#hybrid bad batch
squad-724 · 6 months
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The boys resting after Wrecker got blown up
Hybrid AU: the Bad Batch are hybrids; Trandoshan Hunter | Lasat Wrecker | Zyggerian Crosshair | Chiss Tech
Small detail: Kaminoans fill down Wrecker’s claws and nails if he’s in a surgery, they had enough of claw marks in their barracs and on the pillows but he wonkt let them if he’s concious
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alabyte · 7 months
Yeah okay maybe I am brainrotting just a little bit [2]
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Hybrid Batch!AU by @squad-724 officially occupied my brain for the near future and I'll make this everyone's problem
A bit of details - consider this an interpretation and/or headcanons:
> It seemed logical to me to extend the hairline down to the jawline in sort of sideburns, given that Zygerrians are actually covered in fur. Crosshair's hairline goes from the back of his head thinly along the spine and up to the tail.
> Zygerrians also often have pigment spots at the base of their ears, and males often have spines near their chins. Crosshair has no spines, but does have pigment spots.
> Classical scaled Zygerrian ears, also a bit more flat nose to match the race phenotype.
> White eye base due to albinism.
> "04" tattoo and earrings are my personal headcanons, so don't mind me. :D
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99aceace · 5 months
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I decided to join the event, if my little drawing sucks, I'm really sorry. I did my best.
Hybrid batch AU belongs to @squad-724
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kleiner-ghost · 4 months
Tag yourself. I'm Wrecker
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For @squad-724 Hybrid Bad Batch AU DTIYS.
Now, you might notice 2 keys things that weren't in the original prompt: Omega and the playground. The playground is there because I think cadets deserve some fun! (And whatever Hunter is doing)
And Omega is there because when I was looking for references, I a kid looking overjoyed from sliding on the world's shortest slide, and I thought that was very in character for her 😆
Anywhos, I love the idea of this AU where the Batch was crossed with some alien species to accentuate their respective skills. It further plays into their character design, and I think it would be fun to see them as adults too.
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vuele · 4 months
i feel so bad for people who have no option but working in-person rn because covid cases are so high here (i think it's like 1 in 35 people have it???? something absurd like that!!) and tomorrow i wanted to go get groceries at the discount grocery store BUT ofc they have no mask policy so now i think i might get it somewhere more expensive where i can do a pick-up and have it brought to my car, and that has me thinking like!!!! i have that option but the worker still has to prepare my order in the store w/ all the unmasked people who don't care and like it's so upsetting that having access to these measures to make you more safe are privileges and at the expense of others... i wish community health was prioritized and we could keep each other safe. AAAAH!!
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Summary: Tech returns to Pabu in search of his siblings, he's searched everywhere, this is the last place he could think of. He finds that a lot more has changed than he previously thought.
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: trauma, ptsd mention, confusion, denial, angst.
A/N: it's the angsty Tech focused fic! With added angst! You can never have too much!
Twenty Eight Years AU link here.
Crystal clear blue waters, pristine clean skies, lush and full of life.
It hadn't changed one bit.
A welcome relief when so much had.
Tech was certain he would find them here.
Tech was keenly aware of all the eyes on him when he stepped off his ship. He knew what it looked like at first glance, a suspicious stranger in a heavily modified, outdated imperial shuttle. He was glad for the glasses and mask, no one could see his face fully.
The Archium still stood, much to his relief.
He didn't really know how long it was but it had to have been a few years at least. The Empire had collected his data, he was glad to see they hadn't sought any use for Pabu or found any interest in it since then.
It was the last place he had to search, the last place they might be. If there were no results on Pabu, he didn't know where else to look.
His vision glitched slightly, he sighed in irritation. His eyes had been damaged, he had barely enough vision left to construct a rudimentary prosthetic glasses combination to enhance his poor eyesight. They always needed improvements and fixing, he never could see well enough to fix everything.
Despite the nagging glitches around the edge of his vision, Tech made his way, slowly, around Upper Pabu.
There was too much going on for his prosthetics to process, it was causing a headache behind his eyes. He paused to retrieve his cane from his pack. He was rather good at maneuvering with it, it had been a challenge at first, but he'd learned, and learned how to use it to fight if necessary.
The sharp click of the cane on stone came from ahead of him. The path was clear. He could see people moving out of his way now, thinking him an old man searching for someone. He was searching for someone, he just wasn't as old as he looked. He certainly felt that old.
He kept wandering around Pabu until he found a rather interesting sight. It was a rather large group of siblings all playing, er, hanging out with each other under the watchful, or perhaps not so watchful, eyes of an old man sitting on the porch. The old man looked like he had fallen asleep reading a book.
While the man looked human, the children were half human, with long ears that moved and reacted to any sound, fangs that were exposed when they smiled, patches of purple among their tan skin and purple freckles spotted among their bodies. Tech concluded that the old man must be the kids' grandfather.
There were seven siblings of varying ages, some looked to be twins. The oldest two were watching their younger siblings play a ball game while doing other things.
The four youngest were engaged in the game, and one that seemed to be in between both ages was sitting at a table tinkering with some creation.
Oddly enough, this family seemed to be Mando'a. The oldest three all had the signature helmets nearby, and were wearing under armour in the style of Mandalorians. It was an uncommon sight now, from what Tech had heard.
One of the younger children tossed the ball to the youngest, she missed and the ball rolled over to his feet.
"I'll get it!" The youngest shouted, the accent sounded familiar.
The young hybrid ran out the open gate over to him and picked up the ball.
"Sorry mister." She apologized, looking up at him through her curly purple and blond bangs with strange eyes. They were large, near whiteless, one was a deep pink, the other was a shockingly familiar shade of brown.
His eyes, his brothers' eyes, Omega's eyes.
Apparently, she noticed it as well, she stood there staring up at him.
"You've got my Buir's eyes." She said cheerfully.
"Do I?" He asked.
He felt his hopes rise, but stomped it down quickly. She could easily be a child or grandchild of any clone in the galaxy, there was no reason to get excited over such a common trait.
"Yeah, they look Ba'vodu's too!" She chirped.
"Koré! What's taking so long?!" One of her siblings hollered.
"Just a minute, Ram'ser!" She shouted back.
Ram'ser. Sniper or marksman. That's an odd name for a child. Tech mused.
One of the eldest took note of the situation, she was too far away from him to see all the details very well, but her hair was held back by a band of some kind. A bird of prey was perched on her forearm as they monitored the situation.
"Koré, leave that man alone!" She shouted.
"But I'm not bothering him, Roya!" Koré shouted.
Roya, Mando'a for hunter. Perhaps hunting based names were the goal. Tech wondered.
"He's got Buir's eyes!" Koré added.
That got all the siblings interested and seven pairs of near whiteless eyes were fixed on him.
"Maybe he's a ba'vodu." One remarked in a snarky tone.
"Be nice, Ram'ser." The oldest scolded her brother before turning to him.
"Do you wanna come in mister! Our parents are out visiting our uncle at the moment, but we can get the chief to help you if you need it!" She shouted.
"Yeah! It'll be fun! We don't get many strangers around here!" Koré exclaimed, turning pleading eyes up to him.
The begging move was remarkably similar to what Omega would pull on Hunter, and himself, when she wanted to get some extra treat. He typically lasted longer than Hunter when the tactic was employed on him, but a rush of nostalgia and guilt had him folding faster than he ever had before.
"Sure, if your parents truly will not mind." Tech agreed.
Koré cheered and dragged him into her family's yard, abandoning the ball in the street. He felt odd intruding upon this family, but not as uncomfortable as he should have, the seven siblings were very welcoming.
Koré was certainly the most excited to introduce him to all her older siblings.
"I'm Koré but you probably already know that. I'm ten." Koré told him.
She then proceeded to spitball all her siblings at him.
"That's Rayshe'a, she's twelve, she's got Buir's eyes exactly, which is really cool," she dropped her voice into an attempted whisper, "she's ba'vodu's favorite." She taunted.
Koré pointed out the girl who looked closest in age to her, who rolled her brown eyes at the taunt.
"Ram'ser, he's the taller one, and Jarlier, he's really big and tough, they're my older brothers, they're fourteen and twins." She pointed the two boys out next, they did indeed match the description.
The two boys both had the deep pink eyes that Koré had.
"Mirdala is our third oldest sibling, she's really good with tools and makes all sorts of stuff all the time! She's fifteen."
The aforementioned girl was tinkering with something and only offered him a quick glance and lazy salute.
"And then there's Roya and Zosime! They are our oldest siblings, they're twins too, Roya is older though. They're eighteen." Koré pointed to the final pair of siblings.
Roya had a bandana holding her hair back and a bird perched on her arm. Zosime wore a work apron and had soot stains on their clothes.
"That's a lot of information." Tech said.
"Oh, sorry, I do that a lot." Koré apologized before going on another tangent about something.
Her siblings all reacted like it was normal but none showed any true annoyance with their youngest.
Roya, Zosime, Mirdala, Ram'ser, Jariler, Rayshe'a and Koré. Those names are Mando'a. Tech realised. Their heritage was more confirmed by the evidence of metal working on Zosime.
Zosime and Koré aren't Mando'a, but the rest are. Roya, hunter. Mirdala, clever, intelligent. Ram'ser, sniper. Jarlier, wreck. Rayshe'a, five. The names didn't make much sense, there had to be a reason why these children made him feel welcome but slightly unsettled at the same time.
A sudden movement caught his eyes, Tech turned and saw the old man stirring. He had a thick beard but he was bald on top. He looked like someone who had a hard life, the shadows of deep eye bags remained. He had been fidgeting in his sleep, seemingly unable to stay still. He had bulky hearing aids and glasses, expected of an elderly man. Something was familiar about him though.
The old man started mumbling, it was faint, but he looked happy, whatever he was dreaming of was good.
"Oh yeah, ba'vodu talks in his sleep. Rambles a lot, Buir says he's talking to his vod." Rayshe'a informed him, she must have noticed him staring.
"Ah." Tech grunted and looked away, focusing on whatever Koré was saying until something the old man rambled caught his attention.
"Omega, get down… don't know… where you got the… idea… wreck-!… dont help her up… get her down!" His mumblings went quiet again but for Tech, those words repeated themself.
The man sounded so much like… but it couldn't be, he was older than them, but not that much older. Unless- no, he didn't want to think about that. It couldn't be, his body hadn't aged enough.
"Who is he talking about?" Tech asked.
"Buir says he talks about his brothers while he sleeps, it's why he's happier." Koré said.
"He's gonna be waking up soon. He's jumpy so he might shout at you." Rayshe'a added.
"He usually shouts nonsense though, mama says he does it cause he's not fully awake." Koré said, talking like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
It could be their normal. Tech reasoned.
He did his best to ignore the man and his rambles, even as they reminded him more and more of his siblings.
"Is his talking a medical condition?" He eventually asked.
"Used to be PTSD, screaming and crying, sleepwalking, but that's under control, he just talks now." Mirdala answered, not even looking up.
"What from?"
"War." She shrugged.
That's vague. Although it may be her intention. He thought.
Behind them, the old man jolted awake with a startled shout. Tech glanced over his shoulder, the man was staring at him, blinking like he was confused.
"… Tech…?" He asked in utter disbelief, he sounded like he was witnessing something impossible.
"He mistakes people all the time, he always calls me fives." Rayshe'a said.
Tech raised an eyebrow at that. It didn't help his denial case.
The old man rubbed his eyes and felt around for his glasses, which had fallen when he woke up. He found them, got them on and stared at Tech with wide, disbelieving eyes.
"Tech… that you…?" He asked.
The old man sounded so familiar, so much like him, but he was too old. Tech himself hadn't aged that much, it couldn't have been that long, why was he so old?
He was hyper aware of the eyes on him, the tension building around them.
The old man squinted, then he relaxed and looked away.
"Just another dream, just another ghost, not real. Not real." He muttered to himself.
Tech watched the man mumble the phrase to himself until he finally had the courage to say it.
The man looked up at him, squinted again and his face paled. His hands started shaking.
"How did you know his name?" One of the boys, Ram'ser, asked, eyeing him skeptically.
Tech stepped away from the old man, who may be his brother, the situation was hurting his brain. Why's Echo so old? Why am I so young. What happened to the others? Where's Omega? He wracked his brain for a logical solution.
"Buir! Mama! You're home!" Tech was cut off by Koré's excited shouting.
"Ad'ika!" The voice was modulated, but sounded familiar.
Tech turned, two women dressed in Mandalorian armor, one had more elements from another culture, were standing just beyond the gate.
Koré had jumped into their arms, giving her parents a warm welcome.
Both Mandalorians had their helmets off, signaling one as the childrens' non-human mother.
They all had her ears, colorful purple splotches, fangs and eye structure, and some had her deep pink eye color. The majority of her skin was orange with purple freckles in it. She was a Spaelf. She had a bow strapped to her back, and a quiver. He suspected the arrows it contained had some special use that made them as good as energy arrows.
The human mother had her back turned to him, but he could see the dirty blond hair tied into a braided bun and the tan skin her children had inherited. She had an energy bow on her back, one that was extremely familiar.
She turned to greet her other children, her round face and broad nose gave her away almost as soon as her brown eyes, the exact same as his, landed on him.
The second she saw him, she froze, clenching her grip on Koré.
"Oh Buir! He's got your eyes! Isn't that cool?" She asked.
"Koré, come inside, now." Roya ordered, using a harsher tone than when she'd spoken before.
Koré looked confused, but did as her sister told her. The three oldest children must've known something was about to go down, since they ushered their four younger siblings inside. Tech caught something about it being some grown-up business as the door clicked shut. The old man, Echo, stared at him, still shaking, muttering under his breath.
The Mando woman stared at him, tears in her eyes, until her wife gave her a gentle nudge.
"Kiwi, you see him too? Tell me you see him?" She asked, voice cracking.
"Yes, cyare. I see him." Her wife confirmed.
A strangled sob escaped her and she turned her back to him. He could see her wife whispering something to her, but he couldn't make it out. Finally, he did something.
She stiffened, then slowly turned to him with a teary eyed glare.
"You're supposed to be dead." She hissed softly.
"Why aren't you?" She asked.
Tech took a step back, he'd thought his brothers and sister would be glad to see him, to know he had survived but he clearly missed out on a lot. Years, decades.
Omega was an adult, had a wife and children, Echo was an old man, and Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were nowhere to be seen.
"Omega, where are the others?" He asked softly.
"They're dead, like you are supposed to be."
Tada! Angst!
This bit here gets a little long, sorry in advance!
Now I bet you're wondering why Omega isn't happy to see Tech alive and don't worry, all shall be revealed shortly(whenever I have the next chapter).
Echo is alive because he is my favorite after Omega. Also dude got blown up, he ain't going down any time soon. And as an old man I think he has a Klaus vibe to him, long beard and scary at first but sweet underneath. If you haven't seen Klaus, go fix that, it's great.
Now Roya isn't an actual word in Mando'a but it's part of words like beroya, bounty hunter, geroya, which is play but literally translates to play hunt, and meshgeroya, which is a game, so I decided Roya could work as hunt or hunter in Mando'a and thus, Roya's name.
And Omega's wife's name is Caoimhe(pronounced Kweeva), she's an oc from other AUs I have and the main things about her are:
She is a Spaelf(space elf), Spaelf are craftsmen and artisans, they are good at making stuff.
She is a lesbian.
She is an artist and an archer.
She is a very low level Force sensitive, thus, she can do the part of sex where genetics swap with the Force and have kids with Omega.
All of the kids are their biological children, because of the Force fuckery bullshit above.
Omega gave birth to Roya(she/her) and Zosime(they/them/xir/xim), they were twins, and she also gave birth to Mirdala(she/her, trans), and Rayshe'a(she/her).
Caoimhe gave birth to Ram'ser and Jarlier, they were also twins, and she gave birth to Koré too, their last child because they had seven but also because Spaelves will stop having kids when one has two colors of eyes, typically one from a parent, symbolizing the child as a perfect mix of both parents, and they stop after that.
I will link an image of Caoimhe that is from the other AU she's part of, but that one doesn't have anything to do with this one(unless I decide down the line to work this into that one, it's pretty good, maybe check it out if you want), so the information on that post might contradict what is here but that's just so you get a visual reference of what she looks like and what the kids got from her.
Caoimhe link
I should probably stop talking now cause this has gone on pretty long.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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littleocean-rose · 7 months
The Big Bad Wolf
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Summary: You've heard the rumors before-everyone has, in fact. About the man who lives in the woods, away from the city; a dangerous individual that no one trusts, a person who, unlike a majority of the population, is not fully human. When you receive an order for a batch of baked goods to a house in the middle of the forest, your coworkers beg you to pass the delivery job to someone else. But curiosity has you taking the job, and you end up meeting the infamous man labeled The Wolf in person.
Pairing: wolf hybrid!Choi San × (f) reader
AU: non-idol, hybrid au
Warnings: smut, fluff, a pinch of angst
Word count: tbd
Tags: some slight discrimination against hybrids, wooyoung worries™, san is just trying his best he's so sweet, soulmates, san goes into rut, pillow humping, knotting, breeding kink, biting, marking, unprotected sex, creampies, overstimulation, Dom!san, sub!reader, pet names (tba). more tags to be added later
A man who's pure of heart and says his prayers by night may still become a wolf when the autumn moon is bright -Florence and the Machine
A/N: so this is a little fic i'm going to be putting out for mid-to late october if anyone is interested! tbh i'm really nervous about it cause it's a smut fic so i hope it reaches everyone expectations aa (Guardians is still happening i promise! I'm just putting this first cause it's halloween next month!)
Let me know if you want to be added to this taglist! thank you! 💕
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angelltheninth · 2 years
NSFW Masterlist Part 3
Tony Stark x Fem!Reader - Only a Touch
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader - Interrogation and Reward
Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader - Silver Tongued Devil
Pietro Maximoff x Fem!Reader - Empty on the Inside
Namor Eating You Out
Namor with a Breeding Kink
MCU Characters + Boobs or Ass
Peter Maximoff with a Flexible Reader
Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader - Restraining Vengeance
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader - Shopping Has Many Benefits
Catching Bruce Masturbating
Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader - Warm Showers Always Help
Bruce Wayne with a Virgin Reader
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader - Remind Me to Hate You
Finn x Fem!Reader x Sevika - Sharing is Caring or Something Like It
Sevika x Fem!Reader - Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder
Marcus x Fem!Reader - Tell Me Under the Table
Vander Getting Cockblocked
Giving Arcane Characters Oral While They Work
Dominant Vander Headcanons
Arcane Women + Mutual Masturbation
Friends with Benefits with Vi
Silco x Fem!Reader - Quaking with Lust
Resolved Sexual Tension with Vi
Arcane Men + Morning Wood
Vander Being Too Big For You
Arcane Men + How Long Do They Last
Genshin Impact Men + Sex Pollen
Scaramouche x Fem!Reader - Unpleasant Yet Greedy
Zhongli x Fem!Reader - Instincts of a Calm Mind
Cyno + Sir Kink
Dainsleif x Fem!Reader - More Than You Can Take
Dottore x Fem!Reader - Knife Treatment
Tighnari Spends Your Heat with You
Zhongli x Fem!Bunny!Reader
Childe With A Pregnant Reader
Genshin Men with a Succubus Girlfriend
Genshin Men + Boobs, Ass or Thighs
Incubus Kaveh and Al-Haitham
Yandere Itto Headcanons
Genshin Men Having a Baby Fever
Itto and Gorou when You Ask Them to Breed You
Ayato, Cyno, Al-Haitham and Kaveh Take Your Virginity
Enemies to Lovers with Itto
Abyss Lumine Dominates You
Friends with Benefits with Genshin Men
Wedding Night with Gentle!Dom!Pantalone
Teasing Genshin Men Under the Table
Pantalone, Ayato and Zhongli During a Striptease
Giving Childe a Blowjob After a Shower
Genshin Men Reacting to Cock Worship
Professor Zhongli Headcanons
Genshin Men with a S/O Who's Shy During Sex
Scaramouche with A Wolf!Hybrid!Reader in Heat
Kaeya x Fem!Reader - Helping Hand
Letting Ryosuke Use You for Stress Relief
Making Out with Bachira
Cockwarming Sae
Being Baro's Reward
Bachira Fucks You in His Sleep
Bachira Eating You Out
Kunigami Rensuke + Dry Humping
Jamil Viper x Fem!Reader - Poison Just as Sweet
Rook Hunt x Fem!Reader - Ride You Don't Want to End
Virginity Loss with Jamil Viper
Trey Clover x Fem!Reader - Man of Many Talents
Azul Ashengrotto x Fem!Reader - I Was Meant to Be Yours
Rivals to Lovers with Yoru
Harbor x Fem!Reader - Absence Makes the Horny Grow Stronger
Viper x Fem!Reader - Snake Eyes
Reyna x Fem!Reader - A Little Death Before the Gala
Fade x Fem!Reader - Who Will You Be When You're Afraid
Chamber x Fem!Reader - Buying What You're Selling Them
Sukuna x Fem!Reader - The Hating Game
Haruta Being Overstimulated
Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader - Way of the Househusband Nanami Kento
Sukuna x Fem!Reader - One Hell of a Time
Pussydrunk Geto Suguru Headcanons
Albert James Moriarty x Fem!Reader - Mind Over Lust
Sherlock Holmes Gets Needy in Your Office
William James Moriarty x Fem!Reader - Know Your Place
Aki Hayakawa x Fem!Reader - Win Your Prize
Makima x Fem!Reader - Pretty Little Pet
Aki Hayakawa x Fem!Reader - Pass Me Your Last Cigarette
Car Sex with Aki Hayakawa
First Time with Aki Hayakawa, Kishibe and Angel Devil
Portia x Fem!Reader - Little Slice of Heaven
Asra x Fem!Reader - Sell Me a Dream
Bondage and Brat Taming with Julian Devorak
Pregnant Sex with Daemon
Daemon x Fem!Reader - Piece Offering to the Cruel Prince
Aemond + Dirty Talk
Gossip and Dumbification with Dom!Daddy Larys Strong
Post Injury Recovery Sex with Daemon
The Bad Batch + Stamina
Cassian Andor x Fem!Reader - It's Called a Cockpit for a Reason
Darth Maul x Fem!Reader - Cold, Hard Touch
Star Wars Men Threesomes
Cassian Andor Thanks You in A Special Way
The Bad Batch NSFW Headcanons
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starlightkun · 9 months
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❧ word count: 11.8k ❧ warnings: cursing ❧ genre: fluff, modern magical creatures au, fantasy au, college au if you squint, werewolf jeno, human reader, ft. various other magical dreamies & neos and human!renjun (and an extra special guest appearance), hybrid au adjacent? (you’ll see what i mean, but i swear he’s a big bad werewolf), same universe as strawberry sunday ❧ extra info: this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe, they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ author’s note: and here’s werewolf jeno too! continuing my big baby jeno agenda in this one so please take care of him, y’all <;33 ❧ sequel
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
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Your friend’s eye roll was practically audible over the phone. “Just because I’m a Magical Creature Studies major doesn’t mean I’m a werewolf doctor, Y/N. I study them in a sociocultural context—”
“He’s grown ears and a tail, Renjun. Not wolf ones.”
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Unlocking the back door to the bakery, you flicked on the light switch by the doorway. Immediately, the kitchen was illuminated, and you dumped your bag on a stool to root through it. You secured your navy blue apron from inside it, putting it over your neck then fastening the straps around your waist, now ready to start your opening checklist. The idea of a 4 a.m. opening shift should’ve made you shudder, but you always came into Half Moon Bakery with a bounce in your step despite the distinct lack of sunlight.
The first thing was to preheat the ovens: separate ones for yeast breads that needed more moisture, and sweets like cookies, muffins, and cakes that didn’t. You took the yeast doughs out of the fridge first that you’d prepared yesterday. It was all muscle memory, turning and shaping the dough with your hands and bread scraper. After shaping loaf after loaf after loaf, you put those aside for their final proof, then started on the sweets. Some had also been prepared the night before by the closing shift, whichever cookie doughs needed to sit overnight before being shaped. In the mornings, you mixed up the doughs and batters that didn’t need to be chilled prior to baking.
By the time the bread was finished proofing, you had usually at least spooned out your first batch of cookies as well. Those went in the sweets ovens first, then you turned to scoring the loaves before putting those in the bread oven. And it was usually at this point that you were entirely on autopilot, operating solely on dings of timers, no other units of time or place really having meaning to you.
You only knew that it was 6 a.m. when your coworker arrived. The employee entrance opened again while you were setting a hot pan of blueberry lemon scones down, Lee Jeno stepping through. He pushed some of his hair out of his eyes sleepily, lifting a hand in your direction in greeting.
“Morning, Jeno!” You chirped, pausing the music blaring from your phone.
He mumbled something akin to ‘morning’ back as he dropped his own apron around his neck then fumbled with tying the knot around his waist.
“You are never going to be a morning wolf, huh?” You sighed, grabbing the other pans that were in the oven.
“No,” he shook his head. “‘S too early.”
“What if I told you, that I…” You set down the pan of chocolate chunk cookies you just took out, then darted over to a different counter. A plate was there, a single broken sugar cookie on it. If the cookie were whole, it would have been half-dipped in chocolate to look like a half-moon. But alas, this one didn’t make it.
You held the plate out towards Jeno. “…Saved you a discard.”
The werewolf visibly perked up at this. “Really?”
“It’s not peanut butter, sorry.”
He rushed over to take the plate from you. “I can have it?”
“Yeah, Jeno,” you chuckled. “I accidentally snapped it trying to take it off the baking sheet. Better it go in this garbage disposal than the actual garbage.”
You poked his stomach on the word ‘this,’ earning an indignant scowl from him. Which didn’t have the intended effect, as he already had stuffed the entire cookie in his mouth.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Jeno said once he’d swallowed the food in his mouth. “I didn’t have much for breakfast.”
“Oh?” You frowned as you returned to your station, starting on preparing the icings to drizzle over the batches you’d just taken out. Werewolves usually had quite the appetite compared to humans, Jeno must be starving. “Were you running late or something? You could’ve eaten, I wouldn’t have minded if you were a couple minutes late.”
“No, I just… I don’t know, wasn’t that hungry.” He shrugged, starting to go about his own opening tasks.
“Who are you and what have you done with Jeno?” You pointed a whisk at him accusatorily as he opened up the storeroom.
He laughed. “I’m serious, though. It was weird, I made breakfast but when I sat down to eat I just… didn’t want to.”
“You seemed to handle that cookie just fine at least.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, voice slightly muffled as he took a couple steps inside the storage room to tally up the ingredients. “I don’t think I’d ever be able to turn down your baking, Y/N.”
You grinned to yourself as you whisked up the lemon icing for the scones. “Aw, thanks, Jeno.”
“Seriously, I don’t know how Mr. Minseok and I managed before you came along.”
“You seem to be forgetting that Minseok bakes. And very well, too,” you scoffed, referring to your sphinx boss. He had started the bakery by himself some years ago and Jeno had been his very first hire when he realized he couldn’t handle the front and back at the same time. You’d only started at the bakery a little less than a year ago, having been a passionate home baker who needed extra income now that you were in school. It was the summer right now though, between spring and fall semesters so you found yourself at the bakery most days.
“I know, I know. But like half our menu is your recipes now. And you improved some of Mr. Minseok’s.”
“Okay, improved is a choice word there, I streamlined the process a litt—”
Jeno emerged from the storeroom with a big sack of flour over his shoulder, and you completely lost the rest of that sentence as your eyes were drawn like magnets to where the muscles in his arm flexed and tensed. The sleeve of his white t-shirt—the same one you were wearing, with a small half-moon embroidered above the cuff—strained a little around the bulge of his bicep, veins crisscrossing his skin like roots of a tree.
“Y/N?” Jeno tilted his head curiously. This was truly so unfair; he was simultaneously looking like a confused puppy while holding a bag of flour one-handed that would take two humans to carry normally. “That’s a lot of icing on that scone.”
You looked down at where your hand had frozen over a scone, the spoon that you’d been drizzling icing with now pooling and entirely covering one with it instead. “Oh, shit!”
Picking up the scone, you held it over the icing bowl to shake and scrape off as much as you could, taking a few deep breaths.
“Anyway, this is our last bag of bread flour, and we’ve only got half a bag of whole wheat. We need to order some more?”
“Yeah, yeah.” You kept a laser focus on the scones as you went back to drizzling, refusing to look up at Jeno or his stupid big, stupid strong werewolf muscles. “Uhm, two bags of bread flour, one whole wheat. And how are we looking on all-purpose?”
“Still got three bags.”
“Order a bag of that just in case.”
“Heard, chef!” You could see him salute you in your peripheral vision before disappearing back in the storeroom.
After finishing his back of the house opening tasks, Jeno went to start to open the front of the bakery. You, very thankfully, didn’t do much in the front of the house. People in general were alright, but you’d much rather deal with dough and batter, and hear secondhand from Jeno how much everyone supposedly enjoyed what you baked and how delicious they apparently thought it was. You still had a job, so you figured that the customers liked your food just fine, at least. Sometimes you’d be called in as a very last resort to cover a front house worker’s shift, but usually the only times you ever emerged from the kitchens was to drop new batches off in the cases, then you’d disappear again.
Jeno popped in and out to take the food out to the display cases as it got closer and closer to opening, then dropped off an empty tray without picking up a new one.
“T-minus ten minutes until opening,” he informed you with a bright smile, disappearing back through the swinging door to the front for the last time this morning.
You knew it was 7 a.m. when you heard the quaint coffee shop playlist Jeno always put on start to filter in from the front. There wasn’t always a customer right at opening, so you usually relied on the music to reorient yourself in time. Chatter from the front would rise and fall as waves of customers came in and left, but you just kept working on your batches and washing up between them. Now with the bulk of your baking done for the morning, you had a lot of cleaning to do.
Minseok’s arrival let you know that it was 8 a.m., you were already 4 hours into your shift. Your boss came in through the employee entrance as you were dipping some now cooled half-moon cookies in chocolate.
“Morning, Minseok!” You greeted him with a grin.
“You know, Y/N,” he stopped in the middle of the kitchens to turn to you. “I will never doubt my decision to hire you. You know why?”
“Uh... why?”
“Who else could I possible give the 4 a.m. opening shift to and they would still give me such a nice greeting every single time?” He chuckled. “You should’ve seen Jeno’s face the first time I told him what time I open the bakery at.”
“Oh, yeah, he doesn’t seem to be a morning person.”
“You kidding me? Kid asks for the morning shift now,” he snorted, shuffling over to inspect the cookies you were dipping. “Jeno used to be about ready to rip my throat out with his teeth whenever I had him open with me.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
“Really,” he confirmed. “Though that was the early days of the bakery, you know, when he was just my hormonal teenage summer hire because I was doing his dad a favor and needed someone to work the register while I baked.”
“Now it’s almost like you two are a real business or something.”
Minseok laughed, his sharp canines glinting in the fluorescents. “Almost. Anyway, I’ll be in the office. Holler if you need me.”
You knew it was 11 a.m. when another coworker arrived. It usually cycled between a few different front house workers, and today it was Donghyuck, a dryad friend of Jeno’s who was a newer hire. You waved at him as best you could with two soapy hands, cleaning while a new batch of bread dough bulk proofed. A second front house worker usually came in a little before the lunch rush to help out, make sure whoever opened could take their break, and take over when their shift finished.
A little while later, Jeno came into the back, stretching and groaning. He took his apron off, hanging it on a hook against the wall by Minseok’s office door.
“That time already?” You asked knowingly.
“Yep. Lunch?” Jeno grabbed his keys from his pocket, spinning them around on his finger.
“Wish I could, but these loaves are going to finish proofing in like half an hour,” you sighed wistfully.
“I’ll go bring something back for us.”
“Oh, Jeno, you should go enjoy your lunch break away from work,” you tried to insist.
He made a face. “All by myself? How would I enjoy that? No, I’d rather hang out with you. Now, what do you want?”
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Sat on two stools in the small, usually unused breakroom attached to the kitchen with Jeno, you bit into your sandwich gleefully.
“How do you not get tired of bread after working here?” He asked, peeling up one of the slices of his own sandwich.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I just like it. Isn’t that kind of part of the job requirements?”
“Mm... good point.”
You were halfway through your sandwich when you realized that Jeno had barely taken a bite of his. The most he’d done was pick a little bit at the fillings, but he really had just been chatting with you. Normally he would have already devoured his, and been pretending not to be eyeing yours.
“Jeno? Aren’t you going to eat?” You asked, gently pushing the food towards him by the wrapper.
He wrinkled his nose in disgust. “I don’t... want to...”
You set your lunch down. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I feel fine,” he nodded. “I’m just not very hungry.”
Concerned, you stood up and headed towards the door that led back into the kitchen. “Wait here.”
You went over to the cooling racks, searching for a specific tray of cookies. You pulled off a peanut butter cookie and walked back over to the werewolf, holding it out towards him. He sat up a little straighter, but it wasn’t the usual ecstatic reaction he had to his favorite kind of cookie.
“Here,” you pushed it in his hand. “You can have it.”
To your relief, he didn’t hesitate to eat half of it in one bite. His eyes crinkled into familiar little crescents as he happily munched on the cookie, quickly polishing off the other half.
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Minseok approaching your station from the front typically let you know that was mid afternoon, about time for your shift to end as well. His schedule was variable, it depended on what kind of administrative duties needed to be done, and whether or not he needed to help out in the front or back at all that day.
The sphinx stopped across the counter from you as you put away clean utensils that you didn’t need anymore. “Hey, it’s too slow today. I already sent Donghyuck home and I’m having Jeno close the front. Go home once you’re done cleaning up.”
He was walking towards the back door when you suddenly thought of something. “Oh, Minseok!”
“Yeah?” Your boss stopped, his hand almost on the handle.
“I actually wanted to ask if I could stay after my shift and test a new recipe?”
“Sure. What kind?”
“New flavor of brownie?”
“Hm. If all goes well, it can be a limited flavor. Keep Jeno to taste test.”
You grinned, already planning on doing that yourself. After all, this recipe really was for him. “Will do, thank you!”
“Call if you need anything. Bye, Y/N.”
“Bye, Minseok!” You sent him off for the day with an enthusiastic wave.
Jeno came into the back just a few minutes later, tossing a washcloth into the laundry basket. “You need any help back here?”
“Yes, actually.” You couldn’t hide your beaming smile.
“Oh no,” he groaned. “What is that smile? We’re getting off early and you’re happy about giving me more work?”
“You can go if you want...” you sighed teasingly. “If you really don’t want to help me taste test the peanut butter brownies I’m about to make.”
He gasped, face immediately lighting up, “You’re making what?”
“Yep, the test kitchen is open this afternoon. But, since you want to leave work early, I guess I won’t have my trusty taste tester this time.” You let out another comically deep sigh, shutting away mixing bowls into cabinets. “And to think... all that peanut butter just going to waste... I guess I could give some to Sungchan. I know he says it’s not a werewolf thing to like peanut butter but—”
“Y/N!” Jeno cut in with a whine, grabbing your arm. “I’m staying! I’m your taste tester!”
You couldn’t help but giggle, turning to your friend and patting his cheek, “I know, Jeno. Now come on, help me put this stuff away and we can get started.”
Despite having worked at a bakery for a few years, Jeno didn’t know much about baking. He knew what the different kinds of baked goods that the store offered were, but he didn’t do any of the cooking. Mostly his role in your little test kitchens was to just taste test. And when your arm got tired of mixing sometimes, you’d pass the batter and spoon off to him. Sure, you had electric mixers for that kind of stuff, but for small batches like this, you preferred to just do the mixing by hand.
This time, you were making brownies swirled with peanut butter and with mini peanut butter cups in them. It was something Jeno had been begging for nearly as long as you’d been working at Half Moon. It had been sort of always in the back of your mind to get around to eventually, but Jeno’s disturbing lack of appetite today had finally spurred you into action.
As you folded the mini peanut butter cups into the brownie batter, you saw a hand snake under your arm towards the batter.
“Hey,” you gently pushed Jeno’s hand away from the mixing bowl. “That’s unsanitary, Jeno.”
“We’re not serving it to customers!”
You shook your head, pouring the batter into the square pan. Turning back to Jeno, you handed him the big mixing spoon, still coated in batter.
As he happily went to work licking the batter off the spoon, you put the finishing peanut butter swirls and mini peanut butter cups on top, popped the pan into the preheated oven, then set the timer.
“Alright, now we wait,” you declared, grabbing your hand towel off your shoulder and wiping a stray dollop of batter off the back of your hand.
“And by wait, you mean…”
You latched onto his forearm, the hand of which was holding a now batter-free mixing spoon, and hauled him over to the sink, which was filled with the dirty dishes from preparing the brownie batter. “I mean active waiting, of course. Come on, Jeno, do you want to wash or dry? I’ll let you pick, I’m feeling extra nice today.”
He sighed, nudging you over towards the other side of the sink, “I’ll wash today.”
Your eyebrows shot up as he turned on the faucet and picked up the sponge, squirting a small amount of dish soap on it. Normally if either of you were given your pick, you’d take drying, hands down. No chance of touching gross wet food, no soapy smelling hands, and no pruned fingertips. Drying was clearly the superior task.
But you were never one to look a gift horse in the mouth—or a gift werewolf, you supposed—so you grabbed a clean dish towel.
By the time you two were done with the dishes, the brownies were only about halfway done. So you did Jeno’s preferred method of waiting: passive waiting. Grabbing two chairs from the dining area, you sat down right in front of the oven, the interior light on, and watched them bake.
“And you’re sure liking peanut butter isn’t a werewolf thing?” You double-checked.
“I’m sure.” He confirmed with a chuckle.
“Okay, because you like really like it. Don’t get me wrong, Jeno, it’s endearing. But it’s practically supernatural how much you like it.”
“Well, it kind of is.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know that werewolves have heightened senses, right? Compared to most other creatures. Other than vampires, I guess…”
“Well, yeah.”
“Sight, hearing, smell, taste…”
“Touch?” You asked curiously. That one was always left out of whatever werewolf lore you’d hear about.
“Oh, sure. I like really fuzzy blankets.”
You couldn’t help but smile fondly at the image of Jeno bundled up in a bunch of fuzzy throw blankets.
Jeno continued on with his justification of his love for peanut butter. “So, when I find something that I like the taste of, I really like it. At least, compared to a human, you know.”
“Because you taste it a lot more strongly than humans do.”
“Yeah!” He beamed at you.
“Got it. That makes sense. And you just happen to like peanut butter, like some humans will like peanut butter-flavored stuff more than others.”
“That’s part of why I like working here so much, too. Everything you make smells so good.”
“Aw, thanks, Jeno. I like working here too. You’re one of the easiest coworkers I think I’ve ever had. Aside from the incessant begging for peanut-butter flavored menu items.” You lightly flicked his ear, your tone teasing.
“I’m sorry!” He rushed to apologize.
“I’m kidding. Like I said, it’s endearing.” You waved off his apology. There were a few beats of silence, the two of you continuing to stare at the brownies. Something he said had stuck in your brain, though. “You said that was only part of why you like working here. What’s the other part?”
“Uhm…” Jeno’s eyes widened, flicking between you and the brownies nervously. “You know, Mr. Minseok is a really great boss! He’s super easy about asking for time off, and making the schedule around our classes and finals and stuff!”
“Yeah, Minseok’s great…” You agreed, eyeing your friend suspiciously. He was absolutely lying. Not about your boss being a good boss, Minseok really was great, but that definitely wasn’t what he meant when he said that just then.
But then the oven timer went off, and you decided not to press the matter any further. If Jeno wanted to be weird, that was his prerogative, you weren’t going to demand that he tell you something that he was clearly uncomfortable about.
Grabbing the dish with your oven mitts, you now transitioned into your least favorite part of doing test recipes with Jeno…
“Is it ready?”
“No, Jeno, it needs to cool down.”
And just a minute later:
“Is it ready?”
“No, Jeno, still too hot.”
Two minutes later:
“Are you sure I can’t have just one bite?”
“It’s still steaming.”
Another minute later:
“Jeno, I know you think I’m doing this because I’m a big meanie, but I promise it’s because I care about you and don’t want you to singe off all your tastebuds.”
And finally, once he'd given up:
“They’re ready?!”
“Yes,” you confirmed, grabbing a knife and triangle server.
Serving Jeno up a corner piece, his favorite, onto a half-moon plate, you then dropped your own piece onto a full moon plate. After tapping your brownies together in a little cheers, you two took your first bites.
The brownie was still warm from the oven, fudgy, and gooey thanks to the swirls of peanut butter in there. You got a couple mini peanut butter cups in that bite that melted over your tongue. Altogether, you had to hand it to Jeno, this was a fantastic idea. It was missing a little something, though. Quickly grabbing a shaker from the counter, you dropped a couple flakes of coarse sea salt on top of just your brownie, then took another bite. Oh yeah, that was perfect.
Jeno had already polished off his brownie, and you could see him trying not to be obvious as he eyed the pan of seven others.
“That was really good, Y/N!” He praised you, eyes turning up into delightful crescents. “Like, I think the best thing you’ve ever made!”
“You say that with everything I make,” you pointed out, taking another bite.
“But this one’s seriously the best!”
“Because there’s peanut butter in it?”
“You can have another one, by the way.”
The sentence was barely out of your mouth before he had dished up another brownie. It didn’t even make it to his plate, instead going straight from pan to his mouth. You chuckled. Why did you even bother with dishes with him, honestly?
But really, it warmed your heart to see somebody enjoying your baking so honestly, so thoroughly, and unabashedly. You’d take a hundred customers like Jeno over any pompous pastry chef any day. And you were glad to see that his appetite was back.
He’d finished his second, and you guessed was about to go for his third when you stopped him.
“Jeno, hold on.” You grabbed his upper arm, looking around for a napkin or paper towel.
“What?” He asked, eyes on your hand that was on his arm, curious.
“You’ve got chocolate like, all over your face, dude.”
You’d finally secured a napkin, and stretched back to dampen it in the persistent drip from the sink faucet. Scooting your stool closer to Jeno, you leaned forward to get a better angle at your task. The werewolf jerked away, but you just clicked your tongue in your mouth and grabbed his chin to gently pull him back towards you.
“C’mere, Jeno. It’s just a little water,” you teased him, wiping away the brownie, chocolate, and peanut butter that were on his cheeks. “Don’t tell me the big bad wolf is scared of the equivalent of a baby wipe?”
“‘M not,” he mumbled as you dragged the wet napkin over the corner of his mouth.
You got a smear that was on the tip of his nose next, “How’d you get it up here anyway?”
He made a ‘I don’t know’ noise in the back of his throat, but stayed perfectly still as you moved back to scrutinize your work. Jeno’s face and ears were definitely much pinker, and he was looking straight up at the ceiling.
“Oh, missed a spot,” you sighed, bringing the napkin up one more time to the curve of his bottom lip. “There, Jeno, all good to go.”
It was then that your heart seemed to have caught up with the rest of the team, as you froze where you were. Jeno’s eyes were locked on yours, his warm breath hitting your face as he took shallow, quick breaths. Your blood roared in your ears. You were so close to him, your hand was still holding his chin, if you just—
Before you could actualize that thought, Jeno let out a yelp, tucking his chin to his chest and curling in on himself in pain.
“Jeno?” You stood up, panic overtaking you as he let out something closer to a grunt this time. “Jeno, are you okay?”
He keeled forward into you, and you easily caught him. Easing him off the stool and onto the ground with you, you sat down, cradling him to your chest as he still wasn’t responding.
“Jeno, what’s wrong?” You asked, carding a hand through his dark hair soothingly.
“It hurts, Y/N,” he whimpered.
Your heart broke at how distressed he sounded. “What hurts, Jeno?”
“Everything!” The werewolf wailed.
“Oh my god, okay. Shh, shh,” you tried to calm him back down, still stroking his head. Pressing the back of your hand to his forehead, you swore he felt warmer than normal. Werewolves naturally had higher body temperatures than humans, but he felt hot. “How bad? Do you need to go to the doctor? Should I call someone? What do you need from me, Jeno?”
“Don’t go!”
“I didn’t say I was going anywhere. But you need somebody else.”
“No I don’t—”
“Jeno—” Your sentence stopped in its tracks as your hand that had been running through his hair suddenly bumped into something. Turning your eyes back down from the ceiling to the werewolf in your arms, your eyes widened comically when you saw two fuzzy white ears emerging from the mop of dark hair atop his head. Trailing further down, you saw a fluffy white tail, too.
“I don’t need anybody else,” Jeno insisted.
“Jeno.” You stated quietly, desperately trying to maintain your composure. “I need you to listen to me. I’m not going to leave you. I’m not going anywhere. But we need to call somebody else to look at you.”
“You have ears and a tail.”
Jeno huffed. “I’m a werewolf, remember?”
“Are they always white and fluffy?”
He narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “No...”
“I’m going to call Renjun.” You decided, shifting so you could ease your phone out of your back pocket.
“Y/N!” Jeno buried his head in your lap.
“I’m not going anywhere, Jeno,” you reassured him, resting your free hand on his back. “I was just grabbing my phone.”
Dialing up the contact, you prayed that your friend wouldn’t be deep in a study session. Renjun had an annoying habit of being a good student and turning his ringer off when he studied. Finally, after way too many rings for your liking, he picked up.
“Hello?” Renjun picked up tersely. It sounded like there were other voices in the background.
“Hey, Renjun!” You put as much pep into your tone as you could muster. “Sorry, are you busy?”
“I’m at Chenle and Jisung’s, but we’re just watching movies.” He referenced two of their other friends, a fairy and dragon, respectively. You really just knew them from when they'd come into the bakery to (lovingly) pester Jeno. “What’s going on? I thought you and Jeno were working.”
“That’s why I’m calling.” While you felt bad interrupting their hangout, you had something a little more pressing. “I think Jeno’s sick.”
Your friend’s eye roll was practically audible over the phone. “Just because I’m a Magical Creature Studies major doesn’t mean I’m a werewolf doctor, Y/N. I study them in a sociocultural context—”
“He’s grown ears and a tail, Renjun. Not wolf ones.”
“I’m coming over right now.” And he hung up.
Jeno was still letting out little groans and whimpers every few minutes when you heard a knock at the rear employee entrance.
“It’s open!” You yelled out. It felt like you wouldn’t be very successful if you tried to get up right now.
Renjun threw open the door, eyes scanning the kitchen for a moment before they finally found you. The two of you were in the same position as before: you propped up against the cabinets, Jeno curled up nearly fetal, head in your lap as he clutched at whatever hurt. His stomach, his chest, his head. Everything.
He rushed over, face turning pained when he saw the state that Jeno was in. Squatting down beside the two of you, the human looked over your friend, but was careful not to touch him.
“He says that everything hurts, and I swear he’s running a fever.” You reported to Renjun. “In addition to, well, the obvious.”
Jeno’s feet scrambled for purchase against the concrete floor as he tried to curl up into an even tighter ball, holding his stomach.
“I know, Jeno, I know,” you murmured, stroking his back. “I’m sorry, I’m trying to help you get better. Just hold on.”
Renjun leaned towards his head, squinting at where the ears were growing out of his hair.
“You know... I’m surprised the other two didn’t come with you.” You commented, just to say something, to fill the silence.
Fae were naturally mischievous folk, there was no way Chenle would miss an opportunity to see Jeno with literal dog ears and a tail. And usually, wherever Chenle was, Jisung wasn’t far behind. From your understanding, dragons tended to be solitary creatures; however, according to Jeno, Jisung had taken a liking to the fairy some time ago and vice versa, and the two were inseparable ever since.
“I told them Jeno was throwing up. Didn’t mention the ears and tail.” The human scooted to inspect the tail next. “Now, I’m guessing he didn’t show up to his shift like this.”
“No, he was fine. We were testing a new recipe and then it just happened out of nowhere.”
Renjun sighed. “I think he’s just pupsick.” 
“Pupsick. Usually only little werewolves get it, hence the name. It’d be kind of like if you or I got chickenpox. Like, we can get it, but usually only kids do. Pupsickness isn’t contagious to humans, by the way, so don’t worry about that.”
“Then how’d he get it?”
“Pups usually get it from each other, outbreaks will sort of crop up in daycares and classrooms. But the fact that Jeno’s got it… I don’t know for sure. Werewolf immune systems are practically superhuman once they’re adults, even to their own diseases. This one’s past my expertise. I’d call Sungchan, see if he knows anything.”
“Alright, I will. Thanks, Renjun.”
Renjun stood back up, then looked around the bakery. The half-eaten brownies were still on the countertop, not to mention you had your close-up checklist to do. “You should get him home, Y/N. Here, give me your keys, I’ll clean up here and lock up. I’ll put them under your mat when I’m done.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’d much rather be on bakery clean up duty than pupsick Jeno duty,” he nodded towards the werewolf. “Trust me, I don’t envy you.”
You gave him a half-hearted smile, then looked down at Jeno. He’d been quiet all throughout your conversation with Renjun, and you prodded him gently. “Jeno?”
“Yeah?” He mumbled.
“Can you stand up? I’m going to take you home.”
He let out a whine again, but this time higher pitched, sounding more like a petulant child than like he was actually in pain. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Come on, you’ll be so much more comfy at home in bed with all those fuzzy blankets, right?”
“Fine.” He dragged out the vowels, but scooted off of you to let you stand up.
“Alright, come on, Jeno,” you helped him get to his feet. “Now you’re going to have to walk there mostly of your own power. You’re a bit too solid for me to carry on my own.”
You patted his firm chest for emphasis. “If the stairs are going to be too much, let me know and I’ll make a couple calls. I think Sungchan and Jisung combined could probably get you up there. Maybe get Shotaro for good measure. I know sirens aren’t super strong like werewolves and dragons but—”
“No, I can do it,” he mumbled, looping an arm around your shoulders. “Don’t need… don’t need them.”
After untying both yours and Jeno’s aprons and handing them to Renjun, you took your bakery keys off your keyring to give those over as well, then wrapped one arm around Jeno’s waist and started guiding him over to the back door.
“Y/N,” Renjun caught your attention before you could push it open. “Don’t worry too much. It’s like a bad cold. He’ll just be really pitiful for a few days.”
“Right,” you nodded, mustering up a small smile. You were sure you looked frazzled still. “Thanks again, Renjun. We owe you one.”
“Free muffin and we’ll call it even.” He waved goodbye to you two. “Feel better, Jeno!”
It was thankfully a very short walk to Jeno’s apartment, he lived just around the corner. Once you got him inside, normally you would’ve been able to pass him off to his dryad roommate. But Jaemin was studying abroad for a month, as evidenced by the very droopy-looking plants around the living room.
“Here, let’s get you to bed, Jeno,” you murmured. “Which one’s yours?”
He pointed. “Left.”
Jeno’s room was surprisingly tidy. Though you weren’t sure if you were expecting it to be messy because he was a college boy, a werewolf, or based off his distaste of cleaning up at work. But regardless, you pulled back his covers and ushered him into bed.
“I’ll get you some ice water, you still feel really warm.” You told him, pressing your hand back to his forehead. “Do you want something to eat?”
“No. Don’t want you to go…” He grabbed your hand with both of his as you went to take it off his forehead, nuzzling his cheek against it this time instead.
Okay, his brain was definitely melting in there.
“I’ll be right back here, Jeno. You definitely need some water.” You shook him off as gently as possible. “I’m just going to your kitchen.”
Now free, you rushed to his kitchen, throwing open cabinets until you found one with cups, grabbing the first one your eyes landed on. You scooped ice in, then filled it up from the tap. Initially, you had planned on calling Sungchan while you did this, but you didn’t think Jeno would be that patient.
You speed-walked back down the hallway to his bedroom, finding the werewolf exactly where you left him, curled up in bed, staring at the doorway. You offered him as bright of a smile as you could, “Hey, Jeno! I’m back! Here’s your water.”
He lit up, moving to get up in bed, and you surged forward in concern.
“Woah, hey, are you good to do that, dude?” You asked, hands flitting over him nervously.
“‘M fine, Y/N, I’m fine. Just…” He yawned, covering his mouth. One of his ears twitched. “Really tired.”
“Well, drink this water first, please.” You lifted the glass to his mouth. His refusal of food was still worrying you, though. Werewolves had much higher metabolisms than humans, and the appetites to match. “Are you sure you don’t want something else? You ate hardly anything on break. Other than those brownies, the only thing you’ve had today was whatever you had at breakfast. It’s almost two…”
After gulping down half the glass, Jeno wiped his mouth and shook his head. “I’m not hungry.”
You sighed, patting his cheek and pressing the glass back to his lips. “Okay… Just let me know if you change your mind. I’ll make something or order something. Whatever you want.”
He took a couple more sips before pushing your hand away. “You’re- You’re not going to leave?”
His voice was hopeful, eyes round and pleading—literal puppy dog eyes—as he asked that. You shook your head.
“No, Jeno, I’m going to stay right here with you. I want to stay with you.” You set the cup on his nightstand, gently nudging him forward and further in to make room for you to scoot onto the bed behind him.
Jeno immediately flopped around onto his front, wrapping his arms around your middle and burying his nose into your stomach. You giggled, squirming around for a moment.
“Ah! Jeno, that tickled.”
He mumbled something that sounded like an apology into your lap, squeezing his eyes shut. Your hands dropped to his head, careful to avoid the two white ears there as you ran your fingers through his hair again.
Soon, his breathing evened out, and you stilled your hand. He was asleep.
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It was dark when you woke up. You didn’t remember falling asleep in the first place, the last thing you remembered was scrolling on your phone and thinking to yourself how good a nap looked and sounded right now. Jeno was still wrapped around you, peacefully asleep, and you were slumped in the multitude of pillows at the head of the bed. There was a little crick in your lower back, and you had the urge to stand up and crack it. Your stomach growled, and good god you needed to pee.
You tried to sit back up all the way, but Jeno was remarkably heavy in his passed-out state, and you barely moved an inch. Flopping back down, you instead tried shaking him awake.
“Jeno. Jeno, hey,” you said softly. Your lips twitched in amusement when you saw one of his white dog ears perk up towards the sound of your voice. The rest of him didn’t move, though. You shook him with a little more gusto. “Jeno... come on.”
The other ear was at attention now, and you could feel a grumble start in his chest. You switched to lightly squeezing his human ears, sides, and whatever parts of his arms you could reach.
“Jeno! Up! Wake up!” You pleaded with each gentle pinch, finally feeling victorious when he recoiled after you got his nose.
He jerked an arm back to cover his face in his elbow as he sneezed three times in a row.
“Bless you!” You snickered, quickly pulling yourself into a cross-legged sitting position now that you had an opportunity.
“Ack! Y/N, what was that for?” Jeno complained, voice thick with sleep, sitting up as well.
“I needed you to move so I can go use the bathroom,” you snorted, scooting towards the edge of the bed.
Before your feet could touch the floor, a pair of arms had wrapped around your shoulders, and a nose was nuzzling into your neck. “Y/N...”
“Jeno...” You mimicked his tone in an attempt to cover up how the sudden contact had made your back stiffen. You almost tilted your head to the side on instinct to give him more space, but kept your spine pin-straight.
You half-heartedly tried to push at him. “Dude, seriously, I need to pee. And aren’t you hungry?”
“Not hungry.”
“For real?” You frowned, contorting awkwardly to look at his face as you tested for his temperature again. “You’re still burning up. Do you have a thermometer around here? What’s a werewolf’s temperature even supposed to be?”
“We don’t have a thermometer. ‘M fine.”
“I’ll believe that when you’re back to eating six meals a day, Lee Jeno.” You scoffed. “Now I am going to the bathroom, then I’m coming right back. Okay?”
“No!” He clung onto you tighter, and you swore you saw his eyes getting moist as his lower lip trembled.
“Jeno, I’ll be right back, okay? I pinky promise.” You held one of your pinky fingers out to him. He begrudgingly linked one of his with it before letting go of you.
“Thank you.”
You slipped down the hall quickly. After relieving your screaming bladder and washing your hands, you pulled out your phone, seeing that you had a couple texts. They were both from Renjun from several hours ago.
[renjun: locked up the bakery, keys under your mat. how’s jeno doing?]
Then, a couple hours later.
[renjun: hey, just double checking that you found your keys and that jeno got home okay.]
[you: sorry for not replying, he’s been a bit of a handful. i haven’t made it home yet to grab my keys, still at jeno’s. thanks for locking up and dropping my keys off tho!]
You briefly thought of calling Sungchan, but you were worried about Jeno. Poking your head out of the bathroom and back down the hall, you listened for any signs of life. You could hear him tossing and turning restlessly in bed. So he at least hadn’t fallen back asleep.
Your stomach growled again, taking center stage now that the more pressing need had been dealt with.
“Hey, Jeno,” you said loudly as you entered the room, already pulling up a food delivery app on your phone.
Jeno sat up at attention, and with the sheets falling away from him, you could see the fluffy white tail behind him wagging vigorously as he gave you possibly the brightest smile he’d had since this whole thing started. “Y/N!”
“Jeno!” You repeated his name with a bewildered chuckle. “Am I covered in peanut butter or something? What’s got you in such a good mood all of a sudden?”
“Can I not just be happy to see you?” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. His tail kept wagging, though.
“No, you can. I was just curious.” You leaned against the doorway, scrolling through the restaurant options. “I think I’m going to order delivery. Which means you’ll have to let me go get it when it gets here. Do you think you can do that?”
He yawned and stretched. “No promises.”
“Alright.” You turned your phone off. “Let me go raid your pantry really quick. You do have food, right?”
“Yeah...” Jeno laid back down, his sudden burst of excitement seeming to be wearing off expeditiously.
Giving him a thumbs up, you took off down the hall again. Jaemin and Jeno’s pantry was fairly human-friendly. Jaemin left three weeks ago, so there weren’t many of his organic trail mixes and granola bars left. And of course, plenty of Jeno’s werewolf protein bars—to supplement when he just couldn’t get enough protein for what his diet naturally called for. But mostly there were snacks that you’d find in your own human apartment, which you were grateful for; you’ve had some unfortunate moments with friends of yours whose appetites didn’t line up as closely with humans. You still shuddered at the thought of the plate stacked with slimy kelp that you’d been offered by Sungchan’s siren roommate, Shotaro. Sungchan and you ordered pizza that night.
Grabbing a few things for yourself, a couple water bottles, you then headed back towards his room. You’d also snagged one of Jeno’s protein bars, maybe you could convince him to get something close to a meal in him.
“I’m back, I’m back,” you announced as you hurried in, dropping the snacks on the nightstand.
Jeno rolled over just enough for you to sit back in your same place against the headboard. As soon as you were settled in, he scooched to put his head in your lap.
“How are you feeling? Still hurting?” You asked, cracking open the first bottle, then the other.
“Yeah…” He rubbed at his eyes.
“Tired?” You stroked his bangs away from his face.
“What about your temperature? Still got that fever?” You leaned down to press your lips to his forehead before you realized what you were doing.
You froze halfway back up, eyes locked on Jeno’s. Letting his bangs fall through your fingers and back down onto his face, you forced out a chuckle.
“Sorry, uh, my mom always did that to check my temperature when I was sick as a little kid. Just, kind of happened,” you stammered out as you kept fixing his hair to cover his forehead back up. “Do- Do you feel hot, Jeno? Or cold? Like any sort of chills or hot flashes or anything?”
His whole face was pink, and you couldn’t remember if it was already like that from the fever or not. The werewolf blinked up at you a couple more times before answering your question.
“I’m cold.” He pulled one of the fuzzy blankets up to his chin then as if for emphasis.
“Okay. Alright, well if you’re tired, hurting, and cold, I think you should get back to sleep.” You smiled down at him, patting his chest over the blanket. “Can you just drink a little more water for me?”
After getting a couple sips in him, Jeno rolled over and was out like a light. Oh that looked nice. You would probably take care of your hungry stomach and then join him in dreamland, honestly. Today had been… a lot.
The thought of spending the night in Jeno’s bed made your stomach twist and turn, and you briefly considered creeping out to the couch. But if something happened to Jeno with this pupsickness and you weren’t there, you’d hate yourself forever. No, you needed to stay right by his side, as much for yourself as for him. And so, you grabbed some trail mix and prepared to settle in for a long night.
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You were still munching on some of Jaemin’s trail mix when suddenly, your phone rang. You panicked, scrambling to grab it so that it didn’t wake Jeno up. The werewolf in your lap didn’t even stir as the loud ringer kept going, though.
Keeping an eye on him, you answered the call in a whisper, “Hello?”
“Y/N? Sorry, is this a bad time? I had a question about the lecture from yesterday.” It was Sungchan on the other end, your only other werewolf friend, and project partner in your Magical Botany I class.
“Hey, Sungchan. Uh, it’s sort of a bad time but also the perfect time.” You kept your voice low and quiet, holding the phone close to your mouth.
“Oh. And what does that mean?”
“You go first.”
“Can you send me the notes?”
“That’s all you needed to ask me?” You snorted. “The notes from yesterday?”
“Can you send me all of the notes? From the whole semester?” His voice was pleading, sounding like he was braced for ridicule.
“Are you kidding me?”
“The last full moon was rough, okay?”
“Used your Bot I notebook as a chew toy, huh?”
“Will you send me them?” He groaned.
“Yeah, yeah, it might be a little while though.”
“That’s fine! You said this was a bad time, right? Sort of?”
“Right.” You gently dabbed at Jeno’s sweaty forehead. “So I have a werewolf question…”
Sungchan paused, sighed, then said, “Because you’re you, and I know are therefore not about to ask me anything weird, I will entertain this. Go ahead.”
“Do you know why an adult werewolf might get pupsick?”
“Is Jeno okay?”
Sungchan didn’t know Jeno as well as you did— the two werewolves had met a couple times in passing, when your classmate would buy something from the bakery, or the two of you would bump into Jeno while studying at the library. But Sungchan mostly knew of him from you. You happily talked about your job, your sphinx boss, and werewolf coworker to your friends, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise that he was able to guess what this was about.
“Immediately blew my cover, huh?”
“It seemed like an awfully specific question.”
“Yes, Jeno’s pupsick. At least, according to Renjun.” You tested his temperature again, with your hand this time, on his cheek. He was still burning up, feeling very much like a heated, weighted blanket. “He’s exhausted, he’s moody, he doesn’t want to eat, he’s got a fever I think—”
“Wait, are you with him now?”
“Yeah, his roommate’s studying abroad for a month and I felt bad leaving him alone.”
“Those are his only symptoms? Sounds like he’s just got a cold.” Sungchan scoffed. “Why would Renjun say it’s pupsickness? Just because he’s a werewolf? Honestly—”
“Oh and he’s got ears and a tail.”
The other end of the call was silent for far too long. “Channie?”
“Ah. Yeah. He’s pupsick.” He confirmed.
“So… do you know why he’s got it? Renjun said that adult werewolves usually don’t get pupsick.”
“They don’t. Although I’m not surprised Jeno is.” 
“What? Why? Is he okay? Does he have like… a werewolf autoimmune disease or something? Do you guys have those?” 
“Jeno’s immune system is fine, Y/N,” your friend reassured you.
You relaxed again. “Oh, good.”
“It’s a combination of things that determines whether a werewolf gets pupsick or not. Yes, it’s our immune system, but one of the biggest symptoms of pupsickness is what you’re looking at: the partial shift.”
“The ears and tail.”
“Yeah. Pups can’t control their shifting yet because they’re more volatile emotionally and magically.” Sungchan walked you through it. “And like any other kids, they’re germ factories. So they get pupsick a lot more than adults do.”
“Then why’d Jeno get it? It’s not like he’s an education major or anything, he hasn’t been around any pups.”
“Adults usually get it when there’s something in their life that’s made them emotionally and magically volatile again.”
“Volatile?” You echoed, looking down at the peacefully napping wolf. He really just looked like an oversized puppy.
“You said he’s moody?”
“Mhm. Kind of… down? I don’t know, he’s not as bubbly as he normally is, you know? I could barely get him to let me get up to use the bathroom earlier, he looked like he was about to cry. And then when I came back, you’d think I brought him a jar of peanut butter or something he was so happy.”
“That’s what I mean, not like he’s going to snap and break a vase or something. And his shifting is obviously not in control either.”
“Well he’s going to get better, right?” You asked hopefully. “Renjun said it should just be a few days.”
“It is for pups.” 
Your stomach dropped. “That sounds like there’s going to be a but coming…”
“But for adults, they got sick because something in their life was out of balance.” Sungchan reiterated.
“So he’s going to be like this unless we get his life back in balance? I’ve got to what, sign him up for werewolf yoga or something?”
“Or wait until the next full moon. A full shift should do the trick to reset him.”
“Oh. When’s that?”
“Three weeks.”
“Three weeks?!” You couldn’t help the loud panic in your voice. One of Jeno’s ears flicked, and you held your breath as he shifted slightly, but ultimately stayed asleep.
Sungchan was still talking, “And there’s no promise that he won’t just catch it again if he’s still at unrest.”
“God, who knew you werewolves were so sensitive? You’re like orchids, you need a very specific soil pH or you’re going to die!” You hissed into the phone.
“We’re a very hardy species, actually. You know, if the Black Plague were to come back, humans would—”
“Yeah, I’m sure humans would all die out, and werewolves would inherit the Earth or whatever Revelations says.” You cut him off, all too used to his lectures on the differences between humans and werewolves. With a sigh, you determined that you’d gotten all the useful information you could from him. “Well, thanks, Sungchan.”
“Of course, Y/N.”
“Why did you say that you’re not surprised that Jeno’s pupsick then? Do you know what’s making him sick?”
“Y/N…” Your friend sighed. “You are so smart, and yet…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’ve only met Jeno a couple times, but the guy so clearly has a huge crush on you. A better name for what’s wrong with him would be that he’s lovesick, honestly.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes were glued to Jeno’s peacefully sleeping features. “S-Seriously?”
While you’d had a creeping suspicion—you weren’t that stupid, no matter what Sungchan was implying—you were also a little worried that it was all in your head.
“Every time I see you two together, he’s all heart eyes for you, Y/N. I don’t know how you’re missing it.” Sungchan chuckled.
“Must be your superior werewolf eyesight,” you replied sarcastically.
“Must be.” He repeated humorously.
“So like… what should I do?”
“He’s your wolf, Y/N. Do what you will.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You sputtered out, jolting up in your seat.
Sungchan’s cackling laughter came through your speakers as you felt Jeno shift and stir in your lap. He lifted his head up slightly as he mumbled out a very sleepy, “Y/N?”
“Oh my god, you woke Jeno up!” You snapped at the other werewolf at the phone. “I’ve got to go!”
“I woke him up? Oh really—”
You cut Sungchan’s incredulous words off by hanging up, then tossing your phone aside on the bed. Jeno had settled back down a little bit, and you scratched between his ears.
“Go back to sleep, Jeno,” you murmured quietly. “Back to sleep… Sweet dreams, baby.”
As he relaxed again, you started humming a familiar tune, a lullaby that your mom used to sing to you when you would wake her up in the middle of the night because you weren’t feeling well. You didn’t let up even after Jeno’s breathing had evened out again, keeping it going as you slowly shifted around until you were no longer sitting up, laying down now. Jeno’s head still laying on your midsection, a comforting pressure. The rest of him was under all his fuzzy blankets, and you made sure he was securely under them all, gave him one last head pat, then let your eyes flutter shut, drifting off still humming that lullaby to yourself.
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It was bright out when you woke up. You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut and trying to roll over to bury your face into your pillow. Except there was a weight attached to your back, and a low whine right next to your ear. Your eyes flew open, and you quickly remembered that you were not in your own bed.
Which meant that— Yep, that was Jeno koala-hugging you from behind. He had a pout on his face even his sleep, which turned into a peaceful smile as soon as you’d given up on moving, relaxing back into him.
His two white dog ears were splayed out to the sides, and while they were very cute, they also worried you. Your conversation with Sungchan yesterday came back to mind. God, what the hell were you supposed to do about that?
“Hey, Jeno? You awake?” You asked softly, quiet enough that if he weren’t, he hopefully wouldn’t wake up.
“Mm… mhm,” he nodded his head against your back. “Yeah… ‘m up.”
You turned over onto your back in Jeno’s arms, then feeling for his temperature on what part of his forehead that you could get to. “How are you feeling?”
“Still sleepy…” He muttered, the words muffled against your collarbone from where he had readjusted to nestle his face into the crook of your neck.
“Sorry if I woke you up,” you hummed, stroking his head. “You can go back to sleep.”
“Who were… who were you talking to?”
“When— Oh, last night. Sungchan. I was trying to figure out how to make you better.”
He made a noncommittal noise of acknowledgement, and for a brief moment you thought he might’ve fallen asleep again, until he looked up at you with the most heart-stopping, big, round eyes.
“Uhm, he said that when you shift on the full moon, that’ll probably kind of reset everything.”
“But the next full moon’s in…” he let out a yawn, punctuated by a sniffle. “Three weeks. I don’t know if I can take feeling like this for another three weeks.”
You rubbed a hand up and down his back soothingly, “I know, Jeno, I’m sorry. He did say something else.”
The werewolf’s animal ears perked up. “Something else?”
“Well, he was telling me about why adult werewolves get pupsick when its usually only pups who get it.”
“But I haven’t done anything to throw off my spiritual balance,” he whined. “I think… I mean, I haven’t pissed off any witches that I can think of, my shift on the last full moon went great, and everyone in my pack back home is okay.”
“Well, Sungchan said that it could be something personal, too. Not exactly related to werewolf stuff. Any kind of serious rift in your life, you know.” You tried to paraphrase your friend’s explanation as best you could without the heavy implications that he had. “Can you think of anything like that?”
“No...” he dragged out the vowel. “Just—”
Jeno suddenly stopped in the middle of his sentence, going still in your arms.
“Just? Just what?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Clearly it’s not nothing,” you said pointedly, giving one of his dog ears a gentle tap. He fidgeted a little, but didn’t move away from your touch.
He shook his head. “No.”
“It’s going to ruin everything.” Jeno just sounded utterly defeated now, refusing to look up at you. “I’m going to ruin everything again.”
You were ashamed to say that you were gobsmacked in that moment. You took a deep breath, desperately trying to throw together any kind of acceptable response.
“What are you talking about, Jeno?” You needed more information.
“I always break stuff, and I get too excited, and I don’t stop, and I’m too much and that’s not even on the full moon!” Jeno rambled. “I always have to replace my stuff because I tear it or break it or chew it or crush it and I don’t even realize and—”
“Jeno, Jeno, Jeno, woah, woah,” you shushed him firmly but kindly, hearing in his voice that he was getting himself too worked up. “It’s not like you’re Godzilla out here leveling cities or anything, okay? You’re not ruining anything, and you’re not too much or whatever stupid stuff you’ve been told before. Don’t be offended, but I honestly can’t imagine you as some big bad wolf blowing houses down and eating little piggies.”
The dog ears on his head perked up, and he sniffled again. “Really?”
“Really,” you confirmed, scratching behind one of the animal ears. Under the sheets, you could see that the dog tail had started wagging back and forth. “I mean, you’ve been curled up in my arms like an overgrown puppy for over twelve hours now.”
You had expected him to have some kind of objection to you calling him an overgrown puppy, but instead he just seemed to melt even more into your hold, his eyes fluttering shut as a lopsided, content smile took over his features. Seeing him so relaxed almost made you rethink your want to press the issue.
“Was that it? Do you think that’s what was wrong to make you pupsick?”
Jeno let out a heaving sigh, and his eyes opened again as the smile fell from his face. “No. But fixing my pupsickness is just going to ruin something else. Something really important.”
“You can’t stay like this forever, Jeno.”
“What? You don’t like the ears?” He joked with a dry chuckle.
“They’re cute, but not so much if they’re a symptom of you being so sick.” You habitually checked for his temperature on his forehead again (hot, as expected), then wrapped both your arms around his shoulders tightly. “Now, humans don’t exactly have pupsickness, but when we get really stressed out in work or school, it puts too much stress on our bodies and our immune systems, and we get sick more easily too. It makes us take a break and take care of ourselves. Whatever’s wrong, it’s not sustainable for you and clearly your body knows that too.”
“Yeah… I know.”
“So? What is it? Can I help?”
The werewolf shifted in your hold, and you loosened your arms to let him sit up from you completely. You followed his lead curiously, the two of you now sitting cross-legged on his bed facing each other, knee to knee. He brushed some of his hair out of his eyes, other pieces sticking up in random directions around the two fluffy white dog ears. Now that the covers had fallen off both your bodies, the tail rested beside him, no longer wagging happily as he gave you a forlorn look.
“Y/N… please remember that in order to cure the pupsickness, I just need to get this off my chest, okay? My health is not dependent on your response at all, it’s all about my internal state being stagnant for too long. So… don’t feel obligated to respond any one way for my sake.”
Your heart picked up speed in your chest, and there was no doubt that he could hear it. But still, you put on an encouraging smile for him. “Okay. Go ahead, Jeno.”
He kept his gaze down on his hands, seemingly messing with a seam on one of his blankets. And after one more deep inhale, he finally admitted, “I really like you, Y/N. Not coworkers, not friends. And I’m really sorry that I just—”
“You didn’t ruin anything.”
“Do you think I really would’ve done all this for like… just anybody?” You confessed weakly. “I like you too.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, Jeno, I do.” You couldn’t help but laugh at his constant disbelief in what you were saying. “Why do you just think I’m constantly lying to you? Like— Oof!”
Your sentence was cut short because in that moment, you were caught in a tackle-hug and nearly smothered under the weight of a very excited werewolf. Laughter poured out of you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, squeezing your eyes shut as you just let the happiness in your chest get bigger and bigger with each passing second.
“You really are just a big puppy, huh?” You teased, reaching up to scratch behind the dog ears on his head. Except, they weren’t where you were expecting them. You couldn’t find them by feeling around in his hair, and opened your eyes to look for them. The only thing on his head was his mop of dark hair, fluffed up by your fingers, but otherwise, entirely typical. Peering around his shoulders, you couldn’t spot a tail either.
“Jeno!” You gently pushed on his chest to encourage him to get off of you for a moment.
“The ears and tail are gone! You’re not partially shifted anymore!” You pushed a little harder, and he seemed to finally get the idea, rolling over and flopping onto his back instead. You shot up to a kneeling position beside him, looking down at him excitedly. “How are you feeling?”
He seemed to think about this for a moment, and you couldn’t help but put the back of your hand to his forehead once more, relief washing over you when it was just a little warm compared to your skin, but pretty much the usual difference between humans and werewolves this time.
“Feels like your fever’s broken,” you announced giddily.
“I still feel a little yucky, like I’m getting over a cold,” he informed you, grabbing your hand that had been feeling for his temperature and resting your linked hands over his middle.
“Aw, poor pup,” you cooed, squeezing his hand, and not missing the way his cheeks flushed, but he didn’t reject the nickname entirely. “Well, we do have today off anyway. I can stay, if you want?”
“On one condition.”
You leaned over to grab something off the nightstand, the werewolf protein bar you had snagged for him yesterday. It hadn’t been touched at all the night before, and you now held it out to him.
“You eat.”
He nodded. “I think I can make that work.”
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Jeno was still feeling off by the end of the day, so you called Minseok and explained most of the situation to him—that Jeno was getting over pupsickness and you were helping take care of him. Your boss was understanding, and easily gave you two the next day off as well, sending the werewolf well wishes to get better soon.
Slowly but surely, Jeno’s appetite was coming back, but your mind wouldn’t truly be at ease until he was back to eating six meals a day, no matter how many times he reassured you that he felt fine.
Jeno wasn’t sleeping as much, but now he’d finally taken one of his rare naps on the couch—he’d fallen asleep trying to show you one of his favorite movies, which you’d paused as soon as you’d realized he was asleep, so that you could finish it together later. You were snugly in his arms, head resting on his chest and now contemplating attempting a nap of your own.
Then the front door opened. You would have sat up to look at who it was, if your position allowed for that at all, and if you didn’t know well enough already who that definitely was.
“Jeno?” A voice carried through the apartment from the front door easily. “Thanks for picking me up from the airport, asshole! I had to get a ride from His Highness, so now I owe him one! Which, by the way, you’re so going to help me repay when he comes to collect—Oh!”
The dryad had finally made it to the living room and stopped in his tracks as soon as he spotted the two of you. He was in a hoodie and sweatpants, a duffel bag over his shoulder and towing a suitcase behind him. Clearly fresh off the plane back from his month of study abroad.
You and Jaemin just stared at each other for a moment. Jeno hadn’t stirred.
“Uh, hey,” you greeted him awkwardly, cringing internally at the crack in your voice. “I’m uh… I…”
“Y/N, right?” Jaemin grinned down at you. While you had seen each other in passing when he'd come into the bakery on occasion, and of course knew of each other through the still slumbering werewolf with you, you'd never really been properly introduced.
“Yeah, I’m Y/N,” you smiled back at him, not-so-subtly smacking at Jeno’s arms to try to wake him up. “It’s nice to meet you, Jaemin.”
“It’s so good to finally meet you, Y/N.” Jaemin gushed. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good. Uhm, how was your trip?”
“It was great! Saw lots of sights. Still seeing some more now that I’m home, too.”
The werewolf under you had finally come to at that point, and groggily looked between you and Jaemin, eyes snapping open with alarm when he realized what was going on. “Jaemin! What the hell?”
“Could ask you the same thing, Jeno.” The dryad threw a hand over his chest. “I was abandoned at the airport and had to call Chenle for help—a fairy! And then I finally make it home, thinking the whole time that surely you must be injured; in the hospital; dead! to have gone back on your promise. Only to come home and find you napping with the Y/N. I mean, I was only gone for a month, what the hell happened?”
Jeno single-handedly chucked a pillow at Jaemin’s head, which the dryad easily dodged.
“I was sick, you little shit,” the werewolf groaned, rubbing his eyes with one hand, and keeping his other arm firmly wrapped around you. “I got pupsick like two days ago, I’m still recovering. I’m sorry about forgetting about your flight.”
“And what did I tell you before I left?” Jaemin put his hands on his hips, staring his roommate down pointedly. “I hate to say I told you so but—”
“No you don’t.”
“—but I told you that you were going to get yourself pupsick if you didn’t do something about Y/N.”
“You’re lucky I don’t have another pillow to throw,” Jeno covered his face with his hand.
“And you just brushed me off like everyone else does.” Jaemin threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. “Dryads aren’t just a bunch of hippies, you know. Nature and your connection to it is very important, it’s nothing to mess around with. I hope you know better now, Lee Jeno.”
A low grumble started in his chest at the scolding he was getting from his friend, and you bit down on your lip to stifle your giggles at the scene that had been unfolding around you.
“Yeah, Jaemin, I know that you’re always right and I don’t know anything ever and should always listen to you. Happy?” Jeno retorted sarcastically.
“Quite.” Jaemin smiled back with the same amount of sass, but you could feel that the tension was dissolving in the air. He grabbed his bags again. “You're also helping me repay the favor I now owe His Highness, by the way."
Jeno groaned again, but didn't argue.
"Anyway, I’m jetlagged and exhausted. I’ll leave you two alone. Lovely seeing you as always, Y/N. So sorry you had to deal with a pupsick Jeno for this idiot to finally confess to you. Goodnight!”
“Hey!” Jeno cried out indignantly.
“Goodnight, Jaemin,” you replied humorously, taking a look at the clock. It was only 11:00 a.m.
And with that, it was just you and Jeno again.
“Ugh, sorry about him.” The werewolf readjusted his hold on you, pecking your forehead.
“Don’t worry,” you chuckled. “I had a pretty good idea of what he’s like.”
“I know, but he didn’t have to make a scene like that.”
“I think he was entitled. You left him for dead at the airport, after all.”
“Oh my god.”
“He had to get a ride from Chenle.”
Jeno scrunched his nose, presumably remembering that he and Jaemin now jointly owe the fairy a favor. “Yeah, I probably should’ve at least arranged for one of the other guys to pick him up.”
“Mhm…” You picked up the remote again. “So, ready to finish the movie, pup?”
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sequel :・゚✧。・:・*
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⤷ blog masterlist  ⤷ anthology masterlist
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nazrigar · 6 months
Weretober 2023 - Part 2: Lives of the Werebeasts of Urvara
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And now, to cap off Weretober 2023, the final batch exploring the lives of Werefolk in my setting of Beast Fables. From assassins to soldiers to ronin to nasty diseases, there are many sides to being a werebeast in Urvara!
A famous Were-Tarantula Hawk assassin readies for combat against a berserker were-shrew.
A were-sea lion stumbles upon a rare find: a black pearl! Surely this will give her clan honor! Unbenkowest to her however, she is being watched by a couple of merfolk. The Mer-tiger shark wants to "deal" with her, to keep their society a secret, but the Mer-octopus urges caution instead.
For most people, a person's animal form is either from one parent or the other. In much rare cases however, one could get an animal form that's a hybrid of their parents's beast form! Walter Raja Surrey here is a Liger, and has all of the hybrid's advantages, without the myriad of health problems associated with them!
A member of the last group of Were-Diprotodons shows an archeology student and an art history student an example of a hunting boomerang, otherwise known as a karli. Alongside being both a great example of art and a useful tool, it's big enough to double as a club.
A werefox succumbs to that most feared of diseases among were-mammal kind, rabies. Certain were-folk, like werebirds can fight off the disease, while others like were-crocodilians seem to be immune to almost anything.
A were-rhinoceros beetle gets treated for cordyceps. While not the lethal, muscle and nervous system hijacker of their wild counterparts, it still hurts, and requires immediate attention, lest it begins to interfere with the magics governing transformation as well as tissue damage.
A traveling group of were-elephantines, including a mammoth. While giants to a regular person, they themselves are dwarfed by the creator of the roads they travel upon, called the Titan Roads. These roads were built by Were-sauropods.
A turbulent priest preaches the cause for justice, and the betterment of society as a whole. A priest of the Ten Faced God, he dons the silver and black to denote his devotion to the face of Justice.
A were-raccoon dog ronin thought his speed and agility would win the day against the lumbering were-eremotherium, who himself is in service of a large empire known as Tartessos (basically Not!Spain). The risk the ronin took was calculated, but BOY was he BAD at math!
And finally, the classic Werewolf. A Durroyan werewolf charges with a bayonet, steely determination in his eyes and faith that discipline will win the battle through. A Gevaudanois werewolf counter charges with tooth, claw and sabre in hand, confident that courage and ferocity will win the day.
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squad-724 · 7 months
Crosshair gets put in an air jail for scratching Tech’s pilot seat
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TBB hybrid AU: Clone Force 99 are hybrids; Zyggerian Crosshair & Lasat Wrecker
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alabyte · 7 months
Yeah well
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Maybe I am brainrotting just a bit.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Bad batch & tooka hybrid reader?
I had the funny idea of the bois cuddling there s/o and then there s/o randomly starts purring
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I actually finished reading Neon Junkie's(NSFW) 'In the heat of the Moment' series, and that whole time I imagined reader be a cat/tookagirl-like race(hey its starwars; Anything is possible), so you sent this at the perfect time. Whether you want to be a lil'tooka or your own race is up to you readers, I kept it open <3
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✦ Hunter ✦
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Hunter has interacted with Lothcats before, so he was vaguely familiar with purring and other cat-like behaviors before you.
It doesn't mean that he really knows why you do the things you do however, but he just figures each one is it's own little quirk.
He internally overjoyed to have another person on board the ship that has better than human hearing he can relate to; Though it's quite a bit cuter when you hear a far away sound and you perk up than when he does.
It's not the only thing he finds cute, however.
At one point during one of their many stints in hyperspace Hunter decides to go take a rest, and walks to the back of the ship when the bunk racks are. When he looks he ends up finding you nuzzled up on his bunk, content as can be as you sleep and audibly purring even over the dull hum of the Marauder's engines.
He ends up just sleeping in the co-pilot's seat, because he feels too much like a monster at the idea of moving you. He could absolutely slip right in there beside you and you wouldn't care, but he only realizes that once it's too late. Missed a perfectly romantic moment, that.
All snuggled up as can be, the only thing better is if you'd done so on his lap. You had once, and he still thinks about it sometimes like it was some sort of ultimate honor.
Over time you end up realizing that he wants you to do that (shuffling closer and making sure his lap is perfectly flat and open), and you'll gladly take the cuddle time with just him, so you end up just getting cozy while he futzes with the navicomputer.
Next time Crosshair makes a joke he's gonna throw something at him, since he can't get up to punch him without moving
✦ Tech ✦
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I hope you like being an experiment. Joking. Maybe.
In all seriousness Tech finds species that differ from humans fascinating; Particularly ones that share similar traits but at some point split away from humanity, like the Chiss.
In fact the first time you met you were bombarded with questions, though he pretty quickly leveled off with time.
He just can't help being a curious man, especially when you have so many interesting little quirks that he keeps noticing the closer he becomes with you.
Like when your ears twitch when there's a loud or interesting noise, or when you purr and get sleepy when he cranks the Marauder's climate controls to the max.
(He almost boiled everyone on board alive at one point just so you'd be happy and snug with your head on his lap taking a rest after a rough mission, enjoying the heat while everyone else was sweating buckets.)
It's research(he thinks it's adorable) he brushes it off as, while allowing you to bend the co-pilot's seat from you sitting in it sideways.
It's also a time Tech gets much more lovey dovey than you'd expect, both having a rare rest on his bunk and he gives you sweet kiss to the forehead.
✦ Wrecker ✦
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Wrecker is absolutely a fan of the snuggles. It's pretty quickly that you realize Wrecker is the absolute best heat source, and if you need some, all you need to do is cuddle on up near or on him.
Even before you ended up romantic you always stood near him when you were cold, though now you just flop all over him now instead.
The first time you had done it and he heard the purring Wrecker doesn't really quite know what it is, and assumes you snore weird. It's after Tech informs him what purring is that Wrecker loses it.
You have a noise just for being happy? Besides laughing?
It's now sort of a secret goal of his when you're beside each other to get you to purr.
Which is not that hard at all, just just needs to recline back enough that you have space to get on his lap or lay on his chest, and it's game over. Especially if he kisses your cheek, then absolutely. So much love in this cockpit tonight.
Hunter hates it though, because it prevents Wrecker from wanting to do anything. He doesn't want to move you! Or himself.
Especially if you fall asleep, then it is game over. He refuses to wake you up. (He almost punched Crosshair one time when he quietly walked up beside Wrecker then clapped loud enough to startle you awake)
Wrecker is king of the snuggles, all in all. You win the jackpot with this man.
✦ Crosshair ✦
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Crosshair is an ass, at first. Who's surprised.
You remember not fondly when he snuck up on you and scared you, causing every hair on your body to stand on end.
He found it hilarious of course, but you notably did not.
He pretty quickly stops however, as once he starts getting attached, he doesn't like seeing you hate him.
But for the first long while however you really couldn't get anywhere near him with him recoiling, given Crosshair's standoffish attitude. As time passes however, he'll eventually let you close. But it's a slooowww process. And even then, he really doesn't want to do anything snugglin' or hugglin' when anyone is in sight. He says it's because he's embarrassed, but reality is you're cute and he doesn't want anyone else to see.
At one point he was working on cleaning his gun after a particularly messy mission, having to take apart multiple pieces to clear out the mud and other gunk.
You noticed him doing so and decided to join him, and he seemed mellow enough.
Since he was a sedentary target, you came over and sat down, tucking yourself in close to his side while he continued working.
He pretends not to notice and react to you doing so, while interning he's melting down.
You're just casually watching him, while you're hands grasp the seam of one of his armor plates to keep him close.
He ends up slowing down his progress to a complete crawl, just so he can enjoy the feeling if you cuddling on him for as long as possible without having to admit it.
✦ Echo ✦
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He'll never tell you; But Echo loves the soft little bit of fur by the base of your ear.
it's just so soft...
After a particularly stressful mission, Echo was a little rattled, and in an attempt to give him some sort of company, you laid your head down on his lap, and Echo gently pet that part for what felt like hours.
He's not too much of a talker, at least anymore, so he enjoys that you just cuddle and relax with him and help him mellow out.
It's like your contentment is contagious, as whenever you stay close to him and relax and purr, it isn't long before he 's content too.
It's one of the things he loves about you, and secretly wants you to always do.
Echo is secretly someone who loves and gets greedy for affection, he just often thinks he isn't exactly deserving of it.
If you snuggle up on him he'll usually say that it isn't worth it because of how much colder he feels compared to the others, especially with his metal limbs.
However you usually still end up snuggling with him and purring anyways, and Echo will secretly be the most content man in the galaxy for a bit.
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yestrday · 3 months
Hybrid AU ask: WHAT'S NEUVI'S BACKGROUND?? How did mc meet him, is he like a legendary dragon like Zhongles? what do others think of him (we all know Zhongli hates himbdjsksksj but Venti? Ayato? ) THANK YOU, literally discovered this AU 2 and a half hours ago and am slowly reading and committing everything to memory, I'm in love. <3
hoohoo... 🤭 you might have to wait until the next batch to read about his background. but yes!!! he and zhongli hate each other!!! half out of former bad blood and half out of territorial dragon instinct. they have to work together though because they're the self-appointed managerial team (alongside ayato and aether acts as a somewhat assistant)!!!
neuvi and ayato are in a territorial dispute too over the lake but it's just passive aggressiveness mostly on ayato's side because the shark knows he can't win against a ✨️🐉mythical dragon🐉✨️ hybrid
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phantasm-echo · 4 months
dmw(s) AU QnA :)
Q: Any other major clone appearances? Where's Rex in this au?
A: After order 66 Rex is Not Vibing At All, he almost killed his little sister and watched his men suffer the chip's control unable to do anything to help them. But Rex is Rex and he needs something to fight for and gets invested in the rebellion, and just like canon he meets up with the bad batch again for occasional missions.
After the destruction of Kamino, Tech, who was in a pod with Omega when they tried to float to the surface, and who also recognised the weird sea monster hybrid as Echo is like "hey maybe I should tell the guy, who to my knowledge is the only living friend this poor fish guy has, that his younger sibling is in fact alive"
It takes a while for Rex to get the message, but by the time he has a ship flying into orbit and landing on that one platform next to what looks like an imperial fighter, Fives and Echo have had time to bond and Echo is semi-cognitive again
Cue sad tearful reunion
I like to think that after Echo can walk and think again they free more clones from the empire including Cody, and maybe along the way stumble on Kix on ice
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Vadasso "Vada" Genoa
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I made this post about Phee having a wife, and here she is! I really ended up commiting to the gay wine aunt bit. She is giving Omega the best life advice.
Below there is some slightly cheesy space sapphics being in love, so, yeah.
She is a Twi'lek Mikkian hybrid, so she's very unique in the galaxy, a one of a kind rarity, a treasure in her own right in a way, Phee definitely thinks she is. The treasure hunt where she met Vadasso is her favorite by far.
They are very in love💞.
Vadasso always has some weapons on her, she's like those characters who you have to shake all the weapons out of, but she still has more. She's a pirate and is used to betrayal and backstabbing, comes with the job, so lots of weapons.
She really likes clever concealed weapons, like her arm guards(made in a Mandalorian style) which can shot blaster bolts, has a flame thrower, and a bunch of other long range stuff but also a lot of hidden blades, they pop out Assassin's Creed style cause why not.
She's definitely the one who has all the weapons and back ups for things going wrong. She's very flexible and adaptable good for treasure hunts with Phee, and she is usually the one who getd her and Phee out of trouble when shit hits the fan. Sometimes she'll literally just carry Phee out of trouble.
She's very strong, crafty and clever.
She is really good with animals and children, and she likes to handle dangerous animals, she's a bit chaotic and enjoys cause a bit of chaos every now and then. Around the bad batch this takes the form of her messing with them for shiggles.
She likes Omega and how easy she is to impress, so she gets Omega in on her shenanigans pretty easily.
She loves Phee a lot and usually lets her tell her stories her way but will interupt to clarify who did what and how many times she has to save Phee's ass.
She's the big spoon and likes to cuddle Phee a lot.
She's not possessive of Phee though, and they have an open relationship, Vadasso is a lesbian and Phee is bi so they do sometimes find other partners but they still love each other.
Both are open to a poly relationship, so if Phee wants to fuck some certain guys, Vadasso will give a thumbs up and go fuck some lady if they want privacy.
She saw Omega once and decided to make herself her aunt and give her life advice she couldn't get from her brothers, it's usually be gay do crime, but also help for the things her brothers can't help her with.
Does she sometimes make the batch(mostly Hunter) want to pull their hair out cause she took their kid I'm a treasure hunt without asking? Yes. But she also gives Omega experiences of being an actual child that the batch can't because they don't know how to do that.
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