#i actually really like nbc
rocksalt-and-pie · 2 years
shout-out to the makers of NBC Hannibal for (clearly) reading all four books about Hannibal Lecter by Thomas Harris and going "hmm. actually we will make the gayest possible version of this" going on to COMPLETELY disregard the other main character and (canon) ?love interest? of the series and never even MENTION Clarice Starling. Like it's so funny to me that she never even appears on the show when book!Will Graham literally fucks off after The Red Dragon and wants nothing to do with any of this anymore and book!Hannibal is obsessed with Clarice in the same way that tv!Hannibal is obsessed with tv!Will. like they really took a whole book franchise, picked out the cherries, and made it their own personal little gay AU. that's so refreshing and should be a leading example in television adaptations. in this essay i will
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cannibalovers · 3 months
hannibal bagged such a good husband cuz WHAT DO U MEEAANN that Will regretted not running away with him and couldn't let him go yet so he built his own fucking boat, sailed to Florence KNOWING, SENSING he would be there, FORGAVE HIM and didn't meet him face to face UNTIL he learned more about Hannibal by literally going to Hannibal's home to understand him more??? all that after Hannibal stabbed him and killed his surrogate daughter after making Will believe she is dead and framed Will for her death????&!#)€(
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everyone shut up!! I'm thinking about how Hannibal wants to outdo and put up his middle finger at the Catholic Christian god because he feels that God is playing a cruel and unfair game with his life, and giving him horrible trials he didn't deserve,
and I'm thinking about how he's gay,
and I'm thinking about how I felt when I was 11 and realized I was queer for the first time in the deep south bible belt where I was raised Christian and went to church twice a week.
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
My partner saw me making faces at my phone while reading fanfic and was like what is it?? It was the graphic het sex in the Dracula AU. Love that fic but MAN. I was not ready for that, it scarred me. I still think about it to this day.
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crystallinemoonlight · 3 months
this week in class we talked about hemispatial neglect, a condition that causes people to completely neglect one of their sides, usually because of a stroke. it causes people to pay attention to only half of their world, so they only read one side of a newspaper or eat only one half of their plate.
when explaining this, the teacher showed a few pictures and tests that are used to diagnose this (which, apparently, is quite easy because these patients will always be missing half), and guess what picture showed up?
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i had to silence myself not to immediately bring up hannibal but oh my did i WANT to
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milogoestogreendale · 2 years
there needs to be a support group for community fans who think they’re abeds when actually people see them as annie or britta
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judasisgayriot · 1 year
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strange attractors. kind of like we could be?
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thinking about jeff, who in his mind things had Abed be the one helping save the day, the one that tries to pull back Jeff to reality.
Evil Abed having become good, trying to help the good timeline against the darkest timeline. Regular Abed telling Jeff that only he can defeat evil Jeff, because it's all in his mind, and a part of Jeff may want evil Jeff to win.
Fourth Wall giving the informations to try to defeat COBRA/restore their honor, them not escaping the jail before meeting Fourth Wall; Fourth Wall who is the one to tell the trigger word Greendale, who makes a plan to help Jeff leave these realities
Abed and his friends not being enough to find the will to go on this time, how Jeff had to think that if he's not living, he can't have sex and drink to convince himself to wake up
Thinking about Jeff in season 6, being meaner, inconsiderate, violent with Abed. Thinking how he's pushing away, unfair to the person that was a savior figure in his mind, the person that would help him get out of his mind, figure out what was wrong.
Thinking about self destruction and depression.
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spirit-tracks · 1 year
Manifesting 3 hour long Zeltik video going into depth about the Zelda series' religion and the pantheon of hyrulean gods
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ghostdrinkssoup · 1 year
People who analyze hannibal have top teir IQ or some shit cause it's one of my favorite shows and I've watched it 100 times but i can barely tell you what happened or describe will and hannibals relationship.
we’re soooo silly for that ☺️ but seriously I find analysing hannibal very intellectually stimulating it really scratches my brain !! and it’s great for me because I get bored easily </33 it’s like solving a puzzle, you know? I feel that way about stories in general. I like trying to figure out how they work and pick it apart until I find the core of it
but also the show is so camp and goofy and pretentious that you could just as easily not take it seriously at all and I appreciate that so much 😂 it really ping-pongs between two extremes and as much as you could analyse will and hannibal’s relationship forever and cry at the profundity of it all you could just as easily make gay cannibal jokes and you would still be right 🫶
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fujobritta · 26 days
why is britta the one in the group whos bad at singing . what about PIERCE . listen i know im biased because i hate him but good god . his singing in the baby boomer santa bit made me wince
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essektheylyss · 2 years
Because I mentioned my Heroes fandom time and once I start thinking about Heroes I will not stop, it remains funny as shit that Heroes was like, "Here's our serial killer villain. He's not a sociopath or mentally ill or any of that bullshit, he doesn't even need to resort to this to get what he wants, he's just a fucked up little freak obsessed with power and he can stop anytime he likes. We're going to give him an utterly incomprehensible redemption arc for no reason. And it's gonna slap."
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heroes-trash · 1 year
can i hear a hell yeah
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aldoesthings · 2 years
freddie lounds got a finely tuned gaydar fr. like she took one look at will graham and realized what was happening before he even knew wtf was going on
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milogoestogreendale · 2 years
i want to watch mythic quest very badly but i am also acutely aware of the fact that brad bakshi will definitely be the reason for my next mental breakdown
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sothischickshe · 2 years
Ooo I love your s5 scenario! Now what do you picture for Brio in that scenario? Like what would you like to see for Rio/ Brio if there was a s5?
Thank you! 😊
So in that dreamy🐢 s5 scenario, I think Beth's loneliness would be a Blatant Theme, and there'd be plenty of scope for Beth & (nickless mickless) rio 🥃bonding. I would like rio engaging with the fact that he's terrible at his job/decision making generally, & appreciative of the fact that he's conned beth into wanting to be the boss/doing more of the work 😂
I'd also LOVE a Beth/murder storyline -- either of boomer, or a weasly echo of him, and particularly Beth being pretty unbothered in the aftermath, and rio being like 😲oh no how was I to know there'd be consequences for creating a monster 😂😂😂
I don't have too many complaints about Beth & rio's canon ending (other than they should have been boozing on that bench 🤺), and I like how open ended it was. I think we wouldn't have got/ten that, nor Beth & Dean coming to a divorce conclusion together, were it not the series finale, so it's kinda hard for me to conceptualise that much of a genuinely canonish ~s5 storyline for them, bc I don't think canon would have left them at that point were it not the end♻️
But in my happily ever after where Ruby, Annie, rhea, Nancy etc run off to start their nevada commune, I guess beth & rio would be even lonelier and whinier as basically the only ppl left in town🙊🥃
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