#humans are so silly
blognam333z · 1 month
A: Small human why do you have a large piece of string with… handles on each end?
H: I’ll be jump roping do you wanna see?
A: S-Sure… *sees the human jump over the rope in circular motion*
H: *fasten it’s pace, visibly getting tired for each jump* *the sound of the rope slapping on the floor gets louder as it builds more momentum*
A: Human child I think that’s too fast!
H: *the rope hits their lower leg* Ouch!
A: I think we should go to the doctor-
H: No I could do it again! *cheerfully*
H: I’ll go and drink some water.
A: … who made this and think it’s a good idea?
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slimetutorialfan · 4 months
how am I supposed to take linguistics seriously when everything sounds so silly? It started out with diphthongs and fricatives, but then I'm expected to simply accept the fact that the bow-wow theory, the pooh-pooh theory, the ding-dong theory and the yo-he-ho theory are all completely normal terms???
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pinkravat-art · 1 year
I feel like the rise in technological advances is like a test for humanity's evolution as a whole. Every update makes it easier for us to access information, and in turn, harder to preserve the mindfulness that makes us human. It serves the most instinctual part of ourselves that beg for comfort and quick rewards which is quite literally evolution going fucking backwards. So I guess we should try to pass the test by consuming consciously because if we don't we are going to end up in the newly constructed 10th circle of hell called Endless Scrolling where you are stuck watching minecraft parkour over disturbing reddit story-times for eternity
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regardlessicarusflew · 2 months
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this is peak human behavior
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maybeherenotnever · 4 months
My classmate posted an original quote on their Facebook story. It's something that goes like this: the imagination dances blah blah in a way that blah blah defies the confines of reality.
It got me thinking about why the imagination would dance (metaphorically) in the first place. Why should humans have a mind that's not just dedicated to hunt, eat, and survive in the most primitive way? Why does the human mind need to make something out of nothing? You know...why dance?
Maybe ancient humans created music for that purpose. It's like the chicken and the egg question. Which one came first, the chicken or the egg?
Which one came first, the want for music, or the need to dance?
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twistedolivetree · 4 months
Going as an NPC to a con taught me that people love getting absolutely anything as a gift. Like I would tell people to come back to receive a reward after doing my quest but still, lo and behold, they would be shocked when I gave them a piece of candy. The amount of joy in people's voices and faces just being given a single candy was so much more than I could anticipate. People would bring thier friends over to do my side quests so that they too could experience the joy of the quest and the reward. Humans just love gifts and I think that's beautiful.
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they all share one single thought!! so so silly
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caputvulpinum · 2 years
yeah we might be brothers in christ but so were cain and abel so shut the fuck up before i decide to find a rock about it
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starridge · 10 days
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i am not immune to those aus where bill has to be a normal human ive been poisoned by them since the show ended and the resurgence only made me like them more.
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blognam333z · 1 month
A: What’s this game, human?
H: What game?
A: Five nights at… Freddy’s?
H: *Smiles, somewhat menacingly*
A: (mind: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?)
Few minutes later…
A: You’re telling me a business human, William Afton, ordered handmade costumes made to be mascots for his circus for kids to be entertained by them? Interesting…
??? hours later…
A: … h-his children is dead, but not dead dead?! He killed children, who possess these robots, including his coworker’s daughter! His wife left him, he became insane, he made a robot after her, started unethical spiritual experiments to revive his youngest child only to be obsessed by the concept of immortality?! What’s the meaning of this?!?
H: It’s fnaf lore,
A: … I-It doesn’t-
H: Make logical sense I know, but that’s what we’ve known thus far…
A: Thus far… *realizes plot holes* (screams in his head: AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!)
H: *satisfied smirk* (mind: He’s losing it)
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saturnvs · 5 months
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polaris; guiding light for lost horses
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gorgynei · 1 year
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λυκάνθρωπος / Μινώταυρος
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vela-pulsars · 2 months
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"While it could use its psychic abilities in battle, this Pokémon prefers to swing its powerful arms around to beat opponents into submission."
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ferntern · 4 months
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Frieda's thoughts on Susan.
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l3viat8an · 4 months
MC: Careful now. If you keep being sweet, I'll start thinking you're in love with me.
Solomon: What could I have possibly done to make you think I'm not??
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steakout-05 · 9 months
in love with how Data runs across the screen back to his station like a fucking cryptid in episode 24
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