#husk blurbs
multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
If you don't want to write this it's completely fine
Could you please do Adam, Husk, Lucifer and Alastor (separately) x fem!reader who is going through *that* time of the month and how they'd try to help? (Love your writing btw)
A/n: you're so sweet, thank you.
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Mind goes right to sex, he heard it helps so why wouldn't he wanna help his girl.
"It's alright beautiful." Adam gave you a wink tugging you close to his chest. "A little blood doesn't bother me."
Really tries, goes to Lute if he see's you are in pain. He does not like seeing you in pain, will honestly try.
Will get any food you want and eat it with you, think's you're the hottest thing to hit heaven and will tell you that. { is low key scared you'd leave him for Lucifer }
"You're so sexy babe, want me to message your tit or thighs? I can do that."
Adam nuzzled his nose into your neck. "I can make you feel good."
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Will offer to get you drunk to numb the pain sin e he really does not know how any of that shit works.
Husk would let you cuddle into him if you are in pain. You love how soft he is, how warm he is, he is like your own personal heater.
If you are horny, Husk would step up to help you with the problem. Like Adam, he takes no issue with the blood.
Won't ask anyone for help, want's to do it himself and though he may mess up a little he does his best to try.
"Need a drink.?" Seeing the scowl on your face, Husk stepped out from behind the bar to give you an awkward hug. His nose pressing into your neck as his paw slowly ran down your message your stomach.
"I'll make you feel good."
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Is the one that know's the most about period's due to Lillith and Charlie.
Would do anything to help you, go all out to make sure you feel good. You're his number one priority.
"Need anything Princess? A heating pad, something to take the pain away? Sweets? Or do you prefer something savory or salty?" Lucifer stepped close to you taking your hand in his. "Anything you want, it is yours."
Giving him a weak but tired smile, you shifted your body on the bed. "How about a nice cuddle."
"That I can happily do." Sliding in the bed next to you, he nuzzled his nose into your neck.
Finds out you become more fertile when you are pregnant, will practically beg for sex.
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Is in between knowing more than Adam and Husk but knowing less than Lucifer. Since he care's about you will offer to help with what you need. He can't have his little doe in pain now can he.
Makes someone useless to grab an essential that you might need.
Hates that your blood drives him a bit crazy, you smell better than before.
"Now why are you up?" Alastor gave you a large grin tilting his head to the side. Stepping towards you, he placed a finger under your chin so you were looking up at him. "Can't have you wandering around when you smell so delicious."
Lets you sit with him while he does his radio broadcasts, you look so cute when you sleep.
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little-buzz · 7 months
Lex, do u think Husk would display any cat-like mannerisms with platonic reader? Like slow blinking or dilating eyes?
When Reader becomes close with Husk, he starts slowly blinking at them. His eyelids might be half lidded as well. Reader notices the size of his eyes change too, depending on who Husk is looking at. Reader is left confused, wondering if the eye behavior is just a result of his alcoholism.
When Reader passes Husk, sometimes his tail will brush against their leg. Reader will relax at the bar, talking about nothing in particular to Husk. If they listen closely, they might hear a soft trill or a purr from the bartender.
Reader knows better than to question Husk about it unless they want a fight to happen.
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brewstersbru · 8 months
Hey folks have some huskerdust !! 🕷️♥️
“I know, I know Legs. I just need to ask you something.” Angel’s eyes scrunch closed and the rest of his expression crumples as he whines out, short and low. Husk hovers his hands over the mottling of bruises and cuts that litter his torso, some still sluggishly bleeding. He itches to bandage them up, but stays himself with the sobering thought that Angel is used to guys touching him when he’s unconscious.
“Angel.” He tries again. Angel shakes his head minutely. “-on’t wanna.” He whines.
“Look at me please? I just want to check that it’s okay that I touch you. You know it’s important to me.”
Angel, with a long, juddering sigh, pulls himself from the cusp of sleep and blinks his eyes open. He frowns, glaring a little as he yawns into his hand. Husk waits patiently at his side, knees beginning to ache with being pressed against the hard wooden floor for so long.
“I told ya I don’t care what you do when I come back doped out like this, Whiskers. Not like I’ll remember it. Hah!” His laugh comes out rough, like it hurts to push from his lips. Husk shakes his head.
“And I told you it doesn’t matter if you’ll remember it or not. I’m not going to be another man who takes advantage of you.” He says, carefully enunciating each word so the message gets through.
Angel curses and flops over onto his side which draws his face infinitely closer to Husk’s own. He meets his eyes with a burning, lidded gaze. Husk keeps his posture relaxed, but his tail puffs at the sudden movement.
“Yer a softie, Husk. I don’t think ya could take advantage of me if you wanted to.” The words are coupled with a rickety, slapped on grin. Husk desperately wants to just shake him until he gets it through his big thick head that that’s not the point. It doesn’t matter what he thinks, it matters what he wants. Does he want Husk touching him after an abusive, grueling shoot? That’s what Husk’s asking, not if he ‘trusts’ him. He sighs.
“You didn’t answer my question. Can I touch you? Just give me an answer and then you can go back to sleep. God knows you’ll be needing it.” And it’s true. Who knows what Val has in store for him tomorrow? He’s better off getting all the rest he can get, while he can.
Angel appraises him with a long, considering look. There’s a lot going on behind his eyes and though Husk is aware of the fact of it, he can’t begin to try to fathom what exactly his thoughts are in this moment. He simply sits back on his heels and awaits his verdict. Every so often his eyes are drawn down to the mess of Angel’s torso. It’s not an intentional thing, but he can feel his hackles rising with the need to Fix It. Husk crushes the feeling down.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity but in reality couldn’t have been longer than five minutes, Angel closes his eyes.
“Yeah. Yeah Husk, you can.” He says, voice as small as Husk thinks he’s ever heard it. It’s strange to hear him so soft when usually he overtakes rooms with booming confidence; he even looks small, now, tucked into himself and using all of his arms to hug himself close as he hunches over.
He doesn’t- maybe he can’t- look at Husk when he speaks. Husk takes the words for the olive branch that they are and nods.
“Okay. Thank you, Angel. S’ all I needed.”
Angel just nods, curling further into himself for a moment before abruptly turning onto his back and feigning sleep. They both know he’s awake- he’s not snoring as loudly or as endearingly as he would if he truly was asleep- but Husk doesn’t call him on it, just reaches down to the first aid kit he’d dragged over in his initial protective rage and starts unpacking the necessary materials. Alcohol (not the fun kind), gauze, tape, and Angel’s preferred- though he’d never tell you it- heart-patterned bandages.
Another glance at Angel’s stiffly unmoving form reminds him that he hadn’t even had time to remove his makeup before passing out from exhaustion. Smears of glittery pink decorate his eye sockets, smudged from what Husk can only assume were punishing bouts of sweat and exercise. Husk pushes down the surge of indignation this thought elicits and smooths Angel’s hair back, thumbing for a moment near his hairline, before standing.
“Be back in a sec. Forgot something.” He keeps his voice low, tries for soothing but probably achieves something more like a dying wood chipper. Angel- who had up until that point been tightly coiled, as if expecting a blow- eases into the cushions at the sound. He hums, “Mmk. Thanks.”
Husk doesn’t respond lest Angel figure out from the cadence of his voice that Husk doesn’t need to be thanked. That he wants to do this. That he likes it.
It’s just- Angel always looks so at peace in these moments. The usual tension in his body melts away leaving nothing but the rawest and purest version of him. Husk loves that version of him, and he loves that Angel trusts him enough to show him it.
Husk returns after a minute or two with a pack of makeup wipes, Angel’s preferred brand, that he’d bought not too long ago precisely for moments like this. Angel was always complaining about glitter getting into his eyes when he forgot to take his makeup off and Husk saw an opportunity to Fix It. There’s not a lot in Angel’s life that Husk is able to help with, but this is something. And he jumped at the chance.
Angel is snoring lightly, right back at the cusp of oblivion that Husk had so heartlessly torn him from before. He sniffs and turns toward Husk when he settles back at his side, curling slightly into his warmth. Husk can’t help the smile that infects his features at the movement.
With careful, callused fingers, Husk begins to dab at the cuts on Angel’s torso. He’s not sure how to feel about the fact that Angel only flinches at the initial sting, not the rest of the painful swipes. It speaks to a depth of experience with this kind of thing that Husk vehemently dislikes the thought of Angel having to go through. Sure, in theory he knows Angel’s been subjected to this bullshit for decades, but to see it spelt out like this? So clearly and heartbreakingly? Husk has to take a moment between cleaning and bandaging the wounds to collect himself.
Angel whines when he takes his hands away.
“Easy. Easy, Legs.” He wants to call him ‘baby’ but isn’t convinced enough of Angel’s unconsciousness to chance it. Angel huffs.
The rest of the bandages go on easily enough, with minimal protests from Angel- which, somehow only seem to occur when Husk pulls away- and Husk smooths a healthy amount of bruise cream on each of Angel’s visible bruises. He’s almost certain there are more hidden beneath the- admittedly skimpy- clothing Angel is wearing, but is unwilling to undress him like this.
Pulling the surprisingly fluffy throw blanket from the back of the couch, Husk drapes it over Angel’s form, smoothing the sides down and tucking his arms beneath its warmth so he doesn’t wake up cold.
Husk is methodical in his cleanup of the first aid supplies, drawing each movement out so that he has more of a reason to stay in the room. To look at the rare smooth openness of Angel’s expression.
Once finished, he sets the kit to the side and picks up the makeup wipes, pulling one from the pack and pinching it between his pointer and thumb as he leans over Angel’s face. He moves one hand to cup his cheek, and the other to begin swiping lightly across Angel’s left eyelid.
Angel flinches a little at the unexpected contact, eyelids fluttering as his expression scrunches, disrupting the smooth peace Husk had so adored. It strikes something sore within Husk to watch.
“Hey. Hey, you’re okay, Baby. I’m not gonna hurt you. Go back to sleep.” The ‘baby’ slips out, Husk just can’t filter his words as carefully when Angel is so close, and so clearly hurting.
Angel’s expression smooths at the sound of his voice, at first fractionally, then all at once. It’s a gift to witness.
He leans his cheek further into Husk’s hand and Husk, unable to curb the small chuckle that bursts from his chest at the sight, smooths his thumb underneath Angel’s newly cleaned eye.
This is perfect. If life was fair and they were free this could be their normal, their everyday intimacies, indulged in unrestrained bliss. Husk allows himself to live in the thought for a moment before moving to clean Angel’s other eye.
He doesn’t flinch this time, simply sinks into Husk’s hand as it cradles his face and tips his right side towards him. Husk lets his fingertips linger against smooth, cool skin as he works. Swiping tenderly with each pass, as if Angel were something worth treating carefully.
Husk finishes his work without fanfare and, with an indulgent, lingering press of his lips to Angel’s warm forehead, he stands.
Only to nearly keel over when he meets Angel’s own, lidded- but OPEN- eyes.
Angel laughs, but it’s small and syrupy. Real.
“Thanks, Babycakes.” He offers, reaching his arms above his head in a stretch before settling back, deeper under the covers. “You sure know how to treat a guy. Careful what you offer, though, okay? Might end up with a junkie on your ass if it's too sweet.”
Husk understands what he’s really trying to say and shakes his head.
“Any time, Angel.”
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y0ur-loca1-lyr3 · 7 months
TW for suggestive themes and shitty hookup partner
Would you be open to doing a fem reader who gets back to hotel after hookup, but the person she hooked up with didn’t let her clean up or anything before kicking her out and she’s crying and either Angel or Husk comforts her and gives cuddles?
A/N; honestly making this made me wanna melt because fluff lol
Comfort and care
Pairing; Husk x reader, Angeldust x reader (separate)
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When you come over to Husk’s bar feeling terrible after a bad hookup, your hair disheveled, maybe a bit of clothing misplaced, he can almost immediately tell what’s up.
“Need a drink or something?” He’d joke a bit, before realizing now wasn’t exactly the time to joke. He’d put finish up the glass he was cleaning with a sigh, “Nevermind, I get it. Not the time. I just finished my shift, so we can uhm…I don’t know, cuddle or something? Maybe I can run you a bath?”
When you happily the bath and cuddles, he nodded with another sigh, but complied with his word. He runs you a warm bath, and does his best to put bubbles in it, though the soap there wasn’t the sudsiest.
Once your done he’ll swear up and down not to get used to this because this is the only time he’ll offer cuddles like this, but waking up for a minute or two in the middle of night, you might just hear him purring softly in his sleep <3
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Oh, Angel knows all about coming home and feeling dirty from some shitty one night stand. Seeing you all groggy, and gloomy from being treated like shit makes his blood boil a little because of how many days he himself has come back to the hotel like this.
“Oh, sweety, I’m sorry. He’s probably just some dickbag anyway. What’s his name, by the way? No reason for asking, don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Angel asks, while helping you fix your disheveled hair. You just know if he comes across that guy on his job he’s gonna double the price specifically for that guy.
You don’t even have to ask before Angel runs a warm bath with some candles, and some flower petals littered in the bath.
He’ll let you sleep with him in his bed if you would like to, but understands if you don’t, but if you do, he’ll let you sleep by fat nuggets while cuddling you, probably playing with your hair, or maybe rubbing your back in a comforting way. <3
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lowqualitygarbage · 7 months
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The first time they came upon the radio station, a rad storm swept in on their heels, forcing them to shelter in place with Alastor, who was a little more...eccentric in person than Charlie had been expecting. Despite the many plants and skeletal remains decorating the station, it was cleaner than the Vault she had grown up in, thanks to the petite woman who was apparently an associate of sorts to the host. Nifty spent most of their time sheltering from the storm sprinting from room to room dusting, sweeping, and violently dispatching any vermin that had managed to find their way in. 
Two days in, Charlie and Vaggie were startled by a knock from outside, despite her geiger counter still going haywire any time Charlie wandered too close to one of the shuttered windows. Nifty had gulped a RadX and unbolted the door with a startling lack of hesitation. Charlie had never seen a ghoul in person before, and tried not to stare as the man begrudgingly handed over his battered ushanka and overcoat to the maid for decontamination. Husk was another “associate” of Alastor’s (and this time she did pick up on how snidely he stressed the word), and was decidedly less than pleased to be called back to the station to meet them. 
As Alastor explained over dinner (which Husk ignored in favor of hard liquor straight from the bottle), there was no way Charlie could establish a functional settlement of any sort with just Vaggie to help maintain it. Therefore, he was graciously volunteering two of his people to help them out. Once the storm blew over and the ambient radiation decreased to safe levels again, the new group of five set out into the Wasteland once more.
Finally bringing in my favorite Fallout race to this AU. Husk just screamed ghoul to me when thinking about the characters. Grumpy old man sick of life but resigned to it, accumulating languages, sage advice, and dirty tricks over the centuries since the world collapsed. And if Raul got to keep his mustache, Husk can have a scraggly remainder of a goatee as a treat.
All of Nifty’s knives get a damage bonus against radroaches, and she 100% has the Black Widow perk. I might make stat/character sheets for the crew once I finish introducing everyone?
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s1llysmut · 4 months
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ashbub · 7 months
high stakes
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hazbin hotel: overlord!husk x angeldust @celestialalpacaron
contents: mentions of past abuse, violence [8.k] pt.1
IN WHICH: old faces appear & dynamics shift
❝ It's not perfect, but maybe that's what we need.❞
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Bathed in the warm glow of cascading lights, the exterior of the casino was a grand expanse of marble floors and lavish golden carpets. The hum of conversation and the occasional burst of cheers from the gaming floor created a buzz as Angel Dust leaned against one of the empty chairs, his gloved fingertips traveling down the array of bills that cluttered in the palm of his hand with a smooth smile etched across his tinted lips.
For the past few months, the casino had been a complete hit. It had always been relatively successful previously- But Angel could tell this was completely different in comparison. The clientele had been widely expanded as residents from the various rings arrived to bask in the wealth & status of the place as long as they had a soul to offer. Angel could point out the various succubus from the Lust ring that lingered to wrap their arms around the patrons or the Hell Hounds that chugged down nearly half their supply of alcoholic drinks while gambling.
A good part of the success had accompanied his arrival at the casino. It was too good of a story for anyone in their right fucking mind to pass up. The star of the adult film industry was foolishly ripped from his current contract to work for the gambling overlord.
Angel couldn't get away from the whispers that wandered around his name for weeks or the seething crimson fumes Valentino had been rumored to have been left in. Nor the snickering mess Katie Killjoy had with that crooked lipstick smile, practically having a field day reporting the news for anyone across the circles of hell with a functioning screen to indulge their asses in.
The electronic melodies of the clinking of coins and the clinking of chips echoed through the expansive gaming floor as Angel Dust counted the last few bills under his breath, quickly smoothing out the light crinkles with a small purse of his bottom lip. Nearly a grand in tips, and not even halfway through the evening. 'Ain't doing' too bad.' He noted with a chuckle, smoothly tucking the rolled-up stash into his chest fluff, hoisted up by the thin fabric of his golden dress.
Reaching for his purse, the spider demon carefully dug around for his small black lipstick tube with a light wiggle of his finger, brushing against his packet of half-empty cigarettes gingerly before neatly touching up the dark red that had been dabbed across his lips for the night.
"You come around here often?"
Pausing mid-application, Angel Dust glanced to the side at the familiar warmth of the deep voice. His small smile already tugging the corners of his mouth before allowing his gloved fingertips to brush past the side of his flushed cheek at the cheesy remark.
"From time to time," He replied with a lingering hum, the ends of his dark lashes catching the dripping warmth of the casino lights with a quiet laugh before tapping the side of his cheek with his pointer finger. "There's a certain stray kitty that I have grown kinda fond of, you think you've seen him around maybe?"
Husk finally stepped in front of him, a smile toying on the edges of his curled lips. The demon wore a dark suit that tailored perfectly to his narrow stature, the golden accents of his finely stitched suit perfectly matching the honey-tinted eyes that flickered with light hints of mischief.
"Not sure, but I'm tryna find this little bitsy spider, give him this fruity ass martini he seems to like so much." Holding out the light pink drink between the tips of his claws, Husk had smoothly waggled the drink with a small laugh coated on the edge of his pursed lips, "But I suppose since he's not where to be found-"
Playfully reaching for the drink, Angel Dust cooed gingerly as his other hand lightly played with the end of his pearl necklace, "Hey! No point in throwin' out a decent drink, mm?" The spider mused before smacking together his lips in delight, leaning down to teasingly tap the edge of the heart-shaped nose that scrunched up, "I'll take care of that for you, don't you worry."
Admiring the drink under the soft glistening of the lights, Angel ran his fingers carefully down the martini glass with a smooth whistle, the drink topped off with sweet cherries & raspberries that gleamed with a light sugary glaze.
"You make this?" He hummed out with a sigh, picking up one of the cherries by the stem and dropping it into his mouth with a slight light up of his eyes. "You've been getting really good at these sorta drinks, Kitten."
Husk shrugged one of his broad shoulders casually, his salt & pepper locks dancing slightly at his sudden raspy chuckle before lazily scratching the back of his perked-up ears, "Just a simple thing I threw together, figured ya'd like it."
Amidst the chiming of the slot machines, the clatter of dice against the felt, and the shuffling of cards at the blackjack tables, Angel leaned slightly closer to Husk. The sharp sounds of chips being stacked and pushed across the tables punctuated the continuous murmur of conversation and laughter that filled the air.
"The staff didn't make it?" The spider softly replied with a warmth spread across his face, his golden tooth shimmering slightly with a light laugh before quietly reaching out to run his finger behind Husk's ear with a gentle scratch, "You gettin' your hands dirty for me, Whiskers? You ain't gotta do all that."
The overlord's expression grew lighter, his golden eyes flickering suddenly at the unexpected touch as Angel just as quickly retracted his hand away with a hushed chuckle. He wasn't completely sure why he had suddenly touched Husk, still feeling the lingering warmth of the dark fur across his fingertips.
Blinking for a moment, Husk melted back into reality. His light claws warmly scratching the back of his heated neck before a smooth chuckle escaped his lips, mingled with the lingering champagne. "And have you throwin' a lil fit that there isn't enough gin in this thing to sink Atlantis? Fuckin' pass." He softly murmured out with a small wave of his hand.
Angel took a sip from the martini glass with a smile playing across his lips, his lashes brushing against his pale cheeks with a teasing tone, "Hey, what can I say? You make the best drinks, Husky. Ain't no one beating them." With one of his gloved hands smoothing out the bottom of his golden dress, Angel playfully fluttered his lashes with a sweet grin. "How should I ever repay you for this one?"
Amidst the constant thrum of activity, the rhythmic shuffle of cards being dealt echoed through the air, emphasized by the soft thud of chips hitting the felt-covered tables. The steady murmur of conversation and laughter lingered as Husk extended his hand out warmly, the soft yellow heart between his palm grabbing Angel's attention.
"Join to watch me play a game of poker?" The overlord said with a soft smile, his head cocking slightly to the side towards one of the available tables, "The pot is pretty big & I might need my lucky charm out there."
Their hands brushed against each other casually at first, a fleeting touch before Angel reached out and gently grasped his hand in his own at the offer, feeling the warmth of his touch against his skin.
With their fingertips briefly intertwined, he offered a smooth grin, "Would never miss it," He replied with a warm chuckle, his pink array of eyes briefly glistening before he jutted-out a singular thumb towards the entrance of the casino with a laugh, "Let me just take a little smoke outside, 'kay? I have been itchin' for one all night."
Husk ran his thumb smoothly over Angel's hand before just as quickly allowing his fingers to slip from his grasp with a brief nod, the golden flecks in his eyes quietly flickering with a smile spread across his expression, "Take your time, just meet me back inside when you can, Legs."
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As the doors of the casino swung shut behind him, Angel Dust stepped out into the cool night air, the sounds from inside fading quietly into the background, replaced by the gentle rustle of fluttering newspapers and the distant hum of traffic.
With his lowered eyes focused on his fingertips, Angel could still feel the slight warmth from Husk's brief touch. The warm feeling brushing across the edge of his palm.
With a soft sigh, Angel Dust reached into his purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes with bubblegum pink packaging, the familiar weight comforting in his hand. He didn't really need to smoke as much anymore when he needed to take a little break. It was just an occasional thing at this point as he tapped one out and brought it to his lips quickly, his thin fingers moving slightly as he fumbled for his lighter.
As the flame flickered to life, casting a warm glow in the darkness, Angel Dust took a long, slow drag from his pursed lips, before casually leaning against the streetlight.
He closed his eyes and let his thoughts drift about the brief brush with the overlord, the warmth still lingering across his fingers. Those moments mingling across his mind as the inhaling and exhaling of the cigarette created a steady rhythm against the backdrop of the night.
The spider demon finally stubbed out the cigarette and flicked the butt into the nearby trashcan after a few minutes, the ember fading into darkness. As he moved, the fabric danced along his slender legs, catching the light in delicate folds and ripples that seemed to shimmer and sway with every step as he quietly smiled to himself.
Though, In the hazy glow of the city night, amidst the flickering lights and bustling streets, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, his face furrowed at the sudden soft hue of light.
As Angel watched, his eyes slightly scrunched up as a sleek limousine emerged across the street, gliding through the labyrinth of streets with an air of effortless grace. At first glance, it was just another vehicle navigating the maze of the Pentagram City's landscape, until it became illuminated by the distant streetlights.
His jagged breath caught in the back of his throat as he watched the sleek dark purple limousine glide to a halt nearby, his chest rising and falling through the fabric of his golden dress.
The figure stepped out from the limo at the soft click of the door unlocking, the slender body slipping with clouds of crimson-red smoke surrounding his staggering frame and encasing his body with delicate swirls slipping out from his seething smile.
"Valentino-?" Angel whispered out, his widening eyes darting frantically back and forth over the moth demon and his lingering form. His gloved fingertips tightly curled around one of the glistening pearls that hung around his neck, taking a small step back with a slight stumble over the pavement, "I- what the fuck- what are you doing here?" He breathed with a quiet crack in his voice.
His eyes traveled to the parking lot, the security cameras that softly blinked before curling his fingertips.
The overlord wore a dark satin shirt, the top slightly unbuttoned as it was layered with a few golden chains that harshly glimmered under the flickering streetlights. His sharp golden fingertips slid across his face, pushing his heart-shaped glasses with a grinning expression smeared across, his half-opened hand trickling across the fresh air.
"Now, Angelcakes, is that how you greet me?" He smoothly hummed out with a slight buzz mingling at the edge of his slithering voice, red swirls of smoke dripping out from the tip of his curling tongue, "How could I ever forget my lovely little star?"
The spider demon felt his mouth grow dry, briefly locking eyes with Valentino as he casually took another step towards Angel with the tip of his black shoes shining with each approach.
The tight cracks in Angel's voice caught the slight burning of his throat at the sight of the dark red eyes that crinkled-up behind the glaze of his tinted glasses in light amusement. The smile of the demon seemingly curled-up, the golden teeth flaring under the soft light of Pentagram City.
"Is this some kind of twisted sick fucking joke?" Angel asked with a weak laugh sliding across his words with the shake of his head, his gloved fingertips curling tightly around the fabric of his golden dress and bunching up the material within his curled fist. "God, seriously, Val- The fact even you have the actual guts to even try and step onto another overlords' domain like this-"
Valentino smoothly dragged the burnt cigar that had remained clutched between his fingers to the edge of his pursed lips. The cool air mingled with the scent of smoke and a lingering dab of cologne as he lightly tapped his finger on the side of his cheek with a light smile.
"Angel! Why so hostile?" Val cooed out with a faint laugh, his dark eyes flickering across Angel and the expression that etched across the deep furrows on his paled face. "I thought you would find it romantic that I came all this way to see how you were doing. To finally chat."
His staggered breath came in short, shallow gasps, quickly blinking at the words that lingered before scanning his face with a quick spat, "Romantic? Are you fuckin' with me, Valentino? After everything you put me through, you seriously think that I would even think of this as romantic?" The words quickly seethed out from his tone, his hand lightly pinching at the temple of his forehead with a strained laugh, "Shows how lil' you actually know me."
Valentino cocked an eyebrow slightly, but even Angel could tell from behind the soft sheen of his tinted glasses, his right eye had slightly twitched at the tone. The ends of his widened smile faintly faltered as the light winds rustled the fabric of his unbuttoned blouse.
His purple face paused for only a moment, then split into the classic smile he wore, the ends of his teeth peering out with a slight hiss.
Valentino's thin fingers brushed to touch Angel's bare shoulder, his taunt voice melting with a honeyed tone that dripped with every word that slipped from his mouth, "Baby, please-" He murmured lightly, allowing the tip of his finger to trace down his stiffened arm. "You always get so tensed up; it makes you say such silly things."
Angel Dust quickly ripped his shoulder away at the surface of his hand, his scratched voice nearly hissing, "Get your fucking hands off me, Val, I ain't yours anymore." His frame straightened slightly at the sudden touch as Angel placed one of his stumbling hands close to the warmth of his chest with a curled-up lip, "Just when I think you can't get any more pathetic-"
The harsh slap landed across the surface of his cheek with a sharp crack, his puffed cheek reddened at the sudden strike that landed across his face. Angel found himself staring down at the cement of the sidewalk in silence from the impact, the strike still lingering hot across his skin as Valentino had lowly scoffed in disgust.
"You little bitch." He quickly seethed out with a spat drenching the edge of his words, his dark red eyes slightly narrowing before leaning down to drill the tip of his finger into his chest sharply, "You think now that you are on someone else's leash you can suddenly speak to me this way? Don't you forget who you are talking to with that disgusting mouth."
Examining the back of his hand with a slight spat, his thick accent mingled with each word that slipped past his tongue, the gold bracelets that slid down his arms faintly jingling. "Just as I was here, trying to make nice with you and say hello, you can't even have a drop of gratefulness in that filthy tone of yours."
His fingertips gathered Angel's cheeks up, pinching them tightly between his firm grip to force his face up to look at him, "I made you, Angel. What were you before me, huh?" He whispered out with a light laugh as Angel Dust quickly thrashed under the pressure of his eager hold, his eyes scattering back and forth between at Val's gaze, "Some lonely ass addict waiting for the next check to blow it all on little white lines? A nobody."
The neon flashing lights of the casino illuminated the brief flicker of his dark eyes, each word laced with the weight of his words that furrowed up with the red smoke that danced around his twitching lip. Valentino's voice carried on the chilly night breeze, punctuated by the occasional honk of passing cars.
The moth’s curled lips pursed together in angry contemplation as he tossed the butt of his cigarette onto the concrete floor, crushing it beneath his heel.
"The fact that I even looked in your direction- Made you into Angel Dust. Drill that into your fucking thick skull. I made you."
With a trembling hand, the spider demon gingerly touched his cheek with a soft wince, tracing the outline of the slap that would probably form into a bruise, "Yeah, I'll remember it." Angel nodded to himself lightly, his raspy voice slightly cracked as he quietly licked his split bottom lip, the edge of his thumb wiping off the small pool of blood that trickled down his wobbling chin.
With a shallow breath grazing his swollen mouth, he squared his limp shoulders for a moment and his quiet gaze wavered over Valentino. His eyes flickered over his frame before meeting his dark eyes with a slight click of his tongue.
"I'll remember you as the guy who took advantage of me and got me to sign that hell of a fuckin' contract." He finally spat out with a strained smile spread across his lips, the slight blood staining the ends of his flashed teeth. "I'll remember you as the one who forced me to work every single day of my life to the point, that I can't even remember a day where my knees weren't hurtin' so bad."
Valentino plucked his lighter, puffing on a fresh cigarette, letting the cloyingly sweet red smoke fill the space between them with a slight hum curled on his lips. Angel rubbed underneath his bottom lip; the light cracks scattered across his mouth. It was a weak smile that lingered across his stale mouth, the ends of his lips struggling to lift but god did it feel fucking good.
"But most of all, I'll remember you as the desperate little moth that comes runnin' back to me like a flame, because they know they just lost out on their luck."
Valentino allowed the smoke to slither past Angel with a quiet laugh, glancing over the golden rims of his golden glasses, "You seriously think he's any better than me, Angelito? really?"
Angel had gotten to know the demon over the past few months, the moments between them that had slowly developed into a friendship between the both of them. The moments that send warmth in his stomach- A light of trickle blood had slipped down his chin, dropping lightly down the soft fabric of his gleaming dress, staining the edge of the golden material.
"I don't know a lot- I just know- he ain't treating me like fucking shit, Val." He breathed out with a strained rasp, his reddened cheek puffed out slightly as his gloved fingertips faintly curled up, "That he actually treats me like I'm actually a person."
Bathed in the warm glow of the casino's neon lights, Angel Dust's face slightly softened, his voice growing warm, "That I actually like being around him."
 At an exhale, red smoke coiled around him with a gentle coo across his pursed lips, "That is so cute." He said with a sigh mingling in his tone, his glinting eyes half-lidded behind heart-shaped glasses. "But just know, when you are going to bed at night, that at least I was honest about our contract."
Valentino tapped the edge of his chin, taking another bold step forward. Angel doesn't back away, a soft wince brushed across his lips. He tried his best to keep his eyes from cowering as Valentino continued his advance, standing right in front of him, having to bend low to meet his gaze.  
"Because even though he might be sweet and all nice to you, just remember this- That behind all that, you are stuck under that contract just like when you were with me. " Valentino placed a single finger under Angel's wavering chin—noting the subtle flinch with a click of his tongue—and tilted it up to better look at his bruising face. His smile faint as his whisper reeked with lingering smoke, "That gatito owns you and your precious little soul, Angel."
However, at the slip of the last few words from his lips, a sharp crack released through the crisp air. A whistle of wind blew past, as Valentino seethed out in pain with a low hiss, his fingertips feverishly cupping the side of his furrowed face that now trickled with a small slip of crimson blood across his cheek. 
It had been a card, specifically a metal card. It was a black spade, the edge of the card indented firmly into the side of the limousine door as it had landed with a loud crack. Valentino had crookedly smiled, his bloody hand still palming the side of his face with a light spat. 
Husk had been standing at the edge of the stairs of the casino, the ends of his black dress shoes dug sharply into the concrete. The soft winds had messily rustled up his salt-and-pepper locks as his lips had slightly curled, his honey-colored eyes growing darker, nearly looking wild under the flickering streetlight. 
"Husker!" Valentino called out sweetly, his red eyes slightly narrowed as his fingertips still locked smoothly around Angel Dust's wrist tightly. "What a pleasure to see you again-" 
"- I would suggest letting go of Angel if you'd like to keep those lil' fingers of yours, Valentino." Husk replied with a low tone, the tips of his sharpened claw casually lifting one of the cards from his deck with a slight flick of the finger, "Because the next one I ain't missin'." 
 He tilted his head with an amused chuckle as his eyes trickled down, letting his heart-shaped sunglasses slide down to get a better view, clicking his tongue with a sigh. "I was just havin' a chat with Angel." Valentino hummed contently, pinching the sides of his face with a slight laugh, "Weren't we?"
Angel Dust briefly turned his chin to glance over at Husk, the slight blood thirst that swirled through his eyes impatiently before Angel mouthed out a quiet, "Don't."
Husk's eyes briefly glinted in recognition, his face stiffening.
Val scoffed before erupting into loud, cruel laughter. He shook his head and took a deep breath of red smoke, blowing it just over the former porn star’s shoulder. Angel Dust brushed away Valentino's hand with a hiss, forcing him to release his face.
Outside the casino, the slight breeze played coyly with the crinkled newspapers scattered around the ground, causing them to rustle softly as Husk allowed his voice to lower to a slight snarl, the ends of his teeth glinting out under the soft light, "I wouldn't forget whose territory you are in, Moth." Husk seethed out, the ends of his fur slightly bristling before stepping down a few steps, "I would fly along now while I'm being nice before I clip those fuckin' wings of yours and drag em' to that flat face lil' friend of yours."
The tension simmered, Valentino seemingly pleased by the sudden threat thrown at him. His hand briefly drifted up into Angel’s hair, scratching lightly at his scalp in a mock loving manner.
"Pft." He finally replied with a large, crooked smile, the tip of his tongue dragging out the slight spat of his sentence, "Not worth spending another minute around here, anyways. The litterbox always carries such a stench."
As Valentino made his way back to his awaiting limousine, his movements lingered. The neon lights of the city flickered overhead, casting an otherworldly glow upon the scene, while the distant sounds of revelry echoed through the night.
"Don't you forget what I said, Angel."
Approaching his gleaming limousine, Valentino's lips curled into a satisfied laugh, his dark eyes sparkling with mischief. With a final drag of his cigarette, he opened the door and slipped inside, the plush interior enveloping him in luxury. As the limo pulled away from the curb a gust of curling crimson smoke that flowed out followed his path.
As the weight bore down upon him, Angel Dust felt the cracks in his voice strain amidst the bustling city streets. His burning eyes briefly watched the limousine quietly, his breaths coming out in soft ragged gasps, each one a struggle against the rising back and forth of his chest.
Slowly, inexorably, hot tears welled in Angel Dust's eyes, blurring his vision with their shimmering trails. A single drop slipped down his bruised cheek, tracing a path before another soon followed. With trembling legs, he clumsily sank to his knees, the harsh concrete of the curb biting into his skin.
"Fucking shit, shit, shit!-"
As Angel Dust crumpled to the cement floor with a raspy laugh, his heavy sobs slowly echoed afterward in the crisp air as the street lights flickered. Without a word, Husk had already knelt beside Angel Dust, his movements gentle as his deep golden eyes frantically scanned over his crumpled-up frame with a soft expression.
Angel blearily opened his eyes. He had buried his face into the surface of his palms before he had blinked at the floor, glancing over in the direction of the soft voice. "Please don't look at me right now, Husk." He whispered out with a slight breath, the trickling stains of mascara lingering across the corner of his cheeks.
"What? Anthony-" The overlord reasoned with a quiet breath, his head slightly shaking at the comment coming from Angel, "I don't give a shit how you look- "
Angel Dust raised a gloved hand sharply to interrupt with a quiet laugh, his voice weakly cracking, "I don't want you to see me like this." His slacked shoulders shook with each ragged breath that slipped out a vulnerable beg. He brought his scratched-up knees to his heaving chest before silently wrapping his quivering arms around his legs. "Just- please. Go away-"
 Angel Dust heavily closed his eyes, his dark lashes brushing against the smoothness of his cheeks with a quiet sigh. He had expected to hear the sound of footsteps retreating, leaving him to figure out Valentino's sudden appearance and seething touch. But to his surprise, the silence lingered, unbroken by the sound of Husk's departure.
Slowly, cautiously, Angel Dust opened his burning eyes with the slight tears that still remained in the corner of his expression, half-expecting to find himself alone. Instead, he felt the subtle shift of someone pressing against his back, the soft rustle of smooth feathers adjusting quietly.
Turning his head slightly to the right as his chin softly wobbled, Angel Dust saw Husk sitting behind him, his own eyes remaining tightly shut as his lips formed a thin line.
Without a word, he closed the distance between them and gently pressed his back against his, his presence a quiet warmth as Angel felt the warmth of his touch seeping through the fabric of his stained dress, a light sniffle escaping.
"Husk, please, I fuckin' said-"
Husk's voice had come out firm, his long lashes still remaining shut before tilting the edge of his chin towards the cool sky. "Look, I ain't lookin' at you like you wanted." He softly murmured, the ends of his long ears slightly lowering at his smooth breath. "But I am not leavin' you either, Legs."
He didn't say a word at first afterward, his crisp suit slightly wrinkling as the edge of his white buttoned-up shirt was slightly rolled up around his wrists. With a heavyweight, Angel Dust leaned back into the warmth of his back. His shaky cries now softened into muffled sobs, leaning into Husk's back and quietly lingering into his comforting touch.
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Angel Dust noticed a shift between him and Husk after that night.
It wasn't terribly noticeable, at least not at first to Angel. They still would talk to one another and chat before every evening shift at the casino. Husk would discuss about the business aspects of the casino in his office with the occasional meeting or two that if it had been anyone else, might have caused Angel Dust to fall asleep.
Things like that stayed the same. Till the smiles between them had become more forced. The soft banter and late-night conversations had now suddenly become a rarity or a brief excuse the overlord always had on his sleeve to avoid. Even the variety of drinks that Husk would leave on the gleaming casino counter had now been replaced by the waiter's soft smile and pitiful shake of the head- With a message that the overlord had not left anything for the spider demon.
He had fucking scared him off. Angel Dust had been sure of it. He had opened up too far, and let his emotions slip out too quickly and too suddenly. It was too much. Too ugly.
He was too much.
So, to receive a note from Husker a few weeks later at the front of his room- To open the handwritten note about having planned something for the both of them, something important- Angel was, to say the least, fucking excited. His fingertips smoothly ran across the fresh penmanship that was scribbled across the piece of paper.
However, he hadn't quite expected this.
As the sky dipped into the casting hues of soft pink and crimson red across the sky, Angel Dust stepped onto the familiar balcony, his glossy bottom lip slightly feeling the brush of the gentle breeze and the soft click of his heels. The gentle winds ruffled the swirling edges of his golden dress, which shimmered gingerly in the fading daylight. 
His pearl necklace decorated his neck softly, resting across the fluff of his chest. Angel had carefully curled the edges of his tufts of hair, loose waves framing the side of his lightly flushed face. He allowed his gloved fingertips to wander over his slightly parted lips, a small smile toying with the edge of his mouth.
His eyes widened with amazement as he quietly drank in the sight before him, taking a quiet step further on the display. The balcony was adorned with flickering candle sticks and vibrant bouquets. The soft glow of candlelight danced on the surface of the red tablecloth, where an elegant spread awaited an assortment of chocolate, complete with sparkling crystal and fine china.
The fragrance of the flowers lingered in the crisp air, intermingling with the subtle scent of the evening breeze. Angel Dust's smooth breath caught as he briefly noticed a single red rose placed delicately at what he had assumed was his seat.
He plucked up the dark rose carefully between his gloved fingertips, allowing the stem of the flower to roll between his thumb with a soft smile playing across his glossy lips.
Just as he was absorbing the beauty of the setup with a satisfied hum, a familiar figure emerged from the open wired door, a warm smile playing on his smooth lips. He wore a dark suit that complemented Angel Dust's golden dress with the accents littered across the light fabric, and his honey eyes briefly flickered with a faint warmth.
"Gorgeous as always, Legs." Husk said, extending his warm hand towards Angel Dust with a soft smile twinging across his mouth, his salt-and-pepper locks neatly brushed back and lightly glowing under the gentle hue of the candlelight. "I thought we could talk for a moment. "
As Angel Dust gingerly took his rough hand into his with a small laugh, the golden hues of his dress reflected the warm glow of the candles as his eyes still curiously traveled across the neatly stitched pattern of the tablecloth. Trickled with hearts, spades, clovers, and finely decorated diamonds. "Husky!" The spider had whispered out, the golden bracelets softly jingling across his wrists. "What is all this?"
Husk had led the spider to his seat, his claws carefully tugging out the finely wired chair as the former adult film actor cushioned himself onto the seat with a slight whistle still formed across his pursed lips.
"Didn't take ya' as such a romantic-" He playfully teased, the slight flutter of his dark lashes brushing against the paleness of his cheeks before leaning his elbows across the surface of the small table with a mingled laugh, "You treat all the pretty girls ya' meet like this?" 
Sitting himself down on his chair across from Angel, the candlelight flickering across his softening expression- Husk lightly nodded as the ends of his ears slightly twitched with a light brush of red.
"Only the ones I really start to like." 
The spider demon felt the ends of his cheeks quietly warm, his gloved fingertips fidgeting with the ends of the tablecloth with a faint smile into his lap.
"So, ya admittin' I'm pretty, huh?" 
"When you aren't yappin' off my ears, yer' kinda nice to look at."
With a hushed laugh, Angel examined the silver platter set in front of them, and gingerly plucked one of the chocolates from the plate before taking a small nibble on the edge of the sweet.
It had kinda struck him in the middle of biting into the chocolate that no one had ever taken him out on an actual date before. Sure, he had gone out with clients before. But it was just to the nearest sleazy club and attempting to get him as plastered as fast as possible before driving him over to the nearest dingy hotel across town. A date with actual thought put into it and food on the table? That shit was a foreign concept to Angel.
He bit down on his bottom lip with a slight hum, finding himself devouring the sweet in his hand before wondering if he should have dabbed a bit more perfume on before arriving.
 "But don't cha think this is a bit much for a Saturday night dinner?" He replied with a hum, fidgeting with the fabric of his golden dress, his light pink eyes flickering over the assortment of flowers with a slight laugh across his lips, "I mean, don't get me wrong, it's gorgeous! But what's da' occasion?" 
The overlord quietly adjusted the edge of his bowtie with the tip of his claw, his smooth voice warm with a slight accent as his eyes briefly lingered across Angel Dust's expression. "Just a lovely night, I wanted to be around you and discuss some things." 
Angel Dust arched an eyebrow curiously, the end of his palm cupping the edge of his chin with a small smile, "Oh you sure don't beat around the bush." He gingerly reached for one of the empty glasses that had been set up across the table with a small click of his tongue, "But what can I say? I like that in a man."
Husk had remained almost wordless. His smooth lips slightly curled up before quietly focusing on the champagne bottle set in front of them, his large hand curled around the cork with a flickering glance.
Angel Dust adjusted into his seat with a faint chuckle, his long leg spilling over the surface of his thigh as his lingering eyes searched briefly into the honey ones in front of him that clearly seemed to be avoiding his.
"But seriously, Husk." The stern words slipped from the edge of his tongue with a faint laugh before melting into a softer tone, carefully flickering back and forth across his wavering expression. His gloved hand had lightly reached across the table, his fingertips smoothly brushing against his. "You gotta tell me what this is about." 
The gambling demon, however, remained silent. Instead, uncorking the glassy champagne bottle before allowing the fizzy drink to spill into Angel's glimmering glass.
Finally, he spoke. "Angel, this is about our contract."
Angel's eyes briefly flickered towards the question, tilting his head slightly to the side at the topic presented with an unsure smile spreading across his glossy lips. "Our contract?" Angel Dust repeated with a slight purse of his bottom lip, taking a small sip of the drink with a careful lift of his eyebrow, "What about it-?"
The answer came quickly. Husker had smoothly reached for the pocket of his suit with a soft rustle before tugging out a tiny black box, the little item resting comfortably in the middle of his large paw. 
Angel had nearly choked on the drink. Placing his closed hand close to his parted lips before examining the box with a quiet laugh.
"Are you-" Angel Dust quickly raised two of his opened hands defensively into the air at the sudden display, a small heat rising across his face with a strained chuckle. "Wait, give me a second t' think, big guy. We ain't even datin' yet, you gotta give a girl a moment-"
Angel however paused, his voice stopping mid-sentence. His eyes hesitantly drinking the scene in front of him. It wasn't quite like the scenes he had seen on his television screen after his long shifts during work with Fat Nuggets curled contently in the crook of his lap. There were no tears like in the romantic comedies or bendin' down on one knee to pop the question. Just a furrowed expression etched across the overlord's face as his two fingertips carefully opened the box.
It was empty.
"Anthony." Husk finally looked at him with a light breath, his warm fingertips brushing away before his lips finally firmed tightly together, "I am voiding your contract." 
Angel Dust watched as the golden contract materialized into the crisp air, the parchment paper quietly glimmering as his crinkled-up briefly lingered over his signature. The document was inked with his name, 'Anthony' the naively scribbled heart warmly placed right next to it.
His gloved hand quietly reached for the contract, the contractual agreement between him and Valentino that had been done years ago. The memory was a muddled haze at this point, the contract was signed when he was high out of his mind and scrawled across the plush bedsheets of the overlord, the red crimson smoke lingering across his face.
"Huh?" He had quietly laughed, clutching tightly onto the contract before his gaze flickered back & forth between his stiffened expression, "Wait, Husk- what are you doin'?" His smile slightly faltered towards the ends with a faint tilt, "What do ya' mean, voiding it?" 
The soft crackle of the candlelight briefly highlighted Husk's softening eyes, the light dancing across his face before quietly rustling his wings as his feathers slightly wavered. Angel's hands, once steady, now fidgeted nervously around the stem of the wine glass. The warmth of the small flame now feeling suffocating as panic gripped the fluff of his chest, constricting his quiet breath.
"You are no longer bond to me or my casino." 
At first, the words didn't register, barely noticeable to Angel—before the faint shimmer around the edges of the ring began to light up, like a halo of light dancing upon his skin. But soon, the transformation became more pronounced. Wisps of golden vapor rised from the surface of the ring, swirling gently as if guided by an unseen hand.
Angel's eyes widen softly as the ring began to lose its solidity with a light golden wisp, its form dissolving into a radiant mist that hovered in the air. The once-solid metal becomes ethereal, its essence untethered from the constraints of physicality.
The last traces of the golden ring dissipated into the air, leaving behind only a lingering sensation of warmth upon his wavering finger. In the silence that followed, the spider demon blankly stared at the empty space where the ring once resided with a light breath. His eyes falling briefly upon a small velvet box resting nearby across from Husk, its lid slightly ajar.
Angel quietly reached out for the box, watching in an unblinking trance as the golden vapor coalesced once more. With a soft whisper, it returned to its rightful place, nestling within the warm confines of the box as if it had never left.
"Did I do somethin'? Is this some kind of joke?" Angel finally spoke out, his reaction subtle—a slight tightening of the lips, a faint furrowing of the brows—but as the weight of the news sinks in, his laugh started to crack. He tried to maintain his classic smile, but it became strained, the corners of his mouth twitching involuntarily, "Because I ain't laughin', Whiskers."
"I said from the beginnin' this was a business relationship. No hard feelings should be made about the exchange of souls, it's how business is done in Hell." Husk continued firmly, his head slightly shaking back and forth. Despite his warm voice remaining steady, Angel's eyes wandered over the slight twitch of his ears folding lightly, "However, things have changed, and that risks this establishment."
 Angel's had a faint flicker of unease in his wavering eyes, a slight quiver settling on his bottom lip. The twitch of the lips lingered before hesitantly blinking, seeking solace in the dimly lit corners of the balcony. "What?" He quietly rapsed out in a whisper at the answer, "What could have possibly changed-?"
The candlelight warmly wandered across his face, his wrinkled-up eyes searching lightly before Husk finally spoke.
"Personal feelings-" He murmured with strained breath, his long tail carefully stiffening. "My personal feelings have gotten involved."
As the candlelight casted a soft glow, Angel's breath quickened, shallow and labored, as the weight of impending panic settled upon his bare shoulders. His long fingers twitched nervously against the fabric of his golden clothing.
As Husk rised from his chair, a sudden surge of desperation courses through Angel. With a firm hand, he reached out quickly, grasping for an anchor. His gloved fingertips find purchase on the sleeve of his finely stitched suit, his light eyes frantically flickering back and forth.
"You heard what Val said, didn't you?"
Wide-eyed, he held onto the fabric tightly, Angel's grip a desperate lifeline tethering them to the present moment. A silent exchange passes between them, a fleeting moment of connection before Husk closed his eyes softly.
But as quickly as the impulse arose, it faded away. With a resigned sigh crossing his parted lips, Angel released his gloved hand from his jacket carefully, his wavering fingers slipping away with a glimmer of hesitation. But in the waning light of the candles, Husk smoothly raised Angel's familiar hand to the warmth of his pursed lips, pressing a tender kiss against the palm before allowing his hand to wander off.
"Keeping your soul is somethin' no longer feasible for the continued success of this Casino." He finally replied with a slight tremble of his hands, his golden eyes remaining on his expression with a light glint mingling in the bright hue, "And quite frankly, you deserve so much more than what this place or I can offer you, Angel."
Angel felt his throat go dry before shaking his head quietly, "Husker, listen, what'cha doin'-" His glossy lips curved upwards in a strained smile, his eyes remained fixed on the overlord, "It's noble & all-"
Despite his stiffness, Husk's jaw clenched imperceptibly, his muscles tensing as he swallowed hard, flickering with fleeting glimpses before quickly settling once more. "I have livin' arrangements outside of the casino for you if you need em', everything is already paid for." His voice was briefly cracked, the ends of his words mingling with a soft nod. "If you need anything, I'll send an associate to get it for you."
Angel shook his head back and forth slowly, his voice quietly ecaping with a light breath, "Why are you just gettin' rid of me like that? Husk, I thought that we were friends-"
Husk took a quiet step back, his thin staff smoothly appearing within the palm of his hand. "You are the best part about stayin' in this shitty hell-hole." The overlord noted with a slight rasp, his salt-and-pepper hair slightly rustling as he tugged at the collar of his shirt with a light smile. "Made me remember not everyone so bad down here. You deserve a life of your own."
Angel started to scramble out of his chair with a slight stagger at the sudden snap of his fingers, his eyes growing wild.
"Husk, wait-"
"Goodbye, Anthony." Husk snapped his fingertips with a soft smile spread across his face, his eyes growing with a slight crinkle between them that Angel had grown quite fond of. "I hope we can someday catch up over a drink."
Suddenly, a golden flicker of light enveloped Angel, surrounding him in a warm embrace that transported him into a sudden golden light. He didn't even get a chance to yell out, his raspy voice getting caught in the back of his throat before his vision faded.
As the scene shifted before him, Angel stumbled to the floor with a sudden thud as his gloved hands slam onto the floor.
The room he had landed in was bathed in soft, ambient light, casting a warm glow over the lavish furnishings and decadent decor. A crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, its myriad of facets refracting light and scattering shimmering patterns across the polished marble floor below.
But amidst the splendor of the surroundings, Angel found himself kneeling in the middle of the living room, his knees brushing on the surface of the warmth of the rug that softly kissed his skin.
The walls were adorned with exquisite artwork, each piece a masterpiece in its own right with its vibrant colors and intricate details. Plush velvet drapes frame the floor-to-ceiling windows, offering a glimpse of the glittering skyline of Pentagram City and beyond as Angel Dust hurriedly snapped his chin to examine the place he had been transported to with a ragged breath.
In the center of the room, a sumptuous sofa sat nestled amidst a sea of plush cushions. Nearby, a gleaming grand piano resided by the living room, a small little pink pet bed scooted beside it.
Panic gripped over his heart as he frantically took in his new surroundings, disoriented by the sudden change in environment as he rapidly blinked to adjust.
Angel Dust's breath comes in ragged gasps as his gloved fingers started to desperately comb through the loose curls of his hair, heart pounding with a primal fear of the unknown. He scanned the room frantically, searching for any sign of familiarity amidst the unfamiliarity that surrounded him.
And then, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a movement—a gentle rustle of fabric against the floor. Angel scrambled back in hesitation before turning slowly, his eyes softening.
Fat Nuggets.
As the pig approached with light hops between his steps, his soft snout brushed against the spider's wobbling knees with a content oink, a wave of relief washing over Angel. The tension melted away from his bare shoulders, before his strained voice warmly cooed out, "Oh, Nugs. C'mere."
With trembling hands, he gingerly reached out to cradle the pig in his arms to the warmth of his cheek. The rosy, pink pet glanced up at him with a soft glimmer in his dark eyes, tilting his head slightly to the left as his perky ears lightly flopped to the side.
"I think we might be free, Nuggets." He whispered softly.
As Angel held him close, his tears mingled with the soft fur against his flushed face- He reached for the side of his burning cheek quietly, the corner of his half-lidded eyes softly bubbling with fresh tears. Before his eyes flickered around the scene once more.
He felt his chest slightly rise through the fabric of his golden dress, his quiet sobs echoing softly in the cavernous space, mingling with the gentle hum of the city outside. The grandeur of his surroundings seemed to fade into the background, insignificant in the face of their overwhelming relief. Hot tears spilled from his eyes, mingling with the quiet oink that wavered in the air in reply.
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and here is part 2! i hope you guys enjoyed reading! thank you so much for all the support on the first part :) hopefully I can publish the final part of the fic sometime soon, but i appreciate all of your love!
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247 notes · View notes
eminemily05 · 6 months
I wish I could have a grumpy old cat here to knead my lower back. It is killing me, and I’m incredibly worried it’s pinching nerves back there 🥲.
Husk, please. I need your big paws to massage my back..
21 notes · View notes
multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
Hiii! I really like your works. Can I request Husk, Lucifer and Adam teaching their daughter how to fly?
A/n: dad's teaching their little babies how to fly.
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Marylin was the one that refused to fly, unlike her brothers the little kit would often bury herself into her father's back or sit under his hat but to day was going to be different, Husk was going to make sure his little girl knew how to fly.
Holding the white ball of fluff in his hands, Husk placed Marylin on the bar top watching her. "Come on sweet heart....come fly to daddy." He smiled patting his chest as you stood by his side. Coltrane and Harry sitting on each of your shoulder.
Wrinkling her nose, Marylin looked towards you then her father. Her little wings twitching as she then let out a small mewl. Her body shaking as the wings started to flap, hovering for moment her tiny body then flopped back down on the bar top. A dramatic cry escaping her as Husk quickly scooped her into his arms.
"Oh baby it's okay, daddy will be your wings."
Sighing, you rubbed your tired eyes turning your back as you made your way to the bed room. "You can't coddle her forever Husk."
"Yes I can!"
•Lucifer Morningstar•
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Crying, Edna looked down at her father with tears in her eyes. Her wings twitching as she clutched the duck plush tightly in her grasp.
"I don't wanna!"
"But it's fun sweetie! And when Damien get's older you can help daddy teach him how to fly!" Lucifer did his best to cheer his little girl up. He hated seeing her cry, this was the last thing that he wanted. "See look at daddy! Daddy will fly with you."
Unfurling his wings, Lucifer hovered a few feet near his little girl as he held out his arms for her. "Just fly to daddy."
Lip's quivering, Edna sniffled as she slowly nodded her head as she struggled to fly. Her little wings flapping until she collapsed into her father's arms as she heard Charlie, Vaggie and you cheer for her.
"Did I do good daddy?"
Smiling, Lucifer placed a kiss to the side of your head. "You did wonderful Princess."
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"Haha look at her go!! She's a natural."
Adam watched as his little girl zoomed around the room chasing off the Cherubs.
Sighing, you rubbed your eyes pushing the sleep away. From your daughters excited squeals to the terrified screams you knew you weren't going to get some sleep any time soon. "Why is she chasing the Cherubs?"
Scoffing, Adam shrugged his shoulders. "They woke her up by bein fucking annoying."
"Can you make her stop....I need some sleep." You muttered leaning into your husband's side nearly falling asleep on his shoulder.
"Anythin for you babe." Adam gave your hips a squeeze as he let out a whistle. "Sweet pea, come to papa, your mama is tired."
Stopping in her tracks, the little girl's wings twitched as she then flew into her father's arms with an excited giggle.
"Look at my little angel...just like her old man."
Humming you nodded your head as you gave your daughter a tired smile. "Good job sweetie."
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little-buzz · 7 months
Lex this might be a weird request, but can you write an imagine where platonic reader gives Husk a squishmallow? Like a hello kitty or smth, lol
This imagine is actually hilarious! I hope I did alright, haha.
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You took a seat on the barstool and deposited a Hello Kitty Squishmallow on the bar counter. Husk paused from cleaning a wine glass. He glanced at the stuffed animal, then at you quizzically.
"What the fuck is that?" asked Husk flatly.
You grinned. "A gift for you. It's a Hello Kitty stuffed animal," you hummed.
He raised his brow and examined the Squishmallow carefully. He poked its side, like he was expecting the plush to attack him. You hold in a giggle. He rolled his eyes and shoved it to your chest.
"I don't want this abomination," muttered Husk.
You deflated and stared helplessly at him. "I bought it for you, asshole!"
Husk crossed his arms. "Give it to Angel or something. I'm sure he'd love this pink toy," replied the demon.
You gaped like a fish out of water and squeezed Hello Kitty. "I got this for you, not Angel." You lowered your head in shame and jumped off the barstool.
You took a step forward, with the stuffed animal tightly pressed against your chest. Before you could leave the bar, you heard Husk swear under his breath.
"If you're gonna mope about it, gimme the damn thing."
You blinked dumbly and turned your head. "What?" you murmured in disbelief.
He glared darkly at you as if you had personally wronged him. "I ain't repeating myself," warned Husk in a low voice.
You handed him the Squishmallow silently. He held it awkwardly, his paw flicking the pink bow on its ear. You watched as he settled Hello Kitty below the counter. Husk locked eyes with you before he returned to clean a wine glass.
When he closed the bar, he took the Squishmallow with him into his bedroom. He deposited it on his bed and glared at it. He ran his claw against the stitching of the toy. Even though Husk wouldn't admit it, he couldn't help but smile softly to himself.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Clingy Neteyam: part two
MDNI 🔞 adult!neteyam; dub con but not really?; exhibition kink; there’s a name for this kink but I can’t remember it for the life of me
continuation of this blurb
“Take me” The words echo in your skull, bouncing from one boney wall to the other - reverberating in the most melodic voice.
How could you not?
“Hurry up and fuck me then.” You mumble through gritted teeth, rolling onto the tips of your toes to position yourself just right to get fucked out.
“Yeah? Shit.” He huffs out a hoarse voice, thrusting so suddenly his cockhead slips past your tight opening and glides over your puffy clit. “So fucking wet I can’t even shove it inside you” He presses his cheek against yours as he gritts out the words, shaky and gruff from him jamming a hand between your private parts to reposition himself.
“Please.” You whine the word a little too pathetically, arching your back as much as you can to push your opening back onto his tip. It’s throbbing and swollen, his arousal so intense you can feel it in the way his cock thumps against you.
“Hah. What’s got you wound up? Hm?” He chuckles breathily, corner of his mouth pulling into a smirk. “Don’t tell me it was those two over there.” You glance to your right, witnessing the female Na’vi taking her mates knot with glee. “Gonna be a good girl for me and take my knot like that, yes? Fill you up?” He growls into the shell of your ear, using his tip to play with your sticky folds - teasing you until you’re light in the head.
Whilst he was partially right, seeing those two at it like they were both in heat ignited a flame in your core, but truthfully what got you so worked up was the way he wouldn’t take his hands off you. So needy. So clingy. You quickly turn your head away, dropping your gaze to your toes burying their way into the rich, fertile soil beneath you.
“Or is it just me? Is feeling my hands all over you like this making you all needy?” He husks directly into your ear, “All hot and-”
“Gonna keep talking or are you gonna fuck me?” You pant flush against the tree, writhing underneath him as you cut him off with a quick, breathy taunt. “‘Claim me’?”
“Fuck. Haa. I don’t know if you deserve it, little one.” He grunts, gripping the back of your neck to hold you still while he tries to slide himself inside you.
There’s just something about getting him so worked up as he tries to sink himself inside you to no avail. To the point where he’s panting heavy, hot breaths into your ear as he bends his knees to get a better angle, only for you to move a little to the left and have him lose any leverage he’s got on you. Every time you feel that mushroomy head poke at your entrance you’d straighten your spine and deny him the pleasure of your tightness.
“C’mon, mighty warrior. Fuck me already.” You giggle, slipping over to the right so his cock slides right past the base of your tail. Slick is smearing all over, leaving a glossy layer of your stickiness all over the both of you. You can tell he’s into it, all from the way he’s grunting and chuckling as he tries to pin you down and ram himself inside you. All from that smug look on his face. And the funniest part of it all -
You’re into this the most.
The one who was afraid someone would see. Yet now you’re here making this man work for it. Uttering unadulterated filth loud enough for anyone hear. Spreading and closing your legs to tease your mate who’s desperate for your tight, wet cunt. All while pinned to the first tree you backed up into when you tried to run away from it all. And when he caught you it only made the ache between your legs throb even more.
You smile to yourself, ears perking up when as your eyes glaze over with want. You hold still for a moment, tricking him into thinking he’s won. Into thinking he can finally fuck into you like an animal in rut. When you feel his swollen tip prod between your pussy lips, you feel his grip loosen around your neck. And that’s when you slip away, wrenching his hand off your hip and darting for the next tree.
He lets out a boisterous laugh as he quickly rakes his fingers through his swaying braids. His hand drops from his head to his thigh. He’s frustrated. Fed up. His laugh fades out into a growl, rumbling low in his chest as he immediately follows behind you, band of his loincloth flipping back up to sheathe his painfully hard cock, tip leaking precum into the thin cloth’s band. Lip folding over his bottom teeth, he bites down onto the thin flesh as he nears your small frame.
You look behind you, canines on full display from the way you’re grinning. Big mistake. He’s caught up to you now, hands splayed out to grab onto what he can as he pounces on you and knocks you to the ground before you can get to the next tree. Your grin grows wider, so wide it’s catching - spreading to his face as the predator finally catches his prey. He moves quickly, pinning you face down onto the floor by a hand to your head.
You’re writhing and squirming underneath him, hands tucked under your chest as you grind into him at a pace that is impermissible for him to have his way with you. He fights with you for a bit, one hand firmly securing your face to the floor and the other fighting with your lifting hips and closing legs. He’d spread your legs and push down your hips then reach for his tewng just for you to giggle and snap your legs closed before he can even pull it down.
“Fuck.” He huffs out, shuffling his knees closer to yours to wrench your legs open and keep them that way.
He pushes you further into the ground by the dip for your back, quickly moving his hand to tug down his loincloth just enough for his throbbing cock to flip up. And when you feel his warm bulge slap against your pussy, you stuck in a quick breath of air, now fighting with your own body as it tries to submit to him. Before you can even think about your next move, Neteyam slams his cock inside you in one hard thrust, stretching your gummy walls to full capacity before they can even adjust.
“Ugh - fuck yes.” You mutter under your breath as you finally feel him fill you up, eyes welling with tears of pleasure.
“Got you.” He growls through a smirk, beads of sweat rolling off his face onto your back. He glances down at you taking his thick cock, knot already emerging from now riled up you’ve gotten him. The feeling of him filling you up like this, pinned down with nowhere to go has your body submitting even more. His strength is unmatched, grip firm and unmoving. You can barely think, much less keep up with this little game.
“T-Teyam.” You moan shakily, straining to close your legs just for him to spread them wider.
You just want to give up and let him pound you. To rut into you like you’re nothing but a vessel for his seed. But you continue to fight with whatever strength you’ve got left - which isn’t much. He finds your futile efforts laughable - a little weak thing like you putting up such a fight.
“C’mon. Is that all you got into you?” He chuckles, sinking into you even deeper, growing knot pushing against the resistance of your tight hole. “I was just getting started.”
“N-Neteyam. Ple-ase.” You blubber out, feeling too much but not enough at the same time.
“Begging for it now, huh?” He pants, keeping still until his heaving chest calms down. “Tell me. Tell me what you want.”
Next part ->
This is a reupload my bad guys 😭 (also to the anon who sent in the question)
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puck-bunnies · 7 months
all the time
luke hughes x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw 18+, unprotected sex (p in v), shower sex, short blurb
word count: 879
when you’re just newly in a relationship, you can’t get your hands off of each other. wanting to fuck everywhere, all the time.
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luke’s hands grip at my hips as he pins me against the shower wall, my back arching off the cold tiles as his fingers dig into me. his tongue takes up my mouth, our lips moving in hungry motions, always wanting more of each other. his lips bite down on my bottom one, pulling me, making me want more.
he pulls back, watching as his cock sits between my thighs, the tip lightly rubs against my clit. brushing against my folds as he moves his hips closer to me. the water runs down my body, hair drenched and pressed to my back, luke’s curls stick to his forehead as the water trickles down behind him.
i watch as he softly thrusts his hips slowly between my thighs, i can feel myself getting wetter above him, ready for him to slide into me. my pussy clenches, trying to get some type of satisfaction as my hole waits to be filled by him. i can’t take it anymore. “please luke.” my voice comes out in a whimper, showing how needy i am for him.
he smirks, dropping his head lower so our eyes are level. “you’re so needy huh? you just want to be fucked like the slut you are already?” he husks in my ear. my legs can’t help but shake, knees turning into jello as he tells me exactly what i want to hear.
i bite my bottom lip innocently, nodding my head to his words. he takes his cock in his hand, moving it up for the tip to slide against my needy pussy. “you’re soaked for me already?” he smirks. his other hand still grips my hip, hand marks digging into my sensitive skin. my breath is shaking, knees buckling and heart quickening.
luke finally guides the tip of his length to my clenching hole, swiftly sliding in, he lets me adjust to his size. stretching me out, he’s only half way in when i feel full, but he keeps going, he knows i can take it. my nails dig into his shoulders as he keeps going, eyes squinted shut as i wait for him to be fully in. “you going to take it for me like a good girl?” luke asks as he sees me in a pained manner.
“yeah, i just need to adjust. you’re so fucking big.” he can’t help but smirk when i praise him for his long thick cock. he’s finally all in, letting me get used to him.
both his hands go back to my hips, softly lifting me up so my legs are on either side of him and my back is still pressed against the wall. “you ready?” he asks me. even though luke likes to fuck me rough, he always makes sure i’m comfortable with it. i nod, giving him just what he needs to start his hips.
he starts slowly first, letting me get used to him being inside me again. he doesn’t stay for that for long, every stroke gets faster and deeper. my nails dig into his shoulders, eyes staring deep into his as my back arches off of the tiles. my moans fill the shower, bouncing back into luke’s ears to feed his pleasure.
his hands are underneath my thighs, his thick fingers gripping my soft skin leaving me moaning for more. “you like that baby?” he asks in my ear, pressing his lips against my neck, sucking at all the spots he knows are sensitive. “fuck you’re so tight, made to fit this cock.”
right under my jaw, he works it. lightly biting and sucking on my skin making me squirm. i can feel my stomach tightening up, my walls clenching around him again making him groan against my skin. i roll my head back against the wall, opening up more space for luke’s lips to adventure. “i’m almost there luke.” i moan out. luke’s hips don’t stop for a second, pumping back and forth against me constantly.
his tip presses against my g-spot making my moans get ten times louder. “i’m going to need you to wait baby, wait for me to cum in you.” i groan, the excruciating wait for him to finish. the warmth of my core making it so easy for him to catch up with me. he lets out a breathless, “okay baby.” as i let my stomach unclench, my lungs needing more air to breath in then what’s provided.
he slowed down, riding both of our highs but being careful not to hurt me. i fall onto his shoulder, resting my head in the crook of his neck. our chest heave in sync, he carefully pulls out of me, holding me for longer to let me regain myself.
as i finally come back to my senses he lets me down, i have to hold onto his hard bicep to keep my self from falling. luke wipes my hair off my sweaty and wet forehead, leading me back into the main stream of the shower.
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de4dlyniightshade · 8 months
HELP i need a blurb about how spencer would react to reader wanting to put a bow on his dick
like i can just imagine reader going "it's COCK-ette" and him just going "..what?"
the way i've literally spoke abt this in the discord before is crazy
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꩜ PAIRING: spencer reid x afab!reader
꩜ RATING: +18, mdni
꩜ WARNINGS/CONTAINS!: taking pictures/voyeurism, and like the tiniest bit of touching and that's about it
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A/N: for the sake of this fic let's pretend polaroids develop faster than they actually do, 'kay?
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you loved taking pictures of spencer anytime you could, candid photos of him reading, pictures of you two together, pictures of him when you just felt like it but you especially loved taking pictures of him that nobody else could see, pictures of him completely wrecked under you, pictures of your fingers buried in his mouth, pictures of the marks you left on him afterwards but the largest part of your extensive collection of photos, mostly polaroids, were pictures of his cock, either with your hand wrapped around it, inside you or just sitting pretty on his stomach.
spencer thought it was a little strange at first, the way you'd stop completely to fetch your camera to take a picture of him but he quickly learned to love it, knowing that you took them for yourself and because you thought he was so beautiful that the moment needed to be savoured, like now.
"let me see you, baby" you husked, standing back as spencer sat at the bottom of the bed, lips swollen and wet from you kissing him. he immediately complied, unbuttoning just a few buttons to pull his shirt over his head, his tie already discarded of before he moved to fumble with his pants, slipping them down his legs as soon as his zip was undone, pulling his underwear down with them.
"always so pretty, baby" you murmured, biting your lip at the sight of his pretty cock resting on his stomach, flushed and hard, a bead of precum dribbling down his shaft so perfectly.
"need a picture of you, pretty boy" you smiled, rounding the bed to your nightstand to fetch your polaroid camera from the drawer where you kept it so it was always on hand when you needed it, quickly making your way back to stand between his thighs, sinking to your knees like it was second nature.
spencer couldn't help but whine, rolling his hips as his cock throbbed against his pelvis. "sit still" you ordered, looking at him over your camera to emphasise your point before you looked back through the lens, snapping a photo of him and smiling to yourself as you took the printed photo and began shaking it as you always did.
when the photo developed you couldn't help but furrow your brows, something was missing, of course he still looked pretty but you just felt like it needed more, for your benefit if you were being honest.
you thought for a moment, spencer confused at your behaviour but not saying anything, just watching as he could almost see the lightbulb go off above your head as you reached behind your head, tugging the ribbon you had tied in your hair to loosen it as you grinned to yourself.
"what are you doing?" he asked, genuinely confused as you held the thin pink satin ribbon in your hand with a giddy expression on your face, "just sit still for me" you murmured as you reached out to take the base of his cock into your hand, stroking him a few times purely to rile him up before you took the ribbon and and wrapped it just below his tip, spencer utterly confused as you began tying it around his length, only realising what you were doing when he saw the distinct loops of a bow.
"wh- why did you- tie a bow...on my-" you stumbled over his words, completely infatuated with your weird antics, you truly never failed to surprise him.
"can't you see? it's cockette" you smiled, giggling a little at your own pun as he blinked back at you, now even more confused than before you answered, sighing a little to himself as he shook his head.
"perfect" you mumbled to yourself as you raised you camera once again, taking your time to get the angle just right before you snapped the photo, a wide smile on your lips as it printed, quickly snatching it and waving it around.
"my best work yet, if i do say so myself" you smiled, showing the photo to spencer who you had honestly forgot was literally waiting for you to touch him, his cock painfully hard by now, precum soiling the pink satin.
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upsidedownwithsteve · 9 months
for blurb day i was thinking maybe just some soft fluff of the morning after steve and r say I love you for the first time? i love your writing<3
Steve’s room was bathed in a rosy glow, an early morning peach light that turned his bare, white walls into the colour of the rising sun.
He’d moved into his new apartment only two days before, boxes half unpacked and stacked against a still empty dresser that held a red wine bottle and Ruby tinted glasses beside it. You hadn’t gotten round to making the bed frame, not yet, not when Steve had made use of all the floor space to spin you around, an old cassette playing Fleetwood Mac as you laughed into his chest.
You’d both led the empty Chinese food cartons on the living room floor boards, cushions scattered instead of a couch, a lamp by the mantle and the small fern Robin had brought sitting by the window.
You’d let the boy pull you into bed, just a mattress on the bedroom floor, sheets fresh and piled on top, crushed under your weight as he kissed you stupid, wine on his tongue, his tongue on yours. You couldn’t remember what date this was, what number, not when days bled into weeks and months and suddenly it had been so easy to let Steve slip off your clothes at night and start calling you his girlfriend, cheeks pink and eyes unsure.
You’d kissed away any uncertainty, pulled his clothes off too with just as much conviction. It had been months of firsts, of new things, exciting things, pretty things that made your stomach tumble and your heart grow a little bigger.
It swelled even more when you woke up that morning, Steve’s arms around your middle, big hands on your bare stomach, fingers climbing across your ribs and you wondered if he could feel your heartbeat even whilst he slept. His breath picked up as he woke, warm huffs across the back of your neck, all that bare skin pressed against yours as he shifted between you and the sheets.
“Mornin’, baby,” he husked, voice sleepy and rough. You felt him smile, felt in paint itself against your neck. “Sleep alright?”
You hummed in return, a happy sound that made Steve’s toes curl, made warmth bloom across his chest and hold you to him a little tighter. He couldn’t stop it, couldn’t help himself, not when the words had been stuck in his throat for weeks now, cloying and thick with affection and he was too sleepy to stop it—
“God, I love you.”
It made your heart stop, a sudden pause in the moment, even though you were so sure you could hear it in the air. A thundering, a wonderful kind of noise. You tried to turn in Steve’s arms, more awake than you’d ever been but Steve groaned, hands gripping at your hips so you couldn’t budge.
“You— you, sorry, I— you don’t have to say it back.” You heard the boy swallow, heard the crack in his voice. “I’m sorry. I mean, I’m not sorry, I meant it— shit, I did. But… you don’t have to say it back if you don’t want to.”
You grinned, cheek pressed into the pillow where Steve couldn’t see and your hands found his under the sheets, prying his fingers from your hips until he eased off. He let you gather his hands in your own, a small feat considering the difference in size, but you felt his chest move in relief when you brought them to your lips.
A kiss, one for each knuckle, soft and gentle until Steve softened behind you, the tension leaving his body.
“Can I turn round now?” You asked him. “So I can look at you when I say it back?”
You couldn’t see him yet, but Steve beamed.
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ashbub · 8 months
hidden cards
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hazbin hotel au: overlord!husk × angeldust @celestialalpacaron
contents: fluff [2.1k] pt.2
❝ High, all the time, to keep you off my mind.❞ - 1930's version
IN WHICH: two idiots start to fall in love.
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Inside the casino, the air was mingled with the sweet scent of cocktails and the faint hum of slot machines. The main hall was adorned with opulent chandeliers and the whispers of bluffs and big wins echoed amidst the clinking of chips and the shuffling of cards.
The soft murmurs of the casino trickled in the background as Angel Dust smoothly ran his fingertips across the railing of the balcony, his gloved fingers curling around the golden accents of the railing with a quiet strained laugh.
Surrounding him, the surface of the balcony was adorned with an array of golden flowers, their petals gleaming like precious metal in the fading light of the crimson sky. Each petal softly glowing as Angel plucked one of the roses quietly, his thin fingers adorned with the sleek black material of his gloves that rolled the stem of the following between his thumb before allowing it to fall from his grip.
Angel Dust couldn't help but wonder what the fuck was wrong with him.
Well, plenty, really. But what had been wrong with him in that particular moment was what had been fucking with him.
One of the casino's clients had hit on him. A regular. Decent looking, easy on the eyes, even sorta funny. The demon had struck up a conversation with him early in the evening, smiling with a confident grin and a fat wallet that was spilling with crinkled-up bills.
The conversation was smooth, nice, even. Even asked him a couple of questions about himself throughout the night through the scattered games of cards and blinking slot machines. But when the guy had leaned over and gestured to kiss him, bringing one of his crooked fingertips underneath the edge of his chin softly, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Working under Valentino, Angel had gotten used to the sudden touches across his skin and advances made toward him under the harsh lights of the fluorescent filming studio. He had grown accustomed to the harsh linger of swirling smoke across the breadth of his clients or the surface of the palms wandering over the bareness of his thigh for a moment too long.
This should be easy for him. Piece of cake, even. And for a while, it was. Just a quick flutter of his lashes, a small giggle behind every sip of his glass, a pretty smile played across his lips often with a sweet praise at their win-
So why couldn't he kiss him? Why the fuck couldn't do it now?
He scrambled for his clutch purse with a scoff under his breath, gingerly plucking out his small powder disk to quickly touch up his makeup from earlier. His other hands smoothed out the golden fabric of his fitted dress that snuggled his thin frame, the material softly shimmering under the hue of the night sky.
The voice was warm and smooth like melting honey, almost making him sigh as the words wandered by the entrance of the balcony ever so cautiously. The spider demon perked his head towards the doorway with a slight tilt, the soft orange light of the bustling casino contently spilling onto the emerging figure.
"Hey, Whiskers," He whispered back.
Husker's golden eyes had grown soft under his long wispy lashes, the crisp dark suit he wore freshly ironed as he lingered by the doorframe, holding two champagne glasses carefully within the grasp of his thin claws.
"You alright?" His tone was gentle yet raspy, the light tousles of his smoothed-out fur brushed back neatly, the hints of salt and pepper locks peeking out that Angel had been tempted so many times before to comb through with his fingers. "Were any of those fuckers out there bothering you?"
Angel Dust smiled lightly with the small reveal of his golden tooth at the feline, leaning his lanky frame across the railing with a small laugh. "Ah? The king of hearts is all worried about lil ole' me?" He placed his gloved fingertips playfully across the white fluff of his chest that had been adorned with pearls, the splash of gold neatly applied across his eyelids shimmering. "I'm flattered, Husky. Truly, but I'm just catchin' some fresh air."
Angel turned his back to lean his elbows on the surface iron railing, another one of his long hands tentatively cupping the edge of his chin warmly into his palm. "No need t' feel like ya gotta check in on me, big guy." His voice smoothly slipped out with a content chuckle, his dark lashes brushing past his pale cheeks.
There was a brief moment of silence between the both of them, the hum of the slot machines chimed with the occasional roar of excitement erupted from nearby tables where players celebrated their wins or groaned in disappointment at their losses.
Angel had half expected the hear the faint click of dress shoes to slip back towards the noise of the bustling casino, the ends of his teeth sinking into the edge of his glossy bottom lip. His hands slid down smoothly to the pearly white fur of his thin arms, examining the small gold band that wrapped around his finger quietly.
Except, he felt the slight rustle of fabric beside his elbow, and a small gesture of the glistening champagne glass towards him as the demon stood next to him.
Angel quietly blinked at the small offer of champagne, his thin fingers carefully began pinching the stem before glancing back toward the gambling overlord with a pursed lip, his expression softening under the soft hue of the lingering light that wandered from the casino.
"I wanted to." Husk replied, his golden eyes crinkling lightly with a quiet flicker as his smooth hand wandered over the length of his ear with a small sigh, "Too loud out there anyways with all drunk assholes slobbering all over themselves at the bar, it hurts my fucking ears after a while."
Angel Dust took a sip of his drink at the remark, a playful smile spread across the ends of his lips before pressing the tip of his finger on the bowtie the overlord wore and giving it a small singular tap. "You tellin' me," A laugh mingled happily at the edge of his words, dripping with a hushed grin, "If I gotta laugh at one more time over the same shitty pickup line I might ask Satan himself to tear my arms off and jam em' in my ears."
Husk had chuckled quietly in reply, the city skyline glittered in the distance, a sprawling tapestry of lights that painted the night. The soft strains of a jazz band filtered through the open doors as they stood side by side, the subtle shiver that ran through Angel's slender frame. His elegant dress nearly grazed the marble floor, perfect for the upscale occasion, and seemed ill-equipped to shield him from the faint chill of the night.
Without a word, Husk reached for the coat that had been lazily slung across his shoulders and unbuttoned, a soft jacket that had kept him warm most nights at the casino. Angel Dust felt the light fabric drape across his bare shoulders, the faint musk of cologne lingering on the ends as their eyes met for a moment.
"You shouldn't ever have to be cold, y'know," Husker said softly, his voice light with the deep swirls of honey that seemed to be dripping with a warmth that Angel wanted to sink into.
Angel smiled, the corners of the dark pink pricks of his eyes turning upward as he tentatively wrapped the coat around himself. The shared warmth and lingering scent of fresh champagne was sweet across the coat, he noted to himself. "Thank you," He whispered, his voice a breathy murmur that mingled with the night breeze. "Such a gentleman, huh?" He teased with a crooked smile, taking a small sip from the glass that still was cool between the grip of his fingers with a waggle of his pointer finger. "Careful there, ask a girl to dinner before you start giving her the wrong idea, Gatinno"
The gambling demon hummed with a smooth laugh of his own, finally resting the empty champagne glass on the surface of the balcony railing with a snort, "If letting your ass freeze out here is giving the wrong idea, can't imagine what might be the right one," His red wings fluttered a bit, tucking themselves carefully to his sides, thoughtfully placing a claw to the edge of his curled up lip, "Though, dinner ain't sounding half bad right 'bout now."
The ripples of his dress wrinkled with a golden shimmer as the former adult actor nuzzled into the scent of the coat, his fingertips tugging the small buttons of the coat with a light flicker of amusement crinkling in the corner of his eyes, "Ah~! Didn't drink enough tonight to fill that stomach of yours, Kitty cat?"
The corner of Husk's mouth curled at the comment, leaning slightly closer to tap the edge of Angel's champagne glass, so close that he could almost feel the smoothness of his breath lingering on his words, "I'll have you know, that drink you're holding was actually supposed to be for me, Legs."
"Oh, what an honor!" Angel's eyes briefly sparked with mischief, dramatically placing a hand to his chest to feign offense at the remark, "Do sure know how to make a gal feel special, hm?"
The streetlights below them had now flickered to life from the sight of the balcony as they both chuckled, casting long shadows that danced across the pavement like ghosts in the night. The distant hum of traffic gave way to the rhythmic beat of music, drifting up from hidden clubs and bars nestled among the labyrinthine streets below.
Husk brought his elbows to the edge of the metal railing as Angel felt his arm slightly brush against him, quietly feeling the warmth of his sudden touch. "This is my favorite spot in this whole joint, y'know?" He spoke with a faint glint, the white buttoned-up shirt softly rustling with the light winds that tugged at the ends of his combed-back hair.
Bringing a gloved hand to his puffed cheek, the spider demon took a curious glance over at the overlord, an eyebrow cocked playfully towards his direction at the statement. "Seriously? Full of surprises aren't ya, kitty? Thought it was the bar-"
Husk shrugged his shoulders with a lazy grin spread across the corners of his mouth, "Which is a close second," He confirmed before relaxing his grip of the sleek railing with a tight whistle. "But from here? You can see all of Pentagram City. Part of the reason I wanted to build my casino here was when I first got started. Ain't nothin' in all of Hell comparing to this view."
Husk met Angel's eyes for a moment, lightly nodding to himself before flickering back towards the scene below them. "Well, perhaps a few things."
Angel Dust dragged his fingertips across the surface of the balcony railing with a hum perched across his curled lips, "I can see why ya like it so much." He laughed with a hand brought to his chest, another waving a small hand into the air with a soft sigh, "Y'know, growing up, my sister used to wanna go out and see all the big cities. When my pops would be out and ma was at church, my sis would let me get all dolled up in her dresses and we would pretend to be like those big Vegas showgirls."
He didn't know quite why he had shared that with Husk. He rarely mentioned his family like that during his time alive, which gave him far too many headaches trying to recall memories that had seemed to now become a hazed recollection of a life he could no longer recognize as his own. Hell, maybe it was all the drinks he had drank throughout the evening. He couldn't honestly figure out what exactly caused it.
"Bet she would be losin' her mind seeing me in a dress like this." Angel continued with a small snort to lighten up the sudden shift, bringing the tips of his fingers down the soft fabric that embraced his slender figure. "Ain't ever got t' wear something nearly this nice when I was with her."
With a softening expression, Husk nodded, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "I bet she would be." Husk had straightened up slightly, his voice slightly melting into a rasp that mingled with his breath as his lips pursed. "You look stunning, Angel, really."
The spider demon could feel his own face heating up, taking a moment to run his fingers carefully through the curls of his hair before gaining some composure.
"Ain't too bad on the eyes yourself, Husky."
Before the conversation could carry any further, an imp had quickly entered cautiously by the entrance of the balcony. He wore a small waiter attire, a simple buttoned-up white shirt and a dark vest that was tugged neatly on the top. The waiter had rushed up to Husk, quickly whispering a few things before scrambling back with a metal tray balanced meekly on his arm.
"I gotta take care of a few things," Husk softly said with a sigh, his light golden eyes finally flickering carefully towards Angel. He gently reached for Angel's hand, lightly running the surface of his thumb across the smooth fabric of the glove before warmly placing a faint kiss on the back of his hand. "Scusa, caro." He whispered, his words still lingering on the back of his hand as Angel could feel a sudden warmth spread across his cheeks at the brief Italian words that the overlord had spoken.
Blinking and attempting to ignore the sudden heat sent across his face, Angel quickly scrambled for the thick coat that remained comfortably across his shoulders, flusteredly extending it back towards him with a bashful expression etched across his sweet features. "Your coat, Husky- Here, take it back before ya head inside." He insisted, finding his eyes more focused on the floor pattern rather than the demon that stood in front of him.
Husk had glanced at the coat before waving it off with a faint grin, "Keep it, I got plenty." He replied before looking at Angel for a moment longer, "It looks better on you anyway."
Angel Dust smiled quickly, holding the coat closer to his chest with a quiet breath. The finely stitched coat complimenting the golden fabric of his gown as his fingertips gathered the material closely.
"Thank you, Husk."
Husk nodded; a faint warmth spread across his face with a small smile in return.
"Of course, Anthony."
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a/n: this au is everything and i love it so much :,))
and i suggest listening to "habits" cover by haley reinhart, it fit the jazzy feel of the casino i wanted for this fic & overall reminds me of angel <3 and stay tuned, i plan on actually making this three parts so lemme know if you wanna @ to be notified :D
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
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A/n: My two favorite boy's also i an sorry if this sucks.
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Feeling you relax into his chest, Husk clutched your thigh tightly. He never meant for this to happen but you looked to good in your outfit, so cute he just had to have you.
It's not like you were complaining about it, the way he thrusted inside of you. How he would whisper in your ear with how good you felt. How his teeth nipped and sucked at your neck. His thrusts weren't fast, it was soft, slow.
"You like the show princess." Husk muttered against your skin, he felt like he was in a daze. Part of him wanted to push you down on the couch, to tare off your clothes and just fucking you until your voice was raw from screaming his name. But this, this felt good, this felt too good.
The way you clenched around his cock, how you barely moved to meet his thrusts.
Letting out a small breath, your body relaxed letting him thrust up into you. "I am."
Humming, Husk then placed a miss to the side of your head. "Good, just relax and enjoy the show darling."
•Lucifer Morningstar•
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This was his chance, with Charlie and Vaggie watching Edna he was going to take advantage of this situation. Behind you, the King of hell nuzzled his nose into your neck. "You smell so good love." He was slowly thrusting into you the man did his best to not press you into the counter. He didn't want you to burn yourself but he also wanted you to feel good, you worked so much, did so much, you deserved everything.
Humming, you sunk your lip as you pushed your hips back to meet his thrusts as you flipped one of the pancakes you were working on. You didn't want to say anything, couldn't say anything but it felt so good.
"Just you and me together for the whole day." His hands moved to a better position so that he could thrust into you better. Nails digging into your hips, Lucifer pulled you down onto his cock. "You're going to be treated like the queen you are."
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