#how the hell is she gonna hide in the same school as Marinette?
jadesage · 1 year
The devil works hard,
but apparently Lila Rossi works harder.
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tsuki-chibi · 2 years
MayBee Queen 2022 Day 14: Sick day
Read on AO3 instead
“Chloé, are you sure that you’re feeling okay?” Pollen whispered, peering up at Chloé from where she was hiding inside of Chloé’s purse.
“I’m fine,” Chloé said, not meeting her kwami’s eyes. She stared out the window instead as the car came to a stop in front of Collège Francois Dupont. A headache thrummed with renewed potency in her temples as she grabbed the handle and pushed the door open to climb out.
Her hair fell into her eyes as she got out and she flicked it over her shoulder in irritation. Putting it up in her customary ponytail had just made her head ache even more, but she didn’t relish the idea of having to deal with it all day. Maybe she should’ve tried a braid instead…
“Good morning, Chl – whoa, what happened to you?”
Chloé looked up to see that Alya was standing in front of her. “What?”
“You look like shit,” Alya said bluntly, frowning.
“Gee, thanks,” Chloé said, scowling back. She had tried to put on some make-up this morning, but evidently her cover-up wasn’t working as well as it was supposed to.
Alya looked her up and down with a critical expression and then yanked out her cell phone, typing out a quick message. No sooner had Chloé opened her mouth to ask who Alya was texting than, as though by magic, Adrien and Marinette showed up out of no where. Chloé was left blinking at them dumbly, wondering how the hell the two of them had appeared so quickly.
“Are you sick?” Adrien asked, looking concerned.
“No, I’m – hey!” Chloé tried to jerk back as Marinette suddenly surged forward, but she wasn’t quite fast enough to avoid Marinette’s hand landing on her forehead. For someone so petite, Marinette was fast.
“You’re running a fever,” Marinette announced, a worried frown crossing her face. “Chloé, you should’ve stayed home.”
“No way. I’m fine,” Chloé said again, grumpily, shoving Marinette’s hand away. The thought of staying at home alone in bed all day wasn’t an appealing one. Although she would’ve at least had Pollen for company this time, a kwami wasn’t really a substitute for a human in this case.
And she could just imagine what would happen if she called her father and told him that she was sick. His only reaction would be to hire a nurse, probably. No thanks.
“You should go home,” Alya said.
Chloé glared at her for having brought Marinette and Adrien into this, but, before she could say anything, Adrien spoke up.
“Alya’s right. You should,” he said. “I’d go with you, but I have a photoshoot in a couple hours.” He looked distinctly unhappy about that, and Chloé couldn’t help feeling warmed at the realization that Adrien was genuinely concerned about her.
“No need to worry. I’ll take Chloé home,” Marinette said.
“What?” Chloé said.
“You will?” Adrien said at the same time, beaming.
Alya nodded. “Good idea. I’ll get notes for both of you.”
“Thanks Alya,” Marinette said.
“What – no!” Chloé said. “I don’t need to go home, and I definitely don’t need you to take me there.”
Marinette just looked at her calmly. “You do need to go home, and I’m the best choice to get you there. Missing a little more school won’t kill me. Come on, Chloé. One sick day won’t kill you. I’ll even let you boss me around.” Her mouth turned up at the corners, eyes twinkling.
“But I don’t want to go,” Chloé muttered, sensing a losing battle. She tried to take a step forward and stumbled, nearly faceplanting before Adrien caught her.
“Yeah, no, you’re going home now,” he declared. “Marinette, should I call the Gorilla or are you gonna take Chloé home the Ladybug way?”
“Ladybug’s faster,” Marinette replied. “Carry her over to that alley, would you?”
“Got it,” Adrien said. The world tilted strangely and then before Chloé knew it, she was being lifted up into Adrien’s arms. They walked a short distance and then there was a flash of bright red light. Chloé was passed from one set of arms to another. And then, with a familiar lurch, she felt wind rushing against her face.
“You’re so stubborn,” Ladybug whispered against Chloé’s hair.
“Takes one to know one,” Chloé mumbled, not opening her eyes in case the height made her even more dizzy. “And I reserve the right to boss Ladybug around just like Marinette.”
Ladybug just laughed. “Of course you do.”
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justcourttee · 3 years
Adrien asks mari out and she says i would of been so happy in the past but now its too little to late. She's engaged to Damian but they haven't announced it yet
It had been a while since Adrien had found himself in Gotham City. Too many years to count on his hand. Yet when he received an invite from Marinette he didn’t hesitate to hop on the next flight to attend her gala.
He had no idea that she had created a partnership with Wayne Enterprises, in fact, he had no idea they were interested in the fashion world at all. Then again, why should he be surprised? When Marinette put her mind to something, nothing would get in her way.
Ever since he had taken over his father’s company, Adrien hadn’t had much time to keep up with his old school friends but it hadn’t stopped them from trying to keep him in the loop. From what he could gather, Alya and Nino would also be attending, Rose and Juleka too. It would be nice to see them all again, especially Marinette.
Stepping out from the warmth of his hotel room and into the cool streets, Adrien couldn’t help but let his mind drift to thoughts of her.
It took Marinette moving to the States for him to realize how much he was in love with her. It was something he never wanted to admit seeing how much he adored Ladybug, but as she disappeared from his grasps, he was left to face his true feelings.
Glancing at his phone, Adrien confirmed that he was mere minutes away from the address she had listed. The gala was still a few days away, but Marinette asked if he had wanted to meet up for a late-night coffee, a Gotham specialty. Even her scarf that she had gifted him ages ago couldn’t hide the red on his cheeks as he imagined the perfect date with the girl of his dreams.
He paused, reaching the door of Deja Brew, his heart beating a million miles a minute. Somewhere in this late-night shop was his best friend. How would she react to seeing him again? Would she be as excited as he was? Would she feel the same way as she did?
Taking a deep breath, he pushed through the door, his eyes glancing through the scattered exhausted customers until they landed on her. She still hadn’t noticed his presence, her nose buried into her sketchbook, her coffee still steaming beside her seemingly untouched.
She was early.
The thought almost drew a laugh as he approached the counter to place his order. Of course she would have finally picked up some time management skills by now. Marinette was 27 and slowly making a name for herself as the future of the fashion industry. That wasn’t something accomplished by constant tardiness.
He picked up his cup, placing a ten into the tip jar, the hostess’ raised eyebrows making him smile. He could already hear his father scolding him. After all, that wasn’t the way to becoming a billionaire. You only make money by holding onto it.
Honestly, Adrien didn’t understand why he had to be a billionaire. His father said it would raise the bar for their line, but it just wasn’t in Adrien’s heart to hoard all of the money unnecessarily. Maybe the Waynes offered Marinette the same advice. Maybe they had something they could relate to together.
“Excuse me ma’am, is this seat taken?”
His heart had finally slowed down but as her eyes slowly peeked up at him under her lashes, it immediately began somersaulting once more.
“Oh Gods, Adrien!” She was out of her seat before he even had the chance to set down his coffee, her arms flung around his neck. He hoped and prayed she couldn’t feel his chest threatening to explode. “You should have said something! I’ve gotten into the bad habit of zoning out in public places.”
Her smile was blinding as she unwound herself, slipping back into her seat, motioning for him to sit as well.
“How was the flight? Did you fly private or first class?”
Adrien gasped, his hand covering his chest as if she had shot him.
“I only flew business thank you very much.” Marinette’s look of mock disbelief earned a small chuckle.
“That must have been so hard for you. I really am sorry you went through so much trouble for my sake.”
“You know, I would go through so much more for you Marinette.”
Her smile faltered for a moment, so quick that if he hadn’t been staring so hard at her, he might have missed it. Did his statement make her uncomfortable? He had only meant it jokingly with the truth laced in, but he was sure his eyes gave him away. They always softened when it came to her.
Marinette cleared her voice, her true smile shining once more as if the falter never happened in the first place.
“You’ve missed so much, I don’t even know where to start.”
“How about from the beginning?” She nodded as she dove into her move to the States and how she began as an intern for the CEO, Tim Drake, years ago and slowly worked her way up to personal assistant.
She recounted how Tim found her sketchbook at work one day and showed it to his father. Together they agreed that she was their way into the fashion industry, an investment that could open the door to many more jobs for the Gotham citizens.
It took two years, but she finally had a full line that was presented at Bruce’s first fashion show.
“So many big names were there Adrien! I really thought I was gonna faint!”
His smile became softer and softer as she recounted meeting the rest of the Waynes and finally after six long years, she had made enough of a name for herself to be holding her own official Gala, the Wayne’s simply a sponsor.
“That’s amazing Marinette, you’re amazing.”
She beamed proudly, her smile pulling at his heart.
“I couldn’t have done it without them. They are genuine and kind people and they are pretty much family.” Something glistened in her eyes as she spoke of them. It could have been obvious to anyone, Marinette cared so deeply for these people.
It was Adrien’s turn to falter as an ugly thought passed.
She’s so comfortable here, she would never want to come back to Paris with me.
He was shocked with himself. This was no time for jealousy. His best friend, the love of his life, was excitedly telling him about a future she had built for herself and the only thing he could think was that it was an obstacle keeping her from him?
Adrien desperately wanted to smack his own forehead, but for Marinette’s sake he straightened out his smile instead.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve only been talking about myself! What’s new with you? How’s your dad’s business? Do you have anyone you’re seeing?”
His eyebrow raised at the last question. She asked the question he so desperately wanted to ask her. And she did it so casually, equating it to his work and social life. Did that mean she was also fishing for his response?
“Nothing much. Dad wants to move from a multi-million dollar business to a multi-billion dollar business so he’s been pretty aggressive about money lately. He didn’t even want me flying over here for the gala.”
Marinette snorted much to his amusement. She knew how his dad was and how petty he could be as well.
“And as for your last question,” he paused watching her face carefully. “No, I am not seeing anyone.”
He waited for the reaction, any reaction really. But none came. Instead, she simply nodded as if she expected as much. Maybe he had read into it too much. She really could’ve just been asking for the sake of catching up. Should he ask too? Was that what she was leading up to?
Adrien cleared his throat before taking a long draw from his cup. This was so nerve wracking. She looked so content, so grown. This was a Marinette who had grown leaps and bounds while he was still stuck in this high school romance that was quite possibly one-sided.
“Well, I hate to cut it short but it’s going to be a long day tomorrow and Damian will be here any moment to pick me up.”
She slid out of her seat so effortlessly, her sketch book snapping shut before it disappeared into a bag that he hadn’t even noticed. Her smile was just as warm as he remembered, but something was missing from the girl he loved.
“Your eyes.” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Marinette’s smile faltered as she tentatively reached up to touch her eyelid, confusion etching it’s way into her face.
“Is there something near my eyes Adrien?”
“No, no, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. I just-” Adrien bit his lip, trying to string his thoughts together before he sounded even more like an idiot. “You used to stare at me with such soft look. I’m sorry I never noticed, but once I did, it was all I could see. Yet now-”
He trailed off as her lips drew into an o, her hand moving slowly from her eye to her lips, trying to hide her shock.
“-now, I can still feel the love in them, love directed at me, but it’s not the same love is it?”
She looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the right words. He knew she was trying to explain that he was wrong, but couldn’t bring herself to lie. It was the only confirmation he needed.
He slid out of the booth, his hand grasping the scarf slipping from his neck.
“Marinette, I was so excited when you invited me out tonight. In fact, I thought of it as a date.” She tried to reach out, but Adrien took a step back, tears brimming in his eyes. “I don’t blame you at all, please don’t think I’m saying all this to make you feel guilty. I just had to get it off my chest.”
Adrien blinked hard, trying to spill the tears clouding his vision. This was harder to say than he thought. Her eyes were so distracting, the sympathy oozing toward him in waves.
“I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I know you’ve made your life here and I would never dream of taking that from you. Hell, if you asked me to, I would drop everything to be at your side in an instance. Is there any chance at all that after the gala ends, we could give this a shot? Just one real date. Not some deluded fantasy I created in my head, but something we both consent to.”
He flinched when her hand finally made contact with his upper arm.
“Adrien, I love you. I really do. But you were right when you said my eyes had changed. That soft look is meant for someone else now. He and I had tried to keep our relationship quiet, but tomorrow at the gala, I was going to announce my engagement to Damian.”
Adrien couldn’t help the small sob that left his mouth. He was painfully aware of the few scattered glances all directed toward him, but he couldn’t help it. He felt Marinette pulling his head down until it laid resting on her shoulder, her small arms wrapping around his figure. It was embarrassing how hard he cried, unable to hold back his sobs any longer.
“I’m so sorry Adrien, I had no idea your feelings had changed. You were always chasing after a dream when we were younger and when I left Paris, I had finally decided that there wasn’t a chance after all between us.”
He knew she meant her words as a comfort, a promise that at one point, she would have gladly accepted his offer. Why couldn’t he have seen it earlier? Why was he so blinded by a partner who never even revealed herself right to the end? He had someone who trusted and loved him with all of their being and he ignored their feelings for a what if.
Adrien slowly pulled himself from her grasp, his smile shaky. He took a moment to use the end of his scarf to dry his soaked face.
“I’m glad you told me that Marinette. I really am. And I hope you and Damian have a long and prosperous life together.”
Her eyes widened, her mouth forming the wait, but he was already out of the door, running. It was a cowards move, one he would mull over all night. But it was too painful to look into the eyes of one you love and only find pity reflecting in them.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“So you came?”
Adrien turned, his smile bittersweet as he embraced Alya, his fist connecting with Nino’s outstretched hand.
“How could I not support her? She’s worked so hard to make this a reality. My feelings can take a backburner for one night.”Their eyes all trailed to the center of the room where she stood, her arm threaded through with the man he assumed to be Damian Wayne. “Besides, you can tell. She loves that man beside her more than anything in this world.”
The glint of the ring on her finger caused an aching in his heart. Despite it all, he really did wish the Wayne boy no ill will. If he was who Marinette chose to spend the rest of her life with, then Adrien trusted her decision.
“I’ve never seen her smile so bright. And to think, I used to believe her smile was at its maximum blindlingness.” Nino’s chuckle earned a small chuckle from Adrien as well.
There was no denying it.
Marinette was where she belonged. The only thing left was for him to support her in any way that he could. And that was exactly what he planned to do.
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dragonbugsuperior · 3 years
Adrien's Manipulation and How He Manipulates
As you can see, I have spoken about the things the ml writers have done and attempted to get away with however I never dug deep into how manipulative Adrien is and how he has manipulated people. I have provided real transcripts from the episodes. You can look it up yourself they're there for everyone to see.
In Malediktator (season 2, episode 24) Chloe threatens to leave Paris, Mr. Bourgeois gets akumatized into Maledikator; invested with absolute power, he wants to make his daughter's dreams come true so that she stays with him. In the episode, Chloe announces that she's leaving Paris to the entire school and the students are thrilled. They were celebrating the fact that their school bully was leaving Paris. Including Marinette, who was also relieved to know her bully/tormentor was leaving Paris. The same girl who's been bullying Marinette for years.
Here's some real transcripts from the actual episodes
Chloé: (from the helicopter, through megaphone) Hey there, losers! I'm headed to New York with my mom. (throws flyers) I'm leaving you all behind in your pathetic little school and your pathetic little city. Adieu!
(Marinette picks up a flyer showing Chloé in front of the Statue of Liberty.)
Nino: Chloé's leaving?
Nathaniel: Forever?
Marinette: Looks like it.
Alya: Yeah.
(Everyone jumps in the air out of happiness; confetti appears out of thin air and there are fireworks for no reason at all. Everyone, including Mr. Damocles, dances and parties.)
Marinette: Without Chloé around, Paris will be filled with a lot less negative emotion!
Tikki: And less akumatizations.
(Adrien walks up to Marinette from behind.)
Adrien: Hey, what’s going on here? What are we celebrating?
Marinette: Chloé’s gone! She’s moving to New York!
Adrien: Chloé left…? For good?
Marinette: (still excited, not realizing that Adrien is not sharing everyone else’s enthusiasm) Yeah! Isn’t it great?
Adrien: Uh… no. I think it’s terrible! How can you celebrate a thing like that?
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There's the manipulation. Adrien guilts Marinette for being happy that her tormentor is gone. He guilts her for being relieved to know that her school bully is leaving Paris. Not only did he make Marinette feel guilty for feeling the way that she did. But the episode also deems Marinette as if she's selfish for feeling glad that Chloe is gone. While Adrien completely invalidates Marinette's feelings, and does not take into consideration that Chloe has bullied and made Marinette's life a living hell for years. Adrien knows Chloe has been bullying Marinette for years and instead of letting her feel happy that her bully is gone he guilts her and shames her saying that she shouldn't be celebrating something like that. Not contemplating the fact that Marinette has been bullied, shamed, taunted, and tormented for years. All because Chloe's his childhood friend and she was his only friend. He continues to support Chloe, and guit-trips Marinette for being happy that her life-long bully is finally leaving, because he doesn’t care about how Chloe torments everyone in the class or how she’s literally abusing Sabrina, all he cares about is how her leaving affects him.
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In Glaciator Chat Noir imposes a date with Ladybug.
Cat Noir: So, uh, Ladybug? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?
Ladybug: For dinner? As superheroes?
Cat Noir: Well, uh, yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean, wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?
Ladybug: I... That's so thoughtful of you, but I can't. I have to, uh, I already have plans with some friends.
Bus driver: (steps out of the bus and shakes hands with Cat Noir) Thank you. (shakes Ladybug's hand) Thank you, Ladybug.
Cat Noir: Well, if your plans end early, come and join me.
Ladybug: We'll see.
Cat Noir: I'll be waiting, my lady.
(Ladybug uses her yo-yo and leaves. Cat Noir smiles at her for a moment before he leaves too)
Ladybug tells Chat Noir that she has plans with friends, Chat Noir still insists that she comes if her plans end early. Ladybug never says yes to him nor does she confirm she will show up while he says he'll be waiting.
Alya, Nino, Marinette, and Adrien were planning on having a date together, Adrien lies to his friends and tells them that his father said he couldn't go. Actively upsetting them and ruining their date, because 'Oh! Poor Adrien couldn't make it!. The thing is-
Adrien could have made it.
He himself, chose not to.
He didn't even inform his father about going out with friends.
Adrien never mentions going out with friends to Gabriel. He never tells Nathalie nor the Gorilla anything just so he could prepare a date with Ladybug, who also never confirmed she was going on the date.
[Next transcript is very important to read]
(Adrien sighs before he takes out his phone to text Nino. He then checks the time)
Nathalie: There's no point in waiting for your father, Adrien. He'll be eating in his office.
Adrien: (stands up from his chair, quietly angry) Then what's the point of keeping me here if he's never gonna show up, Nathalie? (walks away to go to his room)
Nathalie: Don't forget to practice your piano before you go to bed.
He doesn't tell Nathalie or Gabriel. He tells Nino that he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't allow him to, yet Adrien didn't even see Gabriel because he was in his office the entire time.
Scene: Adrien's room.
Plagg: You could've at least grabbed the piece of Camembert on that platter!
Adrien: (tosses a piece of Camembert to Plagg and he catches it) Fuel up, Plagg. (He turns on some piano music from his phone. He then places the phone on top of the real piano) Adrien may not be allowed out of the house, but Cat Noir is!
Adrien's off to his date with Ladybug, which she never agreed that she would come, lying to his friends and telling them that his father wouldn't let him go out with them.
Plagg: You seem in a hurry to get stood up.
Adrien: She didn't say she wasn't coming.
Plagg: But she didn't say she was either!
This is also important to take in mind, it doesn't matter if she didn't say wasn't coming, she also didn't say she was coming like Plagg said. She told him she had plans with her friends.
Scene: Trocadéro. Marinette meets up with her friends
Marinette: Hey, Alya!
Alya: Hey, Marinette! (Both she and Marinette kisses each other's cheeks)
Marinette: Where's Adrien?
Alya: Don't get upset, okay? But Nino just got a text. Adrien's dad isn't letting him go out.
Again, Adrien tells Nino his dad won't let him go out. Lying and upsetting his friends, which automatically makes them feel bad because they're poor friend can't come out with them.
Marinette: Once again...
Nino: Yo, Marinette!
Ivan: What's up, M?
Mylène: How are you, Marinette?
Marinette: I'm fine. Thanks. Hehe. So, do you know where André is today?
Later in the episode, they have patrol
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And this is what Chat Noir says to Ladybug
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Ladybug: Hello, Kitty. Did the bad guys leave you cold?
Cat Noir: (harsh and enraged) How was your amazing evening with your "friends"?
(Ladybug looks confused at Cat Noir, shocked by her partner's harsh words. But she gasps when she hears Glaciator's voice.)
He gets passive aggressive and sarcastic with her. He's angry because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed to going on.
Ladybug: Are you mad at me because I didn't show up?
Cat Noir: (furious) What do you think?
Ladybug: I didn't mean to hurt you.
(Glaciator jumps over them and continues walking. Ladybug and Cat Noir take shelter behind a car)
Cat Noir: And I also had a surprise for you, too!
Ladybug: I really am sorry.
Cat Noir: No... I'm the one who's sorry. Maybe another time.
Ladybug feels bad for not showing up. Ladybug shouldn't have to apologize for not showing up. She never agreed to going on the date and Chat Noir knows that. He knows she had plans with her friends and guilts her because apparently she didn't show up to a date she never intended on going on. While he was the one who gave her the cold shoulder the entire time they were fighting off Glaciator and acted like a 5 year old child.
The blatant manipulation
Chat Noir guilts Ladybug because she didn't show up to a date she never agreed that she would go on. Resulting in her feeling bad and apologizing to him as if she said she'll go. She never confirms she'll make it. She tells him she has plans with friends and they'll see. That doesn't equate to yes. Adrien lies to his friends and tells them he won't be able to make it because his father wouldn't let him go out, meanwhile Adrien never tells Gabriel anything about going out with friends.
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In Syren
Adrien gets tired of all the secrets Ladybug had to keep from him and threatens to quit. Blackmailing Plagg threatening to quit as a superhero if Plagg doesn't tell him what secret Ladybug's been hiding from him.
Adrien: (imitating Ladybug) Hey, Cat Noir, do you trust me? (as himself) Sure, Ladybug; do you trust me, too? (as Ladybug) Are you kidding? I will never trust you! Ha ha ha ha! (normally, to Plagg) You must know what Ladybug's hiding from me, Plagg.
Plagg: I'm just a kwami, Adrien, and we kwamis have a right to remain silent.
Adrien: Pity. (gets out his phone) Just when I was about to order you some very tasty cheese. Have you ever sampled La Trappe d'Échourgnac? It says here it tastes like walnuts.
Plagg: (swallows some Camembert) I can't be swayed, sorry.
He bribes Plagg with cheese to get information out of him about Ladybug
Cat Noir: Wait! Where're you going?
Ladybug: (hesitantly) I can't.
Cat Noir: (disappointedly) Say anything. Yeah, I know. But we are a team, aren't we? (turns away from Ladybug) I'm tired of all these secrets.
Ladybug: I'm sorry. It's not exactly easy for me either, trust me. (she leaps away while Cat Noir turns to see her leaving him)
(Cat Noir sits down on the roof to wait for Ladybug to return.)
He himself admits that he knows she can't tell him anything. He knows she's under restrictions and he pulls this.
Cat Noir: This is so dumb! (stands up) Claws in. (detransforms)
Plagg: (groans) What's taking her so long? (Adrien holds up his hands to Plagg, and starts to pull off his ring a little bit) Whoa, easy! W-What are you doing?!
Adrien: (grimly) If you don't tell me what Ladybug is hiding from me, I'm done!
Plagg: You can't do that!
Adrien: (bitterly) Why not? No one'll know if I quit. No one'll care!
Plagg: I will!
He blackmails Plagg, and threatens to let millions of people drown just because he wants to know a secret he isn't worthy of knowing.
[Transcript for Frozer]
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In Frozer he gets rejected for the hundredth time
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Ladyice: Cat Noir. We need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink. (throws yo-yo)
Icecat: (bitterly) My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack. You go your way, I'll go mine.
Ladyice: Please don't tell me you're mad at me about the rose.
Icecat: There may be a certain chill now between us.
Ladyice: I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris
Icecat: We don't always have to do everything together, after all. It's not like we're a couple. (skates away)
Ladyice: Cat Noir, don't get all pouty on me! (groans and takes off on her yo-yo)
(Ladyice and Icecat separately search for Frozer)
Icecat: (notices Frozer's skate marks on the ice) This way.
Ladyice: I need to set a trap, but what could I use as bait? (while Ladyice thinks, Frozer prepares to sneak up behind her, but Icecat spots him attempting to do so and pulls Ladyice out of harm's way)
Ladyice: Thanks, Kitty.
(Icecat winks)
Once again, he makes her feel guilty for turning him down for the millionth time in a row as if he doesn't know she's in love with someone else. Acting like an asshole the entire time they fight off Frozer.
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In Copyat, Chat Noir arrives at a ceremony.
Scene: The Place des Vosges. The ceremony has just ended.
Cat Noir: These statues are amazing. One thing's slightly off though— I'm actually taller than Ladybug.
Théo: Ladybug didn't show up. I just wanted to express my adoration for her. Let her know that everything I had went into her statue. I'm sure if she took a little time to get to know me, she would see how much we have in common. Our devotion to the things we love.
Cat Noir: Hey, don't mean to burst your bubble, but you know, Ladybug and me, we're a thing, you know?
Théo: Really?
Cat Noir: Yeah, we're like this. (crosses his fingers)
Théo: (growls; walks away angrily) What does Ladybug see in him?
He lies to Theo about the relationship he has with Ladybug leaving Theo angry causing him to become akumatized.
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Cat Noir: Better help the fellow out. His crush just got crushed. (under his breath, as he leaves) That makes two of us.
Théo: Ugh... What am I doing here? Ladybug?
Ladybug: I'm sorry I couldn't make it this morning, Théo.
Théo: Can you autograph it for me?
Ladybug: Of course I can! You've got some real artistry here. You've really captured my essence.
Théo: Thank you, Ladybug. And don't worry. I know about you and Cat Noir. It's okay.
Ladybug: Huh?
Ladybug is left to apologize to Theo and deal with the rest. Theo tells her not to worry, he knows about her and Chat Noir to which she reacts with utter confusion. Chat Noir lied to Theo, causing his akumatization not even facing consequences at the end nor apologizing to Theo, instead Marinette does all the work while being left confused.
Adrien is a lying, manipulative, and conniving person. He has manipulated his friends, Plagg, and Marinette. This is not okay
And the writers portray it to be while making Marinette look bad
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batsandbugs · 4 years
The Great IKEA Game
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Chapter 5: Vent Shenanigans and Keurig Conversations
AN: Okay, this is the last that anyone is going to hear of me for two weeks. Then I’m out of school and will be ready to crank out some more chaos. Until then, I hope you guys enjoy!
Television shows made navigating through vents appear much easier than it was in real life. Then again, they also made being a superhero look easy too, and Marinette was painfully aware how that was false. 
Her knees and back ached from crawling through the low ceiling vents, and though she wasn’t claustrophobic, she was decidedly cramped. And if that’s how she felt, Damian, at more than half a foot taller, had to be doubly suffering. She asked how he was doing.
“I've crawled through far more pleasant vents before,” he replied seriously. “If we could continue quickly, we’ll come out near another vent gate in about ten or so minutes.”
They continued in silence until they came to a fork in the vent.
“Which way?” asked Marinette.
Damian hesitated. “I didn’t see this on the plans.”
“So, you don’t know.”  
“I did not say that.”
“So which way do we go?”
Marinette sighed and closed her eyes, poking for the pooled energy inside herself. Being the Guardian of the Miraculous had helped her innate magic to grow in leaps and bounds, but it was her Ladybug powers she ultimately searched for. After being bonded with Tikki for so long, certain… qualities tended to bleed over. One such ability was making decisions infused with good luck. It wasn’t easy, but it was one she had been working hard to master.  
A glimmer of magic burned in her chest, and a fleeting whispered voice told her to turn left. She smiled in the dark of the vent.
“Left,” she said confidently, “we go left.”
Marinette’s smile turned into a smirk, even though Damian couldn’t see her. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”
“You wouldn’t be the first to try.” The quickness made the reply appear casual, but Marinette could tell by the steel in his tone it told more truth than intended.
‘Who the hell did I team up with?’ her brain once again asked.
“Let’s leave me off the list,” she said, bypassing the dangerous remark with a gymnast's grace. “Come on.”
She crawled around the corner and, after only a moment’s hesitation, heard Damian follow after her.
Silence reigned for another minute or so before far in the distance they spotted light.
“Oh, thank the Kwamis, an exit,” Marinette muttered.
Damian grumbled behind her. “None of this appeared on the plans.”
“Learn to roll with the flow.” The light grew stronger, so she flicked off her phone flashlight. “Chances are it didn’t take your brothers too long to track me back to our hiding spot. They probably know we’re in the vents. If they found the same plan you did…”
“They won’t have any clue about this.” She could hear the pleased smirk in his voice.
The light flooded upwards from the vent floor. The slats in between large enough to view the room below. Marinette crawled over it and maneuvered herself around to face Damian.
“Nice to see your face again.”
The dim light from the vent illuminated his face. “N-Nice to see yours too,” he said. It was at that point, it dawned on Marinette that Damian's view the whole way through the vent was an up close look at her butt. From the heat radiating off her cheeks, it was likely her face was as red as his. She was torn between laughing hysterically and curling into mortified ball and never emerging.
Instead of either of those rational actions though, her mouth, her stupid, stupid mouth, decided to betray her.
“Enjoy the view?” she asked with a grin. ''What are you doing?' She yelled at herself, that was the last thing she wanted to utter.
Damian, if it was even possible, turned redder, and coughed lightly. “You have, uh, your bottom is quite shapely.�� By the end of his confession, his voice was a high-pitched squeak, more appropriate for a preteen, then an adult. It took every bit of self-control for Marinette to keep from falling apart laughing.
“Thanks, I exercise,” she responded cheekily. A familiar magical hum settled in her breastbone. Her connection to the Kwamis magic. Marinette held back from rolling her eyes, even as her inner panic grew. One of the Kwamis was helping her to flirt. Probably Plagg judging by her cheesy replies.
‘They are the physical embodiments of the powers of the universe, and they choose to help me flirt. What even is my life?’
“It's working well,” replied Damian, with more of a teasing tone than an embarrassed one, although his cheeks still appeared redder than normal.
“Yeah, well…” Marinette sat there struggling for a reply, when noise from below cut off their impromptu flir- teasing session.
“I swear to God, if I find out who caused the mess in the Market Hall, I'll strangle them with my bare hands,” complained a voice from below.
Marinette winced when she saw Damian looking at her with a raised eyebrow. She hadn’t meant to cause that much damage.
“Oh, come on, Ian, it’s not like it was unscrewed on purpose. A bolt probably loosened and the shelf got bumped into. Blame it on bad luck.”
“Well, can I strangle bad luck then?”
Marinette held back an undainty snort. Plagg's constant whining and complaining coming to mind. ‘There I certain days I definitely want to.’
“I don’t think so. I’m more worried about the giant cart pile up.” At that, Damian raised a second eyebrow, and Marinette shrugged, she didn't controlled what the Bad Luck Balls did. “We’re gonna need to test all the carts to check for any more loose wheels, that’s gonna take forever. Anyway, are you headed home?”
“Yeah, I’m half an hour over the end of my shift,” responded Ian. Marinette could see two people moving around in the room below. “Ooh look, someone brought in doughnuts! You want one Casey?”
“No thanks, still trying to stay on that diet. I just came in here for a drink and then I’m back out on the floor.” The sound of a fridge door opened. “See you next week.”
“Yeah, you too Casey.”
The sound of another door opened leaving the room below silent once more.
“Shopping carts?” Damian asked, half-amused, and half bewildered. “I didn’t hear about that.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Escape was the highest priority, okay?”  
“When would you find the time to accomplish that?”
Marinette hesitated, there was no good explanation to give that would satisfy him. She wouldn’t tell him about the Miraculous or the Kwamis. It was her job, no her duty, to maintain their safety, and after everything she had fought for, bled for, nearly died for... no matter how comfortable he made her, there was no way he'd learn about what she could do. Especially when she had the feeling he was far more than meets the eye. Which didn’t leave much in the way of a good excuse for what she did and how.
Then, as if understanding Marinette’s great need for a distraction, their stomachs rumbled in unison. They looked at each other for a moment before laughing.
Marinette huffed, wiping away a tear of joy from her eye. “Okay, we need to find food to eat.”
Damian nodded. “The food court is a no go now; Drake will monitor it even more closely than before. We could find a vending machine?”
An idea popped into Marinette’s mind. “Or… how about the doughnuts?”
She pointed down. “This is the breakroom. Ian mentioned doughnuts.”
“That would be stealing.”
“As opposed to the twenty other things we’ve stolen over the course of the past two hours?”
Damian rolled his eyes. “I can back pay those.”
“So, we’ll send them a box of doughnuts once we’ve won. I’m sure the IKEA employees will understand the doughnut's sacrifice to a worthy cause. Besides, breakrooms have coffee machines.”
Damian sneered. “Coffee from a machine will taste will taste like swill.”
“Didn't you say your brother dragged you out of bed at eight this morning? Coffee means caffeine, which means energy.”
He tilted his head and contemplated it for a moment. “Fair point.” He looked at the grate. “It’s probably a ten-foot drop. Can you handle that?”
Marinette had to refrain from rolling her eyes. She had free fallen off the Eiffel Tower before, she could handle a measly ten-foot drop. But Damian wasn't aware of any of that of course. “Yeah, I can do that.”
He dug into his pocket and pulled out the laser pen. “Back up, it’s going to get hot in here.”
Marinette averted her eyes while Damian cut the grate away with the laser, the heat making the metal vent shaft turn into a furnace. She wiped away at a bead of sweat forming at her brow. The grate gave way and clattered against the floor below. Damian put away the laser and gave her a quick smirk. He slipped his legs into the hole where the grate had been and jumped to the floor, landing with a soft thud.
Breathing a sigh of relief at finally leaving the cramped vent, Marinette maneuvered her legs to dangle over the vent opening and slid out, bracing herself for the landing.
But instead of meeting the floor, she found herself caught in mid-air. Damian had her in his grasp, holding her off the floor by a few inches with his strong arms snug around her waist. Their eyes caught and the air between them grew thick with tension. His bare hands brushed against a sliver of her exposed back, the contact sent shivers up her spine.
Neither of them breathed for a brief moment.
“I told you I could handle the drop,” Marinette said, her words barely above a whisper.
“I know.” Damian’s voice matched hers. The look in his eyes impossible to decipher. His arms tightened for a moment, before letting her slip-free.
Marinette smiled, resting her hands against his arms. “Thanks.”
Damian opened his mouth, hesitated, then closed it. He stepped back, effectively breaking the bubble around them. Marinette pushed the rapid flutter in her chest away. She could deal with it later when she was far removed from crazy games of hide-and-seek, and dark-skinned boys who made her too comfortable to be safe.
She turned and looked around the room they had dropped into, finding it, thankfully, empty. The last thing they needed was security getting called on them. Spotting the counter with the box of doughnuts on it, Marinette smiled.
She walked over to the box. “Well, it’s no Parisian artisan pastries, but I suppose the chain-restaurant swill will suffice,” she teased, looking back over her shoulder at Damian.  
“Ha, ha, very funny,” he deadpanned. Heading over to the coffee machine to start a new pot. She turned her attention back to the box, the words Krispy Kreme printed on the front in large green letters, several doughnuts still inside.
“Which one do you want?” she asked.
“Anything with chocolate.”
“You have excellent taste.”
“I strive too.” That made Marinette smile. It was such a Chole-like response. She had to make sure never to introduce the two of them.
Marinette pulled out a few doughnuts and put them in the microwave. They would taste much better warm. After a few seconds, she brought the plate over to Damian staring at the ancient coffee machine with distaste.
“Here, you take this.” She pushed the plate of warm doughnuts into his hands. “And I’ll deal with this.” Grabbing a filter to place the pre-crushed coffee grounds into.
“Tt, why don’t they use a Keurig?” he asked with a sneer.
“Uh… because it’s a breakroom in an IKEA?” Marinette was shocked to find a breakroom at all. She’d figured employees would have to lean against the wall if they wanted a break, before being prodded into moving again by their superior. At least, she thought that was what Americans did.
Damian scoffed. “Everyone uses Keurig.”
“Even you, Mr. Machine coffee tastes like swill?”
“No, Alfred makes our coffee in the morning French press style. I do occasionally steal Drake’s Keurig out of his room when he hasn’t slept in four days to watch him cry though.”
“Damian!” she exclaimed.
“What? It’s for his own good. At that point he’s more likely to make a mistake, he needs sleep, not more caffeine.”
Marinette's thoughts flickered to her own Keurig she bought before she left Paris and the number of times she had played out the exact scenario Damian described. “Coffee is a lifestyle.” She grabbed two paper cups and placed one underneath the machine as the coffee dripped.
“It’s a crutch. Drake is a grown man, and he should, mlph-” Marinette cut him off by shoving a chocolate doughnut into his mouth. He glared at her.
“Getting between a determined person and their coffee is a criminal offense and should be punished.” She grabbed a doughnut for herself taking a bite of the sugary pastry. It tasted nothing like her parents’, but her empty stomach didn't care, so it would do. “Who’s Alfred by the way? Another brother?”
Damian took half the doughnut out of his mouth, swallowing the rest. “Most people wouldn’t dare to take the liberties you do with me.”
“Good thing I’m not most people,” Marinette responded with a smile. “You’re avoiding the question.” She took the cup out, now full to the brim of steaming hot coffee, and replaced it with the second.
“No, fortunately, I have no more brothers. Although my father likes to pick up strays so who knows if we’ll obtain another. Alfred is our butler.”
Thankfully, Marinette hadn’t taken a sip of coffee otherwise she might have done a spit-take. “You have a butler?” She had gotten the impression his family was pretty rich, and she was used to her friends having personal staff, but never failed to shock her when this level of luxury was mentioned so casually.
Damian shrugged. “Tt, butler, pseudo-grandfather, the only reason our family functions even semi-normally; same difference.”
Marinette shook her head in exasperation. “If you say so.” She pulled out the second cup, handing it to Damian. He took a sip.
“If mediocre had a taste…”
“Oh, shut up and drink it.”
They devoured their meager rations in silence, going back for seconds on both doughnuts and coffee. Marinette was by no means full when she finished, but at least her stomach wasn’t threatening to eat itself anymore.
“So, where do we go from here?” she asked.
Damian pulled out his phone. “The store closes at nine, which means we either have to avoid my brothers for eight more hours, or…”
“We have to knock them out of the game completely.”
“So, are we gonna actually knock them out, or should we just get them kicked out of the store?” She would normally try to avoid the use of excessive force on civilians, but from the few hints Damian had dropped, Marinette figured his family was used to a higher level of insanity. Living in Gotham must have that effect.
“Effective and vicious,” commented Damian, “I like the way you think. As much fun as it would be to knock them out, getting them kicked out is probably the better method. We have… family plans for this evening that potential concussions would make difficult.”
“Who’s our first target?”
“Drake,” said Damian without a moment’s hesitation. “He’s their eyes and ears. The other two are still good at hacking, but he’s the best. Get rid of him, and Grayson and Todd will be scrambling to recover. Plus, he’s the least likely to put up a fight.”
With a plan made, they erased their presence from the breakroom, hiding the lasered off vent grate and discarding their trash. Once confident the coast was clear they snuck out of the breakroom, and into the bowels of the back hallways, leaving nothing but doughnut crumbs and the smell of coffee in their wake.
It was time for the hunters to become the prey.
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lovysmtalks · 3 years
Fallen for the wrong you
(Based on this idea)
Even from when Marinette was a child she liked being more boyish- in her mind clothes have no gender and will never have.
But the world thought differently
Her father didn't like her for that
And neither did the people around her
Nino who was a childhood friend of hers always said that she should be more feminine.
She laughed it off as being a joke but when he didn't laugh with her she just stopped talking about it.
She was 14, after she had one of the girls in her class confess her love for her, she realized that she was bisexual.
She started dating Lila, a popular girl in her school.
But once Lila visited her house, it was like hell was brought on her head.
Lila stated ranting about how she should dress like a lady and be more girly, and she should stop talking like a boy and talk more softly and be more demure.
(while Marinette literally had to go to therapist because she wasn't exactly talking and didn't talk to anyone for 4 years)
Marinette with a heavy heart took her advice and stepped out of her comfort zone by asking her parents to help her be more girly.
For the next few months Marinette observed Lila's personality traits and tried to recreate them as much as she could.
The soft and stutter voice
The soft smile
The pink dresses and short skirts
After 2 years,  Marinette was now known as a bubbly and shy person. Dont get me wrong, Mari observed how Lila was flirting with other guys and started ranting about anything the short girl did wrong.
But Marinette observed something else too
People were really kind to her,
The teachers complimented her on the dresses that she wore
The people in school talked to her more
For fucks sake, even her dad talked to her more.
That kinda her the poor girl, but now she was finally accepted, right?
Last year of lycée...
Year with a lot of exams and brought by excitment of starting a new chapter in your life.
Lila broke up with Marinette at the end of last year, turned out she was just confused and never actually liked Mari.
The girl was really hurt it.
But her dad said suck it and be a man.
(Ironic because he treated her badly when she was more boyish)
When she started college, she met Adrien
A son of a big designer in Paris.
He befriended her, and they spent alot of time together
She started to fall for him and she tried to confess...
but then when they opened up more to each other, it turned out that he was an incel that believed a woman belongs in the kitchen and is basically a sex toy and a baby maker
Mari started to distance herself from him, and made a note in her mind that said "I hate men and I'm shit scared of them, never fall for anyone and dont get in relationships or anything more then hookups."
Last year of college.
Marinette meet Chloe Bourgeois.
The two girls because friends fast due to both of them having similar childhoods and interests.
Chloe helped Mari open more and teched her to not give a shit about anyone or anything
After collage, Mari and Chloe opened their own company
Even tho it was hard at the start.
They started with nothing else then a little help from Mari's uncle, Jagged, and Chloe's mom, Audrey.
It was hard, with most of the industry being controlled by selfish rich men
But they did it
They made it to the top
After 2 years of trying, they finally made  it up there
After many ups and downs, they finally did it.
Both girls were know for being the most kind people in the industry.
And they planned to keep that face on as long as they could.
After all, people dont like it when girls are rough and 'mean'
Damian lost a bet.
That was what started the hell hole
Dick and him made a bet and he lost it? The world must have come to an end.
"Ok little D, you must stop being in your room all the times,  dont you have friends to hang out with?" Asked Dick
Damian stares at him for a second
"Jon is on a mission with his family, did you forgot?" He said
"Yea but that doesn't mean you just stop going outside." Dick said seriously.
Damian wasn't the type to have many friends or go out a lot, everyone knew it, but now Richard was just being an asshole for reminding him that.
"Look, why don't you get a job? You will have to take father's place one day and you dont even know anything about what he does." Dick said
"Of course I know what he does, I..he..uhm" Damian was at a loss of words
'Am I really that ignorant?' He thought
"Look, why dont you two have a bet, if Dick over here wins, you will get a job, if Damian wins, Dick will leave you alone forever and never bring it up again." Jason said
Damian looked at his two older brothers
"I'm in." Dick said
After some seconds
"I'm in as well" Damian murmured
The bet was who can capture the next villain to appear faster.
Dick was faster with only some minutes, meaning that Damian lost.
*Flashback ends*
He was now standing infront of the building of a company he had no idea of. And he was very lost.
Once Damian stepped through the door, he was pushed by someone, making them both fall on the floor
"I'm so sorry, are you ok?" Asked the soft voice of the person who pushed him
"Yea I am alright" he said
He opened his eyes to see a short girl giving him a hand to get up
They made eye contact
Damian's breath cut short
After some seconds, the girl heard her phone ring
"Oh hell, Chloe must be waiting. I'm sorry I have to go"  she said as she started to run
Damian didn't have time to ask any questions as she ran fast, very fast to the lift.
The guy linked repeatedly as he looked after her, a small smile forming on his lips.
It's been 6 months since Marinette bumped into Damian.
The two of them got closer and they became friends... until the 4th month
That's when Damian confessed his crush on her.
She told him she felt the same.
And they started dating, and neither of them could be happier
It was a late night after a celebration party
Both of them got drunk
When they got to the hotel, they started heavily making out, with no care into the world
Clothes started to come off as they moved to the bedroom
They got to the bedroom with him being in his bottoms and her being in only her shirt
They threw themselves into the bed
Damian slowly started to take off her shirt
But when his hand touches her skin
He felt something weird on her waist
Damian stopped the kiss so both of them could breathe
Once the dizziness from the kiss stopped his eyes went on her waist
His brain took a screenshot
He saw alot of tattos on her torso
Marinette looked up at him
Her eyebrows narrowed searching for his gaze. Once she found it, her mind panicked.
She pushed him off the bed and got up, searching for her clothes
Until Damian woke up from his shocked state, she was already gone out of the door.
He got up to look after her but once he was in the hallway, there was no sight of her anymore.
*Some days after the break*
"Are you sure this is alright?" Marinette asked Chloe, who was sitting at her office.
"Babe, he lied to us about who he was and then got close to you, most probably to use it against you, you know how men are, they are all the same, plus,  you can give the job to someone who actually needs it" Chloe said as she threw a paper on the desk.
Marinette looked at the paper, it was  a dismissal paper.
2 days ago the girls found out who he really was.
The son of a rich competitor. Bruce Wayne to be more specific
Both Mari and Chloe know how the Waynes are.
They are cold, and mysterious.
Marinette was having second thoughts about this, but she couldn't risk her name being stepped on, not after working so much to get where she was.
The girl started to think if their relationship even was a relationship, they both were lying to each other.
She knew he wont accept her as she is, and now after learning who he really was, there was no doubts that it was real, and he probably didn't care, like everyone (besides Chloe) in her life.
"Hi Sam, call Damian in Mari's office please."  Chloe said to the secretary.
Marinette got behind Chloe and tried to ignore what was gonna happen
After some minutes, there was knock on the door
"Come in'' said Chloe trying to hide the rage in her voice
In the door stood tall no one other then Damian Wash- I mean Wayne.
"You called me Chloe?" he asked
Damian looked behind the blonde girl to see his girlfriend (?) Turned with her back and looking at the window
"Its Miss Bourgeois to you." She said in a icy voice.
Damian opened his mouth in surprise
"And yes, I called you, please sign this" the blonde says pointing at the paper infront of her
Damian hesitantly got closer to the desk to read the paper
"A dismissal paper? What's this about?" He asks confused as he looks at Mari again
"Dont play dumb Washington." Chloe said, putting anger on the word 'Washington'
Damian looks at the girl shocked, his eyes winded
"Marinette, if this is about that night I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" the man was stopped by Chloe
"Dont you dare try to talk with her after you lied about everything Wayne."  The blonde said loudly.
Damian let out a sort breath while he still looked at Marinette.
"This is a misunderstanding, I didn't lie to you guys, let me expl-" he was once again stopped by Chloe slamming the desk
"ENOUGH WAYNE, just sign this and were done."
Damian's eyes didn't leave Marinette
"Angel, please let me explain." He pleated
Marinette's head turned a little to the side
"We're over." She whispered, with a hint of sadness in her voice
Damian's eyes winded more
He looks at the paper and gets  the pen in his hand
He took one  more look at Mari
And he signed it.
"You are free to leave" Chloe said while turned to Marinette
And he did leave.
After he was gone, Mari broke down in Chloe's arms as the blonde girl was stroking her back slowly
"I'm sorry sugar, I promise I won't let anyone hurt you anymore" Chloe whispered in Marinette's ear
*at the Wayne mansion*
Damian's slammed the door closed as he entered the mansion, gathering the attention of his brothers and father
"Hey demon spawn, how was work?" Asked Jason as Damian walked past him
"Lilttle D, is everything alright? You seem down" Dick said
Damian stopped.
"I got fired" he says while his voice cracked a little
Bruce's eyes winded
"Son, I know you liked the job, but it's not that big of a deal, you can work with Tim" he suggested
Damian was looking at the floor
"And my girlfriend broke up with me"  he whispered
"YOUR WHAT?" says Tim as he spilled his coffee
"Since when did you had a girlfriend Damian?" Asks Bruce
"Since 2 months ago" he whispers again
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jason asked
The family was stunned
"Master Damian, no need to yell, why dont you vent to us? You're very stressed, I can tell." Alfred says
And he did, he told them all about Marinette, all the dates, all the laughs and smiles they shared together, he even told them about what happened that night
"So you're telling me, you got fired because of some tattos?" Jason asked
"No, I got fired because they found out I was a Wayne" Damian says roughly
"How did they not know?" Bruce says
"They dont look into competitors families, it's a bad habit that both of them have" The young Wayne said
"So for 6 months nobody told them who you were?" Tim asks
"No, because we weren't seen in public, I tried to be as careful as I could so no one would know " Damian sighed
"Well fuck, you fucked up big time, but that's not exactly a reason for her to fire you, not a good one at least" Dick said
Damian shrugs
"Wait, I think I know how to resolve this" Tim says
"What do you mean, Tim?" Asked Jason as Tim put his laptop on the coffee table
Tim started aggressively typing on the keyboard
"We now have a charity event to go to" he smirked
"I'm not sure what to think about this Chloe."said the dark haired girl
"We're going to leave when you want sugar, but we need to attempt at the event" Chloe said as she was looking through Marinette's closet
Since Damian left, he was all Mari could have think
She was distracted, hurt, confused, maybe even kinda mad at herself
"Aha, found it, look Mari! You would look so pretty in it. Plus it brings your tattoos at life" says Chloe while holding a suit in her hand.
Marinette promised herself that she would finally show the world that she wasn't the soft girl she always pictured herself as
She knows her parents would be watching the event, and she wanted revenge on her father for the years of therapy that she needed to get because of him and every man that did her bad, every man that said she couldn't open a business because she was a woman.
So she put on the suit, and left with Chloe who was holding her hand protectively.
Once the two girls exited the car, flash lights were all over their faces
They somehow got into the building
Chloe went to get to get them both something to drink, leaving Mari behind.
The girl looked around the big room, her mind being concentrated at one of the paintings.
Suddenly someone was dragging her out of the room
"WHAT THE HELL, LET ME GO!'' she yells to death ears
She continued to struggle but nothing moved out of the person's grip
They got into a dark room, Mari could hear the door lock, she closed her eyes, scared of what was gonna happened.
She heard the light turn on.
"Will you now let me explain" said a familiar voice
She opened her eyes in surprise
"Damian? What the fuck is wrong with you, have you gone nuts?" She said angrily to him
"You didn't let me explain myself, so I had to do something about it, I cant just go on with my life because I know you didn't know what actually is going on." Damian says trying to make his voice as soft as he could, so he wouldn't scare her away
Marinette remains silent, sign for him to start speaking.
"I didn't mean to lie to you, but have you seen how you reacted when you found out who I was? You started to treat me differently." He whispered
Marinette opened her mouth to say something,  but she decided to remain silent
"I didn't lie when I said I love you, god I still fucking do, but I had no idea how to tell you" he sighed
Marinette sighed a deep heavy
"If we start to confess things, I also have something to say" she says
Damian's eyebrows narrowed
"I'm not this bubbly shy girl, I am not the sunshine I make myself look like" she says
"Oh." He said
"I never was and I will never be, I print myself as that because people would treat me differently if they knew the real me"  she sighed
Damian took a step towards her
He kissed her forehead softly, then her lips aggressively
"Then show me the real you"
(Marinette's tattos/suit and Chloe's dress)
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Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
Summary: Marinette was pissed. And she decided that, rather than actively be the HBIC, she was going to show her other talent to the class. Based on the song Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing by Set It Off.
Word Count: 835
Warnings: Swearing, lots of it.
Marinette had been done with her class a long, long, long time ago. And nothing she was doing was working to get that point across.
So, it was time to do one last thing.
She made her own outfit: A black leather jacket with silvery angel wings on the back, a black skirt, a dark red crop top, and black fishnets. She didn’t know how to make shoes, so she bought a pair of knee-high, heeled black boots. She also wore black fingerless gloves that she had made, and painted her nails the same dark red as her top. She did her makeup in a much more exaggerated fashion than she usually did, and used temporary dye on her hair to dye to tips dark red. She bought a black choker with a small red gem as well.
Then, she was ready.
Marinette wore her normal outfit to school, planning to change it later. Her class had to think that everything was completely normal.
Lila, apparently, had lost her voice, and was now writing on a white board.
I wish I could perform in the talent show, what with my song training from Lou & Lenni-Kim
The class nodded sympatheically. “It’s okay, girl!” Alya said. “I’m sure you’ll be able to perform during the next tallent show!”
Thank you
“Of course, I hope you feel better!”
Thanks, Alya, you’re the best!!!
“Anytime, girl.”
The talent show was set to be during their free period. Marinette changed and did her makeup during the break just before, then hid backstage and out of sight until it was her turn.
“And now, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”
Marinette stepped out onto the stage, noting how one section of the crowd was suspiciously silent.
The music started, and Marinette tapped her foot slightly, waiting.
“Ha ha ha, this is about you.” She began, staring directly at Lila.
“Beware, beware, be skeptical
Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold
Deceit so natural
But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning!” Marinette walked about the stage, putting special emphasis on looking at her class.
“Bla-bla-black sheep, have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals
Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick
Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks.” She snarled at Lila.
“So could you,” Marinette prepared to belt the lyrics, putting all of her emotion into her words. Her anger and hate, her frustration at her classmates for not listening to her. Everything.
“Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt.” Marinette went back around.
“Aware, aware, you stalk your prey
With criminal mentality
You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem
Fee-fi-fo-fum, you better run and hide
I smell the blood of a petty little coward
Jack, be lethal, Jack, be slick
Jill will leave you lonely dying in a filthy ditch
So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt.” Marinette paused as the song became much more hopeful, the music changing.
“Maybe you'll change
Abandon all your wicked ways
Make amends and start anew again
Maybe you'll see
All the wrongs you did to me
And start all over, start all over again.” The music changed one more.
“Who am I kidding?
Now, let's not get overzealous here
You've always been a huge piece of shit.” Marinette spat out her words at Lila and her class.
“If I could kill you I would,
But it's frowned upon in all fifty states.
Having said that, burn in HELL!” She belted her words, shocking her school. None of them knew she could sing, much less like that.
“So tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!”
There was a pause from the crowd while Marinette panted.
Suddenly, the crowd burst into cheers.
They loved it.
The video would go viral overnight.
“I can’t believe she’s so good!” Lila was not happy.
Marinette had walked back into the classroom as if nothing had happened, still in her outfit from the talent show.
“She can’t be so good, she just can’t!” Lila raged.
“Oh, I definitely am that good, Lila.” Marinette said, smirking as she sat down at her seat at the back. “And I thought you had lost your voice?”
And that was end of Lila Rossi.
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nettles-bo-bettles · 3 years
Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her Secretive Life
Third Person POV:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a girl who has had a very secretive life. It all started when she was four years old. When she was four, an assassination team came to her home and tried to kill her. They failed but she had to leave her home to stay safe. After leaving her home she was sent to Paris with two guards who were married and wanted a child. After getting to Paris she had to keep a secret to keep herself safe from assassins, that was the only secret she ever had until she went to school. Once she got to the age where she could go to school her guardians told her she and her best friend Chloe must act like they hate each other. The girls agreed on Chloe pretending to be a mean girl and her bullying Marinette. Years later once Marinette was 14, she got yet another secret to uphold. That secret was being Ladybug, although she made sure to tell Chloe for Chloe was her only friend who knew about all of Marinette's secrets. A day later Chloe's childhood friend Adrien Agreste came to school, Marinette already had a crush on a boy named Damian but he lived in Gotham City and he wasn't capable of protecting her. Once Adrien came to school, Marinette's Guardians, Tom and Sabine, told her she must pretend to have a crush on the boy. In order to make Marinette and Chloe's false hatred for each other more believable, Chloe pretended to have a crush on the boy as well. These are only a few of Marinette's secrets, but these few and all of the others get revealed because of one small trip back to Marinette's home.
Marinette's POV:
I woke up at 5:00 am again and like always I couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and took a shower. After my shower I put on a white crop top, some leggings and my black doc martens.
My outfit:
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I put my hair in a high ponytail and went downstairs to get some breakfast. By the time I was done with my breakfast and all the way ready for school it was 6:00 am. I decided that because I still had two and a half hours before I had to start heading to school and be late I should go for a walk and hang out with Chloe until I had to go. Now I know what you're thinking, me Marinette Dupain-Cheng hanging out with Chloe Bourgeois??? Well despite what everyone thinks and what we've made them think. Me and Chloe have known each other since birth and have been best friends for as long as we can remember. Anyways so once I walked from the bakery to Chloe's hotel I took out my phone and texted her.
-Hey do you want to hang out before school? I have nothing to do for the next two hours.
Sure, I have nothing to do either. Plus I miss hanging out with you. Meet me outside my hotel in- five minutes.
-Lol, way ahead of you already. I got to your hotel before I even started texting you.
Damn, how are you always ahead of me?-
-I'm always ahead of you because I've known you my whole life and you're really predictable.
Oh, oh okay.-
Imma meet you outside now then.-
Maribug has signed off.
Two minutes later Chloe walked out of the hotel and we started heading towards the park.
"I miss hanging out with you, like Sabrina is just boring and she does everything I say even if I mostly don't want her to."
"Damn Queenie, I mean I bet Sabrina would be a lot more fun if you just asked her not to do anything you said and told her the truth. I mean I'm fine with her knowing about the fact that we've known each other our whole lives."
"Oh you know what, that's a really good idea Imma do that later. Thanks for the idea Maribug."
"I always have the best ideas and you know it."
"Alright that's true."
We got to the park and sat down on a bench near the fountain. We started talking about everything going on in our personal lives. Eventually it was 8:00 and Chloe had to go so she started walking to school while I started taking the long way so that I would get there at 8:30 while she would get there at 8:15 and school started at 8:20 so nobody would be suspicious.
Adrien's POV: I woke up at 6:00 and decided to go walk around and go to the park. I was wearing a black hoodie, white ripped jeans, and all black Nike Blazers. I walked to the park and was shocked with what I saw. I saw Chloe and Marinette sitting on a bench, talking, and LAUGHING!!!!!!!! I thought Chloe and Marinette hated each other. I then decided to just ask them about it at school during lunch. Eventually it was 8:00 so I started going to school and I saw Chloe there already but Marinette was nowhere to be seen. I walked to class and for some reason Marinette was late.
"Sorry I'm late Ms.Bustier I overslept again." Marinette said, looking at Ms.Bustier with an apologetic face.
But she didn't oversleep, I SAW HER AT THE PARK AT SIX IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS NOT OVERSLEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eventually it was lunch time and I asked Chloe to wait in the classroom and did the same with Marinette.
"So why did you want to talk to me?" They asked at the same time.
Then they looked at the other and had thoughtful looks on their faces.
"Well, I thought you two hated each other." I said looking at the both of them.
"What do you mean you 'thought'??? We do hate each other. Chloe's a snobby spoiled brat." Marinette said.
"Yeah I hate Marinette, she's such a goody two shoes." Chloe said.
"I hate you Chloe, I hate you so much." Marinette said, now turning to Chloe.
Chloe just burst out laughing.
"Wha- Chloe, why are you laughing???" Marinette asked.
"Just- I- he figured it out, I don't see the point in keeping this from him."
"Keeping what exactly from me?" I asked.
"Well Adrien, you oblivious cinnamon roll, me and Chloe have been friends, well best friends since we were toddlers. Like I cannot remember a time that I wasn't friends with Chloe." "Exactly, what Maribug said. We've been friends for longer than we can remember and, I've actually known Maribug longer than I've known you Adrien." Chloe said to me.
"Wait- did you just call me Adrien instead of Adrikins??? Does this mean you don't actually like me??" I asked with hope.
"Well duh, you're like a brother to me jeez." Chloe said kind of disgusted.
"Oh yeah, I don't have a crush on you either, I just pretended I did even though you never caught on. That was to make me and Chloe hating each other more believable." Marinette said.
"Wait- both of you had fake crushes one me???" I said kind of shocked.
"Hell yeah." They said simultaneously.
"But Maribug guess what." Chloe said to Marinette.
"Yeah Queenie???" Marinette asked.
"YOU HAVE TO GO OUT WITH DEMON SPAWN NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chloe shouted.
"Bish- you're the only fucking person on earth who he doesn't find incredibley annoying, like his nickname for you IS FUCKING 'ANGEL'!!!!!!!!!!! HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT THINK HE LIKES YOU?!?!?!" Chloe yelled.
"I have no idea." Marinette said honestly.
"Uhhhh I feel like I don't really belong in this conversation........so I'm just gonna leave now." I said a little bit uncomfortable.
"Oh- heh, forgot you were here. Sorry Adrien." They said simultaneously.
"Yeah, okay I'm leaving then. Bye." I said walking out the door.
Marinette's POV:
Damn, I did not realize that Adrien had seen me and Chloe hanging out. Well guess that's another person to know about me and Chloe not hating each other but actually being best friends. After lunch we all came back to the classroom for an important announcement.
"Alright class I have an announcement to make." Ms.Bustier said.
Hmmmm wonder what the announcement could be.......OH I BET IT'S THAT SHE GOT PREGGO AND GONNA HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Okay class so the announcement is that we will be going to China for the princess's coronation and then afterwards we will be going to Gotham city to meet her honorary family and her soon to be fiance."
Nope, I was very very wrong.
"Damn, I thought you was gonna say you got preggo earlier this week and that in 9 months you were gonna have a baby. Now I'm a little disappointed." I said.
The whole class just looked at me like I was crazy, I mean I could be considering the fact that I said I was disappointed that it was the coronation instead of Ms.Bustier being preggo but like me and Chloe have been friends since birth because she was born on her parents' honey-moon and they had it in china so she was born at the royal hospital and I was born there too because I'm the princess of China and my mom and dad are the Empress and Emperor. What did you expect after knowing that I moved here because of an assasination attempt, like really why would anyone be surprised??? That's how all the "Marinette Princess of China'' stories start, I mean honestly, if you're surprised then I am sorely disappointed in you.
"Girl- we get to go to a coronation and you're disappointed???" Alya said while looking at me like I'm insane.
Adrien just looked at me like I had more secrets to hide, which I do.
"You know what I'll just explain to you all after school, and don't be surprised if Chloe's there too." I said.
"Uh- okay then." Alya said.
"Alright dudette." Nino said, not really paying attention.
"Why am I not surprised that Chloe's gonna be there too." Adrien said rhetorically.
After school Alya, Nino and Adrien came to my house so that I could explain.
"Wait- girl, why is Chloe here?" Alya asked.
"Cause she felt like it." I said.
"And you just let her in your house?" Alya asked.
"Yeah, it'll make sense once I explain." I said to her.
"Mariiiiiiii I wanna see Tim." Chloe whined.
"Chlo- you're gonna see him in China, AND WE'RE LEAVING TO GO THERE TOMORROW!!!! JUST WAIT JEEZ!!!!!!!!!!"
"Yeah, I wanna see Damian as soon as possible BUT AT LEAST I CAN WAIT 24 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!" I said.
Eventually we stopped yelling at each other and I explained everything.
"Okay so the whole thing is that I'm the princess of china, I left china when I was four because of assasination attempts, Tom and Sabine are royal guards, me and Chloe have been best friends for as long as we can remember and I've known her longer than even Adrien has. Damian and Tim are the guys we like, but I'm being forced to marry Damian even if neither of us mind it that much, Tim is a year older than us and Chloe's boyfriend, Tim and Damian are brothers and are both from Gotham City. Me and Chloe act like we hate each other to make people less suspicious of me being the princess because the assassins know that Chloe is my best friend. Oh and neither of us have ever liked Adrien romantically, he's more like a brother to both of us." I said.
They just looked at me awestruck, well except Chloe of course, she just pouted because she can't see coffee monster. Oops did I say Coffee Monster? I meant Tim. Eventually Alya, Nino and Adrien snapped out of their awestruck state and started asking questions.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Alya asked, looking hurt.
"I wasn't allowed to until today, I asked Tom and Sabine if I could multiple times but they said no every time until yesterday after school, I asked them even though I didn't know about the trip yet but I think they did." I said to her.
"You know, dudette it's pretty cool that you're a princess. WAIT- DO WE GET TO SEE YOUR PALACE OR CASTLE THING?!?!"
"Yes Nino, you'll get to see the palace." I said to him.
We all just started talking and Alya and Nino became friends with Chloe, the real Chloe. After a while everyone went home to pack for China, I had already packed the small amount of stuff I would need because I already have a lot of clothes and things in China. Once it was 11:00 I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.
My Pajamas:
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I went to bed happy and excited for tomorrow.
Page Count: 8
Word Count: 2397
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finallyaniguana · 4 years
[27] get to the point and fast (but not fast enough)
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[26]         [28]
After that whole show in the LG, Marinette was tense and on edge. She didn't appreciate the flippant way they spoke about him. Maybe they were right, but she felt a surge of possessive protectiveness she couldn't cut down. So, stiff she sat all through free time and the subsequent dinner, choosing to skip the spar between her and Adrien after. Her platonic soulmate simply brushed it off, attributing the snub to the bad mood she had picked up during the club meeting.
She ignored most of her friend's attempts to start a conversation, giving only short, stilted answers. Her friends, bless them, weren't getting mad at her for this, picking up on the fact that something is bothering her. Adrien elected to bring it up later,when she was ready to talk.
"Hey, Mari?"
She turned away from her door, hand pulling away from the handle.
"I was wondering if you'd still be okay with sharing a room with me? I don't think I can stand this for two more weeks," Alya grimaced.
A tiny bit of tension melted off Marinette's shoulders. Managing a smile, she nodded.
"Of course, Alya. We'll talk to Mlle. Bustier tomorrow and get all your stuff moved after school. How about that?"
Alya perked up.
"Hell yeah, girl! I can't wait to be your roommate!"
Alya turned away to enter the room she unfortunately shared with Lila, still smiling.
'Another thing I'll have to tell Robin about.'
The first thing she did when she got into her room and shut the door was to throw open one curtain. Just the one over the window where Robin would enter. She then cracked the window slightly, so he could easily open it from the outside. Once she was satisfied with her work there, she dug around in her carry on bag for the cookie stash she had brought just for Tikki. She  passed one to the Kwamii, who happily accepted it.
"You can't let it get to you," she whispered.
Tikki looked over to her chosen, who now stood in front of the bathroom mirror but stared down into the sink. She flew over to her, resting lightly on her shoulder.
"What's wrong?"
Marinette heaved a great sigh before walking back out into the bedroom.
"It's just... the things those students were saying about him, you know? They all made him out to be this... I don't know, what's the best word? Mean? Mean person, and I just... i don't know, Tikki."
Tikki nodded sagely, surely about to pull on some timeless and encouraging knowledge from like.. a million years ago.
"You'll just have to form your own opinion about him and disregard everyone else. He can't be all bad!"
'Okay, so not nearly as.. encouraging as I hoped for,' she pouted.
Another benefit to having the window slightly open (other than the obvious soulmate entry point), was the fact that Tikki would know exactly when to hide. It was the telltale sound of metal cord in track, the same sound her yo-yo makes when she's zipping between buildings. Or any of the bats' grappling hooks to be perfectly technical. The next sound being a window sliding open. Quickly, she schooled her expression and went to face her soulmate.
As soon as his boots hit the floor, she started to relax a little. Neither of them could quite put their finger on it, but they felt... comfortable.
"Robin," she smiled.
He inclined his head in response, which Marinette could only assume was his version of a warm greeting. He was certainly one of the most difficult people to read she'd ever met. Over time, she'd have to really work at learning and understanding his body language if she really wanted to know her soulmate.
Robin got to work at pulling the arm chair over to where it was only just in view of Red Robin, today's chaperone. It was all he could do to avoid his brother's interested gaze. Once settled, Marinette cross legged on the end of her bed, Robin opened his mouth to say something. Whatever it is seemed to have dissipated into the air because he immediately closed his mouth again.
"What can you tell me about yourself?" Marinette threw out there.
He pondered for a moment what was safe to say.
"I'm a vegetarian."
That seemed innocent enough. Could be anybody under that mask. Yes, very convincing.
"Oh, fun! Have you always been or is it recent...?" she trailed off a little.
"A few years now."
Due to the mask, Marinette unfortunately was unable to see Damian wrestling with whether or not he can say what he's about to say. Ultimately, he bites the bullet and just says it.
"Your parents are bakers?"
Nevermind the fact that he probably shouldn't know that yet. Marinette knew that the Bats were supposed to be detectives. She was far from stupid. It was completely expected that he would do as much research as he could on her going into it, especially given that some random stranger had now seen the inside of the Batcave and had no idea what Nightwing had said while he was away. So, him knowing things? Not worrying.
"Yes! They are."
It was the things he didn't know about that Marinette was worried about.
"What would you say makes your bakery unique among all the others in Paris?"
Alright, cool and collected. Questions clearly planned in advance. She could work with that.
"Hmm, I would probably say our mixture of both my mother and father's technique. For example, rice flour in the bread, instead of just regular flour like my dad had always been taught, gives it a much lighter texture," she answered.
He nodded thoughtfully, but his visible face revealed nothing. Meanwhile, Marinette was starting to get antsy that he hadn't said anything about Adrien. He has to know. His friend had to have told him. Unless he wasn't a friend and just a person that sits with him and he was just asking for no reason other than curiosity and oh no! Now she's about to drop this bomb on him that he wasn't prepared for and he's gonna be really mad and-
"I have a platonic soulmate."
Her normal inner monologue was clearly returning the more time she spent with him. If Damian could only hear it... oof. He'd wonder how the Universe came to this match when looking over all the people of the world (and off world).
The conversation plans he had (but clearly had no idea how to execute) were derailed with this sudden admittance. But, finally he showed a visible emotion. Surprise wasn't really the one she would have gone for but beggars can't be choosers. He didn't respond right away so she kept going.
"His name is Adrien, and he's one of my best friends. It's the glowy kind where when you touch your skin glows. so, it doesn’t show up all the time. It's kinda cool. And it's totally platonic! We are just friends!"
He nodded slowly. He spent a few seconds cramming down any negative feelings towards this guy he'd never even met... well he had, but not as himself so it didn't count. And he knew this was coming, he just didn't realize she'd be so blatant. It was... rather refreshing that she didn't try to hide it. She didn't really know about his track record of jealousy (Lord knows Tim certainly does), so she didn't feel afraid sharing that other connection with him. It was, simply put, nice.
"Okay," was all he said, though, deciding to sort through the more complicated feelings later.
Normally he would have argued with.. well not her. It’s not her fault. But her wide eyes and earnest expression begged him to be okay with this.
“Okay,” he said again.
She seemed positively relieved. Somehow she understood what that okay conveyed - at least in part.
Let’s change the subject, shall we?
"So, since you are a vegetarian, what are your favorite recipes?"
And the conversation went on. For a good bit. Food is a lovely common ground between people trying to get to know each other. The conversation tapered off naturally, having went into the logistics of cooking meat replacements things, which, Marinette frankly knew nothing about.
Both vigilante and civilian were sitting relaxed in their respective spots, a comfortable silence all around them. They hadn't yet been able to just take in their soulmate yet, having the secret identities, sneaking in the window, and a liar knocking on the door to deal with. The next night, Alya would be moving into this room, unable to stand Lila anymore, especially after hearing the full extent of her best friend's rivalry with the girl. Marinette had to be sure to tell Robin that they would have to figure something else out the subsequent nights she would be in Gotham.
It was Marinette that eventually broke the easy silence. She'd managed to get the platonic soulmate situation off her chest, but one, that may be far more pressing, remained.
"Lying by omission is still lying, non?"
He thought for a moment before answering.
"Most people would say that, yes."
Nodding thoughtfully, Marinette gently folded her hands in her lap, taking a second to gather her words before speaking. She was fairly confident she had his identity figured out. By her logic, and his if he considered himself "most people", not telling him what she knew was the same as deceiving him, and that was the last thing she wanted to do.
"I hate lying. I'm awful at it, too."
His usually straight expression twitched slightly, probably at the thought of the girl in front of him trying to tell a lie.
"And this is why you do not like Lila Rossi?" he supplied.
Marinette took his slight derailment in stride.
"Among other reasons, but that's not exactly where I'm going with this," she said.
The slight lift of the mask suggested he was raising his eyebrows.
"What is it, then?"
Marinette took in a breath and prayed he wouldn't be too upset.
A quiet but urgent beep interrupted her train of thought. Robin frowned and reached down to look at the offending communicator.
He let out a sound of intense frustration, before looking across to where Red Robin was currently standing, waving him over.
"I'm afraid I must cut this short, Marinette. I am required elsewhere."
He started towards the window.
"Okay, but-"
He looked back, expectant but tense. She backpedaled. She wouldn't be able to function on a mission if someone were to drop an identity compromising anvil on her head, so she wouldn't do it to him either.
"It can wait."
Nodding he said, "See you tomorrow."
And he swung away. She watched as he landed alongside Red Robin, who hardly waited for him to catch his balance before dashing off into the distance. As soon as the two were out of her range of vision, Tikki appeared by her head.
Marinette looked like a thousand pounds had just been added to her shoulders. She threw up her arms in a silent freakout, trying not to alert her room neighbors of her recent strife. Tikki simply shook her head.
"Don't worry, Marinette," she said at her holder's expression. "You'll get another chance tomorrow."
'Tomorrow. Tom- TOMORROW?!'
All the blood fell out of her face.
"Alya is moving in here tomorrow after school!" she screeched as loud as she dared. "I cannot believe I forgot to tell him that very vital detail!"
She dropped her face into her hands. Her head popped back up quite fast, Tikki was sure she hurt her neck, and began pacing.
"I have to figure out how to tell him..." she muttered. "Maybe I could leave a note in the window- no, Alya might see it..."
She kept on mumbling, going over as many options as she could think of to solve this.
The kwamii finally got the girl's attention and smiled to soothe her.
"You go to school with him. You'll just have to send the message that way."
"... yes! Okay, okay, so tomorrow after class I will go find Alya - she's in his class right? - and I ask her about moving in... yeah! That'll work! Thank you, Tikki, you're a lifesaver."
She collapsed on the bed, suddenly drained after her panic.
"Okay. I have a plan. Everything will be fine."
Okay unlike the last few times, i kinda have most of the next chapter written already so the wait shouldnt be nearly as long
Thank you all for the continued feedback and support! I really appreciate all of you ❤
please dont be afraid to let me know if ive made a continuity error or something similar and feel free to ask me questions!
@vixen-uchiha @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @violatiger8 @mochinek0 @constancetruggle @yamadochie @seraphichana @captainmac6 @nataladriana9 @iggy-of-fans @riarkle-felinettelove @luciferge @mystery-5-5 @mellownieice @northernbluetongue @imanerddealwith @ayuchan07 @annabellabrookes @legendaryneckjudgestudent @chez-pezeater @friedchickening @da-tasuky @crazylittlemunchkin @g-arya @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @witchbitch1998  @theatreandcomicfreak @lysslovsanime @zalladane @tbehartoo @goggles-mcgee @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @kanamexzeroyaoifangirl @melicmusicmagic @ladybug-182 @chaosace @mariae2900 @vivilakitty @xxmadamjinxx @akbtch @7701deathlyhalfbloodprincess @elspethshadow @danielslilangel @tinyterror333 @maynora @anjuschiffer @creator-josie @fontegagrilledcheese @jessigurl-design @allolale @caffeine-theory @zerotosiki @draco-kasai @schrodingers25 @cassiejaydee @synnesstra @oscarwilde-hellyeah @valeks-princess @winter-gardenflower @novicevoice @cadencehood @sassy-spocko @rogueptoridactyl @dast218 @kae690 @thequestionablyhuman @18-fandoms-unite-08 @beaversuenightly @graduatedmelon @dur55 @gaylord1027 @fertileleaf @tall-and-angry @kurogaya913 @littleblue5mcdork @completelypeccable @sassydepression @resignedcatservant @batmans-attic @linnyalou @shreky-boi @actual-disaster-human @kandi-pie @gingersnapnoir @disneyfoxuniverse @souleateralicestein @crazyrandomrebel @chocolatecatstheron @mooshoon @emjrabbitwolf @loysydark @ethelphantom @felicityroth @lordsmeldingtonthethird @mjisntme @the7dreadlysins @marinettepotterandplagg @kand-roo @lunar-wolf-warrior @rydellakurancarson @mindfulmagics @shamefullove @thebookish3lf @dawnwave16 @miraculousbelladonna @wargraymon0709 @thatrandomfandomsgirl @clumsy-owl-4178 @fatimaabbasrizvi @two-faced-biatch @weird-pale-blonde-person @iloontjeboontje @yuulxd @lady13bug @mmwolf1605 @naclychilli @mysticknown @crytallized @ladysblackcat @storyteller-d @trashtalkintacotruck @kris-pines04 @riptide4 @thethirdwheelfriend @alessialeone6997 @mlbchaosqueen @persephonebutkore @urbanpineapplefarmer @royalchaoticfangirl @maya-custodios-dionach @multplelifes @magicalfirebird @todaylillypads @spider-person95 @magic-miraculous @horseshoe-lilacs @lizziejay @emeraldpuffguide @judas-yeast @candymoods99 @kittycatwowmeow @slytherinqueen2432 @alexresides @trubel43 @sonif50 @zoerayne2426 @jardimazul-blog @unabashedlyswimmingtimemachine @kawaiigiantjudgefish @tired-butterfly @mortemillion @nomiegnome @silent-storms-posts @tamoni112 @procrasinatingrightnow @bookishfangirl7 @fiendsangelical @7-sage-7 @risingmoonyue @a-star-with-a-human-name @thatoneblogyoufollow @sassakitty @xgxmxtx @fffakehappy @thesunanditsangel @shadowheart31 @bobothyross @psychixx @hauntedwintersweets @solarcupid @fristi37 @jeminiikrystal @katiegardneriscoolerthanyou @maribat-mood @im-a-useless-and-shitty-blob @queenmj10 @komatsuna-yuki
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Enter Bunnix
The Bubbler
Breaking news! Local teen calls Mr. Agreste out on being a shitty father!
- Adrien’s birthday! He’s turning 14
- Alix is still older though at 15
- She got him some Heelys since he’s been begging to use hers all the time
- And planned on giving him hair dye just to get on Gabriel’s nerves
- Nino had been talking on a private group chat that excluded Adrien about planning a birthday party for him
Nino: This is gonna be Adrien’s best birthday party!
Alix: Of course it will be.
Chloe: He’s never had one.
- Alix, Sabrina, Nath and Chloe were a little worried, due to Gabriel’s history of not allowing birthday parties
- But forcing his son to go to galas he doesn’t want to attend is perfectly fine!
- Bunnix showed up at Adrien’s window at literally seven in the morning to say happy birthday
- Then Ladybug popped up to say the same thing an hour later
- Gabriel saw that and was very much confused since why the hell did two superhero’s thank a random kid happy birthday
Nathalie: Maybe they know him sir? Or admire him?
- He’s considered using his son as leverage
Adrien, at Plagg: Did you just. Eat a ribbon?
Plagg, coughing it up: Yup.
- Adrien was very nervous about leaving his house because fangirls exist
- Gorilla gave him a hug when he came downstairs and Adrien was vibrating like he drank 7 cups of coffee made with Red Bull from happiness
- He wants affection and will cling to people if needed
- Jalil had stayed up the entire night studying for his exam and when Alix walked downstairs she shoved him on the couch
Alix: Sleep ya dork. You look like a zombie.
Jalil, muffled from his face being in a pillow: I have an exam
Alix: At 2 Pm. Sleep.
Alim, from the kitchen: *Extreme amusement*
- Alim loves how close his kids are
- He can go and check on Jalil and Alix is just clinging to him while he’s working
- Alix defending her brother from those who pick on him
- He does worry about Alix seemingly being gone more lately though
- He can tell that she isn’t getting much sleep either from something
- And also he’s wondering when did his daughter start developing muscles
- But he just assumes Nora must be training her or something like that
- For context, Nora and Jalil are the same age and are best friends
- That something would be midnight Mr. Pigeon attacks and patrols
- She really wants to know why the fuck Mr. Ramier is out that late
- She suspects he may be drinking but who knows
- Wouldn’t be much of surprise
- Alim has known Gabriel for ages and can get away with yelling at him a little bit
- So of course he scolds him on being an uptight dick about not letting his kid have a party
- Doesn’t get him to change his mind though
- Once Adrien got to school, Alix smacked him on the back of the head with his gift and ran off cackling
Adrien: *Flips the bird*
- Alya was very much not expecting that to happen and was a little stunned
- Marinette was more confused at what happened while Chloe was trying not to laugh
- Nino is very determined to get his friend a birthday party
Nino: I’m sure he’ll let you have a birthday party!
Nathaniel, whose tried several times: *Insert press X to doubt meme*
- Marinette still wasn’t able to gather up enough courage to give her present to Adrien
- Chloe didn’t shove Marinette though
- She did wish him a happy birthday however and gave him Ladybug, Chat Noir and Bunnix plushies that she had custom made
- She also has some of her own but will die before admitting to it
- Alix was dragged off onto the photo shoot with Adrien while hissing
- This was because Gabriel was still trying to market them as a couple despite Alim cutting it off
- The latter is not happy about this when he hears about it
- Alix has also been getting attacked on Twitter and such by Adrien’s fangirls despite not liking him
- She just wants to forget about it
- This is when Mari finds out about Alix and Adrien being ex’s
- Which she was not expecting
- Marinette delivers the present to Adrien and screamed at the camera
- She signed it this time thankfully
- Nathalie called Gabriel out on his bs and told him to buy his son a present himself
- Nino was turned away by Gabriel because he wasn’t presentable and banned him from the house
- When he heard a throat being cleared as he turned away he assumed it was Nino again and was about to dismiss him
- It wasn’t Nino
- It was Alim
- Who was not amused with the photo shoot
Alim: I believe I explicitly told you that my daughter as well as your son were uncomfortable with the relationship. Then my daughter calls me telling me that you forced her to act like they were a thing again? Maybe your son wouldn’t talk to you because you distance yourself so much Gabriel. But I make an effort to tell my daughter to talk to me. So the next time you try to control my daughters life it will end badly.
- Alim is a good dad, and has had adoption papers for Adrien for years
- He just needs signatures
- Adrien was also not happy when he came home from the photo shoot with Alix and saw Nino stomping off
- Alix went up to join her dad
- Adrien at this point has trusted Alim more than his father for awhile and stayed behind him
- Gabriel, like the coward he is ran off to hide from Alim and to Akumatize Nino
- Nino is akumatized into Bubbler with the intention of getting rid of bad parents rather than all adults as he does understand that not all adults are bad
- He doesn’t look stupid this time because I despise Bubbler’s design with a passion
- Alim immediately picked up Alix and Adrien noticing the bubbles outside, and a few adults floating in the sky
- Alix and Adrien just gave each other a nervous look
- They appreciated Alim’s care but they couldn’t go transform with him around
Alix: Should we split up? It might be safer.
Alim, immediately: Absolutely not! I’m not letting you two get hurt.
- Alix and Adrien are considering telling him their identities because he is trust worthy
- Thankfully they don’t have too
- Because Bubbler broke into the house with a smile
Bubbler: Adrien!! Glad to see you have a decent adult around. Now I can throw you a party!
Adrien: Nino?!
Alix: Oh boy..
- Bubbler leaves Alim alone since he isn’t a bad parent
- He also leaves Gorilla alone
- Nathalie isn’t spared however and Bubbler demands for Gabriel’s location to which she doesn’t respond
- He just growls and sends her sky high and leaves, gathering the rest of the classmates
- Marinette was already transformed having seen the bubbles
- She just hoped that this would maybe end with some in jail if they were really bad parents
- She was searching for the Akuma until she saw Bubbler carrying a terrified looking Rose across buildings
- She had a bit of a hard time catching up with him until he stopped at the Agreste mansion and dropped Rose off in the back yard with the other classmates for the party
- Bubbler started the party with most students looking a little nervous
- Most of their parents were left alone
- I said most not all
- Nathaniel, Chloe and Sabrina’s parents were all taken by the bubbles
- Alim is pulling out adoption papers again
- Bubbler is honestly more amused by that
- He likes this parent and is planning to drop his classmates bad parents because they are his friends
- Alix can’t really slink off to transform and with Bubbler watching him Adrien couldn’t either
- Chloe still pulls the slow dance thing
Rose, dancing with a random dude: I’m a lesbian.
Random dude: Neat. I’m gay.
- She made a new friend with her dance partner, a black haired boy with bright green eyes
- Alix was taking slight amusement in Max tripping over himself because he can’t see shit without glasses
- Ladybug shows up, and switching the music with her lucky charm record
- Several kids tripped and it took Alim glaring at Alix not to laugh
- Alim was the responsible adult and ushered all the kids inside to hide
- Which thankfully gave Alix and Adrien the ability to transform
- Bunnix and Chat fought Bubbler while Ladybug fed her Kwami
- Chat did flirt a little with Bunnix
- This is how Ivan, Kim and Sabrina started shipping Bun Noir
- She just smacked him with her umbrella lightly
- Alim was panicking because he managed to loose both his daughter and Adrien and couldn’t find them
- Ladybug got back, using her yo-yo as a shield against the bubbles
- She also bonked Chat because she wanted to
- Bunnix was cackling
- Bubbler used the green bubbles on them, trapping Chat and Ladybug in one and Bunnix on her own
- Bunnix hearing Chat’s comment she just went: Dude please go to therapy your dad is a dick and I’ve met some shitty people
- Bubbler just sent them up into the sky
- Chat used his cataclysm white Bunnix exited with her burrow
- Bunnix was waiting where they landed and slowed them down so they didn’t skid
- Bunnix and Chat’s timers started up
- The fight ensued on the Eiffel Tower and they successfully deakumatized Nino
- Ladybug used her cure and sent the adults back down to earth
- They did their pound it and Bunnix and Chat ran off to get back to the mansion
- Alim was a little mad at them for disappearing but they just said they were nervous and couldn’t hear him looking for them
- Gabriel is now scared of Alim a little bit
- Adrien gets taught how to use his heelys by Alix and sleeps with the hero plushies every night
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hanaasbananas · 3 years
Fanfic Year in Review 2020
thanks for the tag @2manyfandoms2count! This took me a while to get to but here we are!
Ok I feel like this is just gonna end up being a post where I just gush about Phantoms in the Dark but like...c'mon
This is gonna get long so i've put it under the cut:
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
Most of my stories are one shots of varying lengths, but I did actually finish quite a few so we have:
A Chance Encounter and So it Goes- both zenmaster fics for That 70s Show
Touch the Rain: I honestly forget I wrote this last year, it feels like I wrote it years ago but it's just a standard identity reveal in the heat of an argument type thing.
Ladybug Luck? What's That? The fic that really started my spiral into writing for the ML fandom, and the birth of the Bollywood Playlist series.
Post reveal, where they didn't know each other irl, Marinette sees Adrien at a Gabriel party, realises who he is, and does some property damage in the process.
our eyes speak (but on our lips is silence) At a wedding where Adrien is best man and Marinette is a guest they immediately recognise the other as their partner. Pure fluff and giddiness ensue
The Seduction of Marinette Dupain-Cheng Post reveal-Chat bets Ladybug that he can woo her as a civilian, employing good old fashioned tactics like flowers and poetry
Pink Snapshots of an Adrinette relationship. I just wanted to see if I could write an entire fic with no dialogue whatsoever, and this one got a huge surge in popularity recently so...guess I can!
Exposed Another fic where they don't know each other as civilians. When their identities are revealed in the worst possible way, Ladybug and Chat Noir hide out in a hotel room as they try to process the situation.
This Red Love My first enemies au! In which Adrien joins Hawkmoth from the beginning, but still goes to school and ends up dating Marinette. When he realises who she is, he has to re-examine everything he thought he ever wanted.
i have found someone (like a nomad finds a home) In the last one, Adrien willingly sided with Gabriel, but in this one, he is forced to after Stoneheart. Years later, he meets Marinette, who makes him feel like he isn't a monster.
Memory Chat Blanc in the aftermath when there is nothing left.
Phantoms in the Dark My biggest accomplishment last year! And the longest story I've ever written at 30k words. A historical marichat story based off my favourite poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes. I'm currently working on the sequel.
I only bow down to worship (but I come to a stop when I see you) In which Adrien knows Marinette is Ladybug, and she knows he knows. However, he hasn't told her he's Chat Noir. This is just cute relationship stuff in the same vein as Pink
Collect your Courage, Loyalty, I'll never be the thief (to bring in hot scattered hell) Thought I'd branch out to other fandoms and landed on ATLA. This is a series (eventual zutara) where Zuko realises almost immediately post banishment that he can't follow in his father's footsteps and rebels.
Dancing Lessons Chat Noir and Ladybug decided to reveal their identities at age 20, and now Chat has chosen the venue as well. The only problem is he needs to teach Ladybug how to dance first.
Wish Ok I hurt a lot of people with this one but it's one where in the final fight, Adrien is mortally wounded and Marinette uses the miraculous to save his life, forfeiting her life in the process.Flashes back and forth between her death and how Adrien is coping in the aftermath.
2) Number of words written: 79663. I actually wanted to hit 100k by the end of the year but as those in the guild know, I spent most of December doing kitchen renovations and being pissed about my lack of free time lmao
3) Your most popular fic: Phantoms in the Dark. it has yet to surpass my all time most popular fic it's all a game of chance (they say in wonderland), but it's catching up
4) Your personal fav: Dancing Lessons I wrote this way back in July last year but only posted it in December and I just, it's so sweet I really like it with the flirty banter and just the two of them being SO CUTE
5) Your fav scene: The scene at the end of ch6 of Phantoms where Marinette and Chat talk after their kiss and realise they both are very much into each other.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
I am really bad at action sequences, and even though in Phantoms Adrien was out fighting people on the regular, I just sort of...glossed over them. Except for in chapter 8, where I wrote a proper duel between Chat and someone he was robbing.
What I struggled with was describing the movements, not wanting to make it too complicated whilst not having it be 'he feinted and stabbed' or something really simplistic. There was a lot of pen acting involved, but I think the end result is quite good, if I do say so myself.
7) A line of writing you’re proud of: From Phantoms (of course)
In every lifetime, in every land, we shall find each other.
8) A comment that touched you:
I love every single comment that I get, but someone left this on my musketeers fic Going Through the Motions (posted as a series on ao3 to motivate me to finish the fic but when it was done I compiled all the parts and posted it on ffnet as a oneshot lol and one of my absolute fave fics I've written-no surprise that it's historical 😅) on ffnet, which was a HUGE compliment:
"I like the way you wove dialogue from the series with your fiction. Your story gives us a more complete picture of Bonacieux and explains why Constance rejected D'Artagnan, which we did not get from the series. Your version is better. Well done!"
9) Something that inspired your writing:
I mean...I have an entire series on ao3 that is just fics inspired by bollywood songs/scenes-and those were my main inspiration for so many things. (I actually realised the other day that a scene from the movie Kalank is what inspired me to write Wonderland lmao)
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Honestly, just writing consistently! I graduated in 2019 and in the past, I've started and abandoned so many projects and ideas, and even the first fic I posted on ao3-it took me a year to get the second chapter up and then I only finished it because I wanted to post other stuff but didn't feel like I could until I finished that one lol.
So yeah, that, and of course, actually writing and finishing Phantoms instead of abandoning it like so many of my other ambitious projects. I'm really proud of the 30k I wrote for that story because it's the most I've ever written for a single thing
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I want to finish Forgotten Promises, and the third story in the series. I have the vague plot for that one, and know what's going in the epilogue to end the series but I just need to get there.
Oh! and see 100 ways to say I love you to the end.
This was fun! I tag @theanxiouscupcake @an-elysian-tree @quarantined-fics and anyone else who wants to have a go!
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dearchikkie · 4 years
Happy Birthday
Day 19: Tuxedo Chat
A/N: hey guys!! sorry I haven't been posting, but these past prompts have been really uninspiring for me [banana??????? thats gonna be hell to write when i'm going the full marichat-may-fic] anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one, :)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧*:・゚✧
Soft jazz lofted through the air. Couples waltzed delicately around the room, Alya and Nino among them. Marinette continued to gingerly sip her strawberry mocktail, staring enviously at the dancing items. 
She knew, even if she was allowed, there wasn't anyone she would have wanted to dance with that was currently in attendance; but the fact that she didn't even have a choice in the matter stung more than she thought.
Chloe's birthday party had been referred to as the 'event-of-the-decade', celebrities from all over confirming their attendance as the days went by. Both Marinette and Alya, while detesting Chloe, had begrudgingly been excited about the party. And who wouldn't be? 
The mayor's daughter was spoiled rotten: a five-star venue; a mouthwatering buffet; live music performed by the teens favourite artists. There was everything you'd ever need for an incredible party.
Marinette had been afraid she'd miss it; the party had been advertised everywhere as an 'invite-only' type of thing, and Marinette doubted she was high on Chloe's list of people she wanted there. To her surprise, a week before the celebration was set to happen Chloe had waltzed into the classroom sporting new shiny invitations for everyone. Everyone, except Marinette.
When Marinette had approached Chloe hopeful for an invite, she had been met with instead a reluctant glare. "Sorry, Marinette. You'll get your invite later. See me after class."
The entire day Marinette had been on edge. Why was she being singled out, yet again? She knew Chloe and her weren't on the best of terms, but they hadn't fought for a while now! After school, Marinette had insisted she didn't need Alya to come with her, despite Alya's protests.
Chloe had glared at her from across her desk, and hesitantly slid over Marinette's invitation, "I want your parents catering the desserts."
Shock took over Marinette's body. What? Chloe was willing to pay her parents to cater for her? "O-Of course! I can organise that, but... why our bakery?" she offered.
Chloe scoffed, then smirked a hideous smile, "I want the best of the best. Adrikins suggested the Dupain-Cheng bakery. You should be grateful he suggested you since there's no way in hell I'd choose you myself." 
Adrien suggested them? She tried to swat away the butterflies now fluttering around in her stomach, "Obviously, my party is a very exclusive event. Having your parents there would definitely raise their status and serve as free advertising; so it's only fair you do something in exchange."
There it was. No way would Chloe ever be nice for once. She always had hidden intentions behind every good deed, Marinette should have known by now. "What do you want Chloe?"
She paused for a moment, but then answered, "As their daughter, It's only fair you work behind the bench with them."
"Or else no invite, no catering, no money. Are you really going to ruin this opportunity for your poor pathetic parents?"
"I don't understand-- Work behind the bench?"
"You heard me. I want you in a little white caterer's uniform handing pastries to my special guests."
It took everything in Marinette to stay sitting down. She wanted to scream! To throw the offer back in Chloe's face and strut out with her dignity intact.
But then she imagined her parents; how great the publicity would be. A selfish part of her imagined Alya, Nino and Adrien there without her, having the time of their lives as she sat at home all alone. Her face warmed, Chloe was just trying to humiliate her, but...
"Fine. I'll be behind the counter."
Now, Marinette stood alone behind rows of sugary pastries. Alya and Nino had tried to keep her company for a while, but there was only so much you could do behind a table. Eventually, Marinette shooed them off, demanding they go dance. The music suddenly changed from a slow love song to a fast-paced pop. Couples let go off each other and instead began shaking and shimmying to the rhythm.
Marinette couldn't hide her jealousy. Maybe she should have stayed home? No, she couldn't. It would've torn her apart knowing she had played a part in sabotaging a potential business deal.
So now she sat alone. Sipping on a strawberry mocktail trying her best not to cry.
"Now what is a princess like you doing back here?"
Her head snapped to the side, eyes focusing on a dark figure, "Chat? What are you doing here?" He stepped forward and sidled up next to her, leaning on her shoulder as he sat down,
"The same reason everyone else is; Chloe's birthday,"
"You got an invite to Chloe's birthday party?"
"I'm a superhero, despite her feuding with Ladybug, anyone who's anyone got an invite. Ooh, that looks good!" Chat snatched a cannelé from one of the long trays. "So back to my question; why aren't you over there dancing with your friends?"
"I was only allowed to come if I was working, I didn't really want to, but it's good for business," she shrugged. Marinette spoke as he gobbled down yet another cannelé.
Chat froze in place, gently setting his fourth cannelé down, "Chloe really said that?"
She didn't know why, but Marinette couldn't meet his eyes, "The birthday girl and I aren't really on good terms. Besides, I shouldn't feel too bad; I'm lucky to even be invited in the first place..."
"No way!" Chat jumped up, grabbing Marinette's hand, "You were invited just like all your classmates, you should at least get to dance once!" eyes started to point in their direction. It was a weird sight; a worker hand-in-hand with the Chat Noir.
Lila's eyes narrowed immediately. She sauntered over to pastry table, leaning seductively against it, "Excuse me! I'd appreciate it if you'd actually do your job!" Lila's voice rang. Marinette hastily shoved Chat away from her, "Finally! You'd think growing up a worker you might as well have gotten good at it,"
Chat glared at Lila, "What did you-"
"Hey, Lila. What pastry do you want?" Marinette smiled through her teeth, begging for Lila to make a quick choice and leave.
"What's up, Mari. It's such a shame you aren't allowed to dance. I really missed you out there on the dance floor!" Lila gushed.
"Tragic. Are you going to get something or not?"
Lila huffed, swirling her cup in the air. She opened her mouth to say something, but glanced towards Chat Noir and slowly smiled, "Chat Noir! I didn't see you there! I'd love to dance with you!" she leaned forward and waved. For a split second, Marinette thought Lila was smiling directly at her, but her thoughts were cut off as Lila's cup tipped, spilling the red liquid inside all over Marinette's white uniform. 
Marinette let out a half-scream, silencing herself before she caused a scene. "Oh my gosh! Mari! I am so sorry! I'm just so clumsy sometimes," Lila laughed. Tears pricked the sides of her eyes; this wasn't how tonight was supposed to go. She felt juice slowly drip down onto her legs, sticking to her socks.
"Marinette! Are you ok?" Chat rushed to her side, nervously trying to pat down her juice-soaked hair.
"...Yup! It's just juice, after all! I'm just going to go wash up, don't worry about me!"
"Princess wait-"
"Chat Noir! An interview, please?"
"Sorry, I'm a bit busy right now-"
"Please! It'll only take a second!" Chat shook his head and turned around, but when he looked back, Marinette had already gone.
Marinette stumbled through the halls, opening and closing rooms at random. Where the hell was a bathroom? She wiped her face yet again, wiping away of both tears and juice. She slammed another door shut after seeing yet another lounge, sprinting down the hallway. 
"Ugh!" Marinette ran straight into an unsuspecting bystander, toppling them both to the ground. Marinette opened her eyes and saw Chloe glaring at her from across the room, "What the hell are you doing! Why are you covered in juice?"
Great. Just great. She was covered in Lila's juice and now she had to talk to Chloe. Incredible. "Where's a bathroom? Lila spilt juice on me," Chloe softened her gaze but turned away when she noticed Marinette staring, "It's fine. She said it was just an accident anywa--"
"That lying fox! Who does she think she is?" Chloe grabbed Marinette and pulled her up, "No staff of mine is allowed to walk around looking like this. You have to change."
Marinette followed speechless as Chloe dragged her through endless hallways and rooms, eventually ending in a bedroom covered similarly in pink to Marinette's' own bedroom. Apprehensively, Marinette sat down on the large king bed and watched as Chloe shuffled through her closest, throwing glittery dresses behind her. At last, Chloe stepped away holding a short red dress; it had long tight sleeves and puffed out at the knees. "Here. This'll hopefully fit you."
After changing in the bathroom, Marinette stepped out and let Chloe assess her outfit, "Good enough. Let's go, I can't be missing from my own birthday party!"
"Wait- Chloe! I don't understand, this isn't a uniform?" she stilled. Her back tensed, refusing to make eye contact.
"Yes, well. I- uh." when she did turn around, her arms were crossed and a light blush was painted over her cheeks, "You've already... worked, enough. So I guess you can dance a bit. If you wanted..." Marinette couldn't believe it. Was the Chloe Bourgeois actually being nice? Maybe Chloe wasn't that bad.
"Thanks, Chloe! Let's hurry back!" she grabbed Chloe's hand and dashed back to the main dance hall. As soon as they arrived, Chloe snatched her hand away from Marinette and pushed her away.
"It's not like we're suddenly besties now! I have things to attend to, don't make me regret being nice." she strutted away, but Marinette still saw her smiling slightly.
"Well look at you, guess we both tidied up," she swivelled around and saw Chat Noir dressed immaculately in a smooth black suit. "Now that we're both dressed for the occasion, care to dance?"
What about Adrien?
Thoughts of him shadowed over her, but Marinette quickly shook them away. She was wearing a beautiful dress worth more than her entire bathroom. She wasn't going to let some silly crush stop her from dancing with her friend. "I'd love to, especially since you're dressed like a regular tuxedo cat," Chat grinned at her, looking especially pleased as he dragged her to the dance floor. 
A new, slow song began, and the coupe both slowly waltzed to the tune, ignoring the looks of shock from their friends around the room [Nino could barely hold Alya back when she noticed the duo]. Chat dipped Marinette, both blushing then releasing a fit of giggles.
Lucky for Chat, Marinette missed him mouthing a small 'thank you' in Chloe's direction. She scoffed and turned away, frown deepening when Lila walked into view, "Marinette better put a good word in for me to Ladybug for this." she grumbled, stalking over to where the brunette stood.
"Lila! What are you doing here?" she sneered.
"What do you mean? I got an invite just like everyone else, Chloe," Lila placed a hand on her shoulder, "Are you ok? You look really sickly, have you had anything to eat?"
"Ugh! Don't touch me! Security!" Two men easily resembling Adrien’s bodyguard Gorilla flanked Lila's sides, "This girl is being a nuisance. Escort her out, would you?"
"What? No!" Lila's arms were grabbed in sync, slowly being dragged to the mansion's entrance, "I have an invite! You gave it to me yourself!"
Chloe shrugged, walking back to where the celebrations were being held, "Oh, really? I don't remember that,"
"You liar! You know I'm allowed to be her-" the guards threw her back, swiftly closing the doors behind them. Lila pounded on the doors, but no one reopened them for her.
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makoto-nanami · 4 years
Miraculous Rewrite: Origins Part 2 (Chapter 5)
Been a long time... whoops... Welp, Adrien and Marinette meet, Chloe attempts to threaten Alice (fails badly fyi) and Alya makes bad life preserving choices! Have fun!! Also if Alice seems harsh this chapter, the people who need to listen aren’t listening and she has to deal with dumb people, you’d be stressed too! It’ll get better by the end of Part 2 I swear!
Marinette storms into the classroom glaring at the boy, ah jeez not good. “Hey! What are you doing?” Adrien struggles to answer the angry girl, confusion crossing his face, I let go of his arm and raise my hand to cover my cringe at the situation. Chloé and Sabrina laugh at the girl, I don’t see what’s so funny, it’s disgusting and unsanitary. Marinette looked at the two girls before her eyes widen in realisation at what she thinks has happened. “Okay. I get it. Good job, you three. Very funny.” Her voice blunt and tired, upon looking closer she looked a little red around the eyes like she had been crying and a little sleep deprived, I couldn’t help but avert my gaze in guilt.
Adrien tries to defuse the situation, grabbing Marinette’s attention. “No, no, I was just trying to take it off!” I step forward.
“Wait, Marinette, he’s…” I’m cut off by the two witches cackling even louder.
“Look, Alice. I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but just stop.” The blunette avoids my face as she stresses. She spins to face Adrien. “And you! You’re friends with Chloé, right?” Adrien looks at her in shock.
“Why do people keep saying that?” He whispers, but Marinette hears him and scoffs, returning to her seat before pulling out a tissue and covering the disgusting blubber. Adrien looks to me as if asking for help. I stare at him.
“After school. Kid… Get new friends.” He looks even more shocked and the blond witch glared at me.
“What? Do I need to teach you to respect me too? Adrien is way out of your league!” Her shrill voice worsening my already growing headache.
“Oh Chloé, I assure you, if you try that with me, I promise you’ll regret it.”
“Is that a threat Wattson? I’ll have you know my Daddy, THE MAYOR, can have you deported you know!”
“Yeah, but I’m sure you’re Daddy would be thrilled to hear that his daughter is trying to put bodily fluids onto people. If your fathers not interested, I’d be happy to spread that info around to everyone who is, and let’s say I do somehow get deported, I’ll happily plead my case and sue your precious daddy. I may not like lawyers, but I know a few who have a licence to practice globally, plus… I wonder what kind of dirt I could pick up on poor Mayor Bourgeois before I am deported huh?” I sneer at the blond in front of me as she huffs and goes back to her seat. Adrien looks at me as if disappointed in the way I handled the situation. While I may have been a little overdramatic, for people like her, you have to be or else they don’t get it. Not doing anything, let alone not saying anything would be worse! Also… I can’t afford to be deported because some rich brat is throwing a tantrum, I better try to dig up some dirt on the family, for insurance. I take my seat in the back and watch the two interact with their seatmates… I sigh… teenagers.
Bustier walks in and greets the class with a smile like nothing happened yesterday. I look to Ivan and notice he’s not in his seat. Where is he… Oh no… this feeling, it’s gotten to the same intensity as yesterday. An Akuma? Could it be…
“Agreste, Adrien?” Bustier called, patiently waiting for him to answer. I need to get out of here, with them. Nino leans over and whispers into the boy’s ear, only for him to jump up eagerly with his hand raised. “Uh, present!” He squeaks, the others laugh at him, his cheeks turning red as he sits down and fist bumps his seatmate, hey… at least he’s following my advice, wait, no, focus Alice, gotta hurry.
Bustier giggles at him, moving onto the next name. “Bourgeois, Chloé?” Chloé says present back to the woman and I raise my hand nervously.
“Miss? Erm, may I go to the toilet?” Alice? Toilet break… five minutes after class starts? Really?
“You should have gone before class. Let me get through attendance and today's task, and then you may go.” Marinette turns her head to look at me suspiciously. “Bruel, Ivan?”
Suddenly, the Akuma from yesterday, busts down the door, crap, too late! “Present! Mylène?” The giant scans the chaotic classroom, people running away from the room. Adrien jumps over his desk and runs out of the classroom. “Wait!” I try to get his attention, but he’s too quick, at least he’s quick to react. Ivan, no Stoneheart spots Mylène and reaches to grab her.
“Let go of me, Ivan!” She screams, but not in pain, even when taken over, he’s still so gentle…
“I’m not Ivan anymore. I’m Stoneheart!”
“Why are you doing this?”
“So you and I can be together forever!” Anger fills me, a part of me remembers that this isn’t how the Moth Miraculous should be used, it allows those possessed to reveal and obtain their true desires, but not like this tainted with darkness, instead of loving her, the Akuma has made him obsessive.
My anger is interrupted by the annoying ring of Mayor’s Brat on her phone, speaking loudly… is she that stupid? “Daddy, the monster is back!” Stoneheart growls at the girl and grabs her tightly, making her let out a small shriek of pain. He breaks the wall of the classroom and jumps down onto the street level, crap oh crap… that’s a problem. I turn to Marinette to find her cowering under the desk, the same fog in her eyes from yesterday lingered, swirling in deep fear. Alya slides to see her with a grin. “Come on! Let’s follow him!” She’s almost vibrating from the excitement; does she not care that her classmate is probably going through the roughest time of his life?!
“Uh… Oh, no. You go. I’m finding myself a safe place to hide.” She stutters. Alya just shakes her in her excitement.
“Girl, you’re gonna miss Ladybug in action!” Marinette looks at the bag on the table before picking up, it’s Alya’s bag. Wait… the energy coming from it… no! That idiot!
“You and Ladybug will both be better off without me…” She murmurs, ashamed of her past mistakes. She holds the bag out for Alya to take. The fangirl just shrugs ignoring the girl’s gesture and runs out the room. I sigh in relief but Marinette panics running after her. “Wait! Your bag!”
I run after her, taking my hoodie out of my bag and wrapping it around me. Marinette notices me and cries in annoyance and frustration. “Why are you following me? I told you to leave me alone!”
“Well if you would just listen to me instead of wallowing in self-pity, I’d be happy to! What the hell do you think you’re trying to do?! You can’t just give away your Miraculous to some girl!” I know this makes me sound like a hypocrite, but now is not the time!
“H-how did you know?! And self-pity?! I failed, what else could I do!” I was about to answer, but we were coming closer to Alya who had started filming the disaster in front of her.
“You have no idea who you’re dealing with. My daddy, the mayor, will bring in the police, the army, the entire cavalry!” I’m pretty sure he already has… Swinging in on his baton, Chat hits Stoneheart only making him bigger.
“And don’t forget the superheroes! …Oh no. My bad…”
“Ugh. Super incompetent, you mean!” Chloé screams at him.
“Focus Chat! Just keep dodging!” I shout out, he nods, not taking his eyes off the giant golem.
“Ugh! You wanted the cavalry? Well, here it is!” Crap, I hear the rumbling of the smaller giants running amok and they begin to surround Chat. “Seize him!” I dodge the ones that run in from behind us, Marinette curls up into a ball, making herself as small as she could to avoid the stampede, while Alya jumped onto the pavement. Mylène screams.
“Ivan! Where are we going?” Terror clouding her eyes.
“To deliver a message. Then we’ll be brought together forever by a pretty black butterfly!” A message? From who? My thoughts cut short by his other captive.
“Ugh. All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick.” Is she trying to get killed?
“Don't worry, little monster. I'm gonna take care of you, too.” Chloé cringes at the implications behind Stoneheart’s words as they get away.
I turn my attention back to Chat and notice Alya moving closer, what the hell is she doing?! Chat is suddenly slammed to the ground, holding them back with his baton. “If you can hear me, Ladybug, I could use a little help!” His voice strained and they begin to pile on top of his stick. Suddenly one of the giants flip over a car, sending it flying towards Alya, I reach out in vain, but the boy quickly throws his stick to save her, however, it still pins her, and the baton is slipping. The giants grab Chat and carry him away. “Let go, let go of me you rockhead!”
“HELP!!” She screams. I turn to the frozen Marinette, she stares at the trapped girl conflicted on what to do, her body twitching as if trying to react. I skid in front of her and shake her.
“I- I… It’s all my fault if I had given it to her sooner… If I had become Ladybug…”
“Oh, my Kwami! Will you quit it with the pity party! Marinette, you made a mistake, so what! You have the power and ability to fix that, so what exactly is stopping you?! Your partner and friend need you! I know you’re scared but you need to be brave! Marinette, what do you want to do?!” Her eyes instantly clear up, burning with courage and determination, that-a-girl! She pulls the box out of Alya’s bag and puts on the Miraculous. Tikki zooming out with a smile, happy to see her chosen again.
“I think I need Ladybug!” Tikki’s eyes brightened at Marinette’s words.
“I knew you’d come around!” Marinette shook her head and looked at me.
“Well… I’m still not sure I’m up for this, but… Alya’s in danger! I can’t sit back and do nothing! I want to save her!” I smile, understanding her desire and fears.
“You know the magic words then!”
“Tikki, spots on!”
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silvia7272 · 4 years
11 ~ 3 In 1 ~ Piper Burst/Training Time/Added Member
Ok so I was still sad that I hadn’t included everything from the previous chapter so this may just be a shorter part 2, unless if I want to include the 3 in 1. Or both, both sounds good.
Word Count: 5381
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @maribat-is-lifeblood, @raisuke06, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @luleck, @themotherofhogwarts, @more-or-less-human-i-guess, @gwennex, if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Also, if you change your name please tell me, I don’t want to leave you out since you’ve asked to be tagged.
This fanfic and its ideas were all made after season 3 and before season 4/movie came out, so if something doesn’t add up please don’t worry. That information wasn’t available then, and unless it fits into my story or I like it, I won’t include it in my story.
Just so it's not too boring there won’t be an Akuma/Amok/Trinklet in every chapter. I may like fight/action scenes but too much isn’t good, kinda wish canon did that as well. So, I’m proposing that Hawkmoth won’t be making an Akuma every single day. Sorry canon, I don’t want my story to become repetitive. Probably the only other reason why is because I can’t think of any Akuma names/powers/reasons to be upset just for 1 time. Damnit, I have better things to do.
“Girls you need to wake up soon.” A voice shouted from downstairs. The three girls stirred awake.
“Ok, Maman sorry.” Marinette rushed downstairs in a panic, nearly tripping over the last step only to be caught by Rosina.
“C’mon Mari, let’s hurry,” Said girl pushed herself up and soon dressed in her usual attire. Yesterday was a hectic day, she hoped today would be much simpler.
No promises.
Kissing her Parents on their cheek, Rosina and Marinette prepared to leave, but someone tiny was following them.
“Oh Piper you can’t follow them, they have to go to Collège now. But you can stay with us and wait until they come home” Sabine crouched to her level and reached out her hand to pat her head.
But once again Piper grasped onto Rosina yet again, she wasn’t scared of Sabine, but she was still extremely cautious of everyone besides the redhead.
“Hey, Piper, its alright, it won’t be for that long” Rosina tried cooeing her, but she continued to grab onto her clothes.
“I don’t think she’s gonna let go” That could be a problem, if they left, they knew Piper would cry and may end up Akumatized, but they couldn’t skip Collège.
What to do what to do? …
“I know, I’ll call the college up and ask if you can bring Piper along, even if it's just for a short amount of time. Hopefully, by then, Piper will come out of her shell.” Sabine smiled towards the girls. She certainly didn’t want to make any of the girls uncomfortable, and she could tell how Piper wasn’t at ease around anyone besides Rosina and Marinette.
“Really? That would be so nice of you Sabine” Her smile widened as Marinette pounced on her Parents, exclaiming her gratitude as well.
“Well, we’ll cya later. Bye Maman, bye Papa” They waved, Piper copying the two as they took one step out.
“Marinette, Rosina! Now you have to explain!” A hand was pointed towards them by none other then Aurore.
“Aww she looks even cuter here”
“So, you weren’t kidding?” Marc stared in shock.
Who else had stopped them at the base of her door? Her friends of course. Of course, it had to be them, of course, they couldn’t wait until they got there.
Oh well, they would’ve had to tell them eventually right?
“Ok ok, we’ll tell you on the way” Piper was still shy and decided to bury herself in Rosina. They opted to tell them the same story Marinette told her Parents, after all, it would get too confusing if more stories were made.
“Soo Rosina just made a mistake? Good, we were worried you just took the girl from the street, man you got us worried” Marinette nervously gulped, if Rosina wasn’t as good a liar as she knew she was she’d think they would be in deep trouble.
“Is she alright? She does seem really scared” Marc asked worriedly, he knew the signs all too well.
“Yeah, she’s just really shy of new people, she always has” Rosina pat Piper’s head, and started to coax her into meeting her other friends. Saying things like they are just like Marinette and Chloé, and that they would never hurt her, and they would like her immediately, in fact, they do.
The three nodded but didn’t move so they wouldn’t alarm the girl. Piper peaked out of Rosina, gave them a slight wave in their direction, before turning back and hiding herself.
It was a good start the girls proposed.
“Aww, that was adorable.” Mireille cooed out. And Marc smiled. But Aurore noticed something tied around her waist. It looked… Like a mask.
Wait a minute!
“How does she have Crisono’s mask!?” Aurore didn’t mean to shout it, but the shock just overcame her.
Unfortunately for them, someone overheard that question.
“Who has Crisono’s mask?” The ombre haired girl asked, she had come up to the group, surprising them with her quickness and speed, she looked around before her eyes landed on Rosina and a kid she didn’t recognise.
“You have a Sister? No way me too. Tell me, is she a brat sometimes? Mine can be such a handful y’know, you can never get away from them to have some peace and quiet” Marinette's mouth hung wide open. The hell? How could that be the first thing she says? Yeah, siblings could be annoying (she didn’t know but with her sometimes babysitting Manon she could definitely say they could be a handful) but she couldn’t just outright say it!
“I know exactly how you feel, one of my Mother’s friends always asked me to babysit their kid and they could prove to be so much of a handful y’know. They eventually listened to me after so much time together they immediately grew to love me. But if you want, I could give you some tips?” Lila had entered the fray, and they hadn’t even processed it yet.
“Excuse you!?” It was Chloé. And boy did she look furious!
“There's one thing to intrude upon a conversation, there's another thing to just rudely cast your opinions upon a child!” Chloé prodded her fingers into the girl's chest, jabbering at her almost as much as her words.
“As if you can talk, you don’t even have a Sister. The most you had to take care off was your attitude, and even then, look where that got you” Alya jabbed back, as if she’d let Chloé of all people walk over her.
“Hey what the hell was that for? You were in the wrong first, and there's no need to fight in front of a child” Aurore jumped in, she saw the saddened face of the two girls and wanted to help. Her and Chloé may not see eye to eye but that didn’t mean she was going to leave her like that.
“Aurore I cannot believe you girl, I thought you had more sense than that. How can you stick up for Chloé after everything she’s done?” Alya held shock on her face, she thought Aurore was smarter than that, was she under the blonde and bluenette’s spell as well-
“That’s enough!” They all heard the voice, but were shocked at whom it was from. They all turned to look at Rosina, a wave of slight anger in her eyes they hadn’t seen before, two had and even they wished they could erase it from their memory.
The girl waltzed up to Chloé and Aurore, grabbed both their hands and walked off.
“We’re going to class so you can stop being mean to my friends” They walked off and into the school. Marinette, Mireille and Marc followed after them, surprised to see Rosina like that.
Alya and Lila stood there in shock, one noting that she wasn’t as much of an airhead as she thought, the other thinking maybe she had gone a bit too far with her comment about her Sister. Whatever the case, they decided to give her some space.
“Err… Rosy? Are you ok?” Marc was the first one to ask. Upon arriving in their classroom, it was empty, meaning they had some time before people would come crawling in. Maybe it would be good to meet up like this, so they didn’t have to wait for that one lunchtime to meet up.
To their luck, Piper didn’t understand the conversation they just had, and they were able to distract her with crayons and pieces of paper. She was drawing carefully for such a young person her age.
While she was in her element the rest grew concerned with Rosina’s outburst. They had never seen her like that, was it normal?
“Sorry, I just don’t like arguments. Me and Aunty never had them, so I really don’t like them…  And I didn’t like that Alya called Piper a brat.” Mireille rested a hand on the girl's shoulder, trying to comfort her.
“It’s ok Rosina. I hate arguments as well, it's normal. So, if anything else ever makes you uncomfortable just tell us ok?” Rosy stared before her smile stretched across her face, quickly hugging her.
“You guys are the best” Mireille was surprised as her emotions were quickly changing.
“Group hug!” Someone shouted, she wasn’t sure who, but it didn’t matter, everyone was engulfed in arms.
“You too Chloé”
“Ahh! -” She slowly accepted her fate, though her clothes may be ruffled, for once she didn’t care about it. Baby steps.
Time passed as they all talked over plans to hang out, since it was a Monday they all planned to watch Rosina’s fencing match, D’Argencourt allowed them to as long as they were quiet and wouldn’t distract any other students, and afterwards meet up with Luka and Noémie. Kagami would already be there and by her Mother’s command have exactly 2 hours of free time with her friends on weekdays. And if she had finished her noble arts and studies earlier, she would have some extra hours at weekends. It was better than before so they were glad they could bring Kagami along.
They had planned on going to an arcade, there was a small one apparently Noémie knew about, somehow, she knew all the best places, she must’ve explored a bunch of unknown sites.
Rosina felt tugging from her top and looked down to see the black-haired girl hand her some paper. It held scribbles of flowers and stars drawn all around it. Marinette had a few picture books she had used for when Manon would be quiet, and she quite enjoyed them. Piper seemed to adore them as every one of her drawings contained it.
That’s right drawings.
“Aww Piper these are adorable”
“What a real artist”
“I know exactly what to buy you for your next birthday” Piper had made a drawing for each of them, so 6 in total. And they were all great. They all felt honoured she would draw for them.
Ring… Ring
The bell had rung signalling for them to attend their own classroom. As the three from Mendeleiev’s class began to exit the room a certain redhead arrived.
They stared for a bit, one glared while another tried to dodge the gaze. Aurore grabbed onto Marc’s hand and marched straight out of there, if Nathaniel wanted to believe a liar more than his friend then that was on him. He made his bed now he can lie in it. Mireille walked along with them, and away they went. Marinette was still disheartened about the whole thing, she wasn’t able to convince Nathaniel to change his mind, she didn’t know what exactly Lila had told him but whatever it was, had fully convinced him Marc had to go.
Even after everything they had been through, he chose to throw it all away.
But that was how life was.
More people filled the room, some were surprised to see a child, others hadn’t noticed, some had taken double takes but the teacher luckily entered and was able to explain everything… Even if Marinette could tell she wasn’t thrilled about the situation. Marinette didn’t say anything, I mean, she was just a child, who may have not been taken care of, who was she to deny the girl some affections from her newfound Sister?
“Did you enjoy today Piper?” The little girl nodded, a toy was cuddled up to the girl, a toy a certain blue-haired boy was able to win, earning the trust of the girl right away. Since Luka was the only one to have a sibling, that they knew of at least, and with Juleka being his Sister, he automatically knew how to get the girl to come out of her shell.
It was incredibly cute, even Chloé couldn’t deny it. Her little arms reaching around to hug the second eldest of the group. Piper may have been shy towards the teens at the start, but she became pretty social afterwards. Accepting hugs from all of them and even being carried by them, she was then considered the little Sister to them all. And although it took a while for Kagami to earn the girls trust, she loved her none the less. Noémie begged to take a picture of the cute girl as they all posed again before leaving.
And it was at that time Marinette noticed she started to smile, she had seen the girl looking at other people laughing and hugging others, Marinette thought maybe she was just glancing at a lot of things considering her age, but now she knew it was because she was intrigued and probably just wanted to do it herself.
It was surprisingly Chloé and Aurore who were able to produce the first smile, Piper had pointed to a toy with a female in a giant pink tutu and in such an elegant stance, it appeared she was beginning her own routine. She didn’t know what it was so the group explained ballet to her, Aurore suggested someone demonstrating so Piper could properly understand and selflessly volunteered Chloé for the job. The other blonde appeared to challenge the thought and smugly waltzed onto an empty DDR machine. She danced as they all wooed her, clapping’s and a lone whistle was heard. She also had an audience partaker; Rosina copied her movements perfectly. Piper widened her eyes, astonished of how cool and fun it looked.
“Wow,” She whispered, a small astonished smile appearing on her face, making Marinette notice and pick her up to join them.
But she was only able to make everyone else unbalanced and all of them fell onto the floor in a pile. But they all laughed, her clumsiness was well known at this point, what else could they say?
When Piper waddled up to Chloé and looked up towards the blonde, she bent down towards her… And had her nose booped.
It happened, it finally happened.
Chloé hadn’t been so happy than in that moment.
Picking her up and spinning around saying she was going to teach her everything there was to ballet.
They continued playing with a bunch of other machines before the tiny girl was worn out.
Overall, the sleepy expression the tiny girl held on her face was well worn. And as the two girls headed back home to rest up, Chloé having departed already, they were going to enjoy their quiet free time.
Tap, tap, tap.
‘… Huh?’
Tap, tap, tap.
Marinette sat up, that wasn’t Chat Noir was it? He hadn’t visited for a while; she guessed his civilian self might have been busy but oh well.
“Chat what are you doing here?”
“How dare you mix me up for that oversized cat?”
Mrs Hernandez?
Her bedroom window opened, and the older woman had entered. One girl jumped as the other held an enjoyable expression on her face.
“Aunty!” Of course, she hugged her, and of course she had proceeded to be whacked on the head.
“What are you doing here Aunty? Is there another Trinklet? Or is there an Akuma we need to take care off? Do we need to bring Chloé with us again?” A whack was heard once more in the room.
“No amaretto, there is a much urgent matter to attend to”
“What is it?” Marinette grew worried, was this about the Miraculous, any side effects she had yet learned off?
“This… Is about your training”
“Chop chop, you shall meet me in 10 minutes near the Louvre. And you best bring that Bourgeois girl as well” They couldn’t ask any more questions as a box was thrown towards them and she vanished.
What the hell was that?
And- wait 10 minutes, quick they had to leave now!
“Ok, we’re all here now, why did you have to have this now? I had to cancel a hair appointment for this!” Stinger huffed crossing her arms, clearly annoyed at the clash of events. Finding Mrs Hernandez at the Louvre was one thing, her pushing all three into the Trinklet without any time to speak was another.
“Well Bourgeois, if you want to take that hair appointment instead of learning how to be a mediocre hero, then you are free to leave and prove my point” They glared at each other before Chloé huffed off, saying she’ll stay here instead.
Hernandez smirked, knowing she had achieved a small victory.
Ladybug sighed, if this is how they’re going to act for all meetings she’d rather not be a part of any of it.
But the older woman coughed to get everyone's attention, they all stood in a line awaiting any other further instructions.
“Now that you’re all here you should expect that your once normal and average lives will be changed and altered forever, and because you’ve already accepted you can’t step back” Ladybug was about to speak up, they already had the Miraculous how crazy could it become?
She was silenced by the woman’s stare and promptly closed her mouth.
“Your training starts now, and I expect all of you to follow my orders without hesitation” A loud yes ma'am was heard, the other two promptly followed shortly afterwards, although with less enthusiasm.
“Now transform back” Crisono did it without hesitance.
Ladybug and Stinger froze and grew shocked!
“What? We can’t, I can’t let anyone learn about my identity” Chloé quickly shook her head, she knew everyone there knew about her identity but she couldn’t learn about Ladybug’s, not now and certainly not here in the Trinklet again Stinger had to have a moment to collect herself on being transported to two different worlds in two days.
“Oh hush, you can still keep your identity a secret if you really want to even if it would be so much easier if you didn’t” Ladybug and Chloé looked so confused, what?
“There is a spare set of sports clothes in those doors, change into them when you detransform… Secret identities are so much hassle” She muttered that last part as she walked away. Ladybug and Stinger looked at each other still unsure.
“Is this a good idea? I mean, doesn’t the Miraculous protect us from learning about our identities?” Stinger asked, she didn’t want to find out who Ladybug was, although she liked the mystery to remain she didn’t want to accidentally reveal her idols identity.
“I’m sure it’ll be alright, you’ll both be wearing masks still, plus I think your Kwami’s might be able to give you both a magic cover so I don’t think there's any reason to fear. Plus, now your Kwami’s can give pointers and help us and-” A finger was placed on her lips to silence her.
“Whoa whoa whoa, settle down there Rosina. One thing at a time. Let’s just get changed first before we get into that” Ladybug smiled, no matter the situation, Rosina would always be so hyper.
“Sooooorrrrrryyyyyyyyy, I’m just happy that we’re all going to train together, I know it's going to be hard at first, and hurt all over your body, and as days past you’ll wish to just stay in bed all day and forever… But I promise you’ll love it; we’ll all be the strongest heroes in the world”
What the hell did they get themselves into?
“Left right left right! Come on Ladybug, aren’t you faster than that!” She was dodging flying planks of wood that would swing right in front and back to her… Without her Miraculous. Man, what a nightmare, and this was meant to be basic training?
“What's the matter Stinker? Got cold feet already?” She turned her head towards the hero clad in yellow, fully knowing she wasn’t fearing well much either.
“It’s Sovereign Stinger to you” She replied but didn’t move. Below her were tiles that would set of a trap, she had to run to the other side without setting any of them off, if she did she would have to go back all the way to the beginning and start all over again.
‘I may hate this but I am so going to complete it just so I can shove it in that old woman's fac-’ Red flashed her eyes as the tile opened up and swallowed her whole, she would be placed at the start yet again.
The Kwami’s were busily indulging in food as they watched their respective holders… ‘Training’ they were of course worried but Hernandez told them not to, if they are any good at being heroes then this will be a piece of cake by the time they complete it.
They didn’t seem too convinced until they remembered to look up. A lone type rope was there, and a redheaded figure was slowly making her way across it, she was as straight as a board, and the baton she used to steady herself helped as far as they could tell. Until they were able to make out that she wasn’t holding it with her hands, oh no, she was holding it with her feet.
“Rosina is crazy” Pollen nodded her head.
“Yes indeed, I wouldn’t class this as any regular training I’ve seen, how can she see with that blindfold?” Pollen spoke, worried for her holder's friend as the colour from Tikki’s face drained.
“Wait she’s BLINDFOLDED!?”
“Of course she is, you wouldn’t think I’d give her something basic to start off with like those two?”
“THIS IS MEANT TO BE BASIC TRAINING!?” Ladybug screamed but she had lost her focus, she had gotten hit and flew across the field. Her and Stinger landed in a pile together.
“I have to say, you two did better than what I thought, but I suppose you can have a break” The girls smiled, finally some rest.
“Rosiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” The older woman screamed. As the two girls looked up, they were able to see their friend swinging around on the rope, if it was anyone else but her, they would’ve been petrified at that prospect but they weren’t concerned.
This wasn’t even the craziest thing she’s done-
Wait a minute she wasn’t swinging anymore.
“Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys” Arms were wrapped around the two girls as they screamed in shock.
“Wait for one-second Crisono, how did you get down here so quick!?” Rosina’s smile left her face immediately, and she leaned in very close towards the girls, they leaned in as well to hear her answer.
They fell over in shock.
“Now let’s get us some water I’m thirsty” She joyfully skipped over to their fridge as Ladybug and Stinger resolved to just sit down there, hoping there wouldn’t be any more surprises.
“Heads up!”
… Why does she keep jinxing herself?
A bottle landed on the bluenette, with no way for her to cover herself after being so exhausted with her previous training, she gave a glare to the redhead, who only smiled back in return.
“Sorry about that Ladybug. Heads up” Was spoken yet again, but the object was thrown in a different direction. And was caught by her Aunt.
Ladybug supposed it was natural, they must’ve done this routine over a hundred times by now, of course, they were used to it.
“You both need much more training before you can even qualify as a hero in my books, but considering it's only been a day I suppose it’s the best you can produce” Normally they would have a retort but they were too exhausted to think of anything witty, so they just waved her away.
“And I believe you require another person to join” The three girls looked up in confusion.
“When I’ll have you do the next step in your training, it's important that you can fight your opponent efficiently, but to do that you’ll need to fight each other to prove to me you listened to every instruction. And since I don’t want you slacking off, I think it’s time for you to include someone else.” The two girls glared at her with that last sentence, but she didn’t care.
“And so when you all train together you’ll know everyone's strengths and weaknesses, and since I want it to be even I believe someone else joining would prove useful to you. I want you all to know the importance of fighting without your Miraculous and not to rely on your magical power for everything.” Ladybug thought for a while, before deciding on someone.
“Great, I’ll bring Chat here and then we can get him up to speed with the Trinklets and Revenant-”
That sound was heard throughout the field, but instead of the redhead being hit, it was the bluenette.
“What was that for!?” Hernandez glared at the young heroine; she was so naïve it hurt her so.
“I will not have that mangy cat anywhere here until he proves he can act serious in a battle. Until then I want this to remain a secret from him… Do you all understand?”
“But Chat is Ladybug’s partner, they can’t keep secrets from each other” Tikki tried to reason, Chat may act goofy sometimes, but he was still a hero to Paris no matter what, he still helps whenever he can.
Mrs Hernandez however never lifted her glare.
“I won’t repeat myself again,” Tikki reluctantly flew back down to Ladybug’s side saddened she couldn’t persuade her former holder, but a gentle pat on her head calmed her down.
“Now I expect you to pick someone that will have a strive to protect and conquer any enemy in their way.”
Ladybug looked down in thought, if she couldn’t let her own partner know who else was there? It, of course, couldn’t be Alya or Nino, she hadn’t called them up since last summer, they were unofficially retired.
And it couldn’t be anyone from her class, it may be petty of her, but she also believed they wouldn’t keep it a secret, she still feared for the day Alya would tell Lila she was Rena Rouge.
What about one of her new friends?
Although, they might find it strange to suddenly called for, plus she didn’t want them to fear for the new threat.
She needed someone that would be composed and loyal, and who would take the situation seriously.
A light bulb went off in her head.
“I see you’ve made your choice… Hurry along now, make sure you don’t keep me waiting” Ladybug got up, said her goodbyes with the promise of bringing someone who would be perfect for them.
After all, they already knew each other.
“Amoretto, I know she’s your friend but you do have to hit her at some point, you need more help with your combat abilities as it is”
A dodge was made.
“But Aunty I can’t, she’s my friend… And she might hit me harder”
A fist was pulled back…
“Damn right I will”
But it couldn’t make contact.
“Get back here Rosina!”
“Nooooooo you’re scaring me!”
And that’s the story of how Hernandez had two children running around her in circles.
“Ahem,” Someone cleared their throat to gain the three’s attention from their… “Training”
“I thought long and hard about what you said Mrs Hernandez, and I believe I’ve chosen the perfect candidate” Ladybug stepped out of the way for the person to come out.
They waited before seeing blue hair and a maroon mask, they had already gotten changed into the Gym clothes so at least then they could get started.
“Hooray a new face. Hiya there I’m Crisono” The new blue-haired girl stood back, so this was Crisono Tassa? She had expected her to be a bit, how would you say? Formal? Serious? But here she was all smiles and giggles.
And reminding her of someone.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Crisono, I’ve heard so much about you, I would be honoured if we could have a fencing match?” Crisono’s eyes lit up in awe. Sparkling with joy.
“Of course of course of course. Aunty can we can we can we? Pleeeeease?” She fluttered her eyelashes in her Aunt’s direction.
Hernandez, however, didn’t respond as she was looking the newcomer up and down, trying to stare her down, but it appeared she wouldn’t look away from her glare. Almost challenging it weirdly.
“Heh” Hernandez smirked, she liked this kid already, she seemed to prove herself in a matter of unspoken seconds, she couldn’t wait to see what else she could prove.
“I suppose seeing your skills in action would be a way for me to test what your capable off, if you think you can handle it?” The new girl nodded.
“I will strive to do everything to prove myself” She bowed formally.
“Very well, cherub teach her what it takes to be a true hero” Crisono excitedly waved her arms up and down again, a habit the girls noticed she would do whenever she was happy.
“Ok… Does that mean we can fight?”
“Yes, of course it means you can fight… What am I going to do with you?” Hernandez sighed as Rosina giggled before taking the new girl’s hand and take her to a large field. Ladybug and Stinger making their way over as well, wanting to enjoy the show.
“Oh yeah, what's your superhero name?” The new girl looked down, she knew, in the long run, she wouldn’t be able to go by her old name, Hawkmoth already knew her identity and she couldn’t put her friends and family in danger.
So, she decided to choose someone who had inspired her for a sport she had grown to love.
“I’m YukiOta”
“I suppose you’ll need to catch me up to speed Tikki” Longg floated over to his long-time friend, forgetting the last time he had seen her he was excited to spend some time outside.
“Of course Longg, don’t worry it's not all bad… At least I don’t think so” Longg looked confused, what did she mean by that?
“Here Longg, we have plenty of snacks to eat as they all train. But don’t worry about them, they’ll be alright” Longg gave a puzzled look again before settling down near them, greedily taking a cookie while listening to Pollen and Tikki retell the recent events that had transpired.
“You’ll get used to it”
In a classroom, voices were heard. Well, more like whispers were formed by the people in there.
And it was very clear as to why.
They all saw, it was impossible not to notice.
I mean, the three girls who sit in the back come in, all with bandages around them? What had happened? Were they involved in a fight? Was there a short Akuma attack the news team couldn’t capture because they couldn’t get there in time?
Whatever had happened they were still worried and asked what had occurred, they may not be on the same page but to leave them like that would just be heartless, a brunette couldn’t really care less but had to act as if she did.
“We’re starting paintball lessons”
And like that everything went back to normal, of course, that had to be the reason. Kim vouched, saying the last time he went paintballing he came back with a bruised leg, he hadn’t worn enough protection and shivered at how long it took for him to heal.
And even though it seemed plausible… It still seemed strange that someone as clumsy as Marinette, and someone as dirt free as Chloé would ever participate in such an extreme sport such as paintballing.
Rosina, they could kinda understand, she had already proved to be a pro of a fencer so this activity would just be a form of exercise.
Chloé had asked why Marinette was all banged up only for Rosina to say her Aunt wants her to personally teach her some self-defence tactics, but she kept falling over. Chloé laughed at that as Marinette huffed asking why she’s so banged up, Chloé’s smirk fell off her face as she stuttered for a reason, eventually saying she was starting karate thank god Marinette seemed to buy it.
The girls thought the next few days wouldn’t be as bad.
Boy were they wrong.
And it’s done, sorry this might have taken longer, I kinda got into a Pokémon phase as I plan to do something big with Pokémon, but I need to plan it out more, so hopefully, that will be good. Also, hope you like it, next one is either 3 in 1 or Felix I’m leaning more towards Felix, haven’t decided yet, anyone have any short requests for me to do in the 3 in 1? Any scenarios?
Well anyway, I’m going to upload YukiOta’s design afterwards so you can all see it. Hope you’ll like it.
Also, what really sucks is that my drawing tablet doesn’t work with the Paint Tool Sai and every time I install it and uninstall it, it always makes my computer reset so I really hate that. Hopefully, it's just a problem with the laptop as I’m planning on getting another one for uni soon. But that also means updates will be slower so sorry, but I want to pass uni.
Anyway, hope to see you all soon. Have a good day/night.
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I rewatch Miraculous—Mr. Pigeon
Behold!!! The episode that almost made me stop watching Miraculous.
No for real i think i got up and left the room first time around, this episode was so ridiculous.
• “You only have one day to work on your fashion piece.” Only a day? That seems kinda unrealistic when you take into account designing, gathering materials, whether or not you need to go out and buy any materials, the amount of time it takes to actually put all that together...
•WHOA Gabriel’s actually smiling in that pic Mrs. Bustier shows. Er, smiling-ish
•Pure cinnamon roll child seems proud this peppermint frappucino dickhead is his father (Gabriel ur hair looks like whipped topping and that tie doesnt help). BE GRATEFUL FOR SUCH A CARIBG CHILD YOU PRICK!!!
•Maaaaaariii chill the fuck out your overactive imagination and severe anxiety are getting the better of you.
•AHEM Gabriel has a purple bowtie in Mari’s imagination instead of that ridiculous peppermint scarf he uses to hide Nooroo’s broach???
•Adrien: appears out of nowhere
Marintette: jerks and flops away like a fish on dry land
Me: lol bye Marinette
• Adriens beuatiful face when Mari is talking to him (before she blunders and stumbles with her words) is beautiful
•Mari’s beautiful face when Adrien is telling her “you’re so talented Marinette!” and the subtle tremor in her eyes as they widen with her smile...☺️😊😘i love my beautiful, anxious mess of a daughter
•Mari: Follows Adrien with her eyes like an owl. LMAO.
•Chloe does not deserve Sabrina 😒
•Whereas Gabriel resembles a peppermint frap, Hawk Moth/Papillion appears to be the result of what might happen if Batman and the riddler had a baby
•Ramier, bruh, there is like. Zero. Fucking. Reason to be that upset over not being allowed to feed pigeons. For real. Go feed them on some rooftop somewhere if you must. No reason to let Hawk Daddy akumatize you over it...
...You know what? We’re not calling Gabriel “daddy.”
EVER. Again.
•Also Hawk-shitface, pigeon dude is your worst idea and you keep coming back to him. Seriously at least put some effort into your champions’ outfits. Youre a fashion designer for petes sake!
• wow this show really loves its skin-tight body suits, huh? Even when they look ridiculous.
•Sabrina how the hell much did you have to pay for a cellphone that lets you zoom in on a fucking sketch from dozens of feet away and score yourself a crystal-clear image???
•Sabrina: “We’re soooo awesome!”
Chloe: “We?”
Chloe does NOT deserve Sabrina.
•Arent real bird feathers full of germs and bacteria that cause diseases? And Marinette “im immune to bird flu” Dupain-Cheng just plucked that shit up off the ground and put it on her hat of all things. I dont know whether to be fisgusted or impressed.
•Chat “paint me like one of your French girls” Noir for the win everybody
• “Im allergic to feathers.” I came across a theory on tumblr once (cant find the OP) that this coulda been caused by Emilie wearing the damaged Peacock broach when she was pregnant with him. If thats true i would be pleased😏
•Allow me to channel Chloe for this comment: LB, CN, that disguise is about as convincing as Mr. Pigeon and Bubbler’s get ups are appealing. In other words, NO.
•Chat Noir moonwalking with a hat on—booiii got some moves. 👌👌👌👌
• “You’re the cat dont you eat [pigeons] for breakfast?!” No LB, Kitty Boi is a domestic kitty otherwise he’d present to you little dead things like my cat used to do before we stopped letting him go out. This is an awful joke but SPARE THE BIRDS, theyre just like Ramier—being controlled by a monster.
• “On the count of three my beloved pigeons will commence fire.” As disgusting as pigeon poop is i think they’ll live. Cant you come up with a better evil plan? Threatening to break the glass floor at their feet by having the pigeons stomp on the cage would be more effective. I’m not trying to help the villain, kaay? I just prefer my villains to use their head. Honestly Team Rocket is more intimidating than Pigeon Dude.
•is it just me or is kitty boi especially adorable in this episode??? 😻😻😻
• flock of pigeons put a dent ten times the size of kitty boi’s head in the door
Okay thats actually kinda terrifying. What woulda happened if that attack hit a normal person wearing no magical armor??? They’d be pecked to bits...
• CN: “I gotta get outta here before my secret identity is revealed!”
LB: “Yeah you wouldnt wanna let the cat out of the bag!”
CN: “...Haha very funny.” 😾
Dont dish out what you cant take, handsome boy.
•LB’s look of amusement as CN starts running in place for fear of detransforming in front of others is hillarious
•kitty boi if this hotel takes tips you should really give Jean-whatshisname one. That was the speediest, life-saving room service ever.
•isnt this just Chloe’s room??? Theres a ladybug pillow on the bed and everything. Why did the mayor send CN to Chloe’s room???
• “i cant wait my dear pigeon.” Hmm reminds of later on when Hawk Moth calls Nats “My dear Mayura.” Bruh if you INTO Ramier just ask for his phone number like a normal person, quit akumatizing him and eat a damn snickers
•LB: Time for a sneak attack! Oh no, my sneak attack failed cuz my partner couldnt help but sneeze with all these FEATHERS around.
HELLO, he just told you he was allergic to feathers???
•ugh them censoring out the punches with flashy screenshots is so LAAAME show me the VIOLENCE.
• “Cat Noir! Grab [the bird call!]” AGAIN he’s ALLERGIC TO FEATHERS. Just tie that yoyo to something to keep Pigeon dude in the air and smash it yourself.
• Gabriel is that teacher from Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide who was never physically present in class and was only ever seen through a tablet or some nonsense
•Chloe getting busted my Marinette in front of the principal, Gabriel and Adrien is a great example of how PLAGIARISM DOESNT PAY are you listening art thieves lurking on tumblr, instagram and elsewhere???
•ahem Gabriel that sympathetic look you give a weeping Chloe is very out of character
• “youre the winner Marinette.” Not gonna check out Kim and Max’s hat? You could at least look at it, doesnt seem very impartial to pick Mari without looking at ALL the hats
Girl they are BOTH allergic to feathers. How many blonde teenage boys walk around with a feather allergy? Quantum Masking or no Quantum Masking, c’mon you should be at least considering the idea theyre the same person from that knowledge alone.
Annnd thats all for now. This episode is more of a vent-inducing hate sink than enjoyable, save for the gushing waterfall of cute kitty boi moments it provides. I may do Stormy Weather later today to make up for it.
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Thinking Out Loud (1)
Hi @janaikam ! I’m your @mlsecretsanta​ ! Here’s a little gift to make the year 2020 happier and brighter! A big thank you to @goblin-alchemist for betareading this! Stay tuned for more chapters!
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Summary:  When Ladybug and Chat Noir meet for the first time, they seem to click perfectly, their teamwork seamless as if they could hear each other’s thoughts. Or maybe they can? Is this just a kind of miraculous connection or a bond of a totally different type? A ML Soulmate AU.
AO3 / fanfiction.net
[*Ladybug’s/Marinette’s thoughts*]
[Chat Noir’s/Adrien’s thoughts]
*I’m scared.*
Chat Noir froze for a second. Was that his thought? He heard the voice loud and clear, just… without the contribution from his ears. 
He shook his head. It was probably just all the excitement from getting a miraculous and a magical makeover in the span of half an hour. He’d have to ask Plagg about that. Maybe it was the little sprite trying to communicate with him after the transformation? 
Chat felt a little sting of shame that he hadn’t been listening more carefully to the kwami. As much as he seemed to be a natural at this, there were probably some things from Plagg’s tutorial that skipped Adrien’s attention.
Oh, well. No time to dwell on it now. Stoneheart was about to pulverize the redhead reporter with a soccer goal. Acting purely on instinct Chat threw his baton, extending it at the last moment. The goal bounced off his weapon nicely, missing the girl by centimeters. 
Oh, shit.
That one thought lit up brightly in his thoughts as stone fingers closed over his body and he found himself in rough clutches of the monstrosity. 
Never in her life was Marinette as scared as in that moment, on the roof of Parc des Princes. How did she get roped into this mess, playing a superhero? She’d always been a walking disaster. How could have she believed for even one second, that she could help, make a difference for the better? 
She should just run away, before the supervillain gets wind of her melt down. She should return the earrings to Tikki. She was not cut out to be a hero. She was just plain, silly Marinette. 
The boy, Chat Noir, seemed to be born for the job. Confident and cocky, he gave the impression of someone in control, who knows exactly what to do. He’d be fine. In fact he’d probably be better off without her, Miss Madlynette Disastrous - Clumsy failure. 
She was about to turn around and flee when...
Oh, shit.
The voice in her head wasn’t hers, but the comment was painfully adequate. Chat Noir just got trapped in the granite fist of Stoneheart. Weaponless, as his staff had just helped to protect Alya from being crushed to death.
She needed to help. She had no idea how, but she couldn’t just stand and watch. She threw her yoyo at the villain hoping it would know what she needed it to do.
That settled it. The Bug Lady was crazy. Not only did she pull at his tail, which felt much more than pulling a leather belt should have, but she basically threw him under the bus, or rather back into the stone grip of Stoneheart. And then she jumped right into the villain’s other hand. Only…
*This will work. I’ve got it. It’ll be okay.*
There was the voice again, no longer scared, but confident and soothing. Chat Noir gave in and simply observed as the insane yet effective plan came to action. Soon, he found himself on the ground again, accompanied by a tall boy who was no longer made of rock. 
*We did it!*
Maybe the Bug Lady was crazy, but she was awesome at it! If only he knew her name.
He smiled. It fit her.
Marinette simply couldn’t believe this was her life now. She was chasing after Alya, who was chasing after Chat Noir, who was chasing after a giant stone monster, who held two of Marinette’s classmates hostage. 
And she had been right the previous day. She had caused yet another disaster and thanks to her incompetence now there was not one, but a whole army of rocky monstrosities roaming over the streets of Paris.
She felt as if her feet turned to stone as well, set in place, while she watched in silent horror as Alya disappeared under a car thrown by a Stoneheart’s minion with such ease, as if it was merely a toy. She could only see Chat’s legs dangling pitifully from another Stoneheart clone’s fist. 
So this is how I’m gonna die?
Marinette clenched her fists and narrowed her eyes. No one would be dying today. Not if she could help it. She dug the ornamental box from Alya’s bag and slipped the earrings back into place. This time it was as if the world just clicked. 
The day just kept getting weirder. First day of school turned out to be a minefield. Thanks to Chloe’s efforts he seemed to already have made an enemy out of a cute black haired classmate. The whole gum incident made his stomach twist into a tight knot, the disgust he’d seen on Marinette’s face sinking deep into his very bones for some reason. Almost as if he could hear the profanities that she was too polite to utter.
Although he did befriend his seat buddy, Nino, they never made it past roll call. Who knew the stone giant he encountered the day before was another classmate of his, and that he’d turn into stone so fast? The luck of a black cat.
Maybe he shouldn’t feel this way. After all Ladybug did save him and Chloe from certain death. And then she got rid of the swarm of butterflies and challenged the madman who took on the name of Hawkmoth. Well, he might not have been the only crazy person in Paris.
Minutes ago Chat had assured Ladybug they were going to make it. They were needed for the job, and the girl had more than enough wit to come out victorious. So it was probably too late now to question her sanity. She just went on with a crazy scheme of hers, dancing on the top of the Eiffel Tower. 
And Chat had no idea how to fix this mess. A scene straight from a King-Kong movie with a stone monster and a petite girl in his grip, tens of meters above the ground. Painfully cliche and even more dangerous. 
*I need to make them kiss. And then catch the akuma.*
There was that voice again. Not his, but his at the same time. An idea, a solution, a string of instructions at the edge of his subconsciousness. Chat stood to attention before he knew it. How the heck were they supposed to make the akuma and his victim kiss?
And then Ladybug wrapped her yoyo around Stoneheart and pulled. Mylene’s lips clumsily landed on the rocky face, performing a very sloppy and possibly rough smooch. Stoneheart froze loosening his grip on Mylene and on something else.
Wait, what?
*Now for the akuma*
Right, the akuma that was hiding in the crumpled object in Stoneheart’s fist. Well, he wouldn’t be a true cat if he didn’t have a solution for that. Chat swatted at the falling thing with his staff, sending it straight to Ladybug. She caught it and broke it as if she’d been doing this her whole life. A butterfly, freed from its confinement, took flight into the Parisian sky. 
Chat drew a breath of relief only to tense again.
*Oh, no. I can’t catch them both.*
The boy returned to the scene below their position. Mylene and Ivan were falling off the tower. It was time to act.
“Chat Noir, you take care of Ivan!”
How the hell was he supposed to do that? She was the one who could magic out a parachute. He could only destroy things.
*Use your power to shape the metal. That’s still a form of destruction.*
Well, here’s an idea. Too bad Chat had to busy himself with cataclysming poor Eiffel Tower’s construction to ponder upon the fact it wasn’t his idea at all. Or was it?
Ladybugs. Ladybugs everywhere. The hum of little wings sweeping over the city and busily restoring things back to order. For Marinette it was exhilarating. She wondered how it must have looked from where Chat was dangling, holding onto Ivan and waiting for the magical insects to take them down.
It’s beautiful. Amazing really.
Ladybug thought there must have been a better way of putting it. She giggled under her breath.
”It’s miraculous!” she exclaimed.
There was one more thing to fix. She straightened out the crumpled piece of paper and handed it to Mylene. The girl’s eyes lit up in comprehension, as Ivan mumbled a promise under his breath. She hugged the suddenly shy boy, or at least did her best to hug as much of him as she could reach.
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” Ladybug cooed. “They’re made for each other.”
Just like us two!
She sent Chat a long searching look, but he just fixed her with a cheeky grin that fit him so well. Ladybug felt the beginning of a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Her earrings beeped in warning. 
”Uh, oh,” she grabbed Chat’s paw. His ring beeped as well. ”See that? Time to split. See you soon, Chat Noir!”
The dork bowed like a knight. ”I can’t wait, my Lady.”
My Lady. My Lady. My Ladybug,
The words echoed in Marinette’s ears as she made her way back to school. She couldn’t shake them off, as much as she couldn’t get rid of the warm, fuzzy feeling that dwelled in her stomach.
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