#how to filter emails
takaraphoenix · 1 year
Dear Anonymous Shithead
why is this shit on the DCU (Comics) tag? Fefe and Olishitty not part of the comics. Get the hell out there with that bitch.
1. The cringe of using crap fake names for both Felicity and Olicity, in a comment on AO3, is... absolutely the level of childish behavior I’d expect from someone who can’t just scroll past fics about ships they dislike but have to click on them and leave shitty comments on them to let the author know how Very Very Upsetty they are that the Bad Bad Ship uwu exists. Makes me feel like I’m interacting with a toddler, so I’ll try to use simple words, kay kiddo?
2. Felicity is literally a comic book character. To act like the character of Felicity Smoak herself has no business in the DCU (Comics) tag just shows that you don’t know shit about the comics. She’s been around for a while, in different forms (as Ronnie Raymond’s stepmother, as a Batgirl in Bombshells), but specifically thanks to the New 52 we know Felicity Smoak exists in the main timeline in current continuity.
3. But the DCU (Comics) tag includes all the comics, like, all of them, as an umbrella term. And, you know, due to the concept of reality itself, everything is a part of that. If you write about DC stuff and want to keep it all under one umbrella, that is the umbrella.
4. And, hey! Want me to introduce you to the concept of fanfiction? It’s this super neat thing where I can make characters fall in love and be happy together, even in the medium where they aren’t canonically together?
4.1. Fun fact: Authors  can cherry pick their fanfiction canons and I love to mix em up between canons of movies, cartoons, shows and comics. This also relates to 3.), because I put the actual DCU and the Arrowverse into a blender and just press the button on that.
4.2. And in all of them, Felicity Smoak exists. Every single reality I create, whatever DC medium the starting point, even if in canon, Felicity didn’t exist. If I write for it, now Felicity Smoak explicitly exists in it.
4.3. This story, in particular, does not take place within the canon of the Arrow show. It very specifically takes place in the comic continuity. For reasons. People like you are the reason. ;)
5. Please learn how to use AO3. This story is nearly a year old, I have no fucking clue how you just... dug through the past year of all the fics in the DCU (Comics) tag totally unfiltered or whatever, but this fic is properly tagged to include both Felicity as a character and Olicity. So if you are such a sensitive little bitch, learn how to use the tools this website provides you with and filter your user experience yourself, but don’t leave shitty reviews like this on properly tagged fanfiction.
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6. Fuck you.
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moldspace · 2 years
its that time again boys
time for another shop update! i’m announcing it on my mailing list but i’ll pop it into social media as well - next shop update is gonna be in exactly a week, on OCTOBER FIRST at 2:00 PM MT :^) it’ll just be a mid-sized update, with lots of my paper mache creations, some ceramics, and maybe some wooden cut-outs if i get done painting them in time! i’ll keep y’all updated, and if you want a day-before email reminder/preview pics of the wares you can sing up to said MAILING LIST. but i’ll also be yelling about it on here as the time approaches
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hua-fei-hua · 8 months
me: *thinking abt how my eight-year anniversary of publishing fanfiction is coming up as i write an email* me: it still doesn't feel like i've been in fandom for very long... brain: hey did you know that your ao3 acct is older than a chunk of the kids at work? me: WHAT
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if you ever get an email like that again, don’t click on any links in the email! instead, change your email password first, then go to the website the email claims to be from by typing in the address and say you forgot your password. if there’s actually an account under your email address, you’ll get a password recovery email, otherwise you know for sure it’s a phishing attempt. this also makes it so you can access and then close the account yourself if there really is one.
see i know all this and if i had been thinking clearly i would have just deleted it bc it was like. very obviously a spam email i was just very tired and it worked on me bc i panicked :-( and now i haven't been able to sleep even though i'm pretty sure the problem is solved for now but Not 100% sure so i keep sleeping for an hour and waking up to make sure no more emails were sent from my account without my permission and it's freaking me out so bad i feel physically sick
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shinkei-shinto · 2 years
this is closest to the safest place I have to vent (there are no safe spaces anymore lmao, hate the new internet) so excuse the vent in the tags.
#shin vents#tag vent#could I get. just. could I PLEASE fucking get clients who can READ.#I'm not even asking for pre-reading my ToS I'm not even asking for research or vetting your artist#((which YOU SHOULD DO oh my fucking GODS read the fucking terms of service of the artist you are handing money to my FUCKING GODS))#I am asking for clients who have already sent me a message#to READ THE MESSAGE I SENT BACK#IN FULL#*BEFORE* RESPONDING#I cannot BELIEVE I have to CONSISTENTLY read and process and filter THREE PLUS RESPONSES#because someone - a real human being - cannot fucking READ THE WORDS I SENT#I told them! I told them the FOUR ITEMS OF INFO I NEED#and I STILL got MULTIPLE responses!!!#you know that fucking ''this meeting could have been an email''#THESE SEVEN NOTES COULD HAVE BEEN ONE NOTE#how is this so hard how is this an endless consistent problem#don't you have anxiety?? don't you re-read your message drafts 3493480957 times before you send them??#why would you fucking - WHO would fucking - HOW MANY NOTES DO YOU NEED TO SEND?#this one isn't that egregious but I have had a Week I have had a February and I am TIRED of clients who REFUSE to read#like? it's obvious that you're literate. you just sent me 3+ paragraphs of your fantasy in extreme unnecessary detail#but you can't read MY WORDS I SENT YOU. come the FUCK on.#I am so tired and pissed off and exhausted and this is NOT helping#I don't like google forms :( I really don't want to use them#is there another fucking forms site I could use bc this is ridiculous#how many times am I going to have to fucking. ugh. ugh.#other fucking people don't deal with this. how do I attain an audience of such size that I don't have to deal with it anymore. sighs#tldr if you're ordering something from anyone please answer all of the questions you are asked right away
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jcmarchi · 1 month
3 Questions: How to prove humanity online
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/3-questions-how-to-prove-humanity-online/
3 Questions: How to prove humanity online
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As artificial intelligence agents become more advanced, it could become increasingly difficult to distinguish between AI-powered users and real humans on the internet. In a new white paper, researchers from MIT, OpenAI, Microsoft, and other tech companies and academic institutions propose the use of personhood credentials, a verification technique that enables someone to prove they are a real human online, while preserving their privacy.
MIT News spoke with two co-authors of the paper, Nouran Soliman, an electrical engineering and computer science graduate student, and Tobin South, a graduate student in the Media Lab, about the need for such credentials, the risks associated with them, and how they could be implemented in a safe and equitable way.
Q: Why do we need personhood credentials?
Tobin South: AI capabilities are rapidly improving. While a lot of the public discourse has been about how chatbots keep getting better, sophisticated AI enables far more capabilities than just a better ChatGPT, like the ability of AI to interact online autonomously. AI could have the ability to create accounts, post content, generate fake content, pretend to be human online, or algorithmically amplify content at a massive scale. This unlocks a lot of risks. You can think of this as a “digital imposter” problem, where it is getting harder to distinguish between sophisticated AI and humans. Personhood credentials are one potential solution to that problem.
Nouran Soliman: Such advanced AI capabilities could help bad actors run large-scale attacks or spread misinformation. The internet could be filled with AIs that are resharing content from real humans to run disinformation campaigns. It is going to become harder to navigate the internet, and social media specifically. You could imagine using personhood credentials to filter out certain content and moderate content on your social media feed or determine the trust level of information you receive online.
Q: What is a personhood credential, and how can you ensure such a credential is secure?
South: Personhood credentials allow you to prove you are human without revealing anything else about your identity. These credentials let you take information from an entity like the government, who can guarantee you are human, and then through privacy technology, allow you to prove that fact without sharing any sensitive information about your identity. To get a personhood credential, you are going to have to show up in person or have a relationship with the government, like a tax ID number. There is an offline component. You are going to have to do something that only humans can do. AIs can’t turn up at the DMV, for instance. And even the most sophisticated AIs can’t fake or break cryptography. So, we combine two ideas — the security that we have through cryptography and the fact that humans still have some capabilities that AIs don’t have — to make really robust guarantees that you are human.
Soliman: But personhood credentials can be optional. Service providers can let people choose whether they want to use one or not. Right now, if people only want to interact with real, verified people online, there is no reasonable way to do it. And beyond just creating content and talking to people, at some point AI agents are also going to take actions on behalf of people. If I am going to buy something online, or negotiate a deal, then maybe in that case I want to be certain I am interacting with entities that have personhood credentials to ensure they are trustworthy.
South: Personhood credentials build on top of an infrastructure and a set of security technologies we’ve had for decades, such as the use of identifiers like an email account to sign into online services, and they can complement those existing methods.
Q: What are some of the risks associated with personhood credentials, and how could you reduce those risks?
Soliman: One risk comes from how personhood credentials could be implemented. There is a concern about concentration of power. Let’s say one specific entity is the only issuer, or the system is designed in such a way that all the power is given to one entity. This could raise a lot of concerns for a part of the population — maybe they don’t trust that entity and don’t feel it is safe to engage with them. We need to implement personhood credentials in such a way that people trust the issuers and ensure that people’s identities remain completely isolated from their personhood credentials to preserve privacy.
South: If the only way to get a personhood credential is to physically go somewhere to prove you are human, then that could be scary if you are in a sociopolitical environment where it is difficult or dangerous to go to that physical location. That could prevent some people from having the ability to share their messages online in an unfettered way, possibly stifling free expression. That’s why it is important to have a variety of issuers of personhood credentials, and an open protocol to make sure that freedom of expression is maintained.
Soliman: Our paper is trying to encourage governments, policymakers, leaders, and researchers to invest more resources in personhood credentials. We are suggesting that researchers study different implementation directions and explore the broader impacts personhood credentials could have on the community. We need to make sure we create the right policies and rules about how personhood credentials should be implemented.
South: AI is moving very fast, certainly much faster than the speed at which governments adapt. It is time for governments and big companies to start thinking about how they can adapt their digital systems to be ready to prove that someone is human, but in a way that is privacy-preserving and safe, so we can be ready when we reach a future where AI has these advanced capabilities. 
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tripably · 4 months
I'm honestly pathetic enough to keep checking my email just to see if there are any new ao3 mails because every time a fic author replies to a silly lil comment I've left on their work, my brain goes "THIS IS GREAT. I'M GOING TO GET A GOOD GRADE IN COMMENTING ON FIC, SOMETHING THAT IS BOTH NORMAL TO WANT AND POSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE" and I seem to live in a perpetual state of craving such academic validation
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vampire-bitch · 4 months
It's crazy how impossible it is to build a portfolio using a website built for such a task
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
Look. I’m sorry beloved pianist I would love to see. But I am seeing Halestorm and Evanescence that same night 😘
Also why no transfer for these ones :(
Now I have to meet up with/go over with the people I’m going with and actually be Early (I am. Usually running late) :( and if I can’t transfer they probably can’t e-transfer me for the ticket(s) until we actually attend. I’ll live. But 😬
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omohole · 6 months
had to make two (2) phone calls today and i am now eeady to dissolve into a puddle of Goop and never return auwhwhahhhahhgh - V
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aplusod · 8 months
I've seemingly run into a thing where Gmail of all things doesn't always actually send me emails (wtf, google). It's rare, at least, but it still seems to happen. Twitter? I can understand with its enshittification and all, but at least I still get DMs even if I'm never actually notified. Tumblr? It's held together with glue and shit, idk, PMs/asks have never quite worked correctly for me since like 2013.
(And I've checked Spam, Trash, all filters, etc. Some emails just don't show up at all. And I'm not sure if people ever receive an error email?)
This doesn't really affect anything artblog-wise, just if you need to get in contact with me, and I don't respond within like 2 days, please try discord or my secondary (non-gmail) email address. Both of these can be found in my carrd (aplusod.carrd.co). I'm really sorry, I seem to be cursed by, like, the ghost of communication or something.
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espithewarlock · 10 months
ignore me I'm in a mood™
#so any of you who pay attention to my tags probably know that I am BAD at reading comments on my fics#like...really REALLY bad#like...as of this morning I had 160 UNREAD comments in my AO3 inbox#(out of 160 😭)#but I happened to notice in my emails (which I also filter so I don't see) that Logan had commented on my latest work#and I REALLY wanted to know what they said because I'm obsessed#so I slid into Logan's DMs and they encouraged me to read through them#and I was doing so well!!!#I got through all of my 1016 week & other recent works comments and they were amazing!!!#I can't thank everyone enough but big shoutouts to Sol & Justi & Jully & Katie & Mar (and others from the CC server)#(especially Justi who I think commented on every single one omg you're amazing and I love you???)#(and Logan for being absolutely unhinged I love you too)#who all left lovely comments that made me feel all 🥰#but then I started to hit my Pierre/Charles/Max Soulmate AU comments#and I reached one that seemed really...angry? about how I handled everything#so now I'm actually crying#and I'm not going to read any more of them#so apologies to the 103 unreads that I didn't get to#I probably won't read them ever#I'm a 31-year-old crybaby who is letting one bad comment ruin her day#and is letting it fill her head with anxiety and doubt#I'm doing this for free and for fun and I'm honestly reconsidering everything I've got in progress because of this#so...yeah. ignore me.#and I'm logging out of everything after I post this so I don't get spoiled for the vegas gp#it's at fucking 1am my time and I'm not watching that shit live#but everyone who is watching it live can send good vibes to Pierre for me please and thank you#take care of yourselves I love you all! 💚
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varamacreations · 1 year
How to customize any report in MassMailer?
🌟MassMailer let you send mass emails or single email natively from within Salesforce. You can send emails to any standard or custom object. You can view the statistics like opens, clicks, bounces, and opt-outs, etc. You can send email alerts or drip campaigns via the process builder. You can send emails from Salesforce List Views, Salesforce Campaign, or from the advanced MassMailer List Views. You can create templates using the drag-and-drop editor.
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driverlando · 2 months
synopsis- Lando said your sex tape was for his eyes only…until it wasn’t
before you continue: this is sort of a continuation to my pr nightmare fic for lando! if you enjoyed, please reblog and give me a follow xx
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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✧.* yours and landos reaction
You groggily open your eyes to the persistent buzz of your phone on the nightstand. Beside you, Lando stirs, rubbing his eyes as he reaches for his own phone, mirroring your confusion.
“What time is it?” you mumble, squinting at the bright screen in the dim room. The soft glow of dawn filters through the curtains, casting a muted light on the chaos that’s about to unfold. Lando doesn’t answer, his attention captured by the flurry of notifications and messages flooding his phone. His brows furrow in concern, and you can feel the tension in the air.
You glance at your own screen, eyes widening as you see the trending hashtag: #LandoLeaks. Your heart skips a beat as you click on it, a mixture of dread and disbelief washing over you. There, in stark reality, are snippets of a private video you and Lando thought was secure, now shared for the world to see.
“Oh no,” you whisper, the words barely audible over the pounding of your heart. Lando looks at you, his expression mirroring your own shock and dismay.
“This can’t be happening,” he mutters, running a hand through his tousled hair. “How did this get out?”
You feel a wave of anger and violation surge through you. “Someone must have hacked into your iCloud,” you say, trying to process the situation. “We need to do something, and fast.”
Lando nods, determination replacing the initial shock in his eyes. “First, we need to contact our teams and get this taken down,” he says, already dialing numbers on his phone. “Then, we’ll figure out who did this.”
As you watch him spring into action, you can’t help but feel a mix of emotions—anger, fear, but also a strange sense of resolve. Together, you would get through this. You always did.
With a deep breath, you start typing a message to your publicist, hoping that amidst the chaos, you and Lando could reclaim some sense of control over your lives.
In the next few hours, the house becomes a hub of frantic activity. Calls and emails fly back and forth between you, Lando, and your respective teams. Legal advisors, publicists, and social media managers are looped in to manage the crisis. The video is being taken down from various platforms, but the damage has been done. Screenshots and clips have already spread like wildfire.
Your phone rings, and it’s your publicist. “We need to get ahead of this story,” she says urgently. “A statement from both of you, emphasizing your privacy has been violated, and that legal action is being taken.”
You look over at Lando, who’s on the phone with his own team. He catches your eye and gives a nod of understanding. “We’re on it,” you reply, ending the call.
Lando finishes his conversation and sits beside you. “How are you holding up?” he asks softly, placing a hand on your knee.
“Honestly? I’m furious and embarrassed,” you admit, fighting back tears. “But we need to stay strong and united.”
He pulls you into a comforting embrace. “We will get through this,” he reassures you. “Let’s draft that statement.”
You both sit at the dining table, laptops open, drafting a response that conveys your anger and frustration, but also your determination to reclaim your privacy.
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc and 85,638 others
yourusername Well, this is not how we planned to go viral. 🙃 While we appreciate the interest, we kindly ask for privacy during this time. Also fuck whoever hacked into Landos iCloud, you bet your ass you’re getting sued 😙
view all 9,267 comments
carlossainz55 sue that fucker!
user1 search up #landoleaks on Twitter to see the videos!!
↳ user2 Landos thrust game is on point
↳ user3 can you not? y/n clearly asked for you to respect her privacy
↳ user2 well they shouldn’t have been making these videos then. they knew what the risk was
user4 can we talk about that one video where he has his backwards cap on in doggy 🥵🥵
↳ user5 or the one where y/n’s filming him eating her out and he’s looking right into the camera
↳ user4 they’re SO hot and kinky
↳ user6 respect their privacy 🤦‍♀️
user7 Sending love and support to the both of you! This is not okay. 💔
user8 McLaren will probably have something to say about this 😳
↳ user9 if they fire lando over this I’ll go insane
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liked by yourusername, lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 1,628,725 others
landonorris Life in the fast lane comes with its unexpected bumps. Thanks to everyone for the support and understanding. We’re keeping our heads up and looking forward to getting back on track. Remember, change those iCloud passwords! 😉
view all 13,527 comments
user10 show them how it’s done! 💪
user11 did they find the hacker?
↳ deuxmoi yeah they did, apparently it was a fan 🫡
yourusername come put those hands to good use
↳ user12 we all know how skilled his hands are now, so i totally understand her constant thirsting
↳ user13 she’s back at it again
user14 our unbothered king!! #Legend
↳ user15 love how he’s just training and preparing for his next race, not giving the hacker any satisfaction
oscarpiastri excellent advice mate…should’ve taken it earlier
user16 he’s excluding major big dick energy
↳ user17 I mean from the leaks, he has every right to exclude it 🤣
EXCLUSIVE: Formula One Star Lando Norris and Influencer Girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N’s Intimate Video Leaked in iCloud Hack
By: Sasha, Rumour Radar
In a shocking turn of events, Formula One sensation Lando Norris and his influencer girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N have become the latest victims of a devastating iCloud hack. Early this week, the couple’s private videos and photos were leaked online, sending social media into a frenzy and causing the hashtag #LandoLeaks to trend worldwide.
The intimate videos, believed to be stored securely in Norris’s iCloud account, was maliciously accessed and disseminated, violating the couple’s privacy in the most invasive manner. Fans and followers of the McLaren driver and his popular partner woke up to the unexpected scandal, as the videos spread like wildfire across various platforms.
Privacy Breach Sends Shockwaves
Sources close to the couple reveal that Norris and Y/L/N were awakened by a barrage of notifications on their phones, alerting them to the unauthorized leak. “They were in complete shock and disbelief,” says an insider. “This is a deeply personal violation, and they’re understandably devastated”
In an exclusive statement to our publication, Norris’s management team expressed their outrage and confirmed immediate action is being taken to remove the content from the internet. “We are working with legal experts and cybersecurity professionals to address this breach of privacy and ensure that those responsible are held accountable,” the statement reads. “This is not just about Lando and Y/N, it’s about everyone’s right to privacy”
Digital Safety
The leak has sparked widespread condemnation from fans and fellow celebrities, who are rallying behind the couple with messages of support and solidarity. Many are calling for stricter measures to protect individuals’ private data and prevent such invasive breaches from occurring in the future.
As the couple works to regain control of their personal lives, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that even high-profile figures face in the digital age and also highlights the importance of digital privacy and responsible online behavior.
Our thoughts remain with Lando and Y/N during this challenging time, and we urge our readers to approach discussions with empathy and respect for all parties involved.
Stay tuned to Rumour Radar for the latest updates on this unfolding story and more celebrity gossip.
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I am not the asshole, and I think this whole thing is stupid, but I was promised that if I sent my side of things to this blog I could pick the hotel for our honeymoon, and I am marrying a man who once tried to take me BACKPACKING of all things, so this ask has become a necessity. In light of that:
AITA (I'm NOT) for planning the seating for our wedding in a logical way?
I got engaged in June, apparently in part because of my partner writing in to this blog (I don't know how to find or link to his posts, but I'm the man who got the cat to bite him, if that rings any bells?). At any rate, for the past ten weeks, I've been in the beginning stages of planning our wedding with my fiance, whom I have been secretly attempting to remove from the planning process as much as possible. I have ALREADY been given a list of his must-haves, and I AM incorporating as many of them as our budget allows. This has NOTHING to do with the emotional side of the event, and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that this is an idiot with no real planning experience or taste who thinks he knows more than me.
For the most part, this has worked very well. I'm the one who's been collating all the contact information for things, so I just replaced all the emails for the tacky companies with false addresses, responded to his inquiries as the companies to say the date was already booked or the price was outside our budget, and let him filter his way to the ones I DO like on his own. I also made a fuss about being "willing to compromise" on the few things he's picked I'm completely fine with in the hopes I can use it to make him compromise later, and have been humming portions of the songs I want on the playlist in the hopes he'll think he came up with the idea to include them himself.
None of this is the real problem. The PROBLEM is that he is deliberately ruining my seating chart, by moving our horrible friend's seat when I'm not looking.
The man in question dated both of us at one point in our VERY early 20s (both ended BADLY), is generally the messiest person we know, and will almost certainly get sloppy drunk and try to make a speech IF he does make an appearance. I'm banking on the fact that he won't, because he's also ridiculously wealthy, and will almost certainly send us some very lavish gift in lieu of coming.
He is SUPPOSED to be sitting beside my fiances aunt, at the same table as his grandmother, his work friend, and her girlfriend, because all four of these women are stone cold terrors who I believe are more than capable of keeping him in line on the slim chance he does come. My fiance INSISTS they won't be able to have any fun if they're running interference all night, and keeps moving him to sit at the head table instead. You know, where WE are. I finally caught him switching the label magnets on my planning board last night, and confronted him.
I tried leveraging how much I've been compromising already, that he's almost certainly going to RSVP no, and that I shouldn't have to deal with him on our big night. My fiance said he knew about all the fake emailing and such, and told me, and I QUOTE: "Look, the mind game shit was hot when it was just about the colour scheme or whatever, but I actually care about this. So you can suffer with everybody else, or you can do the normal thing and not invite a guy you hate to our wedding, you weirdo."
I said that if I did that, it would take out half his groomsmen, he called me an asshole and said I should go explain this to "literally any rational adult" so they could tell me I was in the wrong, and now here we are.
Would you recommend calling my fiance's bluff, since he doesn't want the man sitting near us either? Or should I focus on ensuring he'll turn down the invitation no matter what, so the matter of where he WON'T be sitting can be a moot point?
What are these acronyms?
Original post
The update
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aurorasulphur · 9 months
Disclaimer: none of these answers are official, and may not work for your particular use case. If there is a specific feature that an unofficial app had that you don't know how to replicate on the AO3, let me know in the notes and we might can crowdsource a solution.
A lot of people used the Archive Reader app to access stories on Archive of Our Own, and have been upset that the app is now charging to read longer than an hour a day. AO3 (and its parent organization, the OTW) has made it extremely clear in recent days that this app is unofficial and that there *is* no official app. They encourage people to use the website.
However, there are MANY reasons you might want an app, and in a bunch of those cases, there are ways to do those things without having to provide your login information to a random person running an app. Here is a round-up of solutions to the most common reasons I've seen people give for wanting an app instead of the plain AO3 website.
These solutions are based on the following assumptions:
You know what Archive of Our Own is
You often or primarily access it through a mobile device running iOS or Android
You understand what a browser is
You understand what a browser bookmark is
You understand what a site skin is
Edited to clarify that you must be logged in to use custom site skins
Edited to add more tips and tricks from the reblogs
Edited to add new entry about notifications/emails
Edited to add new entry about reading statistics and the tracking thereof
I need a widget on my phone's homescreen, not just a browser bookmark.
You can do this with any website, not just AO3! Instructions here: https://www.howtogeek.com/196087/how-to-add-websites-to-the-home-screen-on-any-smartphone-or-tablet/
I need Dark Mode.
AO3 has a default site skin for Dark Mode, it's just called Reversi. Find it here, or at the bottom of any page on the website. https://archiveofourown.org/skins/929/
If you'd like Dark Mode on your whole browser (and you're on Android), sorrelchestnut has advice here: https://www.tumblr.com/sorrelchestnut/737869282153775104/if-you-want-dark-mode-and-dont-want-to-mess
I need to be able to read stories when I don't have internet.
Every work on the AO3 has a download button, so you can click on that and download the story for offline reading in the ereader app of your choice. More info on how to do that is in the AO3 FAQs: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/downloading-fanworks?language_id=en#accesslater
I need to be able to change the text size of the website itself.
If you have an AO3 account (and you should!!) you can do this with a personalized site skin! There is a simple tutorial here: https://www.tumblr.com/ao3skin/667284237718798336/i-have-a-request-if-you-dont-mind-could-you
I need to be able to change the text size in downloaded stories.
My personal recommendation: Don't download in PDF format. All the other formats you can download in can scale the text size up and down, assuming you open the work in the correct app. For me, I download works in EPUB format and read them on the built-in Books app on my iPhone. I hear good things about Moon Reader on Android as well.
I need to be able to replace Y/N in fics with an actual name.
ElectricAlice has a bookmarklet for that here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34796935
I need to be able to save specific tags and not have to search them up every time.
If you have an AO3 account (which you definitely should) then you can favorite up to 20 tags which will appear on the landing page. The AO3 FAQ explains how that works: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/tags?language_id=en#favtag
I need to be able to save specific filters and be able to apply them to any tag.
Reisling's beautiful bookmarklet has you covered: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33825019
I need to be able to permanently hide certain tags.
The best option is adding this to your site skin. (Must be logged in.) Instructions here: https://www.tumblr.com/ao3css/719667033634160640/how-to-permanently-filter-out-certain-tags-on-ao3
I also hear things about the AO3 Enhancements extension (just for Android/desktop, sorry iOS folks): https://www.tumblr.com/emotionalsupportrats/686787582579851265/browser-extension-everyone-on-ao3-should-know
I need it to save my place on the page and not reload.
This is really mostly a browser error--Firefox on iOS does this to me A LOT. Your best bet is to download the work and read it in an ereader app. A lot of people also will make an ao3 bookmark and write in the notes section which part they were at, but that assumes you aren't falling asleep while reading. (Which is the main reason I have this issue, lol.) For more info on bookmarks, see the FAQ: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/bookmarks?language_id=en#whatisbookmark
I need it to keep track of which stories I've already read/opened/kudos'd.
If you have an account (which you should) then the "My History" page keeps track of every fic you've ever clicked on. No, it isn't searchable or sortable, but it does exist. For fics you've kudos'd, I have yet to find a solution for iOS. For desktop or Android, you can use this excellent userscript: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/5835-ao3-kudosed-and-seen-history
@the-sleepy-archivist and @inkandarsenic have a solution for iOS here to use userscripts: https://www.tumblr.com/the-sleepy-archivist/737895174683885568/this-is-a-great-guide-one-thing-i-can-help-with and https://www.tumblr.com/inkandarsenic/737827438571192320/the-user-scripts-will-also-work-on-ios-there-are
I need an app because the website's search is terrible.
(I genuinely don't understand this one but I have seen it multiple times so on the list it goes!!) The search bar at the top of the screen is a keyword search. If you'd rather search within a specific field (like title or tag) then you'll want to click on the word "search" at the top of the screen and select Work Search or Tag Search. To search users, use People Search. To search Bookmarks, use Bookmark Search. (If this is you, please tell me what the heck you mean by "search is bad" and how an app helped with this.)
I need to be able to sort stories by date posted/number of bookmarks/alphabetical/etc.
You can do this using the filters sidebar. Pick a tag you want to filter on (like a fandom, character, or relationship) and then click on the "Filters" button. The sidebar will pop out and you can sort and filter on a boggling array of specifics. A good filtering guide: https://www.tumblr.com/saurons-pr-department/718665516093472768/if-there-is-something-you-dont-want-to-see-in
I need to be able to mark stories to read later.
AO3 has this feature built in! If you have an account (which you should) there is a "Mark for Later" option on every work.
Edit: Thispersonishuman reminded me that History and Mark For Later can be disabled, so if you're not seeing the Mark for Later option, check your settings.
I need to be able to listen to stories using text-to-speech.
Microsoft Edge web browser has a built in text to speech function. Supposedly it works on both iOS and Android, but I have not personally tested that. iOS also has a native accessibility feature in settings for text to speech that will work on the Books app, so I assume Android has a similar functionality. A bunch of people in the reblogs have more in-depth Android recommendations here: https://www.tumblr.com/protect-namine/737957194510794752/seconding-voice-aloud-on-android-for-tts-my, https://www.tumblr.com/smallercommand/737884523093704704/i-use-voice-for-tts-on-android-its-got-some, and https://www.tumblr.com/doitninetimes/737869463749263360/for-text-to-speech-on-android-you-can-also-check
I need to have in-app notifications for updates/I can't ever find story updates in among the rest of my emails/checking my email stresses me out.
Set up a separate email address using a free service like gmail, and use that email address JUST for AO3. Then the only emails in that inbox will be your story updates. I use Apple's Mail application for all my inboxes, but it's very easy to use the Gmail app instead, and you could log in to JUST the ao3 email and set it to notify for every email.
(Also as a general PSA: don't use your work, school, or military email as your AO3 email. Just don't.)
I want statistics like how many hours I spent reading, how many words I read, what my most read tags were, stuff like that.
So we've finally hit something that isn't easy and that requires a hell of a lot of manual work. Short version: AO3 does not track this data because they don't want to. (Mostly due to privacy concerns.) The lack of this tracking is a feature, not a bug. You can crunch these numbers yourself, but it will take a hell of a lot more effort, and it's something I personally found is not worth the effort the couple of times I have tried to crunch those numbers. If you are willing to download your history to an actual computer (not a tablet or chromebook) using Calibre, you can get a rough idea of your most popular tags via their tag browser, but it won't play nice with typos synned to a Common Tag (Canonical Tag/filterable tag) like ao3 does. (If anyone has used an app that gave you stats on this, please let me know in reblogs/replies/via ask how that worked because I am very curious.)
I need an app because <other reason>.
The AO3 Unofficial Browser Tools FAQ might cover your use case: https://archiveofourown.org/faq/unofficial-browser-tools?language_id=en If not, give a shout and we'll see what other tumblr users suggest!
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