#i adore this little dog so much
fbwzoo · 1 year
😭😭😭 My dog, who we couldn't touch for months, didn't even expect to for a year, my little fearful puppy. Just climbed full into my lap when I sat down for a cleaning break. Let me have my arms around her, petting. Let me nuzzle my face into her back and give her kisses. Licked my hands, arms, and face the entire time. I full on SNUGGLED my fearful dog for the first time. I could smell her and she smells vaguely fruity. 😭😭😭
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canisalbus · 11 months
hello! i've written a short little machete fic, and i wanted to share it with you as thanks for all the incredible art and generous question-answering you've been doing these last few months. i hope that if you give it a look, you enjoy it. <3 keep up all your amazing work! archiveofourown [.] org / works / 50945128
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✦ A Voi ✦
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tea-time-terrier · 3 months
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It's a good day to be a disgusting little creature <3
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blaiddraws · 2 years
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today i bring you family sleepy cuddles. tomorrow? who knows....
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
steve’s pov here :)
lots of prey.
that’s what eddie knew.
he watched them enter his land through that… thing. that hole in the ground that let off a high pitched sound and kept him in line. it scared him and his brethren. none of them could go near it. it hurts if you do. they’ve all learnt the hard way, whilst trying to escape. it burns your body to touch and turns your brain dizzy.
but the prey passed through it without an issue.
eddie watched from the top of the tree he was perched in, crowded around by his resting family, his cousins and friends. he watched the prey make their way through his world, listened as his master told him to kill.
eddie attacked when they least expected it.
he swooped down and swiped at one of their necks with his claw. he would have gotten it, if that one with curly hair didn’t scream his name.
it sent eddie flying back- he recognised it, the voice. the face.
it wasn’t prey.
it was a friend.
eddie flew away. too scared of what would happen if he stayed.
he couldn’t stay.
his master was mad. beyond mad at him.
he threatened to kill eddie if he didn’t complete his task. he’d send his brethren on the prey and himself.
eddie didn’t want that. he wanted the prey to live, he thought. well… the curly haired one. he didn’t know about the rest. but if not for that curly haired one, eddie might let master carry out that promise. he didn’t like this world. it was cold and dark and he felt dirty and he only remembered pain.
he flew back to his home, to his nest in a place he felt most safe. a safe place that was still standing. his old home, the one with who he thinks is his father from the other world, now destroyed to the hole that was too big and too loud and hurt too much if he flew near it.
his home in the drama room at school. he’d dragged mattresses and pillows and blankets back into the changing room and built himself a nest, collected all his favourite things.
he had a pile for his father, flannelette shirts all piled up on a bunch of random mugs. he had his sweetheart there too. he’d been collecting dice from everywhere he could find them, all different shapes and colours, they were scattered around his nest, and he played with them when he got bored and couldn’t sleep. he had a picture frame shoved there somewhere with a photo of his mother, a flower pressed under the glass that was her namesake. it was the only name eddie could remember; petunia. and he had the mangled old teddy bear she gave him as a baby that he curled up with every night.
but he had his most favourite pile there too, at the place where he lay his head every night. in the pile was a green and white jacket with a name eddie couldn’t read written across the back. there were shirts and two jumpers, a red and a yellow one. he had three odd socks and one pair, and some underwear, and a singular sneaker. he’d taken them all from a large house on the nice looking side of this world, from a room he didn’t like very much, but he remembered the boy that owned all those things was very special to him.
he couldn’t remember his name or his face though, and eddie cried about it every night.
he pottered around his nest, moving his things about and settling down in it. he hurried out and to the other side of his home where he had a pile of things he’d collected that took up too much space in the nest. he sifted through them; some more mugs, a weird al shirt, a pair of drumsticks, some comics, a bunch of action figures, a green ribbon, an old year book, some novels, an acoustic guitar, car keys, a cheer skirt, journals, a lunchbox- all things that made his heart clench to look at, to touch, but he couldn’t remember why.
except for the yearbook.
when he found the yearbook he got so excited he’d stretched out his wings and started flying in the tiny little room. he knocked over a rack of costumes with them, fucked up his nest, and put a hole through the wall. he didn’t care though.
he had the year book almost permanently open to one page. a page he remembered looking at a lot when he was younger. on the page was him, the man that eddie couldn’t remember the name or face of. the one he loved so much. and beside him was another man with eddie’s old face! he’d made it. he remembered making it. he wrote something, but eddie couldn’t read that either.
after finding that year book, eddie looked at the page every day and every night, whenever he could. he often went to sleep with the page open, he’d sometimes just sit there and look at it. he’d draw his claw lightly over the man’s pretty face and sometimes he’d lick it when he particularly missed him.
oh eddie loved him so much.
so that’s what eddie did now. he sat down in his nest and drew over his pretty face and he stretched out his long tongue until it touched the page and then he smiled.
he smiled so much his heart squeezed.
he missed his boy.
but his master was not happy with him. he made eddie go back out to kill them.
eddie promised himself he wouldn’t kill the curly haired one.
he flew out until he found them, and then he swooped down over their heads to give the prey a scare and perched himself atop an electricity pole. he crouched there with his wings hanging heavy down behind him and looked at his next meal.
only, he didn’t attack. not straight away.
there was something familiar about one of them. the one holding a bat over his shoulder, scowling at eddie. he had floppy hair and strong shoulders. eddie thought he’d put up the biggest fight.
but there was something about him.
eddie cocked his head and looked at him some more. looking looking looking. trying to figure him out. he ignored everyone else. the man adjusted his grip on his weapon, ready to swing it at eddie if needed.
eddie moved his head forward because… no…
no it- it couldn’t be.
it was him.
the boy in the picture.
the one he loved!
he straightened his back out in a flesh, sitting up tall, perched on the pole, and he let out a screech of excitement. he hoped the man was just as excited as he was.
his love leered forward slightly, looking ready to fight… to protect. oh, he looked so strong and brave like that, ready to defend his own brethren. eddie admired him so much. he was so beautiful. so strong. so handsome.
eddie stretched his wings out and stood, he let out another thrilled sound because- oh, because he was here! the one he loved was here… in his world! and eddie could have him.
eddie clutched at his heart like he’d just been struck by cupids arrow and fell backwards off the pole, like he was fainting. he was swooning afterall. he hoped to impress this man too.
eddie had to impress him.
so he free fell and right before he hit the ground he stretched his wings out further and lifted himself high into the sky. way higher than he needed to go. he looked down at the one he loved and- oh goodness, he just couldn’t help himself. he tucked his wings around his body and nosedived straight for him.
it’s what he’d seen his family do, when they found their love. one would fly high in the sky and barrel roll into the other, catch them, and take flight again.
it was their mating ritual, so it’s what eddie would do.
he crashed into the pretty golden haired love and had to take a moment to just look at him as he wiggled around on the ground beneath eddie. eddie tired to pin him down, to show him he was safe… it was just eddie. he tried to communicate, clicking his tongue to say “hello, it’s me, i love you” but he didn’t seem to get it.
that was okay.
eddie would show him.
but before he had a chance his wing was struck with an immense amount of pain.
he stretched it out to look, and found a hole clean through it, and he lowered it just enough to see one of his prey, standing there, a gun aimed right at him.
you hurt me, eddie thought, you tore me.
he was going to make her death the most painful. save her for last.
he looked back at his love and grabbed him tight and lifted up info the air. it made him scream, and eddie thought it was a nice sound. similar to his own happy call. eddie really liked this man.
he took him to his home, sweeping through the crack in the roof, down into his little home, and he lay him down in his nest. his love is the only other being allowed anywhere near his home.
the last being to try - his brother and friend - was ripped to shreds by eddie’s own teeth. no one breached these walls again.
eddie laid him down and crawled back to sit by his loves legs, crouched there and waiting. he looked at him curiously. he looked quite different than the picture. he had lighter, floppier hair, and some scruffy fur around his mouth, and he had this thing on his face that made his eyes look a little bigger than usual, and… clothes. in the picture he only had little swim shorts on. eddie hoped his love might take these clothes off soon.
oh eddie thought he was just neat.
the perfect new item to make home of his nest. he’d keep him here forever, that was for sure.
he was eddie’s now.
he looked a little confused, but that was okay. eddie would help him understand anything he needed. all eddie wanted to do was look after his love.
oh. the picture. that would help him understand. that’s how eddie could tell him he loved him.
great idea!
he crawled over to get it, leaving his love in the nest for a little moment. he sifted through some of his other things before retrieving it. he grabbed the book with his teeth, and crawled back over to pretty man, and perched himself as close as possible. he dropped the book between his own feet and pressed his hands on top of it to keep it safe, and waited.
when he turned back around to look at eddie, he freaked out a little. eddie thought it was very sweet. eddie wanted to see every face this man could make, they were all so beautiful. he cocked his head to the side and looked at him some more, trying to figure him out.
to ask if this was okay.
his love held up the jacket with the name eddie couldn’t read. he looked at the jacket, then back at his love, then back at the jacket, then back at his love and he felt warmth bubble up in his chest. he purred, hoping to let his love know what this meant. hoping to let him know he was happy that he was here. that he wanted his love to wear the jacket.
eddie noticed how his love was wearing one thing that meant a lot to eddie himself. a vest. one covered in patches and pins that he used to wear every day. eddie lowered his head to bump his loves shoulder and blinked at him once.
“it’s yours.” his love said, and it made eddie’s heart flutter so much! he loved the sound of his voice. it was so soft and smooth and eddie wished he could talk the same. his love tugged at the sleeve of the vest, “i know, i’m sorry. i hope you don’t mind. it helped ground me on the bad days.”
don’t mind? don’t mind!?
why would eddie mind about that? this was the best day of his life. not only was his love here, but he was here and collecting eddie’s things too.
eddie cocked his head, trying to communicate that of course he was okay with it. that he was okay with anything his love wanted.
“can you understand me?” he asked.
eddie nodded.
“can you talk like me?” he asked again.
eddie really wished he could. he wanted nothing more than to say that he loved him. he wanted to ask his name.
“i’ll take that as a no.” he hummed, and it made eddie’s chest vibrate, “you have a lot of my things.”
eddie wanted to collect more of them.
he dropped the book on his loves lap and watched curiously as he opened it. eddie’s heart was about to leap out of his chest when the man found the page eddie wanted him to see.
his pretty pretty love drew his finger over the page and read out the words eddie had written there many years ago… the words eddie had longed to be able to read or remember, and now he’d know, “by the time you graduate, this will be real, and he will be nice and want you back.”
oh… right.
yes. eddie loved him. he knew now. didn’t he. his love knew and- oh, he was laughing.
eddie didn’t like that. why was he laughing? did he not love eddie too.
eddie screeched at him and pouted because… because why would he laugh? that’s mean. it hurts eddie. it hurts eddie a lot. he would just like to love his love.
oh eddie loved him so much.
he watched with sad eyes as his love realised how much it was hurting eddie, and then he said, “you technically still haven’t graduated, you know?”
oh goodie. his love wanted him too!
he loved him so much he just- oh, he just couldn’t hold back any more. he flicked his tongue out and licked up his loves cheek and it was so much better than licking the picture. this time, when his love laughed, eddie liked it.
this was a good laugh.
“licking? really?”
eddie smiled at him and nodded his head because, yes. of course! he had to show his love and that’s how he did that. that’s what he knew. he hoped his love would lick him back… but maybe that’s not how those creatures showed their love.
that’s okay. eddie would learn eventually.
eddie helped shuffle his love back to cuddle because he didn’t care how mad his master got right now, eddie had his love and he’d finally be able to sleep well. he was sure this would be the first sleep he got without crying since waking up down here, in this world.
he curled up with his teddy and wrapped his wings around his love, curling into his lap and chest. eddie pressed his ear up over his heart to listen to the steady drum beat of it inside. it was one of the best sounds in every world. eddie started to purr again, feeling warm and dizzy against his love. he smelt amazing, and eddie nuzzled his face under the vest to get closer to him.
eddie felt his love pet his head softly and hold him a little tighter. eddie didn’t think he could love something any more than he loved this being right here. he was going to keep him forever. protect him and make sure he was safe, and well fed, and warm. he’d stay here, in eddie’s home, where no one else was allowed to go so eddie could keep him for himself. if he wanted anything, eddie would fetch it for him.
eddie would love him with every fibre in his body and more.
he’d do anything for his love.
he was sure of it.
if only he could remember his name.
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happyheidi · 2 years
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entomolog-t · 8 months
GtWAC Day 1:
Reblog your go to comfort fic
If you have not read The Stranding (and by extension, The Rescue) by the darling @belethlegwen you are deeply missing out! The sheer amount of content is truly a blessing, and considering its still being updated?? ASDFJHSLK
Belle is an incredible story teller, and this shines through in her writing so well I feel like I'm getting flashbanged by talent.
You know that typical writing advice about not introducing too many characters, especially early on as it divides the reader's attention?? BELLE STOMPS ON THAT.
I genuinely can't get over how much I am in love with her characters. I must admit- I am the typical reader with one too many bonks to the head that can't seem to focus on/ remember/ care about more than 3-5 characters- that is not the case here.
Every character she introduces has my interest piqued- each one feeling alive and at home in their setting. And its not just likeable in the sense of "oh I'd be friends with them" (and she absolutely has many characters I'd love to be friends with)- its these raw and real characterizations that make you like them as a character.
They have their own mystery to them too- even if its not direct. Her characters make you wonder more about their past and why they act the way they do. They can be frustrating, immature, stubborn, even cruel- but they feel so deeply real.
Both written works from Sizeable Ship Wrecks are among my favorite things I've read- both inside and outside of the G/t sphere to the point I feel as though I could shamelessly recommend this to someone outside of the G/t community and be confident they would enjoy it.
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 2 years
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This isn't the kind of post I would normally make but I just want to put out there about how much I adore the concept of the og ada trio?? I really want to know more about what their dynamic was like since they were the first three members of the agency. I think Kunikida probably joined the agency sometime after Yosano so I feel like his backstory has to be linked with them including how he met Fukuzawa.
I feel like it's pretty interesting that Kunikida trained under Fukuzawa, and a fact that's overlooked by many because I doubt Fukuzawa took any other students under him. So I'm really curious about what was the situation that brought them together.
I wish we get to see Kunikida's backstory this year. I feel like it's been kept in the dark for the longest time (including Tanizaki's and the recent brief background for Kenji) and I would literally die for some og ada crumbs. I really wish the next light novel could be about them 🥲🥲 Something like another flashback, or retelling as the format has been in most of the light novels. There are also these two wonderful official arts that exist (the first one literally looks like an old photograph with the year (?) written below, the kind of photograph Fukuzawa would have framed in his office :')) so you can't tell me the idea isn't there.
So pretty please Asagiri-sensei? 🥺🙏
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krikitunes · 10 months
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Hey, squeaker! (/affectionate /p)
I don't normally do stuff like this but I saw you liked Aizetsu and Gyutaro as a QPR and I have shipped them in secret since before I saw that. So it made my day to find. As an aro-spec person, I don't really see QPRs talked about much either and most people kind of just don't care about them as a result.
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-> the actual point of my submission is that you recently reblogged one of my arts with the tag "good luck charm" as you were denoting affection to it for helping to uplift your mood during difficult times. It really warmed my heart, so I wanted to make something intentionally for you in that vein of "good luck charm".
I know your original tags were in reference to an endouma doodle, but I wanted to toss you something for one of your rarer pairings. (I was shocked to see it in the wild!! /pos)
Hope your week gets better, man!
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I COULD COMPLETELY BURST INTO TEARS,!!!!!!! THEYRE SUCH DORK ASSES I hope someone stuffs them both in lockers they probably already do it to eachother as some odd affection ritual. Weirdos. OBSESSED.. sincerely I do not have the words to describe how MUCH I appreciate this 😭😭😭! Since you sent this things have thankfully gotten better so thank you!! Your charm worked!! (Things are still scary and new! But im feeling much better :-})
actually I am drawing a little something right now for you .holdon.
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they're stargazing :-}.. I have so many little things in my head of these two but I wanted to make something quick right this second in exchange because AGWAA!!IM GRATEFUL!! I'll keep them close to my heart for EVER💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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Roudise Week Day One: Family/Hat
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I had this idea that after the events of The Amazing Rudy, Louise would really enjoy accompanying Rudy to more of his family dinners/events to make it less awkward (because she's a good friend :3). And Rudy would want to give her a new sticker for her hat for one particular dinner, which makes her very happy.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 4 months
You: power couple
Me, An Intellectual: Alfred and 13 years old Bruce giving each other military salute before Alfred follows Bruce to basically their deathbeds, knowing full well that Bruce is leading them both to where devil dares not look but he'd rather die besides Bruce than live safe on his own anyway
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They're literally holding hands are you kidding me
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pfhwrittes · 4 months
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here’s some pictures of various cats (and two goober dogs) that i have owned/cared for!! i hope your day is going okay!!
immediate mood booster!!!
thank you for sharing them with me friend, these creatures have been very lucky to have you in their lives 💜
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 11 months
no thoughts, only weemnie dogs
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we-survive-endlessly · 9 months
When I tell you I love these two so much 😭
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chloelouygo · 2 years
I finally got to take some pictures of my @aestromeri order! I cannot stress enough how much I love everything here, it's all so pretty and the quality is amazing 😭😭
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I forgot I put the stickers on my laptop and got the best surprise when I shut it earlier and saw them asdjfhgfj (yes I know they're upside down, it's so when I shut my laptop *I* get to look at them when my laptop is on the desk, it doesn't leave the house anyway so no one will see them being upside down while it's open lmao)
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Ryou came with me for a walk so I could get pictures and just look at that iridescence!! This is literally the prettiest thing I own, look at his face 😭😭🥰💙💙
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That sparkle!!!
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Please take a look at their store https://aestromeri.bigcartel.com/products , I am so glad I got to order and I am so happy I get to see these pretty boys every day 😭😭
Thank you @amararala for making the gifs for me! 💜
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