#how do i retain my high potentials
rahul-shl · 2 years
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mcmansionhell · 8 months
we've found it folks: mcmansion heaven
Hello everyone. It is my pleasure to bring you the greatest house I have ever seen. The house of a true visionary. A real ad-hocist. A genuine pioneer of fenestration. This house is in Alabama. It was built in 1980 and costs around $5 million. It is worth every penny. Perhaps more.
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Now, I know what you're thinking: "Come on, Kate, that's a little kooky, but certainly it's not McMansion Heaven. This is very much a house in the earthly realm. Purgatory. McMansion Purgatory." Well, let me now play Beatrice to your Dante, young Pilgrim. Welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
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It is rare to find a house that has everything. A house that wills itself into Postmodernism yet remains unable to let go of the kookiest moments of the prior zeitgeist, the Bruce Goffs and Earthships, the commune houses built from car windshields, the seventies moments of psychedelic hippie fracture. It is everything. It has everything. It is theme park, it is High Tech. It is Renaissance (in the San Antonio Riverwalk sense of the word.) It is medieval. It is maybe the greatest pastiche to sucker itself to the side of a mountain, perilously overlooking a large body of water. Look at it. Just look.
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The inside is white. This makes it dreamlike, almost benevolent. It is bright because this is McMansion Heaven and Gray is for McMansion Hell. There is an overbearing sheen of 80s optimism. In this house, the credit default swap has not yet been invented, but could be.
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It takes a lot for me to drop the cocaine word because I think it's a cheap joke. But there's something about this example that makes it plausible, not in a derogatory way, but in a liberatory one, a sensuous one. Someone created this house to have a particular experience, a particular feeling. It possesses an element of true fantasy, the thematic. Its rooms are not meant to be one cohesive composition, but rather a series of scenes, of vastly different spatial moments, compressed, expanded, bright, close.
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And then there's this kitchen for some reason. Or so you think. Everything the interior design tries to hide, namely how unceasingly peculiar the house is, it is not entirely able to because the choices made here remain decadent, indulgent, albeit in a more familiar way.
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Rare is it to discover an interior wherein one truly must wear sunglasses. The environment created in service to transparency has to somewhat prevent the elements from penetrating too deep while retaining their desirable qualities. I don't think an architect designed this house. An architect would have had access to specifically engineered products for this purpose. Whoever built this house had certain access to architectural catalogues but not those used in the highest end or most structurally complex projects. The customization here lies in the assemblage of materials and in doing so stretches them to the height of their imaginative capacity. To borrow from Charles Jencks, ad-hoc is a perfect description. It is an architecture of availability and of adventure.
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A small interlude. We are outside. There is no rear exterior view of this house because it would be impossible to get one from the scrawny lawn that lies at its depths. This space is intended to serve the same purpose, which is to look upon the house itself as much as gaze from the house to the world beyond.
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Living in a city, I often think about exhibitionism. Living in a city is inherently exhibitionist. A house is a permeable visible surface; it is entirely possible that someone will catch a glimpse of me they're not supposed to when I rush to the living room in only a t-shirt to turn out the light before bed. But this is a space that is only exhibitionist in the sense that it is an architecture of exposure, and yet this exposure would not be possible without the protection of the site, of the distance from every other pair of eyes. In this respect, a double freedom is secured. The window intimates the potential of seeing. But no one sees.
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At the heart of this house lies a strange mix of concepts. Postmodern classicist columns of the Disney World set. The unpolished edge of the vernacular. There is also an organicist bent to the whole thing, something more Goff than Gaudí, and here we see some of the house's most organic forms, the monolith- or shell-like vanity mixed with the luminous artifice of mirrors and white. A backlit cave, primitive and performative at the same time, which is, in essence, the dialectic of the luxury bathroom.
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And yet our McMansion Heaven is still a McMansion. It is still an accumulation of deliberate signifiers of wealth, very much a construction with the secondary purpose of invoking envy, a palatial residence designed without much cohesion. The presence of golf, of wood, of masculine and patriarchal symbolism with an undercurrent of luxury drives that point home. The McMansion can aspire to an art form, but there are still many levels to ascend before one gets to where God's sitting.
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kopykunoichi · 6 months
Refresher for the people still confused about this...
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In a galaxy far, far away, EVERYONE has midi-chlorians in their blood. The Force resides in all living things. It binds the whole galaxy together. Midi-chlorians are what allow beings to commune with the Force. The more midi-chlorians you have, the more potential you have to RESPOND TO and WIELD the Force. But notice that Asajj couches her statement with the line that those with a higher m-count were "believed" to be more capable of wielding the Force. There's a correlation, but it's not necessarily the only factor (see Sabine Wren).
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This is the moment where the clones literally become stand-ins for the fans.
"What? If you can use the Force, you're a Jedi!"
No. If you can use the Force, you can use the Force. To use it as a Jedi uses it, you have to train as a Jedi. To use it as a Sith uses it, you have to train as a Sith. To use it like a Nightsister, you have to train as a Nightsister. Or you can get some rudimentary instruction and decide how you want to use it.
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Jango Fett didn't have a high m-count, so his clones didn't either. But Omega and the rest of the Batch were special cases. As Cut said, the Kaminoans create with a purpose. Their deviations were intentional. Hunters abilities have always suggested he had a higher m-count than the others. But Omega's ability to perceive things before they happen (her bad feelings are nearly always spot on) and her affinity with animals have always been hints that her m-count is a little higher.
(Will update with screen grabs when I get them)
At the end of the episode, Omega asks Ventress if she has a high m-count.
Ventress: *looking at her nails* From what I've seen...no.
Omega: Then why is the Empire after me?
Ventress: Believe it or not, I don't know everything. But seeing as how a high m-count would make you a target, consider yourself lucky.
Omega: But I'm already a target.
Wrecker: Don't worry about it, kid. We'll figure it out. C'mon, let's get some chow.
Omega: *sigh* Thanks for trying.
Once they're out of earshot...
Crosshair: You're lying.
Ventress: About which part?
Hunter: You tell us.
Ventress: If Omega did have that potential, she'd have to be trained. Which would mean leaving you behind.
Hunter: That's not happening.
Ventress: What you want is irrelevant. The fact is, the Empire is after her, and they won't stop. If I were you, I'd leave this place. You're not as safe as you think you are. Our business is done.
Crosshair: I still can't figure out which side you're on.
Ventress: My own.
Okay, so Ventress is clearly not telling the truth about the m-count, which we know, because we've already seen Omega's charts. I really don't understand why people keep taking Ventress at her word here. We know better, and so do Crosshair and Hunter. My guess is that she's trying to protect Omega because she knows firsthand what it's like to be taken from your family and trained as a young girl.
We know that when Omega was at Tantiss, she was receiving transfusions of blood with midi-chlorians the same as all the other clones (harvested from the dead Jedi they're undoubtedly holding in the vault). They were taking her blood samples, but Nala Se kept throwing them away because she knew Omega would retain the higher midi-chlorian levels and she didn't want Hemlock to know that. The Emperor needs a clone that will maintain a high m-count so he can eventually get himself a new body. We know he does get that body, but not for decades - presumably because a) he never gets Omega, and b) the Batch is gonna take the fight to them at Tantiss and blow up their entire supply of midi-chlorian donors. Think about it - they're still working on Project Necromancer in The Mandalorian (24 years after The Bad Batch), but their resources are severely limited. The Empire has been all but wiped out, the Emperor is hiding out on Exegol, Dr. Pershing is clearly no Hemlock since he keeps killing his test subjects, and Grogu seems to be the only m-count donor they can get their hands on. The Emperor's cloned body is also deteriorating rapidly in TRoS, which suggests that even 25 years after The Mandalorian, he STILL hasn't figured out the right formula for cloning himself (which is good news for Grogu and Omega).
Which brings us back to the question, "Is Omega Force sensitive?"
The answer is, "yes", she is sensitive to the Force due to her elevated m-count. We've seen this all along. Hunter most likely is, too, and maybe some of the other Bad Batchers, to varying degrees. Tech could riot race, which takes incredible reflexes. Hemlock said that Crosshair didn't have a high m-count, and we don't know where Wrecker's abilities stem from. Omega can't wield the Force because she is untrained, but the potential is there. A person's aptitude to wield the Force seems to be strongly correlated to their m-count, but we've seen others with low aptitude eventually open the door to the Force with years of training and a decent dose of impending doom (we see this clearly with Sabine in Ahsoka, but it was also a topic in Legends).
Omega being Force sensitive doesn't mean that she has to leave her brothers. She can choose to pursue her training or not. She'd also have to find someone willing to train her. I'm not convinced Ventress is looking to take on any apprentices at the moment, but she could possibly connect Omega to Quinlan Voss (imagine the trouble those two would get up to).
But I don't think Omega will choose that path. One, it would just make her a bigger target. Two, I don't see her prioritizing power over family. She's a clone, and clones are ALL about family. They're Mando coded, not Jedi coded. Screw the space Buddhist lifestyle - clones parade their attachments around like trophies. Omega goes around collecting attachments like most kids collect rocks..."Hello, stranger trying to kill me, let's be besties."
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lilacxquartz · 23 days
JJK x Reader: What they would do for your birthday
included: satoru gojo, suguru geto & kento nanami
tags/themes: drabbles, fluff, comfort — up to 500 words each!
ao3 link • masterlist • mdni
Satoru Gojo
You woke up in what felt like the very early into the day with a slightly alarmed sixth sense going haywire in your mind, and as you came to, you quickly realised why.
A pair of intense blue eyes hovered over you; wide, focused and almost erratic. You should have known that it was just your boyfriend.
“Happy birthday!” he eagerly announced, his energy high despite your own still being quite low. Your eyes rolled over to the alarm clock, finding that it was just barely six in the morning.
Your lips twitched into a smile as you couldn’t help but find his determined enthusiasm at least somewhat endearing. “Thanks, but why are you up so early?”
“Because,” he continued to almost jitter, his body shaking from intense excitement, “I couldn’t wait with my perfect gift for you.”
You yawned, propping yourself up to your elbows before blinking at him. “D-dare I ask?”
Satoru’s smile widened as you focused on him intently now—just as planned! Clearing his throat, he however thought more about it and started to get cold feet, his voice suddenly seeming less than confident, “…You won’t laugh will you?”
“I can’t make any promises but for you I’ll do my best,” you replied.
Satoru’s confidence quickly rebounded within an instant and he produced a small velvet blue box from behind his back. He dramatically presented it to you, pushing it right up to your face.
“For you…” he continued to say, his gestures exaggerated.
Almost cautiously, you propped the lid of the box open, revealing a… glass sphere. You stared at it for a moment, trying to retain your politeness, knowing that there must have been something special about it because Satoru was oddly serious when it came to gifts. However try as you might, you couldn’t find a single logical explanation. Maybe you were just too tired.
You held it up to inspect it further in an attempt to decipher the gift, finding that when the light hit it just right, the glass sphere filled with a beautiful ethereal glow, filling up with an almost deep blue colour.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Satoru asked you, pleased to find that you have figured out how to see its true potential. “It’s called a sapphire nebula and when held up to the light, it can represent my beautiful blue eyes and in a darker room with the right conditions applied, to even represent something close to an infinite void in appearance.”
You blinked, nodding slowly. It was a beautiful piece, but you couldn’t help but think of one thing in particular. “So my gift is something that reminds me of you?”
“Of course…!” he smiled, but something about his tone of voice implied that there was more to his words.
“Thank you Satoru, it’s very pretty,” you replied, genuinely meaning it.
“Of course, I’m also going to take you out to a fully cleared out private table at that place you like,” he almost boasted in announcement, “…and there's this place that’s opened up recently where you can go design your own plushie, if you want to do that.”
“I’d love to,” you replied, “don’t worry, I’ll make mine resemble a mini you so it can guard that mysterious orb you gave me.”
He couldn’t help but smile in anticipation, “I can hardly wait.”
Suguru Geto
Upon waking up in the late morning, the first thing that you noticed was that Suguru was still in bed with you despite it creeping closer and closer to midday. In a flash, you were up in an instant, nudging at him in an attempt to somehow wake him up.
While you succeeded, he simply responded by pulling you down, reeling you closer into his chest in a claiming hug.
“Suguru…” you replied, your words slightly muffled as you spoke into his skin, “you’re gonna be late—“
“—don’t worry,” he soothed you, “I’ve cleared my schedule for today and the girls are with a trusted sitter. I’d rather spend my day with you on your birthday than have you spend it alone.”
You blinked in surprise, suddenly relaxing against him and pulling your head back. Oh, that’s right, it was your birthday. “A-ah, my birthday. Yes. I totally knew that was today.”
“You’re silly,” he laughed softly, pulling you closer back into his chest, “don’t worry about today, sleep in with me for a bit longer.”
Succumbing to sleep for about two hours longer, by the time you were both up, you were both fully and wide awake. Suguru quickly got dressed after a shower as you did too, finalising both of your efforts by helping his robe sit correctly on his shoulders.
“You’re so good to me,” he murmured, his voice raising in slight volume as he spoke, “that’s why I have prepared you something special.”
Still in the process of waking up, you wondered what this could possibly entail. You stared at him as he combed out the knots in his hair with his fingers before leading you off to the kitchen and dining area.
Taking a moment to prepare what he needed, he stepped away for a moment, only to come back with a small platter of neatly arranged desserts including anpan, daifuku and even manjū.
“Did you.. make these?” you asked, staring at the arrangement.
“Yes,” he replied calmly, “I remember you enjoying these especially, so I tried my hand at making you them.”
You tried one of them, your stomach already growling from the lack of breakfast. Taking a bite out of the daifuku first, the mochi feeling perfectly soft in your mouth and the filling tasting just as you’d like.
“And you made these?” you repeated, almost in surprise because of how good it all was.
Suguru hummed, seeming proud, “Yeah. I guess being an impromptu dad to the girls has made me good at this sort of thing. You know how they are about their sweet treats.”
“I’m very glad that I also get to be included in your efforts,” you said, taking another confection from the platter.
“Of course,” he said, patiently holding the tray that he prepared, feeling a little concerned that his efforts were being consumed at such a rapid pace but if you were happy, then he was happy, “anything for you. Happy birthday.”
Kento Nanami
Not too long after waking up alone in bed, you were met with the smell of coffee and something sweet and delicious wafting into the room. Albeit still groggy, you slowly got up and threw on something casual before descending down the hall and into the kitchen, following the scent.
In the kitchen, Kento was in the midst of finishing up a stack of pancakes before turning around to greet you. His hair was slightly tousled and despite wearing an apron, his clothes were stained from captions splatters and spills.
Before you could even reply, he sat you down at the breakfast table, sliding in a plate with the most perfect pancakes you had ever seen with some neatly cut fruit arranged on top. He then placed a cup of coffee in your hand and a vase of flowers as the final finishing piece in the middle of the table.
Taking a sip of coffee to wake yourself up, you then tried the pancakes. Before you could even speak, Kento said something first.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” he smiled, sitting down at the table too. Seeming a little exhausted but his eyes seemed to relax as they settled on you.
“Thank you,” you replied, “this is so nice…”
“I wanted to make sure that your day started off just right,” Kento replied, taking off the apron and rolling up his sleeves.
“You succeeded,” you commented, “this also tastes incredible.”
“Yeah? I’m glad. I’ll tell you what, if you get dressed after, we can go pick up a pastry we both like from that bakery we found a week ago,” he added, “and then anything you want. I made sure that the entire place is spotless, so you have nothing to worry about today.”
Finally fully awake, you couldn’t help but succumb to the widest possible smile. “You’re incredible, I’d love all of that.”
“Then that can be arranged,” he replied, leaning in to straighten out the flowers in the vase, “as long as you’re happy, then that’s the best thanks in the world.”
<<< more birthday drabbles (villain edition)
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tofu83 · 6 months
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Let me introduce the latest high-tech prison in the Republic of All Mankind!
As you can see, it’s not a building or camp but simply a set of body armor. It can limit prisoners' freedom and correct their behavior with minimal resources
Mark, the rebel who encourage young people to engage in destruction, has the honor to serve as an example.
Turn around, Prisoner!
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"What the fuck are you doing to my body!?"
See? Even if he has thousands of unwillingnesses, he can do nothing but obey. That's because this exoskeleton has been connected to his central nervous system. Now he is not able to control his own body, but let the armor in charge.
Oh, that gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket, you have question?
"Why not brainwash the prisoner or implant a controlling chip to make him completely compliant?"
Good question! We intend to keep their mind clear in order to let them understand what we could do to them. Let them know that every single person is just the property of our country. Even you and me both have to admit that the authority has absolutely power over us. Right?
Besides, the prisoners have to learn what is good and what is bad. Take Mark as example. He will join the rebels hunting team working with law enforcers to hunt down his accomplices, and force them into the same kind of prison he is in now.
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"You freaking bustard! I will never betray my allies!"
He is so noisy, isn’t he? No problem! Turn around to show our guest your face, prisoner! Just a click on this button,
the mouth gag and face mask will make him quiet!
Okay, let’s continue. After working for the authority many times, we infer they will finally understand how childish they were and how glory to serve the country. They will submit and be loyal to their country from the bottom of their hearts.
But we know some people are very stubborn and won’t easily be break down. If we need immediate combat effectiveness, they are the best choice because the armor also has the ability to fully control the wearer.
Lets enter the code here…
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You can see that the prisoner stops struggling and stands up straight. His eyes glowing red like robots’ because he is actually becoming a robot.
Their minds would be wiped out in order to be reprogrammed easily.
Only the useful parts of their memories will be retained, and the rest will be deleted.
Now the reprogramming is almost complete.
Hunter bot 001 active and report status!
"Hunter unit 001 is fully functional, reporting for duty."
Let me prove that he is already converted into a loyal servant of our country.
"Hunter bot 001, perform your main mission!"
"Yes sir, this unit will comply. Start searching for potential insurgents…. Target detected! A close friend of the famous rebel, Mark, is in this room!"
Wow, what a surprise!!!
"Rebel, Name: Black. Must be arrested immediately!"
Hey!That gentleman with crewcut hair in black jacket!
Congratulations on becoming the second inmate of the new prison!!!
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lucerocosplay · 10 months
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Shohki Mask Cover
construction notes & photos under the cut
This has been a long time coming! I'm glad she's a costume I can work a mask into without it breaking the design of the character. I feel like people would be less inclined to ask that you remove it for photos this way ^^;
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I went with a very thin cotton gauze fabric (#9 "coffee" if you're wondering), think a slightly thicker cheese cloth. It's very breathable as a single layer and seemed the best choice for an N95 cover. The shape was really only achievable with this fabric because of the shape of my mask underneath, and some strategically placed 1/2" wide horsehair braid tubing from the dollar tree. I usually stock up around halloween but they stock around christmas too!
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Process is very straight forward, just traced my mask on the fold and made some rough adjustments for a card stock mock up. I like 90-110 lbs for this sort of thing but construction paper can work in a pinch too. Cut that out and fit to my face, tweaked the placement on the nose bridge and added a 1/4" allowance for bias tape/facing, and appropriate allowance for flat felled seams.
The ear tab was extended to cover the mask underneath, and included allowance for support fabric (denim scrap in my case) to support two eyelets intended to thread the elastic of my mask through. Then it was just patterning out the rest of the mask elements and making note of seam allowance and how to cut each piece. I trimmed the tape holding together the card stock mask apart and finally got to cutting out the fabric once that was done.
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There isn't anything fancy going on, the hardest part was just the inset mesh panel over the weirdly shaped keyhole cut outs on the mouth piece. It's just black nylon mesh typically used for interfacing bras sewn on after making the keyholes.
This fabric is like if toilet paper were a textile, which is great for breatheability and weight but absolutely hell for machine work like this. It's not for a competition so for me, hiding messy stitching with weathering later was ok.
The portion of the mask running from the underside of each ear tab was finished with homemade bias tape. The same method was used for finishing the top portion that runs over the bridge of my nose. The ends were simply folded and sewn down at the ear tabs for a clean finish.
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The side "filters" have an extra 1/2" long extension so I can tack in the ends of some horse hair tubing, then double fold the fabric back into itself before hand tacking with tiny stitches from the outside. That helps the light fabric balloon out into that shape, along with another layer of that same mesh interfacing.
They are really fun actually, very floppy with great movement. Though they stick out a tad too much so I did add one small french tack to the center of each to help them point downwards but retain that movement. The "filter" took the most hand finishing out of the whole thing, but that was to be expected.
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Once the little side "filters" were sewn in, there was just light weathering to do. I wanted to add some shadows and potential "mold spores" to certain areas to really make the texture pop and hide some messy stitching. Light passes with a dry brush and some acrylic helped a lot, so did referencing photos of mold growth on clothes.
It was a pass of burnt sienna along all seams and large patches where high humidity would accumulate. Then another lighter pass of burnt umber to deepen up areas, and some very sparse areas of white. Finally I wanted to give it the "blue cheese special" and mixed a little viridian green and that same white and hit the white areas first then dry brushed the spaces between mold patches. I'm trying to replicate active mold colonies so reference photos came in handy here. I also used some nail polish to match the grommets to fabric.
Maybe when I am not crunched for time I will get around to digitizing the pattern, but for now I hope the photos help anyone else trying to plan out a mask. Obviously the shape will change a lot depending on the sort of fabric and mask you have on under it, not to mention face shape. I would imagine bifolds would give you more her classic feed bag profile than an origami style mask, however.
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artycomicfangirl · 3 months
Hey I was tackling a concept which really has not been able to leave my mind. It was about Mr L and Daisy. That side of Luigi which we only truly see in Super Paper Mario. A snarky, confident villain who was quite a match for the heroes but I wonder how he responds to Daisy. An aggresive, passionate person who doesn't take crap from anybody.
It is fire against fire and normally that would clash but would that also count for these two? How would the dynamic change? Is Mr L more flirty and Daisy more taken aback by this? Or will she flirt back even more as a way to defend herself? And how does she feel about this Mr L? Does she completely hate him? Or does she like some parts of his personality?
Let me know what your thoughts are on this!
Hey! This is another fun ask that I’ve been slowly working on, but life and distraction kept pulling me away from. But FINALLY I’m here!
I’ve been feeling in a bit of a fluffy-sappy mood. So I do apologize just in case if I do make characters seem OOC!
Also, this is a bit more Luigi-heavy it seems, since this ask is about potential ideas regarding Mr L. Enjoy!
So. Potential Scenario time to set the scene and some context:
After Mario Fighting Mr L and seemingly banishing this Alter Ego from his younger brother’s body. Mario realizes that the side effects may not be as simple as it is.
Turns out, Although looking to be temporary. Due to the odd nature of magic, Parts of the so called ‘Mr L’ alter ego still lingers within the subconscious of Luigi’s mind. And from time to time, will often pop up in moments of high-tension, stress or anger.
It has been deduced that for the time being, Mr L may be triggered as an extreme way for Luigi to overcome the very things that holds him back.
This ‘Revived’ Version of Mr L, now retains some memories from when he was primarily active and thriving. Now, he is more aware that he is a conscious. He just chooses to see that he and Luigi share one ‘Vessel’
Mr L also has adopted new parts to his behavior, which are triggered from his old memories (In which I will elaborate further below.)
So now as the main gang have to wait this out till it passes over. Let’s see how our Sarasaland Princess deals with this!
💚 Two Sides of the Same Coin 💚
So if i remember correctly, Mr L did kind of express some sort of attraction towards Peach in the game.
But when a new Princess comes into the picture? Oh boy, did he fall HARD.
💚 While it’s obvious from surface level than Daisy and Luigi are more of an opposites attract sort of situation. I’d reckon that both Daisy and Mr L are more or so an equal match. This is what makes a bit more banter between the two. Especially when Mr L is the one talking his worth. Daisy on the other hand, is the type to eye-roll at his antics more.
But strange enough. When it comes to Daisy, Mr L acts differently around her. Because it’s been implied that some of Mr L’s behavior is still affected from Luigi’s memories, His attraction for her hits him full force. He actually wants to “Keep her around”. So he genuinely puts in effort to do so. Ironically, his actions is what keeps her at bay sometimes.
💚 Of Course is seen to act so Cocky towards most of his rivals and enemies, laughing at their faces. But when it comes to Daisy, he clearly tries to find ways to impress her and gain her attention.
While Luigi is all about the sentimental, heartfelt and genuine understanding. Mr L does not seem to get it, and relies on grand and flashy feats. Most of these attempts do not work, and he becomes genuinely shocked.
He doesn’t insult Daisy intentionally. But more has the “Oh, she doesn’t understand…Hey, I’ll try something else! Something even more grand!” Mentality.
💚 Because of Luigi, he has a natural subconscious pull and attraction towards Her. In fact, that’s one of the lucky things that Daisy has to keep from making him as her enemy in the first place.
But of course, he’s more full of himself about it. Leaning against a wall, arms crossed until Daisy notices and calls him out for staring. But he doesn’t give a care in the world.
“ Hey now. I can’t help staring down at such a beautiful force of nature~”
💚 💛 Seeing Daisy in her signature sports or Mario Kart Biker outfit? He will absolutely give a whistle of approval. When Mr L likes what he sees, he makes it VERY clear.
He will find amusement if Daisy reacts in a shocked manner. But it’s when she reacts all flustered, cue the smirk from him. He eats this kind of response right up!
💚 💛 Mr L has a knack for giving demeaning nicknames for his rivals and enemies. But for Daisy? Pet names and complements galore. He has no shame.
“Hey, Ms Pretty Petal! How about I pluck you from the fields of boredom, and take you somewhere fun?
“Well Hey, Ms Sunflower! I was working on my latest invention…but looks like all I need is you to brighten my day!
“Hey Ms Steady Sweetie! How’d you like my Dance Moves? Speechless? Huh, that’s okay. I guess The Green Thunder must be THAT striking to you huh?
💚 Even Mr L’s need to leap in and defend Daisy, is by some instinctual force. At first, he merely just does this because he wants to One-up (Pun intended) Luigi. To prove that he’s the better conscious. The better man.
But over time, Mr L is forced to learn and accept new things. So overtime, much to his chagrin, he unintentionally gains some empathy and development along the way. He always backs this up as simply not letting anyone tell him what to do. But doing this on his own will.
As time goes on though. Mr L kind of does change a bit. Also to show him learning to work together with Luigi’s conscious.
“That Mr Toochickentofightghosts would be sad if anything happened to you…Eh, wouldn’t you know? Something I agree with.”
💚 Regarding Mr L retaining the memories he previously once had. This is tied to my previous point of him now hating being told what to do. He is actually scared of being controlled by another force. Hence why when he gains understanding that he and Luigi share a conscious, he often fights to take over.
When opened up in his most vulnerable state, he kind of actually does express sympathy for what he remembers as Count Bleck’s downfall. In this moment, he subtly implies that he is unsure as to who he can look up to now. Or if he could ever find someone as worthy as Bleck to admire.
💚💛 I’d like to imagine that at some point, Everything would change, when Daisy ends up defending not just Luigi. But Mr L as well. I can imagine this happening at a point much later, When Daisy has learnt so much about Mr L, and has gotten along with him this far.
Seeing this Princess proclaiming that Mr L is not some One-time minion who can just be used and cast away, makes him see that Daisy genuinely finds recognition and respect in his intellect. And Thus, he fully shifts to having his utmost loyalty from Bleck, to ‘His’ Daisy.
Aside from his now changed views on Mario, Luigi and the main Gang. This was the woman he quite literally will think of as top Priority to him. For she genuinely sees him for what he is worth. Much like she does for Luigi
🌼 He…Loves me? 🌼
💛 This whole thing might be something Daisy has never seen before. And knowing that the one person she loves has a double personality understandably would freak her out a little at the beginning. But since Mario would have fought Mr L already, so he could explain to Daisy about everything.
Again, Mr L and Luigi are really all in all the same person. So after Mario had to confirm this a couple of times for her to process, Daisy is quick to be aware of this. She would never fault Luigi for how Mr L would act. But of course, it doesn’t entirely stop her from being appalled at Mr L’s actions.
💛 Daisy does not tolerate Luigi’s legacy to be insulted. It is why whenever Mr L does make some kind of passive aggressive insult towards Luigi, is the thing that gets her so defensive and annoyed the most.
💛 It is Daisy’s strong character, her not falling for Mr L’s antics easily. Is ironically, what draws him to her so much. The running gag is that no matter how much she tries to retort back to him, he actually finds amusement in it. He definitely likes her ‘feisty’ nature.
💛 Daisy’s way of learning how to actually get along and accept Mr L, is by being able to be as quick witted as he is. She begins to quickly learn that a flirtatious comeback or two, is enough to basically shut him up. She actually finds it really funny that all she can do is wink back at him, and he becomes all silent.
Of course much to her dismay, she then suddenly remembers that this was the fuel to fan his flames of desire. Pining for her even more the next day. Task failed…successfully?
💛 Honestly, Daisy would sometimes be frustrated and shocked at Mr L’s excessive dramatic and cheesy nature. But as she learns to help Luigi with this new predicament of now welcoming Mr L into his life. Daisy begins to form more insight as to how Luigi’s mind might work.
💛 Surprisingly enough. Being around Mr L, has taught Daisy what she can do to motivate and support Luigi. It is why she takes raising his confidence seriously, and will further instill into him that being himself, is what made her fall for him. And that as long as he still held onto his pure heart, she will not judge him for having Mr L in his life.
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mothdruid · 1 year
The Physics of Love - Prologue
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series masterlist | part one
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robert 'bob' floyd x afab!reader
insecurities, previously experienced misogyny in STEM, self-doubt. this content is meant for those who are 18 and older.
authors note.
professor coleman (hondo) is a real one who loves his students. but let me know what you think so far! i will be doing a tag list for this series, so if you would like to join that, let me know.
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The red ink stared back at you menacingly. Every minus one, minus two, minus three points marks taunting you. Sixty-eight out of one hundred. It wasn’t the worst you had scored in the class, but it was too far into the semester for you to drop. If only you had actually considered it a few weeks ago. That foolish woman in STEM mentality got the better of you though.
“If there are any issues with scores, let me know after class.” Professor Coleman announced.
It was as if the whole classroom failed, many students hanging back to talk with Professor Coleman. And you were no exception, slowly packing your bag while leaving your test on the table. You flipped through it a little bit as you waited after packing. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed, you just weren’t sure what to do from here on out.
“Issue with your score?” Professor Coleman asked.
You shook your head, letting out a soft chuckle.
“No, I just,” your hand tightened on the marked up papers, “don’t know what to do.”
Professor Coleman gave you a questioning look. You watched as he adjusted his glasses, staring at you with an odd kindness. The tension in your shoulders started to dissipate, your body finally relaxing enough to let your frustration sift into worry.
“If I don’t pass this class, boom, bam, degree gone,” you set the packet on the table. It was annoying to think that this class would potentially make it or break it for you. Stripping you of that geology degree you had yearned for since junior high. Math? A struggle but doable. Chem? Not too bad. Physics? The bane of your existence.
“It’s not like the final is next week. You have passed both exams so far.”
“Barely,” your hands were starting to clench up. It was a nervous habit, one you couldn’t seem to shake.
“Still passed though,” Professor Coleman offered you a smile.
"My degree requires a C plus, something that looks impossible right now," you sighed, tightly running your forefinger and thumb across your forehead to block your vision. It was beyond frustrating.
"Have you thought about looking for a tutor?"
A tutor? Was he being serious? How could anyone help you learn this cursed subject? Let alone get you to retain the information. Plus, you had tried it last semester. It ended in a bit of a failure, on your part and the tutors.
"Yeah, last semester. Tutor got frustrated because I couldn't pick it up, and I got frustrated about not picking it up quickly and it was just," you removed your hand only to be greeted with a soft frown, "it didn't work."
"Would you be willing to give it another try?" Professor Coleman asked, pushing his hands in his pockets.
"I uh… I don't know. I'm not a huge fan of the tutor program here, especially after last semester." You looked over at him with a frown and shrugged. "Maybe this is the universe's way of telling me to give up on geology."
"Hey, some of the best things in life are hard to get, and this might be one of them." Coleman smiled softly at you.
Doubt with a hint of shame swirled around your mind. A storm cloud that didn't want to dissipate. As much as you wanted to believe his words, it was hard. It was hard enough to make it in this field anyways. Hell, any STEM major was hell to get into. It was exceptionally worse though being a female in the field though. You had had classmates and professors act as if you didn't belong among them. And now, it felt like it was all true.
"What if I found you a tutor? Hand picked by me," Coleman shrugged, his words catching your attention.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, I can just fail and go about taking it next semes-"
"I don't want to see you fail."
The two of you stood there for a moment, staring at each other. Coleman had been the first professor that had seemed to actually care about how you did, which was rare for a STEM professor. Most of them had a sink or swim mentality with their subjects, but not him. Not good ole Hondo.
You had heard about Professor Coleman through a few of your other classmates in your program. He used to be an astrophysicist for NASA but then decided to pursue the field of teaching. Or at least that is what you heard through the grapevine. He taught a collection of undergrad students and grad students. You heard Professor Mitchell call him crazy one time for teaching so many students, but you didn't think that Professor Mitchell had much room to talk.
"I don't know if anyone you pick will put up with my incompetence for physics," you hate to admit it, but it was true. You were incompetent at the subject, basically hopeless.
"You're not incompetent, we all have areas we struggle with. I have the perfect person in mind anyways," Professor Coleman said with a smile while leaning back against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yeah? Who?" You gave him a curious look.
"It will be a surprise," Coleman said as he pushed up off his desk. He took a few steps over to you. "He will be helpful and patient, because it sounds like you haven't had much of that so far."
"But what if–"
Professor Coleman held his hand up to stop your words.
"No buts, and please just trust me."
"Fine, but if this doesn't work out," you grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, "you're paying for my second semester of Physics ll."
Professor Coleman grinned, holding his hand out for you to take. The two of you shook hands, sealing the deal. As much as you didn't want to, there was an overwhelming feeling about you failing flowing through you. It felt like the only outcome, all your insecurities about your place in the world bubbling to the surface. But somewhere, deep down inside of you was a bubble or two, telling you that this tutor would help you survive the rest of the semester.
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scarasimping · 1 year
love-avoidant princess
pirate!scaramouche x princess!reader
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synopsis: scaramouche’s crew had been planning this heist for years prior, and finally, they dock ship at the most heavily guarded kingdom on this side of the world with only one goal in mind: infiltrate the castle and steal the crown used for the coronation ceremony. The only setback? The princess had already stolen it, so now he has to go through her. 
tags: fem!reader, allusions to medieval sexism, you know how that is, mentions of blood like once, alcohol also mentioned a couple times, i believe that’s it for this part!
author’s note: ITS DONE omg, this took way longer than i thought but I guess that’s what happens when i try to throw myself in to writing actual pieces for the first time in three years instead of taking it slow. and it only ended up being 3k words TT but this is not the end, i have way more in mind for these two, this is honestly more like...a prologue of sorts!! hope you all enjoy !! so glad we actually have a plot now instead of me posting random hcs hshshshs also yes, his crew is most of the anemo characters because I said so
word count: 3.63k
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One can only see the same garden of flowers so many times before becoming bored of the sight. You have walked through here on so many occasions that you're sure that you could list each plant by its scientific name in the order they appear, from the front of the garden to the back.
So, really, it shouldn't come as a surprise to your retainer when they watch you leave a meeting with a potential suitor halfway through your millionth walk through the garden.
The suitor was confused, calling out to you and running to keep up with your fast-paced steps.
"Princess! Did I do something wrong?" He shouted, but you shook your head, an unimpressed and uncaring look painting your features.
"I apologize for saying this after you made the long journey here, but this simply will not work between us."
And thus, another man was rejected by the unromantic princess.
Known for turning down every suitor imaginable, you had gained the reputation of being entirely against romance. Even though you were clearly not interested, this only made people want you more, and your father, who was eager to get you married off, agreed to let everyone interested in you meet you, as long as they were of high enough standing. This included royalty from other kingdoms, wealthy businessmen, and other government officials or their sons who were your age. 
None of them even came close to winning your heart.
It’s not that there was anything wrong with them. To be honest, even you weren’t sure why you were so bored with every man or woman you met. It seemed to be more the life you would lead with them than the suitor themselves that made you gag. No first-born heir of a royal family wants to be married off; they want to have the throne! And if your parents weren’t going to give it to you, then you wouldn’t make it easy for them to send you away.
As you gracefully left the heartbroken businessman behind, the retainer assigned to watch over you hurriedly followed, barely keeping up with your pace.
"Princess, this is the seventh suitor you've met. Please tell me, what is wrong with this one?" he pleaded. In truth, he was scared to report more bad news to the king and queen, but frankly, that was not your problem.
"I'm sorry, sir, but I just do not see myself having a life with him," you replied, staring straight ahead and hoping he would stop following you. After forcing yourself to be nice to these suitors, all you wanted was to lay in bed and nap, or maybe practice your sparring skills with your sword.
"We'll have to tell your father about this," he gave you one last warning, but your mind was already made up.
"I understand, but I'm not altering my decision."
Just as you and your retainer thought, your father was not pleased, going on one of his long-winded rants about how you should get married quickly because it’s “better for the kingdom” and “what a princess should do.” All the while, your mother sat and watched, not saying a word because she knew that she did the same thing when she was your age. It was how your parents met in the first place, after all.
"At this rate, your little brother will have inherited the throne before you're satisfied with a man." The king ends his rant with this statement, huffing angrily as he furrows his thick eyebrows in your direction. There it was, the constant reminder that you, the eldest heir, were not to inherit the throne, which should rightfully be yours, all because your parents favored your younger brother.
However, who would dare question the king? When he makes an order, it is carried out, and what he demands is brought to fruition. So if he says your sibling shall inherit the throne, he will, and when he finally gets fed up with your high standards and simply makes you marry someone of his choosing, you will have to obey. Such is the life of a princess.
With a heavy heart, you bow to your father, asking to be excused. He sighs and waves his hand, allowing you to leave, to which you immediately turn on your heel and pace quickly toward your chambers.
When Scaramouche's crew docked at the pier, they knew the welcome they would be given wasn't going to be a warm one. It never was, wherever they stopped. It was no secret that wherever this ship docked, well-known valuables would soon go missing and trouble would follow, yet no one could prove it was them.
Still, seeing every guard on patrol look at them with a noticeable glare and watch their every move was more than unnerving. All Scaramouche was doing was going for a stroll, after all.
But, so were his crewmates, Kazuha and Heizou, in separate parts of the city. And it's not their fault if they happen to notice which areas are more guarded than others, when the guards switch shifts, or which buildings have the least amount of foot traffic coming in and out of them. It's all coincidental, of course, not on purpose at all.
It's definitely not intentional when Heizou reports that the only guards that step into the tavern are always there to get so drunk after their shift that they won't remember what they say.
And who's to shame Scaramouche if he wants to step in and have a drink or two, and happens to run into a guard who's slurring his words and would have fallen over if he ever tried to stand up in this state?
"And that princess…god! She's so stuck up.." the guard ranted, taking another swig from his pint. Scaramouche listened with faux sympathy to the drunken man in front of him, but he wasn't sure how much more he could take from this man. He too often leaned too close as if whispering a secret, the stench of sweat, metal, and cheap booze radiating off of him. 
"That princess! She keeps rejecting every suitor who's interested in her! Do you know who has to deal with the king's fury after she does this? Us!"
He leans in once more, and Scaramouche gets a whiff of his rancid breath  "I hear….the king wants her married off to someone wealthy because he's in debt…but she just wants the throne instead! Can you believe it? Too stuck up to let her brother be the heir to the kingdom…."
It seemed all this guard was going to reveal was pointless rants about the king’s only daughter, and today he was not going to get any information that would be helpful to him. After all, if this princess was to be married off, it’s unlikely she would be able to get hold of the crown that was to be used in the coronation ceremony when the prince came of age.
Like an answer from the heavens, his doubts were quickly proven incorrect when the guard’s voice drops to a whisper, and he leans across the table to speak in Scaramouche’s ear.
“I hear…that she got so jealous, she stole the crown. The king says it just got lost, however, we guards know the truth. But what grounds could we present that would warrant a search through the princess’s private quarters? It’s useless…”
And just like that, Scaramouche knew whom he should target. 
The captain stands from their booth in the corner, excusing himself. He buys the guard another drink as thanks for the “lovely conversation” and to ensure he really wouldn’t remember the information he spilled.
The next few nights, Scaramouche and other members of his crew alternate between taverns to gather as much information as possible. Each night, a different person hit a different establishment to not raise suspicion. This heist was going to be big, and after it was pulled off they wouldn’t be able to dock for months to avoid being caught and interrogated.
Stealing the crown from the most heavily guarded kingdom on this side of the world was no easy task, but it had been Scaramouche’s dream ever since he started his life of piracy. Something like this would earn them respect like no other on the seven seas but also put a huge target on their back. His crew was prepared, of course, they wouldn’t have docked here if they weren’t. It’s not like they couldn’t fight, either. They were notorious for many reasons: their crimes that left no evidence behind, the sheer intimidation their crew gave off, and the fact that no crew member lost any duel they were challenged to.
After a couple weeks of solely gathering information, Scaramouche’s crew was ready to take things to the next level. They learned that the princess was unable to leave the castle without supervision, which only occurred on rare occasions. She lived a secluded life and many of the kingdom’s citizens didn’t even know her face. His first mate, Kazuha, who was always good with his words, even managed to get one of the guards to reveal which terrace on the castle belonged to the princess’s room and that the staff had recently increased security in the city and outside the castle because of a suspicious ship that had docked at the pier, which lessened the amount of military inside the building.
Kazuha was always better with people than any other crew member, and Scaramouche was forever thankful he was a part of his crew, even if he didn’t show it.
However, it seemed no one was able to learn that the princess provided enough security for herself, not even needing guards.
Scaramouche quickly learned that when he was finally ready to attempt to get inside the castle, scaling the walls during a shift change and approaching the terrace he was informed about prior.
A candle on your bedside and the illumination from the moon were the only sources of light in your quarters at this time of night. Every other member of the royal family was asleep, but not you. Far too frequently would you stay up reading a novel you “borrowed” from the castle’s library, even though books weren’t supposed to leave the area. 
All was silent except for the wind blowing outside and the rare footsteps in the hall, metal clashing with each step from the guards’ armor.
Though silent, and easy to miss, a sound from outside your window caught your attention. 
Breathing, silent steps getting closer, the scraping of someone climbing the walls and terrace.
You turned, blowing out your candle so that whoever was coming wouldn’t know you were awake. With the time it took for them to reach the glass door that separates your room from the balcony, your eyes had already adjusted to the darkness and you had your sword out from underneath your bed, drawn and ready to be used.
The door cracked open, slowly, and it was obvious that whoever was there was trying to use the element of surprise. They must not know you, considering they thought you wouldn’t discover them. One hand pushes the door open all the way, then pulls the person inside. It was a man with indigo hair and eyes. Everything he wore was black - his boots, high-waisted pants, and tricorn hat, - besides his shirt, which was a white poet shirt with purple and black accents tucked into his pants. Adorned on his hat were feathers that spewed from the back and gems which were sewn on, each one catching the light from the moon. He was obviously a pirate, and based on the whispers from the staff in the castle, he was probably from the ship that docked recently and made everyone nervous. The captain of the guards had even told you to report anything suspicious you happened to see, which told you they were no joke, Normally, if there was a threat, you wouldn’t even be informed. 'No one wanted to worry the princess, of course' is what they would say, but you know they just think you can't handle it.
Before he even has time to process you're there, you point your sword at his throat, the tip pressing against his flesh, but not hard enough to draw blood. Just enough so that he knows he made a mistake.
The pirate stares down at the sword at his neck, his gaze following the blade to its holder; the very princess he intended to come in here and threaten. It's a funny thing how easily the tables can be turned. He eyes the princess warily, one eyebrow raised and an awkward smile on his face, knowing he's been caught so easily.
"Well, isn't this a surprise?" He chuckles to himself, raising his hands up beside his head in a phony sign of surrender, but your sword never wavers.
"What do you think you are doing here?"  You demanded, sword to the pirate's throat. The captain remained silent, weighing his options. He could try to talk his way out of this or use his cunning tactics to somehow overpower the princess and make a break for it. Whatever decision he made, it could mean the difference between life and death.
"Sure, as soon as you put that sword down. I'd rather have a conversation than an encounter between your blade and my jugular if you don't mind," he reasons, staring right back into your eyes with a look that screams mischief. Still, you sigh, and lower your sword, taking a step back and never loosening your grip on its handle. 
He chuckles, lowering his hands and letting a cocky smile spread across his face.
"You see, princess, there's a rumor going around that you've stolen and hidden the coronation crown. I'm here to simply…take it off your hands," he explains. Everything about him seems sly, and even though it seems he's at a disadvantage, he's acting like he has the upper hand. There's not an ounce of fear on his face.
Your hold on your sword is steady, ready for combat at any moment, and it seems he's thinking the same thing.
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to do so. I can, however, offer you a deal. Leave now and I won't report your attempt to rob the royal castle and have you thrown in prison."
The pirate shrugs and sighs, his hand reaching for the sword that hung from his belt. 
"Oh well, looks like there's no other way."
And with that, he draws his sword from its scabbard, a sleek, steel sword with a curved blade,  and lunges forward, dealing the first strike. Blades clash and the sound of metal on metal echoes throughout the room as you parry his sword, pushing him back further. He doesn't let up, dealing strike after strike, yet landing no hits nonetheless. 
While the pirate’s blows are strong and aggressive, his attacks powerful and relentless, yours are both quick and agile with fast and precise strikes.
He expected the princess to be less of a hassle, yet here you were, not only putting up a good fight but winning too. Similar to him, there wasn't even a hint of sweat dripping from your brow, no signs of exhaustion as you dueled him in just your nightgown and slippers.
Your sword comes down once more towards his chest, and he raises his own to block it when suddenly you change your direction and aim to land a hit on his arm instead.
Ever quick on his feet, the pirate steps out of the way, dodging an almost fatal attack, but not before your blade can tear through his shirt and leave the faintest wound on the flesh of his shoulder.
He hisses as he feels the sting of his skin splitting, looking down as red stains the sleeve of his shirt.
"Not bad," he mumbles, his eyes sharp as he glares at the princess, a cocky smirk adorning his face. "Haven't struggled this much with an opponent in a while."
"Likewise," you muse, tightening your grip on your handle as you raise your eyebrows, almost taunting him.
"Tell me, pirate, what is your name? I want to know what to call my attacker before I slice your throat." 
He chuckles, rolling his wounded shoulder back and getting into a better position to keep fighting.
"Oh, I don't believe you really could. Wouldn't want to get your pretty hands dirty after all." He, once again, swings his sword, but to no avail. You continue trading blows with him, barely giving each other a chance to breathe. No matter what he tries, he can't seem to get the upper hand. Mentally, he wants to blame it on the fact that he was caught off guard, or that the way the silk of her nightgown hugs her body when she twists and turns to use her sword is distracting, but really he knows he's just finally met a well-matched opponent. 
"But the name's Scaramouche, consider this knowledge a gift before I beat you at the game of swords.”
It was then that the sound of armored footsteps approaching rapidly caught both Scaramouche and the princess’s attention. You bite back a laugh, glancing at the door and then back to the pirate in front of you.
“Looks like that will have to wait, Scaramouche.”
His name spilled from your lips easier than you’d like to admit, sounding almost natural when it came from you. Scaramouche noticed this too, stiffening as you say it and running his tongue along his cheek. It was annoying whenever he found himself having to make an enemy of an attractive woman. He takes one last look at the princess, before stepping away towards the glass door he came in through. He keeps his sword pointed at you as he backs away, not taking any chances.
“This was lovely, princess. I’ll be seeing you again very soon, but for now, I bid you adieu,” He takes his hat off, bending his arm at his waist and bowing overdramatically before opening the door and launching himself over the fence of the terrace, disappearing into the night.
As the footsteps get closer, you kick your sword under the bed, praying it wasn’t damaged, and toss yourself onto your mattress, throwing the covers over your body just in time for the door to swing open. A few guards peer inside, seeing nothing but you sleeping soundly in, your back turned to them as your body rises and falls to the rhythm of your breathing. There was no sign a fight had even occurred, despite the noises that multiple knights had heard coming from here.
As they close the door, the sound of their footsteps moving away from your room, a giddy smile creeps onto your face. After all, if no fight happened in their eyes, there would be no reason to increase security and you could see that intriguing pirate again.
After Scaramouche escapes down the castle walls, he books it for the treeline that separated the castle from the ocean. It was just past there that his ship resided, where his crew was eagerly awaiting his return with good news. A sinking feeling resides over him whilst he runs through the trees, kicking up dirt and leaves with every step. There is no reasoning he could possibly give that would excuse his failure. Not when he knows it’s caused by his own faults as a man. He, just like all of her numerous suitors and admirers, simply got distracted by her appearance. At some point, he had to stop as his head became too muddled by his thoughts, leaning against a tree, taking a deep breath, and trying to calm his thoughts.
Before, when hearing about rumors of the princess and all of the men interested in marrying her, he assumed the stories all came with a tinge of exaggeration.
Yet, after seeing her and fighting with her, he knows each metaphor and story told of her had to have been nothing but the truth. Tales of her beauty were honestly an understatement. It’s not often he finds himself this distracted by a woman, especially a princess, and he can’t help but feel ashamed in a way. He just failed to execute the plan his crew had been working on for years prior to docking it this kingdom, but all he can think about is her smile when she taunted him, her confidence because she knew she could fight, or the way her nightgown revealed the shape of her body, expensive silk clinging to every curve of her flesh. She was a princess rarely even seen by the public, but he got to see her in such a private setting, and god was it worth it.
He starts running again, her face in mind doubts infecting his every thought. His heart pounds heavily in his chest, and his lungs burn with each breath, but he doesn’t stop running. He would much rather face his crew than the entire royal army. He was sure the princess had reported what had happened by now, and he didn’t want to stick around so they could remember his face.
As he runs, he starts to feel the ocean breeze brushing along his face, and it reminds him that he’s almost home. His crew is smart; they’ll be able to come up with a new plan together. Maybe next time they’ll send a different member of the crew. 
As soon as the thought of someone else seeing her like that enters his mind, he quickly shoos it away. 
Just for now, he’d like to keep the image of her to himself.
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taglist: @danfelions @bleachisfood @klanxii @nillajhayne @call-me-nayo @pinkiepiescanonn @etherisy @kazuuhhaaaa @featuredtofu @ulquiorraswife @skyoverkill1 @wandererskitten   @lxkeeeee
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mumblesplash · 8 months
What do you think about how Redstone exposure effects people other than red eyes, and if the redstone effects their eyes, does it affect how their brain functions?
Do people without redstone exposure notice a difference in the behaviours of people with redstone exposure?
Do hybrids have different reactions? Are hybrids of mobs that are more commonly underground more resistant? Are neither and end hybrids less resistant/more susceptible?
Is there a difference in redstone quality and if there is, does that effect exposure?
Sorry for so many questions, I love world building! Also, may I steal the redstone stuff?
no need to apologize i love getting questions like this!!
i’d say redstone exposure effects vary based on individual biology, and the exact mental side effects are ambiguous on purpose, but different hybrids absolutely have different reactions to it!
(side note i did deliberately write those redstone exposure notes through a framework that doesn’t account for this, they’re comparing the hermits’ protocols to an implied universal safety standard)
but like tango for instance has ‘metabolic acceleration’ listed as one of his symptoms, the idea being that to a blaze hybrid redstone acts as a stimulant—he sleeps less, eats more, and burns hotter the more time he spends around it (to the point where he can even comfortably forego his usual heat-retaining overworld gear while working in an ice dungeon)
and then doc’s symptoms are a huge mystery, both due to his creeper hybrid status and the fact that he basically has redstone for blood at this point. the question is more what symptoms the redstone is experiencing from all this doc exposure
as for redstone quality, love the question bc i didn’t actually consider that yet! my gut instinct is to say no, there’s not a huge difference in redstone *quality* per se, but it does come in a lot of different forms, and i think it would make sense for some to be more ‘toxic’ than others
redstone dust would probably be the highest risk (easy to accidentally inhale/ingest and has nothing containing it), ore/redstone torches/redstone blocks are less messy but still high exposure, things like dispensers that are crafted with redstone are a little safer, etc. i think the most stable form it can be in is probably potions, where it’s encapsulated by xp
and yeah ofc you can use the idea! i feel like there’s a lot of directions you could potentially go with it, like are there acute symptoms? is it addictive? can you build a tolerance? what IS redstone exactly? (i know the education edition has its opinions but i have other ideas) <- all questions i deliberately leave unanswered for fun and profit
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galactica7071 · 10 months
let's diagnose the Irish guy from punch-out
disclaimer: I am but a lass with ADD, so while I do know a lot from both my own experiences and research, you should still take my ramblings with a few grains of salt. I encourage anyone reading to form their own headcanons, and would love to hear them!
So, the Punch-Out wiki (in its current state) implies that Aran Ryan has some sort of mental disorder, so I projected onto dissected him like a deep sea specimen, and may have found out what's going on in his very empty and screwed up head
🎉congrats! it's attention deficit hyperactivity disorder! (probably)🎉
ADHD has a bunch of characteristics that go with it, but I'll only be going over the ones that apply to Aran and are displayed in canon. Of course, I'll insert some speculation here and there to further support and reason through some of my points. For more reading, I suggest checking out organizations like Mayo Clinic and the National Institute of Mental Health, as well as any self-reports and blogs by people with ADHD (the latter tends to be more personal and far less clinical-sounding, but are just as helpful). Wikipedia is also a good place to go for anything, and you might even find yourself down a few rabbit holes!
Hyperactivity and restlessness
Aran exhibits this in PO Wii heavily. He has a high-stamina fighting style with lots of shuffling around, always bouncing around Little Mac. He can only be stunned through counter-punches and being faster than him (During round breaks, Doc Louis literally says "beat Aran Ryan to the punch"). It is extremely difficult to KO or TKO Aran without intercepting him due to this mechanic. During round breaks, regardless of how beaten and bruised he is, Aran will bounce his leg constantly in Contender and harass the audience in Title Defense.
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Impulsivity and recklessness
This one's consistent between his two appearances, surprisingly. In Wii, Aran is portrayed as a dirty cheater who would "do anything to win", according to supplementary comics. He has the most rule infractions in the Punch-Out series, at 32 combined. He stuffs his gloves with horseshoes before his Contender fight and brings a homemade flail made from a broken boxing glove to his bout with Little Mac in Title Defense. During matches, he makes use of headbutts and elbows quite frequently. These are both illegal and very stupid moves, due to the potential of self-inflicted trauma. His flail in Title Defense could be a sign of creativity by thinking outside the box, which is often seen in people with ADHD. In supplementary material for Super Punch-Out!!, it's implied that a fight usually broke out whenever Aran was made fun of in school, showing that he was reckless during his childhood as well.
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Emotional dysregulation
In Super Punch-Out!!, Aran Ryan is rather grumpy, and is one of two characters in the entire game to never smile in any of his sprites (the other being Nick Bruiser). Compared to his Wii portrayal, Aran is as clean as it gets in this game, even complimenting the player during the credits. Supplementary material attributes his lower mood to the teasing he endured during his childhood, and that he got into boxing to channel some of his pent-up anger. Depending on how you view it, him being so angry over his peers making fun of his name could be an overblown reaction. This hot-headedness is retained in PO Wii (which could be a sign of impulsivity), but he's essentially the inverse of how he was in Super. He's boisterous, reckless, dishonest, and smiles even while he's stunned. Many of Aran's reactions to being hit are him laughing, which might imply masochism on some level, but is nonetheless seen as an inappropriate response to being hit. He displays some antisocial traits, even, as seen when he throws aside the referee in Title Defense. This is likely caused by a low tolerance of authority, but is still an extreme reaction to the referee just trying to maintain order in the ring (good luck with that, ref...).
Difficulty starting tasks
This is a sign of executive dysfunction, which is closely linked to inattention in people with ADHD. It's exhibited in his Contender intro, where he spends the first three frames of the cutscene messing around. For this one, I'm going to compare Aran's behavior in his Contender intro to all the other boxers that spend their entire intro cutscene in a gym/dojo/training environment, spend the majority of their cutscene explicitly training, or are in several training environments. Here's a neat little chart, where the numbers represent how many slides they spent being "off-task":
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can you tell that graphic design is my passion
I've counted any activity that builds strength and endurance (like eating, running, lifting, or practicing magic in Tiger's case), or requires a large amount of work put in to do (like chopping trees or playing hockey, for Bear Hugger). Some of you might be wondering why I didn't include certain characters, but that's because they're either in a combat setting, switch from training to non-training settings, or are doing unrelated things in what could be a training setting.
If Aran has 3 instances of being off-task, he ties with TD Kaiser, Don, and Macho in terms of how long they're off-task for. If "gearing up" is being counted as being on-task, he only ties with TD Kaiser and himself. Of course, context matters heavily. TD Kaiser, Don, and Macho aren't off-task purely for the sake of slacking off, but show developments of their story throughout Career Mode. TD Aran is off-task for storytelling as well, but it's not motivated by a grudge towards Mac like the other three and falls under the normal definition of "slacking off". Speaking of cutscenes,
Inattention and distractibility
Aran shows this several times in Title Defense. In his intro, he notices a rope in the trash can and gets the idea of making his flail, seemingly forgetting all about training for his match with Little Mac. During round intermissions, he's distracted by the audience throwing objects at him, and threatens them instead of spending the break resting or strategizing.
ADHD is highly comorbid with anxiety, due to executive dysfunction (mainly sensory processing), and the risk of overthinking. I admit that this one is a bit of a stretch, since general restlessness and anxiety are linked in many mood disorders, but it's shared between both of his appearances. Super's version of Aran being caught up in his own past can be a sign of social anxiety as well as falling victim to overthinking. In PO Wii, the leg bouncing can be a sign of anxiety for various reasons, whether it be physiological (ex. outside stimuli being unpleasant) or psychological (ex. overthinking the match). His stance in Exhibition's menu for his Contender match is also a little shaky, which is common in fight-or-flight reactions, though it could also be plain hyperactivity.
Pressured speech
In PO Wii. Aran usually talks very quickly, which can be caused by the classic ADHD experience of "having a lot to say, and feeling like there's no time to say it". It's very likely that it's just be a characteristic of his accent, though.
🍀🌠🌈this is a cool section break🌈🌠🍀
There's plenty more symptoms you could make arguments for, but these were some of his more prominent traits. ADHD shares symptoms with a lot of other disorders, though, so let's see some other possibilities...
Counter-Diagnosis #1: Bipolar II Disorder
Bipolar II, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, is characterized by a a pattern of depressive states and hypomanic states (notice the hypo- prefix). We can attribute Aran's demeanor in Super to a depressive state, and his demeanor in Wii to a hypomanic state. I've chosen bipolar II instead of I due to the specifications of a "manic state" not fitting his Wii portrayal as closely.
Hypomania (literally meaning "less than mania") shares many characteristics with full-blown mania, but is more toned-down. People who have experienced genuine hypomanic states usually describe it as helpful towards their productivity, while manic states are notoriously more harmful and often directly affect productivity. Symptoms of mania include restlessness, racing thoughts, pressured speech, overconfidence, increased agitation, impulsiveness, a disconnect from one's surroundings, extreme anxiousness, and many others. Already, we can observe many of these symptoms in Aran's Wii portrayal that are shared with the ADHD diagnosis. However, hypomania tends to lack the "reality disconnect", and we can see that Aran is very aware of his surroundings. Him being in the World Circuit in both Super and Wii can be interpreted as a sign of the hypomanic states being more helpful than detrimental (maybe less so in Super because of the existence of the Special Circuit, but I digress).
I think this take has a lot of ground, maybe more than the ADHD hypothesis. A lot of my earlier points in favor of him having ADHD can also apply to him being bipolar (specifically hyperactivity, recklessness, and especially emotional dysregulation) as well, which blurs the line in some places, but it's still a very strong argument.
Counter-Diagnosis #2: Oppositional Defiant Disorder
According to Mayo Clinic, ODD is "a frequent and ongoing pattern of anger, irritability, arguing and defiance towards parents and other authority figures". The characteristics of ODD can be observed in both SPO's and Wii's Aran.
I think this one's weaker, for a few reasons. First, ODD is considered clinically relevant only during childhood; from then, it can "evolve" into a number of other conditions, including but not limited to borderline personality disorder and the aforementioned bipolar disorder. Obviously, Aran isn't a child, but he could have had this disorder in the past and "grew out of it" from a clinical standpoint.
You could make an argument for the anger issues due to a few of his behaviors, as well as his voice lines in Wii having a sort of "growl" to them, but his irritability is infrequent and mild enough to where it can be attributed back to emotional dysregulation, and the "growl" could just be how the character or his voice actor naturally sounds (I haven't found any clips of Stephen Webster speaking out-of-character, but if anyone has any, I'd love to hear them).
Counter-Diagnosis #3: Antisocial Personality Disorder
The DSM-5 defines APD as consistent displays of deceitfulness, issues with authority, impulsivity, irritability, recklessness, and a diminished capacity for remorse after hurting someone. Again, a few of these symptoms are shared with ADHD, so there's a significant grey area here. Yet, I believe it's stronger than the ODD argument, since his cheating can be a sign of deceitfulness and his apparent antisocial traits in Wii. However, boxing as a combat sport doesn't leave much room for feeling remorse, since doing so can result in throwing or forfeiting a match. I'm not going to count the lack of remorse due to the nature of the sport, but you as a reader can interpret it how you like.
Counter-Diagnosis #4: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Because of how broad the autism spectrum is, you could easily go crazy in-depth with this. I'll do a miniature version of the ADHD symptom setup, which includes traits observed in canon. I won't be including every shared trait, but do keep in mind that ADHD is comorbid with a bunch of different spectrum disorders, and misdiagnoses, especially in women, are fairly common in the real world because of it. I know I'm going to fail to list certain symptoms due to just how many ASD traits there are, so if anyone reading has any more connections to make, be my guest! This "counter-diagnosis" section is for provoking further discussion, after all, and I'm happy to learn from you all.
In PO Wii. To wind up for his right uppercut, Aran hits himself in the side of the head, and after round breaks in Contender, he hits himself repeatedly. Considering his gloves are confirmed to be loaded in his Contender fight, his relative indifference might be a sign of this. People with autism have reported tuning out various stimuli if they become overwhelmed by a bunch of them (sometimes related to meltdown or shutdown), and it's possible that that's what Aran is doing here. The bright lights of the venue combined with the crowd noise and the feeling of being sweaty could be overstimulating, and the supposed hyposensitivity towards being hit is caused by this "tuning out" to avoid a shutdown mid-bout.
Stimming (repetitive movements)
In PO Wii. The leg bounce in his Contender round break can be interpreted as a stim, as well as the wind-ups for his right uppercut (bopping himself in the head) and headbutt (choosing to wind up on the ropes). His bouncing around Mac could also be stimming.
Pathological demand avoidance
This phenomenon can also be comorbid with anxiety, which happens to be a risk factor for ADHD, so we're looping back around with this one. PDA is characterized by a person exhibiting an intense aversion to something that is asked of them, even if they wanted to do it beforehand. It can be associated with feelings of unfairness and like they don't have any control, so someone with PDA may "break the rules" to feel as though they have some control over what happens to them. Aran's high infraction count in Wii could be a sign of a more obsessive form of this. Avoiding the process of carrying out the demand can be conflated with executive dysfunction as well.
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TL;DR get this man into a psychiatrist's office ASAP
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wishing-stones · 11 months
Hi, first off I gotta say R&R is definitely one of my favourite Nightmare Gang X Readers and overall one of the best Undertale stories I've ever read. The way you write them and how you added Baggs (which I didn't know existed until I read your story but now I love the little gremlin) is just *chefs kiss*. Secondly, we know how Baggs is when he's in heat, but how do the rest act with their S/O whilst in heat? What happens if they all share a S/O and they all go into heat at the same time?
Ah, thank you! I adore the little gremlin, honestly, and I'm glad I get to introduce so many people to him.
The rest of the guys are pretty aggressive in heat, really. High LV mixed with unruly magic and raging hormones make for an ugly mix.
Killer tries his best to ignore his, but is much more aggressive than usual and instigates a ton more fights. He's loud, he's combative, and he's kind of dangerous. He usually gets chased off to have someone help him with his problem somewhere, since everyone has enough of his bullshit by day 2. Fortunately, if he isn't tracking his cycle, someone else is, and Nightmare is usually fairly good at preempting his assholishness by informing him that he's going on a week-long extended mission somewhere and to not come back until he's got a clearer head. With an SO, he's pretty insistent and a looottt more lewd than usual. Dust is dangerously impulsive and aggressive. He is constantly bordering an LV attack, but... retains a fair bit of lucidity. More than usual. He can't hear his brother during this time, and that just makes things worse. He's terrible at communicating, but he's very good about either taking his suppressants or dealing with it very shortly after onset. He can be a bit demanding of an SO, sometimes dangerous to lay with, but he's always good about seeing to injuries after.
Axe is potentially the most dangerous, as he gets a little more dangerous and a lot more animalistic. The damage to his skull means that some of his finer, more cognitive processes kind of fly out the window in favor of instinct. Fortunately, he likes to sleep through his. He stockpiles some food and hides in his room with the door locked. He doesn't quite trust himself with a partner, to not hurt them or otherwise succumb to instinct. He'd rather wait his out.
Cross is a lot more irritable and kind of aggressive, but fortunately, the one most in control of his emotions and actions. He's very good about suppressants, and he prefers to burn the excess energy by training. He tends to ignore other bodily functions in favor of keeping his mind focused on his work, so... he's been known to drive himself into the ground. Someone usually keeps an eye on him from a distance. He's never taken a partner, prefers to keep to himself, but... if his SO wants to help, he won't say no. He might lose himself a little bit, even, because all of this would be a very new experience for him.
Nightmare is fortunately pretty infrequent, once a year, maybe, but he is dangerous to be around. Highly aggressive and dominant, he will not hesitate to put someone in their place if he perceives an inch of insubordination. Fortunately, he's acutely aware of it, so he's pretty good about dealing with it just about the instant it sets in, if he can. If he's unable to, the boys give him a very wide berth until he comes back to his senses. An SO should be prepared for him-- he's demanding and insistent, and while not an active danger to his partner, has the capacity to be. Rein in those bratty tendencies.
They can and sometimes do sync up, and then the castle is quiet for about a week while everyone stays in separate corners, or flit off to other AUs to find someone to help alleviate their problem.
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honeynclove · 8 months
noble bell npc hcs
me n @localanimeidiot’s hcs that we’ve been working on since like…. mid October 😭😭 sprite edits were done by us both
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robinette auclair - student council aide
transfem lesbian <3 18 NO IDEA what a student council aide does but I googled it and got… nothing! so in my mind she does what a treasurer does which is maintain financial records / work with the budget / plan fundraisers etc she lives close to the school in the city with her mother <3 they originally lived in a small town near fleur city when she was little and moved after the death of Robin’s father to be closer to family and so her mother could get a better job her mom either owns a local business or works high up in a big one and helps sponsor school events + taught Robin how to handle money properly and is partially why Robin got the treasurer spot very silly but also very competent has a gf based off of esmerelda ‼️ CANNOTTT flirt for shit tho. girl is NOT smooth she is very fashionable though :]
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august lavigne - student council vice president
transmasc 18 as well gay and in love with Rollo Flamme 🤢 idk it’s just a silly (not) unrequited crush he’ll probably get over it hopefully Lives in that same small town mentioned before, more specifically though it’s based on the town from beauty and the beast and we hc Vargas to be from there along with many ocs!! his family owns a small winery that dates back a few generations his family is HUGE tons of cousins aunts and uncles etc has a tooth gap and is insecure about it, covers his mouth partially when he laughs. he had braces to fix it, but stopped wearing his retainer after and the gap came back his home is like… an hour drive from nbc so he stays in the dorms
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best friends !!!
were originally childhood friends when they were little they would play in the vineyards together <3 WERE HEARTBROKEN WHEN ROBIN HAD TO MOVE <//3 they don’t recognize each other when they meet again at NBC, but they do become fast friends one day one of them shows a childhood photo and the other goes… “HEY THATS ME” …/hj probably bc they were little still identified with their agab and added to the whole not recognizing each other thing attached at the hip it’s rare to see them without the other because robins family lives in the city she’ll go back to her home over the weekends instead of staying at the dorms and her mom insists August stays with them <3 her mom ADORES august rollo not so much Augusts family returns this kindness and invites Robin and her mom over during holiday breaks <3 overall very wholesome
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greenish-black hair? yellow eyes??? bird name???? potential history of deadbeat dadism?????? ( cough malleus cough ) MAYBE HER DAD ISNT DEAD /j 😭😭 I pinky promise Crowley isn’t her dad
if anyone actually read this who wants part two and three 😬😬 also I posted this unedited and unchecked so if there’s any errors do please ignore
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crossdressingdeath · 10 months
Thinking about the disappointing ending to Durge's personal quest and how they either go full villain or lose most of what makes them unique as a character and basically just become Tav, and like... since Durge's death and immediate resurrection adds nothing to the plot (and what with things like the companions not responding to it, there being no clear reason why Durge is able to do something that Withers specifically says breaks cosmology and Withers apparently being unable to resurrect Durge if they kill themself to defy Bhaal at the very end of the game for no apparent reason it actually causes a surprising number of problems in the writing), why couldn't the good ending just involve finding a way to stop Bhaal from interfering in their life rather than Bhaal killing them?
Here's one potential solution, just off the top of my head. All the other origins' personal quests have trade-offs, right? Durge is the only one with this perfect "you get everything you want with no downsides" sort of ending. So what if instead of Bhaal killing them and them immediately getting brought back, they had to make a deal with him? He sets them free, and in exchange they do something for him. I can't think of what the exact terms would be, maybe something like... I don't know, "You'll uphold the usual 'murder once a tenday' tenets of the Bhaalists and if you stop you're mine again" that wouldn't really do anything in the game itself but would become an issue afterwards (like Astarion losing the ability to walk in sunlight if he remains a spawn and Wyll losing his warlock powers if he breaks his contract)? But whatever the terms are the upshot is that Bhaal removes the Urge as a show of good faith and the party is allowed to leave freely. Maybe also add in something like Shar still harassing Shadowheart if she spares her parents, like... maybe Bhaal removing the Urge and agreeing not to force Durge into their apocalyptic destiny doesn't mean he can't try to convince them to do it of their own will, so he occasionally pops into their head and tries to push them in a more murdery direction in a less aggressive version of the Urge that can't directly take over them? Or possibly just. hurts them out of spite because as long as he doesn't do anything permanent or force them to harm anyone else he's remaining within the bounds of their agreement. And that way they remain a piece of Bhaal's divine gore with everything that entails, they're just not on Bhaal's leash anymore. And they've also agreed to do something pretty fucked up of their own (coerced) will in exchange for their freedom, so they don't retain the annoyingly spotless moral high ground of the canon end of redemption Durge's story where they selflessly die rather than become Bhaal's apocalypse-triggering Chosen again.
You could even keep that "I'd rather die than serve you" energy without actually pulling the trigger: since Durge is actually a part of Bhaal rather than just his child like other Bhaalspawn, maybe they'd have ammunition for forcing Bhaal to bargain with them that regular Bhaalspawn don't. Like, say... maybe since they're a part of Bhaal them being destroyed utterly would do a fair amount of damage to him (which may have something to do with why they can be resurrected despite that usually being impossible for Bhaalspawn), and—to keep Withers's involvement in the quest, since that's actually really fun and given his distaste for Bhaal makes sense—the death god they're palling around can help make that complete destruction happen. Under those circumstances it would be better for Bhaal to lose them as his Chosen and mess up that particular plan for total victory rather than continue to try to force them and weaken himself permanently! I think if nothing else all that wouldn't make less sense than the canon ending.
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pyrriax · 6 months
your centurion anatomy sounds really cool :0! can you describe more in detail about them?
in your screenshot it stated they have a crystalline star in their hearts, does this have something to do with the seraphim? also by "tainted by gold" does that mean centurion blood or do seraphim also have gold blood? what are the different colors of centurion blood and are they all some matter of metallic? how do centurions connect to their seraphim?
you can also talk about seraphim anatomy if you want :3 (im also very curious about why they went extinct but im guessing thats spoilers)
also who are the other centurions and seraphim aside from clown and branzy? do they have some kind of hierarchal system? how do seraphim give their souls to creations since im assuming its literal? and what is the exact purpose of soul-sharing?
no need to answer all or any of these ofc just curious :3
Hello hello yes of course! I'm happy to elaborate more on them ^_^ I'll be pulling pieces from my notes, some screenshots of writing I've done relating to it, and just going into some Details.
(Fair warning this is going to be a LOT of words and a lot of this is subject to change, this project and world is a work in progress and I've been shifting things around as I start actually writing things!)
Preface (A quick rundown of the World itself)
Divided into two parts, the main one I'll be focusing on is The Vesper, Vesper is the name of the main Seraph city, and is also used to refer to the floating islands which are the main home of the Seraphs.
The other part of the world, The Fray, is the actual planet. This is the ground, and was once a lush place, but is currently... Not so much. Once upon a time, it had a handful of different names, but now it's nothing more than ruin.
So, Seraph anatomy (What the hell even is a Seraph?)
Seraphs are an organic bipedal species which are humanoid in nature but tend toward being less human in appearance; though one of the main differences is their many (varying number) of wings, along with having anywhere from two to four eyes. Though, all of these things variy from Seraph to Seraph! In general, they're a bit bird-ish, and though the main two that I'll be talking about look relatively similar, Seraphs have a wide variety of colors and patterns, along with the fact they're known to dye feathers the same as people dye their hair!
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(Note: this is an older sketch, before I'd really fleshed out the exact origin of Seraphs. The halo isn't a standard thing, but this does somewhat convey general anatomy! This is a Seraph which is basically showing off what it is, and taking a less strictly humanoid appearance, though it remains bipedal. As well, this is a four-winged example, although its ears are feathered, which can give the appearance of an additional set of wings, depending on the Seraph!)
Generally speaking, Seraphim anatomy isn't too out of the ordinary, although one thing to note is their speech is much more adapted toward chirping and trilling for vocalizations, and most of what I write for the dialogue is more... A transcript of the conversation, than the literal things being said (since I'm already in deep with a worldbuilding project and I don't need to add a conlang on top of that, lol). Well, that's all bar the star in the room, but we'll circle around to that in the next section!
Long before they were known as the Seraphim, Seraphs were a flying creature, and have retained a few key aspects of that, specifically the wings themselves, and a lighter skeleton. This does lead to the high potential of bones breaking, and general injuries, but there are things that circumvent that from being such an issue, which is tied to magic in the world itself.
also by "tainted by gold" does that mean centurion blood or do seraphim also have gold blood?
That line is referring to Seraphim blood! Seraphs have a varied blood color, but the most common one is gold/brass-like, which is usually vibrant but when dried it's much more weathered looking (taking on a greenish hue).
Seraphs are one of two sentient species in their world, and are revered as Gods both for their appearance, and for their abilities. Although, this doesn't mean that they are peaceful, and they often will partake in bloody fights, often to perceived death. Though, these are frowned upon, it isn't outright disallowed, for reasons I'll be getting into! (I swear I'm not dragging this out on purpose I just want to explain what the fuck a Centurion is before we get into magic)
Okay, so what is a Centurion, then? (Centurion Anatomy)
Centurions are primarily humanoid in appearance, but an important distinction to make is that Centurions are not organic. In place of faces, Centurions have masks, which are typically undecorated, left blank to ensure they aren't viewed as expressive or of having emotions. There are few exceptions to this. As well, they typically will have all of their body completely covered, for similar reasons. It's established already in the screenshot you mentioned that Centurions are constructs, and generally speaking, they are made for temporary usage, rather than anything long term. This comes with the nature of their primary purpose, but let's put a pin in that for now.
Despite their status as constructs, they are given pieces which function much like their organs, which primarily exist to be like a siphon for energy and the magic which fuels them. Over time, these pieces wear down, and they will cease to function properly after their designated time is up. This time can be extended, if these pieces are replaced or maintained, but this is something that they cannot do themselves. It was a limitation put into place by their creators to keep them from self-perpetuating and as well to keep them from outliving their usefulness.
These organs appear like they've been made of wood, metal, and wool. This isn't exactly the case, as much of what makes them up is organic material, specifically that of grown stars. (There's worldbuilding and flora explanation I'm not going to drag this out with, but if you're curious I can talk about it more ^_^)
Centurions are nothing more than machines. Or, at least, that's how they were supposed to be, but this isn't how it always remains.
what are the different colors of centurion blood and are they all some matter of metallic?
Centurions have blood much more like humans, though not always. Being variably red or gold, depending on their function. While they are constructs and don't have so much of a need for a circulatory system, this is a bit more... Cosmetic. Centurions with gold blood are more often than not the ones that are made for jobs within Seraphim cities, though this doesn't mean that they always remain there. Although, in rare cases, Centurions may be made without any blood, and instead their organs will be made to replace the few functions it does have.
But, focusing on if all of their blood is metallic, it isn't always the case. Centurions are much more varied, and even from one to another major pieces of anatomy can be wildly different. So, it isn't a far stretch to say there's quite possibly a handful of Centurions with non-metallic blood out there.
Centurion Origins & Purpose (With a little sprinkling of magic!)
So, if you hadn't already guessed it, Centurions were created by the Seraphim! At the beginning, Centurions were made to fill in odd jobs, taking care of things which were necessary and being generally a stand in for workers as the Seraphs progressed. They were modeled after the other sentient species, which are functionally humans but not quite. This was something which caused a fair bit of outrage from them, but the Seraphs didn't exactly care.
Eventually, though, the Centurions took on a much different, and much more... Important role. They took the place of Seraphs in slaughter, in petty squabbles or fights which would've otherwise been an inconvenience. This turned into Centurions no longer being made for small jobs, and instead they were being made as machines of war. They were mindless and soulless soldiers, following orders without a doubt or question.
Although, some Centurions are different from the others: they have a soul, one of the stars. These are the main leaders, and they are the ones which remain for the longest. (This is what Clown is, which is the reason he is the way he is!)
Centurions made for fighting are the only remaining residents of the Fray, and have been the reason for its destruction, after the fall of the Seraphs.
Stars, Magic, all those little things (An some creature details)
Magic in Seraphim is an innate thing, something that everything in the world possesses, but uses in different ways. Some creatures use it for shapeshifting to quickly adapt, others will use it to hunt, meanwhile a handful of species will consume it rather than hunting or scavenging. Although, creatures which consume magic are known to be short lived, and reproduce a lot like how puffball mushrooms do. It's a little horrifying when all of the sudden there are sharp spores flying everywhere, but it's the reason most avoid the main pools of the magic. Seraphs are a species which primarily consume magic, but, unlike the much more nudibranch-esque creatures which are prone to exploding due to the magic they consume, Seraphs have harnessed it for their own purposes.
The Vesper are floating islands which are suspended above vast lakes (which are almost oceanic) and have been held there by the Seraphim. As a means of storing the excess energy they've taken in, they developed a way to use it to continue to suspend the Vesper. These stores could last for several thousand years, assuming they're properly maintained.
But, onto the burning question of the night: what are those stars?
in your screenshot it stated they have a crystalline star in their hearts, does this have something to do with the seraphim?
The star is a key part of the Seraph's anatomy, and is the place where magic tends to remain within their bodies. This is a piece of their heart, the place where their soul resides, and is also their tie to this Godhood they have. Much of the reason they're revered as gods it due to the fact that if the star remains in place, and remains unbroken, it can make them... Somewhat immortal. It greatly heightens their ability to heal, a little like a regeneration potion, if you think about it.
Seraphs are notoriously hard to kill for this reason, given the fact that if given enough time, they're known to be able to sort of regenerate limbs. Not perfectly, and not without several years of time and a high risk of infection, but it's possible. And that's because of the stars. They're almost entities in and of themselves, keeping the Seraphs alive to not die themselves. Although, these stars can survive in other bodies, most notably being placed into Centurions.
So how do you kill the supposedly unkillable, then? What could cause such a mass-dying if they can regenerate?
The easiest and most straightforward way to kill a Seraph is to rip out their star. Although, that involves incapacitating them to some degree (usually via fatally wounding them, as that's generally the most accepted method. This is why it's so greatly frowned upon, as that leaves the Seraph who's been wounded to most likely be killed.) It's recognizable for its shape, which is the origin of its name (for a more visual reference, they're a little like konpeitō, but with a spikier appearance), and though they have varying tones, they're more often than not a pearlescent white. At least, that's when they've been cleaned of blood.
Without their star, the Seraph will die. Even if they we're fatally wounded prior, they will only survive a handful of months at most.
So, this mass dying. While I won't go into all of the details, since that definitely spoils some things, but magic is a finite resource, but even more, Seraphim stars became... Valuable as a weapon. Without the proper maintenance and constant in and out flow of magic, they'll accumulate energy, storing more and more until finally they just explode. Much like the nudibranchs, an excess of this magical energy leads to explosive properties.
This also means that Seraph corpses are dangerous if the stars haven't been removed, which is why in the carnage, there aren't many bodies left to lie and rot. The few Centurions remaining in places like the Vesper cleaned the place of these bodies, and some even took the stars for themselves.
So what do the stars have to do with souls?
In an earlier draft of a concept, I detailed a Seraph getting decapitated and surviving due to its star. The stars are a place where the Seraph's memory, personage, and in the most fantastical sense, their soul, is stored. This Seraph lives, and while it never quite has the same senses as it did before, it is still fundamentally the same person, as its star wasn't harmed in the process.
So; for a Seraph to give a Centurion its soul, that is an act like giving up itself to that Centurion. The Seraph will not exist in the same sense, and as shown with Clown and Branzy, even that will diminish over time.
Although, there is one thing I've avoided mentioning: the humans. Our outliers, as one of the least magically inclined species, they've tried to get ahold of this magic, as well as attempting to use the Seraph's stars for their own. This lead to a few people who've remained, but aren't quite human anymore.
how do seraphim give their souls to creations since im assuming its literal? and what is the exact purpose of soul-sharing?
Seraphim can take out their own star, an act which is painful but to be done for another is a little bit of a profession of love. To give their star to a Centurion, under regular circumstances, it is a way of prolonging the life of their soul. The star is "consumed", a thing which is looked down upon by Centurions, as it's viewed as becoming one with those who've condemned them to their hellish lives.
There are two things that can come of a Seraph's soul being placed into a Centurion, and they go as follows, with few exceptions:
The Centurion is Soulless / a Husk: The soul will continue to live on, but they will start again. It removes all but a few traces of the Seraph's memories, and they will learn to live as they now are. [Example: Ro, who we'll learn more about in the next section]
The Centurion has a Soul / Star (Even if it is one that was grown / artificial): The pre-existing soul will be slowly consumed by the Seraph's, a process which results in one or both of the stars shattering. This can only happen is the Centurion has agreed to it, and it is a thing which became more common as more Seraphs died. [Example: Clown, whose visions of shattering stars are that of his own, and not Branzy's]
Last but not least, an incomplete list of character I've given story to for this AU
Starting with our Seraphim:
Branzy is the most notable as he's the only Seraph who remains a Seraph for his entire existence, even after giving his soul to Clown. Although he's used his magic for shapeshifting purposes, appearing much more akin to the Centurions, as he's been enthralled by them since he was young. Roshambo, although I'll be elaborating more on him in the Centurion section for a few reasons. He was one of the first Seraphs to give his soul to a Centurion, and it had some... Interesting effects.
Onto the Centurions:
Clown is the obvious one, being one of the most perfect example of what makes a Centurion, and being one of the "leaders", his star (his soul) is artificial, one of the ones which was grown, and thus, he's a bit different from Seraph-souled (or, star-eating) Centurions. [Appears a lot like his typical canon appearance, as he was one of the few Centurions who were directly associated with a Seraph, and despite the fact of his origin, he doesn't have the blank mask which is typical of these Centurions. His mask is also carved into a shape which is much more like a horned owl, a little heart-ish; this doesn't affect him.] Zam, a lovely odd case who shows up long after the fall of the Seraphs, but before the Vesper as a whole collapses, who becomes one of the residents of the Vesper's grand library [At least at his introduction, Zam is much like the typical soldier Centurion, dressed in a way which is very impersonal. This changes as he spends time in the library, and by the time of the fall, he's adopted a palette of darker amber hues and white, along with the occasional gold or brass accent. While his mask remained generic for a long time, he eventually allowed Ro to help with adorning it, ending up with a smile and some filigree which matches Ro's own mask.] Roshambo is the last on this list as of currently; although he's fully convinced he isn't a Centurion at all, having been around the other residents of the library since his creation and not knowing himself to be any different from them [Previously being one of the few Centurions who was designated to a space where he would be viewed, Ro is dressed in a way which is almost painfully fancy for him. Unlike the typical blank white, the base color of Ro's mask is an iridescent black, adorned with lavender stripes and laurel patterns. His appearance is a little less decided, compared to the others.]
And last but not least, our... Humans?:
Mapicc is the closest to a normal human of those given one of the Seraph-souls in order to grant him the almost-immortality, this has lead to him having several inhuman traits, including the appearance of seasonally shed feathers, which he's more annoyed by than anything. Spoke is about the furthest from human someone can get while still being so, and this is because of the fact of the star he was given. He was given one of the artificial stars, as a part of a test. He's only become more... Bizarre as time goes on, body twisting and morphing as the magic doesn't know where to go, and he can't fully contain or control it.
The roster is pretty small, since I've been focusing on two different eras, and these two sets don't interact much. Clown and Branzy exist long before the extinction of Seraphs, but Branzy's giving up of his heart does mark the true beginning of the end. Roshambo, Mapicc, and Spoke (later as well including Zam) are the last living beings on the Vesper after the fall of the Seraphs, and are there until the day the sun doesn't set, and the Vesper itself falls from the sky.
... So that's the world of Seraphim, from relative start to end, with much of the fluff, character centric pieces and a bit of the more out-there magical elements cut out to save my damn hands because this is almost 3k words 👍 There are things I'm not sure will remain canon, more proper worldbuilding and flora / fauna exploration I need to work on, and some things I most definitely missed, but hopefully this answers some questions and raises others! there is a lot more to explore post-fall but i have to leave a couple of mysteries, as a treat.
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threewaysdivided · 5 months
The Shaper of Minds and its possible consequences for a certain character
I have finally joined the rest of the internet in losing my mind over a D&D Podcast - in my case, the wonderful Dan Jones & Dragons.  With Episode 26 due to stream on Dan’s Twitch this week, I really want to talk about some of the stuff that came up across the just-finished Gala sessions because the fallout from that has the potential to be incredibly fraught.
The relic the Flower Crowns were going after this mission – The Shaper of Minds – is a potentially fascinating narrative device that might as well have been lab-engineered to be my exact brand of personal nightmare fuel.   It’s a small, ornate brass key that can alter any part of the target’s mental faculties/thoughts/memories at will should the wielder touch it to any part of their victim’s skin.
Now, on one hand, there are a heap of interesting (and even benevolent) applications for a tool like that.  It could instantly grant access to skills, languages and knowledge that would otherwise take a person years of study to learn.  It could be used to sort through and resolve memories that had been faded by time, muddied by trauma or forcibly supressed by magical/medical means.  But on the other…
As described and used in campaign so far, the primary function of the Mindshaper is to alter memories (and the attendant personality) with the target having no awareness that their mind has been changed.  It’s basically gaslighting on steroids, except that where a gaslighting victim still retains their original recollection – and has to be manipulated by their abuser into doubting their own perceptions and instead accepting the alternate telling of events (a cognitive dissonance that can eventually lead the person to recognise the manipulation) – the Shaper of Minds entirely replaces the original recollection of events with the version the wielder wants their victim to perceive.  There is no internal conflict between accounts, no inconsistencies that could alert the victim that someone has broken into their head and rewritten their perceived reality.  The person they reshape you to be is the person you believe you always were.  And all it takes is a single touch.
That is a brand of existential horror that had me on edge all throughout Session 24 (basically from the moment it was implied the key was in play).   Reality may be objective, but each individual person’s internal reality is governed by their perception – their memories – of the events in their life, no matter how incomplete, biased or otherwise skewed that personal perspective may have been.  You have value just by being you because you are not replaceable, but the thing that makes you unique is, in large part, the sum total of those inimitably specific personal memories.  No-one else will perceive the world in exactly the same way you do, and even a few minor changes to just a few of those perceptions can flow on to massive differences in ideals, values, priorities and future choices.  In that regard, the use of the Mindshaper Key isn’t so much an alteration as an obliteration of the victim’s former self and replacement with someone new; even if that new stranger is largely indistinguishable from the original.  And, again, all it takes is a single touch.
[Sidenote:  This made Mister Wick an especially effective antagonist to wield the key, since his Galas functionally trap even targets who are aware of the threat within the rules of high-society behavioural expectations.  Otherwise-innocuous actions like a handshake or private conversation suddenly become incredibly dangerous, while being nigh-impossible for the Flower Crowns to extract themselves from without committing an atrocious faux pas and potentially tipping Wick off.  Perfectly designed stage for a psychological horror-thriller encounter.]
Which of course, brings us to a certain character who fell victim to the key in Episode 24…  [put under the cut for spoiler reasons]
This poor Drow, he can never catch a break…
Morenthal may not have been the most mechanically dangerous party member to fall victim to Mister Wick’s manipulations although, given that the key was revealed to let its wielder read existing memories during the alteration, and that all of the Flower Crowns were fully briefed on the locations and nature of the Eversteel artefacts, him getting a hand on any of them could have been very bad plot-wise but from a character point of view I think he’s the one who the key’s effects had the potential to be most personally devastating for.
The way things ended up playing out across Session 25 was precisely the nightmare scenario Gamb was fretting about out of game: Mister Wick forcibly implanted Morenthal’s mind with false memories of being his lifelong trusted confidant and supporter, then – before the Flower Crowns could reverse the key’s effect – Morenthal discovered that Mister Wick had been killed in combat with Coil and Preston, leading to the Party having to physically restrain him so they could use the key to undo the damage, thus confronting Morenthal with the realisation that not only was everything he thought he knew about Jonathan a lie, but in actuality Jonathan had committed possibly the most invasive violation he’d ever been subjected to in order to forcibly make Morenthal into one of his loyal tools.  That level of emotional and mental whiplash would be rough on any character, but for Morenthal it’s particularly brutal because…
Based on what’s been revealed in-game so far, the core of his character is that Morenthal is an abused child.  This most-clearly came up in his conversation with Gelnek in Session 14; he was a child who grew up with nothing, raised by the Bloodletter Mercenaries as a tool instead of a person, and taught to see faces only as targets – with him also mentioning to Hobson in that their “combat training” involved being relentlessly beaten down until he learned to fight back.  During his Session 21 visit with the Nightmother, he openly admits that “nowhere feels safe”.  From that it’s pretty clear to read that Morenthal has never felt unconditionally loved, safe or respected around other mortals.
(This also helps contextualise why he’s so devoted to the Nightmother.  From what little we have seen of his visits to her, Iris is a fond “adult” figure, who does not threaten, does not judge, asks nothing of him aside from his company, and cares equally for all the souls that pass through her domain.  For a child “growing up with nothing” but violence, that would have been everything.)
But then, enter Jonathan fucking Wick.  And now, just for a short while, Morenthal has all these “memories” of Jonathan being there to confide in, encourage him and support his escape from the Bloodletters.  Suddenly he believes someone was there for him and, while the memories might be fake, the feelings of unconditional safety they would have brought were very real.  Little wonder that he started acting like a Trilby-level naive goober around Mister Wick to the point of accidentally snitching on the rest of the group.  Only, then it turns out to be a lie and those memories are gone.
For me, I think one of the worst things Morenthal might end up dealing with in the aftermath of having his memory fixed isn’t the specific feeling of personal betrayal or the potential shame at having been caught: it’s the realisation that he was always alone.   That there was no mortal on the outside who cared or came for him when he needed them – just him and the distant fondness of a Divine.  That would be awful beyond words, and yet the Flower Crowns were forced to inadvertently inflict it upon him in order to restore his mind.  No wonder he wouldn’t look any of them in the eye before the session closed.
Worse still, the nature of the key makes it incredibly hard not only to trust others, but to trust your own mind.  The players and audience above-table know that Morenthal is back to experiencing and remembering reality as it happened, but the question could very well linger for him, bringing with it a hefty dose of paranoia.  Sure, Morenthal correctly remembers that Coil is a straightforward, loyal person who wouldn’t be tempted to tamper with his mind beyond undoing Jonathan’s manipulations… but he “remembered” that about Mister Wick too, and wouldn’t that be a beneficial thing for the Party to have him think?   To Morenthal, people were already Not Safe™, but now the one person he ever believed might be had actually violated him worse than anyone else in order to force and abuse that trust.  How is he supposed to trust anyone if he can’t trust the authenticity of his own recollections.  (I get the feeling that Morenthal probably isn't going to be capable of relaxing until the Shaper of Minds is confirmed to either be locked back safely in the Vaults of Eversteel or fully removed from the Mortal Plane by Six).
It makes it really tragic that all of this came directly on the back of Episode 23, where Gamb revealed during the above-table break chat that - even if Morenthal didn’t recognise why – he unconsciously trusted Trilby and Gelnek enough to jump off the airship without checking that his rope was secure, because deep-down he knew they would catch him.  To go from that high-point to the whiplash of him first thinking the Flower Crowns had killed the only person he was ever “safe” with, then them inadvertently subjecting him to the most painful realisation he could ever experience and potentially leaving him wondering whether he can even trust his feelings about them is absolutely gutting.
I think the thing that scares me most about how the aftermath could potentially play out is another trait that Gamb and Dan have established for Morenthal: he's a flight-risk.   He shies away from letting people get close and, if he feels unsafe enough, he runs.  It’s already been mentioned/implied that he’s considered fleeing the group at multiple different points across the sessions.  And with him likely not feeling safe even in inside his own mind right now, that risk is probably at an all-time high.  The poor lad is staring down the barrel of a potentially-impending multi-level emotional crisis, where a lifetime of instincts will probably be urging him to run hard and fast because People Are Not Safe™.
And the thing is, that instinct isn’t a good one for him either.  Morenthal might have gotten by on his own “just living to be” up until Filgrove, but that feels a lot more like surviving out of necessity than having an actual life.  It’s pretty obvious that he pushes people away as a defence mechanism:  if you don’t care about anyone then you can’t be hurt by them or have those people used against you.  But if you don’t let yourself care and feel things, you’re not really living.  The truly tragic part of his running being a potential foreseeable outcome is that the Flower Crowns are good for Morenthal.  (I doubt Morenthal realises it and can’t speak to Gamb’s above-table thought process but it’s interesting that one potential interpretation of Morenthal’s cynical, faux-apathetic, “stinky” behaviour is that of a former abused child quietly testing the boundaries of whether he’s allowed to exist in a way that’s inconvenient for others, to which the answer from the Party has largely been yes provided he isn’t actively encouraging Trilby to get himself killed, or killing people without explaining himself).  He survived alone before because that was all he knew, but I get the feeling he wouldn’t do so well if he tried to go it solo again after being with people (he’s already confessed that the idea of Feyli being gone makes him miss her).   That’s not a road to walk on his best day, let alone with his current headspace and tendency towards self-destructive choices. 
It reminds me a lot of this article:
“Still, it’s easier for us to keep blaming ourselves because it’s preferable to facing the unthinkable: the fact that our parents don’t love us. …  Most people would rather do anything than accept this as the truth. Not only is it painful; it’s humiliating.”
So yeah, suffice to say I am incredibly concerned about how Morenthal’s arc is going to play out over the next session(s).  Here’s hoping that Gelnek and/or Coil have enough emotional savvy to keep an eye out, and enough patience to stick to him even if he lashes out in attempt to drive them off.  Even if it all works out okay, I get the feeling that this one’s going to be ugly.
Can’t wait to see how everyone chooses to play it ❤️‍🩹
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