daily-hanamura · 1 year
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Thermodynamic Potentials
Specific state functions that depend on so-called natural variables (such as temperature, entropy, pressure, etc.) are known as thermodynamic potentials. The set of relevant natural variables is unique for each potential, though all rely on the number of particles and potential energy. These potentials can be thought of as similar to potential energy, which is the capacity to do work:
Internal energy is the capacity to do work as well as release heat, with variables including entropy and volume
Helmholtz free energy relates to mechanical and non-mechanical work, with variables including temperature and volume
Gibbs free energy is specific to non-mechanical work, with variables including temperature and pressure
And enthalpy is the capacity to do non-mechanical work and release heat, with variables including entropy and pressure
A fifth potential is also considered common, though less well known: the grand potential.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - Statistical Physics) (Wikipedia) (University of Frankfurt) (Hyperphysics) (LibreTexts)
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2012 TMNT Mental Disorders Headcannon bc my boys clearly have them and deserve some therapy:
-has intermittent explosive disorder(IED), a mental health condition marked by frequent impulsive anger outbursts or aggression. The episodes are out of proportion to the situation that triggered them and cause significant distress
People with intermittent explosive disorder have a low tolerance for frustration and adversity. Outside of the anger outbursts, they have normal, appropriate behavior. The episodes could be temper tantrums, verbal arguments or physical fights or aggression.
-has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
-has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, a condition where a person regularly experiences daydreams that are intense and highly distracting, so distracting, in fact, that the person may stop engaging with the task or people in front of them. These daydreams may be triggered by real-life events
or stimuli, such as a noise, smell, conversation topic, or movie.
Maladaptive dreamers may dissociate from reality to absorb themselves completely in their daydream and may unknowingly act out the behavior or speak dialogue for the characters in their daydream.
-has PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from his battle with Shredder that resulted in his coma, his brothers getting hurt under his lead.
-has autism, People with autism often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention.
-possible Panic Disorder, an overreaction of fear and anxiety to daily life stressors. The reaction causes a hyperphysical response, followed by intense worry that another attack will happen soon. This can upset the ability to function normally. It is a common disorder and can often lead to depression.
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satanasaves · 1 year
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Bosc de Vesey, in his "Small Synthetic Encyclopedia of the Occult Sciences," which is not very well organized and far from complete, writes that the ancient secret nomenclature divided magic into four sections:
1. Natural magic, capable of performing certain miracles by means of a deeper knowledge of Nature. It was defined by Father Kircher as the Knowledge of the Sympathy and Antipathy of Things. It was the magic of Hermes Trismegistus and Zoroaster; it was the High Kabbalah.
2. Mathematical magic, consisting in the knowledge of the laws of mechanics. This was the knowledge of Albert the Great, Boethius, etc.
3. Poison Magic, so named by Agrippa because it deals with love potions, mysterious mixtures, metamorphoses, etc. This was the magic of Medea and Circea.
4. Ceremonial magic, the most powerful and the most terrible, whether it was black magic or magic that provided communication with spirits
On the other hand Pierre Piobb in his "Vault of High Magic" says: "Magic, according to Charles du Prélle, is nothing but an unknown Natural Science. Formerly the three great sciences astrology, alchemy and magic proper were confused in expressing the same thing. Today they are thoroughly separated: astrology deals with cosmic bodies and their movements. It is the science of worlds. Alchemy deals with the essence and development of the world. It is hyperchemistry. Magic contains its own domain, which is a manifestation of the fourth state. It begins where physics ends. It is hyperphysics. But even from the point of view of magic, P. Piobb distinguishes between superstition on the one hand, quackery, which Levi calls "the sign which outlasts thought, the dead corpse of religious rites," and which is but a distorted rite, a caricature of higher science. On the other hand the latter is worthy of respect and study and survives in the use of the three states, magnetic, stellar and intrinsic, in its four forms:
(1) Man acting by himself or
(2) By the laws of the external world.
(3) An area acting according to the laws of the star or
(4) of external factors.
The first two forms constitute microcosmic magic. The last two constitute macrocosmic magic. Each form operates in two ways, individual and ceremonial. Individual is performed without the aid of external rituals. The ceremonial one is performed with the aid of external ritual. That is, it is what is used by religions. Ceremonial magic, says F. Barlet, is the action by which man endeavors by means of the forces of nature to make the invisible power act according to his requirements. Hence magic figures, special condensers are conditions of time and place. It resembles industrial science, where human power is nothing compared to steam, electricity, explosives, etc., but where it becomes immense by being able to utilize these forces.
As for individual magic, it is also very effective when it manages to use two forces that are clear even to the layman: Love and the Word, whose power is a hundred times stronger for the initiated.
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struggling-intuit · 1 year
nakamoto yuta
an 18+ headcanon || of his feelings toward the dom label
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wayv || nectar
wc || 0.6k
warnings || NUH-UH MISS MINOR; gn!reader, mentions of dom/sub dynamics + tears, feral behavior, a touch of manhandling (a lot of manhandling), ear-licking, dubcon/noncon but it felt like cnc in my head, yuta is coming for you be very afraid
I actually don’t view Yuta as interested in the dominant label often applied to him in fandom spaces, and I say that as someone quite partial to that dynamic and the safety such a relationship provides. There may be no better way to practice difficult kinks consensually than under the protection of safe words, hard limits, and (when necessary) contracts. 
But does Yuta feel the same? 
Probably not, at least not without some convincing. 
I think what many a fanfic writer picks up on lies more in his hyperphysical, teasing/taunting, unapologetically feral tendencies as they emerge in his dynamic with the rest of NCT. But being Dom is so much more than showing one’s affection intensely or having a Plutonic gaze. It’s about embracing Dom-hood and everything that comes with it. The designation should mean something to you. It should feel personal, you should like it and want it.
To me – and this is headcanon so take it with a massive grain of salt – Yuta does not give off the energy of someone proud to be called Dom. He’d view it as useless, a waste of his time.
Sex with him isn’t a game, planned out with rules and penalties so the players can gain pleasure from knowing what game they play. Sex with him is total annihilation… of you. He wants to ravish you, and damn any petty little labels that get in his way.
Dom-hood would be an obstacle in his desire to lie in wait for you, a fickle formality that would force him to question his choice to linger and charm while he contemplates you, memorizes you, worships the fantasy found just between his lashes. Licks his lips to savor the essence he has not yet plundered.
You see, it’s the fact that he hasn’t earned it that makes you so intoxicating. The fact that he has to earn it every time, wonder if this is the day that you successfully defend yourself against his advances. And he can't just order you to submit.
These thoughts of you fill him up because he wants to fill you. And you may not outright resist him, but your innocent hesitancy, juxtaposed against the palpable wholeheartedness of your smile and that delightful laugh, fills him.
He wants to eat you.
My mind paints a picture of him wrapping his arms around you so you can’t run, his hot breath graphic against your ear as he presses your frame tight into his. You’re dizzy, out of breath. You’ve been running ever since you caught sight of those bared teeth.
Your struggle is like child’s play to him, but all that thrashing, squirming, jerking feels good beneath him so he holds you just a bit looser than he should. While you desperately writhe against the sheets (or the front door, or the kitchen table), his manicure is sinking into the excess flesh of your hips. He’s almost ready for you.
But Yuta is nice so he’ll take his time comforting you. He sucks at your neck, shoulder, back, wherever he needs to pull those tiny, stuttering moans out of you again. And the way your entire body flushes as the rim of your ear is violated by his tongue… There is no limit to his love of tasting you; for you, it comes unconditional.
He loves that he can feel the heat dripping off you, can almost feel the saturated embrace of your walls. He can’t wait, but he needs to. You have to want him – really want him, to the point of tears – when he takes you.
And that’s the thing about Yuta. He wants you to want him, but it’s nothing if he feels he didn’t earn it. Despite his aversion to beating around the bush, his bedroom is the scene for the ultimate chase.
It doesn’t feel like he wants to control you or tame you. He wants wild and free, and if that ends up with you on top, goddamnit, he wants that too. 
He really wants that.
click here for main masterlist
and here for nct masterlist
won't you come challenge me down in the comments? send an ask? it's up to you
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erhangwang · 11 months
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DP2 - Project 01 - Market Stall in the Intoxicating Garden
Week 5 - Interim Review:
This week I started by compiling the useful information that guided my design of the market stall into the site plan and the research pages (which should've been done much earlier). I spent some time finalising this iteration of the design but mainly focused on producing technical drawings, details and time-based axonometric drawing to communicate the idea clearly to the audience.
The important thing at this stage is to reflect on the advice given in the review and make decisions on what I need to explore more and that has the potential to be brought to project 02.
I also decided to change the purpose of the market stall. I gave up on the idea of serving food but focused on ways to intensify and exaggerate the flow of nature, producing a hyperphysical space for people to be submerged in. While there is lots of experiment on the wind deflectors that's been done over the past few weeks, I think I should investigate more into how tubes can produce harmonic sound and design the tube systems in more detail. I should also enhance the design of the garden as food is not served.
Crucially, I need to produce structure calculations and environmental simulations for the next step. I think calculating and designing a lateral stability system can be very effective as wind is an important factor in my design.
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ankhmeanswombman · 2 years
When I finally realised that most people desperately NEED the constructs within the current system to stay intact as beings, I developed a whole lot more compassion. I simply accepted the fact that they won't be here long and I stopped engaging with them. Let them have their slice of cake and go. They don't need to be burdened with higher thought during these times of great, awe-inspiring change and cosmological shifts. It's ok to let them nag and whine about unimportant shit like public restrooms or what marriage is supposed to mean. That's their reality, the only one they can exist in. They can't even fathom what lies beyond the hyperphysicality they are obsessed with. Just remember these are the people who think fasting and celibacy are "wrong". They are 100% on their way out because their minds cannot handle complexity and nuance. 1D beings in a 5D world will always feel out of place. Have mercy on them if anything, they are overwhelmed during these times. Let them have their shutdowns and meltdowns. Focus on your hobbies and self mastery and you'll do just fine, but do not engage with these people, for the love of God. If a situation arises, learn to de-escalate it, but do not prompt these people to rant or engage with their social media posts. I've had to learn this the hard way myself so putting it out there for those who still need to see it.
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nem0c · 2 years
I’ve focused on the aspects of Lensman with potential (the silly hyperphysicality, the weird sexual undertones, the creative psychic powers, wow cool powersuit, Doc Smith looking at other pulp writers and saying ‘hm what if I actually planned my worldbuilding in advance’ and thereby setting an important standard) because the criticisms I would have seem too obvious to make (this is a story about a psychic space cop waging a war of extermination on behalf of an explicitly eugenicist State backed by a wise precursor race) but wow reading Lensman has made me appreciate Foundation more, wooden prose and all. It has made me wonder why print sf fled so rapidly from these tropes even in the 40s while films and videogames continue to use them to the present day.
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00towns · 8 months
2023: media in review
The Secret History by Donna Tartt 
I read the Goldfinch earlier this year and enjoyed it immensely, and The Secret History came to me as the natural next pick by recommendation of P. I tucked into the book in the waning days of the summer, and read it in overflowing fistfuls on the train, bus, and at my desk. 
I expressed once, in a memory of that same but very different summer that I recall very sharply, that it feels like I have not eaten drywall in quite the same way that I have since I was a teenager. We were in the car, heading back to DC from the Northern Neck. I was driving, which always seems to make the things that I say sling a little looser than they might usually. I remember feeling like I was testing the waters – part of eating drywall is always, of course, the tentative, desperate fear that no one else has. 
To me, this is the term that most closely encapsulates the feeling of obsessive fandom behavior that is an almost hyperphysical, overstimulating sensation of fixation on something. I first heard the word from S, who tossed it out in a conversation about our individual yet parallel media consumption viruses almost on a whim, but I remember feeling like I had understood it instantly. There is something so eating drywall about the sensation of eating drywall, perhaps contained in the implication of being locked in a room alone, where all rightful, God-fearing fandom behavior should occur, perhaps in the suggestion of a quiet, personal insanity that isn’t containable by any words except going up to the edges of your enclosure and just starting to chew. 
The point that I mean to make is as follows: I think The Secret History is the closest I have felt to the type of unerring, self-evident obsession that I characterize to being a teenager. In a way, the book doesn’t even particularly deviate from the types of tropes that would have made up one of those quintessential franchises (Richard is decidedly Teen Wolf-y at moments), and yet I feel drawn to it because it is such a strong example of an originator text that made way for all the hedonistic, trope-y delights of its contemporaries, and therefore is able to do so without the limitations of more modern cliche or platitudes. The book is indulgent in references to philosophy and Greek mythology, but a shining moment to me is in Julian, who upon discovering the unsettling circumstances around Bunny’s death, reacts with a perverse interest. The moment feels like a meta-reference to the reader themselves, who is having the same experience of hunger for story and desperation for plot despite it all. That – the macabre of searching for the next thing to eat drywall over – is also something to contend with as I consume, and consume. 
I ended up discussing the book with P and K a few months later, who I had originally broached the eating drywall with. It was interesting hearing their thoughts on the book and revisiting parts that I had remembered, and slowly reflecting together that this book is really, really excellent. It was strange that it took this long to solidify to me the novel as good as it was, and I can’t help but think that this campus novel about a coastal elite friend group is perhaps best enjoyed with two friends who were part of my own experience of a parallel setting, and who made the novel’s wry criticism cut all the more deeply. 
I’ve been up to my ears in Japanese study lately, and in these moments where I struggle through basic interactions I’m additionally grateful for the simple gift of incredibly crafted English prose, and that I have the ability to appreciate it. 
Recommended double feature:
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Interview with the Vampire (2022)
NCT 127 – Fact Check (The 5th Album) 
I know that another Spiderverse movie came out this year, but my deep desire to appear introspective prevents me from putting a Marvel IP on my list of favorite things this year (and a sequel, at that), so I’ll put instead another favorite animated film from this year. 
Entergalactic is Kid Cudi’s visual companion film to his eighth studio album, and was the first work of his that I’ve ever engaged with. I knew nothing about the Entergalactic concept itself except for the hoodie, and didn’t even find out that the film was a visual album until I had finished it and was looking it up. With a runtime of just over an hour and a half, the film not only covers a lot of thematic ground but also highlights the story of the album in a both visually and sonically interesting way. 
Now, quite a few months after watching it, what I remember in most vivid detail is the main character Jabari and his relationship with his original character. Mr. Rager is partly Jabari’s inner voice and partly his own mouthpiece. Originating in the street art space, Jabari’s creative roots personified through this character follow him even as he rides his bicycle through psychedelic music cuts and the comic book-style animated streets of New York City into the ritzy hallways of the expensive apartment he lives in. Through the act of packaging him up into a replicable, handheld, consumer art, Jabari loses touch to the protest and rebellion tradition that made way for Mr. Rager but gains the socioeconomic mobility and upwards trajectory that allows him to meet his love interest in the story and experience creative growth. 
Criticism of Entergalactic has said that the project is a visual album attempting to be a fully fleshed-out animated film, and not much advancement to the characters or story actually takes place. I’ll disagree by saying this: with music as medium, the meandering between the love story, the inquiry into the creative economy, and quotidian New York City is what makes it so successful as an extended exploration of the music video form, making the album and film both more interpretable in conversation with each other. I think this is part of the reason that the film appealed to me so much. I love music videos, and Entergalactic blows up the parameters of a typical one, allowing the story of the album to shine while still showcasing an aesthetic appeal of the music. The additional story embedded by the film elements, along with Kid Cudi’s own involvement through the entire production project, lends a sense that the film is Kid Cudi doing interpretive work on his own art. It’s both a visual and auditory feast, and comes with my high recommendation for coastal elite, POC Spiderverse enjoyers. 
Recommended double feature:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 
After this weekend’s disaster at the Golden Globes, Anthony Christian Ocampo tweeted something along these lines: this is what happens when representational politics in Hollywood do exactly what they’re intended to do. I’ll try to add my own thoughts to his words: it’s the inevitable platforming of some of the worst Asian Americans you’ve ever met. 
I struggle to use these words to describe Beef because of just how against a politics of representation the story of the series is, but they still apply to the media environment that it was raised in and the allegations (and inactions) that followed the series’ release. Asian Americans are allowed to be terrible, bad, awful people on screen; sometimes, the people playing them are too. 
Representation aside, which I must mention annually at least in passing or I’ll die, Beef is really, really good. Ali Wong’s character takes up Koyohaus like the brand itself is its own being, and I find the idea echoing in my head constantly, especially back at home this winter break in Chantilly and Centreville’s new Asian American yuppie cafes, shoppy shops, and restaurants. Perhaps a bit grossly, I was moved by the cultural anxiety of the things lost with generational upwards social mobility and increasingly esoteric taste, a trait which I share with many of my friends but not much of my family. The show’s depiction of the intersection of East Asian American white adjacency and coastal elite consumer arts makes my skin crawl. I love it. 
As we see spring 2024 syllabi for ‘bad Asians’ proliferate on Twitter and laud projects like Beef and Joy Ride (which comes to mind not a representation of bad Asians per se but perhaps a representation of Asians that is bad) for their distortion of representational politics with ‘bad representation’, I wonder how we can think of those whose actual poor behavior and continual platforming have simultaneously undermined and advanced the open-ended possibilities of ‘bad representation’, and if so, if we can consider cultural productions machines like Hollywood as working in any way except as intended. 
Recommended double feature:
It’s not out yet but I’m going to say the Mr. and Mrs. Smith reboot with Donald Glover and Maya Erskine 
The Book of Mormon 
When Ina and I walked out of the Eugene O’Neill Theater, she admitted to having some anxiety about our seats. We had bought them earlier that same day, meaning they were off to the side of the stage and not next to each other but adjacent in different rows. A kind woman instead offered us the empty one next to her, saying her family had caught COVID and weren’t going to be attending. 
‘If we hadn’t moved, I was going to ask you to sit in front of me,’ Ina had said. 
‘I probably would have blocked your view.’ 
‘But I wanted to see your reactions.’
I would leave it to her to know me better than anyone else, because I hadn’t had quite the visceral reaction to anything in a long time as I had to The Book of Mormon. I went into the show blind, if you can consider growing up around a lot of Mormons and surviving several intensely awkward proselytization attempts ‘blind’, and had no clue of exactly what kind of parody was awaiting me. The Book of Mormon had me scream-laughing, bodily reacting, and probably exhibiting some extremely poor Broadway etiquette. At the same time, the show is so technically and logistically intense that I was blown away by the simple act of extremely talented people performing to the absolute best of their ability, taste level aside. I feel the same way about liking The Book of Mormon this much as I do about really intensely loving Dimension 20 and collecting stickers, in that it’s the type of thing that I would consider outside my typical taste, but really is exactly within it if I choose to be honest with myself. It's a few hours that feel so intensely funny and perfected that it’s almost outside of time. 
The next day, I worked from Ina’s dinner table in Brooklyn and we watched the Mean Girls musical on Youtube, followed immediately by our high school’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Jersey, which is exactly what is sounds like and was performed exactly as good as you would think a high school cast of 90% Koreans who have never been to America would. In the recording, you can hear us and our friends scream-laughing in the audience, both at and with one of our best friends as the lead. This is perhaps why I still find myself drawn to musicals: while I might not have been watching the show directly at that moment in Brooklyn, I had been, nearly five years prior in Yeonhui-dong. What I recalled the most was not the players in front of me but that same feeling of being in that body, surrounded by friends, watching what was at the time the funniest musical I had ever seen, embodied, present, and crying with laughter. 
(My runner-up for the play or musical spot was Spirited Away: Live on Stage, which I caught at a Tuesday night limited run screening at the Angelika in Mosaic. In retrospect, my reflections on that show are much more admiration for the technical aspects of the show, which I know close to nothing about, so I chose my friends instead, of whom I am ten-thousand-hours-studied proficient and hold supreme expertise over.) 
Recommended double feature:
Mean Girls (musical)
Something with zombies 
This year has brought immense amounts of change to my life and seemingly everyone around mine as well. The turnover of the year marks the fourth that I’ve been near-obsessively cataloging all the media I read, watch, listen to, or generally consume, and at this point I’d like to think my dataset is big enough that I can say a nice few sentences about how my taste has changed since the waning days of my teens or how I’ve been profoundly affected by how I choose to cultivate my media environment, but the truth is that there’s nothing much to say, no grand conclusions to be drawn, no effectual change. Perhaps the only constant is the person who I was when I was seventeen peeking through, who sometimes feels like the most solidified version of who I am. I wonder if they’d like Hadestown. 
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mithridite · 1 year
for those interested
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granlibroderefes · 1 year
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Thermal Expansion
Most materials expand in volume when heated, a property known as thermal expansion. In the instances where this is not the case it is known as negative thermal expansion (not thermal contraction or anything similar). For solids, this can be calculated for each material using the coefficient of thermal expansion, often represented by the lowercase Greek letter alpha, and can be calculated in linear, area, or volumetric forms depending on the precision one desires (and shape of the object in question). As the shape of liquids and gases depend on the shape of their container, thermal expansion of these phases in a rigid container leads to increased pressure as well. Thermal expansion occurs primarily because an increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules of a substance.
Sources/Further Reading: (Image source - Plumbing Supply) (Wikipedia) (LibreTexts) (Hyperphysics) (Rice University)
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surveycircle · 2 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Generation Z's consumer attitudes towards hyperphysical pop-up stores" https://t.co/JZHbJNjbYe via @SurveyCircle #hyperphysical #PopupRetail #fashion #brand #immersive #multisensory #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/sJXbUtyg85
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 29, 2023
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atlantapiner · 2 years
Field effect transistor
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The Gate voltage at which the current reaches zero is called the "pinch voltage", V P. This value will be part of the data supplied by the manufacturer. The current value I DSS represents the value when the Gate is shorted to ground, the maximum current for the device. The gain is proportional to the slope of the transfer curve. The transfer characteristic for the JTET is useful for visualizing the gain from the device and identifying the region of linearity. Modulating the Gate voltage modulates the current flow through the device. This reduces the current flow for a given value of Source-to-Drain voltage. When the Gate is made more negative, it depletes the majority carriers from a larger depletion zone around the gate. The control element for the JFET comes from depletion of charge carriers from the n-channel. You can see that for a given value of Gate voltage, the current is very nearly constant over a wide range of Source-to-Drain voltages. They have achieved input impedances on the order of 10 15 ohms.Ĭharacteristic curves for the JFET are shown at left. The goal of extremely high input impedance allows an amplifier to sample some signal with minimal "loading" or interference with the signal source.Ĭommon devices using this strategy are called MOSFETs, for metal oxide field effect transistors. The result is a device which has even higher input impedance. The insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET) differs from the JFET by the addition of a silicon dioxide layer over the JFET and then a layer of silicon nitride. HyperPhysics***** Electricity and magnetism Since the Gate junction is reverse biased and because there is no minority carrier contribution to the flow through the device, the input impedance is extremely high. The current flow consists of the majority carriers (electrons for n-type material). Between the Source and the Drain, the n-type material acts as a resistor. Having a high input impedance minimizes the interference with or "loading" of the signal source when a measurement is made.įor an n-channel FET, the device is constructed from a bar of n-type material, with the shaded areas composed of a p-type material as a Gate. With the reverse biased input junction, it has a very high input impedance. Another device achieved transistor action with the input diode junction reversed biased, and this device is called a "field effect transistor" or a "junction field effect transistor", JFET. In application, the junction transistor has the disadvantage of a low input impedance because the base of the transistor is the signal input and the base-emitter diode is forward biased. The common transistor is called a junction transistor, and it was the key device which led to the solid state electronics revolution. Field Effect Transistors Junction Field Effect Transistor
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trustinsights · 2 years
G force calculator
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G force calculator series#
G force calculator free#
At the same time, it’s not uncommon for people to suffer serious soft-tissue injuries and broken bones in even lower-speed collisions than that. The above scenario shows what can happen at only 30 mph. That’s 2.4 tons of force acting on the body! What’s worse is that if the vehicle occupant was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash, they would likely experience 150 g’s, or 12 tons of force. Typical g-forces in a motor-vehicle collision.Īccording to GSU’s HyperPhysics Project, a 160 lb person-wearing a seat belt and traveling at only 30 miles per hour-experiences around 30 g’s of force in a front-end collision with a fixed object. While many lives have been saved as a direct result of these safety features, in reality, they can only do so much. Modern cars are designed to absorb much of the impact via crumple zones and air bags, as well as through crash avoidance/ automatic braking systems (which can minimize impact by automatically slowing the vehicle in emergency situations). A small portion is released as heat (e.g., tire friction), a lot of it goes into reshaping the vehicle as well as other vehicles that may come into contact with yours, but a significant amount of kinetic energy is absorbed by the body more so if the occupant is not properly restrained by a seat belt. When you hit the brakes or your car comes to an abrupt stop, all this kinetic energy has to go somewhere. The faster you go, the more kinetic energy you and the vehicle possess.
G force calculator series#
Energy released during a car accident.įuel is used to create a series of small explosions in the engine, which moves the car forward. We’re happy to investigate your claims and advise you of your legal options moving forward, and we charge nothing to do so.
G force calculator free#
If you’ve been injured or a loved one has been killed in a car accident, call us at 1-87 for a free consultation. In an accident however, your body may experience a tremendous amount of g-force in a very short period of time. 1 g is equivalent to the earth’s gravitational pull. Simply put, g-forces are a measure of kinetic energy which your body is subjected to, most-often during acceleration or deceleration. That being said, thousands of lives are lost each and every day as a direct result of auto accidents. Today’s cars come with an array of technological and engineering safety features which help to lessen the impact of a crash. The g-forces involved in a motor-vehicle accident can easily cause catastrophic injuries, damage to the organs, or even death. Remember that your body and organs are moving at the same speed that your car is moving.  It’s not the speed that causes an injury it’s the sudden stop.
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