#identifying high potential employees
rahul-shl · 2 years
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Ooc: is lex really that bad of a person? He hasn't really done much wrong? And lots of what he says is logical
ooc: Yes, Lex is a bad person. I'm going to try to explain this carefully, because well- it's sort of the heart of the portrayal.
In terms of their actions, Lex has absolutely done wrong.
I've written them sexually coercing an employee to punish him for an interpersonal conflict. This alone is something wrong because Lex saw no issue with escalating the interpersonal conflict into assault, and in fact, enjoyed hurting Clark Kent.
I've also written Lex suggesting and encouraging someone kill themselves on the basis of who their parents were. He's implied this is morally correct several times.
In fact, most of what Lex argues is for moral correctness and sensible precautions. They firmly believe in categorizing people by demographic, and that the potential for harm is equivalent to the fulfillment of it- at least for certain people.
The reason why a lot of what Lex says is logical is because Lex's arguments are internally consistent and use the truth to further them. Lex is abusing facts to justify starting genocide.
For example it is true that Kryptonians are physically stronger than humans. Lex then makes the broad assumption that this means Kryptonians will use this physical strength to hurt humans, which means it becomes logical to prevent this.
The logic breaks down because Lex has extrapolated that there are ways to inherently identify "bad" people and "stop" them, without ever- you know- logically getting there.
Another breakdown is that the logic operates with linear utilitarianism, which is that if Kryptonians are stronger than humans, then Kryptonians can oppress humans, oppression is wrong, which means we must prevent Kryptonians from oppressing humans, which means we must violently oppress Kryptonians. The ends justify the means in utilitarian systems like this!
In terms of the ten stages of genocide, Lex is as high as a level 6.
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nenelonomh · 4 months
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human resources management pt.3
this post is the third part to my little business exam revision series. the reason that i am making these posts is to study for my exam in a more enjoyable way.
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
today's post (written 27-05 and scheduled) focuses on pay and remuneration, performance appraisal, and recruitment and selection.
pay and remuneration
these two items make up one hrm topic. pay (generally) refers to wages, salaries, bonuses commissions, incentives, etc.. remuneration refers to monetary and non-monetary benefits such as sick leave and gym reimbursement. the purpose of pay and remuneration is to attract and retain employee talent, as well as to boost productivity and foster employee satisfaction.
let's focus on one example from pay and one from remuneration.
one example of pay includes commission, which refers to monetary incentives awarded to employees for hitting sales targets or other goals. the benefits of commission include increased employee motivation and potentially higher pay. however, customer satisfaction may be affected if employees are too focused on earning commission.
for remuneration, an example is paid time off. vacation days, sick leave, and other types of leave promote work-life balance and employee wellbeing. this may be costly for a smaller business, so remuneration packages must be well thought out and other departments (finance, marketing) must be worked with to achieve a well-rounded final package.
performance appraisal
performance management is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and aligning performance with the strategic goals of an organization. features of this hrm topic include clear goal alignment, continuous feedback, performance metrics, and KPIs (key performance indicators).
an advantage of performance appraisal is an increase in employee engagement because an employee's productivity directly correlates to their engagement experience. moreover, when performance appraisal is done well, businesses see a decrease in attrition rates. high employee turnover results in greater costs of hiring, lower productivity, and utilization of resources and time to train new people according to company objectives. performance appraisal works to combat this and reduce the cost of hiring.
performance appraisal may provide a challenge for companies since the basic system is to try and create a one-size-fits-all model. this simply does not work. employees might also feel demotivated due to perceived unfair evaluations during appraisal.
recruitment and selection
this is the largest hrm topic so far - and can be broken down into three main parts. internal recruitment, external recruitment, and the selection process.
internal recruitment is the action of filling roles through promotion and considering current employees to fill gaps. a business may choose to recruit internally because it can be cheaper, and quicker, and the business already knows the employee. this means that the employee is already familiar with the business and its operations. however, internal recruitment creates new vacancies - then, external recruitment must come in.
external recruitment refers to hiring employees who are not already in the company. this occurs when companies are looking for new perspectives/ideas, increased diversity, or when old positions need to be filled (when an employee has transferred/been promoted).
this can welcome a wider pool of applicants, fresh ideas, and increased experience and skills. however, external recruitment does not always result in recruiting a person who fits the job (or company).
in order to hire an employee, a hiring team must go through the selection process. it is a process that involves evaluating candidates based on their qualifications, experience, and other relevant factors to determine who is the most suitable for a particular job.
a proper structure is vital for effective and efficient recruitment and selection. here is the typical recruitment process: - identification of job vacancy - conducting job analysis - preparing recruitment documentation - advertising the vacancy
the general selection process: - shortlisting applicants - conducting interviews and assessments - selecting a successful applicant/s, and offering them the role
when performing recruitment and selection, the hiring team must decide how to assess a candidate. the two most common ways to do this is through an interview, or an assessment (or a combination).
interviews explore the applicant's personality and attitude - as well as discussion of their abilities and skills. although, this can be time-consuming, costly, and it doesn't always lead to the selection of the best applicant available.
assessments also look at the candidate's abilities, skills, personality and attitude, but in a more on-the-job way. the pressure from assessments may limit the applicant from exerting their true capabilities.
the hrm topics explored so far include demographic change, employee welfare, flexi-time, gig economy, immigration, pay and remuneration, performance appraisal, and recruitment and selection.
thank you for reading! i look forward to any feedback or questions from other ibdp business students (or anyone interested in business).
❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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feminist-space · 3 months
"Just weeks before the implosion of AllHere, an education technology company that had been showered with cash from venture capitalists and featured in glowing profiles by the business press, America’s second-largest school district was warned about problems with AllHere’s product.
As the eight-year-old startup rolled out Los Angeles Unified School District’s flashy new AI-driven chatbot — an animated sun named “Ed” that AllHere was hired to build for $6 million — a former company executive was sending emails to the district and others that Ed’s workings violated bedrock student data privacy principles.
Those emails were sent shortly before The 74 first reported last week that AllHere, with $12 million in investor capital, was in serious straits. A June 14 statement on the company’s website revealed a majority of its employees had been furloughed due to its “current financial position.” Company founder and CEO Joanna Smith-Griffin, a spokesperson for the Los Angeles district said, was no longer on the job.
Smith-Griffin and L.A. Superintendent Alberto Carvalho went on the road together this spring to unveil Ed at a series of high-profile ed tech conferences, with the schools chief dubbing it the nation’s first “personal assistant” for students and leaning hard into LAUSD’s place in the K-12 AI vanguard. He called Ed’s ability to know students “unprecedented in American public education” at the ASU+GSV conference in April.
Through an algorithm that analyzes troves of student information from multiple sources, the chatbot was designed to offer tailored responses to questions like “what grade does my child have in math?” The tool relies on vast amounts of students’ data, including their academic performance and special education accommodations, to function.
Meanwhile, Chris Whiteley, a former senior director of software engineering at AllHere who was laid off in April, had become a whistleblower. He told district officials, its independent inspector general’s office and state education officials that the tool processed student records in ways that likely ran afoul of L.A. Unified’s own data privacy rules and put sensitive information at risk of getting hacked. None of the agencies ever responded, Whiteley told The 74.
In order to provide individualized prompts on details like student attendance and demographics, the tool connects to several data sources, according to the contract, including Welligent, an online tool used to track students’ special education services. The document notes that Ed also interfaces with the Whole Child Integrated Data stored on Snowflake, a cloud storage company. Launched in 2019, the Whole Child platform serves as a central repository for LAUSD student data designed to streamline data analysis to help educators monitor students’ progress and personalize instruction.
Whiteley told officials the app included students’ personally identifiable information in all chatbot prompts, even in those where the data weren’t relevant. Prompts containing students’ personal information were also shared with other third-party companies unnecessarily, Whiteley alleges, and were processed on offshore servers. Seven out of eight Ed chatbot requests, he said, are sent to places like Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Australia and Canada.
Taken together, he argued the company’s practices ran afoul of data minimization principles, a standard cybersecurity practice that maintains that apps should collect and process the least amount of personal information necessary to accomplish a specific task. Playing fast and loose with the data, he said, unnecessarily exposed students’ information to potential cyberattacks and data breaches and, in cases where the data were processed overseas, could subject it to foreign governments’ data access and surveillance rules.
Chatbot source code that Whiteley shared with The 74 outlines how prompts are processed on foreign servers by a Microsoft AI service that integrates with ChatGPT. The LAUSD chatbot is directed to serve as a “friendly, concise customer support agent” that replies “using simple language a third grader could understand.” When querying the simple prompt “Hello,” the chatbot provided the student’s grades, progress toward graduation and other personal information.
AllHere’s critical flaw, Whiteley said, is that senior executives “didn’t understand how to protect data.”
Earlier in the month, a second threat actor known as Satanic Cloud claimed it had access to tens of thousands of L.A. students’ sensitive information and had posted it for sale on Breach Forums for $1,000. In 2022, the district was victim to a massive ransomware attack that exposed reams of sensitive data, including thousands of students’ psychological evaluations, to the dark web.
With AllHere’s fate uncertain, Whiteley blasted the company’s leadership and protocols.
“Personally identifiable information should be considered acid in a company and you should only touch it if you have to because acid is dangerous,” he told The 74. “The errors that were made were so egregious around PII, you should not be in education if you don’t think PII is acid.”
Read the full article here:
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izicodes · 2 years
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Cut to the chase, this will be a very long post because of the amount of information the people presenting gave us! So much! Anyhoo, the 1.5-hour Zoom meeting was a bunch of representatives from mostly tech companies giving out advice for CVs/Resumes, practical career advice, interviews, and technical interviews. Though this is targeted towards tech people, anything can find the information given to be somewhat helpful!
The Sections
CV/Resume Advice focused
Preparing for first round Interview
How to Stand Out on LinkedIn
Technical Interviews and how to stand out to the Tech Hiring Manager
Career and CV/Resume tips for Tech Graduates
Warning Signs from An Interview
Section 1 - CV / Resume Advice 💻📑
Employers only read your CV in 30 seconds - make the information they are going to read count. 
Make it personal to you AND relevant to the role you are applying for
Make sure the content on your CV is concise - don't ramble on forever
The layout should be easy on the eye - not all stuck together in terms of text but not too colorful and in your face
Formatting - The most important and relevant information at the top. 
Create a punchy Bio summary at the top - Three-four sentences about who you are and what you do - what you are passionate about
It’s okay to have a 2-page CV/Resume IF the information is all relevant. If not, keep it to 1 page.
Skills - Technical skills and soft skills listed
Your experience ✨
Don’t copy the job descriptive
Talk about YOUR achievements
Don’t use too much “I did this… I am this…”
Your education 🏫
Include everything relevant like bootcamps, apprenticeships in the area you are applying for 
Keep high school information minimal if not relevant
Hobbies and Interests 🎮🎲
Share hobbies that show a skill
Think about what the company does e.g. A gaming company and you're a gamer
Share you’re creative - an eye for colour, design, and creative thinking
Know how to destress - you like yoga and mindfulness
Don’t include hobbies that are more lifestyle e.g. shopping and eating out
Include awards you have gotten that would be relevant to the job you are applying to.
Section 2 - Preparing for first round Interview 👩‍💻
❌ Don't ❌
Do not speak negatively of your previous company/employees - it has a bad look on you and might jeopardize your employment stage if you get the job when they talk to your previous manager
Do not appear to be disengaged/uninterested when interviewed - body language can be assessed also
Do not give false information - about your skill set, don't lie saying you know a language when you don't, and be transparent
✅ Do ✅
 Do ask for clarification if you are unsure about anything. Could be about the job description, or want them to expand on things, do ask questions 💯
Do active listening and respond 👂 - ensure that you are present in the moment
Do ensure you sell your strength/have a positive attitude - sell yourself so that they can pick you
What is the typical interview process? 🎬
Phone/Video Screening with the hiring manager/someone from the company
1st interview -  Face-to-Face / Remote with the hiring manager/member of the team via Teams / Zoom etc
2nd Interview
Stakeholder/Hiring Manager
Might do a presentation or a task (technical interview if for a tech role)
Give yourself enough time to complete the task
Key Tips to succeed in the interview 🔑
Preparation - ensure you look up who the attendees are for the interview (e.g. via Linkedin)
Research - Look up the company information/Statistics/Glassdoor reviews/Social media content. See how they are online, what the company’s culture is like, pros and cons
Questions - Do not be afraid to have a list of questions for your potential employer / take a notepad with you, to prompt this / take responses down.
Review - Study the job descriptions to identify the pros and cons of the job.
Structure your answers - STAR approach - Situation, Task, Action, Approach
Time management - If you have multiple interviews to prepare for, schedule allocated time in your day to prepare for each process
Rest - Ensure to have a good night's rest prior to the day. Allow yourself no distractions in the last 15 mins leading up to your interview!
Section 3 - How to Stand Out on LinkedIn 🙌
Going through each section of your LinkedIn profile and tips on how to improve it!
Having a banner is best, don’t leave it empty.
Make it related to your desired role - a techy image for tech people, the image of the city’s business sector for business people
Profile picture
Have a profile picture to have an idea of who you are
Have the “Looking for work” banner on 
The headline: Be passionate about who you are. Have key elements of who you are.
Have your name and pronouns
It's okay to use emojis in your profile - shows personality
Featured Section
Use the featured section to show off who you are
Show pieces of work you’ve done
Have certificates? Show them here
You can have up to 5 pieces in the featured section so choose wisely
It shows the employer how active you are in the community for tech people
Write posts every so often
Use hashtags (only 4-5 at most) to make your post reach more
Use hashtags that have a lot of followers (search in on LinkedIn to find out how many followers the hashtag has)
If you have recently been let go, make a post about it, with the hashtag, and people will repost or comment to help you
Another part where you can talk about yourself
Make it really personal
Be specific - not just a long paragraph about yourself
Key skills - programming languages, even things you are currently working to learn
Talk about your strong areas
Add a GitHub, Replit, GitLab, etc
If you have worked somewhere else, have an ex-coworker make a recommendation for you - employers love to see how other people who have interacted with you have to say about you
Talking to Hiring people - Not a section but a to-do
It can be scary but it’s okay to message the hiring individual to say “Hey I have recently applied, is it okay to look out for my application” and go on more about why you would be a good candidate.
The hiring managers have to look at so many applications and CVs/Reumes and they find it difficult to see people’s values and personalities so giving them a message will prompt them to search for your application and read through it.
Section 4 - Technical Interviews and Standing out to the Hiring manager in one 🚀🤘
Each company is different and will be doing it in a different way - e.g. one company tests your C# skills and another might test your PHP skills
Prepare by asking questions about what it would involve - most employers tell you what languages will be involved, if they don’t, ASK!
Coding exercises and Take-Home challenges are the most common
Understand what platform and what format will it be in e.g. what programming language you will use
Ask questions if you don’t understand something! - You don’t understand one part of the coding exercise, ask. It’s not weak to ask questions, you don’t want to do the exercise completely wrong.
Use Google - It's okay to Google to refresh your knowledge you've forgotten a bit. Googling is a skill in itself.
Use the STAR technique
Be honest and be yourself - don’t lie, be honest if you completely don’t understand something
Be confident in what you CAN do
How to Impress a Tech employer 👀
Ask questions 🤔
The relevant question to the job role
Ask about the team, company, culture, responsibilities, and career path, and even ask the Hiring Manger why they like their job also!
Don’t wing it
Highlight additional learning
Coding bootcamps, open source contributions, online free learning
Showcase your previous work
GitHub, GitLab, Projects, Presentations, etc.
Section 6 - Warning Signs from An Interview 😰❌
Not every company knows how to hire and interview well - making the whole process even worse. Here are some things to watch out for...
Structure ❌
No structure to the interview
No intro to set expectations
Not being able to articulate what the company does not get you excited about the work they do
Or it’s like they asked to do an interview with 10 minutes notice…
The Interviews 😨
Whenever you ask how long the interview process / how many rounds there will be and they don’t give you a concrete answer… start to worry…
Rule of 4 interviews - having so many rounds wastes your time and the company’s time. 4 interview rounds at most!
Quality ❌
It might be structured but they might be asking shit questions that have no relevance to the job role at all
E.g. “How many golf balls can you fit in a mini car?” Why are you asking me that when I’m applying for a C# Developer role?
Power to the people!!! 🤘💯
Leave reviews on Google, Glassdoor, or anywhere else if the interview process was terrible.
Let other people know what the company is really like!
Call them out and make them improve their interviewing process.
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Well, that's all! I hope some or all of the information I collected help you! If you think any of the information is incorrect or false, take it to the companies because I just copied what they presented on their slideshows 😋
Have a nice day/night and happy programming 👍🏾💗
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
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bitchesgetriches · 2 months
Are You Working on the Next Fyre Festival?: Identifying a Toxic Workplace
I mentioned in the opening that the toxic company I worked for had the best Glass Door reviews I’d ever seen. Wanna know how that was possible? Shortly before I joined, the company forced employees to fill out positive Glass Door reviews.
During the Fyre Festival, McFarland instructed his employees to automatically block social media comments with certain words. At first they concerned questions the team couldn’t answer: “details, info, flights.” The banned word list grew to encompass warnings: “fake, fraud, scam.”
McFarland lied about so many things. The list of things he never lied about is probably shorter! People who had limited time with him—like journalists and investors—may not have picked up on them. But his employees had to know he was a serial bullshitter. They must’ve thought that McFarland had the self-control and self-awareness to only direct those lies outward. (He didn’t.)
If a company is willing to lie to their customers, you can bet your ass they’re willing to lie to their employees. I don’t know how that employee could be surprised when his paycheck later bounced.
Keep reading.
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The Truth about the Jeffrey Epstein John Does: What the media and "influencers" are getting wrong.
TECHNO FOG substack DEC 19, 2023
There is a certain level of difficulty in reporting on the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell saga, much of it having to do with what the authorities haven’t revealed: the web of Epstein’s network (much of it still secret), the ties to intelligence (of which documentary evidence is still hidden from public view), the internal deliberations that went on at Main Justice in Washington, D.C. when Epstein got his sweetheart plea deal (again, not yet publicized).
Add to that the false media reports and blatantly inaccurate social media posts that spring up every time there’s any small development in any Epstein or Maxwell case.
Like today, for example.
The Daily Mail led the way, reporting that a federal judge “has ruled to unseal documents that would name 177 Does who are Epstein's friends, recruiters and victims within the coming weeks.” This was followed by a flurry of social media takes – especially on Twitter – promising there will be serious revelations from these records or claims that “177 Jeffrey Epstein high profile associates will be revealed in the new year.”
There’s a problem with that sensationalism: it’s inaccurate.
To explain what’s really going on, allow us to provide some context. Back in February of 2023, the Federal District Court Judge overseeing Virginia Giuffre v. Ghislaine Maxwell (the civil case brought against Maxwell by one of her victims) considered whether to publicly disclose the names of certain “John Does” that came up during the course of that litigation. The attorneys for Giuffre and Maxwell put together a list of 167 John Does and provided descriptive references for each, which would allow the Judge to determine which John Does should be unsealed and which ones should remain sealed.
At that time, we reviewed the list of John Does and assigned them various categories, including whether they were employees of Epstein, witnesses, or perpetrators; and whether their names were already known to the public. We were able to identify the most important alleged perpetrators and discussed the still-redacted facts surrounding their involvement with Epstein.
We also made clear that the majority of the John Does (approximately 100) had already been identified, whether through the media or court proceedings. Some had been interviewed by the media; their stories were already well known. We observed that many of the John Does were identified as not being involved in the more serious allegations against Epstein or Maxwell and that there were no “salacious” allegations against these individuals, some of whom were doctors or acquaintances of the victims. In some instances, the John Does were actual potential victims of Epstein or Maxwell.
And now for today’s developments.
The Judge has ordered the unsealing of names and materials relating to some – but not all – of the 167 John Does (not 177 as has been reported) identified in the list submitted to the Court. View the full order here.
As we clarified last February, the John Does who will be unsealed aren’t “Epstein’s List.” Their names were referenced in any number of ways during the civil case, whether through depositions, medical records (the names of doctors), or in witness lists exchanged between the parties. (To that we add a note of caution: witness lists can be very broad and not all witnesses are material or have even basic information.)
And again, many of the John Does were not alleged by the parties to have committed any wrongdoing. For example, John Doe 14 is referenced in one sealed court filing related to an effort by Maxwell to oppose answering deposition questions under seal. The “sealed material as to [John Doe 14] is not salacious.” He isn’t, as others have promised, a key figure in the Epstein/Maxwell crimes.
And that’s true for many of the other John Does. We’ve analyzed the prior John Doe lists and compared it to today’s order. Here’s the summary of our findings:
There are approximately 100 John Does who were previously identified. Some had been interviewed by the media. The names of others (including victims) had been discussed in Maxwell’s criminal trial. This includes victims and perpetrators.
Approximately 67 remain unidentified.
For 33 of the unknown John Does: the sealed material relating to them “is not salacious” or their name was in a search term or they were mentioned in a deposition. In the case of John Doe 88, “the only reference [of John Doe 88] is a deposition question in answer to which the deponent denied knowledge of the individual.”
Six of the unidentified John Does are victims whose names will not be released.
Six of the unidentified John Does were identified as either victim affiliates or alleged witnesses with connections to the victims. Their names and materials concerning them will be released.
The names, and materials relating to, a number of Epstein affiliates or former Epstein employees will be released. Records indicate - but do not guarantee - that the majority of these do not include salacious information.
The name and materials concerning John Doe 29 – a former Epstein employee – will be unsealed. The Judge described them as “a staff member possibly present at a time and place.” This might be an Epstein employee who was theorized by a witness to perhaps be present in a home when a victim was abused.
There are, however, John Does who may be significant. But that is a small number compared to the 167 John Does subject to the Judge’s order. We’ve summarized them below.
John Doe 58: An alleged witness, Epstein/Maxwell affiliate, and perpetrator. According to the Judge, “Doe 58's name and any identifying information shall remain sealed. Doe is a classic outsider, peripheral to the events at issue. Doe 58 is neither a victim nor associated with Epstein or Maxwell.”
As we previously noted about John Doe 58:
John Doe 86: An alleged Epstein affiliate. Counsel for Maxwell previously informed the Court that “Some material related to this individual is salacious.”  Materials relating to John Doe 86 will be “unsealed in full.”
John Doe 94: Previously identified as “alleged victim affiliate; alleged perpetrator” who “is alleged to have engaged in serious wrongdoing.” Materials relating to John Doe 94 will be “unsealed in full.”
John Doe 108: Previously identified as an “alleged witness.” These materials may potentially be salacious.
John Doe 113: Previously identified as “alleged Epstein affiliate; alleged witness” who “is alleged to have engaged in serious wrongdoing.” The Judge ruled these materials should be unsealed in full, and stated the references to John Doe 113 “are all included in Rule 26 disclosures, search terms, and a hearsay statement that the name appears in Epstein’s address book.”
John Doe 114: Previously identified as an “alleged Epstein affiliate.” Their name is on an Epstein flight log. These materials will be unsealed.
And there you have it. I hate to break the disappointing news, but we’re here to report the truth. The unsealing of these records and the publication of these names won’t be what we’ve been promised.
This doesn’t mean that important information won’t be disclosed, or that new and noteworthy discoveries may not be unearthed about known and unknown perpetrators. We believe that still may be the case.  
And we’ll provide the source documents when they’re released – which, depending on appeals, may be as soon as January 2, 2024.  
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notwiselybuttoowell · 10 months
In Europe, Pringles has 34 active flavours in seven can sizes (one of which is called “David” for reasons no one can explain). Not all of these flavours are available in every European country – prawn cocktail only really sells in the UK and Ireland, while bacon is found in most places except Belgium, the Netherlands and strongholds of vegetarianism Austria, Denmark and Sweden. Salt and vinegar has spread everywhere except Norway and Italy. “They don’t have the habit of doing vinegar on their crisps; they just eat them plain with salt,” says Julie Merzougui, lead food designer at Kellanova. If an employee in Italy wanted to explore bringing salt and vinegar to the market, they could – they’d simply have to ask. As of yet, they haven’t.
Multiple times a year, Pringles releases limited-edition flavours known internally as “insanely accurate analogues” – Merzougui and Peremans come up with these for Europe. “People think we have the dream job,” Merzougui says (she has dark hair, round glasses and an easy laugh, a personality akin to an experimental flavour – perhaps a chorizo Pringle). Peremans, who has worked at the company for 26 years, has a salt and pepper beard and a Salt & Shake personality. He speaks quietly and pragmatically, but has a subtle playful streak: “My young son, he wants to become my successor.”
Like Lay’s, Pringles starts with data – in Asia, the company uses a Tinder-like tool with 200 consumers at a time, asking them to swipe left or right on potential flavours. Lucia Sudjalim, a senior Pringles developer in Asia, says she does a lot of “social media listening”, observing trends among influencers and bloggers. Kellanova also uses AI, which Merzougui says can predict trends up to 10 years in advance. Things aren’t always this sophisticated though – both Lay’s and Pringles also look at what’s on the shelves in countries they want to break into, copying flavours and identifying gaps to fill.
Yet just because the world wants a flavour doesn’t mean it’s made. In December 2020, scotch egg sales soared in the UK after Conservative ministers ruled the snack a “substantial meal” (providing punters with an excuse to be in the pub under Covid-19 lockdown rules). Peremans was challenged to make scotch egg Pringles and pulled it off; Merzougui says they tasted “really authentic”. Ultimately, however, the potential order volume was not high enough to justify a production run. (This, incidentally, is why it’s hard to get Salt & Pepper Pringles in the UK, even though they’re delicious.)
Another unreleased flavour was part of a collaboration with Nando’s that petered out for reasons Peremans is unsure about. Sometimes, logistics get in the way: the perfectly blended seasoning might clog the machines or create too much dust, causing sneezing fits in the factory. Belgian legislation mandates that every seasoning has to be put through a dust explosion test – it is set alight in controlled conditions to ensure it won’t blow up.
Inside the plant, manager Van Batenburg shows me giant cube-shaped bags of seasonings that arrive ready to be cascaded on to the crisps. At the end of his video presentation, he made a passing comment that rocked my world. We were talking about other crisp companies, big name competitors. “In essence,” he said, “they’re using the same seasoning houses we do.”
I leave Belgium with the names of three seasoning houses Pringles work with. At home, I discover that their websites are obscure – they speak of flavours and trends, but don’t even mention Pringles. I haven’t so much stumbled upon a conspiracy as been invited into it, but I am still shocked. After two months’ cajoling by the Pringles team, two representatives from a seasoning house agree to speak – but only on the condition of total anonymity, in line with their contractual obligations.
“It’s quite secretive,” food scientist Reuben admits via Zoom, wearing a pink shirt and a thoughtful expression (the only crisp I can compare him to is a Quaver). “Everyone has their own crown jewels that they protect.”
As a marketer, Peggy has always found the company’s secrecy “strange”. She speaks clearly, in a way that is reminiscent of a teacher or a steadfast multigrain snack. “It’s always been a bit of a puzzle to me … I was like, ‘Why aren’t we shouting about this?’ But I was told, ‘Oh, no, we have to keep it very quiet.’”
This is because – just as Van Batenburg hinted in Belgium – the seasoning house Reuben and Peggy work for provides flavours for Pringles and Lay’s, as well as other brands. When asked whether their clients know, Reuben says, “They do and they don’t.” “It’s just not really talked about,” Peggy adds. However, this doesn’t mean that a Salt & Vinegar Pringle is flavoured with the same seasoning as a Salt & Vinegar Lay’s. In fact, the seasoning house is strictly siloed to guarantee exclusivity. Reuben’s team work on the Pringles account; the team making flavours for PepsiCo is in an entirely different country. “So the recipe, if you will, of the Pringles salt and vinegar can’t be seen by the other team,” Reuben says.
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wisteria-winter · 5 months
Wheel says: Husk and Mimzy
Idea: Husk, the gambling overlord, finds a new potential 'employee'
Words: 390
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He was an overlord, an owner of many and the furthest from a loser you could get. Husk’s winning streek was long and there had been many who wanted to be the first one to make him take a loss, but what they didn’t know was that he had more than just party tricks up his sleeve.
He was a gambler, sure, but he wasn’t stupid. He could see when someone was trying to cheat and whenever you cheat in Husk’s abode, or rather against Husk himself, you never get to leave again. Just a fun little rule for all those who enter. Husk though? He’s above rules, it’s his territory, he’s the one in control.
He can hear some boosting from one of the tables, seems like someone is on a winning streak. A smirk paints his face, can’t wait to take that one’s soul. She’s not really hiding her cheating that well, but the more he let’s her win now, the more he has to gain later. So, he waits, letting her believe that everything is going her way, letting her build the confidence to face him. Just so he can see her despair when she finally falls into his grasp. She along with all the souls she’s gathered for him.
It’s nice entertainment. Speaking of, she’s giving the air of an entertainer, maybe when he owns her, he can user her as a singer of sorts? Liven the place up some. He does have a sound stage after all, would be a shame if it was only him who got to use it. Plus, doesn’t hurt to earn some extra cash.
Things go as he expects, she’s finally at his table having racked up a considerable amount of both money and souls. She greets him, her confidence high. Oh, this one shall be fun to let fall into despair. He greets her back, a salesman smile masking his true intentions. He can’t wait until the light in her eyes becomes dim, until the energy she exudes becomes a dry well and until that girl becomes just a husk of herself.
“So, Mimzy, ready to gamble?” He can feel his mask slightly faltering.
“You’re on!” She says confidently, not a thought to the fact she might lose.
“Then let’s being.” Oh, this is going to be very entertaining.
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So, um, I was thinking about how Mimzy and Husk would meet. The first, kinda obvius one would be through Alastor, but then I though, what if Mimzy is part of the reason Husk met Alastor?
Like what if, similar to the lone sharks, Mimzy got involved with Husk and Alastor had to fix that whole mess? What if, Husk didn't lose all his souls to random people, but instead he lost them all to Alastor?
And what if, when Husk had nothing but his own soul left, Alastor offerd him a deal he couldn't refuse? One where everything could go back to normal, how it all was before Mimzy, but with the little caviat that Alastor would own Husk soul.
Also, been wondering, any idea of when Husk started identifying as a Bartender? Like was that something he has had with him since alive? Something he kinda got forced into by Alastor even before the hotel? Or was that just something he got when he was forced into working for the hotel?
But that's for another time, Instead, let's spin
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And he next two are:
Adam and Carmilla Carmine
Oh, I, hmm, well, who's to say Adam doesn't become a sinner after he died? Yeah, wonder how the two of them would meet if so. What feelings and questions would he have towards the wepons dealer?
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good-old-gossip · 5 months
Urgent need to investigate role of technology, social media companies in killing Gazan civilians
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Palestinian Territory – The role of major technology companies and international social media platforms in the killing of Palestinian civilians during Israel’s genocidal war against the Gaza Strip, ongoing since 7 October 2023, must be investigated. These companies need to be held accountable if found to be complicit or not to have taken adequate precautions to prevent access to, and exploitation of, users’ information. They must ensure that their services are not used in conflict zones and that their users’ privacy is respected.
There are frequent reports that Israel uses a number of artificial intelligence-supported technological systems, including Where’s Daddy?, Fire Factory, Gospel, and Lavender, to illegally track and monitor Palestinians. These systems are able to identify possible suspectsand classify them as legitimate targets based on potentially relevant information that is typically unrelated to the location or individual in question, by looking for similarities and patterns among all Gaza Strip residents, particularly men, and among members of armed factions.
Studies have shown that, although they are aware of a significant margin of error due to the nature of theseoperating systems and their inability to provide accurate information—particularly with regard to the whereabouts of those placed on the targeting list in real time—the Israeli army usually does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by these systems.
For example, Israel’s army uses the Lavender system extensively to identify suspects in the Strip before targeting them; this system intentionally results in a high number of civilian casualties.
The Lavender system uses the logic of probabilities, which is a distinguishing characteristic of machine learning algorithms. The algorithm looks through large data sets for patterns that correspond to fighter behaviour, and the amount and quality of the data determines how successful the algorithm is in finding these patterns. It then recommends targets based on the probabilities.
With concerns being voiced regarding the Lavendersystem’s possible reliance on tracking social media accounts, Israeli military and intelligence sources have acknowledged attacking potential targets without considering the principle of proportionality or collateral damage.
These suspicions are supported by a book (The Human Machine Team) written by the current commander of the elite Israeli army Unit 8200, which offers instructions on how to create a “target machine” akin to the Lavender artificial intelligence system. The book also includes information on hundreds of signals that can raise the severity of a person’s classification, such as switching cell phones every few months, moving addresses frequently, or even just joining the samegroup on Meta’s WhatsApp application as a “fighter”.
Additionally, it has been recently revealed that Google and Israel are collaborating on several technology initiatives, including Project Nimbus, which provides the Israeli army with tools for the increased monitoring and illegal data collection of Palestinians, thereby broadening Israeli policies of denial and persecution, plus other crimes against the Palestinian people. This project in particular has sparked significant human rights criticism, prompting dozens of company employees to protest and resign, with others being fired over their protests.
The Israeli army also uses Google Photos' facial recognition feature to keep an eye on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and create a “hit list”. It gathers as many images as possible from the 7 October event, known as Al-Aqsa Flood, during which Palestinian faces were visible as they stormed the separation fence and entered the settlements. This technology is then used to sort photos and store images of faces, which resulted in the recent arrest of thousands of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, in violation of the company’s explicit rules and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The Euro-Med Monitor field team has documentedaccounts of Palestinian civilians who, as a consequence of their social media activity, have been singled out as suspects by Israel, despite having taken no military action.
A young Palestinian man who requested to beidentified only as “A.F.” due to safety concerns, for instance, was seriously injured in an Israeli bombing that targeted a residential house in Gaza City’s Al-Sabra neighbourhood. 
The house was targeted shortly after A.F. posted a video clip on Instagram, which is owned by Meta, in which he joked that he was in a “field reconnaissance mission”.
His relative told Euro-Med Monitor that A.F. hadmerely been attempting to mimic press reporters when he posted the brief video clip on his personal Instagram account. Suddenly, however, A.F. was targeted by an Israeli reconnaissance plane while on the roof of the house.
A separate Israeli bombing on 16 April claimed the lives of six young Palestinians who had gathered to access Internet services. One of the victims was using a group chat on WhatsApp—a Meta subsidiary—to report news about the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City.
The deceased man’s relative, who requested anonymity due to safety fears, informed Euro-Med Monitor that the victim was near the Internet access point when thegroup was directly hit by a missile from an Israeli reconnaissance plane. The victim was voluntarily sharing news in family and public groups on the WhatsApp application about the Israeli attacks and humanitarian situation in Sheikh Radwan.
The Israeli army’s covert strategy of launching extremely damaging air and artillery attacks based on data that falls short of the minimum standard of accurate target assessment, ranging from cell phone records and photos to social media contact and communication patterns, all within the larger context of an incredibly haphazard killing programme, is deeply concerning.
The evidence presented by global technology experts points to a likely connection between the Israeli army’s use of the Lavender system—which has been used to identify targets in Israel’s military assaults on the Gaza Strip—and the Meta company. This means that the Israeli army potentially targeted individuals merely for being in WhatsApp groups with other people on the suspect list. Additionally, the experts question how Israel could have obtained this data without Meta disclosing it.
Earlier, British newspaper The Guardian exposed Israel’s use of artificial intelligence (Lavender) to murder a great number of Palestinian civilians. The Israeli military used machine learning systems to identify potential “low-ranking” fighters, with the aim of targeting them without considering the level of permissible collateral damage. A “margin of tolerance”was adopted, which allowed for the death of 20 civilians for every overthrown target; when targeting “higher-ranking fighters”, this margin of tolerance allowed for the death of 100 people for every fighter.
Google, Meta, and other technology and social media companies may have colluded with Israel in crimes and violations against the Palestinian people, including extrajudicial killings, in defiance of international law and these companies’ stated human rights commitments.
Social networks should not be releasing this kind of personal data about their users or taking part in the Israeli genocide against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip. An international investigation is required in order to provide guarantees of accountability for those responsible, and justice for the victims.
Meta’s overt and obvious bias towards Israel, itssubstantial suppression of content that supports the Palestinian cause, and its policy of stifling criticism of Israel's crimes—including rumours of close ties between top Meta officials and Israel—suggest the company’s plausible involvement in the killing of Palestinian civilians.
Given the risks of failing to take reasonable steps to demonstrate that the objective is a legitimate one under international humanitarian law, the aforementionedcompanies must fully commit to ending all cooperation with the Israeli military and providing Israel with access to data and information that violate Palestinian rights and put their lives in jeopardy. 
Israel’s failure to exercise due diligence and considerhuman rights when using artificial intelligence for military purposes must be immediately investigated, as well as its failure to comply with international law and international humanitarian law.
These companies must promptly address any information that has been circulating about their involvement in Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people. Serious investigations regarding their policies and practices in relation to Israeli crimes and human rights violations must be opened if necessary, and companies must be held accountable if found to be complicit or to have failed to take reasonable precautions to prevent the exploitation of userinformation for criminal activities.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Two Texas high school softball coaches have been charged with covering up a series of sexual assaults — allegedly because the suspect is “a good player” needed on the team.
Prosper High School head coach Renna Bersosa and her assistant Kasie Ostrom were told on Aug. 7 that one of their athletes had abused three other students during summer break sleepovers, according to a police affidavit obtained by the Dallas Morning News.
But Bersosa responded by saying that “the suspect in the sexual assaults is a good player, and they don’t want to lose her,” the reporting student told the cops.
The head coach told the student to “handle this with the suspect” herself — and to tell her “that if she does not stop committing sexual assault, she will report this to the coach,” the affidavit states.
The student said she then sent the accused abuser a text with that warning, the report said, without detailing if there was a response.
The embattled coaches were fired from Prosper High School, north of Dallas, Texas.FOX 4 Dallas-Fort Worth
Ostrom was also at the meeting but did not say anything, the reporting student’s mom told police.
Neither educator went to authorities, even though Texas law requires educators who believe such abuse may be occurring to report it within 48 hours, the Morning News noted.
When interviewed by the cops, Bersosa claimed “she was not aware she had to report a third-party allegation,” the affidavit said.
Head softball coach Renna Bersosa was arrested last week and has since bonded out.Collin County Jail
Both coaches were arrested — Bersosa on Friday and Ostrom on Tuesday — on a charge of misdemeanor failure to report child abuse.
They have also been fired, the school district confirmed to the Morning News.
Assistant coach Kasie Ostrom was jailed Tuesday and has since made bond.Collin County Jail
None of the students were identified, and it was not clear if any action was taken against the girl accused of sexual assault.
The district addressed the scandal in a letter to parents, Fox4 said.
Bersosa was named head softball coach in May.Prosper Softball/Twitter
“State law mandates educators file a report within 48 hours when they develop suspicions of potential child abuse or neglect,” the letter read.
“Prosper ISD requires employees to undergo training to ensure they know the proper steps to report such cases.”
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viceofdionysus · 2 years
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Cooking up Love - Alfred x Chef!Reader
Contains - Employee/boss relationship, brief description of a minor injury, mutual pining, food descriptions.
Rating - E Word Count - 4.9k
It had felt like a sign from the universe, seeing the job posting for Head Chef at the newly renovated Wayne Manor. You’d already been thinking about leaving your job at the restaurant, your resignation letter already mostly typed out. Figuring nothing would come from it, but not having anything to lose, you’d submitted your application. And then you’d received a call to come interview at Wayne Manor. The British man had been cool and professional, though his voice was pleasant. 
It was a rainy morning as you gathered your Chef’s kit and drove out of the city. You paused at the gate to identify yourself and then pressed on. At the end of the winding drive, you parked where a young attendant indicated. He opened your door and you stepped out, taking in the Manor. It was still mostly bare bones, but you could see its potential. The young man escorted you to the door.
“Have a good interview, miss.” 
You smiled at him as the front door opened. The most handsome man you’d ever seen was on the other side. Strongly blue eyes regarded you from a softly bearded face.
“Mr. Pennyworth?” You’d asked and then introduced yourself. Focusing on a sense of calm, you smiled, “I’m here to be your Head Chef.” 
He’d led you to a formal dining room where a full tea service was set up. After answering some questions, he’d closed his notebook and looked at you. 
“How about a practical demonstration?”
He’d led you down the hallway to the kitchen, explaining the recent renovations to the kitchen. Alfred had taken a seat at the kitchen table, letting you look over the available ingredients and cookware before you started. There hadn’t been much, but what was there was high quality. You had nodded to yourself as you’d considered what to make. Lemon chicken, you’d decided, with a side of pasta and asparagus. You gathered what you needed and set to work. 
You had trimmed and butterflied and seasoned the chicken before settling it in the hot pan. While it sizzled pleasantly, you measured ingredients for the pasta sauce and set them up like soldiers next to the stove. When the water for the pasta boiled, you settled the long noodles in the pot. Then you flipped the chicken over and started to prep the asparagus. 
You’d forgotten to be nervous as the flow came over you. You didn’t have to think about it as you let your hands work. You moved through the kitchen with graceful efficiency, always confident of your next move. You’d smiled as you poured and stirred and seasoned. When the sauce was finished, you added the cooked noodles, tossing the pan gently to coat them. Then you’d plated. Pasta, chicken, asparagus, fresh herbs and a slice of lemon for garnish. Alfred looked at the dish and cut a small bite. He chewed thoughtfully, his face betraying nothing. He looked up at you and nodded. 
“You’re hired.” 
A few weeks had passed since then and you felt like you were settling into the role nicely. The radio plays softly as you finish wiping down the kitchen counters. Breakfast had been served and the leftovers either put away or packaged for donation. Now your mind turns to the rest of the day’s tasks. As you gather the ingredients for bread, your mind wanders. It summons images of the man you can’t stop thinking about. You sigh softly, but don't turn your attention elsewhere. 
As you measure and mix, you think about his hands. Strong and just slightly calloused, you can’t help but imagine what they would feel like against your body. As you knead the dough, you think about his shoulders. They always fill out his suit jackets and dress shirts perfectly. You wonder what it would be like to grip them. As you place the dough back in the bowl for its first rise, you think about his forearms. You haven’t gotten to see them much, but the few times you had, it left you feel flushed.
A small sound at the doorway as you’re cleaning up has you glancing over. And there he is. 
“Mr. Pennyworth.” You acknowledge, trying to force your line of thought to something else. 
“Good morning.” He answers with a soft smile. 
“Is there something I can do for you, sir?” 
“I wanted to see how you’re getting on.”
“Very well, Mr. Pennyworth.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear that. Is there anything you need?” 
A sudden flash of being bent over kitchen island, Alfred pressed firmly behind you, crosses your mind. “No!”  You manage to squeak out, “I think I’m fine right now.” 
“Very good,” He inspects the kitchen briefly and nods in satisfaction. “It appears you have everything in order. Please let me know if you have any needs I can take care of.”
The image comes back, leaving you speechless. Alfred doesn’t seem to notice, just giving you a small nod on his way out. Once he’s gone, you lean heavily against the island. 
“Oh. I’m in trouble.” 
Alfred tries very hard to keep his thoughts about you appropriate, but in the month you’ve been working at the manor, he’s let himself indulge a few times. He stops in the kitchen doorway and watches as you roll out dough. Your movements are sure and precise. His brow wrinkles as he watches, trying to figure out what you’re making. Once the dough is rolled out how you want it, you turn quickly, and he thinks of dancers. When you pull the slab of butter out of the fridge, he finally breaks his silence.
“What are you making?” 
You glance up and there’s that smile he can’t stop thinking about. 
“Croissants. I heard how much Master Wayne enjoys them.” 
He motions to one of the chairs at the kitchen island and you nod. He sits, watching as you center the butter and fold over the dough. Roll the dough out, fold the dough over. 
“Why do you fold it over like that?” He asks after you put the dough in the fridge. 
“That’s what creates all the layers in the croissants.” You answer, “And as the butter melts, the steam will lift the layers apart.” 
“I never realized how much work goes into croissants.” 
“But they’re so worth it.” You sigh, thinking of the soft, flaky pastry. You shake your head and smile, “Sorry, pastries are a weakness. Can I get you some tea?” 
“That would be lovely.” 
His phone signals as you turn away. He pulls it out to see a meeting request from Lucius Fox and opens his calendar. One thing leads to another and when he finally manages to put his phone away, there’s a cup of tea and a small plate of cookies waiting for him. He smiles softly and picks the tea up. He sips and finds it perfectly made. You smile at his quietly pleased noise. 
“Can I help you with something?” He asks after watching you for a few minutes. 
“No!” You turn sharply, “Sorry, but no. You may take care of the rest of the house, but this is my area to take care of things. You don’t have to do anything here.” 
His brow furrows as he tries to process how he feels about that. Finally he smiles softly. It’s been a long time since anyone has taken anything off his plate. It’s odd to sit as someone else works, but he tries to let himself relax. 
When he finishes the tea and cookies, you whisk the cup and plate away. Slowly he gets to his feet, feeling nearly peaceful. 
“Thank you.” He hesitates, “For the break. I don’t take nearly as many as I should.” 
You smile, “You’re always welcome to take one here.” 
It becomes something of a ritual after that. The first several days he arrives at different times, as if trying to determine the best time to arrive. 
“Two.” You say on the fourth afternoon, setting the tea cup at his elbow. “That’s usually when the kitchen is at its least hectic.” 
After that, he arrives promptly at 2 pm and takes his usual seat at the island. You get good enough at the timing that you can set his tea down as soon as he’s settled. Some days he sits quietly, eyes closed and breathing slowly. Some days he brings the paper or a book with him and he reads until his tea is gone. Somedays, when you’re not prepping or moving around the kitchen, he talks to you. Mostly it’s about your life, but every now and then you can get him to open up. 
One rainy afternoon, he arrives with a slim green book in his hands and you pause in cutting butter into flour. He sees you looking and raises an eyebrow. 
“It’s an old favorite.” He says.
“Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorites too.” You say and he smiles. 
He’d been planning on reading, on letting the familiar dramas of Hertfordshire distract him for a little while. Instead he sits the book on the chair next to him and leans forward to talk to you about it. 
“I think a lot of people want to find their very own Mr. Darcy.” You say as you gently roll out the biscuit dough. “Who wouldn’t want someone to challenge you and to grow with you? To recognise their faults and to try to grow beyond them? Don’t you think?” 
Alfred considers the question, “Yes, I do believe you’re right. What makes Darcy and Elizabeth a good match is something that I think a lot of us search for.” 
The conversation winds on, eventually shifting to other Austen novels and then to other books. You share some of your favorites and he shares some of his. 
“All of them can be found in our library here.” He says. 
“Well, I know what I’m doing on my next afternoon off.” 
It’s warm and cozy in the kitchen, with the sound of the rain on the windows. And all too soon, it’s time for him to leave. 
“Tomorrow.” He says. 
“Tomorrow.” You answer, smiling. 
Alfred pauses when he steps into the library. He hadn’t expected to see you, but there you are, stretched out on one of the couches, a book on your chest. The sunlight dances softly over your face. He’s been to art museums around the world, but he’s never seen anything as beautiful as you, he thinks. 
Walking quietly, he crosses to the couch and pulls the blanket off the back. Gently he lifts the book off your chest and then drapes the blanket over you. You make a soft sound and he pauses. When he shifts to set the book on the coffee table, the title catches his eye and he smiles. He’d recommended this one to you, but he hadn’t been sure you would actually read it. He lays it on the coffee table, a warm feeling curling in his chest. Then he collects the coffee mug and empty plate. When he turns back to you, you’re looking around sleepily. 
“Go back to sleep dearest.” He says softly, “Enjoy your nap.” 
You yawn and before you can nod, you’re slipping into sleep again. 
Alfred allows himself just a moment to look at you before turning and quietly leaving the library. He walks down the hall to the kitchen, trying to reign his thoughts in. But you keep slipping into his thoughts with your bright smile. He steps into the kitchen and thinks about you standing at the stove, with your crisp chef’s jacket, something sizzling in the pan. He’d never thought a chef’s jacket could be so enticing, and yet whenever you wear it, it’s all he can do to think straight. He’s been indulging in a lot of thoughts like that in the months you’d been at the Manor, but he can’t seem to stop himself when it comes to you. He briefly considers not coming to see you the next afternoon, but he already knows that he won’t do that. He cherishes the afternoons spent with you too much. 
He turns his head at the sound behind him and finds Bruce in the doorway. 
“Master Bruce.” 
“I was just heading out. To that charity thing.” Alfred can tell that Bruce is fighting the urge to curl into himself. 
“Very good, Master Bruce. Do try to enjoy yourself.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
Bruce goes quiet, but doesn’t leave. He looks like he’s trying to work out a problem. Alfred waits him out, knowing whatever it is, Bruce will spill it eventually.
“Yes, Master Bruce?” 
“You should tell her.” 
Alfred nearly drops the coffee mug. By the time recovers it and turns back to the doorway, Bruce is gone. 
“Cheeky.” Alfred mutters. “No idea who taught him to be that cheeky.” 
A screaming alarm has you bolting up in bed a few nights later. You stumble out of bed, trying to pull a robe over your night shirt. You rush into the kitchen, trying to find the source of the alarm. Bruce turns to look at you, an abashed expression on his face. Something in the microwave is on fire. 
“What?” You ask, your brain still trying to catch up with the situation. 
“Sorry.” Bruce answers. “I just wanted some popcorn.” 
“It’s fine.” 
Alfred rushes in then, quickly evaluating the situation. “Master Bruce, did you set the popcorn on fire again?” 
Bruce looks momentarily sheepish. “No.” 
Alfred just shakes his head and moves past Bruce. 
“I can do that.” 
“Nonsense dearest.” He replies, “I’ll deal with this.” 
Warmth curls through you at the endearment. Alfred presses a button and a fan starts. Quickly all the air is sucked out of the microwave and the fire stutters out. 
“Handy.” You say and Alfred turns to smile at you. “I didn’t know it would do that.”
“This isn’t the first time we’ve had an incident like this. Master Bruce has a habit of taking naps while trying to cook, so we installed some precautions.” 
“Alfred.” Bruce sighs. 
“She lives here, Master Bruce, she was going to find out you’re not as put together as you appear eventually.” 
You smother a laugh at the distressed look on Bruce’s face. Alfred opens the microwave and removes the burned lump. He tosses it in the sink and you move to turn on the water. His hand brushes against yours as you reach for the faucet and you have to stifle a soft gasp. You glance up and meet his gaze and feel yourself blush. He’s watching you closely, something soft in his expression. 
“I can make some popcorn. On the stovetop.” He smiles, soft and warm. 
“That sounds wonderful. I’ll keep Master Bruce away,” He considers, “Far away.” 
Minutes later, you have a pot on the stove, oil heating. You hum as you measure out the kernels. 
“That’s a pretty song.” Alfred says. 
You smile brightly, “It's an old favorite. Did you get Master Bruce settled?” 
“He’s in the library. He’s found an obscure journal on South American arachnids.” 
“That’s…unique?” You hedge. 
Alfred laughs, low and warm, “Master Bruce has unique tastes. He likes to collect knowledge."
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You pour the kernels in the hot oil. 
As the kernels start popping, Alfred pulls a bottle of wine out of the small fridge. He motions at you and raises an eyebrow. You nod and take glasses out of a cupboard.
“Just two,” Alfred says when you reach for a third glass, “Let’s keep this between us for now.” 
Alfred settles on one of the island chairs before popping the cork out. He takes the glasses from you, his fingers brushing the back of your hand, trailing sparks of heat. He fills one glass and hands it back to you. 
“So, how are you enjoying your first middle of the night Wayne emergency?” He asks as you lean next to the stove. 
You laugh, “It’s not so bad. Do they happen often?” 
"Not as often anymore. It depends on how much he's overextending himself." 
There's something a little sad in his tone. Without thinking about it, you reach over and grasp his hand. "You're doing great. Both of you."
He looks at your hand and then looks at you. There's something in his eyes, something that makes the heat start to rise. You can't seem to look away, not that you want to. He moves his hand out of your grip and trails his fingers softly over your palm. His touch is whisper soft as he moves up your forearm, circling his way higher and higher. He stops at your elbow and traces the sensitive area gently. You gasp softly, trying not to squirm. A particularly loud pop has you jerking backwards. 
"I," Words are very difficult things, "I should get that. Wouldn't want to burn two batches of popcorn tonight."
The popped kernels go into a bowl while the pot is returned to the stove top. You add butter to the pot, gently swirling it, a soft sizzle filling the air. It melts quickly and is added to the bowl. You salt the popcorn and then turn to present it to Alfred with a flourish. He's smiling at you and you smile back at him. 
He takes the bowl from you, letting his fingers trail over your hands as he does. Then he's out of the room and it suddenly feels like you can breathe again. 
You sit at the island and sip your wine, willing your heart to settle. 
Alfred returns only a few minutes later, popcorn bowl still in hand. You start to stand, a question forming on your lips, but Alfred shakes his head.
“Master Bruce has fallen asleep. So it seems this popcorn is for us.” He hesitates, “If you want to share it with me.” 
“Hmm? Go back to sleep or have excellent wine and popcorn? Tough choice.”  You’re laughing when you sit again. 
You don’t notice your sleep shirt sliding up your thighs, but Alfred certainly does. He doesn’t want to look away, but he forces himself to. He returns his gaze to your face and your bright smile and feels warmth and happiness settle in his chest.
And so the two of you sit at the kitchen island, eating popcorn and drinking wine. You talk and laugh and by the time the popcorn is gone and the glasses are empty, you’re smiling at each other. Alfred helps you wash the dishes, standing shoulder to shoulder with you at the sink. 
“Master Bruce must have been about eight. I came downstairs one morning and found the kitchen in absolute disarray. I think he’d used every dish that he could find. The bacon was so burnt that it crumbled if you breathed at it and there were eggs on the ceiling. And there was Master Bruce standing in the middle of it all, covered head to toe in batter and flour and who knows what else, the most distressed look on his face. I barely managed not to laugh and asked him what he was doing. He told me that he wanted to give the cook a break and make breakfast for everyone. So I helped him clean it all up, and we managed to make breakfast in time.” 
“That was sweet of him.” You answer, imagining an eight year old Bruce, “He just wanted to take care of everyone.” 
“Still does. To his own detriment sometimes.” 
“And that’s what you’re here for.” You say, “Taking care of him even when he doesn’t realize you’re doing it.” 
Alfred is silent for a long moment and you start to worry that you’ve overstepped. 
“I do what I can,” He says finally, “But sometimes I worry that it’s not enough.” 
You hand him the last dish to dry and turn to rest your hip against the edge of the counter. “Even if it doesn’t always feel like it’s enough, I promise you that it is.”
Alfred smiles at you, a soft, small thing, and you feel the way your heart skips. 
“Well, miss, it seems it’s time to get you back to bed.” 
You sigh softly, “I suppose you’re right. If I’m up much later, I may turn into a pumpkin.” 
He laughs, “I should hope not. I’m sure you’d make a very nice gourd, but it wouldn’t be the same without you here.” 
“Mr. Pennyworth,” You say, trying not to blush.
“Alfred. I think after tonight you can call me Alfred.” 
You pause and then smile brightly, “Alfred.” 
He never realized how good his name could sound. He watches as you bite your lip, but you can’t hide your smile. There’s a blush just darkening the edges of your cheeks and he wants to brush his thumbs over them, but he can’t make himself raise his hands. He wants to touch you, but doesn’t trust himself to touch something so precious. So instead he shifts back. 
“Allow me to escort you to your room.” He says, “It’s the least I can do.” 
It’s a short walk from the kitchen to your bedroom, but tonight it feels like miles. Your heart is pounding, your thoughts circling over the events of the night. There’d been a moment there where you’d been so sure that he was going to make a move. You were starting to think that between the late hour and the wine, you’d imagined it. But you couldn’t help wondering what it would have been like if he had made a move. Strong hands on your waist, the soft scrap of his beard, his lips firm, but gentle. You held back a sigh, knowing it would be a while before you fell back asleep. 
“Well, this is me.” You stopped outside your door and looked at him. “Thank you for walking me back.” 
“My pleasure.” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow. Or later today, I guess.” 
You turn to open the door, but overbalance. Alfred reacts before you can go too far and helps steady you. 
“Thank you.” You look up and realize that this is the closest you’ve ever been. His hands grip your waist, holding you close. 
You can feel the heat of him against you. His face is so close to yours, it wouldn’t take more than the slightest shift to be able to press your lips against his. But then he’s shifting away. You want to chase after him, but you force yourself to stay put. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.” He says and steps away. 
“Yeah, of course.” 
You lose the fight with yourself and turn to watch as he walks away. You’d been so sure about the signs.
The next day the kitchen is quiet, but you struggle to focus. You’re chopping vegetables for dinner when suddenly the cutting board goes one way and the knife goes a different way. There’s a delay before the pain blooms across the back of your hand. You don’t get a chance to react before there’s strong hands wrapping a clean towel around your hand. You look up and Alfred’s looking back, worry written boldly in his blue eyes. 
“It’s okay dearest.” He says, “You’re okay.” He wraps his hand around yours to keep the pressure on the wound.
When he’s sure the bleeding has stopped he leads  you to the sink and with well practiced movements he unwraps and cleans your hand. He keeps your hand elevated and guides you to the table. As you sit, he retrieves the first aid kit under the sink. 
“I’ll be honest, dearest, I didn’t think you would be the first person this would get used on.” He’s trying for levity, but you can hear the tense edge to his words. 
“I’m okay.” You say, trying to reassure him, “It’s just a cut.” 
“Well, let’s take a look to be sure.” 
Carefully he lays your hand on the table and looks it over. He retrieves a small spray bottle from the first aid kit. 
“This may hurt.” He says before spraying the back of your hand. 
There’s a soft stinging as the antibiotic works, but it’s not too bad. Alfred raises your hand and gently blows across the cut and suddenly you're thinking about a completely different scenario. You’re pulled back to reality when he bandages the cut, wrapping your hand firmly, but not tightly, in gauze and tape. 
“There now dearest. All better.” 
“Thank you.” 
He’s still holding your hand, absently running his thumb along the bandage. 
“Alfred,” You don’t want him to let go, but dinner is still waiting. 
“Just a moment.” He answers, “Just one more moment.” 
So you let yourself sit in the sunny kitchen, Alfred’s hand wrapped around yours. 
“I’m sorry.” He says finally, “When I saw the blood, I panicked.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you were here.” Then it strikes you, “Oh, your tea!” 
Before you can stand, he beats you to it, “Allow me.” 
You’re not used to being taken care of in your own kitchen, but you let yourself take a few minutes as he handles the tea. It’s nice, you think, watching him move so efficiently, so competently around the kitchen. Soon he’s setting a mug down in front of you, followed by a small plate of cookies. 
“Thank you.” 
You sip the tea and find it to be the perfect sweetness. “I shouldn’t be surprised that you know exactly how I take my tea.” 
“I keep a dossier.” 
He says it so flatly that you have to look up. His expression is even, but you catch the barest glimmer in his eyes. 
“What else do you have in this dossier of yours?” 
“That’s classified.” 
“Oh?” You feign disappointment, “I suppose I’ll have to find a way to get it out of you.” 
“I’m highly resistant to interrogation.” 
“Perhaps so, but are you as resistant to good Scottish shortbread?” 
His lips twitch and then he laughs, “Alright. You’ve found my weakness.”
Looking across that table at you, laughter filling the air, he lets himself be happy. He wonders if maybe he can keep this happy feeling. 
You glance over at the clock, “Oh! I didn’t realize what time it is! I’m so sorry, I have to get back to work.” 
“Let me help.” The words are out before he can fully think about them. 
He sees you hesitate and then you’re nodding, “That would be nice.” 
He stands at the island with you, chopping vegetables as you roll out dough. 
“What is it we’re making?” 
“Brie bites and a charcuterie board.” You answer, “Master Wayne asked me to trial run some options for the board meeting next week for dinner tonight. This is option one.” 
After he finishes the vegetables, you point him towards the blueberries. He starts washing them as you slide the brie bites in the oven. 
“Blueberry and banana nut muffins.” You answer his unasked question. “Could also be paired with a breakfast charcuterie board.” 
“Master Bruce is fond of blueberries.” 
Brie bites out of the oven, muffins in. You arrange fresh donuts, ladle homemade yogurt into small bowls, arrange the fruit and vegetables and the meats and cheeses. Frowning you look over the spread. 
“Granola.” Alfred offers and you smile. 
“You’re a lifesaver.” 
As you add the granola to the spread, he takes the muffins out of the oven. 
“Alright.” You settle your hands on your hips, “I think this is everything.” 
“It looks amazing.” He says, “The board members will be thrilled.” 
You turn and find that he’s standing closer than you thought. You can feel the heat of him pressing closely and you turn until you can rest your hands against his chest. 
“Dearest,” He whispers and you have to hold in a soft sigh. 
“I hope that you don’t mind, some temptations are too good to resist.” 
The kiss is simultaneously just like you imagined and so much better than you could have imagined. The heat of it curls through you, warming you better than even the best soup could. There’s a sweetness to it that’s better than any pastry you’ve ever had. You can’t help moaning into the kiss, feeling more indulgent than the richest French chocolate. The kiss ends slowly, you and Alfred pulling away from each other gradually. When your senses return, you’re still pressed closely against him, your hands gripping the edges of his vest. His hands are trailing over your sides gently. 
“You’re welcome to do that whenever you’d like.” 
He smiles and you would give anything for him to smile like that forever. “I wanted to last night.” He admits quietly. 
“Why didn’t you?” 
He hesitates, “You’re precious and I haven’t always been good with precious things.” 
“Alfred,” You sigh and reach up to cup his face, “I’m not made of porcelain. I’m not going to break with a little rough handling.” 
“Kiss me again Alfred.” 
And he does. He pulls you tightly against him, hands on your hips as he dives into the kiss. One hand wraps around the back of his neck while the other finds a grip on his shoulder. You decide you can live without air if he’ll just keep kissing you like this. He maneuvers you until you can feel the press of the counter against your back. 
A sound at the doorway has you pulling back. Bruce stands in the doorway, his hands shoved his pockets, trying to look anywhere other than at you and Alfred. 
“Should I come back?” He asks.  
You grin at Alfred, “No Master Wayne. Please stay and enjoy. We were just leaving.” 
Your laughter is bright as you tug Alfred down the hall. His answering smile is wicked.
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lucaspaqueta007 · 23 days
How to Find the Ideal Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me: A Step-by-Step Guide
Securing the right commercial real estate is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your business. Whether you're a startup searching for your first office, a retailer looking to expand, or a business owner in need of a warehouse, finding the perfect commercial space requires careful planning and research. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to finding the best "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me," ensuring you make an informed decision. Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me
1. Identify Your Business Needs
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Before you begin your search, it's crucial to clearly define what you need from your commercial space. Consider the following factors:
Size and Layout: How much square footage do you need? What layout will best suit your operations?
Location: Which areas are most convenient for your customers, employees, and suppliers?
Budget: What is your price range, including rent, utilities, and other expenses?
Amenities: Are there specific features or services that your business requires, such as parking, security, or high-speed internet?
2. Research the Local Market
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Understanding the local commercial real estate market is essential for finding the best options. Use the following strategies:
Online Listings: Start by searching online for "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me." Websites like LoopNet, Zillow, and local real estate agencies often have comprehensive listings.
Commercial Real Estate Brokers: Consider hiring a broker who specializes in commercial properties in your area. They can provide valuable insights and help you find properties that meet your criteria.
Market Trends: Stay informed about local market trends, including average rental rates, vacancy rates, and new developments. This knowledge can help you negotiate better terms.
3. Visit Potential Spaces
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Once you've shortlisted a few properties, schedule visits to assess them in person. During your visit:
Evaluate the Location: Is it easily accessible? Is there enough foot traffic if needed? How is the neighborhood?
Inspect the Property: Look for any signs of wear and tear, and assess the overall condition of the building.
Check Compliance: Ensure that the space complies with local zoning laws and building codes. You may need to verify if the property is suitable for your specific type of business.
Consider Future Growth: Choose a space that can accommodate your business as it grows. Flexibility in the lease terms can be beneficial.
4. Negotiate the Lease
After finding the ideal space, the next step is to negotiate the lease terms. Here’s what to consider:
Lease Length: Determine the ideal duration of the lease. Longer leases may offer stability, while shorter leases provide flexibility.
Rent Increases: Understand how rent will increase over time and whether there are caps on these increases.
Maintenance Responsibilities: Clarify who is responsible for repairs and maintenance—landlord or tenant.
Exit Clauses: Ensure there are clear terms regarding breaking the lease if necessary.
5. Finalizing the Deal
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Before signing the lease, take the following precautions:
Legal Review: Have a legal professional review the lease to ensure it protects your interests.
Get Everything in Writing: Any verbal agreements or promises made during negotiations should be documented in the lease.
Insurance: Arrange for the necessary insurance coverage for your new business space.
6. Prepare for Move-In
Once the lease is signed, start preparing for the move. Consider the following:
Renovations: If the space needs modifications to fit your business, coordinate these before moving in.
Utilities and Services: Set up utilities, internet, and any other essential services in advance.
Furnishing and Equipment: Plan the layout and order any furniture or equipment needed for your operations.
Finding the best "Commercial Real Estate for Rent Near Me" requires time, research, and careful consideration of your business needs. By following these steps, you can secure a space that not only meets your current requirements but also supports your long-term business goals. Remember, the right location and setup can make a significant difference in your business’s success, so take the time to find the perfect fit.
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zerosecurity · 4 months
Exposing the Dark Web Scam: Fake Pegasus Spyware Code Sold for Millions
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Cybercriminals are capitalizing on the infamous reputation of the Pegasus spyware, duping unsuspecting victims on the dark web. According to a recent investigation by the cybersecurity firm CloudSEK, threat actors are systematically leveraging the Pegasus name to perpetrate a widespread scam, offering randomly generated source codes falsely associated with the potent spyware for exorbitant prices, sometimes exceeding a million dollars.
Dissecting the Scam: Insights from Months of Research
CloudSEK's report sheds light on the intricate workings of this scam, which emerged shortly after Apple warned about a "mercenary spyware" attack targeting users across 92 countries. The cybersecurity firm's researchers delved deep into the dark web, analyzing approximately 25,000 posts on platforms like Telegram, many of which claimed to sell authentic Pegasus source code. Anuj Sharma, the lead investigator and security researcher at CloudSEK, underscored the detrimental impact of this scam, stating: The misuse of Pegasus's name, logo, and identity by underground sources has led to significant misinformation about the tool, confusing both experts and the public about its true capabilities and origin. The deliberate misrepresentation complicates the attribution of cyberattacks, making it harder to determine the source and nature of the spyware being used.
Engaging with Potential Sellers: Uncovering Fake Samples and Inflated Prices
CloudSEK researchers went a step further, directly engaging with over 150 potential sellers claiming to offer Pegasus-related services. Through these interactions, they accessed purported Pegasus source code samples, live demonstrations, file structures, and snapshots. However, after analyzing 15 samples and over 30 indicators from various intelligence sources, the researchers concluded that nearly all samples were fraudulent and ineffective. The report also identified six instances of fake Pegasus HVNC (Hidden Virtual Network Computing) samples distributed on the dark web between May 2022 and January 2024. Moreover, the scam extended to code-sharing platforms on the surface web, where scammers disseminated their own randomly generated source codes, falsely associating them with the Pegasus spyware. In one particularly brazen case, a group named Deanon ClubV7 announced on April 5 that they had obtained legitimate access to Pegasus and were offering permanent access for a staggering fee of $1.5 million. The group claimed to be the first to secure access to Pegasus and boasted about selling four accesses within just two days, raking in a total of $6 million.
Combating the Scam: Employee Awareness and Strict Access Controls
To combat this widespread scam, CloudSEK emphasizes the importance of employee awareness and implementing strict access controls. Sharma recommends providing regular updates and alerts about the latest scam tactics involving Pegasus and similar high-profile names, as well as implementing network monitoring to identify unusual activity that might indicate employees accessing the dark web or IRC platforms. Strict access controls should be implemented to limit and monitor employees' ability to visit potentially dangerous sites or download unauthorized software, reducing the risk of falling victim to such scams. Read the full article
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reansonsanim · 2 months
The Strategic Impact of Venture Capital in Post-Brexit UK
In the wake of Brexit, the UK has faced significant economic and regulatory shifts, making the role of venture capital (VC) more crucial than ever. Venture capital has become a driving force in ensuring that the UK remains competitive globally, particularly in innovation-led sectors such as technology, healthcare, and green energy. The strategic impact of VC in this new landscape lies in its ability to fuel growth, drive innovation, and bridge the funding gaps that have emerged due to economic uncertainties.
One of the primary ways VC is making a strategic impact is by enabling startups and scale-ups to navigate the complexities of the post-Brexit environment. With changes in trade relations, regulatory frameworks, and talent acquisition, UK businesses face new challenges. Venture capital firms are stepping in to provide not just financial backing but also strategic guidance, helping companies adapt to these changes and seize new opportunities.
Moreover, venture capital is playing a pivotal role in fostering innovation, which is critical for the UK’s long-term economic resilience. By investing in disruptive technologies and innovative business models, VCs are helping to build a future-ready economy. This is particularly important as the UK seeks to establish itself as a leader in sectors like fintech, biotech, and clean energy, which are expected to drive growth in the coming decades.
In addition, the strategic deployment of VC in underserved regions outside of London is helping to level the playing field, ensuring that economic growth is more evenly distributed across the country. This regional investment is vital for creating jobs, fostering local innovation, and mitigating the economic disparities that have been exacerbated by Brexit.
Overall, the strategic impact of venture capital in post-Brexit UK is significant, driving innovation, supporting businesses in a complex environment, and helping to build a more resilient and equitable economy.
How Scott Dylan is Innovating the UK Venture Capital Sector
Scott Dylan is making waves in the UK venture capital sector through his innovative and strategic approach to investing. As the co-founder of Inc & Co, Scott has redefined traditional venture capital by focusing on the acquisition and revitalization of distressed businesses, a niche often overlooked by conventional investors. Rather than targeting high-growth startups, Scott identifies companies with untapped potential that face significant challenges. His goal is not merely to inject capital but to provide comprehensive support that ensures long-term success.
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One of the key ways Scott is innovating the sector is by emphasizing business turnarounds. He believes that struggling companies can be transformed into profitable enterprises with the right guidance, resources, and strategic vision. This approach sets him apart from many venture capitalists who prioritize short-term gains over sustainable growth. Scott’s commitment to long-term success is evident in the way he and his team at Inc & Co work closely with the businesses they acquire, offering expertise in areas such as digital transformation, operational efficiency, and brand development.
Additionally, Scott Dylan’s focus on mental health within the business world is a unique aspect of his venture capital strategy. He understands that the well-being of employees is crucial to a company’s overall performance. By advocating for mental health initiatives within the businesses he invests in, Scott fosters a culture of resilience and productivity, further ensuring the success of his portfolio companies.
Scott Dylan is innovating the UK venture capital sector by combining strategic business turnarounds with a strong emphasis on sustainability, collaboration, and mental health, setting a new standard for the industry.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
Yes the mom didn't want her son harassed but the other parents had a right to know that their daughters were sharing a locker room with a bio male and faced an increased risk of injury
Mom at heart of Broward transgender athlete controversy: My daughter was wrongly outed
Brittany Wallman
Mon, December 4, 2023 at 1:52 PM EST·3 min read
One of five Monarch High School employees whose jobs are on the line for letting a transgender girl play on a female volleyball team criticized officials Monday for outing the student — who is also her daughter.
Jessica Norton, an information technology worker at the high school in Coconut Creek, issued a public statement Monday thanking the community for its support and identifying herself as the mother of the transgender athlete. In her statement, she said that “forced outing, particularly of a child, is a direct attempt to endanger the person.”
Though the athlete was not identified by name by state or local officials, her identity became clear at Monarch, her coach said Monday. Norton and four others, including the principal, were shifted to jobs off campus last week as the Broward County School District investigates the apparent breach of state law that says a person born biologically male may not play on a female sports team in secondary public school in Florida.
Norton’s daughter was born male but has identified as a girl since before elementary school. She took testosterone blockers at age 11, and is on estrogen now to experience puberty as a female, according to related court documents.
Norton is a volleyball coach at Monarch but did not coach her daughter this year.
“The outpouring of love and support from our community this past week has been inspiring, selfless and brave. Watching our community’s resistance and display of love has been so joyous for our family — the light leading us through this darkness. I want everyone to know that we see you, and we are so grateful for you,” Norton said in a statement released Monday by the national Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ advocacy group.
“A lot of things were taken from my family this week — our privacy, sense of safety, and right to self-determination,” Norton’s statement says. “There is a long history in this country of outing people against their will — forced outing, particularly of a child, is a direct attempt to endanger the person being outed. We kindly ask everyone to respect our family’s privacy, and to give our family the space we need to speak to our experience on our own terms and timeline.”
Norton’s daughter, a sophomore at the school, played on the varsity volleyball team the past two years.
The Norton family sued the school district and state officials in 2021 in hopes the law would be found unconstitutional and she could play high school sports. The Human Rights Campaign provided legal representation. A judge ruled against the family in November, though allowing time for the lawsuit to be amended.
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The Miami Herald is not identifying the student. But the Human Rights Campaign’s deputy director of communications, Aryn Fields, said the family consented to having Norton’s name and relationship to the athlete published because “they’ve already been outed to their community.”
The student’s varsity coach, Alex Burgess, said he was not aware she was transgender until the school district’s investigation.
Burgess, a 21-year-old former player at Monarch, was not a full-time staffer, but is among the five under investigation. He said he was told not to return to campus. The volleyball season is over.
“I had no clue,” he said Monday. “I guess there was some people who already knew, but I guess whoever came in to kind of investigate kind of pointed fingers at her.”
The school district’s handling of the case drew criticism from the organization Safe Schools South Florida. The district did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“The potential inadvertent outing of a minor, who may not have publicly disclosed their transgender status, is deeply troubling,” Scott Galvin, the organization’s executive director and a North Miami city councilman, said in a written statement last week. “Such actions can inflict irreversible psychological harm and betray the trust that every student should have in their educational institution.”
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the Fairness In Women’s Sports Act into law in 2021.
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