i cant focus because i cant keep you out of my head.
5 times james potter got distracted because of you.
warnings: overly dramatic james || 3.3k words || james potter x you || fluff fluff fluff, getting together, friends to lovers
a/n: this is the first work i’ve posted on this fandom, i have alot planned!! so please dont be shy and drop some messages! i also feel like i have to clarify, any dialogues that’s italicized means james isn’t listening
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i. missing his games
“and another bludger hits potter on the shoulder! it is not his night folks! will this be an opportunity for hufflepuffs to get ahead?” the speaker hisses, loudly echoing throughout the field. along with the empathetic oohs of the crowd.
james groans rubbing his shoulder quickly, for what seemed like the nth time tonight, before going into the scoring formation as practiced.
usually, he wouldn’t even hear the commentator during the game, he would be too into the game to notice any other noise other than his own breathing . but tonight’s game is different.
tonight, you weren’t there watching him.
he knows this for a fact, as he had been continuously looking in the stands. his focus foregoing the incoming buldgers, instead hoping to catch a glimpse of your messy hair and the abundant layer of clothes, you always wear to combat the cold in the stands. his eyes would quickly scan through the students, in hopes to spot you cheering and grinning as you have always had.
he had circled the area you usual vacant four times now, and still no sign of you anywhere.
he could hear geoffrey shouting at him to focus, zooming past him with the quaffle at hand. he could practically hear the hissing complaints and grumbles of minnie in the stands but when he fails to see you, he’s not inclined to care at all.
“james! what in the bloody hell are you doing?!” he could hear marlene shriek in frustration as he skidded to a stop, and pondered your whereabouts.
where were you?
you had always watched his games. always. even when you two were fighting or not talking to each other, you would always be there cheering him on.
he was sure you weren’t in detention, professors were usually more lenient during quidditch season. not to mention you don’t really get into much mischief as he, himself does.
“mckinnon scores even with a distracted captain!”
merlin, were you sick? is that why you were a no-show? he had heard you sniffling the other day, but you said you were fine. james knew that you rarely ever get sick, but when you do—it was the worst it could ever be.
knowing you, you had probably reassured your friends that you were fine and to leave you be. you never did know how to take care of yourself. so, james being the self-appointed best friend takes this responsibility of nursing you back to health very seriously.
he was about to go fly over your dormitory window and help you but then a heavy speeding bludger came speeding into his way. he had barely dodged the thing and suddenly all the noises of the game came rushing back into his ears.
right, he thinks. he should probably finish this first and then go see you straight after.
ii. passing notes with a person that isn’t him
james was having a particularly pissy day.
when he had the epiphany on why you had missed his game. james had rushed points after points, in hopes to end the game as quickly as possible. the game ending with gryffindor as the winner, by 120 points.
never mind celebrating, he hadn’t even thought of the fact he had broken an all-time scoring record in a single game and came rushing to your dorms. thoughts of you lying sick in bed, swimming in his mind.
but you weren’t lying sick in bed.
in fact, you weren’t in the dorms at all. or the common room. or the library. or the hospital wing. or even in the entire bloody castle (he checked). not only were you not in breakfast, the morning after the game you didn’t watch. now, he has the pleasure of seeing you blush and fuss, passing notes with a bloke from ravenclaw during potions.
“now this is detrimental to the potion, some have lost fingers when they neglected this step so pay attention—“
when did you even meet this guy? you were always hanging out with james. so it’s rare for him to see you with somebody he hasn’t met before.
especially, someone this ugly.
“who’s the arse talking to y/n.” james whispered harshly to sirius.
sirius, who for once, was listening in class had to stop and look at james with a confused look, from the sudden conversation.
james gave no clarification, his eyes still glaring heavily at the offending sight.
ah, sirius thought. an almost laugh leaving his mouth. “that’s charlie wilson, i reckon.” sirius whispered back. fighting the strong urge to grin as he added, “birds quite fancy him, i heard. something about how dreamy the lad is or something.” twirling his quill. already satisfied with the impending chaos he had stirred.
meanwhile james could hardly sit still, seconds away from erupting. he scoffs when he sees you blush.
pale hair, pale eyes and an even paler skin. he looked like a white bedsheet, is what he is! nothing dreamy about a bedsheet! james certainly hadn’t thought his bedsheets dreamy. surely you hadn’t either!
“failure to follow these steps strictly can be harmful.” slughorn droned on.
but it was nothing but a buzzing noise to james, as he feels the sudden urge to grab the silly paper full of your beautiful handwriting and his chicken scrawls and rip it to shreds.
iii. going to hogsmeade without him
james was forced into the trip to hogsmeade by remus. claiming some rubbish about how james has become a shell of a man, or how he dampens the mood. and some borderline blasphemous statement about how snivellus seems to be better company than him lately.
so to prove all the nay-sayers wrong, here he was trudging along the stoned pathway. looking gloomy as ever, as his friends drag him from store to store.
nothing seemed to be cheering him up, remus had thought. but james have always had the flare for the dramatics, so remus wasn’t too worried. instead continued on like his friend isn’t unraveling like the threads in an old sweatshirt.
“why am i even here?” james had groaned, eliciting an amused smirk from sirius and a wry smile from remus.
he was on the verge of insanity, really he was. when he sees it in his peripheral. the unquestionably familiar layers of clothing and your giddy smile as you went into a bookstore with the same gremlin from class.
stopping abruptly, garnering the attention of his friends and walked briskly to the store. offering no sort of explanation, but his mates followed anyway. having seen you enter too. busybodies as they are, they’re curious how this will play out.
“it’s the same lad,” hummed sirius, peeking through the door.
remus raised a brow, interest piqued. “same lad? what’d you mean?”
“wilson was having a quick bants with our dear y/n the other day.”
“really now,”
sirius wolfishly grinned, “you reckon y/n fancies him?”
james scoffed, sounding very closely to a growl. “as if.”
“now, james, no need to be narky.” remus teased.
all three hiding two shelves away from you. james couldn’t hear you but he could see you through the crack of the books, if he crouched down. he saw your mouth moving and smiling. a view, he realized he hadn’t seen in a while.
“now that i think about, y/n hasn’t been around lately, has she?” remus had voiced, his tone feigning an air of innocence and ignorance.
sirius, then followed suit, rubbing his chin looking forlorn. “now that you mention it moony, that sounds about right.”
“prongs,” they called out, hoping to see james puff out, red in the face and stomp away like a petulant child. but instead their teasing was met with silence.
he couldn’t believe this! you haven’t spoken a word to him all week and here you were cozying up to a practical stranger! yous had the audacity to even laugh at whatever pathetic excuse of a joke he just said to you. albeit, he hadn’t heard the joke but he sure it was trash either way.
“think we lost him padfoot.” remus snickered at the glowering and helpless look james had etched on his face.
the two of you walking to the counter, holding piles of parchments and paints and laughing and blushing and standing way too close to each other.
really, have you no shame?
iv. biting your lips
james had a mission. to finally talk to you after two weeks of radio silence. to corner you, no matter what, and demand explanation for your recent rendezvous and the lack of his presence with said rendezvous.
but you were making it hard for him to find you, let alone talk to you. he can’t seem to find you in the map anywhere either. lately not finding you and not talking has becoming an unwelcome norm for him.
classes you two shared was almost non-existent since all of the classes you attended were all advanced classes.
he had hoped that during potions would be the time to talk to you but before he could even say hello to you, chalk had taken your attention and quickly pulled him down to sit with you during class.
you always seemed to be whispering about something whenever he sees you two. heads close to one another and soft laughter always leaving your lips. it’s like you didn’t even notice you haven’t talked to him for weeks now.
“oh there you are james! i wanted to discuss some strategy for the finals against slytherins.” john bell going into spiel of his tactics for the game.
did he do something that put you off? i mean, yeah, you two were only friends but he was hoping that he was starting to be more than that to you. at least, the same way that you became more for him too.
or was it just him?
“i heard evermonde complaining during breakfast that regulus black had to sit out of the game because he’s sick. so they replaced their seeker with a total novice!” bell excitedly recounted the information, unaware that their captain couldn’t be bother to listen at all.
if you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, then you should’ve said so in the first place. instead of making him look like a fool!
and like some sort of miracle there you were at the end of the hall, alone.
breathing in deep and gathering all the courage of gryffindors and marched over to you with purpose and bouts of confidence blazing in his eyes.
“james, mate!” bell called over to james, his voice like water off of a dolphin’s back.
he was a bout to tell you off, maybe along the lines of how could you? or why did you miss my games? you always watch my games. or am i even your friend anymore? do like hanging with that cauliflower more than me? does he even play quidditch? can he even turn into a stag? is he even that funny. i bet i’m funnier.
“y/n!” he beckoned, jogging over to you in a hurry. you turned, books held tightly to your chest.
once he was in front of you, breathing in deep. staring into your eyes and seeing your soft pillowy cheeks and soft smiles.
“how are you?” you breathed, shifting from one foot to the other.
he inhaled, how are you? after weeks of nothing—! he was about to tell you off real good but he forgot a crucial thing.
the slight tension and silence makes you nervous, so rather blabbing about nonsense to fill the silence, you opt to bite your lips and cheeks instead.
suddenly all thoughts seem to fly away from james. your nervous habit becoming more important to him rather than letting you how he feels. it seemed more interesting to him than anything he had ever seen before.
which was crazy, because this wasn’t the first time you did this! or is it because you haven’t been around lately that made his immunity to your distracting quirk lessened?
eventually the silence became way too unbearable, not to mention the staring from james getting too intense. you just had to get out of this really weird and quiet interaction.
“well, james, i have to go now.” you gave a polite and shaky smile, “see you ‘round.”
v. when you watch his games.
today was the last game of the season. everyone on the team was buzzing with nerves and excitement. john bell had made it his mission to let everyone know of what he learned about slytherin yesterday.
“ambrose greengrass is going to play seeker for the time being.”
sirius snorted out a laugh, “greengrass can barely get on his broom!”
“well talkalot was desperate for replacement so soon before the game.”
dawson rolled her eyes and smirked, “well, whoever they send out we’re still going to beat the crap of them!”
the team cheered in agreement.
sirius noticed the lack of quips from james, like he usually does before each games. he sighed, already knowing the root of it. if his mate’s wanly expression had anything to say about it.
going up to his broom at hand and grabbing james’ shoulder, shaking him rather roughly. as if to physically wake him up out of stupor.
“mate, this is your first finals as captain, what the hell are you doing moping like some grandma?”
james looked up and saw the entire team looking at him. breathing in deep. “you’re right, pads.” grabbing his broom and bellowing in his loudest voice, “let’s win this!”
as much as it pains james, he had to forgot about you for a moment and focus on the game. his teammates are counting on him. chanting in his mind that it wouldn’t matter if you were out there or not.
although a very tiny voice, had called out this lie.
it had already been 30 minutes in the game when you had finally arrived. a fragile thing held gently in your hands.
“john bell knocked out euane evermonde with a bludger!” you can hear the announcer scream, a disbelieving laughter echoing. “30 minutes into the game, it’s a blood bath out here folks!”
the crowds surrounding you in the stand were going wild with screams. the players zooming back and forth as they exchanged the quaffle. you looked up and saw james in the air, the wind tousling his already messy hair into knots. he was shouting orders to his team. eyes busy chasing players, all the while dodging bludgers too.
when he flew close enough to your area in the stands, you can see him subtly check out the crowd. your face warming against the cold at the thought of what you are about to do. his eyes quickly meeting yours and then physically stopping his slow glide in the air. as if he couldn’t believe you were there.
biting your cheek and slowly raising the large parchment, the written words charmed to glow and change every few seconds the words: i like you james potter! and go and win this!!! showing up interchangeably.
you watch him look at you dumbfounded until a dazzling grin erupted on his face once he read the words.
you see him spread his arms, and point at himself abashed, as if saying, me? you like me?
and you nodding exaggeratedly.
feeling the flurry of butterflies in your stomach watching him whoop and laugh twisting and looping on his broom. as if re-energized. you laugh too, his mirth too infectious. the others in the stand with you looks at the parchment in wonder and cheer along with you.
you can hear geoffrey shout profanities at james seeing him steady in the air not moving away form your sight, “not this again potter!”
it had taken you two weeks to finish this little project, the idea coming from a muggleborn friend that said they used to do posters when they watch games like these. that’s when you decided to do the same for james.
at first it was only supposed to be a simple parchment with words to cheer james on, for his first game as captain, against the hufflepuffs. but you decided to make it even more special and unforgettable.
granted, you weren’t all that creative in terms of crafts, so you enlisted a ravenclaw to help you put it all together. as much as you didn’t want to, you had to forgo watching the game so you can have some moment alone to get the poster started.
you were confident enough to know that the gryffindors will win and go straight to the finals. with hundreds of students coming to watch the game, you knew james wouldn’t notice your absence.
so the entire week you had committed your time into creating your first poster. trying desperately to hide your activities from james to surprise him. and when you had ran out of materials, you had gone to hogsmeade with charlie to guide you on what you should buy.
you knew james had caught on your weird behaviours. you were sure simple words from him and little pleas would get you to spill the beans but thankfully he had been distracted enough by something else that opened a way for you to leave.
now, here you were clutching the paper like a lifeline, the words you had written with so much care glowing through the fog. you had even drawn james on his broomstick along with his wild hair and glasses askew on his face. although charlie had helped draw it much nicer and life-like. each line moving and dancing across the paper to capture his attention.
with a new sense of motivation, james started to play the game the best he had ever played. zooming right above your area in the stand with a quaffle in his hand and a wink your way, he easily maneuvers over the other players and score.
with the slytherin keeper gone he had easily gathered up score after score.
and each time he did, he would stop a couple of feet in front of you and do a victory dance of some sort, eliciting a giggle and wide giddy smiles from you.
the crowd going crazier and crazier as james seemed like an unstoppable force in the field. eventually the brutal game ended with gryffindor as the winner by 530 points. breaking an all-time record.
gryffindors with some ravenclaws and hufflepuffs scatter to the field to celebrate the win. grabbing unto james, patting him on the shoulder, messing up his hair even more and cheering his name.
even with everyone around him, he managed to lock eyes with you again. quickly pushing other off him and running to you, a smile etched on his face.
you barely had anytime to prepare yourself as a sweaty, large, giddy man hurdled towards you. but james ever so gentle with you, grabbed your waist and lifted you up from the ground, twirling you around, looking at you with absolute glee. you can hear wolf whistles from the others but james barely acknowledges them.
he sets you down, hands still firmly on your side. the parchment now folded haphazardly, clutching it to your chest. wrinkling his nose in a low chuckle before looking down at the paper. “is this why you’ve yet to speak a word with me?”
you breathed, suddenly embarrassed. “i’ve been perfecting this for two weeks.” looking down on the paper leaning into him just a tad bit more, “i ran into some trouble with making the text stay on the parchment rather than fly away.” you muttered, cheeks aflame.
looking up at him through your lashes, having half a nerve to look bashful. “did you like it?”
“like it?” he scoffed, “i bloody loved it,” he grinned, forehead now leaning into yours.
you grin up at him, unaware of the still swirling questions he had for you. but for now holding each other like this, is enough answer for him.
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morwap · 2 years
poly jegulus x reader where they have a picnic together?
hufflepuff!reader, eating
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james laid his head comfortably in your lap and regulus laid beside you reading a book.
it was a warm day with a soft cool breeze, tree shaded you three from the sun. having your two boyfriends alone was nice since it didn’t happen very often, being three different houses was complicated and didn’t leave many opportunities to have alone time but luckily you three could make it work.
james took grapes out of the basket and fed them to you and regulus, regulus would nip at james’ fingers sometimes for fun and it would make james laugh softly.
regulus and you had a surprise for james.
you had written to his mom for a recipe for his favorite cake and once she got back to you, you led regulus to the kitchens without being caught.
baking wasn’t regulus’ strong point but he did get the hang of it once you showed him, and it did end up with flour everywhere and an egg smashed onto regulus’ clothes.
you had sirius try it to see if it tasted right and thankfully it did, you both we’re excited to see if james liked it.
now you massaged his scalp as he talked about the new broom he just got, regulus asked him questions about it and you chipped in about the new hufflepuff quidditch players.
soon enough james was closing his eyes as you got the cake out, regulus made sure his eyes were closed as you cut a slice.
james was smiling uncontrollably, excited about the surprise.
he opened his mouth when you told him to and hummed when some of the cake touched his tongue.
james knew instantly that it was his mom’s recipe, a cake he missed and had been wanting for months now. he raved about it being so good with a smile on his face.
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honeypuffle · 6 months
Forbidden Love | Chapter Two
A/N - Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the love on the first chapter and prologue, and I hope you like this one just as much to! Don't forget to signup for the tag list so you can be notified when I post new chapters!
Chapter One | Masterlist | Chapter Three (soon!) | Taglist Signup
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The castle of Hogwarts would always be like a second home to me. I grinned, grabbing Mattheo's hand and leading him quickly up the stairs and into the entrance before the Great Hall where my grandmother sat, watching all of the first years coming in. I quickly looked around before finding Pansy, Theodore, and our other friends and walked over to them, dropping Mattheo's hand. He didn't say anything to acknowledge it, but instead was neutral once more from his previous, happier, self in the boat. 
We all focused our attention towards Nana- no, Professor McGonagall, as she began. "Welcome to Hogwarts!" She clapped her hands, looking between groups of students before finding my eyes. "Now," she moved her gaze from me to other students, "in a few moments, you will pass through and join your classmates. But, before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses." She explained, before finally resting her gaze on a pair upfront, a boy with flaming red hair- he must be a Weasley, and a brunette with a bowl cut and circular glasses.
I loved Fred and George, Percy was okay, but I had met all of the Weasley siblings that had been through Hogwarts thanks to Nana, and was excited to finally be at school with them. I hope I could be friends with him, too. Nana's voice broke me from my thoughts of the Weasley family, "They are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin." Pansy nudged me, smiling. "Now, while you are here your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points, any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will earn the House Cup." 
McGonagall is broken from her speech as a toad croaks loudly on the top floor. "Trevor!" A young boy calls out, dashing for his toad as he grabs it. Ah, this must be the boy that lost his toad, what was his name again? Neville! He looks up at Nana apologetically as she stares down at him with a disapproving stare. "Sorry." He nods, awkwardly shifting back into the crowd with his, now found, toad.
"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily." Professor McGonagall nods before heading to the Great Hall, herself. Pansy wastes no time in turning to me.
"I'm so excited!" She raves, a bright smile on her face. I can't help but smile back as Mattheo shakes his head at us. 
We are briefly interrupted of our conversation as Draco swaggers to the front step, two rather-  how should I put it? Large?- boys follow him like cronies. "It's true then," he speaks loudly, causing the rest of the first years to snap their attention towards him, "what they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." He speaks boldly as Mattheo's grin once more fades into a look of seriousness. If any students weren't paying attention to the slick back blond, they certainly were now. 
"This is Crabbe, and Goyle. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He nodded at the two cronies- er, Crabbe and Goyle, sorry- before addressing the round rimmed spectacle boy again, causing the Weasley sibling to snicker. "Think my names funny, do you?" Draco asked, offendedly before beginning to asses the boy. "No need to ask yours. Red hair, and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley."
The red-head's face has lost it's humor as he now glared at Draco, who had now turned to address Harry once more. "You'll soon find out that some wizard families are better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you with that." He outstretched his hand, offering Potter to shake it.
Harry made no move to take the handshake offer instead stating, "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." It was at this time that Nana had reappeared from the Great Hall, tapping Draco over the shoulder with a scroll.
She shot him yet another disapproving look as he scurried off before she addressed us all again, "We are ready for you now." We paired up in partners as we walked into the Great Hall. I looked up at the enchanted ceiling, the night sky illuminated in part by magic and the floating candles all around.  Pansy noticed my airy looks and glanced to the ceiling herself.
"It is really pretty." She whispered to me and I smiled at her. I looked around the tables now, seeing if I could find any of my friends. I noticed the Weasley twins look at me and I smiled and waved. They sat next to Oliver Wood, who I also waved at. All three waved back before resuming their attention towards the front. 
Once all the first years came to the front, Professor McGonagall directed us all around the stage, but not quite on it. "Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words." 
The older wizard stood up, causing any remaining chatter that remained in the Great Hall to silent. "I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce." He began as I looked between my friends. "Please note that the dark forest is off-limits to all first year students." Mattheo looks slightly bothered by this, and I shoot him a confused look. He doesn't seem to notice. "Also, our caretaker, Mr Filch," he motions towards a rather scrappy man, holding a beautiful cat. Ms. Norris! 
"Nana told me that when she's in her animagus form, that cat actually is afraid of him." I whisper to Mattheo, attempting to lighten his intense mood. He seems to lose the fight of controlling his chuckle before shooting me a smile, his shoulders dropping to a more relaxed state. There we go. 
"has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." Dumbledore concludes before sitting down, causing almost every student in the hall at least a little confusion- if not concern. Well alright, then. . . 
Professor McGonagall then commanded the hall, "When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." She paused, looking down to the now opened scroll she held in her hands, "Hermione Granger!"
The girl who interrupted us on the train stepped forward, looking nervous. I gave her a sympathetic smile as she sat on the stool, and she returned it briefly, grateful for a friend. It was then I noticed Pansy giving her a glare. I could understand why, but I would absolutely hate to go first in the Sorting ceremony. 
The old brown hat suddenly jolts alive, "Ah. Right then, hm... right. Okay. Better be, Gryffindor!" The hat shouts as the red and gold table bursts into claps.
"Draco Malfoy." Nana calls next, after taking the hat from the previous girl's head. The blond swaggers forward yet again as we all watch with amusement. 
The hat barely touches his hair before shouting, "Slytherin!" This time it's the green and silver table's turn to cheer emphatically. 
"Susan Bones." McGonagall calls as a small red-headed girl walks up. The hat thinks for a moment before concluding her house.
"Hm... Hufflepuff!" It bellows as the yellow and black house cheers. 
"Ronald Weasley." My eyes jolt to Fred and George, as they look expectantly at their younger sibling, almost in anticipation. 
My eyes flicker to Draco, who is now sat at the Slytherin table, glaring daggers at the boy on the stool. "Gryffindor!" The hat finally called out, causing my attention to be regained.
"Pansy Parkinson!" The girl next to me freezes, an almost scared look coming across her face for a moment as she replaces it with confidence. I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze before quickly letting it go. I sent her a kind smile to which she returned, giving me a nod before heading up to the rickety stool. 
The hat is placed on her head, and seems to ponder for a moment before finally shouting, "Slytherin!" as the girl heaves a sigh of relief. I clap for her, alongside the far table before Nana called the next name.
"Harry Potter." The hall falls into a series of gasps and whispers as I noticed the brunette boy next to me tense up once more. Only, this time it's Theodore who nudges him out of his seriousness as the hat is placed on the other boy's head.
"Gryffindor!" The hat calls, causing Gryffindor to cheer the loudest of any table tonight. 
It's not until the next name is called that the hall falls silent once more. "Mattheo Riddle." Gasps once again echo against the walls as Mattheo is almost frozen. He isn't moving and Theodore can't make him. I take a step towards the boy, rubbing circles in his back before giving him a light shove.
He looks back at me with a look of betrayal, to which I give a small smile back at him. He nods, understanding now as he goes towards the stool. The hat is placed on his head. It takes a moment before making it's decision, "Slytherin!" It bellows as the snake table lets out a cheer that could rival the Gryffindors'. 
Professor McGonagall smiles to herself before calling the next name. "Y/N McGonagall." She calls, some of the older students almost rising out of their seats to see me as I sit. Nana winks at me as she places the hat on my head, offering a warm smile. 
"Ah, another McGonagall." The hat's voice rings in my head as I suddenly sit up straight. "Yet also, another Selwyn..." My brows furrow as the hat mention's my mother's maiden name. My eyes flicker to the Slytherin table, where I notice Mattheo and Pansy looking at me intently. "A unique inkling for knowledge, just like your grandmother. Yet, you possess a fierce courageousness as well." The hat chimes as I look worriedly up at it. "Yet there's plenty of ambition and resourcefulness too. . . But where to put you?" It asks before I whisper to it.
"Yet the only reason you ask for Slytherin is because of your loyalty to friends." The hat responded quickly. "But, if that's what you want, better be it then." The hat finishes it's talk in my head before booming it's final decision, "Slytherin!" 
I stand up quickly, my grandmother's warm smile not leaving her face even for a moment as she gives me a quick hug before I'm off to my table. I have a feeling that I'm going to love it here. 
@sydcanwrite @10turtlesinatrenchcoat @doodlebug0105
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Hey! I really love ur Slytherclaw posts! Can u make smth where Slytherin flirts with Ravenclaw, pleasee!!!!
first off, thanks for asking (srly submit more ppl) secondly, omgg that's so sweet of u <333, also I wrote a few multiple actually cuz ask and u shall receive
(warning: suggestive at the end, sry abt that)
Ravenclaw: can 2023 be the year i become hot
Slytherin: No but it can become the year you realize you always were.
Ravenclaw: (///_///)
Hufflepuff: Aw this is the cutest
Slytherin: Why aren't you dating anyone, rave?
Ravenclaw: Because I don't want to. Why aren't you?
Slytherin: Because you don't want to
Ravenclaw: (///_///)
Ravenclaw, drunk: buy me cute underwear and i will let u see me wearing it
Slytherin, also drunk: If I buy you nothing, can I see you wearing that?
Ravenclaw: (///_///)
Gryffindor, sober: stop plss, just stop
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rose-lunaire · 11 months
mattheo riddle | halloween special
grand finale of ‘slytherin halloween’ inspired by ‘honeymoon’, lana del rey, the queen of my heart
slytherin halloween masterlist
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pairing: mattheo riddle x gn!reader
warnings: none
“nobody cares about the music unless it’s their favourite song playing”
“what?” despite being the dj he heard you perfectly, he just didn’t want to believe what words just left your lips. “i’m saying: you can leave your post, comrade, and dance with me for merlin’s sake” you laughed while dragging him from the stage. you were right, no one batted an eyelash. in mattheo’s case it was from shock.
a little party never hurt no one - it was an unofficial slytherin motto. the serpent house was famous for unforgettable moments, breaching the lines between fantasy and reality. they were reserved for the strict elite, shrouded in an aura of mystery. cases of the finest champagne stacked carelessly, empty absinthe glasses sparkled with cigarette ash. groans of pleasure mixing with hysterical laughter. it was crazy, it was classy, it was addicting.
how easy it was to get lost in the feeling of letting go. music reminiscent of a siren’s song, making you forget all about you everyday life. your deepest urges taking over the reins once and for all. at least until the sun rises again. unwanted memories gone, the best moments irreversibly imbedded in your brain, making you come back every time. ‘cause you want more.
the parties combined the wild energy of the gryffindor raves with mysterious dress-ups of ravenclaw. nobody knew who you are, unless you wanted it to be known. people smoking, people drinking. jokes could be heard at every corner of the room. as soon as one stepped into the common room, the became enveloped in the carefree atmosphere, reminiscent of a hufflepuff get-together.
a loose gown falling on your perfect hips, spinning with each turn you take. the fabric skipped through the air, finding no obstacle in other party goers. you were the only one on the dance floor, mattheo’s gaze fixated on your dance. every move hypnotising, tantalising, burning with devotion. like a child dancing in the rain, you were laughing. oh, what would he do to hear this sound all over again! it was like all thoughts left his head, leaving pure desire in place: a blue flame charring his insides.
“screw your anonymity, loving me is all you need to feel” his hands were on your waist, grasping onto your skin hungrily. it was too much, never enough. he was choking on the unknown.
so your slowly untied the ribbons keeping the mask in place. carefully placed his palms onto the smooth surface, his trusty muscles the only thing separating you from being uncovered. like a priest serving his deity, he lowered his head in respect.
and then he saw you. eros and venus, devil himself. beauty eternal, he would like to serve till the end of his days. you smirked at his naivety. blink of an eye and you disappeared.
your allure transfixed in the music around him. forever unobtainable and fickle. but he felt you with his whole being. mattheo inhaled this illusion of closure, smiling blissfully.
he created you and now you made him your man.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Lord now all I can picture is Colin wondering for years why sweet Penelope was put in Slytherin until he is hanging out with Eloise and Penelope post Hogwarts and they run into Cressida Cowper who of course makes some snide comment but Penelope then rips her to pieces with just a few words and a sweet smile. Colin comes to Benedict and Sophie’s flat that night freaking out about “when did Penelope suddenly become hot?!” Meanwhile Sophie is nodding sympathetically as her boyfriend slips her that galleons he owes from the bet she just won.
It had always baffled Colin how she wound up in Slytherin with Eloise. While he considered his younger sister quite viper-like, he had always assumed Penelope would be sorted into Hufflepuff (though perhaps that was just through colour association since her mother had always dressed her in yellow as a child). While he thought, yes Penelope was determined when it came to her studies, it was the only Slytherin attribute he could hand to her. The only reason he could fathom as to how she ended up in Slytherin was that she and Eloise had wanted to be in the same house together.
After Colin bears witness to Penelope's savage yet calm takedown of Cressida Cowper, he suddenly sees her in a whole new light and can't stop talking about her and how unbelievably hot she is. Sophie and Benedict exchange knowing grins as Colin continues to rave about Penelope, patiently waiting for the moment the penny drops and Colin realises that he loves her.
"I can't believe it took me this long to realise I love her. How did it take me this long?" Colin shakes his head in disbelief.
"Sounds like a family thing." Sophie airily remarks and shoots a look at her husband.
"What do I do?" Colin asked them.
"Well obviously you tell her, hopefully she loves you back, then wait for Eloise to find out so she can try casting the cruciatus curse on you." Benedict quips.
Colin pulls a face at his brother for reminding him of his reaction to discovering Benedict and Sophie in bed together, when suddenly his face drops and concern wrinkles his brow.
"Oh Merlin's beard, I hadn't thought about Eloise." Colin muttered.
"Yeah, good luck with that one." Benedict guffawed unhelpfully and slapped his brother on the back.
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smileyvillainarc · 1 year
house parties imagines
this is how i imagine them if they were 18+ parties!
slytherin - shots and champagne, very much night club vibes, intoxicating, a lot of dancing and drinking that slowly gets more sensual as the night passes. you’ll see tables with bottles and poker games in the background, but be warned don’t get yourself into a truth or dare game without preparing to lose your dignity
gryffindor - beer/ciders, personally i feel like they’re closer to a gig vibes, still plenty of alcohol but we definitely have a band or maybe some sort of karaoke thing at the front, at first everyone is standing and talking in groups but it definitely gets more onto the dance floor as the night goes on, can definitely imagine some beer pong, safest party when you treat everyone nicely because these guys aren’t afraid to brawl and it can very easily turn into a fight club
hufflepuff - calming, soothing and closer to a house party, definitely wine/pretty cocktails with a bunch of snacks, music will definitely be played but it’s not too loud, like a sort of background tune, lots of deep conversations will be happening in each corner, plenty of beanbags, loads of card games and gambling occurring, don’t be fooled by the serenity because if you stay too long you can lose everything
ravenclaw - spirits definitely, either like a cool bar with nice lighting and plenty of pool tables and mahjong or complete rave parties, they’re smart so they very much experiment and let it be known that you’ll leave every ravenclaw party feeling completely out of it , what happens at a ravenclaw party stays at one
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fog-and-rust · 1 year
At last I present to you ... the girl
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Found a Daily Prophet Template, had a boost of inspiration.
This is my Hogwarts Legacy MC, Ellie Reed.
Profile is under the cut
Full Name: Eleanor Henrietta Reed
Nicknames: Ellie (by everyone, even herself; many of her classmates didn't even know that it is a nickname, until her cousin Leander reprimanded her once in the Great Hall addressing her by her full name)
Birthday: 10th October (despite their dynamics, she is a few months older than Leander)
Blood Status: 3/4 pureblood (mother is a pureblood from Prewett family, father is half-blood)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Nationality: British
Residence: Dorchester, Dorset, England
Languages: English
MBTI: ENFP (Campaigner)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strengths: Enthusiastic, loyal, resourceful, adaptive, quick learner
Weaknesses: Morally grey, biased, vengeful, competitive
Interests/Hobbies: Merlin Trials, flying, exploring Hogwarts and the surrounding area, violating the laws of physics
Height: 171 cm (5'7'')
Build: Average
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Complexion: Freckled
Wand: Spruce, Phoenix Feather core, 10¾ inches, slightly springy
Animagus: Nope (she doesn't have enough patience)
Patronus: Stoat
Boggart: Pensieve Guardian (at first, seeing it almost killing Professor Fig in Gringotts was as traumatic as the dragon attack); Inferi (later, after she found and killed Bardolph Beaumont); her friends looking like Isidora's victims (the memory with Isidora's father gave her creeps)
Riddikulus: Pensieve Guardian dancing cancan, Inferi turning into a scolding scarecrow, her friend performing one of Peeves' shenanigans and reciting his lines
Amortentia (what does she smell like to others?): Mallowsweet leaves (Viva la Merlin Trials), petrichor (due to excessive use of Thunderbrew potions), caramel
Amortentia (what does she smell?): TBD
Magical Abilities: Ancient Magic, expert Levioso caster
Broom: Customized by Albie Weekes and reminds a bicycle
House: Hufflepuff
Roommates: Poppy Sweeting, Adelaide Oakes, Lenora Everleigh
Best Subjects: Potions, Herbology, Flying, Arithmancy (because there is no need to use a wand for these subjects)
Worst Subjects: Divination, History of Magic (she doesn't sleep, but there is too much information)
Mother: Florence Reed (née Prewett)
Father: Mortimer Reed
Elder brother: Gregory Reed (has already graduated from Hogwarts)
Younger brother: Theodore Reed (will go to Hogwarts as a first-year when Ellie becomes a sixth-year)
Uncle and Aunt: Mr and Mrs Prewett (Leander's parents)
Cousin: Leander Prewett
Pet: a Puffskein called Olly (it actually belongs to Leander, but since his mother was against pets in her house, Ellie and her brothers took care of the pet), a barn owl called Otto
Best Friend: Leander Prewett
Other Friends:
Non-human: Peeves, Richard Jackdaw, Lodgok, Deek
Girls: Poppy Sweeting, Imelda Reyes, Adelaide Oakes, Lenora Everleigh, Natsai Onai, Zenobia Noke, Nerida Roberts
Boys: Garreth Weasley, Amit Thakkar, Ominis Gaunt, Sebastian Sallow, Everett Clopton, Lucan Brattleby
Ranrok, Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Duncan Hobhouse, Charlotte Morrison
Food: Chelsea bun
Drink: Pumpkin Fizz
Candy: Fizzing Whizzbees (a good backup plan when jumping from high places)
Potion: Thunderbrew Potion (it's all about presentation)
Plant: Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mallowsweet
Flower: Bluebell
Book: Three Men in a Boat by Jerome. K. Jerome (1889)
Colour: Grey
Beast: Puffskein
Animal: Squirrel
Season: Autumn (it's always Halloween in her soul)
Holiday: Halloween
Time of day: Dawn
Weather: Overcast
Place in Hogwarts: Astronomy Tower, Clock Tower Courtyard
Hamlet: Marunweem
Shop: Dogweed and Deathcap
Before the awakening of her magical abilities everyone was convinced that she was a Squib. She was homeschooled in subjects that don't require using a wand.
She gives names to her Chinese Chomping Cabbages.
Constantly breaks into Ravenclaw Common Room because she likes its aesthetic. She often asks friends from different Houses to help her because she is curious if there is a limit to nonsense the knocker accepts.
Prefers to wear variants of uniform with breeches since she jumps and runs around a lot.
More often than not forgets to put on her robe, professors got used to it and don't take points for uniform violation anymore.
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Emma Vanity HCS!!!
- was supposed to be in Slytherin but got placed in Hufflepuff instead because she has far too much patience and when the sorting hat asked her ‘what is your one goal for hogwarts?’ she said; “to break the sterotypes.”
- is on the Hufflepuff quidditch team as a beater (AND IS THE CAPTAIN)
- is on Hufflepuff AND Hogwarts debate team
- is a reserve on the duelling team because she’s too busy with quidditch and debate.
- favourite subject is transfiguration (she and james will RAVE about it and give minnie extra essays for fun (minnie enjoys reading them))
- wants to be a zoologist / herbologist
- her mama is a muggleborn and her mum is purblood (GAY MUMS)
-during the holidays, she works in her uncle’s bookshop in muggle london
-IS UNLABELLED!! (she definitely hates it when people try to give her labels, probably yelled at Sirius at one point for trying to suggest she labels herself as pansexual like james.)
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nikkiruncks · 2 years
I was having a conversation with @disneymbti and wanted to write which Hogwarts houses could fit the main characters of t9s
Jay - Gryffindor (He took responsibility for the car thing. It takes a lot of courage for him to stand up to Red like that.)
Leia - Hufflepuff (she’s a really caring and loyal person. She loves her friends and would do anything for them.)
Nikki - Ravenclaw (She cares about school and works hard. Tho she could be a Slytherin)
Nate - Hufflepuff (he’s mostly loyal to Jay (more than to his own gf lol) and he definitely would be to Sarah (looking up ways to support autistic people, coming with her to some of her sessions, etc.))
Gwen - Gryffindor (she isn’t afraid to go after what she wants and in The Rave, she ended up encouraging Leia to do the same)
Ozzie - Ravenclaw (he has a great wit and is really smart. I could also see him as a Slytherin because of his determination, pride, and self determination)
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luucypevensie · 1 year
Tell me EVERYTHING about your HP ocs. please.
- @come-along-pond
Um… OF COURSE I WILL!! Thank you for asking!!
First and foremost, we have my girl, Cordelia Grey (fc is Naomi Scott). Cord is a Muggle whose Aunt Andrea (her father’s sister) is a witch. For the first ten years of her life, she happily lived with her parents, having no clue that everything was going to change on her eleventh birthday.
That day, she was hanging with her aunt, waiting for her parents to join them when they get the news that they were killed in a car accident. It was also around that time that McGonagall came to give Cord her letter and help Drea explain that she was a witch.
Cord fell into a depression that day and didn’t get out of it until her aunt took her to Diagon Alley and she met one Harry Potter at Ollivander’s. While waiting to get their wands, the two of them started talking and it came up about both of them losing their parents and them never learning about the Wizarding World until now.
Later on, it comes up that Drea knew James and Lily (James thought of Drea as a younger sister and was VERY protective over her), and Harry and Hagrid join the girls for dinner where Drea tells them so many stories about them. It was the first time Harry ever felt that he had a family.
Fast forward to September 11th: they arrive at Hogwarts and are being sorted into their Houses. When Cord’s name is called, she quietly walks up to the stool and sits down. Once the Sorting Hat is put on top of her head, the two of them proceed to have a lengthy conversation. Slytherin comes up when Cord asks why everyone seems to hate it so much. The Hat gave her a condensed version of its background, leading Cord to ask if The Hat thought Slytherin was bad. To make a long story short, their conversation helped Cord to cement her decision.
The Sorting Hat announced SLYTHERIN, and everyone just fell dead silent (yep, Cord decided she was going to be a Slytherin because she knew she had a lot of the qualities the House prizes, but also she decided that it would be her mission to show everyone that not all Slytherins are evil).
So, first year was a bit hard to say the least for Cord. Harry wasn’t speaking to her, and a lot of the Slytherins were being mean (not that Cord wasn’t used to it; when she was younger, she was bullied quite a bit). However, it started looking up when she befriended Tracy Davis after the Sorting, and this is also when she met her future gf, Cheyenne, a Ravenclaw. They bumped into each other when Cord got lost trying to find the Charms classroom and became friends.
Further out in the year, Daphne Greengrass joins Cord and Tracy’s duo, and the trio later on become known as the Antimony Trio.
Third year, Drea becomes the new Muggle Studies professor and everyone LOVES her (with the exception of some Slytherins). When she was at Hogwarts, Drea was a Hufflepuff. She was a couple years younger than the Marauders, but Remus started tutoring her in DADA during her first year and became like another older brother to her. So did James once he started tutoring her in Transfiguration. Sirius became interested in her later on after hearing James rave on and on about her (“Pure ray of sunshine Padfoot, must protect at all costs!), but she wasn’t interested and basically, they are a LONG ASS slowburn.
Cheyenne’s fc is Amber Midthunder, and Drea’s fc is Billie Piper.
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
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NAME : Anastasia Rose Nott  NICKNAME : Anya, Ana, Asta, Natasha, Stacey, Stacia, Stasha, Tasia, Tasie AGE : 16 -19+ BIRTH DATE : Nov 11, 1979 GENDER : Female ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Bisexual LOCATION : Nott Manor, Hogwarts PROFESSION : Student, Entertainer BLOOD STATUS : Pure-Blood SPECIES : Human ❪ Witch ❫ HOUSE : Slytherin WAND : 11¾", Sycamore, Phoenix Feather PATRONUS : Fox HEIGHT : 5'9" WEIGHT : 132 lbs HAIR : Brunette EYES : Blue TATTOOS : A few PIERCINGS : Ears SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Meika Woollard
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Anastasia Rose Nott was born November eleventh, nineteen seventy-nine to Mr. and Mrs. Nott, she is the twin sister of Theodore Nott. After the death of her mother, the twins was raised by their father, who was a Death Eater. On September 1st, 1991, Anya started Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin.
Growing up, despite the fact Theodore was five minutes older than Anastasia, the twins were close. So close that they were practically each other's best friend, fiercely protective of the other. Although Theo was a bit more protective of Anya, which sometimes bothered her but she understood so most of the time she shrugged it off. After all when she was six, she almost drowned in frigid water after she fell through the ice while playing which scared him to death. And it didn't help that she was an adventurous and curious child, always finding herself in trouble with their father.
During their school years, while her brother was more of a loner, she was a social butterfly. Such a charismatic charmer that her friends would often tease her that she'd leave a trail of broken hearts with that charm of her. Yet despite that, she was still guarded and careful who she let get close to her. Wasn't naïve enough to let someone hurt her, and anyone who was brave enough to try, well she almost felt bad for them because anyone who dared hurt her, had to deal with her twin when he found out. But once Anya lets someone get close to her then she is fiercely loyal to them, would do anything for them because that's how much she cares for them.
While Anastasia may be beautiful to some, there is definitely more to her than looks. She is more intelligent than she lets on, plus she has a heart of gold that some would say she could fit into Hufflepuff for her kindness alone but she would argue that she could also be put in Ravenclaw for her creativity and intelligence. And besides she's ambitious, cunning, resourceful, determined, stubborn. Can be a bit vindictive when someone hurts someone she cares about, certainly isn't afraid to take risks, which gifted with being incredibly shrewd helps with that. She is also a bit egotistical and a bit selfish at times, even though she tries her hardest to stay down to earth and humble. She's quite confident, though she has her insecurities. And she absolutely hates showing vulnerability, unless she trusts someone enough. So really she thinks her house fits her just fine.
While Anya grew up with some belief in pure-blood supremacy, because it was hard to completely ignore all of her father’s ravings about the way society should be, she didn't quite believe in all that bullshit. And she certainly didn't support the dark lord's cause so much that when Potter exposed her father as being a death eater, she wasn't even bothered by it. Just snickering and rolling her eyes at anyone who'd make a comment about it to her, though she felt bad for Malfoy who were having a rough time with Lucius's exposure.
When the Battle of Hogwarts broke out, she initially evacuated because her twin deemed the odds of the Order of the Phoenix’s success to be too low. After all there seemed to be around thirty adults present, and the rest of the people determined to fight were Hogwarts students or graduates from the last few years. And neither twin was really keen on the idea of dying young, but then she decided to sneak back to Hogsmeade under a disillusionment charm to see what was happening. Ending up joining the reinforcements because she couldn't sit back and just let people she knew die for nothing, plus at least if she died then she died a hero.
After a few too many close calls, Anastasia wasted no time in returning to Theodore. Which she spent most of her time with after the battle was finally over, though she did opt in returning to finish her final year. Dragging her brother with her, though it was definitely different. And once the twins finally finished school, they spent an year deciding what they wanted to do now. Which eventually Anya decided to travel and entertain people with her stories, by acting them out, even occasionally singing and dancing for them as well. Honestly she was just trying to live her best life.
Loves going on adventures, exploring new places
Loves a good mystery and certainly loves trying to solve them
Loves being underestimates so she can prove people wrong
Loves to create stories and make art to go along with them
Loves to read, loves getting lost in the stories
Loves listening to music, wizard and muggle but she keeps her love for muggle music a secret for reasons
Loves singing and dancing, though only does it when she's alone or with someone she's comfortable around
Loves entertaining people with her stories, going so far to act them out.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Hermione, Luna, Fleur 🧡
Hi there Anon! Thanks for the asks! 😄
Hermione Granger: A subject you know a lot about.
Gotta be ASTROLOGY, am I right? 🤣 That shouldn't surprise anyone here. Harry Potter, also. (Those books came out when I was 5 and I've basically been reading them since then.)
But for a little extra...astrology is, essentially, a language of symbolism and storytelling. (Also more math than I like to think about, so let's not get into that bit of it.) Well I, as a writer, am very drawn to the storytelling bit, but I'm also pretty well-versed in symbolism in general.
Color symbolism. Animal symbolism. Flower symbolism. I'm very fascinated by symbols, and history, and stories, and sort of tying it all together. The idea of there being deeper meaning, and deeper power, in all things. Seeing beauty and magic all around us.
That's what made Orange Blossoms so fun to write, just fully leaning into floriography. It's why I have a deep fondness for rhapsodizing about eye color; color and meaning and what all I can compare it to, and the meaning behind that. And in astrology, the elements, and the symbolism there; I blend the elements into my work where I can, too, using what I know of its symbolism.
There was a bit I was writing once where Severus was reflecting on his feelings for Lily and Harry, and I was aiming for a lot of airy comparisons for Lily (an Aquarius) and fiery descriptors for Harry (a Leo.) Fully self-indulgent and I never quite finished it!
Anyway, there I go babbling, per usual, LOL.
Luna Lovegood: Something about you other people find weird.
Hmmm. Probably a lot. But people don't generally tell me what they think is weird about me. 🤣 My laugh, maybe, or at least that's what I'm self-conscious of. I think it's loud and obnoxious, and I also happen to laugh way too much.
I also take great pleasure in very simple things. Which maybe sounds nice until I'm raving about how sweet Eddie is for bringing home a Midnight Milky Way and everyone else is like "wtf why are you telling me this." Cuz I'm HAPPY. I'm VERY HAPPY. I love dark chocolate and that was so nice!!! (Eddie is my partner btw for those who dk.)
I also have OCD and ADHD (bad combination that), so my brain is very weirdly particular about things. I'm 1000% sure people think many of those are weird. I also have tics which I hope to god no one notices but if they do, I'm sure they think that's weird, too.
Aaaand...Well. My level of obsessiveness and enthusiasm. I live in the South (U.S.) where everyone religiously follows football, wears merch for their favorite teams, and even play Fantasy Football, but I'm weird for wearing Hufflepuff t shirts and writing fanfiction. 🙄
Also I babble/ramble a lot, but I've gotta be feeling pretty comfy to talk at all so...🤷‍♀️
On the whole I embrace my weirdness so while I can be a bit self-conscious and overthink, I also love all of what makes me unique! And best of all...my weirdness brings in other weird people, who I'd rather hang out with anyway!
Fleur Delacour: What physical attribute do you like most about yourself?
If you know you know. 😂 I'll thank my Leo Rising for great hair (Or I could thank my dad for the genetics, but...I'd rather not. I'd rather thank my Leo Rising, which means I can thank my mother instead for giving birth to me at the optimal time for great hair.)
(Okay we're getting off track, and probably oversharing a bit.)
I don't think I'm especially pretty, and I'm a bit insecure about a lot, but one thing I have never doubted is my hair. Dark brown (I dyed it red for years, but I went back to my natural color some years ago!) LONG...as in, nearly to my butt when fully dry. And best of all: SUPER CURLY. I have 3B hair, to give people a better idea.
I love it even more since my partner likes to tell me that I have so much chaos and liveliness in me that it sprouts out of my head that way. My hair, the ultimate representation of all my...[gestures wildly]
Anyway, maintenance is a pain in the behind. I braid it every night for bed and let me TELL YOU...getting to the end of the braid is a pain, worse still if I have to redo the braid. My arms get TIRED. Also curls tangle like crazy. I could not move at all after brushing it and somehow all of my curls start making friends.
But you know what? It's soft. It's pretty. Having long curly hair makes me feel like a fairytale princess, I won't lie. Flipping it around? Charm. The wind whipping it all over? Magic.
Also fun fact, when it's shorter, it's super springy and has a lot more volume. (The length weighs down the curls a bit.) So when my hair was short it actually kinda looked like a lion's mane. Which was cool. Especially relating to my Leo Moon and my Leo Rising (which is to thank for said hair to begin with.) Leo...lion...lion's mane. Get it?
Okay, I'll see myself out.
If you've not had enough of my babbling, you can send me more HP Name Asks.
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slytherintragedy · 4 months
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♡ FULL NAME: Anastasia Rose Nott ♡ KNOWN AS: Anya, Ana, Asta, Natasha, Stacey, Stacia, Stasha, Tasia, Tasie ♡ BIRTHDAY: Nov 11, 1979 ♡ GENDER & PRONOUNS: Female - She /Her ♡ ORIENTATION: Biromantic, Bisexual ♡ BLOOD STATUS: Pureblood ♡ HEIGHT: 5’9” ♡ WEIGHT: 132 lbs ♡ EYE COLOR: Turquoise Blue ♡ HAIR COLOR: Brunette ♡ SPECIES: Witch (Human) ♡ PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Nott Manor, St. Neot, Cornwall, England, Hogwarts ♡ OCCUPATION: Student, Entertainer, Model, Fashion Designer ♡ HOUSE: Slytherin ♡ PATRONUS: Fox ♡ WAND: 11¾", Sycamore, Phoenix Feather ♡ FACECLAIM: Meika Woollard
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Anastasia Rose Nott was born November eleventh, nineteen seventy-nine to Alexios and Rosemary Nott, she is the twin sister of Theodore Nott. After the death of her mother, the twins was raised by their father, who was a Death Eater. On September 1st, 1991, Anya started Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Slytherin.
Growing up, despite the fact Theodore was five minutes older than Anastasia, the twins were close. So close that they were practically each other's best friend, fiercely protective of the other. Although Theo was a bit more protective of Anya, which sometimes bothered her but she understood so most of the time she shrugged it off. After all when she was six, she almost drowned in frigid water after she fell through the ice while playing which scared him to death. And it didn't help that she was an adventurous and curious child, always finding herself in trouble with their father.
During their school years, while her brother was more of a loner, she was a social butterfly. Such a charismatic charmer that her friends would often tease her that she'd leave a trail of broken hearts with that charm of her. Yet despite that, she was still guarded and careful who she let get close to her. Wasn't naïve enough to let someone hurt her, and anyone who was brave enough to try, well she almost felt bad for them because anyone who dared hurt her, had to deal with her twin when he found out. But once Anya lets someone get close to her then she is fiercely loyal to them, would do anything for them because that's how much she cares for them.
While Anastasia may be beautiful to some, there is definitely more to her than looks. She is more intelligent than she lets on, plus she has a heart of gold that some would say she could fit into Hufflepuff for her kindness alone but she would argue that she could also be put in Ravenclaw for her creativity and intelligence. And besides she's ambitious, cunning, resourceful, determined, stubborn. Can be a bit vindictive when someone hurts someone she cares about, certainly isn't afraid to take risks, which gifted with being incredibly shrewd helps with that. She is also a bit egotistical and a bit selfish at times, even though she tries her hardest to stay down to earth and humble. She's quite confident, though she has her insecurities. And she absolutely hates showing vulnerability, unless she trusts someone enough. So really she thinks her house fits her just fine.
While Anya grew up with some belief in pure-blood supremacy, because it was hard to completely ignore all of her father’s ravings about the way society should be, she didn't quite believe in all that bullshit. And she certainly didn't support the dark lord's cause so much that when Potter exposed her father as being a death eater, she wasn't even bothered by it. Just snickering and rolling her eyes at anyone who'd make a comment about it to her, though she felt bad for Malfoy who were having a rough time with Lucius's exposure.
When the Battle of Hogwarts broke out, she initially evacuated because her twin deemed the odds of the Order of the Phoenix’s success to be too low. After all there seemed to be around thirty adults present, and the rest of the people determined to fight were Hogwarts students or graduates from the last few years. And neither twin was really keen on the idea of dying young, but then she decided to sneak back to Hogsmeade under a disillusionment charm to see what was happening. Ending up joining the reinforcements because she couldn't sit back and just let people she knew die for nothing, plus at least if she died then she died a hero.
After a few too many close calls, Anastasia wasted no time in returning to Theodore. Which she spent most of her time with after the battle was finally over, though she did opt in returning to finish her final year. Dragging her brother with her, though it was definitely different. And once the twins finally finished school, they spent an year deciding what they wanted to do now. Which eventually Anya decided to travel and entertain people with her stories, by acting them out, even occasionally singing and dancing for them as well. Honestly she was just trying to live her best life.
Loves going on adventures, exploring new places Loves a good mystery and certainly loves trying to solve them Loves being underestimates so she can prove people wrong Loves to create stories and make art to go along with them Loves to read, loves getting lost in the stories Loves listening to music, wizard and muggle but she keeps her love for muggle music a secret for reasons Loves singing and dancing, though only does it when she's alone or with someone she's comfortable around Loves entertaining people with her stories, going so far to act them out.
Theodore Nott - Twin Brother / Best Friend Sebastian Wirtz - Best Friend / Crush { Connected with @diemauer } Twyla Black - Best Friend Daphne Greengrass - Best Friend Draco Malfoy - Friend Blaise Zabini - Friend Cedric Diggory - Crush † Adrian Pucey - Best Friend / Ex Boyfriend Romeo Ripley - Best Friend Blair Zabini - Best Friend { Connected with @entitytcken via Discord } Galexia Malfoy - Best Friend Akira Rayne - Friend
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tastaturean · 10 months
Contando las escenas para la graduación de Adrian
El otro día se me ocurrió contar las escenas hasta terminar el capitulibro 5. Demasiadas, todavía. Casi una docena. Y no se me ocurre otra cosa que montar una rave. 2000+ palabras sólo en notas nuevas acumuladas en dos días. Tengo esperanza de que Adrian se gradúe antes de fin de año, pero no las tengo todas conmigo. Al menos me gustaría llegar a imitar la fiesta Hufflepuff de Fin de Año a la Hufflepuff con el equivalente Slytherin de una fiesta de graduación. Detesto el libro quinto. Se lo estoy leyendo poco a poco por las noches a mi hijo y sufro con cada escena de la primera mitad. Es el peor de la saga con diferencia, es un truño tedioso e insoportable que hace del mundo mágico un lugar inhóspito, insulso y aburridísimo.
Gracias a él me animé a escribir ¡Hufflepuff Existe!, en su contexto resolví todas las tensiones sexuales de los Hufflepuff, y ahora quiero que la despedida de los Slytherin del curso de Adrian sea de traca.
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nicos-oc-hell · 2 years
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Full name: Raven Ivory Kaldor
Nicknames: Rave, Ray, Ivy
Date of birth: March 17th
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Blood status: pureblood
Ethnicity/Race: caucasian
Nationality: Greek
House: Hufflepuff
Wand: she switched the wand out for a bracelet as the siblings kept confusing their wands
Animagus: red feathered hawk
Familiar: a talking hedgehog named Marshmallow who likes to bother people at random times of the day when she isn’t being summoned for help. Is usually in a bag Raven carriers with her because Marshmallow loves to not respond
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Faceclaim: Saoirse Ronan
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Height: 5’6
Hair color:Dark brown
Hair style: short that stops just above her shoulders
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Eye color: green
Skin tone: beige
Scars: none
Modifications: none
Distinguishing marks: none
Accessories: her bracelet
What’s in their pockets?
What’s in their bag?
Snacks for Marshmallow
Voice claim: Saoirse Ronan
Languages understood: English
Languages spoken: English
Color: pink
Food: deer
Weather: sunny
Hobbies: reading
Dislikes: the goats
Father: Haven Kaldor
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Mother: Salem Kaldor
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Scarrow Kaldor
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Avey Kaldor
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Pet(s): Marshmallow
S/O: tdb
Dylan Snowmark
Friends: tbd
Oldest by around 30 minutes
When put together the triplets are unstoppable but apart their magic is not so evened out, the girls got the same amount of the magic they share but Scarrow got the short end of the magic stick
Loves pomegranate
Raised on greek and norse myths
Favorite god is Thanatos, the personification of death
She shares a similar name with her father so it causes some confusion between the two
Midnight triplet
Right Handed
Fear of heights
Very superstitious
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