#humphrey ally king
harbingermotel · 2 years
halfway through my bbc ghosts rewatch (got to Perfect Day and s o b b e d)
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noelle-rambles · 17 days
Amphibia screenshots I've taken over my time watching the show pt.7
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what I have learned from watching this show is that sprig has gotten so much brain damage (and that i like the calamity trio over everyone else)
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4 pt5 pt6
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smolvenger · 9 months
❤️Happy Birthday ❤️
🎉🎉🎉I hope you have a wonderful day 🎉🎉🎉
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Please can I request a little blurb with Prince Hal and "touch her and you die" 😻😻😻
Thank you!
Why hello there! Thanks, I got a manicure and went to a bookshop and ate Italian food so it was great! And here is the blurb!
Rain Within Doors (Prince Hal x fem! Reader)
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Summary: When the king falls ill, your betrothed, Prince Hal, returns.
Word Count: 1923
Warnings: some sexual harassment but the a-hole is saved in time, I try to keep it close to Shakespeare. Angst and fluff. I stole a line from Game of Thrones because it fit (the Shakespeare histories WERE kind of the Game of Thrones of their time minus the dragons and excessive exploitation of women)
A03//My Ko-Fi//My Etsy Shop//Masterlist//Wattpad
Taglist: @asgards-princess-of-mischief @jennyggggrrr @five-miles-over @fictive-sl0th @ladycamillewrites @villainousshakespeare @holdmytesseract @eleniblue @twhxhck @lokisgoodgirl @lovelysizzlingbluebird @raqnarokr @holymultiplefandomsbatman @michelleleewise @wolfsmom1 @cheekyscamp @mochie85 @fandxmslxt69 @skittslackoffilter @mischief2sarawr
You waited anxiously and eagerly for your dear betrothed. He needed to hurry here. Things had all turned for the worse. 
Poor King Henry the Fourth was one minute at a table with all of you The Lord of Westmoreland arrived delivering the news of success in battle against Hotspur’s followers attempting to usurp the king. Everyone gasped. The lords who allied with Henry the Fourth were there- the Lord of Harcourt, Sir John Blunt, and others, all drooped their shoulders in relief. You, the younger two princes Thomas and Humphrey, The Lord of Warwick, and the King all smiled. The king shakily rose to praise Westmoreland
…then suddenly he began wheezing and fainted. 
Everyone gasped. Humphrey and Warwick met them on the grounds to give aid to the old king. Little Thomas cried for his father and you put him, your soon-to-be brother-in-law, in a hug, rubbing his back. 
“It’s all right, you know these fits happen often,” Warwick assumed, ever the voice of peace.
As the king came to, he was supported up. You were among the party to help settle him into bed. He asked the crown be placed on the pillow next to him with a raspy voice. And for musicians to play in the next room. Everyone complied.
You knew your betrothed had business in London. Even if it was in a bad place, he assured you it was nothing involving anything criminal (or whores) and that he would be back. The second eldest, Thomas, was dealing with the rebels with forces of his own and was on his way back.
“My lord, let me sit with you, so you need not be alone,” you offered, gathering a chair.
You had been sent here to marry the notorious Prince of Wales. Though you were nervous in this new castle, King Henry the Fourth was gentle with you. He welcomed you with a smile and open arms. The man who already considered you a daughter-in-law in his heart and the other princes saw you as a sister. He would let you dine with him and even play a little dice game with the family, smiling at you. Warmth on the face of the aged Bolingbroke- the lord who, long ago,  won the favor of the people so much it broke him out of exile and then thrust him into the role of king unexpectedly. Once Henry Bolingbroke, christened Henry the Fourth, wore shining golden armor as he rode on a horse. Paraded through the city as people threw flower petals at him.
Now how…weak he was! A shell of himself! Hardly the proud golden king anymore!
He reached out for your hand and you accepted it.
“Why-dear lady, I thank you. To think a pearl may be thrown to swine… to think my Harry should of all men be your husband…” he wheezed.  
“My lord, you must know- your eldest son has not….treated me poorly.” 
You didn’t know him well- the beautiful, fiery, mischievous, wild prince Henry- or Harry as called by his friends or family. Or Hal as those thieves and whores so affectionately called him.
This was to be a marriage for alliance and station, not of affection. When you arrived, you expected a frivolous, drinking, philandering Baccus. But Hal…. he was kind to you. He always smiled at you and called you sweet names. He was rumored to spend time studying in libraries more than drinking. One time, he found a romantic poem, copied it on paper, and gave it to you as a lover’s token. It touched you- who knew how he would fare as king but you felt he would make at least a decent husband!
“Just rest my lord, please,” you asked. The king indeed settled.
You walked out to the hallway to face the others. They peeked in and soon saw his eyes were closed, but he was breathing. The musicians in the next room played such calm, nearly dreamlike melodies compared to the anxiety storming inside of your being. 
Soon enough, the king settled into a deep sleep. You smiled a little- poor Henry the Fourth was a notorious insomniac, wandering the castle in the late hours from his racing worries. That should give him some relief and help with his sickness. 
But to think…here you were about to watch that old man die. Die before you could officially call him family.  
A couple of tears fell, and you walked out to the hallway staring out. It was a cold, bitter day. The winter chill stinging the glass window when you touched it.
But there was a sound- hooves.
When you leaned closer to the window, you let out a gasp. 
Hal was here in a long, beautiful black and red cape on a beautiful black horse as if he were about to rescue a damsel. And behind him a couple of others. You covered your mouth but felt a smile on your lips.
Picking up your skirts, you hurried down to the others in the outer hall. Warwick was hushing the two boys from talking too loud, to watch over the king in his sleep. 
“Humphrey! Thomas! He’s back!” you whispered.
“Who?” replied Thomas. 
They turned and then heard Hal’s voice asking for him. You and the others hurried there.
In the torch-lit hallway, your eyes feasted on Hal. The most beautiful man you had ever seen with the most deliciously fitted black velvet doublet, swooping off his cape with a gallantry that made your insides tingle.
He turned and went to you first.
“How now, My most fair lady?”
“Oh, much worried but cheered by your return, my lord,” you replied.
Hal’s eyes softened at you, then he looked at his crying brothers- Humphrey and Thomas.
“What- all of this rain in of door when it should be out of doors? How is the king?” Hal asked.
“ Exceeding ill” explained Humphrey sadly.
“Please be quiet, His grace is asleep,” warned the Lord of Warwick. 
Hal requested to see his father, and the lord of Warwick led him to the bed.
Everyone hushed and walked out to the other room, keeping quiet to give the king as much rest as he needed. Everyone worried. It was all so much- you needed some space.
With your heart calming, you went to one hallway, hugging yourself to look at how the moon shone over the winter evening through the windows. 
The Lord Harcourt went up to you. An older man with sharp cheekbones and a sharp chin, a pale face, and dark eyes. You only knew him as an ally and advisor to the king.  As you stood alone, staring out the window.
“Good evening, Lady Y/N.” he greeted.
“Good evening, my lord,” you replied. 
“You do look rather lovely tonight in the moonlight,” he complimented.
Already you felt uneasy. Alone with him, when all the others were fretting over the king. You began to take a step to return.
“You…you flatter me, my lord, thank you.”
Right as you turned, the lord reached an arm from his rich, velvet clothes and grabbed you.
“It seems a shame for such a fine lady to be wasted upon riotous Harry. I should have had you for my wife instead.”
“My lord, then wait until the king awakens and discuss it with him and announce you will-will-will court me openly like a gentleman,” you blubbered out, though you were starting to get scared.
He tried to sweetly, seductively brush your cheek but you had enough and swatted it away.
“Oh! The lady is a bit too cold, methinks.”
“And a lady is treated with respect, sir! My lord, please let me go.  I must attend on his majesty.”
“Your drunken oaf of an intended is waiting on him, who is going to stop!”
“But you are a fool! Please, let me leave!”
He backed you up until you were in a corner. Your heart pounded hard.
“Please- my lord, I swear, do not do anything that might insult my honor! I don’t want to-Please!” you cried.
“Then be not so fair and tempt a man to sin! And you have tempted me long enough. The one crown Prince Hal is deserving of is the Cuckhold’s horns.”
“Please, my lord- let me go!” you begged. 
To your horror, you felt a thin, clawlike hand reach for your leg under your skirt, then up, trying to lower your bodice to show your breasts. You squirmed, but one arm held you back.
“No, my lady. I want a see what I could be enjoying on our wedding night.”
He placed a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t scream. Tears welled up in you. 
With a free hand, though it shook, you slapped him hard. 
His hand dropped. He was shocked you were going to fight back. You tried to flee when he grabbed you back, ready to drag you off and force you to strip or do more when-
“Release yourself from the Princess of Wales right now!” threatened your intended.
Hal hurried in and grabbed the lord. He then took out his dagger, pointing it to your attacker’s chest. You jumped off and went behind Hal.
“What- my lord!” the lord was shocked that dishonorable, silly Prince Hal was capable of this. Then he scoffed. 
“She is not yet your wife-” he argued. 
“She is your princess and soon- your queen!” Hal reminded him.
The Lord of Harcourt pointed to where you stood and backed away behind Hal.
“She’s-she was trying to seduce me! The Lady is nothing but a common strumpet”
Hal punched him in the face. You let out a gasp. The Lord nursed his cheek. But Hal kept his dagger up at him. You heard footsteps and murmurs as the others went into the room. The younger Lancaster brothers staying by you loyally. The lords turned pale and slack-jawed.
“You are not welcome in this court until after our marriage. And then you will have to beg to be let in. And If you ever lay a hand on that sweet lady again, it will be the last time you have hands!” Hal barked at him.
The Lord of Harcourt shook and then relented, bowing his head. 
“Now, flee. Before I decide to persuade my father to behead you when he awakes.”
The lord fled into the shadows, a few attendants seeing him out. The others asked after you, but it was Hal who boldly embraced you. It was quite intimate for court protocol, but when had Hal ever done what everyone expected?
 “He-He frightened me.” you choked out.
“You need not be frightened, my lady, you’ll be safe. Did he hurt you? Do anything?” Hal questioned.
“He groped my leg, and tried to take my dress off, but no more. You caught him before more could be done. I-I -I promise you, Hal, I never intended to seduce him in any way! Do you believe me?”
Hal clasped your hands in his.
“Why would I not believe my dearest lady?” Hal replied.
Full of emotion, you leaned down and kissed them. Hal’s mouth opened a little and he smiled at you. He cupped your cheek sweetly. 
The party returned to wait on the king. You saw Hal was pale, but you kept your hand clasped in his as you walked back.
For as uncertain as this time was, no matter what the next day or hour could bring, you had each other and could endure it side by side.
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uesp · 1 year
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While at a Necrom preview event, the UESP founder Dave Humphrey took some time to document the details of the Arcanist class, including all of its abilities. We're going to share the details with you here:
One of the main features of this Chapter is the introduction of the first new class in ESO since the Necromancer in 2019, which has been in development since late 2021. The devs had a hard time deciding on which class to add and simply named it "Bob" for a long time so as to not pigeon-hole themselves into any particular class. Eventually they decided on the Arcanist as it ties into the book/knowledge theme of the chapter.
The unique mechanic of the Arcanist is the building and spending of "Crux". You can have up to 3 points of Crux at any one time and it is shown both in your ability bar and around your character (and other players) in game. Some of your abilities will create Crux and some abilities will use Crux to create bonus damage or other effects. Some abilities will also gain bonuses from Crux but not spend it.
A short description of all the new class skills are in the following sections. Keep in mind there are still balance tweaks to be made so skills may change once on PTS.
The 3 Arcanist skills lines are:
Herald of the Tome -- Damage
Soldier of Apocrypha -- Tanking
Curative Runeforms -- Heal/Support
The skill line role listed above is general and you'll find useful skills and passives in all lines depending on your desired role. Skill animation are based around using a book in your hands keeping with the theme of Hermaeus Mora for the chapter.
Note that any spelling mistake on the following skill names is my fault (2 hours of play testing doesn't last that long).
Herald of the Tome
The primary damage skill line of the Arcanist.
Unblinking Eye (Ultimate) -- Summon a "scion" of Hermaeus Mora that does damage via a beam. Morphs into Tide King's Gave (beam follows target) and Languid Eye (adds snare).
Runeblade (Active, Mag/Sta) -- Costs Magicka or Stamina depending on your max resource. Does Magic Damage and creates Crux. Does more damage with increased Crux. Morphs into Writhing Runeblades (adds Crit Chance) and Scaling Runeblades (adds Damage).
Fatecarver (Active, Mag/Sta) -- Costs Magicka or Stamina depending on your max resource. Does beam Magic Damage. Spends Crux if you have any to increase Damage.  Morphs into Exhausting Fatecarver (increases duration/strength of snare) and Pragmatic Fatecarver (spends crux to reduce cost).
Abyssal Impact (Active, Sta) -- Adds snare and "Ink". Morphs into Cephaliarch's Flail (creates Crux, adds damage to enemies below 50% health) and Tentacular Dread (Mag, spends Cruxs, adds Ink strength and immobilize damage).
Tome Bearer's Inspiration (Active, Mag) -- Creates Crux. Adds Major Brutality/Sorcery while slotted. Adds Rune damage to weapons, increases damage with Crux. Morphs into Inspired Scholarship (more frequent damage) and Reperative Treatise (restores mag/sta).
Imperfect Ring (Active, Mag) -- Does AOE damage. Morphs into Rune of Displacement (creates a rune that damages and pulls mobs) and Fulminated Rune (more area damage).
Fated Fortune (Passive) -- Adds Crit Damage/Healing whenever you gain or spend Crux.
Harnessed Quintessence (Passive) -- Adds Weapon/Spell Damage when you restore Mag/Sta.
Psychic Legion (Passive) -- With a Herald of Tome ability slotted gain status damage.
Splinted Secrets (Passive) -- For each Herald of Tome ability slotted gain penetration.
Soldier of Apocrypha
The primary tank skill line of the Arcanist.
Gibbering Shield (Ultimate) -- Absorb damage. Morphs into Sanctum of the Abyssal Sea (adds shield strength) and Gibbering Shelter (gives allies a damage shield).
Rune Jolt (Active, Mag) -- Does damage, Major Maim, taunt and creates Crux. Morphs into Runic Sunder (Sta, reduces target armor, gain armor) and Runic Embrace (Mag, adds heal and Minor Lifesteal).
Runespite Ward (Active, Mag) -- Damage shield, uses Crux to increase shield strength. Morphs into Spiteward of the Lucid Mind (crux refunds cost) and Impervious Runeward (much more damage shield for 1 second).
Fateworn Armor (Active, Mag) -- Adds Major Resolve and Minor Breach. Morphs into Cruxweaver Armor (adds buff duration, creates Crux when damaged) and Unbreakable Fate (adds block mitigation, spends Crux to increase bonus).
Rune of Eldritch Horror (Active, Mag) -- Paralyzes and adds Minor Vulnerability, undodgeable. Morphs into Rune of Uncannny Adoration (charms and snares) and Rune of the Colorless Pool (adds Minor Brittle).
Aegis of the Unseen (Passive) -- Adds Armor will using a Soldier of Apocrypha ability.
Wellspring of the Abyss (Passive) -- Adds Health/Magicka/Stamina recovery per Soldier of the Apocrypha ability slotted.
Circumvented Fate (Passive) -- Adds Minor Evasion when casting a Soldier of the Apocrypha ability.
Implacable Outcome (Passive) -- Spending Crux gains Ultimate.
Curative Runeforms
The primary healing and support skill line of the Arcanist.
Vitalizing Glyphic (Ultimate) -- Spawns a total that adds Weapon/Spell damage and healing. Grows in power when healed. Morphs into Glyphic of the Tides (spawns with more health) and Resonating Glyphic (damage totem to power it up).
Runemeld (Active, Mag) -- Heals and creates Crux. Heals more if you have Crux. Morphs into Evolving Runemeld (increases HOT heal) and Audacious Runemeld (gain ultimate at low health).
Remedy Cascade (Active, Mag) -- Beam heal, spending Crux restores Mag/Sta. Morphs into Cascading Fortune (heals more at low health) and Curative Surge (heals more as you channel).
Chakram Shields (Active, Mag) -- Spawns 3 discs with Damage Shield. Morphs into Chakram of Destiny (creates Crux, recasting increases shield) and Tidal Chakram (uses Crux to reduce cost).
Arcanist Domain (Active, Mag) -- Spawns an area that adds Minor Courage/Fortitude/Intellect/Endurance. Morphs into Zena's Empowering Discs (effect remains when you leave area) and Reconstructive Domain (adds a HOT).
Apocryphal Gate (Active, Mag) -- Creates 2 portals that you can walk into to teleport to the other one. Gain Crux when teleporting. Morphs into Fleet Footed Gate (increases move speed) and Passage Between Worlds (allies can use synergy to teleport).
Healing Tides (Passive) -- Adds healing done with Crux.
Hideous Clarity (Passive) -- Adds Mag/Sta when creating Crux.
Erudition (Passive) -- Adds Mag/Sta recovery.
Intricate Runeforms (Passive) -- When you have a Curative Runeform ability slotted reduce cost and increase strength of Damage Shields.
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lenniharrisonsims · 1 month
Allied Nations War Council Trials
Part XI
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Victor Lofton
It's finally time for the one we have all been waiting for- Emperor Victor Lofton
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Tsarina Ekaterina: "Let's just jump right into this, shall we? A lot of people have waited a very long time for this moment right here, and I don't want to keep them waiting. Mr. Lofton, how do you plead?" Mr. Lofton: "I do not recognize your authority to demand a plea from me, nor to judge my actions. I am a sovereign, annointed, Emperor, as you are, and therefore neither has the higher rank to judge the other. Only God himself can judge me." Tsarina Ekaterina: "So you choose not to plead?" Mr. Lofton: "Only. God. Can. Judge. Me." Tsarina Ekaterina: "Well you may not recognize our authority, but the rest of the world does, so I am delighted to begin this sentencing."
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Tsarina Ekaterina: "For the declaration of war on a trade and commerce ally under false pretenses..."
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King Ivan De La Cru: "...for the disruption and blockage of trade routes in the South Seas, preventing necessary food and aid from reaching Allied Nations..."
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Queen Aniad Montero: "...for the unlawful occupation of the sovereign nations of Sulani, Tartosa, Selvadorada, and Newcrest..."
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Chief Lilah Mahoe: "...for the subjugation of these nations free citizens..."
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King Petros Kalogera: "...for the elevation of Crown Princess Martha Lofton-Strauss, Crown Prince Eugene Lofton-Strauss, Prince Jonas Lofton, Lucian Castellano, Earl of Frankvan, and Prince Stefano Colona to positions they had no right to and against your power to do so..."
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Queen Genevieve Pelletier: "...for coercing Prince Eugene Lofton-Strauss into an arranged marriage with Lady Mathhilda Schmidt-Bauer, and for coercing Prince Jonas Lofton and Princess Emma Lofton-Strauss into arranged engagements with Lady Johanna Albrecht and Mr. Damien Colona, respectively..."
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King Caleb Norton: "...for coercing Lady Adelheid von Hollebein into an arranged marriage with you..."
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Emperor Hiroto: "...for breaking the laws of Windenburg and the Windenburg Church, of which you were the head, by committing bigamy and taking Lady Adelheid von Hollebein and Ms. Isabella Bray to wife, despite the fact that you already had one lawful wife, Queen Agathe Lofton..."
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King Cesare Colona: "...for forcing your daughter into a dangerous pregnancy, which cost her her life..."
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Queen Genevieve Pelletier: "...for the attempted invasion of Brindleton Bay..."
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King Ivan De La Cru: "...for the murders of Prince Rauli Montero, Eduard Humphrey, Earl of Sawborne, Wendelin Humphrey, Duke of Whitland, Jean-Paul Yang, Viscount of Grayside, Terry Harden, Earl of Culpepper, Lord Malcolm Landgraab of Oasis Springs, and Crown Princess Martha Lofton-Strauss..."
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Tsarina Ekaterina: "...and various other crimes too numerous to mention, this court finds you Guilty, and sentences you to three consecutive life sentences in solitary confinement at Imperial Mountain Prison. You forfeit any and all titles you hold, have held, or might hold by right of inheritance, for you and your heirs. What do you have to say for yourself?"
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Mr. Lofton: "I am the greatest Emperor Windenburg has ever and will ever have! My name will live on in the history books, and this feable attempt to crush what I have built, will only be a blip in my story!" Tsarina Ekaterina: "That's nice. There is one more thing, however, before you are dismissed, if you would please take your seat again... Prince Jonas, the court calls you back up to the stand..."
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Ho-ly shit... now that was the most satisfying thing we may have ever seen. Victor just had his punishment handed down to him by each and every judge seated at that table- a congregation of the world's most powerful leaders, reducing him to nothing. Many of us have waited a long, long time for that one, and yet somehow, three life sentences still doesn't feel like quite enough.
But now the mystery is... why is Prince Jonas being called to the stand again? What could possibly be happening now?
Stay tuned for more coverage of the trials!
(@wa-royal-tea this one is especialy for you 😉😉😉)
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jamiebamberdaily · 9 months
A Year in Review : Jamie's 2023
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Welcome to our look back on Jamie’s 2023! It’s been a tough year for the entertainment industry in general, with the SAG-AFTRA strike taking place from July all the way through to November, and we know that this impacted Jamie as he chose to take a stand along with many of his other acting peers. Yet despite this, Jamie has accomplished a lot in this year & it’s time to look back at some of the highlights!
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February saw the release of Beyond Paradise on BBC1. Jamie played Archie Hughes, an ex flame of Martha’s who joined forces with her in getting her new business in Shipton Abbott up and running. Unfortunately for Archie, Martha had moved back to Shipton Abbott with her fiance, Humphrey and the two didn’t quite see eye to eye. This was such a fun role for Jamie and a complete joy to watch.
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April was an exciting month which saw Jamie celebrating his 50th birthday and as always we marked the occasion with a birthday video which many of you took part in! He also travelled over to Cannes to premiere Cannes Confidential at  the 6th Canneseries Festival alongside co-stars Lucie Lucas and Tamara Marthe.
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May saw Jamie treading the boards once again in Uncle Glen’s Menagerie at the Arcola Theatre which we were lucky enough to go and watch. Such an incredible evening of ad-lib comedy and superb acting from an incredible group of actors and comedians. As ever we want to thank Jamie for his time that he spent chatting with us before and after the show too.
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In June finally came the UK release of Cannes Confidential on Acorn TV and we LOVED Harry King from the moment we met him. Such a fun, easy watching show and such a complex character in which Jamie got to show off all sides of his talent, from comedy through to some really beautiful emotional moments, especially in scenes with his on-screen daughter Emilie who was played by his real life daughter Ava in a brilliant debut performance. June also saw the release of Trader over in Russia - a project which Jamie filmed alongside his amazing wife Kerry all the way back in 2019! And of course, we cannot forget the epic BSG reunion which took place when Jamie headed over to Phoenix Fan Fusion. #SoSayWeAll
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July brought some incredible news as Jamie announced that he was taking part in Kenny Logan’s RWC Challenge - an epic 700 mile cycle & walking challenge from Edinburgh to Paris, all to raise money for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. Throughout July all the way through to October when the challenge took place, Jamie was training hard to ensure that he was ready for the mammoth challenge ahead.
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August saw the release of Who Is Erin Carter? on Netflix - a twisty, fast paced thriller from the mind of Strike Back writer, Jack Lothian. Jamie played DI Jim Armstrong, a mysterious figure from Erin’s past. Though he was only in two episodes. We LOVED this character and with the series being left open ended, we really hope we get to see more of Jim in the future.
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In September, Jamie attended the National Television Awards alongside his Beyond Paradise cast mates as the show was nominated for Best New Drama (which sadly it didn’t win).
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And onto October which was such an important month for Jamie as all the training paid off when he & so many other incredible people including Kenny & Gabby Logan, Ally McCoist, Jason Fox and Jimmy Nesbitt started their gruelling trek on bike and foot from Murrayfield Stadium in Edinburgh to the Stade de France in Paris. This challenge was hugely life changing for the whole team (as well as a whole lot of fun!) and they smashed their target of raising £555,555 between them for the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation. We were honoured to be able to cheer them all on for a small part of this journey when we saw them off in York on day 3 and welcomed them back as they ended the day at the beautiful Belvoir Castle. To top off an incredible achievement, Jamie was also asked to become an ambassador for the foundation - a role we know that he will embody so well.
October also saw Jamie joining Cameo, giving fans the opportunity to get a personalised video message from him (which we of course took advantage of also!) and to round off the month, Cannes Confidential aired on French TV, renamed  Cannes Police Criminalle, with the entire show having been dubbed into French by the original cast.
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November saw Jamie as a guest on fellow RWC Challenge team mate Archie Curzon’s podcast, The Rig Biz Pod, which was a brilliantly funny interview.
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And to round the year off, December gave us announcements of not one but two new projects to look forward to in 2024! Firstly, Heavyweight, starring and produced by Jamie’s Marcella co-star Nicholas Pinnock, will be a gritty London drama focusing on the mental state of a boxer and his cornermen backstage before the fight as the clock ticks down. 
With the strike finally over, Jamie travelled to Bulgaria to film Strangers alongside Sienna Guillory, Emmett J Scanlan and Jon Voight. The project is described as an action thriller and will be released in 2024 on Paramount Plus.
As well as these two exciting announcements, AKA Blackbird, the brainchild of BSG alumni James Callis was finally released as an audiobook! With so many former BSG stars taking part in it, including Jamie and Kerry, it’s definitely not one to be missed.
And there you have it! Despite some difficult times, Jamie really did achieve a lot this year and with 2 projects already to look forward to, we can’t wait to see what else 2024 has in store.
As ever, we would like to thank you for all the support of our page over this past year and wish you all a very happy new year!
Jemma and Sophie. xx
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une-sanz-pluis · 11 months
The survival of Mary's 1387–8 wardrobe account and a number of her devotional books makes it possible to know considerably more about her than about most aristocratic women of the fourteenth century. In 1387–8 she was based at Kenilworth, but from 1390 onwards Peterborough was her home. Henry spent a good deal of his time at Peterborough in the intervals between his travels and his public engagements, and often sent Mary gifts of cloth or delicacies such as fruit and nuts, oysters, mussels and sprats when he was away. Sometimes she travelled with him, but for the most part her social circle comprised other noble women. She remained close to her mother, Joan countess of Hereford, and her sister, Eleanor duchess of Gloucester, exchanging gifts, livery robes and visits with them, as she did with Gaunt's duchess, Constanza, his mistress, Katherine Swynford, and Katherine's daughter, Joan (Beaufort). A particular friend in 1387–8 was Margaret, wife of William Bagot, a confidence conducive to their husbands' relationship. Mary certainly did not shut herself off from public affairs: she kept abreast of developments during the Appellant rising, and in September 1388 William Bagot sent her a message with news of the Cambridge parliament. She also received messengers from Gaunt in Bayonne and his ally the king of Portugal, the husband of her sister-in-law Philippa. However, it was her musical, artistic and religious interests that are most likely to have influenced Henry, for Mary came from a family more closely identified with the discerning patronage of art and literature than any other in fourteenth-century England. Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Hereford and Essex (d.1361) – ‘a retiring, priest-dominated bachelor’ – was an early patron of the alliterative revival in English vernacular poetry in the mid-fourteenth century, while his nephew Humphrey (Mary's father) was a patron of Froissart. Mary herself paid for a Latin primer to be bound in London, for strings for a harp (cithara), and for a ruler with which to line parchment ‘for singing notes to be added’, suggesting that she did not just sing and play but also composed music, as Henry may have done. He too owned a harp and bought a ‘pipe called a recorder’ in the same year. They kept ten minstrels in their household and regularly rewarded itinerant pipers, fiddlers, trumpeters, clarioners, nakerers (cymbal-players). A payment to ‘singing clerks’ indicates an interest in polyphony as well as minstrelsy.
Chris Given-Wilson, Henry IV (Yale University Press, 2016)
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richmond-rex · 2 years
I do not know much about English law that time unfortunately, so I wanted to ask: if Edward V was crowned, would that mean that Richard III's Protectorship would automatically end? Because if that's true, it may explain why the council agreed install Richard as Protector: he would get what he wanted, but it wouldn't last more than a few months at any rate, as the chronicle was clear on the fact that the council did want Edward V to be crowned without delay. It would ideally be an easy way to resolve any potential conflict in favor of both sides.
Although from what the croyland chronicle wrote, the discussion did take several days with Richard installed as Protector at the very end, so it does seem like Richard did have to do a bit of convincing/reassuring before they were content to agree.
Hi, I don't know if it was a matter of law or simply one of tradition/precedent. Humphrey of Gloucester had been declared lord protector for the long duration of Henry VI's minority when the king was just a baby. Ten-year-old Richard II, on the other hand, who was crowned as soon as his predecessor (his grandfather) had died, didn't have a lord protector or a regent: instead, Richard II was considered to be 'of full age' at his ascension. It seems there was a political reason: there was no agreement on who should occupy that prominent position as the king's eldest living uncle, John of Gaunt, was considered too controversial and unpopular at that time. So Richard II had a series of councils acting on his behalf instead.
Nigel Saul was the first author I read who made that observation about Edward V's ascension:
Opinion was divided on what form the minority government should take. One view was that a protectorate should be inaugurated, with Duke Richard acting as protector, on roughly the lines of Gloucester's protectorate in Henry VI's minority in the 1420s. The contrary view was that there should be no protectorate at all: the young prince should be crowned king as soon as possible, and government be carried on in his name by a conciliar body, much as in the minority of Richard II. This latter view appears to have been espoused by the Woodvilles, the queen's relatives, and their allies, and it may have been the view of the late king too.
The very fact that there was a discussion about the existence of the protectorate might indicate that Edward IV's codicils were ambiguous enough to be open to interpretation OR that his council was simply willing to disregard his dying wishes. It would not be the first time that the king's council had disregarded a dead king's commands. So yeah, I think it was more of a matter of precedent/tradition (precedent itself that had been dictated by political necessity) than a matter of law itself.
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outlanderalien · 2 years
Historical/Shakespeare parallels in HotD
G.R.R.M takes a lot of inspiration from medieval wars for his works, especially the War of the Roses from English history. These wars were adapted into a series of plays by Shakespeare which dramatised the events and fleshed out historical figures.
So here's some parallels I noticed:
King Viserys I - King Henry VI
Alicent Hightower - Margaret of Anjou
Otto Hightower - Duke Somerset
Lyonel Strong - Lord Protector Humphrey
Shakespeare depicts Henry VI as an incompetent man. He is the reason the wars began, but only due to his inability to govern, rather than malicious intent. Henry's rule is told 3 parts. Part 1 about the loss of territory under his watch. Part 2 about his inability to stop inevitable conflict. Part 3 about the horrors of that conflict.
He is depicted as a man of peace who wants to avoid war at all cost. Weak and easily manipulated, despite being king he holds very little power.
Margaret of Anjou is a French princess who was given to Henry by Duke Somerset. Somerset captured her during a seige and intended to control the king through her. Advisors told Henry not to marry Margaret as she was not wealthy and there would be no political advantage, however he had fallen in love with the idea of her and chooses to marry her anyway, frustrating many of his allies.
Margaret becomes frustrated by the Lord Protector, a long time ally of the king and his most trusted advisor, who has more influence over the king than she does.
She schemes with others to bring his name into disrepute by accusing the Lord Protectors wife of treason. After which they force the lord protectors exit and have him murdered. Leaving Margaret the king's only major influence.
Obviously it's not a perfect 1:1 comparison, motivations and context are greatly different, but these are all the parallels I can see as of S1E6.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 8.5 (before 1860)
AD 25 – Guangwu claims the throne as Emperor of China, restoring the Han dynasty after the collapse of the short-lived Xin dynasty. 70 – Fires resulting from the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem are extinguished. 642 – Battle of Maserfield: Penda of Mercia defeats and kills Oswald of Northumbria. 910 – The last major Danish army to raid England for nearly a century is defeated at the Battle of Tettenhall by the allied forces of Mercia and Wessex, led by King Edward the Elder and Æthelred, Lord of the Mercians. 939 – The Battle of Alhandic is fought between Ramiro II of León and Abd-ar-Rahman III at Zamora in the context of the Spanish Reconquista. The battle resulted in a victory for the Emirate of Córdoba. 1068 – Byzantine–Norman wars: Italo-Normans begin a nearly-three-year siege of Bari. 1100 – Henry I is crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey. 1278 – Spanish Reconquista: the forces of the Kingdom of Castile initiate the ultimately futile Siege of Algeciras against the Emirate of Granada. 1305 – First Scottish War of Independence: Sir John Stewart of Menteith, the pro-English Sheriff of Dumbarton, successfully manages to capture Sir William Wallace of Scotland, leading to Wallace's subsequent execution by hanging, evisceration, drawing and quartering, and beheading 18 days later. 1388 – The Battle of Otterburn, a border skirmish between the Scottish and the English in Northern England, is fought near Otterburn. 1460 – The Kingdom of Scotland captures Roxburgh, one of the last English strongholds in Scotland, following a siege. 1506 – The Grand Duchy of Lithuania defeats the Crimean Khanate in the Battle of Kletsk. 1583 – Sir Humphrey Gilbert establishes the first English colony in North America, at what is now St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador. 1600 – The Gowrie Conspiracy against King James VI of Scotland (later to become King James I of England) takes place. 1620 – The Mayflower departs from Southampton, England, carrying would-be settlers, on its first attempt to reach North America; it is forced to dock in Dartmouth when its companion ship, the Speedwell, springs a leak. 1689 – Beaver Wars: Fifteen hundred Iroquois attack Lachine in New France. 1716 – Austro-Turkish War (1716–1718): One-fifth of a Turkish army and the Grand Vizier are killed in the Battle of Petrovaradin. 1735 – Freedom of the press: New York Weekly Journal writer John Peter Zenger is acquitted of seditious libel against the royal governor of New York, on the basis that what he had published was true. 1772 – First Partition of Poland: The representatives of Austria, Prussia, and Russia sign three bilateral conventions condemning the ‘anarchy’ of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and imputing to the three powers ‘ancient and legitimate rights’ to the territories of the Commonwealth. The conventions allow each of the three great powers to annex a part of the Commonwealth, which they proceed to do over the course of the following two months. 1763 – Pontiac's War: Battle of Bushy Run: British forces led by Henry Bouquet defeat Chief Pontiac's Indians at Bushy Run. 1781 – The Battle of Dogger Bank takes place. 1796 – The Battle of Castiglione in Napoleon's first Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars. 1816 – The British Admiralty dismisses Francis Ronalds's new invention of the first working electric telegraph as "wholly unnecessary", preferring to continue using the semaphore. 1824 – Greek War of Independence: Konstantinos Kanaris leads a Greek fleet to victory against Ottoman and Egyptian naval forces in the Battle of Samos. 1858 – Cyrus West Field and others complete the first transatlantic telegraph cable after several unsuccessful attempts. It will operate for less than a month.
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Audrey Hepburn and her first husband Mel Ferrer's publicity photographs for Ondine, which opened at the 46th Street Theatre on February 18, 1954.
Who's Who in the Cast
Audrey Hepburn (Ondine)
The most startlingly lovely young personality to arrive on Broadway in more than a decade is Audrey Hepburn, the young English actress whose stage debut occurred in the Anita Loos adaptation of Colette's novel Gigi only two seasons ago. In less than a week the theatre housing that play had her name in lights over the title. Between the season-long run of Gigi and its country-wide tour last year, Audrey Hepburn made her first American film, on location in Rome. Her performance as Princess Ann in Roman Holiday, co-starred with Gregory Peck, made a clean sweep of the film critics' polls at year-end: the New York Film Critics' Circle voted her the best screen actress of the year; the survey conducted by Film Daily added the accolade of "outstanding find" of 1953. With her newest film, Sabrina Fair, in which she plays a chauffeur's daughter wooed by Humphrey Bogart and William Holden, awaiting release, she was free to return to the stage. Of the many tempting offers she chose to ally herself to the role of the Rhine water sprite, Ondine. Audrey Hepburn was born in Brussels twenty-four years ago, daughter of an Irish father and a Dutch mother. Her family sent her to England to study as a child. When the Nazi blitzkreig swept over Europe Audrey was only ten, and her mother took her to Holland. When that country was overrun she was forced to spend five years of bitter privation under occupation. She went to school in Arnheim and danced in benefits to raise money for the Dutch underground. At war's end she studied ballet in London at the Rambert School, and to earn her tuition took a job in the London duplication of the American musical comedy High Button Shoes. It was, she admits with the refreshing candor so characteristic of her, a chorus role, but it led to solo spots in other musicals, Sauce Tartare and Sauce Piquante, and to bits in the English films The Lavender Hill Mob, Young Wives' Tale, The Secret People, and Monte Carlo Baby. It was while on location in Monte Carlo for the latter that Colette, searching for an unknown young miss to create her Gigi on the stage, discovered Audrey Hepburn and knew at once her search was at an end.
Mel Ferrer (Hans)
It didn't take Mel Ferrer long to rise to stardom in Hollywood once the film producers decided to put him in front of a camera instead of keeping him hidden behind one. The New York-born actor, who now returns to the theatre for the first time since he acted in the dramatization of Lillian Smith's Strange Fruit in 1945 and directed José Ferrer—they are no relation—the following season in Cyrano de Bergerac, went to California soon afterwards to direct the film Girl of the Limberlost. When Louis de Rochemont made his film of Lost Bound Aries he remembered Mel Ferrer from Strange Fruit and cast him in the leading role. From there the star went on to in creasingly important roles in The Brave Bulls, Scaramouche, Rancho Notorious, Lili, the CinemaScope spectacle Knights of the Round Table, in which he appears as King Arthur, and the forthcoming Saadia. After attending Princeton, where he won the playwrights' award in his sophomore year, he went to Mexico to write a children's book, which he called Tito's Hats, brought him to the attention of the Stephen Day Press, which he served as editor for a year. Mel Ferrer thereupon moved over to Broadway. He appeared as a dancer in You Never Know and Everywhere I Roam, as an actor in Cue For Passion and Kind Lady. Essaying still another medium, he entered radio, soon was a producer-director, supervising such programs as The Hit Parade, Mr. District Attorney, Dr. I.Q., and the Jimmy Durante comedy hour. Once in Hollywood, along with Gregory Peck, Dorothy McGuire, and Joseph Cotten, he founded the La Jolla Playhouse where since 1947 the quartet of actor-producers has presented an average of nine plays each summer, more than half of which Mr. Ferrer has staged.
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incorrect-koh-posts · 2 years
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Following the death of Baldwin V, the Kingdom of Jerusalem skitters ever closer toward ruin. Caught up in this landslide, two unlikely allies find one another: Raymond, Count of Tripoli, returned to court after a failed attempt at putting forth another contender for the crown and steeped in regret up to the neck, and Isolt van Maerlant, a young noblewoman from Flanders with a knack for poison that is bound to spell calamity sooner or later.
Mutual affection is the last thing either of them would have expected in this dreary time. But there are intrigues brewing in the Holy City that neither of them can weather alone, and with war looming on the horizon, the best they can do is have each other’s back.
I'm currently giving my longfic a bit of a makeover. Come have a look at the rewritten first chapter on AO3, if you like :)
Read an excerpt under the cut:
As the light began to fade, he wondered, briefly, when the Jerusalem he’d loved had been lost. Had it been when Baldwin had taken to his death bed? Or when Sibylla had announced she meant to kill her son? Or even earlier, perhaps, when Balian had arrived with news of Godfrey’s death, and Tiberias had felt his world skitter so alarmingly sideways that a sword swiping at his neck could hardly have thrown him more off-balance. But there had always been something else to hold on to then, something else to protect and fight for, and now …
He very nearly laughed. Now there was an emptiness settling in his ribcage, and the bleak realisation that all those years had been for naught.
When he’d come back from Jerusalem after Sibylla’s son had died, striding into the hall at Lake Tiberias still covered in dust from the road, Eschiva had been waiting for him and what tidings he brought; and when he had told her that he would never bend the knee to Guy and had summoned the barons to Nablus instead, to crown Sibylla’s half-sister Isabella and her husband Humphrey, she’d been furious.
“You utter fool,” she had said, jabbing her finger at his bony chest. “You hare-brained, brazen half-wit of a man. Do you really think they will follow you in this? Do you think you have the numbers behind you to oppose Jerusalem?”
“What choice do I have?” he had barked back. “Sit idly by and watch Guy wreck the kingdom I swore to protect?”
But Eschiva had only squeezed her eyes shut and shaken her head. “You know, Raymond, for such a clever man as you, you are sometimes astonishingly stupid.”
And she’d been right, as she often was. It had taken little Humphrey barely two days to get cold feet and run – back to Jerusalem, back to his stepfather Reynald, with the whole tale ripe and ready on his tongue. Guy and Sibylla had been anointed as Jerusalem’s rightful king and queen on the spot. So the barons had left Nablus, disappointed but not greatly surprised, to prove their loyalty to their new ruler as swiftly as possible; and, in the end, only Balian and Tiberias remained to mount their horses and lead their soldiers home like a band of cats beaten with a broom.
“Will you bend the knee to him?” Tiberias had asked the boy, seizing the bridle of his palfrey lest he leave without a word.
“Not if I don’t have to,” Godfrey’s son had replied. “But it might yet come to that. You?”
“Not if I don’t have to,” Tiberias had said grimly. “But you are right, my friend – it might well come to that.”
As he had watched Balian ride off, his dark eyes slitted against the brightness of the sky, Tiberias had been perversely glad that Godfrey and Baldwin were not alive to see this.
He would have sat it out in Tripoli, where the king had no power, had it not been for his wife and her sons. Galilee lay within the borders of the Kingdom of Jerusalem – if Guy wished to, he could claim the fief back for the crown, on account of Eschiva’s marriage to a man who had so blatantly turned against him. And what would there be for her sons to inherit, then?
Eschiva had been careful to remind him of that when he got back. Tiberias had expected her to be livid with him once more, full of waspish replies and I-told-you-so’s, but instead, she had merely touched his arm, strangely gentle. She was a small woman, blue-eyed and fair-haired since she came from Norman stock, and still beautiful, though she was almost of an age with him. There had never been great love between them, but they understood and respected each other. Sometimes, when they craved the company, they still lay together, even though they were both too old now to still harbour any reasonable hope for a child.
“I know they are not your sons,” she’d said. “And I know it is a great deal to ask of a husband to raise another man’s children. But I was always under the impression that you cared for them.”
“I do,” he’d said heavily. Though he had the occasional spat particularly with the two older ones, he loved her boys, all four of them; and for all they were not of his blood, he would gladly have given them Tripoli. But he couldn’t; when he died, his lands would by law go to Bohemund’s eldest son, who was, as far as family ties went, his nearest of kin.
Looking up at him, her eyes hard as pebbles, Eschiva had lifted her chin. “Then would you jeopardise their future for an insult to your pride?”
It wasn’t a question that required an answer; she’d known she had him there by the scruff of the neck. As a dutiful husband, he would stand by his wife and protect her sons’ claim to their land. However much it went against his dignity.
God’s sweet death, he really was a fool. Tiberias shook his grizzled head at himself, once more fighting the urge to laugh. He’d always believed he was this clever politician, a diplomat, a kingmaker, when in reality he’d hardly done anything but heap misjudgement on dangerous misjudgement. And now he would be paying the fairest coin of all for his mistakes: his self-respect.
He got to his feet a little stiffly, half-surprised to see how far his shadow already stretched across the floor. Perhaps an hour of daylight remained, then, or even less. On the morrow, he would go to see the king. But before that, there was something else he must do.
You can find the whole thing here.
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nexstage · 3 years
Is it a sense of community or dependency? Darcy/The Core's possible manipulation on Anne's Heart traits
Borkthemork's post "Escape to Amphibia - The Importance of Season 3A" has shown us the relevance of love, trust, and relationships in Anne's arc as her confrontation with her friends and the final battle against Andrias gets closer. Not only her foundation of trust, which has been so damaged by Sasha and Marcy's betrayals, got a new chance to shine thanks to the kindness of the people she and the Plantars have befriended: Dr. Jan, Terri, Ally and Jess, Humphrey, Molly Jo, and the women of the Thai community, but also she has opened up more to her loved ones despite the paranoia and stress seen in episodes like "Temple Frogs", "Adventures in Catsitting" and "Fight at the Museum".
However, every quality has a flaw, or that is what Darcy will exploit once the fateful reunion between her and Anne happens.
We may not know yet the Core's personality but its only dialogue with Andrias in "Froggy Little Christmas" was revealing enough in my opinion:
That was pathetic. And you call yourself a king.
The Core not only insults Andrias and his tantrum for failing to kill Anne but also questions subtly how a childish buffon like him can be on the throne if he can't eliminate one enemy.
It demonstrates in those two sentences just the tip of a sadistic manipulative side that can surpass both Sasha's old self and Andrias' capabilities to twist truths and emotions to its gain.
How could that clash with Anne's arc and all the connections she has made on the show?
The answer is simple if we see the contrast between Anne's statement to Mr. X and the dialogue of these two scenes from Amphibia and Steven Universe Future.
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You think you've beaten me, but you've never beaten me on your own. You've always been a fusion! You've always had your FRIENDS! Because you're nothing without them!
While in the first case, Anne's powers activated thanks to her acknowledgment and faith in one of her biggest strengths -her sense of community and love among her two families and new allies, the other two cases illustrate a somber angle of that trait.
Both Mr. X and Jasper attack a characteristic from the protagonists they label as weakness: getting help from others, whether they are strangers or loved ones. Because if you are always supported, is there is always help or something for you to lean on, wouldn't that mean you're being dependent on an external source to come out on top?
That's the 'crack' Darcy will find once when she gets to see how Anne will operate during the war, how her leadership skills take territory from the Core while she lets her friends take care of her and fulfill missions.
Establishing healthy relationships and a strong foundation of trust and love have helped Anne mature and learn to be her best self, but good things can't last forever, right? The Plantars can't keep up with the power she has, Sasha and the rebels can't join her with the massive army of robots on their heels, and without the power of the Heart gem, she's just a human.
There is always something or someone giving Anne the extra push to move forward and win or survive. That kind of narrative is the perfect twist for the Core to undermine her progress and even cancel her arc.
How can she expect to be the winner if she can't fight without help? How could she stop Andrias if she always lean on others? What if the extra push isn't enough or doesn't come to her aid?
The Core will make her question her sense of community. Perhaps it was too good to be true, maybe it wasn't a Heart's trait but dependency for relying too much on the people she cares about.  That truly she can't do anything and it was all her loved ones doing the hard work and that's how she came so far. Anne didn't lift a finger throughout the whole journey because everyone who has helped unconditionally has done it for her.
Marcy's memories can also be weaponized against Anne to feed that manipulation: the day she and Marcy were defended by Sasha on the playground, the many times Marcy may have tutored Anne to get better at her schoolwork, and the Core could even poke at Anne's recollections of how many people has helped her in Amphibia, especially the Plantars, to turn that into a bad thing. That it wasn't just helping but her becoming too dependent on others.
The Core as we know hasn't acted yet in comparison to Andrias' many plans to eliminate Anne that have failed, but it doesn't need to. What it will do is have a full picture of how its enemies behave around their allies and foes, how they react when a threat is in the vicinity, and use that data against them. And that's why this kind of manipulation might play in a crucial fight between Darcy and Anne.
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scarytat · 4 years
Humprey Theory
In a follow up to my cap theory post, I have a few ideas about Humprey’s death. 
1. The idiots like to mention famous persons from that ghosts era in a sure nod to their horrible histories upbringing. Thomas mentioned Byron with wrath in the first series, but lo, a random officer killed him. The only person Humphrey mentions is Henry VIII. Going by Humphrey’s allusion to the banquet, we can estimate he was alive and in the inner circle of court during Henry’s later life when he was famed for such banquets. Say 1527-47 (the last 20 years of Henry’s life). I think Humphrey was present then, but died after Henry’s death, as his clothes tell us...
2. Humphrey’s ruff is of a later date, 1550 onwards, so he was beheaded after Henry’s death, ruling out Henry as the beheader. 
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As you can see, during Henry VIII’s reign collars not ruffs were the fashion. But after his death, around 1560 onwards, we see closer matches to Humphrey’s clothing.
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3. What did happen in the mid-1500s was the reformation, where both Protestants and Catholics were fighting for control and beheadings were common. He alludes to a French wife, which is interesting as England was at war with France and Scotland until 1550. Humphrey moves in inner royal circles so perhaps he was accidentally involved in the fight for power after Henry’s death, as a nine year old King Edward was in charge on paper but not in court. 
4. There is the theme of betrayal, and that is why the ghosts cant be ‘sucked-off’. So Humphrey’s story is probably one of betrayal during a big historical event, death of leader, religious reformation or war. Probably by someone he felt close to like a relative, friend or ally.
5. As with other demises, I don’t think we have been introduced to the character yet. It tends to be a villainous character, kinda outside the plot. So it probably won’t be his wife and he doesn’t get angry over Henry. Enter Lord such and such in a flashback...
6. The idiots said that mentally they stay where they died. Humphrey’s resignation and willingness to please, along with his considered insightfulness give him a sort of narrator role in the plot. His eyes are open to deception. I think his death will involve him realising too late to save himself that he was set up by someone he trusted, hence his knowing. But perhaps there’s another layer, like they were doing it to save themselves, hence his morose sort of forgiveness.
Thoughts? There really isn’t much to go on...
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lenniharrisonsims · 2 months
Allied Nations War Council Trials
Part IV
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Julius & Johanna Albrecht
Next up on the stand is Captain Julius Albrecht, eldest son of Earl Grimwald in Windenburg.
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Tsarina Ekaterina: "Captain Albrecht, you have pleaded not guilty." Captain Albrecht: "I do not recognize the authority of this court. I am a citzen of Windenburg, and you don't even have a Windenburgian representative on your council." Tsarina Ekaterina: "I'm sorry you don't recognize our authority, unfortunately for you, the rest of the world does, so we will proceed with the sentencing. I yield the floor to Judge Kalogera."
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King Petros Kalogera: "Captain Julius Albrecht, for the crimes of aiding the occupation of the sovereign nation of Tartosa, for aiding the subjugation of her free citizens, for the murder of Wendelin Humphrey, Duke of Whitland and Jean-Paul Yang, Viscount of Grayside, and for the consent you signed coercing your sister, Lady Johanna Albrecht, into an arranged marriage with Prince Jonas Lofton, this court finds you Guilty. You are hereby sentenced to life at the Imperial Mountain Prison, and forfeit any right you have to any inheritance from your parents, including but not limited to- any titles, properties, or incomes you may have previously been eligable for. Furthermore, you are stripped of your military command and title, and will henceforth be known as Mr. Albrecht." Mr. Albrecht: "This is ridiculous! You have no right!!" Tsarina Ekaterina: "Thank you, Mr. Albrecht, you are dismissed."
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Yikes... these judges really aren't messing around. Another life sentence for another of Victor's high ranking officials... we can only imagine how it's going to be for him...
Next up is Mr. Albrecht's sister, Lady Johanna Albrecht.
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Tsarina Ekaterina: "Lady Johanna, please accept the sincere apologies of this court, for dragging you out here, for making you wait, and now for forcing you up on the stand. Judge Pelletier."
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Queen Genevieve Pelletier: "This court finds you innocent of any crimes, and indeed finds you a victim of certain crimes instead. For your coercion into an arranged marriage with Prince Jonas Lofton, and for your forced relocation to Tartosa, this court is offering to send you back to your family in Windenburg, as well as offering a one-time payment of $1,000,000 to reimburse you for emotional trauma sustained during the war, as an apology, with the understanding that your arranged engagement to Prince Jonas Lofton is officially over." Lady Johanna: "Do I have to go back? To my family, I mean?" Tsarina Ekaterina: "I... no... alternative housing could be found for you while you find housing of your own..." Lady Johanna: "Thank you, Ma'am." Tsarina Ekaterina: "Alright... very good. Thank you Lady Johanna, you are dismissed."
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Another win for the innocents. Many across the globe are cheering on this court's treatment of the innocent, subjugated women in Victor's realm- they had no power and did nothing wrong, and the court sees that. Especially Lady Johanna's big payout? The people are impressed. One thing that does have the internet all abuzz however, is how the court keeps calling him "Prince Jonas," when almost everyone else has been referred to without titles, even if they were rewarded with titles at the end, and people have noticed when the camera pans over to the defendants box...
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Jonas is the only one in a suit, not in the Glimmerbrooke County Jail orange that everyone else is wearing (because they all spent the night there last night to prepare for this trial)... what could it mean? Well we won't have long to find out, because Prince Jonas is up next on the stand!
Stay tuned for more coverage of the trials!
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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A bit of August 5th history...
910 - The last major Viking army to raid England is defeated at the Battle of Tettenhall by the allied forces of Mercia and Wessex led by King Edward and Earl Aethelred 
1305 - William Wallace, who led Scottish resistance to England, is captured and transported to London for trial and execution (pictured)
1583 - Humphrey Gilbert claims Newfoundland for the British Crown; 1st English colony in North America and the beginning of the British Empire
1861 - President Lincoln signs 1st US personal Income Tax into law (3% of incomes over $800)
1992 - 4 officers of the LA Police Department acquitted on charges of beating Rodney King, are indicted on civil rights charges
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