#human neighbor Sean
wait so where was lazlo’s best friend, pal, homeboy, rotten soldier, sweet cheese, good time boy during the time when it was just single dad lazlo and baby Colin Robinson before the other vampires came back?
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superhell · 2 years
human neighbor Sean my best friend sean you are soooo great
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canongayermo · 2 years
sometimes family is a girlboss vampire club owner and her vampire malewife husband, a doll possessed by her ghost, a vampire ex-warlord with approximately 0 brain cells that sometimes sleeps with them, a serial killer who is now also an embezzler and is in love with the ex-warlord, and the child that crawled out of the chest cavity of their dead friend that they’re now raising
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frenchfry99 · 8 months
📺 Turn on your TV or you'll miss the chance to hear from the neighborhood's cheeriest bug! ☀
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In her part of the show, she'd teach kids all different kinds of facts about the weather, why it is like this and what should they do, like how to tell it's gonna rain, sometimes would do little geography lessons which she sure knows a lot about!
Would most definitely advertise various stuff from Howdy's shop that would be useful for the weather she's telling about, like "a new neat umbrella and rain boots for the gloomy soggy days" or "a refreshing cold drink to help with the summer heat!"
You could call Daria quite the fashionista, she likes to pick her attire matching the weather, both in matters of style and comfort. She always makes sure that her neighbors are dressed according to the temperature and etc too, so for example, she better not catch you without your scarf when it's freezing outside- (would give you a lecture why you should wear one and will put her own on you lol)
(most of her outfits are made by my other oc Sunny, a shy tailor who's not big on very chatty and loud people, but him and Daria somehow get along really well!)
Definitely owns a ton of different sunglasses too, it's nearly impossible to see Daria without them.
Daria got into the neighborhood by a storm. Dragonflies are undeniably great at flying but not even they can always predict what they'll get into on their way! But don't worry, she got into trustworthy hands (or wings?-) of neighborhood's mail-bird Sean Gull, could it be love at first sight-
She's transfem, pan and polyamorous
Being overly energetic, Daria sometimes bumps into other neighbors , just not noticing they're standing in the way while she's deep in thought. Would be pretty apologetic if she makes them fall- It'd take her some time to remember where she was heading to too..
She'd also oftenly appear as a star guest at the regular human weather forecast or some scientific geography TV programs :D
(I'll prolly add up more info later as my burnout passes, have a lil doodle of her human ver instead lol)
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assiraphales · 2 years
their relationship is so remarkable (and one of my fave on the show) bc laszlo is so old! he’s “sucked and fucked” his way across europe and staten island, he’s been married for centuries, he’s eccentric and topiary is one of his hobbies, he has NO tolerance for humans, and yet he considers sean “the greatest friendship of his life”. sean is just some guy! he’s a guy laszlo actually hated! but he’s also some guy who gave the eccentric slut of a neighbor who lives in a murder mansion a chance. sean could have kept his normal life w his normal drinking buddies, but he decided laz was his main man and that he would “die for him”. they’re besties against all odds and they should also kiss <3
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beansprean · 1 year
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What if Guillermo worked at Hooters instead of Panera and Sean invited them to a Superbowl party 10 years earlier? Co-written and directed by @phasmama
(ID in alt and under cut)
1a. A label at the top says 2009. Nandor stands on a dark background, wearing his travel cloak and humming thoughtfully, hand on his chin. In a thought bubble, he recalls words from Laszlo: "Our new neighbor Sean has invited us to a Superb Owl party." And Nadja: "So you better bring a nice gift and not embarrass us in front of the owl!" 1b. The thought bubble disappears, revealing a Hooters restaurant in the distance behind it. Nandor turns his head and notices it.
2. Shot from inside the restaurant as Nandor slams the door open, announcing "Hello! May I enter your owl establishment?"
3. Full body of Guillermo, walking past wearing a gold watch, Hooters tank top, orange booty shorts, white socks and sneakers, and a teeny black apron holding a notebook and a few pens. He has a few menus in his hands and turns his head towards the new arrival, saying "Oh, uh. Yeah? We're open."
4. Shot over Nandor's shoulder. Guillermo catches himself and turns toward him fully, awkwardly stuttering "Uh. I mean. Welcome to Hooters! One for dinner?" Nandor, staring somewhere in the vicinity of Guillermo's hips with purple cheeks, replies "...Yes, please."
5. They walk in profile, Guillermo in front still holding the menus. His cheeks are slightly flushed as he glances back at the man behind him, a thought bubble from his head holding a photo of Antonio Banderas as Armand. Nandor stalks closely after him, blatantly staring at his ass with a clear dotted line connecting his gaze.
6. Guillermo turns with a smile and sweeps his arm out, saying "Here you are, sir! Can I start you off with-" Nandor interrupts him, shouting out in all caps "COME WITH ME TO A SUPERB OWL PARTY TOMORROW."
7. Guillermo clutches the menus to his chest and stares up at Nandor, cheeks blushing red. Without much thought, he says "...Okay." Text nearby points to him and says self preservation goes to zero around a hot guy'. Nandor smiles down at him, pleased.
8. Later, Guillermo is laying in bed at home in the dark and holding his phone above his face. In the background is a screenshot of the Wikipedia page for American football that he's studying. He thinks to himself, "This is a terrible idea..."
9. The next night. Laszlo and Nadja stand together facing Nandor, who has Guillermo tucked just behind him. Nadja scowls and gestures angrily at the human, snapping "Nandor, you plonker! The owl cannot eat a whole human!!" Then, less confidently, "Can he??" Laszlo continues in his usual unflappable manner, "If not, I hope you brought enough for everyone." Nandor, affronted and purple in the cheeks, snaps back "Guillermo is not for eating! Not by the owl and not by you." He gestures to his guest with one imperious hand. "But he has brought wings of chicken that I am sure will appease a great bird of prey." Guillermo is indeed holding a Tupperware box in both hands, eyes wide and gazing blankly into the middle distance as he thinks to himself "Definitely a mistake." /end ID
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misscryptidart · 9 months
No but actually make me a WWDITS (union) writer because the relationship and social aspects of humans VS vampires is so fucking interesting.
Like, I know the meme of the Baron choose drama over violence in his confrontation with Guillermo, but the side conversation between the two, "vampire to vampire", immediately reads as a different level of intimacy and familiarity that the baron had not shown to Guillermo prior. The respect between the two, the frankness the Baron gives Guillermo, they are portrayed as equals. Perhaps not friends, but equals.
The relationship between familiar and vampire is also displayed in a new context. Nadja, as soon as she found out that Guillermo was turned, immediately began to correct Guillermo's behavior and teach him what little she could ("You can't treat your master like that. That connection is sacred. If he gets killed, you get killed. You treat him with respect."). Being a familiar is not only serving your master, but building that connection with your eventual sire. Its the time where the master is supposed to be preparing their familiar for the complex and nuanced life of vampirism, easing the transition for not only the new fledging but also the risk the sire is taking. To have another vampire, one who has not groomed and taken care of the familiar, turn them is a clear violation of the expectations of the master role. Nandor, by the social contracts of vampirism, was the one to "train" and "prepare" Guillermo for his introduction to the un-living. Derik took that connection and ruined it. No wonder he was so fucking pissed.
I think it lends itself well to the reality that vampires and humans are not equals. Humans live short lives and have a limited world experience, but they are dangerous and clever. Vampires have the gift of endless possibilities and power unlike any others, but they are reliant on the humans for food and must navigate a world that actively works against their nature. Of course they see humanity as "the others", ones who can't ever possibly understand what it means to be a vampire. Of course they are going to be incredibly cautious when allowing one into their world. The running gag of familiars never actually being turned makes a lot more sense when you put in the perspective that vampires are incredibly protective of themselves and those of their inner circle. It also explains why they are so willing to disregard or kill their familiars. They can't understand what it means to be a vampire. They will die anyways. Who cares?
The Staten Island Vampires stand out so distinctly because they choose to integrate themselves into human society earnestly, eager to explore and learn about their neighbors. Not in a malicious manner, such as a wolf in sheep's clothing, but as a genuine "Hey, I'm here. I want to experience this. I want to be apart of this."
Very rarely in vampire media, in my opinion, does it show the vampires attempting to live their lives interwoven with humanity like WWDITS does. Even Twilight, the most modern adaptation of a vampiric story, has the Cullen's act alien and disinterested in the world around them. But the Staten Island Vampires are involved! Laszlo hangs out with Sean with no intentions of feeding from him, Nandor goes to the gym and movies and actively seeks new friendships, Nadja connects with her roots and visits Little Antipaxos! They are people living in a world of other people, and the world feels so full because of that.
I love monsters and mythology and folklore and terrible little creatures so goddamn much
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mixtapetraxx · 2 years
If human neighbor Sean has million fans i am one of them . if human neighbor Sean has ten fans i am one of them. if human neighbor Sean has only one fan that is me . if human neighbor Sean has no fans, that means i am no longer on the earth . if the world is against human neighbor Sean, i am against the world.
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mr-nauseam · 11 months
Ladja is separating.
No. Don't worry I don't think they're getting divorced or anything but it's obvious since the vampire council thing their lives have separated somewhat. They no longer are ogether 24/7 or talk to each other all the time. They do separate activities.
They exist separately.
Laszlo before his relationship with Sean himself lacked significant relationships with the other vampires outside of his good wife Nadja. Sure he was friends with Nandor or something but they argued a lot more before because Nandor was unbearably bossy. Colin was too boring to be around and Gizmo was a pathetic bootlicker who only followed Nandor around.
Sean was an annoying and idiotic human neighbor but then he isn't. Eventually he is nice and funny until one day he is the good time boy and his best friend. From a visit where Nadja accompanies him to spending time alone with Sean.
Then Colin is going to die and must accept he cares, then more importantly Baby Colin shows up and decides he is important enough to let Nadja go on her own while he stays to take care of him. And that changes him profoundly.
He loses him but the traces of his impact are there. He talks things over with Nandor, they go out together and he's important enough to want to protect him from what Guillermo did while Laszlo is helping Guillermo too because he's worth of it. Colin is complicated now but will surely help him if he asks or requires it.
When faced with a crisis his reaction is no longer to run away and be Jackie Daytona (which oddly enough was everything this Laszlo is now)... but to make a plan, a foolish one, but a plan to resolve the situation.
And Nadja then takes the Jackie Daytona path with a twist but we'll talk about that later...
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that-stone-butch · 1 year
I feel like fo4 has this really weird tone where it's supposed to be this big deal for your character that they don't know how long it's been between when they thawed out Sean and when they thawed you out, like cause you saw Sean get stolen but then you get refrozen. but why would I care about that? why would I care about that reveal? There's no hints dropped, no real build up to Sean, no info on him, it's way too easy to forget that finding him is supposedly your character's main motivation. So when you find out that he's old now,, it's like,, ok? fine I guess? Fallout 3 has a similar problem with not caring all that much about finding dad but at least I'd met that fucker and talked to him a few times
for me it feels like they had to give the player like, some reason to give a shit about the institute and turning it from the place that stole shaun into like, shaun's life's work is a really hamfisted way of achieving that.
but that turns shaun, the child who needs your care, into shaun, the grown adult man who did fine and as a character i am deeply disappointed in. this 'synths aren't people' motherfucker is like, objectively wrong even within the narrative framework of fallout 4. like you have to be a massive piece of shit to play fo4 and side with any faction that doesn't see synths as people. are they human? debatable. are they people? abso-fucking-lutely. and shaun participating in their existence as a class of people intended and designed for slavery? what a shithead. shaun is the asshole uncle at the dinner table casually throwing out the fact that he doesn't see your neighbors as people, and i am absolutely burning his house down.
fallout 4 is such a one-dimensional 'press x to slavery is wrong' game and still expects you to care about the wrong people.
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normalaboutitpod · 11 months
human neighbor sean is built different ✨
catch up on our wwdits s4 reviews before we dive into season 5!🌙
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Sean telling Lazlo that nah, the vampire hypnosis doesn’t work anymore
Lazlo: so… what is it you remember?
Sean: you tried to kiss me a LOT
Lazlo: *waves his hand in an attempt at hypnosis*
Sean: … Laz, remember, that don’t actually work
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superhell · 2 years
Oh my god human neighbor Sean I love you soooooo much
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2offayyo-kzt · 1 year
I'm going to explain why 'Brain Scramblies' is my favorite episode of wwdits and a genius TV episode :
Simply because this episode is funny as hell and there are a lot of subtle references, I decided to list the ones I noticed from the most explicit to the most implicit :
Charmaine's name origin ¦
So her name is obviously taken from the movie Ocean's Eleven.
It's the name of a prostitute who helped the protagonists of the movie to get a badge from a technician who works in the casino.
She stole it from one of the technicians 'Edward' by using her charms (him being drunk and crazy in love with her)
In the same way that Sean fell madly in love with Charmaine in the show.
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'Inferno' by Dan Brown ¦
In one of the rooms that Nadja ruins to find the Jade necklace that belonged to her mother, we see on a bedside table a book "Inferno" by Dan Brown.
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This is the beginning of the Wikipedia summary : "Robert Langdon wakes up in the middle of the night in the hospital, almost amnesiac and having suffered a concussion. Nevertheless, all his other intellectual and psychic functions remain intact. Disoriented, with a head injury, he has no memory of the last 36 hours. He does not know why he is in Florence and where the object that the doctors discovered in his belongings came from. A dream torments his mind, that of an old veiled woman wearing an amulet around her neck..."
'The Golden Lily' by Richelle Mead ¦
After Sean has his brain in a pudding state and falls back in love with Charmaine again, this is one of the sentences he says to her :
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"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen."
It is the exact beginning of a quote from the book "The Golden Lily" written by Richelle Mead, which talks about vampires.
"You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen walking this earth. You have no clue of how beautiful you are or how brightly you shine"
Brief summary of the book :
"Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets-and human lives."
This may have been the only way Sean could explain to his wife, in a fucked-up state, that the neighbors are vampires.
(The idea that Sean reads teenage romance vampire fiction is killing me 😭🤣)
'The Vampire Diaries' ¦
Sean's declaration of love is full of references, here is a new one :
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He pronounced this while offering the Jade necklace : "It's a token of my undying love", an almost similar phrase was uttered in episode 2 of season 8 of the Vampires Diaries.
"[...]will you do me the honor of wearing this engagement ring, as a token of my love"
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It's a proposal from Stephan, a vampire, and then the couple kiss in the same way that Charmaine and Sean kissed after he offered the necklace.
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One of my favorite references, probably the most speculative :
'Mama Lucha' ¦
When he 'first' sees Charmaine, he exclaims this :
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I found no meaning for this word, we could say that it's a compliment he invented thanks to his fried brain.
However, I think he exclaimed "Mama Lucha !", because after some research, it wouldn't surprise me if Sean, a hugefan of heist movies, is actually referring to this woman : "Luz María Endara Altamirano" better known by the alias 'Mama Lucha'
There is little information about this woman but in short she was "an Ecuadorian extortionist, who was prosecuted for the crimes of tax evasion and treason."
After her death it is said that : "In the San Roque market, where one of her houses is located and where she used to live, there is an atmosphere of amnesia. Most of the shopkeepers say they do not know her, they do not know who she is."
Might be a reference that in this episode Sean became amnesiac.
Even funnier, it is just possible that Sean just noticed that his wife shares a slight resemblance with the emblem of the supermarket Bodega Aurrerá also called "Mama Lucha" :
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Btw a lot of the lines Sean says are similar to phrases from the 1999 series ' The Sopranos' like "get the fuck out of here" or "who's that piece of ass"
Synopsis : "Tony Soprano, a gangster living in New Jersey, suffers from panic attacks and must secretly see a psychologist, Dr. Jennifer Melfi. Tony has problems with his family: he is in conflict with his wife Carmela, his two children, Meadow and Anthony Junior, his mother Livia and his uncle "Junior"
Well I know nothing about the show and I'm going into bullshit, but from the synopsis, Carmela could be Charmaine, Livia could be Joan (Sean's mother) and once Sean mentioned his uncle "Fulvio"
Tony & Carmela :
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Finally ! the post is over, all this to conclude that the writers of wwdits are geniuses 🙌
Please feel free to reblog this post, to make discover to the greatest number the fucking pure genius of wwdits 😌
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frenchfry99 · 8 months
Look who's back from yet another flight! 🌈✉️
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Also him and his wifey as humans lol
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(plus Daria being silly :3)
Being more of a background character, Sean would mostly be shown in some educational pieces of the show (mostly geographical themed) and a sort of "arts and crafts" lessons with Eddie, telling about all the lands, cultures and puppets Sean had a chance to see (and various fun stories from his flights too!).
Sean may come off as rather shy, but he's as energetic and talkative as his wife, who oftenly would join him on his part of episodes.
His job as a pilot is to fly puppet travelers on his plane from the neighborhood and/to all other places of colorful puppet world and/or delivering mail, which could include anything from various personal requests of neighbors, to new goods for bodega and to letters as well (maybe that's why he gets along so well with the neighborhood's mailman and bugdega owner?). So he's quite the busy bird I'd say!
Sean always has a joke or pun up his sleeve - this guy sure likes to have a good laugh!
He's transmasc, bi & poly
I'm super burned out and dry on ideas lately so I'll infodump more abt him later 💔💔 local himbo pilot my beloved-
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Template by @/cloudysunflowr
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historyhermann · 8 months
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake Spoiler-Filled Review
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Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake is a mature animated series developed by Adam Muto. It is a spinoff of the well-known Adventure Time series. Unlike the original, it is aimed at a young adult audience. Muto, Fred Seibert, and Sam Register are executive producers. Debora Arroyo is another producer. Frederator Studios and Cartoon Network Studios produced the series. This piece was written during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike. Without labor of the actors currently on strike, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, being reviewed here, wouldn't exist.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the fifty-second article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on October 9, 2023.
Unlike the original series or the Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials, this series focuses on alternate versions of Finn the Human and Jake the Dog: Fionna Campbell (voiced by Madeleine Martin) and Cake (voiced by Roz Ryan). Character designer Natasha Allegri created them years ago. These characters debuted in the season 3 Adventure Time episode "Fionna and Cake." They made additional appearances in Seasons 5, 6, 8, and 9 of that series. In that series, they are part of Ice King's Finn and Jake fan fiction. Also, the characters appeared in comic books which Allegri co-created with other comic book artists.
This series brings Fionna and Cake beyond their depictions in Adventure Time. In this series, Fionna works as bus tour guide, but struggles to find her place. The fact that her apartment is a mess, with uncleanliness and dirty dishes, is symbolic. It shows that her life is disorderly. In many ways, her character is relatable. She stands up for herself and is on the edge between having work (and not). The latter is not unique. Protagonists of Magical Girl Friendship Squad, The Great Jahy, and The Devil is a Part-Timer! are impoverished and live in similar circumstances. The difference is that Fionna actively does not want to go to work. Instead, she likes to hang out with street musicians like Marshall Lee (voiced by Donald Glover).
Everything goes off the rails when Cake runs away, through a portal, and ends up in the land of Ooo. This terrifies Fionna, who desperately looks for Cake. In her search, she meets Hunter (voiced by Vico Ortiz), a woman who is planting weeds rather than picking them up, Ellis P (voiced by Pendleton Ward), who is her world's version of Lumpy Space Princess, and owner of a bakery where her friend Gary (voiced by Andrew Rannells) works: BB. The latter is her world's version of Princess Bubblegum. Gary is called Prince Gumball in Adventure Time.
As you can tell, there is a barrier to entry when watching this series. This series is made for Adventure Time fans. Those who aren't fans of that series can watch this series. However, they may miss something. Savvy fans may see comparisons to series such as The Legend of Korra, Bee and Puppycat, and Steven Universe Future. Others may recognize the anime references, either to Sailor Moon or My Neighbor Totoro, in the first episode.
This series may excite those who enjoy multiverses and alternate realities. In the first episode, Fionna believes she is chasing a rat bus which somewhat resembles the cat bus from My Neighbor Totoro, while wearing a Sailor Scout costume. At the last second, the mysterious Ice Prince saves her. Her alarm clock wakes her before she can learn more. This dream's importance is clear later in the series. Also, the fact that everything on TV is Cheers is significant not only because it was Simon Petrikov's favorite shows, but the show's tagline: "filmed in front of a live studio audience." It implies that Fionna's world is manufactured.
In Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake, Donald Glover, Tom Kenny, Sean Rohani, Roz Ryan, Madeleine Martin, James Kyson, Andy Daly, and Pendleton Ward reprise their roles as Marshall Lee, Simon Petrikov, Prismo, Cake, Fionna, Big Destiny, Wyatt, and Lumpy Space Princess (in the form of Ellis P.). Jeremy Shada, Hynden Walch, Olivia Olson, Ron Perlman, and Felicia Day voice the supporting characters Finn the Human, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline the Vampire Queen, The Litch, and Betty Grof, as they do in the original series. Kayleigh McKee, Cree Summer, Jinkx Monsoon, Andrey Bennett, and Brian David Gilbert join these voice actors.
These voice actors lend their voices as the Scarab, the Lemoncarbs, Astrid, and the Winter King. Summer and Monsoon are known for their voice and live-action roles. This series is McKee's first lead role. This is significant because McKee is a trans woman and due to the fact that her only voice roles before there were anime dubs for series such as Kageki Shojo!!, Sasaki and Miyano, and Lycoris Recoil. As for Bennett, this is one of her first voice roles, apart from work on Not Quite Narwhal, Ada Twist, Scientist, and City of Ghosts. This series is also the first major voice role for Gilbert as well.
Like Bennett and Gilbert, Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake is one of the first voice roles for Vico Ortiz. He voices Fern in this series. Previously, Ortiz voiced Tefé Holland in Harley Quinn. Ortiz is non-binary and genderfluid, and a Puerto Rican actor, activist, and drag king. Andrew Rannells, another voice actor for this series, is a White gay man. He voiced gay characters like King Barton in Princess Power, Matthew MacDell in Big Mouth, and William Clockwell in Invincible.
The wonderful thing about this series is how easily it meshes with the existing Adventure Time universe. There is little retroactive continuity. Extraordinarily little of previously established narratives are changed. Unpopular elements don't return nor are dead characters revived or reality disregarded. The series plotlines easily fit with plots in the original show. It is set after Adventure Time and Adventure Time: Distant Lands.
The second episode of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake makes this clearer. There is an interesting contrast between Simon's messy problems, which he hides away, and his attempt to keep his 20th-century antiquarian house clean, as an exhibit. It is revealed that Cake and Fionna were his creations. He dismisses them as "old stuff." This comes to a head when he talks to Finn in a bar, saying he can't relate to this alternate world, the Land of Ooo anymore, and admits he missed Ice King.
He goes on a quest led by Finn to an ancient part of Ooo. Simon reminisces about his "good memories" with Betty. However, so much is going through his head that he's unsure what to do. A song by non-binary screenwriter Rebecca Sugar, best known as the creator of Steven Universe, clearly and eloquently explains to the viewer what he is going through. Sugar has an upcoming personal album Spiral Bound released in November.
This comes with a fun moment between two queer characters known by Adventure Time and Adventure Time: Distant Lands fans: Princess Bubblegum (PB) and Marceline. Simon tries to talk about his struggles, after he admits that he made a little girl cry. Unfortunately, Marceline can't hear him since she, and her girlfriend, PB, are trying to get matching tattoos, but the artist is having trouble. On the one hand, this scene shows how Simon is holding back his true feelings by claiming "everything's fine" and there are no issues. On the other, it is a representation of queer representation in the series. Those who like the Bubbline pairing of Marceline and PB may be overjoyed by this short funny scene.
That scene is one example of representation in Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. The series intercuts the growing relationship between Marshall Lee and Gary to that of Marceline and PB. This includes a world where PB and Star (a version of Marceline) are locked in combat. This could be an indication that PB and Marceline, in whatever form they take, have intertwined romantic destinies. Such storylines gave this queer couple "multiversal staying power."
The queerness of Gary and Marshall is shown unabashedly and openly, without anyone bating an eye. This contrasts the heterosexual themes in Adventure Time and previous fights by the crew of that series to have queer inclusion. Series creator Adam Muto said that LGBTQ+ representation in this series came from show writers and artists, who wanted their identities portrayed and expressed. Hopefully, other shows follow suit, even as animation industry is in crisis. As Raye Rodriguez, showrunner of High Guardian Spice, recently put it, "there are some companies that...have decided that they are like protectors of the gays...but that’s only as long as those companies decide to be that kind of brand." This was the case for The Owl House. Disney cancelled the series, and gave it a shortened third season, after executives declared that the show didn't fit the company's brand.
The second episode hints at what is to come: inter-dimensional travel of Cake and Fionna to the Land of Ooo. Simon uses an evil Choose Goose (voiced by Jeff Bennett), that taunts him, to open such a passage. Cake comes through, surprising Simon. To make matters worse, Prismo ignores a blinking light on his universal remote-control, indicating a new portal. In the third episode, Fionna follows a sparkly blue light and appears in Ooo. Simon determines that she isn't "real" and blames the goose. Thanks to help from a big Fionna and Cake fan, Astrid (voiced by Andrey Bennett), she saves Cake after she is kidnapped following an encounter with a talking squirrel. Soon enough, Prismo realizes this is a major issue which could get him in trouble. It would reveal his unauthorized world, where Fionna and Cake live. So, he teleports Cake, Fionna, and Simon to his headquarters-of-sorts.
The stakes of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake are raised when Scarab (voiced by Kayleigh McKee) enters the scene. They are an auditor tasked with tracking down violators. They set their sights on Prismo for letting an item on his remote-control blink for too long. It is possible that Scarab may have had a previous bone to pick with Prismo and is using this as an excuse to get back at him. The entire universe of Fionna and Cake's universe (called "Fionna World" for short) is at stake. Prismo made it in an unauthorized fashion and stored it within Simon's head. The world changed after Simon was no longer Ice King. Prismo warns that the fact that the universe exists at all could result in unintended consequences for other realities.
Before Scarab catches them, Simon, Fionna, and Cake escape the Time Room and appear in another world. Thus begins their trip through the multiverse to find a crown. The plan is for Simon to become Ice King again and bring back magic to Fionna World. They first arrive in Farmworld. Simon hopes they can get clues about the crown's location in the library, but this is soon dashed. Library books are stolen so they can be burned and used for a funeral. In the process, they meet Jay Mertens (voiced by Tiffany Wu). He has a crush on Little Destiny (voiced by Mickey Zacchilli) of the Destiny Gang. Fionna is scammed by the world's version of the Choose Goose, who gives them a fake crown. In response, Cake beats them up.
This world involves Finn leading a family with several children and a traitorous Choose Goose. Scarab follows them, thinking he can chase them down. Unfortunately, they can't find a magic crown, as it was annihilated. Furthermore, a version of PB tattles about where Jay, Simon, Fionna, and Cake went. Scarab, after capturing Prismo, catches up with them, following them to the next world: the Winter Kingdom. In that world, Fionna develops a crush on the Winter King.
The Winter King acts suave, which pulls in Fionna. He claims that he created his own winter wonderland by sheer "force of will." He also declares that he is making Simon a duplicate crown. In some ways, he resembles the Diamonds in Steven Universe. He has servants called ice scouts, which somewhat resembles pearls, and he sings a song to explain his story. Fionna even slays citizens of the Candy Kingdom to rescue Simon and Winter King from Candy Queen. She is a version of PB, a cross between Spinel and Harley Quinn. As it turns out, the world falls apart when Fionna kisses the Winter King. PB reforms into her usual form. She kisses Fionna on the cheek as a thank you. Fionna lifted the "curse": negative energy from the crown changed the Candy Kingdom's citizens into monsters.
In Fionna World, the romance between Gary and Marshall, as mentioned earlier, develops. Gary is worried about Fionna's whereabouts. He plans to start his own business. He even goes to a local fair with Marshall. Later, in an attempt to help Gary's recipes gain traction, Marshall brings in the Lemon Carbs. In their typical fashion, the Lemon Carbs, which have a sour personality by their very nature, hate the snacks. Even so, Marshall and Gary get closer. They go to a gothic-style church where Marshall's parents live, where Gary pitches his pastry idea. He ends up calling out Marshall's mom. Although hesitant at first, Marshall ends up leaving with him. Both kiss in an elevator as they leave the building, infuriating everyone, especially Marshall's mom.
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake has a serialized storyline. This is clear from the fact that Fionna reflects on her actions, like hurting innocent candy people in the sixth episode to make her "dream" true. Although Simon claims that the next world will have a Simon cursed in the "right way," she isn't sure. Her suspicion is correct. In the next world, a non-magical Simon was killed. Then, the Vampire King adopted Marceline (called Star in this world). As a result, she became a vampire princess.
This world is one of the more interesting. Bonnie heads up a tank, with Martin Mertens and Huntress, to settle a score with Star. However, Star messes with/flirts with Bonnie, saying she will "have her heart." Although Simon says that in his world Marcy and Bonnie fell in love, the Bonnie of this world pushes this idea away. The attack on the "hive" of vampires seems to be successful. Star ensures that the battle is far from over. She and Bonnie fight, with queer tension between them, as much is present in the fights between Catra and Adora throughout all five seasons of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.
Fionna cares about Cake, and Cake cares for Fionna. This dynamic is fraught with tension. For one, Cake is angry that she was pulled to a terrible wasteland world since their dimensional remote control is malfunctioning. She was prevented from grabbing the Vampire King's magic crown. Fionna and Cake seem at odds with one another. After watching disturbing videotapes from Ice King, thanks to BMO, both realize that the crown caused Simon to lose his mind, and this tension ends.
All of this happens while Simon is struggling to realize what his identity is in the world, and what Betty means to him. He often reminisces about his "fond memories" of Betty, including how they met and went on adventures together. Fionna and Cake return to their world. He is forced to confront this when he meets Golb. The Lich, which destroyed everything in an entire world, is a being which now feels empty and worthless. Golb easily turns the Lich into a block without much effort.
This results in a journey in the last two episodes. Simon attempts to look, in the form of Shermy, for a book about a magic crown. He wants to return magic to Fionna World. He follows the story of Nova and Casper, which parallels his relationship with Betty. As a result, he comes to realization that he caused Betty to subordinate her desires to his. At the same time, Fionna and Cake come back to their world and fight off the Scarabs with help from Gary and Marshall. This is unsuccessful. Scarab reforms, due to Ellis P.'s cluelessness.
The final episode of Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake ends with a bang. Simon realizes that he doesn't need to be Ice King. He only wanted that so his life would matter. As a result, he gives Fionna control of her world. She brings it back into existence while Scarab is trying to destroy everything. Scarab remains determined to destroy it piece by piece, even after it becomes a canonized universe. Prismo deems Scarab "not cool" for their destructive actions. Fionna ends up winning the battle against Scarab, who is now weaker. In a huge form, she crushes him, thanks to Cake becoming a hammer. This allows him to be captured.
The series finale implies that it will be self-contained and not have a season 2. The world continues to be rebuilt. Gary's business is booming. Marshall protests his mom. Gary and Marshall remain a couple. In addition, Simon enjoys himself, even talking to Finn's mom about the experience of Fionna and Cake on his life. Prismo collaborates with Scarab, who can't harm anyone anymore. They create a medieval mystery drama world together.
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake could be an effective way to wrap up the Adventure Time franchise, which began in 2007 with a pilot for Nicktoons. Later, that pilot was adapted into an animated series. It premiered in April 2010 on Cartoon Network. As noted before, this series includes more queerness than before. Fionna might be queer. She is attracted to Winter King, and likes being around Hunter, as shown in a final scene.
Additionally, this series has racial diversity. It is the first time that Marshall Lee is a visibly Black character. Muto said that “it would have felt harder to rationalize not showing [Marshall Lee] that way.” Some fans have questioned whether Marshall's more well-known female version, Marceline, was Black, even though she was an established character of color with a Black or Brown mother. It ignores the fact that Olson, who voices Marceline, is of Afro-Jamaican descent. Muto added that they tried to make sure that the show's cast had "representation that better reflects the world we live in." Show writer Kate Tsang helped them in this task.
Whether Marshall or Marceline, there are Black vampires across media. This includes characters in a mature action and dark fantasy series, Castlevania: Nocturne, like Drolta Tzuentes. This representation comes at a time that the number of Black animated series are increasing. This year, alone, there have been series such as My Dad the Bounty Hunter, Supa Team 4, Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, and The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. A recent addition, Young Love, joined this list, based on Matthew Cherry's 2019 short animated film, Hair Love. It is also airing on Max. However, it aired four episodes a week rather than two episodes a week for some reason.
There are other praiseworthy elements in Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake. Melissa Villaseñor, Cristina Valenzuela (also known as Cristina Vee), Phil LaMarr, Chelsea Peretti, Robbie Daymond, and Ellie Newlands guest voice characters. These people are known for their voice work on Amphibia, Primos (upcoming), RWBY, Helluva Boss, Futurama, Samurai Jack, Static Shock, My Dad the Bounty Hunter, The Legend of Vox Machina, and Unicorn: Warriors Eternal.
There are six people who wrote on, or storyboarded five or more episodes of this series: Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Jacob Winkler, Iggy Craig, Graham Falk, and Jim Campbell. Most of them had previously worked on Adventure Time: Distant Lands, and four of them worked on Adventure Time. Also, Winkler storyboarded for Infinity Train. Craig wrote and did prop design on the same series. Falk, Nyström, and Campbell storyboarded on Summer Camp Island. Adding to this, Craig was a character designer for Craig of the Creek. Campbell storyboarded and wrote episodes of Over the Garden Wall.
Other storyboarders and writers worked on two or more episodes. They include Lucyola Langi, Sonja von Marensdorff, Nicole Rodriguez, Haewon Lee, and Jackie Files. Two worked on the aforementioned Distant Lands. Others worked on Summer Camp Island, Infinity Train, or OK K.O.: Let's Be Heroes!. Langi and Rodriguez worked on series within the Steven Universe franchise. Langi designed characters for Steven Universe. Rodriguez storyboarded on Steven Universe Future and Steven Universe: The Movie.
Langi storyboarded for We Bare Bears. Rodriguez storyboarded on The Owl House, Central Park, The Great North, Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss. She also animated Obituary: A Grave Beginning, later turned into a webcomic. von Marensdorff previously storyboarded episodes of The Jellies. She also animated the animated short, entitled Crow. The supervising directors for this series, Ryann Shannon and Steve Wolfhard, are well-known for their work in the animation industry. This includes OK K.O.!, for Shannon, and Bravest Warriors, Amphibia, and Big City Greens, among others, for Wolfhard.
Overall, this series avoids inconsistencies and focus on all-ages in Adventure Time. It is more of a united story than Adventure Time: Distant Lands, a limited series with four loosely connected vignettes. Furthermore, there is no wasted space in this series. No part feels like "filler." Instead, everything fits well together. The characters, animation, and voice acting mix with a strong story. With the animation industry in turmoil at the moment, and Warner Bros. Discovery purging Max of animated series deemed as "low rated," a second season seems unlikely. If so, this season easily wraps up the plot, like My Dad the Bounty Hunter does in its second season. An additional season could be weaker than the first one.
Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake can be streamed on Max. In Australia, it can be watched on Binge and Fox8.
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