#i GOTTA animate them like this at some point
ghostdiva · 2 days
ok so the new trailer for episode 3 just dropped. big hype. here are some theory's, notes, and observations.
also I took a lot of screenshots...
anyway here we go.
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so the adventure is set to be "The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor". Now, I do think that Caine is gonna be the quest giver this time, sending the gang to find something inside the spooky, probably haunted manor.
small guess is that they gotta find Matilda, one of the ghosts haunting the manor, and trap her in a vacuum. idk why, it's literally just a hunch.
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Jax also takes a moment to harass Pomni with a vacuum, which just makes me think of Luigi's Mansion.
anyway, the gang (minus Zooble) are gonna go in the manor and try to find whatever they're looking for, and either by agreement or random set of events, the gang is gonna split up, Pomni and Kinger being paired up. I don't really know if Ragatha, Gangle, and Jax stick together or not, as they're not really shown much in the trailer.
I am inclined to believe it is a set of events that separates the gang tho.
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it's the one of the reasons I can think of that'd make Pomni climb on the door like that.
I mean... outside of the very spooky decorum.....
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which Pomni has a pretty reasonable reaction to
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btw, I fucking love Pomni's cartoon physics with the squash and stretch rubber-hose animation. it's so expressive and fun to watch.
anyway, it seems Caine is determined to have Zooble go on adventures. so he literally sits them down and tries to therapize them.
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though with Caine being an AI with very little knowledge of how the human mind works, this goes predictably horribly.
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I imagine Zooble tries on some level to convey to Caine the ludicrousness of their situation. stuck in a digital world getting repeatedly traumatized by meaningless adventures that seem to do more harm than good. though I get the feeling Caine would miss the point, leading Zooble to correct him, and/or get upset at him for not understanding. watching this verbal fight happen between these 2 will probably lead to us, the viewer, understanding more about Zooble.
anyway, back to the manor with this cute little guy.
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look at him, he's so cute and squishable. unfortunately this guy is the only cute and squishable NPC here because Pomni and Kinger seems to really be going through it.
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they're mostly poking around, opening drawers and stuff. maybe they're looking for a key to get back with the others or something? who knows.
they both probably stumble around in the dark for a bit, both figuratively and literally.
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they might end up stumbling into an antagonist NPC, which is the only way I can explain some of these screenshots.
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it looks to me like Kinger is facing something. I mean, He's missing an eye in the first one, smacking something with a gun in the second, and looking really worried in the third. Plus the fist 2 have similar lighting so I'm inclined to believe those 2 pics come from clips in close time frames to each other.
there's also another image that has similar lighting...
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now... this may sound weird, but I think that either Pomni got Possessed somehow, or something tried to take her shape. Possession seems more feasible since we know at least 2 of the NPC's in this adventure are ghosts, and at least in media ghosts are known to possess people. seeing as digital circus seems to love pulling from video game mechanics, this wouldn't surprise me at all.
this would also kind of explain why in the "POMNI WAKE UP!! IT'S TIME TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE" video, in the "Kinger with a shotgun" clip, he seems to be hitting Pomni with the gun. it makes a lot more sense if Pomni ends up getting possessed somehow, forcing Kinger to hit her in order to defend himself from the ghost.
this also could tie back to the worried look on Kingers face in the screenshot before Possessed Pomni. Cause he'd know what he has to do, even though he doesn't want to hurt Pomni.
Hell, I'm pretty sure Kinger even openly protects Pomni in this episode.
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because of the shot in the trailer taken from this hole's perspective
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not only is Pomni hiding behind Kinger, but he has one of his hands out in front of her, as if to protect her from whatever is in that hole.
also in regards to guns, Kinger isn't the only one who gets to have a gun.
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Pomni gets to wield a shotgun too, and it's likely to help both herself and Kinger fight off whatever was after them in the hole.
Ghost possession and gun-slinging aside, I do think that Pomni and Kinger have a little heart to heart in this episode.
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boy doesn't that screenshot look familiar. reminds me of episode 2 with the blue lighting and concerned expression on Pomni's face. That scene in the test room where Pomni comforts Gumigoo. this time tho, she's comforting Kinger. it almost makes me wonder if this will be a reoccurring theme, with all the other characters eventually having a heart to heart with Pomni, and Pomni comforting them.
it'd really make her live up to her quote in episode 2 "I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing. I don't want anyone to feel like that".
the only thing I do still have questions about, is wtf is Kinger looking at here?
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I mean, it looks like the eyes of a ghost, if they could make their eyes glow like that.
ya know what, maybe he's looking at a mound of pillows or something.
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yeah, like that.
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kei-kinda-writes · 3 days
Rainy Days!
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TYPE: Headcannons, Rainy days: It's a rainy day! what do you do to pass the time?
CHARACTERS (separate): Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinso, Ochako Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Kiyoka Jiro
Can be red as platonic or romantic
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SHOTO TODOROKI: Eating favourite food or snacks together
Very chill guy and would sit down with you to enjoy your favourite food together :D
Either you’ll sit in silence or work together on some homework: a good homework helper
No matter what it’d end up pretty quiet because I don’t think he’s very good with small conversations
Once a conversation does get going though he’ll engage and listen very well all you’d have to do is start it
If you end up finishing your food Shoto would end up offering to go get you some more while making himself some more soba
by the end he’s probably smiling a bit while listening to you and nodding along to what your saying
I think Shoto loves hearing stories about you too so if he got you to share some he’d love it
Will tell you a bit about his training since that’s the only thing he’d really know to talk about
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I know he can cook well but to me it would be the absolute funniest thing if he couldn’t bake if his life depended on it
no matter what this will end up in absolute chaos with a messy kitchen and constant banter and yelling
definitely a time to remember! You would probably be the one to bring up the idea and have to convince him
in the end though you would probably end up with some delicious 5 star deserts
He probably refuses to anything besides cupcakes or chocolate chip cookies though
Will laugh at you if you make a mess and force you to clean it up
Goodluck if you start a flour fight though! :) that’s the start of war and Katsuki won’t stop until he’s won
Took at least half an hour to clean the kitchen though
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Firm believer he likes video games and probably anime
Will play any game genre with you however has a preference towards horror or adventure games
If you play dress to impress though he will somehow absolutely destroy you and end up on the podium almost every time
some sort of music or TV show would be playing in the background if you aren’t playing a horror game though
Will scream like a little girl if you play horror games so you gotta prepare for that
Ends in a noise complaint 100%
would willingly try out a bunch of free games with you and rate them together with you
overall it’s an amazing time and I think even if you don’t play he’d still like for you to sit around and watch!
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EIJIRO KIRISHIMA: Workout/Training
He likes working out and stuff lots so would invite for you to join him!
Won’t care if you do or don’t participate just enjoys the company and tells some of the best stories
Imagine he’s doing some sort of push ups or sit ups telling you about homework with Katsuki and you’re just sat listening and helping him out
if you do participate though he’ll be your personal cheerleader and always be so helpful and outgoing telling you good job on a constant
Might make a small competition to see who can do more push ups or lift more
Would be open to sparring too for more practice!
Another thing he might do with you on a rainy day is re-dye his hair which would likely end up in chaos and calling Mina in for help
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Like I’ve said before he probably really likes documentary movies and would invite you to watch one!
Wont mind if you end up choosing a different type of movie though as long as the two of you get to watch something together it makes him happy
Additionally won’t care if you’re doing work or scrolling through social media while watching I think he just likes having your company
If you are watching a documentary movie though be prepared for him to pause and rant about how a fact isn’t correct
So if you don’t like that he might not be the best person to watch a movie with!
If you end up falling asleep at any point though he’d cover you with a blanket or something along the lines of that and turn the volume down slightly so you won’t end up woken up
Will bring out an all might blanket to have whilst watching the movie too as well as some snacks! :D
Likely makes mental note of your favourites and buys some or at the very least grabs whatever you’d like from the dorm kitchen!
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He’s so sleep deprived and without a doubt takes naps
And when it starts raining? I mean come on we all know that’s perfect napping time
It would take awhile before he invites you to be his napping buddy but once you are it’s the absolute best
He probably has some of the comfiest pillows and blankets and the two of you bring out a small mat he has in his closet for sleepovers and just nap in the same room
Might also put on some sort of show as background noise if you need it or if you just don’t feel like napping
Adding onto that if you don’t wanna take a nap or just don’t feel tired he’d probably just leave you to your own devices and let you do whatever you’d like as long as you’re quiet
Won’t pressure you to nap with him would more like casually offer it on a rainy day to see if you’d like to join
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OCHAKO URARAKA: Arts + crafts
Like I’ve said in a previous headcannon I think Uraraka enjoys doing little crafts like making bracelets together or painting stuff like that!
if you aren’t doing a messy craft you’d end up in a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor I think
if you end up making bracelets together I think she’d absolutely adore making matching ones together :))
Or something like switching canvases or papers every couple of minutes!!
I am a firm believer she listens to lofi beats so that would be playing in the background
warm lighting, silly banter and crafts, rain, and calming music, the vibes would be immaculate
After the stuff you two made is either hanging up somewhere in her dorm or she’s proudly wearing it around! :)
if you make little charms or something along those lines she would keep it in her costume for keepsakes much like the all might gift she received around the holidays episode
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TSUYU ASUI: Playing in the rain
I know it’s a bit cliché, but from what we know about Tsu liking water I’m a firm believer that she likes the rain
Jumping, dancing, running around anything is on the table
She wouldn’t pressure you into playing with her, she would definitely enjoy it if you did however she’d be fine if you watched from inside or just on some steps under a roof
Building on that she probably is a very flexible person and wouldn’t mind just watching the rain with you if you don’t wanna get wet but still wanna spend time together :))
If you do end up playing in the rain together you’d probably both come back in with soaked clothes and muddy pants!
definitely calls it one of her favourite memories with you and probably asked to take a couple of photos together to remember the occasion
Photos from then were likely her phone background for awhile
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KIYOKA JIRO: Learning instruments + listening to music
Jiro loves music we know that from the UA carnival concert ordeal thingy (idk what it’s called man)
I think it’s sorta like a love language of hers to teach music to the people around her
So if you’re open to it and willing to try she’d love to take advantage of the bad weather and teach you how to play an instrument
I’d say she’s pretty understanding if you have noise sensitivities or just aren’t willing to learn anything though
So if you aren’t too keen on it though or maybe you just don’t like loud noises she’s also spend time sharing her music with you :)
You’d be in her room just exchanging songs and such, she wouldn’t pressure to share songs either but would absolutely adore it if you did
After awhile if she ended up with a good knowledge of your music taste she would make a playlist and that’s the one she’d play every rainy day or in general time she spends with you!
Would be willing to paint nails or work on homework whilst listening
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Thanks for reading!
Side note: Apologies if there’s any typos, things don’t make sense, or the characters feel as though they aren’t properly done!
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reslari · 3 days
The lifting the lore does in glazing when none of the demigods are actually all that powerful is so funny. In fact, neither is Queen Marika.
When GRRM said, "I wrote these guys to be normal humans a long time pre-canon," he wasn't kidding.
Marika, all-consumingly powerful, can rewrite reality with the reality rewriting macguffin! Except where she can't rewrite her children AND herself not to be cursed, and can only just barely seal a couple of Outer Gods and not actually kill them. Where she can't just write the Hornsent or the Crucible out of existence, and instead has to sacrifice people for a miserable, honorless war. Turns out, she's just an average, rote god, but she has propaganda on her side, and maybe a slight homefield advantage. But she isn't special and never has been.
Radahn, mightiest demigod of the Shattering! Who got his ass kicked by some sewer-scented old man with a walking stick. Twice. Plus he couldn't properly siege Stormveil Castle. So his official score in "notable battles" is 1/3/1. That's a championship record if I've ever seen one, truly worthy of the "mightiest" title.
Malenia, the undefeated!!!! Because she had to throw her pride away just to *tie* the dude that got his ass kicked by a stinky geriatric, when she was actively trying to kill him. Sure, Caelid is a mess now, but all she did was slap an aeonia down; the scarlet aeonia and the rot itself propagated under its own power, she wasn't controlling it once it was unleashed.
Morgott: should therefore be as powerful or more than both of the above, but is a midgame boss, and not even a particularly difficult kill, with no particular skills other than a little holy magic, so who knows how he even got Radahn in the first place. Except if Radahn isn't actually as powerful as the glazing tells you he is, and therefore neither is Malenia.
And all of the above can get absolutely humbled by some naked dude with a stick.
I could also go on about how Miquella's plan makes a ton more sense if you take away the bullshit anime superpowers, but bullshit anime superpowers is what makes the video game a video game, so they gotta stay.
PS: "Prime Radahn" isn't actually that powerful; if his fight was only phase 1, he would be easier than Malenia, even before the nerfs. He is buffed by Miquella to be as punishing as he is in Phase 2 - You're not fighting "Prime Radahn" acting under his own power, you're fighting "Prime Radahn" with a pocket buff machine enhancing his abilities; it's the combined strength of Miquella and Radahn, actively trying to defeat you... and you STILL win.
But this is a poignant point about the way FromSoft makes their characters: Even in their "prime", they are still defeatable by a naked dude with a stick. Even in their "prime", they're not all-powerful. It's for the same reason FS never writes people in positions of power as unambiguously good: You are supposed to realize how falliable those in power are. You are supposed to question them, their intentions, and see through the illusion and transience of their "power". GRRM wrote the characters even weaker and more falliable than FS would, it seems, but even "buffed" - just like Radahn - they are still people, and just as susceptible to the faults that come with that.
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nisazeee · 8 months
I have shape'd them
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7roaches · 11 months
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assorted old and somewhat unfinished oc art (except the second one thats recent)
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lookstairs · 4 months
Trying to tell people I love Black Butler is so hard cause of all the weird ships
Oh isnt that the show where people ship a demon and a kid? Oh isn’t that the one where he’s dating his cousin?
It’s got mystery, great art, interesting story, and fun characters.
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frobby · 10 months
why are anime characters always from or going to California it's not even that cool over here
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Thunderings are happening, my brain has funneled off into hcs mode
#//Aka; guess who am I gonna ramble on abt rn lol#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#hc; kaeya#//That's right; babes!#//Anywho; Kae is NOT a fan of thunder#//If it's not tales of the Electro Archon from his father; then it's the circumstances in which they'd parted#//The moment the storm rolled in; he was terrified esp of the sound and ran himself ragged trying to find a place to escape it#//Damn near ran himself off a cliff had a strike of lightning not made him stumble back from it#//Managed to find his way to the winery where he hid for a bit before Tunner found him and Crepus managed to persuade him to stay#//After damn near running the man winded bc he thought he was trying to chase him off or worse#//The fear lingered and festered more the longer he stayed in the Land of the Anemo Archon; out of guilt for 'deceiving' the Ragnvindrs#//For letting him stay there; for not telling them why he was here. Grew up half expecting to get Smote or smth at any time#//Esp whenever Luc dragged him into mischief or he went to the Church with them for whatever reason#//Mostly the former; but bc it was Luc asking him to clown; he didn't mind the 'potential risk'#//Even as a knight; he tended to get extremely skittish and quicker-tempered when it came to patrol during storms. Still does#//Tho at that time; thinly veiling the fact that he very much felt like a cornered animal every time he had to go and couldn't get out of i#//Esp if Luc was the one who asked him to come with; bc like before; he really didn't ever want nor like to say no to him#//The aversion got worse bc thundered the night of his Confrontation with Diluc too; absolutely increased how much he hated it#//His aversion tends to manifest in a drop in temperatures or frost formation; as well as him pausing and quickly glancing about#//As if he's half expecting a threat of some sort; really he's quickly locating things to distract himself with#//If he's with a trusted person; he'll tend to wordlessly press against their side; then either brush it off like he just wanted to#//Or mutter a quick 'thunder' and Not Elaborate whatsoever. Either they get it or they don't#//He WILL get annoyed if he's teased about it. And it will take him AWHILE before he lets the person comfort him during bc of it#//Bc from that point; he will assume it's done mockingly or bc they feel they HAVE to; and he hates that#//If they let him be or even support him more instead; he will make a passing mention abt how much he hates thunder to start cuing them in#//They just gotta show they are a Safe person--bonus is this opens up a LOT of doors when it comes to trust later#//It doesn't help that he already hates dealing with loud sounds as is; even the blasts from Klee Jumpy Dumpties set him on edge#//But the bad memories he has to thunder make it the worse by far to him
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chronosbled · 1 year
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{ Theo, my beloved~. Look at how unbelievably pretty you are for absolutely no reason at all. I sometimes can't help but cry at your beauty. My pretty blonde boy with green eyes.
Bonus icon of Theoto's lips because they look so plush and soft in this image. }
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
i watched nimona and it was good! beautiful animation, fun characters, actually pretty funny in a lighthearted way. but it felt very short? it was like they cut every other scene. idk sometimes it felt like the movie was moving a breakneck pace with almost nothing connecting each plot point. i will be thinking about that man and his daughter forever tho 👍
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robinsnest2111 · 2 years
...just remembered I had three monster high plush dolls when I was younger. Might just need to plan an excursion to The Attic tomorrow to see if they're still around here somewhere...
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you should read Dai Dark. it's about skeletons in outer space.
ive been recommended Dai Dark a few times now, and im very interested! though i tend to take really long to get around to things i think. i haven't read many mangas in a while, but it's definitely one i want to check out at some point
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account-name · 2 years
idk if i'll end up with anything nice enough to post but i am finally out of art block for now and am working on redesigning my designs of the trio
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thatdemiboymess · 3 months
Feeling visceral disgust at being called chic by my partner's mother and despair because I don't think there's any way I can ask her not to call me that without rocking the boat. >:'((
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Like. Stop That, Now. Alas I cannot ask her to stop that. >:'((
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victorluvsalice · 5 months
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-->Speaking of bugs, I also discovered that Surprise had an in-game one – specifically, she was suddenly a bright, frosty blue, with a glowing red nose! Well, I’d already planned to bring her and her sister in to be spayed during this playsession, so I added “get Surprise cured” to my plans at the Pawspital and continued having my Sims do their things:
Smiler finished their drone upgrades, so I sent them upstairs to give their spare teal quadcopter to the specter haunting their room to get it to piss off – it fortunately really liked the gift, and gave Smiler their own supply of wraith wax. They collected it, then got sent outside to take care of the chickens – spreading some feed, cleaning the coop, and chatting with the hens and roosters (who fortunately liked their company today). I then had them plop Elmer in the greenhouse to help with the tending (though the bot promptly got stuck on a glitched-out weedy plant, AND I got an LE around the same time – apparently from Alice trying to interact with something that didn’t go well?), grab some plasma fruit, then tend to a dirty Moory, cleaning her off and chatting with her. She also liked Smiler’s presence today, so they milked her and picked up the eggs for the day (just two normal ones) before heading into the greenhouse for a Plasma Fizz to refresh.
Victor, finally refreshed after a bit of uninterrupted nap time, came downstairs and refilled one of the empty pet feeders before having some more berry waffles for breakfast – Alice joined him after returning from her hunting trip, but unfortunately a poorly-timed question about juice fizzing kind of ruined the mood at the table. Dunno why it’s such a crapshoot to ask him for juice-fizzing tips... Anyway, I then sent him out to go play a bit of fetch with Shadow, who’d been complaining about wanting to have some fun (and I mean a BIT – Victor got in one throw, and rather than fetch the ball, Shadow just ran off), before having him collect her latest poop and then go tend the greenhouse like he always does. Those oversized crops aren’t going to de-bug themselves!
And Alice, after successfully returning from her hunting trip and chowing down at the table with Victor, got put on kitchen clean-up duty – clearing both her and Victor’s plates and the spoiled food out of the fridge – before going out to feed Toothy the cowplant. She then proceeded to spend a good chunk of time howling, going places ferociously, leaving puddles all over the front yard, and scavenging (picking up one chunk of punium) so I could max out her already-high Fury and get her to rampage and get it out of her system. Took a little while, but she finally tipped over the edge, and as usual I had her do a bit of scavenging (nothing this time) before having her regain control. :p What – after a certain point, it really DOES become the easiest way to clear out her Fury gauge! And she is BRIMMING with self-control, I promise you. :P
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exopelagic · 6 months
i will not panic abt my exams
#it will be fine actually#I’m stressed bc they’re in. a month now like a month from today and I’ll be done#but that just means I have a whole month to be making notes I can do a lot in a month#I’m going home on Friday which is stressing me out but it’s just one week I’ll go Friday and leave Saturday/Sunday#and if I can do a handful of lectures while I’m at home that’ll be a useful step no matter what#i can probably focus on like molecular ones which are easier to structure bc I just need to pull out the mechanisms#tomorrow I just gotta read up on two topics really and then I can write the dumb mock exam which I won’t be able to do at home bc its 4 hour#I hate that we have to do that especially bc it’s got shit evil questions but whatever#and I can’t feel bad abt being slow to get back into this bc im an animal with a body and it takes a while to get back into Anything#and I’m worried abt the exam yes bc of how it went last year when I was unprepared but 1) I won’t be THAT degree of unprepared this year#2) it is unlikely that i get as insanely unlucky as I did last year#fucking hell I just. don’t think I’m made for this kinda system I can’t make myself work in it#every single term of my degree so far I’ve been fighting to keep up with everything and had no time to properly prepare for the exams#and then scraped it by working off a baseline level of being good at putting ideas together quickly and strategically working last minute#on whatever will give me the best shot at getting what I need but that’s not possible in these two exams bc I have over 100 lectures to know#I can’t do 100 lectures in a month. it’s just not possible but what I can probably do is summarise some important bits for like half of them#I think I’m bad at the whole sustained effort on a big task over a long period of time#bc this is so huge that there’s no way for me to see progress or move on to anything new bc it’s just. a stack of 100 lectures to deal with#I HOPE I’m better at dealing with project next year bc i think it’ll be more task based#and like I can watch the lectures the first time round bc there’s a set thing to do and an end point#I have genuinely no idea how to approach this in a way that will be useful achievable AND get enough done within the time I have#anyway I can’t stress abt it now bc I have to go to the shop and then home to cook. so#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#luke.txt
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