#human zeb
kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 2
(Idea: the crew stumble on Lasat!Kallus and Human!Zeb from another universe)
"No kriffing WAY!"
"Ezra, language!" Kanan scolded.
"But look!" Ezra pointed down the ramp as the last two arrivals of their alternate counterparts made their way into the light.
The shorter stature but no less tell tale facial hair of a human Zeb was shocking enough (and he's wearing SHOES!) but the real surprise was the blond fur of a very lasat Kallus that got everyone's attention.
It was weird and impressive how their version's muttonchops lent themselves to his copy's furry face.
Hera kept the calmest but her eyes betrayed her surprise. Kanan couldn't help a double take. Ezra's face was turning red holding in laughter. Sabine bolted towards the ladder. "I'm gonna go get them," she said conspiratorially to Ezra.
"Well this should be interesting," Lasat Kallus said in his overly polished Coruscanti accent.
"Heh, what are the odds we're just swapped species?" Human Zeb laughed.
"No bet," Lasat Kallus responded with an affectionate grin.
That got the crews attention.
"I bet I make a handsome lasat too," Human Zeb said arrogantly, stretching his arms over and behind his head to flex his muscles to his lasat counterpart. "You're finally gonna know what a catch of a human you got; fall in love with me all over again."
"Love!?" Ezra nearly screeched.
The rest of the crew openly gaped at the new pair.
The clanking of shoes and the sound of Chopper's wheels heralded Sabine's return with their two soon to be surprised crew mates.
"Make sure your recording Chop. Ta da!" Sabine gestured her hands out over the railing while looking back to get Zeb and Kallus' reactions as they came into view.
Human Kallus' eyes were perpetually trained to seek out lasat shaped figures and landed on his counterpart immediately. His face fall into a look of melancholy. "It would be my fate to meet myself as something I destroyed."
Lasat Zeb's eyes trained on the alternate Kallus as well and held there. "Woah," he whispered, almost reverently.
Lasat Kallus had found the Lasat Zeb on the balcony and held there as well. His ears perked up, his eyes widened, and (damn his light fur) he blushed.
Human Zeb hadn't taken his eyes off his companion and caught the reaction immediately. "Ah HA! I knew it."
The blond lasat's ears fell down and back, shoulders hunching in, and eyes looking anywhere else. "Sh-shut up!"
Human Zeb: "You're so short."
Human Kallus: "We're the same height!"
Lasat Kallus: (blush)
Lasat Zeb: (blush)
Human Kallus: :(
Human Zeb: :D
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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finished my rewatch of star wars rebels and i am coping by drawing <3
haven't drawn rebels art in over 5 years gawddamn...
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sunatsubu · 10 months
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drunk kiss (almost)
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monsieur-kazzle-dazzle · 10 months
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my heart can't take it anymore
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itstimeforstarwars · 2 years
I like to make aliens in star war more alien. What is the point of having your character be Not Human if they’re just going to be a Human with funny ears? No. Caffeine is poison and Ahsoka echolocates and Kit Fisto can taste your emotions. Sometimes people are cold blooded. Plo Koon can’t have oxygen and I WILL make it a plot point.
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mabsart · 2 years
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[Star Wars Rebels: Kalluzeb]
“I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want”
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zebricord · 8 months
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Scarab found a bug!
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jtexplorer · 1 year
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
I love the "Sweet but strong women and the two idiots" trope of the late 2000s so much...
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
Writing Kalluzeb Every Day for a Year - Day 4
Idea: (screw it, continuing Lasat!Kallus and Human!Zeb visiting. Human Kallus and Gara (human!Zeb) are watching Zeb and Zandr dance around each other with mixed results. Everyone's gonna learn a little something today)
The Ghost wasn't built with two full sized lasat males in mind.
Zeb and Zandr glanced up to see the other coming down a hallway and stopped short. Both tried to get out of each others way; Zandr blushing and clearing his throat, Zeb chuckling nervously and offering a small apology; instead they both stepped aside ...to the same side.
From there it was a silly dance of trying to accommodate the other, making things worse, and ending up chest to chest in the middle squeezing to get past each other.
Zandr had a mild panic attack when they tried to squeeze past each other, front to front, and some clasp of his caught on Zeb's suit. They had to spend an embarrassing amount of time forehead to forehead getting unstuck.
Once freed, Zandr did his best to bolt before his fur turned red and stayed that way.
Zeb watch him go before turning back the direction he was heading in the first place, scratching the back of his head the way he does when something has him off kilter.
Kallus and Gara had seen the whole thing .
It was a little painful to watch... any version of himself behave so obviously about an attraction, but the fact it seemed Zeb might be interested with a little nudge, well, Kallus tried not to dwell on it.
It was a matter of time before something gave and the two would act on their mutual draw to each other and then.... well, who knew after that.
It wasn't his business so-
"So how long do you think it'll take them?" Gara asked.
Kallus sighed. "That's not really our business... but I'm sure it won't be long now." Kallus turned away trying to end the topic but Gara wasn't finished since he followed after him.
"Well, do you think it'll be, I don't know, permanent?" Gara asked with an odd tone in his voice.
Kallus stopped. He hadn't thought about that. What if Zandr really fell for Zeb, and if Gara and Zeb really were a like; what if Zeb wasn't interested? What if Zandr got his feelings hurt, twice, by the same man in two different forms? He felt some pity for Zandr and gratitude that he wouldn't allow that to be him.
But what if Zandr fell for Zeb and Zeb fell for Zandr? Because they're both lasat?
To think, if he'd been born just a bit different... wait, a minute.
"Would that be so bad? Or surprising?" Kallus watched Gara carefully.
Gara shrugged and broke eye contact, "Nah, it'd be good for them. Lasat should stick close these days right? And if their lucky enough to fall in love, well..." Gara met Kallus' eyes with a sort of force conviction. "Then good for them."
Kallus raised an incredulous eyebrow while turning to face Gara fully. "Worried you've lost you're bed partner already to a prettier face? Zeb is quite handsome for lasat, from what I've read. Something about "tall, dark, prominent stripes, and facial hair" being very desirable."
Gara huffed, "Nah, I'm not worried about that. It's just, y'know. It'll change things and... I wonder who's gonna end up where."
Kallus did not want to think about that.
"I wouldn't worry about it. If you and Zeb are alike much, there won't be interest in anything permanent and everyone will go back their separate ways." Kallus tried to believe that was true and turned to continue walking away.
Gara perked up. "Yeah you're probably right... wait... what do you mean if he and I are alike?"
Kallus took a deep breath and let out a long suffering sigh. He didn't want to talk about this topic, didn't want to think about it, didn't want to think about his place in it but it seems he wasn't going to be allowed out of it.
"You and Zandr have a sort of open relationship, yes? You are reliable partners but not anything more. They may pair up for the novelty of meeting another lasat and come to the same agreement and your usual partner will still be available to you again."
Gara's face twisted a bit.
"What is that?" Kallus asked.
"What is what?" Gara asked, clueless.
"That face."
"Oh, uh, its just..."
"... just?"
"You're so short."
Kallus glared. "We're the same height!"
(please tell me of any spelling errors)
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emmiri-bumble · 1 year
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just throwing out concepts for post-molt whatever
Mr. Dresses-Like-Yacht-Club-on-the-weekends-only-to-take-care-of-his-old-dad-and-rap-badly,-Wastes-weekdays-as-a-Supervisor-after-several-demotions.
Mr. "Oh-a-revolution-sounds-nice-but-i-uhhh-have-to-wash-my-lusus."
Mr. "I-wear-purple-because-i-definitely-have-a-clown-matesprit-theyre-just-far-away." or something like that. might not have a tattoo. Definitely wears girdles. and honestly, power to him.
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saggitary · 11 months
I do believe that Hera and Zeb would get together once a week over caf and just complain about the human members of their crew. Anything from the way they look to just human habits they’ve picked up on. Chopper also chimes in from time to time and this is one of the few times you see Zeb and the droid getting along.
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libartz · 3 months
Perlas: I would never be romantically involved with anyone under 30, they’re like a kid to me.
Zebulon: I may be centuries old but this 25-year-old human is fair game
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Amazing Spider-man #23 (2023)
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spectres-fulcrum · 2 years
I saw the cutest Kalluzeb idea in a TikTok comment that I am 100% stealing, sorry random Tiktok commenter!!!!
So, the idea was just that when they get married, they use pieces of the Bahryn meteorite for their rings. Which idk how realistic that is(Can you set meteorite in rings) but 1000% it's possible. For my verse:
Which it's not the OG meteorite, that was lost when Kallus left the Empire, but they return to Bahryn after they agree to get engaged(Remember: An engagement should never be a shock. The proposal should be a surprise, but you should discuss engagement). Jump back into that crater, remembering about the first time they landed in it.
How they hated everything the other was. How that night, they stripped all that away and sat as just Zeb and Kallus, two beings. How in the dawn light, they laid in a tangle and Zeb woke up thinking My Warrior and how they were prophesized from so long ago.
And here they are. Looking for that same incandescent meteorite. Only when they find it and Zeb climbs them back to the surface, Kallus jokes, for old time's sake "The goal is not to fall," Zeb says well, they've failed badly at it and Kallus laughs into his neck. As a dutiful student whose first serious relationship was an alien professor in university, he's never tried to fail at a goal, but he's so thankful he's failed at that one. That he fell for the one who, at first, kept him warm on his coldest night, and then the memory of that night lit up his darkest nights when he wondered if he could be strong, like the lasat.
Unlike the first time, when they reach the surface, they go to a warm ship and they fill it with the sound of lovers whose lives before the first time they landed on this ice moon doesn't exist for an hour. Chopper grumbles that this was not why he kept the ship warm, and Zeb ignores him as he watches Kallus cradle the meteorite like it's the most precious jewel the galaxy has ever known. For Kallus, it's his entire life.
Zeb crafts the jewelry himself. A ring for his lover and whatever lasats wear as a form of proof they are taken. They don't have a proposal but a formal exchange because their agreement is that they'll only marry when-if- they get Ezra back.
They are very well aware they could only wear these the rest of their lives. Neither need anything more, because their commitment is solid. But they want a proper ceremony with their family. It'll never be completely full again-both have lost so much. Kallus' first love will always be a death he can never fully heal from, it led to losing a best friend in an argument where things were never forgiven. Lasan. Kanan. But they have a family, that is theirs, warm and loving and full except for Ezra even if it's not complete. They want to celebrate with them and their closest friends.
They keep the meteorite in hopes of fancier rings and trinkets, pray to it silently. Bring him home to us. And one day, Ahsoka and Sabine does. Older and battered, but it's Ezra. And he's ecstatic they waited for him.
The wedding jewelry is fancier, but neither gives up their engagement ones, fashioned from the second meteorite. Both are a commitment and a reminder of that very first night.
I love the idea of them returning to Bahryn so much????? Why did I never think of it before.
(EDIT: Apparently the idea belongs to @iftheresaproblem-whatever. It made my night when I was terrified to go home(I was overreacting from a stressful situation with my sister), you're a genius. I really hope you don't mind me taking it over/adding to it? If so I apologize/can delete???)
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dominoxsquad · 2 years
Do u think Kallus has a small adjustment period on Lira San where he has to get use to the fact that he’s gone from being one of the tallest adults in the room at any given time to being the shortest.
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