#how to survive a zombie apocalypse
crabatute · 1 year
Not mine, just terrified I will lose track of it.
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genderneutralethogirl · 5 months
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Hermits logging in for the sole purpose of yelling at other Hermits mid-stream my beloved
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blood-injections · 10 months
What is it with so many zombie movies and not having armor like. Wear a leather or denim jacket at the least. Not even a zombies sinking its teeth into your flesh through that. I mean have armor anyway just to be safe especially something on your forearms like. So many people in movies go out because they raise their arm to block the thing from going for heir face and surprise. You got bit because you blocked like a smart person but weren't wearing armor like one. It would literally have taken ten minutes to change your fate. You dont need like a suit of armor its an apocalypse you need to be able to move armor would weigh you down bla bla bla. No! First of all you're probably carrying around a bigass pack of supplies, armor isnt going to weigh you down any more than that. Also the armor is like. Wouldnt be a heavy suit of armor like i said. Literally just pad yourself with extra fabric ducttape shit to yourself. Or be cool and collect like aluminum cans and license plates, thin, light metal that you can bend around your arms so next time you block with your arm you'll actually be protected. Thin, light, strong metal that you can tape and wrap all over yourself and it won't weigh you down. Might not withstand bullets but you won't get bit
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followthepurrgil · 1 year
That…..is too many corpses to be in the company of a Nightsister/Nightmother….
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novelconcepts · 2 years
It’s such a comparatively small detail, but I keep coming back to the physicality of the infected dude who chases Joel and Sarah—how completely that actor hurled himself into it, how it gives the sense that this man no longer has care or control of his faculties, has nothing but the hunger as he bangs off of objects and skitters back to his feet. It’s so mind-numbingly terrifying to imagine that coming after you in the dark.
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Me after ingesting any form of zombie media: Now see me personally, I would simply not exist. Y'all be safe tho
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fruchox · 9 months
I’m curious and bored and I want to know how many people feel the same sorry there’s so many options I wanted to cover all my bases
Thank thee fair people
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strawberrybyers · 9 months
realizing i’m so funny and talking a lot and making a million plans right now is not because i am healing for a new year new me era but because i am entering a state of ✨hypomania✨
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feralshadowdemon · 9 months
ali my love. which three mutuals will you be taking with you during a zombie apocalypse
oh shit. ok i dont wanna have to choose between my mutuals bc i love them all so im going by the ones off the top of my head ummm
@just-a-dinosaur-i-guess @space-cat-in-a-teacup . can i take you vi. if i cant take you then maybe i'll find grace or smth
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pyromaniacblujay · 11 months
being fixated on project zomboid is really funny because i can play it with friends for hours on end but i never draw it because the Bethany Brainworms
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 months
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areyoueatingtho · 4 months
there is nothing i love more in apocalypse media than when the main group of survivors we are following have faced so much and are irritable and sniping at each other before finally finding a sanctuary and oh no!! it turns out that the sanctuary’s charismatic handsome leader is evil somehow!! i eat that shit up every time
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georgieluz · 10 months
May I ask about Ronnix apocalypse au for the tag game?
lexie!! hello! yes of course!!
so originally, i was thinking about your standard zombie based apocalypse and how ronnix would be the perfect pairing to write about in that kind of scenario. there's something really appealing about them being thrust together and somehow actually thriving, in unexpected ways ofc, but thriving in a sense that they unlock certain aspects of themselves. and also ron killing zombies would be really hot, but then i realised i didn't really want to write about zombies this time (though i love a good zombie au, i'm always down to read one no matter what fandom it's in, it's a classic genre for me), so instead there has been a series of "civilisation-ending" events and the fic takes place after society has started to begin rebuilding itself, scattered across the globe, in various different ways.
nix does something that results in him having to basically flee the societal group he belongs to. his actions leave him in a really dangerous situation and he needs to get out of dodge. fast.
ron unwillingly enters, stage left, and is tasked with aiding nix's escape, and eventually, they become somewhat of a duo with an actual mission on their hands. ron is your classic lone wolf mercenary, and occasional bounty hunter for the right price, but he has his own affiliations and ideas, and the right price for his services isn't always monetary. he also wears a cowboy hat. i don't know if i hate myself for that yet, but it's in there and i can't unwrite it.
but yeah, it still has a lot of your typical apocalypse beats and elements but something something the real zombies were the people you met along the way etc
there is also Something Out There In The Dark
but i shall leave it at that :)
for this wip ask game
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
Nature is healing😌
we can go pick some chicken of the woods and chanterelle :)
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derbophobia · 1 year
i fucking love the trope of like. apocalyptic event occurs and takes out the majority of humans, but certain disabilities made ppl immune to the main mechanism of apocalypse (ex: blind ppl in birdbox being unable to see the thing that drives u insane). its so good everytime. i love apocalypse fiction centering on rhe disabled its always so much more interesting than the ableism driven idea that all disabled ppl would instantly die in the apocalypse bc we R all little weaklings
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malaierba · 9 months
WAIT, I HAVE AN IDEA FOR THE ZOMBIE AU: give everyone in Kara's group guns that are symbolic of their abilities (Nozomi gets a sniper rifle since she can use binoculars to see from far, Sho would probably get double guns or something unpredictable, Haru just gets a pistol 'cause he's baby, Kara gets a gatling, because he's used one before in the anime, and the last guy (already forgot his name smh) would probably get a bazooka or something due to his strength.)
I like the idea of giving them guns that are somewhat symbolic :-)c
(this also got kinda long lol sorry)
The reason why I said that the group managing to find 2 guns on their way to Tokyo was a fantastic stroke of luck, is because Japan has one of the most strict gun control systems among developed nations. As the article explains, it's why Shinzo Abe was shot with a homemade gun.
The way I picture them managing to get their hands on some guns is because one day, Nozomi manages to spot some zombies in the distance who are dressed as policemen, one of the few groups allowed to carry guns. After some discussion, the group decides that confronting them is worth the risk if they were to be carrying guns, which is likely in a zombie apocalypses. So they do and, lo-and-behold, they were right.
So for that scenario to happen, they'd have to steal them from a group of people who's allowed to carry such guns, right? 🤔 I can see them doing it in order to make their way to Osaka a bit easier? After all, the way things are probably going to play out in Tokyo is that:
It's a huge pain in the ass to get in, from a physical POV. Swarmed by zombies, some parts of the city are still flooded, etc.
As I said, Nozomi and Karamatsu become separated from everyone, and depending on the route (I've thought of two), they need proffessional medical attention. So they need to be taken into the refugee camp immediately.
But the leatherheads actually have a choice, since they're not in critical condition. And while Den (the big guy) has an interest in going to Tokyo, Sho (mohawk) and Haru (baby) could skip Tokyo and go straight towards Osaka.
As I mentioned, Haru actually has a Korean nationality. And I was kind of picturing him having trouble getting into Tokyo, like, the authorities being immense asses about letting him in because he has no family registers or anything there. He has SOME in Osaka, but at one point it becomes clear that the officials trying to keep someone that they perceived as less deserving out in order to economise resources.
All of this to explain that there'd be a divide in the group. Sho isn't going to leave Haru alone while he's being kept just outside the refugee camp, Den definitely decides to join them after he's checked on his orphanage siblings.
What I'm thinking is that after Karamatsu and Nozomi wake up in the hospital, Nozomi gets a text from Sho where he explains the situation and asks them if they could get some resources out of the camp, and get them to them, so they may have an easier time making their way to Osaka. No pressure of course but also please reply fast.
The thing is that only Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu OR Ichimatsu and Totty are in Tokyo (haven't decided who) (I kind of want wakaba to get lost since in the mountain trip skit they also didn't know how to read a map haha. Besides they'd be with Iyami and maybe Chibita, who've both lived on the street, so they know a thing or two about survival) (Also, Osomatsu's group is heading towards Osaka because apparently Totoko's brother has a baby, so I was wondering, what if his wife was there with the baby at the time of the breakout? Although the story of Osomatsu's group is a whole mess, it'd have to do a separate post to get into theirs. It's... a lot more tense than Kara's, but everyone grows through it so it's alright)
It'd be a fun continuation to the story because obviously it opens a lot of questions like, will Karamatsu keep his promise to Sho? Not to mention, doesn't he have the responsibility of trying to look for the rest of his siblings? But there's Nozomi too, and even if she's reunited with her sister she doesn't want to leave her alone. And what about the siblings that he's found in Tokyo?
It'd also be fun to see Nozomi and Karamatsu figure out sneaky ways to get the stuff that the leatherheads requested and then getting it to them.
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They'll probably end up relying on Totty and Ichi, who are way sneakier and by then would've figured out a lot of how the system works.
There's also something VERY funny about Karamatsu arriving to any of his siblings rescued, backed up by men in leather jackets, guns abblazing lmfao. Even if realistically they'd only be able to use their firearms sparingly and in extreme situations, since ammunition would be a limited resource for them, and besides loud noises could potentially attract zombies.
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