#husk has feelings
flutistbyday2020 · 3 months
Angel Dust's Birthday
It was Angel's birthday.
Charlie is determined to let Angel Dust just how much he is loved.
Y'all. I broke my own heart writing this, so be warned.
Angsty fluff that *should* make you feel a little better.
I'm new to the fandom and I wrote this in a few hours. It's only been edited once, so I apologize for the errors.
In which Angel Finds out just how much he's loved.
Angsty fluff.
Warnings: heartache
Word count: 2217
I messed around with the timeline a little. Moonlight Serenade wasn't recorded and released until the 1940s, but I love it SO much. It was my great grandmother's favorite song and I feel like a child when I hear it. I suggest listening to it! Also, I forgot what a BITCH it is to format on Ao3. Sorry, y'all.
“Fucking Val and his stupid mother fucking games,” Angel mutters as he stomps into the Hotel.
Valentino knew what an important day it was and was still an ass to Angel.
As much as Angel didn’t want to admit it, Val had hurt his feelings and he wanted to drink it off.
He stomps past the lobby but Cherri Bomb stands in his way, arms on her hips, wide smile on her face.
“Hi, Angel! What are you doing? How was your day?” she all but screeches.
Angel involuntarily grimaces, pushing Cherri away as she attempts to stop him from moving forward.
“What? I’m fine, Cherri,” he hisses. “What are you on about? Let me through.”
Cherri pushes back, gaining some momentum.
“Seriously, Cherri, I’ve had a long day and I just want to get drunk.”
She grins. “Even better,” she said. “Let’s go blow something up--”
“I’m not in the mood,” Angel yells, puffing up to all eight feet.
Cherri’s grin falters. “Just trying to cheer you up,” she grumbles, still attempting to stop Angel but failing.
Angel was fueled by a shit day and the need for alcohol.
“Wait--” Cherri grabs his arm, but he pulls away.
“Shit! Fuck! AHHHH!! Mother fucker!”
He rushes to the source of the noise-- the kitchen.
He goes through the door frame and is greeted by a six-foot flame shooting from the oven; Charlie frantically waves her arms, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Lucifer came rushing in. “What is--”
He took in the scene and with a snap of his fingers, the flame was gone, but a pitiful Princess was left.
She looked at Angel and burst into tears.
“What the fuck?” Angel gets out before Charlie throws herself on him, clinging to him with a death grip.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out between sobs. “I wanted it to be perfect! But I can’t even make you a cake!” She wails at the top of her lungs.
He patted her head the way one would pat a bomb. He gives Lucifer a “please help me” look and Lucifer takes in a breath.
“She wanted to surprise you with a cake and a party.” Lucifer grimaces and pulls Charlie from Angel.
“Uh, Vaggie? Can you come here?” he calls.
Vaggie comes in a moment later. “What the fuck?”
Lucifer drops the still blubbering Princess into her girlfriend’s arms and gives a tight smile.
Vaggie pulls Charlie closer, petting her and pushing her hair back.
He walks to the oven and pulls out the cake pan. “I don’t know how,” he says, hands on hips, “but she managed to set the oven on fire,” he picks up the oven pan and the cake batter drips out. “And failed to cook the cake.”
Vaggie's eyes widen and Charlie wails louder.
“I’m suck a fuck up!” she sobs.
“No, you’re not!” Angel, Lucifer, and Vaggie say.
It takes some doing, but eventually, Charlie is calmed down enough to proceed with the party. She leads Angel to a parlor and half-heartedly says, “Surprise!”
The room is decorated from top to bottom in shades of pink and white. Streamers, table cloths, napkins, cups, and even a banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Angel Dust!” written in immaculate handwriting.
Niffty comes running in. “Do you like the sign? I made it. And I helped decorate. And I--”
Angel smiles at Niffty. “I love it.”
She beams and Angel looks around the room and notices a very empty spot where a cake should be. He lets out a puff of air.
Charlie notices the change in his face and her face falls. “I’m sorry, Angel.”
“Now, now!” Alastor sings out as he appears from the shadows. “This is a birthday party and there is no frowning at a party!”
He pinches Charlie’s cheek and she forces a smile.
“Hey, asshole,” Angel calls out. “She’s feeling rough. Leave her be.”
“Would that be any way to talk to someone who helped plan your party?” The Radio Demon says, an ever-present smile on his face.
With a snap of his fingers, a cake appears on the table. It’s 10” in diameter, pink, covered in a spider motif, with a spider web from frosting on the top, and “Happy Birthday” elegantly scrolled in the middle.
Angel balks. “Uh,” he coughs out. “Thanks, Smiles.”
“You are more than welcome!” An audience cheers from Alastor’s microphone and there are eye rolls around the room.
Husk walks over with a martini glass with pink and blue liquid, a sugared rim, and topped with cotton candy. He smiles. “A special cocktail for the birthday boy.”
Angel takes it and sips gingerly. He smiles. “This is amazing, Whiskers!”
Husk narrows his eyes in false anger, but his smile gives him away.
The group migrates to the couch and the conversation becomes lively. Fat Nuggets finds his way to his owner, Niffty perches on Alastor’s shoulders, and Vaggie sits close to Charlie. They laugh and share their favorite memories of Angel, much to his chagrin.
After half an hour and three cotton candy martinis, Charlie jumps up and claps her hands once. “Okay!” She looks at Angel. “Would you like to do cake or presents first?”
“Cake,” Angel says decidedly.
Lucifer dims the lights and ignites the candles on the cake with a flick of his wrist.
“Show off,” Angel murmurs under his breath.
“I heard that!”
“Dad!” Charlie admonishes, ushering Angel to the table with the cake and sitting him down in a chair.
Vaggie pulls out her phone and the group sings.
Angel smiles and blows out his candles. He wishes for freedom but is only in his thoughts for mere seconds as Lucifer turns the lights back on and Charlie is cutting the cake.
Angel gets the first piece and the group waits until the first bite is taken before they join.
“This is delicious,” Angel moans.
“Surprised?” Alastor asks, smiling.
“Well, yeah,” Vaggie answers for Angel.
“It was my mother’s recipe.” Alastor taps his head, indicating he had the recipe memorized.
They finish their cake and migrate to the couches. Angel sits cautiously and is handed a small box, four inches wide and two inches tall.
To my favorite loser
Angel opens the box. It was a custom deck of cards with pictures from Voxtagram-- one of him with Charlie, one of him and Fat nuggets, one of the whole crew after Sir Pentious’ first week-- Angel Dust was glaring the whole time-- and one of him and Husk after they had bonded.
“I know that you’ll memorize the cards and it will be even easier to count this deck, but--” Angel cuts Husk off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“Thanks, Husk,” Angel whispers. “I love them.” He smiles. “But we--” he points a finger between himself and the cat demon, “are never playing with them.”
Husk laughs brightly at Angel’s smirk.
Angel’s heart felt a little lighter. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he thought. He appreciated the gift, knowing how much time and effort Husk had put into it.
Vaggie hands him a small, rectangular package. He opens it gingerly and takes out a necklace.
It’s gold with a short chain, M <3 A, in the middle. Two gold letters and one rose gold heart.
Angel’s heart stutters. He knew instantly that they were the initials for Anthony and Molly.
“How--” he asks but is cut off by another present thrust in his arms.
Charlie smiles brightly.
Angel opens the package carefully, now wary of presents.
He opens a plain white box and sees a carousel with four horses on gold poles. The top and bottom are pink and white striped with gold motifs decorating the edges and a gold flag at the top.
“Turn it over,” Charlie encourages.
Angel does and looks blankly at the knob before turning it. He releases the knob, and “Moonlight Serenade” by Glen Miller, his mother’s favorite song, starts playing. Not the usual music-box noise, either. A real recording.
He gulps.
His heart stops and then starts again, pumping faster. His eyes dart to Charlie and his heart breaks. He blinks several times, trying to gather his thoughts; trying to stop the tears from falling.
Husker notices and there is another martini in Angel’s hand in an instant.
Charlie’s smile falters and she looks concerned. She looks at Vaggie nervously.
Angel asks, “How do you know about my human life?”
Lucifer clears his throat and blushes. “I may or may not have peaked at your human life," he says, dragging out the first 'may'.
Angel guffaws. “You can do that?!”
“I’m the King of Hell,” Lucifer snorts. “And a fallen angel. I have powers.”
Angel rolls his eyes, but his breath is taken away when Lucifer opens a portal and Angel’s human life plays in black in white, like an old film. Him taking his first steps, learning how to ride a bike, giggling with Molly, his first day of school, his first friend; all on display, conjuring up memories and feelings he thought he’d forgotten and repressed.
Angel tears up. “Gee,” he chokes out but doesn’t continue because the images shift to Molly.
She’s crying at Angel’s funeral and Angel stands up, yelling at Lucifer.
“You think I wanna see that?” he screams.
“Patience, Angel Dust,” Lucifer chides in a non-negotiable tone.
Angel sits, but crosses both sets of arms, ready to stand up and storm out at any given moment.
The images shift to a man comforting Molly: a mutual friend, Thomas, after Molly faints.
The movie forwards to Molly and Thomas’ wedding.
Angel tears up. “She looks so beautiful.”
“And happy,” Charlie says gently.
“And happy,” Angel echoes softly.
The movie shifts again, but now it’s in color. There are two children on the screen, laughing.
Angel sits up. “Who’s that?”
Lucifer can’t help the sigh that comes out of his mouth. “Your niece and nephew.”
The movie stops and Angel stands up, going toward the images, and tries to touch it, but his hand goes through. He pulls both sets of arms around him and looks at Lucifer forlornly.
Lucifer’s heart breaks. He can relate. The “what if” can be too much sometimes. “Your niece, her name is Mary.” Lucifer smiles brightly and more images of Mary flit through the portal. She’s laughing with her twin, taking her first steps, learning how to ride her bike.
Angel smiles ruefully. “And the boy?” he whispers.
Lucifer clears his throat. “Anthony Martin the Second.” It’s soft and Angel almost didn’t hear the name.
He turns around slowly and can’t help the tear that leaks out of his eyes. He swipes at them quickly and looks around the room. Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor are all engaged in the movie and don’t see. Angel locks eyes with Husk and is given a knowing nod. Angel blushes to the top of his head.
He looks back at Lucifer. “So I have a niece and a nephew.” He smiles.
Lucifer continues the movie, showing Molly and Thomas growing older while the twins grow up. The group watches as Anthony and Mary get married and start their own lives. There is an Anthony Martin the third, then an Anthony Martin the fourth.
Angel’s eyes get wider. “Wow. I didn’t realize how much I was idolized.” He spits out the last word.
Charlie places a hand on Angel’s shoulder. “Your sister loved you and talked highly of you.”
Angel grimaces, but his face softens when he sees his sister on her deathbed.
Angel gets as close to the portal as he can without going through it. Fat Nuggets nudges at Angel Dust’s feet and is picked up. Angel hugs him closely.
Molly looks at her children and grandchildren, smiling until she falls unconscious.
“She passed away ten years ago,” Lucifer offers gently. “She went straight to heaven.”
Angel looks forlorn again. “Sorry, Molls,” he whispers, accent dropping just slightly. He wipes his eyes and turns toward his friends. “Thank you,” he says, voice warbling. “Val was such an ass today--”
Angel is cut off when Charlie throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly. “We love you so much, Anthony,” she says, her voice also unsteady. “I just wanted to give you something good.”
Angel hugs back with a fierceness that Charlie didn’t expect. Fat Nuggets protests and drops to the ground, looking plussed by the intrusion.
Angel likes that Charlie uses his real name. They hug for a long while, everyone quietly watching.
Lucifer snaps, and the banner changes to say, “Happy birthday, Anthony!”
Lucifer’s heart swells with pride as he looks at his daughter. He did raise a wonderful little girl-- no, woman.
Angel is still hugging Charlie when “Moonlight Serenade” plays through the portal.
He turns and sees his mom dancing in the living room, holding a small boy—his lip quivers.
He turns and sees his friends standing in front of him, small, hesitant smiles on their faces.
Lucifer hands him a DVD and smiles knowingly. Angel takes it and hugs it to his chest before setting it with the rest of his presents.
“Thank you,” he says. “Thank all of you.”
Then Anthony walks over to Charlie. “My lady,” he says in an exaggerated accent, bowing to the Princess. “May I have this dance?”
Charlie chuckles and curtsies. “Of course,” she replied in the same exaggerated accent.
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stil-lindigo · 6 months
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on twitter, a viral thread started where people around the world shared their translations of “If I must die”, the last work of Dr Refaat Alareer also known as "the voice of Gaza". A beloved poet, teacher and life-long activist for Palestine, he was recently assassinated along with members of his extended family by a targeted Israeli air strike. His loss leaves a hole in the heart of palestinians all over the world.
Below the cut, I’ll be posting the translations of his poem, with links to the original posts. Unfortunately, tumblr limits posts to a maximum of 30 images. I will update when I can.
Arabic (Refaat’s mother tongue)
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2. Spanish
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3. Irish
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4. Dutch
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5. Greek
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6. German
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7. Vietnamese
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8. Tagalog
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9. Serbian
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10. Japanese
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and the traditional japanese calligraphy version
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11. Nepali
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12. Tamil
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13. Bosnian
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14. Indonesian
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15. Romanian
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16. Italian
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17. Albanian
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18. Urdu
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19. Turkish
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20. Polish
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21. Norwegian
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22. Galician
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23. Swedish
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24. Jawi
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25. Bengali
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26. Russian
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australet789 · 3 months
"Alastor is a villain because he chained poor Husk 🥺"
I think you all forget THIS is the Husk that made the deal with Alastor:
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The Husk that was so careless and selfish that was gambling SOULS, to the point he gambled his own soul away to save his powers.
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princessfroslass · 1 month
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I will never be normal about the HAND SIZE DIFFERENCE-
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i want angel to thoroughly enjoy falling in love with mr husker. i want him to recognize the warm feeling in his chest without much fight. i want him to feel hopeful and uncertain. i want him to take it slow while steadily making his way to husk. i want him to KNOW he loves husk, and i want him to be somewhat happy about it because it's romantic, it's beyond just physicality. it's SO real that it's almost tangible. he can TASTE the love and he wishes to savour it.
season 2, deliveeeeeer...
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tomiyeee · 1 year
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likes the smell of pineapple-scented air fresheners while (sort of) implying that he doesn’t like real pineapples
likes drinking out of pineapple cups
??? i don’t know what to make of this but the presence of the pineapple seems intentional
hates the combination of pineapple and ham
...why does this man have a more complicated relationship with a god damn fruit than some shows have between its own characters???
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Angel: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response. Husk: Wow. They sound stupid. Angel: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense. Husk: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!” Angel: I guess you’re right. Hey Husk, I love you. Husk: See! Just say that! Angel: Holy fucking shit. Husk: If that flies over their head then, sorry Angel, but they're too dumb for you. Angel: Husk.
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carlestin · 3 months
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dumping all my huskerdust here that ive gathered
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blue-rose-soul · 4 months
Angel Dust: (teasing) I'm just saying! This guy's clearly down bad for Smiles. It's plain as day, and kinda sickening.
Alastor: Now hold on; I can deal with your crass remarks usually, but don't you think you're taking it a step too far? Honestly, not everything is as you imagine it in your depraved little mind-
Vox: No, he's right. I did have a thing for you.
[Loud static screech. All hotel residents now staring openly with varying degrees of interest.]
Vox: And after everything I fucking did for you, you still had the nerve to shoot me down after stringing me along, you ungrateful piece of shit!
Angel Dust, Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, Frank, and Alastor: WHAT!?
Lucifer: Alastor, why are you surprised?
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kagoutiss · 10 months
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sum rly messy mummy gans i doodled a while ago
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dealwithadeer · 4 months
Okay but what if due to Alastors growing need and obsession with control he becomes obsessed with Husk? Because he had just gotten a reminder that he not only does not control his own soul but also that he does not have full control over his life and that things and people more powerful than him can easily kill him.
To have Lucifer come around more often and Charlie being more powerful than him as well and him losing a lot of respect and maybe not even no longer considered an Overlord in the public eye because of his defeat would only worsen it.
But there is one thing, one person, left that he has still near absolute control over. Even if he cannot even control himself with his mental stability not always holding up due to the growing difference between what he wants, no, what he needs to be and what he is: He still has his Husker.
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onesidedradiostatic · 16 days
god am I tempted to do a social experiment and poll on how many people will say husk is canonically pan without question and then poll on the canonicity of alastor's aromanticism and compare the results
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lilfriezatyrant · 2 months
More than anything,
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more than anything,
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I need to save my people more than anything.
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iarrelm · 4 months
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happy valentine’s day!!
these two have such a hold on me rn I’m obsessed with them. i’m gonna try and color this later but here’s a sketch for now!! I’ve also done a bunch of other sketches so i’ll definitely post more of them soon lmao
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Alastor feels more like Niffty's dad then Charlie's tbh
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snowyh2o · 3 months
It’s currently a fan theory as to why Alastor keeps Husk around, the theory being that Alastor simply likes cats, and spared Husk because his demon form was a cat. So to him Husk is essentially a pet, who he likes to have around to look at, not even to like most of the time (like any cat owner), just to be there, is all a cat owner asks of the cat.
Sure, but like. That’s not what Alastor does with Husk? He literally summons him to act as the barkeep/man the front desk of the hotel. Husk’s reaction to Alastor summoning him, and Mimzy’s comment about how Alastor still has him swinging hooch implies that it isn’t something too uncommon for him to do, but also not something he does everytime Alastor needs something to be done. And even then Alastor has to bribe him with alcohol to get Husk to agree with working at the hotel.
Alastor doesn’t treat him like a cat, he treats him like a reluctant employee. Husk even calls Alastor boss. Nothing about Alastor’s actions with Husk implies he thinks about Husk that way aside from that one interaction where Alastor is deliberately trying to get under Husk’s skin.
Personally, I believe Alastor keeps Husk around because 1) he’s useful, 2) Alastor’s said to have a weird moral code, and 3) Husk went to Alastor to make that deal, Alastor didn’t target Husk. And it probably happened sometime after he stopped hunting down overlords. It makes Husk interesting, I don’t think many people (overlords) would be desperate enough (or confident enough) to go to the dude who’s known for torturing and killing overlords and then broadcasting their dying screams to the rest of Hell for so much as disrespecting him, and expect to get a good deal out of him over just being killed.
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