Need to know if this fic idea already exists. If it doesn't, SOMEONE PLEASE WRITE THIS.
Ok, so I just read "Harry Potter and the Asterous Wandmaker" by Aprotny on AO3, and it gave me ideas.
The basic premise is that Mary Grayson was a friend of Lily Potter who agreed to look after Richard for a few days while Harry was sick, as Richard was a newborn and they didn't want to risk him getting ill as well, but then they die and the Greysons end up adopting Richard for real and raising him until Canon DC events occur. Shenanigans ensue that lead to Harry moving in with Bruce at 15 and Voldie is killed early.
My thought was, what if it was this, but with Maddie. So Maddy takes on Daniel, and a miscommunication occurs that leads to her believing Harry died with his parents. Due to her being a squib, she only tangentially knows about the wizarding world, and this is what fuels her desire to study ectobiology. She KNOWS they're real. She just has to prove it.
The only other person who knew about Danny was Peter, and due to some small sliver of loyalty, he never told anyone about him. Harry finds out in the Forbidden Forest when he's walking to his death as his parents tell him they can watch over Danny's life together or something, and sets off to America once he'd recovered after the battle.
Harry could be Master of Death and help Danny out with his ghost battles
Harry could set off all the ecto-alarms in the house, causing the boys to gaslight the Drs. Fenton into thinking that it's going off due to them being British born or due to magic
Danny could be a squib, which is what helped him survive the accident
Harry could arrive pre portal/ just after it happened
If Harry is 18, he might fight for custody of Danny, due to the house being unsafe for him to live there
Opportunity for billionaire vs billionaire showdown when Harry finds out what Vlad is doing to Danny
Danny could tell everyone Dani is a Potter and get her an official identity through the goblins, this could be how Harry finds out about Plasmius being Masters
For a bonus, if you want to add in the DC universe, John Constantine could be a squib relation thriving the Black family, or a relation through the Evans family. The older brother that Petunia pretended she didn't have
I just really don't have time to write this but it won't leave my head.
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zerogravityinq · 7 months
Ironbat (Batman x Iron Man) is great but consider....MagicBat
Harry Potter x Bruce Wayne
Dead parents rich orphans club let's gooooo
Also if Harry was also a vigilante the funniest fucking thing is people mistaking him for a Robin. Like Batman trying to calm is 5ft 6 pillar of magical rage husband before just giving up and just picking up Harry under one arm and legging it to the nearest zeta tube.
Harry not being a vigilante and does not approve of the robins (because he was a child soldiers and like fuck yes gonna approve of more) and just giving Bruce the most shit for letting the kids hop around Gotham. Like when they are older it's fine but under seventeen, he will not fucking hesitate and will kidnap these kids if he has to. You may be pretty Bruce but not that pretty
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zerogravityinq · 6 months
So I had a thought
In Harry Potter there are a good amount of mixed people (not just racially) like half giants, half goblins, people with veela blood, a child with a werewolf parent, etc.
So ya know how I am doing an hpxdc crossover series?
What if Lex, frustrated about being unable to make a stable superclone, somehow got Harry's DNA and made Conner that way? Like Wixen are super compatible with other beings that are human shaped but are humans themselves.
So Harry ig goes to Gringotts to set up something for Tim and the goblins are like what about your other kid and he's like what other kid???
So finding out about Conner and what lex did and if Clark acts all idk this is weird Harry is like Bruce we got a free Baby! He doesn't even ask Clark for child support but he does ask if he wants visitation
Now that send me down like does Conner have magic? Does he go to Hogwarts or Illvermony because lex didn't know Harry is a wizard (he knew he used Magus DNA but thought he was like Zantanna and Harry is fucking offended) and he doesn't know about the wizarding world so Harry has to speed teach Conner (who is a fast learning baby "omg baby you are so smart just like your brother!" "Which one?" "Jason, obviously!""?????isn't he...adopted???")
The way Tim would be jealous Con gets to go to magic school and oh God what house to put this boy in??? I have never been super into kon so maybe Slytherin or Gryffindor. He's smart but doesn't seek knowledge like Jason or Bruce or Tim does. He is a hard worker but like he doesn't give Hufflepuff like Dick does. He is cunning sometimes like a Slytherin but it would be funny if he's the only one of Harry's kids to go to Gryffindor lmao
I still don't know if I want to ship him with Tim or m'gann. Maybe he stays single or God forbid he gets with a Weasley lmao. Oh God if he got with Rose Granger Weasley or like Tim and Rose fight over him while Hugo just swoops in and steals him lmao
I have thoughts okay?
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zerogravityinq · 7 months
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I am so passionate about this and also I never find a fict where Gotham has magic. Like Gotham is a sentient spirit, sure. The Wayne's/Kanes are magical nobility, fine. Robins going to Hogwarts for whatever reason, weird flex but ok.
BUT NEVER Gotham has a magic district.
I mean it could be that I am looking in the wrong places and the few HPxDC ficts I have read or follow take place in England but come ON.
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zerogravityinq · 6 months
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Made this in obsidian (which I am using to outline and write my ficts now) and this is the Potter Wayne family tree in my verses (the main HPxDC crossover one and the secondary hpxdcxdp one as well) as I have thought them up so far.
Spoilers obviously if you are keeping up with my Memoirs of Magus series (going to link later since AO3 is down rn) and anticipating the Spooky Baby series
I want to tie in some more HP characters (low key want Teddy Lupin to get with Babs but idk) but I never considered any of the next gen characters because I only read the books and watched the main movies so I am wilfully blind to cursed child and fantastic beasts canon.
Duke isn't in here not because I forgot him but because he isn't adopted, he has his parents since the joker was killed way before he hurt them. He is still being mentored (because Duke is a meta boyo) and Abigail considers him a big brother 🥰
As for other people in the Batfam that aren't vigilantes or aren't directly related (Alfred, Jim Gordon, the foxes, Harley, ivey, Harvey dent, azreal, Talia, Selina, Carrie, bette, etc) either o haven't worked out their place, their backstory is different with the addition of HP, or I have something planned for them later on in the story I don't want to reveal yet.
Also this map was getting too damn big.
So yeah ask questions, comment and I will post this in the drabble collection once AO3 is back.
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zerogravityinq · 6 months
Me: *swears I am going to focus on other characters but in my hpxdc crossover that ain't jason*
Me at me: write heart wrenching story about Tom remembering his life as Voldemort and being traumatized by it. A Christmas gift to yourself.
Me: (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠) Yes.
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