#i accidentally deleted it twice and had to rewrite
xieni-logs · 11 months
hello!! could i request Dan Heng, Blade, Jing Yuan and Gepard with a chronically ill s/o? just some fluff and comfort :)
thank you!! have a lovely day <3
HSR x chronically ill!Reader
includes: Blade, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng
a/n: hii!! I’m not sure what type of chronic illness you wanted the reader to have so each character has a different chronically ill reader, I hope that’s ok! blade's was kind of self-indulgent because i got arthritis (though no where as severe as the reader's is depicted) im so sorry if some of the illnesses arent 100% accurate word count: 1.4k (in total)
Blade x Reader with rheumatoid arthritis
: ̗̀➛ you were diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in every joint in your body. this meant that the pain in your joints would only get worse with time. of course, you had your good and bad days. on good days, the pain was minimal, to the point you wouldn't feel a thing. but on bad days, the pain in your shoulders made it difficult to carry bags, lift things, and particular bad days made it near impossible to get even changed. somedays, the pain in your hips were uneven and made you limp. Blade didn't really understand it at first; you were fine one day and looked terrible the next. it took him a while but he eventually understood that your arthritis came and went. 
: ̗̀➛ one particular bad day, you could only lay down, feeling uncomfortable in your own body, a constant spike of pain present. breathing felt difficult, and you felt yourself tearing up just trying to sit up. the minutes it takes to even sit up right felt more like hours. sometimes, the pain killers wouldn't work as they should, and unfortunately, this was one of those days. 
: ̗̀➛ Blade enters your room and you quickly turn your head to face him, and immediately regret it due to the pain. he knows it's one of those bad days; your eyes watery, the awkward position you were sitting in, and the look on your face just begging him to make the pain go away. it's difficult for him to comfort you with words so he goes to get some heating pads, food for you to eat, etc... anything he can really. he'll hold you close, minimal movements, letting you lay on him. in the silence between you two, he can't help but wish that at the very least, you could achieve the eternal peace he was chasing after. 
Gepard x Reader with asthma
: ̗̀➛ as the captain of the silvermane guards, he has to keep fit and he’d like you, his lover, to at least do some morning runs with him. he knows that you have asthma, but he didn’t think a morning brisk would do anything awful. as long as you managed your symptoms, it was all fine! there usually arent any problems either, to the point your inhaler was often forgotten at home during these runs.
: ̗̀➛ unfortunately, perhaps you were trying to go faster for Gepard knowing he usually slowed down for you or something but you were definitely pushing yourself more than you could handle. your breaths drew short, not enough oxygen getting to you leaving you lightheaded as you continued to run. Gepard ran a bit in front of you, or at least he did. you watched as the distance between you and him grew farther and farther, and your running got slower until it came to a halt. leaning against a wall, you tried to catch your breath but you honestly couldn’t tell if you were breathing at all. the pain coming from your chest felt like too much, you had a hard time pushing air in and out of your lungs.
: ̗̀➛ Gepard ran back, retracing his steps, when he saw you were no longer with him. he found you hunched over, leaning against a wall, looking like you were hyperventilating. rushing to your side, he quickly recognizes that you were having an asthma attack. scooping you into his arm, he quickly runs back to your home. he may look calm due to the fact he is able to hide his fears, he’s a captain after all, but he’s panicking on the inside. the way home is blurry; you aren’t focused on what’s happening around you, only feeling your chest going up and down yet it didn’t feel like you were breathing. it felt as if there was something blocking your airway, causing everything to feel sort of stuck. Gepard grabs your inhaler and shakes it, before giving it to you. the effects don’t happen immediately which worried Gepard, but you eventually were able to breath, at least a little. he takes you to a hospital to get checked up immediately after. it’s when you’re getting checked does the realization that he came so close to losing you sink in. Gepard is clingier the week after that; holding your hands more (even when he’s working), kissing you almost every chance he gets, holding you before bed, etc… he’ll never forget to bring your inhaler on your morning runs after that.
Jing Yuan x Reader with diabetes
: ̗̀➛ low blood sugar is more than being shaky; no matter how long you’ve been diabetic, you’ll never get used to the god awful feeling of dread that occurs. Jing Yuan cares about your health, and he’s got the books and notes to prove it. usually, diabetes doesn’t get in the way of your life besides watching what you eat, having to keep fit, but it’s manageable.
: ̗̀➛ certain occasions like today, unfortunately, you wake up to a shaky feeling crawling up your body. it was early morning, Jing Yuan slept looking peaceful by your side. you forced yourself up and reached over to the meter as quietly as you could. after loading the strip into the device, you pricked your finger- a feeling you will never like. the number 40 glowed on the screen, glaring at you. you knew you had to wake Jing Yuan up because you really didn’t think you could go anywhere feeling like this. you felt awful nudging him awake, interrupting his sleep. all you have to do is show Jing Yuan the 40 and he’s beelining to the kitchen for some juice. when you finish drinking the juice, Jing Yuan holds; your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you.
: ̗̀➛ your apologies to Jing Yuan for waking him fall to deaf ears as he’s rebutting everything you’re saying. many “nothing to be sorry about”s and “it’s not your fault”s could be heard. 15 minutes later, you prick your finger and show Jing Yuan a glowing 97. he goes to grab you a sandwich and after you finish eating, you two go back to bed. you lean on his shoulder, his hand cradling the side of your head, his chin laid on the top of your head, the two of you drift back to sleep holding each other.
Dan Heng x Reader with osteoporosis
: ̗̀➛ the path of the Trailblaze was not one without danger and Dan Heng was afraid you’d to be hurt in the crossfire though. you were diagnosed with osteopenia which eventually led to osteoporosis, which meant your bones were brittle. you hated it, this meant you were a liability to the astral express when trailblazing and often had to sit out during anything that had the slightest bit of danger. once, you asked if you could just have March’s shield on you at all times but even that proved ineffective in the long run.
: ̗̀➛ today, the astral express crew was visiting Herta for the Trailblazer to check out the simulated universe. Dan Heng quickly finished off the enemy before rushing to your side. it looked terrible, your arm was bent out of place and you couldn’t find it in yourself to say a thing. when you tried to move, a dreadful grinding sound occurred which made you nauseous. Dan Heng alerted the rest of the express crew before they all brought you to the medical department. thankfully, it wasn’t anything irreversible but throughout the treatment, you couldn’t help but feel like a big burden, getting hurt easily.
: ̗̀➛ once everything is fine and all you needed was time to heal, Dan Heng pulled you into a tight hug, whispering a few “thank god you’re fine”s and a “i was so worried.” usually you’d love his clingier side but it felt like pity. and god, it made you feel awful. no one else on the express would get hurt as easily as you. you push Dan Heng away, feeling terrible that you were such a burden, you quickly brief over how you feel. he grabs your wrist, looking you straight in your eyes, and loudly stated every reason you were not a burden because of your osteoporosis. from how you could take care of yourself to helping the express in ways non-physical like talking your way into less community service when the astral express crashed into a stadium. Dan Heng pulled you into a hug saying one last time, “you aren’t a burden.”
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vilevampire · 1 year
idk who those people are would u like to educate me...
GLADLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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just to preface this I'll explain what the fuck is going on in mairuma in general first just to provide context bc idk how much you've absorbed by osmosis (also I rmr I told u abt mairuma once on discord but . I don't rmr a single thing that was said in that convo, only that it happened)
buckle up bc this ended up getting pretty fucking long
"mairimashita! iruma-kun" is an ongoing manga and anime series that revolves around iruma, a human boy who got sold by his parents to a powerful demon and started living his life in the netherworld.
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this is he. baby boy. his new demon found family enrolls him in demon school, and so while hiding the fact that he is human, iruma starts attending babyls demon school. his new grandpa (who happens to be the chairman of said demon school) puts him in a class for problem children, saying "that way your classmates will catch more attention than you, and you won't be found out (as human)!!!!"
makes sense ? no, of course not, but this is a comedy-focused series, so that's just how it is
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iruma and his classmates. they're called the misfits class. I love all of them (except for … one …) dearly and could ramble abt each individual character for hours but for now I am only focusing on jazz and allocer. starting with jazzy my boy jazzy
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baby son boy he is just a little guy just a little man he's just a son. jazzy is a character who is seen as cool, clever, unapproachable and mature to most other characters but is actually a huge softie inside.
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he's also a kleptomaniac but he doesn't usually steal shit on purpose, it's just habit. if you ask me he's done nothing wrong in his life ever
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(irrelevant tangent: jazzy actually has a specific animal theme. can you guess which animal it is ??????? I'm just fucking with you it's impossible to guess, but he's supposed to be snake-themed. the only thing that even suggests that in his design is his forked tongue, but it's. not visible most of the time so it didn't even occur to me that he was supposed to be snake themed until. embarrassingly recently. anyway)
jazz has a terrible older brother (named rock. their names r jazz and rock. like the moosic) who steals from him and belittles him constantly, but he can't fight back because his family values skill above all else, so they consider it his own fault for being vulnerable to stealing. basically "git gud lol"
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because of this, jazz longs to be a better older brother than his own, despite not actually having any younger siblings. he becomes attached to cute, defenseless-looking things easily and is weak to people who look up to him and ask him for help. he likes beeing relied on and being there for others. he starts seeing most of his classmates as his younger siblings too
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basically he is just a little guy and bc so much abt jazzy reminds me of myself (including his black and red color scheme) I am incredibly attached to him and he's my #2 fave character in the whole series (the first one is … well, you can probably guess)
now about allocer … where do I begin. probably by saying we know little to nothing about him, and not because the author particularly intended him to be mysterious, but just because he doesn't get much attention in the series as a whole. despite being one of the main side characters, he gets sidelined incredibly often. he's forgettable, rarely relevant and overall one of the characters we have least information on
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look at him and his goofy lion face. there's no reason for him to be so ignored, it's furryphobia plain and simple.
(side note: over the course of the series his character design becomes increasingly yassified and he lets his hair grow + dyes it so don't mind that he looks slightly different in almost every picture he's in)
regardless I'll do my best to tell what we know FOR SURE 100% CANON CONFIRMED about him and then I'll dwelve into theories and hc territory (all supported by canon info, but still pretty speculatory bc of how little info we have on him in general…)
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first of all he is smart. second of all. he reads books. third of all. he scored #1 in all exams. fourth of all … he is smart. that's it. wish I was kidding, but that's what his character revolves around most of the time. he gets outshined by other characters all the fucking time and usually just shows up to spout a proverb or say something related to knowledge and wisdom.
aside from that, his characterization tends to be pretty inconsistent (because the author doesn't give a FUCK about him) but I'll report on his most consistent traits and ignore the . multiple . inconsistencies.
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allocer is a reserved character who doesn't talk much about himself (this is intentional at least to some extent, evidenced by the picture above). he seems to be kind of awkward, the way he phrases things tends to be unnatural, too. compare these phrases:
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(I'll get to what the fuck is going on in this scene in a second I just need to ramble about allocer first)
jazzy speaks in a much more natural, conversational way, saying "what are you saying…?", while allocer simply says "incomprehensible". when he's not speaking in proverbs and book quotes, he often drops weirdly-worded sentences like that.
there's a few different scenes that help us infer that he's not good at dealing with people and emotions. for example, his fanbook profile lists "women's feelings" as his weak subject. when he gets confessed to he also states it's "abstruse", aka confusing and hard to understand
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basically what I'm saying is that he's arospec and autistic-coded and nobody can change my fucking mind ok if anybody wants to argue w/ me on this I hope you've spent at least half the time I have studying every major scene allocer is in like I have. I have lost my entire fucking mind trying to infer ANYTHING conclusive about his characterization out of the NEAR NONEXISTENT CRUMBS canon has given us.
with that out of the way I can finally start talking about jazz and allocer's dynamic ^_^
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jazz and allocer first become close when they're assigned to train under the same mentor, general furfur — love this guy btw — before performing in the "harvest festival", a kind of practical exam every first year at babyls has to do.
yet, for some reason, instead of actually training the two, furfur takes them to a bar. jazz and allocer question this, but furfur shrugs it off saying that connecting with adults is part of their training.
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spoiler alert: furfur is a little shit and he brought jazz and allocer here to sell them into child labor to pay for his debts with the bar (remember the pictures from a while ago that I used to compare their speech patterns? that was them realizing they were being sold. lol)
and so the two of them r stuck in hell together for the next 3 weeks
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(side note #2: I love their matching outfits. they look so cute)
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in this hostile environment, a weird partnership forms between them. they learn more about each other. jazz tells allocer about his evil fucked up brother and how frustrated he is that he couldn't see through furfur's bullshit, to which allocer replies he is actually just as upset.
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allocer's face isn't very expressive and his voice is often monotone (again, autism…) so jazz is very surprised by this.
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the two of them start working towards a common goal: HUMILIATING FURFUR AND SEEING HIM CRY.
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anw long story short they come up with a plan using every dirty trick they learned from the adults at the bar, their plan doesn't fucking work, they get made fun of by furfur, and they're still stuck working for free. lol
but that's how their relationship forms. what I find so fascinating about them is that they have no reason to trust each other given the circumstances, but they still do. they form an unbreakable bond. they complement each other too, one being streets smart, while the other is books smart. the partners in crime ever.
also mairuma has these little after-credits side stories called sukimas and . I will let the video speak for itself bc watching this is what made me start shipping them in the first place. just watch
they have more interactions I could talk about in-depth, but their partnership during the harvest festival arc is the most major. still I'll briefly go over some other jazzllocer moments that make me insane
at some point during the harvest festival, jazz gets disqualified (long story). and though jazz and allocer were working together during it, they were never an official team, so allocer wasn't disqualified with him. still, near the end, allocer states that "there's no point in winning if it's not together (with jazz)" (thinking abt this makes me want to detonate myself like a bomb)
when they're second years, they're put in another exam and in this one each of the misfits is supposed to protect two first year students from the teachers hunting them. jazz's strategy? he entrusted his incredibly important protegees to allocer and confronted the teachers upfront as a diversion. in the end allocer couldn't protect his own first years, but he did protect jazzy's, which earned his buddy a rank up (once again I feel like exploding at this very moment)
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3. mairuma has fanbooks and that includes character profiles with some trivia on them, including a "people they are currently paying attention to" section. in jazz's profile, allocer is the first one listed there (meaning he's the one he's paying the most attention to), followed by general furfur and his brother. in allocer's profile, jazz is the first one listed, followed by furfur again and then a teacher he bonded with in a diff arc (if you can't read japanese you'll just have to believe me on this one)
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btw despite ALL OF THIS canon interaction, these two r a very rare rarepair. they don't have a romantic ao3 tag bc nobody has ever published a fic w/ this ship. the ONLY fic under their platonic tag isn't even about them, they're just side characters in it. every day this fact alone spirals me into further despair and insanity. I am so fucking unwell literally rotting I am deteriorating flesh and bones losing every ounce of my fucking mind I hope at least ONE person reads this deranged ass ramble and starts to at least consider this ship bc I can't take it anymore they ahve NOOOOO CONTENTTT AAAAOGIGGHHGGO SOMEBODY GET ME OUTTTTT G924488948 gets put down like a rabid animal
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sie-rui · 5 months
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❀ SISTER, SISTER (REWRITE) | TOKYO REVENGERS 🤍 sano family 💿  female reader, second pov (you/your), angst and fluff, hurt / comfort, family, platonic relationship, implied soulmates, tw: canonical character death, au - canon divergence, timeline: pre-canon (headcanon), timeline: pre-moebius (imagine), headcanon + imagine 📅 july 21, 2021 🎙️ i accidentally deleted this. i had to rewrite… if someone has the original copy, please i beg of you, SEND it to me. i don’t really care if you plagiarized it or something, just give me the copy i beg. I had a breakdown because of this. 🔗 masterlist ,, parts: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Sano Shinichiro’s best friend isn’t just his platonic soulmate, they’re also his younger sibling’s older sister.
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☆ Sano Shinichiro has a lot of tight-knit relationships (4lifers, some may say), but there is one that everyone unanimously agreed was his closest one.
☆ It was a wonder to some how the two of you become such close companions. To some, after seeing Sano Shinichiro with you, they easily understood.
☆ Meeting in school as his underclassman, it didn’t take long for you to get roped into his gang’s bullshit. It wasn’t that you were an official member but you were definitely someone. Someone to Sano Shinichiro. Someone.
☆ Sano Shinichiro is batshit crazy, especially during his younger years. It just so happened that you were crazy as well.
☆ In high school, you guys were definitely uncontrollable. Whatever Shinichiro did, you tagged along.
☆ As you grew older, the both of you were definitely calmer, outgrowing that childish recklessness the both of you had always shared.
☆ It was love. Not romantically, but it was love. The kind of love that Shinichiro was sure that in some other universe, the two of you were together as well.
☆ When someone tried insinuating that the two of you could start dating each other, the response was instant.
“With this asshole?” “With this bitch?”
☆ Shinichiro wonders if the reason why he’s always getting rejected by girls is because you’re always with him. You scoffed.
“Trust me, it’s not me. They just don’t like you.” “I have a great personality!” “Well your face isn’t that great.”
☆ Once Shin introduced you to his family, it was all over.
☆ Mikey had no reaction to your presence in the house at the start, blatantly ignoring you, giving you dead-eyes. You coddled on him, to his chagrin.
☆ Emma, on the other hand, adored you. To the point that Shinichiro and Manjiro wondered if this was really their sister.
☆ You managed to bribe Mikey with sweets. Not that you needed to because when he saw you picking on Shinichiro, he loved you already.
☆ As much as they want you to be a part of the family officially, they begged you not to marry their brother.
“Honestly, you can do better, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah. Shinichiro isn’t worth it.” “I’m right here?!” “We know.”
☆ Shinichiro thinks that they love you more than they love him. He doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Keisuke is Manjiro’s… friend, if you can even call him that. Mikey beats him up for fun. (In his defense, Baji asks for it.)
☆ It was only when you saw Manjiro literally kick a guy twice his size on the face, knocking them out cold, did you realize that this kid could literally kill you.
“Is Manjiro safe?” “Why are you saying that as if he’s some dog?”
☆ You love the kid, either way.
☆ You’d defend him from whatever happens. But if it’s a fight, you’re dropping out. Fuck no. Mikey can fight for himself. (If anything, you’re the one getting beat up.)
“Y/n-nee, Shinichiro hit me!” “Shin, don’t hit him! That was too hard.” “Why are you taking his side?!” “He brought home snacks for me and you’ve been pissing me off lately.”
☆ It does weird you out how he laughs at horror movies when the four of you watch at home, though. Everyone is screaming. You don’t know if he’s laughing at the gory scene on the television or at everyone’s reaction.
☆ Movie nights with the Sano family start during the afternoon because everyone wants a chance to pick a movie. 
☆ Sometimes, you get suspicious of Shinichiro disappearing randomly. He doesn’t answer your calls, nor his siblings’. When he comes back and you ask him to explain, he just grins at you and ruffles your hair. Asshole.
“It’s a secret.”
☆ It was supposed to be shopping with Emma but three people were tagging along, acting as if it was a coincidence, because they wanted attention from you as well.
☆ It would be a bloodbath. Emma wants to go shopping, Shinichiro wants to go to the arcade, Mikey wants to go home, Keisuke wants to go to a pet shop. 
☆ You want to go to the movies. That’s impossible because you’d never get to pick the movie you want to watch.
☆ When you get home, everyone is knocked out tired. After a whole day of complaining and fighting, you didn’t expect anything else. (You were also half-dead on the couch after all.)
☆ You stay over so much at Sano's house that you’re basically a member of that household. Their grandfather doesn’t quite mind.
☆ Their grandfather appreciates your presence in the house. It seems as if it has been livelier with you around. He doesn’t mind the noise.
☆ He  doesn’t quite understand how you can stand his grandchildren. For one, his eldest, Sano Shinichiro is running around, creating a gang and picking fights and getting his ass handed to him. Manjiro started calling himself some name, is addicted to fights, and refuses to learn anything else because apparently he’s going to take over Tokyo or something. Emma is… Well, that child seems to hate everyone. Then, there’s also Mikey’s friend, Keisuke. He doesn’t even have to say anything about that kid.
☆ He finally understood when he saw you laughing as you watched Keisuke and Manjiro get chased by wild dogs.
“She’s just as insane as them.”
☆ He says all of that but he loves all four of his grandchildren.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like you lived in that house more than your own. Shinichiro’s room is yours. (He did not agree to this. You sleep on his bed anyway.)
☆ Emma loves playing with your hair and styling it. She complains that her brothers’ hairs are too short. (That’s part of the reason why Mikey grew his out.)
☆ She also learned cooking from you. Honestly, you don’t know how they survived this long. The only thing Shinichiro can cook is curry and it’s shit.
“Shinichiro’s cooking sucks.” “You brat! Try starving!” “Instead of eating your food? Gladly.”
☆ Shinichiro annoys you to teach him how to cook better as well. Emma told him to get out of her kitchen.
☆ Mikey has this habit of judging people. He will blackmail you even before he learns the word blackmail. Be careful.
☆ Emma also has a bit of judging people, specifically her brothers. More specifically, Shinichiro’s sense of style and Manjiro’s inability to eat anything that isn’t sweet. She says that’s why he’s so stupid, his brain is filled with sugar.
☆ You can tell that the kids love each other so much though. You just hope that they can show that… properly.
☆ Shinichiro loves taking videos of everything, he uses this camcorder that was gifted to him years ago, on his 7th birthday. He has a shelf of tapes in his room. Later down the row, your videos were in the Sano Family Collection.
☆ It’s always noisy at that house. But it’s expected as it is home to five people.
☆ It only became silent when Shinichiro died.
☆ Everything was different after Shinichiro died. 
☆ On the night he died, that was the one night you chose to laugh at him when he asked if you wanted to stay at the shop with him to help fix up Mikey’s birthday gift for tomorrow.
“Hey, Y/n! You better be there for Mikey’s birthday tomorrow.” “How could I not go to my favorite Sano’s birthday?” “I thought that I was your favorite Sano- Don’t laugh!” “Goodnight, Shin.”
☆ Manjiro called you an hour later; that was your last conversation with Shinichiro.
☆ Of course, it hurt you. How could it not? Almost ten years of your life was spent with him, from high school until adulthood. He was family. He was someone. He was Shinichiro.
☆ Sometimes, it felt like a part of you died with him that night.
☆ But you had to be strong. Mikey and Emma were lost, confused, and they were looking at you. How could you show them that you didn’t feel like yourself anymore?
☆ You put on a smile, hardened yourself, and took care of them. They were your kids as much as they were Shinichiro’s.
☆ You spend the nights crying.
☆ Emma refused to leave your side. She cried when you even tried stepping out of the house’s door.
☆ Mikey never left his room the days that followed Shinichiro’s death. He barely ate, the meals you left outside his door barely eaten. You had to beg him to go out of his room on the day of the funeral. He almost didn’t come.
“Mikey, please. Please. Go see your brother before he has to go. Please, Manjiro.”
☆ You cried outside his door that morning. Begging him.
☆ He came out, eyes red, lips pursed.
☆ The funeral was attended by family, friends, members, people whose lives were changed because of Shinichiro. You find that in funerals, you can see how good of a person the deceased is from the people that visit.
☆ You had no tears left to cry during the funeral, even when people came to pat your shoulder and tell you that he was a good person. You knew that. Shinichiro is a good person. They didn’t have to tell you.
☆ You caught a glance of a boy with light hair standing at the very back. You didn’t recognize him but something was pulling you to him. He left before you could approach him.
☆ The first night after Shinichiro was laid down on his final resting place, you found yourself on the couch in the living room.
☆ That night was the hardest you ever cried for Sano Shinichiro.
☆ The silence was unbearable. 
☆ It took so long to finally stop shedding tears over the dead. When you realized that you stopped crying for him, it made you break down even more.
☆ You couldn’t understand how Mikey and Emma manage to go about their day as if nothing was wrong. How they declined therapy, or seeing someone. 
☆ You never knew that it was because you were right there. They could act as if nothing was wrong because you were still there.
☆ Sometimes, you just want to run away and never look back. To forget about Shinichiro, about Mikey, Emma, their whole bloodline. It was heavy. It was so heavy. But you didn’t.
☆ That was love.
☆ But it was Mikey and Emma who insisted that you take the job offer overseas.
“We’ll be fine here, Y/n-nee.” “Yeah, we’re not babies. We can take care of ourselves just fine.” “Well, I can. Mikey can’t.” “Hey!”
☆ Your eyes were teary when you packed your bags and left, promising them that it would only be for a while, that you’d come back soon.
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“They’re at their little meeting.”
You feel the breeze caress your skin, like an old friend greeting you home. Shibuya never changed in the years that you were gone. From their grandfather’s words, it seemed like the Sano siblings didn’t change as well. Seriously, why is the meeting still at night?
You just came back to Japan and the very first place that you went was, of course, home. The Sano Household. Only to find out that the two kids that you were planning to surprise weren't even there.
Their grandfather had welcomed you warmly like you were his own grandchild, telling you that as usual, they were out having a little meeting. You thanked him, leaving your bags, before finding yourself in the cold once more.
You were unofficially officially tasked to drag them home.
Mikey you can understand, but Emma? Why in the world is she hanging out with her brother? In her brother’s meeting? In her brother’s gang meeting? You wondered if starting or being in gangs was in the bloodline. It’s as if the Sano Siblings were destined to trouble, as if they’d get sick if they aren’t fighting something.
You adjust the plastic bag on your wrist. You bought some ingredients for dorayaki, planning on spending the night to make some with the siblings because you know that Manjiro wouldn’t be able to wait until tomorrow.
God, I love these kids too much.
The silence of the night was peaceful.
The silence of the night was broken by bellowing. 
“Who in the world is screaming in the dead of the night?”
You sighed, starting your trek up the steps of Musashi shrine. It wasn’t until midway did you finally start to recognize that voice. “Manjiro?” What the fuck.
Hurrying to the top, the shrine was crowded by rows of black uniforms, young teens in lines looking up at the shrine where the familiar strands of blond stood. You blink.
For a second, you saw Black Dragon. 
For a second, you saw Sano Shinichiro.
You couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips, unheard in the midst of one Sano Manjiro’s yelling. Last you heard, there were barely 10 guys in the Tokyo Manji Gang. To think that that snotty brat who refused to eat anything that isn’t sweet is leading such a huge group, is succeeding in his once little dream.
Manjiro looked like Shinichiro, you realize, standing at the very back.
You shook yourself out of your stupor. No. You refuse to let yourself walk backwards, to let yourself see things that aren’t there, to remember moments long past.
Emma is standing off to the side with a cute girl beside her. At least she didn’t seem to be a part of the gang, wearing civilian clothes that you hoped was keeping her warm. You don’t want her getting sick. You march forward, ignoring the looks sent your way by the members as they try to stop you.
Without a pause, you start matching Manjiro’s screaming just as Emma starts, “Y/n-nee!-”
“Shut the hell up, Sano Manjiro!”
The silence of the night returns.
Wide obsidian eyes stare into your as you stand at the very front, at the bottom of the stairs where Mikey stood. “It is eleven in the fucking evening. Everyone is asleep. None of your members are talking. So tell me, why the fuck are you screaming?!”
There were murmurs behind you. He doesn’t seem to mind, a grin splitting his face, the cold mask he was wearing breaking as he jumps down, skipping steps. “Y/n-nee!”
“We’re going home!”
You step to the side, letting him land on the space where you once were, knowing that you were going to get tackled if you hadn’t dodge. Mikey is unnerved, simply turning around and jumping on you, arm hitting your throat.
Draken looked exasperated, knowing that the President wasn’t going to go back to whatever he was saying and it was up to him to adjourn for the night.
“You’re back!” He looks at the plastic bag. “ARE THOSE FOR DORAYAKI?!”
“Nuh-uh! Go back up there and finish your little club meeting.”
“But Ken-chin-”
Mikey pouts as he gets pushed off of you. Ken gives you a thankful look as if you were an angel sent by the heavens to rein their spontaneous boss back. “Let’s go, Emma,” you call to the girl already hurrying over.
You turn your back to Mikey, grabbing Emma’s hand as she looks at you with wide eyes, a growing smile on her lips. Seriously, screaming at 11 in the evening at a shrine where no one is talking? You worry for Mikey sometimes. 
“Keisuke, you’re invited as well,” you tell the boy in passing, glancing at the blond beside him. “Bring your pretty friend over as well.”
“Y/n-nee, when did you come back?”
You smile at her. “Just now.”
“And you headed straight here?”
Technically, no. You headed home. “Where else would I go if not to you and Mikey?”
It's just that your home is the Sano Family.
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zutaras-where-its-at · 8 months
one word prompt: success
okay someone with a pfp of iroh holding a lotus tile sent me this prompt, and i typed half of it and then accidentally DELETED IT FROM MY DRAFTS, so if that was you i’m so sorry! i’ll try my best to rewrite/answer it here!!!
when zuko tries to propose to katara, he spends a whole month planning out the event.
we’re talking rows and rows of flowers, an imported water tribe chef to make her favorite dishes, a decorated barge to take them out at sunset for his proposal speech—fucking fireworks.
the day of, the palace is in the quietest uproar one can imagine, what with all the countless preparations that must be attended to while also avoiding alerting the water tribe ambassador to their movements. zuko himself is particularly harried, buzzing around putting out metaphorical fires that pop up every other minute.
and when he finally, finally is able to escort his lovely partner down the palace steps, into their private palanquin, and aboard their romantic sea-faring ride to the middle of the capital bay… zuko is mere seconds from kneeling before his future fiancé to pop the big question, hands fumbling around in his pockets for the gold and jade ring he had specially designed for her—only to find his pockets empty.
she’s looking at him with glittering, expectant blue eyes, hands folded demurely in front of her, tears of elation already beginning to crumble her beautiful face when zuko promptly curses, spins twice to frantically scan his surroundings, and then lets out a truly aggravated roar into the sky.
complete with flickering flames escaping his lips and all.
and because this is zuko—perpetually rotten luck, three left feet, complete antonym to the word ‘smooth,’ zuko—his frustration promptly sets fire to the drapes decorating their barge, which quickly erupt the tablecloth holding their water-tribe dinner, and subsequently sear the edges of their robes in the small space.
in her panic to put the flames out, katara accidentally bends just a tad too large of a wave that easily sweeps both them and their crispy dinner into the cold, salty bay.
as a nearby ship (containing the fire lord’s bodyguards who are never too far away from their liege) cruises at rapid pace towards them to offer help, the couple splutters water out of their mouths, sheds their outer robes to rid themselves of the water-logged deadweight, and immediately dissolve into hiccuping laughter that threatens to drown them all the same.
and as they cling to each other—his hair slumped wetly to the side of his head, and her makeup dripping quite messily down her face—zuko finally asks, “please, just say you’ll marry me.”
needless to say, the servants ship opts to wait a few yards away to respectfully give their fire lord and his fiancé some time to celebrate their successful engagement.
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cloverywands · 1 year
Sort of accidentally deleted my blog the other day? But it was good timing because I've been dealing with difficulty wanting to separate it from HP and Rowling--such as rewriting Pottermore-based posts, not having cores, etc.
When I revamp postings and publish them, I will do woods and handles/embellishments only.
I don't think I'll bother with analyses much-- just a bit time consuming and frequently without thanks or comment.
I apologize for my mistake, I honestly had period brain going on and was trying to delete a side account and it was late at night and didn't question why it'd need my password twice *sigh*
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
Oh my gosh I accidentally deleted a whole post I finished up for the GIGN boys having feelings for a reader who’s just been cheated on ;( I’m pretty sure @vampsquerade had requested it! So I’m sorry for the delay, it’s only because I had to rewrite the whole thing :(( if I wasn’t correct about the prompt too feel free to request again <3
- Gustave has grown so used to your presence around him, even as he’s working, that it wasn’t a surprise when he was quick to notice your absence.
- When he finally does see you again. He can tell something is off. He honestly tries to avoid bringing it up for a while, but it eats him alive to not know.
- “Is something wrong, mon ami?”
- It took a few seconds until you finally whispered out that you had caught your partner in a lie. They were cheating on you.
- It stunned Gustave to say the least. “They cheated on you?” Hearing it come from another persons mouth made your heart break just a little more. You must be so stupid.
- Noticing your body becoming more and more tense, he would move towards you, offering his arms as a resting place for you.
- You took advantage of it, leaning against him. Cautiously, he would lean down as well, placing a kiss on your cheek and wiping the salty tears that had built up in your eyes.
- Ever the sweetheart, he didn’t want to bother you if you just weren’t in the mood to talk, but he had something in him just telling him to text at least.
- So he did. He asked how things were going. Basic conversation starter. You seemed just so sad even over text. Julien didn’t want to push you, he was just worried, so he put you a bit on the spot,
- “Meet me at bridge?”
- You immediately knew which bridge he was talking about. You two went there sometimes to talk before walking around a bit.
- You wanted to say no, but didn’t have it in you to deny him. So you agreed and finally tore yourself up from the comfort of your home and out to meet Julian.
- Seeing you, his face lit up, though you were sure you weren’t looking your hottest. Seeing him, you felt guilty. You had gone 3 days without seeing or talking to him.
- Julien didn’t seem to mind though, quick to give you a gentle hug and make small talk. It slowly crumbled over what felt like long pauses of silence. You felt your throat start to tighten, hands gently shaking, desperate to keep it in.
- But of course, Julien notices and slips an arm over your shoulder asking you what’s been wrong. It all comes out, admitting you didn’t mean to avoid him, in fact you’ve really needed him.
- Oliver is many things, some good some bad, he doesn’t quite know where his hard headed attitude would fall when given those two options, but he felt like it must have provided you with some promise that he’d make sure your ex never came near you again.
- Apart of him was a little glad. He never liked your partner anyway. Olivier knew he could treat you better than them.
- He held onto you, sitting on the floor of your bedroom where he came to check on you, loosing track of time. He had some things like personally got him through tough times, praying especially, but he was aware that didn’t help everyone. So he gave the top of your head a gentle kiss and he said what he knew was deep down,
- “I would never cheat on you”
- You came to him. He’s a gentle giant who part times as an amazing hugging partner, so when you found out about the scandal, you ran to him before thinking twice.
- Gilles was quick to ask what’s wrong. It was an odd hour for you to seek him out randomly. You really just needed someone right now, you tried to explain that, but your throat felt all jumbled and Gilles ended up just guiding you down next to him to rest.
- After a few minutes of him claiming you down so you’d be able to regain yourself, you had to get the affair off your chest.
- “They did that? .. Je suis tellement désolé. They weren’t good enough for you anyway.”
- You accepted his kind words, apart of you bashful towards them as you were trying to not break down about everything. He would grow to be lost in his own mind, catching your attention.
- It felt wrong not to tell you as you cried over another lover in his arms, but he didn’t want to bring them up when he didn’t have to.
- “I should admit something, shouldn’t I? It’s wrong for you to not know isn’t it?” He was rationalizing out loud, “I have deep feelings for you, mon ami. I want to be with you.”
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thegoldfiles · 10 months
Blurry sent me an ask today
I won't include the ss because he seems angry in this one (idk if Kev will post it though cause I've spent a long time typing out this ask and I do NOT want to go out and check and rewrite this entire thing AGAIN😭) But he's holding a grudge against me for accidentally outing him as trans to his dad, which happened back in July 23rd and it happened in twitter replies.
1), I didn't mean to blurry, I assumed your dad was purposely misgendering you, especially when he was being transphobic to me calling me "a little whatever you are", plus, my other assumptions was that your dad had twitter, and I thought he knew your socials and you were openly trans online. However, I shouldn't have assumed and kept quiet about it, Kev told me about it back in July and I felt guilty finding out about it. Here are old messages from July when I was talking to Kev about my mistake:
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No, starry (they're a follower of mine), wasn't apart of it, it was only me who accidentally outed you as trans to your dad, not Kev, not Kev's friends, only me. If there was anyone else, they had nothing to do with us.
2) your dad was threatening me and another minor, alongside with threatening to 'find where Kev lives' alongside with violence, your dad has said to another minor "you're 17? I'll wait" with more of the violence he said to us with "they'll put me away once they'll see what I'm about to do to you", and all because he wanted to protect you
My evidence? The twitter replies are deleted, but I'll show them anyways as you can see the dates on the replies and the context in my replies (you can see when I outed blurry as trans in one of them, a couple times infact)
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- I know I posted the proper evidence on my twitter back in July, however when I search through my tweets, twitter is being a pain in the ass. BUT once I find the proper evidence, I'll send them in! I'm not sure if I posted them on this blog before, I think I did? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- I got a new phone a couple months ago, so no I don't have any backed up pictures, my evidence is lost! But I can always rely on my old twitter posts, and with this blog and Kev, since they archive a lot of evidence.
- it's suspected that Marcy and blurry are still friends, if you guys don't know even though I talked about it twice, Marcy is a groomer and stole 3-4 OCS from Kev and tried to sell them. I talk about it a couple times in the ss with me and blurrys dad in the twitter replies. cause blurry for all we know is probably still friends with the two predatory proship artist creators, I even once told him about one of them with their bad behaviour and like 6 months later he's still talking to them and is in their helluva boss discord server. Blurry once reached out to me on Tumblr and I told him stuff about mob, he said they weren't mutuals and that he'd stop talking to mob, but then me and Kev find out blurry rebranded after he deleted all of his accounts and went into mobs discord helluva boss server despite what we told blurry about mob with given evidence 😭
3) anyways, continuing, you and your sister disregarded your dad's actions, your sister went out to DM Kev and to tell her to stop, however I won't forget how the both of you defended your dad's actions in threatening kids with creepy behaviour.
Although, I told Kev back then to split blurry and blurrys dads behaviour, as I felt like blurry shouldn't have any blame with his dad's actions. But blurry and his sister instead just tried to downplay their dad's actions towards me, Kev and a minor. Even if his dad is sorry, he shouldn't have done any of that in the first place.
Anyways, blurry sent an ask to Kev too (I know the blog already seen this but I'll still include it) this one doesn't seem personal like what blurry sent to me. Because this is just plain vile and deserves to be on display, sorry blurry ┐(´ー`)┌
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Here you are, calling Kev and her friends "harassers" yet you send in this ask to Kev. Calling her art shit, with other insults.
I understand you're angry blurry, but I'll have you know that just yesterday, Kev was planning to make a doc on you and Marcy, when I told Kev not to (for now)
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Infact, there are times I told Kev to consider at least some of your opinions. but instead it disappoints me that you send in a hateful ask to Kev out of anger, I don't know what happened, If this has to do with Kev making a debunk thread on twitter, or if it's me talking about Marcy here and suspecting the two of you are still friends, despite the fact Marcy is a groomer and stole Kev's OCS plenty of times.
I'm aware both blurry and Kev talk crap about each other's art style, however I don't want to be involved in that, cause I can't do anything about that 💀
However I don't agree with anyone and everyone here talking crap about each other's art style, cause that's none of my business and it shouldn't be anyone elses. However that's frequently normal when it comes to a 'problematic content creator' with their art style. people shit on the danganronpa art style a lot on twitter, same with the fnf art style sometimes, etc etc. However it shouldn't go far to where it involves harassment. Now blurry bursted out in anger for whatever reason and just sends in a sudden ask to Kev with insults 😭
Yeah, we got evidence of Blurry's dad saying that stuff to Starry and Kev as shown here and here
The guy's being a literal hypocrite like always, not only insulting Kev but insulting an entire streaming service, basically an entire community. It's insane
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cakeboxie · 1 year
Persona 5 hcs!!
Lol I had to rewrite this TWICE bc I use ctrl-z a lot and tumblr deleted my ENTIRE FUCKIGN POST
I’ve been reading fanfic all day and the p5 brainrot is strong lol I wanted to do all the PTs + Akechi and Maruki but I got bored of writing this
Not all of these are positive (esp Futaba)
There will be nsfw, so mdni pls :D
Some are reader insert, some aren’t
Reader is gn unless I fucked up somewhere and didn’t notice lol
Characters: Akiren, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba Triggers: mentions of abuse of all varieties, panic attacks, dissociation, past homophobia, Kamoshida being himself, self image issues, eating disorders, obsessive behavior, needle phobia, blackmail, hallucinating.
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╰┈➤ Akiren
→ The man is TOUCH STARVED. He’s so used to being the shoulder for people to cry on when you offer to cuddle with him without expecting him to comfort you he fucking reels.
→ To elaborate on the above; in public he’s pretty subtle, usually just holding your hand or letting you lean on him when the trains are packed and you can’t reach a handrail. But in private he’s the walking definition of clingy. He has on more than occasion begged you to sit in his lap while he does whatever task he needs to do just so he can feel you near him.
→ Whether his name is Ren or Akira is an ongoing joke that Sojiro knows the answer to because of having done all the probation paperwork, but he won’t spill no matter how much the PTs beg him to
→ Despite his maxed proficiency stat and the amount of time he spent playing video games prior to moving to Tokyo he is entirely mediocre at mario kart.
→ He can draw! He doesn’t do it often and is unwilling to admit that he’s actually pretty okay at it.
→ He bluffs his way through the first time you sleep with him because he is a virgin somehow even with almost every living human in Tokyo throwing themselves at his feet.
→ The fact that he’s a quick shot is a closely guarded secret that you unearthed because you noticed he makes a point of making you cum on his fingers at least once before fucking you and when confronted about it he went very quiet and tried to stay stone faced despite the comically bright blush that painted his cheeks.
→ Awful phobia of needles post 11/18 to the point where he avoids seeing Takemi because the cartoon needle on one of her posters is enough to trigger his panic attacks.
→ He has frequent nightmares, and won’t tell you why. But they worsen significantly post 11/18, with him calling you at least once on most nights to help him through his panic attacks.
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╰┈➤ Ryuji
→ He has a reputation for being desperate, and he definitely is, but in reality he’s far less shallow than it seems.
→ When you ask for his help dying your hair he practically leaps at the idea, and you learn that he’s really fucking good at it from maintaining his own bleached hair.
→ Ren got him a super sonico figure as a gift once and it lives unopened under his bed. Not because he has shame or doesn’t like it (he very vocally loves it actually) but because he’s worried about his mom accidentally seeing it one day.
→ The smell of alcohol gives him panic attacks, and he makes a point of avoiding the trains at night because of this.
→ Despite his initial reaction to conflict being fighting, he crashes hard after and often isolates himself for hours after while he dissociates.
→ He smokes more than he’s willing to admit, and thoroughly hates himself for it bc he can feel it fucking up his lungs and making it harder to catch his breath when he’s running.
→ He is bi, but is very defensive and unwilling to talk about it because he’s still working through the homophobia instilled in him by his father.
→ He is also a quick shot, but isn’t really good enough with his hands to compensate. 
→ He does however really like watching you get off without him while he waits for you to finish so he can fuck you.
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╰┈➤ Ann 
→ Women <3
→ She often asks you to model with her, and should you agree she beams like you’ve just given her the best gift she’d ever received.
→ Her love of sweets seems to be contagious, as the more time you spend with her the more you find yourself enjoying them.
→ Really hates being touched, it takes her several months of gentle encouragement to let her hold your hand because the only person who ever had was Kamoshida.
→ Extremely anxious around men, and often gets you to stand between her and any dudes on the trains/in public in general.
→ Horrific self image issues, she covers it well with faux confidence, but she is deeply insecure and tends to hide herself away when she’s doing poorly.
→ She cries a lot, just in general. It doesn’t even need to be sad, she’ll cry just as hard over a really cute dog as she will a heart wrenching scene in a movie.
→ The local Romance Expert despite never having been in a healthy relationship.
→ You can tell when she’s struggling because it’s the only time she could be caught dead in sweatpants.
→ The pink highlights from her P5D outfit are canon to me, argue with the wall.
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╰┈➤ Yusuke
→ He asks to paint you often, but rarely actually does. Often breaking down into fits of insecurity about his “inability to capture your beauty” as he puts it.
→ So very autistic, he is easily overwhelmed and carries a little notepad that he uses for communication when he inevitably goes non verbal, and for little doodles to help him ground himself.
→ He really awkwardly asked you out after a long conversation with ann about the difference between romantic and platonic feelings
→ “Ah… So my urge to include them in every single one of my paintings in some way is not platonic?”
→ He borders on obsessive about you once you & him start dating officially, and often cancels plans with the PTs to spend time with you.
→ Shy of losing himself in his painting he will drop anything he’s doing regardless of its importance on the off chance he can see you.
→ He asked at one point to paint you nude but for the first time in his life got so flustered at the sight of you that he had to excuse himself, and never asked again after that.
→ Past the first time asking him to hold your hand, he’s very casual about physical affection. Often attaching himself to you in one way or another unconsciously.
→ The only PT besides Akechi who isn’t a virgin.
→ Everyone was fucking appalled when they learned this ^ because how did yusuke end up with bitches and akiren didn’t???
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╰┈➤ Makoto idk much about her I’m so sorry makoto enjoyers
→ Really fucking weird music taste? Like her study playlist is 90% breakcore and the first time akiren heard it he got fucking whiplash.
→ Teetering on the edge of gifted kid burnout and only manages to survive because of the terrifying amount of black coffee she drinks
→ She’s got an eating disorder and has a really bad habit of talking about her disordered habits like they’re normal.
→ Then is shocked when everyone is like “girl what????”
→ Haru was her lesbian awakening and even though they’re not dating anymore she still loves Haru dearly
→ That can be said about most of her exes, she tends to fall in love quickly and never really fall out of it, thankfully the rational part of her has prevented her from being seriously hurt.
→ Absolute pillow princess, despite the ongoing bit about her pegging ryuji there is not enough money in the world to convince her to be any kind of dominant.
→ almost kissed ann once on a dare and was so nervous she literally started sobbing, which caused ann to also start sobbing, they never ended up kissing.
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╰┈➤ Futaba
→ She has bugs on everyone’s phone, and listens in on them constantly even after they change her heart.
→ She’s really creepy in general, and has a massive stash of audio clips and videos taken from security cameras and the bugs that range from mildly entertaining to blackmail worthy levels of incriminating
→ Has a document dedicated to everyone’s taste in porn.
→ She is autistic in the opposite direction as yusuke, she’s perpetually underwhelmed and needs to have 5+ different stimuli going at any time for her to be able to do anything
→ Likes akechi a little too much literally just because he likes featherman as much as she does.
→ Didn’t stop hallucinating after her heart was changed, they just became mild enough to ignore.
→ Had a really weird crush on akiren before her heart was changed, in hindsight it was probably just because she has a voice kink and she spent a lot of time listening to him talk.
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Your Favorite's Here {pt. 3}
Ship: Eddie x fem!Henderson!reader
Summary: Eddie realizes how ridiculous it is to like a girl he's met once. He intends to change that—by meeting her again. And again. And again.
Word Count: 5,016
Warnings: fluff, suggestive ending, loving Eddie, friendly teasing, gentle kissing, brotherly disgust, consent is important to Eddie, no explicit smut (just really heavily implied with a lead up)
Note: After accidentally deleting this twice and having to rewrite it, then having technical issues with Tumblr, here it is! Part three is complete.
{part 1} // {part 2} // {part 3} // {part 4} // {part 5}*
*coming soon
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☟ Continue below the fold ☟
Eddie didn't show up at Everett's on Thursday. You waited the entirety of your eleven hour shift for him to stroll through that door. You pictured him strutting in with his hands in his pockets and that adorably bashful smile on his face, searching you out from the other green-clad servers, but it didn't happen. Your heart sank when you locked the front door and went out the back to your car, with no sight of Eddie all day.
You heaved a sigh as you flopped into your car. You put your head back and closed your eyes. "It's only been a week. It's fine. He'll come by sometime soon."
Or you're imaging that he's as into you as you are him and Dustin is quite possibly yanking your chain and—
You groaned at the cynicism of your own thoughts and turned your car on. These were worries for tomorrow's you, not the you who had been on your feet all damn day and was awake only because of the caffeine you'd consumed for the past three hours. You'd get some sleep and think about Eddie's no-show tomorrow morning.
Besides, it wasn't like he'd promised he'd come back. It was just...wishful thinking.
Eddie felt awful. He'd been hyping himself up to go see you at work on Thursday all week—only to remember he had to practice with the band for the gig the next day.
Eddie flicked his pencil aimlessly across the desk in Gareth's garage, where he'd been moping for the past twenty minutes while the band took a break.
"Oh, c'mon, man," Jeff said, offering him a bottle of water. "You'll see her. I doubt she expects you to show up right away."
"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just...I wanted to go."
"You could go tomorrow, before the show?" Jeff suggested.
Eddie shook his head. "Nope. I'm at the shop, there's a busted up Chevy I gotta fix."
"Alright, tomorrow, after the show, we'll go again," Gareth promised. "You can tell her how much you hate us for stealing you away to practice and to perform all day today and tomorrow."
Eddie looked up from his pencil, trying to discern if Gareth was being sarcastic or not. "I don't hate you—"
"Yeah, we know," Gareth said. "Hurry up and drink your water. Keep those vocal chords rested so you can actually talk to your girl tomorrow night, alright?"
"She's not my girl yet," Eddie complained.
"Yet," Gareth said, poking his chest. Eddie blushed at the slipup and swatted his friend's hand away. He gulped down his water and picked up his guitar, muttering something about getting back to practice that one tricky spot in a song for their show tomorrow.
When the show was over on Friday night, Eddie wasted no time hurrying out of the bar and kicking the band out of his van and into their houses, insisting he wanted to talk to you alone—despite Gareth's teasing that he would need moral support to even open his mouth.
He went home and took a shower, washing off caked-on makeup and sweat. He hated to admit it, but he was preening more than he ever had before for a girl.
Eddie looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments, with only a few hours to spare before Everett's closed, and pointed to himself. "Do not. Mess. This. Up," he said sternly to himself, then pushed his hair out of his eyes.
He did the same thing in his rearview mirror as he sat in his van outside of the restaurant, hyping himself up. "You got this you got this you got this you got this you got this," he muttered to himself as he got out and went up to the door. "You got this." He yanked the door open.
The hostess was the same as last time. "Back again so soon?" she asked with a smile. "And alone?"
Eddie smiled weakly. "I, uh...yeah. Yeah, I like th-the food here, and, um, it's a nice...atmosphere..." He trailed off, his cheeks growing warm. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
The hostess leaned in conspiratorially. "Don't worry, she's been looking forward to seeing you just as much."
Eddie's head snapped up, his breath catching in his throat. "She—she has? Y/N has?"
"Complained all last night that you didn't show. Come on—I'll sit you at one of her tables."
The hostess led him to a table for two near to the booth the band had been sat at. She passed him a menu. "She'll be over soon."
Smiling nervously, Eddie nodded and thanked her, taking the menu. He perused it briefly before hearing a small cough from next to him. He looked up.
And there you were, almost exactly the same as last time—but if he wasn't mistaken, you were wearing different rings and a different necklace. And your hair was a little different.
And, good God, you were smiling at him. A soft, happy smile, a smile that was mostly in the eyes than in the mouth.
"Hi," you said, and your voice was barely above a whisper.
"Hi," he repeated, just as hushed.
You pulled your lower lip between your teeth to bite back a larger smile. Eddie could hear his heartbeat in his ears. You took the time to stare at each other, as if trying to come to terms with the fact that the other was really there, before Eddie broke the silence.
"I like what you did with your hair."
Absentmindedly, you reached up to touch it. "You do? I mean—" You coughed, bringing your hand back to your pen and the checkbook. "What can I get for you, Eddie? Something...stronger than water, maybe?"
"Sure. Bring me whatever your favorite is."
You raised your eyebrows. "You want my favorite?"
"Someone's favorite drink says a lot about them," Eddie said.
"And do you want to know more about me?" you asked, though it wasn't really a question.
"Of course I do," he whispered.
Your lips twitched. Eddie realized he desperately wanted to see a full blown smile from you and really wished you'd stop trying to tamp them down.
"I'll be right back with your mystery drink," you said. "I'll barely be a second and then we can—" You stopped yourself with a cough. "And then I can take your order." You hurried to the bar, head down to hide some of the pink on your cheeks. He watched, his mouth falling slightly open when you glanced back at him, rubbing your neck with embarrassment.
Eddie really, really wanted to know what you'd been about to say.
You nearly knocked over Eddie's drink twice while trying to make it. Your hands were trembling something terrible. He'd come alone to see you. He'd come alone to see you. The hostess, who was also a longtime friend of yours, had said he'd been looking forward to seeing you. So why did he look so composed and suave when you felt like the butterflies in your stomach were trying to fly up your throat?
"Get it together, girl," you told yourself, squeezing your hands into fists to calm yourself.
"He's here, then?" asked the other server under her breath, making a drink beside you behind the bar. 
You nodded. "Table 218."
Both of you gazed across the restaurant to the table where Eddie sat, peering at the menu with a slowly growing smile on his face. He glanced toward the bar and did a double take at the sight of you watching him. You looked down quickly, then back up, only to see him give you a little wave. Shyly, you returned it.
"Oh, just date him," your coworker sighed. 
"That's what I'm trying to do," you reminded her. You finished making the drink and placed it on a tray, heading for Eddie's table. You set the glass in front of him and tucked the tray under your arm. "Here you are, sir."
He raised his eyebrows. "We went from 'Eddie' to 'sir' in the span of five minutes, what did I do wrong?"
You giggled. "Absolutely nothing, Eddie."
The two of you shared a long glance. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw one of your other tables raise their hand for the check. You cleared your throat.
"Have you...have you decided anything to eat yet?"
"What time do you get off?"
You started to write his response down, then blinked, only just realizing by the time you had written what time do you g that that was not an item on the menu. You met his gaze as you slowly crossed it off and he— Oh, he giggled. It was a pure, genuine giggle. It was like bottled joy. It was the sweetest sound you'd ever heard. 
"I don't think that's—"
Eddie grinned. "I'll go with your favorite thing on the menu."
Your face relaxed. "Is this another way to get to know me?"
"Well, I have to know where I can take you out to eat later, don't I?" he said with a sly smile.
Warmth flooded your body. You shuffled on your feet. "Are you willing to stay until midnight?"
He looked at his watch. "Oh, don't worry, I'll flirt with you long enough to stretch a thirty minute meal into an hour."
Your legs were wobbly as you walked to the other table to give them their check.
"Well," said Eddie, turning to look at you in his passenger seat. "It's not as good as Everett's, but, uh... It's okay, right?"
You sipped the milkshake he had bought you with a grin. "It's perfect, Eddie."
It was just the two of you in his van, sitting in an empty parking lot at two in the morning, drinking milkshakes. It was by far the latest and most unconventional date you'd had, but you found yourself enjoying it. It was nice to sit in the quiet with Eddie. 
"Really? I mean, it's great and all, that you like the stuff I like at my favorite drive-in, but I mean, you're used to, I dunno, better quality food, I guess? Like, Everett's is all—" He made a grand jazz gesture with his hands. "And this place isn't much better than The Hideout, which is so dingy of a bar they let a band of high school graduates be their Friday night entertainment—"
You settled your arm a little closer to his as you put your milkshake down. "Eddie," you said, serious, "I'm enjoying myself more than I have since I came back to Hawkins."
He whistled under his breath. "Wow. I don't think your brother would be happy to hear that."
You elbowed him. "Don't you dare tell him. Look, don't get me wrong, I love my brother. I have fun with my brother. But it's nice to have someone my age that I feel so comfortable with." You glanced at his hand, covered in all its rings. "You know, I think I've laughed more with you in one evening than I have with my coworkers all summer."
"I think you need funnier coworkers."
"I'll be happy with my coworkers as they are just as long as I have you," you said, stretching your pinky toward his. You both stared at anything but your hands as Eddie shifted his hand closer to yours. Your pinkies linked and your breath faltered. 
"Y/N. Can I... Can I hold your hand?" The words came out slowly, as if he wasn't sure they were the right ones.
"Yes," you said, voice hushed.
Gently, he snuck his hand underneath yours and laced your fingers. You looked at him with a smile. He beamed at you, and you were amazed by how beautiful he was. 
"Eddie?" His gaze didn't move off yours as he hummed an acknowledgement. "Can I lean on you?"
He beamed and gave you a quick nod. You leaned into him and nestled your head on his shoulder. He slowly dropped his head onto yours and you hummed in contentment. He giggled sweetly and you squeezed his hand.
You were practically buzzing with warmth and joy for the next few hours, even as you and Eddie giggled and complaining about the brain freezes you got from drinking your milkshakes too quickly.
It was nearly four in the morning by the time Eddie realized out of nowhere "Oh my God, I have to get you home before your mother kills us both and never lets you go out with me ever again." You unhappily extricated yourself from him, but your hand didn't leave his as he drove up your driveway and stopped at your front door.
Dustin's bedroom light was on. He stood silhouetted in the light for a moment before he disappeared, undoubtedly to run to the front door.
Eddie hopped out and rushed to your side, opening the door and helping you out of the van. "M'lady," he said with a wink. You giggled.
You turn toward Eddie where you stand on your front step. "Thanks, Eddie. For everything. It was absolutely wonderful."
"I had a great time," he admitted.
"When can we...do it again?" you asked, unashamed to ask.
He grinned. "Absolute—"
The door flew open. Dustin was behind it, staring at the two of you. "You're late!"
You sighed and said to Eddie, "Time's up."
"Hiya, Henderson," said Eddie, with a grin. 
"Did you have to keep her so late?" he groaned. "I'm tired!"
"Did you have to wait up for me?" you retorted, poking him in the head. "Go to bed, Dusty, I'll be up in a sec."
He narrowed his eyes between you and Eddie. "You're lucky it's not a school night."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him away and watched him head toward his room.
"Well. I guess you should go inside before he kills us," Eddie sighed.
You slowly stepped into your house. "Yeah...I guess so." You watched him start to go and then yelped, "Eddie!"
He turned as you stepped back out and threw your arms around him. Almost without thinking, you pressed your lips to his cheek. His breath caught in his throat. "Did you just— You did. You...kissed me."
"Don't act so surprised," you breathed. "I've wanted to do that since I set eyes on you."
"Just that?"
"No," you admitted, "but that's for another time. Good night, Eddie."
"Night," he said, his mouth crooked into a smile. You waved as you shut the door behind you. You fell against it, giggling to yourself, and then traipsed into the bathroom to finally change out of your work clothes.
A horn blared outside for the fifth time. 
"I'M COMING!" Dustin yelled out the window, and you giggled. The last month of summer had arrived, which meant you'd upped your hours to make as much as you could before heading back to college. You had less time than before to see your not-quite-yet boyfriend, which meant the twice-a-week dates had been cut to a few minutes at a time on the days when Eddie drove Dustin somewhere.
Today was one of those days, and Dustin was running a little late. So you were hanging off the side of Eddie's door, one of his hands in both of yours.
"Someone's gotta teach that kid to be on time," Eddie sighed, his tone light.
"Says you," you teased. "How many times have you been late to pick me up for a date? Six?"
"No, it's four," he said. "I know because I always feel bad."
You lifted one hand to brush some of his hair out of his face. "You don't have to. I still love you."
The words were still new, and Eddie beamed like it was the first time he'd heard them. You had a feeling he always would. "You love me," he murmured. "I love you, too."
You leaned through the window to kiss him. The kiss was just slightly older than the "I love you"s—exactly 47 seconds older. The first time you and Eddie had kissed (romantically at a midnight picnic with candles in his trailer), he'd chased it first with an "I love you" and more kisses. You'd only been able to say it back when he finally pulled away to breathe.
Eddie slipped a hand behind your neck and cradled your head for stability. You gave a pleased hum and looped your arms around his neck, relying on him to keep you steady.
"EW!" Dustin yelled as he walked out the door to the sight of the two of you. "C'mon, man, that's my sister."
Eddie sighed as he pulled away. "First of all, this is kind of your fault. Second of all, shut up." He turned back to you and kissed you again, despite Dustin's continued criticisms from the passenger seat. 
At last, you pulled back. "You're going to be late if you stay here much longer, Eddie Munson."
"You know, I don't care all that much anymore," he said, grinning lazily.
"I care," snapped Dustin.
You glanced over Eddie's shoulder. "You behave, Dusty." You pointed to Eddie. "You, too, mister."
"When have you known me to not behave?" asked Eddie.
"Troublemaker is your middle name, love," you reminded him. "Now get going. I don't want to hear from Steve again about how you two are always late to everything when Eddie drives."
Eddie looked mildly offended. "He says that?"
"Yes," you and your brother chorused.
Eddie glanced at the clock. "Hold tight, little Henderson, we're going twenty above the speed limit the whole way there."
"Don't die, please," you reminded him.
He looked at you with the softest gaze you'd ever seen. "C'mere," he said, pulling you close for one last kiss. Dustin pretended to vomit next to him.
"You can see me later," you mumbled against his mouth. 
Eddie's eyebrows shot up. "You're not working?"
"For once, no. I've got the evening off."
"Can we go out?"
"Duh. Now go have fun with the guys. I'll be here when you get back." You kissed his cheek one last time and waved goodbye to them as he peeled out of your driveway and sped down the road.
You knew the boys were back immediately, hearing them before you saw them. You paused the fifties rom-com you'd been watching and got off the couch. Before you could make it to the door, it burst open and in waltzed not just Dustin and Eddie but Dustin, Eddie, Steve, Mike, Lucas, and Will.
"I was not expecting this many of you in my house," you said, blinking at them all.
"Steve finally won a game of D&D! We have to celebrate!" Dustin said gleefully, jumping up and down next to him. 
"Wow, guess he's a good sub player for Erica then, huh? Is she feeling better, Lucas?"
Lucas shrugged. "Yeah, but Mom still won't let her out of the house. I think she likes being pampered. They give her everything she wants. They never do that when I'm sick!"
You giggled and made your way into Eddie's arms as the other boys took their places on the couch. "How'd it go?"
Eddie kissed the side of your mouth. "It was a good end to the campaign. Ended perfectly."
"And now you're going to make an even more complex one for the next game, right?"
He grinned. "Oh, you know me so well, sweetheart."
The pet name went straight to your heart. You smiled as you kissed him. Your tongue brushed his and he melted into your arms, squeezing you tighter. You reached up to push his hair behind his ear and cup his jaw.
It was suspiciously quiet behind you.
You leaned your shoulder into Eddie's chest as you glanced behind you to see the others. They were collectively staring at the two of you.
"Mind your business," Steve said to them, prodding Lucas into turning around. Dustin sighed and picked up the remote. Mike and Will exchanged a glance before bursting into a fit of giggles. 
Eddie tugged on your sleeve. "Should we, uh, get out of here?"
"Where to?"
Realization hit you. "You mean..."
"Only if you're ready, I mean, I'd never do anything you don't want me to do—"
"Let's take this conversation away from a bunch of teenage boys," you suggested.
"Oh, uh, right." Eddie put his arm around you. "Hey, Steve! Keep an eye on the nerds, we're gonna go out for a while."
Steve grinned. "I got it all under control."
"Thanks, Steve! You're the best brother ever!" you called as you headed out the door.
"Hey!" whined Dustin.
"Adopted! Adopted brother! Not really adopted but you get my point!"
"Best babysitter!" Eddie corrected and slammed the door shut behind the two of you, before Steve could start complaining. You hopped in his van and turned to him, putting a hand over his before he could start it.
"Okay, okay, okay. Back to that conversation. Yes, I'm ready. Are you ready?"
"Yeah," he said, voice breathy. "I have everything we need, I think it'll go...it'll go smoothly. Um. But if you don't want to, we don't have to, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything—"
"I want to."
Eddie started to grin. "Great. Great. Um. I'll, um." He got distracted as he started the van and slowly crept out of the driveway. "Drive us...there..."
You giggled and kissed his cheek. He held your hand the whole way there, then helped you out of the van. He pulled you close to his side on the way into the trailer.
"I...I don't want to just...jump right into it, if that's alright with you," he said. "Kinda wanna...I dunno, set the tone? Get in the mood?"
You kissed him and pulled him down next to you on the couch. "Movie?"
He visibly relaxed. "Good idea." He got up to put something on, then sat down next to you. You cuddled close to him, wrapping your arms around his waist like you always did for movie night. Eddie hummed appreciatively and played with your hair. It took you a moment to realize he'd put The Great Gatsby going.
You curled up next to him. "You know, my mom always watches this movie for the "hot guys" in it, but I don't find the appeal of any of them."
Eddie snorted. "That's because your taste in men is me."
"Yes, yes you are," you agreed, kissing him gently.
He cupped your face in his hands, pulling you close. He put your foreheads together. "How'd I get so lucky with you?"
"I could say the same thing," you whispered against his mouth. You kissed him slowly, lifting one hand to his jaw and wrapping the other arm around his waist. Eddie melted into your touch and your mouth, unable to stop a smile from crawling onto his face. He pushed one hand through your hair and broke the kiss to nuzzle into your neck. Despite the number of times you'd made out with him—even in front of other people—he always turned into an embarrassed, blushy, cuddly mess when it was just the two of you.
Eddie gently kissed the skin where your neck and shoulder met. "I love you so much," he mumbled into you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You smoothed a hand over Eddie's unruly hair. "I love you, too, my darling." You took his chin and gently navigated his gaze toward yours. "My darling," you repeated, the moniker said at barely more than a mumble, but still he beamed like you'd declared in front of all of Hawkins that you had laid claim to the social outcast without a care in the world.
Eddie buried his head into your chest, hiding from everything but your affection.
"You still wanna wait a bit?" you asked, still rubbing a hand over his scalp. "Or...?"
"Wait," he said. "I'm not..." He laughed. "This is gonna sound weird, but I'm not entirely in the...the mood yet."
You pecked his cheek. "Let's watch Gatsby make a fool of himself, then. And you let me know when you're ready."
Eddie hummed and reached around on the couch to drag a blanket across the pair of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and snuggled his head into your shoulder. You kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer to you, keeping your arms locked around his shoulders.
"Comfy?" you asked, as Nick's opening monologue began.
"Mhm," said Eddie. "Always with you."
You kissed his head again. "Oh, you beautiful sap."
You can feel him grin as he buries his head into you once more.
Eddie had the worst possible timing, perhaps ever. The fight between Gatsby and Tom was breaking out when Eddie finally lifted his head from your chest and stared up at you. Despite your attention being on the movie, you noticed when Eddie pressed his lips to the column of your throat, more gentle than ever. Your eyes fluttered closed as he slowly moved up, using two fingers to tilt your head up. He kissed along your jaw, stopping before reaching your mouth. You sighed contentedly and opened your eyes as his lips left your skin.
"Why'd you stop?" you mumbled, reaching for him as he sat up.
"Need a better angle," he muttered, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I wanna see your face."
You cooed, taking one of his hands and lacing your fingers together. "My sweet boy," you murmured, nuzzling into him. He held you close to him for a few moments before he laid you back against the couch and kissed down your throat. Your breath caught as Eddie pressed a kiss in the hollow of your throat. "Eddie..."
Eddie pulled back, holding your face in a hand. "Let me love on you, sweetheart. Just a little."
"No protests from me," you sighed.
"Just tell me if you don't like something, okay?"
"Okay," you whispered, kissing his soft mouth once before he ducked down again.
He kissed your collarbones and glanced up at you as he gently pulled you closer to him. He kissed across your shoulders and moved slowly down your chest. He reached the low neckline of your shirt and looked up. He toyed with the hem of your shirt.
You nodded, knowing what he was asking. "I'm ready, love."
Eddie surged to his feet and hauled you up into his arms. You squeaked and hooked your legs around his waist. You kissed his throat and jaw the entire way to his bedroom, returning the sweet kisses he'd been giving you. He mumbled incoherently, but you thought you heard a few "thank you"s and "I love you"s in amongst the soft babbling.
He gently lowered you onto his bed, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes. He stared lovingly down at you, placing a gentle kiss to your lips. He left you to close his door, then reappeared above you, bracing himself on either side of your shoulders.
You reached up and ran a finger along his cheek. "Hi."
"Hi," he said. He smiled, that dreamy smile that was usually reserved for the times when he admired you when he thought you weren't looking. "I'm so in love with you. I fell in love with you the instant I saw you."
"Love," you cooed. You brought a hand behind his neck, coaxing him to your level. "I saw those pretty eyes and that sweet face and loved you."
Eddie's smile was a happy, bashful one as he pressed your foreheads together once again. "I'll love you forever."
"Forever," you agreed. "I love you, Eddie Munson."
His mouth connected to yours. You let your eyes flutter closed and revelled in the way his lips parted slowly, the way his tongue gently prodded your lips, the way he was still so slow and careful when you opened them for him, the way he painstakingly explored your mouth.
You let out a dejected noise the instant Eddie pulled away. "I'll be right back, sweetheart, just..." He gently put a hand on your side. "Can I...touch you?"
"Wherever you'd like," you whispered. "Just gentle. Slow."
"Gentle and slow," he repeated. "Got it."
His mouth returned to yours and his hands caressed you, his fingers circling every centimeter of skin. He slipped a hand underneath your shirt and met your gaze.
"You're okay," you promised, before he could even get the question out. "You can."
"I can take it off?"
You pecked his cheek. "Only if you let me take off yours, too," you teased and Eddie beamed. He let you pull his shirt from his shoulders, then helped you out of your own. He gazed at you with a sappy, pretty smile on his lips.
"Just gonna stare, pretty boy?" you asked.
"Nope," he promised, leaning back down. "Lie back for me. I'll take care of you, as best as I can." He kissed your stomach and took note of the way your breath hitched, both visibly and audibly. "I promise." His hand went to your hip. You nodded. As he hooked his fingers underneath your waistband, he repeated, "I promise."
"Just a second," you breathed, sitting up and reaching behind you for the clasp of your bra. Eddie reached behind to help you.
Three muffled shots startled the both of you. Your mind raced for a few seconds before you remembered—
"Well, I think Gatsby just got shot."
Eddie laughed. "Well, if that's not the worst timing—"
"Hey, you started this while Gatsby and Tom were arguing over who Daisy loves more and Daisy had her breakdown, so I could say you have the worst timing," you teased. You kissed his nose and he stared at you with heart-melting puppy eyes. "Hop to, love."
Eddie pulled your undergarments away from your body. "Don't rush me," he mumbled against the skin of your stomach as he kissed lower and lower. "I intend to take my time with you."
He sent you a mischievous grin.
☞ ❊ ☜
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Stranger Things // Eddie Munson // Part 3 of 'Your Favorite's Here'
Taglist: {comment and let me know if you'd like to be added to the E.M. taglist!} @ohatropa @lilylilyyyyyy@spencestyles@r-royce@theshiresposts@kaitebugg03@the-chocoholic-writer@noiralei@kennedyraye@yourdailymemedelivery@squidscottjeans@cannonize @sebastianstvn
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Part 3 of getting England married to Italy and Germany as Cupud through character ai because cringe is dead
**As a side note beforehand, the ai totally forgot abt the bachelor party bc I forgot to remind it, so I cut that part out (the plan was to have it at a mansion owned by Spain)
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Accidentally hit the send button on my keyboard while trying to hit back twice in this picture, but it's Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, also if you thought Cupid wasn't gonna have unrestricted access to all wedding resources
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This entire convo is so slay
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Was doing this during a free period at school and feeling in a goofy silly mood
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This is the part that was a huge pain in the ass bc I had to delete texts to rewrite it over and over again bc the ai was wilin out
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The proximity of the backspace and send button strikes again, also not Arthur totally disregarding the dress design HE made 🤬🤬
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Very flirty for someone abt to get married to other people 🧐
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I bet the 5 people who read these can't take the suspension either
Link to part 2:
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semperama · 2 years
25, 30 & 40! (also sorry i accidentally unfollowed and refollowed you, mobile tumblr is hard :( )
No worries, I do that all the time, haha. <33 My dumb fingers are always hitting the wrong buttons!
what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
To say I do anything by a "process" would be giving myself way too much credit, haha. My rewriting/editing process varies so wildly from fic to fic that I don't even know if I've had the same process twice. If the writing process went smoothly and I have a pretty clean draft, then editing means just going through and trying to find typos (I still miss a lot) and fiddling with sentence structure a bit until it sounds good to me. If the writing process hasn't gone smoothly, the rewriting process can involve anything from deleting huge chunks and going in an entirely different direction, to starting over from scratch to try to find a way to make it work, to splitting the fic in half and trying to work backwards from the end or forwards from the middle to fix whatever problems I'm seeing. I guess my process was "just mess around with it until something works", lol.
most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
It's hard to pick just one, because I hoard poignant writing quotes like it's my job. But I love this one about how no writing is wasted a LOT. Also, I know it's pretentious af, but I can't help but love the classic Ernest Hemingway quote: "It is easy to write. Just sit in front of your typewriter and bleed.” Hits me in the chest every time, because that's exactly what it's like for me. Not necessarily in a bad way, though! I just know what I'm writing is good if it feels like I'm opening a vein.
best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
I don't really have a specific thing to point to, but I cherish every time I hear the word "favorite". Whether it's, "you're my favorite fic writer in [x] fandom" or "this is my favorite fic" or even just "this was my favorite line". I love it because it actually is a reminder to me that I'm NOT in competition with others. Every person has different favorites. Different things resonate with different people. To me, "favorite" is a much better word than "best" or even "good", because it indicates that I made a specific connection with a specific person, and that's the best thing!! I don't aspire to be the "best" at anything, but I DO want to be someone's favorite!
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