It's a shame that Fabian’s knowledge of Halfling never came up this season because I want to know how much Kipperlilly would be shocked by it.
Like just imagine her and her parents running into Fabian at a Halfling takeout place (he was craving Cathilda’s food). The two of them lock eyes for a moment and while Kipperlilly grimaces, Fabian starts smiling and gives her a little wave before ordering from the menu in perfect Halfling. With an accent, of course, her and her parents certainly didn't speak with such a brogue, but he speaks it with such fluency that it throws her for a loop. It's like he's known it from birth. But that’s impossible, right?
Not according to her parents, who remark at how lovely Cathilda Celi’s boy seems to be. Oh, they wonder how she's doing, she's been gone for quite some time. And before Kipperlilly knows it, her parents are waving Fabian over. Leaving her only to quietly watch and fume as Fabian speaks to the Copperkettles with such a degree of politeness that she almost gags over it. Only using the most gracious and deferential honourifics for them as he chats them up. Stuff she'd reserve only for if she was trying to impress a date's parents.
By the end of the interaction, her parents are wowed and gush over Fabian’s manners while Kipperlilly wants him dead even more than before.
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breadnoise · 4 months
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greatpistachiopie · 8 months
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Teen Years! It's Sandra Lynn in her highschool teenage years
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rahul-shl · 2 years
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doubly-dateable · 4 months
hey former gifted kids and neurodivergent people, how are we feeling about this?
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Okay rosekiller but pristine skin tattoo artist Evan. He’s an absolute blank slate, zero ink. Never has, never will. Enter canvas Barty who covered in only Evan’s work. Evan wants to tattoo his elbow? Okay. His knee? Okay. A rose on his hip? Yup. A line around his throat? Fine fine fine. Evan loves that he has a living, breathing, bleeding canvas. Barty just loves to feel owned.
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voxmilia · 5 months
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"I thought he was cute! That bitch! I'm gonna kill him!" "You didn't see the storm coming? Must not be a very good Oracle."
fhjy ep 6 vs fhjy ep 17 aka Brennan took a very cute scene and decided to break my heart with it eleven weeks later
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thistlehalo · 4 months
skuttlespring…WE WON??
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mccoyquialisms · 5 months
thinking about riz and his love for the bad girls, and how if anyone fucks with them, then sooner or later they’re gonna answer to riz gukgak
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Do you think there’s beauty in anger as well? Do you think kipperlilly saw something beautiful in the face of love’s rage?
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ultimateinferno · 8 months
In today's Adventuring Party it's mentioned that Fabian's first experience with the other dance bards was basically a sink or swim acceptance of their Thespian Energy™. The only way to survive was to embrace the shameless absurdity of the situation or be destroyed. Fabian succeeded.
As I thought about the Gorgug's talk with Porter , it might be a similar situation, but with Barbarians. Porter outright told Gorgug that he doesn't embrace his own rage, and it's self evident throughout their conversation. No well worded argument as to why Gorgug should multiclass would have ever convinced him, I think. When Porter mishandles Cloaca, Gorgug tries to politely correct him before simply giving up.
In this instance, Porter has made himself a massive wall blocking Gorgug's desires, and is being incredibly unfair to Gorgug. What does Gorgug do? He simply accepts it. Gorgug will rage and put his blood on the line for his friends, but has some issues with standing up for himself. I can think of two, maybe three instances where he has. 1) The first fight with Fabian. 2) When he slams Ragh into the lockers. And 3) when he tries to correct Telemaine on how to pronounce his name and that one was a purely verbal conversation that went nowhere.
In short, I think the correct answer to the conversation was for Gorgug to get mad. To respond to the clear unfairness and go "Hey fuck you!!" To punch through that wall and go "This isn't a fucking question, I'm going to multiclass." In the end, Gorgug still has yet to embrace being a barbarian.
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thelilylav · 2 months
Ok but like imagine this: you're best friends with the straightest girl in the world. She makes jokes about you being more fun and amazing than any prince. You make jokes about her naming her firstborn after you. You're destined to lose her. One day your whole world will be gone, all your friends and family, and it will just be you and some stranger who came to rescue you because it was written down. It's all any of you have ever known. You will marry a boy born a century after you. But you see the way she smiles when you guys talk about your future, so you keep it down. It's what your parents expect, what your friends want, what the world is telling you is the right thing to do. You swallow down the apprehension and fear and eventually it becomes so easy it's second nature.
Then something changes. A girl says this isn't how things have to be. Maybe this isn't even how things are supposed to be. And you're angry, because you've been playing this stupid part your whole life and it's as bad as hers, so why can't she just fall in line? Can't she see the pain she's causing everyone (the pain she's causing your best friend)?
You try to make things right. You tell people that the girl is wrong, that things aren't meant to change, that everything is fine. You do everything you can to make your best friend feel better, you push down your own thoughts on the situation because they're not what's important right now. Your opinion has always waited in second, it clearly can now too, right?
But you can't stop thinking about that day. The sound of the page tearing. At the time it sounded like something horrible, like something disgusting and forbidden and scary. But you keep going back to it. You keep thinking of what would happen if you did the same. If you didn't have to leave your friends behind. If the terrible future you'd resigned yourself to your whole life wasn't as inevitable as it once seemed. The sound of the tearing page begins to sound like freedom.
Your best friend doesn't get it. She thinks you're being selfish and erratic and crazy. You push each other away. Of course she didn't understand. She never thought about things like that. Never thought about you like that.
Things keep changing. More people say they haven't been happy with the way things are. Your other best friend says she's in love with a boy she's not supposed to be in love with, and you start to realise that things are more broken than they seemed.
You go to Wonderland. You made a mistake, a big one, but you're trying to fix it. Things are still awkward between you and your best friend. She still thinks you're wrong. But she accepts that she can't change your mind, and you guys are beginning to admit that, even though things can't go back to how they were, maybe you can still have a future together. Maybe you don't have to lose her after all.
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keirashark · 8 months
Me when I asked for a deeper Gorgug storyline and I got a deeper Gorgug storyline:
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amid-fandoms · 2 months
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this speaks to me on a meme level but i can't think of a meme so have the template instead
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gaybuckybarnesss · 4 days
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DENIZ AKDENIZ High Potential 1.01
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clownmitts · 1 year
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Oh you destroy my ship? I destroy every man that have a crush on her
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