#i already got a “’why do u have so many items of this character’ well I got some news for you
cupiidzbow · 11 months
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f/o merch be so good and then someone asks why u have the character on ur bag and then u lie through ur teeth and try to act like ur normal abt them and you don’t want to kiss them on mouth
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maximumkillshot · 8 months
You Earned It!
Warnings: Fluff, of the tooth rotting variety
Pairing: None
Characters: Chan, Felix, Kate, Minho, Yeji
I Can't Lose You Masterlist-CLICK HERE
Stray Kids Masterlist-CLICK HERE
A/N: idklols asked:
Hey so my best friends bday is tmrw (Jan 17th) and so I don’t have any money so I’ve resorted to this (no offense I’ve read a story from u and it’s rlly amazing) but my bsf is in love with bang Chan (she also likes Felix) so i was wondering if you could make bangchan give her a surprised bday? (Also her name is Kate!! Tysm ig you get around to it!!)
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Chan POV:
I have been trying to set this up for weeks and finally it’s happening. I hear my phone ring and I answer, balloons in hand. 
“Hey, have you heard from Kate yet?” I heard Felix ask. I could hear the background filled with activity as I loaded the car.
“Nothing aside from a good morning text, Yeji said that they were going on a shopping spree for her birthday, the others in Kate’s group are with them too. All Kate knows is that you, I and the boys are going to have a birthday dinner for her.”
I could hear the smile on his face as he said, “She has no clue this is going to be great,” I laughed with him as he said, “I just called to say the cake and brownies are almost done and Minho is getting started on prepping for dinner. So we are all on track over here.” 
I breathed a sigh of relief as I said, “Ok thanks Lix. I still have a few things to do. Then I’ll head over to decorate with Hannie and Hyunjin.” After I hung up I started the car and went on my way to grab some party favors. Kate has known us for a while. She was very young when we met, Barely past 10 years old. She was an aspiring idol. Just after we debuted, Kate came up to me in the practice room one day and introduced herself. I remember thinking how mature she was. 
She spoke with authority and confidence. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to learn, mature, adapt, and make it in this industry. I have always loved cultivating and teaching idols to do what they love, so when she asked me to mentor her, I was more than eager to help out. I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years. Now she has her own group that she leads. Their group is honestly astounding. The music is positive and uplifting, the moves are addicting, and much like my group, 98% of it is done by the members.
 After I pick up the favors I head to the DanceRacha house. The minute I park I am met with the members opening doors and grabbing items. I make my way in to find the space transformed into party central. The music is on low and Felix is filling a little table to the side with the sweets, including a cake that looked amazing, done by him, of course. Off to the other side of the living room are the beverages, and dead center is the dining table decorated in Kate’s favorite color. 
We also had a giant present pile over to the side. I made sure to put mine a little more forward in the pile. 
After I helped with the balloons I sent out the text to remind everyone that they had to park a little farther away to keep it a surprise. I had no clue why I was nervous. Maybe it had to do with the present. So many gifts were lavish, Louis Viton and Givenchy being bigger names in the pile. I don’t know if what I got was enough. 
Finally, once everyone was in it was time to have Yeji bring Kate back to the dorm. At the five minute mark we all took our positions, hiding well out of the way. The anticipation ramped up, to the point of us giggling every time we heard a car pull up. We get a knock at the door and Minho goes to open it non-chalantly. As soon as Kate walks in everyone pops up yelling “Surprise!!” That part took Kate off guard but she was tearing up and thanking everyone as she walked in. I was so excited for the presents. I really think that she’ll like it. 
After a few hours of food, dancing, and chatting, we got to blowing out the candles on the cake. After everyone got a slice she started opening presents. Some of them were amazing, designer purses, wallets, and glasses to match (Obviously Felix’s), all the way to designer belts, dresses, red bottom heels. The more of these I saw the more I wanted to just put my little envelope of a present back into my pocket and hide in the back. 
Before I could, she opened it. Minho demanded that she read it out loud. She started.. “Happy Birthday Kate!, I remember when I met you 5 years ago. You were a 10 year old promising talent. I remember you asking me if you had what it took to do what I do. I could see immediately that you had it. You work hard, you strive for perfection, and most of all, you always are willing to learn. I am so proud of you. You are a fantastic leader..” At that point I saw tears forming in her eyes as I smiled. 
She kept going, “You have an amazing heart, eye for talent, and not not mention you always are focused. You told me at that time, you wanted to be mentored by me. That you wanted to know if you made it or not from me only…” She looked up at me and I was fighting tears myself.
“That’s why I am happy to tell you that come your legal age, your group will be signed under our label. All you have to do is sign on the dotted line. Congratulations Kate! You made it! Happy Birthday!-Chan” She started sobbing along with her group. She didn’t know but I saw every move she made, and she’s ready, all of them are. That’s why I was rushing today. I went to my manager yesterday and we found the perfect manager for her group. We drew up the contracts today, which left me not a lot of time to finish the decoration hunt. 
A few seconds later I was taken out of my reminiscing by Kate thumping into my body, wrapping her arms around me as she said thank you… All I could say was “For what? You earned it!” 
It was true, she did earn it. The hours of practice, the drive to succeed. That was all her. Now comes the hard part, I know she’ll be fine though. I’ll always be here for her, I know she’ll be okay. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like what you see? TELL ME SO
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narratingvoice · 1 year
Do youuu have a favorite food or drink 🙄 if u can even process those (love u gang)
Apologies for the delay in my reply, dear anon, but I wanted to give your question the time and attention it deserves. It's true, I did not design my default model to be able to consume and digest food, but that would lead to a simple answer of "no" and that's not any fun, is it? That's not what people come to this ask box for. So I decided to conduct a little experiment. I figured, I've created a mostly-functioning human body before, surely I can do it again. And it took me a little longer than expected, because I decided to use the character creator in Starfield to make the base, and there are just so many options and details to go through. I could spend all day poring over the eyebrows alone. When it's a face I'm going to be wearing, everything needs to be absolutely perfect. A mirror to my true soul. Dashing, refined, with an air of wisdom. I need Stanley to see me as a kindly, avuncular authority figure, but also his best friend.
Anyway six days later Stanley knocked on my office door wondering where I'd been all this time. I realized I had completely let the passage of time slip away from me, so I settled for using what I had built up to that point. It's.... adequate for the job at hand, and comfortable enough to control. Creating the food was much easier; I just imported a bunch of free Unity assets (oh yes, I'll have to make another post to rant about the Unity situation). I let Stanley taste test everything with me to see how our palates differed, and Roman filed the data away wherever it is he puts all that stuff. Read on for the results of my first foray into gastronomy!
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ITEM 1: Cheeseburger
The classic American favourite, which Stanley insisted I try first. He apparently loves them and devoured his in a few gigantic bites. I eschewed any condiments because I thought for my first ever experience with taste, I shouldn't have too many competing flavours. The experience was pleasant, a soft and chewy bun giving way to fatty acids. I think this is what they call "umami". The sensation immediately gave me confidence in the entire process of eating. If this is what most foods are like, no wonder humans spend so much time talking about and preparing them. What an intriguing benefit of being an organic lifeform.
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ITEM 2: Cinnamon bun
Oh my god??? The blast of sugar upon sugar is totally overwhelming! How can anyone eat an entire one of these all at once? Well, I know the answer to that already, because I ate all of mine and then pounced on Stanley for the second half of his, despite his protests and screams. It was not my finest moment, but I was so intoxicated by sweetness that something primal took over, and I seized my prize from out of his feeble hands. I think I shall not have another, tempting as it may be, lest I lose my senses once again.
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ITEM 3: Edamame
What a case of whiplash. After the dizzying highs of the cinnamon bun, these beans frankly disgusted me at first. Hard, fibrous, and bitter. That is, until Stanley kindly informed me that you're supposed to pop the seeds out and discard the shell. (Why couldn't he have done that before watching me bite into a dozen of them???) The result was much more palatable, although I still had the taste of the shells lingering on my tongue. I needed a drink to refresh my palate...
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ITEM 4: Water
Cool, crisp, refreshing. Not much else to say about it. I can see why people drink it though. Other than needing it to survive, I mean.
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ITEM 5: Vegetable lasagne
Now this is a more complex dish, but I felt I was up to the challenge by this point. There was perhaps a bit too much cheese, and the sauce got all over my hands as I picked it up, but the flavour profile was overall a lovely melange of starch and vegetable. At least I think that's what I tasted; I'll need more experience to compare. Unfortunately, about halfway through this dish I began to feel an overwhelming internal heaviness. I didn't realize that when humans say they are "full", they mean it quite literally. The act of taking another bite, no matter the food, became repulsive to me. I am still recovering from this sensation.
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ITEM 6: Pomegranate
What the hell is this. I always pictured Persephone just biting into one of these like an apple, but there's no way you could bite through this rind. (Why do human teeth have to be so dull?) Neither Stanley nor I could figure out how to penetrate the fruit to get to the edible flesh. Alas, I did not create a set of kitchen knives. I don't trust Stanley with blades. Eventually he decided to throw it down the stairs to see what happens. What happened was it exploded into a pile of seeds that looked disturbingly gory. It reminded me of my second-least-favourite ending. I didn't dare try it.
In conclusion, so far my favourite is definitely the cinnamon bun. More research will be needed on sweets and baked goods to see if any of them hold up. Thanks for asking!
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Some random thoughts on Obey Me! Nightbringer up to lesson 10 (with LOTS of spoilers)
If you ask why I'm making a post like this in this blog is cause I will defend that this is a queer coded game to my last breath –and cause is my blog and I do what I want.
Full disclosure: I'm not done with the first game yet so no spoilers for that one please. I'm guessing I'll get spoiled by Nightbringer anyways as the story progresses, and I already did lol, but I wanna gush about this game because I love it so much already.
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Starting with the title screen, oh my gosh the art is beautiful. 10/10 would definitely buy a poster of this.
They continue using they/them for MC and that's a thing we all gotta appreciate. Thank u.
The layout and the art of the game is just SO PRETTY in general. Definitely an upgrade from the first game, credits to the designers and artists.
It's a rhythm game!! I like it, the gameplay is easy enough and in classic Obey Me fashion you gotta be really precise when you click or else, which adds a good layer of difficulty.
We don't have 8 different types of support items, just 4, which makes it easier to keep count of how many we have. I am still broke in-game to buy them tho.
WE CAN GET DEVIL POINTS BY COMPLETING LEVELS THANK U SO MUCH. In contrast, I feel like they give less materials when you clear a stage? I mean, they gotta balance it I guess, or maybe is just me.
The game was lagging like hell when I first started playing tho. Idk if it was the game or my phone that couldn't run it or what, but it's fixed now.
I love the fact they're using the character songs for the levels!!! I was waiting for the unit songs and they took a while, but they're there too. The remixes are fun and I can't believe how good they sound.
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Speaking of sound, this game's ost is SO GOOD like huh? I was kinda expecting it cause it's a big production and all but bruh. Every now and then I end up having to stop because I gotta appreciate the bgm. There was this one funny song where a banjo started playing and I straight up laughed out loud. 10/10
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MK is that you?
Coming back to the layout and the designs: THERE'S SO MUCH RURI HANA IN HERE!!!!!! Love it. 20/10. Best thing ever. Whoever decided to add that I hope they're having an amazing day.
Also, is that a Ruri Hana Miss Em?? Gosh I love this game.
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And I'm not done gushing about the designs yet cause LOOK AT HIM!!! LOOK!!!! He's so cute!!!!🧡🧡🧡
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The art for the cards is really pretty and I need more Levi cards so badly asap
Also, there's a shit ton of extra content, wow. I'm not sure how I feel about the whole 3D models yet (mostly cause my phone only gives me bad renditions of them) but the extra content is slice of life funny bits. I like that they're voice acted, they're good.
Hey so y'know how you can click on the characters and get voice messages in the home screen and how you interact with them in the surprise guest screen? In neither of those I can click on Levi's tail and I consider that a crime against all Levi stans.
OKAY SO when this game was announced and as time went on and we got little pieces of the plot, not gonna lie I was worried. When it comes to time and time travel this franchise has a, well, a record. I'm still worried how it's gonna develop but for now I really like the things they're showing in the main story regarding the characters and the plot. Just, y'know, fingers crossed it doesn't become a mess.
Honestly the timeline is a mess already as it is. We met Luke and he has apparently just started learning how to bake, but in the first game he says he's been doing it for about 300 years, so it's been only 300 years between the end of the Celestial War and the beginning of the first game? Shouldn't the time be at least a few thousand years?? I'm solving this by doing a headcanon that time moves differently in different worlds cause otherwise the lack of coherence bothers me too much.
I'm so intrigued about Nightbringer himself. You think the prologue is giving us a red herring about who he is? Will it be a new character? An old one? Us from the future? They did a good job in implementing the mystery and I can't wait.
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I was rereading this chat we have with them at the beginning of the game and something caught my eye:
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Do you think maybe we'll start jumping between time as the story continues? So that we'll be at and see different time periods with different characters?? 🤔
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This guy has an omurice for an icon when we all know he can't cook to save his life and I find that so ironic xD I like how much he's getting involved in the story so far too
I still don't know who gave them the right to go THIS HARD on a rhythm otome game. I love this thing what the hell. I wish I went this hard with my own projects.
That's all, I'll be waiting for more lessons to drop✌️
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So someone on the shining nikki subreddit made a post about this game called Life Makeover that s in early access, and i downloaded it and fucked around with it for like, and hour- and man i still got stuff to do in it. Ahead you have a bunch of rambling about it, maybe it d interest you too.
Tldr, its a super polished and pretty game with a story that seems to be getting interesting but i cant say for sure yet, pretty and diverse clothes, shit ton of customisation, and it sems generous so far.
Anyway it s very pretty, customisation is fucking insane, if i understand things right we re gettin a shit ton of free high rarity suits just for doin stuff in the game? Though i am a bit confused of if we re gettin em for Free or for doin stuff akin to the diamond arena.
Here s an outfit i made, but it s got a bunch of styles. Luckily its not just modern clothing, it s got the high fashion/alt stuff too. And it s real well made.
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I wasn t exactly playin w takin screenshots in mind so i don t have many.
Ima make a list of stuff about it:
• seems to be generous with its currency? I got 3k diamonds rn and one 10 pull is like 1180 or somethin.
• it has pavilions like nikki does, but i don t think most of its events are gacha based? Idk the thing just started so we waitin. The rate for the coin pavilion is kinda bad, but for the other ones is as good as nikkis.
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• you can dye. Everything. It s not Free to dye, u gotta pay w this dyeing currency, but u get a bunch of it. And there s many options too.
• the story is... funky. Seems boring at the beginning but uh, spoilers ig? I ll put it under the cut if ur interested
• many skin options 🙏
• as i said, customisation. U can change the face shape, makeup, body, kinda everythin about your girl at the beginning of the game. ("Body" u know the usual thin- slightly larger but still thin body slider in games? Yeah.) My girl looks kinda like a baby cuz i made her like that, u can choos ebetween "girl" and "female" i think they called it? And it s just, one is more mature lookin than the other. U can change the height too.
• every character besides yourself is fully voice acted in english and chinese.
• every character also has live 2d models for the story portions of the game. Very well made stuff.
• there are cards, like reflections. Sr and ssr cards are live 2d animated.
• some "investigation" segments actually have small 3d environments u explore instead of 2d backgrounds.
• some of the 2d backgrounds have animated elements which is pretty cool.
• there s a housing feature. You buy yourself a house and you can customise it to your heart s content. AND you walk around in it with your character. I didn t fuck around in it too long cuz i wantes to get back to the story, but it seems really in depth and well made? Kinda insane tbh.
• has a guild feature like nikki s.
• actually, if u play shining nikki, u gonna acclimate to life makeover real quick. Guilds, main story, clothes crafting, what looks to be a diamond arena thing for styling competitions.
• your character is shown in cutscenes and 2d art sometimes, which means that canonically, you are 1. White 2. Have black hair (also are a girl). Your name is what you picked tho.
• the world we are in seems to be super high tech. "Makes a 3d model of the item u took a pic of so you can investigate it without touching it" type of high tech. "Extremely advanced AI" type. U know what i mean.
• oh also u got some background already there, n the lighting changes based on what u pick. I kinda prefer nikki's "choose ur own lighting" system tho.
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Now spoilers under the cut.
Bro she just fuckin-
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Girl got knocked the fuck out
She didn t actually die, she just got attacked, which is the second attack so far. (I really hope one of em dies at some point tbhhh)
The story goes, you re on a private island with your sisters' rich idol friends, who are a really really popular idol group which is why they got all this money, and this. Guy? Who is also ur sisters friend, Idk he s v boring fancy rich dude typa vibe idc much. Ur here as a graduation gift whatever.
The idols are gettin "haters"-
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(They keep callin em that its so fuckin funny. They shoulda said trolls it d be even better)
- that are on their private island? And they re doin more than Hatin, i think they legit tryin to kill these girls. Locked one of em in a freezer, knocked another one over the head and stuffed her in a teddy bear, u saw what happened to annie, that shit.
So yeah it s gettin interestin 👀 i m on ch 3 i think, so i ll see where it goes from here.
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rev-feaw · 1 year
My Short Review of Honkai: Star Rail after ~2 Weeks
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Hi!! This is gonna be my first post here.
If you’re a gacha games observer, Genshin/HI3 player or general Mihoyo enjoyer you are most likely already know that they just released a new game, that is Honkai: Star Rail. I prereg this game and made my account on the first day, and this is my loose review about the game so far. Please note other gacha games I’m currently play daily are Fate/Grand Order and Genshin Impact. I also tried Arknights for some months so maybe there will be comparison to them.
Combat: 7.5/10
I don’t like turn-based system for the God’s sake (looking at you, FGO) but the way they have AUTO really escalated the rate for me. The turn-based here honestly more fun than I thought!
Art: 8/10
OK. As expected
Music: 8/10
What should I critic from Hoyo-Mix
Exploration: 7/10
Please keep in mind this isn’t an exploration-focused game like Genshin. It does, however has funni descriptions about items, reminds me of 2D exploration games (something like Undertale).
Story: 7/10
I’ll be honest I play this just as a ‘gacha addict’ outlet and don’t really pay attention to the story, but imo this one’s harder to digest than Genshin, maybe HI3 player can understand better though.
Characters: 7/10
Not very much attachment too, heheh;; Unlike Genshin where I was very attached to Venti after 3 seconds in the game. But the MC is a menace of society, real rate is THE RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN/10.
Also they have “chatrooms”!! This is very cool, because I think they can keep any character relevant with this.
P. S. They REALLY need to add more battle voicelines. You’ll go crazy listen to “the rules--” everytime you turn up the volume.
Worldbuilding: 7/10
I’m not much a fan of their worldbuilding concept tbh, I think “planet” as a chapter’s setting is too massive, so many aspects about it left unpolished (one nation/planet isn’t very believable to me). But maybe I just don’t understand well.
Grinding: 9/10
AUTO mode is gamechanger. You also can change a relic’s main stat once/patch. Honestly this is the one that can make me linger around longer in this game. GI and FGO both aren’t this forgiving in time spent on farming :’D
Also unlike Arknights, u don’t need three stars or something to start AUTO your way out.
Endgame: 9/10
NGL, this game has better endgame content than Genshin. A LOT. It has something called “Stimulation Universe”. I think it’s similar to Arknights’ Annihilation that reset every week and earn rewards based on points. So rejoice if you’re strategy games enjoyer and like to play around with character builds, this game is good for you.
Gacha: 5/10
Why even bother. Just go with your starter characters.
UI/UX: 7/10
Dear Mihoyo: SKIP and LOG button WHEN??!!
Overall enjoyment: 7.8/10
Yeah weird numbers, but this is my overall, subjective rate. This won’t be my main game but since they’re not as grindy as my other games I think I can keep up by just playing casually. The minimal amount of grind also helped in increasing enjoyment in the overall strategy gameplay.
Unlike when u play Arknights where you have to massively build so many characters with so limited items and pretty hard stages (even for farming for early player) or Genshin with their chaotic artifacts farming..or FGO with their horrendous amount of doing the same 3-turns farming manually. If I had to go through things like that again here, I’ll drop the game immediately.
End Note (if still want to read, or just skip, lol)
If Star Rail was published before Genshin I doubt I’ll ever try it. Back then the only gacha game that can keep me for so long was only FGO (Since 2017, dear God) because I was soooo invested with their story and characters despite I have a massive hatred with their gameplay (lol). 
I often got HI3 ads on Youtube and I thought their visual is cool. But the game itself never interest me, because the playable characters are like 99% waifu so no, I prefer to have pretty balanced amount of dudes and chicks. Then in late 2020 Genshin was released, and I’m like... this is the one... the one I’ve been waiting for!!!!
I may write other long essays about why I was drawn to Genshin very much. And I was right, it was the only game that can pull me out from my FGO exclusivity, and made me realize that HI3 was not just a mere “waifu” game, and they give faith for me about HSR that was still in the beta back then.
Tl;dr Honkai: Star Rail is good. Don’t worry.
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lpfreakification · 2 years
Rambling until I fall asleep or get up again
After I had my bloated episode last night, it was hard to fall back to sleep. I did wake up easily but I couldn't get up. It felt like I didn't rest well last night X(
Wisconsin wasnt too bad. I was doing another patterny/zentangle/mandela doodle while everyone else was chatting about my brother's recent engagement. I was drawing it in this little bookie I had back in 2017, about 12 days after I got hired in my job :)
I had a few pages of rainbow watercolor already colored + a few circles stenciled in. Then I'd make the patterns from there. It sparked an idea to use whatever leftover watercolor I have on my brush + lay it down on the empty page. Once that page is filled, I can go over it with the patterns :) This will alleviate the sense of guilt for wasting any paint. For the thicker, shinier paints I'd use a 0.7 fine point black Posca pen. For now, its either a Faber-Castell, Sharpie, or Micron. Whichever can get that ink flowing XP
I'd like to go back to sleep but its risky. If I sleep rn, chances are that I'll awake up at an odd hour than my usual time. My best bet is to stay awake a little bit longer. Like another 2 or 3 hours (it's about to be 7 PM here).
Thinking about tomorrow. I have a meeting with a nutritionist. Neve had one b4 + idk how this will go. Well, what I'm hoping to get out of this is when I should be eating. It's either i dont eat at all (bcuz work work work) or I eat everything (a result from work work work). Worse, my diet's mainly takeout X( I cant help it bcuz I work at a pizza joint, theres nothing too good at home (or not to my liking), I have the money + freedom to go wherever for food, + I can't cook. I think I already said my reasons for cooking a couple days ago.
(I hate my siblings for pushing my buttons. Them: "Well u have mommy cooking + cleaning for you." *gets infuriated but trying to calm myself*)
*couple deep breaths later*
I used to have the independence back when I was dorming in college but not have money. Now it's the opposite: I have money but I dont have the independence + I depend on (+ taking advantage of) them.
Other things on my mind:
Why I dont look at the scale
Physical activity for the energy, not for weight loss
Siblings against the (pricey) gym I just joined XP
Hoping the item has traveled safely (it's in NJ rn)
Work makes me feel like a winner + home makes me feel like a loser
The weight on my back + shoulders preventing me from getting up again
Want to continue the patterny doodle
Would like to upload more doodles on IG, despite it being a lot of Dratica doodles
What else I can do as I'm up
What bg noise or video can I put on? (I'm out of Kittisaurus content to watch)
Cuddling with Axel for my heart X3
Feeling super guilty for not animating like I wanted to this month.
That last one's a killer X( I built myself up, only to crumble down. When I'm ready, I'll try again. I'd hate to feel sick of working on SNJ. I really do. There's so much I can still improve upon. Even if it practically means starting all over X( At least it's still 78 frames in 24 fps :) There is a lot to think about in this short of an animation. Overthinking caused me to crumble down. The movement of the hips. Perspective. Use of power centers. Weight. Moving holds. Making the character think with (almost) each step he takes. Making it simpler to begin with but not rough. Rough as in too many lines that will overwhelm me... I should write this paragraph down in my notes.
Welp, I'm up. Imma grab my leftover slice of pepperoni + see how the rest of the night will go. Yep! (It is now 7:31 pm)
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menalez · 2 years
related to the ‘no actual lesbian characters’ point this always bothered me in degrassi and I’m not even close to being a lesbian, so I’ve watched up to season 11 and I’ve had spoilers for the other seasons + next class (which had the stupid representation of the non-binary character but n e ways) the first named lesbian character introduced was Alex and she had originally been dating this creepy loser but out of no where she became a die hard lesbian after she and Paige became an item which felt just... so forced. I feel like since they made a lot of steps to include a gay male character they were like “oh shit where’s the lesbians” and then rewrote the most futch coded character to be a lesbian, which is... fine I guess but they never even touched on the fact that she was with the moid so it felt like a plot hole they could’ve very easily covered up. I did appreciate how in her stripping story arc they never tried to frame it as empowering like other teen shows (like she’s a literal child?????) and she never expressed any attraction to the Johns which I was rlly scared of. And this was in like 2006 so probably better representation than others at the time. And with Fiona Coyne I also felt like they written her in to be shoehorned as representation since they had already written full character arcs for another gay male and a trans man character, speaking of that the first hint they gave to her being a lesbian was her dating Adam (previously spoken of tif) and solely dating her because she was female and she could obviously see that, and saying “you’re like the best of both worlds” which feels like a cope, and Adam getting super mad about that and breaking up with her. A gold star for the terfyness and representation of butch characters atleast? And later she went on to date multiple other random femmes, I haven’t watched up to the point of her other relationships so she could’ve very well have been botched but :/ Fiona felt more shoe horned than the others because she had literally kissed her brother in a previous episode which... m yeah. And imogen which had been interested in another male character before being given a lesbian character arc, like it’s so lazy... the comphet storylines must be so tiring and is probably to some extent why the master doc exists. Like so many shows have fully fleshed out, researched, and focus grouped storylines for gay male trans etc characters but for lesbian characters they slap on lipstick lesbianism to a random b character then say ‘that’s enough activism for today 🧚‍♀️’
OH MY GOD i was thinking of degrassi too and didn’t wanna say bc i thought no one would know what im talking about. yes the thing with alex was literally so annoying. like the thing that bothers me is they will have these het or bi characters then all of a sudden they’re lesbians and their history with men is not explained at all. they just try to act like it was no big deal. alex was with that piece of shit guy for like at least a year and they were constantly kissing and looking very into each other. they couldn’t find a way to make sense of that for us??? cmon now. but i recall fiona also showing interest in men and then ofc all of a sudden she’s also a lesbian but at least they slowly tried to make sense of that. wait until u get to another one of the lesbian main characters they got in next class. fr it’s the worst one imo. i don’t remember fiona’s story too well but looking at her wiki:
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3 ex boyfriends and kissed another guy, the uncensored one is her trans ex boyfriend that u mentioned, and i don’t recall any of this being explained. i don’t remember her showing any discomfort with them either. iirc she seemed very into them?? if they had put any thought into her having been w men, they would’ve shown her not looking into it and perhaps trying to avoid being with them or SOMETHING but they never do that. ever. like. ur right degrassi’s lesbian rep is horrendous. there’s only one character who iirc is a lesbian that is represented decently but shes a side character and isnt that prominent on the show so.. there’s that at least.
also isnt imogen openly bi?? she basically said she’s into ppl regardless of sex
0 notes
baroquebucky · 3 years
Hey i have a request if u don’t mind? I saw this tweet a long time ago where a wife and husband were going grocery shopping and when they put their stuff down on the conveyer belt the cashier put a divider stuck between them because they didn’t think they were together because they thought the wife was significantly more attractive than the husband😂😂😂I was wondering if u could do a bucky x reader with that cause it’d be really funny!😂
a/n: i hope u like it !! feel free to send in some requests <33
in which everyone thinks you are out of buckys league and you can’t help but disagree with them.
You handed Bucky the list and a pen, grabbing a cart and heading to the produce section.
“what did i write down?” You asked, mind going blank as the vegetables stared at you.
“uh, tomato, lettuce, onion-” Bucky began listing everything on the list, stopping once he reached the end.
You moved quickly, finding the best veggies and putting them in bags and into your cart, sending Bucky across the store for the milk and eggs to make the trip faster.
You moved through the produce section quickly, waiting for Bucky to return so he wouldn’t panic when you were gone from where he left you. It had already been 10 minutes, surely he didn’t get lost?
You but your lip before deciding to continue shopping, hoping he would find you in the aisles. You made your rounds, getting cereal, bread, peanut butter and other essentials.
You were looking at the meat section when you finally saw Bucky lay his eyes on you, letting out a sigh of relief as he walked towards you quickly and put the milk and eggs in the cart.
“did you have to milk the cow yourself why did you take so long?” You asked, glancing at him for a second before looking back at the meat.
“i checked to find the one that expired the latest, like how you showed me” he smiled proudly, you looked at him with a fond smile.
“did you check the eggs too?” you replied, grabbing a pack of meat and placing it in the cart, Bucky nodded with a smile and you placed a kiss on his cheek.
“that’s my boy” you teased and he blushed, clearing his throat and walking alongside you as you finished getting the rest of the things on the list.
On the way to checkout you stopped, groaning as you remembered you needed some tostadas and salsa for movie night, you had run out when the team had asked you guys to host movie night (mainly because you would cook for the whole team and they were not turning away that chance).
“buck can you go get the tostadas from the chip aisle? I don’t wanna have to go across the store and the lines are short right now” you asked, turning to the super soldier.
“of course doll, the ones in the red bag right?” He asked and you nodded, telling him which salsa to get as well. He hurried off to find the chips and you found the shortest line, only two people ahead of you with a small amount of items.
You waited for a couple minutes before you began putting your things into the conveyor belt. Making small talk with the cashier as you placed everything and they scanned it.
You had finished setting everything down and were just waiting for the cashier to scan everything when Bucky appeared with the chips and salsa, setting it down on the conveyor belt.
The cashier looked at Bucky and placed the divider down, separating the chips and salsa from your groceries.
“oh, uh the chips and salsa are mine too” you spoke, blushing and smiling at the cashier.
Their eyes went wide and quickly removed the divider, Bucky going to stand next to you soon after.
“oh! I’m so sorry i didn’t think you two were together, i mean you’re just so pretty! No offense ce to you- sir i uh” she spoke quickly, fumbling to scan the chips and salsa quickly.
“it’s fine” you smiled, saving her from the hole she was digging herself in. You quickly paid and thanked her, making Bucky push the now full and heavy cart.
You burst out laughing the moment you exited the store, stumbling and holding onto the cart for support.
“she- she thought we weren’t dating!” You wheezed, “she thought u was too pretty for you!” a small snort leaving you and causing you to laugh even harder.
“haha very funny” Bucky smiled, putting all the groceries in the car as you doubled over in laughter.
“do i need a haircut or something?” Bucky questioned, looking at himself in the mirror and you rolled your eyes at him.
“I like your hair this length” you smiled, kissing his cheek, “it was an honest mistake buck don’t worry, if anything you’re out of my league, y’know super soldier and all” you comforted him, not letting him protest and taking the cart to put it away.
As you got back in the car bucky looked at you, a smile on his face before leaning in and kissing you on the lips softly, pulling away with red cheeks.
“i love you” he whispered and you blushed, butterflies in your stomach. No matter how many times he told you it always had that same effect, with a chill down your spine and warm happy feeling in your chest.
“i love you” you replied, kissing him once more before settling in your seat and putting on some music.
Bucky smiled as he watched you from the corner of his eye, his mind reeling from your words. You out of his league? Please, you were easily the most beautiful girl he’d laid eyes on.
“wait do you actually think I’m out of your league?” Bucky questioned, furrowing his brows and glancing your way before settling his eyes on the road again.
“yeah, isnt that hard to believe i mean” you replied, arms gesturing to bucky and he only rolled his eyes, looking at the road and then at you for a quick second. You took the chance to shower him in compliments, you knew he could get insecure and you didn’t want this incident to worry him.
“I mean where do i start, the hair is perfect, please don’t cut your hair i will cry” you began, hearing a small chuckle made you smile and you continued.
“and then youre so sweet and caring and you just always are so amazing, i mean you saved alpine from the rain and you adopted him when no one claimed him” you spoke, Bucky’s face hot and ears burning red.
“and you’re just so charming with that damn smile and the way you can be so shy but then you have to shame and just drive me up a wall” he smirked at your comment, knowing how you secretly loved it when he messed with you at times.
“and plus my knees pop every time i bend them meanwhile your joints are perfectly fine” you ended, causing him to laugh as he pulled into the complex of your shared apartment.
“surprised your didn’t mention my arm this time” he quipped, meeting you by the trunk of the car and helping place some bags in your hands as he took the rest.
“wanted to keep it wholesome, let me have one sweet moment james” you smirked and he rolled his eyes.
“not my government name” he smiled and you blew him a kiss, laughing as he blushed deeply and fumbled to open the door, finally letting the two of you into the apartment and setting everything on the kitchen counter.
Alpine soon joined the two of you on the couch after fixing everything, laying on your side with your head resting on Buckys chest, mindlessly watching some movie you had flipped to.
Bucky looked at you, savoring the moment. Your head on his chest and an arm draped over alpine, petting him softly as your focused on the movie.
Bucky could feel his heart grow in his chest, a smile on his face as you began to theorize what would happen to the main character.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out before the movie ends doll” he replied, running his fingers through your hair and you smiled up at him.
He swore he saw the sun in your eyes at that moment. And maybe he did, because from your perspective, you were looking at the light of your life.
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 11]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, dom!seungcheol, daddy kink, fingering, oral(fem receiving), overstimulation, a little angst/mentions of theft, but some soft lovin for the masses after the last chapter 😭😭💕, also i think this goes without saying but just in case! There won’t be any Cherry Bomb chapters going up while Monster Mash is happening(same for the drabble game)! So this is our last chapter until Nov 6th!🥺 HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND!!!🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - ?
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“Well… Welcome home.”
Seungcheol shoots you a small smile from behind as he watches you trudge past him towards the bed. He toes his shoes off quietly before setting your things down by the sofa, a soft sigh on his lips.
“Seungcheol, are you really sure about this? Really, I can just get a hotel...”
He sits with you on the bed; arm draped around your shoulder as he tucks you into his side. “We’re really going to need to figure things out pretty quickly but… yes. I’m sure. I mean, even if it’s just temporarily until you can find a safer place to live in. Which, by the way, can we talk about that? If you’re okay with it.”
Biting your lip, you slightly pull away as you peer up at Seungcheol. He takes note of your puffy, red eyes; a frown of his own painted on his face. He could hear your sniffles the entire ride back home but he decided to not say anything, in fear of exacerbating the situation.
“I---It happened a couple months ago. Do you remember that week I was doing a stream per day as a thank you gift for my subscribers? Well, I stepped out one afternoon to run some errands and---and when I came back, the door was just ...ajar. But also, nothing was really missing? Just a few things here and there I knew I wouldn’t miss and my filming camera. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but the cops came by to take a statement anyway...”
“Didn't you stream that night though?”
You nod shamefully, “I know I shouldn’t have, but I figured since nothing stolen was really irreplaceable. And I had a spare camera I ended up using so I thought it’d be okay.”
The two of you sigh in unison, settling into the quietness of Seungcheol, and now, your apartment. “Well, I’m glad you’re safe. That’s the most important thing, right?”
“Yeah, and I’ll help with the bills and stuff, ‘Cheol! We’ll go halfsies on it, okay? I’ll pull my weight around here.”
You shoot him a shy smile as you wrap your arms around one of his. “Maybe I should take up Jeongguk with that collab stream idea…”
“Speaking of…”
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‘Hey, it’s late but I need a favour when you’re free.’
Jeon 🥴: wussup u kno im always awake
‘Are you up for a trade?’
Jeon 🥴: why do u sound like jigsaw 😭😭
Jeon 🥴: also it depends
‘You help me move all of Cherry’s things to my apartment and she agrees to do a livestream with you.’
Jeon 🥴: the--
Jeon 🥴: just tell me when and where baby i got u
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Sunday morning is a whirlwind of phone calls and favour-chains, big boxes and Jeongguk knocking early in the morning when he finally shows up.
“I’m ready to go whenever! Seokjin-hyung’s pretty upset he has to take my early shift but I promised him that I’d take his night shift and swore to never mention the time he broke the hot dog machine to Namjoon.”
Seungcheol turns to you, “So, I called the police department and asked if there were any updates and what we can do. All they could really tell me is that we’re free to go back to the apartment since they replaced the door and that they’ve already taken as many fingerprints as they can, so we can go get your things.” He pauses, “We probably shouldn’t try to take everything so quickly so we should go in and get your essential things and then just go back to grab the others later on, if that’s okay?”
You nod in response, making sure you have your things before the three of you head out. “My landlord texted me and told me to tell her when we get there so she can give me the new key.”
Jeongguk pops the gum in his mouth, heavy boots resounding through the apartment as he makes his way to the door.
“Let’s go get some shit!”
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“So can we discuss the deal we got going on here?” Jeongguk bounces with giddiness from Seungcheol’s backseat, unable to sit still at the thought.
“Well, we can do two streams.” You take a second to turn around from the front seat, eyes locking onto Jeongguk who immediately leans in towards your face. “One on yours and one on mine. We’ll split whatever money we make and call it a day?”
“Wait a second, two streams? Why would he be on yours?” Seungcheol narrows his eyes at the road in front of him; knuckles tightening around the steering wheel.
He wasn’t even properly in a live cam and now Jeongguk was going to be?
“Oh, I don’t think Seungcheol-hyung would like it very much. Although I will say, my stroke game is preeeeetty good.”
“No, you idiots, not like that!” Seungcheol snorts from the driver’s seat just as you roll your eyes. “On ‘Guk’s channel, we’ll just game. That’s it. Keep it PG, y’know? But on mine… We’ll still game, just… with some added bonuses. I’ve already thought it out, okay? Just trust me. We can do it on Friday night and Saturday night respectively, so we don’t kill our schedules too much.”
The two males nod in return as you turn back around to face forward. “Which, by the way, thank you Jeongguk for agreeing to come and bring the heavy stuff with us. I really appreciate it!”
Jeongguk smiles, although you can’t see it. “Hey, it’s no problem! And anyway, I already might’ve told my viewers that I’d be having a special guest soon so...” He trails off sheepishly; a pale pink blush on his cheeks.
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“Wow, well, I guess if there’s anything we should be thankful for… At least they didn’t take the sybian.”
“Ugh, hyung, it’s probably because they couldn’t tell what it was. And they probably didn’t take a lot of the sex toys because they were probably freaked out.”
Jeongguk’s voice gets quieter and quieter as he exits the apartment that you and Seungcheol were still in.
“What’s the damage, baby?”
You sigh as you sit down on the bed, rummaging through a box of personal items. “It seems like they made more of a mess trying to find anything of worth, to be honest. Most of the things taken were gifts and some of my toys but the ones that were still in their packages. Some of my camera and lighting equipment also got taken…  Same goes for some of the lingerie sets you got me that were still in their packaging… ‘m sorry, ‘Cheol.” You pout up at him as he chuckles.
Seungcheol stands in front of you, tilting your head up to meet his warm eyes. “That’s literally fine. You can always get more of those things anyway.”
He kisses you gently on the forehead; fingertips threaded through your hair. “Hey, if you’re still doing a show on Wednesday, I’ve got an idea.” Seungcheol offers.
“You? Have an idea?” You raise a brow at him, unsure whether or not to believe him. But before either of you can speak, Jeongguk comes back, boots stomping loudly on the hardwood.
“Let’s talk about this another time, when we’re alone.”
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The two of you take the next couple of days in stride as you settle into your new place; whether it was temporarily or permanently for you.
Seungcheol continues his normal work routine and to some degree, you find yourself even more bored without him. For a while, you contemplate getting a part time job, at least to make up some extra money for rent and so that you weren’t always at home alone. 
“Hey, I’m back!”
Ah, perfect timing.
You meet Seungcheol at the door, already dressed in one of his shirts. “‘Cheollie~ Welcome home!”
“Have a fun day without me?” He asks, shucking off his jacket and shoes before making his way to the sofa.
“Errr, well, I had some thoughts… and some questions.”
“Okay, shoot.”
You sit across from him, eyes blinking in unsureness as he stares at you. “Well… I was thinking… about maybe getting a part time job? I know we kinda made a lot with the last videos but, it’d help me not be so bored when you’re gone and hey, extra money is always good, right? I can replace all the stuff that got stolen too.” Seungcheol nods in thought, “Maybe you can find a place that’ll give you early shifts so I can just swing by and get you after work. I’d say come work at the roller rink but I don’t think that’d be the smartest idea...”
“I’ll find a place! I was going through the job listings earlier and there were some promising places~” A weight feels lifted from your shoulders as you smile back at Seungcheol; glad that he seemed to be willing to work with you and what you wanted. “Oh and… about the show tonight? What was your idea? We totally forgot about it.”
Seungcheol laughs breathily, running a hand through his hair as he gets up from the sofa to head towards the kitchen.
“Let’s let it be a surprise. C’mon, I wanna try a new recipe from our cookbooks.”
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You set up the cameras as per Seungcheol’s request, checking the viewfinder. “Are you sure about this, ‘Cheol? You don’t have to be on cam with me if you don’t want to…”
Seungcheol chuckles as he tugs his shirt off, leaving his sweats on as he gets onto the bed with you. He checks the viewfinder with you, making sure the angle cuts off right at his collarbones. “I’m sure, and as long as the cameras don’t shift, we should be fine. I wanted to try this.”
The unknown factor scares you a little bit, but you trust Seungcheol enough to know that he knows what he’s doing.
“Now, c’mere.” He gestures to you as you tilt your head at him. “But there’s still, like, 12 minutes until we need to start…”
“Yeah, but we’re doing things my way tonight, right, sweetheart?”
Nodding slowly, you crawl on your knees towards Seungcheol, stopping right in front of him as he leans in to give you a chaste kiss. You smile into it, melting under his touch before he pulls away. 
“Turn around for me, baby.” 
The mood shifts quickly when he slips into character and you can feel your heart racing in your chest when his arms wrap around your midsection. He tugs you towards himself until your back meets his warm naked chest.
“Daddy just wants to make you feel good, princess. Don’t you want that?”
The warmth blooms inside your chest at Seungcheol’s soft voice, “Mmhmm…”
You check the viewfinder to see half of your face cut off and Seungcheol’s head out of frame. His arms are wrapped firmly around your midsection before his hands start to roam your lingerie-clad body. “My babygirl’s had such a rough week. I think she deserves to be treated like a princess tonight.” You gulp as Seungcheol whispers into your hair; a content sigh on your lips when he cups your breasts in his palms.
“Let me make you feel good, okay?”
You lean your head up against his shoulder as his fingertips continue to roam; letting him take the reins.
He slides your bra straps down your shoulders gently, kissing the skin before he slides the material from you. His hands find their way back to your breasts, squeezing them in his hands as you mewl. “S--Seungcheol…”
His eyes flit to the clock on the wall. “Looks like it’s time, sweetheart.”
Nodding, you lean away from his touch for a second as you click the red button on your laptop screen that indicates you were live. It gives a countdown of three seconds just as you situate yourself back in Seungcheol’s lap.
gentleman_josh95: whoa what
universe_WZ: yo wait
angelhan: ????
kitty_junjun has donated $69
kitty_junjun: for my favorite couple
“H--Hi guys…” You whimper; lips falling into a silent moan when Seungcheol pinches your nipples between his fingers. “I--I, um, a-ah, daddy wanted to s-start early so…”
sleepy_wonu: ….interesting
sleepy_wonu has donated $50
therealchan99: btw u didnt have a show on sat! everything okay?
“Ah, ye---yeah, just, some stuff came u-up, is all. Sorry!” You shoot the camera a sheepish smile, hoping that nobody else presses for more.
Seungcheol notices the way you tense up in his hold as he kisses the crown of your head.
“Daddy’s taking care of it now, isn’t that right, babygirl?” The comments and donations flood the screen as Seungcheol talks; questions of who he was and comments about the previous videos still lingering in your viewers minds as they continue to praise the two of you.
He takes your distraction as an opportunity to ghost his hands down your torso until they flit along the edge of the waistband of your panties.
“Spread your legs a little more, baby. Let them see how wet your panties are getting.”
sleepy_wonu: seems like daddy dom.cheol finally got his hands on you huh lol
sleepy_wonu: somehow i knew you’d make a good pair.
tangerine_kwan: the--------------
hoshi_tiger_xx: wait how r u sure
chwenon: actually.... 🥴🥴🥴
sleepy_wonu: i mean, do u see him in here? Isnt it weird he hasnt donated yet?
alphagyu97: goddamn he rly went from private show to actual fucking?
alphagyu97: … living his best life, i cant even complain
For a second, you want to respond, but you let the comments go on to see what else they had to say before chiming in.
A blush blooms on your cheeks when Seungcheol ghosts his fingers over your panties; hips rising off of the bed when he presses into the growing wet patch on the material. He chuckles lightly as he, too, reads over the comments.
“Guess we’re caught, huh?” You can’t help but giggle at Seungcheol’s lighthearted approach to them finding out; glad that he seemed to be okay with it.
chwenon: bruh he said stroke game on ✨x-games✨
xcaliburDK: wait so r u guys gonna be on cam together regularly now?
artist8hao: damn, shouldve known he was packin
“Erm… we--well, not necessarily! He’ll, maybe, join me for some here and, mmh,  there but… but that’s it for, ah, n-now..”
Seungcheol drags his fingers up and down your folds through your panties as the material starts to stick to you like a second skin. He noticed you’d hit your show minimum where you usually liked to really start your show, moments prior.
“But for today, I thought I’d take it slow with our babygirl. Let her feel nice and good after her long week.” He checks the viewfinder one more time to make sure everything’s okay before he drags his fingers back to the waistband of your panties as he starts to push them down. “Help me get these off of you, sweetheart.”
You replace his hands with yours as you shimmy the soaked material down your legs until you can kick them off.
Spreading your legs, you make sure you’re directly in the camera’s views as Seungcheol brings his fingertips down to your soaking cunt. “Look at her. I’ve only been touching her for a little while and she’s already so fuckin’ wet for me.”
tangerine_kwan: fuck, give her what she wants
artist8hao: sink those fingers into her tight pussy just like what she likes
Seungcheol drags his fingers through your wet folds teasingly slow as you whine. “M-more… daddy…” He hums in response, middle finger on your clit as he rubs slow circles. Your eyes slide close at his gentle touch, body filled with warmth as you rest against him. You even momentarily forget that the two of you were being watched live; if not for the sounds of donations and comments pouring out of your speakers.
“Babygirl, don’t you have an announcement for your viewers?” He grins against your hair just as he runs his fingers through your wetness again; this time, positioning two fingers at your entrance as he slowly sinks them into you.
He starts a slow pace as he pumps them inside of your warm walls, curling and scissoring them as you clench around the digits.
“A-ah, y--yeah, this Friday I--I’m doing a collab stream on--on, ngh, G-Golden Closet Gaming and, fuh--fuck, on Saturday we’ll be doing a collab stream on, hah, my ch--channel!”
xcaliburDK: wait u kno gcg too?
therealchan99: threesome?
angelhan: wow this channel is growing so fast
“N-no, ah, d-daddy wouldn’t like that very m-much but, mmh, it’s---it’s for a good reason! I promise~!” You let out a choked sob just as Seungcheol starts thrusting his fingers faster; heels digging into the sheets as your legs threaten to clamp shut.
“Ah, ah, ah, keep your legs spread, baby. They have to see your pretty ‘lil cunt stretched wide around my fingers.” He kisses your hair once more before he ever so slowly adds a third finger, pumping them into you slowly. Your nails dig into his thighs at the fullness you feel, hips bucking up as you meet his fingers.
“O-oh my god, ‘m suh--so full!” You whimper, eyes clamped shut.
You already feel yourself close to an orgasm as your thighs start to shake. Seungcheol takes notice of the way your pussy gets tighter around his fingers and the way your breath becomes more stuttered as he curls his fingers inside of you.
“Cum for me, sweetheart. Get my fingers nice and wet.” Seungcheol coos.
The donations and comments flood the screen with words of praise as your orgasm washes over you; back bowing away from Seungcheol as your body locks up in his lap. He places the pad of his thumb on your clit as he starts rubbing circles on the swollen nub, laughing lightly when your thighs clamp shut around his arm.
universe_WZ: so fuckin pretty when she cums
alphagyu97: a sweet babygirl getting what she deserves
Small cries fall off your lips as the oversensitivity starts to bite and you bring your hand to Seungcheol’s forearm as you whine and try to push his hand away. “Mmh… ‘m sensitive now…”
He nods gently as he slowly eases his fingers out of your soaking pussy. “Spread your legs.” 
You shakily follow his orders as you catch your breath; shaky legs parting for the camera to see. Seungcheol brings his wet fingers to your lips as you start to lick and clean them of your wetness.
kitty_junjun: fuck and she’s such a good girl too
universe_WZ: a good babygirl who knows how to clean up her messes huh
Seungcheol clears his throat, adrenaline rushing through his veins, “I want you to cum one more time for me, baby. Think you can?” You blink sleepily at the camera, foggy eyes already noticing you’d somehow made twice as much in this show despite Seungcheol not being any of the donators.
“I---I think so, daddy…”
He nods, gulping as he slowly starts to move from behind you. “Good, because you’re gonna cum on my tongue for everyone now.”
Arousal pools in you at Seungcheol’s words and you shoot him a panicked look when he gets up from the bed. He smiles at you softly, rounding the bed and entering the camera’s view with the back of his head showing.
“Lean up against the pillows, sweetheart. Let them see your cute face when you’re cumming on daddy’s tongue.”
angelhan: blue hair huh
sleepy_wonu: lol tryna keep tabs so u kno who to look for?
alphagyu97: maybe
therealchan99: yes but no
Seungcheol takes a deep breath before he lays on his stomach between your legs, hands on your thighs as he places them over his shoulders. He’s slightly nervous; if only because he’s worried he might accidentally show his face. But he steels himself, smiling up at you once before he leans in, tongue already flicking at your sensitive clit before you can even properly get situated.
“Oh, f-fuck!” Your hands immediately tangle into Seungcheol’s hair as you throw your head back against the pillows.
This time, he doesn’t start slow; his plump lips around your clit as he sucks hard. “D--Daddy, please!” You whine as you dig your heels into his back and Seungcheol is quick to laugh against your skin. He kisses your clit; smirking when you jolt under his touch.
“What’s wrong, baby? Too much? Do you want me to stop?” He lets you catch your breath as you slowly bring your head down to look at him; bleary eyes focused on his wet lips and twinkling eyes.
“N-no… jus’ wanna c-cum again…’m really close already ‘cause ‘m sensitive...”
Seungcheol hums, leaning in closer as he drags his tongue from your clit to your entrance, slightly dipping his tongue in as you moan above him. He repeats this process a few times, teasing you as you whine and squirm.
xcaliburDK: goddamn her expressions are so cute
chwenon: she rly does look good like this
hoshi_tiger_xx: better than her toys
universe_WZ has donated $100
angelhan has donated $75
hoshi_tiger_xx has donated $50
You get lost in the pleasure, already on the brink of your second orgasm when Seungcheol sucks your clit back into his mouth. He draws you in closer by your thighs when he feels you shaking under his touch; doubling his efforts when he can already feel your body start to lock up.
Seungcheol flattens his tongue against you, dragging his tongue up and down in hard strokes.
“Fuck, daddy, I’m---I’m c-cumming!”
Tears wet your lashes as you cum hard on his tongue; fingertips locked tight in his hair as your hips cant up into his mouth. He lets you do as you please, letting you ride his tongue as you take your pleasure from him.
The sounds of donations and comments pour in from behind Seungcheol’s back and he has an itching feeling that the shows in which he actually appeared were going to be more popular from now on.
Not that he’d complain.
Your soft cries from above pull Seungcheol from his thoughts as he slowly eases his tongue off of you; kissing your sensitive clit one last time as you squirm.
“Nooooo~” You cry, pushing his head away as he laughs.
“It was nice meeting you all~” Seungcheol comments as he slides out of view of the camera. “I’ll let you take it from here, sweetheart.”
You smile tiredly at Seungcheol, wiping the sweat from your brow as you close your shaky legs.
“Thank you, daddy~”
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“Did you still want to get a part time job? I mean… these numbers…”
Muttering, Seungcheol turns off all the lights before he slides under the bedsheets with you, laptop dead-center as the two of you look at the amount of donations you’d made from the single live show.
“Yeah, I think it’d be fun! And anyway, I might’ve already found a place! And with a friend!” You grin at him just as you slam your laptop shut; confusion painted on his features even in the darkness.
“A friend? And where?”
“’Dynamite’! With Jun!”
Seungcheol snorts, flopping into his pillow. “You serious? Why there?”
You snuggle up to his side, resting your head on his arm as you stare up at his side profile. “They’re hiring, Jun would know my schedule the best, and I’d have someone familiar with me.” Pausing, you smirk up at him even if he can’t see it. “And they probably have cute little pastel diner outfits… With a cute ‘lil skirt… And if I bend over enough for you, maybe you’ll see my cute ‘lil panties that are already wet just thinkin’ about you… ‘n maybe you’ll have to take me back to your car and fuck me in your backseat and cum all over my cute outfit.”
Seungcheol nods in though, images of you bent over the hood of his car with your panties pushed to the side as he fucks you in the parking lot; the risk of everyone seeing you making his cock throb in his sweats.
“Hmm... Touché.”
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hops-hunny · 3 years
Distance Makes the Heart Grow
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Mafia Boss!Neville Longbottom x Reader
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: (Y/n) lives a normal life. But that’s the issue, it’s normal, it’s plain, and it’s growing boring. Everyday she wishes for something, anything to spice up her life. But, when her old school friend (and crush) shows up at her bakery with a new look (and what looks like a new life), what will it bring for her? Will their puppy love grow? Will his big secret lead to the end of them or will it spark a new beginning?
Warnings: wizards experiencing muggle items, one line about sexual temptation, illegal bribery
(Y/n) rubbed the sleep from her eyes, still tired despite going through her entire morning routine. Although she was exhausted, she also felt an extreme burst of excitement. Although she grew up wealthy for a small portion of her life, her parents had never liked to travel. They much preferred sticking to themselves and associating with other pure bloods. The furthest they had ever traveled was from their main home to their summer home and even then the two weren’t that far from one another. She nuzzled into Neville’s neck further, tightening her grasp around him as he carried her down the stairs.
When they got to the landing, he brought them to the main living room where everyone was waiting. She heard a familiar squeal causing her eyes to snap open just in time to see a camera flash.
“Sorry you guys are just so cute together! Plus who knew you were this adorable when you’re sleepy?” Twyla said, cooing as she walked over and pinching the girl’s cheek. She grumbled, smacking her hand away as she buried her head back in Neville’s neck.
“Twyla? What are you doing here? You’re coming too?” she asked, watching as the girl nodded, jumping in excitement. Her (e/c) eyes narrowed as she peeked at her. “Really? I also suspect that you requested this time off?” the blonde scratched the back of her neck, backing away from the girl slowly.
“Listen, (Y/n), baby, dear boss of mine. Permission to have time off in order to go to Italy?” she pleaded, flashing her a sickly sweet smile. 
“Request denied.” she replied almost instantaneously. She giggled some at the girl’s reaction, trying to keep the straight face she had going on. But she couldn’t, Twyla’s over dramatic scene she was causing was far too funny. “I’m only kidding Twy, there’s no one I’d rather spend time in a new country with. Well, maybe there is.” Neville squeezed at her thighs, lifting her up higher at the announcement. He went to tease her before Harrison cleared his throat, standing on a stool so the mass of people could see him.
“Alright well I’ve got some news.” he started but was cut short.
“Good or bad?” the twins said in unison, glaring at each other for having the same thought.
“Well, it’s news. Because there’s so many of us, it’d be a bit strange for us to use floo powder. It’d cause way too much attention which would already have people quite suspicious about our visit.” he said, clasping his hands together. “Which means we’ll be using muggle transportation.” The main eight chimed up, all their speech lapping over each other. Twyla whistled, causing them all to stop speaking. “Thank you. Now if there’s any questions, please ask them one at a time.”
“How the hell are we gonna drive to Italy?! Can cars go in the water?” Seamus blurted out, causing everyone in the room to give him a disappointed look. Ron smacked the back of his head, letting out a troubled sigh.
“Whoever said there was no such thing as a dumb question must’ve never met you, Finnegan.” Harrison said in a fake sweet tone. “We’re going by plane which means we’ll need to go through the muggle airport.” Neville cleared his throat, causing everyone to turn their attention to him.
“And what about our guns? Weapons? Correct me if I’m wrong, but those can’t be taken through airport security.” he said, everyone else to make noises of agreement. The bearded man sucked on his teeth, releasing a soft breath.
“Well, we’re all smart, capable people. Plus you know muggles, money talks with them. Shouldn’t be too hard to get ourselves through with our weapons intact.” he said, causing everyone to go into thought about what they’d do to evade security. “Any more questions?”
“Yeah, how long are we going to be there for? I sorta have a job.” Twyla said. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, squinting them at the back of the girl’s head which caused a small jolt of electricity to shock her. She let out a yelp, glaring knowingly at the girl. “I know that was you!”
“Alright if there’s no more questions, let’s get to the airport!”
As they got out of the car, (Y/n) looked around in awe. The airport had to be one of the busiest places she’d ever been, and she attended Hogwarts. Many different tunnels, windows, and levels all stacked as high as her sight could reach. The worst part of it all was the abundance of people, especially with them being muggles. It wasn’t that she disliked them, it was more so she feared them. She constantly felt anxious like they could see right through her and would call her out on the spot. As she felt her breath get shallow, she ran up to Neville clinging to his arm as they walked. He looked down at her smiling before intertwining their fingers.
She gasped as the door walked open automatically as they went through, eyes growing wide. Neville heard the noise looking down at her. She gave him a confused look. “I thought you said there was no magic here?” she said, confused by how the doors were doing that. He chuckled some, pecking the top of her head.
“There isn’t. It’s all muggle technology. If you think that’s cool, I’m curious what your reaction to the plane will be.” 
(Y/n) kept close to the tall man’s side, ignoring the weird looks they were receiving. She couldn’t blame them. Her and Neville were complete opposites. It was as if they both climbed out of two separate books and had formed a new one which in a way, they had. Everyone continued to follow Harrison, watching as he slid a large numbered bill to the man. He moved out of the way, letting them skip the line before they got to the metal detectors. (Y/n) began to sweat nervously knowing that every single man with her right now was fully armed and loaded.
“I’ve got this, don’t worry mini boss!” Seamus said, walking up to the front of the line. Neville groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. He cleared his throat as he stepped up to the short man in the uniform. The man crossed his arms, glaring up at him. “Hello…” he trailed off, looking at the nametag on the man, “Alfredo! Listen, why don’t you be a champ and let us by?” he said, handing the man a few 20s. However, he didn’t budge.
“You think I’m going to let you through for 40 bucks?” he snapped. “I happen to take my job as an airport security member very seriously. I’d have half the mind to call the cops on you right now for not wanting to follow the mandatory metal detector procedure.” At this point the girl was shaking. Blaise rolled his eyes, walking up to the man. He gave him a charismatic smirk. Grabbing the man’s hand he placed a kiss on his knuckles.
“Alfredo, right?” he asked, watching as the boy nodded along in a trance. “Charmed. I’m Blaise Zabini. Listen, I know my friend here insulted your character and you seem like a very nice, good boy,” he purred, staring into his eyes intently. Whipping out his wallet he pulled out four hundred dollar bills tucking them into the boy’s front pocket, leaving his hand to linger there. “So why don’t you let us through, yeah? And maybe when I come back you can give me a call.” The boy stumbled behind the machine, looking both ways before turning off the sensors. They all began to quickly file through before anyone would notice. Blaise being the last one threw the man a wink before catching up with his friends.
“That’s not fair! Blaise has pretty privilege!” Seamus whined, causing Fred to snort.
“Perhaps you should invest in some then. You seemed like you could use it back there.” he said, snickering as George joined in. Draco even gave a few chuckles before covering it with a cough.
(Y/n) looked around the airport, still curious about everything. Sure Hogwarts had a few moving floors and stairs that moved but these were..different? Maybe they were some more of that muggle technology Neville had mentioned earlier.
“You see that?” the boss said, pointing to a set of the moving stairs. She nodded, continuing to eye them curiously. “Those are called escalators. You stand on them and they move. We’re about to get on one in a second!” she gulped at that but nodded.
“U-um, will you hold my hand on it? It’s kinda scary..” she asked, jumping in surprise as he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her into his chest, embracing her tightly.
“God, you're so precious. Of course I’ll hold your hand.” he reached his hand out, grabbing her smaller one in his large one. As they neared it, she found she wasn’t as nervous as she had been previously. Especially not with the twins running up the wrong side, screaming at each other in confusion about why they weren’t moving anywhere.
“They seem to be out of order!” George said, continuing to run up them. Ron turned around glaring at his pathetic older brothers.
“They’re not broken, you’re just on the wrong side, idiots! Why do you think we got on this one?” he yelled to them, watching as they froze. As they reached the landing again they ran up the correct side, giving Ron a smack on the back of the head as they passed him.
“Oh you know, for flavor!”
As they neared the terminal, her eyes began to sparkle with curiosity. Even though the majority of it was covered by the window panes, she could see bits of the different planes in between.
“Alright for most of you, this is your spot. The boarding should be beginning soon so keep an ear peeled.” Harrison said. The extra men that had come with the nodded before making their way to the long line. They looked very out of place compared to everyone else in line. Although some had disguised themselves in Hawaiian shirts, a lot of them still adorned their usual attire of all black suits. (Y/n) went to join them but was pulled back, the tattooed man giving her a look.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To get on the plane? I thought we were taking one?” she said, a lost look on her face. He smiled at her, dragging her along.
“Oh we are, we’re just taking one of our own.” he said, a smug look present on his face. She went to ask him what he meant but stopped as they made it to a private section of the airport, walking straight through a terminal with no line. 
“Woah! This is yours, Nev?” she asked, running around the interior. It was larger than she thought it’d be. There were a few couches inside along with a few cushioned chairs. Tables were embedded into the ground, stationed around the various seats.
“Yep! All mine, petal. Only the best for you, pretty girl.” Her heart began to race at the name, looking back at him with a smile. 
“Geez, he really is Mr.Moneybags! This thing is loaded, bigger than any plane I’ve ever been on.” Twyla chimed, throwing herself onto one of the couches with a sigh. Draco took a seat beside her, lifting her legs into his lap.
“I have one too, you know.” he said, causing her to jerk up. Giving him a teasing smile, she pinched his cheek lovingly.
“Aww! Dray’s so cute when he’s jealous! C’mere!” she said, lunging forward onto the man as she covered his face in kisses. (Y/n) giggled some letting out a small scream as a pair of arms pulled her back. Neville nuzzled his nose into her neck before littering kisses all over her face.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. You look so cute when you’re excited.” she smiled at his words, hiding her face in his chest. She still had yet to ask him about the room situation. There was only 2 hours till they were set to land so if she wanted to get it out, she had better do it soon.
“Hey Nev? I-I-I was wondering i-if you wanted to maybe..maybe um...share a room together?” Neville froze at the words, the movement of his hands ceasing. Had she really just said what he thought she had? So many thoughts were running through his head, some less savory than others. “I just thought it would be nice. I know you’ll probably be busy during the day so I-I’d enjoy being able to be with you at night. N-not like that! I just-”
“Of course, baby. I’d love to.” he said, turning her around so he could place a kiss on her lips. Before he could begin to deepen it, a childish chorus of ooo’s echoed across the plane. He pulled away, rolling his eyes as he pulled out his gun. “I’m not above using this. I don’t care how high we are.”
An hour into the flight, things had really taken off. During the small duration of time, many blunts had been rolled, meals had been eaten, and alcohol had been consumed. (Y/n) found herself looking out the window, admiring the way the clouds flew by them seemingly weightless. Her attention was pulled away from the sound of a glass breaking along with a loud thud. Seamus was on the ground, his shirt tied around his shoulders like a cape. 
“I don’t think I can drink another round. You two win.” he said, commending the twins for their effort. They exchanged a look before beginning to cackle.
“We were drinking water the whole time! Do you really think we’d drink 14 shots a piece?! Man, what a moron you are, Finnegan.” Fred said, wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. George nodded along, slapping his knee in amusement.
“Right before we have to scope out the place too? Boss isn’t gonna be too happy with you.” he said in a sing-song voice. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel bad for the boy. She knew what it was like to go and mess things up before something important. Lifting her purse, she began sifting through it carefully, stopping once she found what she had been looking for. Walking over to the boy she handed him a small potion vile.
“Here, drink this. I always give this to Twyla when she shows up black out at my house. It should sober you up in a few minutes.” The boy looked at her like she was a god before drinking the thick liquid.
“God, who knew the boss would get such a useful girlfriend? Thanks (Y/n)! ‘Ppreciate it.” he said, handing her the now empty bottle. Her face began to heat up at his words.
“O-oh I’m not his-”
“(Y/n)! Come here, I wanna show you something.” he said, motioning her over to the chair. She nodded before walking over to him, sitting in the chair. “Okay, ready?” he asked, waiting for her approval. She nodded, sending him a smile. With a press of a button, the chair she was in began vibrating, light pressure being applied to her back. She practically purred at the feeling, closing her eyes.
“What is this?” she asked, words bumping together from the sensation of the chair. He chuckled before sitting beside her, grabbing her hand in his.
“It’s called a massage chair. It’s a muggle invention. Nice innit?” he asked, watching as she purred some more, nodding brainlessly. His eyes traveled over her relaxed expression, tracing all the curves and contour of her face. However, he couldn’t help the tightening of his pants when she began to moan in pleasure at the feeling of the muggle device. If he could barely get through this, how was he supposed to survive an entire mission with her? Especially one where they’d be sleeping in the same bed, every night? 
“Showers, a lot of cold showers.” he muttered to himself. He smiled once he realized she had fallen asleep, deciding to join her in slumber.
TAGSLIST: @vayeya11 @pink-hufflepuff @clancyscookies @elemental-of-magic @beewitchedlou @simpforremuslupin @mottergirl99 @princesslaiahg​ @nevillelongbottomsgirlfriend​ @redpanda-poetry​ @vibingaesthetically
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Hi! First of all... You are a LEGEND🤩! Your head cons are sooooooo good. When I read theme I really get into the story and can feel the emotion you put on the characters, 💖its amazing! Not that long ago you did a head con of Erika being ok with Leiftan being a Demon. So I was wondering... Could you do a head con of Lance accepting to take Erika with him, were she becomes a demon and enters the plot with Lance against the guard🤔? It would be very interesting to se that.😊 Hope u have a good day, evening or night!
Oh thank you so much! 😄 That’s so kind of you to say, I don’t think you truly know how much I value your compliment! You’re so kind! 😊
I originally considered nearly completely re-writing the plot from episode 15 (I believe that’s when she asks him to take her) for this ask, but then realized I would be re-writing half the plot of Origins lol. That would take way too long to write (while including different emotions and perspectives and requiring knowledge that’s too hard to hunt down or doesn’t exist) so I decided to write this with a very broad spectrum of headcanons, including some major alternative events (usually not including the guard since she’ll be holed up in a secret place so Lance doesn’t need to watch out for her every second of every day) and Lance and Guardienne’s overall compatibility.
This is probably my most bizarre ask yet, in the manner of how I’ve responded, so brace yourself because there’s a few crazy moments in this lol. Also, there’s a bit of swearing in this - I have a tendency to write stories / headcanons in a pretty crude style sometimes.
~Under the cut~
Guardienne joins Lance against the guard:
To start off with, when Guardienne asked Lance to take her with him, she didn’t know his identity. He was still Ashkore to her. That changed somewhat quickly.
I theorize Lance did actually have some sort of “home base” deep within a forest or the mountains somewhat near the guard. He did have to sleep and eat after all. And where do you think he was taking all those supplies on the night Guardienne asked him to take her with him? Where do you think he stored that frying pan so dear to him? Buried it in the ground? Hung it on a tree branch for a Sabali to find later? Sure, he moved around a lot, but he had to keep his stolen resources somewhere, so he must have had a main cabin or cave or something that no one knew about that he made a temporary home of sorts.
Assuming that; that’s probably where he kept Guardienne most of the time after she came with him. Of course, he would be sure to restrict her movements for a while - after all, she could have asked to come merely to find out what a day in the life of Ashkore is like and then tell that to the guard - but once he realizes that she truly was compliant and happy to be there, even helping him by providing information he didn’t know already and taking care of basic chores like cooking and such so he can spend more time screwing with the guard, he loosened up and let her roam around his domain.
He kept personal things well hidden; any old drawings, weapons, and clothing. Basically anything he didn’t want her to touch... which was most of his stuff... but he was reasonable and didn’t restrain her too much. Just as long as she didn’t bother him and continued to help he didn’t mind her presence... too much anyways.
But again, it wasn’t too long before Guardienne found out his true identity. In reference to the existing plot-line, I imagine her finding out his identity in this AU long before she found out in the existing plot-line. After all - they’re living together now, and he needs to take off his mask and armor sometimes. Do you think he always sleeps in his mask? And armor for that case? What about when he eats or bathes? Certainly he can do most of those things in private, but I don’t see Lance demanding she turn her back every time he removes his mask and armor. I can see him doing that to begin with - when she’s restricted - but once he realizes she truly wants to help, he’ll find it to be inconvenient to always hide himself whenever he wants to do anything without his mask and armor. He’ll probably still want her to call him Ashkore, though... and that’ll be the case until she realizes his identity and refuses to call him anything but Lance.
Now I forget if she knew about Lance’s existence at the time of asking to leave with him (I believe she did), but since she never got a description I imagine it would take her a small while to connect the dots once she's living with him. She would certainly have theories that Ashkore is Lance, and she would certainly irritate the utter crap out of him with countless questions regarding possible confirmation or hints to back up her theory, but she wouldn’t get many answers. Either he would ignore her, or turn to level his icy stare on her. She would quickly understand that he’s not interested in answering questions about his identity and past. He eventually threatened to cut her tongue out a few times if she kept asking nonsensical questions, but she didn't seem to care much and he eventually let it be; perhaps he realized that she would be even more irritating then. She wouldn't be able to speak easily without her tongue, but her resolve is steady, so she'd still try to find some way to speak with him - and then he'd still need to deal with her questions in whatever way she deemed fit, which included investing time to learn this new way of communication. Threatening her friends wouldn't work as she doesn't consider the guard her friends, so Lance came to recognize that's it better to just deal with her questions and ignore her.
However, he would answer general questions that couldn’t be used heavily against him if she were captured and questioned; why is he trying to destroy the crystal, what’s with his grudge against Eldarya, what does he know about the Blue Sacrifice? From his answers she can put a few logical pieces together. The Eldaryans don’t deserve to live? They’re disrespecting the kind gift of life the dragons gave them? They were apparently forced to sacrifice? Then hunted down after the sacrifice despite their generous gesture? Well he must be a dragon, since angels didn’t end up sacrificing and he speaks so passionately about them. And Valk said he was faelien, so either he lied and does know or Ashkore (being Lance in her theory) somehow found out their genetics while Valk remained clueless to it. And they look so similar, they would have to be brothers. Ashkore’s story started around the same time that Lance apparently died? Lance apparently fought valiantly and passionately for the things he believed in, like what she’s seen with Ashkore? Goodness are the pieces adding up now.
Guardienne would eventually approach him about her theory and he would respond with a cold hiss.
“What, you want a reward? A pat on the back and a ‘well done’? Why does my identity matter to you?”
He never said a direct yes - he was basically incapable of responding calmly or reasonably with touchy subjects - but she would know she has it right. 
You would think them being on different sides of the war would mean they’d be more likely to try and kill each other, right? Wrong. Them being around each other all the time, I believe, leads them to be more likely to kill each other. Why? Recall episode 26 - their overall chemistry. Regardless of if choices made increased the LOM or decreased it, bizarre, entertaining conversation between the two still ensued. The main thing with that episode was that Lance became emotionally vulnerable as time went on, so actual tender...-ish moments came about where both of them were taken seriously but gently. Now imagine both of them - neither of them in vulnerable moments - being around the other constantly, both working together but still stepping on each other’s toes. Guardienne wants to make a meal; where’s this ingredient? What’s the ingredient compatibility? What do these things taste like? That’s not a food, that’s an alchemy ingredient? AND WHERE IS THE GODDAMN FRYING PAN!? (*cue Lance in the background clutching the pan and hissing at Guardienne*). Now Lance - who’s holed himself up in a private room - needs to plan his next attack on the guard; he needs this map of the layout, and this item to help him plan. He can use this pathway to- “Hey Lance?” ... Silence - if he pretends he’s not in there she’ll surely leave... Anyways, this pathway will probably be the safest, and his destination is there. Leiftan can- “Lance, I know you’re there, don’t ignore me!” ... Leiftan can- “Where’s the corn!?” Oh by the Oracle! But what the hell is corn? He’ll go to the door and crack it open only enough to give her an odd look. “Small, yellow, hard grain but smooth? About the size of a fingernail?” ... “Back right, lower pantry.” He’ll slam the door and hover over the map again. Ok, Leiftan... yes, that’s what he was going to do. Then he’ll have access to- “Oh - where’s the big pot?” *SLAM* Pain will shoot up his arm from his fist as the table shakes and he turns his head to seethe at the woman through the door. “You’ve lived here for weeks, you know where it is!” “Well you seem to have an obsession with hiding things, so actually I don’t because everything is always moved around!” He’ll rush to the door and fling it open to glare down at her. The door and it’s frame creak unsteadily at his tight grip as he looms over her. “Find. It. Yourself.”  He’ll go to recede back into the room but she’ll grab his shirt and pull him into the room she’s in - he’ll snarl at her in response. “I’ve tried looking for it, it’s impossible to find.” She’ll hiss back at him with folded arms. “I’m busy planning.” He growls at her. “Well take a break then.” She snaps as they stare each other down... Silence again... “You make me want to kill myself.” “Don’t. You need to destroy the guard first.” He throws his hand back towards the door he was stolen from with a wild look in his scathing eyes; what did she think he was planning for in there!? “You gonna help me or what?” She speaks as if this is completely alright. He nearly shouts in rage as he slams his fist against the wall - pain shooting up his arm a second time - before pacing and clutching his head, eventually resigning to stomping towards the makeshift kitchen - not caring about whether she follows - and tearing through his stores to find the pot. He’ll throw it on the counter and cast a livid glare at her as he passes to head back to planning. “Well goodness, you didn’t need to throw a tantrum over it.” He whirls around and nearly leaps on her - she’s helping to destroy the crystal, she’s helping to destroy the crystal, she’s helping to destroy the crystal, WHY DOES A POT MATTER RIGHT NOW!?
So yes, they’re more likely to attempt to kill each other when on the same side; only because they’re alone and around each other more so they can chew on each other's nerves more.
However, as time carries on and they spend more time together, they actually begin to... enjoy each other's presence sometimes - not even sometimes; a good portion of the time. Sure they have moments where they argue and are a breath away from stabbing each other, but there are also moments where they aren’t treading on the other, by accident or purposeful. In these moments, they see a different side of each other - a good side of each other.
Guardienne quickly picks up on how passionate, resolute, and intelligent Lance is, noting that he’ll spend hours on end studying texts he’s found and maps of the areas the guard will be around next. He’ll carry these texts and maps around with him as he ghosts around their make-shift home, spending most of his days off curled up next to a small indoor fireplace and moving only for a few moments to take a quick break. Ironically, Guardienne leaves him alone to study more when he studies within her presence rather than when he locks himself alone in a separate area for hours, so in time Lance realizes he’s less likely to be interrupted if he studies in their living room/common area. As he begins to study more within her sight, Guardienne begins to see what he studies - and many of those things provide great insight for her regarding knowing Lance better. These things can range from different languages, histories and cultures, maps, geography, alchemy, mission reports (stolen from the guard of course) and even a few books touching on warfare, philosophy and psychology - what little of those latter texts exists in their world, at least. Guardienne begins to realize that, while Lance is very set on destroying the guard and the crystal, he’s also much more than just a man who wishes to exact revenge. He studies these texts to learn how to use it to his advantage, sure, but he also seems to have a genuine interest in these subjects. She even interrupted him one day - finding that he was oddly patient with answering this specific question - to ask if he perhaps ever grows bored of learning about these things, stressing that it’s a good idea to take a break from working constantly all the time - only for him to respond that he doesn’t view all of it as work. Some subjects he’s less interested in but are necessary to know for his agenda of revenge, but in the case where he’s feeling drained from that he’ll turn to reading another subject that he’s more interested in and go back to it later. She sometimes resigns to observing him as he studies - and she knows that Lance knows she watches him by the way his gaze will flick over to her every once and a while - but eventually she’ll begin to ask exactly what’s written in the books or what he’s thinking regarding the maps, asking to try to get to know his thought process better or just having nothing better to do at the moment. This is how Guardienne learns to grow closer to him; he doesn’t snap at her half as much when he explains what he’s studying, and he explains things in such a way that she doesn’t need to interrupt him to ask him to explain it better. In turn, she also begins to learn a bit about what he’s studying and can provide a bit of her own interesting input. Occasionally they debate these topics with one another, and Lance is actually very temperate when debating these things - he can speak in beautiful, grand tones about certain subjects, clearly showing just how much he’s interested in it. His eyes will glow with a warmth and passion that seems to dull even the indoor fire that burns with an eternal energy. These moments of enthusiasm actually entertain her greatly, and she begins to realize that she truly enjoys being around him in these moments. However, this also leads to minor conversations about his past, usually sparked from conversing about past experiences in these fields, and Guardienne witnesses firsthand the icing over of his personality from the reminder of his past. She’ll mention anything about his past; the village he lived in, his brother, his time in the guard, any memories he has, and the lively shimmer in his eyes will dull. His shoulders will drop and gaze will be cast to the floor as he bows his head slightly, a weight seeming to settle on him as he stares into a void for just a few mere moments. Then his facial features will harden, a stone cold look will invade his eyes and he’ll straighten again despite the clear effort it takes for him to stand tall. His formerly lively, sonorous tone will harden into cold, scathing words that are nearly spat out as he closes himself off, snapping and growling at her if she attempts to connect with him again. It’s from these continuous experiences that she recognizes something important; he's not truly as evil as he seems - he's wounded and aches for his reality to not be what it is now, and he seeks every day to ease that torturous pain, believing that that pain can only be eased by hurting others, by showing them just how much he’s hurt from his knowledge. Nobody is born evil, she realizes - he’s cruel only because he feels this is the only way he can deal with the pain of reality.
In turn, she tries her best to be understanding and comforting when she can. She understands, in some ways, his pain of knowing about the guard and sacrifice - she’s against the guard as well for her own reasons not too different than his - and seeing just how much Lance has broken because of the guard - just like her - only makes her want to burn it to the ground more. Lance notices this in time; where she once always pushed him to tell her more about his past and identity and reasoning, she’s now willing to drop the subject for a while or ask in a manner that’s more... considerate or empathetic. She begins to overlook his snapping and huffing at her, and instead focuses more on what he says and his reaction to those words instead of his irritation at her persistence. As Guardienne comes to understand Lance more, she realizes that he actually enjoys her company as well, even if he won’t admit it. He’ll jump at the chance to explain and debate his studies with her, and when she backs off of a sensitive topic she accidentally tread on for a while, he’ll be more temperate if she returns in a few hours and touches at the topic again, provided she approaches it in a neutral, tactful way. After all, the topic she wishes to speak about is a reminder of or is the exact reason he went from honorable and righteous to cruel and destructive - in his perception, if she doesn’t know how to approach it in a cautious, gentle manner then she doesn’t deserve to know exactly what happened and why it bothers him so much. However, she does learn this in in time, and he eventually allows her to listen to his most personal thoughts on... well, nearly everything. As they grow to understand each other better, she begins to provide a bit of support for him. He’s been alone for so long that sometimes he wonders if he’s truly losing his mind, but her presence reminds him that he’s not as lost as he thinks sometimes. Guardienne becomes a grounding force for him. She willingly - happily - listens to his rants and stories of his past if he agrees to talk about it, even if he’s fuming and raging the whole time, and eventually she can actually calm him down a bit. As much as he wishes to maintain a distance between them, in time he can’t help but grow a bit protective over her for personal reasons; her perspectives agree with his, she readily and willingly - even humorously, sometimes - puts up with his temperamental outbursts, eagerly speaks with him about basically anything, and wants to do something about what she feels is right or wrong. He refuses to fully acknowledge the hold she has on him - he’s not supposed to be attached to anyone in any way if his mission is to succeed- but when he stares at her as she nestles next to a stream, eyes bright and curious with innocence as she watches shimmering native fish glide by and turns to him to ask why they’re swimming up-stream instead of down, he can’t help but forget his past and feel normal with her.
She’ll eventually be made aware of Leiftan and Chrome as well. Not at first, but when Lance drags her half-way across Eldarya with him because he needs to fuck with the guard in foreign lands she’ll be dragged into their late-night-hang-out-meetings.
Leiftan quickly takes to her, Lance notices, and this is also how - in this version of the story - Guardienne finds out about her genetics. They need her strength in the war, so Leiftan will enlighten her and encourage her to train her abilities, even helping her in the few moments he can.
Lance quickly snaps at him, making sure he knows he can’t jeopardize his fake role within the guard to train her late in the night. He comes up with all sorts of excuses and aggressively reminds Leif that he can’t spend too much time around her. She’s supposed to not exist anymore and Leiftan needs to pretend like nothing is going on.
Really, though, Lance is just feeling threatened. He doesn’t want his personal source of information, good food, and entertainment to be wooed and stolen away. Good luck getting him to admit that, though.
Lance believes she’s safest with him; he’s the one outside the guard and his location and activities are unknown most of the time. All he needs to do is keep her veiled in that shroud of mysterious unknown to the guard and she’ll be impossible to find. Of course, she won’t want to just sit around forever. She’ll eventually want to be more proactive in helping him destroy the guard, and he’ll argue it at first until she becomes just so annoying that he can’t possibly stand it anymore! It’s either she helps or he kills her because she won’t shut up, so he trains her; hard and brutally. He’ll train her in how to master her demon abilities, how to gain the upper hand in any fight with any enemy, the most lethal points of different creatures, the most lethal tactics she could use, how to improve her strength, stamina, speed and stealth. He was once Chief of the Obsidian Guard; he knows how to turn a weak, scraggly runt into a masterful, fearsome warrior. When he finally sees fit, he’ll gift her with personalized equipment - bought or made specifically by him - so she can slink around the guard late at night with him. Of course, he’ll demand that she call him Ashkore on premises - or anywhere except home, really - but she’ll follow his lead in that case; she knows how important it is to remain unknown.
So how exactly do these restock or attack missions go? Well, she’s usually brought along for restock missions - where no one is supposed to know they were there in the first place - in which case her role is to stay quiet and help him throw stuff into the bag. She’ll typically be left to carrying the bags unless there’s one that’s too heavy for her to remain quiet - he’ll take the heavier bags. Lance will usually be busy designing their path out and planning their timing correctly while she focuses on following him. He doesn’t really take her on attack missions, though. He wants her to remain unknown. If a feminine figure is suddenly working with him not too long after Guardienne’s disappearance, especially since it was clear there was a rift between her and the guard, then suspicions will rise, and unfortunately those questions could then begin trace further back to reflect on Lance’s death and Ashkore’s appearance due to the similar time-frame of events. Basically, their stories and disappearance/death to villain appearance time-frame would begin to mirror each other. If she was to remain unknown then she can’t directly fight the guard, so no attack missions for her. However, Lance isn’t against turning a restock mission into a restock-attack mission if he sees the chance - he’ll just make sure she’s basically safe the rest of the way back home before enacting on it, even going as far as retracing his steps back to the guard to cause trouble.
In the original plot-line, it seems that most of the time when Lance, Leiftan and Guardienne are fighting each other it’s due mainly to the fact that Leiftan abandons the plans against the guard because he's in love with Guardienne, Lance wants Leiftan to continue against the guard, and then he realizes he needs Guardienne out of the picture so Leiftan forgets about her and so he can gain some other information he needs/use her as leverage against the guard. Since in this AU, she's happily on their side (so Leiftan isn't abandoning his plans against the guard and Lance has all access to her power/information) I can see a bit less of a rift among their team as their plans harmonize together. Instead of Leiftan and Lance fighting, Lance kidnapping Guardienne, Lance becoming reckless by putting off breaking the crystal, and many other things happening caused by the rift between them, they’d most likely collaborate and work together better, and they’d be more coordinated in attacks and better at getting to the crystal. Of course, it’s possible that Leiftan may have wanted Eldarya to be saved at some point so he could spend his life with Guardienne, but seeing how Leiftan would do nearly anything for her throughout the original plot-line, I wouldn’t be surprised if he continued his efforts against the guard knowing that she’d want him to in this AU. It would also help knowing that the guard hurt her many times in many ways, so he’d be seeking revenge for that as well.
Dragging Guardienne around Eldarya with Lance, however, has risks and consequences that could come down on top of them if not careful. One such issue is the fact that, while Lance is very good at evading the guard, occasionally he’s caught and is sent on a wild-goose chase trying to flee from them. This occasionally can put Guardienne at risk of being found out, as she’s nearly always close to him, but Lance has considered this possibility a long time ago and has already devised a plan during these times to avoid from any heavy repercussions falling back on them. He’s just fine with fleeing with her - he knows how to keep her out of sight and her equipment is lightweight enough so that she has no trouble moving swiftly and flexibly if needed - but he’s realized that it may not be the smartest idea to have her fleeing with him while clearly seeming to be working with him. Instead, Lance realized, it would be a good idea for her to act as though she’s a hostage if she’s about to be revealed. That way, if she’s captured at any point in the future, she can play the innocent victim who knows nothing, and the guard - while persistent in finding out anything she may know, no matter how little the information may be- certainly won’t hurt their precious Guardienne who has already been through so much while in the clutches of the evil Ashkore. If she’s seen as a hostage, she can use excuses like “I’m sorry, it just so hard to talk about so soon... can we continue this later”, “I honestly don’t remember much, I was so busy focusing on a possible way of escaping that I didn’t pay much attention to that detail”, and “He kept me locked away in a certain area, I don’t know if there were any landmarks around that could point to his location” to deter their questioning and buy time before she needs to reveal anything actually important, else she look like she’s protecting him. Acting as a hostage will also assure that she won’t be thrown in the prison and guarded the whole time; so being free to roam around the guard while buying time to keep important information a secret will allow Lance the time to plan a rescue mission - disguised as another easy kidnapping since she won’t be guarded - to return her to their side. This is merely a backup plan if they know she’ll likely be captured at some point, and it will only work if the guard is unaware of a female figure helping him out, but provided that everything goes smoothly it should be a solid plan with little negative effects. However, this can’t happen more than once or twice; the first time will be easily accepted by the guard, the second time she plays the innocent, panicking fool she’ll be walking the line between seeming suspicious or if she’s truly that foolish, and for her sake the second time she will need to reveal some important information. A third time and the guard would know that something is up.
These hostage situations can get quite amusing for Guardienne - despite how fragile the situation is - and, frankly, Lance would snap at her every time she snickers about this, except he finds these situations absolutely hilarious as well. They’ll be running around Eldarya, the guard occasionally cornering them before they flee, and Guardienne will do her best to attack Lance in ways that are weak enough to not actually effect anything, but are strong enough to make it look like she’s truly trying to escape. Is the guard within ear-shot and they know they’ll be found out eventually? Great, Lance has an escape plan to get out of there already, so Guardienne can throw a screeching hissy-fit at him to make it seem like she’s trying to escape. Sometimes this can aid them as well, as they can set up a maze that the guard will certainly come running through to find Guardienne, following the sound of her struggle, only to then be trapped somewhere because Lance has traps set up that Guardienne certainly couldn’t have known about since she’s a hostage. Other times she’ll do her best to attack Lance - but let’s face it, even if he did train her she would still have a hard time bringing him down if their fight was serious - and he’ll quickly disarm her in front of the guard before finding a way to gain distance from them again. This is all just to reconfirm the illusion that she’s a hostage to the guard, and of course they panic every time and believe it, but it’s knowing that they’re running circles around the guard - bringing them here and having her bait them to this location so Lance can attack them, or leading them to discover a certain fact at some point so they think they have a useful piece of information on Lance when in fact Lance is using that to draw them out in confidence so he can crush them - that they find truly amusing. The guard is being played this whole time and they keep falling for it. Even Lance can’t help but laugh at a few moments of running the guard around with Guardienne later, when they’re no longer in danger.
Of course, this all leads up to the grand finale; the final shattering of the crystal. I imagine this happening much sooner than in the original plot-line because Guardienne isn’t a hindering factor anymore, and I can see it happening with much more ease than how it originally played out. Perhaps they’ll lure the important members of the guard to another land - letting them think that they’ve caught Guardienne’s trail over there - and launch their final attack when no one who can stop them is around. They might decide to fuck with the guard one last time, running them around within the guard while Lance infiltrates the crystal room. Perhaps they decide to go out with a bang and capture the important members of the guard, binding them and closing off the crystal room so they can reveal their identities and the guard can watch as the people that were once held dear to them destroy their world while they’re helpless to do anything. It doesn’t matter much how it happens, though, at this point - with an angered dragon and two powerful demons - there’s nothing that the guard can do to stop them. In some ways it will hurt, knowing that this is the end of their beautiful story of revenge, but - no matter what happens after this - they’ll know they succeeded, and that will be the last truth Eldarya will ever know.
I think this may be one of the longer headcanons that I’ve written so far, and I’m very pleased with how it turned out! Also, Tumblr ate this ask while it was a draft once or twice (it was in the 3-draft radius of asks that were at risk of being eaten so it disappeared a few times) so it did take a bit longer to write than I’d hoped, but fortunately no progress had been deleted so I’m just fine with that.
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1-800-smash · 4 years
could u do the alphabet with bakugo?🥺
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「 learning the alphabet. 」
feat. bakugo.
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summary: bakugo isn’t the most patient person in the world, but he’s going to take his time teaching you things you won’t ever forget any time soon ;)
warnings: nsfw content.
[ all character’s are aged up appropriately. ]
word count: 2k
request: @anon — ❝could u do the alphabet with bakugo?🥺❞
@anon — ❝hey! can i get bakugou with a, b, i from the alphabet? thank you so much :)❞
@anon — ❝your writing is so nice! can i request the alphabet for Bakugou plz?❞
@anon — ❝Can you please do the alphabet for bakugou?🥺❞
a/n: here is a little treat before kinktober! i hope you all enjoy it, and i can’t wait to write more for you all! ♡ — shelbs.
submitted — [09.30.20]
nsfw below the cut.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
⚘ for bakugo, aftercare depends on the sex.
⚘ during more intimate moments he’s more willing to care for you after, showing you just how much he loves you through these smaller actions.
⚘ giving you an extra pillow or rubbing small circles into your back, you name it.
⚘ but if you two are just fucking?
⚘ good luck with that.
⚘ he’s much more focused on catching his breath and getting comfortable under the covers but regardless, cuddles are a definitely happening.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
⚘ he’s absolutely obsessed with your thighs.
⚘ the way he sees the muscles in your thighs work as you sink yourself down on his cock over and over, your breasts bouncing in every direction as you set the hard pace.
⚘ he loves gripping his fingers into them as he tries to control your movements, your breathy moans urging him to go faster.
⚘ for him, his favorite body part is his arms.
⚘ he spends a lot of time working out and toning his body for hero work, so when he sees you enjoying his handiwork, he gets pretty smug.
⚘ but also because he loves the feeling of you wrapped in his arms after, protecting you from anything and everything that might try to hurt you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
⚘ bakugo never has a bad orgasm with you, he’s always giving you everything he’s got.
⚘ there’s no way he couldn’t, with just how your walls milk him after every time he makes you cum around his cock.
⚘ when bakugo cums, he cums hard.
⚘ and that means an even bigger mess to clean up.
⚘ honestly, it’s a surprise how you haven’t ended up pregnant...
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
⚘ he secretly likes when you take control in the bedroom.
⚘ he’d never tell you this, of course.
⚘ but sometimes, he likes the idea of you throwing him back onto the bed and just fucking riding him until he’s a whimpering mess.
⚘ other times, he wants to feel loved too.
⚘ instead of making love to you, he wants you to make love to him.
⚘ if that makes sense.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
⚘ now this is just my opinion here but-
⚘ i think bakugo wouldn’t be very open to having sex with just anyone.
⚘ he’s very tsundere when it comes to liking someone, and his personality can be a bit much for people at times.
⚘ not to mention he’d be so focused on surpassing deku and becoming the number one hero, that relationships wouldn’t be something he’d want to commit to.
⚘ so depending on when you two become an item, bakugo might still be a virgin.
⚘ now that’s not say he wouldn’t ever have sex before you, but the possibility is there.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
⚘ he loves fucking you from behind.
⚘ his fingers gripping onto your hips so hard that they leave bruises, while he pounds into you until you can’t even see straight.
⚘ he gets better leverage this way as his hand comes down to force your head into the mattress as he continues slam his hips into you.
⚘ he’s also really into sixty-nine.
⚘ your mouth wrapped deliciously around his cock and he delves his tongue into your slick folds.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
⚘ he wouldn’t be humorous AT ALL.
⚘ unless he’s teasing you, but that’s another thing all on its own.
⚘ he’s too in the moment to be joking around, wanting instead to focus on you and all the ways he can make you scream his name in ecstasy.
⚘ would definitely still call you ‘dumbass’, even in your more intimate moments.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
⚘ bakugo likes to keep his pubic hair trimmed and not too messy.
⚘ doesn’t mean it might not get out of hand sometimes.
⚘ but he’s pretty good at keeping everything neat and well groomed.
⚘ it’s the same color as his own ashy blonde hair, with a little of the same jaggedness to it as well.
⚘ although, since he keeps it trimmed, it’s not as messy as his own hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
⚘ he’s not very romantic when it comes to sex, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be.
⚘ when it comes to special moments between the two of you, he’s more likely to slow down and take his time with you.
⚘ but bakugo likes having sex.
⚘ like a lot.
⚘ so more often times than not, he’s going to be fucking your brains out, feelings be damned.
⚘ that’s his way of showing you how much he loves you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
⚘ he doesn’t jack off as often when he’s in a relationship.
⚘ why should he now that he has you?
⚘ like i said, bakugo likes sex.
⚘ he’d much rather be making you cum all over his cock than simply fisting it by himself.
⚘ the only time he really takes the time to touch himself is if you two are doing it together or he’s away for work.
⚘ otherwise, your pussy is the only thing that he wants wrapped around his dick.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
⚘ teasing is a big one for him, he loves to make you all hot and needy for him.
⚘ and the way you practically beg him to just put it in and fuck you already, well...
⚘ let’s just say, you’re lucky bakugo still has some restraint.
⚘ otherwise, there is no way you’d be walking straight ever again.
⚘ because when it comes to you, all he wants is to show you whose cock you belong to.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
⚘ get him aroused enough in public and there’s a good chance he’ll fuck you as soon as he gets the chance.
⚘ and especially if you’re acting like a brat.
⚘ he likes how easily he can take control in situations like these, you being too caught up with his actions to protest.
⚘ but on the other hand he doesn’t want anyone seeing you in such a vulnerable state that’s meant for his eyes only.
⚘ but god, if he doesn’t enjoy hearing you desperately hold back your moans as he’s fucking you.
⚘ “shut up, dumbass... you don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?”
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
⚘ i think the better question is, what doesn’t turn him on?
⚘ he’s down to fuck whenever and wherever, doesn’t matter the circumstance.
⚘ it’s hard enough for his to resist you as it is, with you being so goddamn sexy and all.
⚘ sometimes he just can’t help himself, he just HAS to have you right then and there.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
⚘ while bakugo can be rough at times, there is no way he’d want to actually hurt you.
⚘ he cares about you too much to see you in any significant amount of pain.
⚘ now that’s not to say he won’t punish you, of course.
⚘ especially when you’re being a goddamn brat.
⚘ spanking your ass until it’s nice and red, maybe a little love bite here and there.
⚘ but at any point if you’re in pain or crying, he’s right there to calm you down and whisper sweet words of affection while rubbing circles into your back.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
⚘ he won’t lie to you, he definitely prefers receiving than giving.
⚘ that’s just how he is.
⚘ doesn’t mean he won’t take his sweet time sitting himself between your thighs, lapping at all your sweet juices as he holds you down in place.
⚘ bakugo is NEVER one to half-ass things, especially when it comes to you.
⚘ and while he would much rather receive than give, he’ll never disappoint you in the slightest.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
⚘ bakugo likes to keep a hard and fast pace when he’s slamming his hips into yours.
⚘ he’s fascinated by all noises that he can draw out of you when his cock is buried into your heat all the way down to the base.
⚘ and god, does that not feel so fucking good.
⚘ sometimes he’ll want a slower and more sensual pace, but that’s usually saved for special moments.
⚘ like when the two of you are celebrating your anniversary, or when you both decided to make a little brat of your own.
⚘ but, on rare occasions, he just wants to make love to you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
⚘ he really likes quickies.
⚘ like i mean, he really likes them.
⚘ you two have some extra time to yourselves? might as well let him fuck the shit out of you.
⚘ and he’s not going to stop until you’re practically begging to cum.
⚘ then, and only then, will he reach his fingers down to press tiny, fast circles to your clit.
⚘ he’s going to give you one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had in your entire life.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
⚘ he’s down for some experimentation.
⚘ as long as it’s nothing too extreme and you both agree to do it, he’s more than willing to go along with whatever you might want to do.
⚘ remember kids, safety first!
⚘ however, i don’t think bakugo would want to be pegged.
⚘ at least not without some solid convincing on your part.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
⚘ he can last for about 2 hours maximum.
⚘ what can he say? he’s got a lot of stamina, especially for the woman he loves so goddamn much.
⚘ he’d be more than glad to fuck you for two hours straight, and god only help you if you let him.
⚘ needless to say, you won’t be walking for a few days.
⚘ now for bakugo, the rounds depend on how needy the both of you are for each other.
⚘ and for that, the highest he can go is five rounds in one night.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
⚘ he would be totally down to use sex toys with you.
⚘ i mean, this man can fuck you good enough on his own, but sometimes you got to throw something new into the mix.
⚘ he’d even be down to go with you when buying them, but he’d probably not say much.
⚘ as much as bakugo would want to do it, he still has his shy side when it comes to certain things.
⚘ especially when it comes to buying something as lewd as sex toys in public.
⚘ he’s a tsundere, after all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
⚘ this can go one of two ways; he gets too worked up himself and gives in or, he teases you until you’re absolutely begging for his cock.
⚘ there is no in-between.
⚘ sometimes bakugo doesn’t have the patience to tease you.
⚘ but other times, that’s all he wants to fucking do.
⚘ either way, he’s going to be making you cum so many times that you’ll both lose count.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
⚘ he’s not very vocal when it comes to moaning during sex.
⚘ expect a few grunts and curses here and there, but moans...
⚘ nope.
⚘ he’ll get louder the closer he is to cumming as he pounds his hips into yours, the sound of skin slapping against skin reverberating around the room.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
⚘ something bakugo would never tell you, is that he really wants to start a family with you.
⚘ as i said before, bakugo would need to like you a lot to even consider dating you let alone have sex.
⚘ so if he’s with you, it’s for the long road.
⚘ and that includes having kids of your own.
⚘ this is probably not until much later in your relationship though, as kids are a big commitment and he doesn’t want to get into that right away.
⚘ but thinking about you all big and regnant with his kid, is definitely something he won’t want to stop picturing any time soon.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
⚘ he’s 5.8 inches, circumcised.
⚘ his cock is a bit on the thinner side, with a nice, long vein running from the underside all the way to the tip.
⚘ he goes absolutely feral whenever you run your tongue up and down along it.
⚘ and don’t even get him started on when you swirl your tongue around the tip, he fucking loves when you do that.
⚘ just know what you’re getting yourself into if you even tease him the slightest, you’re asking for a whole world of trouble.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
⚘ bakugo has a pretty high sex drive.
⚘ no no, i still don’t think you understand.
⚘ he has a pretty HIGH sex drive, like he wants to fuck ALL THE TIME.
⚘ it’s almost surprising... almost.
⚘ but really just give him an inch and he’ll take a fucking mile.
⚘ he doesn’t even need an excuse to fuck you, he just HAS to.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
⚘ he can be pretty quick to fall asleep afterwards.
⚘ especially after you two just had a round of rough sex.
⚘ what can he say? you take a lot out of him.
⚘ in only the best ways, of course.
⚘ he loves showing you just how much he cares about you when it comes to sex...
⚘ and with bakugo, there’s no way he’d ever let you forget it.
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shefightslikeagirl · 4 years
Emilie is selling NFTs now.
As an hono(u)red subscriber to this newsletter, you are the VERY FIRST on the planet to know about the birth of The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls as a new virtual world being made available as minted collectible NFTs!
Below is a tiny preview of the actual first ever Asylum Inmate Number minted as a unique NFT, but what you see here is nothing...click the image to be taken directly to the OpenSea listing where you can watch the entire multimedia NFT containing the never-before-assigned Inmate Number. *Hint: The number is one of only a few that will share my very own cell;)!
While I am well aware than many NFTs are selling for literal millions, I am not imposing any monetary value to the ownership of an Inmate Number within the Asylum virtual world, but have listed this NFT at the starting price of 0.001 Ethereum, which is equivalent to $1.81. You decide the value from there.
Now, if you don't know anything about NFTs and are curious what I'm on about, Google can explain this far better than I ever could. If you are in on the NFT explosion already, then do read on to see what I've got in store for you.
About the Asylum Virtual World:
Powered by the Ethereum blockchain, each element in the Asylum world will be offered as an NFT representing a unique digital item that may be bought, sold, traded, but never duplicated, proving the exclusive ownership by the individual buyer for all time (or until it is traded or sold--I won't be offended). A detailed map of the entire Asylum and its surrounding land will be available online very soon;).
The entire Asylum and its denizens will gradually be made available as NFTs in the form of individual inmate numbers, cells, wards, iconic areas from Dr. Stockill’s Laboratory and Dr. Lymer’s Bloodletting Ward to the Operating Theatre and the Bathing Court, and even the infamous characters themselves, including the rats!
Why Sell Ownership In The Asylum Virtual World Anyway?
Here's why: A portion of proceeds from this and other sales will be donated to NAMI (the National Alliance on Mental Illness). The remainder of proceeds will fund the production of the Broadway-bound musical, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls. Thus, when you purchase an Asylum Inmate Number, you are directly helping to fund the theatre arts, as well as contributing to potentially life-saving mental health services.
Shall I rewind? Yes, I made the generally unwise and entirely unheard-of decision to attempt the funding of the entire creation and production of the Asylum musical myself with proceeds from my own art, be it musical, literary, or visual.
This means that the total investment in a form of theatre that costs more than most movies, and is a risky investment at best, is my own. This also means full control and no compromises, just as I have achieved with all of my endeavors thus far, from albums to concert tours--there has never been any outside funding, and that is why I could create unique work that has been allowed to prove its popularity, rather than being cut off at the knees by demands to change it into something "safer" (there were many such unheeded demands) before it had the chance to do so. I may not have a manager, an outside record label, or a powerful publisher (had them, fired them) but what you see, read, and hear is truly me.
I also know that, post-pandemic, when theatre does finally return to the world, productions are likely to be smaller, cheaper, and less lavish (or such is the opinion of numerous experts). But the Asylum is not a small show. It can't be. Because it's not a small world. It is epic. The music is epic. And, on another equally important note to me personally, I want to employ as many actors, musicians, and crew members as I can, because they have suffered greatly due to the shut down. They aren't helped by new productions that will (wisely and rightfully) play it safe (i.e. smart) by hiring as few people as they can get away with. These productions aren't wrong. Not at all.
But I'm crazy.
And so I'm going to act crazy by doing something crazy.
I'm going to sell actual exclusive ownership of the virtual Asylum and all its precious parts in order to fund a physical version of the Asylum, on stage, where it can truly come to life. It's a trade well worth the risk, in my opinion. So let's do this, dear friend, one Inmate at a time, one foot in front of the other.
— from the Asylum Newsletter, 3/19/2021
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ikeromantic · 4 years
Ikemen vampire theo x mc where theo and MC become parents and theo has to take care of the baby for a day by himself? LOL if it’s to hard u don’t gotta do it idk if I requested this before lol
Day 26 of Ikemektober!
I haven’t read all of Theo’s route yet, so I don’t know how accurate to character this is - but I hope you enjoy ^_^  Approx. 1800 words of baby filled fluffiness for the ask.
Theo snuggled to his precious hondje despite the insistent sunlight streaming in the windows. She was soft and warm, and it felt good to have her nestled against his chest. If fate allowed, he might have stayed right where he was until Sebas announced lunch. But late morning weren’t for parents.
As if on cue, the twins began to cry. Anna was breathy and quiet, but her sister Akari made up for that in spades. Her cry was demanding and loud, and there was no way to ignore it. Not even for five more minutes in bed with his lovely wife. 
She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Oh - oh, my babies. I’m coming, coming . . .”
Theodorus watched her stumbled from the room, half asleep. She was exhausted since they’d had the twins. It was a lot of work, even with helpful uncles in the manor. 
He watched her shuffle back from the nursery, a baby in each arm. They had their mother’s dark, straight hair and their daddy’s big blue eyes. A deadly combination. Theo scooped Akari up and bounced her in his arms. She stopped crying as soon as he held her. 
“Ah, papa has the magic touch, hm?” His wife smiled at him. “I don’t think they’re even hungry. They just wanted company.” Anna was settled too, happy to be held. The four of them ended up laid out in bed, the two babies in the middle with their mom and dad on the sides. 
Hondje was falling asleep already, with long, slow blinks. Theo felt bad for her shouldering so much of the work with the babies. He wanted to help out - he just wasn’t sure what one did with a baby. They were terribly fragile things. 
As if to illustrate his point, Akari wrapped her tiny hand around his finger and started chewing on it. Her mouth was small and pink and it tickled a little. 
“Trying to eat me up, eh?” He laughed quietly. Maybe he could try to give his beauty a break today. Let her sleep in, take a long hot bath, eat pancakes in blessed silence . . . all things neither of them had done since the babies were born.
All he had to do was take care of these two feisty little ones for a few hours. Surely . . . surely that couldn’t be too hard. 
Theo slipped out of bed, silent as a cat. He carefully lifted Anna and Akari and took them for a chat with Vincent.
“So what I want to do is take care of them all today - but, what do you do with a baby, broer?”
Vincent tickled Anna’s tummy, fascinated by her smiles. He didn’t look up as he replied. “Well, if you want her to have peace and quiet, you should take them out someplace.”
“Like a gallery or a cafe?” Theo tried to imagine it. All he could picture was Akari and Anna trying to eat random items and crying a lot. 
“No. Someplace they can just . . . be babies. Maybe take them for a picnic?” Vincent finally looked up. 
“A baby picnic? I guess that could work.” They would stay on the blanket, safe and sound, and well out of their mother’s hair. 
“Perfect. Why don’t you get them dressed and I’ll meet you out front with some picnic supplies.” Vincent smiled widely.
“Are you coming with us?”
“Of course! I can’t miss a chance to dote on my sweet nieces.” 
Theo carried the babies out. At eight months, they were getting a little heavy but they were still too small to walk. He didn’t mind the weight but he wished they wouldn’t wiggle a kick so much.
It took Theodorus almost an hour to get the little ones bundled up for an autumn day. Long sleeve dresses and little warm leggings courtesy many shopping trips with Comte, mittens and boots from Arthur and Dazai, and a red scarf for Akari, and a yellow one for Anna. He topped it off with little knit caps shaped like an apple and a pumpkin. The hats and scarves were handmade by Sebas. He’d taken to knitting cute accessories for the girls in his spare time, and seemed to really enjoy seeing the twins wear his creations.
“Why do my babies look like they’re part of a harvest festival?”
Theo turned to see his beauty in the doorway, making puppy eyes at him. “Mijn knabbel, I was going to surprise you with a day to yourself.” He felt ridiculous having to tell her about it. Couldn’t she see what he was doing? 
She crossed the room and put a kiss on his cheek before he could say anything else. “Thank you, love.” 
The look in her eye made him go warm inside, like a summer breeze. It reminded him of all the reasons he loved her. “Just go back to bed, hondje. You look tired.”
“Mmm, I will. I want to be rested up when you get back.”
“Oh?” And now Theo knew he had something to look forward to. He gave her a quick goodbye kiss and took the squirming babies to the front entry.
Vincent was waiting for him with a double carriage for the babies and a big basket of goodies. He also had a blanket for the ground, a spare one for the babies in case they were cold. “Are you ready to go?”
“I think so. They’re dressed and wiggly.” Theo laughed, setting the babies in the carriage. He looked at the basket on his brother’s arm. “Did you bring something for them to eat?”
“I did. Sebas made up a special pancake and berry blend and put it in little jars. They will love it.” Vincent grinned. “I’m hoping to sketch them today. They are almost a year old and I haven’t managed to get a single good painting of either of them.”
“They move too much.” Theo gave the babies a mock stern look. “You have to hold still for mijn broer when he’s painting you.”
Anna and Akari gurgled at him in response, completely unrepentant. 
The brothers took the babies out to Vincent’s favorite flower meadow. They laid the blanket under a tree and set the babies down on it. Anna sat where her papa put her, but Akari pushed herself up on all-fours and wobbled toward a pile of fallen leaves. 
Theo scooped her up just before she got there. “Think you can escape little one?”
She started to cry, an angry, helpless sound. 
Vincent put his hands to his ears. “Can’t you let her play in the leaves? It wouldn’t hurt anything. We used to play in leaf piles all the time.”
“Yes but -” Theo wasn’t sure how to put it into words. It was different when it was your baby. You worried more. About all kinds of things. Still, his brother was probably right. 
“Ok, ok,” he told Akari, and set her down on the blanket. She immediately stopped crying and went for the leaves again. “Just don’t eat them - please?” 
Vincent laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you plead like that. Being a father has changed you.” 
Theo shrugged. His brother was right, but he didn’t want to admit it. The two of them watched the babies crawl over and under the leaves, picking up the bright red and yellow ones to stare at them in wonder. And occasionally gnaw at them with their little slobbery mouths. 
Gloves, hats, scarves, and booties disappeared through playtime, replaced by dirt and dead leaves. A different sort of fall costume, Theo mused. 
Vincent managed a few quick sketches, but the girls made it hard to catch them in any pose. They had so much energy and everything fascinated them.
Eventually they got tired and let their papa and uncle feed them. Then promptly fell asleep in the baby carriage. 
“I guess that’s our cue to head home,” Vincent sighed. 
Theo nodded and stood up to gather the scattered picnic items. He found the two hats, and the mittens and boots, but the scarves were gone. He tore through the leaf pile and checked under the picnic blanket. They weren’t there. Or in the baby carriage. Or in the basket.
“What’s wrong,” Vincent asked. “Did you drop something?”
“No. Godverdomme. I can’t find the girls’ scarves. They have to be here someplace.” 
“The ones Sebas just gave them to wear for winter?”
“Yes, those.” He shot his brother a look of annoyance that faded the second it landed. It was impossible to be annoyed with Vincent. “Can you help me look for them?”
“I will. I’d hate to see Sebastian’s face if we had to tell him we lost them.”
“Thanks, broer. Helpful.”
“Don’t worry Theo. We’ll find them.” Vincent gave his angelic smile and the two of them tore through the picnic site again. Still no scarves. 
Theo knew they needed to get back soon, but he didn’t want to give up. That just wasn’t his style. “Did you check the grass, Vince?”
“Yes, and I went through the leaf pile again. Lots of red and yellow, nothing knit.”
“And the picnic basket?”
Vincent sighed. “We both looked through it. Unless Akari and Anna managed to stick them in the jam jars, the scarves aren’t in there either.”
Theo popped open the basket and checked the jam jars just in case. With the babies, you could never be sure.
“I think we’ll just have to admit we lost them, Theo. I’m sure Sebas will be alright. The twins got to where them out once at least.”
“Yeah.” Theodorus felt a sudden wave of exhaustion. It had been a very nice day but the ending spoilt it all. 
He and Vincent pushed the baby carriage back to the manor in low spirits. Anna and Akari slept through the whole drama, unaware of the importance of their missing scarves.
Sebastian met them at the door, all smiles. “Did you have a nice day out? Did the girls like their pancakes?” He leaned down to look at the snoozing pups. His smile faltered. “Ah, still not cold enough weather for a scarf?”
Vincent looked over at Theo.
It would be easy to lie right now. Say that’s right, and then the scarves could go missing without it being his fault. But Theodorus wasn’t one to shirk responsibility. Sometimes you had to man up. Admit your faults. He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels, as he considered how best to break the news.
His fingers brushed something wooly and soft. His eyes widened.
“What is it, broer?”
Theo tugged the soft fluff from his pocket. A scarf. Yellow. And in the other pocket, one red. He grinned at Sebas. “Nah, they took them off while they were playing. I stuck them in my pockets for safe keeping.”
Vincent laughed, relieved. “I wish you could have seen them, Sebastian. They were so cute.”
Sebas smiled. “Well, I’ll have to wait for your next outing.” He gestured upstairs. “I believe your lady is waiting for you?”
Theo grinned. 
Vincent nudged his arm. “Don’t worry, Sebas and I will babysit the rest of tonight.”
He didn’t need anymore encouragement. He bounded upstairs, eager to show the mother of his children how much he appreciated her.
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cloudsrust · 4 years
Do u have any personal head cannons for the OFF folks??? I am 👂👁👂
*cracks knuckles* Let’s see how many of them I remember- it’s been years after all sygdhf. Headcanons under the cut since it’s quite long.
Elsens: (think I already talked about these ones but Imma repeat them here for order. Also yes starting with the Elsens because I love them to bits sobs;;)
-Since they are so many, they start off with numbers as their names. To have one of their own they gotta either earn it or they just use nicknames among each others. -They cannot normally travel through zones on their own will. They can only do so through a demontion/promotion or because of the will of their Guardian.
-Being bitten or wounded by a spectre isn’t always mortal for them, the stress of the attack can be however. Not because they become burnt (gonna get to it to the next point), but because they either: A) get eaten/killed off by the spectre due to them being vulnerable in that state, so they aren’t able to fight back. B) They’re disposed off by their guardian as damage and stress control. (Would’nt want other elsens to see them on a rampage and become burnt too afterall.)
- I believe they can still live after turning burnt- they won’t have a head anymore but they can be calmed down to go back to their “normal” lives. Having no head means no eyes- so from that point on they’ll have to live with being blind. In Zone 1 being blind, or just remotely impaired for that matter, is a death sentence- unless Zone 3 is searching for blind workers specifically- after all they got a certain job in which not seeing can be preferable..
- This is an headcanon I got by seeing the artwork of the artist @/katatumuripai (Their Elsen art is both cute and creepy- but extremely cool looking! I really suggest you check ‘em out!). Spectres/other enemies only attack if they sense deep fear or if they are threatened (approaching them can easily be seen as threat too)- but if they’re left in peace and not forced into contact they’re safe to be around. They can even warm up to a certain Elsen and become like pets for them. Batter:
-*Deep breath* ...nonbinary Batter. Agender/Gendervoid to be more precise. They got a mission to fulfill, they got no time for stuff like gender. (Also idk why but I feel it fits their whole thing of purity.. really no idea why it does tho;;;)
-Their eyes are always closed, as if in some kind of trance- especially when the Puppeteer is in control of them. When left “stringless” they can open their eyes, but why should they? (enter a whole speech of them wanting to keep themselves pure even in mind/not wanting to see the world in such state for personal taste.) I like the idea of you only seeing their eyes once you’re not in control of them anymore- in the Judge ending. (Also explains why you literally need to throw eyes at your opponent to know their weak points/stats lmao.)
-If you ask him what’s their gender they’re gonna answer either “Merchant” or ignore the question. He vibes with any pronouns.
-Under their mask? Void. Just a pair of frog like eyes starring back at you.
-Has a collection of unusual/rare items (the ones you can collect and give to them for either the Aries card or the Ashley bat (Can’t believe I still remember that after 5 years lmao)) that he would never sell (shocking I know.)
-He might look a bit out of shape/weak but they have an impressive strenght. Better not mess with them.
-This is... very self indulgent but- they travelled across all of the zones not only to to fulfill his role as a merchant but also to collect enough colors for Sucre (ex. the Red of the meat fountains, the Blue of the library walls, the Yellow of the sand in Zone 0, etc.). They wanted to paint a rainbow for her in their hiding spot (Yes I still think about “Somewhere over the Rainbow” as the ending song to this day sdhsgds). Every reset he hopes to have enough time or well... luck- to do so with her before the world is turned OFF.
-Genderfluid Sucre... and she likes to use she/her pronouns the most! (She likes the sound of them.)
-An artist at heart. No matter what she got she will find a way to turn it into art- be it painting, music, dance, crafting.. anything goes!
-Was found and adopted by Zacharie as a sibling. They have a very strong bond.
-Extremely hyperactive and willing to know others but will get uneasy/anxious if there are too many people around.
The Judge/Pablo and Valerie:
-Very good at table top games/card/chess, no matter if they require skill or just luck- they seem to always win! A match between the two of them is a sight to behold.
-Both love to read, but Judge prefers witty comedies while Valerie is more interested in unusual tragedies (eh.. see what I did here? ..I’ll show myself in the corner.)
-*Even deeper breath* ...Italian Dedan. Listen I know the creator might’ve been joking and I don’t even know how nationalities or stuff would work in OFF bUT- I’m using the headcanon. (I need a badass and scary Italian character in my life y’all;;).
-Following the previous headcanon, he slips into Italian cursing when EXTREMELY angered. (And I don’t know about you all but when someone starts screaming profanities in Italian I get SCARED- it’s just so harsh,,)
-He is quite good at sewing, he needed to get good at it to fix up his coat (A gift from the queen herself) after every spectre attack- but he took a liking in it.  He now makes leather aprons out of the cows’ coats for his barns’ workers.
-He has retractable claws, kinda like a feline.
-They can change their size/body age- like a phoenix but they do so on their own will. (That’s how I explain their size changes during their boss fight. -At times they like to choose an Elsen in their library and just use their head as a nest for a nice nap. (While in their smallest form of course.)
-A good cook- but I wouldn’t trust his choice in ingredients..
-(Tw: possible cannibalism mention) There is a rumor around the lower class elsens of his factory that he eats his own rebellious employees whole- it’s just a rumor they hope.
-His body is very.. malleable. (Him using the tubes of his factory to get to the station before you)
-He smells like a snake, using his tongue. (listen he got no nose sdsgdhs)
The Queen:
-She is known as the Queen of a thousands faces because her expression/traits depends on the feelings/emotions of those who see it. The reason why we see her without a face is because we are seeing her through Batter’s “eyes”, a being with no emotions or feelings.
-Those tentacle arms are perfect for hugs and you can’t tell me otherwise.
-Her hair can move by her will.
Don’t have any headcanons for poor Hugo unfortunately,, These are all the ones that I remember right now though!
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