#literally a man and his dog but the positions keep switching
psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
You: power couple
Me, An Intellectual: Alfred and 13 years old Bruce giving each other military salute before Alfred follows Bruce to basically their deathbeds, knowing full well that Bruce is leading them both to where devil dares not look but he'd rather die besides Bruce than live safe on his own anyway
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opultea · 1 year
Nuzzling Headcannons
Genshin men that love nuzzling into you - Gender Neutral Reader (No Pronouns) - SFW - Romantic or Platonic - Fluff but Crack Vibes
ft. Gorou, Razor, Childe, Wanderer, Venti
Note: This came to me in the middle of the night so here we go (If you're reading this in the middle of the night: go to sleep, be better than me)
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Literally his dog boy tendencies shine through like no other time than when he’s in your arms in a private space
His tail is swinging freely as he’s laying with you, his head in the crook of your neck
He’s already going to be nuzzling his nose onto your skin, his ears tickling your jaw
But if you kiss the top of his head: you have activated full nuzzle mode
He just buried himself into your neck, taking in your sweet scent and loving how you feel
His tail is now moving a mile a minute
Gorou usually hates showing his more canine qualities, since he thinks everyone will see him as a dog first and not as a serious person
But with you, he's comfortable enough to indulge in his dog instincts (call him a good boy he'll melt I swear)
Good job you officially puppyfied the dog boy
When Razor cuddles up to you, he always starts slow
No matter how many times you’ve done it he’s comes in as if it’s his first hug ever
But it only takes 5 seconds of cuddling to get him to hold your waist as if it’s his lifeline
He LOVES how you smell and will comment on it constantly
*sniff* “You smell… like how I feel, warm and tingly. Is good.”
Brings his face to yours so you can nuzzle your noses together
It’s such an intimate form of affection for him, he’s watched the wolf parents do it since he was a child
And now he has someone of his own to do it with too :)
Doesn’t want to let you go. You will have to warn him several minutes in advance.
Even then you'll end up staying in the same position for another ten minutes
He just wants to stay with you~
You cannot tell me this man is not an insane cuddle bug
As soon as he gets home from a mission he fully flops on top of you and will not move until you have filled his affection quota (he’s been away a while so prepare to be there for several hours)
Will big spoon, will little spoon (spoon switch)
Likes to nuzzle his face into your hair, he just finds it so calming
Loves when you do it back to him, he’s proud of how fluffy he keeps his hair (just for you to nuzzle into)
Also likes to nuzzle up into your back when you're standing at the bench, cooking or making tea or coffee
No matter your height difference he will bend as far as he needs to get his face between your shoulder blades, hands on your hips, trying to bug you into holding him
Will not admit to wanting to nuzzle and will CERTAINLY never use the word ‘nuzzle’ in any situation ever.
His way of initiating cuddling is by bonking you on the head and leaving the room as if you would know what that meant
But once you are eventually cuddling, he’ll dare to show a little affection
Scarameow is real, he wants so badly to be held but will hiss if you try to touch him randomly
You learn to let him come to you, while being clear about wanting to hug him
When he’s finally in your arms, his heart will expand with so much love for you, he couldn’t ever explain how much he feels for you. He never imagined being able to feel this much for a person
So he tries to show it, by slowly and quietly rubbing his reddening face into your neck to hide
Wants to make sure you know how much you mean to him but is so scared to actually say it aloud
Please tell him you love him :(
Literally all over you
Nuzzles like he’s a cat and you’re his catnip, your soft skin gets him feeling all the right ways
Does it EVERYWHERE too
Face in your neck at the tavern, nuzzling your cheek by Windrise, holds your arm and nuzzles your shoulder when in line at Good Hunter
No shame, only cuddles
But Venti’s favourite place to nuzzle? Your chest
He adores laying on top of you and pressing his entire face into your chest as if he’s trying to squish his whole being into your heart
Which he is <3
Pet his hair while he does it he’ll swoon
"My my Windblume, you're softer every time you hold me"
"Stop trying to flatter me into doing this more"
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beevean · 2 months
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I keep not understanding what exactly are Lenector shippers seeing in their "dynamic". At least they agree that it had poor development, but then what is the appeal?
If you like the abusive, toxic, manipulative, imbalanced, BDSM, "good boy" part of S3, there's none of it in S4. Hector and Lenore talk like good friends, without a hint of their previous sexual tension, unless her puerile dick jokes are what passes as tension now.
If you like them as foils, if you see Lenore as the only person who has ever been kind to Hector, if you think it's romantic that the two want to protect each other in S4, then you have to ignore or justify Lenore's previous physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse of Hector.
And if the appeal is the "development" (which one of these commenters called "enemies/lovers", literally where, Hector was never Lenore's enemy, he was her victim)... then it sucks majorly. There is no development. There's a switch! Like someone changed the radio station! It's jarring! And there is no good way to fill in the gaps without downplaying the horrible things Lenore did to Hector, or without justifying them because "she only meant well 🥺 it was the best solution 🥺", which makes me want to tear my face off my skull.
In fact... Lenore really didn't develop at all. I talked before about Hector in S4, who regressed to the point where he'd want Dracula back just to feel better about his mistakes and never addresses his apathy towards humanity or his tendency to cling to people who give him scraps of appreciation, but a similar thing happened to Lenore. Remember these wonderful lines:
"Oh, shush, you were having fun."
"I'm sorry for everything you went through."
Lenore doesn't care. She doesn't care that she has hurt Hector, that she has used his feelings to lie to his face and force him into an arrangement he hadn't consented to. She doesn't apologize for her own actions. She doesn't even try to explain herself, only retorting Hector's understandable irritation at the ring against him - "well you got hard, what are you complaining about?". Because that's what relationships are in this show: nothing but "cute" banter meant to camouflage abuse.
Oh, she wants to "protect him"? Big deal. She still doesn't seem him like a person who can be hurt by her actions. She still fits the description of vampiric love Carmilla gave in S2. He's still her pet in her eyes, even if she does nothing with it. Nothing has changed. She has just lost sexual interest in him, because now it's no longer fun to put a leash on him and talk to him like a dog. She got what she wanted, so now there's no point in flirting and being nice to him :)
Lenore is nothing more than a power-hungry coward when you read between the lines, less interested in power over the world (which she dislikes) and more in power over singular people. She's happy to beat Hector to an inch of his life when he's weak and in a cell, to prove that she's not to be underestimated, but when she is in a cage, she won't attempt a damn thing to flee it or protect herself from Isaac. She stops molesting flirting with Hector once he gains more confidence, because flirting for her is a mere weapon to psychologically bend someone to her will. After she "solved Hector's problem", she does nothing but whine because she doesn't know what to do, because she feels useless - her spending time with Hector seems nice on the surface, but it might also be seen as her going to be a brat to the only one willing to tolerate her. And, of course, the dialogue frames her choice to kill herself not as her being horrified at her own nature and what it has lead her to do, because villains in this show get to be painted as tragic without doing the work to earn it (*coughcoughdraculaandisaac*), but as her wanting to flee her cage - her position of powerlessness. Not even spending a few more decades with Hector, the man she supposedly has grown to care about and who only wants her in his life, is worth not being in total control.
And the clincher? This doesn't sound bad for a villain! Selfish and pathetic at the same time, under a veneer of "kindness" or "good intentions": that's interesting! And if this had been intended, good job for not spelling it out like I'm stupid, allowing me to put the pieces together? Problem is, the story and its fans insist that actually Lenore is a great person and she really liked Hector no really they should have stayed together and married each other because aren't they so uwu and 🥺 and why couldn't the story give the abusive rapist a second chance 🥺
And I can't see it. I can't. The deeper I look into this story, the more rot I unearth. And it's definitely not because I don't like unhealthy ships; in fact it's precisely because of it that I think this example is terrible. I haven't even touched other issues such as how I don't care for the power imbalance because I'm prevented from caring for the lump of flesh in the shape of Hector in S3 lol.
And to be honest, the more I see fans complaining about the lack of screentime, the more I suspect that the appeal of Lenector is the same as Trephacard's: you get to make shit up in your head and ignore what the screen shows you. Which sure you can do that, but then the actual story doesn't deserve praise, does it?
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terrestrialnoob · 1 year
The Shredder's Henchmen from TMNT 2003 were parallels of the turtles. Not directly enough that it was on purpose, but they still managed to give the Shredder 4 primary henchmen with personalities that mirror the turtles' base traits of "Leader", "Rude", "Smart", and "Fun". (Also, I love character parallels and always try to finagle them out of any media I can.)
Karai is the most obviously made to mirror Leo. She's The Leader, the obviously favored child henchman with more power and authority than the others. She's a better leader than even the Shredder himself, her soldiers and technicians are better trained and more competent than the Shredder's original forces. It’s made obvious in the show, the increased threat she and her people are to the turtles. She is the closest to Shredder, literally his daughter, but she isn’t treated differently than Shredder’s other high ranking subordinates. She is praised when she succeeds and is punished when she fails, she’s just competent enough to never fully fail. She always has at least a little bit of a win that saves her from the really bad punishments, something she learned from Shredder.
Hun may be more of a parallel to Casey, but Casey is a parallel to Raph, so by the transitive property, Hun is Raph's foil. He's mean and angry and loves a good beatdown and wanton destruction, but he's also loyal and devoted to a fault. Hun is Karai's rival, put in a position of power above others, but Shredder's disrespect for him prevents him from moving up the ranks any more than that. To Shredder, Hun is just a gangster and can be replaced by any other gangster. To Shredder, Hun is just a ball of anger and muscle that can be thrown at a problem until it stops moving. Hun is treated more like a dog than a person, someone that can follow orders but not think for himself. But Hun is too loyal, too devoted to see that his master doesn’t respect him. Hun sees Shredder as a man who has earned his power, money, and respect, which is why he immediately turns once Shredder’s revealed to be an Utrom, that’s not a Man Who’s Earned His Place, that’s an alien who cheated his way to the top of humanity. Once Shredder is gone in season 5 - Once free from the “stupid gangster” box Shredder kept him in, Hun really steps up his villain game and turns the Purple Dragons from just a street gang to a proper organized crime syndicate.
Stockman “does machines” and also various other crimes against nature as desired. He's a genius unchecked by morals, and who seems to think caring for other people is a weakness and a detriment. He uses his intelligence to get fame and praise, he doesn't think "how can I use science to make the world a better place" or even "science/knowledge is valuable in and of itself", at best he thinks "what problem do other people have that I can fix and get praise for". And that mindset lead him to Shredder, who gives Stockman praise until his usefulness is outweighed by his ego. Donnie has a tempered ego, grounded by his brothers and his friends who praise him for his successes but who also care about his physical and mental wellbeing, but also an altruistic nature nurtured in him by Splinter. If Stockman’s mom hadn’t died, if he’d had anyone else to keep him grounded, if he had anything other than his own ego fueling him, he wouldn’t have ended up in Shredder’s employ, wouldn't have ended up in pieces (also, in Fast Forward, the moment he does get someone to genuinely care about him, he switches sides and starts, like, working on a farm for his bestie).
So, who's the Fun one then, you might ask? Why it’s Dr. Chaplin! He is a seemingly innocent and naive scientist, but is actually just as evil as everyone around him - he's just so nice to everyone! Even people who are mean to him or exploiting him or even try to get him killed - except of course he's also fine with destroying the world, enslaving humanity, and perpetrating intergalactic colonialism. He's naturally gifted, and seems almost desperate for praise and attention and acceptance, so much so, he’s willing to theoretically participate in multiple genocides. He's so happy to just be included, be asked to do things, be a part of a team, or even be put in charge. He just goes along with whatever will give him that attention, that praise, that acceptance, no matter the cost. He understands that other people are people and focuses more on making other's happy over his own desires, because he needs it, he needs them to like him, or at least, put up with his presence, and if making murder-bots will do that, then he's making murder-bots. He's willing to devote any and all talent and skill to anyone willing to give him a chance or who he can look up to. He's looking for a found family and doesn't care if they're the bad guys, he just needs to belong. A real Chaotic Neutral type of guy! And if Mikey didn’t have his family to give him affirmation about his place in the universe and direct his natural talents in a productive direction? Well, he would probably also devote himself to the first guy to come along and promise any level of acceptance.
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juanitasuniverse1144 · 4 months
I’m a theorist, I have so so so many headcanons it’s ridiculous. This could also be called ‘I explain questionable theories and you get upset because I managed to keep it in universe’.
One of my headcanons I’m exploring right now is kink/*wink wink* with my book Darkest Desires 🩷💙 (Genuinely writing it has been so hard and I’m losing resolve but it’s coming along!)
Now, when you think of our cinnamon roll couple you probably don’t go to the same place I do mentally so lemme break it down:
⭐️ As a person who is throughly traumatized and hangs out around a generation almost exclusively traumatized, I can say without a doubt most of us have multiple kinks (and shady ones at that).
Resulting headcanon: Bruh come on. These two are so traumatized, especially Steven. Sure he grew up pretty innocent, but trust me, innocence is sadly (and thankfully) not forever. Of course Steven still cries at everything and loves to sing and gets excited over nothing and he’s ADORABLE but well… once he is introduced there’s no telling what the hell is going to happen but it’s bound to be interesting.
⭐️ Connie is a sci-fy nerd. It’s in her blood, she loves to read, she’s savvy and smart. They literally acted out The Familiar Unfamiliar. Connie is nothing short of a dork and we love her for that.
Resulting headcanon: Connie totally writes and/or reads fanfiction. In Dark Desires, that’s the segue into kink because on one of Connie’s tabs is a bunch of saved kinky stories.
⭐️ Steven is a giant puppy boy. He’s playful and tries to be cheerful and his puppy dog eyes are a direct attack on you specifically. He’s so so cute 🥺 Someone who possess all that strength and is yet so gentle is just super powerful to me. Like he could destroy a whole lot before anyone got close to taking him down, and yet he chooses kindness almost all of the time.
Resulting headcanon: Steven is a power switch. He’s kind of a selfish lover, and I totally 98% believe Connie accidentally becomes a pillow princess most of the time. He likes to do the work to make her feel nice, it rarely ever crosses his mind to help himself along. Her pleasure is his, so it would make sense to me that regardless of the position, Stevens the gusto. The ones you’d expect to be gentle lovers are the ones with the most bang to their buck often, and Steven is a very passionate and expressive man. That would totally translate into “snuggle time” with Connie. *exhales* Wow keeping that PG-Debatable was hard.
⭐️ Connie is finally in control of her life after picking up that sword and swearing allegiance to the Crystal Gems. She doesn’t need to wield one anymore (not really) but she’s one of the bravest and fiercest knights in Gem Culture (and how can she not be with not dying in her weak human skin suit). Stevens hyperaffectionate, sweet and genuinely starving for her at all times. She’s independent so sometimes it can be too much, but she most often humors him with those cheeks still soft with baby fat and his cute face.
⭐️ Resulting headcanon: Submissive leaning switch. Period. COME ON, the people who fight the hardest in their everyday life could never be a full submissive, just like Steven probably isn’t a full dominant. Puzzle pieces. Of course she likes teasing and bossing him around (with consent) and of course Steven would do anything she asked him to do if he can find a way to do it. But sometimes your giant half alien boyfriend/fiance/husband is stressed and needs to release some stress in a healthy way that ends with cuddles and nap time.
I guess this is where my headcanon maybe diverges from things based on factual personality traits but I think Steven grows up to be a little jaded. It often happens when a lot of people your age just don’t relate to the things you’ve been through. You chameleon (mask) to match people’s energies if you can find the tolerance for it, but you never really truly feel like you fit in unless you’re with other traumatized people. Plus, hanging out with humans is gonna round him out a little, and he’ll pick up on human things especially geared towards men (though I personally think our Stevens closer to Gender-Fluid just leaning on masculine pronouns as preference).
⭐️ Resulting headcanon: Stevens a terminal flirt once he hits his middle to late 20’s. He likes when Connie blushes, he thinks it’s adorable so I’m sure Steven would spend a lot of his time flirting with her (now whether or not it’s working is the question) using his Universe Charm~ 😂 I’m positive Connie would find it hilarious with him shooting finger guns and being a goofball with curly hair and baby cheeks.
Anyways, no one asked for this and I’m screaming into the void but I had to get this out or I would die.
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trrickytickle · 1 year
⭐Super Mario Bros. Movie- Tickle Headcanons 🍄
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I loved the Mario movie- so many easter eggs, people SLAYED their roles, especially Jack Black. But you wanna know who I also love? @fluffy-lovely-clouds! And they requested these! So yeah! ENJOOOOYY!!! yeah wait before you read have some power-ups as a gift 🍄🌷🪶🦝
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Mario is such a ler. He is optimistic, caring and physically affectionate- but he's actually kind of more of a switch. Tends to tease- things like "I'm gonna get you!" Usually with his dorky commercial Italian accent. He can't take what he dishes out- usually on his brother Luigi, and eventually, Princess Peach and occasionally Toad. He always comes out on top in tickle fights and employs every trick in the book. Speaking of Luigi, he uses his stature to his advantage when However, he can not take what he dishes out at all. Hearty, bellowing laughter. Power-ups can help him become ...more ler? Tickling gets more cat-like when he gets the cat suit, can use the Cape Feather for obvious reasons, And in the post-credits scene, Yoshi is revealed so I feel like he could get Yoshi to help him gang up on a lee >:D The Ice Flower could freeze a lee in place.. I could go on and on and ON, because I literally love it when lers use newly-gained abilities/superpowers/can transform and use it to advantage of tickling hshshsh But I doubt he needs this. After all, he is an elder sibling. As a lee, he is often on the unwilling end of a funny situation in the Mushroom Kingdom. He doesn't hate being tickled but he keeps getting into funny and awkward positions, such as getting ganged up on by the Toads as Peach looks on in awe, being tickled by a mischievous Piranha Plant's tongue an more. However in Brooklyn, tickling was much more .. normal. Less crazytown. He and Luigi tickle each other casually as a means of playing pranks on each other. Worst spot is his stomach and sides- which aforementioned green brother likes to prod at to tease him. Luigi
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-My friend who used to be in my old drama class carried a Luigi plush with him so much and it got decapitated just funny and random SORRY ANYWAY ONTO HCS The more cowardice and younger sibling, he always ends up as the 'lee more often than not. However he isn't shy to tickle Mario a little (..it's a lot) for fun. Blurts out "nononononoNO!!" when being tickled- out of habit. Genuinely a willing lee, just.. Very Luigi. Elaborating on his ler side, Luigi learns from the best. He shares the same technique of teasing and egging-on with the Italian accent, as well as uses his dextrous plumbing fingers to his own wiles. -His most ticklish spots are his knees, neck, armpits, ribs and stomach. This is a laundry list which Mario had memorized. -His own time in the Darklands wasn't really spent being tickled- THAT WAS LITERALLY HELL MY BROTHA. However he did spend it thinking of the playful tickles with Mario to distract him from the noise of his looming cage rattling above lava. However when he gets back to the Mushroom Kingdom.. the denizens are thrilled to see another human- and albeit one just as ticklish as Mario!! Luigi also meets Princess Daisy upon that time- and she's such a ler towards him it's unbelievable. -Also when he meets Polterpup upon fixin' up an old familiar spooky mansion, dog-kisses ensued. Love Polterpup so much man. (Small switch Mario+Luigi section)
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Mario and Luigi are best buds, spaghetti and meatballs, cheese and tomato sauce. But they are extremely prone to some playful grilling. They both put their all into tickle fights, and there is no clear winner- it's just an all-round tussle- whoever starts it probably won't end it. Because of this, they are also amazing tag-team lers- and are incredible at tickling others. They know each other's tickle spots like a plumbing manual, and often employ the tactic of "Not touching you!" as well as the forbidden leg kicks. Just. Familial tickles man. Toad
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-Toad is a chatterbox. A loudmouth. This should be fact and not tickle fiction, but speaking of tickles, the other Toads who once thought of him as eccentric are now tight with him, Mario, Luigi, DK, Peach and the like. Doesn't instigate much, but Mario and Luigi gang up on the little guy like a brother, and Peach gives him some pokes to keep him in line. As a lee, he's jumpy and flails around, laughing out pleas like "I'm gonna die!". He ends up in ticklish situations a lot with the wacky creatures- and eventually wacky humans- of the Mushroom Kingdom. -Donkey Kong once picked him up and played around with him like a stress-toy, tickling him in the process. This just sounds really funny. I like it. Toad's most ticklish spots are his stomach and little feets. -Toad as a ler is incredibly nimble- and of course, talks his lee's ears off. He climbs on top of bigger lers and his hands fly from spot to spot. Tickling Toad may be hilarious but his revenge will be unbearable. Peach
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Though the other Peaches read more lee-leaning to me, I feel like this Peach is a total ler-leaning switch. Being raised by the Toads who were very friendly with her, she got tickled a lot. She also tickled them, let's not lie. Despite being a bad-ass, she is genuinely a really caring ler- unless you REALLY bugged her, then she goes all-out with those fast, full-coverage skitters. She is an incredibly vigilant lee and attempts to avoid the ler's attacks from all directions. Mario learned this by losing a tickle fight with her. She usually has to be held down to get those melodious giggles out of her- and when she is fully vulnerable to the tickling- she does a lot of her classic "damsel-in-distress" crying out. Just picture this. "Mario, help!!" through laughter. Boom. Yeah, that's how she is. Of course, of course, of course she is a kicker. How predictable art thou. DK
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Donkey Kong plays himself up all the time- with all the showboating and flexing, he doesn't want anybody to know he's the least bit ticklish! However, he is indubitably so- and leave it to Mario to expose this to his longtime fans on complete accident. Fortunately they didn't like him any less- particularly that little Diddy Kong- and unfortunately for Mario, revenge was served. Makes chaotic, garbled monkey noises when he laughs. Imagine a gorilla just. Cursing. Very evasive of tickling, but to no avail. Most ticklish on his torso, and incredibly vulnerable to rougher tickles- he's not easy to break! Mario takes advantage of this the most, given their rivalry. Uses his size and fluffy fur to his advantage- picks up smaller lees and mercilessly tickles them. Well, not completely merciless. He's a Kong with a heart, you know. However this can come to a disadvantage when he is brought down to the floor by even the smallest fingers. Bowser
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Bowser is an INCREDIBLE ler, no understatement. He employs tickle interrogation on multiple occasions and delights in the laughter of his victims, laughing loudly and evily along with them and asking them questions through it. He gloats, taunts, and uses his tail and claws to make tickling all the more methodical. With his piano-playing prowess, he enjoys skittering his claws across the lee he has in his draconic clutches. Also he's voiced by Jack Black. As a lee- it's hard to get him as he's HUGE- and can hide oin his shell at any time. The only person who's successfully done so is Kamek, and even so he doesn't dare to. BACK TO LER BOWSER!! Really teasy, will ask the lee stupid questions while tickling them.
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amourtoken · 8 days
Let me post this as an intro so u all understand my thought process before I drag you down to the bottom of the ocean w me 💀
Been in love with this man since I was like 12 yall don't get it it's horrible but he's not like my #1 so I don't talk abt him too much??? He deserves a Lil spotlight tho for sure so this is that.
Some Phil Bozeman thoughts I have to share
Also I'm sorry if I'm off my game w this and it's written weird I'm at work rn and HAD to get it posted
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
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♡ hello this is self indulgent I've never seen any other content abt this man so I will be the brave pioneer that says I want to choke on his dick 🫡
♡ that being said I've had plenty of time to think abt this
♡ this man OOZES "I <3 my partner who calls me daddy and does whatever tf I tell them to" energy. He's also 38 which makes my fucking head spin that's so fucking hot so he could rock w a slightly younger partner just to add to that feeling. Big on "I'm older than u I know what's best, stop bitching."
♡ casual dominance ftw he wants to do everything for you, always bringing u drinks and getting stuff off high shelves. Similar to Noah in that aspect but he's not a switch in my mind like Noah is lol.
♡ somewhat big on PDA but not in the "make out with me in public" way, more the "let me hold your hand/have an arm around your waist/always be the big scary guard dog behind you" way.
♡ always pays for dates and everything u need, god forbid you suggest you'll cover something for once bc he'll make a huge deal out of it cause he feels like u shouldn't have to do literally anything it's his job??? Just sit tf down and look pretty, no need to run ur mouth abt being "independent" he can take care of you cause he loves you.
♡ fucking constantly wants you on his lap doesn't matter where or when if he's sitting he wants u on top of him which ties directly into the fact his favorite position is when you're riding him and he can just sit back and watch, maybe tease you a little for struggling to keep up a good pace or take him all at once
♡ breeding kink bc he's said he wanted kids before and I make the rules in my little daydreams. Would hold you by your throat and fuck up into you, you can't squirm away and you have to take every drop he gives you like a good girl/boy
♡ THAT BEING SAID, he's usually a quiet guy and not very mouthy but the things he does say are so fucking filthy and pointed that he doesn't need to say much else yk? He gets it across with very few words. It's his demeanor that rlly does you in, he knows how to make you feel small and pliable in a good way.
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Howdy! Under my post you offered to talk about Purpled's lore/character and it would be really cool is you did that!
You have unlocked an unskippable cutscene I could literally talk about this for days on end
under the read more cause this is gonna be LONG
okay SO the very basics of Purpleds character is just he’s a really skilled fighter, so he became a mercenary to put those skills to use
ccpurpled said himself that cpurpled just wants money and power
but despite this, he’s not a fan of conflict at all, and prefers to avoid fights and wars whenever possible
a favorite quote of mine, “I’m like Switzerland, I don’t really fight, but when I do fight, I win” (not word for word I forgor)
he greatly prefers to keep to himself, and just gather materials and chill with his dog and mind his own business, because he’s seen what happens to everyone else, and doesn’t want any part of it
Early in the server, before he did a lot of serious lore, he had a decent amount of relatively positive relationships with a couple people, and he didn’t necessarily hang out with them or anything but he trusted them
he mostly just sat around and built stuff, the first big thing he was a part of was the Manberg vs Pogtopia war
-karl recruited him against his will
-he ran around for like 30 minutes just rambling about how he had no idea what was going on ever
-he fought for like 3 minutes before switching sides
-*getting killed by fireworks* “IM ON YOUR SIDE” “YOU WERENT BEFORE”
-was dead silent for like 40 minutes as he just ran around fighting people and no one acknowledged him
-schlatt fucking died “did he just have a heart attack?!?” “He just fucking died!!” And then went silent again
-the whole thing were no one wanted to be president
-it ended up being tubbo
-no one could figure out who the traitor was
-watched wilbur die right after lmanberg blew up
-killed one of the withers and was very proud of himself
-Connor joined the game, left the game, joined the game, stole purpleds pants, and left
-purpled went home, reiterated that he had no idea what the fuck just happened, and ended stream
this is so long already but wait, there’s more!!
not a whole lot important happened after that, he was still living in a cabin of the main path, and his UFO was just kinda vibing (that’s a surprise tool that will help us later)
he kinda chilled on his own, and suddenly the Eggpire is a thing! Purpled has no friends, so he doesn’t care!! (There are vines all over his UFO but he doesn’t live there anymore so he doesn’t do anything about it)
suddenly Ponk wants to talk to him, and now uh oh, BadBoyHalo is in some random ass cave trying to hire Purpled to kidnap Puffy
purpled has nothing better to do, so he takes the job
he doesn’t log on for months, so Quackity puts bombs in his house
suddenly purpled logs on and Quackitys like “I understand this looks bad but I want to hire you”
“what’s this another mercenary job?” God forbid someone hire him to do his job
he accepts, and badda bang badda book now he’s working against the Eggpire
Q, purpled, and Techno are going to take down the red banquet, and then Quackity decides to be an asshole (Purpled and Techno want to go in and help, but Quackity makes them wait and foolish dies, then Quackity goes in and plays the hero)
they beat the shit out of the Eggpire (bad is not happy with purpled)
purpled leads everyone out of bads creepy basement “you’re a hero, purpled” “I try my best”
purpled wants his payment for helping the duck man
Duck man pays him, and then breaks the entire fandom and blows up purpleds ufo right in front of him!
purpled wants to kill him, Quackity tries to convince him not to, tells him that he’s basically nothing now, and purples goes home
fucking dumbass blows up his own house after having 37 mental breakdowns
slime is spying on him and purples wants to strangle him
he goes to las Nevadas, “I just want to make it very clear that I don’t think there will ever be a point in time where I respect you as a person,” and joins LN just like Q wanted!! Surely nothing bad will happen!!
Quackity has an anxiety attack, purpled leads them to the most unnecessary trap ever, he and Q yell at each other, Quackity does a fucky wucky, and now Slimecicle is dead
purpled just fucking walks away like the girlboss he is, and later kidnaps slimes corpse and traps him in a cave
Punz shows up, says some stuff, purples agrees to work for him and dream (this will not go well)
they raid las nevadas!! dream blows some shit up, foolish releases an army of slimes, and purpled yells at Quackity some more
slime reveals he’s not actually a dumbass and shoves purples of off a balcony
and then the server fucking ended so I guess that’s that!
so, long story short, purpled is pretty much just a badass but also cringefail assassin, who does not like people or conflict, and has cared about two things ever (his ufo and his dog, which is thankfully still alive), but is also still just a teenager, and has some shit going on.
he doesn’t care about a lot, but he does have silly little feelings sometimes and the only two times he ever showed that he blew up his own house and the second time he fucking died
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chainsawselfships · 6 months
4, 9, and 11 for the s/i ask game!
4. what's a song that describes your s/i? even better if you have a playlist!
Isolation by Joy Division
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Trent struggles a lot with the guilt that comes with helping The Literal Cartel and shame over being treated like a pet/object by Tuco (especially since there are aspects of it that he enjoys.)
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But on the other hand, he's genuinely in love with Tuco (no matter how unhealthy their relationship is) and holds a lot of affection for the friends he's gained in NM.
9. give us an example s/i outfit (or describe it).
The way Trent dresses on his own is very simple and comfortable; T-shirts, hoodies, flannels. Lots of layers and cool colors + black and gray. When he arrived in ABQ he realized that it was too hot for his usual layers, so he switched them out for short sleeved shirts and thin button ups, but with the same general style and color scheme.
And then Tuco realized that he can dress Trent up like a doll and started insisting that he pick Trent's clothes. He likes to put Trent in clothes similar to his own, but a bit more dressy: colorful patterned button ups, slacks, leather shoes. He uses it as another way to put his mark on Trent, a visual cue to anyone who sees them that Trent belongs to him. He also insists on Trent wearing the gold chain he gave him literally all the time. (Ahem, dog collar symbolism.)
11. what is your s/i afraid of?
Mainly anyone he's close to being arrested or killed. There's also the risk of Trent himself being attacked, kidnapped, or killed as a way of getting to/punishing Tuco. This is especially relevant once Hector meets him as Hector does not like his nephew keeping some faggy gringo around, so he'd let it slide if someone did away with him. (The only benefit of letting Trent live is the positive affect he has on Tuco's mental health. The only reason Hector hasn't sent someone to quietly get rid of Trent is because he knows that Tuco would majorly spiral if Trent disappeared/turned up dead.)
Trent also has a lingering fear of Tuco losing control like he did early in their relationship when he almost killed him. Tuco's aware of this despite Trent's efforts to pretend that it doesn't bother him anymore, and tries to reassure him in his own weird Tuco ways (he may not be the most emotionally intelligent man, but he does care!)
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Cuddling Pros + Cons
Pro: Literally will not get uncomfortable in any way. At all. Gets no cramps/etc. Will be content with snuggling for hours in silence.. Very very loud purring the whole time. Definitely plays with hair and tries to give ya a little massage
Con: Lukewarm. He does know. That's why he layers up a lot. He will shove his hands under your shirt to feel your back(small pro- he will let u do it back). Yes he will have coldish hands. I also count the purring as a con because... loud. He will also puppy dog eye you when you try to get up and will whine
Pro: Warm... Milo is always comfortably toasty and literally will not get cold in any type of weather or even naked in the winter. Very comforting caresses..
Con: Very specific about how they lay or cuddle. Will kick you off after a while.. kinda gets overwhelmed. Also will probably turn it sexual if you're not careful lmao
Pro: Like Milo, pretty hard to make this guy cold.. except Riaske is a comfortable warm. Versus how hot milo can sometimes run. Will probably be relaxed enough where his demon form shows and his tail will wrap around your leg comfortably
Con: Nails. Sorry. Might scratch you just a little... and does enjoy laying on top rather than being underneath so.. prepare for that. Might also have to watch his horns a lil..
Pro: Wicata loves cuddles and will literally face plant you into her chest. Lots of loving head caresses and kisses to the top of your head.. Enjoys listening to whatever you say
Con: She will not cuddle any other way LMAO. She also can get a little antsy so might have to cut it short or periodically take breaks so she can burn up some energy quick. I also might think she definitely doesn't always relax because she needs to focus to keep her form in tact..
Pro: BIG MAN. BIG BOOB... SECURE. Very happy. He is a lot quieter and will be nuzzling his cheek against yours and look kinda relaxed for once.. Tail wagging a little.. nice white noise.. Can definitely fall asleep like that
Con: While trying to be sweet and quiet... like Milo might turn it sexual and get worked up and might have to go calm down a little.. just so he isn't being a freak. You also will only have the option of laying on top of him or letting him be the big spoon without looking stupid or literally getting crushed.
Pro: Due to his shifter status. I think he also runs warm and will wholeheartedly share it. Will lazily pull you into a side hug or such.. and you're burdened with him. Might also just. Fully shift into a panther. Lay on you. No escape.
Con: If you speak you're ruining the mood. Just pet his head and enjoy getting nuzzled. Ok? Also don't try and touch his tail. WILL bite you and not apologize about it.
Pro: Quiet. Grabbable and hey- he's big. Even if mickeys hands look stained.. and might dirty you. They won't. Kinda smooth?? almost soft... really weird texture.. Very comforting hold.. Will make you feel safe.
Con: The mask stays ON during intimate moments.... unless you take it off him yourself but it stays on otherwise. He also doesn't like staying vulnerable for too long. Will make you stop after a while.. also stares a little. Weirdo
Pro: Definitely not shy about switching up positions or shape-shifting if needed. They've got an arsenal of identities... looks.. sizes.. hell. Even species.. That they can take on so. Hey. Don't be shy. Comfy clothes! Very soft to the touch
Cons: Also fuckin stares. Worst part? Will not stop if called out. Just kinda comfortable with your relaxed look ngl? Also a little more antsy... Might kick you off half way through.
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A Not Literally Real But Essentially Real Part (With a Short Reason For Why I'm Sharing It Today)
Yesterday, J and The Boy and G the Psychotic Clown Dog and I took a walk in a county park. There are two parks closer to our home, but we went to the one with the long trail yesterday, sort of as a 'treat.' You know...for G mostly, but for all of us since it's the one we don't go to as much and it's obviously a longer walk outside and a longer time together. We all expected it to be a nice time. As we turned one trail corner, another couple was walking a cute little corgi (we love corgis). All of us focused on the adorable dog, but as they got closer to us, the man half of the couple was someone who emotionally abused and kind of terrorized me seven years ago, back when I considered him a friend. I won't get into the specifics of what he did here, but I guess if you want those details, I probably should talk about it more to deal with it, since even with not seeing him at all for seven years, and never thinking about him at all for most of those seven years, seeing him for maybe 10 seconds yesterday still triggered me. I've written recently about how being lonely in my life has led me to connect to some pretty shitty people. I've never had an easy go of things making and especially keeping friends. So I've fallen for users and narcissists more than my fair share of time in the friendship department across my life. J is the most important and easiest connection I've ever made in my life, and yeah...I've had bad luck with human connection, particularly making lasting friends, but J isn't my only good connection, and I do have some good friends. I really do. So today I'm sharing a piece of my novel, Community, which is the sequel to the first novel I wrote and let other people read, so it's the same characters.
I didn't literally meet my friends A and D this way in middle school, but I DID meet them both in middle school, and they were the first two people to be genuinely kind to me at a new school where I didn't know anyone. I wasn't bullied in elementary school like Jess was, but I did feel separated in a permanent way when I left my old district, and I was really separated for partial days from the other kids while I was there, into a group of me and just boys. Josh Shepard is heavily inspired by my real life bestie, A, and Kurtis Richardson is heavily inspired by my real life dear friend, D, who truly was literally the first person to be nice to me when I moved to my middle/high school school district. I am so grateful for these men. They're real. They befriended me despite how weird and quiet I am, and have always appreciated the quirky shit about me, and have never lied to me, and have never used me. So anyway...this isn't literally real, but it's how I emotionally feel about meeting A and D, and how I feel about their continued friendship and positive, kind, supportive presence in my life. They are my old friends.
Excerpt from Community:
Josh Shepard drew a snake-like, fire-breathing dragon on the slick top of his seventh grade pre-algebra desk in number two pencil. It was incredibly ornate and lifelike, but when Mr. Ramos entered the class with a new student practically hiding behind him, Josh licked his thumb and erased his work, staining his skin, so he looked like he’d just had a thumbprint taken.
“Why don’t you draw that stuff on paper, man? So you can save it? That’s good stuff,” Kurtis Richardson said from the seat to his right. They were the first two students in the first row. Mr. Ramos was known for making his classroom hyper-competitive, which Kurtis thrived on and Josh hated. They were the highest two averages, thus the seating positions. Sometimes Kurtis and Josh switched chairs at the beginning of a week, but they always occupied the first two seats. Three other students sat to Kurtis’s right, but there was an empty seat at the end of the row, because there were only five A’s in the honors class. The rest of Ramos’ tough math section were B’s and C’s.
“Wastes paper. Besides, it’s all up here,” Josh said, tapping his temple with his pencil eraser. “I can recreate that dragon whenever I want. Worst case? I improve on it next time I draw it.”
“You got a real unique view of the universe, Sheep.”
Kurtis and Josh met in preschool, and were virtually inseparable despite their rather significant personality differences. Kurtis was outgoing and popular. Josh kept to himself, mostly. Kurtis was an athlete. Josh was an artist. They were both quite bright, though, and because of their congruent academic talent, they made fast and lasting friends.
“Who’s the new kid?” Josh asked, still unable to see anything around Mr. Ramos but a pair of skinny, denim-clad legs and blue Chuck Taylor sneakers.
Jessica Fielding stood staring at the floor, feeling all the eyes in room trying to see through Mr. Ramos to get a good look at her. She usually didn’t register anyone looking at her, but couldn’t be immune to it in an enclosed space where everyone was. She stayed behind her new math teacher and tried to slow her breathing. She felt anxious, and knew she had to calm herself before anyone asked her to speak, or she was sure she wouldn’t make any friends. She’d go too fast. She’d stutter. She’d end up in the same boat she was at her old school. Jessie liked herself, awkward dorkiness and all, but she expected it to be difficult starting over finding other people that she felt comfortable around; that would be comfortable around her. She knew she was an acquired taste. Her own mother had told her so repeatedly. And the kids at her old school, especially the girls, ostracized her for it.
Jess had been part of a select gifted program there; herself and four other students, all boys. She was already inclined to like ‘boyish’ things, and those interests naturally developed and blossomed spending most of her time with only boys. She didn’t like wearing dresses or playing with dolls as a little girl; she liked wearing sneakers and overalls and watching sports and learning how machines worked. She didn’t draw pictures of horses and rainbows and princesses; she drew knights and dragons (but still rainbows). In the first grade, she’d had her hair cut short like Mary Lou Retton. This, added to being part of that program where she was removed from ‘regular’ class for a large section of the school day to be the only girl in a group of boys, triggered the girls in her class to start callingher a boy. Instead of Jess, they called her ‘Jeff.’ That name stuck even after she’d grown her hair back out long. ‘Jeff’ lasted all the way into early seventh grade when she’d left. She didn’t miss her old school at all, but being in a new place made her nervous in equal measure to relieved. She couldn’t help fretting that this new place could be worse.
“Shepard? Richardson? First row? Move on down a seat,” Mr. Ramos said. Kurtis and Josh looked at each other and stacked up their books to move over, already impressed that whoever the new kid was had unseated them in spots one and two.
“Smart new kid,” Kurtis whispered. They took their new desks as a tiny, red-haired girl sat in the far left front row seat. They both smiled at her. She smiled back, but it was an obviously uneasy smile.
“S-sorry.” She apologized for uprooting them on her behalf, and pretty much existing in her current form. She put her head down on the desk, fevered that she’d stammered even just that one word already.
“Not ‘sorry,’” Josh insisted. “You earned the top seat. I shouldn’t have drawn on it like it was mine before you came in,” he said, apologetic himself, still two minutes to the bell.
“You made the dragon?! That’s amazing,” she said clearly, smiling wider now.
“You...can still see that dragon? I thought I...” Josh stared hard at the spot on the desk where he’d drawn, unable to see any residual lines, then at his dark gray thumb.
“Yeah. I’m um...good at that. S-sorry,” she said again.
“Don’t be sorry for what you’re good at. Be proud of it,” Kurtis said. “Whatcher name?”
“Like you’re ever gonna call her by her name...” Josh laughed. This sentence made Jessica panic, wondering what it meant, but she answered him anyway.
“Ok, J-Jessica. Imma just call you ‘J.’ I’m K. Ramos is gonna say ‘Kurtis Richardson’ on the roll inna second, but I’m K. Yeah?” He nodded at her, his already friendly smile becoming friendlier. She already reminded him of Josh. He’d reacted the same backward, halting way when they’d met as four-year-olds.
“Okay. K. And then you’re…?” she bashfully addressed Josh.
“That’s Sheepherder,” K answered over Josh.
“What?” Jessie said, totally confused.
Josh and Kurtis both chuckled that she seemed to not understand it was a nickname. “I’m Josh. Shepard. Shepard. Y’know? Shepherd’s a sheepherder?”
“Oh. R-right.” Her face turned red, feeling silly and stupid that she took Kurtis so literally.
The bell rang, and Josh leaned over to inform Jessica, “Y’know, K is likely to change up your nickname once he knows you better. Just a warning. I’ll be surprised if just ‘J’ sticks long term.”
“Oh. Well, that’s okay. I mean, y-you guys um...you can call me w-whatever. I don’t care. Long as it’s not mean. Y’know? Like...not mean stuff.”
“K would never ever give somebody a mean nickname. Unless the person was actually mean.”
“That’s enough, Mr. Shepard. Class is up here now,” Mr. Ramos said, knocking the chalkboard with his elbow. “Ok, radicals and exponents...”
“Seriously, Jess...Jess ok?” Josh asked, not much caring if Mr. Ramos called him out again. He wanted to put her at ease; which is the other reason Kurtis called him ‘Sheepherder.’ ‘You’re a real ‘go get the lost lambs’ kinda guy, Sheep.’ Jess nodded, her eyes darting from Josh to Mr. Ramos frantically, fearful he’d get in trouble for her. “We’re gonna be friends. No mean stuff. I promise.” Josh smiled at her, and she felt more comfortable than she’d ever felt at her old school. Josh didn’t make fun of the anxious stutter or her red hair or her perfect math score. And he liked to draw things, just like her. And Kurtis had already given her a nickname. Not Jeff. A nice one. That’s what friends did. She visibly relaxed, and paid attention to the lesson in front of her, even though she’d already gone over radicals and exponents weeks ago in her previous pre-algebra class.
“So...tell me ‘bout yerself,” K kindly demanded as he set his tray of square cheese pizza, carrots, corn, and chocolate milk next to Jessica’s. He planted his feet firmly on the floor, turned toward her, engaging in direct eye contact with a goofy grin on his face, and rested his chin in his hand, giving her comical but clearly undivided attention.
“Can you maybe turn the volume down?” Josh said. Kurtis was the stand-out in this new group of three they’d formed, and Josh wanted to keep it a group of three. He loved K, but sometimes, he wanted the opinion of someone more like him; another obvious introvert. He didn’t want K’s ostentatious manner to frighten her away. But he shouldn’t have been so concerned. Jessica was giggling.
“No, don’t,” she laughed. “I like you loud.” Kurtis looked across the table at Josh, his expression saying, ‘How ‘bout that then?’ Josh thought for a moment K might actually stick out his tongue. “Um...I don’t know what to say,” Jess offered.
“Why’d you move here mid-year?” K asked.
“Moved to a bigger house ‘cause...um...baby brother on the way,” she said.
“Yeah? How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have a brother and a sister,” Kurtis informed her. “Big brother, little sister. George and Aisha.”
“Just the baby brother on the way.” She shrugged.
“You’re almost an only child. Were one for a long time. No wonder you’re just like Sheep.”
“No siblings?” she asked her counterpart as he drank his milk directly from the carton without a straw.
“Nope. Just me and my mom.” Josh quickly turned the subject back to Kurtis’s family, because he didn’t want to discuss his own. “George is in high school this year. Aisha’s a fifth grader.”
“Cool,” Jessica said, nodding at Kurtis.
“New baby’s pretty cool,” Kurtis said. “You’ll be able to really teach him stuff and not fight with him. You miss your old friends?”
“What old friends?” she said, shrugging again. Kurtis and Josh looked at each other and made a wordless pact that she’d never say that sentence again. They’d become her old friends.
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notwonderlandsworld · 2 years
Now that you say you write for Marvel and DC I'm tempted to request a deadpool x Fem!reader smut. And pretty much it's just him acting like a dumb shit during the deed 💀
Idk why but this idea seems so cute to me
(Y/N) has female genatalia
pairing(s): Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Fem!Reader
warning(s): PWP (literally no plot like at all, just interaction), NSFW, 18+ MATURE, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
word count: 933
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(18+ content further ahead)
The sound of a squeaking bed-frame followed by various moans filled the bedroom of your apartment. The TV played in the background unseen.
Hopefully Wade had set the volume loud enough to block the noise from your neighbors.
Hey, it's called being a good neighbor.
Currently the merc with a mouth had his girlfriend in a catapult position, her ankles perched on his shoulders. She reached to rest her hands on his arms as his thrusts grew more forceful.
"Wa…Wade ah…" (Y/N) managed to coax out, biting her lip as she worked to suppress the volume at which she moaned. "Go faster, p-please…"
Your boyfriend paused for a bit, stopping entirely. You growled at him, "What are you doing?!"
The man laughed, pulling up his mask past his lips, "You said go faster, at least let me catch my breathe for a bit babe."
Crossing your arms and glaring at him from underneath, "Really? Deadpool, superhuman mercenary—"
"Don't forget bad ass motherfucker."
You rolled your eyes before scoffing, "...anyways, Deadpool. A superhuman mercenary, and you're telling me he needs to catch his breath?"
"Remember what you said honey pie, superhuman. Human."
"Excuses." (Y/N) laughed as her boyfriend glared through the specs of his mask. Hands on his hips, the merc looked down at you, "You wanna get fucked or not?"
"Only if you tell me a story throughout."
"Which one?" Humming, you placed a finger on your chin, thinking.
"Y'know you never told me about that time where that Wolverine guy got locked up in a room with you. Poor guy."
Wade responded with a sharp thrust you could've felt in your cervix. Biting into your forearm, you muffled the moan that came out. You didn't want to give Wade the satisfactory as he smirked down at you.
Grabbing the cheeks off your ass, your boyfriend lifted you up by the hips and trusted faster. The squeaking of the bed-frame only increasing. You didn't even notice when he snatched you arm away from your mouth.
Too busy focused on the pleasure, you didn't hear what he asked. Whining, you looked up at him, "What?" You panted.
"I…fuck…I said…ah…Still wanna hear that story?" Your boyfriend asked. Shaking your head, you moaned out, "Noooo, ah ah ah just k-keep going…ah!"
Things were starting to feel intimate again as the merc switched positions. Now in lazy dog style, you let out a shaky exhale as you felt your boyfriends hand reach down to stroke tiny circles on your clit.
Moaning in higher octaves, you felt your insides clench as he grazed your sweet spot. Knowing he hit it right there, the man grinned and began thrusting harder.
"Fu-u-u-ck Wade! I-I need to—"
Wade groaned, letting out a laugh as he stopped midway. "Yes, schmookums?" He was about to tease when he felt his girlfriend's vagina clench further, making him stop thrusting completely.
"Hah? Did an innocent nickname turn you on? Out of everything I've done, not even the anal beads could—"
(Y/N) threw an arm over her face, glaring at him, "It wasn't because of that! In case you didn't notice I was getting near but now that you stopped—" sitting up, she crossed her arms with a pout on her face, "Now I'm over it."
"Aw babe! It's okay if 'schmookums' gets you down easy! Everyone's got different kinks, and I for one don't kink shame." The man smiled, pressing a big fat smooch to your cheek.
Groaning, you tried to push his away but his scarred lips stayed smushed against your skin. "No! You ruined the mood now."
"What? How?"
Attempting to hide the blush staining your cheeks you quietly confessed, "...I'm embarrassed…" Wade didn't seem to hear and asked you to repeat. "I said I'm embarrassed! Ok?!"
Slapping both palms onto your face in an attempt to block out Wade and the obvious flush, it only caused the man to pry them away.
Curse him and his strength.
"Aww sugar plum!! There's absolutely no reason at all to feel embarrassed!" He then pulled out, gesturing to himself, "Besides you fuck this!"
Rolling your eyes, you reached over and snatched the merc's mask off. He had it lifted up to his nose so there wasn't really much of the struggle. "Don't use yourself as an example, doofus."
"Why not? I'm the literal definition of what the fuck."
Sighing, you got up on your knees and cupped Wade's face. "You're the literal definition of perfection in my eyes."
Wade groaned, leaning closer to your lips, "I have to call bullshit on that. Besides You're just saying that, (Y/N)."
"So? Still love you." Welp he couldn't argue with that. Whining as you closed the gap between each other, lips meshing into one, a scream caused both of you to pull away.
Looking at the TV, a red-head was pointing towards a human-looking fish creature. It's gils flapped back and forth as it walked closer to the woman.
She screamed louder but remained in the same spot instead of running.
Blinking, your boyfriend looked back at you before letting out a laugh, "What did you put on?? You giggled, shrugging, "Anything that'd be loud enough."
"Well jokes on you, now I'm invested."
The rest of the session included you and Wade cuddled together naked while on the bed. The human-looking fish creature ended up marrying the girl and then running away together.
"Welp…" Wade sighed, kissing your shoulder, "That was a weird yet awfully cliché and niche ending." You yelped as you were thrown under him again.
"So…you up for a round two?"
Request 2 is finally done 😏 if it sucks then I'm sorry 🙂
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mad-madam-m · 2 years
T&B2 Thoughts: Episode 4 – Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Ramblings below about episode 4!
- Kotetsu is so irritated about Fire Emblem and Sky High being billed as the top hero duo in Stern Bild, and not surprisingly. He and Barnaby have been a duo the longest; they're the ones who already have this stuff locked down while everybody else is still trying to figure out how they best work together. As selfless as Kotetsu is and as much as he believes points and such don’t matter as long as they’re helping people (and he does believe that!), he does get a little miffed when his contributions or experience are ignored or dismissed. 
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- Also, Kotetsu genuinely loves helping people! He likes to be a dad to the younger heroes! He says it himself in the second episode: he is a bossy old man. It can cross the line into meddling if he's not careful—Barnaby is much better about helping him find that line, now—but it's understandable that he's bummed about everybody going to Fire Emblem and Sky High for help instead of him. I love Barnaby gently teasing him about it, too.
- Plus, let's be honest: Barnaby and Kotetsu have always worked well together, even as early as the third episode, when they neither trusted nor liked each other. They had a lot of interpersonal shit to sort and had to do that on an expert mode speed run, but in terms of their jobs? They've always understood each other on an instinctive level; it’s one of the things that makes them such effective partners. The other heroes, even as friendly as they are with each other now, don’t really have that. So it's not surprising that Fire Emblem and Sky High are the ones advising the other duos; they're also having to put in the work to understand each other.
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-  I had to pause and laugh for a solid five minutes the first time I watched this episode because of course. Of course Keith got another dog and named him Johnjohn. Why did I ever think, even for one moment, that he would choose another name?
- I think this may be the first time we ever see Fire Emblem coming to anybody for advice, which is such a switch, because he always seems to be the one who has the advice or who knows everything. It's interesting that this is what Nathan's struggling with: being partnered with someone who is, from his perspective, perfect, and Nathan is very aware that he is not. And it wears on him that he doesn’t get to see any of Keith’s vulnerabilities.
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- Then, of course, the worst possible thing happens when you're venting about another person and asking friends for advice: the person you're venting about overhears everything. Poor Nathan. Poor Keith.
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- I love, love, love that the girls are still hanging out and getting dinner together on a regular basis. I enjoyed the new buddy pairings a lot more than I thought I would at first glance, but I love that we're still seeing the same friendships we've seen in earlier episodes/the movies. And this time, Karina and Pao-lin are the ones giving Nathan advice!
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- "I bet you guys never keep things bottled up until the next day." Nathan. My dude. My gal. My friend. Sweetheart. Honey pie. Barnaby and Kotetsu have empirical evidence that hiding things from each other is a Very Bad Thing. They’ve each hidden a lot from each other, and it came back to bite them in the ass virtually every time. So no, they don’t really keep things bottled up anymore, and thank heaven for that. 
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- One of the things I'd kind of wanted from the first season was a little more about the discrimination that the NEXT face, and I'm glad we're getting to see that in this season. Even though the heroes are popular, they're still NEXT and their popularity doesn't necessarily protect them from assholes. (Did I mention I’m an X-men fan from back in the day? Because I’m an X-men fan from back in the day.)
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- I love how this show has, like, truly emotional and important conversations happening while, for example, Fire Emblem is literally riding Sky High through the air bathed in the glowing light of the sunset (and, you know, that he got in that position in the first place because Barnaby and Kotetsu used Good Luck Mode to literally launch him into the air). It absolutely cracks me up to have such a genuinely sweet, vulnerable conversation happening in a situation that is designed for us to read it A Certain Way. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY’RE DOING. (And it also cracks me up that Keith starts listing his flaws and the first one is “I don’t like celery.” Honey I’m not sure that counts as a flaw.)
- It also gives me feelings that Sky High asked specifically for Barnaby and Kotetsu to be at the event because he didn't want the event to be a lie. For him, Tiger and Barnaby are, still, Stern Bild's top hero duo. Even if he and Fire Emblem may get there, they aren't there yet.
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- And thus begins the "five times Barnaby and Kotetsu try to have a date" subplot. It’s so sweet to me how Barnaby is the one to ask, after Kotetsu reminds him earlier “hey, I’ve asked you for drinks and you’ve always said no.” And Kotetsu is so excited to get drinks with Barnaby until he remembers that he already had plans.
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- Barnaby's "dinner with a friend" turning out to be his plants; oh my God honey you desperately need a friend who is not Kotetsu.
- I really appreciate that each of the hero duos get an episode that focuses on them and gives them a chance to shine, while Barnaby and Kotetsu are a connecting thread between all of them. We know why Barnaby and Kotetsu were paired up, and now we’re getting to see why the others were, and how they’re learning to work together. I love these first 7 episodes so much.
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open-at-the-close · 2 years
Okay okay, I'm gonna do it.
Keeping mind that I just finished this book last night and it has probably not been long enough for me to fully process, and definitely hasn't been long enough for my brain to come back together from being truly blown, but here are my initial thoughts after finishing House of Sky and Breath.
Let me start by saying I absolutely, 100000%, hands down fucking loved it. If you didn't enjoy it, then this is not the post for you because I'm about to go on and on about how epic this book was.
Now on to the spoilers
Let's start with my one true love, Ruhn. I'll be honest I went into this book fully believing in Ruhpaxia and this book fuckedddd up my ship 😂, but you know what? I'm not even mad. Ruhn continued to be utter perfection in this book. This selfless male literally made his entrance by giving.... Head to a random female whose name he doesn't know 😂. He continues to back Bryce 100% and being the absolute best brother. And I'm obsessed with his self reflection and cannot wait to see more of his journey. ALSO as if I couldn't love him anymore, SJM goes ahead and makes it cannon that Ruh is basically just an alternate reality Rhysand and I almost had a fucking stroke.
Bryce and hunt are of course also perfect. I love that Hunt supported Bryce all the way even knowing where this damn rebellion would lead. My man has serious trust issues (come on, Baxian was clearly a good guy as soon as he walked on the page. I love that giant dog), but he trusts Bryce no matter what and while then being mates was not at all a surprise I screamed anyway. I cried when he said 'light it up, Bryce', I cried when Bryce said 'light it up, Hunt'. And I fucking sobbed when Bryce sent that poor human boy to live with her parents because it was perfect, and selfless and I love her. Only downside to this perfect couple this book? Hunts damn comparisons to Shahar. Stop it. Shahar sucks, you were dumb, Bryce is a fucking goddess. The end.
Side note on our little human boy, Emile. I knew he didn't have powers from the beginning. Sofie was very specific when she talked about 'the power she told them he had'
Ithan! My man took me by surprise this book. I could live without the Loving Bryce thing, but as my favorite Mer said, she's fucking Bryce, everyone has a thing for her. I am HERE for him claiming the boys as his pack. Mystic wolf is for sure going to be his true mate and they're going to destroy Sabine. I refuse any other outcome.
Ari and Flynn are going to end up together. I don't care if they're mates or not they'll be together. the end.
Hypaxia and Celestina I'll be honest I sort of saw that coming. Celestina was clearly uncomfortable having sex with a man, and Hypaxia had that whole conversation about wanting to continue a relationship even though it was doomed. Did I expect them to get caught the way they did? Hell no. That was pure gold.
Day. Oof, okay this one did catch me off guard and after they revealed it I realized how obvious it was and I really shouldn't have caught me off guard. In the beginning I was positive that day was hypaxia. That was probably my bias still wanting ruhpaxia to be a thing, but then we found out she was consenting to sex with someone she didn't want to be with and I switched to thinking it was Celestina. Literally even after we catch Hypaxia and Celestina together I thought it was here because she said love is a trap she can't stop falling into, and I thought yes, she loves Hypaxia and Ruhn, we get the threesome we've been waiting for, everyone wins. Mannnn was I wrong 😂. When the Harpy came out and they made us think it was her for a hot second my cousin literally said man I thought it was going to be the Hind and I was like no way is it her. Again, boy was I wrong 😂. At the end of the day I don't hate this ship. I truly do feel bad for her. She was sent to live with her dad and twisted into something she didn't want to be, now Ruhn is shutting her out and she is tryingggg. I'm tentatively good with them ending up together.
Tharion. I'm not going to lie my mer let me down a little in this book. Don't get me wrong I still love him, and I hope he gets his happily ever after, but wanting to trick Ari into being trapped under? Not cool. This viper queen deal? Shadyyyy. I get that he was out of options I just truly don't understand why he didn't take the offer on the ocean Queens ship when he had it.
Cormac. Ugh I don't know that I've ever gone from hate to love a character so quickly. He walked in there like the scum of the earth and 5 minutes later I was like oh I love him. But, let's be honest we all knew he wasn't going to make it after they revealed Sofie was dead, and for sure after he had that heart to heart with Ruhn.
I already made an entirely separate post about the perfection that was that last chapter, but let me just reiterate that I AM OBSESSED with Bryce being in Velaris. I cannot believe she gave us a crossover and I'm genuinely concerned that I may never appreciate a book ending as much as I appreciated this one.
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey buisness - john shelby x reader (part 5 of ?)
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gif by my literal angel @michaelgreys who keeps blessing us like holy fuck
a/n: all i can say is that this is the hottest one yet. as always, my girl @stxdyblr-2k did an amazing job so i hope you all enjoy :) and i'm still working on requests, tysm for all of them!!
love, abi xxx
read part one two three four | my masterlist
tagging: @datewithgianni, @mayaslifeinabox, @deepdonutkid, @springsoulofengland
prompt: john just can't help himself when he sees you with someone else.
warnings: nsfw!!! smut, fluff, angst, light praise kink, john fucking adores you and spends a good amount of time with his head between your legs (yes i know!!!!!)
John had spotted you from across the London nightclub, his table tucked into the balcony area, perfectly positioned to survey the entire club. It'd been over a month since he laid eyes on you last. Sometimes, he wondered if it was possible for you to only get more beautiful every time he saw you. He wasn't surprised, as he'd been warned of your presence by Tommy, but he was unable to stop himself from staring at you, hair neatly styled, scarlet velvet dress clinging to every curve, red lipstick emphasizing your lips, a light haze of pink pressed into your cheekbones, lash-line expertly darkened with kohl. You were dancing with one of Isaiah's friends; the young man was tall and muscular -- a blinder foot soldier, John concluded, draining his glass of whiskey, flagging the waiter down for another.
The young lad was smiling down at you. John took a swig from his drink bitterly, the man obviously head over heels, his eyes bright, excitedly glancing from your lips to your figure. John could feel himself cringe; the younger man had all the subtlety and strategy of a malnourished dog. Then again, who could blame the lad? You were an absolute vision, twirling and giggling, off your face on something Michael had brought. John couldn't help but watch, wishing it was him who had caught your attention tonight, wanting to feel your breath fan across his neck, pulling away while you giggled at his blushing arousal; him whisking you to dark corners to steal a moment of quiet.
He'd tried to get over you but he couldn't. He'd been travelling a lot lately, business in Liverpool, Edinburgh and Belfast; yet in every woman who smiled at him, he found himself searching for you in their eyes, their smiles, their laugh. They were all gorgeous, but his heart simply wasn't in it.
Tonight had started off alright, normal Peaky activity. They'd seized the club only a few hours ago, gaining vital territory in London, bagging their place in the opiate trade and a successful business prospect in one fell swoop. By all accounts, John should’ve been happy, but he'd been too lost in his own mind lately to properly take in the consequences of those sleepless nights with the accounting books, all the hours practicing shooting and boxing, all the endless driving, the meetings, the lingering stench of death which clung to his family. Try as he might, he couldn't enjoy himself. His night got worse the second he spotted you; a yearning for you suddenly flooding his veins. It was easy to get on with life when you were hundreds of miles from him, but when you were a flight of stairs away? He knew the club had countless dark passages to hide away with you, multiple cloak rooms with thick brick walls to take you against: he had to stop his mind running wild. He couldn't. That had to be the last time. You were in his past, you had to stay there. But as he watched you dance with the blinder, he could feel the familiar burn of jealousy swell deep within him. The lad was far too close to you for his comfort, practically grazing his hips to yours. John roughly rubbed his jaw at the sight, silently seething to himself in the shadows.
Thomas studied his brother's body language, taking a slow drag of his cigarette, not understanding the fuss around you. Sure, you were pretty enough; you were bright, apparently funny, but you had never caught his attention really. He observed how John's eyes followed your every move, every sway of your hips closely watched as he held his breath, losing himself to you. He was glad he'd prompted Michael to invite you; this was the most attentive he'd seen John in a month. It was no coincidence that he'd dragged you away from Birmingham, from the watching eyes of the city locals, the wagging tongues in the assembly lines, far from Ada. Michael had admitted to Thomas that it was easy to persuade you, promising you a lift in his new car and a night out as Ada had plans with a gentleman. A night of dancing with your favourite lads and an all expenses paid trip to London? You couldn't resist.
John's jaw had tensed and squared, the man murmuring something against your neck causing you to giggle and grasp his collar. Thomas could tell his brother was practically bristling with jealousy. If looks could kill, the young man clinging to your hips would be long dead from the glare unleashed on him by the tallest Shelby brother.
"You gonna sit there useless or are you gonna fucking do something about it, eh?" Tommy inquired, nudging him with his shoulder.
"I can't."
"No one will know." Thomas pointed out, raising a brow, "The Blinders will say fuck all if they see owt. They keep quiet when it's about us Shelby brothers, yeah?"
John glanced at him, eyes slightly widened, confusion furrowing his brows. "You've changed your fuckin' tune."
"Sometimes, it's good to have secrets. What Ada doesn't know about the events of tonight won't hurt her."
"We don't do secrets. We're meant to trust each other." John objected. "We're a family."
"Nothing will change, John. I'll fix it for you, yeah? You've had a rough few weeks, you should reward yourself."
"She's not a fuckin’ prize, Tom."
"Keep talking that shit and people will get the wrong idea, think you love the woman or sommet." Thomas shrugged, taking a sip of his drink, while John's cheeks flared, his eyes flinching to the floor. He smirks to himself. "You going to go get your lass, then?"
John replied wordlessly, standing and downing the rest of his drink, pulling on his suit jacket, straightening his collar. "I'll catch you later, Tom."
The lad was nice, his name had long disappeared into the fog of liquor and Tokyo. He was someone's cousin, but he was polite; charming, almost. Most importantly, he wasn't related to your best friend. Not quite a Casanova type like John, but you two were a good match, everyone thought so. You'd seen him a few times now over the past week. He wasn't much of a talker, but he was a good dancer, and sweet after a few pints.
The band started playing a slower song, Isaiah dancing chest to chest with a beautiful girl across from you. You felt your partner place his fingers on the small of your back, his fingers inching lower, pulling you in closer before the two of you were interrupted by a dark figure looming over you.
"Can I cut in, mate?" A strong Birmingham accent sliced through the air, voice low and polite enough, but with a tone that was laced with venom. "Or are you gonna be a dick about it?"
The lad glanced nervously between you two, moving his hands away from you, embarrassed to be caught by his boss in this state, John staring him down. You slowly pulled away from him, turning to face John.
"Or you could ask me to dance yourself, John?"
John silently glared back at you, his mouth tensed into a thin line. He looked momentarily embarrassed, his attention switching back to your dance partner, the rest of lads silently watching, breaths baited, ready to jump in on the action if the moment required it.
"I'm heading off mate, reckon she's a cocktease." Your partner comments, attempting to diffuse the tension, stepping away, not wanting a fight or to piss off his boss. His path was quickly blocked by another blinder. You shot him an apologetic look and took the large hand John was offering you.
"Or, she's just not interested in you," John quipped, smirking, locking his fingers through yours. "You gonna go get your coat while I finish up with your best mate?"
"Thought we were dancing?"
"You can dance as much as you like in the suite, yeah? Proper gramophone. You coming?"
"You just want me on my own."
"Just tired of the distractions." He told you pointedly, skimming his glare over the group of men, standing with baited breath, preparing for it to kick off.
You rolled your eyes but squeezed his hands, slowly heading to the cloakroom, chatting with the attendant as you watched John confront the lad, keeping your distance. His arms were clutching the lad's lapels, snarling in his face before pushing him back. Michael watched from a few steps away, smoking absentmindedly, spine pressed to a pillar, leaving his cousin to sort out whatever offense he believed the man had caused.
You bundled yourself up in your thin coat, a gift from one of the girls you hung around with as she had recently married a blinder and was being spoiled rotten. The coat's flimsy material was going to be useless against the London night. At least you could count on John to keep you warm on the walk back to the hotel. You headed towards the side door, John's hand quickly finding your lower back protectively as he fell into step beside you. He opened the heavy wooden doors for you, the cold air an instant relief from the heat of the nightclub. You turned back as the door closed, catching a glimpse of the boys closing in on the lad, their eyes gleaming with a violent hunger for action.
"He'll be alright. Daft prick just getting put in his place." John said flatly. He seemed bored but watched you anxiously, begging you with his eyes to drop the subject.
"Is the hotel close by?" You asked casually, as the frigid air swirled around your calves, instantly causing you to shiver.
"I'll get us a cab, love, can't have you in those heels trekking halfway across London town." He stepped fearlessly into the road, unbothered about any potential danger or just forgetful from the whiskey. Quickly, a dark cab pulled up to the cobblestone pavement and John helped you in, taking off his coat and wrapping it around your shoulders before climbing in after you.
As the engine started and the car made its way through London's dimly lit streets to Camden, John's hand found its way to your thigh. You glanced at him, his eyes looking away but his thumb angled against his teeth. He was nervous, having not touched you in a month. You crossed your legs, angling them towards him, his hand shifting higher up your thighs, taking a deep sigh of relief. Your hands found his chin in the gloom of the back of the car, only the occasional bright lights from a nightlife hub or the demure lights of a residential illuminating his face, the angles changing as the cab drove on. It was too much. You'd been needing this for the past month, needing him. Your hands laced around the back of his head and you pressed your lips to his for a brief moment, allowing John to pull you deeper into the kiss. It awoke something familiar inside you, something comforting. Kissing John erased all your homesickness. Christ, you had to stop thinking like this.
"You've not been about for a bit, sweetheart. I know we said never again, but I was hoping you'd come by," John muttered, forehead pressed to yours, breath mingling with yours as he spoke.
"I almost did. The amount of times I nearly visited your office.. I just couldn't do that to you or Ada. Besides, last I heard, you were on tour." You admitted, keeping your voice down to save the cab driver the embarrassment. John caressed your cheekbone with his thumb, tracing the corner of your mouth, prompting a grin from you.
"Last place on earth I'd expected to see you next, it's been hectic my end," He sighed. His eyes were outlined with deep purple smudges of exhaustion, yet he was still devastatingly beautiful even after all the sleepless nights. "It's been too long."
"Not my fault you've been hiding yourself away. You should've called."
"Blame Tommy for that. His solution seems to be sending me on business trips. Trying to make me too tired to handle you." A nervous lick of his lips revealed John’s response to the suggestion that he call you. He wanted to say he would ring next time, but there couldn't be a next time.
"You can barely handle me on a good day, Mr. Shelby."
"Can't blame me. You seen yourself? On the brink as soon as I see you, lass." He teased, earning a gentle shove to the shoulder as you quickly pressed a kiss underneath his chin. You wanted to bring up Thomas' threat, but you bit your tongue, nudging his shin with the toe of your heel in the back of the cab. He rolled his eyes, grabbing your wrists lightly. "Behave yourself in front of the nice cabbie, sweetheart."
You soften at his touch, unable to resist reaching to interlock your fingers, squeezing his hands in yours affectionately. The spirits your table had been bringing you all night definitely boosted your confidence, any hesitancy due to potential rejection drowned out. John pressed his lips to your knuckles in response. He seemed different tonight, far more protective and serious than usual. He was so quiet it was strange, usually yapping your ear off, desperate for you to react, treating him to a giggle, a middle finger or a cutting response. You'd also never witnessed him spark off due to someone's interaction with you. Finn had mentioned a week or so back that John had a shouting match with Thomas and in the moment, your name got thrown up in the conversation, resulting in John taking a swing at his big brother out of frustration. It was confusing. He was willing to start fights over you, punch his brother, yet when you two were alone he was uncomfortably quiet, studying you, lost in his thoughts. His silence only made your body long for him, his fingers tracing patterns in your inner thigh. You let out a small whimper into the crook of his neck, as he instinctively pressed a kiss to your shoulder.
The car pulled up outside the hotel, your pulse racing, the anticipation already threatening to make you give in completely to his wishes tonight. You waited as he turned up his collar against the rain, clambering out of the car to open your door, creatively arranging the coat to hover just above both your heads protecting you from the miserable weather. Although John had referred to the building as a hotel, you could instantly tell the manor was some aristocrat's third or fourth home, obviously being rented out or gifted to business partners for trips. It was an imposing grey stone building, exquisitely carved, although not a country estate, the house was just as large. Was John used to this? It hit you all of a sudden that you'd never set foot inside John's home. You'd heard from Ada that it was overrun with hoards of screaming children. She often joked with the children at the Shelby Institute that if they hung around long enough at John's, he'd assume they were one of his offspring. You'd only ever fucked him in a guest bed. The shame made your stomach churn.
You needed to remind yourself of this when your late night thoughts ran rampant. John could say what he liked, but he'd never actually allow you to get overly personal with him. Whatever confusing mess was winding around your skull regarding him was useless; it was best not to think about it. You went to him every time, yet he would've picked another lass tonight, it was just that you were there. He probably had a string of gorgeous women, older, more accomplished, more experienced, more elegant. He could tell you he missed you, but you could never take for granted that he told you this for any other reason than as a prelude to get you in bed with him. You were his gorgeous mess, but only for the night. It was best to remind yourself to care less than he did. It was the easiest solution in the long term; this way, the downfall would be less brutal.
"You alright, love?" He asked suddenly, breaking your train of thought.
"Sorry, I was thinking about work."
He lived around his brothers for long enough, he could smell bullshit. He decided to let it go. It was best to not push it tonight. Just keep it light hearted, easy, like it was always meant to be.
"If your boss keeps being a prick, you tell Ada. She'll sort him out."
"Don't I know it? He can barely open the door before she starts on about workplace ethics." You joked, earning a small smile instead of his usual bright chuckle. "John, what are we doing here?"
"Well I'm about to take you upstairs and sort you out, yeah? You gonna let me look after you?" He asked, stopping you in your tracks by turning you into him, grabbing your wrist.
"You know that isn't what I meant."
"I know. But can we leave it tonight? Can we just have fun?" He questioned, lips ghosting over yours, fixing you with an intense stare.
"It's fun anymore." Your voice cracked, the liquor in your system making it impossible to control your tone or your facial expressions. "It's fucking with my head, John."
"It's just.. fucking difficult. It's fucking difficult because of who we are." He replied firmly but dropped his makeshift coat shelter around your shoulders, freeing his hands to grab your face pulling it to his, the alcohol making him far needier than he usually appeared. "You, my beautiful Y/N, are a fucking losing game. It's not as easy for me, I can't just dance with a woman and get a leg over-"
"I never said you couldn't."
"I know, I.." He gestured vaguely, lifting one of his hands off your cheeks, and you can feel your head nodding in understanding. "You know, I thought I was going to manage it this time. That I wouldn't be a total fuck up, but then you and that lad-"
"Catch you getting jealous over me."
"Fuck off." He let go of you for a split second but you reeled him back in, resting your palms on the chest of his shirt, the soaked material sticking to his skin. You'd struck a nerve. You decided to push him further.
"I don't know what you're trying to do, Mr. Shelby, disappearing across the country for weeks then coming back and telling me you want me all to yourself?" You played with his collar, tugging his face to yours before pulling back at the last possible second, causing him to let out a frustrated groan, hands itching to feel you underneath them.
"Don't fucking wind me up," He snapped, the intensity between you rekindled momentarily.
"It's worked wonders in the past," You replied, barely able to finish your sentence before his mouth was on yours, his fingers tangling into your hair, kissing you properly. Although you'd kissed so many times prior, this one felt so genuine, as though unleashed from its restraints deep within John. You'd never kissed anyone in the rain before in the middle of the night, and it felt magical. You were shivering but hot all over, burning for John to do something, anything. You could feel his cock through his dress pants, hard against you, prompting you to moan into his mouth.
"Fuck’s sake, Y/N," John grunted into your ear, his hands grabbing at your arse. "You're fuckin’ killing me here. I need you, yeah?"
"Tell me how badly." You responded coyly, linking your arms around his neck, ignoring the late night drizzle.
"I'd rather show you. M’gonna take care of you tonight, make up for the month I've been gone."
"Who's saying I've not been taking care of myself?'
He bit his lip in frustration, trying to stop his mind running wild with the image of you in bed, fingers between your thighs, breasts moving as you arched your back, hips lifting off the mattress, moaning as you called his name -- his jaw clenched. "I know what you're doing. You coming up before you catch a chill?"
You shifted your weight away from him, as if considering your options. He knew your answer; you both knew in a few minutes you'd be upstairs practically tearing his shirt off, needing his skin against yours, begging for him. John pulled away from you, dragging you up the winding path to the front door of the manor, opening the door for you, arm wrapping around your waist. His lips met yours, then your collarbones and neck, prompting a breathy giggle and whine as you wound yourself back around him, craving the contact. The manor was plunged in darkness, staff somewhere in the gloom. Your arrival had definitely been noted, but as with everyone who worked for the Shelbys, they just left you to it. It was easier to not get involved, to keep their heads down and not mention the midnight trysts the brothers got up to.
John knew his path, he'd stayed here before. Even in the dark you could tell the house was decorated to spare no expense, the gaudy paintings and sculptures casting strange shadows. He led you up the grand flight of stairs, then another.
"Worse than Thomas' estate, this place." You murmured quietly, unsure of other guests within earshot.
"I could never live like this. I'd never see my brood again. Getting them ready for bed would be one hell of a nightmare." He whispered back, halting your stride by pulling your hips to his, unable to wait any longer.
"John, what if we get caught?" You asked, pressing your hand against his chest with your palm flat.
"Never bothered you before. Thought you liked the fact that anyone could just walk in and see what a pretty little mess you’ve made for me."
You couldn’t help yourself from pressing an affectionate kiss to his mouth, letting him lay you down and pin you to the stairs, the luxuriously thick carpets scraping into your flesh. He cursed under his breath at the sight of you underneath him, pushing your dress up your thighs, lifting your legs to wrap around his neck, pressing a kiss to your flimsy underwear, glancing up to drink you in. The most beautiful woman in his city, begging for him, figure swamped by his coat, rain soaked and shivering, his mouth between her thighs. He ran his tongue slowly across your clothed core, your pleading moans music to his ears, loving how your thighs tightened around his neck. His tongue traced circles over your clit and labia, the friction generated by the lace of your panties pushing you further, your hands knotting into his hair, spine arching against his mouth.
"No one been looking after you while I was gone. eh?" He asked, pressing kisses to your inner thigh, tugging your panties to the side. "What about your dancing pal?"
"Fuck’s sake, I barely know him, John." You snapped back, teetering on the edge between lust and frustration from his relentless teasing.
"Keep it that way. You don't need ‘im, lass, not while I'm about." He replies before lapping at your slit, interpreting your moans as approval as your head slumped back and you released a low groan. "Y/N, watch me, yeah?"
You pull yourself weakly upwards, propping yourself up in your elbows to be able to look down the staircase at John between your legs in the dark. The view was thrilling, moonlight shining in through the rain on the window, illuminating his face, hair messy and tongue flickering across your clit while he stared up at you, his eyes darkened with lust. You couldn't help but pant, knowing you'd be returning to this moment alone at night, when it was your fingers instead of John's tongue pushing you towards the edge.
"So fuckin' wet and ready for me, aren’t you?" He crooned, sliding his fingers into you, sucking at your clit between flicks of his tongue.
You couldn’t find the words to respond, whimpers leaving your mouth instead, your hips lifting beneath his palms, chest heaving.
"Go on, use your words, clever lass."
"John, fuck.. don't stop," You manage to string together, thoughts too muddled by alcohol and arousal to play hard to get any longer.
"I won't ‘til you cum in my mouth. Need to taste you again, beautiful."
Your head jerked back suddenly as John curled his fingers inside you, pushing up against the spot that made you lose your mind, his name falling from your lips like a prayer, all he could hear except from his blood rushing in his head. Your desperate cries for relief caused his cock to strain against his dress pants, fighting the urge to sort himself out, needing to finish you off. John needed to prove that he could fuck you better than anyone else. He knew he was pushing you to the edge, but he wasn't going to deny you your orgasm. He wanted to make a point with this. His fingers worked faster, his mouth hungry for you, lips moving against your core at a harsh pace.
You groaned loudly, hips bucking involuntarily just to be forced back against the carpet of the staircase. Your breaths grew heavier, warning him how close you were to your peak. John refused to let up, pushing you closer every second, lips latched to your core firmly, lapping up the wetness he'd produced.
"I want to watch you finish." He commanded, you completely at his will now that you'd lost control, lifting your head upwards with the little strength you had left to be able to stare down at his dilated blue eyes. "Good girl. You gonna show me how good I make you feel? You gonna cum for me, doll?"
You couldn't respond, unable to keep your eyes from rolling backwards as you felt yourself suddenly release, John’s name escaping from between your lips, legs shuddering around his neck. He let you ride it out on his tongue, tasting you desperately, watching your expression slowly relax.
Finally, he pulled away from your cunt, unwrapping your legs from his neck. He grabbed your wrist, not letting you retrieve your panties, stuffing them into his trouser pocket. He returned his attention to tracing your slit with the index finger and thumb of his other hand, as he pressed a long kiss to your lips.
"I love how you taste," He murmured against your lips, causing you to flush slightly. John noticed, pressing kisses to your jawbone. "Don't get shy on me now. I've barely started with you. Not even got you to the suite and you've already cum."
He looked so proud of himself, it suddenly clicked for you. He was trying to prove himself to you, for some unknown reason. You know he was protective and quite obviously jealous tonight, but you couldn't believe that John Shelby felt the need to prove that he knew what he was doing, as though you weren't aware. You weren't trekking to his office for mediocre sex. Tonight he let you finish first, no teasing, no denial, no fucking about. Just putting his ability fully on show, so when your mind went drifting it'd go back to him, not some young lad who barely knew what he was doing. His cocky attitude and smug acceptance of his sexual prowess would've been off-putting if it was anyone else, but John, but with his bright smile and constant humour, pulled it off. It was enticing, making your core pool with wetness when he crossed your mind.
"A month is far too long, Mr. Shelby."
"I know, you're practically drooling over me." He teased. He seems a lot more himself than before. He’d been too caught up in his head, too focused on getting you off to enjoy the flirting and teasing. John loved how light-hearted he could be with you. Despite the mess you were both in, it was making you laugh or roll your eyes that soothed his mind. Honestly, if it was just sex he'd have cut you off instantly; he wouldn't have even gone there out of loyalty to Ada. Admittedly, it was your company and presence that had him absolutely on his knees for you, the way he felt understood, less alone in his brother's bullshit, less trapped by his criminal career because you understood. You always had a cutting line, a bright smile just for him, an eye roll at his brothers' daft plans, a choice curse word for Thomas. He didn't even want to consider what would happen after the night ended. He stood, pressing another kiss to your lips as he helped you to your feet, fixing his coat which hung off your shoulders.
"You ready for rounds two through to six?"
"John, you know you won't get through three with me."
"You’re right, you're just too pretty when you’re riding my cock." He teased, the vulgar material of his jibe earning him a joking shove before you curl into his side, letting him escort you up the stairs to the nearest bedroom. He quickly shut the door behind you, scooping you up in his arms, causing you to let out a laugh as he practically tossed you onto the king sized bed, eyes shining with adoration as he looked down at you grinning back up at him.
“You’re something else, John Shelby.”
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ink-on-the-brink · 3 years
How do you feel about ns*w prompts?
If you want, how about how medic, sniper and engie are acting during sexy times ? Or foreplay if you prefer !
I've been kinda thinking about doing stuff like that for a while so I decided why not now? It's not gonna be my first time writing it but it is my first time posting this stuff so fair warning.
Okay so like, I don't know if it's just me but like I kinda see Medic as a bit ace? Like he doesn't usually think about that type of stuff and it's very rare that he feels this sort of pull, but he won't reject doing it if you want to either.
You'd need to be very blunt with the man. It's not that he's dumb, he just doesn't pick up well on social cues in the first place so he doesn't want to assume anything.
He's never one to initiate. Like ever. You want some? You best come get it.
Kinks? Literally whatever the fuck you're into. Man does not give a fuck. He'll indulge in the most insane shit if you're up for it. He had no line that can't be crossed. He loves experimenting. (I mean that's what he does 98% of the time anyway)
Mega switch. He can be the absolute whiniest sub and the most controlling dom. It's almost scary how good he is at both.
Foreplay can be common or not happen at all. Again it depends entirely on what his partner wants and if you want him to spend an hour just touching you then that's exactly what he'll do.
He holds no shame if caught. Everyone knows better than to say shit to the person that's literally in charge of their bodily functions. No one dares to say a word if they catch the two of you.
He will often slip into German in the heat of the moment so whatever he saids is completely lost on you. (He's honestly just saying random shit but you don't need to know that)
His favorite position is downward dog. Something about hearing your muffled moans just kinda does it for him.
For him, it's more of a casual thing. Like a 'sure, why not'.
Overall whoever he's with gets to decide what smexy time will be like.
This man has one hell of a sex drive. It's honestly surprising he hasn't exploded from the number of times he's found himself in a situation where he just really needed that release but couldn't get it that moment.
One small comment, purposeful or not, has him wanting you. There have been more than a few times he's heard the wrong meaning in your words, flustering and really pushing him.
He doesn't initiate it so much as you can see that he really really needs it. He'll deny himself no matter how worked up he gets and it's up to you to shove some reality in his face and give him what he wants.
Man is a full dom when he's in the mood though. I'm talking you won't even know what's happening before he has you against a wall, whispering the dirtiest things you've ever heard in your ear. Which is frankly surprising since he was usually so easily flustered. It's almost shocking how quickly he changes from flustered mess to confident and absolutely fucking H O T.
He doesn't venture into the world of kinks much. He likes it rough and messy, not complicated. He'd rather be the one to hold you down than have some rope do it for him. That doesn't mean he won't try if you ask though.
He draws a hard line with extreme stuff. He will never harm you and would never like to be harmed by you.
If he trusts you enough, and you play your cards right, he can become a melted mess. Sometimes he just really likes to give up all control to you and honestly, it just makes him hotter.
He's definitely the type to use semi-demeaning words but not in a way to put you down. Something like 'you're such a good lil' slut for me'
Voyeurism is something he's turned on about but deathly afraid to do. He's had many a fantasy of fucking where he might get caught but actually getting caught would probably embarrass him to unimaginable lengths. So to indulge in these fantasies he'll do so when you both go camping. No one's around yet the thrill is still there.
He most often likes to fuck you into a wall of some kind. He likes how the position makes it a bit harder to look at anything but him. Your expressions are what he practically lives for.
Foreplay is rare. He's often too worked up to think about it. He mostly likes to get straight to the good part. So when he gives you the reins he can often be even more of a mess if you prefer soft touches and a slower session.
How casual it is depends on how long he's been with you. For the first year they tend to be more rare and often very intense sessions. Once he's more comfortable with you though it can become extremely common and more casual with those intense sessions sprinkled in now and then.
Overall he's a bit hard to predict. You'll start off thinking he's going to be a nervous mess under your fingers before he turns around and fucks you until you can't stand anymore. Then after a while you get to take control and do the same to him.
It's a win/win
A decent sex drive. Usually he's very good at controlling his urges and keeping them in check but when he wants it damn does he want it bad.
He's a man of words. Nothing, and I mean nothing will get him going faster than a suggestive comment. Keep talking and you'll have him hooked in moments.
Despite what one might think, Engie is a dom. Look, you listen to him when his voice gets deep and tell me he doesn't use that tone to turn on whoever he's with. Man's knows every way to turn someone on without even touching them.
Is most likely the one to initiate. He likes to start it off with a little bit of light touching so it's very often that he turns what was supposed to be a cuddle session or a short kiss into something a lot more.
HUGE praise kink. He's going to compliment each part of your body in the sexiest way he can. Stuff like 'ya sound beautiful when you're beggin sweetheart' and 'ain't you just the most perfect thing ah've ever seen'. He is going to make even the most stone-cold mercenary flush with how good he is at talking dirty.
Foreplay is this man's forte. He's good with his hands and his tongue and you can be damn sure he's using both to his advantage. Kisses all around your body, whispered words that send shocks through your skin, soft touches that send shivers down your spine, he's good at it all.
To him it has to be intimate. He's not one for casual. If he's going to do anything with you it's going to be slow and romatic. He doesn't like anything quick, it just doesn't do it for him. He wants to hold your body, to feel every bit of skin revealed to him.
He doesn't want anyone disturbing his moment with you and it will annoy him to no end if someone does. He'll quickly cover you before throwing whatever's closest to him at whoever disturbed the session. Despite this, he has a huge thing for spontaneous sessions rather than planned ones. This means that you two have done it more than a few times in his workshop. Luckily at this point everyone's learned to just not come in if the doors are closed, no matter how important it is. He's not going to talk or help anyone until he's finished.
He has a different set of nicknames that are saved especially for smexy time. These include 'cute lil' thing, sugar, angle' and a few others. Upon hearing any of those nicknames you'll know exactly what he's planning to do.
He likes it when you ride him. He very much enjoys the hold he has on your hips as you bounce on top of him, not to mention your face contorted in pleasure that he gets a front-row seat to.
Overall he's a man of foreplay and long passionate sessions.
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