#hq halloween special
pfpanimes · 7 months
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⌕ haikyū!! - 🎃.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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klwl-truck · 8 months
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The Guess monster 👹
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
A Trick For a Trick (A Haikyuu!! Halloween Special)
Written by me / Art by @skribblz
A/N: TADA!! We've done it again, but this time for Halloween! My good buddy skribblz and I thought it would be fun to collab again over the summer, but life kept happening (on my end at least), so we postponed it to be a Halloween thing instead. We wanted to focus on the girls for this one, and this is the result! LOOK HOW CUTE HER ART IS!! We hope you enjoy! Happy Halloween! ^^
Word Count: 2,448
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“HALLOWEEEEEEN!” Hinata yelled at the top of his lungs, barreling through the doors of the spookily decorated gym dressed as a blue crayon of all things. Just a pace behind him came Kageyama, huffing and puffing and looking very much like he needed a drink, though Yachi thought to herself upon observing his vampire costume that she hoped he didn’t want blood.
“The chaos has arrived,” Kiyoko murmured pleasantly as she finished putting out the paper cups and plates and plastic utensils on the snacks table, all of which were various shades of orange, purple, black, and white to fit the theme of the evening.
Yachi smiled first at the two boys, then at her upperclassman, for whom she’d be taking over as team manager soon. “Things are sure to get pretty lively now that they’re here.”
“Honestly, I’m more surprised that Noya and Tanaka haven’t been hovering around us at all so far. It’s a little suspicious, really.” The taller girl surveyed the table, frowned, and then snapped her fingers. “Oh! We need napkins, especially for a group of teenage boys. There should be a few rolls of paper towels in the supply closet; could you get them, Yachi?”
“Of course,” the blonde replied, happy to be of use. She hurried toward the back of the gym where the supplies were kept, sliding open the door. The light from outside was enough to illuminate the interior while she searched, though for some reason the paper towels seemed to be the only thing she couldn’t find.
Just as her eyes landed on them – on the top shelf, of course – a shadow fell across her from behind and someone grabbed her shoulders, yelling right into her ear.
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Yachi screamed and dropped to the ground, whirling around to see Noya standing over her in his samurai costume, looking surprised and amused and even a little guilty all at the same time.
“Sorry, Yachi,” he said with a tiny giggle, offering her a hand. “I just wanted to startle you; I didn’t think I’d scare you so bad.”
“W-Why would you do that?” she asked in a trembling voice, taking his hand and allowing him to pull her back to her feet. “That was so loud!”
Noya rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to really scare you. But I mean…you look kinda cute when you’re freaked out, you know?”
Yachi pressed her lips together and punched him before she could even think about it, surprising the both of them. “You’re the worst.”
“I’m sorry!” Noya laughed, rubbing his chest where she’d hit him. “What’re you doing in here, anyway? The party’s outside.”
“Kiyoko and I are still finishing setting up. I came in here for paper towels, but…” She looked up at the top shelf where they sat.
Noya followed her gaze. “You need help reaching them?”
She gave him an odd look. “No offense, Noya, but…you’re not much taller than me.”
“So? I’m a volleyball player. I can jump.” As if to prove his point, the libero leapt into the air, grabbed onto the top shelf, and grunted, “How many do you need?”
“Ah…four?” Yachi replied, then scrambled to catch them as he began to slide them off the shelf at her. When she had four in her arms, Noya landed back on the ground, flushed from exertion but beaming all the same. “T-Thank you, Noya.”
“Anytime. Now come on! Finish setting up so you can join the fun, Yachi!”
“I think that about does it,” Kiyoko said twenty minutes later, nodding in satisfaction at the hard work they’d done. The table looked great – very colorful and decorative for Halloween, with cobwebs and little plastic bats and spiders completing the look. There was everything from healthy snack foods to the typical candy one would usually have at this time of year, as well as a few different types of punch bowls.
“I’m surprised the boys haven’t tried getting into anything yet,” Yachi commented, glancing over her shoulder at the Karasuno volleyball club, who were deep in some kind of competition from the looks of things.
Kiyoko watched them, too, a fond gaze settling over her features. “For all of their antics, they do genuinely want to be helpful when they can, even if that means staying away for a while when I ask them to. You’d be surprised to learn how much they respect you already, let alone how much more when I’m gone next year.”
Yachi pressed her lips together. She didn’t want to think about next year, when she’d be all on her own.
All of a sudden she felt a light tickle along her neck, and Tanaka cried, “Look out, Yachi! There’s a spider on you!”
For the second time that night Yachi screamed, flailing and swatting at her neck to rid herself of the aforementioned creature. It took her a moment to realize Tanaka was bent over at the waist laughing.
“Ahahaha! Your face!” he teased, standing upright and holding one of the little spider decorations from the table up for her to see. “I was joking; it was just one of these. You’re good.”
“Tanaka,” Kiyoko scolded. “That was uncalled for. Yachi and I worked hard to get this party set up for you all, and this is how you thank her?”
Tanaka suddenly looked genuinely apologetic. Yachi scanned his costume. She vaguely recognized it as being a Marvel character of some kind, but she didn’t know which one exactly. She wasn’t into superheroes.
“I’m sorry,” he said now, drawing her attention back to him. “I was just trying to be funny.”
“What is it with you guys?” Yachi exclaimed, unable to help how her voice wavered a little. “First Noya, then you? I know this is a Halloween party, but I didn’t want to be scared to be here.”
Before anyone else could open his or her mouth, Hinata came barreling toward them, looking ridiculous but also super cute in his crayon costume. “Hey guys! Can we eat yet? Whoa, Yachi, why do you look like you’re about to cry? What’s wrong?”
Kiyoko sighed, adjusting her glasses. “Apparently Tanaka and Noya got it in their heads that it would be fun to scare Yachi. She’s a little shaken up.”
“Hey! That’s mean!” Hinata cried, whirling around to point an accusing finger at Tanaka. “Yachi’s a sensitive soul! You can’t do that to her! Remember how bad Kageyama and I freaked her out when we got into that big fight before?”
Tanaka was looking more and more chagrined as time went on. “I know, I know. I thought it would be funny, but it wasn’t. I’m really sorry, Yachi.”
Yachi hated all of this attention. She wanted it off of her as quickly as possible. So she nodded and said, “It’s okay. I’m fine.”
Kiyoko stepped forward and put an arm around her shoulders, giving the second-year boy a hard stare. “The food is ready for you guys to get into whenever you’d like. I’m going to take Yachi out for a little air. Do not make a mess of this gym.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tanaka replied quietly while Hinata whooped and hollered, “FOOD’S READY!!”
Before the rest of the Karasuno volleyball club could invade their space, Kiyoko steered Yachi away.
“I’m fine, really,” Yachi told her once they were safely sitting on the steps leading into the gym, the loud noises coming from within a comfort now that she wasn’t directly in the middle of it. “I just wasn’t expecting to be a target tonight. Maybe I should have known better.”
“They’d never dare do that to me. They shouldn’t have dared with you, either,” Kiyoko replied, frowning. “And after I’d just gotten done saying they respected you.”
“It’s because I’m not as tough as you are. They probably see me as fresh meat.”
“That’s not it.” The older girl gave her arm a reassuring squeeze. “They like you, and that’s what boys do when they like you. They pick on you. If you want to make sure it doesn’t become a regular thing, you’ll have to put your foot down. But once you do, they’ll back off. They’re good about that – well, most of them are.” She rolled her eyes, thinking of the two boys who had come after her mentee tonight. “But they mean well.”
Yachi worried her bottom lip between her teeth, mind racing. She wasn’t going to be able to put her foot down with these guys – there was no way. She wasn’t strong enough for that, and next year she’d have to do it all by herself, and—
“What do you want to do about it?” Kiyoko asked her.
Yachi blinked back to reality. “Huh?”
“Since the coaches aren’t here, we’re allowed to punish them for acting out if we feel it’s necessary.”
“Oh, no! I don’t want to do that – they’re just having fun, and I just don’t like being scared. I know they didn’t mean it—”
“Punishment doesn’t have to be harsh, you know.” Kiyoko’s smile had become a little playful. “You know how the boys go after each other for stuff, don’t you?”
Yachi’s eyes widened. She blushed. “Y-Yeah, but…I don’t think I can do that, either.”
“It’s whatever you want to do, if you want to do anything at all. Personally I think they deserve a good scolding, but you’re their new manager. You’ll have to decide how you want to handle these situations going forward. There will be plenty of them, trust me.”
The blonde considered this. She knew it was true, and though it only made her worry more, it also lit a fire in her knowing that she’d be the one in charge next year. She’d have to make decisions like this, and she might as well start now, while she still had a little guidance.
“What if…what if we asked the third-years to teach them a lesson?”
Kiyoko smiled. “You know Noya and Tanaka will be third-years next year.”
“Oh, right.” Yachi reconsidered. The more she thought about it, the more she realized maybe she did want to do something hands-on herself after all. “Then…what if we ask them to just…hold them for us?”
“While we dole out punishment?”
Kiyoko looked both proud of her and eager to get started. “I think that can be arranged.”
“Would you…do it with me?”
“Absolutely I would.”
Yachi beamed. “Which one do you want?”
The night went on uninterrupted. The boys played games and had a costume contest and ate nearly everything on the table, which made cleanup a lot easier on the girls, so they weren’t complaining. They even put everything in the trash where it belonged. The gym looked as good as could be expected after ten teenage boys had torn through it for four hours.
But as the night wound down to a close and before anyone could go home, Kiyoko got their attention.
“This is the third-years’ last Halloween party,” she said, plowing forward before anyone could start to think too much about it, “which means next year at this time, Yachi will be the one in charge of making sure everything is put together for you. She worked hard tonight, but a couple of you decided to be jerks to her.” Here she made hard eye contact with Tanaka and Noya, who flinched. “We won’t tell the coaches and are willing to let it slide, on one condition that Yachi herself has decided.”
Everyone looked at the younger girl, who flushed under their attention. “I-If a couple of you wouldn’t mind holding them for us, Kiyoko and I would like to, uh…get a little revenge.” She hesitated a moment, then wiggled her fingers to get her point across.
For a moment there was total silence.
Then everyone was rushing to be the ones to grab Tanaka and Noya before they could make a break for it. Yachi was startled by their enthusiasm but also relieved and encouraged by it, and she and Kiyoko shared smiles with each other as the boys fought it out. In the end, Asahi had Noya easily restrained with his much bigger stature, and Kageyama and Daichi held Tanaka.
“W-We’re sorry, Yachi,” Noya said quickly, blushing furiously just knowing he was about to be at either her or Kiyoko’s mercy within seconds. “At least, I am. I wasn’t trying to scare you; I just wanted to make you jump a little.”
Yachi smiled at him as she approached. “I know. That’s why I’m letting Kiyoko have Tanaka. She’ll be meaner than I will.”
Tanaka sputtered apologies as well, but all of it was useless. Soon both he and Noya were laughing and struggling against their captors as the girls took out their tickly revenge on them, sharing secret smiles with each other as they did so.
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“Remember,” Kiyoko said over the roar of their hysterics, “this was Yachi’s idea. She’s your manager now, not me. Treat her well and maybe you won’t suffer the same fate!”
“Yes, ma’am!” the rest of the boys chorused, all of them grinning at the scene before them and at the girls.
Yachi – for her part – felt a wave of affection crash over her, both from the boys to her and from her to them. Her fingers danced along Noya’s torso, drawing out screechy giggles from the libero while Tanaka laughed and pleaded for Kiyoko to stop beside her. The blonde let her victim go first, then hugged him when Asahi unhanded him.
“You know we got your back, right?” Noya said through residual giggles, flashing her a genuine smile. “We really like you, Yachi. I hope you know that.”
“I do,” she replied, reaching out to squeeze Kiyoko’s arm as a way to let her know she should probably let Tanaka free as well. She looked back at him and returned his smile. “I like you guys, too.”
Kiyoko stepped up beside her and gave her a little nudge. “Well done handling the situation, team manager.”
Yachi blushed and brushed her hair behind her ear, grinning first at her then at all of the boys. “Well, uh…Happy Halloween, everyone. Make sure you have everything you need before you go home.”
The boys chorused a combination of “yes ma’am” and “Happy Halloween!” back at her, and Yachi felt a rare moment of confidence that maybe she could do this. Maybe she could manage these boys once Kiyoko was gone.
Yes, she decided as she watched them all double-check that they’d cleaned up properly and had their coats and other items as she’d suggested before calling goodnight to her. I’ve got this.
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wettestnjaay · 5 months
Love your stranger things work!! 🤤😍
VOL. 1 - [ MALE ~ !PART1 ]
INCLUDES: Thor Odinson, Peter Parker { TOM & ANDREW }, Steve Rogers `Captain America, Tony Stark `Iron Man, Dr. Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Eddie Brock/Vemon, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner/Hulk (MORE IF REQUESTED)
WARNING: these are links that contain porn, sexual activities.. so be aware.
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THOR feels like heaven when u ride him .
THOR loves it when you worship him to beyonce <3 !
THOR pounds inside of u in the closet next to the meeting room .
THOR like some wild shii, and ur just here for it .
PETER always wanted to eat you out, and you finally let him .
PETER1 & PETER2 both came too help u release some stress .
PETER doesn't like u teasing him at school, so he fucks u at home.. long and hard
PETER failed his mission, and needs you .
STEVE loves it when you use him as your person dildo .
STEVE loves ur special halloween costume he even fucks u in it .
STEVE is madly in love with your tight little pussy, he wants to cum inside u and fill u all the way up all the time .
STEVE can fuck you all night long, he doesn't care.. he js needs you wants u and has to feel ur insides, he wants your legs shaking and everything inside of u.
TONY will fuck you anywhere in the avengers hq, he doesn't give a fuck .
TONY will never let u bath in peace, u have to be full of his cock .
TONY special bday present, he's been dying for this .
TONY breeds you full, not letting a single one of his kids fall out of ur prefect pussy hole .
DR. STRANGE find u in the kitchen and place u on to his dick .
DR. STRANGE loves the feeling of their cum spill inside of u .
DR. STRANGE wants u to jerk him off and keep eye contact .
DR. STRANGE can't keep his hands off of u when ur riding him sooo good .
EDDIE is a real softy when your on top of him .
EDDIE randomly pops in at your apartment and fucks u brainless standing up .
EDDIE & VEMON always take care of u, ur their little baby and fuck toy .
EDDIE/VEMON has u bouncing babbling and more on his dick .
LOKI has been mad all day, & what's better than release all his anger out on u ?
LOKI always wants it raw, as soon as u wait up, as soon as your home.. anywhere.
LOKI thinks he should start punishing you more after this .
LOKI has to fill u up with his cum before leaving on a mission .
BUCKY has attachment issue.. he has to show u that he loves u and he has to be close by u, he has to b deep inside u .
BUCKY does not play with it comes to creampies and backshots .
BUCKY doesn't think u can handle him, so u show him u can .
BUCKY will never stop breeding u, ur gonna b his little momma someday .
BRUCE always lets u take control, because your is prefect girl ^^ .
HULKS dick straight in ur cunt, over and over and over .
BRUCE wants u bouncing on his dick while natasha watches and help .
BRUCE gets a promotion and wants u to make u happy .
©️ trustynjaay
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busra-tr · 8 months
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13 Options
Adult-Elder-Teen-Young Adult
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
New Mesh
All Lods
Custom thumbnail
Early Access ( Avaible 18.11.2023)
**-Please do not re upload or claim as yours feel free to re color but do not include the mesh .
I hope you like them.  ♥
💖 You can check out my Patreon for special cc and other early access content. 💖-
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plazasims · 2 years
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New mesh
For male/female
Full body
HQ compatible  
Set contains: 
Demoness dress, wings, horns and tail
Vampire suit
Pirate suit and hat
Alice dress and headdress
Palespooky suit
Pumpkin suit and hat
Witch suit (emission and normal version), hair and hat
Dominion suit, horns, hair and claws
credits @magic-bot 
special thanks to @libre-mar for help with hair texture and tattoos
Thanks for supporting me <3
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osleeplessflowero · 18 days
Oneshot Masterpost
A collection of my oneshots! Series gradually being updated. These links are specific to Tumblr, BUT I have also posted quite a few of these on my Ao3! I also have fics on there, which I will also be making a masterpost for + uploading the chapters to tumblr.
🏡Neighborhood Series🏡
A series of randomized oneshots that take place in the same universe, a timeline where the skeleton duos all live in their own houses in a singular neighborhood.
In order(with links attached):
🌠Stargazing (Classic Sans! First oneshot I wrote.)🔭
✨Back To You (Also Classic Sans, takes place a little bit after the former.)💤
🏍Stress Relief (Fell/Red! I need to write him again..)💢
📻Close (Blue/Reader) [I don't really like this one that much anymore but I'll keep it up for any that do]🎵
🏖Beach Day (Swap Bros!)🌊
🛍First Meeting (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)🐾
☕️Relax. (Fell Papyrus/Edge!)❄️
🪓Scare Actor!Horror🎃
A series mainly themed for Halloween where Reader has a chance encounter with Horror while going to a Haunted House with their partner. Takes place in a Post-Pacifist Horrortale timeline, so Horror goes by Sans.
Part 1: Scares and a Sudden Friendship🎃🪓
Part 2: Coffee Hangout☕
Part 3: New Experiences // Meeting Papyrus!🥄
📖Fairytale Series🪄
A series of miscellaneous fairytale-based scenarios featuring your favorite skeletons. Some may have connections to others!
👑King!Nightmare/Ruler!Reader(Start of a Bad Sanses series)💢
🌹King!Dream/Ruler!Reader (An alternate timeline to the former concept)🪄
An AU where Stretch and Blue live on a ranch and work as cowboys. The other skeletons ARE present in other areas, but this mainly just focuses on Stretch and his growing relationship with Reader. Could be considered Farmtale inspired.
🥃Part 1: howdy.🍯
🐴Part 2: Going for a ride🏇
💚Nightmare/Multiverse Traveler!Reader✨
An endless game of Cat and Mouse, where Nightmare chases Reader across the Multiverse in order to finally be with them. Mutual pining, we love to see it!!
🎭Part 1: Chasing🌌
🌺Part 2: Blooms. (Angst)🥀
🖤Bad Sanses Shenanigans🔪
A collection of scenarios with everybody's favorite villains.
🎃Pumpkin Carving! (was originally a part of a now cancelled Halloween writing challenge series.)🔪
☃️Snow Day! (Christmas Special)🌨
🛝i'm here. (Dust Comfort)💜
🔪"Knife" To Meet'cha (Killer/Reader #1)🍻
🌹Falling For Ya (Killer/Reader #2(?) ) 🌃
A scenario where Reader is an amalgamate of several different Reader souls, and is hopelessly in love with Science/Classic? Sans.
🧪Part 1: me and the amalgamate i pulled by being a punny guy 🔒
Standalone Oneshots
Oneshots that haven't been made into series yet/are intended to be by themselves.
☔️Chance Encounter (Dream/Reader)🚍
🎶Dream/Fem Reader (Requested)🌳
💌Messages + Confessions (Error/Reader)📄
🫧Into The Sea (Merman!Blue/Reader)🌊
☕Home (Cross/Reader)🏠 (Requested)
Star Sanses HQ Shenanigans(Star Sanses & Reader [Platonic]) (Requested)
Flirting With Death (Reaper/Immune!Reader) (Requested)
🎡Carnival Date (Classic!Papyrus/Reader) (Requested)🧣
😱Frightening New Friend (Horror!Papyrus & Reader)🎃 [Halloween Special]
🌊A Light In The Depths (Mer!Nightmare/Reader)🤿
My oneshot requests ARE OPEN if you would like to submit one, you can check out my rules post here! (You can send requests via Ask(Preferred) or here in the comments if you'd like.) Happy reading!
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kairiscorner · 9 months
Yes it me again. I just realized something....... it's the start of the four "embers" (for context for non Filipinos, Filipinos would start decorating/getting ready for Christmas this early in the month). With that in mind how would Miguel react to filipino reader starting to get ready for Christmas.
Bouns: if she started to decorate HQ and every spider is like "its September still"
bhie i was actually thinking of making this, YOU BEAT ME TO IT !!! pero here ya go !!
―୨୧⋆ ˚ the ber months are coming. – miguel o'hara x filipino!reader
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"whenever i see girls and boys seeing lanterns in the streets..." you sang along with the singer whose voice was reverberating out into your earphones as you merrily decorated HQ with your webs all creatively styled to look like wreaths, ribbons, stars, and... interestingly enough, you could depict reindeer pulling santa's sleigh with your webbing alone. you smiled and swung to and fro the entire building of the spider society, having gotten up in the late hours of the evening to do this, you wanted to make sure that by the minute the clocks chimed at midnight–the whole building would be decorated from head to toe in beautiful, twinkling lights, hung up by webbed up decorations made by you, of course.
as you finished at exactly midnight, you happily admired your work from afar; inspecting it all at a broader distance, and practically skipping happily back to bed with a heavy heart that was overflowing with excitement on what the other spiders would think of your decorating in preparation for the ber months. the next day, many were asking themselves what the webbed up decorations were for–with pavitr and hobie smiling at the intricately designed webbed santa with all nine reindeer pulling santa's big sleigh through the webby snow.
"alright, geniuses, what's all this for?" miguel asked as he walked into the room, already exhausted before the cleanup even began. you smiled and explained to miguel that this was you preparing for the holidays. "holidays? it's not even halloween yet." he told you as the other spiders admired your craftsmanship, feeling tempted to make their own snowy paradise on the very floor you were all standing on right now with their webs.
you folded your arms over your chest and chuckled. "yeah, but the ber months have to be celebrated. we count them down until the very day itself! it's much nicer knowing it's only a matter of months until we can all get back in the mood for the jolliest time of the year, don't you think so, miggy?" you asked him as you walked closer to him, making him sigh since he couldn't deny that you were extremely hard to resist when you were so bright eyed and all smiles. "fine, but after the holidays, you're cleaning this up." he told you as you gently took his arm in your hands. "thanks, miggy, for letting me keep them up." you told him with a bright smile as miguel got a bit taken aback by how adorable you seemed like this. "whatever..." he muttered as he furrowed his eyebrows even more, trying to stop himself from getting all flustered about you.
the next thing on your to do list for ber months prepping was to get everyone gifts–now you already knew what to gift nearly everybody else, save for... miguel himself. you took this as a challenge and didn't want him to spend another year with a generic mug or paperweight as a gift; you wanted it to be special for him this time... just what exactly are you going to get him this year, hmm?
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @hearts4gabri @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold @smokeywhalee @capnshtfce
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nana-studio · 8 months
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Special gift (Bunny Girl set)
Happy Halloween !!
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
Make Hobie go PINK! (Halloween Special)
Halloween has arrived and everyone in HQ had this fun idea to dress up or wear some sort accessory as an excuse to dress up. "Happy Halloween!" Peter 616 said out loud being dressed as cozy big black bear holding a big bowl of candy.
"Happy Halloween!" Mayday dressed up as Merida from Pixar's Brave having a bow and arrow strap on her back. Her long wavy red hair had been perfectly curled by her mom.
"Awe, so cute!" The Spider-women came by to take one piece of candy from the bowl as they made comments about the father and daughter Spider-heroes.
Spectacular Spider-man stood with one hand on his hip, "Ohh, I see now. I get it, from the movie! Took me awhile putting together the idea."
"Hah, I thought why not make it a twist? Instead of the mom being the bear, it's the dad?" Peter shrugs.
"Not cool as me!" Ben Riley came in dressed up as Batman, "I am the Dark Knight." Trying to put on a menacing voice.
"Easy soldier." Jess appeared with her son, who's dressed as Michael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The Spider-woman dressed up as Tinker-bell.
"No, I am Batman!" Ben uses his deep voice getting way into character.
"And I'm Michelangelo!" Gerald stood in a mighty pose and uses his nunchucks to pull off his costume.
"Oh wow, you guys dress up so cool!" Gabriella appeared having to dress up as Mirabel from Encanto, she even wore fake green glasses. Her dad behind her wearing a large green cloak.
"Somebody is Bruno." Peter chuckles.
"Shhh, we don't talk about Bruno." Jess teased.
Ben sang, "No. No. No! We don't talk about Bruno!"
"We don't talk about Bruno!" Mayday, Gerald, and Gabriella sang out loud. Everyone in HQ knows the movies and sang out loud, "NO. NO. NO! We don't talk about Bruno!"
Miguel grunts having his green cloak on him, "Oh ha-ha, very funny! I only did it because Gabriella told me to be Bruno."
"Yeah. because papá is like Bruno; always in a dark room and hiding! And very sleepy lookin', too." Gabriella giggles as she twirls around to show off her pretty skirt.
"Awe, you guys are so cute!" Lupe appeared with her apprentices; Billie 1613 and Mariana 1022. Their masks were off being comfortable to show off their faces.
"Awwweee, such cuties!" The two girls behind Lupe awed.
Lupe looks at Miguel and grins widely, "Are you gonna tell me, my future, Mr. Canon?"
Lyla in her avatar pop out dressing as Peppa, "Hehehe, careful he'll go into hiding."
Miguel 928 gave a weak scowl before he saw Lupe's cat ears, "Aye, at least I dressed up."
"Nah, I'm not paying sixty dollars for a costume." Lupe laughs, then did a fake purr, "Meow. Do you like it, Miguelito?"
"Pfft, Tacky."
"Are you Catwoman, Lupe!" Gabriella asked looking at her ears.
"Maybe or a cat in general." The Spider-woman twisted her lips into a wide smile. "Its subjective."
"It's a poor excuse for a costume." Miguel mutters while he spend weeks making this Bruno costume and his daughter's costume.
"Oh Gabriella, your costume is so cute! So is May's!" Billie 1613 said happily with her hands clasp together, "I'm going to dress up as Ariel!"
"Your gonna be a princess, too!" Gabriella gasps with her eyes widen like they had sparkles in her eyes.
"Huh uh! I got this pretty blue dress for it." Billie giggles.
"I'm dressing up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast." Mariana smiles with joy.
"Oh, I wanna see it." Mayday stomp her foot on the ground, "I bet you'll look very pretty, Mariana!"
"Oh thank you, I will at the party." Mariana said happily, "Did you know Miguel 970, also said he's dressing up a character from Beauty and the Beast!"
"Oh wow, I guess the O'Haras have some weird power, because Gabriel told me, he's planning to dress up as Prince Eric." Billie said being naive.
Lupe crosses her arms then giggles, "Oh really, they both suddenly decided to be a character from a movie you two picked?"
"Yeah!" The girls were clueless.
"I can't wait to see them!" Gabriella happily bounce, "I love Belle and Ariel! They are my favorite princesses!"
Mayday said, "I wanna see the pretty blue dress." She took Billie 1613's hand trying to pull her, "Let's go see it!"
"Sorry, May. I have a lunch date with Gabriel- well, he calls it a date but I find it so silly since it's just us sitting together and talking about random stuff and eating good food." Billie 1613 explained.
Miguel 928 added, "That is a lunch date..."
"Oh no, a lunch date is when a couple go on dates and have lunch together, boss!"
"Yeah, papá. I had a lunch date with a boy from school!" Gabriella puff her chest out with confidence, "we share a juice box!"
"Oh how scandalous!" Mariana and Lupe fake gasps as Jess and Peter laughs at Miguel 928's reaction.
"Qué? Who was it?" Miguel 928 asked out loud, "Your too young para niños, Gabriella!"
"I'm not telling." Gabriella giggles with her little self hiding being Lupe's leg. "Right, Lupe. Us girls don't kiss and tell!"
"Right." Lupe saw the shock of a father figure as if his little girl no longer is staying a child.
"What? Me and Gabriella like to have evening tea time with Lyla."
"That's right." Lyla appeared in a Marilyn Monroe outfit on her avatar. "Sorry, Miguel. Gabriella made me pinky promise."
"What! Not fair, Lupe. You have to tell me."
"Nuh uh!"
Mariana said to Billie 1613, "Speaking of lunch dates. I think Miguel 970 is taking me to one, but hmm, he got all shy and grumpy about it."
"Oh no, has he been sleeping well." Billie said.
"I hope so!" The two Spider-woman talked having to ignore the two adults arguing- well, Miguel arguing.
Gabriella saw Petie and May together, "Oh wow, May is Barbie!"
The little three year old giggles with her pink Barbie roller blade outfit, "Daddy is Ken!" She hold her dad's hand.
Jess awed out loud, "Awe, how cute is little May. She's so Barbie."
"Just adorable." Peter 616 said as the adults went around to look at the little girl. May being a bashful went to hug her dad's leg.
Lupe hums, checking out Petie's tight roller blade Ken outfit, "You do realize Deadpool is gonna go crazy when he sees you and your fatty." She leans over to see Petie's butt then giggles.
"Oh god," Petie 2010 sighs, "But I wanted to match my baby. She looks so cute with this outfit."
"Oh wow, what a cute duo." They saw Miles 2020 with his triplets and Alpha dressed up as Pokemon characters. Miles wearing an Ash Ketchum outfit while his Alpha dressed up as Mega Charizard X and the triplets were dressed as up the three different types of Charizard. Mariana got her regular Charizard onesies, Aaron in a Chameleon costume, and Karl in a Mega Charizard Y onesies.
"ROAR!" Mariana 2020 pops out of her wagon stroller with her two brothers sat with her.
"Rawr!" The other two boy follow with their massive hoodie covering their faces as they try to look scary.
Jess laughs with amusement at the Omega being the only different one, "What happened, 2020? You the only one not a Pokemon."
"Wow, those outfits are so cool!" Gerald admires the triplets, especially Hobie's costumes, "You look so dope!"
"I'm always cool, lad." The Alpha ruffled the little boy's hair, "Say you got a swag fit, too."
"I wanna be Leonardo!" Aaron bounced from his spot, his upper body leaning over the edge of the stroller wagon.
Hobie 2020 chuckles, "For real, little one? You were begging to be a Pokemon." The triplets ignore him as they were busy talking to Gerald about his cool costume.
"First, I had this idea that maybe me and my mate can be trainers and our babies be starter Pokemon, but..." Miles 2020 only remembers the costume shop filled with his triplets fighting over Charmander and Charizard. Then, his mate was looking at the cool black and blue Mega Charizard being into the costume than being the trainer. "You know, you make do." Then his eyes saw the girls, "Awe, you two look so cute."
Mayday and Gabriella giggles being shy at their outfits. Miles 2020 saw Miguel 928 looking so serious in his Bruno costume that he burst out laughing, "Oh my gawd, no way. Are you seriously Bruno? Honestly, makes sense... he is a hermit."
The Omega quickly swirl around his boss to look at the outfit then saw his face, "Oh wow, even you did a good job with your makeup. Those dark circles look so real."
Lupe, Peter 616, Petie 2010 were snickering to themselves. "Like I could see the depression hitting, the exhaustion and five'o clock shadow-" Hobie 2020 stop his Omega from saying anything further while maintaining a serious expression, "Darling, he's not wearing anything." Then let out chuckle giving up his strength to hold it in.
Miguel 928 merely stare at them being unimpressed, Miles 2020 gasps, "Uh oh! I am so sorry, Miguel! You really gotta sleep."
"Yeah, take your naps!" Mariana 2020 shouted.
Mariana 1022 and Billie 1613 were looking at the triplets being so cute. They were like hatchlings from a Pokemon egg and all three are together in a nest. "Where's yo costume?" Karl asked in his choppy three old tone.
"Later, bebé. It's going to be a lot of work to put it on." Mariana 1022 cooed, as her hand gently rub Karl's round cheek.
"Best fren! Best fren, hey! Hey, best fren!" Mariana 2020 got all in Billie's face, "Where's yours?"
"Oh it's for the party. I need to do so much with my hair and makeup." She answered.
Mariana 2020 pouts with her hoodie covering her face, "Awe, I wanna see your outfit!."
"Don't worry. I promise I'll show it." Billie 1613 giggles.
"Mariana, no reason to pout, bebé." Her daddy said.
"But daddy! I see them with no costumes!" Mariana 2020 pouts with a huff.
"You want me to deal with her, luv?" Hobie 2020 asked.
"Please, bae." Miles 2020 said to his mate.
His husband picks up their daughter, "Relax, spitfire. We need to wait for the party."
"Awe!" His pup pouted.
"Oh wow, you guys went all out today!" They turn to find Pavtri dressed up as Prince Charming walking with Gwen and Hobie.
Gwen dressed up as the bride from Kill Bill had a fake sword and her yellow black jumpsuit with her hair a little teased and added a bit makeup to look like she was fighting.
Hobie wore horn headband that's nicely placed on his head, and had a fake thin devil tail. "Aye, cat woman." He grins at Lupe.
"See he gets it!" Lupe grins widely, "And you're a demon."
The punker grins widely with his arms crossed, "Always."
"Where's Miles? I thought he would be here." Gwen asked as Billie 1613 touches her fake sword.
Mariana 1022 carries Aaron, "Oh, I wonder what's his costume!"
"Probably something nerdy." Pavtri giggles.
"Oh, will he dress up as a cool anime character." Billie 1613 awe, "My brother use to dress up all the time for his anime club and it was so fun to watch him make the outfits."
"Oh that'll be fun. I wonder if he's dressing up a popular character like Howl from Howl's moving castle or Naruto." Mariana 1022 rub her chin.
"Or hopefully a Pokemon trainer!" Miles 2020 grins widely, "That way my idea will be complete."
Hobie 2020 holding his daughter, "Awe, can't handle a dragon?"
"Roar!" Their daughter roar at her daddy, "Fear me, daddy!"
"Yeah, so scary." Miles 2020 giggles at his pup, "Your just like your father." He winks at his husband, the Alpha let out a low rumble in the back of his throat with his scent seeping out of him.
"Huh oh, careful Millie. He might give you another set of triplets." Lupe chuckles.
"Hahaha, oh nonono. I'm good with these three." Miles 2020 laughs.
"Yeah, I want to be the only girl!" Mariana 2020 chimes out loud.
Gabriella said, "You don't want another sister! I always wanted another sibling."
Miguel let out a cough. "Really? Why? I like being on my own." Gerry said to Gabriella.
"I want a little brother or sister, too!" Mayday agrees with Gabriella.
"Look what you did, Lupe." Miguel said to the Spider-woman.
"What? You can give her a brother or sister, you're still... young?" She tilted her head to the side, "How old are you, again?"
Gwen said to Hobie, "What if Miles dress as an Angel? That'll be so cute."
Hobie turns into a slight baby pink, "My Sunflower as an Angel... yes, I would love to see that."
"Fingers crossed!" Pavtri said out loud.
The group were unaware of a familiar Spider-man running from up high coming down holding a three year old in his arms. "Who dat?" Petie squint his eyes up. Then everyone turns there head at the colorful Spider-man as the closer he got down dressed as Spider-Punk 138b.
He stood as soon he began talking, everyone knew it was Miles. "I'm Hobie Brown, when I’m not playing shows, antagonizing fascists, staging unpermitted political action slash performing art pieces." He did a pose while held a handcrafted thrifted electric guitar similar to Hobie's, "OR, having a laugh at the pub with the mandem. I'm not a role model, I was briefly a runway model. I hate the AM, I hate the PM, I hate labels!" He remove his Spider-Punk mask to show off his own wicks made from a synthetic wig with visible colorful lines and yarn to give that voluminous look. His face painted more Punk aesthetic with black lipstick, and wearing fake piercings similar to his boyfriend.
"Oh my gawd, that's such a cool Hobie costume!" Pavtri and Billie 1613 gasps with their eyes gleaming at Miles' costume. He got every part of the outfit to the tee.
Gwen said, "Wow, no wonder you were asking me about battle jackets."
"Whoa, is your guitar really!" Mayday went up with the other children to check out the outfit. Her hand touched the guitar.
"Yup!" Miles plays a weak string.
Mariana 1022 giggles, "Sweet, I like the hair. maybe you should do wicks more often."
"Oh yeah!" Miles grins widely, as he posed.
Petie said, "The suit and looks is spot on!"
"Yeah, no kidding. I thought it was another variant." Peter added.
"I really like the patch work on those jeans." Jess eyes on Miles' black jeans, she could tell he put a lot a thought on the design.
"He looks like other da-da!" Mariana 2020 said out loud to his daddy, "Right, daddy."
Miles 2020 giggles, "Yes, he does!"
Miles grins widely, "You know, I thought I try something new." His doe eyes glances at Hobie.
Everyone else saw Hobie 138b turning vivid bright pink. Hobie 2020 chuckles, "Tongue twisted, eh?" He patted his variant's back, "Heh, I would be too if my Sunflower dressed up as me." He looks back at his mate with a puppy pout.
Miles 2020 giggles, "Oh really? Maybe next year."
"I wanna dress up as da-da, daddy." Karl climbs on his daddy, being carried.
"I will keep that in mind, mi vida." Miles 2020 kisses his son on the cheek.
Hobie finally got up to look at his Sunflower, "You look Ace, luv. You got every detailed!" He saw the battle vest, "Oi, are you sure you didn't take my clothes."
"No, bae. I made everything. See!" Miles shows the brand of the battle vest, "It's a different brand."
"So, that means I should be you then... hmm perhaps I can steal me a Spider-man cost-" Then a three year old Spider-man pops up from Miles back, "No! It's me!" Billie's voice spoke from the tiny Spider-man.
"Hahaha, sorry, bae. Billie is me for Halloween." He had a baby strap underneath his battle jacket, he got Billie off his back.
The little girl dressed up in Miles' black and red suit wearing her mask and web shooter, "Hi, I'm Miles Morales! I am Spider-man and-and I'ma do my own thing!" She proudly puff her chest out, then shoot a dart from her web shooter at Hobie. "Hehe!"
"Awe, she looks so cute, Miles!" Jess quickly went over to look at Billy, "She's so adorable as a tiny Spider-man? Spider-woman?"
"I'm Miles!" Billie 1610 said out loud.
Hobie chuckles, "Heh, not follow gender norms. I like it."
"Ohhh how cute! Look at her tiny web-shooter!" Pavtri gawks.
Billie 1613 and Mariana 1022 cooed at Billie, "Awe, Billie. Your so cute as Miles."
"Hehehe! I'ma do my own thing." She saids trying to be her big brother. She didn't want to remove her mask.
Miles mimic Hobie's voice, "Sunflower, you're doing a fantastic job!" Gwen and Pavtri giggles at the perfect cockney accent.
"Huh uh!" Billie nodded.
Hobie picks up his Miles, "Hobie!" Miles being bashful.
"You're too precious to me, luv." He happily kisses Miles' cheek.
"No, Hobie! My big brother!" Billie huffs out loud.
"Well, now I know the party is going to quite ecstatic." Miguel said to the adults.
Peter laughs, "Yeah, especially when you got those two together."
"HOBIE!" Miles saw how the punker runs around having the children chasing them.
"No fair, Hobie! I wanna touch Miles' guitar!" Gabriella said out loud.
"I wanna hold Billie!" Mayday said out loud.
Gerry preach, "I wanna play with Miles."
Hobie merely plays around while carrying his lover and Billie. "Whoa-whoa!" Billie getting dizzy. "I wanna do my own THING!"
"Me too! Me too!" Mariana 2020 shouted out loud.
"Sorry, lads. I'm not sharing him." Hobie chuckles at the children.
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quackabilly · 2 months
Part of the hoodie project was to design unique Toon designs, 12 maxium for each playground, with lore justifications Incase I use them later
4 toons per team:
1 team as that playground's local street watch team (aka one to specialize in street managers and local cog buildings that attempted to take over NPC buildings and housing)
1 team to be the playground's kudos task team (aka one to specialize in the kudos task managers, supposed to be more skilled and higher ranked than the previously mentioned team, this they took on more dangerous missions)
1 team to generally being HQ task force team essentially each of the major cog HQ buildings had their own task team of four, but each playground had an additional 4 toons each to act up as backup for the local cog HQ, but also were HQ admins for their local playground in general.
So that's roughly 96 + the implied 12 aforementioned cog HQ task force toons = 108 toons to make.
There is an additional 24 toons I also ended up making these were specifically for the hoodies but additional lore, and would of anything be featured on event themed hoodies (Halloween, April toons, etc.) or general bonus hoodies (Estates, Mini Games, etc.)
So that's 131 toons I randomly generated. Yes, 131, and not 132, why? Because I was using the make a toon thingy in tTcc to generate these toons, and at 2am, the game disconnected from the Internet and I decided that was the sign to just.. stop.
Toon No. 132 has been decided to be a mystery toon who's the toon parallel to Chairman in function, the (OC) head of the toon town resistance if anything.
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tiptapricot · 9 months
1,000 follower celebration!
Ty for everyone who voted on what to do :-D I’ve decided to take the top two choices so people can do things depending on their energy levels, so!
Draw/Write/Create this in your style:
Make something based off, expanding, or rewriting the prompt(s) below and either submit it via the ask box or make your own post and tag me! I’ll also be checking the hashtag #1000 tip fruits if you’d just like to put it there :-) You can make fic, art, meta, headcanons, collages, whatever you’d like! There is a general prompt that can be used for fandoms, OCs, or however you want to take it, as well a few fandom specific prompts. You are welcome to do any you’d like or combine a few if you’re interested in a crossover!
Ask Game:
My ask box is open to general Q’s about me, my writing, specific fics, characters, fandoms, etc! I won’t answer anything intimate about myself, but am open to nsfw hc asks about characters or ships as well :-) Any headcanon posts will be shorter than my normal ones but I’ll still try to give a good batch of thoughts!
Both these “events” will be open until the end of September! I’ll be reblogging stuff people make, but it’s a loosish period as there’s no contest or raffle or anything at the end and I mainly just want people to have fun :-)
💕 Thank you all for being here in my goofy corner, and I hope we can continue to vibe and grow as we continue to in our own lives :-D 💕
(Prompts below cut)
General prompt: Small things make up love languages. Intent with care, wanting with direction, and sometimes even just a reminder that one party values the other. It’s not a science, really. Everyone is different.
Moon Knight (comics or show): Jake often finds himself in the middle of disagreements, caught between Marc’s militaristic necessities and Steven’s push for comfort and collection. Today, however, he’s taken a firm side, and no one will make him budge.
WWBN (marvel special): With all the universes out there, the line between hunter and monster often blurs. It’s odd to see a case, however, where everything has been swapped while staying so closely the same.
TLB: There are many nights Michael doesn’t remember from the summer of 1987, more now that he’s grown into grey hairs and spotted fingertips. Sometimes he still tries to imagine what it may have been like between flickers of firelight and the flash of fangs, if nothing than for his own amusement.
BnT: Ever since they grew far enough out of trick or treating age that it felt strange to go door to door, Bill and Ted have been trying to establish a new Halloween routine. Ted’s not so sure about this idea, though.
Spider-verse (characters and/or ocs!): An anomaly manages to break free in HQ, spreading a mass of glitches through the building that send several spider people tumbling into dimensions not their own. Whether via escape or rescue, there is a mess that needs cleaning up, and fast.
DC (comics, cartoons, live action, whatever!): It’s not the first time heroes from the future have met heroes from the past, but it may be the first time they’ve managed to get lunch without a world ending event hovering on the horizon.
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kechiwrites · 2 years
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kechiwrites’ kinktober 2022 masterlist
hey...how y’all doin? what a long break, huh? but i’m back, at least for this month with a special halloween feast. this time we’ll have a variety of fandoms, i’m dipping my slutty lil toe into mcu, hxh, jjk, hq!! and others. i’m open to requests as usual, so week IV is open for any muse, if you have a request that falls outside the theming of the week, you may have to wait.  three fics a week, every week of the month. 
let’s acquaint ourselves with our garden of earthly delights.
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♱ week I: goodie grab bag ♱
⭒ denial || mob!au - ushijima wakatoshi
⭒ diligence || restraints + overstimulation - nanami kento
  ⭒ don’t make me say it || degradation - miya atsumu
♱ week II: let’s make a (xxx) movie ♱
⭒ final girl || slasher!au - steve rogers (dark)
  ⭒ kerberos || dubcon + foursome - todoroki brothers
⭒ are you still watching || mutual masturbation - ari levinson
♱ week III: orthodoxy ♱
⭒ collegia pietatis || demonic possesion + dumbification - james barnes
⭒ theosis || angel!au - gojo satoru
⭒ lectio divina || cunnilingus + exhibitionism - chrollo lucifer
♱ week IV: monster mash ♱
⭒ into dust || vampyr!(request slot)
⭒ little lamb || werewolf!(request slot)
⭒ head over heels || dullahan!(request slot)
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busra-tr · 8 months
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6 Options
Adult-Elder-Teen-Young Adult
For Female
Compatible with HQ mod-
New Mesh
All Lods
Custom thumbnail
Early Access ( Avaible 05.11.2023)
**-Please do not re upload or claim as yours feel free to re color but do not include the mesh .
I hope you like them.  ♥
💖 You can check out my Patreon for special cc and other early access content. 💖-
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yonderly-alamort · 2 years
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SAY BOO, MOTHERFUCKER! ── osamu miya.
TO DO : CANDY STEALING ♡ ── kuroo tetsuro.
I'M NOT A CRIMINAL THOUGH... ── suna rintaro.
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POSSESSIVE PUP! headcanons.
YANDERE HUSBAND! headcanons.
YANDERE PERVERT! headcanons.
YANDERE KITSUNE! headcanons.
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may be considered in semi-hiatus since i'm paying a little bit more attention to my yandere works; i still accept ideas and suggestions anyway <3
SCENTS ─── multiple hq boys.
OMG, HE'S SO CUTE! ─── hq boys.
PROM FIASCO ─── suna rintaro.
HAIKYUU YANDERE TYPES ─── multiple hq boys.
SLEEPLESS NIGHT. ─── kenma k.
DICK! ─── bokuto koutaro.
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If you want to know more click here & you'll find all the links!
© yonderly alamort 2022. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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hccn-overseer · 7 months
Issue 28, 10/25/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
New Life Series
By Roo
As many of you may know, a new life series started last Friday! For those of you who do not know, now you do. This season of the life series is the fifth, and we see many returning players and one new one!
The spoilers lying ahead will only detail the premise and the players that will be featured. If any of you want to hear about what happened in each person’s episode, go give it a watch! Now, there have been a lot of theories about what this season’s name, theme, and who would be in it- and the time for the big reveal has finally come!
This season is called Secret Life, and boy, oh boy, are there secrets! The life system this time is interesting, having returned to the three life rule, but each life has 30 hearts that do not regenerate. The only ways to regen hearts, with the exception of golden apples, is to complete secret tasks from the Secret Keeper, an ominous stone deity that is near the server’s spawn.
The majority of the life series rules have been changed- there is no boogeyman this time around, and hats have been allowed for only one player, the one player being Scar. Speaking of players, who is around this time? Our usual group of players are back, including Grian, Smallishbeans, Smajor, BigB, Etho, BDoubleO, PearlescentMoon, InTheLittleWood, GoodTimesWithScar, ImpulseSV, TangoTek, ZombieCleo, SolidarityGaming, and Skizzleman!
However, this season we have not one but two returning players, and, to everyone’s delight, one new player! LDShadowLady and MumboJumbo are both back for their second season, having participated in Last Life but none of the other seasons, and GeminiTay has joined the ranks, perhaps deciding that during her brief stint on Limited Life she didn’t kill Etho enough.
In the first session, many tasks were completed, many hearts lost, and many alliances formed (and broken!), and I think we all are looking forward to next Friday when we follow where everyone goes next. Happy life series, and happy watching!
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Now onto other news below the cut!
This Week at The Overseer HQ: The Life Series, Murder Mystery Dinner Theater, and Halloween Preparations
By Lydia
The debut of the fifth season of The Life Series has seen a significant rise in activity among The Overseer staff in both their writing as well as their social lives. All of the staff members have been partaking in designing and buying different forms of Life Series merchandise and have made several predictions for who will be out first and who will end in the top seven left standing. Wanting to step outside of the office to participate in the server-wide ardor, the staff decided to try their hands at construction. Setting up makeshift outdoor movie theaters was not something originally part of this year’s plan, but the staff wasted no time in undertaking this project as quickly as possible. The staff was happy to spend the funds they’ve collected from their pickpocketing cats and rats to build digital screens near each neighborhood, as well as providing popcorn, pretzels, and a large variety of assorted candy for each one. The rats even offered to provide new pizzas to attendees who are willing to tip a few diamonds to The Overseer.
A murder mystery dinner theater was held last week by the staff to show off their acting chops and their practical effects skills, complete with a full set and gourmet food. Although the attempt seemed to be their shot to stardom, the reviews of the performances and special effects afterwards lampooned the show as “presented by actors that read their script with all the elegance of barely-literate, glue-eating seven-year-olds,” and “a spectacle that one simply cannot help but laugh at and throw the slop served to them directly at the stage.” Though the reviewers had expected the staff to give up the performance completely in a disheartened fashion, the staff instead decided to increase the number of their performances and make their tickets free to the public, believing that a big break must be coming for them eventually.
With Halloween approaching next week, the staff have finished designing their costumes and have decorated the office with an abundance of skeletons and the heads of various mobs. The staff has also been playing movies ranging from Halloween  favorites from the staff’s childhood to new slashers to more avant garde horror movies. Someone had recommended the movie Beau Is Afraid  and received mixed responses after the staff had finished it, many of them stating that they felt unnerved, fascinated, and deeply puzzled afterwards. The Halloween preparations have not remained contained merely to the office, and staff members who have taken an interest in the occult have gathered temporary clubs among the Citizens who are experts in summonings, ouija boards, raising the dead, and switching bodies with others. Some staff members have noted that this has been a riveting way to bond with their fellow Citizens, though others had found the processes too confusing, and stuck to making candy apples with them instead.
The Overseer staff hopes that you all have a very happy Halloween and thanks all of their readers for their ongoing support. Have an excellent holiday!
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Affiliate Happenings
By Roo 
DocM: He’s a glowstick now, so if you see a glowing vaguely humanoid figure during the night, it is either Doc or something you should be only slightly less afraid of.
Grian: Please do not forget to feed your Grian during these trying times. Death game enrichment is enrichment, but Grians cannot survive off of that alone, so please remember to mix in some chaos daily.
JoeHills: Joe Hills (PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS REAL). (I love you, Joe Affiliates.)
Pearlescentmoon: Here is your reminder to make soup. Happy Wet Cat Wednesday to all that celebrate.
ZombieCleo: Please keep all small items and limbs secured. Enjoy your flight on Overseer Airlines. Cleo, I’m talking to you. Put your arm back on.
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Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 18 degrees and a low of 9 degrees. Skies will remain hazy as this condition intensifies.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 15 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. The haze will partially dissipate during the early evening hours.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 13 degrees and a low of 4 degrees. Expect the haze to dissipate completely by the late morning hours and brief rain to follow for several hours.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 17 degrees and a low of 6 degrees. The rain will continue today with scattered winds and occasional whirlpools.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of 3 degrees. Skies will be clear, but dust storms throughout all deserts will be prevalent today.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 14 degrees and a low of 5 degrees. Skies will be partly cloudy today with occasional spiderweb clouds during the early afternoon.
Tuesday: Happy Halloween! Temperatures will reach a high of 16 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be mostly clear with very low winds. A meteor shower will be visible during the evening hours, so bring your lawn chairs out and enjoy the sight!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 4 degrees. Skies will be cloudy and windy.
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Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A treatise regarding the strengths and weaknesses of each Life Series This treatise covers the comprehensive summary of each Life Series thus far and contains statistics in regards to Player deaths and the lengths of each season, as well as analytical details of viewership and audience engagement. The majority of the treatise covers the strength and weaknesses of each theme and how it affected each Player’s strategies and time management throughout each session, based of course upon what the writer sees as a mere viewer of the series.
Item 2: A script for a comedy sketch This comedy sketch appears to have been written by someone from an amateur vaudeville troupe, though the content of the sketch is rather modern, lampooning a new video game that came out just last month. The sketch features lines that insult the game’s stiff facial animations as well as its quests. A specific section highlighting the stringent lawfully aligned attitudes of the game’s characters.
Item 3: A group of Mason Jar Halloween-themed snow globes These snow globes contain depictions of popular Halloween movies, including Jason from Friday the 13th, Sally and Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jigsaw from the Saw movies, Michael Myers from the Halloween franchise, and Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.
Item 4: A collection of props from a carnival haunted house These props include a fake knife that squirts strawberry jelly out of its handle, a replica of the Freddy Krueger gloves using plastic, three fake machetes splattered with red paint, several dismembered fingers made from rubber and paint, and an amateurly-made puppet resembling Tango Tek dressed as a mad scientist made from papier mache.
Item 5: A jigsaw puzzle depicting Hermitcraft during the autumn This jigsaw puzzle comprises several screenshots of different Hermitcraft bases from this season in a wall of picture frames, all repainted with an autumnal palette. The puzzle itself has 750 pieces and staff members have noted that multiple copies of it have been sold in the Shopping District.
Item 6: An old jazz album This jazz album, Alleycat by Nucleus, came out in 1975 and was found just outside of Stress’s base. The cover depicts either a leopard or a cheetah running through a dilapidated apartment alley into a sliver of a desert depicted in a diagonal section at the bottom right of the cover with several small pools of water.
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By Roo
Hi, um. Is this thing on? Yeah, the Lost and Found is overflowing. Please, people, come pick up your items. They don’t have to be your items, just please take them. Twinkly Trash doesn’t want to take the cursed items and honestly, we’re scared not to.
MISSING PERSONS: THE SEERS OF THE OVERSEER Last seen in Issue 10. Favorite food is noted to be asks. If found, please contact Anon In the 14th Barrel to the Left on the Third Floor of iBuy. This is the floor where the sea lanterns are located. Please contact The Overseer as well, as they have also been searching for The Seers since Issue 10.
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Fun and Games
This week's fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia!
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And that's all for this week folks! Happy Life Series!
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