, but he's never cruel, and he's not resorting to purposefully bringing down others, and it would be cool if his inclusion in the scene was meant to show us that. yeah, he looks like a disaster, he's on his hands and knees and spitting up in a dark corner, but at least he's not joining the loser brigade and being unnecessarily nasty. maybe he's being left out and acting like a wreck, but he's the least loser-y guy in the group, and it says a lot that someone as messy and down-and-out as birdie walks away looking like the most dignified person there
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sooo i finally watched invader zim enter the florpus!! i was gonna wait until i finished the comics first but then i saw that apparently clembrane appears in the comics after the movie?? and i didnt want to risk getting spoiled bc yknow. the movie is when he First Appears so i thought id watch it before picking the comics back up again.
anyway, here r my thoughts on the movie down below!!
it was....pretty good!! there were a LOT of positives for me, but ultimately one major thing that i really wish could have been done better (but we'll get to that in a bit). again, i liked it, i thought it was a good movie! im gonna list all the things i especially liked followed by the things that kinda bothered me a bit so bear with me lol
i know this is an Unpopular Opinion, but i actually rly like the art style!! i still think the show's designs r better, but i rly RLY liked how vibrant and smooth the animation was in this film. plus movies based on animated series already tend to have a slightly different art style anyway (the spongebob movies and the mlpfim movie come to mind) so i didnt mind the change. add to that the fact that this movie came out 17 years after the shows cancellation and its no wonder that jhonen vasquez's art has changed since then, plus i'd imagine there was a much bigger art/animation team this time around. anyway ofc i rly loved the part where they Enter The Florpus (lol get it) and go thru all the different art/animation styles, i loooovee stuff like that and i think every animated production should do smth like that at least once solely bc i love it so much. for me
clembrane is rly funny and i love him. im glad hes here now. dib and gaz have TWO dads
PROF. MEMBRANE WAS SO FUCKING COOL????? like omg i was NOT expecting him to be so badass in this???? when he shot the giant fucking Laser Blast out of his arms and wiped out all those robots my jaw DROPPED i was in SHOCK!!!! he was hiding all that power this whole time????? DAMN no wonder hes considered one of the most important scientists on earth
the humor was really fucking funny as always w iz LOLLLL there were multiple points that made me laugh out loud. special shoutout to the callback they made to mortos der soulstealer where zim and dib are yelling at each other and zim keeps going "WHAT????" ASKDJALSKDJ thats one of my fav jokes from the show so im glad they did that here
gir aka my fav was SOOO CUUUTEEE his stupid little peace song was so funny and adorable, i love p much everything he does in this movie as usual SDKJFLDSKJ gir my beloved
even if i have some issues w it (which we'll get to shortly), i DO like seeing that dibs family really do care for him, particularly prof. membrane. hearing him say he was proud of dib did make me smile
im not entirely sure how i feel abt the tallests canonically dying, but i do think its a funny way to kill them off and end their story. like.....ofc they die bc theyre too entitled to steer their spaceship. what else would they die from SAKFJLSDKJ
all that being said, there was one major thing that kind of bugged me a bit, as well as a few minor nitpicks.
starting off with my biggest issue, and this might be a confusing one for some, but let me explain: in my opinion, compared to the show, this movie felt just a bit too.....sanitized? "feel-good"-ish? ....happy?? now just hear me out. a large part of what made invader zim so appealing, especially to that older tween/young teen crowd (many of whom fell into the emo subculture), is the fact that, compared to other kids cartoons at the time and even today, it was a very mean-spiritied, cynical, pessimistic show. the main protagonist is a villain trying to take over the world. his rival is the show's antagonist, so audiences may find themselves rooting against him even tho hes trying to save the world. gaz is on no one's side but her own and frequently bullies her brother and does not care what happens to zim. and it works!! thats a key factor in why so many people, myself included, like the show. it isnt afraid to have unhappy/unsatisfying endings, and there are very few "happy" moments (aside from gir, ofc, who is a fan favorite for this reason; his happiness in spite of the dark world around him is a great source of irony and genuine enjoyment). and i feel like this movie lacks a lot of that cynicism and bitterness from the show, yknow? like....i like dib and i want him to succeed, but part of his appeal is knowing that he never will, or at least not in the way he wants. we want dib's family to recognize him, we want gaz to show that she still loves him, and we want prof. membrane to say that hes proud of him. but.....invader zim is not really the type of show. i understand that this is ofc a movie for kids, but again, part of what made the show so appealing was the fact that it was so dark WHILE still being for kids. the closest thing we get to any kind of "mean-spiritedness" is the tallests deaths, which, while deserved and executed in a funny way, only happens at the end. idk i just felt like this movie was kinda....playing it "safe" compared to the show it was based on yknow. but thats just my opinion idk i swear im not one of those "WHOA look at how DARK and EDGY this show is!!! that proves that its NOT FOR KIDS" types, i just feel like the overall tone was a bit lacking compared to the source material
NOW onto the nitpicks!! these werent rly major flaws that interfered w my enjoyment of the movie, just stuff that mildly irked me (lol get it). for starters i wish tak was there :( i know she was originally planned to be in the movie but they had to cut her for time constraints which is fair. still i miss her so much. tak my beloved come back to me
another nitpick, but pretty much the only other thing that i didnt like abt this movie and its SUPER minor: i dont like how frequently gaz's eyes are open throughout this movie?? ALKSJFSDLKLKDS I KNOW THATS A WEIRD THING TO COMPLAIN ABT LMAOOOO i swear it doesnt actually bother me that much but it was kind of distracting. the reason gaz's eyes are almost always closed is to add to that angry, apathetic look she always has; it conveys her personality. when her eyes DO open, they're large and cute, which is a nice contrast to her normal appearance and makes these scenes in the show/comics have more comedic impact. here, they're open a bit too frequently for my liking, and i think it made me perceive her character differently. i think she should have been grumpier LOLLL but that kind of ties back into my first point
but errmm yeah!! despite the block of text i just wrote i still rly liked this movie!! in terms of continuations to the show, however, i think i prefer the comics, although again i have not finished reading them. i just feel like theyre closer in attitude to the original show and have a lot more interesting story ideas. but again, this movie is not bad!! there were a lot of things i rly do like abt it!! im pretty easy to please tbh.
overall id say this movie has like.....7.5/10?? maybe?? its still a good movie and id probably watch it again if given the opportunity. theres a lot of cool things about it and i did enjoy myself watching it. thats just my Onion tho, lmk what u think abt it if youve seen it :) just pls be civil if u disagree w anything i said, i like hearing other ppls perspectives on things!!
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Late night talking
How to get the girl part 4 is out
Percy was sitting in a stool in the kitchen island grading some 5th grade history essays. It was 2 am, but he wanted to correct as many as possible before Monday. He also knew that Zoe and Charlie had gone to a party, so it wouldn’t hurt to be awake in case something came up and they needed help. But after they had gotten their driver’s licence, he started feeling a bit useless. Was that how his mum felt after he started being more self-sufficient. As he poured himself some Earl Grey (Annabeth’s favourite tea) he heard the front door opening. Percy waited to see who it was.
Charlie came into the kitchen, letting his keys on the counter. “Hey.”
“How was the party?”
“It was good. Zoe is sleeping with the girls on the team.” He informed him.
Percy could tell that something was up, from the way Charlie was looking at him. “Is something wrong, bub?”
“No, everything is alright.” Charlie said as he sat on the kitchen island across from Percy. He had to raise the stool as he was the tallest in their family and had even surpassed Percy last year at 6’5. “But can we talk?”
“Sure. What’s up?” Percy was used to his children coming to him for advice. He and Annabeth tried to be open with them and give them answers to their questions. He wanted his kids to trust him enough to call him in case they were in danger, and not afraid of how he’d react.
“I want some advice on something that’s been bothering me for a while now.” His son confessed. Charlie looked hesitant like he was regretting bringing up the subject.
“If you don’t feel comfortable, we don’t need to talk about it.”
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry. I just don’t know how to say it.”
“Take your time. I’m waiting for you.” Percy really meant it. For a while, he thought that his relationship with Charlie would never get better, after they spent some time fighting over nothing. It had really put a strain in their relationship and the distance between them, had harmed him. Last year, Charlie started opening up to him again. Inviting him to his practises, going to games and spending time together. He had really missed being let in Charlie’s life and he was going to do everything in his power so that he could continue being a person Charlie could rely on.
“I like this girl. And I don’t know what to do.” He finally confessed.
“Have you tried talking to her?”
“I can’t just go talk to her,” Charlie replied mortified.
“No? I thought to date you have to talk.” Percy mostly joked.
“Dad. I’m serious. We’re talking. Like every day. But I don’t know how to ask her out. She’s going through something right now and I don’t want to complicate things between us.”
He looked at his son as he had an idea of who the mystery girl was. Everyone with a pair of working eyes, knew who Charlie liked. “What is she like?”
“I am not going to describe my crush to you. I am not five.”
“Ouch. You’re too adult for me.”
“Haha. Very funny.” Charlie took a cookie from the counter. “She’s cool and I like hanging out with her. But she has very high standards. And I don’t want to screw our friendship. She’s beautiful and so talented. I honestly don’t feel enough for her and she deserves the world. She has had some awful boyfriends who just wanted-” Charlie cut himself so he could censor the conversation. “You know. And I’m an idiot who likes her and I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Has she ever given you the impression that she might like you?”
He ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know. Maybe. She is always very friendly to me. I know that she likes me like a friend, but I don’t know beyond that point.”
“My advice is to go talk to her. Let her know how you feel before it’s too late.” Percy told him.
“Talking from experience?” He snickered.
“Definitely. Just grab the opportunity when it comes. You might get surprised.”
“But I don’t want to get turned down. I prefer to just be friends with her if asking her out means to risk our friendship. And I have never asked someone out.” Charlie confessed.
“What? But you’ve had girlfriends before.” Percy said as he was perplexed on what Charlie had to say. He had definitely seen Charlie dating or having over girls for other purposes than being friends.
“I don’t know. They just throw themselves at me.” He winced as he realised what he said. “Just a bit too much?”
“I think so, bub.” Percy replied trying his best not to laugh. Not in mockery, but how funny it seemed that Charlie who always seemed so calm and confident was anxious over asking someone out. He was one of the famous kids at school -which Percy had no idea how it felt-, star of the hockey team and on top of everything was a top student. And yet, he didn’t know how to ask a girl on a date.
“What I am trying to say, I never had to go up to a girl and ask her out. So, I don’t know how to do it, and I don’t want to screw anything up with her. It’s just different.”
“You really care about her, don’t you?”
“I really do.” He promised. “So, do you have any wise words for me?”
“Spend some time alone with her. Not on a date especially, just so you can talk. Then ask her out. I assure you everything is going to be alright. Especially if she cares about you, the same way you feel about her.” Percy put a hand on his shoulder. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“No.” Charlie lowered his gaze. “But it’s just, feelings aren’t really my thing. I’m too how do we say it?”
“Headstrong? Hot-tempered? A bundle of emotions?”
“Yes, all of that it’s true. I have a problem with not feeling too much. And I don’t want to deal with the rejection.” He confessed.
“Well, you’re almost 17. You have to experience heartache and rejection.”
“Heartache? Since when this conversation became a romantic comedy?” Charlie joked. “But I’ll try do what you said. And I’m going to blame you if things go wrong.”
“I’ll accept the blame.” Percy laughed as Charlie got off the stool. “And one more thing.”
“Don’t give up on her. I’ve never heard you talking about someone the way you do about her.” Percy could tell that Charlie got a bit flustered, but he knew better than to comment on that.
“Okay. I’ll try my best.”
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berniecranes · 2 years
xx. young hearts
Frances laid on her back on her sister's bed. Her arms were lifted in the air, she played with her fingers explaining to Mary what a wonderful date Dante took her on. Oh her thoughts cannot leave that man! Dante took her to such a charming restaurant. It was beautiful and a place she has never been, music helped fill the restaurant with such a romantic atmosphere. It was a place he truly cherished and kept close to him which she adored, he was genuinely opening up to her as well. He had everything so thought out, even giving her suggestions of what she may like off the menu. She has never had a boy do something like that, she didn't even know that would be something one would do. She knows that seems silly, but she just can't believe the care he puts into things. After dinner they went for a calm and romantic walk. His arms draped around her shoulders, telling her how wonderful of a time and had and continuing the stories from dinner. He always walks her up to the porch when he returns her home and gives her the sweetest kiss before leaving.
And—he was a true gentleman; opened all doors for her, letting her walk first, his hand gently around her waist guiding her to where they will go until they could walk side to side again. He pulled her chair out for her and scooted it in. When she spoke, he actually followed along, you can tell he cared and wanted to know what she would say next.
Then, it was how he presented himself. He cared about how he looked and understood the power of it. He was charming but still was cool and felt apart of the time. The way Dante spoke could make her drift off to the heavens, he had such a way with words. He could make Frances truly feel she was the only person who mattered on this planet. His sentences were fluid and clear, he was clearly very charismatic. His jokes were never forced and rolled off his tongue and into the conversation perfectly. Never too much, never inappropriate or too soon, and never too many. Just enough to show he isn't too uptight, but also didn't make it seem like was too childish. And his looks! Frances thought he was one of the most gorgeous men she's ever laid her eyes on. Deep dark brown hair and mesmerizing eyes. She wanted to hold back a squeal!
Everything she repeated to Mary made her just that much more excited to see him again. They have only been on a couple dates and Frances cannot wait for the day they make it official. She feels it could come at any moment. Frances has never felt happier than this. Mary loved seeing her like this, she was giddy and even more talkative than normal. She could notice Frances spending more time near the phone, hoping to get a call from him. When the phone rang she was quick to announce she'd answer, so no one else picked up the phone. One time, Mary had to hold back a chuckle watching the smile slowly disappear off of her face when one of their dad's coworkers called asking for him. Frances has it bad. It was cute, it was so fresh and new. From what she's heard about Dante, he seemed to be right on pace with her. Mary hopes it'll calm down some, and ease more into a steady feeling not a constant rush; but she gets it. She remember when her and her boyfriend first began dating. She hopes Dante can really make Frances happy, be something good as she enters into college.
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deutoplasmic · 25 days
omg if one of them rips shosei’s shirt in a fight,,, and its a beloved shirt and you know that because its always in his laundry pile,,, imagine just plopping keigo down in front of shosei and they begrudgingly have to fake apologies to each other (spoiler they still wont stop fighting after this. although they might be more careful about getting each other’s shirts so you dont have to mend stuff for them lmao)
IM NOT ADVANCED DW JFNFJF my parents use 福建话 at home and i can understand it but speaking is another story 😭 i mostly use english and my country’s other native language yes!!!
ok i looked into it and i was actually being generous bro is 5’3 😭😭 my dad has his songs saved too LMAOOO (by my recommendation though) and dont worry my dad has made the “sounds like a girl” comment too 😭 if you wanna see 周深 getting into shenanigans though then 创造营2021 is a fun start because hes a vocal mentor there (also fun fact. masaya was supposedly supposed to be in 创造营2021 but dropped out during the audition process to join pd101 jpn s2 instead 😭 crazy stuff)
HDNDJD yea singapore is about as hot as we are 😭 last time i was there i didnt even notice the humidity because its the same level of humidity as my country 😭😭
NO BC YOU COULD THREATEN HIM INTO GETTING OFF OF YOU LIKE. rihito is clingy just threaten to withhold any affection and hes let go of you immediately. “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WONT HUG ME ANYMORE?? YOU CANT HOARD HUGS YOU CAPITALIST MONSTER”
it’s alright take your time with listening!! i also get a bit overwhelmed with listening to too many new songs at a time so i get you
god this is like babysitting now :rofl: put them in the naughty corner or smth bc you run a laundromat NOT a tailor. but then you fix his shirt anyway with some nice flower embroidery and then they're suddenly not as opposed to accidentally acquiring clothing damage..... silly behaviour.............
omg hokkien you're actually so cool. but wait are you telling me that you're not bilingual. or trilingual. but potentially quadrilingual????? my respect for you just went up tenfold what the hell what the hell what the helllllllll you are SO COOL. god australia needs to start teaching everyone aus sign language so we can reap the benefits of multilinguistics
160cm..... god........ i don't want to imagine all the comments he prolly got from his parents for being a short guy :sweatdrop: but LOL THATS HILARIOUS true solidarity of chinese parents and mentioning how a guy sounds like a girl or vice versa...... omg he's everywhere on the vocal tv shows. i swear he got popular from winning the voice china or smth. what a king. ALSO i did not expect that especially considering some chinese people still hate japan after their atrocities in ww2 so. uh. yknow. i did hear that a bunch of japanese people made it into into1 (i don't know which show they were birthed from whoops) though!!!!! attractive people transcend everything i suppose :rofl:
LOOOOOL the solidarity of sea countries and heat..... but omg the food around there is SO GOOD everyone is literally feasting its so unfair :pensive: its so much cheaper too........... you guys are truly profiting......................
OH MY DAYS YOURE SO RIGHT you're so right if you jokingly threaten him with silent treatment it's going to be OVER for him you may as well have just asked him to pass out in a corner for about 10 years, joke or not. if you've seen him desperate before well it doesn't even compare to the state he's in after you say it...... its always capitalism LOOOOOL such an injustice against the proletariat (rihito)
its ok i listened :thumbsup: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! music my beloved
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wisehearts · 4 months
I just saw a very angsty post and thought it should be a fic:
So it’s either t!will or omega!will, and it’s while the upside down shit is still happening and stuff, and Henry/vecna/001 obviously targets will. Not only does he completely mentally and physically torture him, but he takes advantage of him and ends up raping him, getting him pregnant. It’s an apocalypse so there’s no actual hospitals and obviously no pain medication or epidurals, so he has to give birth with zero medication. Full of angst, breakdowns, sensory overloads, sobbing, panic attacks, contractions, screaming, and blood.
What do we think?
ooof you've really put will through the ringer here! I can definitely enjoy that every now and then, the cool thing about fiction is you make your own rules for how a character responds. will can heal in a more cartoonish fantasy way from trauma, a little faster and not as deep as may be true to life, or it's realistic and the true timeline where angst is explored.
I like henwiII (yeah I was totally normal about the jamie leaks why do you ask) so I'm used to the noncon talk, I think I've just never gone down a pregnancy route and definitely never thought about what would happen after and having that child... I'm good with noncon but maybe I have a line here for personal enjoyment because I don't want will to go through that lasting aspect! 😅 hilarious thing for me to say considering the rest, but. if it were to be written I'd probably read the fic though, something different yknow! But I don't have many thoughts to add to the idea there 🫶 it's in line with the obsession I like from henry tbh
and I'm not sure if mike factors into anything here? But I can imagine he's by will's side "not the stepdad but the dad who stepped up" and all lmfao (usually when I make that joke it's lighthearted about another d'art haha) after everything, the entire time and it's very emotional.
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crimsun-n-clover · 1 year
i’ve been gone for a long time but i promise i have my reasons
my sister / hive mind member / best friend of SO many years blocked me. i don’t know why. she’s the only one who has access to this blog. i think she got insecure and wanted to cut me off, because i can’t think of anything i did wrong. normally, i’m the type to break into somebody’s house to see if they’re okay. but after what happened with sugar?? nope.
we haven’t spoken in a month.
i’m over sugar. thank fuck. i miss the way she made me feel and all of our little jokes. i miss how stupid and fun she was. that’s it. i don’t miss HER anymore, which is a great improvement. i managed to move on.
sometimes i get a little too deep into listening to the velvet underground or patsy cline or someone and get a little sad but then i put on megadeth and turn it up until i can’t think
SPEAKING OF i saw them live with misfits holy fuck it was amazing
i was supposed to see zoso (zeppelin cover band that’s really cool) recently but i got to the venue and had dad up my ass and had a breakdown and went nonverbal. i would’ve been fine if i was alone. it made me realize how bad i need to get out of this house.
my therapist asked me what i’m fighting for recently. my answer feels stupid, but it’s not. i’m fighting for my cat, the kiddos, and my hobbies.
my parents don’t think my cat needs any toys or stimulation and bitch about how fat and lazy he is. it’s their fault. they don’t do enough for him and brush me off whenever i say we should do something about it. i want to give him his own space to play and be away from our shitty unsocialized quarantine dog.
my kiddos and friends tend to have tumultuous home lives. i can drive and i pick them up to get them out, and then i take them somewhere to calm down. i want to take them home, but that’s not good when my parents are there. it stresses my friends out and keeps them from fully calming down, but they need more than just a milkshake and a pat on the back and that’s all i can give them. they need to take a nap on someone else’s couch, watch ghostbusters or something, maybe bake a pie, whatever. they can’t do that while i’m with my parents.
i’m constantly hiding. i have to pretend to be someone i’m not to please my conservative parents. i play dumb constantly to not seem like the people they hate, even if those people are right. i stay locked up in my room so i don’t see them. i want a drink? too bad, they’re all stored in the garage and dad smokes in there all day so there’s no way to avoid him. i need to get a tylenol for my horrible migraine? nah. mom just chills in the kitchen when she’s not cleaning, and even if she’s just sitting in her room, her room faces the path i take to go to the kitchen and get to the medicine cabinet. the only place i can go safely is to my bathroom, because that’s the door across from mine in the hallway.
i have to hide my interests, tastes, and opinions. i went dumpster diving yesterday and thought i seriously injured myself, but i walked it off because i knew i couldn’t tell my parents what i was doing. they’d flip shit about safety, as if they’re not the biggest danger to my health. the businesses are unethical and i got a free star wars bedsheet set. suck it. i mean i’m still in a lot of pain, but it’s not too bad so i’ll be fine.
my whole dumpster score is hidden in my trunk. everything is. i get a new vinyl? hidden in the trunk. more dungeons and dragons gear? in the fucking trunk. the cat food for my ferals? trunk. i can’t bring it in because they’d go “ummm what’s that??” and i can’t explain “it’s a queen vinyl for the shitty turntable you told me to get rid of that i’ve been hiding. yes, it’s for when i move out. i’m collecting items to help me get settled and you’re not supposed to know. i don’t feel comfortable in this house and this is the only way i can give myself any semblance of hope.”
oh my god it’s two in the fucking morning and i hear my dads smoker cough in the living room. kill me.
they look down on d&d, even if they don’t notice. mom is intimidated by it (kind words for terrified) and dad says it’s too much for him. they’re trying to be supportive which i appreciate, but i don’t appreciate how they just go “oh why do you need that??” my campaign. plain and fucking simple. and anything that isn’t used in this campaign goes into the next. and everything used in this campaign will go into my dungeon master weirdo arsenal. “what is that??” owlbear. great statblocks. cool as fuck. mom never understands anything but dad is a tolkien nerd so i just twist it around until it fits into that stuff.
i have a whole family of feral cats now in a bunch of different places. even today i stopped to feed two of them. all my ferals are in bad parts of town, but i care more about the lives of these kind, scared animals than the judgement of my parents towards poverty and addiction. as if my dad didn’t spend most of his life with both. i take damn good care of them and try to show them love, which is what i would’ve wanted when i was a scared little animal, ready to run at any movement. i build up trust and make sure they survive. that’s all. but my parents can never know.
i’m so sick of it all. i need to get out. i can’t stand this shit anymore. i’m not even a person right now.
i don’t like living around here, but i don’t know where i’d go. plus, my kiddos are here. i don’t know who i am if not someone’s big sibling. it’s such a big part of me. if i don’t have someone to look after, dote on, and teach? i’m not even me anymore.
speaking of my big sibling behavior, i made a friend on instagram. we’ll call him john. he’s 15, a metal guitarist, lives in the netherlands, and is my new kid brother. we talk so much that he gave me his girlfriends insta and now i’m friends with her too. i guess i have a sister in law now. he’s so fun and optimistic. we clicked instantly and now he wants to play in a thrash band with me and is totally down to even live together if we had to.
i need to get out. i need to bring all my shit out of hiding. i need to make a better life for the ones i love. i want to see my new little brother. i want a girlfriend. i want my job application to get accepted. i can’t stand this shit man.
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