#however im also feeling pretty fcking sad about it
captain-flint · 7 months
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Blackbeard + tears (Season 2) (Season 1)
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
HELLO ODUEGRFBYEICEO; You started twst?? omg thats so cool ahah
frick so your gonna write for twst now right? wow your a blessing yes another twst content for male readers;; ack im so excited! i've been following you in wattpad before so i wanna tell you, your writing is wonderful<33
so hah i cant think of what to request.. lets start simple i guess how about Ruggie? can i request fluff and angst, where ruggie is pining for his chilhood best friend(m/n) but he just cant fcking cross the line between friends to lovers, so he just pins and pins but deny it everytime m/n seems to reciprocate his feelings(which he does). and when a potential love rival occurs ruggie is determined to confess before m/n even thinks about being in a relationship other than him.
you can remove some stuff if you want but thank you!
have a good day or evening to ya! <3
Ruggie is so cute 🥺, must protect the little hyena.
Also... How is this so cute, what?
Ruggie Bucchi x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Game; Twisted Wonderland
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Ruggie and (M/n) have known each other for a long time, pretty much since childhood, so they've been best friends for at least ten years.
(M/n) and his family moved to his neighborhood when he was six, and not having any kind of animalistic traits made them stand out quite a lot, and kids used to avoid (M/n) when the rumor of his parents being powerful magic users got out. But Ruggie didn't care about that.
He was the first and only one to talk to the boy, who was always by himself during school break and walked home alone, ignored by the rest of the kids.
They became friends really quickly, becoming almost inseparable.
And together, they were attending Night Raven College. Well, the problem was that (M/n) wasn't in the Savanaclaw dorm with him, so Ruggie only saw him during class and at the cafeteria... well, sometimes, since his senpai, Leona, always sent him over to bring him his lunch. It was difficult, they couldn't spend as much time together, since their dorms were kinda against other dorm students staying over for the night.
And some Savanaclaw third years have tried to fight (M/n), even if fighting is prohibited on campus, with or without magic, unless it has been officially announced.
To Ruggie was a little stressful, the judging stares of everyone from (M/n)'s dorm, his instincts told him to leave immediately, which would make him feel tense and anxious, and that made him stay less and less every time it happened.
He was sad, a little heartbroken too, not being able to see his best friend as much as he used to, not being able to spend time with the person he loves...
Yes, Ruggie is deeply in love with (M/n), but he was never able to do anything about it, the fear of rejection, and the anxiety it gave him when he thought that (M/n) might hate him too. It was too much, so he just kept quiet about it, watching how he started to get along with his classmates and dorm mates.
He was pining for the other male, reminiscing the times they spent together all those years ago as he rested his cheek on his hand, his bright blue eyes staring into the distance as he dozed off at the memories. He felt goosebumps on his body whenever a memory of (M/n)'s body pressed against his flashed through his mind.
Ruggie always denied it, to him it was obvious that (M/n) didn't have feelings for him, and yet, his hugs seemed to last longer, leaving a lingering feeling on the spots where they touch, and a flustered reaction whenever they would stare into the other's eyes for too long.
It was impossible, (M/n) never showed clear signs of liking him back -of course, whenever they were visible, Ruggie would just deny them and convince himself that he was reading into it too much-.
However, one day, Ruggie witnessed something that left him with a sour taste.
Someone, another guy, was sitting a little too close to (M/n) in class, clinging to his arm like a bitch. Damn dude was even flirting with him, completely ignoring what Crewel-sensei was teaching, therefore, distracting (M/n) too.
The (h/c) haired male seemed a little uncomfortable with how close this guy was, and he would attempt to back away every once in a while, showing an awkward smile.
This kept repeating itself, and whenever Ruggie would sit with (M/n) during class, at the cafeteria, or come and stay a little while at his dorm, he always felt a threatening stare on the back of his neck. Seeing Ruggie and (M/n) so close to each other made this mob character pissed, resulting in dragging (M/n) away from the hyena every chance he got.
Ruggie wasn't happy with that, and the week after, when he was coming back from bringing Leona his lunch, he overheard a conversation ahead of him. Mob-kun was talking to mob-two and mob-three, who seemed to be staring at mob-kun expectantly.
"Are you ever gonna confess?" Mob-2 said, and Mob-3 nodded.
Mob-kun only sighed and smiled brightly, "I'll do it today, since we're in the same dorm I'll just go to his room and ask him to be my boyfriend," both mobs started an early celebration for the new couple on campus, without noticing the twitchy ears hiding around the corner.
Ruggie felt his heart beating loud in his ears as his body felt heavy and cold with anger and anxiety. He had to do something, he couldn't risk it.
He didn't want (M/n) to date Mob-kun, not now, not ever!
Ruggie started running his way back to their classroom, since (M/n) had to stay behind for something Trein-sensei told him to do, so he was hoping he would still be there.
And he was.
Walking into the classroom with loud steps, Ruggie's breath was heavy and ragged, his mind fuzzy and cloudy, not really planning what he was gonna do, he just did it.
(M/n) looked up from the pile of books he had to bring over, and he took a few steps closer to his best friend.
"Ruggie? What-?"
"Mob-kun is gonna confess to you later today and I can't allow that! You were my crush first, I fell in love with you first, I've known you for way longer than he, and, and..." With his (e/c) eyes opened wide in shock, (M/n) was only able to stare at Ruggie as his face flushed red, his blue eyes getting teary as he moved his arms around frantically, as if trying to get his point across, which he did but not because of his exaggerated, rapid movements, "I won't let him take you away from me! You're... You're mine and I should've done something to prevent this from happening but-"
Feeling his body getting covered with goosebumps as he processed what was being said to him, (M/n) started calling out Ruggie's name over and over again to no avail, he wasn't even paying attention anymore, spilling out all the words and feelings he had been bottling up for many years now. His small body was shaking, whether it was from adrenaline, anger, or anxiety, he wasn't too sure.
"Ruggie..." Sighing as he realized his attempts at getting his attention were futile, (M/n) stepped close enough to bring him closer by his waist, his other hand cupping Ruggie's face as he leaned down to kiss him.
Wide, bright blue eyes stared at him in surprise, and the moment their kiss broke the eye contact was inevitable, a darker red blush colored Ruggie's face as he snapped back to reality, realizing what just happened and everything he said without thinking.
His first instinct was to press his face against (M/n)'s chest instead of running away. He felt safe in his arms and it had been so long since the last time they hugged.
"Are you done now? I wanted to say something too, y'know?" Gently holding Ruggie's face, (M/n) made him stare up at him, the glossy look in his beautiful blue eyes made his heart pound faster and louder. He leaned down, pressing their foreheads together, and softly whispered, "I love you, Ruggie, I've always loved you... Since that day when you talked to me and asked me if I wanted to play with you."
Ruggie blinked, baffled at the confession. Has (M/n) really been in love with him for that long? Yes, he's always loved him, unconditionally, but he was too scared to say something earlier.
"And I'm... beyond happy to know that you like me back," hugging his smaller body, (M/n) hid his face in Ruggie's neck, even if he had to bend down a little further.
Smiling wide as happy tears ran down his face, Ruggie hugged (M/n) back, tighter than he's ever hugged him before.
"I'll never stop loving you, (M/n), so... we'll be happy forever."
Extended ending
"...Who's Mob-kun, by the way?" Ruggie blinked a few times before pulling away from their hug with a small chuckle.
"No one, now," holding onto (M/n)'s hand, Ruggie started heading to the door, "Let's go to the cafeteria before lunch break is over."
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uhhh i headcanon that kokichi is an emotional size shifter and that’s why he’s constantly lying and covering up his feelings
Ya mind reader I too have always thought emotional shifter fits Kichi sooO well why isn't anyone else mentioning it???
(ill talk here a lil more in the context of the killing game cuz eh) I kinda headcanon that even as an emotional shifter, Kokichi would cover up the 'emotional' part and present himself to the others as a shifter who can control his power no problemo. no need to even try to hide his sizeshifting, one second you're greeting a short highschool boy then you quickly glance away and look back at him and— wtf did he just grow a whole foot taller?? Boy's super proud of his power. I imagine in his student profile on the monopads his height would be listed as '???' cuz he's such a dumb hyper kid he can't stay at one height he's always a few inches taller of shorter than normal so no one (not even himself) knows his actual height 😔. I especially think he'd almost always stay on the shorter side since he likes the image of 'cute but scary lil' dictator' and being just a tad shorter than his classmates brings him a little bit of comfort for some reason. But I also think he'd lie about the extant of his ability like he'd never grow or shrink more than a few inches— a foot at most around his classmates and says that it's hard to push any further. Since there's no other shifter around they have to take his word for it. In reality he has little to no trouble shrinking to a few inches of height or growing tall enough the academy wouldn't have enough room for him. It sucks that he can't use his shifting around his classmates to pull his pranks and mess with them, but he wants to keep his secret as his own little adventage against the mastermind.
I imagine in this context the only time he'd stop messing around with his ability and keep something close to his natural height would be during murder/investigation/trial/execution like you said he has to keep his emotions in check lest he curls in on himself from sadness and shrinks till he gets lost in the courtyard's grass or burst out from anger and outgrow the school and wreck everything. And being an emotional shifter, it really helps that he can push the reset button to his feelings. However if he ever were to fail to control his shifting he'd quickly try to regain a hold of himself and play it off as a bluff and rush out of the trial room before anyone sees him shift any further (im especially thinking during Gonta's execution he'd be such a mess ouch. Then when he has to play villain again he goes against his emotions and instead of letting himself shrink from being so sad and heartbroken he forces himself to grow to match his villain persona and it hurts his body so much and he can barely handle the pain but he has to it's too late turn back and he's already written himself into the role of villainous Kokichi Ouma and succumbing to his sorrow and guilt is a luxury he can't afford at this point.)
But even with all his lying and covering up his feelings around his classmates I think that when alone in his room he'd just like, instantly drop on his bed only a few inches tall and shrinking smaller still. Just knowing that murders are still happening out there and he's failing his classmates so much makes him feel so small and helpless, and maybe, just maybe, it's alright for him to be that helpless and useless if he's just a tiny lil guy who can't do anything, maybe if he just becomes small enough for his blanket to swallow him whole then he won't have to bare the guilt of his failures and sins anymore. That lie is the only comfort he can cling onto in the killing game. poor guy 😔😔 someone please slap him
ahh last but not least I just… if he was a shifter that lil fucker COULD have lived thru chap five. Still with the context above if he kept his most extreme shifting hidden, after getting the antidote and Maki running off then he could have like… just gotten really really small so that there's enough antidote for the two of them. Ohhh boy, the image of it,,, Kaito on his knees coughing from his illness and the poison pumping in his veins, eyes wide as he stares far far far far down at at Kokichi who's standing at barely three inches tall struggling with the antidote bottle, and Kokichi, pointedly ignoring the eyes over his head and holding a shudder back. The silent moment of trust, seeing each other at their weakest and most vulnerable. Fcking friends sob sob
As for the body that goes under the press uhhh cw kinda gross but Kichi could just grow real real big and ehm cut off his finger like the yakuza or something. And again not to blabber any longer but can you picture that?? Can you picture Kaito staggering back into a corner as Kichi grows so large he has to curl in on himself to fit in the room, and the look they share??? Cuz I can and it's beautiful. After that they tend to his new injury and share an exisal for the trial 😳😳 and since no one knows about Kokichi's true potential they don't even think of his shifting playing a part in the plan so in the end the body discovery announcement is just wrong and no matter who they vote for they'll be wrong and both boys get to live dammit (well Kaito still dies pretty soon after but you get my point)
Anyway stan emotional shifting lil liar for a guarantee 30 years of happiness
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centralsaints · 4 years
im really just fucking sad. he used to be my favourite character. i remember him as kind and good friend, not an egoistic piece of whatever he is. even if he had problems he would always tell us about them in a calm way! not like this. and the way they talk about LITERAL cheating. “nothing wrong with flirting yeah. i decided to tell truth to my bf only because he almost fcking caught lmaooo” what kind of ass is that beemov
he used to be mine too but ul and ll are just........ like that. ruining every character in some kind of way i can’t even find the words to describes. i dont know if i’m gonna continue playing ll, it honestly doesnt spark joy
(also, about the cheating plot w alexy; it’s obviously shit ppl who cheat licherally what the fuck are they going, deserve to eat their socks until they find a good way to redempt themselves. but i’d say it’s? strangely in character. it is said in his bio, and introduced pretty early on in hsl that he is selfish, its in his personality. but like........THAT is not the way to explore a trait like that. idk. i feel like the cheating thing could be explored in some way that would get some character development, however beemov did no go down that route and are absolutely not handling it well or in a narratively satisfying way, or to make the characters grow. its just. idk. come at me if u want but lets also not forget that this is a game and u can’t cancel a fictional character. it all serves a plot, and the question is not “is it moral” it’s more “does it bring anything to the plot and does it gives character development” and the answer is no imo)
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werhynotu1974-blog · 5 years
AHAs and retinoids do very different things despite many people thinking they both just "exfoliate". That only true for AHAs, assuming we just talking about lower strength facial cleansers/toners/moisturizers/treatments and not peels. They loosen up the stuff on your face that holds all the gunk together on the skin and in your pores. Hair loss is complicated, and scientists are still trying to work out the bugs on why and how it happens. Pretty much all of them agree that MPB is usually genetic. Typically, loss begins above both temples, receding until a characteristic "M" pattern emerges. That doesn make it bearable though. However conflict is necessary for melodrama.rurunb 20 points submitted 3 months agoI really loved the first half I've never felt more single in my life.The second half was a shitshow. Why would she on a blind date? Why does he commit to moving to a different country without telling her first? Why did the father start to grow a backbone only to have it disappear in 30 mins? On top of that I felt like the last two episodes were so rushed. 2 points submitted 3 days agoi going into month 3 now and i am beginning to see a trend in terms of how my body holds water weight at different times in my cycle (i seem to get bloated around ovulation too, does this happen to any other women?)and STILL these times of the month roll around and i want to tear my hair out for a whole 진안출장샵 week, wondering wtf i been doing wrong, have i gotten lazier with counting than i thought, am i getting too comfortable with ordering delivery/eating out and underestimating, is my exercise having less of an impact on my deficit than i thought, etc. For two straight weeks out of the month it seems i just don lose anything at all, then maybe 1 2lbs the next, lather, rinse, repeat. It is so beyond frustrating because i feel like i can never really tell if im actually plateauing/doing something wrong or my body is just fcking with me. They also seem to cultivate a sense of superiority, making them believe they have it all figured out and us women who work outside the home are the dumbasses when we could just 'work the biz' from our phones like them. I don't doubt it feels empowering when you want to contribute to your family and feel accomplished, and that's what makes it scary. It just makes me sad when I see posts like this, on here and on my own Facebook or insta feed.. Creme This type of lipstick usually falls somewhere between mattes and glosses. Cremes contain more wax than mattes, so creme lipsticks protect the lips better than other types. Some long wearing lipsticks are very drying. So, why do we have a stereotype of Victorians as so stuffy and prudish they're having sex with all their clothes on? I'm going to offer two theories. The first is that the Victorians were great codifiers and classifiers. The Victorians might not have invented their ideas about sex from whole cloth they evolved from earlier ideas, but because they wrote the book, we think they invented it all.. I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled the game. I have uninstalled the game, restarted my phone and then reinstalled the game. I have also uninstalled the game, reinstalled the game, and cleared all game data and safari data and everything else I can think of. I hate mukbangs that 진안출장샵 are basically challenges to eat a ridiculous amount of food in one sitting. I not just talking a little bit of indulgence here. I seen mukbangs that are absolutely unbelievable in terms of the amount of food the person makes themselves eat.
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moogiwarah · 6 years
Yaoi/Shounen-ai ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ
I won’t be updating this post anymore hehe instead, newly read BL will be posted here (under the tag ‘rec’). Happy reading!
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💖•Fools (completed) -  A reeeeeaally good read!  💘 like,, saglitan ‘to sa’kin and I’m sad that it’s over :(((((((((( The seme is my dream guy,, actually i think he’s every girl’s dream guy, he’s so good. ✊️😞💯💜 (this is my wallpaper atm, they’re so cute talaga). 
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💖•Heesu In Class 2 (completed) -😍👌💜✊️😩💘 cute and so pure im,,, ugH orz. Nung natapos ko season 1 I fell in love with the story,, like PROTECT THEM OK THEY’RE SO FLUFFY AND PURE TALAGA aksjsdhjkjh
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•What Lies at the End (completed)-parang nanood ka ng short series 👌 good character and plot development. 
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•Raising a Bat (completed) -LIKE WATCHING A KDRAMA PRAMISSSS good sht esp. sa mga bandang dulo,, deals with realistic problems 💯👌.  /becomes a little mature as it progresses/
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•Unripened Expression (completed)-FOHTA LONG HAIR NG MC DITO NAKAKALOKA! Cute graphics! 👀
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•A Man Like You (completed) -THE ART 👌✨ ngl the seme is shady pero it's pretty damn interesting 👀 
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•Can't Take My Eyes Off You (completed) -ANG KDRAMA DIN NG DATING NETO SKL HAHAHA. It looks promising 👀👀 
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• 💖 For Your Love (ongoing)-VERY FLUFFY. I thought it was quite boring and nagagaguhan ako sa MC nung una pERO UGH IM SO GLAD I CONTINUED READING IT IS SO SWEET HUHU
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💖•Meeting Him (completed)- tHIS IS A CUUUUUUUUUUTE ONE. Especially the seme :(( the plot is clearly inspired from Kdramas, royal person from the past is suddenly transported to present day. However, despite it being completed maraming unresolved things abt the story in the end, yun lang downside for me haha. 
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•My Starry Sky (completed)-  A dramatic slice of life. It is veeeeery emotional. It is about two childhood friends and the progression of their friendship and feelings towards e/o. Not the usual na pampakilig type of romance but still a nice read nonetheless! 
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💖•19 Days (ongoing, shounen ai) -A CLASSIC 💯😂👌 the side couple MAKES ME SCREAAAAM ANG CUTE TALAGA NILA HAH JUST LOOK  👀 HUHU
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💖 •Men’s Wear Store and “Her Royal Highness” (ongoing, shounen ai) -HOYYY ANG CUTE NETO EWAN KO BA? TRIP NA TRIP KO ‘TOOOO HUHUHU CUTIE NILA GRABEHHH,, im not a fan of crossdressing pero this story made me see the light! hahaha pls read if u can it is really good 💜
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💖 •Here U Are (ongoing, shounen ai,,, for now? haha)-The art is soooooo fcking good ?? ugh 👌 yung story din? it is  👌 👌 👌 BACK THEN DI KO MASYADO TRIP TO TBH,, PERO NGAYONG BINASA KO YUNG LATEST CHAPTERS I FELL IN LOVE HUHUHUHU PLEASE READ THIS, THIS IS SOOOO GOOD :(( 💜
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asldjhasjkas in case u didn’t notice, lahat ng manhuas na nabasa ko love na love ko. i think the chinese peeps have a talent for creating great yaoi (art + story) ganon huhu ok skl
WEBTOON (all shounen-ai)
💖•That Awkward Magic! (ongoing)-aNG CUTE NG DALAWANG ITO AAAAAAA 💜 💜 💜 , one of the works wherein the seme is really, very, truly, boyfriend material. Dream boy ganon /sighs/ 
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•My Weird Roommate (ongoing) -yeeeees hit me with that cliche trope, we all need cliches 
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🔞👀 manhwa
💖•Killing Stalking (completed)-SO FUCKED UP BUT SO DAMN GOOD GRABE 😩👌 NO WORDS NEEDED 💯 i cried at the last chapter :))
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💖•Youjin (completed)-Such a good but short read! HAHAHAHA idk man nagenjoy ako dito ng bongga,, the only problem is that kokonti chapters and it’s already completed huhu. Highly suggested! 💜 
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• 💖 Love Is An Illusion (ongoing)-ABO dynamics! kala ko sa fanfics ko lang 'to makikita lol and the artwork is niiiiice! 👀👌 
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• 💖 Sign (ongoing)-The story is about a deaf cafe owner and a guy who has,,, like,,, a fetish for the deaf cafe owner’s voice akdjaskdh. It’s new and interesting 💜 
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•How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy? (completed) -THE DIALOGUES ARE SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. Nakailang screenshots ako dito. And,, idk ha para saken ang hot nung seme, like one of the hottest 😩🔥
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• 💖 BJ Alex (completed) -weLllLlL ang fanfic ng dating nito (i mean,,, handsome camboy is a campus crush? dibUH hahaha)
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•Lover Boy (completed)- ISANG TELESERYE,, DAMING PINAGDAANAN HAHAHA,, oh and Eunho (a main character) reminds me of Jungkook,, just sayin 👀 isa din tong gRaBeHh btw lol
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•From Points of Three (completed)-Mej madrama yung seme at uke dito, ewan ko sa kanila dami nilang alam HAHAHA,, but it’s entertaining lmaO. (there’s a threesome here, not too much tho, light lang. This ain’t polyamory tho, pero if di niyo trip yun, ayan nawarn ko na kayo haha) 
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•I'm Yours, Blood and Soul (completed) -type ko 'to, basta type ko siya hahaha it's an easy read for me hehe cutie 
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•My Last Love Scenario (completed) -Established relationship!! I read this before the prequel so mej bobo ako don hakhak. prequel
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•Wolf in the House (ongoing) -BEXAN! 💜 SIBERIAN HUSKY! uwu
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•Make Me Bark (completed) -a lighthearted read,, typical yaoi with good graphics u know hahaha
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💖Totally Captivated -  AHHHHH this manhwa got mE totally captivated grrrr. A yaoi that ACTUALLY works well with action. This is great if you want a lengthy read na di ka mabibitin! 
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manga (mostly 🔞)
💖•Ten Count -wooooop 👉👉👀👀👌👌 chos di lang yon ofc the plot got me hooked too, this is rly good!
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💖•Honto Yajuu (ongoing)- I LOVE THIIIIS GRABEE (icon ko sila d2 sa tumblr so halata naman jadhasdkh) THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS 😢 💜 ❤️🧡💛  My all time fave yaoi manga talaga (as of now)!! hehehe. As in, idk tuwang tuwa ako sa couple na ‘to because they show such a loving and healthy relationship hehe.
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💖•Yatamomo- pROTECT THIS COUPLE EWAN KO HA MOMO IS...UGHHHHH 😢💜 Comedy but if u look closer grabe basta huhu it might seem like comedy and sex pero sHUCKS SILA I LOVED THIS 🧡💛
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💖•Fushidara na Hanatsumi Otoko (completed)- This features a good relationship, likeable characters, and is very pleasing to read so it’s sad to know na mej underrated to huhu 😢💜 A very good read!! 💛
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💖•Gunjou no Subete- slightly painful but my heart felt fULL after reading this ahhhhh 💜
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•Labradorescence- A doctor and a photographer, ahh yes, slice of life of two adults uwu
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•Kocchi Muite Waratte- Co-workers!! Cute confessions and relatable inner dialogues!  💜
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•No.6 -A plot heavy story na di super focused on romance,, BUT IT’S THERE AND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER AND THE PLOT IS GOOD SOOOO yeah it’s a good read!
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•Super Lovers -aAaAaAH Ren the cutie pie uwu,, for those who are bothered by age gaps,, this ain’t for u lol. Also this is (kinda) slow burn! For those who don’t know what that is igoogle niyo nalang hahaha basta ayon, more on slice of life siya,, as in showing the daily lives of the characters etc. etc.
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•Jackass! -A fun and easy read hehehe and idk ha trip ko pagka drawing sa characters 👀👌
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💖•Sasaki to Miyano (ongoing)-  I AM IN LOOOOVE WITH THIS MANGA!! I LOVE IT WITH A PASSION 🔥💜 para siyang typical na tropahan ng guys sa anime bUT WITH ROMANCE,, yung SHOUJO MANGA type na romance huhuhu a must read! Warning tho, matagal tagal mag update :(( 
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💖•Yoidore Koi o Sezu (completed, yaoi)-  Saglitan sa’kin ‘to hahaha, it is very very very nice! Good romance, good sex, good story, aHhhh a good read! 💜
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💖•Shiba-kun to Sheperd-san (ongoing, yaoi)-  tHERE IS A CUTE DOG HERE GRABE GRRRR. PATI YUNG MAGJOWA DITO VV CUTIEEE. Kaso another one na mabagal bagal magupdate zzz but still! A cute read! uwu 
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💖•Sayonara Alpha (completed, yaoi)- ABO!Dynamics mej nakaka loka siya kasi parang kakatok na yung FBI maya maya sa pintuan habang binabasa ko ‘to asldjnanskjdadjjasjk. but don’t worry! hindi siya (totally) shotacon! AND I ACTUALLY LIKED HOW UNIQUE IT IS EWAN OK NAGENJOY AKO HAHAHA BASTA BASAHIN NIYO TO KNOW WHY TF IT IS SO UNIQUE HAHAHA. 
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💖•Itsuka koi ni naru made (ongoing, yaoi)- i think i have a thing for unrequited love between best friends asldjaskjdhadh. Ok ang cliche nito tbh pero iDK WE ALL NEED CLICHES EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE AND THIS IS A GOOD ONE hehez. 
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This has a sequel, and apparently it’s good! at nakakaloka completed ang sequel pero yung prequel hindi grr (di ko pa nababasa coz habang inuupdate ko to tsaka ko lang nalaman lmao): 
•Kazoku Ni Narouyo (mangarock says it’s ongoing, but mangago says it’s completed sO don ako sa completed HAHAHA)
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💖•Usagi Otoko Tora Otoko (completed)- HOY ANG PURE NITO. VERY WHOLESOME. GRABE MY HART OK. The couple is so precious and cute huhu PLEASE READ THIS IT IS GOOD FOR UR HEART :”(( 💜
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•Hatsukoi- The characters OBVIOUSLY look like kageyama and hinata, pero since the author used different names, hindi ko siya icoconsider na doujinshi out of respect hahaha. NAPUYAT AKO NETO COZ IT WAS INTERESTING AF. 
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💖 •(haikyuu!dj) Pinky Promise with My Boyfriend the King (completed, shounen ai) -BASAHIN MO FUUUUUUUUUUUKK SO MUCH MOE DLADASFASJDLASKJDAS
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•(haikyuu!dj) Hatsukoi Combat (one-shot, shounen ai)-AAAH ANG CUTE POTEK I LOVE KAGEHINA SO MUCH OK I HAD TO 😭
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•(haikyuu!dj) Tatoeba (one-shot, shounen ai), -FAVE PAIRING KO TALAGA KUROKEN SKL OK I LOVE THEM KASO DI GANUN KARAMI FANFICS and DOUJINSHI NILA :(( (one-shot)
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•(haikyuu!dj) Precious Inversion (one-shot, shounen ai) -AAH another cute one ugH KageHina is precious af ok,, appreciate ✊️😩 
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I hope you found something to your liking! 💜 Again, I will no longer be updating this post but for my new recommendations, I’ll be posting it under the tag: ‘rec’. Happy reading! 🙆💋
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clementineviolet · 7 years
my informal review of twdg episode 5
i’m warning you, this is extremely long
holy shit
let me just get this out of the way and rank the possible endings. 
first, lemme rank them by my personal character preferences, as in, the characters i want alive and happy are alive and happy: 
ANY ENDING WHERE CONRAD IS ALIVE (this is partly a joke but also not because when i saw conrad’s back in the final scene after exiting the church, i fucking SCREAMED)
kate and gabe alive, david dead: this entire season, I’ve felt this desire to keep Kate and Gabe safe and happy. I had to replay LOL but I’m very happy that I ended up with them alive and happy. 
gabe alive, kate missing, david dead: While I’m confused as shit about where the hell Kate is, there’s hope she could be alive, so this ending is up there
gabe and david dead, kate alive: this is it, the BAD ENDING. oh my gawdddd yall I don’t want my young nephew to dieeeee. WHAT THE FUCK LIKE SERIOUSLY
now, endings by level of just really fucking well-done, whether it be heart-warming or heart-breaking
gabe and david dead, kate alive: god. what a heartbreaking ending. gabe either having to kill himself or javi choosing to do it for him. gabe either giving clem his cards (and asking for multiple hugs ;__;) or getting a kiss right before its too late. GOD. it was so sad. one of the saddest deaths in twdg history
gabe alive, kate missing, david dead: I think everyone has mixed feelings about david, I know I do... But I think that’s a good thing! As someone with a sibling, watching David die in front of Javi made me tear up even though I spent a good chunk of this game wanting to wring David’s fucking neck... “Te quiero Gabriel, te quiero Mariana, te quiero Javier...” THAT got me. And Gabe stepping up to be the one to put him out of his misery. Augh. Pain. 
gabe and david alive (or david missing), kate dead: from a story point of view, having kate die is fucking sad but (especially if javi loved her), it’s especially tragic and full-circle-ish. And I just love how the relationship between Gabe and Javi is even stronger because of this tragedy
kate and gabe alive, david dead: While to me the happiest (aside from David’s very sad death...), it seemed a little too good to be true
The more negative parts of the episode
Ava’s death was a disappointment. She wasn’t an important character to Javi, but she was to Clem and to David... it was a let-down. 
Tripp’s death was better because he was meaningful to Javi, but they really glossed over his sacrifice.
I wish I could have seen a scene where Tripp and Eleanor reunited. I think the writers kind of left us hanging regarding their relationship? I was hoping Tripp would be able to talk to her again and Eleanor would try and give them a chance again
I wish Eleanor had gotten a scene at the end of the episode, even a brief one where she is walking with Lingard if he’s alive or just helping heal people up. I would like to have seen how she’d react to Javi and his group saving the day after all, and especially to Jesus’s suggestion that Javi take charge in Richmond.
Neutral parts of the episode:
They are setting up Clem’s journey for the next season with the lack of AJ, but I wish there had been something...
No Clem flashback scene! I’ve loved the flashbacks, but surprisingly, until I started writing this review I didn’t even realize we hadn’t played as Clem, not even once. I felt fully comfortable in Javi’s shoes and I’m sad to leave his POV behind! However, I am happy to be returning (assumedly) to Clem as the playable protagonist...unless they decide to pull a Tales from the Borderlands and give us 2 more equal protags (CHRISTA AND CLEM CHRISTA AND CLEM CHRISTA AND CLEM) 
The first part of the ep seemed kinda low stakes to me. I only started feeling like “ohhhh shit people I love are gonna die” when David ran off with Gabe, but thankfully I IMMEDIATELY felt dread when the Go after Gabe vs Go with Kate choice came up
THE COMPLEXITY OF OUR CHOICES. HOLY SHIT. I was NOT expecting how complex it would be? I don’t think anyone was. I still see people who are confused about what prior choices determine whether Clem chooses to stick with Javi, or whether Clem chooses to split up, or she chooses to go after Gabe or go with Kate no matter what. I also have no idea what triggers each of these decisions on Clem’s part. 
I like how the consequences of each of our choices is not immediately obvious when it comes to which ending we get. Like, in season 2, you know that if you killed Jane, you’re getting a Kenny ending or you can leave him behind. But if you go with Kate first, is she gonna die? Is Gabe gonna die? Is David gonna die? IT BLEW MY MIND
The little consequences of our past choices, such as: 
Clem calling us out for betraying her to Conrad in episode 2
Rufus from episode 1 showing up in episode 5 if we don’t kill him, but he’s bitten and his gal is messed up about it. Or seeing how Rufus’s death in episode 1 broke this poor gal
Lingard showing up at the end of episode 5 and telling Clem where AJ is.
Gabe’s death. It’s fucked up of me to enjoy his death but it was well-fucking-done. 
One of the most poignant scenes early on in the ep was that moment on the rooftop, where David and Javi had a heart-to-heart while standing on the ledge. It revealed so much about David - how he’s a traumatized soldier, pretty much, who believes he’s living off borrowed time. He’s got PTSD. He’s afraid he’s losing his family. He’s afraid of who he is, who he’s becoming.
THE JAVI-DAVID FIGHT SCENE. COME ON. Keeping your Pa’s promise is the BEST way to go. Honestly just so good. 
I’m just gonna go ahead and say the David scenes in general, because goddamn. Javi and David’s relationship was fucking complex and it was real
Clem and Gabe’s friendship moments. I KNOW I KNOW HOW FUCKING HETEROSEXUAL OF ME (IM A FCKING LESBIAN CALM DOWN) but I thought the scene with Javi calling out Clem and Gabe’s mutual crushes and giving his blessing was really damn cute. 
Jesus and Javi flirting, obviously, we all know how I feel about that already. Telltale got Jesus SO FUCKING WELL. I absolutely love when they tackle comic book characters. 
There’s probably so many things I’m forgetting but its midnight and I’m on an emotional rollercoaster. I’ll expand more in my general season 3 review
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