#i actually do not like how it turned out but idk gabby liked it so here it is :)
monochromeruby · 16 days
if I rewrote DCAS like this who would read it be honest: (Reblogs Appreciated)
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Here are my thoughts. There’s a lot, so sit down and get a cup of coffee:
The BIGGEST thing I would overhaul is the:
Trevek/Emily disaster.
Emily would still help Yul, but because Yul’s manager wants to see him be better and treat Grett better, so she accepts the payment and tries to get him to genuinely change, but gets promptly fired for wrongful assistance.
Instead of Trevor witnessing Kristal and Derek kiss, he could instead see them do something and misinterpret it as a kiss. But instead of being jealous, he wants to be supportive to his best friend, despite his heartbreak. He would be supportive of Trevor and Kristal and leave them alone so they could have “alone time”. Meanwhile, Derek is just like “???” Misunderstanding trope done correct ^^
Emily would help Trevor get closure with his feelings, as Trevor would vent to her about feeling guilty about not being supportive of their (non-existent) relationship. Emily also wants to talk to Kristal about getting her job back (instead of revenge) so the two of them work together to find out plans about the finale so they both have times to talk to Kristal and Derek separately.
During the finale I would want Kristal and Emily to actually have a talk and the scorpions would probably be the result of a freak accident (I’ll get to it if i actually write this) Derek and Trevor will have their closure moment and it WONT be at the expense of Emily. I really hated how Emily turned out to be because I really liked her and her relationship with Trevor… They ragged on my sister!!!! They did my sister dirty!!!!!!!!
If I’m gonna have Tess and Ashley make it further than Jake, Aiden, and Ally, I need:
Tess and Ashley characterization
I would give Ashley and Tess storylines that don’t revolve around the characters they give therapy to. While they can still have those qualities, I think they could just be their own people too. Ashley had a lot of undertones revolving guilt, so I want to explore that more. I also want her and Fiore to resolve their beef because she was fighting with a literal 8 year old… They could have a sister dynamic but like rivals sisters.
Tess I have less ideas for but she deserved better so my ROUGH draft for her would be: I feel like she could instead work with remedying her situation with Gabby that she never really got the chance to it was kinda resolved in a day. She could also POSSIBLY be the catalyst in Alec and Riya’s recoveries but idk too much about that one.
Next is:
Alec and Riya Redemptions
Instead of having a drunken kiss, I want to actually write out the dinner scene, where they both realize their personal flaws. Alec would realize that his lack of will for confrontation is what is killing his relationships, (Connor’s elimination, his divorce, etc.). If Fiore got hurt because of his lack of a backbone, it would be a huge way for him to start caring about his relationships more.
Riya’s acting in front of the cameras was already an implied flaw, I wish they did more with it. I would want her to push Alec off the horse instead of Connor, and instead of regressing to her villainous personality, I think this is when she begins to show actual care and compassion towards other people, instead of worrying what is shown on the cameras. I also believe Alec would understand that they were both at risk of elimination and she did what she had to to win.
I also want Riya, Alec, and Fiore to be a power trio because who doesn’t love a villain mother, father, and daughter dynamic.
In the final 4, I would change it so it’s structured more like Survivor. (Person wins immunity, they pick someone to join them in the final 3, and the last two would compete in a fire making contest.) I think a good end to Riya’s arc would be her helping Alec win the fire making competition, basically quitting. While she still has a LONG way to go, it’s a good start. It would also parallel how Connor quit for Riya, Riya would quit for Alec.
I want to leave romantic implications as just implications. I think Riyalec is a fine ship, but the show has enough romances as it is, so I can leave it up to interpretation. But I LOVE them as a power duo, so that’s why I want them to be that. Connor just tarnished that for me idk.
Jake Consequences
I am a Jake hater, that much is known. I’m not biased, and I want to give him his redemption too, I still think he needs to be given consequences for his actions that isn’t someone else getting eliminated because of him.
If I got rid of his jealousy spiral, he wouldn’t really have much of a story. So, I want him to get eliminated as a result of his bad behavior. So here’s what I’m thinking.
Ashley would’ve found a totem early on. (Wasn’t it weird how the totem was added to the game so late?) She overhears the villains planning to vote her, so she has to beg Jake to vote a villain so they can idol one out. Jake is stubborn and wants to vote Aiden (possibly because he believes it was Aiden’s fault that Tom got eliminated)
Ashley tried to convince Tess and Ally to vote Aiden (because Jake refuses any other logic), but because they’re both closer to Aiden, they stick to voting for Jake without telling her.
Ashley uses her totem and Jake gets eliminated from a 5-3-2 vote (3 for Jake, 2 for Aiden, 5 for Ashley that are nullified)
Now instead of Ashley getting eliminated as a result of Jake’s pettiness, Jake is eliminated because of his own actions. My soul is healed in the process.
So if he’s not in the finale, what will we do with:
I don’t really like TomJake as a ship, as they both need a lot of work before they get into a relationship. But I think that the motel episode could plant the seeds they need to start reconciling, and I don’t think they should necessarily get together. I believe they should both talk about their issues and be able to get closure with one another and be friends, and eventually see where things would go down the line. I know, right, why would I make the motel about yaoi? It’s the trade off to eventually have Jake fix his issues instead of it being shoved in our faces in the finale. Sacrifices must be made, I fear. I COULD leave them apart and Jake unredeemed (and listen to my biased parasites) but I think everyone should have their closure and redemption if All Stars is the last we’ll see of them competing.
Let’s also fix:
The Purge
Ally would be the victim of the purge, but I want to fix it so it’s a little fairer. I think Ally being eliminated like this is best, because for my visions to work, she would need to be out of the picture (unfortunately), but then voting Ally logically makes no sense. So the purge is (unfortunately) in order.
I would change it where the duo who lost the challenge would be the only ones up for elimination. Tess and Ally could be a pair or maybe Gabby and Ally. Either case, I feel like they’d vote Ally over either one of the two. The golden watch will also be replaced with an idol.
ALSO GOODBYE TIKTOK CHALLENGE. INNER PEACE. JESUS WHAT WASSS THAT. I’ll replace it with them taking pictures of the beautiful scenery instead. Or maybe selfies. Ally could have an inner conflict with looking ridiculous and didn’t want more online drama, so she opts to retake the photos. But, when she realizes that it’s slowing her down, and that her and Tess may get eliminated, she decides to grit and bear it. Realizing that, she gets an inner awakening that what she does not mattering actually felt really good. It would help her realize that fan opinion didn’t matter and help her resolve that inner conflict. Perhaps with the help of Tess and Riya’s words, it would be the snowball with this challenge being the climax of her revelation.
Grett winning
I want her to still be a villain, but in the sense that she made logical and strategical moved. I have lots of ideas, including her, Gabby, Tess, and Ashley being an alliance and having a turf war with Riya, Alec, and Fiore.
I also want her to be the result of Yul’s elimination too once she realizes that he’s an ass thanks to Gabby. Once she starts playing the game for herself, she starts making outstanding moves and winning immunities, setting her up to be a great winner that deserves it. I also want her to help Gabby overcome her ‘evil’ persona, so she isn’t just a comp beast, and actually has more things to do in the story.
In Yul’s elimination, I’ll also have everyone vote for him, including Alec and Riya. In the show, while satisfying, Yul’s elimination was a blunder on Grett’s part, as she was again at a number’s disadvantage with the villains. But with the villains being the majority, Yul’s elimination could be done without it being illogical. I know it wasn’t supposed to be logical, but I think Grett would’ve been smarter to do the math and realize that Yul being eliminated when he did would be bad for her. Now she can do it without it being bad for her game!!! Win for everyone.
I think she would not only be a deserving winner, but a satisfying one, as she made the game moves that are required. Above everything, all I want in a winner is someone who PLAYED THE GAME and that’s what she’ll do.
How Would I Do It?
The challenges will stay the same, (aside from the TikTok one), so how I’ll do it is:
In the earlier episodes, I think I’ll take the transcripts from YouTube and only change minor details (example: Emily’s initial motivations). I’ll also not include the very first episode, since that can stay as it is.
So the earlier portions will look exactly the same. The dialog will look like a script, while the actions I’ll write in.
But once I start changing more about the story, I’ll start actually writing it LIKE a story. So it’ll look less and less like a transcript as we continue and more like a book. Once I’ve overhauled everything, it’ll look completely like an actual story.
As to where I’d post it, I was thinking AO3 but to be honest, I’ll put this anywhere. In the end notes, I’ll also include all of my changes to the transcripts so readers know what tiny changes I made. Once I start changing more aspects of the story, the end notes won’t rlly be necessary.
I think these changes would help fix everything I hated about the season.
I have a lot of ideas, but unfortunately I’m very busy, and I also am writing my own things. But, if people think I should right the world’s wrongs, then maybe I’ll do it.
I really do want to know the public opinion, so reblogs are appreciated so I can get some sampling data.
If you think my ideas are fire and possibly want to help with this hypothetical mini-project, include your own thoughts on how to rework my ideas (I listen to criticism DONT worry) or want to share your own ideas, or if you think I’m the zodiac killer and only wish for my public execution via burning at the stake, then my messages are open. (I think). I would really like to hear critics/inclusions. This is our house. Let’s share it.
That’s all >_<
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gabrielapazlima · 2 months
gabby i dont think you understand how genuinely impressive your stuff is on a technical level. you somehow have the motivation to draw EVERY DAY, and the majority of those drawings are colored, shaded, full/nearly full body pieces with at least two characters in them. like dude. that shit takes EFFORT. and you make COMICS too ?@!??@! I'VE TRIED TO MAKE COMICS BEFORE AND IT KILLED MY MOTIVATION INSTANTLY, AND I WASN'T EVEN DRAWING ANY BACKGROUNDS OR ANYTHING. YOU ARE A WIZARD TO ME. you clearly understand how to make characters interact with each other and their environment believably and it shows so well.
you're also able to TURN characters. you don't just draw a front view, you draw back views and side views and you do so consistently. I can pick out a bunch of artists who i think draw very good but they don't seem to draw poses as diverse as you do. you're also INCREDIBLE at depicting different body types and have a good grasp on color and lighting. and you do all this on top of keeping your art expressive and adorable. LIKE BRO. YOU'RE SO MUCH MORE SKILLED THAN YOU GIVE YOURSELF CREDIT FOR. you are an AWESOME illustrator and comic maker.
it sucks seeing you put yourself down because you're GENUINELY such a good artist and you deserve all the followers you have and i hate that you can't see that :( we all love you gabs ❤️❤️❤️ - the-smiling-doodler (this is my tumblr main)
Hi and sorry for making you see all this stuff,it must be a pain have to see the vent from a mentall ill artist everytime you looking though my tml
no but serious,i really needed to hear something that make me feel less inferior....i always see other artists doing fantastic works and i always fell bad for me for not doing those stuff but then i remember that i just started ACTUALY fully drawing in december and i still leaning good drawing techinques with a actually GOOD program...i had dreams abt pushing my artist talent foward in this fandom but...i ended up not doing half of i was planing to do for.... a lot of reasons...i feel if i was more emocionally mature i would be WAY better than i am but idk how to stop this feeling...
but thanks me anyway,idk if artists are ALWAYS that critical of themselves or im just that insecure,but i will try to work in that okay?
anyway luv u!ur a angel fr ❤
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accirax · 4 months
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 11
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oh my god
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i had already guessed that Alec was lying (much like Jake did), but this was a really nice explanatory touch! Alec and Riya's friendship is, as usual, one of the season highlights for me.
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would've been a lot more interesting if the campers could have chosen their own partners in one way or another, imo, but that would definitely eat up a lot of time in an already packed episode. plus, some pairings (like Connor and Riya) probably couldn't have happened this way, given how Riya wound up reacting to Connor.
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"alright Fiore, here's how we prevent you from going home this week," one could say.
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i was SO worried that Alec was going to have another confessional at some point being like "lol i was testing my acting skills on Fiore too" but he DIDN'T. which means this is CANON. THE ADOPTION IS BACK ON!!!!!!!!
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okay, i actually love the decision to pair Hunter and Grett together here. both of them are the "very flawed but kinda mistreated partner of their appearances-obsessed date," so it makes sense that Hunter could give Grett a good perspective on this. also, is it just me, or did they rework Hunter's personality in this episode to be more like S2? i liked it.
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i'm going to put every Fiore and Alec moment in this post and you can't stop me. i am initially thinking about them.
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"joke's on you fucker i didn't teach her literally any of this. she's just built different."
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as much as i enjoy Alec appreciating his daughter's sass, this does seem like a pretty radical heel turn from "i only voted Connor out of this game because it was what was best for him." i guess maybe spending time with Riya and the other villains has caused Alec to fall further off the deep end/forget about Connor's genuinely nice qualities...? or it's inconsistency between different writers, who knows.
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i am 0% a jul(?) shipper, but, damn, the jul shippers were eating well this episode.
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Yul is such an interesting little guy.
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James flexing his character arc, we love to see it.
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society..... it's becoming more utopian........
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see, this is why i didn't think Tess would be the one to return to the game.
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Aiden is such a hater, i love him. but, overall, i agree with Lake. we're definitely sowing the seeds for a Jake redemption(/winner?) arc and a heroes' reunion.
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Riya, finally finishing what she started in S2 of making the gays fall off cliffs.
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villains are so fun. i love villains.
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ooh, nice callback.
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this is an objectively funny screenshot. why does Alec yell like that
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what a surprising outcome! (/s /lh)
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:,) <3
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i wish Aiden and James had more of an opportunity to talk during this episode :/ it's fine, though-- i think that James and Lake's characters were used more effectively this way.
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they're getting back together after this trust me guys i'm disventure camp
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they truly are family now. i love it.
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"not that bad" is a weird way to describe your would-be crush.
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this will be a fun scene! idk which episode "Saturday" will be, though. both because idk how many days will pass in any given episode and also bc i don't recall which day today is in canon.
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i do wonder what evil Gabby is doing here. i guess maybe it'll just be the side of Gabby that wants to run with the villains alliance for power vs the side that wants to follow Ellie's advice? that seems kind of weird. maybe it'll be more like the side that wants to go mad with power on the revenge quest vs Gabby's more rational and strategic side? either way, strange cliffhanger.
can't we just have everyone here... always... all the time...? no? okay :( well, it was still really nice to get the whole gang back together for this episode. i'll look forward to seeing them again in the finale.
and, hey, Connor's back in the game now! and he can't be eliminated next episode, at least. are there going to be three players with immunity...? that could get spicy. we'll see how the heroes and villains smack down when the next real elimination rolls around. back up to ten to nine again... see you next time!
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canonically47 · 6 months
hi anon ur on time as always!!
disventure camp all stars episode 5 spoilers!
(but you knew that)
i was wrong on... so many theories, but that's fine! i actually think this might be my favorite episode of the season so far and i couldn't really tell you why, i think stuff is just finally being put into motion
it's annoying as hell to see my favorite alliance be exposed by one of my favorite characters, WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO ROOT FOR?? jk it's the villains' alliance because three of my favs are on there. miriam is craftyyy though
i audibly giggled at some stuff yul said but "thunder thighs"?? THUNDER THIGHS?????????? oh my god i need this twink obliterated. get in the grinder i will turn you into a burger patty
riya was pretty fun this episode. i have to admit i'm disappointed grett wasn't the one to vote yul but i think it's too early in her arc for her to stand up against him anyways. it's definitely being built up, but it's not the time yet. it's also in-character for riya to do that, and letting connor take the fall instead of herself? god how does connor even stand her? i love evil women i have turned a new leaf i support women's rights AND wrongs riya kiss me let's have a PASSIONATE make out session
tomden friendship has become one of my favorite dynamics, and while i'm still unsure if i like tom, aiden definitely has some good moments in this episode as always
i wonder if tom and jake will EVER make up like this is just so complicated atp.. tom admitting he's been ignoring jake and that hesitation he showed in the confessional - oh my god pleaseee talk to each other pleaseeeee
ellie lying to gabby :( please don't miscommunicate lovelies you're the only good couple left to see on the show
fiore being scared to lose :( my sweet little girl :( she's a manipulative bitch but she's still just an eight-year-old girl :( i love her sooo much :( please go forth baby you can do it :(((
i am so curious as to how ally's arc will play going forward, i wonder if tess will have a role in it too. i'm definitely excited to see the next few episodes
speaking of the next few episodes, EMILY AND YUL??? SNEAKING OUT????? i think a cheating plotline is too far-fetched, going against the chat here lol, but i wonder if emily could be helping yul cheat in the game. she seemed nervous to leave kristal, trevor and derek, i don't think she would've been as nervous to leave for her secret lover rather than a contestant she is secretely helping. then again, since yellow team just lost last episode, i don't know what she could be helping him with. THEN AGAIN, THEN AGAIN, what if yul texted her BECAUSE he was angry with her for not helping? idk man i'm just happy to be here
brushing past the fact that alec barely had any lines, fiore and ellie were in the trenches, aiden did almost nothing, and james still isn't here, even though my top five were pretty useless this episode, i kinda liked it. the plot advances really nicely, paving the way for a grett comeback at yul arc that i am sooo sure will happen, fiore's revenge on her team, ally's comeback and her possibly making merge - though how much plot armor will magenta team get? jake still has to make up with tom, fiore with alec, so only ashley could be voted out, but how? i wonder if they'd want her to make merge this time or not?? - ellie and gabby fighting, tess and ally reuniting, just... a lot of good stuff all around that i am excited to see. i hope the villains can pull through, because if yul and riya could work together, NOBODY would be safe. and i am also curious about grett's fate... she is the lesser evil among every villain, and i am excited for her story!!!
solid episode i'll give it a 9/10 which i think might be the second highest rating i would give an episode (the first episode gets a 10/10 just because it's so fun!!)
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earthtooz · 2 years
this was so funny when i read it would you possibly be willing to share your experience on vc with mitsies limitless six + any others (if it happened already)
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omg yes i will provide u first hand insight into vc experiences with @mitsies, @limitlesshq, @sixosix, @kruinka, @windshieldwiper, and ME >:3
our server is pretty diverse so we all have different accents and varying timezones lol, we make fun of each other sometimes for it (only me, art, and mitzi partake in this accent mocking lMFAO we mock each others.)
A LOT OF BULLYING. A LOT. (all for good fun dw we don't mean it (yes we do))
art, mitzi, six and i have matching statuses and it's been this way for like EVER lol + i have matching profiles with another one of our friends who used to be active on tumblr (kruin + ash if you're reading this, join our club... smh...).
us shouting at ONE member for her very terrible sleep schedule.
on the other hand, mitzi HAS a bed time.
intermittent language swaps from EVERYONE in the server - we can all speak two or more languages.
art and i complaining about our homework and uni, the two of us are really trying to fight thru it. oh and mitzi complains abt chemistry here and there. relatable.
weekly blue lock viewings. mitzi, art and i (joined by ashley sometimes) plan to watch all the new eps together.
us making fun of six (and kruin) for playing genshin.
ashley explaining some latest gossip going on in her life.
ashley going 'YEAHHHHHH' in encouragement anytime any of us start a sentence with 'should i...', regardless of how terrible our statements will be. i could be like 'should i drop out of uni' and ashley would be like 'YEAHHHHHHHH'. art would also be like 'YEAHHHHHH' because art has said multiple times that they'd like to drop out.
family rp from six and i bc it's funny and ever since it started, we have not gone back. six if you're reading this... *pinch*
oh LOUD ASS TYPING from me. it's like gabbie hanna typing AND IT'S SO LOUD idk how the others are okay with it because i am a FURIOUS TYPER and FAST with it too. kruin said it's like asmr and art says they're okay with it but i don't really believe them.
genshin streams from six bc as much as we make fun of her for being a genshiner, we make fun of her even more whilst she's actually playing it.
oh us going 'your little japanese sightseeing trip is going to turn traumAAAtic' bc rin speaking english is just too cute to not imitate from time to time (he instantly becomes less intimidating, i love it).
six is a master of accents.
again, us making fun of six for playing genshin. i've had kruin and six explain genshin lore to me multiple times- why is it not ending.
oh we give each other hauls whenever we buy things. i gave one today lol + i ask for opinions on instagram pictures and how i should order them lol.
a lot of groaning and screaming and crying from all of us over our fav characters. it's a hellhole in there.
thanks for asking, soup! it's so cute that u were curious :< i hope u enjoyed whatever ramble i just went on!
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Okay sooooo we all know that DMR and the Enca team are currently working on Sang'gre right?
Direk Mark posted on his ig that he, madam Suzi and the rest of the team are working on the script, casting, etc. and I've read on some fan pages on Facebook that the show will be top billed by Bianca Umali.
The actress is (idk if this is confirmed already) set to play a character who has been exhibiting magical powers, not knowing that she is actually the daughter of Sang'gre Danaya. Now this plot is quite familiar to me because a few years after the original Encantadia ended in 2006, I remember GMA teasing the comeback of this well-loved show (I forgot what year it was), but for some reason it was pushed back (and shelved for awhile?) until 2016.
However, from what I recall the story (at least according to Enca fan pages and fan sites) was going to focus on the new generation of Sang'gres and what happened to Encantadia after the sisters Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya "left" (in the finale of PHW), leaving Encantadia under the care of Cassandra (daughter of Lira, Queen of Lireo), Armea (daughter of Ybrahim and Alena, Queen of Sapiro), and Arman (son of Ybrahim and Odessa who became the story teller and the one who's watching over Adamya).
So imagine how surprised I was when GMA announced that it was going to be a remake.
Going back prior to Enca 2016, I've been reading articles from fan sites and fan pages that Arde was going to be the new main antagonist, a new kingdom will rise after Hathoria was destroyed by Pirena, Cassandra having no female heir to succeed her as queen, etc. and there was a part in that article saying that Aquil and Danaya's daughter will be whisked away to the mortal world and...you know the whole thought of that was DanQuil's daughter discovering her powers and stuff like that.
[ I'd like to point out though that none of these were confirmed by GMA-7, DMR and SD as far as I'm concerned because like I said, the Enca project was pushed back (or shelved, idk) until like 7 years ago. ]
Anyway, does that ring any bells?
Yup, that's the story of Lira 2005, and I'm emphasizing the original story of this character bc in contrast to the 2016 version, Lira has absolutely no idea about her true identity and didn't understand why she has powers, thought that Muyak was imaginary, and Anthony even thought that she was schizophrenic (I forgot which episodes were those but the earlier episodes). Whilst Lira 2016 has always known that she was a diwata and her story was more focused on going back to Encantadia, not as complicated as her OG counterpart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited for Sang'gre but if that story of DanQuil's daughter turns out to be true, then I'd be disappointed because that story has been told already, para na rin nilang ni-recycle 'yung kuwento ni Lira (and Amihan at some point).
But it's Suzette Doctolero and Direk Mark Reyes, I know they'll always come up with fresh and exciting ideas and storylines. So I'm really looking forward for the portal to finally reopen and I am so excited to be whisked away into the world of Encantadia once more.
Also, I'm crossing my fingers for a Glaiza-Kylie-Gabbi-Sanya reunion, and an Ybramihan wedding (DMR and SD beke nemen)
P.S. Casting department galingan niyo naman hahaha! We all know what happened on the second half of Enca 2016 *coughs in sarkosi*, so...do better please?
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mangora · 18 days
Anyways the DC canon full names are so generic its like infuriating to me so here are my alternate full names names with some explanations:
Jake: Jake Kuroda
Meaning: First of all I’m keeping his full name as Jake instead of making it short for Jacob because I just don’t like the look or sound of the name Jacob. But second of all I chose Kuroda because it’s a Japanese surname that means black field (or black rice paddy). I thought it tied back to his association with death and graveyards in season one (lost his grandparents, lost Miriam and Ellie in apocalypse episode, biggest fear was graveyards, has skulls on his clothes, etc).
Tom: Thomas Velasco
Meaning: Velasco comes from the Spanish surname Vela, meaning watchman. I felt like to both fit his past as a spy and his present as team leader, both in seasons one and three.
Ellie: Elliott Gray
Meaning: Elliott fits her best out of all the Ellie names in my opinion (Elizabeth, Elaine, etc). I do like the surname Parker but think Gray more suitable since it ties back to her design and her morally gray nature.
Gabby: Gabrisya Malinowski
Meaning: I don’t hate Nowak as a surname for Gabby but Malinowski is slightly less generic and I think it suits her. It means raspberry and used to describe people who lived near raspberry fields, which both connects to the red in her design and her love for nature. Also I think the inclusion of Mal- in her surname is nice since it hints towards her future status as a villain. Also she’s sweet like a raspberry :) Blorbo from my show.
Miriam: Miriam Foster
Meaning: I actually really like Foster being Miriam’s surname, it’s less on the nose than something like Baker but still hints at how she fosters her skills and how she sort of fostered Jake and Tom (I miss their friendship so much man).
Alec: Alec Çelik
Meaning: Once again I actually like Alex’s surname, it means steel which I feel fits him as a strong villain.
Fiore: Fiorella Ricci
Meaning: Third time in a row; Fiore’s surname doesn’t really have an applicable meaning here but I just really like how it sounds and looks idk. I did consider Orsini (“little bear”, since she’s small and fierce), D’Angelo (“of the angels”, both since she looks innocent and as a tongue-and-cheek nod to her being a villain; also ties back to her being Catholic), or Abbandonato (uncommon surname meaning “abandoned/forsaken”, since she loses all her friends/allies by the end of season one and also since it’s kind of implied that her parents don’t care much for her), but I feel like Ricci sounds and looks the best, meanings aside.
Lill: Lilliana Park
Meaning: Park is a common Korean surname, which fits with my headcanon for Lill, but I chose it mostly because of the English connotation of…a park. And she spends a lot of time in nature and with her Girl Scouts in presumably city or national parks.
Will: William Greene
Meaning: Green. Like his shirt. Idk, society if Will had better characterization before he was booted.
Nick: Nicholas Gould
Meaning: He is not related to Dakota I don’t believe that. Anyways Gould like gold the previous metal, I don’t like Nick I don’t care if his last name is good society if Nick never existed.
Ashley: Ashley Hayes
Meaning: Graham is also good ig but Hayes like hay is funny to me.
Dan: Daniel Dressler
Meaning: Dressler is a common Ashkenazi surname that means to turn or spin, which I feel fits his habit of turning or changing who he voted with in most eliminations.
Drew: Andrew Leclair
Meaning: Leclair means bright light in French, which I feel fits since he illuminated Tom’s secret to Grett and since he clarifies himself in writing.
Aiden: Aiden Cadena
Meaning: Cadena is a Spanish-speaking surname that means chain. I picked it because he’s like, an e-boy. You could also get symbolic with it, like his fears chain him back? Idk
James: James Castelo-Domingos
Meaning: James’ Tik Tok handle in season two was JamesCDofficial so I figured his last initials were C & D. Castelo means someone who lives near a castle and Domingos comes from the word for Sunday or the lord’s day, and I figured those both hinted towards his massive online empire and him being the last person in the game in season two— the conqueror and the last one at the end.
Lake: Lake Müller
Meaning: This one’s been canon for years I’ve just accepted it already.
Ally: Allyson Valentine
Meaning: I feel like this is like a perfect online screen name, Allyson Valentine sounds like a real streamer name to me, but I mainly picked it after Jill Valentine. Like the Resident Evil character. She’s a gamer bro.
Hunter: Hunter Keyes
Meaning: I had a couple different ideas for Hunter’s surname, I wanted to go with Turing for famous codebreaker Alan Turing or Vigenére for the Vigenére cipher, but I felt like Keyes worked best when referring back to his interests in puzzles and his strategic skills, both because I think it goes better with his first name and because it has more Celtic origins since I headcanon him to be Scottish.
Tess: Teresa Hyun
Meaning: First of all, ONC can rip Korean Tess from my cold dead hands. But second of all I think Hyun works because depending on the hanja used to write it, it can mean dark/mysterious and worthy/virtuous, both of which fit Tess at different points in the series.
Maggy: Margaret O’Connor
Meaning: I honestly picked Maggy’s surname mostly for the sound and look; O’Connor allegedly means something along the lines of “hound of desire” or “lover or wolves”, which idk if you really stretch you could talk about how she desires companionship or how she’s been a lone wolf her whole life, something like that— but I just kind of thought it Worked more than anything. O’Connor is a pretty common Irish surname and I headcanon her to be Irish so that was also a factor in choosing it.
Kai: Kai Setiawan
Meaning: Setiawan is an Indonesian surname which means “loyal friend”, which I thought suited Kai since he’s loyal both to his friends (Maggy is a good example of this) and his beliefs.
Connor: Connor Boutella
Meaning: Boutella is an Italian surname that means “father of the hill”, which I feel suits him as the oldest member of the cast in season two and the leader of the heroes in later season three.
Karol: Karol Aguilar
Meaning: Karol is both a nature lover and a strong, conniving, and assertive antagonist, so I thought Aguilar (“haunt of eagles”) was a fitting surname for her.
Riya: Riya Varma
Meaning: First of all while I know his posts aren’t technically canon, I could’ve sworn Riya’s surname used to be Varma instead of Sharma in an old Ordartz post? So I kind of got attached to that. And second of all Varma just fits her better I think; the V sound is a lot sharper than the Sh sound which I like for her, and also Varma allegedly means “armor” while Sharma means something along the lines of “joy” or “bliss”, which I think suits her better since Riya is clearly a very armored person who’s afraid to be authentically kind since it’ll destroy her image.
Rosa María: Rosa María Amador Ortiz
Meaning: Rosa María is very loving and kind, and also very willing to stand up for her loved ones, so I figured Amador (“lover”) and Ortiz (“brave/strong”) fit her well.
Oliver: Oliver Bennett
Meaning: First of all idgaf about Oliver enough to find him a new surname but second of all I think Bennett is an ironic surname for him since it supposedly means “blessed one” and he was so unlucky in season two like all the time.
Yul: Yul Sunwoo
Meaning: This was another one that I picked mostly for the sound and look of the letters; I couldn’t find any reputable websites with a meaning for the name but it seems that every website I did find consistently insisted that Sunwoo had a positive connotation so I think it would be funny if that was Yul’s last name considering that he’s fucking terrible.
If you have any other ideas or notice something I got wrong with the explanations lmk, I just like coming up with character names. Yeah <3
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atypical-artisan · 4 months
Punch out but make it pride 2!!!!
Even more gender and sexuality hcs for the lads, including Mr Dream, and pizza pasta. I've talked abt some of them already but I'll do it again!!
Gabby Jay:
As mentioned in my aroaspec post, Gabby is grey aroace. He'd never been attracted to ANYONE until he met Doc which, unsurprisingly, shook him up a bit. Finding the term 'grey' and understanding his aro/asexuality was immensely helpful for understanding himself and becoming more happy in life.
Realizing he was trans also came late in his life- roughly his mid 30s after Joe came out to him and explained what being trans was. Gabby had a bit of a mental crash afterwards, re-assesing his entire life and all the discomfort he'd been feeling since he could remember. But now he feels very comfortable with himself and happy in his body.
Piston Hurricane:
Gay, gay, homosexual, gay. Sure, he didn't know it when he was younger, but this man is absolutely gay. For years he thought he was bi, but after realizing that every 'chick' he'd ever dated ended up coming out as a trans man during or after their relationship, as well as many guy's gay awakenings, he came to the realization that he was very much a magnet for gay guys (Knowing or not). He kinda likes it though because it's a funny anecdote.
Cis, plain and simple. But he is way more knowledgeable about trans people, particularly trans men, because he's close to so many of them. He's an excellent ally!
Bob Charlie:
Attracted to anyone, but has a slight preference for men. He's honestly too loosey goosey to attach himself to a label, but if asked he normally says "Eh I'm bi... or pan... idk I like people." and shrugs. He likes the term queer quite a bit, though.
Tried being trans, def had fun, but landed on being a dude. Turns out he mostly just likes skirts n dresses lol.
Dragon Chan:
Realizing he was bi came through his exposure to the internet, but he never got any relationship experience until he was 22. For the longest time he felt like his attraction was 'fake' due to being too shy and preoccupied to consider dating. But he's slowly improving his confidence and healing that part of himself with Heike.
He's cis, but he's very attentive towards gender stuff and very curious about other's own experiences with gender because it fascinates him.
Masked Muscle:
God this man does not give a shit about the gender of the people he's with. He doesn't really care about anything except how hot someone is and how compatible they are lmao. With that being said, he's actually quite fond of the pan community (Even if he's run into some serious assholes) and enjoys the solidarity he has with other m-spec labels! Technically he fits other labels too but he prefers the look of the pan flag and so calls himself that.
He's cis through and through, doesn't really care about trans people's genders, even if he doesn't understand half the stuff he comes across online he figures it's just not his business. Even for people he knows personally he doesn't delve too deep into gender cause he simply doesn't see the point in it, though he does respect them, obviously. Heike tried to explain what being multigender was to him once and it completely flew over his head, absolutely no hope for this man fr (Positive)
Snes Aran Ryan:
Bi, with a very strong preference for men he really doesn't like to admit to himself. He spent most of his life only being with women and avoiding his feelings for men, until he almost lost to Hurricane because he found him so hot. It was hard, but also not cause he very quickly found a guy to crush on. He's still very out of the loop when it comes to the community and gets terms mixed up all the time.
Cis and pretty dumb about trans stuff. He straight up didn't understand that nonbinary wasn't a 'new gender' until Heike sat him down and explained it to him for an hour. It still confuses him a lot but he does his best adhering to proper pronouns and respecting people.
Heike Kagero:
gay, nonbinary
Heike is gay in the sense they're only attracted to men or nb men. Gay is just a term of convenience for him, really, but it works and it feels right so he's in no rush to change it.
As I mentioned in my first hc post about them, they struggle to find a perfect label but mostly sticks to nonbinary and bishonen to describe themself. He realized he wasn't 'quite' a boy from a very young age and made it clear to his parents that'd he'd be more than expected. They supported their child and have been very resolute in their support for their sexuality and gender.
Mad Clown:
Labels? The fuck are those? This bitches gender AND sexuality are noting but WACKY!!!
For real though, Clown just doesn't attach himself to labels that much- aside from very esoteric ones that are mostly silly and fun, he doesn't use them for his gender or sexuality. However, he does prefer women and generally more feminine partners.
Narcis Prince:
As I've said before in my first hc post about him and the aroace hc list, Narcis really can't decide on his orientation. Though he knows he's attracted to men he's not sure if he's interested in women romantically and sexually or just likes the way women look. He's also growing to believe he's demi or greyromantic because he has very little interest in romance and hardly distinguishes it from friendship.
He's very confident in the fact that he's a man and also very confident that his body is perfect just as it is. Narcis has Klinefelter (xxy) syndrome and gynecomastia as a result. His parents were horrified to discover he had it and heavily pressured him to get surgery to 'fix' his body, but it only led to him thinking they were idiots. He wears a shirt in the ring mostly for practical reasons because of it, but otherwise doesn't care how other's see his body because what matters is that he likes it.
Hoy Quarlow:
Hoy is old and doesn't get the desire for newfangled terminology. He doesn't mind people using it and respects other's labels but he finds it too cumbersome to label himself. He sees himself as nothing more than a free spirit, flowing from relationship to relationship like a breeze.
Like his sexuality, Hoy doesn't have much use for labeling his gender. When he was younger, he only thought of himself as a man. Nowadays, interaction with people like Heike and general curiosity made him, and his twin sister, realize their feelings on gender are no longer as concrete as they once thought. These days they'll steal each others clothes and go out as the other for a bit of relief from their 'expected' gender, a la a many of shakespeare's comedy plays.
Rick Bruiser:
Cis and straight (Mostly)
What else can I say, this guy is p simple. He's got no (Strong) attraction to men. (Tho he'll admit that Hurricane and a few of the others are p easy on the eyes if you get enough drinks into him.)
As for his gender- any form of non conformity was beaten out of him and Nick from a young age. He hates anything feminine and always needs to be one of the most masculine guys in the room. (Deep down he does deeply enjoy jewelry but doesn't go past rearing silver rings in his ears. Even gold is too gay for him.)
Nick Bruiser:
cis and gay but homophobic
God this man is so gay it's painful- he's had a crush on literally every guy in the wvba and especially Joe (Though that particular obsession is extremely unhealthy). However, because of his upbringing, he's deeply homophobic and disgusted by himself, forcing himself to date women even though he doesn't even care for them and isn't attracted to them at all. His life would be so much easier if he accepted he was gay, but that's not happening any time soon.
As with Nick, any gender non conforming traits were beaten out of him young. As an adult he deeply overcompensates for being gay by being hyper masculine and is extremely fragile about his masculinity.
Peter Punch/Birdie:
Peter honestly can't pick a label. He's bi, he's pan, he's gay- he can describe himself in so many ways and going down a rabbithole of cool labels and awesome flags only left him more confused and constantly stressing if he was using the 'right' ones. Nowadays He just shrugs and says he isn't straight. That's good enough for him and it'll be good enough for everyone else.
As with his sexuality, his gender is extremely hard to pinpoint. Even though he experiences dysphoria, it's very touch and go and his feelings on gender and presentation are so fluid and flexible that words are hard for him to find to describe himself. Even pronouns are pretty hard to settle on!
Mr. Dream:
Again, as mentioned in my aroace post, Dream is, well, Aroace!! It took him years to realize and process but nowadays he's very comfortable with his orientation and very close to the aroace community.
Though he is cis, he's also intersex, which, for him, is a very important part of the lgbt community. He found out VERY suddenly in his late 20s when, during what he and his doctors thought was appendicitis, they found he actually had Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS) and fibrosis on his ovaries. Everything was removed and they later found out he has 45,X/46,XY mosaicism as well. All of this left him questioning not only his gender but much of his life beforehand. Though he's okay now, he advocates heavily for the intersex community and overall better knowledge and acceptance of them.
Pizza Pasta:
Refuses to label himself. He's interested in hot people, that's all you have to know. (Though he does find the bi flag very pretty and when pushed, uses that term exclusively)
Cis and doesn't give a shit about what other's do with their bodies. He thinks the whole debate about trans people is ridiculous and that people should be left to do what they want.
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tyonfs · 6 months
🎀’s pre ramadan update finally!!
okay lol i cant really remember what i talked abt in my last one but first of all ramadan mubarak!!! to preface this very very long update how are you alice? i saw u said that u fucked things up with that talking stage (?) i think that’s what u said IF HES A GOOD GUY GO FOR IT!!!
you probs can’t remember but i think i did mention things about my friend group. okay so basically im just gonna name drop it does nawt matter but my friend emily, we’ve been friends since high school and she goes to a college an hour ish away and lemme tell u she has been so fake. she got a boyfriend and she likes to act very differently when she has one she basically talks down to me because i have a bad track record so there’s that. because of that i’ve grown closer to my other friends from our same high school who go to my college and we’re really close!! one of the girls invited me to her sorority formal and even got me a date! overall im really excited 🙈 i wish we were insta moots or smth so i could show u but nonetheless. now with that friend group it was originally a trio BUT this one girl, gabbi, we’ve been friends since 1st grade and she felt like she was excluded so we became closer and the other girls basically said i was replacing them and it was this whole thing but gabbi isn’t friends with them anymore but they’re cool with me? gabbi doesn’t care bc she’s mature and i love that girly for that. so much!
ughhh relationships. literally nothing i’ve officially gotten the ick from arsal FINALLY GUYS IM OVER HIM LIKE ACTUALLY OVER HIM. so amazing. i feel a lil lighter and a lot better abt myself. i’m about to buy a whole new wardrobe for JUNIOR YEAR. omg literally the time went by so quick i just told u how nervous i was to be a sophomore and now im one step closer to graduating and getting my degree. NERVY.
besides that school is going great as always we been knew im literally a smarty pants. i’ve been into like sza and frank ocean lately, my summer artists luv em SPEAKING OF SUMMER im so excited 🙈🙈🙈 so so excited. in other words i listened to enhas new ish album IT WAS REALLY GOOD. i’m upset i didn’t listen earlier. honestly the only grp i can some how care about is enha because lesserafim keeps on supporting isnotreal and it’s really tiring.
because of the war, i see how palestinians are still connected with their faith and still praying all though all that’s happening and alhamdulillah although i had not strayed too far from my faith, i feel more connected especially ramadan starting. i’ve been praying more regularly and even starting the quran again. inshallah this ramadan will be good!
i’ve been reading ur smau on jayflrt and it’s GOOOOOD luv it so far. how was that spontaneous trip!! give me an update alice i miss u!!! - 🎀
OMG i can't remember if i wished you in my other blog but ramadan mubarak ml !! 💘💘 OH SHIT yes i did fuck things up.... i think hes a good guy but HMM i think we both have different goals for what our first date was gonna be so im on the fence :p
i do rememeber this yes !! this is the one from the last ask i answered right?? you can send your ig if you're comfortable and i'll follow (and delete the ask obv so i don't expose your ig to everyone HAHAH) 🥰🥰 but your other friends from high school sound so much better than emily and i hope things go well with the sorority formal guy!! omg idk why they would claim that you were replacing them :// but i'm glad gabbi took it well and is mature about the distancing !! that's so much easier for everyone involved :')
YESSS CONGRATS ON BEING FREE 🥳 no seriously it feels like divine intervention when you finally get the ick from a guy you like that turns you off him for good LOL also GOOD LUCK FOR JUNIOR YEAR you're so close to being one degree hotter <33 enjoy the last two years of undergrad it'll fly by so fast :') AND I FULLY SUPPORT THE NEW WARDROBE YOU SHOULD BALL OUT
omg i do remember you saying you're into enha more than nct now ! but orange blood was SOOO good 😩 wait i need to know your biases and when you got into them too 🙏 are you going to their concert too?? i went to the fate tour so i don't think i'm gonna commit to fate+ unfortunately 🤧 and omg yeah i keep seeing lesserafim with starbucks like ?? and especially yunjin too,, i wouldn't have expected it from her of all people :/ and the whole argument like "oh starbucks isn't on the bds list" like okay yeah well two of their major shareholders literally make the weapons that the us military is providing for israel and at the end of the day it's just a matter of morals too
ahh i hope you have a wonderful ramadan ml!! i hope it'll be a good month for you to be in tune with your faith more ! also i'm so glad you like the jay smau so far !! 🥹🥹 it's a little intimidating to write but i enjoy it HAHAH also the trip was really fun !! i picked up my friends and we drove to our other friend's place to spend the weekend there and we went to the beach and went clubbing :') tbh the weather wasn't the best unfortunately but we did the best we could 🥲 also i drank so much that i'm swearing off alcohol for like 3 months 😭
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korpuskat · 5 years
Summary: It was a tabloid craze for a while. A short-lived fever that brought an uneasy fact to public knowledge: serial killers had soulmarks, too. Rating: Teen (? - Background character death, Michael is Michael, no sexual content) WC: 2,272 Warnings: Violence against Reader (mild), Stalking, background character death, Soulmate AU obviously
It’s late already. You stretch languidly, resign yourself to bed. Tomorrow, maybe, you’ll get lucky and it’ll happen. Hope still lingers, uninvited, deep inside. You turn to leave your living room- your heart catches in your throat.
There’s a man standing in your hallway, face obscured by a white latex mask. Something glints in his hand- flashes as the TV switches to a commercial. A knife. He stands there, the only noise in the room is the humming of your laptop as it shuts down and his heavy, low breathing. Your eyes flick between the blade and the expressionless white mask, try to decipher what’s going on. You already know deep down.
He steps towards you. You have nowhere to go, he blocks the only exit. He raises the knife, loosens and tightens his bloodstained fingers rhythmically over the black handle. He comes even closer, his long legs crossing your room quicker than you want. You stumble back until you’re pressed against the wall, fingers sliding over paint in hope to find, what? A weapon? An escape?
You find nothing, and are left only with the intruder who dominates your living room, who steps ever closer- 
“You’re that serial killer, aren’t you?” The words slip from your mouth. It’s stupid to ask, even stupider when you almost expect a reply. And yet- he stops. He’s close enough you can feel the heat radiate off his body, close enough you can smell the blood that stains his clothes. Slowly, tortuously slow, the mask skews off to the side as he tips his head to the right. Your heart slams in your chest and you don’t know if piquing his curiosity is a good thing. His hold on the knife loosens and by inches, his arm lowers down to his side once more.
You watch, fight the lightheaded panic that threatens to make you faint. Your intruder comes no closer, just stares down at you through darkened eyeholes. His breathing is even, not even the thrill of scaring you has registered in his chest. The same cannot be said of yours; your chest heaves in frantic gasps- the noise nearly drowning out the man’s inhuman calm.
The mask dips and looks you over; the unexpected scrutiny makes you shiver, but fear keeps you pressed to the wall. He stops when he reaches your wrist. The knife lifts- you whimper, look away- the tip digs into your arm. You turn your arm with the pressure, gasp at stinging pain as it leaves a shallow cut in its wake. You keep your eyes screwed shut, strangle sobs before they can leave your lips. You don’t move, can hardly breathe-
The knifepoint leaves your skin, blood drips down your arm, slides warm and slick over your palm. The floorboards creaks only once, you never hear the bootsteps.
You don’t know how long you wait, but long after the chill has set in over your skin you slide down the wall and sob.
The police came when you called, took down notes on your strange encounter. But in truth, they didn’t seem to believe you. One officer dismisses you, “A copycat. Probably got too scared to go through with it. The guy we’re looking for has no mercy, he’d never just leave.”
You nod, mutely. Sure. Makes sense.
The other one- Is that a dog? curled over the right side of his face- clicks his pen closed and hesitates. His partner rolls his eyes. “Just to be sure, did you say anything to him?”
You stare up at them, consider the weight of his words. You shake your head, dispel the possibility from your mind.
The woman on the television drones on, her voice near monotonous, the inflection not changing as she recounts the tragedy behind her. Ambulances’ and police cars’ lights flash blue and red over her face. In high definition you can make out the beginning of text that trails down the center of her neck, between her clavicles, and below the line of her shirt. You tip your head sideways, struggle to read as she speaks: Quite a fa, “The murder was one of several in a spree last night, the perpetrator still at large…”
Your eyes linger on the black text on her neck. It’s fancy, a serif type, but a little loose; the tail of the q has a curvy bounce to it. You wonder if they’ve met yet.
Your skin is warm under your fingertips, the edges of your soulmark raised softly, the cut from the intruder's knife nearly healed. The text over the inside of your left forearm haunts you. The letters span from nearly the crease of your elbow to your wrist. Everyone’s soulmarks are unique, should be something meaningful and poetic: the first words someone who loves you will say to you.
They aren’t always easy. Some people have multiple, one for all the people who love them, who have some cosmic connection to their soul. They don’t always match up, those are the ones that get lots of attention- people whose love is unrequited, will always be unrequited. But at least they usually have multiple marks. 
You only have one. You don’t mind that. It’s simple, you only have to worry about one person loving you.
But the lines are heavy and bold, huge patches of inky black covering your skin. The font is plain and blocky, sans serif and shaky- like its handwritten, but thick and dark. ”That means they really care for you.” Your babysitter had told you when you were young. She was littered with tiny marks, her hands almost jealous as she touched your arm again. ”You must be very special to them. A love like that will last.”
And yet, you can’t find the elation that other people feel when you touch the letters. You don’t listen attentively each day for the special words, don’t get excited each time you meet a new person.
Because your soulmark is your own name.
No special clue given to you to help you figure out when you’d meet them.
For a few years you tried introducing yourself first, cheerful and excited for the first person to respond with your name. Only your name. Nothing else. But each time you’d see the soft fall of the other person’s face, knowing exactly what you were trying for, and the hesitant smile before “That’s a nice name.”
You’ve lost hope. It would have to be your lover’s mark that’s identifiable. You hope at least your first words to whoever it is are something memorable, something better than their name. You follow the letters with your fingers, wonder for the millionth time why they would already know your name. 
You worry more about the real nightmare: you’ve already met them and didn’t know it. If you were too young to really understand, too young to start keeping track of who you’d spoken to before.
The news plays on, switches over to a policeman. There’s a curfew in place while the craziness plays out. But that wasn’t anyone you know, something far away and strange. Absolutely foreign in your tiny town.
You don’t need to hear the description of the murderer to know what has happened.
He isn’t here now, or at least you can’t feel him. You’d seen him- a week after he’d broken into your house. From your window he stood at your back fence. He lingers, uninvited, in your neighborhood- you catch glimpses of a white mask pressed close to trees, of the empty black eyes staring at you from your neighbor’s yard.
He hasn’t tried to break in again- as far as you know. But he would soon enough and you needed to know for sure.
It was a tabloid craze for a while. A short-lived fever that brought an uneasy fact to public knowledge: serial killers had soulmarks, too.
Most killers’ marks could be accounted for. Spouses and partners were all identified- so rarely would a mark go unsolved after they were apprehended. 
So rarely did they help keep children incarcerated.
Your hands shake as you click through links, read page after page until you find a clip of an interview. An older man’s voice plays in your headphones, laid over the mug shot pictures from an arrest.
“We’re not quite sure, actually. He was not a true serial killer until 1978, so we don’t believe he could have met them before that. I have a theory an orderly or nurse may be it, but is too ashamed to come forward. He’s been in captivity for such a long time, they may have even taken the secret to their grave. If the meeting has happened, Michael will never tell us, I know that for certain.”
The man in the picture stares blankly at the camera, betrays no emotion- even with a gauze pad taped over his left eye, another taped to his neck. He’s gorgeous. Brown curls fall around his face haphazardly, nearly hiding his pristine icy blue iris. You stare at it, wish to feel something for the face on your screen. The picture changes- and shows a young man’s chest, the photographic evidence of his identifying mark.
He waits for you. You know as your fingers turn on the lock to your front door that you are not alone in the house. It’s already too late.
You turn- and get a glimpse of white latex. You have just enough time to gasp before huge hands wrap around your upper arms. You drop your bag and he spins you, slams you against the wall so hard you see stars. You blink them away, fight to stay focused on the cracked, dirty mask.
He doesn’t move, only holds you there- it gives you enough time to gather your strength. “It’s me, isn’t it?” A cold chill races over your skin. Another stupid question. You know it already- you saw the photo, the reports, the theories.
Michael Myers doesn’t move, doesn’t acknowledge your question at all. His hands dig bruises into the flesh of your upper arms, but he makes no further move to hurt you. Even unarmed, you know well enough he’s dangerous. He’s bigger than you, stronger- the text on his chest is the only thing preventing him from killing you now.
You hold your chin up, steel yourself and hope you sound impressive. “Let me see it.”
The mask tilts slowly. You want to know what expression hides behind the latex, but the articles had made it clear enough. There’s nothing at all under that mask. This is not a man.
One hand leaves you, raises up to his chest- your breath catches behind your ribcage. You swallow and watch as he pulls the zipper down halfway. He touches the black shirt under the coveralls and begins to lift. Your eyes flick up to the mask and find him watching you, head still tilted as he waits for your reaction.
Your eyes burn, threaten to break into tears as the same text you’d seen before slides into view. They don’t age, soulmarks- don’t fade or stretch like tattoos. It’s perfectly preserved, the same first phrase photographed on his chest back in 1963. You raise your hand to touch it, instinctively- to feel the raised edges of black fate.
It’s broken into three lines, set over his left pectoral. The font is shaky, hand-written, but dark. Not nearly as wide as yours, but its existence alone was traitorous enough.
You’re that serial killer aren’t you?
Undeniable proof, somehow- somehow you loved him. Would love him.
You touch the edge of the question mark- you cry out as your wrist is slammed back to the wall, pain shoots up your arm. His shirt falls back down, obscuring the writing once more. You don’t bother looking to the mask, just close your eyes and let your head hang in defeat. You would love him, you were cosmically destined to-
His thumb slides over the last letter on your arm. You look up and find him staring at your arm again- reading your own name over and over.
He hasn’t spoken to you yet. Alertness returns all at once, a rush of adrenaline makes you inhale sharply. You might love him, but that doesn’t mean- 
“It might not be you.” You say before you can think better of it. The words tumble freely, wetness blurring your eyes. “Please, please, don’t. I could still… It could be someone else, please.”
He keeps your wrist pinned to the wall- his other hand raises to his throat. He hooks his thumb under the mask and pulls.
He’s aged since his mug shot. Gray stubble covers his neck and chin. He lifts further and reveals pink lips and a large, strong nose. Another tug and it finally comes off entirely, Michael drops the mask to the floor- and you can only stare at his eyes. Through tears you can make out the same icy blue as his mug shot, the left one half-lidded and scarred, a faint ring of blue visible under the milk white scar of his cornea.
He’s expressionless, utterly blank as he leans in close.
“Please,” You beg, feel the tears slip past your eyelashes and run hot over your cheeks. Michael does not acknowledge them.
His stubble scratches your cheek, his breathe hot on your ear as he breathes. A knot forms in your belly, you twist your fingers into the loose material of his coveralls, his arms raising to bracket you tightly between them. There’s no escape- he inhales slowly.
His voice is low and hoarse and scratchy as you begin to sob.
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colourfulwatson · 2 years
Breeders ep 10 season 3 - My thoughts (spoilers)
Poor Ava :( I hope things turn out well for her
I don’t like Luke’s situation, also Paul’s comment ahahaha. I mean I do believe in Paul and that he doesn’t want anything more with Gabby than a friendship. It’s interesting contrasting this to when Ally kissed that guy in season 2.
“Are you two having an argument?” Ahahaha I love this scene actually.
“Fuck him!” “Oi!” “Oi!” 🤣
“Ava’s going to check on granddad” ……. Oh she’s not. I’m glad they’re talking now, Grace’s reaction was not the best when that happened, glad they made up now !!
Luke talking with both Ally and Paul and comparing that to the start of the season - 🥲❤️
Ally’s not being reasonable in my opinion. Darren are you going to save this by being with Gabby ? ?? “what you see in her” ajshajsha maybe he’s not gonna save it that fast lol
“Paul, got any intel on Gabby?” “no” I love their delivery on this, I want to see more of them I hope we get a forth season 😭✨
“I feel like it’s the optimal time to me Paul” Ally !!! Honestly if they just talked properly and Ally wasn’t making those sorts of comments I think they would not make such a big deal out of it. Like Paul saying sorry is great and then he just needs to spend more time with Ally. Cause also it’s not like he didn’t want to spend time with Ally when he was with Gabby, he literally couldn’t go to his own home or see her at all
oh Ava, what is gonna happen ????? I hope he’s not dead :((((
OH we’re back to Paul and Ally 👀 ALLY ?! Paul doesn’t deserve this actually.
Oh Darren is still there ajshajhsa that’s so funny actually
And back to Ava ………..
“of you not fully wanting to be at home” But he couldn’t ??!!! Ally I swear. Or they make up at the end of the episode (which I doubt) or I need another season asap thanks
Ally’s been doing a lot and she had a really bad time so I see why she’s saying that but she’s still being unreasonable :(
If they end the episode by breaking up i-
Also Darren 🤣 I’m very happy he was in this scene
……… I don’t think he’s gonna die right? Also no one in this family can catch a break lol poor them
I didn’t really like Darren is season one cause I found him a bit annoying, now I like him!
“I wouldn’t really want a computerized voice suddenly telling me Jim’s dead” and this scene shouldn’t be funny but it is
Luke and Jacob? wow I wasn’t expecting to see them both in a scene alone idk why. But also Jacob??? you have no business in imposing that to Luke :/ Glad they made up but still
Uh so they think it was confusion, like fair enough. I wonder if they will find out it was a bit more deliberate than that
Jim and Jackie :(
Oh he’s stable and talking! :D Does he really not remember tho? hmmm not sure not sure
OH THERE WAS A NOTE? And of course Ava was the first one to find out the truth, poor love
Where is she going …? Oh she’s gonna tell? Oh she did, well done
Ava well done 😭
Less than 10 mins left wtf is gonna happen
Luke and Ruby oh 👀 actually I think they are cute together, very sad Jacob has that attitude towards them and that Ruby dated him for a while cause otherwise Luke would have a possible girlfriend and a good friend
Oh Ava 😢 Really good advice that she gave her, I was thinking exactly that yes nice :D
Paul and Ally again and there’s 5 minutes left ………..
OH HES GOING????? Well actually no yeah, that’s very reasonable and it’s what he should do in this situation for his dad 100%. “It’s bad timing” fuck yeah it is 😭
“might be good timing” ALLY PLEASE. Also she said that “you’re going away again” as if he wanted to?? and the first time he also didn’t want to either, I swear she’s getting on my nerves. I understand her but STILL
Paul with Ava yes nice
The kiss and hug 🥲💔
Just thought about how I’ve hated and loved almost all of the characters from this show wow. That hasn’t happened at all with other shows
Oh so they all know ok yes I’m glad they all found out sooner rather than later
Oh they’re talking about that yes nice perfect. Yes Ava great. She has a point actually I’m glad they’ve sorted that out and everyone is ok about it yes 😭❤️
“Where am I?” “Heaven, dad” ajshajhsja
Yes Jim’s situation is very nicely fixed. Not with Jackie but I’m glad he’s gonna live with Paul now. I wonder what Jackie will do tho
Gabby’s so nice to send that message I do honestly believe they are just good friends 100% I hope Ally sees it soon as well cause I do like Gabby as ‘a friend Paul has’, she’s nice
Oh Jackie and Ally came?! Oh????!!!! Jackie I love you. And the look Jim gave her 🤧. It’s not solved at all but this is hopeful for them
So Paul goes back??????? YES
Fuck me, the text alert, Ally please. Oh so it’s Ava ajshajhsa. I stop the episode to write this down I thought it was gonna be Gabby for a full 20 seconds lol
And it ends like that ok…. I guess that’s good??? right???? It’s certainly not bad I’m happy with it
Anyways when are they going to announce season 4 BECAUSE THE SHOW CANT END LIKE THAT - I need to know if they truly make up 😭😭😭😭 And I’m sure in season 4 a ton of other stuff will happen to them but come on I need to know what happens with Paul and Ally’s relationship, they can’t end the show with an open ended ‘it’s up to the viewer’ thing - please 😢
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bordeleaubeau · 4 years
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idk you yet - luke hughes (part one)
wc: 2830
warnings: probably a few curses, i honestly can’t really remember:)
inspired by idk you yet by alexander 23.
how can you miss someone you’ve never met?
the words forming on luke’s arm startle him at first. there’s a tingling tickle-like feeling as each letter appears, but luke can barely believe his eyes. he was just about to turn seventeen and until that moment he had no sign of his soulmate whatsoever. but now? now he had proof on his arm that his soulmate was out there somewhere. that meant the boys could finally stop teasing him in the locker room about possibly not having a soulmate. 
it felt like everyone around luke knew their soulmate was out there. it was such a rare possibility that someone didn’t have a soulmate - if their soulmate passed away, chances are they would too due to the pain from the loss. and, well, luke hadn’t died yet, so that was his only hope of his soulmate being out there.
the initial shock is soon replaced by pure adrenaline. luke can barely pay attention to what ever mrs. clemmens is writing on the board; all he can focus on is writing back to his soulmate. whoever she might be. 
i don’t know you yet, but i need you. do you know how long i’ve waited to hear from you?
you’re smiling down at your arm - it was always a game whenever you’d finally be able to contact your soulmate. some were able to as soon as their fifteenth birthday, some couldn’t until their eighteenth. and well, if you hadn’t contacted them by then, there was some bad news to be delivered. but it was all a waiting game. the day you were able to contact them was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, but there was only one catch: your soulmate could be thousands of miles from you.
and what about me with you?
“mr. hughes!” 
luke’s attention snaps to the front of the classroom, where the middle aged woman now has her hands on her hips staring at one of her best pupils. luke’s eyes are wide, the color draining from his face as each head of his classmates turn to look at him.
“care to share what’s gotten you so smiley, luke? or will you pay attention to my lesson for at least three seconds?” luke sputters for a few seconds, causing the woman’s eyebrows to spike up in question. “out with it.”
“i’ll, i’ll pay attention, mrs. clemmens.” the brunette finally manages to get out, sinking back in his seat. the color returns to his face, but this time it’s the same shade of red as the apple on mrs. clemmen’s desk. he didn’t want to leave her hanging, but he wasn’t going to risk getting in trouble again. he wasn’t going to out himself for finally finding his soulmate - and being one of the last in his grade to do so.
luke feels his phone vibrate in his sweatshirt pocket, and upon just the right moment he pulls his phone out to see tyler had messaged him.
tyler b: were you finally able to talk to her? 
luke isn’t able to respond to tyler in fear that mrs. clemmens will have a few words for him, and surely enough he didn’t need to get into any more trouble with one of his teachers. one more write up and he was going to be benched for an entire month. so against his better judgement, he sticks his hands in his pockets and pays attention to the lesson going on. all while trying to ignore the tickle feeling on his hand.
“i can’t believe you were finally able to talk to him!” mal gushes, her eyes glued to your arm that had a mix of jet black and purple ink scrawled on it. there was game @7 written on your hand in purple ink, along with a star next to it. “how do you think tyler is going to react?” 
your heart nearly drops in your chest. tyler. your boyfriend - of almost a year, in fact. in the midst of it all you seemed to of forgotten about him, your mind elsewhere, and it was on your soulmate. your soulmate that wasn’t him. 
“i have to tell him, don’t i?” you look up at your best friend, eyes glossier than they had been seconds before. “mal, i dunno, i dunno if i can do that. tyler is- he’s so sweet. he’s gonna be crushed.”
“who’s gonna be crushed?” 
speak of the devil. 
tyler drops his bag on the floor, sitting down in the seat next to you like he always did in english class. mal notices the slight tension, turning back to face forward in her seat as she waits for class to begin. you take a quick breath, turning to your boyfriend, you grasp both of his hands in yours. “ty, i have to tell you something.”
tyler’s eyes glance down to your wrist, and only the slightest bit is showing from the sleeves of your sweater riding up, but he sees it. the black ink. “anything, y/n.” he clears his throat, pretending like he hadn’t seen anything at all.
“you’re not my soulmate.”
“i know.”
your eyes widen ever so slightly, and you watch as tyler slides up the sleeve of his hoodie. there are a few little sentences scrawled on his skin, ones that were clearly not on yours. you can’t quite find the words to say. your mouth opens and closes a few times before finally, you’re stumped, and you sit back in your seat with your eyebrows furrowed. you let go of his hands, your own falling into your lap. 
“how long?” you finally manage to muster out, meeting his regretful eyes. he had reassured you multiple times that he hadn’t heard from his soulmate yet, but you should’ve gone against your better judgement when he was suddenly wearing long sleeves all the time. and it wasn't just for the winter, you now realized. 
“about, about three months.” he notices the look on your face, and just like moments before he takes your hands in his. “y/n, just because you aren’t my soulmate doesn’t mean i never loved you. i still do love you. i just-”
“it’s okay, i get it.” you cut him off, pulling your hands away from his. “it’s okay, ty. i just wish you would have told me sooner, that’s all.” your voice trails off to a whisper. tyler grabs your hand once more, and he presses a kiss to the back of it. 
“friends?” he asks, and when you nod your head, he presses another kiss to your skin before releasing his hold on your hand. you have to swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat. of course you were upset - you had every reason to be. but you weren’t expecting to be this upset, and you also weren’t expecting tyler to say he already knew the two of you weren’t soulmates.
the english period seems to drag on and on, and after what feels like two hours the bell rings. “walk with me to lunch?” you hear the brunette next to you speak, and you find yourself nodding. “y/n/n, please, talk to me. i hate when you’re mad a me.”
“i’m not mad at you, ty. i promise you that. i just wasn’t expecting it, that’s all.” tyler gives you a tight lipped smile, and before the two of you can start to walk to the cafeteria, tyler pulls his hoodie off, revealing his inked arm. it’s a pang to the heart, but you know that you’ll get over it eventually. “what’s she like?” you ask quietly, the two of you starting the few minute trek across the school.
“she’s, she’s really nice. she’s pretty, too. i follow her on instagram, actually. her name is gabby.” tyler glances over at you a few times as he speaks, and you can only find yourself to be nodding along to his words. “i know she’s my soulmate and all, y/n, but she isn’t you.”
you stop in your tracks, causing tyler to turn around to look at you. “don’t. don’t say that. she’s your soulmate, and i’m not, for a reason, tyler boucher. don’t say that about her. i’m sure she’s lovely, and she’s everything that i can’t be for you.”
“i’m sorry i just-” tyler cuts himself off with a sigh, going to reach for your hand but he stops halfway. “i wanted it to be you. i thought it was you. and then one day, i had writing on my wrist, and i looked at yours and it wasn’t there. i know that’s supposed to be one of the happiest days of our life, but it was one of the worst for me. because i wanted it to be you, y/n. so bad.”
to say the least, the two of you were pretty much the ‘it’ couple. your entire friend group adored you both, and you were the first girl that the boys allowed over when they all hung out - but only occasionally. it was never an all the time thing, which you understood. but still, you and tyler had been through a lot together for not even being together a year. 
“it all happens for a reason,” you say, tears welling up in your eyes as your feet start moving again, and tyler is following after you, quickly matching your pace. “i just, i don’t know, tyler. there’s not much we can do about it and that’s fine.”
“you’re right.” the brunette mumbles, head hanging in despair as you walked down the steps to go into the cafeteria. the rest of the walk between the two of you is silent, but a comfortable one.
the lunch table you, tyler, all of the boys, mal, and a few other girls came into view. and as soon as they realized tyler wasn’t wearing his sweatshirt and his arms were fully exposed, along with the pen ink and the looks on your faces, they all knew. they knew that you finally knew.
the conversations going on didn’t completely stop, but they quieted down for a few brief moments when you and tyler took your usual seats. you try to avoid the eyes of your friends, but it’s nearly impossible. your eyes catch luke’s, and he’s giving you the puppy dog eyes from the other side of the table.
“are you okay?” he asks quietly, and all you can do is shake your head ever so slightly. “oh, y/n.”
luke wants to reach across the table and grab your hands, but he wants to save himself from the teasing he’s sure he would get from the boys if they saw the girly handwriting on the back of his hand. “i’ll be alright, lu. promise.” you give him a reassuring smile, but of course he doesn’t believe it. not in the slightest.
“are you still gonna come to our game tonight?” tyler asks quietly from your right side, and when you turn to look at him he’s already looking down at you. if this was yesterday, you would’ve leaned up the three inches and kissed him.
“of course i’m gonna.” you say, eyes glancing down to his lips but you quickly turn away to look down at your hands. “there’s no where else i’d rather be, ty. besides, luke is still my best friend and i still have to support him.”
luke sends you a smile from across the table, one that makes you smile right back at him. for majority of the lunch period, everyone leaves you alone to wallow in your own sadness. even luke couldn’t cheer you up, and that was something. you know you shouldn’t be this upset - this happened to like, every couple that dated before finding their soulmate. but for some reason you thought you and tyler were the exception. 
another period drags on, and after what feels like forever you find yourself getting up from your designated lunch spot. luke stands, waiting for you to walk to the other side of the table so the two of you can go to art class together. “see you boys tonight,” you call over your shoulder, tearing your eyes away from tyler, and walking away hearing the boys responding saying they’ll see you later that night. 
“rant. cry. do whatever you have to do.” luke says, glancing over at his best friend that looks like she could burst into tears at any moment. luke had been waiting all day to tell you that he had finally heard from his soulmate - but as soon as he saw the look on your face he held back. he didn’t want to rub it in when you had just found out about tyler. the biggest secret he had ever kept from you.
“i just,” you purse your lips, eyes locked straight forward to avoid looking at him. “i just wish he would’ve told me. the last few months of our relationship feel like a complete lie.”
“y/n, tyler absolutely adored you. he still adores you. he never even stopped. and i can tell you for a fact that he still loves you. he’s always talking about you - he was talking about you when we were in second period today!” luke exclaims, and finally you look over at him. “i can promise you, y/n, it was not a lie, it never was.”
you can only shake your head, bottom lip between your teeth as the tears well up in your eyes. “it was supposed to be him, lu. ty and i have talked about our entire future together because we swore we were gonna end up being soulmates.”
“maybe you are soulmates,” luke says, holding open the door of the art room for you. “it’s just, not in the way you’d prefer. ty and you are soulmates, but just not romantically. do you get what i’m saying?”
“i guess.” you sigh, luke following into the classroom after you walk in. his heart yearns for you - he wants to lift up his sleeve and show you the purple ink, but he can’t bring himself to do that. 
later that night you find yourself getting ready for tyler and luke’s game, trying to decide between the 13 or the 6 jersey - jerseys the two boys had fought numerous times over which one you would wear. once tyler found out luke had given you one of his old jerseys he had outgrown, he was immediately giving you one of his as well. that was even before you and tyler were dating - he always had the biggest crush on you.
which was why he was sitting in his stall, head in his hands wondering where he had went wrong.
“ty, buddy, what’s going on?” dylan asks, noticing the brunette that has his head hung. immediately, tyler lifts his head and dylan’s eyes widen. “you look like shit, dude.”
“i feel like shit,” tyler grumbles, slowly moving to tie the laces of his skates that he always saved until the very end of gearing up. he catches a glimpse of the ink on his arm and he grimaces, wishing he could just wiped away at his skin and everything would disappear. that everything would be okay.
luke catches the eyes of his best friend and he frowns seeing the hurt in his eyes. “are you still upset about y/n?” he asks cautiously, fingers working at his laces, eyes barely glancing back up to tyler.
“yeah, i am actually. i know i don’t really have a right to be upset and all, but it still feels wrong. we went through a lot together, it just doesn’t feel real that we aren’t really soulmates. that the .  girl i was practically in love with since i got here isn’t my soulmate.” tyler shakes his head as he spills his feelings for the day out. he couldn’t wait until he got to step onto the ice and forget about the day’s events.
until he saw you sitting in your normal seat, and instead of the number 13 jersey, you were wearing the one with the 6, and the seven letter last name on the back was now one letter shorter. 
“oh fuck me,” tyler grumbles, and you’d be lying if you said your heart strings didn’t tug seeing him step out onto the ice. if the two of you had only been dating for two months rather than almost a year, maybe you would’ve felt different about the situation. but that was tyler. your tyler. or rather, gabby’s tyler now.
“y/n?” bella asks from besides you, trying to tear your sad eyes away from the brunette. when you finally do and look over at one of your best friends, she sees your teary eyes and her face softens. “oh, y/n/n. you’re taking this hard, aren’t you?”
“i don’t want my soulmate if it isn’t tyler.”
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accirax · 2 months
Disventure Camp All Stars Power Ranking (Round 14)
With last episode's elimination weighing heavy upon us, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what will happen next. Still, I have to stick to it, and hope I'll be luckier with this week's upcoming ranking.
In case you haven't seen my previous power rankings, the Power Ranking Format is essentially a way of ranking how well each player is doing in the game. So, in essence, this is a long form way of predicting who I think will be eliminated from the competition in the next episode. There will be spoilers for last week's episode (obviously) and its power ranking, so make sure to read that first if you don't want to be spoiled on how I ranked our last boot. If you want more clarification on the rules, that first post will help you out as well. Furthermore, I'm going to be spoiling the preview for next episode, so if you want to go in TOTALLY blind, save this for later. Let's go!
Recap - Gabby's Elimination
Current Score: 61 acquired/90 total
(Points versus @venus-is-thinking: 12 acquired/17 total)
Oh boy.
Look, I already rambled about how weird it is that Gabby was eliminated in this manner in my initial thoughts, so I won't waste my time writing the whole thing out again. It is true that Gabby already had a pretty complete character arc (going from insecurely relying on Ellie 100% to being afraid of what would happen when she was alone to overcoming her intrusive thoughts), so I can understand why the writers thought it would be okay to get rid of her now. I-- and I think a lot of others-- aren't so much upset with Gabby being eliminated as with the fashion in which it was done. Certainly for these power rankings, throwing in an elimination without voting was not something that I'd accounted for.
Thankfully I did well enough on Yul's elimination that how poorly I did with Gabby kinda got canceled out. Although, it also means that I wasn't able to reap the benefits of getting a 9/9 last week, and am now back in the 70% accuracy zone, though. Sigh. I fear that it won't get any better from here.
Let's just hope that there's an ACTUAL VOTE THIS WEEK HAHAHAHAHAHA (/lh)
Trailer Analysis
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Ally pulling herself up into this tree and then Grett seeing a leaf falling from above makes me think that Ally might hide in a tree to spy on people, and Grett might spot her doing it. Embrace that Spy Nest, Ally.
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EMILY???? MAYBE?????? Idk, I just miss her so much and I want her to come back.
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Idol hunting, maybe? Or trying to spook people into thinking there's an idol to be found?
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I assume this is actually Derek trying to check up on Trevor/see if he's okay, he's just doing it in his own Derek way.
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It even seems like Trevor and Derek might both be serving as challenge tester interns for this challenge, which would add to the reading that Derek wants to make amends with Trevor.
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Friendship! :D Death flag? D:
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I hope that this is Jake telling Connor to get his head in the game instead of just yelling at him for no reason. If you're angry at him for being mopey, you're being a bit of a hypocrite, Jake.
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Okay yeah, more treevidence.
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This is a pretty standard strength-based Survivor challenge. Although, much like the balls challenge, this was also one that was discontinued for injuring the real life contestants too much. It's interesting to note that, for some reason, Connor's light turns red instead of being blue at some point in the challenge. It could just be an indicator that he makes it farther into the challenge (he's shown with eight bags instead of four). However, it could also be some sort of penalty, including one that starts at the beginning of the challenge.
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"I'm starting to feel like myself again~!"
This is presumably about Grett returning to her more villainous ways. Ironic, considering that she's just left the villains alliance, or at the very least it's less powerful now than it's ever been. I guess Yul and Gabby were both keeping Grett in check, in their own ways. Still, I missed s1 Grett, so hopefully we can get a bit of that flavor back in this end stretch. Also, this is the only scene we see with sunset lighting. That means that this scene is definitely the last chronological scene to appear in the trailer, and probably from after the challenge is over.
Power Ranking
#1: Grett
Speaking of Grett, let's keep talking about her.
Although I think Grett is in a much less safe position than she was before Yul or Gabby's elimination, I would still be surprised if she was the next to go. Obviously, I said that about Gabby too, but Gabby's elimination also strengthens Grett's position. Would they really eliminate Yul and Gabby AND Grett back to back to back? I sincerely hope not.
There also seems to be a lot of foreshadowing that Grett will be in a position of power/decision making in this episode. Last time, she said that she wouldn't forget that Alec and Riya continued to stand by Yul, and this time, she's clearly getting up to some sort of scheming. Obviously, it's possible for a character's own meddling to wind up taking them out in the end. However, I don't think that's what they'd want to do with Grett right now. She doesn't need to have what power she's finally managed to accrue swept out from underneath her again.
Oh, and she just told Gabby that she'd kick ass in the competition for her. That's not something you say right before getting cancelled yourself. Grett really should be okay.
#2: Jake
And, sure, why don't we put my other best winner candidate in the #2 position as well? If I think these guys could make the finale (together, even), then surely they have to make it past this episode, right?
I am a little bit worried for Jake, as there is definitely potential for Ally to shoot some votes his way. I'm almost expecting him to get some votes this episode, I just don't think it'll be enough to have any effect on him. Given his growing relationships with Aiden and Connor, I don't think that either of them would really ever vote for Jake at this point. That means, that, assuming all three of them vote together, Jake would need literally every single person in the game-- Alec, Riya, Grett, and Ally-- to vote for him in order to have a majority. Like I said, I am a little worried that that could happen, but overall, I don't think it will.
Despite the level of focus Jake has gotten this season, I still feel like there's more to come with him. I think the writers might want to expand more on his relationship with Connor, with both of them feeling like screw-ups, and Aiden and Jake's newly friendly dynamic is super fun to watch. In either case, as is probably evident by the fact that we haven't seen Connor or Aiden on this list yet, I think that Jake is the least narratively expendable of the true heroes. If you removed him, Aiden and Connor don't have much tying them together. Jake is the lynchpin of that alliance from a storytelling standpoint, and I think they'll want to keep him around for that reason.
#3: Connor
Okay, potentially a bold choice, given how many death flags Connor was throwing up at the end of last episode. You can't just spill your entire backstory in a heartfelt conversation, dude, you're gonna die. And now he's in the #3 spot that's been cursed by Gabby?! Now I'm really second guessing myself...
I do think that Connor's clock might not have ticked its final tock yet, though. Despite the fact that I honestly think it's more likely that he's been impaired (probably by Riya) in this challenge than that they spoiled that he makes it to some sort of second round, I still think Connor might win. Sure, in the superhero challenge, he wanted super strength; it's not that he had it already. But, who else is supposed to win this challenge? Twink 1 or 2? The gamer girl, or the depressed bookworm? Riya's snappable-looking arms?
My money's on Grett if not Connor, but I think that Connor winning immunity this episode would be an appropriate level of win for him after the rough time he went through last episode. It would prove to him that he can be strong and have good things happen for him, even if the circumstances are actively stacked against him. Jake's supposed pep talk could also help get him in the proper mood, which could bring the two of them closer together.
It's also still true that I think that Aiden, Jake, and Connor is still the voting block that's most likely to work together in the upcoming vote, making it harder for the villains to get enough numbers to eliminate Connor. I could definitely see Riya and possibly Alec wanting to continue targeting him, and if Ally has become Riya's lackey, she could go along with it too. Grett, I don't really see, but... I can't deny it's a possibility.
Still, I find it unlikely enough that Connor will be immediately eliminated that he's at #3. Ugh, now I totally feel like I've jinxed it, and it will just be that Connor goes home again. C'est la vie, I guess. Use that old man strength to prosper, Connor!
#4: Aiden
Blah blah blah, Jake, Connor, and Aiden working together means that they're all less likely to be eliminated in this episode, you've heard it twice before immediately prior to this. I do think that Aiden is probably the most likely of the trio to be eliminated this episode, though, even if I can't exactly put my finger on why.
Part of it is probably that Aiden was a finalist before, which makes me less likely to think that he will be again. Aiden also already beat Riya via James in s2, so there isn't as much of a need to have him outlive/triumph over her again this time. Also, while we've debatably concluded Connor's character arc with that conversation at the end of last episode, it definitely feels like we're winding down on Aiden's content for the season. He's certainly made it far enough to appease James and Lake at this point, and that fist bump with Jake may be a signal that they are truly and undeniably friends at this point. If that's the case, why is Aiden still here?
To be honest, a big part of why I've put all of the heroes pretty high up this week is because of Grett's quote from the end of the trailer, the one about feeling like herself again. If Grett has started stirring up trouble, how is that supposed to result in Aiden going home? Or Jake or Connor, for that matter. Given that Ally has seemingly flipped over to the villains' side, Grett voting with them to take out a hero is, like, the default. What's so spicy about that? I mean, it's spicy that Ally is now voting with the villains, but that has nothing to do with Grett!
It is definitely possible that I'm overthinking things, and that continuing to work with the villains (but of her own volition instead of Yul's) is making Grett excited to be a bad guy again. If that's the case, I'll surely regret putting all of Jake, Connor, and Aiden in the upper echelons of the list. However, I feel like Grett is planning to scheme something beyond what's more obvious, and that it's more likely that she will turn on Alec and Riya to work with the hero boys instead. If that's true, then all of them really should be safe.
#5: Alec
Welcome back from the brink of death, Alec. Don't make me regret moving you back up.
Alec was taking an unprecedented number of Ls last episode, and I fear they may keep coming for him. But, if that's the case, it may actually make him less likely to go home. No longer having any power, Alec at least appears like much less of a threat. He is still a worry when it comes to physical challenges, but there's much more of an appearance, at least, that he could now be taken out whenever.
I also feel like taking him out right now would be a little random. Like, if you were gonna have him go out as a direct result of the kiss, it probably should have been last episode. The current timeline of events would be Alec kisses Riya, then the truth is revealed and there's a strain on their relationship, then Alec just waffles around for an episode or so before being eliminated. Why have that period of waffling around in? The same felt true of Ally, and then they picked her up for a new plotline and some continued relevance!
Everybody keeps reiterating to me in the comments that there desperately needs to be a true villain in the final three, and they'd never eliminate Alec before that point because they need him there to be a losing finalist. And, you know what? Fair. I don't know as much about how Total Drama works as I do about how Danganronpa works, so if that really is a rule that's written in stone, maybe I should start listening to the wise words of the more informed fans. I'm always a fan of messing with the rules to catch people off guard, and I personally would probably prefer a finale where I'm not already certain that one of the three finalists isn't going to win. (Like, let's be real, ONC knew to cut off the s2 finale part 1 at whether or not Aiden would be saved instead of whether James or Riya would win, because once James jumped off that cliff it was basically a foregone conclusion that he'd be the winner.) However, it's nice to have some villain representation in the finale as well, and maybe that still can be Alec.
#6: Riya
I don't have much specific to say about Riya, just, like... bad vibes.
I could completely see Grett's scheming be in an effort to get Riya out of the game. Currently, I think Riya reads as the biggest dog on campus, so if Grett is looking for her "game defining move" (to whatever extent that actually matters), it could totally make sense to target Riya. Now that Connor is moving towards moving on, all she has to do is say the word to Jake, Connor, and Aiden, and I'm sure they'd comply. The scheming would be to the extent that it's a blindside, and Riya doesn't realize that she lost hold on Grett to an extent that Grett would be looking to target her.
There's also the fact that Riya was a finalist before, and therefore may not be again. I maintain that if they're going to have a repeat finalist, it's more likely to be Riya than Aiden, but there's always the possibility that it's just neither of them and Aiden could be taken out later.
I really don't have much else to add. I think Riya could very easily be in danger this episode, and there isn't much depth to it. Leaving Alec to fend for himself could be an interesting turn of events as well, as he never competed in s1 without Fiore by his side, and his plan going into the season of focusing more on his social game would have totally backfired. I'm not fully convinced on Riya going home, but it seems like a likely enough outcome.
#7: Ally
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. To be clear, I'm talking about Ally's placement in the power rankings-- from first place to last place-- as opposed to the decline of her character. Even if she's choosing to act a bit more villainously, I haven't started to dislike her more, or particularly think that she's being written worse. I merely think that she's put herself in a pretty precarious position.
As I said earlier in this power ranking, I think that Grett is going to be a major player in this episode, and as such I think that those scenes depicting her and Ally in the tree will be Relevant. Basically, I wonder if Grett will stir up trouble by throwing Ally under the bus this episode. It won't be hard for Grett to convince Jake and Co. to take her out, and if she can convince Riya that Ally has been spying on her (while still pretending to be under Riya's wing), Riya and Alec might turn on her, too. The scheming, therefore, can be a plot to humiliate Riya by tricking her into voting out someone who genuinely wanted to work with her. And, with Grett now joining the heroes, Riya and Alec's days are totally numbered. It's a brilliant plan to pin all six votes on one person in a move that secretly swaps your major alliance and gives you lots of power... just like what I predicted Riya would do to Alec last episode. Mannnnn...
Anyways, if you're like me, you might be wondering what an Ally elimination would do in terms of Ally's character arc this episode. It is possible that there would be some issues with Ally's heart simply being broken by an elimination in ways the writers don't want. However, there are a few ways around it. The first is that Ally, already having learned that it's better to play as herself instead of who she thinks the audience will like, will be satisfied by her elimination as a result of her trying to play the game as she thought best. That's like, super unlikely to have happen, but it's not totally impossible.
The other is that Ally will be upset, freaking out over whether flipping to being a villain and then immediately being eliminated as one will have totally ruined her rapport with literally everyone. But, she'll be comforted either in this episode or in the eventual Loser's Motel episode. In the case of being comforted this episode, I could honestly see Grett being the one to do it. In season 1, Grett was eliminated after the villains turned on her, and then faced a lot of public backlash for her actions. It was tough, but she made it through. Ally should be proud of the game she's played, having made it this far, and not take it too harshly that she got outplayed.
The Loser's Motel option would probably include Hunter and/or Tess trying to cheer her up, with the added bonus that Ally could see what people really thought of her this season. If they actually thought that she was more funny/engaging/interesting this season, that could lift her spirits. It could also be a combination of both, where Grett gives her word of confidence now and social media finishes it out later.
The other point of conflict is Ally's relationship with Jake, which... uhhhh, I don't know. If Ally does go out here by Jake's hand, I don't think that their relationship will be at all salvaged. However, I also don't know if that's one of the goals of this season? They might just hate each other, and that's the end. I think the biggest issue with that is, if Jake wins, it might be a bit of a weird look to have your winner have a lot of animosity towards another fairly rootable character.
Should that convince me out of putting Ally down here? I don't know, maybe. But on these trajectories, how would Ally and Jake ever make up, even if they had the entire rest of the season to do it? Both of them being losing finalists? I don't know! So, Ally stays here for now.
Well, that's the power ranking for this week. Unlike either of the past two weeks-- despite how different their outcomes were-- I'm not confident at what I've put here at all. I'd put, like, everyone here other than Grett at like 5 or 6 if I could. Will that lack of confidence be unfounded in a brilliant result, or will I have swung for the fences and missed wildly again? Honestly, as long as there's a genuine vote out this episode, I'll be happy. I look forward to seeing what happens on Saturday.
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gins-potter · 3 years
10x01 “Mayday” Promo Pictures
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note: some pictures have been cropped to fit my template
thoughts and theories (and spoilers) under the cut
so idk how long the name of this ep has been out but might as well talk about it here since this is actually the first that i’m seeing of it - no real surprises and it doesn’t really give much away
as for the photos themselves, i’ve grouped them vaguely by scene/storyline
the first group all seem to be from the pier which i’m guessing would be the start of the episode - i can’t see them starting the episode with anything other than rescuing rescue squad (heh)
unsurprisingly these pics give away absolutely nothing even though just about everyone in the online fandom know that all the squad guys have been seen on set alive and well
the next have probably sparked the most controversy in the fandom, i know quite a few people are worried that herrmann will disapprove of brettsey and this is some kind of confrontation about it
as i’ve said before, i don’t necessarily think that would be out of character for herrmann just because of how close he was to dawson and how loyal a person he is, but just in terms of storyline progression and the fandom, i don’t think bringing gabby back up is something the writers’ are going to want to do
there’s also the fact that just because something could happen doesn’t necessarily mean it will
my two cents’ is that herrmann and sylvie both look more worried to me than angry or like some kind of confrontation is going down.  i think herrmann looks like he’s confiding in brett here, maybe about a medical or family issue he’s having, that might be setting up writing herrmann out of the next few episodes (to account for any filming David missed while he was doing the SATC revival)
i am so curious where they’re going with boden this season because those boxes would imply that maybe he really is leaving (i thought that could be the case but at the same time didn’t think they’d really go through with it)
there’s a bunch of photos of him with this woman from hq (presumably) so again i’m very curious what that’s gonna be about
big intense fire call - pretty typical, doesn’t give away much
ritter, violet, and gallo are all hanging out in the last set which i’m guessing would relate to their joint business venture from last season and probably would be the episode’s comedic storyline if i was willing to guess
can’t wait to see what that turns out to be, because i’ve seen a lot of hilarious ideas
seen some good theories that it could be molly’s related and that’s why herrmann’s in the last pic - if it’s not i’ll be very interested to see why herrmann’s there
could be that herrmann is leaving molly’s for them to run while he’s gone (again presuming that david is missing from a few episodes because of SATC)
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kim-ruzek · 3 years
If you could pair Jay, Kim, Adam, Hailey and Kevin with anyone from the One Chicago Universe apart from their current partners or love interests, who would it be? 🙂🙂🙂
Firstly, THANK YOU. Seriously, thank you for asking me this last night, it became a lifesaver for me. Tumblr kept crashing on me so I couldn't answer but god, it kept my mind so so entertained-- probably would've answered it as soon as I gave up on sleep after waking up after only a short time except adhd has made that I've been unfocused all day.
But finally after a stupid amount of attempts of sitting down to type this out, I'm finally doing it!!!
The number one thing that I'm going to take from this is that apparently I can see Sylvie Brett with basically everyone. Which makes sense since she's a literal angel who's so very lovable. (Honestly, to me, her and Kim are the most shippable characters in the whole OC universe (then, for me, it's Will).
I'm gonna answer this is two parts. My first one I'm only going to name one person each, and not have any overlaps and then the second one I'm gonna allow myself to list everyone I can see with them. Some of these aren't my top person I'd ship them with, because I had to give that person to someone else tho.
Jay: I really tried to think of characters who wasn't in Pd for him but, especially as I'm already using Sylvie, honestly the top person I'd ship him with is Kim! Although to stick with my rules, although I couldn't see this being a lasting relationship, I could see him and April having a shirt thing.
Kim: Kelly Severide. I kinda fell in love with the idea of them after seeing an interview with Marina and Taylor in and adding that in with the headcanon me and @fighterkimburgess have that him, Kim and Sylvie have girls nights (...do not ask how this transpired I don't even think I remember), I just have a lot of Thoughts about the dynamic they could have.
Adam: Sylvie Brett. I could've put Sylvie for all, really, but she is literally the only one (outside Kim) I could actually see Adam with so I just had to.
Hailey: ... Okay so my top answer for this I can't say for *reasons* on the account it spoils a part of a fic idea I have but after my top answer I'd say Will. Like to me Will is just very shippable and honestly there's a lot of reasons I could make it work between them. ALSO like idk why but not as a serious rarepair ship but I'm fairly confident I could make a fic between her and Connor work. Although to be ✨queer✨ for a minute, honestly Natalie, ever since the infection episode.
Kevin: Violet. This is a ship that Cíara got me on to, and honestly is my go-to ship if I need Kevin to be in a relationship with an oc character in my fics.
Now for my lists of everyone I'd consider:
Jay: Kim and Sylvie (I watched the hospital scene in S2 and like. I hadn't met brettsey yet and I was like, so sure I'd like them two together more than their canon ships). Also I think him and Natalie could have a good short fling storyline, especially if it enhanced their endgames. And of course, April.
Kim: Sylvie, Jay, Sarah, Severide, Hailey, Will, Stella, Erin, Matt, Natalie, Cruz, Ethan and Gabby. (This is why I call her Very Shippable 🤣)
Adam: Sylvie and... Yep that's it. Maybe a fling with Erin if the show started differently. AND if we're talking about non long term relationships, obviously Hailey. I cannot stand upzek but y'know. If I'm racking my brain to the point of suggesting a hook up with Erin, I can't not mention upzek bc at least I can see that relationship as like, not just sex.
Hailey: Kim, Will, Natalie, Stella, Erin, Vanessa, Ethan, Connor
Kevin: Violet, Vanessa, Sylvie, Stella, and Hailey.
As you can see, this fandom has turned me into somewhat of a multi shipper 🤣🤣🤣 And as you can see I very very much ADORE my wlw pairings. Honestly I have so many wlw fic to write and i think this gives a glimpse into why!!! Also that if I see Kim interact with ANYWAY my mind goes 👀
This was very enjoyable and I thought up a few more fics last night when thinking about this soooo, that's good!!! 💖
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lostbbygorl · 3 years
✨ Oooohh boy..... Eren Yeager
✨ In this post, I'll be discussing Eren as a child and Eren as the 19-year-old Chad we now know him as
✨ Okay, so Eren as a child
✨ Everyday he wakes up looking like an angry gremlin and he growls at people saying hi to him in the hallways
✨ The elementary school teachers genuinely like him and they know deep down he's a very sweet boy but KIDDO PLS GET YOUR HANDS OFF LIL TIMMY'S NECK AND DO YOUR MATHS MANIA MULTIPLICATION WORKSHEET HE DIDN'T MEAN TO DROP YOUR FAVORITE ERASER
✨ Mikasa and Armin were the only people who could calm him down
✨ You know that one kid who gets sent outta the classroom every week? And like teachers always call said kid's parents for a meeting? Eren is that kid
✨ At first, a very disappointed Grisha went to the meetings, and then neither parent went cuz they were too busy, and then Carla always went. By "too busy" I mean having yelling matches and digging up old bones and then storming off like toddlers. That was the hardest part of Eren's life
✨ A lot of Eren's rage came from his parent's crumbling marriage and he missed his dad but MY GOD he was relieved when Grisha left them. Eren has a soft spot deep down for him, but he's gonna break a damn wall if he sees Grisha again, and near his mom
✨ Eren's behavior improves at the start of middle school though. He's still not to be fucked with and lowkey terrifies the teachers, but he's much more amiable
✨ Eren's grades also improve in middle school. He finds more motivation and his study routine is shite but atleast he's putting more effort. Speaking of grades, he always scores 100% in PE
✨ Eren was always the fastest runner and even though he isn't super passionate about sports, he's competitive
✨ I feel like Eren would sometimes do sports for fun, but his main interests lie in martial arts. I hc he learns karate or judo or smth and get numerous degrees in it throughout the years
✨ Eren is popular despite being a hardass. He still gets clowned doe
✨ Now onto college Eren with the long hair and dem abs
✨ He's chill for the most part ig, still scary doe
✨ He gets daily reminders from Mikasa and Armin to study and that's the only reason he passes
✨ I feel like he'd take the same classes as his friends and be nonchalant about college but then get interest in his subject and find it's his passion
✨ "Woah", Eren doing a perfect Gabbie Hannah impression at 3 AM after realizing how much his major means to him
✨ Eren's handwriting is messy but readable. Hw takes notes on random pieces of paper and random notebooks so the night before the exams he's turning the house down looking for that half ripped sticky note
✨ But I mean the grade is good so he won't stop the bad practice
✨ 9/10 times Eren is the veteran face showing new college students around the campus. Him and Jean actually
✨ In a modern world, Eren and Jean are frenemies becuz Eren finds him annoying. They have roast battles and even rap battles. Eren tells Jean to stfu if he even breathes
✨ Eren goes to bed at 2 and he actually tries to fix his sleeping schedule but then Jean sends him game invites and he's just MAD
✨ Sasha and Connie throw parties every weekend and you best believe Jean and Eren are in the convenience stores getting snacks and then tampons to make a tampon princess castle tgt later on
✨ Eren is the friend who has a nice ass car. He picks ppl up and drops them off everyday
✨ He LOVES going on late night rides with his peeps
✨ Eren is head over heels for Mikasa and Mikasa is the same and their mutual pining is so fucking embarrassing atp
✨ Eren is one of those ppl who are scared of love so the intensity of his feelings for Mikasa scare him so when he's hanging out he's like
" Mikasa looks pretty I wanna hold her hand. Welp, time to fuck or beat one out"
✨ Eren is defo popular among the ladies but he isn't flirty, he's just polite. He isn't a fboi despite what other writers say
✨ He does like hookups doe. He'll back off if a gal aint interested doe
✨ Eren also seems like a tattoo kinda guy. He has one of an eagle on his neck and his initials on his back
✨ Idk why but he rubs me as the type of dude who'd be friends with kids. Like 1 or 2. Namely, Gabi and Falco
✨ Eren goes to Paradis college and FalBi go to Paradis middle school. They used the college performing hall for a play and Eren volunteered to help prepare the stage to get out of classes. That's when he met a sweet, quiet Falco and a hyper, feral Gabi. He was amused by their interactions and got nostalgic seeing them tbh cuz he remembered his elementary days with Armin
✨ Gabi was trying to rope Falco in for another one of her dangerous plans and Falco ultimately caved
" Let's sleepover in this hall tonight. Our parents are out and I bought all the stuff we need"
" What? That's crazy! What if we get caught?"
" Come of, Falco. Pleeaaassseee?"
" Fine, but it's on you if we get in trouble"
✨ " Kid with the ponytail, that's a crazy plan but Imma cover for you", said Eren joining in
✨ They've been talking ever since and when Eren realized Gabi is Reiner's fave and closest cousin, they became closer
✨ Overall, Eren is a loveable dude despite being a bit chaotic
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