#i KNEW the weekend was good enough to make me crash super hard when the high of it finally ends
varjopeura · 4 months
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Fake It
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A/N: I apologize for my absence but life is roundhouse kicking my ass right now. But I’m super excited about this piece!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
Warnings: smut! Dom!eddie, spitting, name calling (both sweet and dirty- slut), unprotected sex, daddy kink!, creampie, mentions of porn
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“Maybe it’s me; maybe I’m broken,” you sighed to Robin. She simply rolled her eyes as she continued to sort through the return stack.
“It’s not you- guys just suck,” she said.
“Hey!” Steve yelled from the back.
“Maybe you shouldn’t eavesdrop then!” You yelled back.
“Maybe you guys should just speak louder!”
“Oh my god, I’m gonna kill him,” you mumbled. “Seriously, Robin- is it to much to ask for a guy to make me feel good? He doesn’t even have to make me cum, just make me feel something!”
“Eh-hem.” The sudden clearing of a throat made you jump as you whipped around to see a flustered Eddie Munson standing awkwardly at the counter.
“Munson! What’s up, man?” Steve said with a smile, emerging from the back.
“N-not a whole lot. Looking to see if you got any new releases in,” he said, his eyes not leaving you the whole time.
“(Y/N) definitely hasn’t,” Robin mumbled. You threw an empty case at her which she easily dodged.
“Um, yeah, let me check the back. I think I did see some new titles.”
Steve wandered to the back, leaving you flustered in front of Eddie. He stared at his shoes and rocked back and forth, not really sure what to say to you.
“I think I’m gonna go help Steve,” Robin said before heading off. You tried to catch her attention and tell her no but she purposely didn’t look back at you.
She was the only one that knew about your crush on the metalhead, although she claimed it was obvious by the way you became a flustered mess any time he was around. Despite him being one of the kindest people you had ever met, you were always too scared to make a move. So that’s why you settled for less than mediocre dates with far less than mediocre guys.
“So, uh, any plans for the weekend?” You asked, trying to break the horrible tension.
“Just gonna hang out and watch some movies,” Eddie answered.
“Right, right. Of course,” you mumbled, mentally facepalming yourself.
“Why do you ask?” He asked.
“Just curious! I think I’m gonna go see what’s taking those two idiots so long.”
Before Eddie could say anything else, you booked it to the back. You crashed into Robin and Steve who were listening behind the curtain that closed off the back room from the counter.
“What the fuck is taking you guys so long?” You whispered.
“We we’re having too much fun listening to you crash and burn out there,” Steve snickered. “I’m sure if you asked him to hang out, he would say yes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You have Robin a death glare but she threw up her hands.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“Yeah, it’s just really obvious,” Steve chuckled. “Here, bring him this.”
Steve shoved you back out there with the tape in your hands.
“Did they get lost or something?” Eddie asked with a small smile.
“Pretty hard to find things when they have their heads shoved up each other’s asses,” you said loud enough for them to hear.
Eddie let out a loud laugh and it made your heart jump up your throat. He looked down at the tape in your hand and reached for it.
“For me?”
“Oh, yeah,” you nodded. You rang him out and handed him the tape. “I’ll see you around.”
“I’m counting on it,” he smiled.
“Why are the guys around here so boring?” You asked to no one in particular.
“I’m not boring!” Steve scoffed.
“Yeah okay,” you laughed. “What’s the most adventurous things you’ve done in bed?”
“Well…I… I’ve used a scarf?”
“A scarf?” You repeated.
“Were you cold?” Robin asked.
“No, I wasn’t cold! We used it as a blindfold,” he said sheepishly.
“I highly doubt you’ve blindfolded a girl,” you challenged.
“I never said she was the one blindfolded,” he said with a smirk.
“Harrington!” Robin gasped. Steve wiggled his eyebrows as you fake gagged.
“I can be a…what’s the new term kids are using these days…oh right, I can be daddy.” Steve tried to purr but failed miserably.
“You give off more of a mommy vibe,” you said. “You and your scarf of mystery.”
“Yeah, that’s not exactly kinky, Steve. Grandparents are using blindfolds these days,” Robin added.
“Yeah, why do you think they like knitting so much?” The three of you jumped when you heard the voice interrupt. Eddie stood there with a very amused expression on his devilishly handsome face.
“That’s gross,” Steve scowled.
“Thought it was kinky?” You laughed. Steve rolled his eyes before turning back to Eddie.
“(Y/N), here, was just saying how all the guys around here are boring in bed. Care to weigh in?”
“Steve!” You smacked his arm. “That’s not exactly appropriate to ask a customer.”
“A customer? Ouch. And here I was thinking we were friends,” Eddie said, holding his hand to his chest.
“We are friends,” you mumbled, rather embarrassed.
“Good,” Eddie beamed. He slid his return across the desk. “And I can promise you that not all the guys in this town are boring.”
Eddie sent you a wink before heading back out the door. Your jaw dropped as his words spun in your head. Robin ever so gently closed your mouth for you.
“Didn’t want you to catch any flies,” she chuckled.
“I bet he’s never used a scarf,” Steve grumbled angrily. “Maybe I should take up knitting.”
The next time you saw Eddie was at a small get together that Steve and Robin threw together last minute. You weren’t expecting him to be there but he was a part of the group now so you didn’t know why you didn’t think of it.
You sat in the kitchen with Nancy and Robin, lamenting about your recent and pitiful sexual conquests.
“Two dates, two duds- I literally have the worst luck!” You sighed. “I mean, is it too much to ask for a guy to eat me out and spit in my mouth?”
Nancy’s eyes widened as she looked behind you. You froze in your spot, not wanting to turn around.
“H-hey, Eddie,” Robin tried to smile awkwardly. You closed your eyes and sucked in a breath. Why was it always him?
“Hey, ladies,” he coughed. “Mind if I grab a drink?”
“Go for it,” Nancy said.
Eddie moved around you and reached across you to the drinks you were sat in front of. His eyes dropped down to your lips for a split second before moving back up to your eyes.
“Hi, (y/n),” he said loud enough for only you to hear. You swore you saw a smirk on his lips but your mind went into overdrive and you had to focus solely on breathing and not passing out.
“Earth to (y/n)? Can you move so we can grab a drink?” Dustin yelled from behind Eddie.
“I got it, man,” Eddie said, reaching across you again. His body was pressed to your side as he poured a couple drinks for his friends. His scent invaded your senses as you felt the heat from his body blanket your own. You didn’t realize your fluttered closed until he cleared his throat. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah,” you stuttered.
“You sure? I could bring you home if you’re not feeling well,” he offered.
“No! I’m good, I swear.”
“If you say so,” he chuckled. He gave you one last look-over before he finally retreated to the other room and you thought Nancy and Robin were going to double over in laughter.
“You know…Eddie might just be the solution to your little problem. He’s probably a freak in more places than just the streets,” Robin said with a wink.
“You’re insane!”
“She’s right! He’s totally into you and everyone knows you’re head over heels for him-“
“What do you mean everyone knows?” You shrieked.
“I’m just saying, you don’t exactly hide it well,” Nancy said. You rolled your eyes at your ridiculous friends and went back to sipping your drink.
You couldn’t get the image of Eddie out of your head for the rest of the night. By the time you got home, you were a mess, and not the kind you wanted to be. You settled into your bed for a long night of frustrating attempts to seek a release, one that never came.
“It has to be me; I’m definitely broken. If I can’t even fuck myself how can I expect anyone else to?” You sighed to Robin on the other end of the phone.
“Sounds like there’s something blocking that part of your brain. It’s probably that fact that you’re lusting over a certain metalhead whom you refuse to make a move on,” she said. You groaned and threw yourself back on your bed.
“He doesn’t want me,” you told her.
“You never know until you ask.”
“Yeah well I’m never gonna ask so just drop it. Please?” You pleaded.
“…fine…I’m gonna bring a care package over to your place later and we can hang out and take your mind off of things, okay?” She said.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later.”
You hung up with your friend and stared at your ceiling. You needed to figure something out soon or you were going to combust.
Hours passed and you almost forgot Robin’s promise to stop over. You were in nothing but an oversized tshirt and your panties, not shy in front of your lifelong friend. When you heard the doorbell ring, you thought nothing of it as you bounded down the stairs toward the front door.
“Rob- oh my god!” You froze as you saw someone who was definitely not Robin Buckley standing outside your door. “Eddie?”
“Sorry…I thought Robin told you I was coming?”
You looked at the bag in his hands, filled with some of your favorite items, and everything started to click.
“I’m gonna kill her,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?”
“Oh, nothing! Thanks so much for bringing this for her, you really didn’t have to go through all the trouble.”
You tried to grab the bag from his hand and close the door but his grip was tight and his stance unwavering.
“She also told me I have to stay here and make sure you relax sooo do you mind if I come in, sweetheart?” He asked, already pushing past you and into your house.
“Folks aren’t home yet?” He asked, taking a look around. You stood dumbfounded in your doorway, his question snapping you back to reality.
“They’re out of town visiting friends for the week,” you answered. You closed the door behind you and went to grab the bag but he stopped you.
“Not so fast, beautiful. I need to quality check the items first.”
You didn’t think anything of it until Eddie started to pull out a wide array of items-
a box of your favorite candy, some lotion, a scarf. You were confused by the selection but nothing mortified you more than what Eddie pulled out next.
“Talk dirty to me, parts one and two,” Eddie said with a huge smile.
“Oh my god!” You snatched the pornos out of his hands and threw them back in the bag.
“Damn, when Robin said you needed to relax, I guess she wasn’t kidding,” he laughed.
“Okay, I’m thoroughly embarrassed and ready to crawl under a rock so you can go now,” you said, trying to pull him toward the door by his arm. He pulled you back flush against his chest.
“Not so fast, sweetheart. That’s no way to treat a house guest, now is it?” The deep rumble of his voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“N-no,” you whispered.
“No what?”
“Good girl,” he smiled. He backed you against the wall, your heart beating a mile a minute. “Do you want me to help you relax?”
“Yes, sir,” you said without even having to think.
“Do you trust me?” He asked.
“Of course,” you said with a faint smile on your lips. You trusted Eddie more than you trusted most people and you knew he would take care of you.
He grabbed the bag and led you to your bedroom. You were nervous, not because it was Eddie, but because part of you really did believe you were broken and you didn’t want to be a disappointment to Eddie.
Eddie must’ve sensed your nerves because he turned to you and grabbed both your hands, looking you in the eyes.
“We don’t have to do anything, you know? We can just hang out o-or I can just leave…”
“No! No, don’t go. I’m just in my head a little, that’s all,” you sighed. He brought the back of your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it.
“I’ve got you; please don’t worry,” he said. You simply nodded before letting him grab the hem of your shirt and lift it over your head. His eyes scanned your bare torso with nothing but adoration in his eyes. He left your panties on as he laid you down on your bed. You heard the bag rustle and the scent of lavender soon filled your nose.
“Just try and relax, baby,” he said softly. He rubbed the lotion together in his hands to warm it up before gentle squeezing your shoulders and running his hands down your back. He worked your tense muscles under his calloused hands, making you melt almost instantly.
The lower his hands went, the tighter the coil went in your stomach, just begging for release. He worked on your thighs, squeezing your ass in the process. His hands lingered on your ass for a minute before they slid back up to your shoulders.
You wriggled your hips uncomfortably, preferring he would’ve shown your aching pussy some much needed attention.
Eddie got impatient with your moving so he straddled your waist and pinned your hips down with his.
“Just try and enjoy this, sweetheart,” he said.
“I’d enjoy something else a lot more,” you groaned. He hit a particularly tense spot and you moaned as he massaged the knot. You felt him shift, pressing more into your ass. You let breathy whimpers fall from your lips as he started to grind his hips against you.
“Eddie, please,” you whined.
“Please, what, baby? Ask daddy nicely,” he said. The way he said that with no shame, completely confident and in control, made your mouth go dry. He stopped the movement of his hips- “I won’t ask again.”
“P-please touch me, daddy,” you begged.
“I am touching you, love,” he chuckled.
“No, I want you to fuck me!”
He moved back and slapped your ass, making you yelp.
“Watch the attitude before I fuck it out of you,” he warned.
“If you can,” you mumbled under your breath. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head back.
“What was that?” He growled in your ear.
“I don’t think you can fuck me that hard, daddy,” you challenged. He let out a dark chuckle.
“Of course you’re a fucking brat,” he laughed. “I should’ve guessed. Maybe that’s why no other little boys in this town could satisfy you. You needed a man to know how to handle you, baby. Is that it?”
His other hand snaked it’s way into your panties; he was delighted to find out just how wet you already were for him.
“Yes, please. I need you!”
“There’s your manners; what a good girl.”
“Mm, yes. I’m a good girl, I’m your good girl,” you mumbled incoherently as he started to rub slow circles on your clit.
“That’s what I thought,” he said with a smug smirk.
You were trying to grind against his hand, trying to get more stimulation but he wasn’t having it. You were flipped onto your back and panties were ripped from your body, exposing your slick pussy to Eddie. He reached over to the bag and grabbed the scarf that you were suspecting Steve had something to do with.
“Since you have a problem with holding still-“ he grabbed your wrists and tied them with the scarf, putting them over your head. “Don’t. Move.”
“Yes, daddy,” you whispered.
Eddie crawled down so he was eye level with your pussy and it was hard not to move with anticipation. You needed him to touch you, to do anything, but you certainly weren’t expecting him to dive in and eat your pussy like a starving man.
“Eddie!” You shrieked. Your hands flew down to his hair and he immediately stopped.
“This is your one warning, babe,” he said as he threw your hands back up.
He turned his attention back to your clit, giving it kitten licks with his tongue. He would tease it at your entrance, only to return to your sensitive bundle of nerves. He was quickly bringing you to the brink of an orgasm, faster than you’ve ever gotten yourself there.
“Fuck, please. Please make me cum,” you whined. “Use your fingers.”
“You’re in no place to be making demands, princess,” he chuckled, his chin glistening. “The only thing going inside you tonight is my cock.”
His words alone were enough to build a fire in your stomach. He gripped your hips and pulled you flush with his face and you were certain he wasn’t even breathing. He ravaged his pussy with his tongue. Your head was swimming but you tried your best not to move, terrified he would stop and wouldn’t let you come. What a cruel punishment that would be- the only man to ever even bring you close to an orgasm only to take it away because you disobeyed.
The closer you came to the edge, the louder you chanted his name. He focused solely on your clit, providing enough pressure to finally push you over the edge. Your body convulsed as a powerful orgasm crashed over you. He didn’t let you go however, continuing to lap at your pussy as you came.
Once he was satisfied with his work, he crawled over your body and you expected him to kiss you but he didn’t. Instead, he tapped your jaw and said, “open.”
Your eyes widened more than your mouth when he spit directly onto your tongue. He didn’t even have to ask you to swallow, just smiled with pride as you did.
“Somebody listens,” you said with a smirk.
“Of course. How else am I gonna please my girl?” He asked. Your brain short circuited when he called you that but you played it cool.
“That was amazing, Eddie,” you sighed happily.
“Did you think I was done with you yet? I told you, the only thing inside you tonight is gonna be my cock. So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to feel just how well you take my cock,” he said with a devilish grin.
“Do I get to lose the scarf?” You asked.
“Only because you were such a good girl for daddy.”
He untied you and threw it to the side of the bed. He finally took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his underwear. You could see the outline of his cock straining against the fabric and it made your mouth water.
You reached toward the hem of his underwear and he let you take them off. You ran your fingers along his length, as if memorizing every detail.
You leaned forward and he stopped you. Your heart nearly stopped, thinking you did something wrong.
“I just can’t wait to feel your pussy, baby. That’s all,” he reassured you.
“Please, daddy? I just wanna taste you.”
“Are you questioning me? You take what daddy gives you and then you thank him.”
He lined up with your entrance, gathering your slick on his head.
“Daddy thinks quite highly of himself,” you teased.
“God, maybe I should fuck your mouth just to shut you up,” he growled.
“You won’t,” you challenged further.
Without warning, he slammed balls deep into you.
“You’re right. I won’t. Greedy little sluts don’t get what they want. You’re gonna get used however I want. I’m gonna fuck your pussy until you can’t even think of walking. You’re gonna milk my cock until I fill you with my cum.”
You were left breathless at his relentless thrusts but still managed to croak out a moan when he said that.
“Oh you like that, dirty girl? Of course you do. Letting me fuck you raw. You’re gonna let me cum so deep inside you, yeah?” His head fell into the crook of your neck as you raked his back with your nails.
“Daddy, I’m so close. Can I cum? Please, daddy, let me cum,” you cried. Literal tears formed in your eyes as you felt the coil tighten in your stomach once more.
“Shit, what a good girl. Fuck, didn’t even have to tell you to ask permission,” he grunted. “Cum, sweetheart. Cum all over my cock.”
The tears flowed freely as your vision went white and all you could hear was static for a second before returning to reality. Eddie fucked you through your orgasm- trying so hard to keep his rhythm while close to cumming himself.
“Ohh fuck!” A few more thrusts and he was emptying into you, spreading a warmth throughout your entire body.
He pulled out slowly, watching his cum leak out of you, down your shaking thighs, and onto your now ruined bed sheets.
“Shit, are you okay?” He asked, wiping the tears from your face.
“Yeah, sorry. That was just…I’m speechless. Phenomenal doesn’t even begin to describe it,” you said.
“You mean it?” He asked. His overconfident facade melted away and it made your heart swell.
“Eddie, that was everything I could’ve asked for and more.” You placed a gentle hand on his face and he leaned into your touch.
“I haven’t even kissed you yet,” he chuckled.
“Did you want to?”
“I would like to kiss you every day if I got the chance,” he admitted.
“I think that could be arranged,” you said before pressing your lips to his in a sweet kiss.
“You’re gonna have to learn to obey your daddy then,” he told you.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” you laughed.
“That’s okay, sweetheart. That just means I get to punish you and fuck you ten times harder.”
“That better be a promise, not a threat.”
“God, you’re perfect.” He kissed you again and pulled you on top of his chest. “Get plenty of rest, sweet girl. Tomorrow we’re having a whole date day to make up for this unceremonious rendezvous.”
“We can return the scarf to Steve,” you chuckled.
“And you can thank Robin for setting this up.”
“Yeah…I should thank her…right after I kill her for embarrassing me so much.”
“It worked out, didn’t it?” He retorted.
“I guess it did,” you said with a smile. “Now that I know you can make me cum, I’m never letting you go.”
“I’ll make you cum every goddamn day if it means I get to keep you.”
Taglist: @mellomadness @munsaniac @thebookbakery @mrsdarcyinlovewithbuckybarnes @rafecameronswhore @dootys @tiredwritersworld @lily-sinclair-2006 @dylanobriens-love @moonbeampillgoth @lady-hellfire-1985 @lagataprrr @whore-of-many-hot-men @crimsonsabbath @moldy-khunt @wheaty-melon
Sorry if I missed anyone! I was trying to rush!
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avengerscompound · 4 months
The Interview - Chapter 11
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The Interview - A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Rating:  E
Warnings:  smut (FM, oral sex, vaginal sex)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Melody Danes
Word Count:   3557
Summary:  Melody Danes gets the break of a lifetime when as a lowly intern, she’s assigned to write a profile piece on Captain America.  Steve Rogers is a hard man not to fall for and as she and Melody get closer and Melody’s career takes off, jealousy leads to sabotage, and the potential to bring her whole world crashing down.
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Chapter 11
Road trips were a make-or-break test for relationships, right up there with unplanned pregnancies and trips to Ikea.  For Melody and Steve, it had felt like a breeze.  Steve had taken the role of driver and despite being a little fast and loose with the speed limit, he’d stopped at various roadside stores to buy preserves, maple candy, and apple cider donuts.  Halfway there they’d stopped at a tavern for lunch, filling up on burgers, fries, and house-made cider before hitting the road again.  The fall foliage was in full form, and the whole trip was colored in reds, oranges, and golds.
By the time they arrived at the large colonial mansion bed and breakfast, Melody was ready to stretch out, relax, and enjoy her weekend with Steve.  They were shown up to their room in the mansion’s tower and Melody stretched out on the fourposter, bed picking at some leftover donuts, while Steve unpacked.
“So what’s the plan for the weekend,” she asked. “I mean - aside from the romantic setting for our -” she made a circle with her thumb and index finger on one hand and poked her finger in and out of it.
He started laughing as he watched her. “Oh good lord,” he joked.  “Did I make a mistake?”
She laughed with him, falling back on the mattress.  “But seriously?  Are we just going to stay inside all weekend?  Or did you want to go do things?  Antiquing maybe?  Or as you might like to call it - buying era-appropriate items.”
Steve looked at her, trying not to laugh.  “Oh that’s it!” he said and ran over, jumping on top of her and tickling her sides.  She squealed and writhed under him as his fingers moved on her sides.
“Steve!” she squealed.  “Stop!”
His hands slowed and he leaned in, capturing her lips.  What started as frantic and silly tickling, quickly turned into a slow and deep makeout session.  Steve’s hands moved up her sides and she ran one of hers into his hair.  Her body practically vibrated in anticipation under him, like an electrical current ran under her skin.
He pulled back slowly and smiled at her.  “I actually wouldn’t mind going antiquing.  I lost everything from back then and it would be nice to have some things in my house that remind me of my mother, even if they aren’t hers.  But I’d also like to find a drafting table. And I like antique radios.”
“Really?” Melody asked, putting her hands on his chest and guiding him off her so she could sit up.
“Yeah,” he said.  “They’re just - I like how they look.  And I guess they probably remind me of being young and sitting on the fire escape with Bucky listening to the baseball.”
“Then let’s do it,” she said.  “I can’t really afford antiques, but you never know, maybe I’ll find a gem while we’re out.”
He pecked her lips and stood back up.  “It’s fun to just look, and honestly I’m just looking forward to having a slow weekend with you.  I don’t take a lot of time for myself.”
“Mmm… me either,” Melody agreed.  “Though no one works as hard as Bobbi does.  I don’t care who it is.”
“Yeah, Bucky said that it’s hard to lock her down,” Steve said as he went back to unpacking.  He stopped and looked at her, grimacing slightly.  “She does like him, doesn’t she?”
“Oh yeah,” Melody said quickly.  She felt guilty on behalf of her cousin.  Not that Bobbi could help that she was busy or that she was nervous about coming out as trans to a guy she was really into, but Melody knew that Bucky had his own demons and that feeling of being not enough would hit him particularly hard.  “She is super into him.”
She paused.  Now would be the perfect time to bring up the topic with Steve and test the water about whether Bucky would be accepting of the fact that the woman he was seeing was trans.  She missed her chance though, because Steve seemed so relieved that Bobbi was definitely into Bucky he was talking again.
“Phew,” he said, doing an elaborate wipe of his brow.  “He’ll be happy to know that.  I really want them to work out, I’d hate for things to be awkward if we stay together and they break up.  We should go on a double date with them when we get back.  Hey, if you know anyone for Sam, maybe we can go on a triple date.”
Melody laughed.  It was unusual to get to see that kind of rambling relief in Steve.  He was obviously as invested in the whole Bucky and Bobbi situation as Melody was.  “Hmm… I might,” she said, going through the list of names of people she knew in New York that might be well-matched to the Sam Wilson.  “Is he into men? Women? Gender is a construct that serves as no indicator of his attraction to a person?”
Steve raised his eyebrow.  “Ahh… you know what?  I don’t know.  I’ve never known him to date anyone.  I’ll ask.”
“I bet when you ask, he’ll just try and duck the question so he doesn’t get set up with a stranger,” Melody teased.
Steve laughed.  “That’s likely true.” He paused for a moment as he put his jacket on a hanger.  “I liked that about gender being a construct.  I’ve never really thought about it too much before, but I think that’s me.”
“Yeah?” Melody said, raising an eyebrow in surprise.  “Have you ever dated a man or someone off the binary?”
He shook his head.  “No.  But to be fair, I can count how many people I have dated on one hand.”
“I’m the same in case you’re wondering.  And I’ve been out with a spectrum.  People are probably more open to questioning their gender these days than back when you grew up,” she said.
“Yeah, I’d say that’s very true.  I like that that’s the world we live in these days.  It definitely didn’t feel safe to question things back then,” he said.
“Do you think you would have - questioned things if you had the space to?” Melody asked.
He came over and sat down beside her, furrowing his brow.  “I - I don’t think so.  If anything I was always pretty intent on proving that I was a man.  I found it hard not being as masculine as others thought I should be - or even I thought I should be.  I felt more at home in my body after I had the serum.  Like it reflected who I saw myself as.”
She took his hand and played with his fingers, tracing along them with her fingertips.  His hands dwarfed hers and she pressed her palm against his, looking at the difference in size as she thought.  “I have a question - and I’m not sure how to phrase it.”
Steve looked at her with his head tilted.  “Then it might be best not to worry about how it sounds and just say it.”
She took a deep breath.  “Bobbi’s taking things slowly with Bucky.  Partially it’s just because of work.  She is super busy with work.  She works seven days a week, and sometimes she’ll finish one job and go right to the next one.  Partially it’s because of Bucky.  She knows he’s been through hell and she wants to make sure he feels safe with her.”
“That’s really good.  I mean I know he wishes she had more free time, but I’m glad he’s seeing someone who’s letting him figure things out.  This is the first time he’s been interested in anyone since - well…” Steve explained.
She nodded in understanding.  “I get it,” she said.  “There is more though.  And I brought this up because she asked me to.  She might not seem it, but she's vulnerable and a little scared.  The thing is, Bobbi’s trans.  She likes Bucky a lot, but she's had guys show interest in her before and when they've found out, they've gotten violent with her.  I offered to run all this by you.  You know Bucky better than anyone, if he finds this out - is she safe?”
Steve stared at her in shock.  “Wow.  I had no idea,” he said.  “I - uh - I’m sure she's safe.  I couldn't imagine Bucky being so insecure about that, he'd attack someone.  Plus, he does really like her, he wouldn't hurt someone he liked.  If you wanted to know if it was a deal-breaker for him - I wish I could firmly say it wasn't, but I don't know.  That's not something we've ever spoken about.”
“Yeah, sadly we live in a world where you can never know even if people do talk about it,” she agreed.
“I can ask him or gently let him know…”
Melody shook her head emphatically.  “Please don't.  She'll want to do it herself even if he does reject her.  She just wanted to make sure she was safe first.”
“I am sure she'd be safe with him.  I'm sure of it,” he said.
“Thanks, Steve,” she said, kissing his cheek.
He took a deep breath and clapped his hands on his thighs.  “Well, after all that, I think I want to get in the shower and wash the road off me,” he said, standing up.
Melody hooked her finger in his back pocket and tugged on it.  “Want some company?”
He looked surprised at the suggestion, and his eyes flicked from the bathroom door down to Melody. “Sure.  That would be nice.”
She followed him into the bathroom and the two stripped down.  It was the first time they’d seen each other naked, and as the water warmed they took a moment to appreciate each other.  Melody’s eyes slid up and down Steve’s body.  She had always known he was bigger than her but there was something about seeing him naked while she was exposed too, that seemed to highlight just how much bigger than her he was.  His skin was flawless, not a single line or pore marked him.  It was like he was carved from marble and if Melody didn’t know from experience, she would have thought he’d be hard to the touch.  He was muscular in a way that most men needed to be dehydrated to achieve and his body hair was fine and blond.
It was his cock that held her attention.  Even in its flaccid state, it was intimidatingly large.  He was uncut, just like he said, and a thick vein stood out, running right down the shaft.  It was a little intimidating and she worried that when he was hard, he wouldn’t even be able to fit inside her.
“Come on,” Steve said, offering her his hand.  She took it and let him lead her into the warm water. 
He grabbed the washcloth, squeezed shower gel onto it, and began to slowly and tenderly wash down her body.  She relaxed under the warm water, letting herself just enjoy the gentle touch of this perfect man.  He crouched in front of her and ran the cloth down the sides of her legs and up between them.  She shivered slightly, and wetness formed between her legs that had nothing to do with the water that was cascading down over her body.
When he finished, he stood, and she took the cloth from him, washing him as he had just washed her. 
She carefully trailed the washcloth over his body, and as she did, his cock began to harden.  It twitched and jumped as her hands moved closer to it and she looked up at Steve, meeting his gaze.  His normally pale blue eyes were blown out black with lust, and as her fingertips ever so gently teased down his shaft, he gave a small nod.
Taking it as permission, she dropped to her knees and braced her hands on his hips.  He still wasn’t fully hard yet, but up close she was even more intimidated by the size of him.  She flattened her tongue and slowly ran it up the length of his shaft.  He groaned and braced his hands on the shower wall, letting her take complete control.  Her lips stretched wide as she began to suckle on the head, and licked over it, collecting up a drop of precome that had formed on the head.  
“God, look at you,” Steve groaned.
Her eyes flicked up to meet his and she pushed her head down, his cock filling her mouth as she forced him down.  She wanted to take as much of him as possible but it felt like she’d barely even made it down his shaft before the head of his cock seemed to be pressing up against the back of her throat and making her gag.
“Easy, sweetheart,” Steve praised, his eyes still trained on hers.
She didn’t want to go easy. She wanted to test all her limits with him, she kept pushing him down further with each bob of her head.  Drool pooled in her mouth and dripped down her chin as she choked on his cock.  The deeper she took him the louder he moaned, until the sound of it and the wet choked noise of her deep-throating him.  She used her hand to stroke what she couldn’t fit in her mouth, his shaft was so thick her fingers couldn’t even touch when she wrapped her hand around it.
“God, Mel.  ‘M close,” he moaned.
Melody pushed him down deep, cutting off her oxygen, and looked up at him with soft eyes.  He groaned louder and his thigh muscles tightened and with a shudder he came, pulsing in her mouth.  She swallowed everything she gave him, the tart salting fluid filling her mouth.
She slowly pulled off and Steve took a moment to gather himself, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.  When he seemed to recover a little, he helped her to her feet and crouched in front of her.  He nosed at her cunt as she tangled his finger in his hair.  Without warning, he lifted her, putting both her legs on his shoulders, as he stood with his face buried in her folds.  She gasped and leaned back on the shower wall, bracing herself with her hands and gripping the top of the shower to steady herself. Steve lapped and sucked at her pussy, seeming to pay close attention to every shiver and sounds she made.  Each time she moaned he focused on the point that set her off, until he was focused directly on her clit, suckling at it and running his tongue over the top.  She had never felt anything like it.  He seemed to be so intune with her body, that every flick of his tongue sends a current right through her.  That paired with the adrenaline surging through her from being held aloft, was making her feel weak, lightheaded, and like every one of her nerves was lit up.
Heat coiled in her stomach like a snake, and then burst through her, taking hold of her whole body, she cried out and dug her heels into Steve’s shoulders as her orgasm crashed through her.  Steve continued to lick her through it like he was trying to drink her up.  As her body settled, he helped her down again and helped her rinse off. 
He shut off the water and as soon as they each had a towel wrapped around them, Steve lifted her bridal style.
“Steve!” she yelped as he carried her back into the bedroom.
He chuckled and set her on the bed.  “Did you want to stop?”
She shook her head.  “Not on your life.”
His eyes twinkled and he leaned down, his face held just in front of hers. “I thought you would say that,” he said and brought his lips to hers.  She kissed back passionately, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and trying to pull him down on top of her.
“Just give me a second,” he whispered against her lips.
She let him go and he went and grabbed a condom and lube.  He rolled the rubbed down over his cock, and approached her again, liberally coating his shaft with the thick gel.  Melody watched him closely.  Her eyes were locked on his cock again, and she started to worry about being able to take him again, or him hurting her without meaning to.
He climbed up between her legs and kissed her stomach.  “Just relax,” he soothed as he pushed two fingers inside of her.  He curled them, stroking them over her internal walls, and teasing them over her g-spot.  With the added lubrication on top of how wet she already was, his fingers made a graphic squelch as he moved them inside her and focused on that sweet spot inside her.  Melody had only really just come down from her orgasm, and another was quickly building again, making her legs tremble and her thigh muscles pull tight.
“Oh, god, Steve, please,” she begged.
“Hold it,” he growled.
She looked up at him, startled by the deep growl in the order.  He was watching her closely and he eased a third finger inside her.  He moved them in and out curled them as he corkscrewed his wrist, dragging his knuckles over her g-spot.  She cried out and bucked up under him, her back arching off the bed.
“How does that feel?” he asked, as he spread his fingers, adding a burn to the full feeling of his fingers inside her.
“Fuck, so good, Steve, please,” she begged.
“I’m no bigger than that,” he said, removing his fingers.  “You can relax.  I’m not going to hurt you.”
She was so worked up, that she didn’t even care if it did hurt anymore.  She just wanted to feel him inside her.  She sat up, wrapped her arms around his shoulder, and pulled him down on top of her, kissing his neck as she did.  “Please, Steve.  I need it.”
He took one of her hands and wrapped her fingers around his cock as he lined the head up to her entrance.  “You’re in control,” he said, as he looked into her eyes.  “Guide me in.”
She moaned softly, and her cunt clenched around nothing.  “Okay,” she breathed.
He slowly pushed in, letting her guide him, setting both the pace and depth.  Her eyes fell closed and her head fell back.  There was the burn at her entrance as he stretched her open, but it didn’t feel bad exactly, and he was going so slowly it allowed her to adjust to him.
He reached a spot inside her where there was a sharp sting and she stopped him and pushed him back slightly, easing it off again.  “There?” he asked
She nodded.  “Yes.  No more than that.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said. “I’ve got you.”
She knew he did.  She trusted him completely.  She knew she was safe with him. Not just here in bed, but everywhere.  He was everything she had ever wanted in a partner.  Her hands went to his jaw and she pulled him down into a kiss as he began to thrust.
He kept alternating the speed of his thrusts, going from a gentle pleasant rhythm where Melody could feel the way his cock moved along the ridges of his cunt, to just pounding into her, so all that she could do was hold on and hope she didn’t break apart.  It was like nothing she had ever experienced before and just when she thought that there was nothing she would ever experience that could ever make her feel this good again, he started to rub her clit.
It sent her tumbling over the edge.  Her orgasm tore through her like wildfire, setting her alight.  She cried out and clung to Steve as her hips bucked up hard under him.  “Oh fuck, Steve,” he mewled as he continued to thrust into her.  “Please.  I want to feel you.”
He pressed his face into her neck as his hips began to stutter.  She tangled her fingers into his hair, holding him there as she felt the pulse of his cock as he neared his release.  With a deep moan, his hips jerked, and he came inside her.
She hummed and held him as his hips slowed.  She felt slightly high and overstimulated.  When Steve finally slipped from her, it was a relief, and yet she felt achingly empty and wanted him inside her again.  He rolled onto his back, and she curled in against him, putting her head on his shoulder and looking up at him.  “Holy hell, Steve,” she sighed.  “That was worth the wait.”
He chuckled. “Thank you,” he said. “I think so too.”
“I know we haven’t eaten yet, but I feel like I need a nap and a cigarette after that, and I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life.”
He laughed harder and kissed her.  “Let’s just relax for a bit.  There’s time before we have to decide if we go out to eat.”
She hummed and closed her eyes as Steve took off the used condom and tossed it in the trash.  The weekend away was off to the best of starts and she knew she was going to enjoy the rest of it.
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chronocidalrage · 2 years
Dexter Holland’s Favorite Subject
SELF ESTEEM I think most of my bad days are just low self-esteem days. Days when I feel challenged beyond my limits. Days when I’m not getting the validation that could offset it, all that shit. Just believe in yourself more and relax, do what makes sense to you. Your opinion on yourself matters WAY more than anyone else’s!
UNCOMFORTABLE I’m super uncomfortable again today and I don’t know why. Nothing feels good. Nothing feels right.
I think I’m annoyed that I’m kinda dreading Christmas. I don’t want to feel alone again but I know that I will. I know I’ll feel let down by Mom and Scott. I know I’ll feel alone. I used to love Christmas so much. What the fuck. It’s not fair. But I can’t have it. It’s gone. Christmas as I knew and loved it is gone. Every year I should gift myself a good Christmas.
I'm also annoyed by how useless I feel at work. But I don’t care enough to make myself less useless. I have to really start learning. Figuring shit out. It’s fine to fuck up but then I should figure out HOW/WHY I fucked up. Don’t do it for the "man," do it for yourself, your anxiety, and eventual confidence.
I feel fat, but movies and junk food are all that really feel good to me. But I have to stop. I have to eat better and exercise and feel good. I’d be so much more comfortable going out there and doing things. Living my life.
I miss Atom. I think I’d like to see Atom. I’d feel better if I saw him. I could be the complete loser I am and feel totally loved. Not gonna happen though. Oh well lol.
I think I’d feel at least a little better if I were making cool shit. Start making shit then! Write. Draw some sketches for the comic idea.
I guess it’s pretty obvious what happened to me today: other people. I had days of avoidance and then I got crashed into other people right away: picking up Susie from the airport, going to work for hours for no good reason, being around Susie all day today (which is great but causes some of my dumb issues to rise because I obsess over her opinion of me).
I think I’m just uncomfortable because of other people. Their opinions of me. What they expect. How little I can expect from them (no one to see Die Hard 2 with this weekend even if I wanted to go, no word from Brendan or Ryan about seeing Violent Night over the previous weekend, expecting the least from my family, Susie seeming fine to the point that I feel so pathetic in comparison to her).
Yeah. This is an “other people” spiral. I think the cure for this stuff is focusing on myself, whatever that means.
Yeah this is the result of me getting a break from the expectations of (and having my own expectations of) other people. I had a nice break for days and then I had to go back to caring about what other people wanted and having to be disappointed by other people not coming through for me. I feel like this when I’m hyper focused on others and can’t see myself through the chaos. I have no real self esteem and my opinion of myself is based entirely on the opinion of others. Most of the foundation of my self esteem was based around the fact that the greatest guy on earth insisted that I was actually the greatest guy on earth. That took a serious hit in recent years. That’s one of the reasons I was so upset when Atom started falling apart. If he’s not perfect, then what does that do to my self esteem? If his judgment isn’t perfect, could he be wrong about me? I guess the secret is to trust myself to know when something is worth accepting or rejecting. I’m not good at that. I always want a co-signer.
I’m always trying to keep track of things. I need to think of EVERYTHING, every possible variable. And my need to do that can get overwhelming easily. Just let shit go? Just "be"?
It’s weird, I can almost feel the difference in my body when I just relax. When I stop caring so much, my body feels lighter.
TOUGH SHIT It’s really hard for me to not think of myself as having already peaked.
How does one enjoy working on something with people if they don’t seem to enjoy it as much? How am I supposed to feel from a normal healthy confident human standard?
What would normal self esteem look like? How does one just believe in themselves?
I sang in front of my singing teacher tonight. It was the first time I comfortably(ish) sang a song in front of another human being in probably 12 or more years. I did okay. My read was that she was being too nice. But she may have actually been proud of me for getting more comfortable in comparison to when I started taking lessons.
It’s weird but I really do look at everything like Susie is above me. That’s how I interpret everything she says and does. As if everything she says and does is the result of her knowing that I'm beneath her. If you imagine two equals running into these minor frustrations, they seem a lot less painful.
But that’s the thing, in the time we’ve been together my opinion of myself has gotten worse and worse and my opinion of her has gotten better and better.
The problem is that I love and idolize perfection. My heroes were always perfect. Fictional people. People I could never know in real life and therefore could always remain perfect in my mind. I see good as “perfect and inhuman and always in control.”
Why do I like Batman? He’s perfect. Minus his trauma, he is perfect. His trauma allows me to relate to him on an emotional level but otherwise envy his complete lack of flaws. I saw Atom as perfect. Perfect was good, and I was far from perfect so therefore I was not good.
I think that’s why the night is hard for me. I’m alone with my imperfection. It’s so loud at night and I want it drowned out. I think that for me, love is being treated like I’m perfect. Being made to feel perfect. Because that’s how Atom made me feel. Everything I did or said was good. I felt perfect and since I love perfection, that made me feel loved.
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patd--phan · 3 years
Wanna Be Yours
Pairing: Dadsbestfriend! Bucky (mid/late 40s) x reader (in early/mid twenties)
Summary: Y/N surprises bucky on a business trip and he promises to be hers.
Warnings: SMUTTY stuff (18+ only pleasee), unprotected sex, creampie, oral sex (m receiving), riding, teasing, significant age gap, reader takes charge, “Doll/sweets/baby/sweetheart”, some cute ass shit at the beginning and end tho
WC: about 3K im sorry I was really H*rny yesterday and I was unable to do anything about it as i was stuck in the car all damn day
Note: So I was really h*rny yesterday and this happened lol I’m sorry. Loosely based on the song wanna be yours-arctic monkeys. Also this will probably be the only smut I ever write bc I don’t wanna become an 18+ blog or make anyone uncomfortable (not that 18+ blogs are bad tho lemme set that straight, most of my fav blogs are)
PS thank you for the love on my first ever fic with Peter Parker x reader, it made me so happy that ppl didn’t think I suck lol ( and i guess i lied saying i would probably never write another one shot lol)
You do NOT have my permission to repost this anywhere, I will come for u if you plagiarize ok bye
It was no secret that Bucky liked to be in charge in the bedroom, and you had absolutely no problem with that. After all, he was older and more experienced; he knew how to make your body sing. But this week you were craving something a little different. Bucky had been away on a business trip all weekend and you really missed him, not just the sex (but I mean…) but just cuddling and talking to him about your day; you were feeling clingy. You decide to text bucky even though you knew he couldn’t answer right away because he was currently in a meeting.
Y/N: I mis youu :( when will you be back tomorrow?
You just wandered around your apartment for the next 20 minutes, casually checking your phone about every 30 seconds just in case bucky was able to sneak in a text. He finally replied after 30 minutes, right as his meeting was ending at 3.
Bucky: Hey doll, I miss you too <3
Bucky: unfortunately one of the investors this morning had to push their meeting to late tomorrow afternoon, so I’m not gonna be home until very late tomorrow night :(
Y/N: dammit :(
Y/N: well good luck at the pitch meeting tomorrow, I love and miss you <3
Bucky: don’t gimme that pout I know your making doll, ill see you tonight on facetime! :)
Y/N: haha u know me so well, and yes you’ll see me tonight ;) (but I still miss u)
Bucky: I know doll I hate it too, see you tonight. Love you <3
Y/n: love you too <3
You didn’t know if you could go until late Monday without seeing bucky. As you laid on the couch smiling sadly about missing your love, an idea popped into your head. He was only two and a half hours away, and he wouldn’t be back at his hotel for another 4 hours at least. Fuck it, you were gonna go drive to his hotel and surprise him. You couldn’t be away so long, you felt super clingy this weekend and you needed to be on top of with him.
You quickly ran around your apartment, packing an overnight bag and you saw the package that arrived earlier on your floor that you completely forgot about because you couldn’t stop thinking of Bucky. You remembered its contents e(a completely evil lingerie set) and threw it in the bag with a smirk on your face.
The drive to Bucky’s hotel felt like forever and you had to remind yourself to stop speeding because you were so excited. When you finally got to his hotel, you had to convince the manager to give you a key to his room, proving that you were the man’s girlfriend with several pictures on your phone which was slightly embarrassing because in almost every picture, at least one of you was half-naked. Worth it. You thought. When you arrived in his room you quickly went into the bathroom to change into a little black dress (with a surprise underneath). Then as you were sitting on his bed waiting for him, you realized it would still be a while before he would get back, so you decided to tidy up his things, packing his clothes and organizing his suitcase. Pleased with your work, you sat back down on the bed and looked at your phone for a while. You finally got pulled out of your Instagram daze when you heard Bucky’s voice in the hallway laughing at something a coworker said. You quickly threw your phone on the dresser, straightened up you dress, and sat at the edge of the bed with a huge smile on your face, giddy to surprise him.
As he turned the doorknob he was still looking behind him talking to the man. When he finally said goodbye and turned his head around, his eyebrows raised up and his jaw dropped, which was quickly replaced with a smile even larger than yours.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, running towards you and throwing his briefcase on the floor.
He picked you up in a tight hug and you squealed, legs immediately wrapping around his waist.
“I told you you’d see me tonight!” you said, still clung to him like a koala.
“W-what?” He replied, still in shock. Letting your legs fall back to the floor.
“I just missed you too much” you shrugged.
If any human could embody “heart eyes” it was Bucky at that moment- he’s such a softie for you. He pulled your face towards him and gave you one of the most loving kisses you’ve ever had in your life. You were expecting it to be passionate and rough, but it was soft, delicate and loving, and your heart melted into a puddle. After your lips parted, you gazed into each other’s eyes before being pulled up in another tight hug. You giggled and wrapped your legs around him again.
“I guess you missed me too huh?” you laughed.
“Oh doll, you have no idea.”
You wrapped your hands in his hair, massaging his neck and he moaned loudly.
“Mm, that feels nice.” He hummed.
“You tired baby?” you asked, he seemed like he needed some TLC (and you were ready to give it to him).
“I am so exhausted.” He replied, making you frown behind his back.
You slowly slid down his body, back onto your feet again, and kept massaging his head. He looked at you lovingly before looking around his hotel room, his eyebrows pulled in confusion.
“Did you clean up in here?”
“Yep, while I was waiting for ya,” you replied, smiling.
His whole face softened.
“Oh, I really don’t deserve you doll.” Making you smile and shake your head.
“Oh yes you do.” You replied making him smile and his heart flutter in his chest.
He pulled you in for another kiss, this one with more fire and longing in it than the last one. His large hands grabbed you ass to pull you closer to him and you moaned into the kiss. You pressed your body against him even tighter and ran your hands through his hair making him moan. You could feel his pants tent start to grow against you and you smirked and moved you lips down to the side of his neck making him groan.
You pull back and look at him, hard and eyes half lidded, it turns you on so much you feel your panties dampening.
“Hey Buck?” you whisper, lips mere inches apart.
“Hmm?” he hums in response.
“I have another surprise for you.” You whisper into his ear before pulling back to look at his face.
“What’s that, doll?” he whispers.
You smirk and step away from him, noticing the confusion on his face before you pull your dress over your head and throw it onto the floor.
Bucky’s jaw drops, making you bite your lip and smirk even more. This was gonna be fun.
“Oh, fuck me,” He groans.
“Oh, I fully intend on it, Buck” you smirk.
He just groans and starts walking towards you.
“Yeah sweets?”
“Wanna be mine tonight?”
“Fuck, I’ll be yours forever doll.” He says, making you whimper. You pull him against you by his tie, pressing your bodies together.
Your lips crash and tongues swirl together fighting for dominance. Hands moving up and down each other’s bodies like animals. Bucky squeezing your ass so tight you know there’s gonna be marks.
You both pull back enough so you can shimmy off Bucky’s tie and throw it over his head before unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off him. You then sink to your knees and undo his belt quickly before slowly unzipping his pants, kissing the outside of his member though his pants making him exhale a breath sharply.
“Fuck” he breathes out.
You don’t want to tease him too much (yet) so after another kiss, you shove his pants off and lay down on the bed, his body caging you under him.
The passionate makeout session resumes with Bucky still hard in his boxers pressing against your clothed core. You suddenly remember what you wanted and pull back from the kiss.
“Wait, no” you whisper.
Bucky pulls back, confused and nervous he did something to hurt you.
“What’s wrong?” he whispers.
You take advantage of his confusion and roll him over so you were straddling him with a smirk on your face.
Bucky moans at your actions, core pressing tight against him.
“You said you’d be mine.” You breathe over his lips. Moaning as being in charge is giving you a whole rush of feelings and confidence.
You kiss him, and he lets you dominate the kiss this time, biting his lips and grinding on him. He bucks his hips onto your and you pull back.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care of you, I’ll make you feel so good.”
Bucky moans at your words as you start to kiss all the way down his body, leaving little hickies down his chest. When you get towards his boxers he thinks your gonna kiss his member or pull down his boxers, but instead you go back up his chest, licking a stripe from his belly button all the way to one of his nipples, up his neck, to his lips.
Bucky moans, loud. You give him one more kiss before deciding to stop teasing him (kinda). You quickly kiss down his chest again and then plant a few kisses on his aching cock through his boxers. He bucks his hips and is whimpering under you. Fuck, that turns you on. Your big strong boyfriend who could probably crush you with one arm, whimpering and practically begging under you. Your panties are fucking soaked and you don’t think you can deny your own pleasure too much longer. You pull down his boxers and his cock is throbbing and dripping precum.
“Shit” you moan at the sight.
You lick the precum off him and he gives a high pitched moan that goes straight to your core.
“Baby please, I- I can’t.”
“Don’t worry baby I got you.” You reply as you take his full member into your mouth, sucking lightly.
Bucky moans and bucks his hips into your mouth. You push them back down and suck a few more times before getting off of him. He looks worried for a second before you slide your panties off and straddle his cock.
“Still wanna be mine?”
“Always” he replies.
You sink down onto him, jaw dropping and eyes closing at the feeling. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to him no matter how many times he’s been inside you. You both moan as his whole cock is finally buried inside you.
“Fuck Bucky, you feel so fucking good in me.” You moan, starting to rock your hips.
“God, I’m so fucking wet for you.”
Bucky continues to give low moans as you start to ride him.
“Fuck baby, I love you like this.” He says, making you start to ride him harder, moaning at his words.
His hands come grab your hips to help you ride him faster, harder.
“Baby- shit I’m close already.” He pleads.
“All for me? Shit baby aren’t I the lucky one?” You moan.
Bucky’s grip on your hips tighten and he starts to fuck up into you. He was about to blow.
You moan loudly at the feeling. “Cum in me baby please I need it.”
After a particularly hard thrust into your wet pussy you feel him spilling inside you. He lets out one of those vulgar high pitched moans and grunts that make your brain short circuit and your eyes roll back while your pussy clenches around him. You feel yourself getting close, but you want to give him another orgasm, so you sink down on him fully and slowly ride him, hearing him whimpering and moaning. You feel him get hard in you again (thank you supersoldier serum) and you rock back and forth on him. You reach down to rub your clit, but Bucky sees it and swats your hand away, replacing it with his metal one.
“Oh fuck” you moan at the cool sensation.
You start to bounce up and down on him again, the knot in your abdomen building and heating up. You feel yourself close to being undone as you ride him and his other hand runs up your body and squeezes your nipple through your thin lace bra. You moan and feel yourself clench around him, making him moan.
“Fuck- I’m gonna c-“ you get interrupted by the white hot explosion of your orgasm. Your eyes roll back, jaw hangs open and toes curl as you feel that release knock throughout your whole body, making you shake. You let out those high pitched moans and whines that only Bucky makes you feel.
Feeling you clench around him and watching your completely fucked out face, you feel Bucky’s thick cock twitch inside of you, and you moan as you feel him release in you again. Fuck that makes you feel good. So good you can’t think or move and you start to collapse on top of Bucky, but he slightly catches you and lays you down on his chest, both breathing heavy, with his cock still inside you, cum dripping all down your legs and onto Bucky.
You can’t speak, can’t think, the pleasure totally ruining you. After what feels like forever, you feel your breathing start to return to normal, as does Bucky’s, and you feel his hand rubbing up and down your back, grounding you back to earth from wherever on cloud nine you were.
You hum as you feel yourself finally calm down.
“Holy fuck, doll” you feel him lowly whine in your ear. You can only moan lowly in response.
“Baby that was fucking amazing.”
“Mmhmm.” You hum.
“…but I think I’m gonna lose my mind if you keep clenching around me.” He chuckles.
“oh shit, sorry,” you mumble out. You try to push up off of him but the farthest you got was placing your hands on his shoulders before your body gave up on you.
“Oh my God, I can’t move” you whisper. You’re so fucked out, your body won’t respond to your brain anymore.
Bucky moans at your words and slowly rolls both of you so youre on your side facing him. He reaches down and pulls his soft cock out of your pussy, moaning when he sees a burst of cum leaking from you.
You moan at the feeling of him exiting your body. You look him in the eyes and give him a lazy smile. His eyes sparkle back at you and his hand comes up to rub your cheek.
“Mm” you hum at the feeling.
“That was fucking incredible” he says, making you smile wider.
“I’m not disagreeing” you quip.
He chuckles lightly before saying “you gotta do this more often.”
“What, surprise you on business trips?” you question.
“No” he rolls his eyes and smiles, “Well yes actually, but I was talking about you absolutely taking charge tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” you smirk.
“Fuck yeah doll, I don’t think I’ve ever cum as hard. You looked so damn sexy in charge.”
You look away from his eyes, shying at his words, but also they were giving you the confidence to look right back into his eyes and say “I agree” with a smirk.
“I love hearing those high pitched moans you make, It turns me on so much” you admit.
“You know, only you can get those noises out of me, doll” he chides. You blush and smile at him.
He chuckles and you bring his face towards yours and kiss him deeply, tongues meeting together. You both hum into the kiss as his hand rubs down the side of your body.
When you break the kiss, both of you needing a breath, he pulls your body towards him, resting your head on his chest. You hum in peace as he rubs your back.
“I love you so much Y/N” he says and you feel your heart absolutely burst in your chest.
“I love you so much too Buck,” you reply, lifting your head to peck him on the lips before placing your head back on his chest.
You lay in silence for a minute before your mind begins to wander again.
“Did you mean it?” you ask.
“Mean what, doll?”
“That you’ll be mine forever?” you ask. “I mean not just in the sexy way but that you’ll be with me forever?” you ramble out.
“God yes sweetheart, you’re the one for me.” He responds and you didn’t think your heart could explode anymore, but it just did.
You squeeze his shoulder with your hand before coming up to kiss him passionately again, almost crying at all of the love going though you.
“I promise I’m all yours forever too, Buck” you smile at him.
“Good,” he smiles back, and you rest back on his chest, eyes getting droopy.
“Night-night sweetheart.” You feel yourself smile in your sleep.
“Goodnight my love.” You reply, further cuddling into his chest. Bucky feels his heart combust in his chest. God, wasn’t he lucky to have you. He didn’t know what he did to deserve you, but he knew that he was going to assure you that you deserve the world every day for the rest of his life. He kissed the top of your head before falling into a deep sleep, content with his favorite person tight in his arms.
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 1
Series Masterlist
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(Y/n) stands in the kitchen of her mother and step-father's apartment, making the bean dip Smelly Gabe liked so much.
(Y/n) fixes her gaze on the counter but then she lets out a yelp as something hits her in between her shoulder blades.
"Hurry it up, girl!" Smelly Gabe snarls.
"Yes sir," (Y/n) murmurs.
A few minutes later, Gabe stalks into the kitchen, takes the dip without so much of a thank you.
(Y/n) fixes her gaze on the shoe on the ground before she moves to her room. She climbs into her bed, getting under her covers. (Y/n) turns, facing the wall.
She closes her eyes, falling to an uneasy sleep.
(Y/n) watches, disconnected from the others in the dream, as one of her brother's teachers turns into something that reminded her of a demon, or something similar that she'd read books about. The woman had bat wings, claws, and a mouth of yellow fangs.
Then (Y/n) looks around, her eyes widening in shock as she sees her brother holding a bronze sword.
Percy swings the sword, the demon exploding into yellow powder, vaporizing on the spot.
A hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder has (Y/n) jolting awake. "Honey? Are you okay?" Sally Jackson asks.
Catching the wide-eyed look of horror on (Y/n)'s face, Sally wraps her daughter in a hug.
(Y/n)'s breathing steadies, and she breathes in her mother's familiar scent - chocolate, licorice, and all the other things she sold at the candy shop in Grand Central Station.
"Did you get all your work done?" Sally asks softly, her thumb brushing over a slightly visible bruise that had appeared at the base of the back of her neck.
(Y/n) hums in reply.
. . .
The next day, (Y/n) is once again lying in her bed, not wanting to have to deal with Gabe throwing more shoes or glass bottles at / near her.
. . .
Percy walks into the apartment, dragging his suitcase behind him, hoping his mom would be home from work. Instead, Smelly Gabe is in the living room, playing poker with his buddies. The television blares ESPN; chips and beer cans are strewn all over the carpet.
Hardly looking up, he says around his cigar, "So, you're home."
"Where's my mom? (Y/n)?"
"Mom's working," Gabe says. "The girl's in her room. You got any cash?"
"That's it. No Welcome back. Good to see you. How has your life been the last six months?
Gabe had put on weight since the last time Percy had seen him. Gabe looked like a tuskless walrus in thrift-store clothes. He has about three hairs on his head, all combed over his bald scalp.
"I don't have any cash," Percy replies.
Gabe raises a greasy eyebrow. Gabe could sniff out money like a bloodhound, which is surprising, since his own smell should've covered up everything else.
"You took a taxi from the bus station," he says. "Probably paid with a twenty. Got six, seven bucks in change. Somebody expects to live under this roof, he ought to carry his own weight. Am I right, Eddie?"
Eddie, the super of the apartment building, looks at Percy with a twinge of sympathy. "Come on, Gabe," he says. The guy just got here."
"Am I right?" Gabe repeats.
Eddie scowls into his bowl of pretzels. The two other guys pass gas in harmony.
"Fine," Percy says. He digs a wad of dollars out of his pocket and throws the money on the table. "I hope you lose."
"Your report card came, brain boy!" He shouts back at Percy. "I wouldn't act so snooty!"
Percy slams the door to his room, which isn't really his room. During school months, it is Gabe's 'study.' He doesn't study anything in there except old car magazines, but he loves shoving his stuff in Percy's closet, leaving his muddy boots on the windowsill, and doing his best to make the place smell like his nasty cologne, cigars, and stale beer.
Percy drops his suitcase on the bed. Home sweet home he thinks.
Gabe's smell is almost worse than the nightmares about Mrs. Dodds, or the sound of that old fruit lady's shears snipping the yarn.
Percy sits, lost in his thoughts.
Then he hears his mom's voice, "Percy?" She opens the bedroom door, and his fears melt. "Oh, Percy," she hugs him tight. "I can't believe it. You've grown since Christmas."
Sally had brought Percy a bag of 'free samples' the way she always did whenever he'd come home.
The two sit together on the bed. While Percy attacks the blueberry sour strings, she runs her hands through his hair, demanding to know everything that he hadn't put in his letters. She doesn't mention his getting expelled. She doesn't seem to care about that.
Percy tells his mother that she is smothering him, but secretly, Percy is really, really glad to see her.
From the other room, Gabe yells, "Hey, Sally - how about some bean dip, huh?"
Percy grits his teeth. My mom is the nicest lady in the world. She should be married to a millionaire, not to some jerk like Gabe.
(Y/n) pads into Percy's room, and the dark haired boy brightens at the sight of his younger twin.
"I've got the dip, Mom," (Y/n) says softly. Sally gazes at her daughter for a moment, her gaze sad.
"Wait, (Y/n)," Sally says, and (Y/n) turns back to face her mother. "I've got a surprise for the two of you," she says. "We're going to the beach."
Percy's eyes widen. "Montauk?"
"Three nights - same cabin," Sally replies.
"When?" (Y/n) asks, looking excited.
She smiles, "As soon as I get changed."
(Y/n) can't believe it. Mom, Percy, and I hadn't been to Montauk in the last two summers because Gabe had said that there wasn't enough money.
Gabe appears in the doorway behind (Y/n) and growls, "Bean dip, Sally? Didn't you hear me?"
Percy wants to punch him, but he meets his mother's eyes, and understands that she is offering him a deal: Be nice to Gabe for a little while; just until she's ready to leave for Montauk.
"I've got it, Gabe," (Y/n) says.
"Sorry, honey," Sally says, looking at her husband. "We were just talking about the trip."
Gabe's eyes get small. "The trip? You mean you were serious about that?"
"I knew it," Percy mutters. "He won't let us go."
"Of course he will," Sally says evenly. "Your stepfather is just worried about money."
(Y/n) turns to face Gabe, smiling as kindly as she could. "What if I make a seven-layer dip that'll last the whole weekend?" she asks. "Guacamole. Sour cream. The works."
Gabe softens a bit, then turns back to face Sally. "So, this money for your trip . . . it comes out of your clothes budget, right?"
"Yes, honey," Sally replies.
"And you won't take my car anywhere but there and back."
"We'll be very careful."
Gabe scratches his double chin. "Maybe if the girl hurries up with the seven-layer dip . . . and if the boy apologizes for interrupting my poker game."
Maybe if I kick you in your soft spot, Percy thinks. And make you sing soprano for a week.
"I'm sorry," Percy mutters. "I'm really sorry I interrupted your incredibly important power game. Please go back to it right now."
Gabe's eyes narrow. His tiny brain is probably trying to detect the sarcasm in my statement, Percy thinks.
"Yeah, whatever," Gabe decides; he goes back to his game.
"Thank you, Percy," Sally says. "Once we get to Montauk, we'll talk more about...whatever you've forgotten to tell me, okay?"
For a moment, (Y/n) can see anxiety in her mother's eyes, but then her smile returns, and (Y/n) figures that she must've been mistaken.
. . .
An hour later, the three are ready to leave.
Gabe takes a break from his poker game long enough to watch (Y/n) and Percy lug the bags to his car. He keeps griping and groaning about losing her and (Y/n)'s cooking - and more important, his '78 Camaro - for the whole weekend.
"Not a scratch on this car, brain boy," Gabe warns Percy as he loads the last bag into the car. "Not one little scratch."
Like I'd be the one driving. I'm fourteen, Percy thinks.
Watching Gabe lumbers back towards the apartment building, Percy gets so mad that he does something he can't explain. As Gabe reaches the door, Percy makes the hand gesture he'd seen Grover made on the bus, a soft of warding-off-evil gesture, a clawed hand over his heart, then a shoving movement towards Gabe. The screen door slams so hard it whacks him the the butt and sends him flying up the staircase as if he'd been shot from a cannon.
. . .
(Y/n)'s POV
Our rental cabin is on the south shore, way out at the tip of Long Island. It is a little pastel box with faded curtains, half sunken into the dunes. There's always sand in the sheets, spiders in the cabinets, and most of the time the sea is too cold to swim in.
I loved the place.
Mom, Percy, and I had been going ever since Percy and I'd been a baby. Mom had been coming even longer. She'd never exactly said, but I know why the beach was special to her.
It's the place where she'd met my Dad.
As we get closer to Montauk, Mom seems to grow younger, years of worry and work disappearing from her face. Her eyes turn the color of the sea.
We get there around sunset, open all the cabin's windows, and go through the usual cleaning routine.
Mom, Percy, and I walk on the beach, feed blue corn-chips to the seagulls, and munch on blue jelly beans, blue saltwater taffy, and all the other free samples Mom had brought home from work.
I guess maybe I should explain all the blue food.
Gabe had once told Mom that there was no such thing. They had had this fight, which had seemed like a really small think at the time, but ever since, Mom went out of her way to eat blue. She baked blue birthday cakes, mixed blueberry smoothies, bought blue-corn tortilla chips, and brought home blue candy from the shop. This - along with keeping her maiden name, Jackson, rather than calling herself Mrs. Ugliano - is proof that she isn't totally suckered by Gabe. She did have a rebellious streak, just like Percy.
When it gets dark, we make a fire. We roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Mom tells Percy and me stories about when she was a kid, back before her parents had died in the plane crash. She tells us about the books she wanted to write someday, when she had enough money to quit the candy shop.
Eventually, it seems that Percy gets the nerve to ask about what is always on our minds whenever we come to Montauk - our father. Mom's eyes go all misty. I figure she would tell us the same things she always did, but neither Percy or I ever got tired of hearing them.
"He was kind, Percy," Mom replies. "Tall, handsome, and powerful. But gentle too, like you, (Y/n)." Mom says and I soften. "You have his black hair, Percy, and you both share his green eyes.
Mom fishes a blue jelly bean out of her candy bag. "I wish he could see you two. He would be so proud."
I wonder how she could say that when I'm the girl who cowers from her stepfather. The girl who hides in her room to get away from said stepfather.
"How old were we?" Percy asks, pulling me from my thoughts. "I mean . . . when he left?"
Mom watches the flames. "He was only with me for one summer, Percy. Right here at this beach. This cabin."
"But . . . he knew us as babies."
"No, honey," Mom replies. "He knew I was expecting twins, but he never met you. He had to leave before you were born."
I try to square that with the fact that I seem to remember . . . something about my father. A warm glow, maybe a smile.
Percy and I had always assumed that our father had known us as babies. Mom had never said it outright, but still, I'd felt that it must be true. Now, to be told that he'd never even seen us . . .
I feel angry at my father. Maybe it is stupid, but I resent him for going on that ocean voyage, for not having the guts to marry Mom.
"Are you going to send me away again?" Percy asks. "To another boarding school?"
Mom pulls a marshmallow from the fire.
"I don't know, honey," her voice is heavy. "I think . . . I think we'll have to do something."
"Because you don't want me around?" Percy says and I flinch, avoiding both his and Mom's gazes.
I glance up to see that Mom's eyes had welled up with tears. "Oh, Percy, no. I - I have to, honey. For your own good. I have to send you away."
"But you never send her away," Percy says and I look up, eyes wide with surprise.
Mom looks at Percy, eyes wide with shock.
Finally she says, "I have to keep both of you away from each other as much as possible. I thought you'd finally be safe."
"I tried to keep you as close to me as I could," Mom says. "They told me it was a mistake. But there's only one other option, Percy, (Y/n) - the place your father wanted to send you two. And I just . . . I just can't stand to do it."
"Our father wanted us to go to a special school?" I ask.
"Not a school," Mom replies. "A summer camp."
My head spins. Why would my dad - who hadn't even stayed around to see me and Percy be born - talk to Mom about a summer camp?
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)," Mom says, seeing the look in my eyes. "But I can't talk about it. I - I couldn't send you two to that place. It might mean saying goodbye to you for good."
"For good?" Percy asks. "But if it's only a summer camp . . ."
Mom turns towards the fire, and I know from her expression, that if we asked any more questions, she would start to cry.
Word Count: 2413 words
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Madripoor Musings
Summary: You’re undercover as Zemo’s Sugar Baby while you’re with the team in Madripoor. You seem to like the position a little too much and Sam gets jealous.
Parings: Sam Wilson x Black Female Reader, slight Zemo x Black Female Reader
Word Count: 1,685
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Warnings: FATWS Spoilers, Smut, Oral (f receiving), Light Choking, Angst, Semi-Public Smut,  Daddy Kink, and Slight Emotional Manipulation
A/N: Ran into another writer’s block so I’m using prompts from this list to get myself out of it. Enjoy!
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“So, are we good to go, everyone?”
The four of you were jet-setting in Zemo’s private plane to Madripoor to get info on this new version of super solider serums. Zemo came up with the idea of having Sam go undercover as the West African weapons dealer/smuggler, Smiling Tiger. Bucky returned to his ‘Winter Soldier’ mode and you were to become ‘Miss Erina’, Zemo’s new arm candy/Sugar Baby.
Your backstory was simple: you’ve been with Zemo since before he went to prison living in his many estates and luxurious apartments.
It took some time for everyone to get into character. Sam tried and failed to pull off a Nigerian accent while Bucky kept up his hard glare and glower routine. You and Zemo put on the perfect couple facade with the both of you placing semi-sensual touches on each other’s bodies and showering each other with (sometimes lewd) compliments.
“Oh, thank you for the necklace, Daddy!” you gushed loving the way Sam was fuming. Bucky almost broke his character trying not to snicker.
“Nothing’s too much for you, котёнок/kotyonok (kitten).” Zemo mused as he offered you a coy smirk and leaned in for a kiss.
You giggled as he placed kisses along your jawline, neck, and collarbone.
“We’ll continue this later, киса,” Zemo whispered while winking at Sam.
 Madripoor was amazing, to say the least. It was a cyberpunk wet dream with bright lights at various angles and two distinct levels giving off a Black Lagoon/Blade Runner/Ghost in Shell vibe.
It felt like your kind of town.
It’s been like this since the Snap. Your older sister died in a car crash right after Thanos’ victory. Your father and uncle were blipped into the ocean dying instantly. Nowadays, your mother could barely talk to you without crying.
Natasha was dead and Steve fucked off to the 1940s to crush English pussy. Sharon got branded an enemy of the US Government and was forced to run. Some dumbass cracker (you will NEVER acknowledge his name) was given Sam’s rightful shield and mantle of Captain America by the craven, racist US government and had the NERVE to tell you to stay out of his way.
To top it all off, you found out that the US military tortured a man for 30 YEARS in order to ‘make the perfect soldier’.
You were finally in a place that matched how you felt.
“We’re heading into Low Town. Be on your guard, everyone.” Zemo warned as he lifted your chin and kissed you again. He insisted on walking towards your escort.
“Why do I have to wear this again? I look like a pimp!” Sam whined while looking sexy AF in his Ankara (I’m saying it’s Ankara) suit.
“Don’t mind him, Daddy. Sam has no sense of style.” You joked snuggling closer to Zemo.
“We’re not at the club yet.” Sam pointed out, vexed at the way you were clinging onto Zemo.
“We cannot let our guard down, Wilson. Selby has eyes everywhere.”
Sam relented and tried not to look your way. It was tempting due to you wearing an amazing Burgundy Fashion Nova Sugar Free Mini Dress with Black Bow Whoa Pumps. Your curves were out, but not in a shameless manner.
You had class, yet you were a tease.
 The ride to Selby’s was nothing short of thrilling.
You were right about the overall aesthetic. Madripoor definitely has the ‘dystopian punk’ feel on lock.
“You look radiant, котёнок.” Zemo cooed as you kissed his neck liking how smiled at Sam and inwardly cackled at Sam’s glower.
 Several men and some women moved to make a pass at you on the way to the club. A few audacious men learned that you were Zemo’s the hard way, Bucky made sure of it.
You had to mask your displeasure at how many people were shooting appreciative glances at Sam.
You just hoped this escapade would end soon.
 Zemo advised everyone to aim straight for the bar wrapping his arm around your waist as he strode into the club. Sam and Bucky followed suit slipping into their Apex and Winter modes respectively.
The bartender licked his lips as he looked you over, “Thought Selby told ya you ain’t welcomed here, Zemo.”
Zemo raised an eyebrow, “I know, but this is important,” he eyed several bouncers making their way towards your group. Their moves did not faze the baron. He simply turned to Bucky and whispered in his ear.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to let loose. You could’ve sworn a couple of people were ready to shit themselves.
 Selby was...interesting. She/They gave off a pretentious ‘I’m always ten steps ahead’ aura with a bit of fake whimsy. She/They wanted to give you to one of her best clients and keep Bucky for herself/themselves (probably for sexual reasons, didn’t want to pry).
The conversation was going well...until Sam’s phone went off.
Insert facepalm.
You’ve told him time and time again to put his phone on silent and get rid of vibrate. Now he was gonna get y’all killed, but you said,” Fuck it!” and shot her/them and the #2.
The group had to book it and you cursed yourself for wearing non-running heels.
 Your asses were saved by a guardian sniper, Sharon. You were glad to see her again missing your bi-weekly movie nights and sporadic weekend brunches.
“It’s good to see you, Sharon.” You greeted as you hugged Sharon at the entrance of her High Town pad.
“It’s great to see you, too, even after you’ve destroyed my work.” Sharon lowered her voice while pressing her lips together in frustration and then lust at the sight of Sam’s deliciously thicc upper body.
You couldn’t blame her as you wanted to run your hands and tongue along his planes of muscle.
You listened in on the group’s conversation as you changed clothes seeing Sam’s distress at Sharon and Zemo’s words. They did have a point about how being a hero does ring hollow, but it still hurt to see Sam’s sadness and hurt.
 You found Zemo, bless his heart, dancing like a lost dad on the dance floor and started grinding against him while shooting Sam a sexy pout accentuating your sensually full lips.
Sam, for his part, was trying to look interested talking to a waitress with killer legs. He almost lost it when he put his arms around your waist.
“Let’s see if we can get a reaction out of him,” you whispered wrapping your arms around his neck. He knew that Sam hasn’t been giving it lately.
 Your little stunt lasted for about ten minutes before Sam stomped over grabbing your arm and dragging you into one of Sharon’s ‘private rooms’ after another man got too close to what was his.
“Why did you drag me away like that?!” you shouted secretly turned on by the raging fire in his eyes.
“So you like calling your men ‘Daddy’?” Sam demanded as he backed you into the wall.
“I’m your ‘daddy’ now, vixen.” Sam breathed while lightly dragging his finger up your thighs only to find no panties.
“No panties, huh?” he smirked as he twirled his forefinger around your clit causing you to moan.
“Fuck, I love hearing you moan. Say my name, vixen. Don’t care if Sharon finds out.” Sam murmured against your lips. He effortlessly lifted you in such a way to make you wonder if he got some SS serum. It didn’t hurt that you got to see his muscles bulge underneath his turtleneck as he landed your blessed backside onto one of the tables.
“Eyes on me, kitten,” Sam ordered as he forced open your legs and made his way your slit leaving open-mouthed kisses and love bites in his wake. “You're already soaking for me, baby.” he mused as he gave your slit a long lick.
You could barely keep yourself from moaning.
“Who's your daddy, baby?”
“You are!”
“I’m your ONLY daddy!” Sam shouted and dove in.
You were drowning in ecstasy.
Sam was hitting all the right notes with your pussy. He was always a G at eating you out. Sam swatted your hand away from your mouth, “I want everyone to know who your real daddy is,!”
He kept you on edge for nine excruciating minutes before he finally let you orgasm.
“No time for rest, vixen.” Sam chided as he flipped you on the table ass up with your dress bunched up around your chest,” Are you a good little vixen?” Sam breathed in your ear as he placed kisses along your ear, neck, and collarbone.
“Yes, daddy.”
“You’re damn right I am!” He sheaved himself into you in one swift motion. You moaned in delight at the sensation. He didn’t move no matter how much you begged him, “Tell the world who your daddy is,” he instructed as he slapped your plump ass.
You screamed out his name and Sam started thrusting. He gently wrapped his hand around your neck while demanding you to shout his name. Sam pounded into you at a relentless pace constantly hitting your ‘Cum Dizzy Sector’ turning you into a delightfully orgasmic mess.
Sam was reaching his limit so he played with your clit to make you finish first. You came with what felt like an earth-shattering orgasm with Sam coming with a primal roar not too long afterward.
Both of you were so wrapped up in orgasmic bliss that you didn’t notice Sharon, Zemo, Bucky, and a few other partygoers at the door.
“So, how did go?” Sharon teased as you tried to cover yourself up.
“How much did you see?”
“Hmm,” Sharon hummed while tapping her chin, “Enough for me to close a $19.8M art deal.”
“We’re getting a 10% cut.” Sam barked annoyed with the rest of the group reigning in on his smash time.
“Fine. Get dressed, I got a lead.” Sharon announced while smirking all the way to her quarters.
You smirked at Zemo as you made your way to the exit.
Worth it.
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sodasback · 3 years
The Kegger - For You Series
JJ Maybank x Allie Routledge (John B’s younger sister)
 Allie was sitting on a log next to some tourist, a good looking guy, who was obviously not in high school. JJ turned to look at them when Allie let out an exaggerated giggle at something dumb the tourist said and then he watched while the stupid touron’s hand started to move from it’s spot on her knee and up her bare thigh. JJ didn’t know it but he was crushing his beer can and clenched his jaw so loud that Pope and Kie noticed. 
“WOW! You are so jealous!” Kie said teasingly to JJ. 
“What?” JJ said pulled from his trance of imagining breaking the nose of the touron that had his hands on Allie. “Pfft! No! She’s like my little sister! I’m just being protective.” JJ defended. 
“Really? ‘Cause her actual brother barely cares.” Pope nodded towards John B. talking to some friends at the keg, completely not concerned with Allison and the guy flirting with her. 
“Please J, we all know you’ve always had a thing for Allie.” Kie said. 
“I do not! It’s Allie. I’d never do that to John B.” JJ said reminding himself more than trying to convince Pope and Kie.
“So if she wasn’t John B.’s little sister, you’d admit you’re in love with her?” 
JJ glared at the two of them before groaning. “I’m not talking to you guys anymore. I’m not in love with Allie!” He emphasized as he walked away. 
Pope and Kie smiled at each other, “So he’s totally head over heels for her right?” Pope asked.
“Oh 1000%” Kie agreed.
Allie saw JJ approach and shot him a glare knowing he was about to interrupt her and try to cock block this tourist, but he didn’t even glance at her, just squeezed in between Allie and the tourist on the log. 
“Dude, what the fuck?” the tourist asked, obviously pissed off at the interruption. 
“Oh. hey man! Sorry, didn’t see you there.” JJ said sarcastically, putting his arm around Allie’s shoulders, “did I interrupt you hitting on my 17 year old baby sister? ...yeah, dude, I know she’s a minor, so I feel like-” 
“This is your brother?” The tourist interrupted. 
“No! He’s not.” Allie said sharply, looking at JJ and pushing his muscly arm off of her, “He’s just jealous, but trying to pretend he’s being protective instead.”
JJ looked at her and smirked as he drank from his solo cup, obviously proud of himself and amused as the tourist looked confused and then sighed, fed up with the drama this was turning into. “Whatever” he said walking away.
“What the fuck JJ?!” Allie yelled at him as she stood up to face him still seated on the log. 
“Ya know, I feel like people are always saying that to me!” he chuckled sarcastically, but Allison was not amused, “What Allie?! Are you seriously mad at me for saving you from a hugely disappointing 5 minutes that doesn’t end with you in an orgasm?” He raised his eyebrows as he sipped his beer again. 
She just gaped at his bold statement. 
“And you know what Allie? I’m not jealous! You’re like my litter sister!” he scoffed. And JJ didn’t miss the flash of disappointment cross Allie’s face, which she failed to hide fast enough. 
He cocked his head to the side while the grin on his face grew. “Wait a damn minute! Was that disappointment I just saw? You want me to be jealous, don’t you?” He asked standing up and getting excited while Allie crossed her arms and put on her best poker face. “You want me to look at you as something other than a little sister, don’t you?!” he teased further as he looked down at her, trying to break her. 
“I don’t know JJ, do guys practically break their necks trying to check out their ‘little sister’s’ ass in a bikini?” she asked indignantly, using air quotes. 
“I never-” JJ smiled and shook his head, but she interrupted and leaned in next to his ear, “Or get hard watching me eat a popsicle?” 
And she saw JJ’s jaw drop a little and she pulled away from him, “Yeah. I knew you were watching me dumbass ...you really think that’s how I would normally eat a popsicle?”
JJ just closed his mouth and rolled his lips into each other knowing he lost this battle. “Later ...bro” Allie said walking away from him.
Allie continued to get a little drunk, because even though she was annoyed at JJ for cock-blocking her with the tourist, the fact that JJ might be jealous gave her all kinds of satisfaction, which only reminded her that she liked JJ way more than her brother’s best friend. And she had a feeling JJ knew this too, and yet, there he was along with John B entertaining a whole group of girls. JJ caught Allie scowling at him and he just gave her a smirk and a wink before going back to making his new-found groupies giggle. Allie rolled her eyes and downed another screwdriver. Then she had an idea. As immature and petty as it was, she decided 2 could play at this game. 
Allie grabbed the bag of cut-up limes, the tequila and the salt. She stood on top of the one giant wooden table someone had built and left down here at Boneyard party years ago. "Who wants to do body shots?!" She yelled. Immediately, a dozen boys and some eager girls surrounded the table. She didn't even look over to see if JJ had heard. Allie helped a girl lay on the table and after a guy licked some salt off her stomach, took a shot of some tequila and then took the lime out of her mouth.
"Hey, when is it your turn?" one of the hot tourists asked Allie. She smiled and hopped up on the table to lay down.
What Allie didn't see was John B and JJ exchanging admonishing glances. JJ shook his head and walked over to the table indicating he would handle it.
"Allie, what are you doing?" JJ asked, annoyed as he reached the table. She sat up leaning back on her elbows and narrowed her eyes at him.
"Why do you care JJ? You jealous?" She cruelly teased with an edge to her voice. JJ just glared at her, before looking away and shaking his head yet again at her antics, "Or you just don't want your 'little sister' acting like a whore?" she asked taking off her tank top and throwing it at him, before she poured salt in the cleavage revealed by her bikini top.
The tourist slightly pushed JJ out of the way as he bent down to lick it off her, but JJ shoved him hard before he could touch Allie. Then JJ grabbed Allie's arm and pulled her off the table. "Come on!" He said dragging her through the party.
Allie chuckled darkly as she struggled to keep up, "This whole jealous toxic masculinity doesn't look good on you, just fyi." But JJ ignored her, pulling her to a secluded area. Allie had to admit though, this was her plan all along and even though it definitely was not a healthy way to get JJ’s attention, she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t actually super turned on by what was happening.
"What JJ?! What?! You came in like the bad big brother and pulled me away! Now what?"
"What is wrong with you Allie?! Letting random guys do body shots off of you?! You were about to let that guy lick your tits?! What the fuck?! You think that's cool to get wasted and let guys just take advantage of you?"
"First of all, I'm not fucking wasted! Secondly, they aren't taking advantage if I'm consenting to it dumbass. And three, it's frickin harmless! It's not like I'm fucking random tourists every weekend!" She threw at him.
JJ stared at her angrily with a furrow in his brow for a minute. "Yeah?! What was that earlier tonight then, huh?! Were you not gonna go home with that fucking touron if I hadn't interrupted?"
"Okay, so my one time versus your dozens of girls?!" She threw her hands out as they continued yelling at each other.
"Why do you think I do that Allie?! Huh?! Why do you think I hookup with random girls?"
She looked at him confused. "What the fuck, JJ?" she muttered, "Because you're a fucking horny teenage fuckboy? How am I supposed to know?!"
"You ever think it's because I can’t be with the girl I want to be with ...because she’s my best friend’s little sister? And everyone on this island knows I’m no good for her?! So yeah, I sleep with random girls, smoke all day, get in fights and just, in general, be a fuck up, because I might as well live up to everyone’s expectations of me, right? ...If I can’t have the one girl I’ve been in love with since we were kids, then what’s the point of trying to be better?” He finished, shrugging and staring at her, furrow in his brow still present.
Allie stayed quiet for a second, as the tension in her face relaxed at the realization that JJ was actually admitting feelings for her and then returning as she heard what JJ thought of himself.
“Whatever, just forget it okay?” He muttered and started to walk past her. 
“JJ, wait!” She called after him.
He stopped, but didn’t turn around yet, just let out a sigh, “What Allie?” He asked tiredly and started to turn around. Allie walked up to him and crashed her lips on his. No softness or gentleness about it, just 11 years of pining after one another sparking a fire that ignited when their lips touched. JJ’s arms instantly around Allie’s waist, pulling her as close as possible. Her hands on his cheek and neck, fingers snaking through his hair. 
They pulled apart, breathing heavy, foreheads pressed together. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember JJ Maybank.” She whispered. He searched her face for a second making sure this was real before kissing her again. 
As much as Allie never wanted to stop kissing JJ, she also had something important to tell him, so she pulled away and held his face in her hands. “You might think you’re a fuck-up. But I think you’re charming and ...and fucking electric and insanely smart and fiercely loyal. You are the most amazing guy with the biggest heart and if you ever talk that way about my JJ again, I’ll have to kick your ass.”
“Oh, I’m your JJ now, huh?” he smirked.
“Damn straight ...always have been.” She smirked back before kissing again.
Taglist: @abbyj1822 @october-cameron @moonrisebeach @hernameisnoell @moniamaybank @railmerafe @phantompogues @jeyramarie @gabiatthedisco @baby-cakes-98 @lemur46 @lexieee304 @jjpogueprincess @imjustanothernerd 
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matbarzyy · 3 years
Must Have Been The Wind [A.B.]
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A/N: Soooo my requests are closed but I still get some and an anon sent me a good one that stuck in my brain and I ended up actually writing it anyway lol. I’ll link the post here once I’m not too tired to look for it again. Anyway, this is based off a song by Alec Benjamin, enjoy.
Word count: 2755
Warnings: Abusive boyfriend
“What the hell?” Anthony mumbled to himself and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
The loud noise that had woken him up echoed through the building again. It was glass shattering. Whatever was going on, it was happening in the apartment above his. The digital clock on his bedside table shone dark red numbers that read 3:05, and he groaned as he pushed the covers off his body and sat up.
At first, Anthony thought someone might have dropped glasses or plates, but the sound was much louder. It wasn’t an object being dropped, it was something being thrown. Knowing he wouldn’t get back to sleep immediately, Anthony got up and yawned on his way to the kitchen. A dim light was still on, he had forgotten to turn it off before going to bed, but now he was thankful he could see the layout of his unfamiliar apartment.
He was renting the place even though he had just bought a brand new apartment that was at least twice as big. The day he sold his old place, a water leak and gas problem arose in his new building. For a moment, Anthony had thought he was cursed, but with some help he managed to find this place to rent and he didn’t even have to spend a night in a hotel.
It was a temporary solution, so he was okay with having only two bedrooms and a rather small kitchen. It wasn’t like he’d have his family coming over any time soon. Maybe the neighbours were a little crazy breaking stuff at ungodly hours, but with a glass of water and ear plugs Anthony would get right back to sleep.
He stopped dead in his tracks when the sound of glass shattering was replaced by a cry. His glass got abandoned on the kitchen counter while he tiptoed to his front door, trying to catch any other noise.
The voices turned clearer as the yelling grew louder, it wasn’t enough for Anthony to understand what they were saying, but he could tell there was a girl crying while arguing with a man. There was no way he could go back to bed now. What was he supposed to do?
Should he try to go up there? Was calling the police a better idea?
His dilemma ended when a door slammed upstairs. Quickly, Anthony glued his eye to the peephole to see anyone that might walk past his door. This cursed building didn’t have an elevator, so if someone was leaving he’d see them. The light in the corridor was off, but with the moon shining bright outside it wasn’t completely dark.
As the stomping of feet got closer he caught the silhouette of a man heading out. A minute later, the sound had faded and the entrance door had slammed shut with the noise Anthony was getting accustomed to.
He stepped back and grabbed a hoodie from his bedroom, pulling it over his head to hide his bare chest. Dressed in a little more than just sweatpants, he hurried to find shoes, grabbed his keys, and slipped out of his apartment.
When he got to the second floor the faint sound of a girl crying directed him to the right door. He lifted his hand to knock but hesitated for a second. What if he got the wrong place and bothered someone at three in the morning?
Deciding that someone’s safety was more important than getting in trouble with his neighbours, Anthony quickly shook his head and gave the door a couple of loud knocks. He heard shuffling on the other side, followed by footsteps, and eventually a slight creak.
“Can I help you?” The girl opened the door just a crack.
She had a sweater zipped up all the way to her chin, and her eyes were a little swollen, but in the darkness it was hard to tell she was crying for sure. Her voice seemed steady enough as far as Anthony could tell from that short sentence.
“Hi, sorry, um I know it’s super late,” he shuffled from one foot to the other nervously. If only he had thought about what to say before knocking. “I’m Anthony, I live right downstairs, I just heard some noise and stuff… I wanted to make sure everything’s okay?”
“Uh, yeah? I didn’t hear a thing, sorry,” the girl pulled the sleeves of her sweater down to cover her hands.
“Could have sworn it came from up here,” he played dumb to insist a little more, but she was quick to shut him down.
“Must have been the wind or something,” she shrugged. “Thanks, I guess, but uh, I should go,”
“Right, yeah, sorry I bothered you,” he murmured and stepped back before she quietly closed the door.
Anthony didn’t get a minute of sleep that night. Mat chirped him for his slow reactions when he practiced in the morning, but he had bigger things to worry about. Was that girl really okay? Or did she just tell him lies so that he wouldn’t intrude?
None of it sat right with him, but he was limited in his options, so he promised himself he’d keep an eye out for her as much as he could.
A week passed before anything happened again.
Anthony was on his way home from a game, still dressed in his game day suit and ready to crash into his bed. Even the adrenalin of the win couldn’t keep him up for much longer. He was half asleep as he walked up to the building, his keys out to get through the main entrance. Now that he had cooled off, his legs ached and he almost groaned at the thought of the stairs.
“Two more weeks,” he muttered to himself.
He was about to continue complaining out loud to himself when he spotted her. If he had paid attention he would have noticed the couple arguing way earlier. The man had a tight grip on her forearm, and he didn’t even notice the way her eyes flickered over to Anthony as he continued speaking.
“I told you not to fucking-”
“Everything okay?” Anthony spoke up loudly enough to startle the man.
“Mind your fucking business.” He turned around, but the hockey player was taller and obviously stronger, so he didn’t even look at him.
Instead, he stared at his upstairs neighbour and waited for her to answer.
“Fine,” she rubbed her forearm, soothing the red skin. He nodded in response but didn’t make a move, his bag still hanging over his shoulder.
“We’re not done.” The other man grumbled when he saw Anthony had no intention of walking up to his apartment until they moved too.
He stomped out, the noise matching what had resonated in the corridor the first night Anthony heard them fight.
“So, am I at least going to get your name?” He walked towards the stairs with her, letting her walk up first.
“Carrie,” she told him, taking the stairs two at a time. Anthony cursed in his head as he kept up with her, his legs burning from all the skating and a nasty fall.
“Well Carrie, if you ever need anything, I live right here, okay?” He motioned towards his door and she nodded.
“Thanks,” she glanced down at the floor as she said it, not even waiting for his reply before dashing for the stairs and heading back to her own place.
The next morning was nice for Anthony. The weather was beautiful, he didn’t have practice, and all he had to do was go for a walk and get himself a nice coffee to enjoy his day off. The park near his building was a little crowded, it was a Saturday after all, families walked with kids running back and forth, people walked their dogs, others jogged.
The little kiosk at one of the intersections didn’t look like much, but Anthony had found out the day he had to move here that their coffee was some of the best in the city.
Carrie seemed to know that too, because he spotted her a few feet away on one of the benches. She was alone, taking in the way the sun shone through branches and onto the grass.
“Can I sit?” Anthony asked, and she looked up at him.
“Sure,” She slid over to make space on the bench.
“I don’t mean to overstep,” he began while racking his brain for the right thing to say. “And I don’t need to know whatever it was that happened when I heard that noise, or what was going on last night, but if you ever need absolutely anything, my door’s always open for you.”
“It’s fine I swear, he’s not as bad as it seems,” Carrie dismissed him and he scoffed.
“Well not as bad doesn’t mean ‘not bad’ so even if you just need a friend or whatever, I’m around,” he reiterated to make sure she wouldn’t hesitate if she was ever ready to ask for help.
“Thanks, Anthony,” she felt the corner of her lips itch to curl up while he leaned back.
“Not running away today?” He took in the people moving in front of them, resting his paper cup on his thigh.
“Not today,” Carrie smiled and took another sip of her coffee.
Only one more week before Anthony could move out.
Some of his things were still packed, a few boxes were stored in his garage in his new building, others were stacked in his spare bedroom and the rest would have to be repacked this weekend for him to finally vacate this apartment. He was excited to settle into his new place, he was somehow enjoying the whole decorating thing.
The only thing that bothered him was leaving Carrie. What was he supposed to do, leave her there and never come back? He couldn’t just turn his back with what he knew. She was the only thing on his mind day and night. Anthony couldn’t remember his dreams in the morning, but he was often convinced they had been about her.
The one thing that definitely wasn’t a dream was the loud knock on his door that night. 4:32am. It had to be Carrie.
Anthony jumped to his feet with a groan and rushed out of his bedroom. “Fuck,” he cursed as he slammed his shoulder into the door frame, not slowing down for a second until he reached the front door.
He threw it open and Carrie stumbled in, shaking and sniffling. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she hurried to make sure the door was closed.
“What happened?” Anthony’s eyes widened when he took in her panicked state. She barely looked up at him and cried harder, so he realised now wasn’t the time for questions. “Hey, hey come here,” he pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re safe, it’s okay, you’re safe here.”
Carried leaned against his chest, biting her lip and shaking with quiet sobs. Her whole body was trembling, Anthony was the only reason she was standing, so he slowly walked over to the couch with her in his arms and sat down. He had managed to hit a light switch on his way to make a warm light illuminate the living room.
“Sorry, it’s so late,” she eventually whispered, but he pulled away and shook his head.
“Don’t apo-” Anthony started but cut himself off when he got a good look at her face. “What happened?” His tone was nowhere near soft this time, his jaw was clenched and he was ready to run up the stairs to break her boyfriend’s face.
A purple bruise was blooming on her cheekbone, and the skin had split so a little bit of blood seeped out of the wound.
“I-” Carrie tried to talk, but another sob shook her chest and she looked down instead, hiding herself.
“Carrie…” he reached out for her hands. “Did he do this?”
“Yes,” her answer was barely above a murmur, and he took a deep breath to calm down.
“Let me take a look,” he cupped the uninjured side of her face and guided her to tilt her head until the light hit the forming bruise on her cheekbone. “I’ll find something to put on that, okay?” Anthony dropped his hands and she avoided his eyes.
He found everything he’d need in his bathroom pretty easily. He was used to being injured, so he came back to the living room with a cream for the bruise and an ice pack.
“Tell me if it hurts too much,” He said as he sat next to her and pushed a little bit of the product out on the tip of his fingers.
Careful not to press too hard, Anthony rubbed it over the bruise and made sure it was mostly absorbed before holding the ice pack to her face. It wouldn’t really ease the pain but it would at least reduce the swelling.
“I got it,” Carrie took it from him to keep it to her cheek.
“Okay, you need anything else?” He let her gather her knees up to her chest, resisting the urge to pull her into a hug again. He wished he knew how to comfort her, but she clearly needed her space.
“I’m okay, thank you,” she shook her head no and focused on slowing her breathing. It was hard with the mess in her head after everything that happened. She felt weak and pathetic, she had never been so vulnerable in front of someone, and maybe it was time she opened up but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything more.
“Is he still upstairs?” Anthony probed, trying to figure out what to do, at least for the immediate future.
“Probably,” Carrie shrugged, wiping tears out of her eyes.
“You can stay the night, I’ve got a spare bedroom.” He offered, written worry all over his face when she glanced up at him.
“I don’t want to be a burden to you,” she turned him down, but he wouldn’t let her leave when she wouldn’t be safe.
“Stop that,” he nudged her foot gently. “I’m not going to let you go back up there, just stay. Do you want tea? Chamomile is good for sleep,”
“Um, yeah, please,” Carrie gave in with a sigh. There was no point in fighting him, and deep down she knew he was right. Now that she had woken him she couldn’t leave and just let him worry.
“Be right back,” He put a hand on her knee as he got up and went to boil some water.
When he came back with both steaming mugs, Carrie had helped herself to the tissues on his coffee table to dry her tears and it looked like she had calmed down a little.
“Careful it’s really hot,” Anthony set the mug down in front of her.
“Thank you.”
They sat in silence after that. Anthony was done pushing, she was next to him and he was keeping her safe, he didn’t need more than that. The night had been traumatic enough for Carrie, so he didn’t want to add to it.
Small sips of burning liquid eventually turned to larger gulps of warm tea until both mugs sat empty on the table. Carrie had stopped shaking, and the heat of her drink had helped her warm up. The ice pack was mostly melted against her cheek now, but it was still cool and her cheek was burning underneath it.
“Wanna go to bed?” Anthony eventually whispered, pulling her out of her thoughts. She stopped staring at the black screen of the TV to turn to him, nodding slightly.
The bed in the guest room was made, and the sheets still smelled like fresh laundry. Anthony looked into the mostly empty closet for a few things, and while Carrie slid under the covers he brought an extra blanket to lay on top of it.
She settled quietly, curled for extra warmth while the melted ice pack sat on the nightstand. Anthony took it as his cue to leave, but he stopped once he reached the door.
“Carrie?” He turned to look at her, a hand on the door knob.
“Yeah?” She wondered what else he was going to say, and her heart warmed when she heard his words spoken with unwavering certainty.
“I don’t care what I have to do, but I’m not going to let that happen again.”
Please reblog and leave some feedback!!
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brockadoodles · 4 years
Heartbreak and a New Tattoo - w. nylander
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AN: Uhhhhhhhh. Definitely didn’t intend on posting a fic tonight but, cranked this out. It started off as meaning to be fluffy and cute but uh, my angsty cold heart said no? I’m trying to be better about writing shorter stuff, so let me know what you think! I’m gonna tag @broadstbroskis​ and @jasondickinsonss​ since they’re my resident willy pals. 
Word Count: 2653
Warnings: Angst, happy ending though. 
No one warned you that you would lose a piece of yourself when you fell in love. They didn’t caution you about how for every good moment, the ones that make your head spin and your heart race, there would be a chip of your own sense of person falling away. They didn’t tell you that after four years with someone, you slip into their habits, nestling tightly into their life. So much so that you aren’t even sure what direction you’re facing, because everything around you was built by him. It wasn’t that William did anything wrong. In fact, he did everything a partner should. His life was logistically a chaotic nightmare, each step felt like he was balancing on a rope, trying to get to the other side. But he was good at it, he always prioritized you, even when it was hard. The only problem was that he didn’t know the very rope he was stuck on was fraying. 
It had started small, the cracks between you. The calls during road trips became shorter, less engaged. By the time either of you realized what was happening, it was just two people who once aligned into one breathing on a deadline out of obligation because it felt like that was what you were supposed to do. By the time you realized that the person you thought you were, wasn’t anyone recognizable without William by your side, you irresponsibly thought that it was time to let go. So, you let go of the visions of marriage and a family, of the house you dreamed of building together once things settled down, of the thoughts of the holidays spent together, each one more special than the last. You let it all go, taking a seam ripper to the last bits of thread connecting your souls. You couldn’t decide what hurt worse, the demise of what you thought was forever, or the fact that William didn’t put up a fight as you packed your things and left. 
William didn’t know what hit him when you muttered that you were leaving. He was so sure it had to be a mistake, that there had to be some piece of information missing that would fix everything. He felt his chest caving in, the weight of you packing your bags codifying a new language into his head, one that didn’t include you. He spent weeks circling through the last few months before you ended it. Writing down and analyzing every fight, every night spent without talking to each other when he was gone, trying to piece together what moment made you leave. What he could have done to save the very thing that was destined to fall apart no matter how much super glue he tried to stick to it. You needed to find yourself again, and no matter how badly he longed to help you, he needed to let you go. 
When William came back into Toronto in September, he was incessantly telling himself that he was doing better, that the fresh season would throw him back into a familiar enough routine that he could finally adjust to life without you. But familiarity breeds nostalgia, and nostalgia controlled the heartbreak he had spent the last few months trying to let go of. It wasn’t until he was back in the apartment that you shared that the resentment stage of his grief had tucked into his heart. 
The resentment was the worst part of the breakup. Because he didn’t want to resent anything about you. He had gotten four years to love you as best as he could, and he didn’t want to replace all of the memories of love with a feeling of regret. He didn’t regret loving you, even if it ended the way that it had. He didn’t regret thinking he was going to marry you, and when he finally moved on from the resentment stage of grief, he realized that sometimes you can put your all into someone and they simply might not be able to give you all of it back. He was slowly starting to thread the foundation of a new rope, he was starting to move on. But when he saw you standing there in your dark blue dress, your hair a bit shorter than the last time he had seen you, talking to Steph, he dropped the newly constructed rope off the ledge. 
You on the other hand were spending your summer trying to piece together the remaining fragments of your own being, the person who you were before you met William. You were doing okay, as okay as someone could be when they had just ended a four-year relationship with the person that they assumed would be the one. You spent months lying to yourself about being okay. You spent months trying to convince yourself that you didn’t make a mistake, that you didn’t leave because you couldn’t handle being honest with him about how you were feeling. 
It was October and you knew he was back in the city. Hockey had started which meant that his presence was now one you actively had to avoid. You took the long way into the city and back home most days, actively avoiding the arena, knowing that being there would be too much. This half-hearted way of living in the city you called home was manageable, until December when you finally had the courage to unpack the remaining boxes from the home you shared together. 
You were going through a notebook when it fell out, Mitch and Steph’s wedding invitation from over a year ago now. You picked up the card, eyes welling with the tears you had shoved down for the last six months as you remembered that weekend. The weekend you realized Will was your person. 
“I can’t believe you and Mitch are finally getting married.” You hummed to Steph as you slid off your heels and collapsed onto the hotel bed. You had always admired Mitch and Steph, their relationship was one that was the definition of two people who fit together seamlessly, and made the choice to make it work between them. It wasn’t a fairytale or a whirlwind, it was real and raw and you couldn’t be happier as you laid in that hotel bed, dress and makeup still on, half-drunk from the overpriced cocktails that the boys kept flowing after they crashed the bachelorette party, that two of your closest friends were getting married in just two days. 
“God, I know. Is it weird I’m not nervous about it at all?” Steph called from around the corner. You stood up, your feet slightly throbbing from being in heels all night and your mind feeling a bit fuzzy from the drinks as you rounded the corner and saw her taking off her makeup in the mirror. 
“No, you and Mitch are just right, ya know? It works.” You looked at her hand, eyes shifting to the diamond sitting perfectly on her ring finger, sparkly and bright and perfect for her. You grabbed your phone from the counter where you had left it earlier in the evening, not wanting to bring it out with you while you and the girls celebrated with Steph. You looked at the home screen, a small notification catching your eye as you unlocked the phone and hit play on the voicemail. Steph grabbed the phone from your hand, a knowing smile on her face as she turned the volume on the speaker up, William’s voice filling the small hallway before you had the chance to stop it. 
“Hey baby, you’re probably back in the room by now. I just wanted to say that you looked amazing tonight, and I know we can’t be together tonight because of the traditions and all that, but I love you and will be thinking of you.” 
Steph handed you the phone back, a stupid smirk evident on her face that you were pretending to ignore. You went back toward your suitcase, sliding the dress off of your body and throwing on one of Willy’s old sweatshirts and a pair of shorts. You sat on the bed, fingers hovering over your phone as you thought of a message to type back to your boyfriend, a smile lingering on your cheeks from his message. 
“You know what he said to me the night he met you? Granted, he was shitfaced, but I still think it’s relevant.” Steph smirked as she came around the corner, crawling onto the other side of the bed and turning to face you. You rolled your eyes at her and set your phone down, ignoring her slightly as she started speaking again,
“He told me ‘I’m gonna marry her one day Stephanie, just wait.’” 
You let yourself cry over that memory, and for the first time since the breakup, you realized that you were worse off without him, that you had ended something entirely too good for reasons you didn’t understand. You picked up the phone to call more times than you could count, only to set it back down again, torturing yourself with the idea that you had made your decision, and you needed to lay with it.
You were in such a daze when he walked up to you, nerves settling into your stomach at the sight of him. He didn’t look like your Willy anymore, he looked like a hollow version of the man you still were hopelessly in love with, the one that you ultimately played the biggest hand in breaking. You followed him without a word when he asked you if you could talk because the truth was that you would follow William anywhere if it meant that maybe you could get a piece of him back. 
It was awkward for a few moments, both of you riddled with nerves, wondering who was going to dare to break first and say what they were truly thinking about. It was agonizing, being so close to him for the first time in such a long time, and it only made your own doubts about leaving him to come back to your chest in full force. William grabbed your hand quickly, threading his fingers through yours before finally speaking, being the first one to crack the eggshells that you were both walking on. 
“Do you sleep well without me? Because I don’t. I don’t think I’ve slept since June when you left.” He said, head hanging down as if the words he was speaking were in some way shameful. Your heart wanted to break for him because you had been in the same situation for so long, nights feeling long and empty without him there. But part of you was almost feeling some weird sense of satisfaction at knowing he was hurting just as badly as you. You weren’t surprised he dove right in, head first. It was what he always did. He had known you for so long, there wasn’t a point in dancing around saying he missed you now that he had the chance to tell you so, he had already been doing enough to push it away on his own. He didn’t want to keep pushing something that he was starting to realize wasn’t meant to go away. 
“No, willy. I haven’t slept well since we broke up.” You shook your head, opting to tell the truth because up until this point, lying to pretend you were fine had only left you empty, with a broken heart that you didn’t know how to heal. 
“I stayed up until 6 am just because at least then if I called you might be awake. I felt like I was watching myself just get worse and worse, and all I wanted was you. I’m not supposed to want you anymore, William.” 
“I would have answered, I would always answer.” 
“It’s not the same, you know it’s not.” William sighed softly at your words as he let them run in tedious circles through his head. He had spent the better part of the last six months missing you and replaying the events from the summer wondering if you were both wrong for what had happened. Your love story had been like a journey by train, exciting when you’re young and tiring when you get older. It was great until one of you, who could even remember who at this point, had gotten off during a stop and the other one continued on the journey alone and by the time you both reached the final destination, the two different trips couldn’t merge into one anymore. But the problem was that maybe the final destination was all wrong, maybe you were supposed to get off the train because now you could come back together and start a different trip together, one that isn’t tiring when you’re older. 
He looked over at you quickly and let his eyes linger on the features of your face, the ones he used to have memorized hidden by the obvious toll the breakup had taken on you, too. He couldn’t help but think about how if he were to take one look in a mirror that he had been avoiding for the past six months, he probably wouldn’t recognize himself either. 
“I tried to call you,” he started, voice tentative and unsure as you turned to look at him. Your eyes were blurry, and your mind nearly blacked out at the five words he just spoke. Five words that maybe could change everything, or perhaps they would have if you had seen the call in the first place. You tilted your head softly as William ran his hand through his hair. 
“But, your voicemail was full.” You looked away from him, the pain in your chest creeping back in as you took in his second set of five words. Your voicemail, the one that had been filled with messages from him, from times where you were happy, and from drunken nights after the breakup where he sometimes would call and all you would hear on the other end was silence. 
“I couldn’t bring myself to delete them, I just wanted a place where I would be able to hear your voice and have it be just for me,” you smiled sadly, letting the tears blur your vision as you stood up. You didn’t know what to do, this all felt suffocating and overwhelming and yet definitive at the same time. This was it, you were either getting William back, or you were letting him go forever. The choice should have been a simple one and yet it was almost more complicated than the initial choice to breakup had been because at least when you did that, you both thought it was what you wanted. Now you were presented with either putting your heart out in the open, tossing it carefully to the person you had known for so long and putting your trust in him to catch it, or you were running the risk of him dropping it and leaving you crumbled on the floor as you tried to pick up the remnants of whatever would be left after a fumble that big. 
“I spent Christmas without you, please don’t make me spend New Years without you, too.” 
“I don’t want to spend any day without you again.” You whispered, resting your hand on his cheek. William smiled at you and pulled you close into his chest. He tilted your head up and connected his lips to yours, something that you both had spent the last six months missing. You settled into him, feeling your fears melt with each moment that passed. The breakup had left heartache in both of you, but it was necessary to put your real love into permanent ink on both of your chests. A new start, one without heartbreak and with a new tattoo. 
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world-of-aus · 4 years
Strictly Confidential - Part 1
Warnings: 18+ Steamy Wet Dream in the first scene (it’s the dirtiest thing I've ever felt I have written lol)
Series Summary: New publicist managing Barnes CO. by day, Camgirl by night, no way the two worlds could get mixed, right?
Author’s Note: New mini-series! Super excited to kick this one off. There will be fluff, mutual pinning slow burn (squint ya eyes), and of course ANGST! As per all my series there will be a tag-list available, so if you enjoy this part and would like to be notified when newer chapters post you can send me an ask, message, or comment and i’ll have you added. Thank you for reading! Any and all writing mistakes are my own, i can only do so much editing with two tiny ghouls around me.
Find My Other Works Here: Main Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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 Bucky reinforced his tight grip on Vixens writhing hips, tongue trailing up the inside of her spread thighs. Her chest heaving beneath the fingers that trailed along her exposed breasts. Vixen squirmed beneath his hold, breathy pleas falling from her lips as her hips rolled, searching for the delicious pleasure, only he could bring her. 
Bucky smacked at her hip, vixen's frantic movement faltering, “quit moving or I stop all together, you wouldn’t want me to stop now, would you?”  
A whine falls from her throat, her hips falling back to the sheets below her, head pressing into the silk pillow as she waits with baited breath, “that’s my good girl,” he murmurs trailing his hand down the side of your hip, fingers catching on your lace thong. He trailed his way down the lace, index finger pressing the lace into her slick folds, a low whine spilling from her lips, “please,” she begged hips lifting on their own accord. 
“Please what princess?” He murmurs fingers running up and down her wet slicked panties, “fuck me, I need you to fuck me, please.”   
A groan fell from Bucky’s lips as he moved up her body, his beautiful, beautiful girl, his vixen, always so fucking responsive for him. 
He licks a trail up vixen’s stomach, body quivering beneath his tongue. He stops at her breast, tongue swirling over each one of her nipples, teeth tugging at the taut skin. A hiss falls from her lips, a moan accompanying the sound, her back arches off the bed pressing her breast further into his face.  
“God doll, I could never get enough of you,” he murmurs his lips continuing their way up her skin, he settles on marking up her neck while his fingers hook on the inside of her panties, juices coating his finger as he pulls the material to the side, his cock pressing against her folds. 
“Please,” she moans, “please give it to me,” she murmurs body arching, lips finding his in the low lamp light of his room. Vixens teeth are tugging at his lower lip pulling, a hiss falling from his lips, his hips rolling forward cock pushing into her as he buries himself inside of her warm heat. A low groan falls from her lips, head falling back exposing her neck to him, “always so tight angel, fit like a glove,” he hisses head burying itself in vixen’s neck, tongue dragging over her sweat slicked skin, hips rolling at the sensation. 
He’s pulling back only to hammer back into her, the thrust driving you up the sheets, a squeal of pleasure leaves her lips, her legs hooking around his waist to get him closer, “you were made for me, made to take me,” he grunts teeth nipping at vixens ear, “and fuck do you take me well,” he growled cock pounding into her. 
He fucks into vixen hard and fast, hips setting a bruising pace, his lips find hers, mouth drinking in her throaty moans. A gasp falls from vixen's lips, as she pulls away the need for air becoming too much, “Fuck, just like that,” she moaned low in her throat, “please, don’t stop, p-please don’t stop,” she whined back arching off the bed as her orgasm consumed her. 
A growl tore from Bucky’s lips, “that’s right baby, cum for daddy, cum all over daddy’s cock,” 
A cry, tore from vixens lips, her hands finding there way to the back of his head, fingers curling around his wavy locks bringing his lips crashing to hers. He licked his way into her mouth, tongue tangling with hers, “cum for daddy” she moaned, fingers tugging on his hair. Bucky moaned hips moving quicker, thrusts faltering as he chased after his own release. 
“come on daddy, let me feel it, cum for me,” she moaned, licking a strip up his neck, her tongue on his skin was all it took to have him losing himself. 
“Oh fuck.”
Bucky eyes shot open, a gasp leaving his lips, hips thrusting off the bed, his cock leaking cum, a wet stain appearing on his cotton boxers.  
“h-holy fuck,” he grunted falling back onto the bed, eyes squeezed shut as the aftershocks of his orgasm coursed through him. He’s running a hand through his hair, eyes slipping open as he glanced around his room, this had been the third night she had visited his dreams, not that him, or his dick were complaining.
Bucky eyes catch sight of his surface pro on his nightstand, the Xmodels website staring back at him, he supposed his frequent visits to Xmodels to see her had been the reasoning behind her frequenting his dreams as much as she had, but fuck if she wasn’t intoxicating, and he only knew her from behind that of his laptop screen.
He hadn’t meant to stumble upon her or the website to begin with but when the topic of Camgirls had been brought up at one of there weekly stops at the bar they frequented just before their weekends, well curiosity had killed the cat and he couldn’t help himself.
He had searched through various girls, a scoff at the time leaving his lips as he thought back to how highly Sam and surprisingly Steve had spoken of some of the girls on here. He had almost given up but decided to try to scroll through a few more profiles. He stumbled towards the end of his search, and he wasn’t sure if it was her picture or the name that enticed him more to click on vixens profile, but he would never look back, the way Vixen worked her profile, the content she provided her viewers, he was hooked immediately.
He couldn’t help himself as he reached over, fingers tapping at the screen of his surface pro, Vixens profile greeting him, the latest chat showing it had now ended. God he couldn’t get her out of his system, silky voice, her body, the way her fingers looked slipping into her slick folds, her breathy moans god, he groaned dick twitching in his already stained boxers.  
His phone ringing on his nightstand next to his laptop pulls him from his stupor, a groan but this time one of annoyance leaves his lips as he grabs the device sliding the green button across the screen.
“this better be good Rogers,” he mumbles into the line, throwing the sheets from his body.
Steve chuckles on the other end of the line, but he sounds anything other than amused, “nothing I ever tell you is good,” he answers, “but if you must know you and I were supposed to conduct a meeting with your newest publicist.”
A sigh is leaving Bucky’s lips as he slips from his bed, feet carrying him to the bathroom, “I really don’t see the need for a publicist Rogers what exactly is the poor-”
“Her names y/n,” Steve murmurs and Bucky can practically feel the eye roll through the phone.
“I knew that,” Bucky muttered pulling off his cum stained underwear; cum cooled and dried on his skin, he pulled a face, “all I’m saying is I don’t think I need a publicist, why would one even be suggested?” He questions moving towards the shower, fingers moving the knobs as water streams down from the faucet head.
“Are you really just getting in the shower?” Steve questions incredulously, ignoring Buckys question altogether.
“It’s what I do every morning, what’s it to you punk?” Bucky chuckles putting his phone on speaker as he steps into the shower.
Steve groans, and Bucky can see him with a hand to his head, eyes shut in agitation, “oh I don’t know Buck maybe it’s the small fact that it’s 9:30 in the morning and you were supposed to be in your office two hours ago.
Bucky's eyes widen, feet nearly slipping from under him as he scrambles to grab his phone to see indeed that it was 9:30, and not 7:00, the actual time he should have been up.
“son of a bitch!” he growls grabbing his soap, squeezing an unnecessary amount on his palm as he worked it over his body, specifically the part that he’d gotten dirty from this morning's dream.
“So, I take it I'll see you in your office in an hour?” Steve questions.
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else,” Bucky shouts out over the sound of the water running over his body.
“He thinks Steve’s hung up but then his voice is ringing out over the speaker again, “and please be on your best behavior, you’re meeting your new publicist, and don’t be an ass and run her off like you did the other one,” Steve warns.
“No promises, but I'll try, now hang up the fucking phone so I can get moving you’re making me waste more time.”
“Uhuh,” Steve murmurs a chuckle sounding on his end, “see you in the office pal, don’t be late.
Jokes on him, he already was.
Bucky arrived at the office fifteen till the hour that Steve had given him, he was sweaty, and a little out of breath, but that was likely due to the workorder for fixing the only working elevator in this damn building not being submitted. He hasn’t even stepped foot onto the floor and Steve is already there coffee in hand, leaning against the receptionist desk.
Bucky holds the eye roll at seeing Steve smirk, “you know I thought you wouldn’t make it, was certain you’d go past the hour.” he grins passing Bucky his coffee.
“I’m beginning to regret ever saving your scrawny ass from your back alley fights, they should have punched you around some more, seems they didn’t get your head back in place after the first punch.” Bucky grumbles, grabbing the coffee with greedy hands as he moved towards his office Steve trailing beside him.
“You and I both know I could have taken them, you just happened to come around at a bad time,” Steve grins.
Bucky can’t help but to look at his best friend now, he’s definitely no longer that same scrawny teen that would pick fights with guys twice his size, no, now he was the one who was being picked on, by guys smaller than him.
“You’ve come along way punk I can tell you that much,” Bucky chuckles taking a seat at his desk, “so about this publicist, tell me again why it is I need her, I didn’t need the first one, why are you all so pushy about this one.”
Steve’s waving a finger at him as he takes a seat across from Bucky, “that’s one thing I've always liked about you, and I'm sure the very reason your father passed his business down to you, as soon as you're at work, it's strictly business for you,” Bucky rolls his eyes, a grin pulling at his lips, “anyway,” Steve drawls, “ the reason we  have suggested getting you a publicist is to build up the company,” Bucky raises a brow, a gesture for Steve to continue. “Having someone around you to learn about the company, to see what it takes to run this company, to know the company inside and out, hell it would be good for us, we could bring more people in, have more people know about us, know about you.”
“I think enough people already know enough about me,” Bucky mumbles behind a sip of his hot drink.
Steve rolls his eyes, “the only you they know, is the one who has a girl leaving his home every other morning, and that’s not a publicist work that’s well, I don’t need to elaborate on who’s doing it is.”
Bucky waves a hand at him, taking another long sip of his coffee, an ‘ah’ leaving his lips, “I honestly don’t see the need for one, I think our company is thriving and doing just fine without one,” Steve’s face falls lightly, “BUT, if it’ll keep you guys off my back, I'll meet her,” Steve’s picking up again, “you won’t regret this trust me she’s-”
“I only said I would meet her Steve;” Bucky buts in, “I didn’t say anything about actually letting her work under me, like I said it’s completely unnecessary.”
Steve’s rolling his eyes, as he stands, “well I guess its something,” he replies, “I’ll go get her.”
Bucky raises a brow at his comment, “she’s already here?” he questioned.
Steve looks at Bucky from where he has his hand on his office door, “she’s been here since 8 Buck, now if you’ll excuse me, I don’t want her wasting another minute waiting for you.”
Bucky waves him off watching him depart through the office door,  he rubs at his face, he really didn’t think he needed somebody to manage the publicity of his company, he thinks it was doing just fine on its own. There was an abundance of employees, and an even higher abundance of customers, he was doing just fine, he was really only doing this to get Steve off his back.
Besides the last girl that Steve had tried to bring on as his publicist as well didn’t end to well, why would this one be any different?
A knock on his door, has him looking up, Steve popping his head through, “Mr. Barnes, I would like to introduce you to y/n.”
Bucky's breath catches in his throat eyes going slightly wide, pants slightly constricting as he takes in your form gliding in through his door.
Fuck it couldn’t be.
Part 2
WordofAUS Forever Tag-list: @cap-n-stuff-main​ @bucky-cinnamonroll-barnes​ @kseniiafirebrace @sideeffectsofyou
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moxfirefly · 4 years
74 prompt and 57 kink: with The turtle of your choice (I’ll let you choose). Show me what love can be like and knowing someone is listening
Interesting, let’s see how we combine these two. So just cause I wanna try it out with him and since I haven’t gotten a request for him in a hot minute, I’m going with Mikey 👌
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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Breaks were needed and very much welcomed. Fighting night in and night out wasn’t necessarily a lifestyle that left much for self care and rest. The idea for a break had been voiced by April and Casey had stepped up to offer a great place.
The family cabin had been passed down to Casey a few years ago, he hadn’t gone up to the place in a year. It seemed perfect for overtired and overworked family. A getaway for a few days to rest and recover. The group chat bombarded you no less, everyone begging you to join in for the weekend.
You smiled down at the chain of messages but you mostly obliged when Michelangelo had texted you in private. The whole crime fighting gig had placed some pressure on the relationship, mostly due to the fact that Mikey would show up so bruised up or tired or at other times, not show up at all. You tried not to worry and you did a fairly good job at it but you missed him. You missed so much about him.
Some maneuvering around work you managed to lock in the few days off to disappear up to Casey’s cabin with the rest of the guys. Upon arriving the cold greeted you first than April. Winter was approaching and soon enough it would be too umberable to deal just about any common activity.
A last hurrah felt right. Seeing Mikey and spending time with him did too. Being around family, your chosen family.
“Tell me there’s a fire already starting in there” You wrapped your arms around April as she laughed. “Yeah Casey already flexed his lumberjack ways for me, fires just started” You shivered and thanked her before scurrying inside.
The warmth hit you first.
Then Mikey’s body connecting with yours for a tight hug.
It felt like ages since that, too long for you and the feel of those strong arms around you melted every negative thought from you.
A resounding ‘Angel!’ was all you caught before being picked up and held tightly by Mikey. A sigh of relief left him and you could also feel the tension melt from his body. “I missed you so much” Mikey planted a kiss on your neck, the press of his lips there making your skin breakout in goosebumps. It had been too long and it embarrassed you how such a simple kiss could do that to you.
Once back on your feet you took him in. There was still evidence of lethargy in his eyes, as if he hadn’t been sleeping too well. Some already healed bruises here and there but nevertheless that excitable puppy dog energy of his was there and it all centered around you.
Most of the afternoon was spent settling in, you and Mikey had gotten a room for the two of you adjacent to where Casey and April would be sleeping. Another smaller room would house Raphael while Donnie and Leo would crash in the living room area close to the fireplace.
Between dinner preparations, some drinks, the majority of the time was spent relaxing and just playing all sorts of card games. You and Mikey had been glued together for the entire evening. In some form or way he had been touching you and you as well towards him. His presence had instantly healed so much of your worries and frustrations and despite the distance it hadn’t deteriorated the relationship.
Midnight rolled by and by 2am you and Mikey were in the cozy room you’d be spending the next few days in. The dark expanse of forest looked beautiful in the night, you sat at the window watching the branches rustle and the warm mug of hot chocolate kept you from other thoughts. It seemed rather stupid to feel a level of nervousness at finally having a moment alone with Mikey and that accompanied by a room even more so. Your situation was tricky, given you had roommates and Mikey’s ever escalating super hero activities alongside his brothers. Creativity in spots was a speciality of his and on the rare occasions the Lair was untenanted for the night, well you could indulge more comfortably.
He had walked in after going to bother Raph, his own admission, and upon returning he closed the door and locked it. The click made you aware that there was really nothing or no one to interrupt for the time being. You opted for some idle chat to not feel so nervous. “Your eye’s looking better” You took a sip from your mug. Mikey ran a digit across the purple-ish bruise that was started to fade. “Oh, um yeah, gotta keep the baby blues safe ya know” He smiled as approached you. You smiled cupping his cheek and running your thumb below his bruise. “First thing I noticed” Your words held comfort.
“Noticed what?” Mikey was enamored with the physical affection, he hardly could get enough on a regular day. “Your eyes, they were just so blue” It was true no less, the memory of that night lived in Mikey’s head on loop. You hadn’t screamed, you hadn’t called him hurtful names. When he had saved you from a muggin you honest to god had just thanked him. The situation was bizarre no less and it was shocking to see your hero but you had sensed zero danger from his behalf.
From that moment on, being with Michelangelo was the safest you had ever felt. “Could’ve sworn it was the guns” He chuckled when you gripped his arm and squeezed. “That was second, can’t lie” The two of you remained there, comfortably close but a thin tension that throbbed. You turned to face him while still seated at the window. Your eyes mapped out every inch of him. The hand at his arm pressed at the middle of his plastron, Mikey swallowed. He hasn’t felt that hand touch him with so much intimacy in a while. “I missed you angel” He placed his hand a top yours. You bit your lip and looked up at him, your eyes spoke more than you could ever and Mikey knew the language by heart.
So he kissed you. He kissed you with a tenderness that reminded you of the first time the two of you had kissed. His lips had never felt better, the plump thickness to them enveloping yours so neatly you moaned. That seemed to hit him hard in the gut, the way his hands traveled to your waist and held you firmly. You stood up still mid kissing him and pushed the kiss into something more firm.
Foreheads pressed you felt his hands grip the hem of your sweater and lift. Those blue eyes drank in the sight of his most priced possessions. “Missed you so much” He was breathless as you unlooped the strings of his sweats. There was something about this particular area that always fascinated you, the change in skin and color, the path leading to an intimate area. You kissed his neck, fingers running across the slit that housed his member, the pressure strong and the sensitivity making his knees jelly. “Do you...?” Mikey couldn’t finish asking as you already nodded your consent.
You gripped his hand, half kicking off your pants when he didn’t move. “Mikey?” You looked at him, eyes so bright and wanting and he couldn’t help but greedily admire it. Admire you and want you so much. He pulled you back towards him and embraced you. The intimacy gutted you, the overwhelming need that accompanied Mikey to just hold you close and feel you. Your arms were around his neck instantly and the two of you stayed like that.
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.” It was soft and mumbled against your shoulder. Your smile was kind even as you stood back and held his face in your hands. “And so have you” The honesty flowed freely and Mikey beamed. “C’mere girl, I’ve missed you like crazy” You allowed him to pick you up and toss you on the bed, the fit of giggles only egging him on.
While the privacy was here, it sure didn’t mean that the entire cabin wasn’t occupied and your closest neighbors were in fact Casey and April. A flush of embarrassment hit you but soon enough Mikey had made his decent to his second favorite possession of yours. The feel of that mouth finally at your core left you in a daze. Mikey’s ability when it came to eating you out was something you never thought could exist and with each swirl and flick of his tongue it was evident that keeping quiet would not be a possibility. Especially when he begged to hear you, spoken against your clit with the warmth of his breath so close. You tried to cover your mouth but the feel of one thick digit entering you was your undoing. You’re sure and Mikey’s sure that the neighbors defenatly heard that.
There was a pride in that deep inside of Mikey. The idea of claiming you and having others know. For now he paid no mind especially when he buried himself inside of you and moaned long and deep. This never stopped being incredible, it’s exactly why he was always mesmerized by seeing your joined bodies. The contrast of skin color, the thickness of his memeber stretching you and causing you to cry out. Mikey could’ve cum like that just watching. “You’re so beautiful babe” He groaned thrusting into you. “Missed the fuck out of this, out of you” He leaned forward, engulfing himself around you, mouth at your neck. “Baby I want you to cream yourself all over me” The lewd words never seized to embarrass you, half the time Mikey barely would utter a ‘damn’ but this was the effect you had on him.
The bed protested and the headboards thumping was indicative of the activities going on. The most you could do was avoid Casey and April’s gazes at breakfast tomorrow. Right now you were, for lack of a better term, getting dicked down by your boyfriend after a dry spell. “Fuck fuck, oh fuck!” You gripped Mikey’s sides before letting your hands run towards his rear. Being filled to the brim and having your boyfriend absolutely spill filth into your ear was exactly the things you needed. “Yeah come on, for me baby, gonna do it for me? Gimme a show” Mikey sucked a bruise onto your neck and his quickening pace had your hand scrambling for your clit. “Yesss fuck” Mikey watched, hips trying not to loose the rhythm he knew would send you off.
You came with a loud moan that had Mikey’s name wrapped around it. If everyone heard it was at the bottom list of your priorities. Riding this high was top on the list and feeling Mikey cum with a series of ‘fucks’ and your name was all you need to add to your high. You ran a soothing hand down his shell, feeling him shiver with the intensity of his release. Each kiss placed on his cheek a testament to your adoration. Mikey found your lips in the haze of it all, and lazily kissed you back.
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
If you’ve already done something like this then it’s okay! You don’t have to make headcanons for something you already made headcanons for. I was just thinking,
“What would Taka, Mondo, and Leon do at the beach/public swimming pool?”
If you’ve already done something like that, there’s also this;
“How would Taka, Mondo, and Leon go about taking care of a lost stray dog/cat?”
Hope these are good enough!
Ooooh not done either of these. So, I'll go with the first one. It'll be a Ishileon headcanon plus Mondo if that's alright? Not that Mondo will be left out of course - just that he won't be in the relationship.
Also no ask will ever not be 'good enough'! Don't ever worry about that!
Hope this is what you're after! Thank you for the ask!
• Mondo and Leon are no stranger to the beach.
• Mondo is one of those guys that loves to catch a tan whereas Leon loves to splash around in the sea (but not get his hair wet - obvs).
• Not to mention they both used to go there when Leon was single to impress the ladies - even though Mondo knew he was gay AF and totally pining.
• Taka, on the other hand, has never been to the beach.
• His family never had time to take him as a child and he never had friends to go with growing up.
• So of course, after telling his boyfriend and best friend, they arrange for a trip on the first sunny weekend immediately after.
• Mondo and Leon are super excited - Mondo wants to top up on his already natural tan, whereas Leon wants any chance to eye up his boyfriend in swimwear.
• Little do either of them know that an Ishimaru arrives fully prepared.
• While the two of them are in tank tops and swimming shorts, Taka is fully dressed - wearing SO MUCH suntan lotion on his face and any skin that's exposed that his already pale skin looks totally white.
• And he has on the dorkiest hat anyone's ever seen.
• Picture ALL that PLUS a giant umbrella he's dragging behind him, a huge basket with a blanket and all other strange things.
• Oh boy. This guy is so cringey.
• 'We're at THE BEACH, babe! You're going to melt!'
• 'I have very sensitive skin, Leon. I would rather melt than burn!'
• 'You'll get heatstroke!'
• 'I'll stay in the shade and drink plenty of water!'
• It takes A LOT of convincing from Leon to make him change his clothes - reluctantly letting himself be dragged to a local tourist shop to buy a t-shirt, swimming shorts and sandals that the shop let him change into in their changing room.
• By the time they've gotten back, Mondo has found a comfy spot to lie down and sunbath - sunglasses on and shirt off.
• And he only smirks at Taka's interrogation on the proper use of suntan lotion.
• 'I can help you with yours, babe!'
• Mondo's grateful he has his sunglasses on so the other two can't see how hard his eyes roll.
• Leon is LOVING LIFE - trying to find any excuse to touch his boyfriend's back and chest and legs.
• 'You don't have to go under my shirt. I won't be taking it off.'
• 'It might ride up when you're moving or something - trust me, I need to get EVERYWHERE.'
• And don't even THINK he gets away with not putting some on himself - and the consequences of that have him blushing so hard as Taka applies so much to his bare chest with a look of intense concentration.
• Leon eventually convinces Mondo to play a round of frisbee with him, letting Taka sit in the shade watching peacefully for a while.
• It may not be baseball, but Leon still manages to throw the frisbee far too hard without even trying - having Mondo run all over the place to try and catch it.
• 'Nah, tha's it. I'm headin' for a dip.'
• 'YES! Taka, come on!'
• Oh the stubbornness - complaining about sharks and jellyfish and broken bottles...
• But he doesn't account for Mondo fireman lifting him and carrying him to the sea.
• He hold on SO HARD when the biker tries to throw him - wrapping his legs tightly around the boys waist so its impossible.
• Again, he doesn't account for Mondo's chaotic nature - grinning madly before charging deeper into the water and dunking them both in.
• Poor Taka emerges spluttering, glaring at his friend who's howling with laughter as he bobs beside him.
• Leon cackles from the beach, wading in slowly so as not to get his hair wet.
• Does Mondo care about that though?
• No - so cue another fireman lift for his other friend.
• 'No no no no, Mondo my hair, not my hair, MONDO NO!'
• And in they both go - emerging to a grinning Taka who's paddling over slowly.
• Leon is MORTIFIED. His hair is RUINED, he has NO WAY of drying it, he looks AWFUL in front of his adorable boyfriend...
• And then there's fingers pushing his fringe of out his face then a palm cupping his cheek.
• And red eyes full of warmth smiling back at him and Leon's heart might as well have stopped dead.
• It seems as if there's a kiss on the way, but good ol' Mondo knows a cockblock when he sees one and sends a huge splash crashing over the both of them.
• The result: a huge waterfight that no one wins.
• The rest of the day passes by so fast and by the time they're heading back to the dorms, they're all exhausted.
• 'So didja have fun, Taka?'
• Yes, thank you Mondo!'
• 'Ya think Leon did too?'
• Given how the boy has fallen asleep on Taka's shoulder as they catch the bus home, Taka reckons Leon had a lot of fun.
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league-of-thots · 4 years
Cloudy Days and Summer Smiles - A BNHArem collab
Pairing: Aizawa x reader
Warnings: none (sfw), hurt and comfort, brief talking about abduction
Word Count: 4.6k
AN: I haven’t been able to do a collab in a while, but I was super excited to grab Aizawa for this one. If you want to see the other amazing works for the collab, click HERE. also a special thanks to @ikinabi​ for helping my dumbass with a banner, i love it so much red thank you <3. i hope you all enjoy this one
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          Date nights weren’t really a part of Shouta’s and your relationship. With him constantly working his ass off, and you also having to work, there wasn’t a lot of time that the two of you could spend going out together. Not that you minded of course, snuggling up to your boyfriend and simply talking with him whenever the two of you had free time was probably your favourite thing in the world.
       You’d noticed though, that despite there being a summer break in school, that the pressure on Shouta to perform more in hero work had kept his stress levels and exertion really high. It hurt you to see your boyfriend constantly exhausted, yet he wouldn’t drop any of the extra hero shifts he’d been given recently.
       You knew why of course. You knew that he always wrapped up his self worth in his hero work and in passing on knowledge to students. Of course, that also made it more painful to see him work himself so hard, you know just how amazing he is, and yet he works himself to the bone trying to be better. So, you do your best to try to make things easier for him, going over to his apartment to tidy up sometimes, or making dinner there and leaving it on the stove for him to eat when he got home.
       You swear that one day you’re going to find where he hid his stupid stash of fruit pouches, that he swears are nutritional enough to be a meal. No matter how much you wheedle him, or show him facts, or just be plainly worried for him, he has an irrational attachment to them. He needed good food, and he needed a lot of it, because he worked a hell of a lot. Now if only you could get that through his head.
       So, it’s become another habit of yours to always bring over some healthy snacks, high in protein and salts to help him recover from tough work days and power through the next ones. You keep notice of things he likes or doesn’t like, and be sure to try and put some stashes of them in his cupboard so that he can see them before he goes to work. It’s made it a little better.
       He’s started doing a similar set of things for you, bringing you coffees if he was in the area where you worked. Another favourite were the fruit smoothies he’d make when you were feeling a bit down. Although he wants to be there for you more, you understand that he’s always stretched thin across two jobs, and you always make sure that he knows how much you love him despite that.
       You know that Shouta feels particularly upset when he has to cancel some of the few date nights the two of you have planned due to work. Of course, you don’t blame him, it’s a part of the man you fell in love with. You know you feel disappointed when it happens, but you always try to reassure him that it’s not because of him, its just the fact that you don’t get to see him. You hope it relieves some of the guilt he feels, because really, you’re proud of all his hard work, and love how steadfast he is all the time.
       Though you wish he really would take better care of himself.
       It was going to be a good weekend though, you were excited to spend it all with Shouta, who’d taken a weekend off for once. As soon as he’d gotten it confirmed, you’d started planning some little things the two of you could do together after not having seen each other for a few weeks. It had been tough, yes, but you’d made sure to call him every day or every other day two, and you’d made sure that you’d also dropped off some treats, putting them on his table so he’d actually notice them.
       He’d always send you the cutest cat videos to you, making sure to send a cute little message, his own way of telling you thanks. It makes you feel warm inside, the little gestures bringing you happiness that would brighten your day a bit.
       Anyways, to what you’d been planning. You knew that even on date nights that actually happened, Shouta always preferred lowkey events, something where the two of you could spend quality time with one another and just talk. You’d decided that you’d do your best to make a sweet little lunch for the two of you, and maybe even a dessert too. You’d looked up the weather and it was supposed to be sunny and partially cloudy, the perfect day for a picnic in the public gardens.
       You put on some nice clothes you always had for the hot summer air, and start packing up a basket you’d bought a while ago and never actually had the chance to use. You were practically giddy with excitement. The last six times you’d tried to see him, he’d had to cancel, and no matter how much you tried to push down the feeling of being unimportant, it stuck around.
       It wasn’t about you after all, it was about Shouta and the people he was helping. You can’t be so selfish about his time; you knew what his schedule was like before the two of you even started dating.
       Yet you couldn’t quiet that little voice in your head that said you were never going to be the most important thing in his life. That he’d give you up for the chance to do more to help as many people as he could.
       It burned shamefully within you, how could you distrust him, the one who showed his love for you in al his little gestures and acts of affection? But also, the times he’d snap, brush you off, act like it were a chore to actually be together… those things would keep you tossing and turning for long nights. You know that Shouta would reassure you and help you get over these feelings if you talked to him; you just couldn’t erase the fear that telling him would push him away.
       Which is why you were so excited to see him again, you know that seeing him and talking with him will wipe away those fears, like waves crashing onto a sandy beach. You know you can get over this yourself, there’s no need to drag your boyfriend into stupid insecurities. Especially over ones founded just off of coincidences.
       He has enough to worry about on his own, after all.
       You pack up the salmon sushi and the other little bites of food with the meal, put the pastries in a little tin and add it into your basket. Grabbing a soft blanket, you fold it, place it on top of the blanket and grab the sunhat Shouta had gotten you after you’d pointed it out on a walk you’d been on. Smiling at yourself in the mirror, you grab the basket and head out to go meet him.
        The gardens aren’t too far away from your house, and you enjoy a lazy walk, the sun warming you up. Near the gardens is a family park, and you hear children giggling and screaming in joy as they play with their parents. It softens your heart, and you feel you shoulders relax, not noticing them being tensed in the first place. Part of you imagines being one of those families with Shouta one day…
       You find a small hill within the gardens, the grass rather long and waving in the breeze, hundreds of flowers with multiple types surrounding you. Setting out the blanket, and the food, you take a picture of the area. You send it to your boyfriend, and you know that he’ll recognize the place you are from your many walks together. So, you lie out, relaxing your arms behind your head and gazing up at the sky, where clouds are slowly covering the baby blue with grey.
       Time passes, and you’re getting a little bit antsy. You’ve checked your phone, and you have no messages from Shouta, and it’s already been half an hour since the two of you were supposed to meet up. It wasn’t like him to not mention if he couldn’t make it. He always gave you a heads up in case something else had popped up. You sent him a quick text asking if he was alright, and if his plans were still the same.
       You got no response, and as you neared an hour of waiting you gave into the hunger in your stomach and ate the lunch you’d packed. You still saved the dessert though, the thought of eating any sweets poisoned by the sickening feeling that was settling within your stomach.
       You were worried, and called Shouta just to check in on him, but were greeted with a dial tone message. “Hey, Sho.” You start off a little quiet and you clear your throat. “I just wanted to check in on you, I haven’t heard from you all day, love. Just… let me know if you’re alright please. Love you.” You quickly hang up so he doesn’t hear your heavy sigh.
       What if he just didn’t want to deal with you anymore? You know it’s illogical and yet… its too coincidental a timing for your brain to let it go. Plus, he’d never skipped out on a meet up between the two of you without saying anything, and it was throwing your world off balance. You feel a wetness on your face, and you look up to see that clouds had completely covered the sky, and rain had started falling down from them.
       You laughed a little at the sight. Truly, this date was not supposed to happen, even the weather was showing you that. You leave one of the little plates of sushi out on the rock, not being able to bear taking it home on your own. You gather the now soaked blanket and the basket still full of treats you’d spent hours making.
       The cold rain patters down your back and you shiver as you begin your movements back in the direction of your home.
        You figure you’ll hear from Shouta soon. He might have completely neglected you on that day, but it was the first time anything like this had ever happened between the two of you. Maybe he’d just had a bad day, made a mistake. Maybe he’d forgotten to charge his phone, which had happened before. A few times you had answered your phone expecting to hear the loud voice of Hizashi, but receiving the soothing voice of your boyfriend.
       So you’re not very worried when the rest of the afternoon goes by and Shouta hasn’t made any contact with you. You text Hizashi to see if maybe Shouta had been with him, but no luck on that front. Hizashi had the week off from hero work, and hadn’t heard from Shouta today either.
       As more time went along, the more worried you got. All your insecurities started to bubble up, and all the mistakes you’d made in your relationship – even the small ones like forgetting he was lactose intolerant – started building up in your head. You’d probably driven him away with your constant affection, or maybe it had been the overbearing way you tried to help him. Maybe you weren’t pretty enough or good enough in bed for him, or maybe he just grew tired of you.
       By the time you usually went to bed, you were an anxious mess. There were so many possibilities, and your anxiety was telling you that none of them were good. Surely somewhere you’d fucked up.
       Knowing you have work tomorrow, you pop one of your sleeping aids and try desperately to get some semblance of rest. You know it’s going to be a rough night, but hopefully you can get enough rest that tomorrow will be bearable to you.
        Three days later, and Shouta still hadn’t reached out to you. You felt heartbroken that he hadn’t yet, and felt unfairly abandoned. Neither of his friends had heard from him either, and you doubt that they were covering up from him either, because you’d heard the worried undertones of their voice. It terrified you to think that the closest people in his life had no idea where he was or what he was doing.
       Unbidden images of your boyfriend bloody and broken in torn down places were constantly popping up into your brain. At this point, you just wanted to know if he was alive, because you’d gone to his apartment and there had been no sign of anyone having been there for a few days at least.
       You tried to keep your mind away from that dark place, and yet it would keep circling back, as if to say that the worst-case scenario was happening right at that very moment.
       It was driving you mad with worry, and you called the agency that Shouta was working for at the moment just in case they could tell you. Most of the time, you wouldn’t be allowed to know anything confidential. Even though you were the emergency contact for Shouta, you were still a civilian, and that meant that you were often left in the dark about certain conditions and events that your lover was a part of.
       “Hello, this is Sleep-stroke Agency, how may I direct your call.” The woman’s voice on the other side of the line was smooth and had a soft tone. It soothed your nerves enough to allow you to pull yourself together to find the words you needed.
       “Hi, um- this is Ms. Y/L/N. I’m the emergency contact for Aizawa Shouta, Eraserhead. He works for this agency at the moment.” You take another slow breath and let it out. “I’m calling because its been a few days since me, or his close hero friends had heard from him, and I was wondering if something had happened to him…” you taper off and you wait for the reply.
       You hear some quick typing in the background, a little mumbling that you can’t make out until she stops and clears her voice with a rather pointed cough. “Ah, I’m really sorry, but I cannot tell you, dear. That’s classified information.”
       “Can you at least tell me if he’s alive?” you plead with her, desperate. You should’ve known right away that something really major must’ve happened, how could you have ever doubted your Shouta?
       “The rules are clear, Ms. There was an unexpected circumstance that arose and needed Eraserhead’s presence. I cannot tell you any more detail than that.” Her voice drops the professional tone for a few seconds. “I know how hard this can be, hun. Please try to hold yourself together until you get some concrete news.”
       “Yes, of course. Thank you for your time.” You hang up and feel the energy drain from your body as you slump onto the couch.
       Guilt and worry and fear were all mixing into this toxic combination as you sat with all your thoughts, and you soaked in them, unable to gather the strength to pull yourself out. If something had happened to him, something serious, when you were worried about how good the desserts would taste, or if he were going to break up with you… Well, you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself for a long time.
       In a daze you blindly call one of your friends, blearily noticing it’s the middle of the afternoon and she should be able to take your call. You needed some words of comfort right now, no matter who they’re from. You barely hear the hello she greets you with before you start sobbing into the phone uncontrollably.
        It’s been two weeks now, although you can’t tell from feeling it. It seems like no time has passed since you’d made that phone call to Shouta’s agency, your life had become a daze. Somehow you managed to go to work and make three meals a day for yourself, but you couldn’t really recall what you’d been doing. If someone were to ask you what you’d been doing, all you’d be able to reply with is nothing, because all you could do at home was blearily look at the walls, ceiling, window… Without any clear news, you were shrouded in this cloud of uncertainty, completely helpless on deciding what you should actually do in response to this nightmare.
       It was approaching your third anniversary, and you weren’t even sure if he was alive to celebrate it. That thought sobered you up, and you shakily made yourself some tea, to warm your hands which felt frozen at in your terror. You need something to ground you, something that will make everything feel real again, so you begin your breathing techniques. You listen to asmr, something that would often calm you.
       Eventually, with you working at it, you manage to calm yourself, despite the odds stacked against you. Needing a distraction, you turn on the TV as you curl up in a blanket near the fireplace on the side of your living room. Sleep had become your enemy during the few weeks, although you wanted nothing but the sweet embrace of numbness it would give you.
        You couldn’t sleep yet again, so you’d migrated to the couch to read a little bit and look over some of the news. Apparently, rompers were making a comeback, though you weren’t too surprised about that.
       It was all in the name of distraction anyways. The TV had gotten stale, and you felt yourself dripping into that scattered and anxious headspace, so you had to change it up, keep everything else at bay until you had an idea of what to do.
It’s one in the morning when you hear the weak knock at the door, and instantly, you’re on high alert, your nerves tingling. You quickly make your way up to it and use the peephole to catch a glimpse of whoever would be knocking on your door this late. You nearly burst into tears right then and there upon seeing your boyfriend’s face, bruised and scratched, but whole.
       You fumble with the locks in your haste to open it up, the desire to hold him, to make sure he was really there making your movements feel alien. “Shouta!” you cry as you finally fling it open, and you can see his eyes soften as he looks down at you.
       “Hi there, kitten. Can I come in?” his voice is hoarse and a little bit shaky, but his words are clear as a summer sky. You immediately throw your arms around him, squeezing him tight against you, and his head comes down onto your shoulder as he wraps his own around you as well.
       “Of course,” you say thickly, through new tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. “There’s always room in here for you, Sho.” You lead him into your living area, making him lie down on the couch while you sit on the floor by his head. You run your fingers through his hair, gently combing out the larger knots as you lay your head down onto his chest. His heart is thumping in a steady rhythm, and you start to relax as you realize that, no, this isn’t a dream. This is real, your boyfriend is alive and ok, though a little bit worse for wear.
       The two of you sit in silence for a little bit, his eyes closing and his breathing relaxing as he leans into the hand tangled in his hair. It brings a soft smile to your face, and you file away the memory to be able to look back on.
       “Shouta, I’m going to get you some tea if you’d like it.” You say softly, almost afraid to disturb the little bit of peace the two of you have made on your couch at 1 in the morning. His eyes open lazily and he nods his assent, and you go to get his favourite blend you have sitting in the top shelf with your other types.
       Once the kettles done its work, you bring two cups over to coffee table. Shouta has already sat up and accepts the tea with a small smile as you move to sit beside him. The two of you drink in silence for a little while, not afraid to disturb anything, but simply to preserve the moment before talks need to happen.
       As the two of you finish, he clears his throat. “I’m sorry for missing our picnic, love.” He says, rather gruffly, as if to hide the thick emotion knotting his words. “I- well I wasn’t expecting to have to go to another city.”
       “Why did you, they said it was some classified mission, even Hizashi and Nemuri had no idea. They were scared, and honestly… that was terrifying.” You tell him the truth, because that’s how the two of you are, valuing clarity in your relationship.
       He fiddles a little with the scarf that’s always present around his shoulders. “The whole thing was a setup. I got on the train early that morning and was knocked unconscious.” He starts in a monotone voice, factually, as if he were still processing it himself. “I didn’t even know how much time had passed until I’d woken up in the hospital two days ago. I was unconscious for most of my stay there, and they didn’t give me access to anything or anyone until they were sure I was clear.”
       “Oh my god…” Your eyes had widened as you looked at him with horror, it sounded so much worse than he was saying. You pulled him close to you. He was trembling just barely beneath your grasp, a sign of just how intense the past couple of weeks had been for him. You try your best to be a rock for him, comforting him and listening to him talk about what he could. He didn’t go into graphic detail, but just the bare bones had you fighting back anger and sadness. He shouldn’t have had to go through that.
       You help him get ready for sleep, bringing him some extra clothes and taking out the spare toothbrush you had for him. He thanks you with a swift kiss to your forehead, and you giggle before going back to the other room to clean up the dishes. You made the decision there, that you wouldn’t bring up your insecurities to him until he was back into the groove of daily life, and had time to recover.
       After cleaning yourself up, you drag Shouta to bed, and the two of you fall asleep wrapped in each others arms.
        About a month had passed since that night where Shouta had come to your doorstep early in the morning and wrecked. Since then things had begun their return to normalcy, something which both relieved you and at the same time made you a little nervous. You weren’t sure how to ever broach the topic you wanted to with him.
       Which was illogical, as he would say. You know he takes you seriously, and that he’d want to put your fears at rest. But, part of you feels so guilty for even thinking of doubting him, and you don’t want to hurt him like that. You trust him more than anyone, you just had a lack of faith in yourself that was hard to ignore sometimes.
       The opportunity came when he suggested the two of you tried to do the picnic once again, much to your delight. He’d asked softly if you would make the same meal again, he said it had looked delicious and he wanted to try it. You could only smile and agree, knowing how much he hated cooking himself, but loved yours heartily.
       You’d done much the same thing as last time, though now, with a little trepidation just due to the fact that last time you’d tried this, Shouta had gotten kidnapped. But there was nothing else to do other than to shake yourself out of it and move forwards. So that’s what you did.
       You made your way to the same area, heart pattering as you found the spot empty. He wasn’t there yet, that much was clear, but that was normal, he wasn’t a tardy man, but he also didn’t see the use of going to things earlier than he had planned.
       Ten, fifteen, thirty minutes go buy, and with each passing minute, you feel your heart grow heavier. Why did such shitty things happen to you on what were supposed to be events filled with happiness? There are still no clouds in the sky though, and you look up and stare into the never ending blue. Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be, and you’d just have to live with that.
       You don’t remember closing your eyes, but you do remember the soft laugh of your boyfriend waking you up. You open your eyes blearily to the beautiful sight of your boyfriend smiling happily and it brings a sleepy smile to your face.
       “Shouta! You came.” You exclaim happily. He looks a bit confused at that.
       “Of course I did, Y/N, why wouldn’t I?” Curse your still half-asleep brain. You didn’t want to bring it up like this.
       “It’s nothing,” you try to brush it off, knowing it likely won’t work.
       “Obviously not. Tell me what’s wrong.”
       “It’s really stupid looking back on it…”
       “I don’t care about that kitten, just be honest with me.”
       “It’s not a slight on you at all though, okay? Keep that in mind please, Shouta.”
       He looks confused for a second. “Of course.”
       You take a deep breath. “It’s just that, it was really hard to see you for a few weeks before you had your unplanned trip.” He nods his agreement. “I knew it wasn’t the case, but I got worried that maybe I wasn’t interesting enough, or I was holding you back from things. Then you didn’t show for our date and I panicked a bit, thought you might’ve found a way to just move on from me. I know you’re the most amazing thing that’s happened to me in my life, and I’m just terrified of losing that.” You can’t look in his eyes the shame pulling your gaze down.
       “Hey,” he says softly, pulling your head up gently, until you’re forced to look into his eyes. “I’m not going to fault you for having insecurities. Everyone has them.”
       “I know, Sho, but you’ve been nothing short of amazing to me, and here I am doubting you.”
       “Well, I don’t blame you. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in thoughts and start to spiral into overthinking. But here’s the truth. I am in love with you. You make my days better, and give me something to look forwards to on long days and nights.” You smile up at him, eyes a little misty.
       “Good thing I feel the same way then, huh?” you giggle, trying to pull a laugh out of him. You get a small smirk instead, which satisfies you.
       He leans into you and presses a soft kiss on your lips, light and fully of love. When you chase after him, he pulls away a bit laughing, so you tackle him to the ground and start to pepper his face with kisses.
       The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and its there you realize just how much you love him as he stares up at you like you’re the sun in the sky.
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kaalamarii · 4 years
How would the brothers and Diavolo react to an s/o that is usually really chill, but when she gets angry, she could even rival Satan?
Thanks for being my very first request! 
I don’t think I followed your prompt completely, but I tried to at least stay close. I didn’t do Diavolo cause I’m not super confident in writing him yet. 😳 
Hope you still like it! 
Lucifer basically lives with a bunch of children, so you being easy going is a breath of fresh air for him.
You didn’t bother him as he worked late in his study, often leaving you to yourself in his bedroom to wait for him.
Still, you worried about him.
You’d tell him he needed more sleep or that he was working too much.
He’d brush you off which kind of annoyed you but you knew there was no use arguing with the demon.
You were super happy one weekend when you woke up, surprised to see him still in bed with you.
“You’re usually up by now, working.”
He nodded. “Diavolo wanted me to take a break this weekend. He said I was overworking myself.”
Lucifer went to kiss you but you moved away. “Hold up.”
He furrowed his eyebrows at you.
“I’ve been telling you that for weeks and you basically tell me to fuck off…
But now when Diavolo says the same thing you listen?”
He laughs. “Well, yes, I answer to Diavolo. You’re just a human, you don’t know anything.”
You scoff. You shouldn’t be surprised by his douchebaggery but you are.
“You’re such a dick sometimes.”
He rolls his eyes and you get out of bed, huffing around the room as you get dressed.
“Really, MC, can you quit being so dramatic?”
You glare so intensely at him that it’s amazing you didn’t burn holes into him.
“Fuck you.”
Lucifer wants to punish you for your rudeness, but he can’t help but smirk. You’re pretty adorable right now.
He lays back in bed, knowing you’ll be back soon.
You’re always up for Mammon’s crazy adventures. You’re like his sidekick, sitting back and letting him do his thing. 
When things go wrong, you don’t make fun of him, call him a moron, or anything. You just smile at him and comfort him.
He crosses a line one day when you come home to find him in your bedroom, going through your stuff. He has a very special family heirloom of yours in his hand and you know his plans for it. 
Mammon is instantly stuttering, trying to find some excuse for why he has your stuff in his hand. “H-hey babe. I was just missing you and wanting somethin’ of yours to remind me of you!”
You’re having none of it.
Your face turns red, and your eyes are like daggers coming for him.
“I know you are not thinking of selling my shit.”
You back the stuttering demon into a corner, hand reached out. 
“Give it back. Now.”
Mammon looks around, refusing to meet your eyes. Damn, this human is scary.
“Mammon, give it back!” You reach over to snatch it out of his hand.
Mammon yelps and drops it, pushing past you and running out of your room.
Later when you’ve calmed down a bit you get a text from Lucifer. “The issue has been dealt with.”
He sends a picture of Mammon hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Usually you feel bad when this happens, but right now, you laugh.
 Serves him right.
Levi loves that you’re so low maintenance.The two of you can play games or just chill and watch anime together. The two of you are happy doing your own things.
The first time he sees you angry, he’s in his bathtub reading manga while you’re playing some game on one of his consoles. You’re having a difficult time fighting a particular boss and doing your best to stay patient. 
It doesn’t last long.
You let out a loud, “WHAT THE FUCK!” as you lose once again, violently throwing the controller down.
Levi jumps.
You are fuming, balling your hands up into fists, your knuckles turning white.
He stares at you, mouth open, face pink, frozen. He doesn’t know what to do.
He looks to the controller on the floor, then back at you, annoyance on his face.
“Heyyyy! You could’ve broken my controller!”
You glare at him and he shrinks into his tub, hiding his face in his manga. You’re too angry to feel bad right now, and you’ve seen him throw it around several times.
You’re breathing heavily. Levi gets out of his tub and wraps you in his arms. 
“Let me join the game. We’ll beat him together.”
Obviously Satan is the angry one between the two of you.
You often have to calm him down when he is upset.
You’re the perfect balance to his wrath, he thinks.
Until the first time he sees yours.
He had been in an argument with Lucifer and took it out on you, snapping at you for some ridiculous reason.
He’s been an asshole all day because of his fight with Lucifer, and you’ve tried your best to not take it personally. But for whatever reason, his comment sends you over the edge.
You suddenly let out a loud growl and reach over, slapping him across the face.
Satan instantly puts his hand up to his cheek, over your fingerprints. He is looking at you, wide eyed.
His shock wears off quickly, replaced with anger. His horns come out.
To be honest, you’re really scared. But too upset to back down.
“Next time you want to do that, reconsider.”
He’s towered over you despite not being too much taller than you. 
“The next time you want to talk shit, reconsider.”
Satan’s face softens and he actually laughs.
He might be the Avatar of Wrath, but he can’t stay mad at you. He admires your stupidity bravery.
“Consider us even.”
Asmo loves that you’re so easy going. You let him get flirty and snuggly with you. He feels completely loved and accepted with you.
You’re pretty understanding when the two of you go out somewhere and he is crowded by admirers and you don’t complain when he eats it up and flirts back a bit.
One night Asmo’s looking especially gorgeous and somebody steals him away from you to drink and dance with him.
You’re used to being the third wheel of your own relationship and you don’t usually take it personally. You knew going in that Asmo loved attention and agreed not to get in the way as long as he remained respectful of the relationship.
He’s usually pretty good at stopping his fans when they get too handsy but right now he’s a bit too drunk.
You cross your arms, watching some random succubus grinding with your man. You wait patiently for him to put a stop to it.
When she kisses him, you see red.
You basically run over, shoving her off of Asmo.
“Back. the. Fuck. up.”
As much as Asmo wants to watch you fight for him, he doesn’t want you to get hurt. He grabs you, pulling you away as you flail your arms and legs, trying to release yourself and go after the succubus.
He sets you down once you’re outside.
You’re still fuming, pacing back and forward. You’re yelling at him, reminding him of the boundaries the two of you set when you agreed to be with him.
He doesn’t hear you because he’s drunk and he’s so enamored with how adorable you look.
Also, he’s flattered that you’re so jealous.
Beel finds you sweet and funny and easy to talk to.
You share your food with him. You even let him have the bigger half.
One day in the kitchen, you are making cookies. It’s a special recipe that’s been passed down through generations of your family. Beel is so ready for them, sitting and waiting for them to be done baking.
You pull them out of the oven and the demon drools. “Those look and smell so good.”
“You can have some if you want.”
“Thanks, MC.”
You turn to wash your hands and start cleaning up the flour and other ingredients that may have fallen onto the floor and counter.
You hear a crash and turn back to see the cookie sheet on the floor and Beel with a mouth full.
“Did you eat all of them?”
He smiles. “They were delicious!”
You know it’s a bit petty, but you can’t help but feel a bit of rage take over you.
“But I didn’t even get any…” Your voice is low, super low. 
Beel looks at you, confused. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
You stomp your foot, basically throwing a fucking tantrum, your eyes tearing up. “You freaked out and destroyed the kitchen AND my room when we had your custard but I don’t even get a bite of the cookies that I made?!”
Beel frowns. He understands why you’re angry and he hates that he’s the reason. 
“I’ll help you make some more,” he tells you once you’re cool enough to listen to him. “I won’t eat any of them, I promise.”
You take him up on his offer and although it’s hard for him, he sticks to his word. 
You’re impressed with his self control. “Okay, you can have one of mine.”
“Nah, they’re yours,” he says, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
Belphie was surprised by how well the two of you got along, considering he lied to you from your first meeting…
And, you know, he straight up fucking killed you.
The two of you had grown closer and closer, and he could often be found snuggling up to you and napping with his head resting on you.
Still, he noticed you still got tense when the two of you were intimate.
He tried to be understanding, but it hurt.
One night the two of you were on your bed, kissing. You seemed to be relaxed, so he crept his hand up your shirt.
You didn’t mean to, but you jumped. 
Though you did want him to touch you, you couldn’t help but have flashbacks of the night he killed you when you felt his hands on you.
Belphie sighed, pulling away from you. “You still don’t trust me!”
“Belphie…” you groaned, putting a hand on your head. “Please, can we not do this right now.”
“If we’re going to be together, we should talk about this, right?”
You rolled your eyes and sat up to face him. “You really want to talk about that?”
He nods. “You’re still so awkward around me.”
You scoffed. “Are you kidding me? You lied to me from the beginning and you fucking KILLED me.”
“Then why are we even trying to be together?”
Ugh, you found him so attractive but he pissed you off so much sometimes.
You stand up, opening your door. “Leave.”
He comes over to you, trying to hug you. You push him away.
“Fuck off, Belphegor!”
It was mean. It was inappropriate. But you didn’t care. You weren’t ready to talk to him and you obviously weren’t ready to be in a relationship with him.
Belphie sighed, leaving to go back to his room. 
He was hurt but he was willing to wait for you. In the meantime, he’d be patient and give you space.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Let's watch the thunder together
Sam Arias x Male Reader
Request- Story starts where R was hanging out in Kara's loft and R ask who's coming for game night and kara told him who's coming and when she mentioned sam. R said "Oh fuck no man And I'm taking this" he took the wine bottle and use the interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7. Kara said "what just happened".
Then Goku said their goodbyes and R said "I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is. Fast forward he and sam got along sort of.
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Sam moved back to National City not long ago. She is close friends with Lena and Kara and she is happy to be home. Kara invited everyone for a game night in her loft, she is excited, everyone is coming. Sam has been working hard at L-CORP, tonight she is ready to have fun with her friends.
You arrived early because you bought the food and drinks. Kara is happy that you got everything. You help her set up the drinks and food. Kara showed you the board games that everyone will play.
”Lena is coming over with her new friend Sam,” Kara said.
”I once knew someone named Sam but it didn't end well” You said.
”What happened?” Kara asked.
”Long story short, I was the punchline of a cruel joke,” You said.
Kara felt bad for you and she rubbed your arm. Kara was going to say something to cheer you up but Alex and Lena arrived with Sam. You and Sam stared at each other but you are not happy.
”Oh fuck no man and I'm taking this," You said.
Everyone is confused and wanted to ask questions, but you took the wine from Alex and used an interdimensional extrapolator to go to universe 7.
”What just happened?” Kara asked.
Sam sighed.
”We used to know each other. In high school, I went with Y/N to prom has a prank, and my friends used to bully him. I fell in love with him, when he found out that I had to go out with him on a bet well... He didn't want to hear what I had to say. Since then I haven't seen him since” Sam said sadly.
”Give him time, he will come around,” Alex said.
Sam nods and she still feels bad.
You are on universe seven. You went to see Vegeta like always he is training in the capsule corp. You start to train with Vegeta and he is always hard on you.
”What are you doing here?” You asked.
Alex came to see you.
”Vegeta, hi,” Alex said.
”Alex. You two are ruining my training section leave or join me” Vegeta said.
You and Alex looked at each other.
”So that is Sam,” Alex said.
”Remember when I told you I was bullied in high school and I dated this girl that had a bet with her stupid friends well that Sam,” You said.
”Yeah, she told us what happened and she stills feels sad about it. I think you should talk to her” Alex said.
You and Alex start to train with Vegeta, it's two against one. He won't go easy on Alex because she doesn't have powers, he wants Alex to get strong. Alex tries to dodge Vegeta’s attacks but he is faster.
”I don't want to speak with her,” You said.
You start to kick Vegeta.
”You should talk to her,” Vegeta said.
”See, even Vegeta agrees and he isn't much of a talker,” Alex said.
”I will think about it,” You said.
Vegeta punched you in the stomach and you fall.
”See, thinking about problems you didn't block my punch,” Vegeta said.
You are on the ground gasping for air.
You couldn't finish your sentence.
”Oh, and Kara will have game night this weekend so you better come,” Alex said.
Much later~
You, Alex, and Vegeta are taking a break. Bulma gave you and them more water to drink.
”Y/N, where is the four dragon ball star?” Bulma asked.
You start to think and you scratched your head.
”Somewhere on earth-38,” You said.
She started to yell at you because you're being careless with the dragon balls. You and Vegeta get scared when she starts to scream.
”You better go back and get it!! You know how hard it's to find it! If you don't get it, I will make your life a living hell!!” Bulma screamed.
”I’m sorry!!! I will go get it! Alex let's go!!” You said terrified.
You and Alex ran away from Bulma.
Before the night ended, you took Alex back to her home. And you almost forgot the 4 dragon ball star, but you had to go back to Kara’s loft. Sam is talking with Lena and Kara.
”So, you two know each other?” Lena asked.
”Unfortunately” You mumbled.
You see the dragon ball on the table you grabbed it. Before you left, you went to the kitchen and started to steal Kara’s food. It's not the first time you steal food from Kara’s Kitchen.
You left and went straight to Bulma’s house and gave her the dragon ball. You went home, you lie in your bed and think about Sam.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are jogging in the park. You caught the soccer ball and the girl walked towards you.
”I’m sorry I almost hit you with my soccer ball,” She said.
She reminds you of Sam a little bit. You see Sam walking towards you and she smiled at you.
”Hey Y/N,” Sam said.
You give back the soccer ball.
”Hi Sam,” You said.
”This is my daughter, Ruby. Y/N can we talk?” Sam said.
Ruby went to play with her friends.
”Yeah sure,” You said.
You and Sam sit on the bench.
”Y/N, I'm sorry what happened in high school. I should have done something but I didn't, I know you hate me and I don't blame you” Sam said.
”Sam, saying sorry it's not enough. But... There's no point holding a grudge against you. I forgive you and I want us to move on and start over” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other and she hugged you.
”Maybe we can go out tonight?” Sam said.
”Yeah, we can do that,” You said.
You and Sam just finished eating at a restaurant. You and Sam are having a good time and talked about everything. She is making you smile more and she can't stop smiling at you.
Trunks and Goten are eating at a restaurant, the table is being filled with empty plates. They have a huge appetite and keep eating a lot.
”Trunks, you have the money?” Goten asked.
”Money? I don't have money” Trunks said.
”We need to pay. I don't have money” Goten said.
They start to think. They sneaked out of the restaurant but the manager saw them. Now the manager is chasing Trunks and Goten. The boys just kept running without looking they crashed into you.
”You kids better pay now!” The manager yelled.
”Trunks and Goten what are you doing here!?” You said.
”We are at a restaurant and we don't have money,” Goten said.
You stand up and you offered to pay and the manager accepted the cash.
”We found the interdimensional extrapolator, we touched the button and it took us here. Is she your girlfriend?” Trunks said.
”No, I'm his friend Sam,” Sam said.
”You are pretty. You should be his girlfriend-”
”Goten shut up,” You said.
”Y/N and Sam sitting on a tree-”
Trunks and Goten kept teasing you and Sam, she just giggled. You are telling them to shut up but they won't.
You took Sam home. Trunks and Goten are jumping on your bed
”Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?” Goten asked.
”No, I didn't ask her,” You said.
They keep jumping on the bed.
”You should ask her,” Trunks said.
”Try not to break anything and don't eat my food,” You said.
You left the bedroom to take a shower. Trunks and Goten grabbed your phone and found Sam’s phone number and called her. Trunks try to mimic your voice and think Sam will fall for it.
”Sam, it's me Y/N I want you to be my girlfriend,” Trunks said.
Sam is smiling hard and tries not to laugh.
”Wow, Y/N I had no idea you want to be my boyfriend,” Sam said.
”You are pretty so you are my girlfriend. Bye! I have to give my stuff to Trunks and he is really cool” Trunks said.
He hangs up the phone. Much later, the boys fell asleep on your bed. Sam sent you a text and told you what Trunks did. You couldn't help to laugh.
You were going to spend time with Sam alone, but Trunks and Goten tagged along. Sam thinks it's cute how you get along with the boys.
”Pizza!!!” The boys yelled with joy.
You arrived at your apartment with pizza. They just grabbed it and started to eat like pigs.
”They sure eat a lot,” Sam said.
”They train a lot so huge appetites. They will leave you broke all the time” You said.
Goku arrived and he gave you a bear hug. Goten is happy to see his father, then you introduced Goku to Sam.
”Oh is this your girlfriend?
”Goku shut up!” You spat.
Sam didn't know what to say.
”Oh she is your girlfriend! Y/N she is really pretty-”
You punched Goku in the stomach. You felt he was embarrassing you.
”Take the boys with you, they are eating my food,” You said.
”Dad!!” Goten yelled with joy and jumped on his dad.
”I should take them home, Bulma and Chi-Chi are worried and angry at them,” Goku said.
Trunks and Goten are scared now and they hold on to Goku tight.
”Bye, Y/N’s girlfriend!!” They all yelled and left.
You sighed and Sam can't stop smiling.
”I'm am so sorry about him, I didn't think he would be more of a dumbass than he already is” You said.
”They are nice and funny. I don't mind seeing them around” Sam said.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You and Sam have been spending a lot of time together. Your feelings for Sam.has gotten stronger and Sam wonders if you want to be her boyfriend.
You invited Sam, Ruby, and super friends to a party on universe 7. Bulma is throwing a party on the Capsule Corp ferry. You introduced everyone to each other, they are getting along. Everyone loves the food and the party is going great.
You are spending alone with the guys, you thought of an idea along with Yamcha, Master Roshi, and Oolong. Two women walked into the room, the music starts to play.
”Guys, what is going on?” Goku asked.
”Oh, you will find out in a little bit” Oolong has a huge grin.
”Y/N, are they here?” Master Roshi asked.
”The show will start now” You smirked.
The two strippers start to take off their clothes.
”Why are they taking off their clothes?” Goku asked in confusion.
You and the others are watching the two strippers dance. Goku closed his eyes then Chi Chi walked and she started to yell. Everyone blamed the idea on you, she glared and she yelled at you again.
”Chi-Chi it's harmless. Goku barely looked at them” You said.
You give her thumbs up and she gave you the finger. She smacked your head
”Hey that hurts” You whine.
You start to rub your head.
”That's what you get, Y/N,” Chi-Chi said.
She dragged Goku out of the room, while you and the other guys watch the strippers dance.
Still, on the ferry, you went to spend time with Sam alone. You and Sam stand by the balcony and watch the beautiful sunset, you take a selfie with Sam. Your hand is on top of her hand and she kissed your cheek, you blushed.
”Having fun?” You asked.
”Yes, I'm having fun. Goku is like a huge kid in a men’s body but he sure can eat a lot. Where does the food go?” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed.
”Are you dating anyone?” You asked.
”No. I have been single for a while now, what about you?” Sam said.
”I have been on dates but I haven't been in a relationship,” You said.
You and Sam stare at each other, she bites her bottom lip.
You and Sam went to check on Ruby and the others.
”How did you and my mom meet?” Ruby said.
”We met in high school, she was the popular girl and I wasn't popular. A teacher made us work together on a project, we had to take care of a game baby” You said.
”We couldn't agree on the name so we named the baby, baby,” Sam said.
Ruby laughed.
You and Sam joined the others to eat. Goku again is eating a lot and he put his arm around your shoulder.
”Can you turn Super Saiyan 4?” Goku asked.
”Why do you ask?” You said.
”Whis said you can do it. I want to see” Goku said.
”What is Super Saiyan 4?” Kara asked.
”Super Saiyan 4 is, the form gives the fighter the super strength and speed of a Great Ape, but with a calm, clever mind. But for others, it can make them very cold and aggressive. Y/N would have different hair color, also would have a tail and his body is covered in red fur. His eyes possess a shadow to trim around their eyes and over the eyelids that vary in color, such as crimson. The hair is lengthened while becoming wilder, reaching down to the middle of their back, while two long pointed bangs of hair appear on both sides of the neck. It also makes the individual considerably larger in height and muscularity ” Whis said.
”Sam and Ruby are here,” You said.
”I want to see you transform,” Sam said.
”Me too! Y/N you should do it” Kara said.
”Okay, I will do it,” You said.
You moved away from everyone, you get in your stance. Everyone watches you change into Super Saiyan 4, everyone is impressed and they like your new form.
✫ ✯ ✧ ✬
You are at work sitting at your desk, you get mail. You opened the package, you take out an old picture of you and Sam back in high school.
”I can't believe I thought that was cool,” You said to yourself.
You are talking about your fashion style. Sam sent you a text...
Sam- I found this and the old mixtape you made for me. Also, I made you a mix cd. I know its old school 😜
You take out the cd and you read the playlist. You can't stop smiling.
You come out of work and Sam is waiting for you.
”Hey, you,” You said.
”Y/N, I thought we can go on a date right now,” Sam said.
”Wow, you beat me to the punch. I was going to ask you over the phone” You said.
You and Sam smile at each other.
”I’m sorry... If I ruined the moment” Sam said.
You shake your head.
”No, you didn't ruin anything. Yes, I will go out on a date with you” You said
You and Sam can't stop smiling at each other.
”Do remember that go-kart place we used to go. We had a race and I almost won but you cheated” Sam said.
”I remember winning and it wasn't my fault that you lost,” You said.
”Well, I want a rematch,” Sam said.
”Oh, I will give you the rematch and you will lose again,” You said.
You and Sam started to race and did three laps, she won. You wanted a rematch but she didn't want the rematch. You and Sam have dinner at the snack bar.
”Best first date I had in a while,” You said.
”Me too. And no you won't get the rematch” Sam said.
You and Sam laughed. You kissed Sam and she kissed you back.
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