#i Am already in love with that harry tho. and ur harry!!!
oscxrpceo · 5 months
@inhcritance liked for a starter! (clone-ish shenanigans!!)
Harry Osborn is no stranger to waking up in strangely familiar places, whether that's the bed of the random person he went home with the night before, or, more recently, his bed -- in another universe. Somehow, he can always tell he's not in his home universe just by the way the sheets feel. Sometimes, they're a nice silk, othertimes an annoying microfiber cotton.
And, unfortunately, today is one of those days where he wakes up in a bed that something in him tells him is his, but not. He just hope this universe's Harry is, for lack of better words, living.
The ones where he's not are always harder to be in. He's a walking corpse in his own universe thanks to the botched Spider-Serum he'd attempted to make, but sometimes it's worse when that's literal.
He also hopes that he's not, well, currently dating someone. That'll make things awfully awkward.
"At least I'm not made of paint," he says.
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moonchildstyles · 8 months
i need u to know something that i am so not proud of omgg but i was reading gravity h for the first time and idk why i never read it bc i’ve read everything else you’ve written but anyways i got to the halloween party chapter and i was literally blushing SO BADDD i LOVE harrys perspective omg but i was blushing so bad and it got me so happy that (btw it was 9 pm and i had already showered and got in bed for the night) i fully had to get in my gym clothes and walk all the way to the gym to jog for an HOUR on the tread mill like i needed to shake that chapter off or somehting idk but just needed to let u know how powerful ur writing is 😭😭
SHFUSHFUSHU BESTIE HONESTLY THIS IS SO FUNNY I LOVE THIS SOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! I love the halloween chapter honestly it's one of my faves ive ever written like I just think it's so sweet and cute so im like !!!!!!! that you liked it as much as I did but you are so funny for going to the gym for an HOUR OVER THAT SHFUSHFUSHFUSHFUSHF LIKE HSUFHSUFHSUHF UR SO FUNN Y!!!!!!! ily tho fr:(
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seungkwan-s · 7 months
this man. who is he. is he married. does he have kids. am i hotter than his wife. give me the lore.
AAAA i get to talk about dougie, ok here we go
so that's dougie poynter, he's 35 (36 on nov 30th) and is the bassist (HE DOES SING AS WELL THO - ANGELIC VOICE FR) for my absolute favourite band of the last 19 years - mcfly <3 he doesn't have a wife or kids but apparently he is in a relationship?? ur hotter than everyone
he's literally my absolute favourite person, he's a weirdo, he's chaotic af but he's my chaotic weirdo. he once got us to chant PENIS! at a gig 9 years ago :')
he also has a looooot of ink.
mcfly do have three other members - danny, harry + tom. the whole band are gorgeous and hella hella talented af. i've seen them 33 times but who's counting 😭
dougie was also in a tv series called i'm a celebrity get me out of here AND HE WON AS HE SHOULD HAVE HE WAS PERFECT.
i would say try not to fall in love with him but it seems like you already have so good luck to you <333
if you wanna listen to them, here's some song recs:
5 colours in her hair (their debut song!!) happiness (this song is everything 2 me, they are my happiness) red (amazing amazing AMAZINGGGG, so much fun to dance to at gigs) where did all the guitars go (this is from their recent album, and is suuuper rocky) route 55 (my fav song from the new album) god of rock & roll (also from their recent album) all about you (one of their best songs, it's always on their setlist) star girl (also a song always on their setlists) growing up (it's got MARK HOPPUS ON IT) that's the truth (makes me cry every time) everybody knows (ICONIC) party girl (they went for a kinda poppier sound but it WORKS WITH THEM) do watcha (this is by FAR one of my top 3 favourite songs, i love the sound so much, dougie sings in this one too, he doesn't sing the second verse) with consent i would do whatever i want to him hahahaha friday night (one of my absolute fav songs, they played it last night and i almost lost my shit even tho i already knew they were playing it) love is on the radio (i LOOOOOVE this song and the mv) forever's not enough (i jumped so much to this last night, i pissed off the girl behind me oops - we were standing I WANTED TO DANCE)
okay lmk how you get on <3
p.s. if you ever get a chance to see them live, GO, genuinely the best live concert i've ever been to, they always make sure fans have fun at their gigs and go home with a smile on their faces :)
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amyyscorner · 7 months
Live reaction: Goosebumps (2023)
Spoilers below the cut
ok emo i hope he dies WAIT IS HE SUPPOSED TO BE RL STINE?? ding dong bitch DONT WALK OUTSIDE JESUS HAVE U NOT SEEN A FUCKING HORROR MOVIE??? mans gon die the doorbell ghost really be trolling LMAO THE CHANDELIER candles. ofc he has candles. sth gon burn HIS NAME IS HAROLD? LMAOOOOO i knew there was gonna be a fire. mans burned i love being right ooooooh pretty introoooo me likey NOT UNHOLY BY SAM SMITH PLEASE I THOUGHT THIS WAS A SHOW FOR LIKE 12+ NAUR Ayo AYO IS THAT HER???? OMG I LOVE THAT HER NOT THE BIKING ACCIDENT LMAOOOOO i love lucas already PLEASE NOT MORE UNHOLY I AM GIGGLING oooh its the same school as the guy who died harold isaiah is the jock lucas is the nerd/idiot margot is the girl thats not like the others NOT HER READING AT THE EVENT PLS HARRY STYLES WONT PICK U BESTIE PLS THE POOR GUY LEAVE HIM ALONE D: isabella seems like the girl who is actually chill and just wants to do her thing AYO SAM BE CUTE im in love with james i need james in my life james is me oh so jocks gf is an insta popular girl "im literally super nice" "so why am i being trolled?" maybe bc u called it being trolled jock who doesn't get good grades? i hope they get less...two dimensional like give the jock an actual problem maybe he has adhd or a learning disability so he focused on physical activity now who tf is glasses nathan bratt BEN HOLY SHIT U ARE FATHER PARENT ok so nathan is the lil nerdy weird adult the parents were grieving their kid wtf dude??? nathan has killer vibes hes gon die or at least get hurt HE GOT HURT LMAOOOOO yeah nah he deserved that ben tho? king. love him NOT THE BLOOD KEY LMAOOOOOO OH IS BEN JOCKS DAD? oh baby :( now he is too scared to tell them he won't be playing in the game bc there is no way he will be able to get that A THEYRE TALKING IN THAT IDIGAH LANGUAGE margot is not for me but she seems like a good friend to him ayo you know but hamilton seems like helpful dont help him cheat just help him study yeah nah thats so dumb yall deseve to fail trust me i can say it bc i used to cheat in this one class HOW OBVIOUS CAN U BE JESUS CHRIST okay so margot likes isaiah but he is dating allison so far im not as invested as i could be tbh not the murder hourse being the new place jesus this is so stupid all of you deserve to die all of you so fucking dumb like i get the rush of it. i've been in an abandoned psych clinic before a few years before it burnt down but this? idk besties, you should know this is dumb thor he is obviously thor he has a blonde wig and a hammer actual stupid people dont go to the basement please YES IT IS HAUNTED YES IT MAKES FOR A GOOD PARTY UNTIL EVERYONE DIES BESTIES so far i hate the main characters dont go down there dont go to the basement dont walk TO THE DOOR THAT MAGICALLY OPENED TO THE BASEMENT WHERE A DUDE DIED "i bet the fuse box is down there" - okay video game main character oh okay so allison knows she likes him and is insanely jealous girl why are you such a bitch to her?? she just didn't know to be late to parties wtf fuck them yes walk down the creepy stairs i hope u get hurt for being such an asshole cause wtf stop exploring and just find the fuse box ur not a video game there r no secrets to find good attempt at the jumpscare. unfortunately not random enough oh no the ghost door to the ghost basement closed how unexpected i'm so surprised wow this was so surprising omg hes fine he will walk up and scare you guys SEE i knew it SHAKE IT LIKE A POLAROID PICTURE
okay we finished the first half of the ep 2nd half reaction coming soon
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you've probably been asked this before, but what advice would you give to someone who's thinking of getting into writing? love ur stuff btw
[three months later]
hello!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!! i super appreciate that!! it fills me with mountainous joy and it's SUCH a high honor!!!! i actually haven’t been asked that before (iirc, that is….. and my memory is a pot of fried and boiled milk steak). that means a lot that you’d ask me for advice 😭😭🥚🙏❤️❤️❤️ thank you so much for that compliment, that really means the world to me. 
this is what gets me through, what i’ve learned and what works for me; and i hope it’ll do the same for you. 
when it comes to approaching writing (and drawing), i have some rules, and they are as follows:
do whatever the fuck you want.
do it FOR YOU.  
do whatever the fuck you want - this time, with feeling!
be kind to yourself. 
be messy. write messily. be unpoetic and frivolous, use the same word 6 times in a sentence. who curr. when inspiration hits, grab it by the tit and honk. you can edit later. 
and finally: do whatever the FUCK you want, FOR YOU, and BE KIND TO YOURSELF. (and then do it once more, with EXTRA feeling!)
and of course one of the hardest things to do:
don’t give a SINGLE SHIT - not even ONE. FUCK. EVER.
(and do it with a smile!)
in the beginning of GOOMT, i used to set a deadline for myself; get a chapter out every 7 - 10 days (my best friend and editor’s schedule permitting lmao hiiii Ren <3 she’s gonna murder me one day bless her). 
setting a deadline isn’t viable for me anymore. GOOMT will get out when it does; especially right now, while i’m in an important arc that’s setting up some plot points and future. 
i also tend to write on average 3000 - 4500 words per chapter, with a page average of about 8 - 12. (current library arc not included. Yikes. sorry everyone!!) it’s not an intentional thing either; it’s whatever the chapter comes out to be. dialogue fluffs up the page count a lot too (and dialogue is my strength lmao, but sometimes, god shut UP, Harry!!!!! i’m so with James on that one lmaooo) (jk i love u baby, u make my world go ‘round in a blender) i feel that setting a goal or bracket for x amount of words or page count per chapter is stifling for me, so i don’t do it. 
same, again, with deadlines. this arc is gonna take a hot minute and i’ve written a lot for it already and so i can’t force myself to adhere to anything. if that works for you, peachy; it’s all about trial and error, and, u guessed it - BEING KIND TO YOURSELF. 
beating yourself up for not getting something done just does harm in the end and lord have mercy it happens anyway - but that there is a muscle to build.
you won’t always be perfect, so make the most of what you do at the moment, then come back to it later. 
a popular piece of advice for writers is to write x amount of words a day, or to write ANYTHING every. single. day..... and that might be great for some, but for me, it doesn’t work so well. i don’t like to force myself to write. or edit. sometimes, i do - when i’m frustrated with a chapter or a part, i’ll pluck at it or reread it when i’m >:(((( the entire time or am impatient, or just straight up am NOT in the mood or headspace. sometimes i can power through and get inspiration!! other times, i just get more upset and frustrated. mixed bag. overall, tho, i try not to press my luck. 
figure out what works for you. what works for me in what i write, or when i write..... is vibes.
wish i was joking, but. can't make some shit up, mates.
that said.... trial and error. i don't believe in the write every day advice. i don't believe in setting a writing schedule because my brain doesn't operate like that. might work for you or someone else though and oh my god i wish that were me, LOL. i salute your shorts.
no seriously.
take your breaks. try not to feel guilty; cope with feeling guilty and learn how to get over those hurdles; and press on when you can.
your health and wellbeing comes first and foremost. the story will not thrive when you aren't. take your breaks; take six months to get out the next chapter. your readers will still be there when you do, and new readers will be excited to read something that just cropped up on their feeds.
this isn't a race. this isn't your job. this is fun. be patient with yourself. you'll get there when you get there.
be patient, mfer. or else 🔪
this might be big talk and side-eyeing coming from me lmao and you know what?: fair.
but i mean it. purple prose can be too much of a good (or bad) thing, and never you mind my 5 google documents of words and definitions i’ve saved for future use that average about 45 pages do NOT do as i do—
however wordhippo is my favorite thesaurus site and use it - but use it well, and use it WISELY. lord knows i’ve got a few chapters where i went HAYWIRE on the thesaurus and synonyms— and god, i’ll come back to it much later when i re-edit everything!!!! but don’t be like me. be intentional; be precise. it’s a hard act to juggle and don’t get down on yourself. it takes time, and it takes a lot of work and practice. it’s a constant struggle. 
that’s the beauty of art. 
just word barf onto the page. fuckin'. stream-of-conscioussness that shit. you can fix it later. 
one of the things i like to do when i write is write out future scenes. i’ll get a bout of inspiration and just go for it, no edits - even if it’s just inane blather. get the idea out!! consider it a skeleton for beefing later. (yummy.)
GOOMT has a folder called SCENES NOTES wherein there are, you guessed it, notes for future scenes - and i’ve written a metric fuckload of these.
they're separated into categories, such as "general" and "romantic". i know i'll want to use in the future somewhere. many of them date as far back as 2019 and 2020 and haven't yet seen the light of day, while others have already been published. some are still waiting for their time.
99% of these scenes are going to need heavy editing and tweaking because they are all written without knowing where the hell they're actually going to go, or if they'll ever get used. the "prom stories" scene in ch48 was one of these random ass scenes notes that i KNEW i wanted included somewhere, but where? how?
i had no idea. i just knew i did NOT want to shoe-horn it in (and there's more about that later in this post). there's another coming after the library arc (ho ho ho!!) that has been sitting waiting for its time probably since 2020 or maybe early 2021. i do hoard a lot of random scenes and writing though i do understand i MIGHT never use it; but if anything..
consider it as character development.
character development.................
rubs face. what can i even say about this LOL. pull shit out of your ass.
again: no, really.
believe it or not i used to create a LOT of OCs and while i still have a pet project and OCs lurking in the background, there is one thing i learned to do in regards to creating/developing them, and this one neat trick that i'm still very good at it to this day:
pulling shit out of my ass.
whenever i get a character question (what do you think x feels about y) or response to a hc meme or w/e, there is a very, very high chance (about 80-90%, depending) that i haven't thought about this (or the character in terms of personal ideas) before. most of the time it's actual just stream of consciousness.
tbh. i recommend that as a writing exercise. taking a character question meme and answering it yourself. go into details if you can. it doesn't matter how "cringe" or whatever it is. write. cook that lil mfer in your head. spin 'em around like a salad spinner. just. write.
i can't get enough of detail. i fucking love and THRIVE on the mundane. slice of life is my entire soul. i have found that in writing, the most mundane and "boring" pieces of a character's slice of life becomes so crucial to what they become in my writing. i'm constantly picking up and deciding new tidbits/factoids. those really help set foundation and building blocks for the character (and story)'s future.
however, as with the advice above with writing out of order: it's incredible what happens in character development when just dotting down those notes.
and don't be afraid to let the characters do it themselves, too. the sentiment is super real about you as the writer having zero will sometimes over what a character does lmfao. that's just how it be.
also remember: people are extremely diverse and surprising. i dont' think it's fair to you or your writing or the characters to hold back purely because you fear something you may have discovered about them (or backlash for writing it).
for example: James "no fat chicks" Sunderland, re: ch61.
i've joked about it before; but since it's actually published GOOMT canon that James is an Actual Asshole about fat people (Harry), i was actually pretty damn worried that i could get some flack for it, LOL, despite knowing this piece about him for quite some time. it, while rather :\, is important to James's characterization and development throughout GOOMT.
not even Harry is safe from the ":\ seriously bro?" disappointment moments. and it's going to be nail biting for me to write and publish them because i of course don't want to face flack for it; but i would consider it a disservice to me and my writing and my storytelling if i didn't. people are disappointing; people are surprising. they're flawed and weird and fantastical. they progress and regress.
so let your characters do that, too.
this is a tough one for me. with GOOMT, its lore is in constant development and it’s massive. here’s what my organization looks like for GOOMT (with redacted folders bc Spoilers - and i’m a VERY superstitious writer lmao):
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PLOT folder i have:
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and within character ref:
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may look like i have my shit together, but looks are deceiving LOL. it is a bit of a mess but hey at least i’ve got the heart, right? 
i recommend setting up something like this if you’re gonna be doing something even small and medium sized, and do THIS ONE NEAT TRICK (that i didn’t do in the beginning because i had no idea what i was doing, nor thinking GOOMT would get this far):
really mate. superstition, unfortunately, doesn’t allow me to show you GOOMT’s versions exactly, but here are some examples, with [REDACTED]s in effect LOL 
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it’s imperative!!! that you keep your shit together as best as possible.. and perhaps even MOREso that you actually LOOK at it more than twice a year ansishdhdjfhfjsbf good god i can forget it’s there so often and then i’m like. well WHO BETRAYED ME. WHO DID THAT. WHO FORGOT TO TELL AND/OR REMIND ME OF THAT. looking at everything else but the mirror i’m standing in front of, lmao
but remember: do only what you need to, and what works for you..... and remember too that all this is because GOOMT is ENORMOUS, and it's always, ALWAYS growing. so my apologies if this is kinda overwhelming, but... gestures.
a lot of what i write never makes it to see the light of day. i cannot stress how much i’ve written and cut. sometimes.. you're going to have to cut that thing you really really like about the chapter/piece. sorry. it's going to be a bummer to cut it but you're gonna have to cut it.
for example: ch60 had more than seven iterations or more in total.
no, seriously. and one of the things that sucks about it is that i cut a lot that i was very proud of, thought was important, but ultimately was not the right place or time: and very frankly, it may never have a place or time in the story. i still have them, though.
while they can definitely be discouraging, but in my mind, what they really are/were, were character development exercises. i’m not interested in shoe-horning them in either, even if they were genius, tho retooling is always a possibility. but in those moments, considering what you’ve written as character development exercises for YOU to understand them, and where you want to take the character and build their dynamic potential and future, is GREATLY beneficial in the long term for you as the writer, and those reading.  
i tend to write all i can in one go and then go back and edit and tweak. then when i say i'm in "edit hell", i'm talking about taking an entire week for purely editing. what editing means to me may not mean to you, either; so i'm not really sure how to advise.
i do recommend grabbing a friend who makes the mistake of offering to edit a chapter for you 52 chapters ago and is still editing for you to this day and very likely for the many mountains of months to follow tho :) (hi ren <3)
shit happens! and sometimes you want shit to happen like. NOW. well..
you sure about that?
i’ve mentioned before how many times i’ve rearranged parts of GOOMT, and even regretted already revealing things. take some good keen time and CONSIDER what you’re writing; WHERE you're writing it; WHY you're writing it; and how the story is supposed to be going.
i think it’s also important to remember that not everything needs to ever be revealed, or revealed at once. you can allude to a lot of things. GOOMT and POTF have a LOT of lore stacked up (and always more being developed) and there’s a whole lot of it that’s not MEANT to see the light of day (tho, of course, that may change, and i’m willing to let that happen as needed). 
that said: ALWAYS make sure that revealing any big details or lore is necessary in what you’re writing. it’s very tempting to bring something into the chapter that you’ve been just itching to get out, but is it necessary? does it actually fit? and those questions aren't always easy to answer at the time, or simply can't be answered until 20/20 hindsight.
for example: revealing the Memory of Harry monster in GOOMT.
MoH originally was going to be debuted back in ch21, when they returned to the alley first seen in SH1. i had his whole scene written and ready to go but i cut him out just about before i handed the chapter to Ren for editing. instead, he made his appearance in Balkan in ch27.
looking back on it now, i wish i had waited until they were in Midwich.
i got a little too eager to introduce him. i didn't know where else to slap him down and at the same time too, the first Midwich arc wasn't yet much of a thought (and it began ch31). so at THAT time, i thought it was a good place to put him.
to be fair on myself: it was. it was a good place. but it would have made more sense and been more impactful, i realize in hindsight, to have dropped him into Midwich. still, it was a damn good reveal if i do say so myself, and pretty impactful too!!!
so there are always going to be regrets or even mistakes in pacing and placement. it’s a good learning experience and learning curve to take in and work on.
just.. whatever you do: DON’T. SHOEHORN. IN. if it's not time for it, it's not time. it's absolutely not worth it imo. take the piece that isn't working and set it to the side. you can use it later if the time/need arises.
pacing is super fucking hard to me and i gnaw at my hands about my arcs and how long they can take, and i have worry about things moving too slowly for readers. on the flip, i have a shitload to go through. and i'm going to make mistakes about reveals. and pacing is going to get wonky and GOOMT is going to get boring or drag on in parts and the reality is, is that that's just normal for it to happen.
i'm not sure what advice i have about pacing really. just be sure to sit down and give your story a great big think and re-read every now and then.
oh lord, have mercy; oh how the times do change, and ebb and flow through every fucking chapter, LOL
this is just natural. let it happen. of course your style is gonna change over time - especially if you’re writing long form. it could be disappointing; i know i look back at some chapters and go, shit, i LOVED the way i wrote here! how can i get that back?
and then you might also feel like your quality declined. i’m kind of in that phase right now; it sort of feels like my writing took a nosedive. for that, what i’m doing, and therefore i suggest it, is read back over old work you wrote and liked a lot. and even better?
read a book. read an old favorite or a new one. get some inspiration and mojo. take down notes of phrases you liked, or mark pages. just to have on hand. take a breather. remember: you're here to have fun.
seriously: who. te fuck. cares. all the wrong people, that’s who! self-indulgence is the name of the game, babey. your world, your oyster. you don’t have to post it. just write it. remember:
if it makes you happy, then write - and draw - whatever the FUCK YOU WANT.
and if anyone tries to make you feel bad about it, just come back to me, or send the haters to my door. 🔪 i gotchu, bro. 
i’ve got a slew of personal work (-adjacent being one) that won’t see the light of day (ok so i’ve talked a little about it/posted one or two things, but that’ll be the extent). i love looking back at it or tinkering with new scenes bc it makes me happy and keep me sane LOL and i refuse to deny myself!!! MY HOUSE MY TRASH WE ROLL IN IT
however!! when GOOMT is being a right wanker about things, i’ve taken to writing pet projects - either working on my personal stuff, OR things i actually intend to publish. 
they aren’t always one-offs either; i’ve got two other series i work on and publish (Heya, Neighbor! and Puttin’ On The Fritz) and a few things that won’t see the light of day (.. or some pornographies..) and LIGHTLY edit. BIG STRESS ON LIGHTLY. EDIT. i go through Edit Hell enough with GOOMT; i don’t need or WANT the stress of doing that with these things i’m doing for shiggles. they’re just my palate cleansers for when GOOMT is being an asshole and so is being put in the “time-out corner”. 
the side projects are for my need to refresh myself and write freely. they’re a little cringey and maybe OOC for some, but it’s MY cringe and OOC and i LOVE IT because…… oh wait that’s right, it’s FOR ME and MY shits and giggles - but all y’all can read it too if it tickles your navel, LMAO. they get updated very, very slowly, and that’s fine. that might be a bit too much for some people to juggle and/or balance and that’s fine too. 
REMEMBER ALWAYS: you are writing FOR YOU. yes - absolutely you CAN write for the intent to gain popularity (and here’s a good article by @javert on how to approach that), but that’s not my style or intent. i just want to write fun stories and fling them out into the world and maybe someone will get a kick out of it, too. that’s what keeps me going. 
not giving a fuck about what you write or create is probably, definitely, at the very top of the highest peak, super hard; but not giving a fuck either about whether or not you receive validation? the HARDEST. (but today is not the day we get into that).
the moral of this story is:
if you write it, they will come.
your passion and your love will bring them in. somebody wants to read what you're writing. i promise it.
i started GOOMT, and i write it, and WILL keep writing it because i LOVE what i’m doing. i’m writing for ME, and i’m posting it so that anyone else who might be interested to share it with me can take the journey alongside. i never, EVER expected it to gain traction or the amount of attention it’s gotten and i’m truly, madly, DEEPLY grateful for everyone who has joined me and my boys through the story i have to tell. i’m straight up blown away that people like, or even love it as much as i do. i’m THRILLED. and for everyone who reads my older stuff (you nasties (loving), i see you digging around in my Batman trash, yeah you like that shit huh??? well i’ll do more….. Sometime In The Future™️), THANK YOU so MUCH. it keeps my ego inflated as well, as humble. 
all in all my advice is: write. just fuckin' write.
write cringe.
write the AU you dream about in the messiest way.
just barf out all the words as they come, let them fly through your fingers.
write shit you’ll never post.
write it because it gives you a giggle or warms the cockles of your heart (or the sub-cockle area; maybe even your kidneys; i don’t know). 
just write it. someone’s gonna fucking love it to the ends of the earth and thank you for writing it. they may never say anything, and you may never know how your work affected them - gave them confidence to create their own content; to interact with the fandom; to pursue another day, etc - but someone is always reading. someone is interested.
love yourself, love your work; they will see you, they will see how much you love what you do, and they will love you, and your creations, for it, too.
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
I LOVE U FOR MAFIARRY AND ASHER LIKE I COULD LITERALLY KISS U. MWAH. for a blurb i feel like it'd be so cool to see something from ashers pov (like not necessarily in first person but delving into his thoughts more !) i feel like it'd be interesting to see y/n and harrys earlier days in a relationship from that perspective like one day y/n and harry get into a fight and asher is just like "are you stupid harry????? go talk to her and apologise" and omg !! I love the idea that asher is involved somehow when they first meet (he would be the BEST wingman ever) EEEEEEK I AM SO EXCITED FOR THESE BLURBS U HAVE NO IDEA (no pressure tho hehe take ur time. we are a very patient bunch and you already spoil us so much<3)
HELLO???????? This is so cute and nice and SWEET?? No I absolutely love that!! I agree, we don’t know much about him and I think it would be fun to see what goes on in his head!!
Thank you endlessly for reading and for the suggestion 😭💞💞💞
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might as well do this with heartstopper too. my live thoughts i texted my friend, spoilers beware. also, i’ve cut out their replies. they also follow me so if you’re seeing this, hi :)
Im reading on webtoons and I love Alice oseman’s captions lol
“stares angstily out window”
“I don’t think he’s straight” OH REALLY
“The bisexual struggle” real
Poor man
Wait Aled is in this??? Do they have the same name or is Charlie’s friend same guy from radio silence???
Miss Singh is a legend I love her
Oh shit not ben again boo
Fun fact: when I see mlm I think multi level marketing lmao
**continues doing it**
Taras gf is an icon I don’t care if she had one line I love her
We stan Charlie sticking up for himself
They kissed already??? We’re literally 31 pages in chill my dudes
31 chapters*
Still percabeth is the ultimate slow burn and I stand by this
I guess it wouldn’t be called heartstopper and be a romance/coming of age if it was a slow burn tho haha
damn Charlie is one of the biggest people pleasers I’ve seen in a book
Hes so me
Alice oseman is so British I love her
I read so much British stuff that I’m pretty sure my internal monologue is slowly become a ya British thriller
agggtm core
(they replied that they read swear words in nick nelson's voice and i thought that was hilarious)
Her ship has sailed
She is also so me
“Was that not obvious?” “I’m an idiot” yes u are he just made out with you and cried into your shoulder and had a full on gay panic because of you YES HE LIKES YOU OMG
I mean after what happened with ben I suppose it’s very very justified
They’re so clueless I love them
This honestly has no reason to be this cavity inducing cute
“Why are you so great” he’s literally doing the bare minimum by not outing you you don’t have to thank him bestie
Get these boys some therapy
Why is tori always just appearing out of nowhere to ship them lol
Tao and Aled are delusional if they STILL think nick is straight
Fuck sai
He can die in a hole, disrespectfully
But also… redemption arc?
Manifesting sai and harry’s redemption arc
Not harry- these last few pages
Awww tao and elle <3
Elle is so cute! she is hair goals
… I guess all illustrated characters are hair goals.
Oh wait
I overreacted :)
Nvm I love him again
This group is friendship goals tbh
Oh wait I guess it’s kind of my group a little bit? Wait who am I?
I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz
I took the quiz. two actually. i got darcy on the first and elle on the second. I literally know nothing about either one so let’s see if they are accurate!
The waiter lol
Also I love how everyone is just silently shipping them it is percabeth all over again but like fast moving
Not them kissing behind a menu
“Not because im dirty not because im clean! Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine!” - Charlie and nick, probably
Craftybookworm25 feel so spoiled by the author. Author, you’re paying my dentist bills for all of the cavities you are giving me.
I love the comments section
Is Alice oseman actually writing down math for their homework? THE EFFORT I COULD NEVER
Oh darcy is taras gf that I liked earlier
Shes a trumpet player??? No sweetie don’t go to the dark side
my band teacher has a story about how he gets awful ear pains if he’s exposed to noises about a certain decibel because of a trumpet player blasting into his ear
“WHAT! WE’VE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!” Darcy recruits people for the gay agenda confirmed
“…why are straight people like this” I don’t know tara I ask myself that every day
Not Darcy being tara’s gay awakening
Omg tara is that one clarinet player who dates a trumpet player
Adding actual spanish conjugation? Alice oseman doing god’s work here
“Why do think they call it a cram session, Pete, god!” -literally all their friends rn
Ok I have theories rn
I shall wait and see if im right (i was not)
“You kind of are a gay nerd” me fr
Oh ok sai is being less of an asshole
We love character growth… even if it happens off page
Harry being a dick as per usual, nothing new there
Bro how do people just fall asleep I don’t understand
making out in a photo booth
So cringey and yet very adorable
Love that he had to clarify
Like yes, you’ve been making out and being obnoxiously cute for months, but hey, he’s just a friend, lol, no homo
Who tf would make THAT mistake?
🎶everyone is dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶
“I wasn’t born in 1920” lmao
Oh my god my wall of text has become the Great Wall of china im so sorry
“hanky panky”
aw we love ally jocks
Best platonic bros~
Actually what im calling my friends from now on
Oh shit the coach caught them
They’re not even trying to be subtle at this point
Oh she is an icon
If she was my teacher I might actually enjoy pe
This is so wholesome omg
Oh shit the brother
Tara casually lounging on Darcy’s lap
She gives passenger princess vibes
why are you whispering and can I be involved — she’s so me
“Boys and girls may not share rooms!” sly gay smirking. laughing, even.
oh and nick’s brother is a piece of shit and i hate him
“Why can’t I see any fish?”
Tao is a night person i love him
Aw he’s so clueless
They all are
Harry redemption arc-
Wait no
I’m gonna cry :(
“god i really want to just push you against a wall right now”
“twilight levels of pining” i’m not sure if anything could ever reach that extent
Not the arrows saying “did not think of that” at the “borrowing makeup from the girls” suggestion, I cackled
The teachers have a better love life than me
Where the hell are people finding these communication skills?
“Why are we like this” count: 3
Or is it 4?
I don’t know
Sahar is so cute I love her
Alice oseman is so pretty omg
She can 100% be my wifey
Oh Jesus I’ve read a thousand pages of this
I believe that if I pull an all-nighter I can finish this
"Why are we like this?" count: 5
at this point i stopped because i’m pretty sure they were asleep but i finished! it took six hours but that’s not bad for 1578 pages :)
i’m obsessed. literally take my money (i have approximately five cents in my bank account)
0 notes
baekhvuns · 1 year
Am I Y/N now? 😭 Idk if I should feel honoured or worried
We definitely should know less about each other it's aimed at Harry and lots of others who overshare lmao. Uhmmm, but would Meghan be with someone bigoted and racist in the first place? Let's hope not. Calm down, mate. We get it, she changed you alright
Heeeey I was about 6 or 7 years old when that accident happend and my grandma was next to us chatting with a friend 😭 there's another story with me and that friend, always me who had to fight for her life tho. So we had impromptu football goals at our playground, basically just 4 tall stakes. But they were placed in an inconvenient place, so my friend and I decided to move them... we were 7-8. I was holding the bottom, but my friend accidentally let go of the stake so it crushed my finger and it started bleeding 😭 gross but the nail came off 💀
SM I'M AT YOUR DOOR WTF LEE SOOMAN OPEN UP BITCH. They're gonna ruin SuperM now?! Seriously the backlash will be strong so wtf. And why didn't he come back with WayV then?
I saw bits and pieces of LSF at GDA and some of it was live, like No Celestial! They did well overall, they're fun to watch
Me getting mesmerised by Hwa's vocals unknowingly, sounds about right 🥰 his vocals is really flexible, I love it
Yeah unfortunately idols/trainees parents are also to blame, they're greedy or don't care enough. My friend's sister wanted to become a trainee at 12 and their parents were on board, cause they knew nothing about kpop, but my friend and the rest of the family was like??? That's not happening
Yeosang is joining NCT didn't you know?
Yes his name is Baek Dohwa when I saw it I wheezed and then someone called him Hwa once and I??? Yes it's the eyes, the black haired guy Eunhyuk has Tae's eyes and fluffy hair.
Wet shirt 👀 I think that's the other guy, or maybe I'm forgetting something, but things are escalating there too
But listen this and this. And
I once heard a remix of The Boys and I am the best and ascended 😵 can't find it now, but goddddd I think that person also mixed 4Minute's Crazy and f(x)'s Electric Shock
Why are these men exposed?! They need this
They're probably having fan calls in their car like 💀 I just saw a video from yesterday from a person who's already had over 15 fan calls already tell Hwa "see you tomorrow" seriously and I thought me winning 4 calls last year was too much 🤡
Sometimes I have a thing for Rob, sometimes I don't, Damiano is cool and hot, young Keanu, so beautiful 🥰 I suddenly don't know any white men, pls 😬 I'll have to think harder. Probably some British white actors........ I had a Tom Hardy phase when I was 17-18
The collabs for that show are so random, but if they somehow come true I'll be levitating. Suga and Taeyeon?! I'm sorry, but HOW
I'm stealing that choker wtf Park Seonghwa hand it over! What a neck it's definitely necking ☺
Uhm anyways. I'm looking disrespectfully
Ahhhh finally the first episode is out! (Seonghwa coded) - DV 💖
hi hello!!
Am I Y/N now? 😭 Idk if I should feel honoured or worried /// We definitely should know less about each other it's aimed at Harry and lots of others who overshare lmao. Uhmmm, but would Meghan be with someone bigoted and racist in the first place? Let's hope not. Calm down, mate. We get it, she changed you alright!
bestie first off what did we wake up too, bale and lloris retirement, zidane disrespected, barca back, mourinho brazil, busquets with alnassr, martinez porto’s coach ????
ur the yn! the one who’s always HURT 🔫 u best believe that the pairing with this yn would carry all sorts of bandages in case <33 yEAAAHH i keep seeing his # on twt and theres somethings he’s said that are on point but and time i click it i just never wanna see anyTHING again, the contradictions, getting diana’s spirit to come????? the hair loss reactions 😭😭😭 let’s hope tf not but he is royalty, 2 sides to every story i guess! the palace clearly isn’t in the position to say anything so we only know harry’s side! i doubt they’d say anything too, tho i think that’s good bc once ur in front of the camera its hard to get away from it fbfb i wish the obsession with them is gone atp but this is so funny 😭😭
Heeeey I was about 6 or 7 years old when that accident happend and my grandma was next to us chatting with a friend 😭 there's another story with me and that friend, always me who had to fight for her life tho. So we had impromptu football goals at our playground, basically just 4 tall stakes. But they were placed in an inconvenient place, so my friend and I decided to move them... we were 7-8. I was holding the bottom, but my friend accidentally let go of the stake so it crushed my finger and it started bleeding 😭 gross but the nail came off 💀
i am sorry but what the fuck
anon, u need a supervisor 24/7 i AM DBWKDHWK tell us more
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SM I'M AT YOUR DOOR WTF LEE SOOMAN OPEN UP BITCH. They're gonna ruin SuperM now?! Seriously the backlash will be strong so wtf. And why didn't he come back with WayV then?
NO SRS IM SORRY BUT what did he contribute, bro has 3 lines in a song 😭😭😭 the backlash will be crazy but a lot of ppl are begging for his return,,, makes me wonder if anything about his scandal was even true with the way twt’s acting! him not being in it would only save his face tbh 😭😭
I saw bits and pieces of LSF at GDA and some of it was live, like No Celestial! They did well overall, they're fun to watch //// Me getting mesmerised by Hwa's vocals unknowingly, sounds about right 🥰 his vocals is really flexible, I love it
tbh lsf’s performance make me forget about the fact theres even lipsync or not going on BC THEIR PERFORMANCES EAT EVERY TIME!!!!! theres this hunger to perform on stage and it SHOWS,, need them to have a concert bc im ready to anti ti ti fragile, wait have u seen this lsf performance?? this is better than any group out there tbh <3 his vocals are so flexible, he fits in every vocal range!
Yeah unfortunately idols/trainees parents are also to blame, they're greedy or don't care enough. My friend's sister wanted to become a trainee at 12 and their parents were on board, cause they knew nothing about kpop, but my friend and the rest of the family was like??? That's not happening //// Yeosang is joining NCT didn't you know?
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ayo???? AS THE FAMILY SHOULD!! no bc i see like those singing shows whenever it’s on and it’s like catered to younger contestants (7-17 type) and during auditions they be sending 3yo’s???? they haven’t even started talking and they sent them out for singing 😭😭😭😭 YEOSANG IS THE NEW NCT HOLLYWOOD MEMBER??? iM SO SURPRISED! MORE PROMOS FOR HIM! AND TEASERS LIKE THIS
Yes his name is Baek Dohwa when I saw it I wheezed and then someone called him Hwa once and I??? Yes it's the eyes, the black haired guy Eunhyuk has Tae's eyes and fluffy hair. ///// Wet shirt 👀 I think that's the other guy, or maybe I'm forgetting something, but things are escalating there too
But listen this and this. And
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i was about to answer the above paragraph and my finger slipped to the atrocity u linked there. the way i froze, anon. what IS GOING ON WHAT ARE U DOING ! ON A MONDAY !!!! UR SENDING THIS AND EXPECT ME TO NOT SCREAM BC THAT IS LITERALLY PARK SEONGGWA DVWNDHWKDHWK IM DBQKHDWKHDWKHDKW
wet shirt. seongjun. and u never told me tHIS WAS HAPPENING IN THE WEBTOON FOR FREE
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I once heard a remix of The Boys and I am the best and ascended 😵 can't find it now, but goddddd I think that person also mixed 4Minute's Crazy and f(x)'s Electric Shock
omg did u hear all the the boys remix’s 😮‍💨🤲🏻 the t r x sends a nostalgia 🤌🏻🤌🏻 CRAZY AND ELECTRIC SHOCK??? do u rmr this remix and the twiceblackvelvet remix that broke everyone WAIT HOLDON HAVE U WATCHED THOSE MULTIFANDOM EDITS this one 🤚🏻 what an era tbh
Why are these men exposed?! They need this
They're probably having fan calls in their car like 💀 I just saw a video from yesterday from a person who's already had over 15 fan calls already tell Hwa "see you tomorrow" seriously and I thought me winning 4 calls last year was too much 🤡
YEAH COVER THEM UP !!!!! COVER THEM UP RN 🔫🔫🔫 at least we get moments like this 😭😭 bro is tIRED,, 😭😭😭 i wish they’d do this once in a while, i want hwa to do this so bad
Sometimes I have a thing for Rob, sometimes I don't, Damiano is cool and hot, young Keanu, so beautiful 🥰 I suddenly don't know any white men, pls 😬 I'll have to think harder. Probably some British white actors........ I had a Tom Hardy phase when I was 17-18
i watched harry potter again and mr pattinson had me BY THE NECK !!!! damiano is so very attractive, he sometimes looks like princess diana 😭😭😭 i would’ve thought that tom hiddleston would have been in ur list for sure BUT TOM HARDY?? THATS A NEW 👀👀 i would add the chat noir from miraculous ladybug too tbh <3
The collabs for that show are so random, but if they somehow come true I'll be levitating. Suga and Taeyeon?! I'm sorry, but HOW
no ur right, it’s so random,, but pairing taeyeon and suga would probably be a another iu and suga type of music tbh fbwnfh
I'm stealing that choker wtf Park Seonghwa hand it over! What a neck it's definitely necking ☺ /// Devastation... /// Uhm anyways. I'm looking disrespectfully /// Ahhhh finally the first episode is out! (Seonghwa coded) - DV 💖
HE IS SO PRETTY IN THAT NECKLACE bro is so fine, the blond, the blue outfit and the sparkly necklace 😩😩😩 my new religion
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this man is crazy and i would like every inch of him and this is the same guy
anon, what the hell
0 notes
duskholland · 3 years
100% you could meditate with boyfriend Harry but boyfriend Tom, I. OMG you're compatible with Geminis erm go get your man?? Go find him?? why u waiting around??
I KNOW. i need to step my game up 😪 it’s the way i am the love of tom’s life and he just doesn’t even know it yet... :( truly some very sad times
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Hiii! Thank you for keeping this fandom alive! I hope you're feeling better now, get well soon!
I wanted to request hcs about watching horror movie with the boys but the reader is not scared at all, they're just vibing
You don't have to write it if you don't like the request or if you don't feel good enough 💞💞💞
a/n: hi!! you’re so sweet, thank you! i’m sorry for putting off this request for so long, i wanted to recover first, so if you’re still following my blog here it is! thank you so much for your kind words and i hope you enjoy!
- it wasn’t actually planned to watch a horror movie at first, but when you and ethan got to the theatres you realized that the movie that u guys planned to watch had actually just sold out of seats
- and ethan was kind of bummed over it bc he was looking forward to a movie date with u but he got over it quickly, and offered u to choose one instead
- u took a peak at the movie posters nearby and saw one that caught ur eye and you were like. that one.
- he doesn’t really think much of it honestly he’s like “okay! whatever u say” cos let’s be honest he just wants to spend time w u he didn’t come for the movie he don’t care
- so when you guys finally took ur seats and started watching, ethan didn’t know what to expect at all so when the jumpscare came he jolted in his seat and was like WHAT THE FUCK
- he turns to u, expecting u to have the same reaction, but u just kept watching??? not even bothering to look his way LMAOOO
- so ethan’s kind of surprised but he’s proud!! he has a s/o that doesn’t get scared easily what a badass
- after that first jumpscare he relaxes back into his chair and all the scary scenes that happened afterwards he glances at you (and u still had no reaction) n he can’t help but feel at awe at how both invested and nonchalant u were at the movie bc it had ethan lowkey shaking in his seat LOL
- when the movie finished u were talking about just how good the movie was while u guys walked home, and ethan was like ,,,hey that didn’t scare you at all? and you replied “ofc not, i don’t get scared by horror movies!” while beaming at him
- and u look good as fuck smiling so ethan feels his face grow warm n ykw he’s happy he learned something new about u
- also he’s lowkey impressed so W. he now has an additional excuse to bring u on more dates
- horror movies don’t scare this boy but he isn’t the biggest fan of them either
- so when you guys were crashing at harry’s house, u decided to watch a movie and harry’s fine with it bc he’s with u :D
- and there was a new movie trending in the program he uses to watch movies n it interested u so u asked if he could watch it with u
- harry’s whipped so obviously he says to go ahead
- like ethan, he doesn’t know what to expect at first but harry quickly realized it was a horror movie about 1/3 into the story
- he nudges u and tells u that it was going to be a horror movie (he wasn’t sure if u were into that sort of stuff) he’s surprised when u reassure him that it’s fine
- like said before he’s not a huge fan of horror movies even tho he could handle them as well u can, so he huddles next to u and wraps a large blanket around the two of u with a bowl of snacks
- u guys just relax the entire time bc no matter how terrifying the movie got harry’s warmth was such an overwhelming, comfortable presence so it didn’t matter at all
- after the movie ended, u guys got way too comfortable and u both really didn’t want to move, so it ended up as a horror movie binge night with you sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around ur waist with the blanket wrapped around harry’s head as u two continued to invest urselves in the movie
- drifted off to sleep at around 5 am fucked up sleep schedule gang wya
- horror movies would usually induce nightmares or sleepless nights, but u guys slept peacefully with a good dream that night (or morning, since the sun was basically rising by the times u guys slept lol)
- sneaky lil shit
- zion thinks he’s slick because u know the basic “watch a horror movie with ur s/o, it’s so cute when they burrow into your arms so they feel like they’re protected!!!”
- and he thinks he’s a genius so he invites u over to his place to watch one of the more scarier movies
- he’s a “gentleman” somewhat so he chooses a more tame movie, like one with just one or two jumpscares
- you both were huddled in front of the television screen and zion kept touching shoulders with u and making snarky remarks like “huh y/n u scared yet? i bet ur scared >:)”
- however, he underestimated the horror movie’s scary level so when the first jumpscare came around he’s caught off guard
- expected u to hug his waist or something in reaction but he’s genuinely surprised when u just kept watching on like it was nothing
- after the movie ends, you said “damn that was it?? zion i expected more i thought u were going to show me a scary movie!!”
- tbh all zion hears is more time with u so he’s like BET and chooses the next few horror movies that were on and doesn’t even bother to watch them, he’s just staring at u intensely to see if u have any reaction
- there wasn’t
- he was pretty sad that his plan to get u into his arms failed but he takes pride in having a s/o that can watch scary stuff with ease
- also he’s a huge fan of horror themes so now there is a golden opportunity to now have u play scary games with him if ur interested of course
- secretly praising himself for inviting u to watch horror movies bc now he gets to share his hobbies with u!!!
- but zion is extremely easy to read so u already figured out his secret plan all along
- you were actually the one who suggested watching a horror movie with him
- you guys took a trip to the theatres but none of u guys had anything particular in mind which was like mind boggling to eugene cos he was like WAIT,,, I THOUGHT WE CAME HERE BC U KNEW WHAT TO WATCH and u were like NO WAY ME TOO ???
- so obviously there was some improvisation and u did the suggestion
- and eugene’s like “pfffft u think u can handle a scary movie??”
- he’s not easily scared tho, he has the “well it’s just a movie, it can’t hurt me” mindset so he doesn’t mind watching a horror movie at all
- he’s more concerned about you honestly, but yk him he’s not gonna say it out loud >:( tsundere looking ass
- and obv since none of u guys minded u went ahead and seated ourselves in the movies
- eugene’s relaxed and all,,, but he does get quite jumpy whenever an unexpected scene happens
- so when they rolled around he made an audible gasp and glanced at u immediately
- u were already looking at him with an amused face bc ur normally tsundere bf just got jumpscared LOOOL
- eugene doesn’t really care if u were or weren’t scared by the movies
- but eugene was like WOWWWWWW Y/N I SEE HOW IT IS when he saw u laughing at him
- watched the rest of the movie with him sulking but u did hold his hand after tho (begrudgingly LOL)
- was jokingly mad at you but after the movie ends, he presses a kiss to your cheek and asked if u wanted to watch another in the theatres after u guys refilled ur snacks
- honestly, his thought process was the exact same as zion’s
- lawrence enjoys having u in his arms while ur vulnerable bc he likes the idea of being ur protector
- he’s far far more discreet about it and purposefully leads u to watch a movie with him, and chooses a movie with an innocent looking poster so u wouldn’t see what was coming >:D
- he thinks your innocence is adorable so he’s super eager to show u a scary movie
- lawrence already knows what’s going to happen in the movie so he’s super prepared and he’s honestly only staring at you
- but when u were just there relaxing and calmly watching the movie with some people getting bludgeoned or something lawrence was like,, “this isn’t part of the plan HOLD UP”
- kind of disappointed that there wasn’t any reaction but you guys made it up afterwards because when u exited the movie theater with your arm around his, you were excitedly talking about the entire thing and you said something like “lawrence!!! i didn’t know you were into horror movies, you picked such a good one!”
- his disappointment washes off immediately because seeing your face light up was so cute and it was 100% more worth it than some cheap tactic ironic lawrence
- he nuzzles your hair and replies that he’d knew that u’d like it (he did not)
- lawrence comes up with like,,, 294713 more plans to get cuddles from u after
- but you see through it bc he’s cute when he’s needy so let it slide plsplspls and give my favorite psycho some love <3
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notsolong-pause · 3 years
ship requests
“Hey 👋 . Can I get a male HP ship (from both eras if possible) pls . Thank u so much ! . So I m a Gryffindor (with a bit of Slytherin ) . In my free time , I would love to read fantasy or sci-fic novels or facts maybe , listen to music , research about anything I want to , do something my parents denied me off maybe . If my friends are available , I'll also go downstairs with them and play . I m not as such interested in sport but I love to play cricket and badminton . My hobbies are dancing , horseriding , reading , researching , cyber and swordfighting (I haven't done it yet tho). I love the trope of fake relationship or enemies to lovers
Next is my personality . Well , I can be shy if I m not comfortable with the person , but if I am then I am very talkative . I don't trust ppl at the beginning until they prove themselves . I m very reliable and trustworthy but I tend to hide my emotions . I like my privacy, I don't even share that with my bestie sometimes . I come off as a rebel and I can get annoyed very easily . I love to organise a room . Everyone comes to me for advice . I also have a very good sense of humour which comes out in front of ppl I'm comfortable (they say I never used to fail to surprise them with my hidden qualities) . I m also quite modest . I m a risk-taker and I always stand up to my friends , I also have their back sometimes . I can also be a bully to my enemies or my friend's enemies but only if they start it first . Idk what is it , but ppl tell me I carry a powerful aura and many boys get attracted to me . Also , the popular ones used to attract to me a lot because I could be seen as a quiet nerdy girl . I come off as very unique at first meeting . I m practical with my decisions but as said , I hide my emotions or else the emotions would have led me. I m also a human lie detector , or that's what my family tells me . The thing that stands out in me isy dressing style . I am very curious. I m also very much mysterious . I m loyal to a fault . Now my flaws are that sometimes I don't believe my friends at all and it hurts them since they ask me to be honest and I tell them the truth . I can be blunt and cold without realising it but I don't mean to . I am an extrovert so keeping me from doing something can make me insecure . I m sensitive to criticism . I can be super suspicious, like a looott . I hate when ppl try to control me, even my parents so I end up going against them or I follow their instructions half-heartedly . I can be very very stubborn . I also get many intuitions but I ignore them . I hate when ppl are unreliable , everyone's lazy but atleast they should do their work after some rest . I also hate arrogant boastful PPL . I hate when someone disrespects me and I immediately cut them off from my life . I hate lame excuses given by the ppl whom I expect something to do and they didn't. I am very patient but once they cross their lines , they wish they hadn't . I guess this is too much ? (Lol sorry but excited ) Thank u so much for ur time dear 💗”
a/n: Hi! Thank you for so many details!! It’s lovely. You also asked for TMR ship, so I’ve decided to do a HP form one era and one for TMR. Hopefully, you are okay with that:)
p.s.: sorry for being a Draco slaughter. i’m also doing all the other requests, thank you for them!! they are going to be trade in a day or two. sending love <3
Harry Potter:
I ship you with Fred Weasley 
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(so badly, you’re a perfect match)
First of all... being stubborn and taking risks is something that you probable have in common, which is going to create a perfect enemies to lovers dynamic. Maybe academic/prancing rivalry?
You constantly mocking each other, but not meaning any harm or anything, even though others might think that you hate one another
Him always helping you to break the rules if needed, but still making sure that everything is alright, and everyone is safe. And you would keep an eye on him back, supporting him when he doesn’t know what to do
He would be surprised when you started to open up, and crack jokes, but would love them so badly. And he definitely is very grateful whenever (and if) you chose to tell him something private, and wouldn’t tell anyone else even if he was tortured
You would always give amazing ideas for the shop products. And he would be like: “Where do you know that from?” “Don’t know, just thought it was interesting and decided to investigate”
You were walking in the dull lights of a corridor from the late detention in the Snape’s dungeons. You got this one for arguing with a certain Weasley. This was entirely his fault, though, but he didn’t get caught, and you could still see the stupid smirk on his stupid face when you were assigned to come down here after classes. The Slytherin do was just nearby, and you heard a couple of voices around the corner. You were hopping these were some of your friends from Slytherin, but as you listen closely you herald none other than Malfoy. “These Weaslebeeys are ignorant trash just like their father. Who’s would willingly study what muggles’ life’s are like? That’s just dumb”you didn’t know whether he was just showing off in front of his friends or if he was being serious, but you were furious at the moment.
“Malfoy!” - you energetically approached the group.
“Another gryffindor”, - he smirked. “Why don’t you spend an evening at your dorm or some other lame place?”
“Cut it. Take it back” - you face was almost stone cold. Eyes glimmering dangerously in the flickering light.
“Are you defending the Weaslebees?” - he grimaced, being so proud of himself for no reason.
“It’s not their name, and they don’t need any defense. You’re being an arrogant prick towards my friends, and I’m not going to tolerate that.” - you were stiff, your fists clenched in order to hold back the anger. How dared he speak in such diminishing manner about people 100 times better than him!
“What are you going to about it?” He replied cheekily, stepping forward.
“Well... I don’t know, how about TheLocomotor Wibbly!” - you were gripping tightly onto your wand, and Draco suddenly fell to the floor. His legs turned to jelly.
“You little...” one of his friends pointed your wand towards you, opening his mouth to jinx you back. Suddenly there was a loud bang, everything was covered with the thick smoke, and you were pulled to the corner. You instinctively pointed a wand on the person in front of you, still unable to see anything.
“Easy, lady” you recognized the voice. “Fred? What are doing here?” you were genuinely surprised, and started wondering how much has he heard. “Came to rescue you from the Snape’s claws” he smirked. “Why?” you didn’t understand a thing. “No fun being brilliant if you can’t see that and get jealous” - he cocked his eyebrows. You huffed back. “Well, thank you, I suppose.” “Oh good, I thought I’d never hear that”. You surprised a smile. “Let’s move already”.
“By the way”, he stopped you, “did I hear you calling me a friend?” You nudged his shoulder. “Don’t think too much of it, Weasley”.
The maze runner:
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I ship you with Gally
He’s the one to understand you not opening up fully and immediately and keeping things to yourself for 110%. He’s mysterious himself, and he can give you every time in the world (sorry, i’m love him sm)
Again... the enemies to lovers dynamic, ESPECIALLY considering the whole thing with him killing Chuck (still hurts, though).
He can be very protective from time to time, so you can have “Because I care for you!!” arguments when you’re being reckless and decide to risk in order to save him.
He's honestly the sassy king of the show. Taking your sense of humour in account, I belive that he would really appreciate that you have it and can back him up. So you would exchange jokes back and forth
He's also absolutely giving you every freedom in the world not even attempting to control you or tell you what to do, he would only give out advices. And as far as he realises you're sensitive to crticizm, he starts to control himself in order not to hurt you.
"Please, never do that again". You and Gally were walking around the Last City, back to the shelter.
"Do what?" You asked, raising your head to the boy slightly ahead of you.
"You know what I'm talikng about". He turned his head to you, and stopped in the shaddow of the narrow street between the houses. His gaze was pretty serious, and both of you were extremely tired after yet another mission in attempt to undermine the existing regime.
"I don't think I do". You looked up at him with the confusion in your eyes.
"What you did back there was very risky, and you could have not make it. Don't risk like that ever again".
"But the cranks would've gotten you then". You protested. In your opinion, what you did was the only option.
"I appreciate the concern, but I could I handle it". He was starting to get stubborn, while you were getting angry.
"That's not true. One of them was hanging on your throat. That's not something people cal 'I handle it'". You threw your arms in the air, gesturing.
"I'm not letting them take me instead of you!" Gally was almost shouting at this point.
"Well, I'm not letting them take you either!"
You both went silent and were walking angrily towards your shelter, turning, sneaking, and hiding.
"Gally". You called in a few minutes. "It's just that I really care about you".
"I know". He told you, looking back again. "Just promise me, you're going to be careful".
"You know I really can't promise, but at least I'll try".
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
older h meeting her parents!!! And she’s nervous cause she’s never introduced a boy to them let alone a MAN! And he’s just the sweetest helping her around the flat preparing everything with her just kissing her “do they even know I exist?” He as,s her and she’s all 😮 “of course they do h!” And he brings her into him calming her telling her to take a deep breath “if they ask we are not having sex” she blurts out and he’s full on laughing “why would that even be brought up?” She shrugs her shoulder “just making sure” he kisses her lips “you are old enough I’m sure they know you’ve done it by now” he’s smirking she hits his shoulder “stop they don’t! Do they?” She asks he smiles “i don’t know you tell me” kissing her neck just kissing everywhere he can besides her face since she has on some makeup and he was threatened not to ‘ruin it’ “stop messing with m-me they don’t know” and he’s focusing on a spot he knows she likes “Harry don’t leave a mark I’m not changing p-please” he stops “okay let’s get ready for your parents and tell them how I’m your boyfriend and pretend I have never seen you naked” pecking her lips
Literally so obsessed w this idea I’ve read it SOOOOOOOO many times since u sent it in I’m def def def going to be writing a whole blurb w a moment like this soooo obsessed🥺 like it’s so obvi she’s nervous fluttering around the place trying to straighten pillows and dust shelves and keeps checking in the status of the takeout she ordered for lunch that she’s going to pretend she made and every time h asks her if she wants help or if she’ll sit w him she just is like oh no I’m okay thank you!!! All smiley even tho he can see she’s soooo nervous and like she already told him he’s the first guy she’s introduced to her parents so there just lots of extra tension in her bc of that and h is just leaning against the counter while she fussed around in the kitchen and “love they know who I am right?” Bc now he’s getting nervous that this is all a big mess that is going to surprise everyone but that’s the first thing that gets her attention and ofccthey know ab u h! I talk ab u all the time! And they follow me on insta so they’ve seen all of our pics!! And he just relaxes after that feeling a little better before she’s all stiff and just when he’s ab to ask what happened she’s like “we also have never had sex before and I’m still a virgin if anyone asks” and he’s so ?????? Bc “who’s going to ask that?” And she’s just idk!! I just want to make sure in case my mom says something idk! And h is just so endeared by her bc what a cutie she is all nervous over this and he stops her from flirting out of the kitchen w his hands on her hips and he’s got a smile on his face and “darling I don’t think u need to worry about that okay? I don’t think they’re gonna ask and besides ur old enough to make those choice I’m sure they’ve already assumed as much” and she just deadass 🧍🏼‍♀️ u think they know? Are u serious? And he just can’t help himself before he’s teasing her and idk baby do they??? Have u said anything that might make them think that???? And then she’s all omg eyes wide and omg I think I might have told my mom I stayed the night at ur house a few weeks ago omg they totally know oh no and he just shakes his head and can’t help himself before kissing over her neck to leave her makeup alone and he’s like ooooh you’ve definitely done it now making it clear he’s teasing her and that’s when she pushes him away a little tho it barely does anything since she keeps laughing and h stop teasing ur being meannnnn and he’s just being annoying and cute before he’s pulling back and chancing a kiss over her lips and alright alright they don’t know so I guess we’ll all have to play the game where I pretend I don’t know you have a body under ur clothes and I only hold ur hand when u stay the night and she can’t help but laugh at him bc he’s being so annoying but cute and it’s just the biggest stress reliever to have him there w her:(
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clickbait-official · 3 years
appreciation post <3
for my followers <3 love y'all (no romo)
- i like your headcanons.,., like so much?
- (what's your secret babe how do you do it?)
- your profile pic is really cute wtf
- first of all
- your url is amazing
- i love your banner pic!
- also ur profile pic is exquisite
- <3
- i reblog so much shit from you wtf
- so thank you for free content
- (also i love ur content ily babe <3)
-(no romo tho)
- there's-there's nothing there
- it won't even let me tag you
- love your banner btw
- i follow you!!!1
- the yellow on ur blog is actually such a. nice color??
- (what's ur secret)
- your!! banner!!!
- amazing. gorgeous. show-stopping.
- i love it
-thank you for blessing me
- you write!!! like me!!!
- you love to see it
- you love to see it
- (ur writings amazing)
- oh!!! everything on ur blog just matches?!!
- (how do you do it?)
- (explain, stranger.)
- it wouldn't let me tag u either???
- hmmm
-love ur banner tho ! :)
- hi!!! i'm kinda new here too!!!
- ur profile pic looks cute!!!
- <3
- hello!!!!
- i bow to you, leader of potato chips and ketchup!!!
- i as well, am trying to live life <3
- ur the one that liked my draco headcanon!!
- i remember that!!
- when people leave notes, it makes me happy :D
- hi!!!
- ur pretty close to my age!!
- thanks for following babes <3
- unlike you, i do not have corporeal form!!!
- can you share some of your parental figure w/ me? @wisp-exe
-i love the colors of your blog!!!
- also your banner pic is amazing :D
- my babe. my honey. my sugar. my darling.
- ily so much!!!!
- <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
- awww, i can't tag you! :(
- i hope ur having a good day bubba!
- <3
- your banner is just. amazing.
- (where do y'all get ur banners from? they're amazing!!!)
- omg you write like me!!!!
- <3
- you love to see it
- omg is that an unus annus banner?!!?
- you love to see it!
- it won't let me tag you?
- :(
- it won't let me tag you either ???
- you have a youtube channel!!1
- pls promote!!!
- i will sub
- i saw your guide on common birds!!!
- 10/10 will reblog
- love ur url
- <3
- gorgeous
- it won't let me tag you :(
- f
- f again
- :(
-f again
- :((((
- you write!!!!
- you love to see it!!!
- if you need a request hmu
- it won't let me tag you?!?!
- strange
- i still can't tag you :(
- i too, am a multifandom blog
- :)
- ah, harry potter
- one of my favorite books
- (don't like the author tho. she's an ass)
- i saw the first post on ur blog and i like you already :)
- you love to see it
- your profile pic is beautiful
- amazing. gorgeous. show-stopping.
- omg an aesthetic blog??
- that follows me????
- :)
- omg your theme is amazing!!!
- the moon!!!
- the satellite!
- gorgeous
- good luck with your studies babe!!!
- :))))))
- you write too!!!!
- oh this makes me happy :))))
- i also have no idea what i'm doing with my life
- but if this blog makes people happy, then i'll continue on !!!! - :))))
- omg its you!!!!!!
- i love. you so much (no romo)
- (thanks for following babes)
- it won't let me tag you :((((
- your banner is honestly a mood
- it's what i feel a lot :(((
- !!!!
- good luck w/ your studies babe!
- feel free to talk anytime babes :D
- it's you!!!!
- your banner is also a mood
- thank you!!!
- you're a poet!???
- spam me w/ your poetry darling!! (just keep it PG)
- hi!!!
- ur husbands art is amazing!!!
- <333
- your theme is amazing!!!
- <333
-you write too!!!
- <333
- your banner is amazing!!
- love it <33
- your banner's amazing too!!!
- ur ur is just,,,, beauty
- i agree, dogs are the meaning
-your banner is amazing
- <33
- can't tag you :(
- ily tho :D
30 notes · View notes
maggielindemanns · 3 years
tag nine people to learn about their interests!
TAGGING: @ijzerengels @calumthoodshands @redrattlers @thenervousduck @arzkiya-hai @kritiquer @lesbianearn @sondergf @embeddedinmybrain @vexedtonightmares @tsjernobyl @bandsanitizer @tarcyjonsson and anyone else that wants to! idk who did this or not, sorry if you already did it but you may of course ignore me.
aaaa also thank you @ottelu for the tag! love u bestie <3
fave genre: r&b and pop, for sure
fave artist: ariana grande, halsey, savannah ré, normani, alina baraz, kiana ledé, chloe moriondo, troye sivan, the neighbourhood, bastille, 5SOS (& luke hemmings solo !!!!!! my baby) — basically i love music, we been knew, i have so many faves i can’t pick one
fave song: rn it’s for sure ur best friend by kiana ledé ft kehlani or girl on tv by chloe moriondo
most listened to song lately: according to last.fm, it’s wild side by normani agskdhsk i do wish she released it without cardi tho i’ll die on this hill idc its fine i just skip her part
song currently stuck in your head: you right by doja cat actually and ur best friend i couldn’t stop singing those two at work
five fave lyrics (in no particular order, there’s too many i love omg)
“i know i’ll never meet your expectations / but the picture that you paint of me looks better in your mind” — high, 5SOS
“you don’t believe in one divine / but can you tell me you believe in mine? / ‘cause you’ve been my god, my god / and when you’re gone i’m godless, i’m godless” — godless, banks
“you’re the only one, you’re the only one / i’m so wrapped up in a daze / hoping this is just a phase / but when all is said and done / i know you are still the one” — the only one, the black keys
“i get lost inside all the stars in your eyes, it’s a galaxy / you control the tide like the moon in the sky, you’re the gravity” — more than enough, alina baraz
“standing there, you look at me / understanding everything / yeah, it’s so fascinating / you patch up the blood and the cuts / but our blood got mixed up / so i guess we belong to each other” — love song, yungblud
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyric video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fave book genre: idk i prefer like YA novels and romance i guess but idc really, i just don’t like fantasy stuff like harry potter or . historical fiction?? i guess you could call it?? (tried to read pride and prejudice for leisure ……….. boring as fuck like holy shit) or science fiction like boring boring boring idc no offense to anyone that loves it of course
fave writer: don’t have one really
fave book: aaaaaa i don’t have one of these either !! the one that always comes to mind though is giovanni’s room, but i just love that book, it was brilliant
fave series: mmmm i don’t really like series but caro’s got me into reading trc so i guess that’ll be my fave series once i’m done!
comfort book: rwrb <3
fave book to read on a rainy day: giovanni’s room sgsjdhsj i literally reread it bc it has some of my fave lines ever
fave characters: adam parrish, blue sargent, ronan lynch, gansey but he on thin ice, ari and dante, aiden navarro, alex claremont-diaz, charlie and nick (actually . everyone in heartstopper except the characters that are a plague <3), and more that i cannot think of most likely
five fave book quotes: (again no particular order i love so many)
“My dear fellow, you forget that we are in the native land of the hypocrite.” || “The world is changed because you are made of ivory and gold. The curves of your lips rewrite history.” — the picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde
“topography on the map of you, a world i’m still charting.” — red, white, and royal blue, casey mcquiston
“It is cruel to have made me want to live only to make my death more bloody.” || “I loved him. I do not think that I will ever love anyone like that again.” || “And here my baby came indeed, through all that sunlight, his face flushed and his hair flying, his eyes, unbelievably, like morning stars.” || “And there’s something awful about being at the mercy of a stranger.” — giovanni’s room, james baldwin (ik i cheated so bad w this SHUSH)
“And then I think we all realized what fools we’d been. We might get out sometime, but she was locked up forever in that body.” — girl, interrupted, susanna kaysen
“You and I, we don’t walk the lines. We just follow the echoes.” || “My mother used to say, ‘Don’t throw compliments away, so long as they’re free.’” His face was very earnest. “That one wasn’t meant to cost you anything, Blue.” — the raven boys, maggie stiefvater
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | read at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by summaries | rereading or reading just once
fave tv/movie genres: coming of age, romance (ehhh to some degree), i like indie movies, idk same as books i dont like science fiction, historical stuff, or fantasy im boring okay
fave movie: dont have one tbh
comfort movie: speech and debate or easy a
movie you watch every year: dont have one
fave tv show: dear white people or skam + remakes, i like other ones tho like stranger things
comfort show: skamverse <3 not exactly an answer but mhm
most rewatched tv show: skamverse or dear white people OR THE FOSTERS …. dude …….. i used to watch that all day every day then they took it off netflix …. now it’s dance moms i play for background noise and watch on occasion
five favorite characters: lionel higgins, joelle brooks, olive penderghast, lucas lallemant, eleonora sava, fallon carrington, howie (speech and debate), connor walsh, annalise keating, wes gibbins, archie coleman, ellie chu, beth harmon, lara jean covey (yes here i am overlisting again i’m so sorry)
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging (well …. i don’t binge actually i have a horrible attention span) | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once | downloads or watches online
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I wonder what Harry sees in James - this isn't supposed to be a negative interpretation of your characterisation of them, honestly think you did that well! Just a genuine question (I mean James is literally wet crumpled guy who reeks of suspicion™ to Harry at times), no meanness intended!!!!!!
lifts head and peeks out of hole in the ground.. :0?
no negativity taken anon!! it’s ok :3c which version do u mean, tho?? i ask because every AU works differently; they may share similarities, but they do not follow the same trails, per-say…… >:3c! tho if ur talking about GOOMT specifically; well. i can’t say much about that!! LOL. the glaciers are moving…… but it’s gonna be a looooong long while still.
……. unless u mean what harry sees in james in a way that isn’t romantically-inclined too, LOL. i might be able to offer more info with a little more detail, tho i do need to warn that information about GOOMT that isn’t already published (either here or ao3) may not get answered, because By Gosh By Golly am i secretive one, LOL. so yeah!! hope to hear from u again soon :3
ok love u byyyeeeee~
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artemisfowlcodex · 4 years
My sister’s directly transcribed notes, taken while watching the Artemis Fowl movie...
(Absolutely no editing for grammar has been done, this is raw reaction)
 THis is a better start to Percy Jackson than the actual Percy Jackson movie There’s no way he’d choose the name Bruce Okay but the accents cute
 And this scene is accurate  Basard boy Absolute baby unlimited
 Bold of you to think he could lift a backpack SKATEBOARD?????????????? JEANS??????????????????
 At home w his dad yeah as if he was a good dude from the start what He taught him bout fair folk????
 PLEASE stop putting my boy in JEANS JEAAAANNNSS baby boy has a cute as hell nose
 Arty count #1
 sidenote pls don’t call him Artemis jr it’s senior and Artemis that’s it 
What is even happening hmmm
why would you kill the person trying to put him in jeans 
The manor is cute as hell tho
LEGO??? Omg robotics
Yeah that sounds about right Hey why aren’t his pjs silk And WHERE IS BUTLER
baby drink MILK 
Bold of you to assume Artemis didn’t know his dad was a crime lord
Owl star?? Bruh
 DOM PLS GOD WHY  Never call him butler pfft  Oh my god why is the plot now that the folk have kidnapped him????  WHAT ACULOUS?
 “Word for word”  This boy would and then DOESNT 
 Arty count #2  WHY IS HE STILL IN JEANS how tf is this so different to the book you had 20 YEARS to get it
I vibe w haven tho  Nother sidenote why are mulch’s teef so nice don’t like that
 Hollys suit is kinda cute tho Helmet sucks tbh  I AM VIBIN W HAVEN  Why is mulch a beeg boye  WHY ARE GOBLINS HARRY POTTER SHIT UGLY INSTEAD OF REPTILES  Yep helmets SUCK  Okay yeah this is a cute holly  Fjsjfjsjfjfnsjfj yeah that’s their whole dynamic  Why tf is he going to howlers peak
 hmm okay yeah dench good commander bad root HWAT THE HECK IS THEB ACULLUS the hats are SO BAD  BEEG eyes holly Holly looking for her dad too oh no I smell the bonding already  I wannaaaaa seeeeeeee TROUBLE and chix lol
 ohhhh yeah CUDGEON  so it IS opal
 Wings good IS she shielded??
Yeah this scene right  Fangs aren’t big enough  Too human face hm
 GOOD FOALY THO  THEYRE REALLY USING CENTAUR TO FULL POTENTIAL  THATS NOT HOW TIME STOPS WORK  they’re literally explained in the book how th ehh work what the heckidy heck
 Arty count #3
 It IS opal  Thats  That’s not how coords work
 STOP CALLING HIM DOM  keep ur helmet on queen
 DOM FOR GODS SAKE  I’ll give her a pass tho bc it’s Jules
 SWORD????  Please give me butler beating up retrieval PLEASE I NEED IT
 is it just a Thing™️ to have Dench stare dead into the camera now? First Cats and now this  TOP O THE MORNIN
 J E A N S  HAHA SUIT!!!! SUIIIT AT LONG LAST  Scared to dead hell yeah
god please tell me opal doesn’t actually sound like that and it’s a disguise
 Heheheheh baby boy looks ten  Do Root and I share a bday?  Was that Frond?  STOP calling him jr he’s the SECOND
Mulch I will feed u ur weirdly nice teef  YES FIRE  But also uhhhhh WHERES MY REPTILE REP  YES BUT THAT SCENES FROM LATER BOOKS
 Oh yeah julius can’t be Julius bc woman  BOWIE A FOLK DJDHFJKS  Damn mulchs eyeliner going off doe  LET HIM UNHINGE HIS JAW! WEIRD DWARF RIGHTS!  Throat INFECTIONGNDJSJFJSJK  Hey quick observation I’m surprised there are NO fart jokes seeing as the book was FILLED w them  YESSSSSS UNHINGEDDDDDD THATS MY BOY!!!! YESSSS UNHINGED RIGHTS 
hacker voice: I’m in Burps??? Wack “Switching to xray and then Does Not”  
 Oh it’s acorn shaped of COURSE it is  But WHAT is it  IM SORRY W H A T Is the time stop doing??
 CUDGEON YES  OH SICK TROLL TIME TROLL TIME  Darvit wheeeee there it is
 If you like doubled butlers height this would be fine bc I like the taller holly and mulch  2.97 seconds to eat humans fjsjfjsjjf JFJSNFJSJFJ MULCH STEALING THE GUN FROM BUTLER 
 They’re using the troll as a battering ram im crying that’s so dumb  Magic jammers? That’s a thing?  YEET JULIET BEST GIRL  YES MULCH UNHINGED RIGHTS!!  DOM COUNT DOM COUNT  Hmm yeah soundtrack nothing to write home about  DOM COUNT
 I vibe w neutrino design  OH DOM COUNT DOM count DOm count pls stopppppp Whyd you a) move him and b) sit him up  BUDDY????  hey ur not meant to die til book three
 Oh yeah he runs like he’s never learnt how  Like he’d willingly call someone a friend before book four  Wow yeah that’s defs arctic incident 
 Fjshfjsjjfjdjfjfhfhdhfhdhghh I know it didn’t fail but WHAT IF IT DID  “Dad” wow please go back to calling him Father
 I’ll be real I didn’t view holly as a child actor the whole time lol she’s good  And white ,,, but that’s a different issue
And that is the total transcript, in near-unreadable format. 
God help us all.
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