#hurt Jim
lemonemenom · 2 years
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Definitely annoyed at how illogical this position is to dress Jim’s wounds
not cause Jim’s an idiot who keeps getting injured that would be illogical
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spirk-trek · 14 days
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Nightvisions Fanzine & Novel | Merle Decker, Signe Landon (1979)
Nightvisions, by Susan K. James and Carol A. Frisbie, is one of the first standalone k/s novels published in a zine. It can be read in full here!
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wwillywonka · 1 month
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dustykneed · 3 months
feel better soon, kid.
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trek-tracks · 3 months
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I thought these stickers my friend gave me looked familiar...
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Requests: Steve adopting an abandoned child post earthquake in Hawkins after the spring break from hell. And him realizing all the ways he was hurt as a child due to his parents neglect. And how he overcomes it and raises his baby-child with gentleness, warmth, patience and love
OKAY GENUINELY I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS PROMPT AND IT STILL WASN'T AS MUCH AS I WANTED TO DO. FAIR WARNING: this is an emotional roller coaster. It ends HAPPY. But there are a lot of sad and bittersweet moments and feelings leading up to that moment. There is the mention of child neglect, and that can be difficult for some people to read, even with a happy ending, so please keep that in mind before starting this. Also, this is not how the law or CPS works at all, and it wasn't in the 80s either, but this is fiction and I do what I want. I hope someone can continue this idea somewhere because it is so special to me now. This is 6200 words of me not knowing how to wrap it up with a bow. I hope you love this my darling, thank you for this one. - Mickala ❤️
Steve spent the last 12 hours pacing the waiting room floor at the hospital. He’d promised the kids he would stay until there was an update on Eddie and Max, and their parents had insisted they go home after they’d been quickly attended to for their minor injuries.
Max was stable, but not awake. They weren’t sure if she ever would be again. Steve passed that on to Nancy so she could call everyone.
Eddie finally made it out of surgery, alive, but barely.
He’d lost a lot of blood and they weren’t able to give him a transfusion until Wayne got there to donate.
It was touch and go for another few hours in recovery.
But things calmed down a bit, his heart rate settling at a normal rate, his oxygen maintaining where it should be with the mask on, the bleeding stopped and his blood regenerating on its own.
He wasn’t awake, but he was alive.
That was enough for Wayne and Hopper to kick him out of the hospital and make him go home.
“Shower. Eat. Sleep. In that order, Harrington,” Hopper said, the gruffness in his voice overruled by the concern.
He was up to speed on everything he missed, and he wasn’t thrilled about how much Steve had put on the line for everyone.
So Steve left, even though he wanted to stay, needed to have eyes on Eddie, on Max.
He had to trust that they were being taken care of.
He made it home, did two of the three things Hopper told him to. His shower was long and hot, finally able to wash away the blood and dirt and Upside Down particles that clung to his skin for the last couple of days. His dinner was quick and unfulfilling, but frozen meals usually are.
And then he did try to sleep. He tried on the couch first, his usual go-to spot after crises. Then he tried to go to his bed, hoping the weight of his comforter would help lull him to sleep.
But two hours later, he was still wide awake.
So he got up, put on jeans and a sweater, and made his way to the school, where emergency services had been set up.
It was chaotic, still very little organization amongst groups. The firefighters had been dispatched all over town, and most medical professionals had been called into the hospital or to help EMTs on calls. A handful of teachers had been put in charge of the check-in process here, making sure anyone who came through was on a list of survivors first, then sent to help where they were needed if they were able.
Steve was able, so he put his name on the list and was told to stand with a group at the far corner of the gym. Everyone in this group was waiting for a dispatch crew of firefighters to come get them to help locate survivors.
They were given vests, gloves, and helmets to wear, and given quick safety briefings. They were told not to move any rubble, that if they suspected someone was under some, to call for the professionals. They were just extra eyes and ears because everyone was stretched too thin for a disaster of this magnitude and help from local towns was slow to arrive.
Steve figured this would help him, if he stayed busy and managed to help people, he wouldn’t think about how helpless he was when it came to Max and Eddie.
The first location they were dropped at was a small neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Most of the homes had been completely demolished, cracks in the ground swallowing pieces of them. If there were any survivors here, they would be in desperate need of medical attention.
But after nearly four hours of searching, only one person was found, their leg trapped under a large wooden beam. The leg was broken, but they were fine other than that.
Steve felt relief that nothing more serious had happened there.
But the second area was worse.
It wasn’t a neighborhood, just a small wooded area surrounding two homes a good distance apart. Surprisingly, the homes were still standing, but everything around them was destroyed. Fires had been only recently extinguished, downed trees and power lines blocking most of the driveway and road in front of them.
“This should be relatively quick, both homes are empty and cars are gone, so we think everyone managed to get out safely, but we do need to be sure,” the firefighter in charge of this group said before leading them forward.
The smaller of the two houses was empty, though a mess, like the occupants had rushed to pack necessities and threw anything else on the ground as they rushed to get out.
The other home, though, was surprisingly clean. Kept up in a way Steve wouldn’t have expected for the panic most people showed while escaping town.
Everyone assumed maybe the occupants hadn’t even been home when the quake hit.
But Steve decided to go upstairs anyway.
Something was telling him this wasn’t normal.
It felt familiar in a way he didn’t want to acknowledge yet.
No one else followed him, all of the volunteers congregating in the living room area to discuss their next location before heading back to the school for a break.
Steve followed his gut, and his gut told him to check the bedroom at the end of the hall.
He opened the door, not surprised to see that nothing seemed strange at first glance.
Then he saw movement out of the corner of his eye, under the bed.
He would’ve checked there anyway, that’s where he would have hidden in this kind of situation, too.
“I guess this place is all clear,” Steve said, quiet enough not to be heard by anyone downstairs yet, but loud enough to be heard by the person under the bed.
It was a kid, Steve figured as much based on the items on the desk in the corner and the poster on the wall.
The small boy crawled out from under the bed, panic on his face.
“Are you gonna take me to my parents?” The boy asked, lips wobbling.
“I’m gonna try. I’m Steve, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Elliott. How old are you?”
Jesus Christ. Where had his parents even been? Why weren’t they looking for him?
He hoped they were on their way back and just stuck trying to get into town.
But a part of him had already known that wasn’t true. A part of him knew the moment they pulled into the area that he’d find someone left here, someone who shouldn’t have ever been alone.
“Alright, Elliott, let’s get you back to the school. We can put your name on the list so your parents can find you easier, okay? I can stay with you until they get here.”
“I don’t know if they will.”
Steve’s heart stopped for a moment.
Sure, his parents never came back after the Upside Down bullshit, but he’d been a teenager and adult. They probably assumed he wasn’t involved in any of it and was fine.
But Elliott was nine. Even his parents would have come back for him at that age.
They never should have left him alone to begin with, but even they knew the trouble they’d be in for leaving him at that age after a fucking earthquake.
“Of course they will, buddy. It’s just hard getting into Hawkins right now, you’ll see on our way back.”
He placed his hand on Elliott’s shoulder, not surprised when he tensed up under him for a moment before he relaxed.
Steve hadn’t been used to casual touch until he met Nancy.
But Elliott deserved to feel cared for right now, so he kept his hand there, let him get used to it for a moment, and then guided him out the door and down the stairs.
Most of the group had moved back outside, but a few people remained.
One of the few women in the group looked over at his entrance, her jaw dropping when she saw he had a child with him.
“Oh my God!”
Steve held his hand up, knowing Elliott probably didn’t want to draw a lot of attention to himself.
“He’s okay. He managed to find a safe place to hide. His parents might be looking for him though so we should get him back,” Steve said calmly.
No one crowded him, but the firefighter waiting by the van that was transporting everyone checked his heart and lungs, made sure he didn’t have any visible wounds or injuries.
Elliott didn’t let go of Steve the entire time, his hand gripping his forearm like he was terrified to lose him among the group.
Steve didn’t try to pull away, not once.
He knew Elliott needed someone. He could be that someone for him.
When they arrived back at the school, they put his name on the list, and since he was a minor, they had him go to one of the classrooms that was being watched over by security while they tried to contact his parents.
He told them they left for a business trip over a week ago, he didn’t know when they would be back, and his aunt checked on him every morning, but he hadn’t seen her since the quake.
Steve stood by as he spoke to the responsible adults, not letting Elliott out of his sight.
Elliott begged for Steve to come with him to wait while they tried to locate his parents, so he did.
He realized pretty quickly that Elliott must not have slept last night; He curled against Steve’s side on the floor almost immediately and fell asleep, light snores making Steve smile to himself.
The floor was hard, the wall behind him was somehow harder, but he wouldn’t move short of another emergency.
They stayed like that for hours, kids coming and going as more were found and reunited with their families.
Elliott was the youngest one left in the room, all the other kids high school age.
When one of the men from the group he was in earlier came in the room to get another kid, he asked if there was any update on Elliott.
“Nah, they’re still trying to find them. The aunt um…” The guy looked nervously down at the sleeping Elliott. “She didn’t make it. Was on her way to try to get him when another crack hit the road she was driving on, car crashed. They contacted the dad’s business and were told he’s out of the country and won’t be returning calls until next week.”
“How long are they gonna make him stay here while they figure it out?”
“No clue, man. I’ll ask someone.”
But he didn’t come back and Elliott deserved something better than the floor to sleep on.
“Hey, buddy,” Steve said, gently nudging his shoulder to wake him up. “Sorry, just gotta run and ask someone something real quick.”
Elliott grabbed his shirt, holding it in his fist tightly.
“Don’t go! Please,” he begged, tears welling in his eyes.
Steve’s heart broke.
He’d been this kid for so much of his childhood, practically begging people to stick around so he didn’t have to be drenched in loneliness again.
He knew he would be right back, but to Elliott, especially after the quake, he probably felt like anyone who left would be gone forever.
“Come with me. We’ll find you some dinner while I find out how things are going.”
He stood up, his legs numb from sitting on the floor so long, and helped Elliott find his balance after waking up so abruptly.
They left the room, the security nodding them on when he saw Steve was with him, and walked down the hall to the cafeteria area.
They were serving ham and cheese sandwiches, bags of chips, and water for everyone. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for now.
If he could find a phone, maybe he could get Robin to bring him and Elliott more food.
Elliott shyly thanked the person handing out the meals, and Steve slowly guided him to an empty table while his eyes searched for anyone he recognized.
He almost did a happy dance when he saw Dustin and Claudia across the room.
“Hey, that’s actually my friend and his mom. Can you wait here while I grab them?”
Elliott nodded nervously, clearly only letting him walk away because he would be within his sight the entire time.
Steve ran over to them, wincing slightly when the bite on his stomach started pulsing. Probably should take it easier while that healed.
“Dustin!” Steve exclaimed as he got closer.
Dustin’s head shot around, smile lighting up his face as he realized it was Steve.
“Dude! Everyone’s been trying to find you for hours. Have you been here all day?”
“Kinda. I came to help with searching and I found a kid earlier. They’re trying to find his parents, but he’s been kind of attached to me.”
“Damn, I hope they find them soon. Phone lines keep going down. You seen Hopper come by yet?”
“No, has he gotten any sleep yet?”
“Doubt it. Ma, do you have any cookies left for Steve?”
Claudia came bustling over, digging through her purse as she walked.
“Oh, I’m sure I do! Hi, Steve, dear. Hope you’re doing okay in all this madness.”
“I’m doing alright,” Steve gave her a small smile as she managed to find the cookies and hand them over. “Hey, do you know the parents of Elliott Devers?”
“Oh, I know of them, sure. Only met them once, they never seem to be in town. He’s a sweet boy, his aunt seems to take care of him most of the time.”
Steve filled her in on what he knew so far, that Elliott’s aunt had died, that no one could reach his parents, that he’d been alone in the house for at least a full day before Steve found him.
That Elliott didn’t seem to want to be separated from Steve.
Dustin was watching him talk, eyebrows furrowing like he was trying to think of something.
“Wait, his dad’s the guy who was under investigation for tax evasion, fraud, and identity theft, isn’t he?”
Steve’s stomach dropped.
His brain made connections that only children of rich parents can in a matter of seconds.
His parents ran to another country on “business” because that was the only way they were allowed to leave while he was under investigation. No one could reach them because they gave fake information so they could go into hiding. Because he was guilty of all of the things he was under investigation for and didn’t want to lose everything and end up in prison.
Claudia must have realized the same thing, a deep frown settling on her face.
“Elliott is the boy sitting at that table?” She asked as she pointed towards him.
He was watching them as he ate, eyes wide as he kept glancing around the room.
Steve nodded.
“If they ran, and they aren’t coming back, where will he go?” Steve asked.
“I’m sure he’ll be placed with a family who can take him until they can figure out a more permanent place, but that may be hard right now with so many people leaving Hawkins. He may have to leave town,” Claudia said, though Steve could tell she was trying to figure out how to take him in, even if only for a few days.
“What would I have to do to keep him while they keep looking?”
“Oh, that’s a question for Hopper, sweetie. I’m not sure you’d fit the requirements, even though I think he’d be very lucky to get to stay with you,” Claudia touched his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze in comfort.
“Is he coming by?”
“Hopper? Yes, he just got done at the hospital handling some things for Edward,” Claudia said.
“Eddie, Ma, how many times do I have to tell you?”
“The tone! Watch it!” Steve said before Claudia could respond.
She smirked at Steve, then gave Dustin a look that said she wasn’t going to listen to him and walked away.
“I gotta go with her, she’s bringing dinner to Wayne at the hospital.”
“Is Eddie awake?”
“Not yet, but they think it could be anytime. They said the drugs in his system are heavy enough to keep him out for a while.”
“But he seems okay?”
He almost didn’t want to ask, but he had to.
“No news.”
Steve nodded once, acknowledging that Dustin didn’t want to talk about it right now, that it was tough to even think about how she was probably not gonna wake up anytime soon if ever.
“Hey, come by my house tomorrow, okay? We can watch a movie or somethin’.”
Steve gave Dustin a quick hug before making his way back to Elliott, who looked like he might start crying any moment.
“Hey, buddy. Sorry that took longer than I thought, but…” Steve pulled the bag of cookies from behind his back with a smile. “I got cookies! Claudia makes the best chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. You’ll love them.”
Elliott relaxed a little, smiling up at Steve as he reached for the bag of cookies.
“Is she nice? She looks nice.”
“She’s awesome. She always brings me soup if I’m sick.”
“Is that what moms do? My aunt sometimes does, but she doesn’t know how to make the kind I like.”
Steve bit his lip.
“What kind do you like?”
“My favorite is tomato and noodles. She can only make chicken noodle. It’s okay, but sometimes it has a funny taste.”
Steve smiled at him, glad he was at least talking, even if what he was saying was heartbreaking.
“I’m sure Claudia can make you some tomato and noodles. I’ll call and ask.”
“But not now, right?”
Elliott’s voice filled with panic, his eyes widening.
“No, I’m staying with you right now. The chief should be here soon and we can figure out what’s going on, okay?”
“Like, the chief of police? You know him?”
“Yeah, Hopper’s nice. Don’t let his mean face scare you. He’s kind of a teddy bear.”
“Excuse you, I’m not a teddy bear. I’m a grizzly bear,” Hopper said behind Steve.
Elliott laughed, and Hopper tried to hide a small smile. Teddy bear.
“Are you Elliott?” Elliott nodded. “Can we go talk for a few minutes just us? I promise Steve can wait right outside the door.”
Hopper gave Steve a look that said he was about to ruin this kid’s day as if it didn’t already suck enough.
“Um, can Steve come in the room too?”
“If you want him to, sure.”
“I want him to.”
“Okay then, let’s go.”
Steve grabbed everything off the tables, throwing the trash away on the walk towards the teacher’s lounge area that had been set up for the cops to conduct phone calls and interviews as needed.
It was empty now, probably thanks to Hopper taking control quickly.
They sat down around a table, Elliott’s hand finding Steve’s quickly.
“Alright, Elliott, so I have a few questions and then I have some news,” Hopper started, his voice maintaining no emotion the way he’d been taught.
“How long have your parents been gone this time?”
“I dunno. A week, maybe a little longer.”
“And you were alone that whole time?”
Elliott looked to Steve, like he needed help to answer, but Steve just smiled at him and mouthed ‘just be honest, you’re not in trouble.’
“Most of the time. My aunt came to check on me in the mornings and bring me food for the day.”
“Aunt Janice?”
“Bud, I’m sorry to tell ya this, but your Aunt Janice was in a really bad accident and didn’t make it,” Hopper’s voice started to show some emotion, but Steve squeezed Elliott’s hand so he wouldn’t focus on that.
“She died?”
“Yeah, bud. I’m sorry.”
“But who will bring me food in the morning?”
Steve couldn’t do this. Holy shit, he could not do this. How was Hopper able to do this?
“Well, we still haven’t been able to call your parents. Do you know exactly where they might be?”
“I don’t know. They don’t tell me where they go.”
Steve and Hopper looked at each other.
Hopper knew Steve had been in a similar position when he was younger, but no one checked on him. Hopper had often been the one to show up at his door during his early teens to make sure he had food and wasn’t hurt.
“What if he stayed with me until you find them?” Steve asked Hopper.
Elliott turned to him.
“I can stay with you?” He asked excitedly.
“Oh, I’m not sure about that. There’s a process for this kinda thing,” Hopper began.
“Then start the process. He’s staying with me,” Steve said firmly, not caring if he sounded rude, not caring if Hopper hated him for it, just wanting Elliott safe and in a house instead of a school converted to a disaster relief zone.
Hopper eyed him up and down, and the way Elliott was holding his hand and bouncing excitedly in his chair.
“Alright, fine. But it’s a week by week basis until we can get ahold of his parents,” Hopper said directly to Steve.
“Steve, do you have a microwave? I make popcorn so good, like so good. I can make it tonight even!”
Steve smiled at him, and then at Hopper, who was watching with a fond smile.
“I’m sure I have what you need to make some popcorn, buddy.”
“You wait here, I have to get the release from CPS. They’re in the front office.”
Elliott went on and on about all the things they could do while he stayed with him, and when he found out Steve had a pool, he didn’t even stop for breath as he explained that he was the best swimmer when they took a field trip last year to the pool and that he could probably even beat Steve in a race.
Steve just smiled and agreed.
A week with Elliott went by, and it was easy.
Steve was terrified how quickly he just fit in.
He fit in at his house, making it feel like a home, with his rambunctious energy and nightly popcorn making.
He fit in with the kids, showing interest in D&D even though he’d never heard of it before.
He even fit with Robin, who kind of hated kids, but thought Elliott was probably the cutest kid she’d ever met.
One night, while Dustin and Mike were showing Elliott how to build a character, Robin asked him the question he’d been dreading.
“What happens if he can’t stay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m assuming they’ll find his parents soon, and when they do, he’ll have to go live with them again. Or at least his mom since his dad will be in prison for life at this rate. How are you gonna handle that?”
He had no clue. He wanted Elliott to have parents who stuck around, and who loved him, and let him pop popcorn every night.
But realistically, even if they did come back, that wasn’t what his life would look like.
His life would be a lot like Steve’s was, sad and lonely, and he didn’t deserve that.
“I’m gonna fight for him. I don’t know what that means yet, but I know that whatever is best for him is what I’m gonna make sure happens.”
Robin wrapped him up in a hug, her arms squeezing him to her.
“You’re gonna be a great dad someday.”
No one had ever said that to him before.
But maybe he could believe it.
Steve was the first person to come to the hospital when Eddie woke up, Elliott excitedly chattering from the backseat of his car the whole way.
It was helping Steve’s nerves, but he knew he wasn’t giving Elliott the attention he needed.
“Sorry, buddy. What was that?”
Elliott was quiet for a moment.
“Are you worried?”
Steve smiled at him in the rearview mirror, his hands gripping the wheel tight.
“A little. You remember how everyone told you about Eddie? How he saved us all and almost died?”
“Yeah, he’s a hero!”
“He is. But he’s still healing and I’m just worried about how hurt he is.”
“Oh. So we can’t hug him or hold his hand to help him feel better?” Elliott groaned. “Oh man, I was gonna bring him popcorn!”
Steve laughed quietly to himself.
“I think he’s on a pretty strict diet right now, buddy. Maybe when he’s out of the hospital we can have him over for a movie and you can make him some.”
“When will he be out?”
“I dunno yet. I think it might still be a little while.”
“Will I still live with you then?”
Steve gulped.
“I hope so.”
“Me too,” Elliott said quietly, staring out the window as they pulled into the hospital parking lot.
His mood was a bit somber as they walked through the halls of the bustling hospital, going to the fifth floor in the elevator where Eddie’s room was.
When he got to the right room, he knocked on the door even though it was open, smiling in at Wayne.
“Hey, come in, Steve. Eddie, Steve’s here,” Wayne said as he turned to Eddie, who was awake, but mostly horizontal still in bed.
“Steve?” Eddie’s rough voice asked.
“Hey, Eds. Hope it’s okay I brought my buddy, Elliott, to say hi. He’s heard a lot about you and Dustin and Mike and Will have been teaching him D&D for when you get out of here.”
Steve walked close to the bed, holding Elliott’s hand. He seemed shy suddenly, which wasn’t like him, not since he was living with Steve.
“Hey, Elliott. You keepin’ Steve company?”
“Yes, sir.”
Wayne snorted.
“Oh, son, you don’t have to be formal with Eddie. He’s barely older than you in his head.”
Eddie glared at Wayne, but smiled at Elliott.
“Seriously, bud, just Eddie is fine. So you ready for a campaign?”
“I dunno. Dustin said maybe I can play with you guys?”
“‘Course you can. I have so many ideas when I get outta here.”
Eddie turned to Steve and gave him a smirk.
“As long as we can host at your place?”
Steve blushed, remembering the last time he had Eddie’s full attention on him, back when his words “make him pay” sounded a lot like “I love you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. When do you get out of here?”
Elliott was loosening his anxious grip on Steve’s hand as the nerves wore off.
“They said not for a couple weeks, but I’m gonna walk right out of here the moment I can feel my legs again.”
Elliott let out a giggle and Eddie smiled.
“You can help me, right? I may need some support to run for it.”
“No! You have to stay until you’re all better, goofball.”
“That’s exactly what I told him, Elliott. You’re much wiser than he is,” Wayne said with a roll of his eyes.
Elliott moved closer to the side of the bed, his hands folded in front of him.
“Um. Could I hold your hand? So you feel better?”
Steve was going to cry.
Eddie kind of looked like he might, too.
“Yeah, I could use a hand to hold, bud. Thanks for offering. Wayne’s hand gets sweaty, but don’t tell him I said that,” he whispered the last part to Elliott, but loud enough so everyone could still hear.
Elliott held his hand, sitting carefully on the edge of the bed.
He told Eddie all about the character Dustin and Mike helped him build, about how they might run a practice campaign with him soon. He told him about the popcorn he would make for the first time he came over.
Steve watched fondly, realizing quickly that this wasn’t something he could lose.
Not Elliott, and not Eddie either.
Elliott’s parents were still missing.
It’s been almost a month, Eddie was released from the hospital a day ago, and Elliott was still living with Steve.
The longer he stayed, the more it would hurt if he left.
They got into a routine.
School had been canceled for the rest of the year, so they mostly just made breakfast together, went in the pool, hung out with the kids, visited Eddie, played basketball, and had popcorn every night.
Steve knew Elliott was happy, he knew he was happy.
He was terrified it would end.
They were hosting Eddie for a movie night, and Elliott was more excited than ever.
Steve was a nervous wreck.
He was in charge of making sure Eddie didn’t overdo it, making sure he took his nighttime medications, and getting him to bed at a reasonable hour. According to Wayne, his pills made him tired and he would fight sleep if you didn’t force him into a bed.
Steve spent the day cleaning, baking, and preparing.
By dinner time, when Eddie would be arriving, Elliott was starting to question it.
“What’s wrong? Do you not want Eddie to come over?”
“No! Of course I want him to come over.”
“So…why are you being like this?”
“Is it because you love Eddie?”
Steve choked on air.
“Or do you think Eddie doesn’t love you?”
“Elliott, gonna say a big kid word right now. What the hell do you mean?”
Elliott rolled his eyes.
“You want to make Eddie feel happy and safe here, and you always get this stupid look on your face when we visit him, and then when I asked Wayne if you two were boyfriends he laughed and said ‘probably soon.’ So you love him, right?”
Steve’s mouth was working open and shut, open and shut, no noise coming out.
“Two boys can be together, you know. Robin told me.”
“She what? When?”
“When she told me two girls can be together.”
Steve put his face in his hands and couldn’t help the laugh of disbelief he let out as Elliott touched his back to comfort him.
“Did you not know you loved Eddie?”
“Uh. I guess I didn’t know that other people thought I loved Eddie.”
“Oh. So are you gonna be boyfriends?”
“I…I don’t know, buddy. Maybe.”
“I think you should be. Then it might be like I have two dads.”
Elliott pulled his hand away and suddenly seemed nervous.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”
Steve couldn’t handle the look on Elliott’s face.
“Elliott, look at me, buddy.” He waited for Elliott to look at him. “Is that what you think of me as? Like your dad?”
Elliott nodded.
“Come here,” Steve said, pulling Elliott into a hug. “You’re the best kid, you know that?”
Elliott nodded, and Steve let out a wet laugh.
“Uh, everything okay in here?” Eddie said from the doorway.
“Eddie!” Elliott let out, and despite the mood of the previous conversation, he was smiling from ear to ear.
Eddie smiled at him and pulled him into the least hurt side of him for a hug.
He looked at Steve with a questioning look. Steve just shook his head quickly, wiping the tears from his eyes quickly.
“Can I make popcorn now, pleeeeease?” Elliott asked, bouncing on his heels.
“Yes, fine. But only one bowl right now. You can make more after dinner.”
“Okay, dad!” he yelled as he ran to the popcorn maker.
Eddie’s brows raised to his forehead as he looked at Steve, who was crying buckets at this point.
“What’s that about, Stevie?” Eddie whispered as he came up to him.
“I um, I guess he just feels like I’m his dad,” Steve shrugged.
“Are you okay with that?”
“I just don’t want him to go.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Eddie said, pulling Steve into a crushing hug that had to hurt him. Steve sniffled against his shoulder, letting himself cry for a minute. “Did Hopper say he may have to go soon?”
“No, but I mean, if they find his parents or if CPS decides he has to go to a real family, then he’ll have to.”
“Stevie, they wouldn’t just take him. Not when he’s safe here and wants to be here. I promise.”
“But what if he goes somewhere far away or to people who won’t let me see him?”
Eddie held the back of his head against his shoulder, placing a kiss to the top of his head.
“He won’t. We’ll fight for him to stay here, okay? He’s got a family here, with us. Right?”
“Us?” Steve asked as he pulled away.
“Yeah. Us. Sound okay to you?”
Steve could only nod as he wiped his running nose.
How attractive.
“Hopper still doesn’t have any idea where they are, right?”
“They’ll give up eventually. I hate to say it, but they won’t put more effort into a kid who has a safe place to go when they have bigger problems. Like how half the town is still homeless because of a fucking earthquake.”
“That’s a big kid word!” Elliott yelled from his spot at the counter.
“I’m a big kid!” Eddie yelled back, smirking at Steve.
“But I’m not!” Elliott yelled as they heard the popcorn machine starting up.
Eddie placed a kiss on Steve’s forehead, then one against his lips.
It was soft, chaste, barely a kiss at all.
But it was a perfect first kiss for them.
Another month passed with no news.
Eddie was at Steve’s house almost every day, spending time with Elliott, spending time with the party, with Steve.
Steve had converted the main guest room into Elliott’s permanent bedroom, but was scared to think of it that way still.
Eddie tried to reassure him, but even he was nervous that no final decisions had been made and the case remained open.
Until Hopper came by one night, well after Elliott went to bed. Eddie was doing the dishes while Steve was prepping some fruit for Elliott’s breakfast before his first day of summer camp the next day.
Steve felt his stomach sink.
They were going to take Elliott.
“Steve. Can I come in?”
Steve let him in, his face forced into casual calm, but on the inside he was already screaming and crying about what was about to happen.
Hopper sat down on the chair, gesturing for Steve and Eddie to sit on the couch.
“You’re taking him aren’t you? He can’t stay.”
“What? No.” Hopper frowned. “No, Steve. The opposite actually. We’re closing the case. CPS said after interviews with him, even if his parents did get found or come back on their own, he wouldn’t be put back in their care.”
“But what about putting him with another family?”
Hopper sighed. He watched Eddie place a hand on Steve’s knee to calm him down.
“They’ve spoken in detail with him about his current situation. They believe that you’re the person he wants to live with and they aren’t going to disrupt his life any more than it already has been. If that’s alright with you, of course.”
Steve felt like he could breathe for the first time in his life.
“He can stay? With me?”
“He can stay with you.”
Steve let out a sob and fell against Eddie’s side. Eddie was crying too, but trying to keep more control so he could comfort Steve.
“CPS has to do a home visit to finalize everything, but if you’re good with it, you can officially adopt him. He’s been considered abandoned by his parents, and since it’s been 60 days, they relinquish all rights automatically.”
“How quickly can we do that?”
“We? Both of you?”
“I mean, can we both even do that?”
Hopper shrugged.
“Don’t know. But they’re probably expecting just Steve for now. They’ll call tomorrow to schedule everything and give you a chance to talk to Elliott.”
Steve and Eddie both nodded.
“I’m gonna leave you two to it, but call me if you need me. Congrats, Steve. I know you wanted this. I know he wanted this.”
Hopper saw himself out, closing the door quietly so it wouldn’t wake Elliott up.
“Eddie, did that really happen? Am I dreaming?”
“No, sweetheart, you aren’t dreaming.”
“I get to be his dad.”
“Yeah, you do.”
“And you?”
“What about me?”
“Do you want to be his other dad?”
“I would love to, baby. Let’s ask him tomorrow, though. It’s up to him.”
Steve nodded.
It was up to Elliott, but he knew what Elliott wanted.
He knew what he wanted.
They were gonna be a family. A real family. No more worrying about someone deciding to take Elliott away from him.
He could finally use this house that had been left to him by his parents for something other than being miserable. He could keep it filled with love and laughter and happiness and maybe the occasional stupid argument.
Maybe Elliott would make friends at school in the fall and want to have hangouts here. Maybe they could both save up some money and take him on a vacation somewhere. Maybe someday they could get married and Elliott could be the best man.
Anything could happen.
Steve couldn’t wait.
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firstofficerkittycat · 6 months
post naked time kirk knocking on spocks door in the middle of the night like sorry to wake you but we really need to look over this report for tomorrow and when the door closes he touches his face where he hit him and says im sorry and spock says i know and he just collapses into his arms crying and when he can breathe again he says i wish things were different and spocks like they were different once it stands to reason that they will be again and kirk says in our lifetime i hope and then they replicate chinese food and watch the secret life of sherlock holmes
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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Plain Old Man - Jim Hopper x Reader
Summary: Jim can't figure out why you love him. After all, isn't he just a plain old man?
Contents/Warnings: hop's self-conscious :(, consensual + legal age gap, fem!reader
requested: hopper x younger really feminine reader. he think she’s the cutest thing ever and that she’s too good for him so he’s kind of upset, but she figures it out and sits on his lap and kissing all over his body </333 // slightly deviated from, but i hope you still enjoy it!
WC: 1.47K / navi
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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You love Fridays, because when Jim swings by the pizza place for your dinner, he stops into the boutique next door, and always brings you something. Last week it was a pair of dangly earrings, shimmery and green in the shapes of fairy wings. The week before that it was a silver necklace with a pearl charm, to match a set of earrings he'd gotten before that.
You're buzzing with excitement as you hear his car pull up outside, and you bypass the hand he's balancing the pizza on to wrap your arms around his waist. They interlock behind him and you squeeze, wishing you could latch yourself onto him forever and hang off of him like a sloth.
"Hey, sweetheart." You feel a kiss placed on the crown of your head, his mustache prickling the skin there, "Let's get inside, okay? Pizza's gonna get cold."
Your nose is, too, so you let him nudge you back inside before it starts to ache.
"I baked us muffins," You inform him, taking the box from his hands and watching him toe off his muddy work shoes by the door, "They're blueberry, but I added that topping over them that you liked last time on the banana ones. It's a little sticky, and kinda clumpy, but it tastes the same!"
He nods through your ramble, eyes lighting up at not only the prospect of muffins but of the special crumble you lay over top. He ushers you into the kitchen, but when you reach for the lid of the pizza box he sets a hand on your waist.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he pats the breast pocket of his jacket, and you visibly brighten.
"Oh! Oh," You gush, reaching eagerly for the bag that he hands you, crinkly plastic and purple-tinted, "Thank you, honey."
Your nails pry at the tissue paper that's wrapping whatever present you've gotten, and when you rip the tape away it reveals two barrettes, one pink and one blue. they're beaded, shimmery under the light, and they'll look adorable tucked into your hair.
"Hop," You gush, surging forwards to face-plant into his chest, "I love them! I can use them to twist my hair back like I've been doing lately."
"I know," He nods, leaning forwards to bump his nose into your own, his eyes crinkled at the corners with a smile, "That's why I bought them. I know the pins haven't been holding it."
You'd stolen two worn-out, dented bobby pins from Jim's nightstand, that you're fairly certain he'd used to pick locks with. It concerned you, but he hasn't asked for them back, so you're sure his lock-picking days are behind him.
"Put 'em in!" You urge him, unclipping the barrettes from the card they're on and dumping them into his large, rough hand, "You know how to do it, right?"
"I know how to pull your hair back," He scoffs, sticking one clip between his teeth so that his words muffle as he uses his hands to twist a chunk of your hair away from your face. He pulls it back and secures it with the clip, a snap letting you know it won't fall out.
"Perfect," He praises you (though you think it might be aimed at himself), and pops a kiss to the metal clip.
Your smile is infectious as he uses the other clip on the opposite side of your head, thick fingers twisting your delicate hair carefully. When it's pinned he kisses that side, too, and backs away to look at you head-on.
He smiles, but it's strange. It doesn't fade, per se, but the look in his eyes shifts, and your gut churns with nerves when they seem to be sad.
"Hop?" You tilt your head, watching him try and fail to focus on you instead of whatever's happening in his head, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," He nods, pressing a mediocre kiss to your cheek as he rushes for the pizza box behind you, "Yeah, sweetheart. You look real pretty. Let's eat, okay?"
He plates his pizza in silence, so you do too. But it's strange, because he always complains about the cheese not being gooey when he pulls slices apart, and there's not a peep out of him today. Just a downcast glance that tracks his feet all the way to the couch. He typically spreads out, eager to relax after a day of work, but he sits proper, plate on his lap and eyes on the tv.
You reach down to flick it on when you pass, and you sit closer to his side than you normally would. You feel his thigh tense up against your own, and you frown, glancing over at him.
"Jim," You croon, setting your hand cautiously against his thigh, "Are you okay? The truth this time, please."
"Yeah, honey, I.. I don't know." He shakes his head slightly, blinking rapidly and sighing, "It's fine, really. I like your clips, sweetheart, they look good."
He goes to take another bite of pizza, but you pull it out of his hands just before he can. It means that his teeth clack together instead of meeting the bread, and he looks bewilderedly at you, hand still outstretched.
"Hey," He frowns, "That's my pizza."
"I know it's your pizza," You plop it back onto the plate, setting it on the coffee table and taking its place in his lap, "It'll still be your pizza when you tell me what's bothering you."
He sighs again, and this time you feel it where your hands are braced on his belly. You smooth your hands over it, tracing your thumbs from the dip of his navel out to his sides.
"Tell me, Jim," You plead, "I'm worried about you."
He looks at you for a moment, head-on, eye to eye and face to face, and breaks. He murmurs a gruff 'fuck,' under his breath, head drooping down so that his chin meets his chest.
"Jim," You whine, tucking your fingers under his chin and lifting it so that he can't avoid your eyes, "Just tell me, honey. I need to know."
"You are.." He pauses, cupping your cheek and smiling sadly at you, "Gorgeous. You know that?"
"You tell me all the time," You promise him, shimmying your hips slightly to press your tummy further into his, "What's that got to do with anything?"
"I think you're too gorgeous for me. And sweet, and nice, and perfect. I'm a plain old man," He gestures to himself, his beige uniform and scruffy stubble, "That's it."
"You're not a plain old man," You chide him, pinching at the pudge of his belly, "You're the man I love. You know that, don't you? That I love you."
"I'd like to think so," His smile stays sad, "I just can't think of a reason you would."
"Well because- because you're.. you! Jim," Your brows furrow and you lean closer, nose-to-nose, "I love you because of who you are. Not because of any one specific reason, the reason is just you. I love you, Jim Hopper."
His hand cups the back of your neck and pushes you forwards. It's not a kiss, but your lips meet, as do your foreheads as your noses smush together.
"You're too good to me," He murmurs, his voice slightly raspy.
"No," You protest, pecking his lower lip in a sweet smooch, "I could never be too good to you. 'Cause you deserve the best."
"You are cheesy today," He chuckles, but you know it's not an insult as much as it is an observation, "Did those muffins have extra sugar in them? Something's got you all sweet."
"It's you," You grin, knocking your nose into his once more and digging your hands into the soft chub of his belly, "I'm glad you're home. I missed you all day, I wanted to call you a bunch but I didn't wanna bother you."
"You wouldn't bother me," He promises, smoothing a hand down your back, "But it's probably not good to hold up the line at the police station."
"Yeah," You hum sadly, and lean down to tuck your face over his shoulder in a much-needed hug, "It's better when El's here. She keeps me company."
"Speaking of," He glances at the clock, patting your back gently, "We need to go get her soon. Max's mom said she can't stay another night, she's got chores to do."
"Finish your pizza," You clamber off of his lap and rush for your own plate, "Because before she comes back, you're going to make me happy scream."
"Oh, yeah?" He laughs as you settle yourself back against him on the couch, attention finally turned to the television, "We should brush our teeth first, then. I'm not kissing pizza breath."
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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muirmarie · 9 months
honestly the funniest thing is coming across ppl who are like "bones is so mean to spock 😡😡😡" like spock doesn't go out of his way to be just as big a cunt to mccoy??? it's their LOVE LANGUAGE!!! some of y'all didn't grow up watching tv shows with old broads and old queen-coded men being as cunty as possible to each other OUT OF LOVE. spock spends half his shift on the bridge coming up with mean things to say to his dr the moment mccoy flounce onto the bridge to flirt with jim (affectionate) and spock (derogatory and bloody, there will be no survivors except for them, THEY'RE having a BLAST).
listen when the cards are down they will be thoughtful and worried and touch each other SO gently and fight over who gets to die for each other. all of that is the floor they're standing on. they KNOW that. but GOSH in the meantime they're BOTH having an absolute blast bullying the shit out of each other, bless <3
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turtleblogatlast · 10 months
[ cw: ptsd / ]
The boys (and April!) would have loved to have their own Space Arc like the other iterations. Being such avid fans of Jupiter Jim, I think they’d have a blast just taking in the fact that they’re in space.
Imagine them gravity being turned off while they’re in space, and they’re floating and having fun in the spaceship and they look out into the darkness of space and-
Leo’s floating, staring out into grey blankness, and everything hurts and he’s alone and this was his choice but he’s scared-
Things get less fun after they realize they already had a small taste of what space had to offer.
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munsonfamilyband · 2 months
In Everything But Blood (Pt. 2)
Finally, I have returned with part 2 of the random thing I came up with at 2 in the morning while finishing a 40 page paper.
TW medical descriptions (likely also inaccuracies), mentions of blood/bodily fluids, hospitals, mentions of parental abuse/neglect
The nurses assured them that Steve was doing better by the third day in the ICU.
It was hard to believe them when he was still being sedated and pumped full of as many antibiotics as they could give him. It was even harder when he looked so small in the sterile hospital bed. His skin was waxy and still had a pale yellow tinge to it, except for his cheeks that had remained flush and red since he had been found by Claudia in his room. His hair was limp and sweaty, which just broke her heart because she knew he would hate it.
Claudia had only left for brief periods of time when Jim was around, never wanting Steve to be alone, to not have a parent with him. (She recognized that this desire came both from her maternal instincts and from the conversation she had briefly had with Jim after he showed up the first day. She had asked if the Harringtons could, or even should, be contacted about Steve and Jim had just scoffed. Apparently he had tried to call Steve's parents in '84 when he had protected the kids from Billy Hargrove. Apparently all they did was say that Steve was being overdramatic and they would be home when they could. Apparently they didn't come home until well into the new year.) The first time she had to leave was to pick Dusty up from the Wheelers, the night Steve had been brought in.
When Dusty slid into the front seat of Jim's car he immediately turned to Claudia with a confused frown on his face. "Why are you driving Hopper's car?" He paused and looked at her appearance, taking in the now brown stains on the front of her sweater and around her cuticles, the smell of cleaner that he no doubt knows only clings to her when she has work. "Mom... what happened?"
Claudia took a shuddering breath in, leaning her head back against the headrest to steady herself before having to tell her Dusty news that will certainly break his heart. "You know I had lunch plans with Steve today, right?" She looked over at him, her heart in her throat as she saw the dawning realization on her son's face. He nodded slowly before she continued speaking. "He was supposed to come by around noon, but by 1 I hadn't heard from him and he hadn't shown up-"
"But that doesn't make sense, Steve is like, perpetually on time," Dustin cut in, his brow furrowed and clearly trying to deny what he knows the logical conclusion is.
"I know, sweety, that was my thought too. So I drove over to his house, and the porch light was off so I knew something wasn't right." She paused here to take another deep breath, blinking back tears. "He was in his room and... he was hurt, badly. I called an ambulance and he was taken to the hospital-"
"What?! Mom, why didn't you call- he can't- I need to see him-" Dustin's voice cracked with anguish, tears already welling up.
"Dusty, I know you want to see him, but, baby, he can't-"
"No! Mom, I have to- his parents aren't-" She interrupted his panicking and pulled him across the center console into a tight hug. He muffled his sobs into her chest, clinging to her sweater with white knuckled fists.
"I know they aren't, baby, but they also aren't his emergency contacts any more. He's in the ICU right now so only family can visit. Jim, Robin and I are all his emergency contacts so we're allowed to see him right now. And-!" She quickly spoke to prevent Dustin from interrupting again. "I know you're also family to him but he's in really bad shape right now, and you and I both know he wouldn't want you to see him like this. I'm going to be visiting him for a while so I'll bring you with me so you can see Eddie, and I can try to bring him something if you want him to have anything, but you can't visit yet." Dustin just sobbed harder into her chest, clinging to her in the same way he had when she found him after the mall burned down. "I know, Dusty, I know." She pressed a kiss to the top of his head, holding him close as they both cried.
After a week of constant antibiotics and sedation the doctor informed them that Steve was going to be moved out of the ICU and into a regular room. Claudia knew that he wasn't fully better yet but this was significant progress. It meant that Steve wasn't at constant risk and it also meant that he could have regular visitors.
He was being moved in the morning so Claudia and Robin were alone, sitting together in his room. Claudia was sitting in a chair with her knitting (that she snuck in, after thoroughly sterilizing it first of course) and Robin was sitting on Steve's bed with a wet cloth as she tried to clean some of the grease out of his hair. She had the same heartbroken look on her face that she had all week.
“Robin, honey, I know what you’re thinking…” Claudia made sure to speak softly. Robin was clearly hanging by a thread. “It’s not-“
“But it is my fault! I knew he was hurt and I just-I just went home. I left him alone and hurt and-“ Robin cut herself off to take a deep breath. “How could I forget that he was hurt?”
“Honey, you had all just been through a lot and you wanted to check on your parents, that's okay. As much as it frustrates me to say, Steve chose to not get seen.”
“Exactly! He insists he's fine but he never is! It’s my job to make sure he takes care of himself because otherwise he won’t.”
“I know you two are close, but sweetie, you don’t have to take care of him.”
“I do, because-because he’s my-my-… he’s mine. And I’m his, and we take care of each other. I can’t-…I don’t know what I would do without him. So I have to make sure he’s safe, just like he does for me….. And I failed him.”
Claudia had thought her heart couldn't break further, but that one statement proved her wrong. She set her knitting aside and hurried over to Robin's side, gently taking the cloth out of her hands before pulling her into a tight hug. "Oh, Robbie... I know, sweetie, I know. But he's doing better now, alright? Let's focus on that, we can't focus on how we got here."
When Claudia was finally told Steve could have regular visitors it felt like a weight lifting from her shoulders. Visitors was a good thing - a great thing, even - because it meant he was getting better. He was still sedated, though they were lowering his doses slowly, and his doctors said that he was taking to the skin grafts beautifully. Looking at him still made her throat close up in panic, but it was lasting less and less time every time she saw him.
Telling Dustin was... interesting. He was overjoyed but then deflated when she made sure he understood that they couldn't all visit at once and he still wasn't awake.
She shouldn't have been surprised that Dusty and his friends found a way to show Steve they cared without being able to all be there.
The first time she was able to bring Dustin to see Steve he had dragged a huge bag with him into the car, just saying it was for Steve when asked. She found out what that meant when he immediately opened it after entering Steve's room. Inside were gifts from all of his friends. There was a blanket that looked suspiciously like the one from Joyce's couch, a set of hair clips and a new brush, bottles of shampoo and conditioner (these were handed to Robin who cracked a smile for the first time in days). There were also cards and drawings and photographs. Dustin went around and started propping them all up wherever he could, even pulling out tape to put up some of the drawings.
Claudia immediately recognized Will's art style but the drawings themselves were odd. There was one of Steve holding a baseball bat, studded with what looked like nails, surrounded by cars. Another had Steve in the adorable work uniform he had the previous summer, standing next to Robin with a white board in her hands. One looked like Steve, with suspiciously familiar injuries, ripping apart some creature that looked like that weird alien from the movie. She wanted to ask but the way Robin laughed at the one she was in kept her from interrupting the moment. Robin needed to laugh more.
The next few days were a rotation of children. The Sinclairs showed up together, rolling Max into the room in her wheelchair. The Byers stopped in one day, with the Wheelers showing up the next. Each visit was marked with cards and photos, everyone telling Steve some story to keep him informed.
Jim showed up most days, but one day he brought along his daughter.
Claudia knew of Jane, but had yet to meet her, since she had moved with the Byers while Jim was gone. She had been informed that Steve and Jane had been close before the move, so seeing the pure devastation on her face wasn't a surprise.
Claudia watched as Jane sniffled and then pulled a, frankly, offensively bright button down out of her bag and walked over to Robin with it. She whispered something in her ear that made Robin smile before gently taking the shirt from her hands. Robin started maneuvering Steve to place in under the back of his head with Jane's help and they both tied it around his head.
"Hi Steve, it's El- Ellie." She sniffed and wiped under her eyes quickly before continuing. "I know you're asleep right now but I wanted to help you keep your hair nice, like you showed me. So I brought Dad's shirt and Robin is helping tie it over your hair so it won't get so gross. I hope you like it. I miss you." She bent down once Robin had Steve fully settled and placed a kiss on his cheek before walking away, going right over to her dad and falling into his arms.
The days continued like that, until Steve was fully off of the sedatives. After that it was a matter of waiting.
Robin still showed up every day she could, same with Jim. Claudia was there every second that she wasn't at home.
Robin had finally been forced to go home for a meal after Steve had passed his second full week in the hospital. The nurses said that he should wake up soon, but Claudia insisted that Robin needed to eat and get cleaned up.
Dusty and a few of his friends were just across the hall with his friend Eddie who had been awake for almost a week now. He was gaining his strength back and if Claudia strained to listen she could here his laughter from the hall.
She was sitting beside Steve's bed, knitting in the quiet when she heard the sheets shifting. Glancing up made her do a double take because Steve's face was all scrunched up. The same expression he had made the previous summer when he woke up with a concussion.
Claudia was out of her seat before she was consciously aware of moving, rushing to perch gently on Steve's bed and grab his hand.
"Steve, sweetie, you're okay." She was petting his hair back with the hand not gripping his and she watched his eyes squint open, just barely able to see hazel. He glanced slowly around the room, head lolling from side to side, before looking back at her.
"Mom..." His voice cracked from misuse, barely even audible but she heard it nonetheless, eyes immediately filling with tears.
"Yeah, sweetie, mom's here, I've got you." She bent down and hugged him to her, breath hitching when she felt one of his hands grip her sweater.
Steve kept healing, awake this time, and he had a constant carousel of visitors.
Robin had started sobbing when she saw him awake, which just made him cry too. She had climbed into his bed and they had clung to each other for hours. Dustin had nearly collapsed when he walked in, not paying attention to Steve, and heard Steve speak. El had frozen in place before silent tears started to fall and she ran to hug him. The other kids had similar responses, even Jim teared up when he saw Steve awake. (And, if Claudia had overheard them talking late one night on her way back from a snack break, and heard Steve call Jim dad. Well, that's none of her business.)
Almost 4 days after Steve woke up, Claudia heard crutches in the hallway and looked up just in time to see Eddie slowly making his way into the room.
"Eddie! Look at you, up and moving around! Here, let me get you a chair." Claudia rushed around, pulling a chair up to Steve's bedside so Eddie could drop into it with a grateful smile. Steve had been watching TV and muted it to look at Eddie.
"Thanks, Mrs. H," Eddie spoke to her before turning all of his attention to Steve, a soft smile on his face. A glance at Steve showed the same smile and she watched as they talked, hands slowly inching closer together on top of the sheets.
Claudia went back to her knitting and watched over them, just happy that Steve had someone else in his life. She could see the bits of longing in the way they looked at each other, the laughter that Steve normally reserved for Robin, the gentle touches.
As Steve's mom she knew she would have to talk to Eddie later, but for now she was content watching young love grow.
@maya-custodios-dionach @eldtritchlizardblast @y4r3luv @devondespresso @zerokrox-blog @disrespectedgoatman @estrellami-1 @lingeringmirth @my-hyperfixations-hell-blog @spectrum-spectre @steddieasitgoes @puppy-steve @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @nburkhardt @sllooney @princessstevemunson @yellowdevilkitten @emchant3d @steddie-island @afewproblems @gregre369 @bookbinderbitch @salty-h0e @steddie-as-they-go @marvel-ous-m
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
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S3 AU wherein Hopper calls in a favor and Wayne ends up hiding a beaten and battered Steve Harrington in his house.
Eddie's not happy about it.
First chapter has all three parts together.
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spirk-trek · 8 months
me hurting spock for a fic: 🥺 👉👈 🪶 🐁 🧊🩹 🤧🩼 🤕 🚑
me hurting jim for a fic: 😈🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸💀🗡️⚔️🗡️⚔️🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🩸💣💣💀💥💥💥🧨🧨🧨🧨💔🦴☠️⚰️🪦😵🫨🫥😵‍💫💀💀🩸💀😱⚠️⚡⚠️⚡⛈️🌪️⚔️🌪️🗡️🌪️🌪️🧠🔪🫀🔪🫁🔪🌋🌋🌋🔥🔥🦍🔥🩸🔥🌊⚡☄️🕳️☣️☣️☣️🩸
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atimeofyourlife · 9 months
Come one, come all to this tragic affair
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: hurt/comfort (heavy on the hurt) | rated: m | wc: 1000 | cw: minor character death, car accidents, death of parents | tags: established steddie, emt steve, death of steve's parents This was the worst shift Steve had faced since starting his emt training. Facing down a car accident that included his parents' car. title from The End by MCR
Steve still felt a little out of place sitting in the passenger seat of the ambulance as it sped down the highway with the lights and sirens blaring. He was still in training, and every emergency seemed new. He knew this would be bad from the little he'd heard over the radio, a major car accident that sounded incredibly serious with multiple casualties.
He couldn't help swearing loudly as the ambulance slowed to a stop at the scene, instantly recognizing one of the cars.
"Most people save that until they know the status of everything." His mentor, John, responded as he moved to get out.
"No, it's just. The Mercedes. That's my parents' car." Steve replied hesitantly, unlatching his seat belt and reaching for the door.
"Stay in the truck for a minute." John said, climbing out and slamming the door, Steve watched as he made his way over to the police and other ambulances on scene.
Steve waited anxiously for John to return, watching as he spoke to another paramedic. He tried to get a gauge on what was being said, but their faces didn't give much away. He was terrified of what the outcome could be. When John returned to the ambulance, Steve could see from his face that it wasn't going to be good news.
"Harrington. I'm relieving you from duty."
"What-" Steve started to ask, but the words got stuck in his throat.
"It, it's not good news, kid. For the Mercedes, there's a male driver that's DOA. And a female passenger in critical condition. You should be with your mom, not worrying about duty. I'll walk you over, then I'll radio base to let them know what's going on."
"Oh." Steve felt numb as he climbed out of the cab. There were people scattered everywhere, working on the people that had been in the other cars. Near the crumpled shell of the Mercedes, a body was covered by a sheet and Steve knew that it was his father. A few feet away, laid his mother, covered in blood. "Mom." He gasped, hurrying to her side.
"Stevie?" She whispered, opening her eyes for barely a second.
"Yeah, Mom. I'm here." He rested his hand gently on her shoulder, keeping out the way of the paramedics as the worked on her.
Once his mom was stable enough to be moved, she was being loaded into the back of an ambulance.
"Harrington." John came jogging over. "I've spoken to base, you're signed off duty for at least a couple of weeks. Go with your mom, someone will catch up with you later."
Steve just nodded, before climbing into the back of the ambulance with his mom, taking her hand for comfort as the doors slammed.
At the hospital, Steve was directed into a side room to wait for updates as his mom was rushed into surgery. He knew it wasn't looking good. The paramedics that brought them in offered Steve their condolences before they had to leave to get back out. He knew he should phone Eddie, but he didn't know if he could find the words, at least until he knew.
After a couple of hours, Hopper walked into the room. Steve vaguely recalled noticing him at the scene, but his focus had been elsewhere.
"Any updates?" He asked, taking the seat next to Steve. Steve just shook his head, not wanting to talk.
It was only a few minutes later that a doctor walked in. Steve got to his feet, wanting to be ready for anything.
"I'm sorry, Mr Harrington. We tried everything we could, but your mother's injuries were too severe. We were unable to save her."
"Oh, I." Steve could feel himself crumbling, tears running down his face and his knees buckling. The only thing preventing him hitting the floor was Hopper darting forward to grab his shoulders.
"I've got you." Hopper wrapped him in a tight hug. "I've got you."
The rest of the day passed in a blur, Steve just moving on instinct following whatever Hopper or any of the hospital staff told him. It felt like he could blink and he would be in a different place, with different people. He'd never had a great relationship with either of his parents, but he just couldn't process that he'd lost them both in just a few hours. He felt like he was just seeing snapshots through someone else's eyes. He came back to himself when Hopper shook his shoulder, somehow he'd lost getting into the car and the drive home.
"Let's get you inside. D'you want me to explain it to Munson?" Hopper asked gently.
Steve just nodded as he got out and walked up to the small house he was renting with Eddie.
"Steve, is that you?" Eddie called as the door shut, stopping short when he saw Hopper. "What's going on?"
"We should probably sit down for this." Hopper replied.
Steve followed Eddie into the living room, curling into his side as they sat on the sofa, not caring about his bloody uniform or the fact he hadn't bothered to take off his boots.
"He responded to a major car accident. His parents were in one of the cars. Neither of them survived."
"Oh, Stevie." Eddie wrapped his arms tightly around Steve, feeling the tears start to soak into his shirt. "I've got you baby. I've got you."
"If you need anything, just let me know. And I'll check in everyday." Hopper said as he got to his feet.
"Yeah, thanks Hopper." Eddie replied, still holding Steve close.
"You need anything Stevie?" Eddie asked after Hopper left.
Steve shook his head. "Do I even get to be sad? I don't- I've barely seen or spoken to them for months. Why should I be allowed to be sad?"
"You can feel however you want. They were your parents and you loved them, you're allowed to grieve." Eddie murmured, running his fingers through Steve's hair. "And I'll be here through it all."
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dustykneed · 9 months
very important question for all of the trek fandom ‼️(lol)
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archiveoftragedies · 1 year
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"Is he... as though he were a part of you?"
Companion piece to some nights I still dream of you
("Companion" get it? Because-)
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