#how to connect solar panels
tangiblesolar · 11 months
How to Connect Solar Panel Inverter And Battery?
To connect a solar panel inverter and battery, you need to follow specific steps. In this guide, we will walk you through the process, ensuring a smooth connection that allows the battery to be charged using solar energy. By understanding the correct wiring and connections, you can optimize your solar panel system’s efficiency and enjoy its benefits. So, let’s get started and learn how to…
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jpitha · 10 months
The Oxygen Breathers: Careful what you wish for.
It’s another story in this world.
Despite my best efforts, the cycles continue.
The solar years pass, and I age.
My name was drawn, and in the twilight of my life, in my final instar, I find myself speaking for the Coalition. I don’t rule, not really. The Coalition is lead by a panel of ten people. Not all races are represented, but those who aren’t trust us to have their best interests in mind.
When the humans were ejected from Coalition space, their final words were not of anger, or jealousy or resentment. All they told us was, “Beware the Felimen. They are planning something.” We laughed off their warning, thinking they were just sore losers. Thinking that they had finally felt the sting of a Coalition sapient and went back to their corner, nursing a bruise.
I wish we had listened then.
Ten solar years after the humans left, the Felimen made their move. Sweeping in to colony worlds bordering their space, they struck quickly and decisively. It wasn’t a mistake, or a miscommunication or an accident, it was war.
And we were losing.
One by one our worlds fell to them. One by one the sapients of the Coalition surrendered to the Felimen. If they surrendered before an attack began then the Felimen were magnanimous. They would send down some of their number as a garrison and replace the administrators with those loyal to them. Life would continue on their world much as it had done so before. If they chose to fight back, then their destruction was complete.
We needed help, and we only knew one place to go.
Honestly? I was surprised that the Humans would even take our calls. We sent envoys and gave them our ansible and they called back almost immediately. “Come and meet with us.” they said “We will discuss things.” Because of the dangers presented by traveling, I was chosen to speak for the Coalition and packed into a ship with a very small retinue and we took a long, circuitous route to our border with Human space. I remember thinking it was odd. They shared a border with the Felimen as well, yet I heard no reports of violence on their borders.
We met on a large human ship right on the border. This time it was my turn to suit up. Their oxygen based breathing gas is utterly toxic to me. My race is fortunate that we can be in the presence of their gas mix - for a short time - without taking damage, but it was still not recommended. Our ship eased up to theirs and a docking umbilical slid out and connected to our ship. “Administrator!” A bridge officer turned towards me. “Their breathing gas is… different than what we have on file.”
I turned sharply and unconsciously gestured surprise. “How is it different?”
They turned back to their screen, peering carefully at the display. “It seems… to be a mix of their atmosphere and ours. Half ours, half theirs. It’s odd, neither party can breathe that.”
There was a tone from the comm set. The ansible officer raised their arm. “They are hailing us, audio only.”
“Greetings Coalition vessel. This is the human ambassadorial ship Speak Softly. In the name of cooperation, we have adjusted our breathing mix to be a combination of yours and ours. The temperature, pressure, and gravity have been adjusted to be more comfortable to you as well. We will all require masks for breathing, but full pressure suits are not necessary. We will of course not be upset if you wear one anyway, but we will not be suited. Additionally, the Empress of the Human Empire herself has graced us with her presence. She will be speaking on our behalf. We await your presence.”
Empress? The humans have an empire? A single sapient that rules over the entirety of their space? How odd. While I was ruminating the commander of the ship got my attention. “Administrator Kre’kk, you’re not actually going to go over to their ship without a suit are you? That is madness.”
I raised an arm in a gesture of calm. “I will, commander. The rest of my retinue however shall be suited. If the humans wish to compromise, then we shall compromise.”
In hardly any time at all, we were ready. I was wearing my mask, and my retinue was suited up. We had dithered over taking weapons, but decided against it. This was not a show of force. We were coming to them, arm parts open, asking for their help. We were the ones who did not have the strong argument.
As we stepped through the umbilical, their airlock opened. Three humans - not suited - stood there, in their breathing masks as they had said. “Welcome Administrator. Please accompany us.”
I had to force myself to not make a gesture of fear. They were small and dense and looked like they could lift all of us at once. I had only seen images of unsuited humans in reports and had only ever seen their faces when they came to my station so long ago and got into a disagreement with the Felimen. I had ejected them from the station then, and their leader, a human named Margaret had warned me then. I wonder if Margaret would be pleased to know that she was right all along.
We were lead through their halls towards a meeting room. The human ship was bright and utilitarian. Not one bit was wasted space. It was surprising. Their ship was so large! Why were they this efficient with their use of space? Me and my retinue were taller than the humans and their ship felt like a warren. Small, winding with low ceilings. Fortunately, I didn’t have to duck, except when we passed through a pressure door; they’re not using force curtains?
After a short walk, we reached a meeting room. The guards accompanying us did not enter, but instead formed up on either side of the door. “Please, enter.” At that, their eyes flicked away from us, and took up station looking straight ahead. We entered the room and…
And I gasped sharply and made a gesture of surprise. The person sitting in the center of the long table was Margaret Kellerman! She was not in her polished vermillion suit, but instead wore a long, flowing outfit in the same vermillion color. She sat slightly elevated above everyone else and looked down at me imperiously. Her eyes widened in recognition, and she smiled broadly with her mouth closed. “Why, Administrator Kre’kk. As I live and breathe. I had not expected to ever see you again.”
Her voice! It wasn’t the translator speaking for her after all. She was speaking the trade language perfectly, without machine translation. Her voice was clear and beautiful. Following the protocol, I bent my body towards the centerpoint. A bow. “Empress Kellerman. I admit I was not expecting to see you either. When we had first met, I did not know you were royal.”
Her smile settled into something that my translator’s body language module described as a smirk. “That was by design, Administrator. One cannot advertise they are a member of the royal family and also go galavanting across the galaxy leading a small group of mercenaries. Still, it is good to see you again. I recall that you were a being of reason. Did you ever reach out to your family on the colony worlds bordering the Felimen?”
She remembered that? Impressive. “I did, Empress. My crèche mate transferred to an inner world shortly after you left and I messaged them. They are with us still.”
“Most excellent. I knew I was right in warning you.” She looked down at the people on either side of them. They looked up and she nodded. “Now then, Administrator. What can humanity do to help?”
“Just like that? You’re willing to help? We ejected you from Coalition space solar years ago.”
She put up a hand and gestured. “True, true. But perhaps we were a little too… rowdy when we first met. It’s just how we are. Work hard, play hard you know? We also were coming off our first war with the Felimen and were a little touchy. We’re willing to extend our hand to assist.” Her smile slid just a small amount. “Our assistance will not be free, however.”
Here it comes. “We anticipated this Empress. My ship is loaded down with trade goods, currency, and I have authority to offer you any price for your help.”
She chuckled. “Oh no, no, Kre’kk, we don’t want money. We want a seat on the Administration Council. We wish to join the Coalition as equals.”
I tried to hide my surprise. That’s it? There would be arguments when I returned, but here and now? It seemed almost too cheap. “I-it is done, Empress. Humanity will have a seat on the council.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that. I have been given authority to speak for the Coalition. Right now I am the Coalition.”
She clapped her hands together once. “Excellent! Thank you for being so reasonable once again, Kre’kk.” She smirked again. “Not even trying to negotiate. You must be desperate.”
“We are, Empress. The Felimen seem unstoppable. They are on a war of conquest. We can only count ourselves fortunate that it is not a war of extermination.”
The small hairs over one of her eyes raised slightly. My body language module indicated that what I said interested her. “Do you wish it was? Speak carefully, Administrator.”
My chromatophores tried to cycle, to match the color and texture of the floor. I forced myself to stop trying to hide. What did she mean? “I… can’t say that I do, Empress. I dislike the war, but I… harbor no desire to see the Felimen exterminated.”
She bent down and spoke very softly to the human on one side of her. I was not able to hear what she said and I knew better than to turn up my audio amplification. “As you wish.” She raised both her hands and addressed the room. “The Felimen shall be defeated but not obliterated. We shall push them back to their original borders and set up a DMZ to keep them contained. So I order.”
“So it is done.” The rest of the humans in the room responded to her words. My retinue started. It was the first thing that anyone other than the Empress had said.
“There. Now that is out of the way, would you care for a tour? Big Stick is behind us, in nullspace. Would you like to see it? It’s pretty impressive if I do say so myself. I don’t think any Coalition races have ever been on a human dreadnought before.”
“Empress, I thank you for the invitation, but I must report back to the Coalition when they are to expect your assistance. Do you have an idea how long before we’ll see ships?”
“Oh, it’s done already.”
“I do not understand.”
“We have defeated the Felimen. All of their ships inside Coalition space have been destroyed, and all of the colony worlds that they controlled have been re-taken. Please, check your ansible.”
I turned and faced my retinue. One of them took out a pad and connected back to our ship. The ansible officer was shaken. There were reports of gigantic ships materializing out of nowhere and immediately destroying any Felimen ship they saw. Still others executed pinpoint strikes on colony worlds, seemingly only destroying Felimen administration. Already, word was coming that the Felimen were on the run, and abandoning their war wholesale.
I turned and looked at the Empress. “How?”
This time she smiled wide, with her teeth exposed. “Oh Kre’kk, we can’t give away all our secrets. However I will tell you this: None of you, not this Coalition, not the Felimen not anyone, ever presented us with a real threat. We were being nice and neighborly. We got a little rowdy and you asked us to leave. Fine. Like a good neighbor we obliged. Now you come asking for help and again, like a good neighbor, we helped. It is not our fault that you never decided to learn more about us. We were always only ‘Oxygen Breathers’ to you.” She stood. “Now then. Would you like a tour? You can’t see the whole thing, but we’ll take out enough to impress.”
Her smile was terrifying.
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blurban-form · 5 months
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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solar-eclipsed · 2 years
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Ekubo saw Reigen’s miscellaneous binders and went oh okay!! He wasn’t even going to out Reigen. Reigen was just a stupid scared little idiot.
[ID: A four panel Mob Psycho 100 comic that reads left to right, top to bottom. The comic is split into two images. It’s colored with a sort of crayon like style, while the linework is more digital looking, but the opacity is turned down for each stroke. All the writing in the comic is handwritten. There’s a signature reading, “solar-eclipsed,” in the bottom right corner.
In the first panel, there’s a red bar with white text in the top right corner. It reads, “Alternate Universe : Before separation arc.” The framed drawing of two red flowers is in the background, and there’s a wall corner. Reigen, with his classic grey suit and pink tie, is right beside the wall corner leaning forward, with an open hand not yet placed onto the wall corner. That hand’s arm, which is his left arm, is bent up, with his hand above his elbow, and that arm is hidden behind the wall corner. He looks panicked, and likely having just ran into the Spirits & Such office. His other arm is bent up as well, but it’s in front of him in a fist. Reigen yells in two speech bubbles that are connected with a jagged line. The first speech bubble reads, “MOB! QUICK- I need you to exorcize Ekubo IMMEDIATELY,” the words “Mob” and “immediately” are larger than the rest, and immediately is underlined. The second speech bubble continues, “He’s gonna out me and my secret where-“ and he cuts himself off for the next panel.
In the second panel, Reigen’s leaning more towards the wall corner now, and his hand is placed onto that wall corner. He’s now pointing his right hand’s finger up, and wagging it up and down as he panics, trying to come up with a cover up for his secret. His head is leaning down, but his eyes are looking up away from Mob. Reigen is sweating. Reigen shakily says, with an equally wiggly looking speech bubble, “Where. I. Uh. Uhm. Hmm. Over how-“
Then, in the third panel, it cuts to Mob in his gakuran. He’s leaning over the table, most likely placing tea down, but it’s cut out of the frame. The TV, the cabinet that the TV is on, and the bookshelf that’s in the consultation office is seen in the background. Mob is looking up at Reigen. There are two speech bubbles. The first one reads, “That you don’t have any powers?” which Mob follows with, “I already knew shishou.”
The comic cuts back to Reigen in the final frame. He’s leaning forward, suit wrinkling, body and right arm limp, and he’s gone slightly pale. His left hand slides down the wall corner slightly. Reigen is shocked and left speechless. Ekubo, otherwise known as Dimple, has come into frame, and he is laughing through his teeth, but still, he’s laughing very hard. His laughter is shown in a faint speech bubble that stretches to the right so far that it goes behind Reigen. There’s some text placed along with an arrow that’s pointing at Reigen. It reads, “was trying to avoid outing himself as trans.” End ID]
[Text only transcript: AU : Before separation arc. “MOB! QUICK-! I need you to exorcize Ekubo IMMEDIATELY-“ “He’s going to out and my secret where-“ “Where. I. Uhm. Hmm. Over how-“ “That you don’t have any powers?” “I already knew shishou.” “Kh-hehhEHAHehAH-“ Was trying to avoid outing himself as trans. /End transcript]
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gottalottarocks · 5 months
You guys have probably heard that the EPA just set new Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for the first time in decades for PFAS, which is BIG news in the industry, but not a surprise. I've been in meetings for months hearing about how new PFAS regulations were in the works, and the consensus in the environmental sector is that it's long overdue. But for the rest of you who've never heard of PFAS before I can break down what the big issues are and why they've taken so long to address.
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^stolen from pubchem
So PFAS stands for per- and poly- flouroalkyl substances, and it's not one chemical compound, but an entire class of thousands of chemicals that have these chains of Carbon and Flourine atoms. For anybody who doesn't have a chem background fluorine is a nasty atom, it has seven electrons in its valence shell and it will do anything to fill it up to eight, creating incredibly strong bonds.
So you have really strong C-F bonds and these chains of C and F atoms are hydrophobic, which means these compounds are durable and water resistant, which makes them great for all sorts of industrial uses. And we've used them in everything: clothing, fast food wrappers, paints, solar panels, and non-stick pans just to start.
Unfortunately, these wonder chemicals are PBTM- Persistent, Bioaccumulative, Toxic, and Mobile. They don't break down, they build up in the food chain, they have adverse health effects, and even though C-F chains are hydrophobic, additional compounds connected to them can make them soluble in water (so they're in our drinking water). We're starting to realize PFAS can raise cholesterol, inhibit immune response, interfere with your thyroid (part of your hormonal system), cause liver toxicity, is linked to cancer, and more!
At this point you're probably starting to think wtf, how did we allow the continued widespread use of these chemicals? Well, we have phased out quite a few high profile PFAS compounds including PFOA and PFOS, but we still want to regulate and test for them in our drinking water. While PFAS is in many different products, the biggest sources of contamination are industrial runoff, areas where fire fighting foams were tested and used, landfills that leach out PFAS into the surrounding area, and wastewater treatment plants. So don't feel too stressed about eating microwave popcorn or using nail polish.
The reason these regulations took so long to implement was because of how difficult it was to connect such small amounts of PFAS with health hazards. The level of concern for PFAS is extremely low- in the ppt (parts per trillion) range. When I sample for contaminants I'm generally testing in the ppm range and higher, for PFAS we're looking an entire scale lower. We literally did not have the technology before the last few decades to detect PFAS in the ppt range in water, let alone study their effects (you can't just impose massive regulations without any proof to back it up).
States that currently have PFAS limits in drinking water have mostly capped it in the 10-70 ppt range. The new MCLs are 4-10 ppt for the six PFAS compounds the EPA addressed, which are six of the most common and most studied PFAS compounds. Most of the bitching I've seen is about how much this will cost and that the new limits are too low. The conservative take on this is that there isn't enough evidence to support such low MCLs, although most people in the environmental industry feel that more and more research keeps coming out and will keep coming out (remember studying such small amounts of anything is difficult) to support these levels. On the other side of the spectrum, there's the consensus that this is just the beginning and that more and more regulations on PFAS will be needed.
And they're in the works! I saw a proposed rule by the EPA that would ban 12 (already defunct) PFAS substances from pesticides. It wouldn't really affect the current manufacturing of pesticides, but it would be a safeguard from letting them back into the manufacturing process in case of a conservative presidency.
If you're still here I'd like to end on the note that as our science improves, our understanding of how we have impacted the environment and our health will improve. We are constantly going to find out about the adverse effects of new chemicals or things that we may not even produce anymore, and that's a good thing. Over time we are going to make the world a healthier and safer place.
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solarpunkani · 1 year
Solar Powered Community Fridges - Concept Art
So one of my grad school classes is a 8 week long group project to essentially come up with an artistic solution to a problem. Of course, my pitch was solarpunk in nature, and my group actually really liked it! Basically, the concept is to design a series of solar panel-powered community fridges, to help address food insecurity and build community in different areas without having to rely on a specific host building to provide power. What better time to show my concept art than Solarpunk Aesthetic Week?
Originally, I was just drawing up ideas with what usually comes to mind when I imagine fridges--upright fridges. Here's my concept art!
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In these sketches, my main concern was imagining how these fridges would fit into the community alongside their power sources--I didn't want them to be too bulky, but I also wanted them to be available for easy access. I also figured they'd need shelter for the fridge's longevity, as well as to protect any users from the element. It'd also be nice to have them alongside other mutual aid sources like little free pantries, little free libraries, the like. One of my favorite designs is the sheltered community space on page 2, with the fridge, the seat, the pantry, and the library all in one protected structure with solar panels on the top. Having a table near the community fridge would also be nice to give people a place to rest as well.
However, around this time, I started trying to find out just how big of a solar panel would be needed to power a fridge like this, and the results were... a bit discouraging. Until! I was informed that chest freezers use way less energy to keep cool--cool air sinks, so opening an upright fridge releases most of the cold air that's been building up and makes the machine work harder to keep cool, whereas a chest fridge doesn't lose nearly as much cold air. In addition, some people have converted chest freezers into chest refrigerators for as little as ~$30 USD. Due to the insulation in a chest freezer, converted chest fridges use way less energy than their upright counterparts to keep cool, making it way more feasible to power them with solar.
So of course, I had to get to drawing again!
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Since I'd already concepted a variety of structures for upright fridges, for the chest fridges I mostly focused on their design and possible convenience/accessibility concerns I had been worried about, one of the main being having to reach inside vertically instead of horizontally--several of my family members have difficulty bending, so I was worried having a chest fridge would make things more difficult for others like them. There are likely other ways to address this concern that I haven't thought of, but for now I've concepted putting a grabber tool inside of every fridge so people with trouble bending can still get things. How well it'd work in reality, I'm not sure...
Buuut these are my concepts so far! I hope you like them, I hope they're cool? Let me know what you think! I think these would be cool to have in a solarpunk future--whether they're entirely possible today or will have to wait until a somewhat-distant, 'solar panels can generate more energy with less size and fridges are also way more energy efficient' future I can't say, but it's cool to think about!
[Image 1: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a magnet caddy on the freezer door with markers and stickers, saying "Markers + labels for dating donations". An arrow points to a battery-structure at the base of a solar panel system saying "Doubles as charging station for phones & stuff". An arrow points to a slanted roof structure over a fridge saying "Bus stop-esque structure." An arrow points at a glass door grocery store-style fridge saying "any kind of fridge, any size."
Image 2: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a fridge under a slanted roof structure, saying "Paintings on the fridge itself." Over a portion of a brick wall is written "Murals can be on accompanying walls or on the shelter structure for the fridge." An arrow points to a wheel-mounted solar panel saying "solar panel". A community space is named at the top "The Free Community Space: Open 24/7" An arrow points to the outside wall of a community space structure saying "mural on outer walls". Items inside are labeled 'Freedge, Little free Library, Seeds, Pantry'. An arrow points to a couch, saying "Maybe a bench instead?" Written on the inner wall is "mural inside." An arrow pointing at the space says "Community built space w/ lights, solar panels, little free library, freedge, seed library, little free pantry, couch (???). Solar battery stored behind or on top. Plastic magnet door to protect from elements? Like those magnet curtains?"
Image 3: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. An arrow points to a slanted structure over a mini fridge, saying "Solar panel on roof?" Another arrow points to the side saying "Chalkboard paint--anyone can art here." Underneath says "variety of sizes/energy needs mean wider availability". At the top of a curved shelter on a pole is written "solar panel", along the sloping sides is "curved solar panels" and "Or solar voltaic glass?" On the underside of the structure is a label saying "Could be in a park or smth (something)". An arrow points to a box at the base of the structure, saying "charging station" and another arrow labels a table and chairs.
Image 4: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. Along the top of a slightly-curved roof structure is an arrow saying "curved solar panel roof. renogy curved 4ft x 2ft for example". To the side of the roof is written "4 panels each side, 0.45 kWh x 8 = 3.6 kWh/h". A chest fridge is labeled "converted chest fridge", and a glass-front box is labeled "Old cabinet/case now Little Free Library". A box sitting between them is labeled "I hear car batteries are good solar storage for cheaper?" A standalone chest fridge has the following labels: "Could paint on fridge exterior" "solar panel on top of fridge?" "most chest freezers are 22-28 in wide &24-38 or 54-68 in long. The longest wattage panel needed would be ~50 in long & ~26 in wide"
Image 5: Pencil sketches of refrigerators connected to solar power. The annotations on them are as follows. The inside of an open lid has an arrow pointing to a grabber object saying "Grabber for accessibility for those w/ trouble bending". A label points at a strap fastened to the inside of the lid saying "straps to help shorter people pull the lid closed." A variety of arrows point to a drawing of an open, decorated chest fridge saying the following: "Counter-balanced lid" "Baskets/crates for storage -> can slide or be removed to access underneath" "Murals on front & sides (not back)" ]
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whatzaoverwatch · 1 year
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Yknow, solar panel tribe being nuked by a singular woman who now has severe survivors guilt was not what I expected from her backstory yet here we are.
At first I wasn’t sure how I felt having another hero with little to no connection to the other heroes. However she makes for great worldbuilding and the possibilities of “futuristic setting with supernatural elements”.
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betaorionis-fr · 6 months
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ComsatCheshire #81151266, (it/he/she), from the song 'Alice' by The Mechanisms, from their album Tales To Be Told, Volume II. some additional notes in her bio.
It came pre-equipped with a silhouette scroll so i'm showing off both poses here. click the large image for better detail. image descriptions under the cut.
[image 1: a reference sheet for a mechanical vaguely cat-like robot design based on an aether dragon. It has two pairs of purple solar panel 'wings' extending from its shoulder and hip area, and a segmented neck and tail. there is a slit in its middle where a smaller more birdlike wing shape can fit. There are rectangular lights extending from its cheeks and the final three segments of its tail. it is coloured in various shades of pink and purple, with black and grey accents. there is a colour palette and some additional detail sketches scattered around the main reference pointing out how the arms and legs can fold in on themselves and that it has retractable claws. There are two sketches of 'needle drones DE and DM', a single 'eye' set above two prongs that near each other to form a needle-like shape, and lifted by a propellor on top. a note states that they can generate charge for beam attacks. There is a top-view of the design to the left of the main reference. /end id.]
[image 2 and 3: aether dragons with Shadow common eyes and Bubblegum Spool, Shadow Thread, and Platinum Flutter genes. The first is the female-pose and the second is the male-pose. /end id.]
[image 4: an animated pixel gif of my mecha design bobbing in place. The various parts shuffle up and down with irregular timing to emphasise that they are not solidly connected as one form. the middle wing-form flaps up and down, and the tail and head-antennae wobble slightly. /end id.]
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
China, the world’s biggest source of planet-warming greenhouse gases for most of the past two decades, is seemingly on the verge of bending its emissions curve from years of steep growth into a flat plateau.
The implications for climate change could scarcely be greater. Since China’s emissions surpassed those of the United States in 2006, China’s global share has grown to almost a third — a huge number, even with population differences taken into account.
A recent spate of data from China’s government, as well as reports by energy analysts, have provided positive signs that while China’s emissions may not decrease significantly, they also may not grow. China’s president, Xi Jinping, had pledged to reach that turning point by 2030.
“The important thing to understand is that when China’s emissions stop growing, it likely follows that the world’s stop growing, too,” said Dave Jones, global insight director at Ember, an energy think tank.
The biggest factor in the shift is changes to how China produces its electricity. In short, renewable sources are replacing coal, the most polluting fossil fuel.
Last year alone, China installed more solar panels than the United States has in its entire history, and connected most of them to its electricity grid.
Almost two-thirds of big wind and solar plants under construction globally are in China, according to a report last week from Global Energy Monitor. That is more than eight times the wind and solar capacity being planned in the United States.
And in May, China generated 53 percent of its electricity from coal, its lowest share since its government began publishing energy data decades ago, while nearly all the rest of it came from non-fossil-fuel sources. “This indicated that China may have peaked” its emissions, said Belinda Schäpe, a China analyst at the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.
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verdemoun · 4 months
timewarp au btw sean becomes a da also this is why i haven't been able to write any fics yet this is just dot points and it's 1000 words
maeve beatrice macguire was born roughly eight years into the timewarp and chaos would be an understatement.
life was going so well karen and sean are still in the trailer on lenny and jenny's driveway. they'd just figured out how to connect the hot water system in their trailer to the solar panels so they didn't have to go inside the main house to shower.
blissful polyamorous life where lenny gets to be with both jenny and sean, and sean gets to be with lenny and karen and karen is still trying to hit on jenny who surely cannot be the only straight person to ever exist in the VDL gang why is life so cruel but everyone is happy and in love and well adjusted to modern era
karen absolutely did not know she was pregnant until she went into labor she didn't even know she could get pregnant between the lack of access to affordable birth control in the 19th century and getting diagnosed with pcos she just assumed she couldn't because she'd never gotten pregnant before??
every single person lost it. there was not a single brain cell to be found in the house just panicked screaming. grimshaw (who helped abigail give birth to jack) was their literal savior. it was too late for hospitals. the macguire genes are too strong this baby was already restless and impatient and coming now
sean malfunctioned so hard trying to process the fact he was a parent that lenny ended up being the first person to hold the baby and love at first sight is real. instantaneously they were All parents and she was going to be the first VDL to not grow up in a broken home. no name no crib but she had two moms and two dads and she was going to be the most spoilt little princess in the world
karen wanted to name her mary-beth because mary-beth stayed with her the longest in canon era and tried to help her even after the gang fell apart but they all agreed this shrieking siren born with orange curls like fire was not going to be a mary-beth so her initials are intentionally mb. they had to go with the most cliche irish girls name starting with m imaginable and then beatrice is actually bessie's full name c:
cannot overstate how strong the macguire genes are her first words might as well have been death to the english. in so many ways she is a copy paste of sean she is loud and the second she could walk she was getting herself into trouble. the whole gang is trying to help but no one knows what to do jack and isaac were both really easy kids who didn't climb on the counter and eat fistfuls of white sugar.
but maeve is so, so loved. she is exactly what their collective child was destined to be. she's energy she's lightning in a bottle she's smart and messy and overconfident and terrifying when she decides she needs to be and they would not change a single hair or freckle about her.
it deserves its own post but the macsummers crew would all have so many emotions being a parent after the childhoods they went through. sean wishing he could ask his da for advice how is it possible to feel so much love for something. karen just feeling lost because she already had so much self-doubt and a really frail sense of self the idea of being a mother would be so terrifying. lenny remembering his father's letter and even though he knows it word for word he wishes he had it with him and could feel the impressions of the pen on paper as if it would hold some answer to how the hell he's meant to be a parent. jenny who was literally found abandoned at the side of the road only now entering the second stage of grief because how dare the people who were meant to care for her abandon her when she would die a million times over to protect this little girl. they all would.
but even with their own shit they are such good parents they will not push their intergenerational trauma onto their baby girl and the lads are girldads to the max: lenny teaching her how to read and going to work in outfits his daughter picked out. sean holding her against his chest watching the secret of kells for the millionth time. karen playing with her baby girl constantly and using her acting skills to do all the voices. jenny braiding her hair and baking cookies with her which she will regret when the sugar demon takes over. whole family tea parties where they all have to play dress up. matching poorly done nail polish
getting her to sleep alone is hell because they all love her so much they want to take her to bed with them even when she's already feisty and independent and wants to sleep in her own room. everyone has a very important role in the nighttime routine and if anyone isn't home at bedtime maeve is not sleeping. jenny has to check for monsters. sean has to carry her to the bathroom and hold her against his hip while they both brush their teeth. karen has to be the one to tuck her in, and lenny has to turn on the nightlight.
she once looked sean dead in the eyes after he turned the nightlight on and turned it back off because lenny has to do it it's his job!!
they must all pay the kiss goodnight tax independently getting multiple kisses from one parent does not nullify the other parents obligation to the republic of maeve
wind down is either lenny reading to her (which has on multiple occasions also put sean to sleep), karen singing or sean telling (child-safe) stories about the VDLs or darragh macguire. sean's stories are maeve's favorite but she gets so excited it takes an extra 20 minutes for her to get to sleep.
her teachers hate her. they want this child medicated because she definitely has adhd. she will rock up and be telling other kids 'i never got to meet my grandpa because the british killed him' and is trying to radicalize her classmates 'they can't catch all of us if none of us go inside at the bell it'll be recess forever!!'
she is the queen of 'my dads can beat up your dad!! my moms can beat up your dad!! i could beat up your dad!!'
lenny and sean at a parent teacher meeting trying to pretend they know what a normal childhood is. 'your daughter has been playing cops and robbers' 'that is a normal thing children do we definitely did that at maeve's age' 'yes but she started throwing rocks from the top of the playground while screaming "macguires never surrender" and she used a jump rope to hogtie another child'
lenny shooting sean a look absolutely begging him not to laugh
no one taught her these things she just inherited the muscle memory of an outlaw and it's really hard not to be proud of her they were some pretty complex knots for a 5 year old!
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tangiblesolar · 1 year
How To Connect Bluetti Solar Panels?
Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the Bluetti solar panels. Proper installation enables continuous connection to power sources. Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, have grown in popularity in today’s world. Bluetti solar panels, in particular, provide efficient energy generation while remaining environmentally friendly. However, in order to fully realize their…
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jbbuckybarnes · 1 year
How Peter Parker would comfort and care for a depressed loved one
(don't mind me, just some self-indulgence I wrote when I was in the trenches of depression)
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• "No, no, no, what we're not gonna do is feel guilty. This world is a depressing place when the rest of you isn't stable. And the world loves making people unstable."
• He'd meal prep for you, wake you up on time to keep your rhythm in check, bring you sleep tea, watch movies with you on particularly bad days.
• "What's your current take on going outside? Vitamin D might do you good." He'd ask cautiously.
• You'd tense up at the idea of spending more energy than you had but knew it was needed to get better.
• "I can...carry you to the rooftop?" He'd raise his brow.
• You'd do grabby hands at him from the bed.
• You'd chill on the sunny rooftop for 45 minutes every now and then, not talking much, just existing.
• "What are your thoughts on therapy?" He'd mumble a few weeks down the line.
• "The only thing my insurance covers is CBT. I fucking hate CBT."
• "What if we figure out a way to pay someone you can choose?"
• "I don't wa-" "Na-ah, friends help friends survive."
• Please imagine Spider-Man making a couple extra bucks by helping people install solar panels and carrying heavy stuff.
• He'd sit down next to you with a laptop and you'd search for therapy options.
• "DBT. IFS. EFT. The other EFT. Hypnotherapy. Logo Therapy. Integrative Therapists for Psychedelics. Somatic Experiencing." Even he was overwhelmed with the option.
• "IFS. Hypnotherapy. Maybe Logo Therapy." You mumbled and he decluttered the tabs.
• You landed on a woman doing both IFS & Hypnotherapy. Both things that intrigued you.
• "I mean if nothing else works...drugs still exist." You'd shrug and he'd smirk at that.
• He'd bring you to your first appointment giving you the biggest hug before you went in.
• The woman would explain to you that you needed to get mentally resourced first and that she'd try with a specific type of hypnosis to see if that helps.
• When Peter saw you get out of the building he'd instantly put his arm around you while walking.
• "I'm so tired." You'd mumble leaning against him while walking, trusting him to lead the way while you were spacing out, "Gonna tell you about it after a long sleep."
• You'd wake up the next morning with energy. Still depressed, but not quite as depressed as the previous days. He slept over to make sure there were no weird aftereffects.
• You would look at him sleeping and get up to make yourself something simple to eat.
• He'd peek his eye open before both of them were wide open seeing you standing in the kitchen.
• "Woah." He mumbled before getting up and hugging you.
• "How was it?" You paused for a second, "That's what he said."
• You told him what the hypnosis felt like and that you went back to the origin of your depression and did some inner child work thing. And the hypnosis took a lot more out of you than you expected. And now you had more energy and hoped it wasn't short-form placebo.
• "Even if it is, she can still do the other work with you." You nodded.
• "Can we go for a short walk?" He'd eagerly nod.
• Over the weeks you'd get better and better at coping with your symptoms and connecting to your inner parts. You'd figure out your triggers and how to calm yourself out of them.
• He'd love to see you flourish and take you on little friend (👀) dates all across New York City the more energy you'd have.
• He'd make sure you'd keep seeing the beautiful things in the world. He'd program your TV to not show news. He'd actually send you good news deliberately.
• "We should live together." You'd suggest.
• "If you can handle the feds searching the apartment at some point." He'd giggle.
• "I'd be good with that. I'd hide little things making it awkward for them." You both laughed.
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skibidimadness · 2 months
Part 1
(Pls ignore the red stuff. Those were mistakes I made)
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Ok so I kinda decided to make her half of old technology and half of new technology.
Her lore: Camille the CameraKid, last of her kind, and special for she was created with unnatural strength that can match a titan. Plus, she can feel and has her own personality... how odd...
So I'm too lazy to add color but here's her arm as an example of old technology.
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So above the two robot bodies are the arms, inside of her shoulder, and upper arm (idk what I said) are filled with wires(multiple colors) that connect not only her endoskeleton but the lower arm that connects to the solar panels, the solar panels are protected by a bulletproof glass and an extra one.
If the solar panel ends up heating Camille arm it will automatically activate a cool down, stopping closing the solar panel.(the dark blue the surrounding the light blue)
Camille body looks similar to the new technology but her arms are the only thing that looks similar to the old technology
That's why Camille is more active in broad daylight. The only thing that keeps her from being alive at night is her chest, which I'll explain in another time.
Also the two robot bodies your seeing are before and after(execpt the war, they were already extinct before the skibidi war was a thing)
Fun fact: before the war, speakerman will sometimes play music infront every single CameraKid(I haven't given them a proper name) and the CameraKids heads will automatically bob their head while working, like a parrot in minecraft
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
dreaming and IRL worldbuilding
I’ve been doing some talking about getting into radicalism and how to organize. You can do that first—you have a feeling that things need to change and you just act. At some point though, I think it’s important to start thinking from a longer-term perspective. That's where visioning comes in.
To know how to change the world, we should know what we want it to look like. Solarpunk is a great example of this—giving us aspirational visuals and vistas for how the world could look if we got our shit together. This is what a vision is in a nutshell.
Once we have have an understanding of what we want the world to look like, we have to figure out how to get there. This is where things start to become interesting. To me, values are like guiding principles that we ground our actions in. To come up with values, think about the ethics and principles that are embedded in your vision. If we think about solarpunk, some values that I see are ecological harmony, intersectional feminism, and economic democracy.
When we have our vision and values in place, we can think about the specific things that we want to accomplish. Our goals should be relatively concrete things that we can build strategies around. What are the material changes that you want to happen? What are the specific, tangible things that you can work towards? If it’s too broad (ex: “I want to abolish the commodity form”), then that might be one of the descriptors of your vision.
So, you create a vision → which informs your values → and dictates your goals.
To develop a vision, put on your dreaming goggles. Imagine what the world can look like. Try to engage your senses. What do you see? What do you hear? What does it smell like?
To develop your values, look at that vision, analyze the implied material and social contexts and use those as guiding lights.
To develop your goals, think about the specific things you can work towards, acting within your values, to create fertile ground for your vision to flourish.
To wrap up, I want to walk through a vision of a better world. If you want some homework, you can derive some values and goals from that.
As I leave my house for the day, I step out onto a quiet city street. The air is crisp and filled with the scent of freshly bloomed flowers and the subtle aroma of earthy, homegrown herbs. The street is lined with majestic, towering trees, their leaves dancing in the gentle breeze, casting shattered shadows on mosaic sidewalks below.
As I walk along the street, I hear the melodies of birds chirping, flitting from mossy building to wild rooftop. The sound of laughter and lively conversations fills the air, as people gather in community spaces and reclaimed streets.
The buildings themselves are architectural wonders, adorned with solar panels and living walls that burst with vibrant vegetation. They harmoniously blend into the surrounding natural landscape, their design inspired by historical ecological buildings. These buildings are not just structures; they are living organisms, integrated with the ecosystem, providing shade, shelter, and sustenance for both humans and wildlife.
Streets are bustling with activity, but they are not dominated by cars. Instead, it is a pedestrian-friendly space where people of all ages and abilities move freely and safely. Electric trams silently glide by, their sleek design reflecting the beauty of their surroundings.
Local artisans and worker-owners have set up vibrant market stalls, showcasing their handmade creations and locally sourced goods. Vibrant textiles, handcrafted jewelry, and organic produce catch the eye. Neighbors stop to chat, share stories, and exchange ideas.
In the distance, I see a community forest garden, a lush oasis of greenery where residents gather to cultivate their own food. The garden is a testament to space reclaimed by the people, fostering a sense of ownership and connection to the land.
As I continue my walk, I feel a sense of hope and possibility. This city is a testament to the power of collective action and the transformative potential of dreaming and envisioning a better world.
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kimberlyannharts · 2 months
I liked the ending for what it was, I guess. It was alright but too many loose ends.
Rita's closure (she freaking went through a transformation in that canister!), the zombified Skull and Zack, (fuck them, I guess?) etc. Coinless Trini vanishes... with Kyia who I wasn't invested in (no shade)....
And obviously I'm a Jason Scott fan (character not actor) so I hoped that his Coinless version had more, at least a smidge (I know he's not your fave, no worries lol. I work with people suffering from PTSD so maybe that's why I have a soft spot for him). He kept his prison armor and they made a point to show it. I hoped he'd get some start to healing. Nothing story stealing mind you, no swooping in to take over, but goddammit throw him something...
And i will probably get some shit for this... I sort of hoped Drakkon would somehow resurrect and get a happier ending (what can i say... I've got a soft spot for the asshole). And happy, if weird, endings. I'm a softie...
But like with Coinless Jason (before his 'resurrection'), I know the impact is greater if he's actually dead...
I don't like or dislike the Solar Rangers or Hyperforce Rangers. I just wasn't as invested in them I guess. Too many Rangers on the field that left other characters out to dry that I was was more connected with....And wanted to know their fate...
However at the end Billy DID look badass in my opinion
Honestly while I would have liked if there was some indication Drakkon survived or could come back I'm not bothered by how there wasn't. Him and Ranger Slayer are by far the most iconic and popular creations from this run, so I'm sure we'll see them again one day. (Like they can do some bullshit "oh he died in the Grid so his spirit still lives on in there" or whatever - or even just ignore any explanation whatsoever depending on how we're doing canon/continuity stuff). My annoyance over Coinless Jason coming back didn't really have to do with the emotional impact of his death (there was none) it was more to do with the plot holes it opened up. I still say it would have been good to even get just a panel of the state of the Coinless World after everything was fixed, but frankly, with all the other nonsense I had to endure here, I'm glad they didn't go with my fear that he would get Drakkon's powers.
as for Future Billy, tbh he looked way too generic (and too much like Rogue Red Jason) for me to think he looked cool lol like i know some people clowned on Rogue Red Jason having bandages over his gloves - Billy having COMBAT BOOTS over his ranger boots is that times 100
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stevebattle · 9 months
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Colmena or "Hive" (2024) by Gustavo Medina Tanco plus a team of 200 students, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). This will be the first Mexican mission to the moon, carried aboard Astrobotic's Peregrine Lunar Lander launched on January 8th 2024, arriving on February 23rd. "The COLMENA Project, or “hive” in English, will involve a self-organized swarm of five robots, each weighing less than 60 grams and measuring just 12 centimeters in diameter, each equipped with a small solar panel. Inside the robots is a single, flexible PCB containing power conditioning, control, communications, monitoring, interface connector, arming and tripping, trip mechanism and grounding and bonding subsystems. The robots will autonomously navigate themselves to achieve electrical connectivity by joining their panels together to make a larger solar panel. The project will demonstrate how feasible it may be to build structures on planetary surfaces with robot swarms." – UNAM researchers to send micro-robots to the moon, The Robot Report, Brianna Wessling.
UPDATE: The Peregrine Lander began venting fuel soon after launch, making it difficult for Astrobotic to stabilise the spacecraft. The resulting loss of fuel means that it cannot attempt a moon landing.
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