#how to identify high potential talent
rahul-shl · 2 years
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kalki-tarot · 1 year
Your Shadow aspects you need to work on to meet your FS. 🥀
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Disclaimer — The images I used to select a pile were sourced from Pinterest, I hope the reading will resonate with you. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make in your life from my readings. I'm just a beginner and these readings are just for fun.
Check masterlist for more !
Pile 1
Death, wheel of fortune, queen of swords, the chariot, ace of wands, the emperor, king of swords, the lovers, 10 of pentacles.
The most prominent thing I see here is your obsession for fairytale romances, basically you are having unrealistic expectations etc.
This behaviour leads to you to watching a lot of tarot readings, like alot of them!
The high priestess in the bottom of deck tells me you need to learn how to identify and work with your own intuition. You need to develop it for your own good.
Don't be dependent on tarot readings or fiction romance.
You maybe have an image of a rich handsome ceo in your mind. Idk if it's right or wrong to imagine that or set expectations around it but the tarot the deck is showing me exactly this issue.
Please be reminded that a perfect love story in not perfect. It has ugly fights and a lot of things like that.
I'm not saying you don't deserve a love you desire, I'm saying not to be too obsessed with these unrealistic expectations.
Start working on your intuition, meditate, be in nature for sometime. It'll guide you, you'll be your own guide. Take tarot readings as a possibility of the future. Don't let anything take your power.
You'll surely have a love story, with passion and romance if you trust your intuition.
Pile 2
King of wands, ace of pentacles, strength, devil, the empress, queen of wands, 10 of pentacles, 3 of swords, 2 of swords, 2 of wands, 7 of pentacles, death
I feel like you're in a soulmate connection or a twinflame journey. Are you seeing 22 or 222 or 2323 alot?
Do you recognize your talents and creativity, pile 2? If not then start doing it. Nurture your divine feminine side. Keep yourself in check. It will align you with meeting your future spouse.
Don't be too harsh on yourself, it's okay to not be able to follow the same timetable or routine everyday.
Why are you restraining yourself to a point that it's hampering your spiritual growth?
You were born with these talents you have, keep doing it. Allow yourself to feel and do things what make you happy and peaceful.
I'm aware of the heartbreak or painful time you faced in the past. I know it's stopping you from loving yourself, but see the bigger picture.
You need to make a choice, it's in your hands. The choice to either be stuck in the past or move forward with a free and energized spirit on the road of success.
Work on your plans, carry them out in the reality. Plan and succeed. It's your destiny to reap the benefits of your hardwork.
Allow yourself to go through this transformation in life.
Pile 3
Ace of wands, strength, 10 pentacles, ace of pentacles, 7 wands, the lovers, 4 or cups, death, queen of cups.
You need to balance and keep check of your emotional health. You are too sensitive emotionally. You need to master your emotions.
I think it's because of someone broke your heart romantically or you were in a toxic relationship which made you like this.
Please remember how much potential you have carrer wise. You are much more capable of everything, more capable than you think.
You have a tendency to repeat this cycle where someone tells you something critical, you take that seriously, you blame yourself for being this way here and in your love life too and it just keeps going in a circle.
I think you need to rewire this pattern of self blaming. You are not what you think you are. You are much more tha that. You are meant to live a rich and abundant lifestyle, so focus on that. Love will itself find you.
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rainbow-crane · 3 months
In-Depth Analysis On All The DR Characters Because What, Are You Gonna Try And Stop Me? Who Are You, My Mom? Yeah, I Didn't Think So- Part 4: Yasuhiro Hagakure
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I've actually managed to hype myself up a good bit for this one, despite the fact I'm not fond of Hiro. If there's anything I've learned since starting this series, it's that taking the time to actually absorb these characters and their full existence in the narrative reveals a lot more than you get just by playing the game normally, and I'm hopeful that doing that will make Hiro that much better of a character for me. So, let's dive in.
Per usual, this analysis uses only official materials from the DR series, primarily the english translation of the game. If you aren't that interested in lengthy yapping, then keep scrolling.
Part 1- Character Design
Yasuhiro Hagakure wears several layers of clothing, having a haramaki, white button-up, and his old high school uniform all on over a yellow shirt and a pair of baggy black pants tied up with a yellow bow. His old high school emblem is purposefully designed to look like the yin and yang symbol, and his hair is up in locs styled to bend backwards and stick out at odd angles.
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Yasuhiro is a dual character, typically either being the most relaxed or the most panicked person in the room. This sort of duality is likely why he was given the yin and yang symbol, a symbol of balance, along with his talent. Yasuhiro was given the talent of SHSL Fortune Teller, or Ultimate Clairvoyant, and has a unique connection to the spirit world. This may also be why his hair is designed to stick out, similar to how when you touch an object with enough static, your hair stands up. In this way, we can see Yasuhiro is visibly connected to the spirit world at all times.
Part 2- Character Introduction
Hiro is actually the first character to speak in-game after Makoto's self-introduction, calling out in surprise when Makoto gets to the main hall with everyone else("Woah, hey! Another new kid?") He then continues on to be the first one we're able to identify as speaking after the class panover is completed.
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This immediately makes him stick out, as this is the character the game makes a point to show you directly before anyone else- not Sayaka, Kyoko, Byakuya- nope, Hiro is first and foremost. Despite this, he fades into the background of the conversation almost immediately after as everyone else decides to introduce themselves to each other. When we get back to his introduction(one of the last ones we see), he introduces himself as someone who takes it easy, and tells you to do the same. We know from Makoto's internal dialogue that he has little to no knowledge on fortune telling, and thus, have almost no insight to Hiro's perspective. We also learn that within the psychic community, he's referred to as 'Supernova'. As he begins to speak, though, we learn exactly what the game's plan for his clairvoyance is: a big joke.
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Though, he himself admits he's joking around, and invites Makoto to talk about Lemurian civilization. Lemuria is a debunked theory about a potential 8th continent that was believed to have sunk into the Indian Ocean, disproved by further research on continental drift and plate tectonics. Despite this, it still remains as a subject of conspiracy for many, and tells us a lot about Hiro's interests. Combined with his talent in fortune-telling, Hiro is someone with a fascination for what lies beneath the surface of human understanding. We also learn that he's of drinking age(20 in Japan, though this was changed to 21 in the English translation to reflect international drinking laws). He admits this is due to being held back a few years, waving it off as a 'long story' that we never get to hear.
As the class continues to talk, he remains completely calm, and insists it's all part of the fancy school's orientation. He continues to hold this belief even after Monokuma appears at the entrance ceremony, playing off Monokuma's threat of the killing game and Monokuma himself as a bit.
"Reveal the trick...?" "Yeah, cuz I mean... Y'know, this is all some kinda trick and all, right? So uh, like..."
So our first impression of Hiro is that he's a laidback older guy who isn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen, and that he's into conspiracies.
Part 3- Early Game Development
Once the game's officially started, Hiro very much takes a backseat so the story and mystery can develop, to the point where even when the entire class is talking about their explorations and what they found, Hiro remains silent, only telling the others to chill and continuing to say he believes this is all planned by the school. He appears completely unbothered by the whole situation.
"I mean, this was all planned out, right? The people in charge of Hope's Peak put this all together, right? Man, if I got stressed every time something like this happened, I'd have ectoplasm shooting out my mouth!"
Despite this, if you take the opportunity to talk to him in the laundry room the following morning, you get this:
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Despite Hiro's insistence that this is all normal, he's run himself ragged trying to find out why they're trapped in the school. It suggests that his relaxed attitude towards the situation may be some kind of a facade to keep both himself and the others calm. He continues to insist upon it even after multiple days have passed, when Monokuma reappears again to give out the motive videos("Why the hell are you laughing?" "I'm just impressed at the total commitment to this whole act.") He refuses to acknowledge the mere possibility of this situation being an actual threat to their lives, even after watching the motive video of (presumably) his mother and sister in danger.
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He insists on it to the point where he doesn't realize the truth of the situation until "Junko" is impaled with a ton of spears and dies right in front of him, and even then, his reaction is delayed, not realizing until Makoto and Byakuya check her for a pulse.
"Sh-she's... dead!? Then that means...! That means everything that's happened so far is real!? It's not a joke or whatever!? It's really real!? Hell no! Someone save me! Let me outta here! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" "You're j-just now accepting that...?"
He switches from total calm to ungodly terror, as he didn't experience the dread leading up to the incident that everyone else did. The horror renders him immobile for nearly the entire investigation, only pulled out of shock when Makoto shows him his broken glass ball.
"Did that guy totally dupe me!? He said it belonged to the pillars of history... Genghis Khan, George Washington, Napoleon... He said whoever controlled that crystal ball controlled the world! Was that seriously all BS!?"
"I'm almost afraid to ask, but how much did you pay for that thing?" "Everything I'd saved up from fortune-telling for two full years. Came out to be like... a million."
Not only did he pay that much for what was pretty obviously a glass ball, he fully believed that story despite the fact one of the named holders that 'controlled the world' was a failed emperor that died in exile. It is a hand-sized glass ball. Paying $1M in USD shouldn't have even been on the table in the first place.
Hiro goes into the next chapter still completely panicking, babbling on to Makoto about the 'ill omen' that is the items set in the display case and once again begging to the heavens to be released from the school.
"Ahhh! I've been struck with knowledge! It's an ill omen of total devastation and ruin! L-Let me outta here! Let me ouuuut!"
It's a bit late, as the only dangerous item from that case was used in the previous murder, but better late than never, I suppose.
Prior to the motive announcement, Hiro reveals that he was the one to pick up on the goings-on outside of Hope's Peak, having been in the dining hall and heard what he described as 'noises like a construction site'. It's important enough that Monokuma confirms the noises to be a) real and b) the result of some level of violence, as his provided explanations are an explosion or machine gun. So although Hiro himself hasn't had much of a story yet, he's still keeping his ears open and is at least paying some attention to the problem at hand now.
During the investigation, Hiro ends up in a much better position, now able to not go into total shock and do an investigation of his own. Although it doesn't yield many results, talking to him makes it clear that he's both trying to find something useful and trying to keep what information he does have private before the trial, which is progress. He's doing something instead of just sitting on his ass, and he's trying to remain secretive, even if he's really bad at it.
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When the trial comes around, he's excited to provide evidence, being the one to tell the class about the e-handbooks in the mailbox despite insistence that he probably couldn't help anyway. Despite this, he takes it well when he's told he's wrong the second he's given a reason.
"No, she DID have a way! And I can tell you what it was!" "I highly doubt that." "Shut up! I'm telling you, I know how she could've done it!" ('it' being Chihiro entering the girls' locker room)
"She used the thing that was in the main hall!" "Huh? What thing?" "I'm talkin' about Leon's handbook, of course!"
"Why not!?" "Because Leon's handbook was broken." "Oh! Well then yeah, I guess that'd be pretty impossible, huh?"
Part 4- Midgame Events (In fact, we're gonna frame you for murder!)
Now that Taka's grieving, Hiro remembers he's significantly older than the rest of the class and decides to step up as the class rep and keep everyone calm and focused, at least until Taka can take over again. Although it doesn't last for very long, it's a nice gesture on Hiro's part, and shows some level of responsibility from him.
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He's the one to direct the class to the 3rd floor and opens up to conversation about what they found, doing everything he can think of to both keep the class' gaze fixed ahead and try to rouse Taka from his silent state, though this falls apart the second Hina starts talking about a ghost.
Despite his efforts, Kyoko is the one who's really in charge here, and instead, Hiro becomes a messenger for her, alerting the rest of the class to 'bathtime' and acting as a voice of reason when both Hifumi and Taka become obsessed with Alter Ego.
"I happened to do a psychic reading for a certain famous CEO once... And that guy was seriously head over heels for a mannequin. He had a wedding and everything! And your eyes just now... I saw the same look in HIS eyes!"
"Oh, Taka! Are you back!?" "Who the hell's Taka!?" "Um... you?"
He also delivers letters to everyone in class when Kyoko has an important update on Alter Ego, assuming that the files have been decrypted. It's also worth noting he has remarkably clean penmanship, and this is attributed to his supernatural beliefs.
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The following morning, when Hiro is one of the many students to go missing, Celeste sets it up so that almost everyone is led to believe that Hiro is the obvious culprit before he even so much as gets a chance to defend himself- falsifying and planting evidence, removing proof of innocence to the best of her ability, and manipulating Hifumi to help her- all with the stroke of luck in her favor that even after remembering his life before the game, Hifumi still couldn't betray her when he tried because her legal surname was the same as his first. On a surface level, almost every slip-up or seemingly stupid move was shrugged off as 'well, Hiro's an idiot anyway, so he probably didn't realize,' which is exactly what Celeste bet on. The only one who wouldn't automatically fall under this assumption (Kyoko) was so distracted by her own schemes that she was pulled out of the investigation for the vast majority of it. Even Byakuya completely fell for it until Makoto pointed out some of the inconsistencies to him.
But here's the thing: Hiro's gullible, not stupid. He may fall for other people's schemes, but he can just as easily craft his own and sell them, even when the person being sold to knows they're being duped to some degree. He's a businessman at heart, and you can't become a successful businessman if your schemes don't work. If Celeste wanted her plan to work, then she chose the wrong guy to frame. (The game never actually addresses this directly, but from a meta perspective, it's pretty obvious Hiro is just being used as a red herring, and it's all symbolized in his handwriting- Hiro is more put-together than he's given credit for, and that truth creates the physical evidence of his innocence Celeste couldn't change.)
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I mean, Hiro deliberately plays up his own stupidity in the trial, taking the argument that was supposed to work against him and using it in his favor to convince everyone around him of his own incompetency. That's not the strategy of someone incapable of working out a survival plan.
"Come on, I'm not smart enough to think of trying to change my handwriting anyway!" <- a direct contradiction to when he writes Toko's name in blood in handwriting not of his own in the following chapter
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Hiro being a red-herring suspect for a murder is quickly followed up with Hiro being a red-herring suspect for a murder. Yes, they do it twice, but this time, Hiro himself believes he's responsible. So there's enough differentiation to warrant it within the plot.
With chapter 4, Hiro's paranoia hits an all-new level. And for good reason, too. Not only have there been 5 attempted murders in the span of just over 2 weeks, 3 of which were intentional and 4 of which were successful, there's also a known serial killer chilling with the rest of the class that's known specifically for attacking men. Not only that, he was literally framed for a double murder case just a couple days ago, and to top it all off, Sakura, the visibly strongest person not only in the class, but also officially recognized as strongest person in the world, has been outed as a spy for Monokuma. So naturally, Hiro's a little on edge when he receives the invite from Sakura to meet in the rec room. So when he hears her muttering to herself-
"This is it... I'm going to end it today... I'm going to end... everything." "As soon as I heard that, I just knew... I knew she was gonna try and kill me! She was gonna kill me and make her escape!"
So, rather then let that potential end happen, he made the panicked decision to defend himself.
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He admits to this pretty quickly in the trial as well, as the moment the dying message is disproven as being from Sakura, he caves and tells them everything that happened from his perspective. And he feels terrible about it, too, accepting that he has to die for what he did.
"Well, that's what happened. Go ahead, roast me, boil me, do whatever you want..."
Once Makoto and Kyoko are able to prove he's innocent, it's a massive weight off his shoulders. His fear and panic all but disappear, and he spends the rest of the trial in a much more relaxed state.
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And once the trial is over, and they've all heard the truth about Sakura's case, he throws his full support to Hina and Sakura, unable to be mad at either of them.
"This is because of our misplaced hatred. I don't blame her(Sakura)! I CAN'T blame her! And nobody can blame Hina, either!"
Besides being a suspect in both murder cases, Hiro has another important moment in chapter 4. At breakfast on the first morning, after sharing his prediction of no more murders, he tells the story of his encounter with aliens, in which a burger that was supposedly 100% beef was beamed up by an alien spaceship. And because aliens supposedly steal cows, the meat separated and only took 30% of the meat. When he went back to the restaurant, they admitted to mixing pork into the meat. This story is representative of Hiro's own fortune-telling, as only 30% of his predictions are real and the rest are done just for money.
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Part 5- Character Relationships
Though none of them are given a main focus in-game, Hiro has fairly important dynamics with about half the cast of THH. Actually, basically everyone that made it past chapter 2 has an established dynamic with Hiro.
5.1- Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Though it's a bit of a one-sided relationship, Hiro is the only character to show any concern for Taka going into chapter 3. After the brutal death of Mondo, Taka goes comatose, and won't eat, sleep, or speak to anyone. It's when in this state that Hiro attempts to get him back in action as class rep, more than once. Unfortunately, he never really succeeds, though this does leave us with the implication that he was the one who told Taka about Alter Ego, as it doesn't make sense for it to have been anyone else at this point.
5.2- Hifumi Yamada
Similar to Taka, Hifumi spends chapter 3 with a special interest in Alter Ego. Hiro is the one that tries to get through to him, calling out his strange behavior and likening it to a former client in love with a mannequin. The two of them also bounce off of each other quite a bit in the first half of the game during group conversations, and when they do, it often paints Hiro in a more reasonable light. As the older and therefore more mature of the two, he knows when Hifumi is full of shit and calls him on it, particularly when he's being horny("But he's a guy! And also a computer program!" "Oh, that aspect is no problem." "That... aspect?").
Hifumi later goes on to work with Celeste to frame him for the murder of both Taka and himself. It's unclear if he had any resentment for Hiro or if he just agreed with Celeste that he'd make a good scapegoat.
5.3- Celestia Ludenberg
Celeste frames him for murder, despite the fact that they didn't have much interaction before then. Why Hiro, though?
"Because you're stupid." "That's it!?" "And in that regard, I made the right choice. I'm so glad your stupidity surpassed my every expectation. Life must have been tough on your parents, though." "I feel like I could cry..."
Not only is this one final dig from her before her execution, it's also just blatantly wrong. Not only was Hiro not there for the majority of the investigation(by her design), but the supposed stupidity of his character she's referencing had almost no effect on the investigation or trial. Rather, it was the assumptions of the rest of the cast that benefitted her, with characters like Hina and Byakuya going along with the same assumption she wanted them to. He was almost immediately proven innocent by Makoto, and was only considered a suspect because Celeste herself kept hounding the idea.
In short, this proved Celeste the idiot. She didn't know her opponent at all, and so she lost, lying about it to the bitter end.
5.4- Sakura Ogami
Hiro's lack of a significant relationship with her is more important than what they did have. Throughout THH, Hiro consistently refers to Sakura not by name, but by the demeaning nickname given to her online, 'Ogre', due to how physically imposing she is. As such, the two never really connect, and when she's outed by Monokuma as the spy, he turns against her immediately, even when they were relatively friendly with each other up until that point. He doesn't necessarily want to distrust her, but not only is her allegiance under fire, but he's already been betrayed and directly put in the line of fire once. He has to consider his safety first, so he cuts her out with the others, though he does say if she makes good on her assertion to defeat the mastermind, that he'll forgive her("If she really can beat the mastermind like she said, that'd go a long way in my mind...").
But even if he isn't condemning her to hell like Byakuya and Toko, he still doesn't know her. He never bothered to try. So when she invites him to talk, he stays on his guard. The game has rendered him unable to connect to her, and so when he hears her speak of 'ending everything', he can only assume the worst. And it leads him to open the case of Sakura's attacker- not Toko, not Jack, not Byakuya. Hiro starts it. And he carries that guilt into her trial.
5.4- Byakuya Togami, Aoi Asahina, Toko Fukawa, Genocide Jill
Hiro has a fairly antagonistic relationship with the other non-main-character survivors(and Byakuya, if you consider him one). The 5 of them spend most of the latter half of the game at each other's throats, often for miniscule, petty things. This is mostly used as a source of comedy, with each pointing out the others' flaws and making each other look dumb. However, when it comes down to it, they can get along and cooperate when it's important.
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He gets along best with Hina, as both were part of the overarching group from the beginning, and both are consistently present whenever the group splits up(for example, before Chihiro's body is found). And because Toko and Jack follow Byakuya around, and Makoto and Kyoko are the main characters, the two of them end up as an unintentional pair when it comes to group dialogue, even ganging up on Byakuya or Toko when appropriate. That said, Hina doesn't like him much, either.
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5.5- Kyoko
Kyoko acknowledges Hiro's attempts to become the leader of the class in Taka's absence, and uses him to communicate with the rest of the class about Alter Ego when necessary. He acts as her messenger, suggesting she trusted him to some extent, enough to let him be the messenger. Their relationship isn't expanded upon outside of this, though.
5.6- Makoto Naegi
Despite his mounting paranoia and trust issues in the previous chapters, Hiro is shown to trust Makoto specifically, likely because he was the one to prove his innocence in both chapter 3 and 4. He holds Makoto in high regard, enthusiastically agreeing with Kyoko to let him hold the knife in chapter 5 and attempting to explain the dismantling of Monokuma to him: "I'll explain what's goin' on, Makoto. Cuz that's how much I like ya! Byakuya found this li'l fella layin' around, then we tore it apart!" "That doesn't explain anything..."
Part 6- Hiro's Clairvoyance
Despite Hiro's claims of only having a 30% accuracy rating at best, his fortune-telling and bouts of clairvoyance are accurate a good few times in THH. I'm not doing the math to see if it actually falls between 20-30%, but it is enough to be significant.
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In the prologue and 1st chapter, Hiro insists that the killing game must be a prank because of his total certainty that the execs of Hope's Peak were the ones who locked them in the school. This is revealed to be true in chapter 4, when Alter Ego reveals the Hope's Peak Headmaster planned the shelter, and the board signed off on it.
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In his 1st FTE, Hiro reveals he's already seen that his and Makoto's paths intersect, and that the mother of their children is the same woman. This becomes true if you get the bad ending in chapter 5.
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The chapter 2 cover art has Hiro holding a manga with Taka and Celeste covered in blood, with the number 2 beside Taka. This accurately depicts that Celeste would kill Taka in the following chapter, and that he'd be one of two victims of hers.
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In the start of chapter 4, Hiro reveals a prediction that there won't be any more murders. This turns out to be true, as the only other deaths after this are both by suicide.
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Hiro's wild guess about what started the Tragedy was later proven in the series to be correct repeatedly- Hope's Peak students' deaths started and continued the domino effect of the Tragedy. Hajime became Izuru due to Natsumi's and Sato's murders; the student council were all slaughtered inside the school as the beta kg; the Reserve Course students killed all the Main Course students that weren't either 77-B or 78-B, and then committed mass suicide via brainwashing. All the students were killed.
Part 7- An Inner Look
During THH, we get a look at both Hiro's bedroom and his locker in the main story. This gives us a unique glimpse into his mentality that we don't get with anyone else in THH.
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Interestingly, his room and his locker are very different, despite them both containing his fortune-telling materials. In his bedroom, his books are stacked fairly neatly on the desk, and his divination tools are organized, being set on separate tables with a protective tablecloth underneath. The singing bowl and incense- which work for ambience- are kept on one desk in the back, while his cards and dice are kept on the main table in the middle of the room. Meanwhile, his locker has his books shoved awkwardly into the bottom, while his divination tools are all lumped together on the top and have no separation or organization. The locker's state even leads Makoto to say that its owner "probably has organization problems in every part of their life". This may suggest that his room is clean for the sake of potential customers, or just that the lack of space in the locker was inconvenient.
Part 8- Late Game Events
When chapter 5 opens, Hiro's 'dumb guy' shenanigans are cranked up to the max. While everyone's investigating the 5th floor, talking to Hiro in the garden reveals his conspiracy theory on the inevitable global domination of the world by plants. He also gets excited about the 5 chickens, claiming the number 5 to "contain the mysteries of the cosmos" and says it's a good omen.
When he tells the rest of the survivors about the garden, he decides he wants to use the lawnmower to create crop circles, as a signal for help. What he fails to realize is that there are no crops in the school, and that no one would be able to see them from above if there were. It's this moment that Hina points out how ridiculous he's getting:
"What the heck's happened to you...? You weren't like this in the beginning, you know." "Well back then my personality hadn't quite solidified yet...!" "I didn't think it was possible, but I'm more disappointed in you now than I've ever been..."
This suggests Hiro's characterization, from the ground up, was designed to be laughed at. (That's a surprise tool that will help us later.)
When the other survivors decide to dismantle Monokuma, Hiro is the one who actually undergoes the process of dismantling and opening him up, with the only one we see helping with the parts to be Toko. This puts him directly under fire if Monokuma wakes up and decides to punish the perpetrator. It's safe to assume this is why he and Toko were chosen by Byakuya to do the actual dismantling. He also goes on to be the one to get the TV working in the data center, suggesting some level of proficiency with technology that's never explored again.
When the 5th trial begins, Hiro's panicking, insisting that Kyoko is a ghost("she's like the latest evolution in ghost technology!") and has to be corrected before the actual trial can start.
When the final investigation begins, and Kyoko, Byakuya, and Toko have all gone off on their own, Hiro decides he's going to go off on his own as well, declaring he's going to use his "totally awesome spirit power to figure out the mastermind's identity!" This declaration goes nowhere, as he's the only survivor you don't need to talk to before Monokuma's clue, and his only dialogue before the trial is him avoiding you. This 'totally awesome spirit power' is never used in the final trial, either.
When the final trial begins, Hiro is the first to make the accusation Monokuma wanted- that he was the only innocent one, and that everyone else was working together. But when Hina and Byakuya piggyback off of him, he's the first to realize that they've all been given the same evidence. Simultaneously, somehow, he's the last one to realize the evidence is fake("Wh-what? Wait, hold on... This doesn't make any sense... How can the three of us each have that kind of evidence!?")
When Junko reveals the truth to everyone, he's the first to beg for mercy. He's brought to despair- "We get it... We get it, okay? You're totally awesome, right? We get it already! So help us! I'll do anything! Just help me!" "A peasant begging for his life? How delightful! We've never witnessed such a travesty firsthand..." But when Makoto fights back, he's also the first one to embrace hope(assuming you shoot the characters in the order they appear):
"But to live means moving forward, right...? So even if it's hard... even if we're scared... we don't have any choice, do we? I want to keep on living! I want to open the next door! There must be something new waiting for me! So that's why... That's why...! No matter what, I need to get out of here! The whole fortune-telling thing doesn't matter anymore! What matters is my own gut feelings! I... I've decided to have faith in myself!"
He, along with the other survivors, votes for hope. Junko is executed, and the seven of them leave together.
Part 9- Ultra Despair Hagakure (yes we have to talk about this)
TW: discussion of pedophilia and incest. Skip to part 9 if you need to(5 paragraphs down).
Ultra Despair Hagakure, or UDH, is the spinoff-spinoff LN unlocked by completing "spinoff" game Ultra Despair Girls. It follows Yasuhiro Hagakure in Towa City as he's saved by former captive Kanon Nakajima, and the two of them try to survive the Monokumas and find a way to escape. The novel's state of canon is unclear, but it doesn't directly contradict anything in the main series continuity in terms of plot progression.
The problem with UDH (well, for Hiro anyway. Kanon is a whole other can of worms for the Leonalysis) is that UDH establishes Hiro as a pedophile. Kanon is 15, and says as much in her internal dialogue, but Hiro(who introduces himself as mid-20s) spends the LN being attracted to her, and that attraction combined with his money-hunger pushes him to stick with her, hoping to squeeze money out of her rich father upon their escape. He describes her as 'the type to have a baby by 21', and there are multiple instances of him being turned on by her, either while she's fighting the Monokumas or when she ends up physically leaned against him. All around, it's just a really unfortunate choice they made for his character that serves nothing to the main plot besides acting as a way to emphasize how cute Kanon is. Why did they choose to have Hiro act in this way towards Kanon? Simple: UDH is a fetish novel.
UDH adds no significant development to the worldbuilding or its pre-established characters, with two exceptions- Hiro, and Leon. Both become victims of immoral fetish content, though Leon at least gets the shield of plausible deniability from an unreliable narrator. Hiro doesn't get that since we see his first-person perspective. The plot of UDH is structured around Kanon, despite its being named after Hiro, and centers on her feelings of lust and desire for a relationship, using the setting of UDG as a backdrop. Hiro is an older man than Kanon, and Leon is Kanon's cousin. Both of these characters had their names and base personalities recycled to act as her love interests, as an excuse to write fetish content. It's as simple as that. And Hiro in particular suffers because he's the living and present man of the two, so to make the content, he's given perverted, sexual thoughts about Kanon, a 15 year old girl, as a grown adult in his 20s, not because it's something Hiro would've done, but because it's part of the older-guy fetish. It's unnecessary for his character, and doesn't appear at all in the next and final appearance he has in the series, nor does it ever come up outside of this LN.
UDH is a dark spot on the history of Yasuhiro Hagakure, and one of dubious canon at that. But it's still important to acknowledge that was written and released as official content within the DR franchise, and therefore, must be part of this character dissection. Ultimately, I've come to the conclusion that, due to the entire LN being primarily fetish content, it can't in good conscience be held up as part of Yasuhiro's own character. However, it is reflective of Kodaka's lack of care in the treatment of Yasuhiro Hagakure as a character.
Part 10- Danganronpa 3: Future Arc
Hiro, alongside Makoto, Kyoko, and Hina, are brought back as part of the lineup for DR3's Future Arc, participating in a new killing game with 12 new characters.
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10.1- Character Design Pt 2
Hiro's design is updated to his Future Foundation uniform, with his pant sleeves rolled up, his blazer over his shoulders, and a bright blue tie. His locs are now pulled back, he's wearing thin-wire glasses, and he's pictured holding his crystal ball(though again, it breaks in the 1st episode).
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10.2- Hiro's Subplot
In the first episode of the Future Arc, Hiro's left out of the meeting by the others and told to wait outside. He's then left out of the killing game and locked outside the building by accident when the exits are blown up, and left to fend for himself in occasional clips for over half of the season until Byakuya shows up to break into the building.
His only role in the anime is an occasional cutaway to him wondering what's going on inside, only to be shot at by a helicopter with a machine gun and barely survive unscathed. The anime straight up tells the audience the reason for this in one of the opening recaps:
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He's the only survivor from THH not to play a significant role as well, as Makoto, Kyoko, and Hina are active in the kg, Byakuya is the one to lead the rescue effort, and Toko and Jack get a dedicated episode in Towa City with Komaru to hunt down Monaca. All this to say, his occasional bit of barely surviving is all he gets in comparison, which isn't much.
10.3- Byakuya Togami
As the only character Hiro has significant interaction with in the season, the relationship between Hiro and Byakuya is mildly expanded upon. Once Byakuya arrives, Hiro immediately falls in line beside him, following orders to lay explosives and try to break into the building, complaining all the while as Byakuya watches and directs him. It's all reminiscent of their relationship at the endgame of THH; however, Byakuya appears to be more fond of Hiro at this point, stopping him from triggering the trap in the lobby and keeping him out of danger at his own risk. In that vein of logic, Hiro being told to stay outside by not only Byakuya, but also Makoto, Hina, and Kyoko wasn't because 'no one likes him', it was because of genuine concern that he'd get caught up in something that wasn't his fault. It was because they liked him that he was safe.
Part 11- Racism in Danganronpa
As we've seen, Hiro is a character without much of a story to talk about. He's got his bit moments, and a banterous dynamic with the other survivors from THH, but even in his own novel, he doesn't have his own plot to speak of, nor does he ever receive any significant character growth in 8 years of DR history by real-world years. He is wholly a gag character, meant to be messy, stupid, and altogether unimportant in comparison to the rest of the cast. And to call this anything other than flat-out racism would be flat-out ignorance.
First off, in a series with over 100 characters, Hiro is one of 3-4 characters who are canonically dark-skinned(I can't remember if Akane was dark-skinned or is in "it's just a tan" club with Hina, Sakura, Teruteru, and Gonta). Of those, he's one of two black men, and the other is a racist caricature whose sole purpose is to die in demonstration of a 'game mechanic'(Daisaku Bandai). So already, we can clearly see that black men, as well as any other dark-skinned characters, aren't prioritized in DR's narrative.
When it comes to Hiro specifically, though, the specifics of his character- his design, his backstory, and the perception the other characters have of him- all at least partially stem from blatantly racist stereotypes. It's not just a matter of lack of rep, it's a matter of stereotypical and often outright offensive representation.
Scroll back up to see Hiro's THH design again. He's dressed in multiple layers, making him look 'grungy', like he doesn't care about his appearance, and he's the only dark-skinned character to have a black hairstyle throughout the entire series. There's a point in the game where, if you choose to speak to him in a group setting, Genocide Jill refers to him as "Afro Thunder" as a derogatory remark. Even from a character that gives everyone nicknames, this is clearly racism, as the other nicknames are plays on the characters' names ('Big Mac' for Makoto, 'Tick Tock' for Taka, etc).
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While the details of Hiro's backstory aren't fully expanded upon, we do have enough information from his mother, Hiroko, and some of his dialogue in THH to have enough of an idea. Hiroko was a teen mother, and considering Hiro is in his mid-20s(23 at the youngest) while Hiroko is around 36 during the events of UDG according to the UDG artbook, that would mean she had him at age 13, at the oldest. In addition, Hiroko isn't dark-skinned, meaning that either Hiro got his color solely from his father, or his mother was biracial and just didn't get those genes. In addition, we know that his father wasn't around for most of his life, as he left Hiroko for an unspecified act she 'let go on too long,' which implies infidelity. We do know his dad was around long enough for Hiro to remember him, though, as he's able to recall an instance where his father burned their house down due to smoking in bed. Now, this may be on me, but the implication all this seems to suggest is that his father, who would've been black, left his family and left the teen mother to raise Hiro on her own, and that the one depiction we receive of him paints him as irresponsible for causing a house fire. It's not expressly canon, but it's the implication the given information leaves for the player, and is eerily similar to the stereotype that black men are irresponsible and absent fathers that knock up younger women.
Throughout all of THH, Hiro is perceived as stupid. Just about every character that interacts with Hiro calls him an idiot at least once, and he's repeatedly portrayed as not understanding what's going on around him. The only character that's ever less aware than he is at any given time is Genocide Jack or Toko, and that's because the two don't share memories. In chapter 3, his supposed idiocy is emphasized as the reason Celeste targeted and pinned a double-murder on him, and how she was able to get away with framing him for so long. Almost everyone agreed with her that Hiro's idiocy explained away the flaws in logic from his perspective as a killer. Byakuya even says as such("He probably thought that if nobody saw his face, it wouldn't matter if he was seen. Because he's an idiot, you see."). He falls for every little lie Monokuma drops over the course of the game, to the point where he contradicts himself at the start of the final trial. There's a moment in chapter 5 where Hina goes on about how stupid he is, and asks him what 10+10 is. It offends him to the point he forgets what question she asked, and when he asks her to repeat herself, she just says "Don't worry. You've already answered it." Even Makoto, the POV character who we're meant to project ourselves as player onto, goes on about how stupid and disorganized he is at multiple instances when talking to him. Not only do the other characters perceive him as stupid, but the game wants you as player to perceive him as stupid, too, at the detriment of his own characterization as a successful and sleazy businessman who's made millions. Stupid, disorganized idiots who spend $1M on a glass ball aren't normally charismatic and clever enough to be making that much at such a young age from the ground up.
And maybe, maybe, if Hiro were the only instance where a dark-skinned character were subject to this volume of stereotypes, and the rest of the dark-skinned characters were all excellently developed and unique and well, not written consistently with racist tropes, then you could try to make the argument that this was by mistake. That it wasn't fully intentional, or that the creator was just trying to make a variety of characters, whatever. But every single dark-skinned (or tanned) character in the series suffers from some kind of racist trope. If it's not this, or being a blatant caricature like Bandai, it's being a monster brute who's viewed as an inhuman monster(Sakura, Gonta), it's being an islander cultist who follows some indigenous violent god(Angie), etc. The racism within Danganronpa's dark-skinned characters is inherently a part of their characters, to the point where you cannot separate the sins of the author from the character. Yasuhiro Hagakure is a byproduct of racism, and it holds him back as a character from being expanded upon outside of what the stereotype allows so long as he's written by his creators.
Part 12- Fortune Telling Does Matter (Why we should care)
We've now thoroughly dissected Yasuhiro Hagakure and his role, or often lqack thereof, in the story. He's a gag character built on racist tropes that the creator didn't give a fuck about, and was lent out for a fetish piece. He's an idiot, a useless guy whose own creator built to be pointed at and laughed at. Why should anyone care about Hiro? The answer comes in the epilogue of THH, from Hiro himself:
"...Ah! I get it now! If there's no road, you just gotta build one! Creation... Fate is telling me to remake the world! That's... my hope! I've reached the next stage! The next chapter of Yasuhiro Hagakure's Life Story is about to begin!"
'If there's no road, you just gotta build one.' Hiro was made with racism, yes, and went underused in the source material, but that doesn't mean that was all there was to his character. If you dig into the work, you'll find a passionate man that cares deeply for his interest in the unknown, someone who researches and collects artifacts in his free time, and who genuinely believes in his clairvoyance, and used that passion and belief to build a career and life for himself. The pieces are in place for his story to continue, and if the source material won't do it, then well, can't we? Danganronpa is known for its love and attention to detail of its characters. Each and every character is designed with the potential to become the protagonist of their own story. That includes Hiro. He does have the potential to rise past the source material in the right hands, and those could be your hands. Who's to say? Maybe there's some unwritten genius hidden within that next chapter. That's the beauty of fanwork; untapped potential can become a fan favorite if you know where to look.
"Hey guys, Sayakanalysis is taking a while, I want an easy one next." Well look how that turned out. This shit was NOT easy, not by a long shot. I've come to the conclusion that there is no easy character to analyze in this godforsaken series
That said, I am happy with how this turned out. Even if Hiro is a bit all over the place, I genuinely like him a lot more now! There's actually a lot of fun to be had with his character if you're willing to look deeper into him; that's what I want people to take away from this
Anyways, it'll probably be a nice long wait for the next one because uh. Junko is next. And V3 is basically the only time she doesn't show up soooooooo hope you enjoyed catch ya later
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In theory, in a meritocracy, hard work leads to elevated socioeconomic status and stability, and such status and stability is available to all talented hard workers. In recent years, much ink has been spilled over the realization that meritocrats aren’t much different from the aristocrats of the past. I, for instance, have always worked hard. I also have White, married, college-educated, financially stable parents. I have both inherited and achieved their same level of education, economic stability, and social standing. In a meritocracy, social advantages can look like the reward of hard work, even if they really are inherited. Books like William Deresiewicz’s Excellent Sheep (2014) and Daniel Markovits’s The Meritocracy Trap (2019) have identified both the ways in which the meritocracy excludes deserving workers and how its values fail to satisfy those within it. The philosopher and Harvard professor Michael Sandel’s recent contribution to the discussion, The Tyranny of Merit (2020), goes even further in its examination of the injustice of these values and the impossibility of perfecting a meritocratic system of reward. “The problem with meritocracy is not only that the practice falls short of the ideal,” Sandel writes, but that “it is doubtful that even a perfect meritocracy would be satisfying, either morally or politically.” These books argue that the system is functionally closed. It cuts off most (not quite all, keeping the myth of mobility alive) of the people who are not already within its demographic fold. Meritocrats are indeed talented hard workers, by and large. And yet what gets them – us – to the top is not hard work. It is birth. Wealth begets wealth. Power, power. Ballet class begets ballet class. Advanced Placement courses beget Advanced Placement courses and SAT prep sessions and summer enrichment and service opportunities.
A second problem is that the meritocrats aren’t happy. The relentless pursuit of achievement and advantage engenders anxiety, which often manifests itself in working harder. We keep working to maintain our status and to ensure our children have what they are supposed to have – piano lessons and tutoring and international travel – only to face despair. Suicide, substance abuse, clinical anxiety, and depression all occur at high levels among the meritocrats. These signals of deep dissatisfaction send a warning that this life of relentless hard work, entertainment, affluence, busyness, restlessness, and achievement does not accomplish much that matters. In Sandel’s view, meritocracies are bound to fail not because they can never live up to their own ideals, but because they rest upon a foundational assumption that GDP defines the common good, that economic productiveness is the highest value for society. Sandel traces the history of meritocratic ideals through Protestantism and western philosophical traditions. In his lengthy discussion of Friedrich Hayek’s capitalist philosophy, he comes to a concise conclusion: “[Hayek] does not consider the possibility that the value of a person’s contribution to society could be something other than his or her market value.” Reducing humans to their earning potential is dehumanizing, and it fails to consider non-monetary contributions that individuals make within their families and communities.
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cilis-readings · 1 year
pac why people are drawn to you
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reminder: these are very general readings. messages can be picked from each pile and apply to you and your current situation. take what resonates, leave what doesn’t :)
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pile 1
people are drawn to you, pile 1, because of your ability to make peace with the unpredictable nature of life and the way you are able to embrace spontaneity! they find that those aspects of your personality are naturally magnetic and keep them coming back for more! you know where you stand and don’t feel the need to sugarcoat your true opinions because of other peoples feelings. they see you facing things that would normally overwhelm others, and they see you take control and somehow manage it in stride! you’re an admirable person to others, sure you might have a tough exterior but that just makes it all the more worth it when people are able to sneak past your high walls and make a place for themselves in your life!
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pile 2
people are drawn to pile 2 due to your stable lifestyle and personality! people crave normalcy, so you having a more “normal” lifestyle draws people in. they want what you’ve somehow managed to achieve and maintain. you’re able to look within yourself when things start to move out of place and you can fix everything with little to no stress about it. you’ve learned how to identify symbols and patterns in a way that keeps everything in order and on track. you may have a habit of being overly cautious from time to time but that quality is one that people find endearing in a way. you’re the person that people want to have available to talk to when they’re feeling overwhelmed. you have a natural talent of calming people down and being understanding of their worries while giving actually helpful advice!
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pile 3
pile 3, people are drawn to you because you believe that there is no “either/or” with you. you believe that everyone has a place and that no one should be limited by choices! you have untapped potential and you see that untapped potential in everyone else as well! you have the type of personality that can somehow have their cake and eat it too if you know what i’m saying lol. you have a unifying view of the world instead of one that sees only the division between people. you see the imbalance and excess in life and turn it into something better. you’re also who people turn to when they have to come to a compromise, you’re a natural mediator and that allows you to spread your knowledge and ideas to others!
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if you’d like a more in depth reading i offer paid readings here!! i also have a tip jar if you’re feeling kind,, tips are not expected but they are very appreciated! any feedback is appreciated as well, i hope this reading was helpful to you in one way or another :)
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ancaporado · 3 months
I know that many ancaps/libertarians are pro population growth and pro development, I however think that the global population and megacities are a government abomination. I keep thinking that places like the UK/Beltway/LA of USA are so fucked up because they don't have any real wilderness left. it's just a cultivated grid of human housing, industry, agriculture, the largest undomesticated creature being a racoon or fox or something pathetically small and unthreatening. Even the meme "birds aren't real" I think is a riff on this; you live in a 100% man-made environment, even the birds might as well be government spy robots.
When you fundamentally have to interact with an artificial rules based world all the time you have a tendency to systematize everything, and believe the lie that imaginary things like laws and governments are real physical things, and not just the whims of the police officer on the corner. Somewhat like abuse victims internalize the rules of their abuser to avoid punishment and cope. The urban landscape is the breeding ground of the cancerous and parasitic human survival strategy we identify as socialism/collectivism/progressivism.
The only real laws are those of nature, physics, chemistry, biology, evolution. Humans are an animal and we adapt to our environment, which is a mouse utopia. The modern world is so sick and against nature because our power to wall it out of our lives has created a hubris to rebel against these things. Progressivism in a sense, is rejection of natural order, a rejection of subjection to nature or nature's God. This is how you get to where we are today. I don't need to list the examples, but the unreality of thinking we can abolish scarcity, inequality, sex, the family, etc...
I don't want civilization and cities and humans not to exist. I just want radical concentrations of those things. We had 2.5% the global population in antiquity and still got innovative and talented thinkers that we still discuss today, artists, engineers, etc. These people had ample access to an untamed world, one that was unpredictable, and challenged them.
The urban human is a domesticated one. They have no real self-determination. Without a world unmade by humans, they have no reference for something beyond the imagination of another human, no blank canvas to make their own. Like the shadows of Plato's cave I'd wager it's like a person forced to look into a mirror their entire life. They would have no ability to identify themselves in the mirror as they have no reference that the mirror isn't just the entire world.
Climbing mountains, navigating rapids, scaling rock walls, skiing couloirs... the physical conquest of nature yields a surprise that cannot be claimed from an artificial challenge.
Think of the sweating, yelling, heaving mass of Cairo,
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Mexico city
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You might just assume they make great films, music, art, thinkers, engineers, and we just don't hear about them because they don't get distributed here or something. No it's just a mass of human flesh consuming the natural world, no ability to reflect and create, just consume.
Almost all of these places import food from the temperate climates of developed nations. A two year breakdown of global supply chains would result in them starving in the millions.
Even here in western civilization we yield the prime 'high-density walkable" real-estate to degenerates via council and section 8 housing.
Government programs of fiat currency, the welfare-warfare state, followed by deindustrialization has resulted in a massive mismatch in human population and economic/environmental capacity. Sure, here's where someone could politely chime in that "humans have infinite creative capacity, we just need to unlock their potential and your Malthusian doomsday is no more" and I grant that to a degree.
But massive declines in human population, the standard of living, and technology are regular historical occurrences. Western science has had an absolute "ick" towards actually understanding and implementing Darwinism towards human populations. Country-wide datasets of IQ probably remain stable due to the continuing rise/Flynn effect of the middle/upper class offsetting the sliding downward of the welfare class. There's no evolutionary biologist who wouldn't recognize that the market economy selects for intelligence and the welfare state was our feeble altruistic effort to carry the "but I did have breakfast" population along with us.
We've had nearly a century and, in some cases of repeated teen pregnancies, 6 or 7 generations who were never asked to provide for themselves meaningfully. They live in an ever more confusing world of late payments, cash advances, welfare office applications, prison stints, evictions, and unplanned pregnancies. Each generation more befuddled than the last. Recent studies show that there have been population bottlenecks through human evolution. In the bronze age as few as 1 in 17 men reproduced at all.
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Biological imperatives of reproduction rule over all other sentiments and altruistic masochism. For the silent generation and the boomers, the welfare state was a token price they agreed to pay to keep the peace and they could afford it as they got race-rioted out of their downtown homes into the suburbs. Now the jig is up and millennials en-masse are finding that they can't afford to have kids *intentionally*. They look at their pay stub getting taxed at 40% so that, over at the section 8 housing, "baby mamas" collect government checks for the consequence of a hookup with serial felons, who are also housed and fed with working people's taxes. The boomers made a devil's bargain, they cucked their children!
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Now we enter the final death spiral of empires and welfare states: below replacement fertility rates and above GDP national debt!
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The group most prepared for the coming calamity, the group who predicted it, and who will emerge as victors are those who are internally pro-growth/pro population but maintain in-group preferences. The stats bear out:
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Now this shift isn't just conservatives but libertarians also. In a couple generations we have gone from 1% in the 70's to 10% in the 2010s and now easily 25% in the 2020's (many libertarians simply don't vote or vote republican). We will replace left-wingers, who only reproduce vampirically via public education, in the next generation. There is hope at the end of this journey but it will be difficult in the mean time. Prepare yourself accordingly.
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corishadowfang · 6 months
Questions for 15 Friends Tag Game
Tagged by @siarven--thanks for the tag!
Rules: Answer the questions, then tag 15 people.
Uh...not really but also kind of for my legal name? It was the name of a character in a soap opera my mom watched, and she liked it enough to use it for me.
My chosen name...also kind of falls under the same umbrella, but for different reasons, and, uh...comes with a story. So like--I was really into fantasy stories when I was a kid/teen (I say like I'm not still into them now), and I loved making up "fantasy" names, which...basically just meant shoving a bunch of letters together until I got something I thought sounded cool. One of those names was "Coriora." For whatever reason, I fell in love with this name, and it's shortened version, "Cori," and I used it for everything. Pokemon nicknames, random characters, a self-insert OC...
And my cat. Who I adopted a few months before I made my email and FF.net account. Which is when I officially started using the name "CoriShadowfang" as my primary username online. Teenage me didn't even have the thought in her mind that she could possibly identify with the name "Cori" enough to adopt it as her own, nor did she think of the potential consequences of sharing a name with her cat.
...On the plus side, it's funny to call my cat "Cori Sr.," and watch how people try to process that.
Uh...I think Friday night? I'm pretty sure it was about something I was planning for a story, aha. (I cry VERY easy, haha, and the thing that spurs it does not necessarily have to be sad.)
Do pets count...?
I was signed up for baseball, basketball, and soccer when I was a kid, though of those, soccer was the only one I actually liked. I ended up running cross country and track in high school (though after that ended up running only for fun, since, uh...the competitive part of that wasn't very enjoyable for me, aha). In college I did fencing, which I loved and often miss a lot, but there...really aren't many places that offer fencing around where I live. I did do some long sword for a while a couple of years ago; transition to that from fencing was an interesting experience, since the fencing muscle memory...did not go away. ("What do you mean I have to hold this with two hands?? ...What do you mean I can't just stab them?!") That ended up being pretty expensive, though, so I only got to take lessons for a few months. It was still fun, though!
Depends on the situation! I use it a lot less online, because I'm worried about coming across as, like...rude or mean. When I do use it, it's often toned down a lot. Offline, it depends on who I'm around, and how they react to it. (Or if I'm just...getting really frustrated. Then it tends to come out more.)
Uh, that's...a good question. Online, it's definitely their interests, and...I guess it's kind of also the same offline? If I'm given the opportunity, haha. Like--if I see you're wearing a Pokemon pin or reading a fantasy book or something, I'm immediately going to be focused on that, haha.
Mostly blue; the bottom of my right eye has a patch of green in it.
Happy endings! I never got into scary movies very much, aha.
Uh...I guess writing probably counts? I'm also a pretty good distance runner.
The middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania.
Writing, haha; I joke that it's all I do, but uh...it really is most of what I do. Besides that, I like drawing, reading, playing video games, and hiking. I guess playing card games/board games might also count? But uh, I do that a lot with my friends and family.
Yes! Cori Sr. is still around, haha, and I also recently adopted a puppy named Luna. Obligatory pet photos:
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Probably unsurprisingly, lit/creative writing, haha. I also really liked most science classes, too; learning about nature was one of my favorite things in school, and any sort of labs where we could go outside and actually study plants/animals were amazing.
If money weren't a concern, and I could just do anything I wanted for the rest of my life without worrying about how to pay the bills...I would love to just write stories full time. Writing really is one of the things I'm the most passionate about, and I'd love to be able to pour my all into it without worrying about getting too burnt out or needing to take on extra jobs to make ends meet. Maybe one day...
I will tag...wait I need 15 of you...uhhh @starlightwayfinder, @cq-studios, @recusant-s-sigil, @scalacaelumx, @hallowed-nebulae, @serenedash, @thetwilightroadtonightfall, @rosie-kairi, @fin-al-mix, @kicktwine, @zmwrites, @talesabound, @gotchaocha, @bookwormally, and @lightwithinthedarknessu, if any of you want to do this! Absolutely no pressure, though! (And feel free to skip/leave out any you might feel uncomfortable answering/don't feel like answering.)
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judesbelligoal · 2 months
Birth order matters less than the role you played
There are many factors are involved in shaping our character and personality, and all of these can impact decisions we make regarding relationships, both platonic and romantic.  Our gender, temperament, spacing between ourselves and our siblings, and other developmental and environmental factors play a significant role in how we become who we are as adults.  Birth order (or, if you are adopted, your place in the family) also plays a key role in determining our personalities and can help us to understand human nature.  Not only can we examine our birth order to learn about ourselves, we can also use it to understand others, especially when dating (or maneuvering existing relationships).  If you ask your potential mate if he or she is the first, middle, last or only child, you can tell a lot about how he/she may feel, behave or think.
There is research that suggests that birth order reflects a pattern of traits, and birth order has been studied since the 1920s.  There have been a number of studies that looked at the role of birth order on intelligence and social traits.  More modern studies found that first-born children started talking earlier and were more achievement-oriented.  Some people believe that birth order is not very important and is only one piece of a larger puzzle related to development of personality.  There appear to be some key qualities for each birth position that do exist across the board.
Through all of this research, specific characteristics have been identified that relate to your place in the family.  Let’s examine what those may be.
Starting with first borns:
First borns crave approval and attention. Many first borns, as they often lose the full attention of their parents within the first four years of life, before they feel fully secure, work hard to get approval from others, and often have difficulty managing any type of criticism.  They are motivated to succeed .  They want all the control over you and the same compromising from you is all or nothing with them.
Moving on to middle children:
Middle children get on well with others and can adapt to almost any situation.  They often are willing to compromise, but this can sometimes at their own expense.  Middle children tend to be realistic about their abilities and talents.  Because they can be pulled in many directions, many middle children may have difficulty identifying clear goals and following through.  As they are so good on compromising, they often do so to the detriment of themselves which could create anxiety, depression and frustration. 
And, of course, last borns:
Last borns have more leeway in life.  They often do not have strong expectations placed on them so they are more outgoing, charming, and are willing to take more risks.  Last borns often end up being rebellious,  as they are not as worried about being perfect all the time.  They are used to being take care of, so may feel more easily let down when people don’t. We can’t forget to look at the impact of being an only child on personality development as well. Parents place “all their eggs in one basket” with only children, so they may have a high level of academic expectation.  They also have to develop self-confidence and reliance because there is not a sibling backing them up.  The sense of feeling pressure to perform and succeed can relate to perfectionism.  
In families of greater than three children, all of the children in between the first and the last are considered middle children.  If the gap between two is greater than three years, the child may have characteristics of both middle and last borns.
One of the things to consider is how your birth order can impact relationships, especially romantic ones.  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to determine how you might be able to get along with others by knowing where they fit in the family?  Here are some good, and not so good matches.  Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t make it work if you fall into the incompatible category….lot’s of people do!
Not surprisingly, only children and last borns are also a good match.
An only child is sensible and conscientious, so can take charge in the relationship.  The last born brings creativity and adventure into the relationship, so they balance each other out.
First borns also do well with middle children.  Middle children can allow first borns to take charge and are likely to agree to any adventures that the first born would like to do.
So now that we know some of the matches that would work better than others, we have to also examine the ones that might be mismatched, starting with two first borns.
Two first borns in a relationship may have trouble because both may be competitive to see who can be in control, can be difficult to compromise.  It’s important to stop and figure out how to navigate this potential problem. Two first borns can work if each individual works to respect the qualities of the other person.  Figure out where each of your strengths lie.  Additionally, each of you should engage in something outside the relationship that allows you to feel in control or that you can be a leader in.
A match-up of two last borns can also be problematic. Planning is not the forte in this relationship and things could be pretty chaotic.  It’s important to work on learning organizational and planning skills together, so that projects can be completed and so that the mundane things in life are addressed.
First borns and only children can have similar difficulties as two first borns.  You are putting two opinionated, self-directed people together, who may forget that it is important to work together in a relationship.  As with two first borns, it’s important to stop and figure out where each individual’s strengths lie, and promote them as much as possible.  Negotiation is key.
Keep in mind, that any two people can be compatible.  People should not use birth order to choose… or not consider… a person to fall in love with.  It’s merely another means to finding out more about yourself and others.  Understanding the effects of birth order will give you new insight into your own personality and that of your loved one or potential special someone.
There are also a lot of variables that shape your personality… not just birth order.  Patterns don’t always hold, and there are a lot of factors that could account for the differences. Mitigating variables – Divorce or a single-parent family, whether a later-born child is gifted or athletic, income, ethnicity, religion, a family tragedy or dysfunction, etc, all of these have an impact in the personality development of an individual.  You can use birth order as another piece of the overall puzzle.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"In the oldest and most prestigious young adult science competition in the nation, 17-year-old Ellen Xu used a kind of AI to design the first diagnosis test for a rare disease that struck her sister years ago.
With a personal story driving her on, she managed an 85% rate of positive diagnoses with only a smartphone image, winning her $150,000 grand for a third-place finish.
Kawasaki disease has no existing test method, and relies on a physician’s years of training, ability to do research, and a bit of luck.
Symptoms tend to be fever-like and therefore generalized across many different conditions. Eventually if undiagnosed, children can develop long-term heart complications, such as the kind that Ellen’s sister was thankfully spared from due to quick diagnosis.
Xu decided to see if there were a way to design a diagnostic test using deep learning for her Regeneron Science Talent Search medicine and health project. Organized since 1942, every year 1,900 kids contribute adventures.
She designed what is known as a convolutional neural network, which is a form of deep-learning algorithm that mimics how our eyes work, and programmed it to analyze smartphone images for potential Kawasaki disease.
However, like our own eyes, a convolutional neural network needs a massive amount of data to be able to effectively and quickly process images against references.
For this reason, Xu turned to crowdsourcing images of Kawasaki’s disease and its lookalike conditions from medical databases around the world, hoping to gather enough to give the neural network a high success rate.
Xu has demonstrated an 85% specificity in identifying between Kawasaki and non-Kawasaki symptoms in children with just a smartphone image, a demonstration that saw her test method take third place and a $150,000 reward at the Science Talent Search."
-Good News Network, 3/24/23
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leoneliterary · 2 years
Hello! I hope you’ve been well these 2 weeks, and I hope you don’t mind us still submitting questions now and then!
I actually have quite a bit of questions about magic in the HAT universe, but feel free to skip if it’s too spoilery!
Since our MC has mentioned taking Amatus to a healer by the docks before Merikh’s appearance, are healers/magic-users common in the universe?
Is the term “healer” only used towards people with healing magic or can it be used to address a doctor/medic in general?
How does magic work? Does it come from a specific organ in the body? Like concentrated pumping that flows through your veins? Or is it more of a spiritual thing? Do you need magic scrolls? Some kind of writing?
Is magic only limited to a specific type of person? Can it be taught? Is it hereditary?
Are there any serious physical or mental consequences from using too much magic?
Thank you for all the hard work put into this story!!
Okay so I'm going to restrain myself and not give too many in-depth answers so that I don't spoil too much. But I'm so glad we're getting more into the fantasy aspect!!
So magic users with healing ability aren't super rare, the issue is that there is no quality control, and most are self taught. This means that every town might have a healer, but that doesn't mean they have a good one. Magic users are somewhat rare, not because a bunch of people don't have it, but because most never find out that they have it.
2. It can be used for both! Healing magic helps with physical injuries, but struggles to address things like sicknesses or poisonings, so medics, shamans, and physicians are still in high demand. Just like their magical counterparts however, it's hard to find a good one.
3. So it depends on who you ask! There are different schools of thought. Some think that the heart is the core of magic, and just like the heart pumps blood, it also allows for the flow of magic. These magic users train similarly to soldiers, because of their belief that strong magic comes from a strong body. Others believe that the Architect of Heaven imbued certain people with it, and that it can be strengthened through prayer. You'll find many monks and theologians in this area. Different spells require different things, but all require effort and/or sacrifice. The bigger the spell, the more preparation and effort. The more targeted spells may require writing, but there is more than one way to get things done...
4. It's something you're born with, but as long as you have some amount of ability, you can be trained. Strong magic users tend to have children that are strong magic users, but it isn't uncommon for a child with no known magical heritage to be born with a strong baseline ability. Hard work usually beats talent. You can be gifted but if you never have your magic identified or learn a spell, the most you might be able to do is have a hotter hearth or an extra productive harvest. And sometimes, having extended contact with magic either in your life or at some point in your lineage, means you might not be able to use magic in terms of spells, but might have something...a little different about you.
5. YES!! They can vary in severity and based on what type of magic you're using. Some magic is more strenuous that others and other magic just shouldn't be attempted.
Spoiler territory but side effects may include: Heart attacks, blindness, madness, loss of physical form, headaches, nausea, diarrhea, loss of taste, burns, frostbite, vertigo, hallucinations, spell backfire, and more!
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journey-to-balance · 6 months
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7 Attributes of the Truly Confident Person...
Self confidence
A lot of people might believe they are confident, depending on how they feel on any given day. But confidence is not a fleeting thing that is here today and takes a holiday tomorrow. Confidence is all pervasive. It shows itself in every aspect of our lives: the way we view ourselves, perceive our world, approach crises, the way we treat others, our readiness to exercise compassion and forgiveness, and, most important, the way we treat ourselves. True confidence is an incredible feeling because it has a few key attributes embedded in it, seven of them, in fact, which are the hallmarks of the truly confident person.
1. Self Love
This is the first crucial attribute. If you have no self-love, you have no confidence because this is at the heart of confidence: self-love and self-acceptance, which then decides our self-esteem. It is not possible to be happy and confident yet dislike our bodies or ourselves. Any lack of self-love is a prelude to misery and dissatisfaction with our lot. Happiness begins from within and when we love ourself and do no seek the approval of anyone, we are half-way to real contentment and the next key attribute, self-belief.
2. Self-Belief
With self-love comes amazing self-belief in what is truly possible. The Universe is our limit, as we become unstoppable and fearless. People who think highly of themselves do not see barriers to achievements or obstacles in their paths. Anything which blocks their journey can be removed because confident people already believe they have the tools to remove those blocks. They can cope with crises too because they believe they can. That is the main difference between a confident and low confidence person: one believes they have the power to affect their life, whereas the other looks to others to do it for them.
3. Comfort in Themselves
Confident people are happy in their own skin. They love who they are, they do not wish to be anyone else and they seek no one's approval to be whom they wish to be. That is a sure sign of a strong sense of belonging and personal security. Even when there is a setback, they know it is only temporary and they will be back in action again because they value themself and their talents, regardless of what other people think. They tend to do what they please without following the fashion or being lemmings. Being natural leaders, they tend to set the pace for others and to inspire them.
4. Self-Awareness
Confident people know their limitations and their potential. That is because they do not sit and dwell on their weaknesses, like people of low esteem. They identify their strengths and nurture them while acknowledging their weaknesses. But they are fully aware that the unique beings they are is the result of BOTH their strengths and weaknesses, so they do not dwell on the negative aspects of their personality. They know what makes them happy and sad. Being leaders and optimists, they are more assured in their direction and objectives because they understand who they are and what they want, which is the first key step to boosting achievement and personal development.
5. Fearlessness
Confident people tend to be pioneers, fearless in their approach and their actions. It is not that they do not have the usual fears of survival. What they don't have is the limiting and paralysing fears regarding simply living their life to the utmost which plague insecure and non-confident people. Those with high self-esteem are keen to get on with it so they tend to act first and be afraid later! Willing to take risks and to make sacrifices, they have very little fear in living their life to the max.
6. Experiment
Really confident people love to experiment, to try out new situations, innovate and create, They are always pushing the boundaries of their talents because of their self-belief. Unlike people of low esteem, confident ones do not care about making mistakes, because they know that's how they learn and grow. They are not worried about being wrong, but at arriving at a solution or a different result, no matter how many times they have to change their approach. They recognise that mistakes are part and parcel of success on their personal journey. Failure is not in their vocabulary and so they will achieve their desires no matter how long it takes, because they have the tenacity, self-belief and determination to keep trying even when many others have given up.
7. Happiness
Confident people are truly happy with their life. It doesn't mean they are never sad. It means that if they are down it lasts very briefly and then they are back up again. They know they can always do something else and change the result. People of low esteem always blame themselves and reinforce that with even poorer thoughts of their abilities, so they stay in the doldrums much longer. They are not truly at peace so they take the knocks badly. Confident people know that setbacks don't last long and all they need to do is brush themselves off and start all over again, while keeping their eye on their goals. Above all, being contented with themselves and their bodies, confident people tend to be truly happy, often cheerful and with a ready smile.
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balioc · 1 year
A thought from a few years ago, still warranted by present discourse:
It's not actually hard to figure out how to identify your promising skilled mechanicals, your surgeons and engineers and so forth, and funnel them into places where they can use their talents productively.
It is very hard to figure out how to deal with your mathematicians, poets, philosophers, priests, journalists, etc. You do in fact need a cognitive-elite cultural class of symbolic manipulators -- if you don't have one, you will spontaneously generate one, and it will carve out a niche for itself -- but that sort of influence can take many different shapes.
(Also, it continues to be super weird to me that people up through Scott Alexander use "surgeons" as the prototype for "smart people with enviable important high-class jobs," given that I still reflexively think of them as "Benihana rejects.")
My sense is that, when the rubber hits the road, very few people -- from the social democrats to the socons to the libertarians to the communists -- are actually going to put up any kind of fight over the "identify potential talented surgeons" -> "train them up in surgery" -> "give them moderate prestige and luxury as a reward for using their valuable skills for the good of all" pipeline. Like, this is just not very contentious, and I don't see much conceptual grounds for battle. If you listen to what people say, they almost never try to fight their battles there. In theory you can be a Super Egalitarian stomping your foot and insisting that a mediocre burger flipper is Just As Valuable and Just As Deserving Of Luxury as a top-notch surgeon...and plenty of people have theoretical-level philosophical commitments pointing in that direction...but in practice, in terms of policy prescriptions, it's hard to find any adult who really wants to die on that hill.
But people super want to fight about how we find and fund artists, priests, philosophers, etc. And I put mathematicians and theoretical scientists in that same bucket, as I think anyone who's paying attention does.
It would be helpful to separate out these discussions.
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
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You will NEVER see a picture of Avery smiling (at least until 'the event'). She's described in my notes as 'pathologically incapable of looking happy.'
Hey guys, say hello to Avery Greer.
She's not from 2077, she's actually a netrunner NPC I developed for my Cyberpunk RED campaign, How to Save a Life, which takes place in 2051.
Avery Greer (she/her)
Known aliases: Ana
Date of Birth: September 7, 2023
Place of Birth: Charlotte, North Carolina, NUSA
Nationality: NUSA
Occupation: FIA Intelligence Analyst, Netrunner
Affiliations: NUSA, FIA
Sex: F
Gender: Female (cis)
Orientation: Lesbian
Full story below
Avery Greer was born in Charlotte, NC in 2023. Her father, David Greer, was a high school humanities teacher, and her mother, Suzie, was a shopkeeper. Avery grew up being fascinated with drawing. She would draw on the walls of her bedroom and would act out if her parents tried to erase them. She eventually transitioned to drawing in books or on tablets, much to the relief of her family, who felt like fighting with Avery to erase the drawings from her walls was like invading Saburo Arasaka's private residence.
Avery also became very into coding, and from there, it basically guaranteed she would become a netrunner. In high school, she was identified by her teachers as being uniquely talented at organising and assembling code. Her talents also attracted another interest, from the FIA, who needed Intelligence Analysts who were also expert organisers, particularly when it came to data analysis and recommending action against threats to the NUSA.
After graduating from high school, Greer was approached by the FIA. She would now work for the intelligence agency as an analyst and offensive netrunner. She received her commission directly from President Elizabeth Kress, not out of any personal interest on Kress' part, but because Kress had taken to using the FIA as her personal hatchet-men.
Her present assignment is Night City, working with a group of agents led by veteran agent Hunter Wilkes (aka Bishop). Their task is investigating a potential plot to bring Night City under the control of a hostile power, possibly foreign, but also potentially domestic.
During the years, she has done many things on behalf of the NUSA, and she is starting to question her place in the world. As time has gone on, Bishop has noted that Avery has changed. She no longer smiles, and the effort she puts into her work has declined, especially since arriving in Night City. She's started drinking more, and has recently taken up smoking.
Worse, Bishop has started to lose track of Avery for days at a time. She claims that she's going dark because she's anxious of being found by enemy agents, but Bishop is beginning to suspect that Avery is up to something. Bishop is suspicious of netrunners, on a previous gig, he was betrayed by a netrunner, who hacked their AV to crash it in a city, and then handed them over to a local militia in exchange for his freedom. He fears that Avery may be planning to betray the NUSA in exchange for freedom from the FIA...
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2kingshmee · 1 month
For your dragel au:
Can I pick your brain on like if hybridization happens and how it might work, if it does happen, in like Kitsune and Selkie for example?
Like could a Selkie, a Kitsune, and a dragel have a kid together?
If they can, would the kid be specifically only one of those or possibly somehow all three?
How would elements work for that, like would the hypothetical kid be nameless?
A Selkie, Kitsune, and Dragel could have a kid together, yes. Selkie & Dragel can become a Dragel-Selkie hybrid, however Kitsune is a gene that is unable to hybrid. So you can either get the Kitsune gene and be pure Kitsune or you get the Dragel-Selkie hybrid gene (in this particular case).
A lot of it would depend on the Sire & Bearer on what gene would take. For example, let's use the combo of a Kitsune Sire, Dragel Bearer, and Selkie Third. This combo would have a 48% likelihood of creating a pure Kitsune child, a 48% likelihood of creating a pure Dragel child, and a 4% chance of creating a Dragel-Selkie child.
Elemental-wise, the child would primarily be a Water-type given the presence of a Selkie-Third which is who purely contributes magic to the pregnancy/offspring. There is a very low chance of the child being Nameless unless the child's Dragel Parent is Nameless, and even then the likelihood is small simply because of how strong the Selkie-Third's Water Magic would influence/contribute.
Now let's use an example of a Selkie Sire, Dragel Bearer, and Kitsune Third. There'd be a 90% chance of being a Dragel-Selkie hybrid, a 5% chance of being pure Dragel, and a 5% chance of being pure Selkie. Elementally, there would be a high chance (like 85%) of the child being Water-Primary as a Dragel-Selkie, 100% as a Selkie, and 50% as a pure Dragel. In this case, the Kitsune Third would have a strong influence on a potential secondary affinity. Keep in mind that Kitsune Elements are unique elements and the combinations would be identified more widely as Nameless (in Realms other than Kitsuna).
Having said that, Kitsune Elements when mixed with non-Kitsune Elements tend to be taken apart with one part/segment becoming more prevelant.
For example, the Kumo element when broken down is an even mix of Shadow + Air, with an elemental-wide propensity for propagation: to multiply, aka the ability to make copies of something. This means a non-Kitsune with a Kitsune parent, could develop 1 of 4 things: 1) a Shadow affinity of some kind, 2) an Air affinity of some kind, 3) a Nameless Talent for propogation, or 4) none of the above.
That was tons of fun to work out somewhere other than inside my head! Thank you! Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll do my best to answer them!
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reansonsanim · 2 months
The Strategic Impact of Venture Capital in Post-Brexit UK
In the wake of Brexit, the UK has faced significant economic and regulatory shifts, making the role of venture capital (VC) more crucial than ever. Venture capital has become a driving force in ensuring that the UK remains competitive globally, particularly in innovation-led sectors such as technology, healthcare, and green energy. The strategic impact of VC in this new landscape lies in its ability to fuel growth, drive innovation, and bridge the funding gaps that have emerged due to economic uncertainties.
One of the primary ways VC is making a strategic impact is by enabling startups and scale-ups to navigate the complexities of the post-Brexit environment. With changes in trade relations, regulatory frameworks, and talent acquisition, UK businesses face new challenges. Venture capital firms are stepping in to provide not just financial backing but also strategic guidance, helping companies adapt to these changes and seize new opportunities.
Moreover, venture capital is playing a pivotal role in fostering innovation, which is critical for the UK’s long-term economic resilience. By investing in disruptive technologies and innovative business models, VCs are helping to build a future-ready economy. This is particularly important as the UK seeks to establish itself as a leader in sectors like fintech, biotech, and clean energy, which are expected to drive growth in the coming decades.
In addition, the strategic deployment of VC in underserved regions outside of London is helping to level the playing field, ensuring that economic growth is more evenly distributed across the country. This regional investment is vital for creating jobs, fostering local innovation, and mitigating the economic disparities that have been exacerbated by Brexit.
Overall, the strategic impact of venture capital in post-Brexit UK is significant, driving innovation, supporting businesses in a complex environment, and helping to build a more resilient and equitable economy.
How Scott Dylan is Innovating the UK Venture Capital Sector
Scott Dylan is making waves in the UK venture capital sector through his innovative and strategic approach to investing. As the co-founder of Inc & Co, Scott has redefined traditional venture capital by focusing on the acquisition and revitalization of distressed businesses, a niche often overlooked by conventional investors. Rather than targeting high-growth startups, Scott identifies companies with untapped potential that face significant challenges. His goal is not merely to inject capital but to provide comprehensive support that ensures long-term success.
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One of the key ways Scott is innovating the sector is by emphasizing business turnarounds. He believes that struggling companies can be transformed into profitable enterprises with the right guidance, resources, and strategic vision. This approach sets him apart from many venture capitalists who prioritize short-term gains over sustainable growth. Scott’s commitment to long-term success is evident in the way he and his team at Inc & Co work closely with the businesses they acquire, offering expertise in areas such as digital transformation, operational efficiency, and brand development.
Additionally, Scott Dylan’s focus on mental health within the business world is a unique aspect of his venture capital strategy. He understands that the well-being of employees is crucial to a company’s overall performance. By advocating for mental health initiatives within the businesses he invests in, Scott fosters a culture of resilience and productivity, further ensuring the success of his portfolio companies.
Scott Dylan is innovating the UK venture capital sector by combining strategic business turnarounds with a strong emphasis on sustainability, collaboration, and mental health, setting a new standard for the industry.
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phillipamoore12 · 5 months
How to Succeed on Twitch
In recent years, Twitch has risen to prominence as a leading platform for gamers, artists, and entertainers to share their content and engage with audiences worldwide. If you're looking to carve out your space as a successful Twitch streamer, here's a comprehensive roadmap to guide you on your journey:
Defining Your Niche and Strategy
Before diving into the world of Twitch streaming, take the time to identify your passion and expertise. Whether you're a gaming aficionado, an artist, a musician, or a versatile entertainer, defining your niche will help you craft a content strategy that resonates with your audience. Conduct research to understand trending categories and find your unique angle to stand out amidst the competitive landscape.
Establishing Your Presence
Creating a Twitch account is your first step towards establishing your presence on the platform. Customize your channel with an appealing profile picture, banner, and bio that reflect your brand identity. Pay attention to your stream layout, including overlays, alerts, and chatbots, to enhance the viewer experience and make your channel more inviting.
Investing in Quality Equipment
Ensure a smooth streaming experience by investing in essential equipment such as a high-quality microphone, webcam, and a reliable internet connection. A capable computer or gaming console is also crucial for seamless gameplay or content creation. Quality equipment not only enhances the technical aspects of your stream but also contributes to a more professional and engaging viewer experience.
Engaging Your Audience
Authenticity and interaction are key to building a loyal fan base on Twitch. Develop a streaming schedule to maintain consistency and reliability, allowing viewers to anticipate your broadcasts. Actively engage with your audience by responding to chat messages, involving them in discussions, and creating a welcoming community atmosphere. Building meaningful connections with your viewers fosters loyalty and encourages them to return for future streams.
Embracing Streaming Tools and Software
Familiarize yourself with streaming software like OBS Studio, Streamlabs OBS, or XSplit to customize your stream, manage scenes, and optimize video and audio settings. These tools offer a plethora of features that allow you to personalize your broadcast and deliver a professional-quality viewing experience to your audience.
Promoting Your Channel
Promotion is essential for growing your Twitch channel and expanding your reach. Utilize social media platforms, gaming forums, and online communities to promote your streams and engage with potential viewers. Collaborate with other streamers, participate in networking events, and explore cross-promotion opportunities to increase your visibility and attract new followers to your channel.
Striving for Excellence and Consistency
Consistency is key to building a successful Twitch channel. Strive to deliver high-quality content while maintaining a regular streaming schedule. Whether you're entertaining your audience with engaging gameplay, showcasing your artistic talents, or hosting interactive discussions, aim to captivate your viewers and keep them coming back for more.
Fostering Community and Relationships
Nurturing a positive and inclusive community is essential for long-term success on Twitch. Engage with your audience both on and off stream, host viewer games or events, and listen to their feedback to continuously improve your content and viewer experience. Building strong relationships with your viewers fosters loyalty and creates a sense of belonging within your community.
Exploring Monetization Opportunities
As your Twitch channel grows, explore various monetization options available on the platform, such as affiliate programs, subscriptions, donations, and sponsorships. Meet the eligibility criteria to become a Twitch Affiliate or Partner, unlocking additional revenue streams and opportunities for financial support from your audience and brand partners.
Adapting to Change and Innovation
The landscape of Twitch streaming is constantly evolving, with new trends, features, and viewer preferences emerging over time. Stay updated on platform updates and industry developments, and be prepared to adapt your content and strategies accordingly. Embrace change and innovation to remain relevant and keep your audience engaged in an ever-changing environment.
Learning and Growing Continuously
Continuous learning and self-improvement are essential for success as a Twitch streamer. Seek feedback from your viewers and peers, analyze your stream analytics, and iterate on your content to enhance the viewer experience and maximize engagement. Stay open to learning from successful streamers in your niche, attending workshops, and experimenting with new techniques to refine your craft and elevate your content.
Celebrating Milestones and Achievements
Acknowledge and celebrate your milestones and achievements with your audience. Whether it's hitting follower goals, reaching subscriber milestones, or achieving significant viewership milestones, involve your community in your success and express gratitude for their support. Celebrating milestones not only fosters a sense of achievement but also strengthens the bond between you and your viewers, reinforcing their loyalty and support.
Becoming a successful Twitch streamer is a journey that requires dedication, creativity, and a genuine connection with your audience. By following these steps and staying committed to your goals, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the dynamic world of Twitch streaming and build a thriving channel and community that leaves a lasting impact on the platform.
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