#i already went through this with john locke in lost and i don't think i can take it again
whump-imagines · 2 months
College Parties
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Buck & little sister reader
WC: 1575
Warnings: drugging, overdose... cover your drinks people.
It was your last college party. You and your roommate, Becca, were making the most of celebrating before graduation. Or at least you assumed that she was, you hadn't seen her in nearly an hour.
You mingled and spent most of the night talking about everyone's future plans. You had also been getting hit on all night and turning down every offer to get out of there.
Walking through the house towards the back deck, someone came around a corner and bumped straight into you. Your drink sloshed and you almost lost your balance but he was quick to wrap one arm around your waist and steady your drink with the other. “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.”
You looked up as he chuckled. His name was John or maybe Jack, you couldn't be sure. You’d already turned down an offer from him once tonight. “You can bump into me anytime you want,” he said, flashing you a cocky smirk.
Fighting the urge to physically shudder at his tacky line, you quickly extracted yourself from his grasp. “Later,” you brushed past him without further comment. As you walked you threw back the rest of your lukewarm drink, cringing at the taste.
You walked out the back door to get some fresh air. There were several groups of people huddled around laughing and chatting and a loud group playing beer pong.
Within a few minutes, your slight buzz shifted to world-spinning dizziness. Next you felt sweat accumulate at your hairline. When you lifted your hand to wipe it away you realized your hands were shaking.
You quickly headed into the nearest bathroom and locked the handle as you closed the door. Taking a deep breath, you stared at your reflection as you tried to collect yourself. Turning on the water, you splashed the cool liquid over your face.
Nothing seemed to be helping and you knew you hadn't drank enough to feel like this. “Shit.”
You pulled your phone out of your back pocket and hesitated as the screen lit up. “He's gonna kill me.” You took a deep breath as you opened the phone app. Squeezing your eyes closed, you reminded yourself, “he’ll be angrier if something happens and you didn't call.” Then you tapped your big brother’s name and the line started to ring.
“Hello?” His chipper voice came through. You guessed he hadn't checked the caller ID before answering.
“B-Buck?” you muttered quietly.
“Hey, sis.” You could hear the chatter of the firehouse in the background. “What's up?”
You were silent for a moment too long as you tried to collect your thoughts through the sudden haze.
“Hello? Y/N, you okay?” He asked.
“Um, I–I don't know.”
You heard the background noise on his end quiet. “What do you mean?”
You sniffled. “Can you come get me? I'm at a party and I have been drinking but uh–” you stopped as you spaced out again.
You could hear the urgency and concern in his voice as he nearly yelled into the phone. “But what?”
“I don't feel right.” You sat down on the floor with your back against the cool tub. “I only had a couple drinks and I've been here for hours.”
“Where are you?”
You huffed. “I told you. At a party.”
“Where?” He asked again.
“Where at the party? I'm in a bathroom.” You explained what you thought he wanted to know. “Buck, I swear I only had two drinks and one shot. I feel like I had 20. I feel like I'm on a boat. Ugh, I think I might puke,” you rambled.
“Y/N, focus,” Buck interrupted. “Where is the party? What's the address?”
“I don't know. I didn't drive, Becca did.”
You heard him mumble like he was covering the phone. “How long were you in the car? Is it a house? Do you know what street?”
You leaned your head back, suddenly exhausted. “Uhh, we went to dinner. Then we came back toward campus. Gayley!” You suddenly yelled remembering the street name. “Can you come?”
You heard the sigh of relief. “I'm coming. You stay in that bathroom. Is the door locked?”
You peeled your eyes open at the question unsure when you'd closed them.
Glancing at the door to check. “Y/N?” you heard Buck ask urgently.
“Hmm?” You acknowledged.
“Is the door locked?” He asked once more.
“I, uh, don't… I-I think so.”
“Can you check?” He requested.
“I'm so tired,” you gave him your excuse. “I don't think I can get up.”
Then, suddenly someone was knocking and jiggling the door knob. You squeaked as you startled at the noise.
“What happened?” You could tell Buck was panicking.
“Someone knocked,” you explained. “They couldn't open the door.”
“Good. Don't unlock it. We’ll be there soon.” You heard the sirens through the phone.
Your eyes slipped closed once more. “So tired.”
“Don't fall asleep. You keep talking to me.”
You were quiet as you fought to keep your eyes open. “Ev?” You rarely used his old nickname anymore.
“I'm right here,” he reassured.
You shuddered. “I'm scared,” you admitted in a whisper.
“I'm coming,” he promised. “We are two minutes away. You'll be okay.”
“Okay,” you whispered as the world went dark.
Forcing your eyes open, you squinted away from the bright lights. You glanced around trying to figure out where you were. Turning your head, your eyes landed on your hand noticing the IV placed there. Next, you spotted Eddie in a chair beside your bed.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he stood. “W-what?” Your voice cracked and your throat throbbed.
Eddie picked up a cup of water and placed the straw in your mouth. “Slow sips.”
You drank a little and then cleared your throat. “What happened? Where’s Buck?”
“Maddie and Buck just went to talk to your doctor.” He explained. “They will be back in here in a minute.”
“What happened?” You asked again.
He glanced toward the door before locking eyes with you. “They'll be right back. You can talk to them.”
You scowled then tried to recall the last thing you could before you'd woken up here. It was finals week, you'd been celebrating with Becca. Dinner and then you were driving back to campus. The last thing you remembered was the car. “Oh, my god. Were we in a car accident?” You panicked. “Is Becca okay? Eddie, you have to tell me what happened!”
He grabbed your hand and squeezed. “You were not in an accident. Take a deep breath, Becca is fine.”
A moment later, the door swung open and the doctor rushed in followed by your siblings. The doctor was looking between you and the monitors beside the bed.
“Last thing she remembers is the car ride to the party,” Eddie explained. “She guessed they were in an accident and started to hyperventilate.”
“You weren't in an accident,” Buck reiterated. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he'd been crying. “You made it to the party. You called me asking me to come get you because you didn't feel well.”
You couldn't help but to try to connect the pieces. You'd been at a party and called Buck because you'd felt sick but had zero memory of any of it. “Oh, my god. No. No, no, no.”
Buck grabbed the hand that Eddie had been holding a moment earlier. “Nothing happened,” he said, knowing what you were thinking. “Someone drugged you but you locked yourself in the bathroom and you called me.”
Releasing the breath you'd been holding, you whispered, “Thanks god.” You coughed against the remnant pain in your throat. Maddie handed you the cup with the straw and you guzzled the rest of it. “Why does my throat hurt?”
Buck squeezed your hand. “From the tube.”
Your eyes widened. “What?”
The doctor spoke up. “You were given GHB. Whoever gave it to you overdosed you. GHB in high doses suppressed the respiratory drive. You were intubated to help you breathe while the drugs cleared your system.”
Tears welled in your eyes as fear swept through you. “I–I could have died.”
Maddie wiped away her own tears. “But you didn't. That's all that matters.”
You closed your eyes trying desperately to remember more. “How did someone drug me?”
“Someone probably slipped it into a drink.” The doctor offered.
“No.” You shook your head. “I don't take drinks from anyone. My friends don't even make my drink because I like to control the liquor to soda mix. They think I'm a freak about it. No way I took a drink from anyone.”
The doctor shrugged. “Someone could have dropped something into your cup when you were distracted.”
You shuddered at the thought. “Guess I'm glad it was my last party. When can I go home?”
Buck huffed out a chuckle and Maddie sighed in frustration.
“You've been conscious for less than ten minutes and you're trying for a jailbreak,” Buck said.
“I'd like to keep you a few more hours just to be safe but I expect you can be home late this afternoon. For now, get some rest.”
As the doctor left, Buck leaned down and squeezed you in an awkward hug. “Thank you for calling me.”
You took a deep breath. The reality of what could have happened hitting hard. Hiccuping on a sob, you tried to contain your emotions. “Thanks for showing up.”
He kissed your forehead. “Always.”
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xpao-bearx · 2 years
"Partners In Crime"
Officer Callahan x Bad Girl!Reader
SUMMARY: As the resident "bad girl" of Hawkins, you truly only want one thing: to get into the pants of the resident dorky and dedicated police officer, Phil Callahan (and hey, maybe steal his heart too!).
NOTES: I recently just finished Stranger Things and yeah, great show, but have you SEEN the men??? 👀 Anyhoe, being the ✨️whore✨️ that I am, it really comes as no surprise that I'm simping over all the hot dudes but one of the hotties I've become obsessed with is CRIMINALLY underrated 😭
And so, of course, I took this grave offense ✨️personally✨️ and wrote this lil piece! Though I can't really call it little because it is SHOCKINGLY long (for me) and I sacrificed hours upon hours of sleep 🥲 But hey, when Phil fucking Callahan (and his gorgeous actor John Reynolds) makes you horny and inspired, YOU👏SEIZE👏THE👏GODDAMN👏MOMENT👏
If it isn't already obvious, this fic contains 18+ SMUT AND MATURE CONTENT and it gets preeetty steamy if I do say so myself~ It's also set roughly around Season 2, and I say roughly cuz I suck at remembering plots and shit so I just went with the flow 😅 And as always, PLEASE don't be a silent reader! Likes, comments, and reblogs are VERY much encouraged and appreciated!! \(^o^)/
I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing this baby! This is my first ever humble contribution to the ST fandom and, who knows, MAYBE not my last ;)
In the small town of Hawkins, you were popular as the "bad girl". You were loud, headstrong, and constantly got into trouble--completely unlike any of the "proper" ladies that talked shit behind your back. But the trouble you caused, despite the chaos it unfailingly left behind, was never anything actually hurtful. Hell, you were even caught a few times using your colourful language to make some middle school children cry when you saw them bullying some poor boys (one of them, you remember, being the Wheelers' son who always looked like trouble followed him himself).
A bad girl with a golden heart; a cheesy, living cliché. But that's what you were. You just wanted to have fun, to live in the moment. But in this bumfuck town where pretty much nothing happens before that Byers kid mysteriously disappeared then reappeared, how could anyone really blame you for trying to stir shit up simply for your own entertainment and for your damn sanity?
But some of the locals knew you on a personal level. Particularly, the Hawkins Police Department. Before you stumbled upon Hawkins a few years ago, you were a drifter; chasing after the high of wherever life would take you, free yet lost. Whether it was by chance or by fate, you only stopped at Hawkins to fuel up your motorcycle and have a quick bite at the local diner until suddenly--like something out of those fucking romcoms your mother used to watch--you met him.
Phil Callahan. He was only a rookie officer at the time, having not even grown out his beloved moustache yet. You noticed his police cruiser parked at the gas station with an evident bump on the front of the car. He was fuelling up, but his hand holding the pump was limp and he was as pale as a ghost; eyes comically wide behind his horn-rimmed glasses, brunette locks tousled and sticking out every which way after frantically running his free hand through it god knows how many times.
And staring at this clearly stressed, slightly pathetic man, all you could think was: HOT.
Before your brain could process what you were doing (though, let's be honest, you never really used your brain much in most of your life decisions), you found your feet walking away from your bike of their own accord and towards him.
Once you were by his side, it's only then that you realized just how tall he was. So much taller. He easily towered over you and it made your mind drift to other, much less innocent thoughts.
Namely him bending you over his car and fucking you within an inch of your sorry excuse of a life.
"Can I help you?" Your head snapped up from the stranger's voice, eyes meeting his narrowed ones. And--dammit!--he was much more unfairly handsome up close. His light brown eyes reflected almost green, raising a suspicious brow at you as his lips pressed into a tight line.
"Sorry, Officer--" Your gaze strayed to his shiny name tag, a grin tugging up the corners of your mouth. "--Callahan. I just couldn't help but notice you. You look like you just died inside, man."
His brows furrowed, glancing over his shoulder to the bump on his car before quickly darting back to you. "Thanks for your concern, ma'am, but I'm fine. Nothing a civilian should be worried about, anyway."
"If you don't mind--" You piped up once more as he set the pump away. "I think it's got something to do with that nasty bump ya got there, huh?"
"Uh, okay, actually I do mind." He sighed exasperatedly, no longer able to hide his growing aggravation. Today was just not his day, it seemed. "Ma'am, like I said, it is none of your concern." He put on his police hat, tipping it to you. "Good day."
As he turned away from you, you sidestepped him so that you were in front of him again. Your grin was much bigger this time, practically reaching your ears. "Uh-oh, are you in trouble, Mr. Policeman~?" You purred, one hand reaching out and playfully drumming your fingers along his chest. You intently studied him from head to toe, as if admiring an artistic masterpiece before biting your lip and giggling. "Lemme guess... You're a young, new police officer who doesn't know any better. You got so excited driving a police car for the first time that you drove it a bit too fast and crashed into a tree or some shit. Sound about right?"
His face flushed scarlet, and you weren't sure if it was from the shame of having his dumbass misdemeanor exposed or from your fingers making a shiver run down his spine--probably both.
"How do you--"
"This ain't exactly my first time having a lil run-in with the law, so I know how men like you work." You winked. "Hey, tell ya what, how 'bout I help you? You can tell your other piggy buddies that I'm some crazy bitch with anger issues you caught for speeding and in my oh so scary rage, I purposely crashed my motorbike to the front of your car just to fuck with you. You can even put cuffs on me~"
He blinked, utterly dumbstruck as he stared down at the total menace that was you (and the fact that a certain part of him reacted at you graciously allowing him to cuff you), feeling like forever until he finally found his voice that cracked slightly as he spoke. "Who the fuck are you?"
"Y/N L/N." You hummed, wrapping your arms around his neck as you leaned up on your tiptoes and dangled slightly off of him with the few inches left between the two of you. The sudden action caught him completely off guard, his hands dropping to your hips to support you and making him blush even redder. But you didn't care, smiling mischievously up at him. "Feel free to search me up in the system, Officer. I've got a permanent record, after all~"
And that's how you met Jim Hopper, Calvin Powell, and the rest of the Hawkins Police Department when Callahan brought you with him back to the station. They definitely didn't believe you guys, especially when you didn't have a single scratch on you that indicated you "crashed your bike to his vehicle" (Callahan cleaned up your choice of wording a bit). But it was amusing to see Callahan dragging you along in handcuffs, who appeared all too joyful with a shit-eating smile as if you just won the lottery. Meanwhile, Callahan's cheeks were flaming hot and his voice adopted to a nervous high pitch as he lied to everyone who were just barely containing their laughter.
It also wasn't long before you decided to settle into Hawkins in some shitty trailer park, but you couldn't really complain considering your drifting years weren't all sunshine and rainbows either.
Besides, Callahan made it all worth it.
It wasn't love at first sight, but there was absolutely attraction. Hell, you were practically (if not literally) throwing yourself at him during your first encounter, and after that it would be the same--if not more intense.
You were no stranger to trouble, but often times you would seek for trouble yourself on purpose just so you could wind up in the police station to bother--ahem, I mean, very persistently try to hang out with Callahan. Or you'd just go to the station despite having no business there, but Flo the secretary usually kicked you out before you had the chance to even lay eyes on the gorgeous four eyes.
Today, however, Flo wasn't there. You didn't believe in some higher power, but it was a fucking miracle that you were grateful for and didn't dare to question. And so you more than happily made yourself at home in the station, sitting down at Callahan's desk as you curiously pried into his stuff before a deep laugh from behind you broke you out of your little reverie.
"This is just ridiculous now, Y/N." Hopper shot you an incredulous though very much amused expression. "If you like Callahan so much--which I have no fucking idea why--then just ask him out on a date already."
It was no secret that Hopper can be a total grump, but oddly enough you became fast friends with him. He never gave you a hard time and you never bullshitted him, which in turn formed a weird sort of respect between the two of you.
You rolled your eyes at the huge man, turning back to Callahan's desk and inspecting his assortment of pens--which you thought was way too much and he probably doesn't even use all of them, but that only amped up his dorkish charm to you by, like, a thousand.
"You're one to talk, Hop." You scoffed, snatching a pen and beginning to click it continuously. "I bet your hand's tired from jerking off to Joyce Byers."
Hopper scowled, but a faint rosiness dusted his cheeks. "Okay, first off--" Click. "I do not jerk off to Joyce--" Click. "and unlike you--" Click. "I actually have the balls to ask her out--" Click. "she just hasn't--" Click. "WILL YOU STOP FUCKING CLICKING THAT GODDAMN PEN?!"
You didn't even flinch, casually stashing the pen away in your pocket before you stood and faced him. "Enough about you." You huffed, crossing your arms as your eyes levelled with his. Hopper may as well be a living brick wall walking around ready to punch whoever crossed him, but you were never intimidated by the chief of police whom you've admittedly grown a soft spot for. "Callahan on for patrol duty tonight?"
"Yeah, and you owe me big time." He frowned when you blatantly ignored him, but what was new? "I need as much manpower as I can get to investigate what the hell's going on with the pumpkin patches yet here I am, like a fucking idiot, helping to set you and Callahan up."
"You looove me~" You teased, patting his shoulder and granting him a Cheshire Cat-like grin. "This is all for a good cause, big guy. And just think, the sooner Callahan and I get together, the faster I'll be outta your hair!" You chuckled. "And hey, you're thinking too much into those pumpkin patches. Probably just some pumpkin farmers having a pumpkin war. Go big or gourd home, am I right?"
Hopper watched as you laughed obnoxiously loud at your stupid pun, looking so proud of yourself as little snorts wracked your smaller frame and your shoulders shook from sheer glee. He shook his head, sighing heavily to himself.
"God, I actually feel kinda bad for Callahan..."
Night couldn't fall any quicker, but once it finally did your entire body was practically bursting with excitement like a child who's about to go out for trick or treating.
You hopped onto your bike, revving up the engine and driving even more maniacally than your Munson neighbour did out of the trailer park. You didn't even keep track anymore of how fast you were going, your hair flying as you raced down the road and were greeted by Halloween decorations strewn about in various houses' lawns.
A few minutes later, you found yourself on the empty road leading out of Hawkins. And just as you predicted--had hoped--the shrill blare of a siren sliced through the air and the all too familiar red and blue lights nearly blinded your vision as a police cruiser followed close on your tail.
You couldn't suppress the giddy grin that tore across your face, slowing down by the side of the road and the car pulling up next to you.
The butterflies in your stomach were doing fucking somersaults now as you heard the car door open and shut close, boots thudding on the ground as your favourite officer approached.
"Well, well, well... Lookie who we have here~?" The singsong voice made your grin widen even more if it was possible, making your cheeks hurt. The beam from a flashlight hit your eyes, and once your sight adjusted there was none other than Callahan, staring down at you with his pretty brown eyes. "If it isn't Lil Miss Trouble."
"Cally!" You giggled like some lovesick schoolgirl, and if we were being honest, you pretty much acted like you are. "Fancy seeing you here~ Halloween ain't 'til tomorrow, so why are ya out on patrol?"
"Beats me." He shrugged. "The chief suddenly put me on duty. Also, you know how much I hate that nickname." He grimaced, turning the flashlight off. It was quite dark, but you could still see him well enough due to a lone street lamp a couple feet away. "Get off."
His sudden commanding tone sent a shiver down your spine, a certain part of you getting wet. And it didn't help that you decided to forgo panties, your slick coating the seat of your bike. You then jumped off, your breasts bouncing slightly. This action didn't go unnoticed by him, his eyes dropping to your chest and trailing down your figure until his gaze landed on your skirt--if it could even be called that.
You were wearing a leather mini skirt that left little to the imagination, hugging your curves just right and showing off your thighs. He thought that if you made one wrong move, you'd flash him your panties; of course, not knowing you weren't even wearing any.
"Did I ever tell you how much I love your moustache?" You purred, heart leaping when he went speechless and his mouth hung agape.
His eyes flicked back up to meet yours, snapping out of his trance. "Only the first hundred times." He then cleared his throat, pointing an accusatory finger at you with a hand placed on his hip like a parent scolding their child. "Flattery won't work on me, Y/N. Do you know how fast you were going? And why weren't you wearing a helmet?"
"I know I was going pretty fucking fast!" You guffawed. "As for not wearing a helmet, well, what can I say? I don't like feeling restricted. I like being free. If I could, I'd totally go naked."
You saw his Adam's apple bob as he gulped at your emphasis of "naked", a death grip on his flashlight as his jaw squared. "That's public indecency." He stated simply. He was getting better dealing with you, but the ever so slight crack in his voice was a telltale sign that you still very much had an intoxicating, beguiling effect on him. "And where the hell were you going? Were you...leaving Hawkins?"
You didn't miss the plaintive way he had asked the question, your heart melting. He cared for you. No matter how much trouble you caused everyone, caused him... He would still check up on you, and you even caught him several times keeping watch outside of your trailer when Will Byers went missing a year ago. He claimed that the police were patrolling every nook and cranny after the kid's disappearance, but you never saw Hopper or anyone else guarding other people's homes like how Callahan did yours.
"I'm not leaving, Phil." You breathed out, nothing more than a whisper as you looked up at him; serious, for once. Because as boring as this town was, you've grown fond of it. And Callahan played a big part in that and even if you weren't together, he was the closest to home that you've ever felt in a long fucking time.
He searched your face for any lies, brown eyes soft before a genuine smile graced his features. "You better not, Lil Miss Trouble." A beat passed between the two of you, breaths mingling together and you only just realized how close you both were standing to each other. He had you caged against your bike, and you had to strain your neck just to be eye level with the tall man.
Then something in his expression shifted, and soon he was drawing away from you. "W-Well, I'm gonna let you off with a warning. Just this once, though! Think of it as thanks for that time--" You cut off his rambling when you reached out, grabbing his hand.
"I didn't leave." You declared, an almost pleading tone in your voice. "So don't leave either, Phil."
For what felt like a dreadful eternity, you were swallowed by a deafening silence. You, who was usually so confident, found your will breaking with each passing second. Your grasp softened until you let go, feeling your heart sink to your stomach.
"...Forget it. Thanks, Cal--" But you couldn't finish; because in a blink of an eye, his lips were on yours. It was brief, feather light. But the chaste peck made your heart explode, and you didn't even question if this was just one of your silly fantasies. It felt too real--too good.
He slowly pulled away, resting his forehead against yours and his warm breath tickling your nose. "I'm not leaving." He murmured, such beautiful, sincere greenish brown eyes locking with yours. "I'm not leaving you, Y/N."
You felt tears prickle your eyes, but before you would ever allow them to fall you wrapped your arms around his neck and nuzzled your nose with his. "Then prove it." And you crashed your lips with his, this time fiercely, passionately. You felt the rough brush of his moustache, but that only made everything feel astoundingly better.
He finally closed the gap between you two, looming over you, the flashlight clattering to the ground as his much larger hands clutched on to your hips before he easily lifted you and plopped you down on your bike's seat. You wrapped your legs around his waist, nipping on his bottom lip that elicited a gasp from him which you gladly took as the opportunity to slide your tongue inside his mouth. His tongue tangled with yours and coaxed it into a sensual dance, earning him a most heavenly moan from you.
You two only pulled away for breath, a thin string of saliva connecting your tongues. But his glasses were foggy and tinkly laughter bubbled out of you, feeling like a druggie high off of life--high off of him.
He chuckled, taking his glasses off to wipe them before putting them back on. "Sorry." He smiled sheepishly. "That ruined the moment, didn't it?"
"On the contrary..." You were still laughing, but you held one of his hands still on your hip and guided it lower, lower, lower...until his palm was right on your bare pussy. "You always turn me on, Cal. It's pretty fucking ridiculous, honestly."
His breath hitched sharply when he felt how drenched you were, his pupils dilating and mouth forming an 'O' at the realization that you've been half naked this whole time. He pressed his palm closer to your core, your laughter instantly dying down as his thumb slowly rubbed circles around your clit. One of your hands flew to his hair, something you've always dreamt of doing ever since you saw the incredibly sexy messy state it was in the day you met him. Your other hand clung onto his shirt for dear life, a gasp escaping you as he pinched your nub and began to stroke his fingers along your slit.
He leaned down to your ear, his fingers gradually increasing their pace and you trembled from the pure ecstasy that overcame your senses just from his deft fingers. "You really are a little troublemaker, huh?" He chuckled, voice dropping an octave lower. "You planned this all along, didn't you? Fucking slut..." His lips dragged down your ear to the crook of your neck, biting down and leaving a mark that had you crying out. "My beautiful fucking slut."
"All yours, Officer~" You mewled, your hand latched onto his shirt making its descent to his crotch. You palmed him, feeling his prominent erection aching to spring free as he groaned. "Just be mine, too." You peered down at him, eyes hazy with desire and desperation. "Pretty please?"
"I think I've been yours ever since we met. Not like I had a choice on the matter, anyway." He snickered before capturing your lips once more in a sultry, intimate kiss. Your mouth moved in perfect tandem with his, but you both took your sweet time as everything else faded away. There was only you and Callahan, Callahan and you. And it's all you ever fucking wanted; all you needed.
Not breaking the kiss, you shucked your leather jacket off and carelessly tossed it to the ground. Your hands came up to cup the sides of his face, fingers caressing him tenderly while his hands crawled beneath your white tank top; imagine his pleasant surprise to discover that you didn't wear a bra either.
"Jesus..." He muttered, yanking your tank top up before kneading and squeezing your perfect breasts as his lascivious gaze met your own. "You're gonna kill a fucking cop here." He grunted, making you giggle which immediately turned into an elated whimper as he tweaked your pert nipples.
"Get down. Turn around. Ass up." He ordered, and you didn't at all hesitate to obey. In your haste, you nearly tumbled off of your bike though Callahan steadied you. "Eager, are we, Y/N?" He chuckled, but something about the way your name smoothly, seductively rolled off his tongue had you wanting to fall down on your knees and reverently suck him off instead. But you didn't dare disobey, spinning around with your back to him and bending over your bike.
Though something dropped to the ground as you bent over, making Callahan arch a brow as he picked it up.
"My pen?" He scoffed, and though you can't see him, you can feel his disapproving stare boring into the back of your head like daggers. "Naughty girl, now you're stealing? Tsk, tsk." He flipped up your skirt, your ass now in full view as he licked his lips. His hands groped the pillowy soft flesh, releasing a low whistle of appreciation as he squeezed before suddenly raising his hand and spanking you.
"Ah..!" You exclaimed, looking over your shoulder with glazed eyes and flushed cheeks. "M'sorry, Officer~"
Smack! Another slap had you reeling in the best way possible, your pussy clenching at--unfortunately--nothing as you whimpered.
"Uh-uh. Didn't say you could look at me, did I, naughty girl?" He chided, seeing that you were wiggling your ass and trying to inch closer to him.
Smack! Smack! Smack! Three slaps, one right after the other. Your flesh glowed red with his handprint, making him smirk devilishly.
"M'sorry..." You said again, your voice coming out as a meek squeak. But more. You wanted more, more, more. "I'm a good girl, I promise!"
"I'm sure you are~" He hummed leisurely. "Just gotta prove it to me, right, baby?"
Before you had any chance to reply, he prodded your legs apart with his knee and his pants unzipping sounded like the most divine music to your ears. Both of your breaths got caught in your throats as the tip of his cock pressed against your pussy, stroking up and down your entrance slowly, teasingly. Your lustful impatience getting the best of you because, fuck, you deserved this, you were just about to slide down onto him when he suddenly pushed his entire cock in with no warning.
And fuck he was big. Much bigger than you ever fantasized, completely stretching you out as a long moan was drawn out of you and your upper body fell like a ragdoll on your bike. You vaguely heard him laughing huskily before he started to move; carefully, as if he was afraid you might break.
But with you? That didn't last very long, any pathetic thread of patience he had snapping as soon his thrusts started to become rapid, hard, wild--hitting that amazing spot deep inside your gummy walls over and over again, the lewd squelches of his cock slipping in and out of your pussy perfectly harmonizing with skin slapping against skin.
"Fuck, fuck, fuuuck..!" You screamed, toes curling and grinding your ass in time with his thrusts as he watched, utterly transfixed, with how you seemed to just fit him like a puzzle piece; the fucking addicting way you slammed back down onto him, your skin rolling with each bounce, your pussy clenching his cock like a goddamn vice and effortlessly accepting all of him.
He then wrapped a hand around your neck, squeezing just enough to have your eyes rolling to the back of your head before pulling you up so that you were standing and your back was pressed against his chest. He nuzzled his face just beneath your ear, hot pants grazing your skin as he never seized his pleasurable assault to your cunt as he continued to pound relentlessly into you like a beast in heat.
Suddenly, he pressed his pen to your clit. Your eyes widened as you felt the long, thin object rubbing against your sensitive mound, stroking and poking at your folds as his cock drove in and out, in and out.
"Gonna cum for me, pretty girl?" He whispered, planting butterfly kisses along the delicate column between your neck and shoulder, his grip on your neck tightening ever so slightly as he humped against you.
"Y-Yes, fuck, yes Officer..!" You choked out, rocking your hips desperately as you could almost see stars.
"Then cum, Y/N."
And you did; your walls fluttered and clamped down on his dick, your body stilling and eyes crossing as waves of the highest rapture coursed throughout your body. Callahan soon followed, a nearly animalistic groan accompanying the spurts of cum that gushed into your deepest, most intimate part as his hips stuttered to a halt.
You basked in silence, revelling in the satisfying afterglow. Then, agonizingly slowly, his twitching cock slid out of you, making you convulse and you could feel the hot cum trickling down your legs. He spun you around and gently grabbed your chin, tipping it up and examining your completely fucked out expression. You stuck your tongue out, and he didn't waste a precious moment as he leaned down and entwined your tongue with his. He held you closely, securely; hugging you to his broad chest as he stepped backwards until his back bumped into his car to support the both of you.
You were the first to pull away from the sloppy liplock, laying your head on his chest and sighing deeply. "That was..." You looked up at him, blinking dazedly. "...not what I expected."
"Did you not have fun?" He chuckled, though there was a hint of worry in his voice as his thumb lazily caressed your swollen bottom lip, kind brown eyes seeking yours. Shit, did he overdo it? Or worse... Did you realize that you actually weren't that into him?
"I did, it's just..." You trailed off before a giggle erupted out of you, shaking your head. "Y'know, the first time we met, I actually thought of you bending me over your car and fucking me. I never imagined I'd be bent over my bike."
"For fuck's sake, Y/N, you really are gonna be the death of me!" He whined dramatically, making you laugh and soon he joined you.
"So..." You grinned, fixing his glasses that had fallen to the bridge of his nose and running a hand through his sweaty, unruly curls that you loved too fucking much. "Was I a good girl, Cally~?"
"The fucking best." He returned your euphoric grin, booping your nose and, though he'd never admit it, he actually liked your nickname. Just for him, only by you. "Buuut you're a good girl that's coming back to the station with me."
"Huh? But I thought you're gonna let me off the hook for speeding?" You questioned, confused.
"I am, but you're forgetting your other crimes." He cleared his throat, rising to his full height and looming over you yet again. "Public indecency..." He traced his pen on your pussy, making you shudder as the cold metal glided across your skin up to the valley between your breasts. "...and theft."
"Well, Officer, if that's the case then you're not innocent either~" You smirked, wrapping your arms around his neck and dangling off of him much like you did the first time. "You stole my heart, after all~"
His face was as red as a tomato, smiling like a doofus as he hooked his hands under your plush thighs, hoisting you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Taking you by surprise, but definitely not unwelcomed as he stared up at you with a stupidly smitten expression.
"We're partners in crime, then, Lil Miss Trouble~"
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mimisempai · 1 year
It’s in his kiss
Sherlock decides to find out who his brother's mysterious lover is. Beginning his investigation in Greg's office, he discovers more than he expected.
Mystrade Monday  1.0  #21 - “He is a bad kisser”
On AO3
Rating G - 843 words
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"No, but seriously John, I'd like to know."
John replied in a slightly annoyed voice, "Sherlock, Detective Lestrade's office is probably not the right place for this, is it? After all, he probably doesn't care about Mycroft's love life."
Greg looked up in what he hoped was a natural way when he heard his lover's name as Sherlock harrumphed, "But it is of the utmost importance my dear John, I have noticed a change in my brother. I am sure he is seeing someone."
Greg's heart skipped a beat, but he remained completely calm as he stood up and walked to the door of his office. When he reached it, he opened it and said with a wry smile, "Sherlock, John is right, I'm not interested. But since I don't have an investigation that requires your assistance at the moment, if you want to investigate your brother's love life, that's fine with me."
Sherlock didn't react and started to leave Greg's office with John, while they continued their discussion.
"I'm really curious about the person who finally managed to get my brother's attention, and I'm also wondering how come he's never had anyone, he's pretty good-looking, like me, smart, also like me, he's pretty good at quite a few things, like me... "
Greg rolled his eyes as Sherlock and John walked through the door and started to close it on them as Sherlock continued, "So, I wonder why there has never been anyone before."
Suddenly, as the door was about to be closed, Sherlock stopped and exclaimed, "Oh, I know! It's because he sucks at kissing. Yes, I'm sure I'm right. He's a bad kisser."
John sighed, "Sherlock..."
But Sherlock continued, "Yes, yes, yes, I'm absolutely sure."
Greg couldn't help but mutter, "He's not."
Sherlock turned sharply to him, "He's not what?"
Greg replied, "A bad kisser."
"Goodbye Sherlock, John."
Greg closed the door and made sure it was locked, even though Sherlock was banging on it, "Detective Lestrade, open this door immediately. You can't leave me like this!"
Greg ignored him and went back to his desk. 
After a few moments, the drumming stopped and he heard John whisper, "Come on Sherlock, let's go..." followed by the sound of footsteps walking away.
He sighed and slumped down on his desk before resuming his work. It wasn't until about an hour later that he realized that he would have to tell Mycroft about this, if Sherlock hadn't already taken care of it.
He took his phone out of his pocket and started typing.
Remember that conversation
about finding the right time to 
announce our relationship?
Sent at 4:30 pm
Yes, I do. What about it?
Received 4:32 pm
Greg swallowed, a little worried about Mycroft's reaction, then replied.
That's not necessary anymore. 
I think Sherlock and John know.
Sent 4:34 pm
How did this happen?
Received 4:35 pm
Let's just say your brother 
said something slanderous 
about you and I couldn't 
let him get away with it.
Sent 4:37 pm
And what did my dear 
brother say to make 
you so upset?
Received 4:38 pm
That you are a bad kisser. 
And since I am in the best 
position to know that this 
is not true, I contradicted 
Sent 4:39 pm
Greg saw the little dots dancing on the screen of his phone, but when he got no answer five minutes later, he began to worry a little, what if he had made a mistake?
He got up and started pacing around his office before stopping at the window. Lost in thought, he didn't hear the door open behind him and gasped as two hands landed on his shoulders and a voice whispered in his ear, "So I'm a good kisser?"
Greg turned and chuckled softly before replying, "I didn't say you were a good kisser, just that you weren't a bad one."
Mycroft raised an eyebrow and replied, "I'll show you I'm better than not bad." 
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Greg's, proving his point with actions better than words. When they parted to catch their breath, Greg asked between gasps, "I take it you're not upset that the cat's out of the bag."
Mycroft shook his head, "I already knew about it when you sent me the message."
Greg sighed, "Sherlock..."
Mycroft nodded, "My dear brother, yes. Though he did not tell me the content of your discussion. As soon as I could clear a slot in my schedule, I came because I knew you would worry unnecessarily."
Greg smiled, then chuckled, "We have a problem now. Now that Sherlock has solved the mystery of your love life, he won't have any more investigations, he'll be insufferable again".
Mycroft replied, " Honestly, my brother is always insufferable. We'll find something for him. But in the meantime, let me perfect my skills." 
He leaned forward again and captured Greg's lips in another kiss that showed the detective that he actually did not need perfecting.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
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convexicalcrow · 1 year
Okay but
Indiana Johns like Scar finding the Pyramid of the Pharaoh Cub.
Perhaps the Pyramid is also cursed with the spirit of Vexes?
When I read this, my brain was like, maybe this is the backstory that Scar tells ppl about the newest, and deadliest, attraction at Scarland, and this is what came out of that thought process. Also this is my first attempt at writing Grian so idk how well I have captured his voice and character, but I think it turned out okay.
"Oh, you wouldn't believe how far I walked through the desert! You'd think a pyramid would be easy to spot, but it wasn't! Man, it took forever, and I was almost out of water when I found it at last. It was just a gold block, shining in the sunlight, but I knew it. I knew what it was. That was the pyramid of the lost Pharaoh! It had to be! So I started digging, not knowing what I was going to find when-"
Scar paused, distracted by some more Hermits joining the line. He beamed and gestured them over.
"Hello, hello! Welcome to the Pharaoh's Lost Pyramid! The scariest attraction in aaaaaall of Scarland! It's a faithful recreation of the pyramid that I found many years ago in a desert many blocks away. Come, I will tell you what I found in there," Scar said.
"You found Cub, that's what you found," Grian said.
"Nonono! Not Cub! The lost Pharaoh! Doomed to rest in his pyramid, cursed by what he'd done to the land and his people, buried with so much treasure I could not carry it all away with me... But do not disturb his tomb, or you will die!" Scar said, gesturing wildly as he brought the group up to the entrance. "Do you still dare to enter the Pharaoh's lair?"
"Yeah, of course. It's just Cub. What is there to be scared of?" Grian said.
Scar opened the gates and stepped aside. "Oh, you'll find out, Grian. Beware, if the cursed Pharoah touches you, all hope is lost."
Grian shrugged as he went inside. "I'm sure I'll be fine."
Scar closed the gates behind him and locked them. Grian turned back.
"Hey! You're not locking me in here, are you?" Grian said.
"What, you said it wasn't scary! I'm sure you'll be fine, Grian," Scar said dismissively.
"You'll pay if it isn't, Scar, just warning you now," Grian said.
"Hey, you chose to go in, any deaths are not the fault of Scarland and it's owners. Goodbye, Grian, and good luck!" Scar said cheerfully.
Grian huffed, but continued inside. Scar turned back to the rest of the gathered Hermits. "Now, where were we? Oh, yes! I'd found the golden tip of the pyramid just peeking out from the sand! Night was closing in, I didn't have much time to make camp..."
Inside the pyramid, the Pharaoh lay in his sarcophagus, sleeping. At least, he had been sleeping until his senses told him he had intruders. His hands glowed and he summoned some Vexes.
"Go, my friends, tell me who walks the halls of the pyramid. They will become ghosts soon enough," the Pharaoh murmured.
The Vexes hissed, chattered their assent, and disappeared. The Pharaoh closed his eyes and waited, already tasting blood on his lips.
The hallways were tight and winding, full of dust, sand, and cobwebs. Grian could hear strange sounds as well, sounds he couldn't identify. He had the distinct feeling that he was being watched. Something that felt like cold fingers touched the back of his neck, and he startled, turning to see nothing behind him.
"What- who's there? Scar? What's going on?" Grian said, looking around him.
A sudden gust of wind blew the torches and candles out, plunging him into darkness.
"Oh, no, I don't like this. I don't like this!" Grian said as he reached for the wall and started moving, hoping he might find the way out.
"...It took an hour to break into the pyramid once I'd dug out enough sand. The limestone was harder and thicker than I thought, but once I managed to break in, I found myself in a one-block-wide passageway, filled with cobwebs and dust and a pile of rubble I'd just let in! I lit a torch and stepped inside, hoping the map I had of the passageways was accurate. The treasure was in here, I just knew it! I had to find it!" Scar said to his captive audience.
This wasn't how he intended to work the pyramid, but Jevin had got him on a roll and there was no stopping him now. They would hear the whole story whether they wanted to or not!
The one with the empty eyes walks the halls, master, the Vexes reported.
The Pharaoh smiled, knowing who they meant. "Well, well, well. Now, that's interesting. Chase him deeper. I'll awaken soon enough."
Grian had walked for another ten minutes, now inexplicably lost. He'd been shot with an arrow after tripping over a wire, and now he could hear zombies groaning behind the walls. He wished he had some torches on him, he might have been able to mark his way. But he'd brought nothing useful except for some food, acutely aware that Scarland was full of danger, not just from the dimly lit park that spawned mobs after dark, but from Scar himself and some of the attractions he'd built in here, like the pyramid. He wasn't taking any chances of losing his gear in a place he wouldn't be able to recover them from.
He stopped, hearing something screeching. Like a minecart breaking quickly on rails, followed by a thump and a howling sound. Perhaps coming in here had been a mistake. He froze as something sharp pressed against his neck.
"Who's there? Is that you, Scar? What do you want?" Grian said, trying to keep his voice down in case he attracted any further attention.
"Why would I do that? Who are you?" Grian said. "Maybe I'll just stay here."
Then you will die.
Grian nearly argued back, but a Vex face appeared as something grabbed his ankle and it was such a shock he kicked and kicked until he was free and did indeed run for it.
"Maybe Scar was right, maybe this place is cursed," Grian said as he ran down more hallways.
Well, run was a little optimistic. The darkness concealed a lot of hazards, and without a memory of where he ought to be going, he simply followed the halls blindly, hoping he might get back to the entrance at some point. Hopefully. Perhaps without dying, that would be nice.
The Pharaoh rose out of his sarcophagus, pushing the lid off until it crashed onto the ground. Grian was getting close, he could sense it. Grasping an ornate khopesh, the Pharaoh, bandages dragging through the sand, pushed the door of his tomb open and began to walk the halls.
In the back of Scar's awareness, he could sense where Cub was, and what was going on, as he told of his brave feats of adventuring as he walked through the old pyramid, avoiding traps and killing spiders and making his way to the treasure room. Every sentence became more incredible than the last, which is usually what happened when Scar let himself just spin a story like this.
He and Cub had cooked this idea up in Bdubs' coffee shop one night after several games of TCG at Cub's arena. The mummified Pharaoh creeping through the pyramid to kill whoever disturbed his sleep, with Vexes and other dangers thrown in for good measure. After all, Scarland needed at least one death game, right? It had to live up to it's reputation as dangerous as much as it was the happiest place on earth. That's what made it so special.
Grian heard spiders. Cave spiders. The problem was, he couldn't work out where the sound was coming from. He stopped in an intersection of three other passageways, all as dark as each other, unable to decide where to go next. He was sure the Vexes were still behind him, but they seemed to be toying with him. Getting close to bite him, before backing off again. Not even deep bites either, just warning shots, as it were, leaving him a little bloodied and in pain as he kept going.
He saw the eyes first. Beady red eyes charging at him through the corridor in front of him. It took a moment to process what he was seeing before they were suddenly on him, and he ran, unable to have avoided being bitten.
"Scar! SCAR! WHY WOULD YOU PUT CAVE SPIDERS IN HERE? WHO DOES THAT?" Grian screeched, feeling the poison burning through his body as he ran.
The Pharaoh laughed, hearing Grian's cries. He knew where he was, alright. The spiders were crying for blood. He was close. He raised the khopesh, its blade sharp and ready to strike, as he took a left, and prepared to end the game.
Grian had found a small nook to hide in, where he was waiting for the poison to wear off as he ate as much as he could. His feet were hurting in more ways than one. He was shivering, ignoring the blood from another arrow shot that had hit his thigh. At least he couldn't hear any spiders anymore.
What he could hear now, once he stopped breathing so heavily, were footsteps. Human-sounding footsteps.
"There's someone in my tomb. Someone who shouldn't be here. Someone who won't live to see the sky again once I find you," a voice called.
It was definitely Cub, Grian realised. But also, more than Cub. His voice had been booming, shimmering with magic. He should probably move, especially now that the poison had worn off. The problem was, the Pharaoh's voice was coming from all angles. He had no idea where he actually was.
"I'm just going to have to guess, aren't I? Oh, good lord. Where's left to go? There's only a couple of passageways from here. Guess I'd better just pick one and see where I end up," Grian said.
The Pharaoh pushed a button, hidden underneath some sand. Whichever way Grian went, he wasn't getting away. He was so close now. Time to feed. Time to eat the soul of his next victim.
Grian crashed into a wall that he was sure had been a much longer hallway.
"No! Hey! Let me out of here!" Grian said thumping on the stone.
Footsteps approached. Grian turned to see a dark figure closing in.
"You dare to disturb my slumber, mortal? No one enters my tomb and lives!" the Pharaoh cried as he ran at Grian.
"No! Scar! Hey! Wait, I-"
Grian was slain by TheCursedPharaoh using The Vengeance of Ra
Scar pulled something out of his bag as his fellow Hermits looked on in awe. "See, this is a golden cup I found in the tomb! Look at the intricate carvings! There were a pair of these, and I rescued them, along with so many other treasures! Once you complete the pyramid, you can see them all in the museum, and buy replicas of your favourites in the gift shop! Take home a little piece of the Pharaoh's treasure to remember your visit to Scarland! So, who's keen to go next?"
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lenna-z · 1 year
Hi! This is the second part of The Thing Between Them. I wasn't even thinking of continuing this when I wrote the first chapter, but I hope you like it anyway!
I have a fic that I just published and left the first episode here and that continues in my drafts and excites me. Even though my brain wants to go in a regular order, unfortunately my muse doesn't have a proper order.
I just followed my muse...
I have two more chapters in mind to continue this maybe some action and whump... I'd love to know if you're interested, but this idea just came to my mind so I don't know if I'm going to continue, so... yeah.
I hope you will like it!
Part 1 is here.
Silent Promise
Kay was asleep in his arms. Her head was resting on his shoulder, in the crook of his neck, and she looked very peaceful.
It was very in tune with this moment. When it was just Kay and him, it was so peaceful that he never wanted to leave.
Sometimes he couldn't believe how lucky he was.
If they had told Virgil six months ago that she would be in a serious relationship, she wouldn't have believed it. Now when he looked at the woman sleeping on his chest- he was really lucky.
And Virgil hadn't been able to sleep for the past six months, and especially today as he thought about how lucky he was.
Kay didn't believe him, but he really couldn't sleep. He almost lost her...how could he sleep?
At some point in the rescue, everyone in the house was focused on the holo-table. It had taken her a while to reply to John, and in those few seconds Virgil's world had stopped spinning.
There was an emptiness in his heart that he couldn't describe, and at that moment he really- really thought he had lost her.
Morning he had seen her for the first time in two days, when she wasn't a hologram, and he hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to her as she left.
This was probably the reason for the emotional intensity before going to bed.
Virgil had never insisted on telling the others what was between them. Both had reservations, but Kay- she always held herself back.
There were many reasons why she didn't want to; normal reasons, like growing up like a sibling, or reasons that worry him, like she doesn't think she deserves this or him.
They had outgrown most of them, and Kay didn't talk about the topic of their brothers learning about them as often as before.
Only the words when he woke up to go to his room before the others woke up on the nights he stayed in her room brought up the subject.
It was impossible to get out of bed, let alone leave the room, without waking Kay, and she would come to Virgil's room because she knew he didn't like it.
He didn't want it to be just his decision to tell the others, they could wait until Kay was ready to say it, and Virgil said it often.
And some nights he would show how much he loved her.
Still, Kay would blame herself, even if she didn't show it. When Virgil managed to seep through the cracks in her walls, this feature of her hit him like a second wall.
She had once gone so far as to say that he deserved much better than a relationship behind locked doors, and it took some time for Virgil to convince Kay that he respected her choices.
They had each other. And knowing that was enough for him, so it didn't matter who knew or not.
And already some people in the house knew the thing between them, no matter how careful they were.
Kay had once said she suspected Grandma knew about them, and John knew them, they were sure of it.
Everyone knew how hard it was to keep secrets from John, but Virgil couldn't help wondering how long he had known.
When Kay went on a mission or to the rescue and something went wrong, he would always meet John's eyes in the hologram.
And every time he would answer the question that was on the tip of his tongue but stuck in his throat.
"She is fine."
And if something did happen, he would somehow let him know.
Whether Virgil was alone or not, he would let him know, and he was grateful to his brother for that.
But today he almost lost her.
He might not see his favorite color eyes again, he might never be able to kiss the owner of the smile that brightened his day...
And Kay still thought of his birthday, which he hadn't thought of for hours.
She blamed herself again, and he was sure that she wasn't just apologizing for his birthday. Because after that she said she wanted to tell them about their relationship.
Before telling everyone, Virgil wanted to make sure she wanted it because she really wanted it, not because she blamed herself.
She said this for him, he knew this because he knew Kay.
She might not have slept for hours, had gone on missions in a row, or even came back from the dead, yet she thought of herself last.
Everyone in this family was like that but Kay was living her feelings behind her walls so...
Kay deserved much better.
And he was lucky because somehow she thought the same about him.
God, he loved her.
And of course this peaceful moment had to be interrupted...
Light began to shine from the edge of the night lamps on either side of the bed.
It was a green light, not a white light, so he was being summoned, not Kay.
Thank God...
She had only been asleep for two hours.
He didn't want to wake her but-
"Every day. Every day we can lose each other..."
And she would probably wake up when he moved anyway.
He ran his hand softly on her cheek. "Kay?... Hey, love, I have to go."
Her breathing suddenly changed and she snuggled deeper into his neck. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
He wanted nothing more than to stay.
"Honey, look at the lamps," He kissed her while stroking her hair. "If I stay here any longer, John will find out about us officially."
"We had already decided to tell them."
And she bent even more towards him.
"And John already knows." A pause. "We should buy a present to thank John."
This was adjustable.
"Yeah, we can arrange this."
Just to wake her up, she lifted her upper body a little and placed soft kiss on her forehead and then her cheek.
His attempts seemed to have failed, as her delicate hands slid further down his waist.
He was leaning forward a little to return the hug, but Kay had chosen that moment to turn towards him.
Everything was too fast and too slow at the same time, which was technically impossible.
One breath and the distance between their faces closed.
His lower lip was between soft lips and- his brain short-circuited...
A hand settled on his cheek, the kiss deepened even more... And Virgil couldn't think.
When she leaves to take a breath and gently presses her forehead to his, he was still trying to gather his foggy brain.
When her other hand finds his cheek and their lips meet quickly, Virgil was ready to take this further.
It wasn't that Kay would let him, because he was being called to the rescue-
Teeth were touching his lips and his brain was sending signals that numbed his lips. Or maybe it was just because he was too sensitive to Kay's touch.
He really couldn't think straight and-
Her tongue was moving...
God, Kay...
And her lips parted from his.
They were both out of breath, and Kay was fully awake. Even in dim light, her pupils could be seen dilating.
"Virgil..." She was still out of breath. And her voice was a bit far from normal. "God... I love you."
If she only knew what she was doing to him...
And he had used all his will to place a kiss on her forehead instead of her lips. "I love you."
She put her head back on his chest and in that moment it was just them. They were in a peaceful moment again, and Virgil could stay here forever.
"Love... you should go."
Yeah he should...
His brain was still foggy and he clearly couldn't shake off the impact of the- that moment.
"I love you, Kay."
She was smiling. So of course she knew what she was doing to him.
"And, love you too. Virgil, you-"
"Yeah, I am going."
And finally he made a move to get out of bed.
He was nearing the door when he noticed Kay getting up too.
"You should keep sleeping, love."
He was sure she was rolling her eyes, but she couldn't see her beautiful face because of the dim light behind her.
"Says the man who waited for me for hours."
A few steps later she was next to him and she kissed his cheek and then handed him a box.
"You get the chance to open it at 2, so I hope. I don't want to give this to you any later."
A gift?
Oh. For his birthday.
"And please be careful." A pause. "You must go now, John may know but he still doesn't know officially so..."
"Virgil-" he silenced her with a kiss, he knew what she was going to say.
Her arms were wrapped around his neck just like before they went to bed, and he slid his hands down to her waist, pulling her towards him.
And now he had to go.
Even though he had to leave her, she was smiling when he looked at her.
One last kiss on her forehead and whispered into her ear. "I love you."
And he unlocked the door and went out...
He wanted more, and he was sure Kay wanted it too, so it was a silent promise between them.
His lips were still tingling as he tried to those thoughts from his mind.
And this time he had no idea what to tell John about why he was late and about the box he was holding.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "Star Trek Into Darkness (5/10) Movie CLIP - My Name is Khan (2013) HD" on YouTube
Yes young all the time is beat down off and can't control himself around her son and goes through mental health who cares about his people and John remillard does not and others have lost it Tommy f doesn't care at all he just wants to win and he's the boy King and her son worked with him for quite a while in Egypt and other places and he was there as a giant often helping it work and trying to be patient with him and he understood he's pushed and he saw a lot of people doing it is it mental anguish all the time and he has lost some of the toughness from losing his people but his people who are around so we need you and he's Tiffany is upper lip. The card is out of his possession answer the fort Myers police so he is free from it if he chooses to be. And there's other things he's not going to be stuck to trying to remember just taking over evil stuff and we don't like John Lord but the whole point of this is he gets captured by Khan and he was like on for some time and so is Arnie and I already told him a singer too about imitating someone and he forgot it got his ass handed to him for real by the Chinese so he sent our son there to get back in Ernie and the Chinese and it was on too wie chan lin found out about her and he went after him. Tons of people's side no here's in a nutshell our son is trying to say something and what he's saying is this mission is about ships and it's about time going after everything and you can't have them do that and Max figured it out and other people need to go along with Mac even though he's going after you because of John Riva Lord you need to get ships you need to be a part of it and you need to make sure he knows you want to be part of the revolution against Tommy f and he'll use you maybe use you up but at least you have a name and Max will say stuff but there you are doing the job that they're not and and boy a lot of Macs are procrastinating to the point of death. So he's trying to get other people to do something cuz they're sitting there fat asses again dreaming about winning by killing off retard more lock instead of Tommy f and taking stuff and son said it too he's trying to challenge no he can't do that to Mac the admiral she can assign it to someone what you should do is assign it to someone who's been annoying the s*** out of him and our son knows who do that too and it's the new Spock and that's John real lord cuz he's so damned annoying to get one stone chip and we think that the admiral in Star Trek and signs it to him and after Kirk leaves the room.
One he says and it's kirk
Thor Freya
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lowcountry-gothic · 2 years
**Stranger Things 4 Volume 2 Spoilers in tags**
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pherelesytsia · 2 years
Love me tender,
Summary: Y/N´s parents find out their daughter is dating Thomas Shelby.
Warning: Argument, Fluff, mentions of death
Word Count: 1.5k
a/n:. Requests are open!!!
Thomas Shelby Masterlist
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The walls were full of memories, plastered with framed pictures of Y/N´s childhood and ended with photos of last Christmas. The young woman knew something was off the very moment she entered the house of her parents. The buttons of the long coat were fastened. Y/N didn't even think about taking off her shoes, knew she wouldn't stay long in the building, felt it in every fibre of her body. A lovely greeting in high tones escaped her lips, greeted her father and mother but no voices let her know she was not alone. Y/N's gaze went on a search, and she gulped, wanting to turn and leave the house with quickening steps. A dark shadow wandered across her father's face. His brows nearly touched as he heard his daughter close the door and step into the house.
“Is it true?” he asked in a raspy tone, angered.
Shaking her head, not understanding what she has done Y/N stopped, searching for her mother in hope she would tell her what had happened. Y/N could not find her mother, hoped she would stand by the fireplace. Like a raging wave, her father reared up, raging and shouting. Cursing her father pushed himself off the kitchen counter and went forward, facing his oldest child with a stern expression with his arms folded in front of his chest hidden behind a dark worn-out shirt.
“It's good to see you again father, I missed you dearly. When was the last time we saw each other last month?” the young woman said sarcastically.
Soft sounds played by the radio drowned in the tumult. Footsteps echoed throughout the room. Y/N looked in the noise's direction, no longer facing her father. Smiling faintly toward her mother, Y/N wanted to step closer,, but she stopped. Her smile faded away, saw the expression gracing her mother’s features stepping closer to her husband.
“Do I have to repeat myself? How dare you to date a Shelby!” her father's voice echoed loudly like thunder across the house.
Hate filled his eyes, couldn’t believe what his daughter had done, couldn't believe what his ears had heard, and he knew other fathers would be happy and delighted that the daughter dated a Shelby, but not him.
"How dare you, you carry your family's name, you lost your brother because of that scum of a family.", "Father, we both know John didn't die by his hand. It is a rumour that a Shelby killed him. Your son was deep in debt and instead of working, he hoped to find money in horse racing." the words were harsh and hurtful, but Y/N did not regret the ones she had chosen.
Angrily her father snorted and took a step towards his daughter, running his trembling and quivering fingers through his unmade hair, unable to understand how his blood dared to utter those words.
"How dare you?", "Father, it's the truth. Mother has already come to terms with it. She knows John was in trouble, but instead of asking for help or finding a job, he threw himself into the arms of death. Thomas is a good man and I don't need your approval. I can decide for myself who is good for me and I don't care what you think about him." she said in a tone carrying anger.
Hateful, the father stomped forward, feeling the anger boiling in his heart like a cauldron, but even the hatred rising in his eyes could intimidate his daughter, not afraid of the tall man who came menacingly closer to her.
"What are you going to do? Lock me in my room? I have a place to call home; you have no power over me. You don't own me and I came to see if you were alright, but I see I should have listened to my heart and not come. I'm not surprised by your behaviour. It would probably have surprised me more if you had welcomed me with open arms." Y/N said dryly, having finally found the courage to tell her father what she was thinking.
Y/N knew her father would hate her, knew she couldn't keep her relationship a secret for long, knew it, yet she arrived, not listening to Thomas, who didn't want to let her alone in her parents' house.
"Father, I am a grown woman; you cannot forbid me to," Y/N whispered.
"You're sleeping with him for the money." the man yelled, interrupting his daughter rudely.
Shocked, the young woman looked up, unable to believe what her father was saying. Her gaze travelled across the dim room looked to her mother for help, but the woman was as cold as her husband. Shaking her head, Y/N looked at her parents, unable to believe what she saw, hoping it would be a good day, hoping they would greet her with open arms. Exhaling deeply, Y/N folded her hands in front of her body and directed her gaze over her shoulder, wanting to leave, wanting to turn her back to her parents, wanting to disappear into her boyfriend's arms and forget her past.
"Is there anything else you want to tell me, father? I didn't come to argue with you," said Y/N.
She hoped her parents would change their minds. Their eyes were empty holes. Tears failed to grace her cheeks. Y/N went ahead. Her right hand disappeared into the depths of her handbag, clutched the white envelope, and placed it on the table.
"Though it's unnecessary, I have something for you. I want you to know that you don't have to come." Y/N breathed in a quivering voice.
Curious looks settled on the envelope, thinking their daughter would give them money, but then they remembered the words Y/N had said. Shyly, her mother went ahead, forgot the hate her husband told her she should feel and took the envelope, opened it, and immediately her eyes widened in shock, unable to believe what was written on the white paper in her daughter's curved handwriting.
"What is the meaning of this? Speak, woman." the only man in the room wanted to know in a demanding tone.
Furious, the man stomped forward and snatched the letter from his wife's grasp. Fire blazed in his gaze. Eyes travelled across the lines. He crumpled the paper, destroying his daughter's beautiful writing, and with a weak smile, Y/N commented, remembering how many hours she had spent with the cards she had put so much love in.
"As I said, you don't have to come. I didn't want to invite you, but you are my parents and Thomas said we should invite you. You should thank him for that." Y/N said weakly.
"How dare you drag your family's name through the mud?" he shouted.
Shocked, Y/N took a step back, wanting to run through the door. Loud curses came over the man, rushed forward, threw the invitation into the nearest corner. He raised his hand. Out of reflex, Y/N closed her eyes, prepared for the worst. Coldness spread. The smell Y/N would recognise among thousands, the mixture of smoke and whiskey enveloped her like a blanket. The tall man had built himself up in front of his fiancée, had heard everything, every word, ignored the promise he had made, would not allow his fiancée to go to her parents alone, knew her father wasn’t fond of him. Words Y/N could not understand escaped Thomas, looking down at the man who was over three heads shorter than him. Thomas let go of the wrist he was clutching and turned to his fiancée. Fear mixed with dread and a red mark formed on the skin.
Lovingly, Thomas smiled at the woman of his heart and lowered his hand on her back, gently forcing her to turn around, not wanting to allow her to spend a moment longer in the house of her childhood. Slowly Y/N turned around, wanting to lay her eyes on her parents one last time, but Thomas made it impossible, forbidding her to look once more into the eyes filled with hate and anger. His car was parked in front of the house. They took the three steps all at once. Suddenly Y/N felt free, felt the weight fall from her shoulders and thought she could breathe again. A soft thanks crossed her lips, but Thomas quickly let her know it wasn't needed. The inconspicuous ring on her hand glowed, reflecting the light of the setting sun.
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Riff x artist!Reader Chapter 3
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Notes: sorry guys.😭 I wasnt feeling that great in the last weeks, thats why it took me so long to write a new Chapter. I m trying my best, Friends.✨Hope you like it. Stay Hydrated, love Mai💗
Warnings: bad grammar
Desperate about what had happend to my painting, I sat on the fire escape and pondered. I had to find a plan as quickly as possible. Preferably one that could still work out today. It was already in the afternoon. The sun was shining between the skyscrapers of the city. I saw mrs Murphy lugging her groceries across the street, talking to the janitor of the building across the street. She was probably spreading the latest gossip she had heard at the market. I found myself thinking about Riff again. I had heard his name before - I was convinced of it by now. Maybe mrs Murphy had talked about him once. I thought about how she would spread gossip about me and Riff. I would much rather have that, than stories about me and Tommy of whether or not we were engaged.
Only now the stories about me and Riff were not even that unrealistic. I thought with horror that Mrs Murphy could have found my drawings. If that had happened, then I was as good as dead. My father would probably lock me up in our apartment for months and John would lock up my stuff, or worse, throw it away.
John couldn't stand it if I had feelings for a jet. Or any gang member. He's dreamed of seeing me and Tommy together for too long. Nothing could stop him. Sometimes I think about what I would do if women had the same rights as men. I wouldn't be here anymore. Maybe I would travel around the world, or wear pants. But these kind of thoughts were pointless.
I thought I had reached a new low point of the day, when suddenly I had an idea.
John really wanted me and Tommy to get together. That was for sure. So what if I just played along.
"Brother, I have a question. I know I've already been to docs once today. But is there any way I can go there again real quick? I'll be back in 15 minutes I promise."
" I don't think so. I don't like you spending so much time there. Those gang boys hang out there a lot. That's no place for a young lady like you."
" I know, I know John. But you know I've been thinking about it and...I'd like to ask Tommy out.“ i tried to sound as honest as possible. „ And he's coming to see you tonight. So I thought it would be nice if I got him his favorite chocolate from Valentina. He really likes it and I would love to have a present for him. He is always so generous to me. Please John."
"If that's the case, then thats fine with me. I'm glad you finally fancy him. I've always said you'd make a beautiful couple. But be back in time."
I really hoped he didnt notice my fake smile. The idea of me and Tommy as a couple was too horrible. Nevertheless, I could not help but rejoice. If I was lucky, the painting was still where I had lost it.
I walked through the noisy streets of new york. Past the paperboys on the street corner. A confident look on my face. A bag in one hand. The other one was nervously playing with the hem of my skirt. A habit since childhood. Father had always hated it. He said that my insecurity could be seen from miles away. Besides fidgeting was nothing what a young woman in my social rank did.
Fortunately for me, Valentina had not yet closed. Without thinking further, I went into the store. At first glance it was dark and no one was to be seen. But I heard voices coming from the basement. It had to be Tony and Valentina.
"They will be with me soon," I thought. I was overwhelmed that I was so lucky again. There was no one in the store, which meant I could search intensively for my picture. Without having to find a stupid excuse like "I dropped my pearl earrings" . This thought made me smile.
I went to the table where I had been sitting in the morning. This was the last time i Hand Seen my painting. But instead of my drawing, there was only a pack of cigarettes. The box was almost empty. Only one cigarette was still in it. Dark blue paint was stuck to the side of the box. I took it in my hand to have a better look. Even though my brother and father had the habit of smoking, I had never held such a pack in my hand before. My brother said it was not something suited for me. Just like alcohol.
I had always kept to the rules of the two men, but in this moment the feeling of curiosity overcame me for the first time. What would happen if I would not keep to these rules. But before I should continue to think about whether I should dare to smoke a cigarette or drink a sip from the gin bottle that stood on the top shelf of the kitchen, the door opened behind me. Without giving it much thought, I put the pack of cigarettes in my pocket.
Standing in front of me were Tony and...
Not Valentina. It was Tony and Riff. The two were still engaged in their conversation. Neither had noticed me.
"Come on Tony, it will be fun for you to dance again. And please let me know if you find out anything."
Nervously I started playing with the hem of my skirt again. I wanted to stare at the floor but instead I looked at him again. As if we were the only two people on this planet. He had a beautiful laugh. One of those laughs you always want to hear. His whole face was beaming.
He turned his head a little to the side. With his left hand, unnoticed by Tony, he reached into the bowl next to him.
"Would he look at me? Would he know it was me who had drawn him like a madwoman in front of the store. Maybe he'd say something to me..."
The thoughts just bubbled in my head. I had the feeling of completely losing my mind. I didn't even know this young man! What was i thinking?!
„Yeah, we'll see. And hey, Riff! Don't steal milkyways again." Tony tried to take the candy out of Riff's hand. But Riff was faster, he turned around and ran past me without giving me a glance. I didn't realize what had happened until the door had closed behind him and Tony had said my name out loud several times.
The rest of the day felt numb. I bought the chocolate for Tommy and asked Tony as uninterested and normal as I could about the drawing. But Tony just gave me a knowing look and told me to ask Valentina about the drawing. Tony definitely knew more than he wanted to say. He had probably found the drawing himself. Normally I would be freaking out now. Or start asking Tony about every detail he knew. But the disappointment that Riff hadn't even noticed me, had already triggered a different feeling.
Lost in my thoughts, I walked home. I hadn't been feeling this low in a long time. Now I had to go on this stupid date with Tommy. And my excuse was pointless. With my head down I walked along the street. Not knowing that on the other side, across from docs, an excited young man was walking up and down the road. In the small pocket of his ripped shirt, was a carefully folded sheet of paper.
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popes-jj · 3 years
Paradise on Earth - Pogues x Routledge!OC PART 1
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Summary: this story follows Cassie Routledge, John B’s twin sister through the events of OBX seasons 1+2.
Parings: rafe x Routledge!oc + Routledge!oc x the pogues + some JJ x Routledge!oc + everyone else.
[specifically rafe x Routledge!oc] 
Disclaimer: kind of fanon rafe in some future parts, this is not condoning this type of relationship or Rafes behaviour, this is not me saying anything, it is just a story. Also in this, I have changed Rafe to be 18 and OC & the pogues are 17 in s1 not 16 :)
Warnings: mentions of drugs/drug use, mentions of death, violence, mention of violence, sexual innuendos, mentions of sex (not detailed), toxic relationships, unhealthy relationships, sad content, psychotic behaviour/tendencies, bad mental health, abuse, sexual language, swearing. (I think that is all)
This is my own work but I do not own OBX or their storyline or characters!!!
The Outer Banks. Paradise on Earth.. or so they say. For people like Cassie Routledge, it was just home. Well, the cut was at least, born and raised where she lived with her brother and father, that was until her father went missing 9 months ago. Lost at sea..
It had been hard for Cassie and John B since their fathers disappearance, they lived alone in their 'Chateau'. They tried their best to cope with the bills that just seemed to very stop, and their friends constant need to party and drink, not that the two didn't partake, they did of course. Cassie's day to day was mostly parties and constant noise from their friend group.
They all proudly call themselves Pogues, all of them being born and raised in The Cut, almost all anyway, Kiara was the only exception to that, have being a Kook initially, but they welcomed her in the Pogue life.
"That's what, a three-story fall to the deck?" Cassie opened her eyes to Popes voice breaking the groups comfortable silence. "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Cassie rolled her eyes, looking up at her brother that was balancing on top of the buildings roof. Idiot.
"Hm.." John B licked his finger, pointing it to the air. Everyone's attention now on the boy above. "Should I do it?" He asked, a smile on his face.
"Yeah you should jump. I'll shoot you on the way down." Pope laughed, holding a drill tool up towards the Routledge boy.
"Yeah, let's see if you can break both legs at once." Cassie spoke up, standing up from her position on the floor. Hand over her eyes so she could get a proper look at her brother. This wasn't uncommon for the group, to be sat around a construction site on a random evening, summer had just started and they had already found themselves to be bored.
"You'll shoot me?" John B spoke, amused by the boy below.
The two made shooting noises to each other, JJ and Cassie locked eyes, and laughed slightly to each other, amused at the two boys being stupid.
Kiara stormed out of the unfinished building, clearly annoyed. "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers.."
"Of course!" JJ spoke up, "Why wouldn't they?"
"This used to be a turtle habitat but who cares about the turtles, I guess.." Kiara said, looking around.
"I can't have cold towels!" JJ joked.
Kiara looked up at John B, as he stood upon the roof still. "Can you not kill yourself please?" She asked.
"No!" Cassie whined, jokingly. "If he falls, I get a bigger room. John B, as you were." She smiled at her brother who faked being hurt, putting on a fake frown at her.
"Wow, feelings are hurt, Cassandra."
"Oh, shut up." She rolled her eyes at the use of her full name, she walked over and climbed up and perched herself to be sat next to JJ on some scaffolding, snatching the beer from his hands and taking a sip.
"Don't spill that beer, I'm not giving you another one!" JJ shouted up.
John B lifted his leg up, trying to balance on the edge of the roof, his beer falling from his hand and slamming against the deck. "Good job!" Cassie put her thumbs up to her brother who just laughed.
"Of course you did! Right when I asked you not to." JJ laughed as John B groaned about his fallen beer.
"A plus!" Pope clapped.
"HEY!" A deep male voice shouted.
"Hey, uh, security's here." Pope said calming, leaning over the wooden railing. "Let's wrap it up."
"Humpty Dumpty, let's roll." JJ called to John B.
JJ hopped down off the scaffolding and held his arms out of Cassie. "M'lady" Cassie took the help down and ran off into the house with her friends, all laughing as they did so.
The guards chased the group through the house, trying to catch them, almost catching JJ as he slid over the floor. The five of them hopped the fence and made it to their van, 'The Twinkie', John B in front seat, Cassie hopped in next to him in the passenger seat. Kiara made it to the back and left the van door open for JJ and Pope to hop in as they had small trouble getting over the fence.
They all laughed as they continued down the road, van door wide open as JJ jokingly called after the guard that was chasing them down on foot. "C'mon Gary!" JJ taunted.
"You're gonna give him a heart attack!" Kiara laughed.
"I don't know, Kie, I think he looks thirsty!" Cassie called out from the front.
"I think you are right, Cass. Hey, Gary! Want a beer?" JJ threw a beer at the running security guard, "They don't pay you enough, bro!"
"JJ, stop! Stop." Kiara sternly told the blonde boy.
"Oh, C'mon. That sort of the initiative is begging to be punished." JJ laughed, looking back at the guard. They closed the van door and continued on their drive, laughing whilst doing so.
"Okay, so, party tonight?" JJ spoke up as he rolled a blunt, resting his head against the back of the drivers seat.
"Is that even a question at this point?" Cassie asked, holding her hand out to the blonde boy. He placed the blunt in her hand along with his lighter. She studied the lighter for a second, rubbing her thumb over the words 'JJ' that was carved into the silver lighter.
"No.. well- I don't know. Sometimes Pope isn't fun Pope and has to 'study'" JJ made quote signs in the air with his hands awkwardly, watching as the Routledge girl placed the blunt between her lips and lit it. "Pope?" He asked, turning away to look at the boy.
"It's summer, J." Pope looked around confused, unsure if the boy was making a bad joke.
"Great! Lovely to hear!" JJ clapped his hands together and turned back to Cassie. "Cassie, if I may?" Cassie handed him back the blunt reluctantly, getting a small glare from John B.
parts 1-3 up on my wattpadd now :)
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
"The Librarians and the Dark Secret" notes, pt 1:
Long notes. Mainly because there are Evil Catholics here and unrelated moral ambiguity. I got ranty. Anyway, real-time journey below:
Oh, weird symbol-covered parchment inside an organ. This feels kinda Fringe/Alias-y.
Noooooooooo, not Evil Catholic Religious. PLease. Librarians. I am tired.
^^ as you can see, I went through an emotional journey in the first minute and twenty seconds of this episode. But A) Fringe vibes redoubled, and B) I will put up with a LOT for John Noble. even if I still expect to be gritting my teeth through Evil Priests content.
Torn on whether or not I hope he has a son with whom he has a complicated and deeply flawed relationship. On the one hand, his character is (at least pretending to be) clergy, but on the other... what is a John Noble character who isn't a messed-up dad?
Anyway. Moving on.
Okay, I knew it was a wedding fakeout (If you want to blindside fans with a wedding, you blindside them with the CRUX of the matter, not with a lot of wedding-looking prep that everyone onscreen's being a little vague about). But I didn't call that it was a rehearsal for the not-technically-a-wedding. I respect that added layer of fakeout.
(and the additional chances it brings for the Important Ceremony to be thwarted for an episode or a season, if plot demands.)
Side note, though: Jenkins, I appreciate you're the only one taking the Important Magical Ceremony seriously, but I don't think you really need a full dress rehearsal with all the decorations if the principals don't even have their lines down yet.
Park ranger: *swears at a group of men who are very clearly in cassocks, only to get embarrassed when they turn around*
...Really? The clerical collar is more of a signal to you than the full-length black cassocks??
Y'know, I was going with the headcanon that something happened to Nicole during the Time-Machine-Stealing Ninja Caper, and she got stuck permanently in the past (or possibly future). But I was picturing a... less angsty version of that.
Making Nicole evil makes me UPSET. >:( I'm not saying she's the most stable personality, but she went through a lot for the Cause of Good in her movie! She didn't crack then!!
Why WAS Jenkins the one to hunt her down and lock her up? Was he just in a more active phase a hundred years ago?
...For that matter, what does this imply about what they already knew of the future during the first movie? If the Library locked her up before they recruited her... that gets twisty.
Ezekiel's right, actually, I think we should all be a little more disturbed by the fact that they've had A PERSON LOCKED UP IN THE SECRET BASEMENT ALL THIS TIME. (Also, feels like consistent characterization with his "bodysnatching is indefensible" stance.)
I mean, what do you do with an immortal out for your blood? Tricky. But still.
Also, "What else is the Library not telling us?" is actually a really fair question, because we know Library secrets are on a very strict need-to-know basis where its Librarians are concerned (since they're kinda the foot-soldiers)... and we also know that our little team is Running The Place now, through no act of their own. With Judson and Charlene gone they should be unpacking a lot of secrets. What if something happened to Jenkins?? They'd be lost without a map!
Listen. There are a lot of points on Nicole's side right now. Prophecy or not.
Soooo... the priests are a heretic sect, but they're secret heretics hidden within the Church, but they have special iconography that they wear regularly to identify their heretical cult? Sure, Jan.
A know-nothing religious sect formed in the 18th century has no reason to stay hidden inside the Church. Do you know how popular making your own religion was then?? People didn't stay in the Church if they didn't want to!
Oh, here's another gem: their symbol is a callback to the flames that destroyed the Library of Alexandria—which, why would they care about that symbol of learning specifically unless they're actually anti-magic-Library. Annnnnd they want to... "return the world to the Dark Ages."
*deep, tired breath*
Jenkins, you were AROUND for the ""Dark Ages,"" don't you DARE spout that Enlightenment propaganda.
And AGAIN. Why would a reactionary anti-Enlightenment "Christian" cult that wanted to go back to the Middle Ages (entirely reasonable reaction to living through the Enlightenment, btw! I'd be on board with that part!) care about the destruction of the Library of Alexandria one way or the other.
Also, btw, some of us who dislike the so-called Enlightenment wouldn't call ourselves "Shadows," we just happen to think "Enlightenment" is a stupid, egoistic misnomer for a period that significantly dimmed the light of truth in the world.
"Tell me, do you date all of your Guardians, or just the blonde ones?" Nicole, dear, I am attached to you, but you are the one who dated both your Librarians—and in much quicker succession. Glass houses, here.
Ohhh, Flynn. Buddy. This is yet another thing he's been living with, huh.
"Mnemonic device an immortal made for themselves" is possibly the BEST explanation for a cryptic treasure map/clue. I like to see it.
Anyway. I'm halfway through the episode and I need to get up in five hours. It is, in the words of the meme, TIME TO STOP.
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harrypotterwholock · 3 years
A doctor's visit
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The reader visits Dr. Watsons's practice because of her chronic headache. However, when the doctor draws her blood, he finds out about her self harm and confronts her about it.
Trigger Warning:
Implied Self-harm, implied suicide
I hadn't seen a doctor in a long time, but having had a headache almost every day for a month, I got myself to see one.
After I no longer had a general practitioner, I opened the phone book and looked for a practice. The first entry immediately appealed to me: Dr John Watson, a general practitioner in Westminster. So I called right away and made an appointment for the next day.
The reason for my doctor phobia was my self-harm, which always raised uncomfortable questions during examinations. But since the appointment was all about my head, I wasn't too worried about this possibility.
I woke up unusually early on the day of the appointment, probably because of the worries about a possible confrontation with the doctor. Despite the sweltering heat, I put on long sleeves to avoid any inquiries. After breakfast, I got ready and went to the next subway station. As always, people looked at me crookedly because I was so inappropriately dressed. When I sat down on a bench next to the track to wait, a small child pointed to me and said to his mother:
"Mommy, why is the woman dressed in such strange clothes, isn't it too hot for long clothes?" The mother was ashamed and pulled her child away from me, but I smiled at the girl.
The subway finally came, and after 10 minutes I had already reached my destination.
The practice was a short walk from the station. At the reception, I registered with a nice doctor's assistant.
"Hello Ms. y / n, I need your insurance card, please."
"Yes, of course, just a moment."
I gave her the card and then went into the waiting room.
When I had just got myself a newspaper to read, a sympathetic doctor opened the waiting room and called me up.
"Hello Mrs. y / l / n, please come with me. My name is Dr Watson. “, he greeted me with a smile.
The treatment room was designed in light colours and was very inviting, thanks to several colourful paintings on the walls. I took a seat across from Dr Watson and waited while he read through my files.
“I see you come to us with a chronic headache, Ms. y / l / n. How long exactly have you had it?"
“For about a month. I thought it was just a bit of a migraine because I have a bit of stress at work at the moment, but now that they haven't left for so long, I fear that it could be something worse "
"I understand. I would like to check you for muscle tension first if that's okay. "
I nodded, and Dr Watson got up and began carefully examining my shoulders and neck.
“It all looks good, and there doesn't seem to be any nerve damage. I think your headache is a stress reaction, as you suspected, but I would still like to draw your blood to make sure there is no organic cause. "
I froze and felt hot and cold at the same time.
“Are you sure that is necessary? I thought you were pretty sure that it was just the stress. "
Dr Watson looked at me sympathetically.
“It would only be for their own good. And don't worry about the needle, you won't feel any of it, I promise you. "
Without any other choice, I nodded and first rolled up my right sleeve to avoid further conversations as much as possible.
"Ah, a leftie, I see," he said, winking at me.
I nodded in agony and smiled. I knew that the veins in general, and especially on my right arm, were bad and often didn't give any blood.
Dr Watson gave me another encouraging smile and began disinfecting my arm.
Then he started inserting the needle, but no blood came out.
“I see you have rolling veins. I think we'll have to try again on your other arm", he said.
Fearfully, I rolled up my left sleeve while he looked for more materials with his back to me.
Tortured, I looked away from my arm and let him have it. When he turned back to me and sat down to draw my blood, he breathed in sharply and looked questioningly into my eyes. When I didn't reply, he said nothing and began to draw blood from my only good vein.
After he was done, he said to me:
"Good Ms. y / l / n, please have a seat, I'll take this over to the laboratory quickly, and then I'll be right back with you."
I sat shaking and tried to calm my breathing. I knew what was in store for me. Countless doctors had referred me to various places, but nothing had worked. I was hopeless.
Dr Watson came back, eyed me worriedly, and sat across from me.
“Ms. y / l / n, you know as well as I do that I can't ignore the scars on your arm. I would disregard my duty of care. Am I right to believe that you inflicted these injuries on yourself? "
"You are right, Dr Watson. I understand you are concerned, but so many doctors before you have tried to help me, and nothing has worked. Please only treat my headache and let me sort out my problems myself. "
"I understand. But just because you've been disappointed in the past doesn't mean nobody can help you. Please let me try. Is this behaviour also related to the stress you mentioned? "
“No, I've had that for a long time. I really appreciate your efforts Dr Watson, but I can't be helped anymore. "
This statement seemed to alarm the doctor because he immediately sat up and leaned forward to me.
“Ms. y / l / n, it is really important that you are honest with me now. Are you thinking about or are you going to kill yourself? "
He looked at me worriedly and seemed extremely agitated. I had hit a sore nerve with my testimony, and it hadn't hit far from the truth.
"No, no, Dr Watson. Really, you shouldn't worry about me. I have to go anyway, I still have work to do. "
I was about to get up when Dr Watson jumped up and pushed me back into my chair by my shoulder.
"No, stay here!" He exclaimed desperately.
“I can't just let you go like this. Who knows what you… ”He cleared his throat.
“You know, a few months ago I lost my best friend. He also killed himself. I don't want the same thing to happen to you. You must have someone to look after you. Don't do this to them. Please do not."
"I'm sorry, Dr Watson, I didn't know that. But I'm sticking to it. I have been to so many treatments, and they have never done any good. I just simply can not carry on anymore."
“Okay y / f / n, listen to me. I can call you y / f / n, right? I'm John, by the way. ” He smiled desperately at me.
“I understand you don't want to be forcibly brought in again, but I can't let you go home in this condition. I will now call an ambulance that will take you to the nearest psychiatric hospital. "
I wriggled out of his grasp.
“No, don't do this to me, please. It's horrible there, that only makes it worse! "
He looked at me thoughtfully.
"All right then. For the rest of the day, all I had to do was paperwork. What do you think if you come to my house, where I can make sure you don't harm yourself. But then you also have to tell me about your problems. I am sure that I can still help you. "
I considered his offer. It was definitely better than being brought in again.
"Good, I'm with you. Definitely better than ending up in a psychiatric hospital again. "
He breathed a sigh of relief.
"Excellent! Here's your coat, come with me. "
He led me out of the treatment room, always careful to hold me back in case I should run away.
“Jessica, I still have work to do. Please lock up afterwards when you go. "
We left the practice and John led me to his car in which we drove to his apartment.
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murderousginger · 4 years
Faded Away
Angel on Fire Chapter 1
John Shelby x reader
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: They're criminals guys, they do bad things.
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(gif by @bonniebirddoesgifs)
You giggled as your best friend swung you around on the empty street. Isaiah, Finn and Michael walked behind you both and laughed in various degrees at your foolishness. 
"The girls are already mad," Isaiah said as he stepped forward and took your hand. He pulled you close before twirling you away from him. "We're in for a night, lads."
You laughed and spun with your hands outstretched as he did the same to your friend. 
"They're always mad," Michael scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "They're fuckin' winding up for the snow."
You stopped spinning and raced toward Finn, a mischievous grin on your face as you crashed into his arms. 
"There's no way you're a Shelby, Michael," you laughed as you pressed yourself into Finn. "You're far too dusty. You're a wet blanket."
Finn barked a laugh as he took your wrist and spun you back toward Isaiah. 
"You make no sense, (Y/N)," Michael scowled as he lit a cigarette. "Am I dry or am I wet? You can't make up your mind."
Your friend trilled a laugh. You rolled your eyes as she left Isaiah's grasp to cling to Michael. 
"You know our girl," she joked as her hand found his chest. "Always too busy with her own thoughts to make much sense. I don't think you're dry at all, Michael."
"That's because you'll wet him right up, won't you?" You said exasperated. 
Finn and Isaiah laughed as Michael coughed on his cigarette. Isaiah winked at you and lifted his arm. You ran into his side to claim his warmth as he pulled you close. 
"Be nice to little boss," he chastised before his tone lowered as if to tell you a scary story. "Too much longer and he'll be just like Tommy, and you wouldn't dare say such a thing to him."
The night was like most nights. You and your friend went with the Peaky boys to the Garrison under the promise of drinks and snow. You'd been doing it for years, long before Michael joined the little crew, and it was old hat by now. The boys liked the entertainment and needed you to parade their product and make a scene to attract customers. You got your drinks and snow free as long as you attracted attention. Sometimes Isaiah or Finn would give you a cut of their cash on an especially good night. There were worse things to do to get extra coin. 
"I don't take anything the bait says to heart," Michael said. "They're not much more than pretty wrapping to attract the men and put the girls at ease."
"But we are pretty," you pouted mockingly as you cocked your head back to see Michael. "You might not have a use for smart girls, but you have use for pretty."
Michael inhaled his cigarette, taking his time, making you wait for his response. Hang on it. He loved to make everyone wait on him like it was a sign that he was in charge of things. If everyone hung on his word, you'd all forget to breathe until he did. He'd become in charge of everything, including the air in your lungs. 
The smoke lifted from his mouth and into his nostrils before he exhaled it all away. 
"And your mouth is good reason to find better bait," Michael said evenly. His eyes were always so cold. You shuddered involuntarily as you lost eye contact with him and turned back around.
"Oh now, little boss," Isaiah pish-poshed. "You know (Y/N), she means no harm. Besides, these two fillies are the bread and butter of our nights."
Isaiah tucked you into his side with a squeeze, smiling down at you. You wrapped an arm around him inside his coat and squeezed back.
"You watch your hands, now," he joked. "I'm a respectable young man."
You threw your head back against his arm with a loud laugh and met his gaze nose to nose.
"Isaiah Jesus, your name might be holy but you are sinful as they come," you taunted, ghosting your lips across his. 
Isaiah mocked shock, good mouth agape as he shot a look to Finn who had sped up to walk beside you two. 
"Finn, did you hear what she said?" Isaiah said as his free hand clutched his heart. "She called me sinful. She's yours now, mate. My heart's done broke for the night."
He dropped his arm from your shoulder and playfully pushed you into Finn who caught your arm as you stumbled his way. 
"Striking out with everyone already, are ye?" Finn chuckled. "Not a good omen for the night."
"You know why Isaiah calls him 'little boss,' right?" You taunted, loudly whispering so everyone could hear. 
"Yeah, why's that, then?" Michael said, mouth tight as your friend hung on him.
"Shhhh," your scowled at him before turning your full attention to Finn. "I'm talking to a real Shelby." 
Michael scoffed behind you. 
"Yeah, Finn's a real asset to the company," Michael deadpanned. 
Finn's face grew tight. You quickly grabbed his chin and made him look at you. 
"Hey now, boss," you said lightly. "You pay no attention to Mr. Fancypants over there. You're more man than he'll ever be. He's just acting tough to make up for all those years in his perfect little village."
Finn's lip twitched and his face relaxed into a small smile. You playfully knuckled his chin and kissed his cheek.
"Enough now," Isaiah called as he took the lead of the group. "We're almost to the pub, just stop bickering and have a good time, yeah?"
You all toned in agreement. 
You felt a weight in your stomach as you reached the Garrison and saw the people pushing to fit in the pub. You had been going most nights every week for ages, on top of your day job at a desk, and honestly the booze and the drugs had started to lose its appeal. 
"Come on," your friend squealed as she dragged you through the doors.
The pub was packed, but the sight of the boys behind you cleared a path to a table. It's occupants stared at your group wide eyed before quickly tipping their hats and leaving their seats. Finn pulled a chair back for you and you playfully patted his cheek as you sat, your friend sitting across the table next to Michael. Finn and Isaiah sat with you in the middle, your back to the busiest part of the pub. The seat made you uneasy, vulnerable. 
You jumped as you felt a hand brush your shoulder. 
"Here ya'ar," Harry said briskly as he sat whiskey down for everyone and gave the boys beers as well. 
The table mumbled their thanks and the boys started a conversation you quickly tuned out. You looked around you to the other patrons, scoping out who could be reeled in for snow or smoke or even the bit of opium in Isaiah's pocket. 
Most were men tired from the long day of work, but there were pockets of young people with girls your own age that were out for a raucous night. You always focused on them. They usually had the money and the nights to lose. Asking the working men always felt like taking food out of their family's mouths, and the extra layer of scum from the thought sickened you.
"You don't have to go to scoping right away," Finn yelled down your ear to overcome the boon of voices surrounding you. "Relax. Have your drink. We're all friends here, are we not? No need to rush off right away."
You smiled thinly and nodded, looking back to the table. Michael had his arm swung around your friend's shoulders and she had taken his cigarette to smoke while he continued on some sort about the office. You only heard every other word from the roar of the pub, but he leaned forward to slap the table and the boys erupted with laughter, so you chuckled weakly along. 
Isaiah wrapped an arm around you absentmindedly as he went on with his story and you ran your middle finger around the rim of your whiskey glass.
"So Arthur sent me to collect from…"
You toned him out, thoughts swirling your head as you circled your glass. Did you want to drink? Should you? It would surely help with your nerves from the noise. But oh, being drunk had become so dull. 
"... And I said 'well we either take your eyes out your coin, you choose!'" Isaiah said as he rocked back in his chair and put his hands behind his head, his smile smug. 
"Give 'em protection and they don't even wanna pay for it," Finn scoffed. "Bloody ungrateful."
You gritted your teeth together before you gripped your glass and drank it down in one go. The whiskey coated your throat and burned down your throat to the brick in your stomach. It eased your muscles as you rolled your tongue against your teeth. I guess we're doing this again.
It might have eased your body, but the crowd felt louder, more invasive. Having your back to the door felt like wearing a target. You itched to move. You looked around the pub again, your hand idly on your glass as you skimmed the crowd. A set of eyes locked with yours. 
You smiled slowly, raising a brow in challenge. The young man smiled back. He wasn't ugly, nor was he entirely attractive. Just a random face in the pub to pull to the table to sell some tokyo. A little flirting might get you a drink from the deal. You tilted your head slightly, looking over to the bar and back to the man before you twisted back around to the table. You stood up with your glass, bent slightly to Isaiah's ear. 
"Got a bite," you said. "I'll be at the bar."
Isaiah nodded. 
"Feel him out and bring him 'round then, yeah?"
You stood up and made your way for two seats near the end of the bar, near the private Shelby room. You sat down on the one farther in, giving the man a clean exit if he was uninterested in what you were willing to offer. 
You held your breath until you felt someone stand beside you.
"(Y/N)," He nodded as he pulled out the chair and sat. 
"John," you replied, mimicking his tone but you couldn't help but lift a brow in surprise of the older Shelby boy joining you at the bar top.
You both were around each other enough to know of each other, but you rarely spoke. You stayed around the younger group and away from Tommy and Arthur. The oldest two were nice enough, but you knew their business and had seen when they decided not to be nice. Better to keep your head down and stick to the younger men who were still enamored with snow and tits. 
John lit a cigarette and watched as you ran a finger around the rim of your empty glass, not daring to turn to look him in the eye.
"You're not yourself lately," he said with an easy smile before he inhaled his cigarette. 
He pulled it from his lips and let out an exhale as he nudged you with his shoulder and offered it to you. 
"How do you know what I'm like?" Your finger froze on the glass before your hand fell to the side. 
You picked up your glass to drink, but at it down as you realized it was still empty. You slowly turned your head to look back at him.
"You're grinning gunpowder most nights, ready to blow at a moment's notice," John chuckled as his eyes roamed your face and down your body. "Lately you've been different. Not all checked in."
"That so?" You smirked as you took his cigarette from his hand and took a puff. You sized him up as your hand rested the cigarette on the counter. "Do you usually watch your little brother's pals this closely?"
John gave a short laugh. 
"You should see Tommy," he said. "He knows every dirty secret of anyone who so much as spends a night around a Blinder."
"Smokes and mirrors," you said before you brought the cigarette back to your lips and inhaled. "You didn't answer my question."
"So why'd you sit by me, then?" You exhaled with a curl of smoke. "Tommy making sure one of his brother's bait girls isn't stepping out of line?"
"Is that it?" John said as he took his cigarette back. "You like a boy that's not a Blinder and rather be with him most nights?"
You snorted. 
"There's no boy," you said incredulously. "Think me that foolish? Or that shallow?"
"Well if it's not a boy you aren't knocked up," John said as he smoked. 
"Not everything is sex and drugs, Shelby," you scoffed. "I know none of you believe that, but it's true."
"Who says we don't believe in more than that?" John said. "Sometimes we believe in guns."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but crack a smile. 
"Ehhh, see?" John said as he nudged your shoulder. "There's still a bit of the old girl in there."
"The old girl is just getting sick of the same old thing," you mumbled. 
"What's that?" John frowned. 
Harry appeared, hastily wiping the bar as he set out a glass for John and refilled yours. 
"Sorry, sir," Harry rasped. "Night's a bit crazy. Makes me think we should hire another as help."
"It'sfine," John nodded at Harry as he wrapped his hand around his drink and turned toward you. "Now what're you on about?"
"I asked what you were after," you said louder. "You older ones don't bless us with your presence much."
"Not that much older," John grinned. "You're Isaiah's age, right? Six year age gap is nothin'."
"You know I'm not myself and my age," you said amused as you squeezed your glass, "but you won't tell me what you're after. Mr. Shelby, are you chasing after bait?"
John smiled, a mischievous glint in his eye. 
"Love," he said as smoke poured through his teeth. "I don't chase no one."
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Eighteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Seventeen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Nineteen
I remember the first time I really wanted to see New York. I must have been about 12 years old and was watching a random episode of Friends that was on TV. I saw those flashes of the city between one scene and another, and I thought it was amazing, the great stone jungle.
When I turned 16, my dad gifted me with a trip to New York, not because it was my favorite place in the world, but because it was on sale. There were 10 days where the only time I stopped to rest was bedtime. We went to almost every tourist spot, took thousands of photos and it was definitely one of the best trips I've ever been on.
Now, the city that I once wanted to know and live in, like the characters in Friends, felt like a prison. I wasn't there of my own free will or for a truly irrefutable proposal. I was there out of fear and passion, the most dangerous mixture.
I believe that at some point, a few months from now, I'm going to start loving New York, but right now, I can only feel contempt.
I pass through the arrivals gate, looking at those millions of unfamiliar faces, waiting for someone. I'm looking for a sign with my name or the logo of the Hastings Agency.
I find my name in the hands of a boy a little taller than me. Dark hair and fair skin, he needs sun. In an impeccable suit, but fumbling with his cell phone and notepad.
I approach slowly, able to hear his voice, replaying a million things. He said something about waiting for me to arrive and taking me to the hotel. Something about treating me kindly and not asking questions. I stop in front of him with a sympathetic smile, watching him widen his eyes and quickly turn off his cell phone.
“Miss McGonagall, welcome to New York.” he takes my hand, squeezing it and shaking it quickly. “I'm Edward. I will be responsible for your schedule.” I can't control the smile, noticing him nervousness. In other words, he was my Noah.
“Hi! Yeah, you can call me Marnie, that's fine. I prefer, actually.”
“Oh! Of course.” his cheeks turn pink. “Well, I'll drop you off at the hotel to rest and tomorrow at 8:00 am you should be at Valentino's studio for the rehearsal of the new bag collection. At 2:45 pm you should already be at Chanel's studio, they want to take your measurements and do some color and fabric tests for the fashion show at the end of the month. Then, at 5:00 pm, you will participate in the E! podcast, and I believe that after that you will be free for the rest of the day.” he passes it on to me as we head out of the airport.
“OK!” that's all I have to say.
“Sorry if I'm being nosy, but were you the one who required a lot of work for the next two months? I mean, you have a really busy schedule. If you don't want something, I can try to help.” he flips through the calendar while we wait for a car.
“No! It's OK. I was the one who asked. I was down for a while and I need to get back to work.” I give a slight smile, debating. "Hm, was the doctor I asked for by any chance be marked?"
“Yes! Wednesday at 3pm.” he smiles proudly, making me smile too. Edward seems like a nice guy.
We got into a silver car and went to the hotel. Along the way, Edward answers a few calls, closing in on his tasks. I seize the moment and close myself in my own world. I get my cell phone, turning it on and seeing that tsunami of people looking for me. Missed calls, messages, dm on twitter and instagram, everyone looking for me, but not him.
I lock my cell phone, trying to focus my mind on the new beginning I sought for myself. I admire the city through the car window, trying to find a piece of home there. I feel the phone vibrate in my lap with Kyleen's name, but I just decline the call. In seconds, the screen lights up again and several messages come in, I believe they are hers, but I don't even bother to look. I have no courage.
The car stops in front of the Intercontinental, and just like that, Edward jumps out of the car.
“Your loft, unfortunately, is not ready yet. So you're going to have to stay here for a few days.” he explains, heading towards the reception desk.
I stand behind him, taking in the details of the hotel. Before long, I'm entering a room on the 14th floor, with a beautiful view of the city. The bags are left in the small room before the bedroom.
I smile at my new “Noah” showing that everything is perfect.
“Good! I'll let you rest for tomorrow. Anything, these are my phones.” he gives me a card. "And you can call me at any time. I live near here, I will come in a few minutes.”
“Thank you so much, Edward. You are very kind." Again, your cheeks turn pink.
As he heads for the door, I start rummaging through my bags for pajamas.
“Hm, sorry if I'm not being professional right now, but since I believe we'll be working together in the next few months, I imagine a good relationship is essential, so you can call me Eddie.”
I open an even bigger smile, seeing that Eddie was willing to make a friendship, which is perhaps the thing I need most at the moment.
“Thanks, Eddie!” he smiles and this time he walks away, leaving me alone again.
I go back to looking for a more comfortable outfit, ignoring my cell phone blinking on the table as I muted it. I grab my clothes, heading to a shower and stay there for a long time, letting the water take everything.
When I get out of the shower, I pick up the bedroom phone, dialing my mother's number, I don't want to take the risk of answering any of my cell phone calls.
"Hello?" her lost tone makes me smile weakly.
“Hi Mom!”
“Hi, my love. How are you? Marnie, what's going on? Leah came here to say you left without saying goodbye. I called Luke, but he did not answer me and Noah said something about you being to move to New York, you told me it would be just a month.” I cover the phone, not wanting her to hear my cry, letting the tears fall. "Marnie?"
“I'm sorry, Mom.” I can't control my voice and pretend it's okay.
“Honey, what's going on? You can tell me. Mom will help you.” I realize she wants to cry too, and that hurts me more.
“I needed to do this, needed to get away from him.” the revelation comes out before I can see it.
"He who? Luke? Why? I thought everything was fine.” her desperate tone returns.
“I'm sorry I can't talk.” I close my throat, holding back tears. “I just want to let you know that I arrived well and that everything is fine.”
“Fine? Marnie, just look at your voice, your condition. I saw what you did to the apartment. Honey, things aren't fine.” now she was angry.
“Mom, please just trust me. I know what I'm doing.” Do I? I clear my throat, holding back the emotion. “I just wanted to call to say I got okay. Later we'll talk.” I hang up the phone before she asks anything else.
I head to the bathroom, drying my hair. I notice that yesterday's anger is still in me as I can't face my image in the mirror, refusing to look deep into my eyes.
With dry hair, I go back to my room, thinking about taking a nap, since I haven't slept all night and even less on the flight. I close my eyes, trying to focus my thoughts on something else. I think about that taxi I saw earlier, trying to park. Or people crossing the street without looking at the sign. At the cookie shop I want to see.
I manage to evade Luke's, my mother's, John's, and Noah's voices, giving myself more and more to the sleep that finally came. Far away, I hear someone knocking hard on the door, but I ignore it, as I had the same thoughts yesterday morning. But I wake up when the pounding comes back stronger and Leah's voice enters the room.
“Marnie Elizabeth McGonagall, open this shit now before I drop it and you know I'm capable of it.” I leap out of bed, running to the door.
She can’t be here.
I open the door, revealing Leah with perhaps the worst expression I've ever seen in the world. She was furious, if not more so. As she storms into my room without waiting for an invitation, I quickly look down the hall, seeing a couple look at me startled. I smile awkwardly, closing the door.
“What are you doing here?” I question, still not understanding.
"What are you doing here? And without warning anyone. Fading in the morning. Breaking up with Luke. What the fuck was that?” she screams.
For a second, I see that my amnesia was an issue with my plan. By not remembering my friendship with everyone, I really believed that I just left and everything would be fine. I didn't imagine anyone would cross the country for me, to understand what was going on.
And if Leah did it, it's a matter of hours before someone else does. They weren't going to leave me alone, they weren't going to forget me, and they weren't going to let this story pass. I need to push them away, but I don't know how.
"Go on, Marnie. What the fuck is going on? And if you tell me it's a job offer, I swear I'll fly at you without pity or mercy, and I'll slap the truth out.” she cross her arms.
I consider the last option a lot because I know she can do it. But I won't tell her the truth, that's not an alternative. I want to believe that if I don't back off, she'll see I'm not lying and won't attack me. And even if she tries, I just run away, I'm closer to the door and there's an armchair between us.
"But it is what it is!" I shrug.
“Stop it!” she screams. “Stop lying, Marnie. Everyone. Everyone knows you're lying, so why don't you tell the truth?” she waves her hands through the air.
“Because there's no other truth, Leah. Will I have to draw it for you?” I make the same moves she does.
“Be my guest!” she sits on the couch. I sigh wearily. I haven't slept for hours, I'm angry with myself and the world and now that I thought the situation was resolved and I just had to go on with my life, she comes and messes everything up.
“Why are you here?” I stay upright.
“I do not know! It must be cause you went crazy and disappeared without saying anything. Didn't answer my calls, no one had any answers about what was going on. So I took my father's jet and came to resolve this situation and I don't leave here without an answer at least.”
In the same way I laugh at Noah, I laugh at her, thinking it will fix everything. Leah carries the same expression as her brother, neutral, mocking.
“Why did you break up with Luke?” she asks quietly.
The mention of his name makes me shiver. I notice how my stomach turns and try to ignore it. I wonder if I can subtly extract some information from his state, but I don't want her to think I still care about him.
"Cause I wasn't in the mood anymore." I shrug, walking through space.
“My God, you've actually lied better.” I glare at her. “You know you're in trouble here, I know you better than anyone. I know you are lying and that you are going through some difficult situation. I even have my theories. So you're going to have to work a lot harder to trick me or get me out of here.” she cracks a smile, feeling victorious.
"Oh do you have? What are your theories?” I mock her.
“The first is that you really freaked out with amnesia and you can't handle it. The second is that you can't handle your feelings about Luke, it happened once before. And the third is that someone put some shit in your head and made you believe that everything would be better if you were out of the way.” I feel her gaze burning into me, looking for any reaction.
I let out a laugh, not forced, nervous that she got it right. Leah raises an eyebrow.
“You really traveled on your theories. Sorry, none are right.”
As if by magic, the answer appears to me. The only way I was going to get rid of everyone and go through with the plan without a hitch was to make her hate me. Make everyone hate me, just like I did Luke.
Just considering their hate for me makes my heart ache. But I need to do this. For Luke. For the boys. It's for their success.
“You know, a few months ago you were asked to be in a movie and you didn't take it cause you said you were a terrible actress. Isn't that right?” she gets up again. “Noah told me you said you were doing this for Luke, because you loved him. Marnie, what are you trying to hide?” she comes closer.
I feel dirty because of the attitude I'm going to take. It's low, very low, but I need her to hate me.
"Look who talks about hiding." I give a cynical laugh. Leah looks at me confused. "Don't you have anything to tell too?" she still doesn't understand. “You and Kyleen?”
Hastings freezes. The bitter taste of my act starts to fill my mouth. I’m sorry, Leah. I’m so sorry.
“How do you know?” she takes a step back.
"Who do you think closed the bathroom door on Ash's birthday?" I raise my eyebrows.
“Is not the same thing.”
“It isn’t? Aren't you hiding something from all of us?” I force a smile like hers a few minutes ago.
“No! Cause I'm not pushing everyone away, I'm not telling lies. And if you asked me, I would tell you the truth. Deep down, you know why I didn't say anything. You know my dad hasn't accepted Noah yet, that this is a problem in our family, and you know he wouldn't accept me either. You know that deep down I'm trying to protect both of us.”
“Oh! Do I?” I debauchery more. Right now, I feel horrible when I see your eyes water. I'm so, so sorry.
“I know what you're trying to do and I'm not going to stage it.” she walks past me to the door.
"Didn't you want to talk? I am talking.” Leah turns to me, straining the knife I carried in my chest, letting me see her crying face.
“You're trying to make me hate you.” now I'm the one who freezes. She laughs. “See how I know you? You are very predictable, Marnie. And as much as I know of your intention, I will not allow you to reach your goal. I hope that one day, not too far away, you realize what a big shit you're doing.” she opens the door, going. “Oh, and before I forget, since it's meant to hurt. Congrats, since your little chat with Luke, he's been locked in his room, needing Michael to keep an eye on him.” so Leah slams the door and strikes the final blow.
I bite the inside of my mouth, letting the tears fall. Honestly, I didn't even have the strength to hold back anymore. The rage burning inside me gives way to pain. I imagine Luke locked in his room, lying on the bed, hating me. Hating what we had and what we thought we had.
I walk over to my suitcase, pulling out a package, with the photos I'd taken from the box and the little white box he'd given me. I open it, holding the necklace with his name on it, the one he gave me.
Even knowing what I had to do, I wouldn't get rid of this necklace, I don't have the courage. It was easier to buy an equal one and put it in his hand. What he did to me would be kept with me forever.
““Closed eyes.” he fights.
"I have my eyes closed." I rebate. “Lucas…” I chide him, when I feel his lips on the back of my neck.
“Sorry, I got distracted.” I hold back the urge to laugh. “Closed eyes.”
"If you say it one more time, you'll get hit." I threat.
"How, if you can't see me?" right now, the urge to hit him is so strong that I follow the sound of his voice, trying to kick him. “Hey! No rudeness, otherwise you'll be left without a gift.” the false authoritative tone makes me angrier. “Good girl!”
“Go!” I kicked.
I'm startled by the icy touch against my neck. It's a necklace. Eagerly, I touch the pendant, recognizing the shape. He didn't do it.
“You can open it.” his hands move to my hips, hugging me.
With my eyes open, I run my vision to my neck, finding there a necklace just like his but blue.
“Happy Birthday!” he drops a kiss on my cheek.
I hold the blue quartz, seeing Luke's name engraved on the back. I let a stupid smile spread across my face, glaring at my boyfriend with the same.
"Want to explain why we're wearing practically identical necklaces?"
“It's a little obvious. Couples wear rings and I know what a problem you have with rings.”
“It’s not a problem.” I try to defend myself.
“It's just Alzheimer's. You know, in some people, it starts before they're 70 years old.” I hit him, and he laughs, before he hugs me. "Like I was saying, I know you're not into wearing a ring, so since I already had my necklace, I thought you'd have yours. That way we'll always be close to each other's hearts.” I rest my hands on his shoulders, standing on tiptoes.
"Have I told you I love you today?" I whisper, moving closer.
“Not after 5 pm.” he pouted, looking at the clock on the wall.
I don't know how I managed to kiss him with such a stupid smile on my face.
“Why do I like you, huh?” I question, stealing a little kiss.
“Because I'm cheesy and romantic. And even if you deny it, I know you get attached to it.” he opens a victorious smile.
"Don't ever say 'get attached' again." I beg laughing.
"What is it, bae? That was awesome.” he laughs.
“No!” I scream, laughing.
"What is it, babe girl? Don't you stick to my way of get in?” he keeps teasing me.
I place my lips on yours, determined to shut your mouth and thank you that it works. My mental reminder of “we're late for dinner” evaporates when his hands reach under my shirt. I scratch the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
“We're late for dinner.” he says against my mouth as I start to unbutton his shirt.
“Just say the traffic was like hell.” I suggest kissing his neck.
Luke accepts the idea, picking me up and walking me back to the bedroom."
It's not hard to know that we were late for dinner that day. But I didn't care, I had been given a necklace with his name on it, a necklace that showed how our relationship was getting more and more serious.
I also realize that the two times I got this necklace, at least once I ended up in bed with him. In fact, in both, but only one made it to the end.
“I hate myself.” I say tiredly, going to the minibar to get anything containing alcohol that makes me forget everything.
I call the front desk for two bottles of champagne and the biggest snack they have. I pick up the small whiskey bottles, turning one after the other, as if they were shot. I shake my head, wanting the effect to start faster.
“I hate myself. Leah hates me. Kiki must hate me now too. Just like Noah and everyone else there. Everybody hates me.” I turn the last one over, shaking my head once more. “Luke hates me. Hates me too much.” I comment, hugging the pillow.
I pick up a Polaroid of ours, staring at our happiness marked there. What am I doing?
I throw my head in my hands, lost. I wonder what might happen if I crawl into bed and don't go out for the rest of the month. Probably more people will hate me, but who doesn't hate me now? I mean, just get in line.
Awakened from the thought, when someone knocks on the door. For a second, I wonder who it was, then remember I ordered room service. I walk to the door, feeling the weight of the six small bottles.
My stomach churns and I feel an overwhelming urge to vomit as I land my eyes on the redhead in front of me. Red-haired?
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
5AM - Finn Shelby x Reader
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Requested by @violetsdicaprio “Okay so, can I request a Finn Shelby fic where he uses the prompt “you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe.” Maybe Season 4 when Changretta is there and he has ordered an attack on the reader maybe because she found out something, like she overheard something in a bar?” Hope you enjoy it love xx
We run into a dark room, And we spasm to the sounds
You shouldn’t even have been at that bar in the first place, You should have been at a Shelby family meeting (something which you had been introduced to a few months ago, when Finn and yourself had gotten engaged,), but for the first time, you blew it off. That was what bugged you afterwards, and if you could communicate with your past self, you would scream not to agree to a night out with your sister and her husband. But you did. You were excited, not having seen your sister since she found out she was pregnant several weeks ago, due to clashed schedules, and a hell of a lot of work commitments - because working at the Shelby Company wasn’t your typical nine to five job -  you had yet to congratulate her in person. Finn was supposed to be accompanying you, but he had said he couldn’t at the last minute, saying Polly had insisted he was at the meeting (and wasn’t best pleased that you weren’t going to be there, either).
And so, that was how you had found yourself in your current situation, irritated at Finn after yet another argument,  tired from work, with the swollen ankles that came from the precariously high heels you insisted on wearing. You were nursing your second glass of a rather strong whiskey, standing and waiting for your sister, who was never on time, as scatterbrained as she was. You half had zoned out looking around at the people in the bar, laughing and dancing to jazz music. You looked at a young couple, smiling at each other, positively lost in each other’s eyes, and wondered just when Finn and you had lost that childhood sweetheart innocence.
You were half in another world, until you heard the utterance of ‘Shelby’ behind you, in a thick accent that sounded rather suspiciously Italian. 
Of a copy of Morrissey , Or the blues of the Deep South
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You barely even moved whilst you tried to listen to what the men were saying. They probably didn’t expect for anyone associated with the Shelby’s to be here, in this bar several miles away from Watery Lane, a place that was nowhere near where the Peaky boys patrolled, with their guns that gleamed in the light of the streetlamps, that inspired fear in others, but a feeling of safety in you. They were speaking English, surely a way for them to fit in more with the scenery around you, to not arise any suspicion, but you’d know that accent anywhere. It had been drilled into you, practically, and as one of the men said Luca in a low tone, you knew it was the Changretta’s sat behind you. You should have ran then, sprinted away, never looked back. But you stayed, swirling your drink in your glass, watching the intoxicating amber liquid go round and round and round.
And the drugs will only hide it
“You are being stupid, Luca.” A man’s voice spoke harshly.
That fucking name Luca. The name of the man who had so ruthlessly and callously ordered his men to kill your future brother-in-law only weeks ago. He had had no thought about Esme, a woman who you loved like a sister, or John’s seven children, or his youngest brother who was slowly being forced to take John himself’s role, a role that distorted Finn so quickly it was like you had woke up one morning next to a completely different man. No, Luca Changretta hadn’t thought of any of this, and you would be happy to see him put to a stop.
The feeling never really goes “Attacking them in their own home? It is suicide, my boy.” The words he spoke were so filled with meaning that you half froze in your chair. You were sure that their was only one family that they could be talking about.
“I guess we will see tonight, if you are correct. But it was not so difficult to kill the last one, now was it?” A gloating voice, one that must have been Luca spoke, and it was all you could do to not turn around in your seat and punch him for his words. 
Your hand shook slightly, as you placed the glass down on the counter again, picking up your bag from where it had been, and slipping from your seat, a poor attempt to look casual, pushing through the doors into the cold early January air, your breath fogging in front of you, as your heart beat so violently and loudly that you heard it in your ears.
You had to warn them. At any moment Luca’s men could be at their door. You squeezed your eyes closed for a moment, trying not to picture it, not to think of Finn, because if you thought of Finn you would panic, and you couldn’t, not right now. You pulled off your high heels, feet hitting the frosted cobblestones, as you made to begin to run. You barely made it a few meters, before you heard the click behind you, the calm, cool voice.
And we won’t find love, at the bottom of a glassy hole. 
“Y/N Shelby! A pleasure to finally meet you.”
You turned, raising your hands slightly, to see Luca, standing alone, smoking a cigarette, his eyes calculating and humourous, locked with your own. He looked so casual, that to anyone else, it would look as if you two were just having a conversation, albeit one at gunpoint, the gun you could see now, aimed directly at your abdomen. If he shot it, it would guarantee a rather slow, horrifically painful, death for you.
“Y/N L/N, actually.” You snapped, your mind whirring, telling you to keep him talking, until you could figure out some fucking way to get out of this. You could feel the cool metal of your own gun, strapped to your thigh, but there was no way you could grab it without him realising.
And you don't know what you've got until it's gone
“Ah yes, you haven’t quite sealed the deal yet, have you?” He exhaled the smoke from his cigarette, as he walked closer to you, until he was only half a metre away, and you could smell the smoke. “When is the wedding?”
“We’re not going to have one of you keep killing off my guest list.” You spoke sardonically, trying not to seem as deathly afraid as you were. To Tommy, or Arthur, or even Finn, this wouldn’t be a big deal, you thought. They’d have plans for this sort of thing, but this was your first time being held at gun point. You wondered if it was the sort of thing you got a cake for at Shelby Limited, like normal companies did for an achievement.
He laughed, though his eyes didn’t express any emotion.
“You’re a funny girl, Miss L/N. It’s a shame, really, that I have to do this.” He gestured towards the gun. “But, needs must. You overheard my conversation, didn’t you?”
He stepped even closer, and you were almost sure you could hit him with the element of surprise, hit his gun from his hands. But your shaking hands betrayed that thought. What if it didn’t work? What then?
And you don't know who to love until you're lost
“You really do have to be fucking stupid if you don’t think that Tommy won’t have preempted any of the shit you plan to pull.” You spat, lowering your hands a tiny fraction. He didn’t notice.
“He seems rather distracted lately, doesn’t he? And anyone in Birmingham can tell you about the... ah, what should we call them? Cracks that are beginning to show in the Shelby family.”
“Perhaps he is distracted because your family murdered his fucking wife, Changretta.” Your hands were now barely raised, but he was distracted, each of your staring into the others eyes - fear and anger versus power and arrogance.
“As he killed my father.”
“This is nothing to do with me. Just let me go, okay?”
“You have already ruined my plans. Someone will have already found your boyfriend, I assume, and he and the rest of the Shelby’s will be on their way here.”
“So go. You know you can’t win against them. Not tonight.” Your heart was thrumming in your ears so loudly everything felt almost quiet in comparison.
And you don't know how to feel until the moment's passed
“But I can take something from them. Your time is up, Miss Shelby.”
“Y/N?” You heard a yell, an almost terrified one, but it was at least a street away. Finn would never get here in time.
Changretta turned his head towards the noise, and you took that moment, grabbing the gun in his hands, trying to wrestle it out of them, desperately. There was a bang and then there was silence, and the gun slipped from between your fingers, clattered to the floor. Your eyes regarded Changretta with shock, as your knees began to buckle, and you landed onto the cold hard cobbles, hands trying to find what was wrong.
“I’m sorry I had to do this.” For a second, you almost thought he sounded genuinely sad. “But your family took something from me. Now, I must take everything from them.”
“Y/N!” The voice was louder now, and you turned, to see a group of men at the top of the street - Finn amongst them. They came too late.
I wish you'd live like you're made of glass
You turned back to Changretta , but he had already gone, disappeared into the shadows.
It only felt like seconds before Finn was in front of you, and you had raised a shaky hand to point the direction where Luca Changretta had gone, directing the rest of the Blinders with him. Soon, the way it had always been, it was just the two of you. Finn and Y/N.
His eyes scanned you for injuries, before they landed on your abdomen, the dim streetlights enough to see the scarlet liquid on your dress, spreading across the cobblestones. It was too much, for such a small person, you thought. You weren’t shocked, as you saw it, you knew as soon as the gun went off you were hit, and now you could feel the metal bullet, lodged somewhere inside you, feel the pain that extended to your fingers and toes.
“No.” He said quietly, his eyes locking with yours. “No.”
“Finn-“ Your hands reaches out to cup his face, the blood on them leaving marks on his cheeks, but you didn’t care. You wanted to feel his warmth. You were so cold. So fucking cold.
“I need an ambulance.” He roared, looking towards the pub where you had been only ten minutes before, where several people were looking out at the scene. “Right fucking now!”
They weren’t ones to ignore a Shelby, and so they dissapearwd from the window. You knew it would do no good. You knew you-
And we've got work in the morning, But it's nearly 5 a.m.
“I’m going to die Finn.” Your eyes were filled with tears, as were his, as he tried to press your wound, ripping off his jacket, holding it against your abdomen.
“No you’re not. You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay.” He repeated like a mantra, his voice shaky and cracking at every word.
Finn knew death. He had seen what felt like a hundred people die, had been the cause of several, and he knew from the look in your eyes, the paleness of your skin, that this was the end. Somewhere, deep down, he knew you were going to die, right there, on this rainy street, cold, and scared. He knew he could do nothing about it.
“It’s okay, Finny.” You said gently, hands still caressing his face. “You’re here. That’s all I need.”
“Don’t die on me now, yeah? Please.” That word, filled with so much emotion, as he almost begged you.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry we argued ... tonight. I just ...” You trailed off, your mind not really working, not letting you find the words. God, it hurt so fucking much. In the distance, you thought you heard the ambulance.
“It’s fine. It’s fine.”
You nodded, leaning up against the wall behind you, feeling the cold start to set into your bones. The world felt almost fuzzy. You looked up, into the night sky. The pollution in Birmingham never allowed for stars in the sky, but you wished you could see them, right now.
You felt your eyes become heavier, like someone was weighing them down with pennies.
Is this really what we envisioned?
“Love you.” You mumbled, looking back to Finn. He was crying freely now, and you wanted to wipe away the tears, but it felt like you had forgotten how to move.
“Come on, the ambulance is almost here. Just a few more minutes.”
You shook your head, a tiny movement. You smiled at the boy, the boy who had made the last five years of your life bearable, who was your first, and last, love. You thought about the house you were planning on buying together, and the crib that you one day were going to have, and the honey suckle in the garden.
And you closed your eyes.
We won't be 21 again
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 35
No. As much as I want to, this is not a Taylor Swift reference.
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John 'Soap' MacTavish
Site Hotel Bravo, Afghanistan
The plan was simple, infiltrate the area, locate for intel regarding Nero and leave. The darkness of the cave was at their advantage, but despite all that, the area they were situated in was far too crowded.
Green laser pointers scattered everywhere, they danced like party strobes inside the dimly lit tunnel on the way deeper into the base. Loud chatter could be heard as they discussed their tell tales on the different kinds of women they met.
France crouched by Soap's side and whispered.
"John, we lost Ghost. He said he was going to cover our six. Now he's gone." For a second, Soap looked worried but then again, Ghost was capable of handling his business on his own.
“We’ll just rendezvous with him later. For now, we need to focus on our main objective.” He muttered, advancing stealthily as the patrol passed through them. Francine took a while to check on her corners and she advanced farther than Soap, using her adept indoor combat skills into play.
Soap just watched her, marvelling at her swift movement. This was her forte, the initial thing that stunned him back on the O-course. He couldn't help but drop his jaw as her movements left him awestruck.
"Clear." She muttered, causing the Scotsman to shake back to reality as he took one last glance at their six and moved forward.
"This place has a lot of rooms. Should we split up and scan one by one?" Soap asked, looking at Francine. The interaction was serious but they could feel sparks in the air. It was inevitable, but they both dismissed these lingering feelings and proceeded to the mission.
"Okay… but stay on the line. I don't want to lose you again." France muttered shyly as she moved left.
"Aye. Will do." Soap chuckled and moved left.
"Sheesh. Get a room you two… Captain, can they move on a different line?" Gary interrupted over comms. Price just chuckled.
"Glad to hear you're nearby, Roach." Soap replied, entering one of the many rooms.
Leaning close to the wall, he carefully scanned the documents lying on the desk. They consisted of academic research regarding EMP effects on the battlefield and how to repel it's effects.
"No sign of Nero here but a lot about their big project." Soap muttered.
"Copy. I also have the same results. It's just aerodynamic manuals and books about flight." France said on the other line, her tone sounded curious and amused.
"Team, brace yourselves. I'm bringing the party in full swing. Gary! Hit the lever!" Price advised as the alarms started blaring, bringing the whole facility on high alert.
"Price! What was that for?!" Soap asked, covering behind the room.
"Sorry lad, desperate times call for desperate measures, we have to stop the nuke." Price stated and his line cut off, with gunfire being the last thing they heard on their end.
"Price? Alex? Roach? Ghost? Does anyone copy?!" Soap roared over comms. 
"Soap…" a faint British gasp from comms.
"Ghost is that you?! Where are you?!" Soap sounded panicked, lowering his voice after he heard footprints stomped outside his room.
"I'm on the lower floor. Shit… Alexandra… she's here…" Ghost groaned, Soap could hear the pained expression on his voice.
"We're on our way! Hang tight! Don't you dare die on us!" Soap said as he kicked the door open, shooting enemies that were already cornering France.
“I won’t, but make it fast. hehe… I should've just watched your six…” Ghost’s low tone continued over the comms as Soap and France hid by the doors and fired whenever they could. Enemy waves seemed to go on forever and the longer they got stuck there, the longer they got worried about Ghost.
Out of desperation, the duo began cooking grenades, tossing them on spots where enemies gathered, on corners where they hid and on every entryway where swarms would appear.
“Shit. That was my last one.” he muttered as he felt his body lighten. They've consumed most of their ammunition in a single room.
“I guess that was the last of them.” France sighed, wiping sweat off her forehead. 
“Let’s go get Ghost.” Soap ordered and they both made their way down the stairs. The two had no idea about the map layout, but the urgency of the situation led them to where Ghost was. The room was dimly lit, sparks of faulty electronics flew from the roof and the spinning red signal light was the only bright light illuminating the area.
Upon seeing his teammate, Soap quickly stepped forward but paused as soon as Ghost warned him.
“No! There are traps. One got me.” he heaved, slowly raising his head. Maxine immediately inspected the door and disarmed the set trip wire, as they quickly moved by Ghost’s side.
“Ghost, you're going to be okay.” Soap assured, assisting France in applying first aid on his wound. It was a huge burn by the stomach, the explosion deeply injured his skin causing him to bleed out. Crimson red blood glinted off the surface as the red signal momentarily illuminated the floor.
“I used to be careful you know… But as soon as I saw her, I lost all my senses. I had to break her free from that prison.” He breathed, almost struggling, grunting as France applied pressure to the wound.
Soap quickly got up and shot the lock with his pistol, kicking the door open and approached the unconscious redhead lying on the floor. She had a notable few bruises and scars here and there, signs of torture. Soap attempted to wake her up but she didn’t move, he quickly pressed his hands on her neck until he felt a faint pulse. 
“She’s alive.” Soap declared, turning to Ghost and Francine. 
“Haah- Thank God she’s fine.” he groaned as Francine shushed her as he attempted to get up.
“It’d be better if you don’t force yourself for a while.” She suggested.
“We’ll get you two out of here.” Francine said, Ghost just chuckled, coughing in the process.
“Don’t do that!” She scolded. The ground suddenly shuddered causing them to lose balance.
“This is bad. We can’t stay here any longer!” Soap yelled, carrying Alexandra on one shoulder while assisting France on Ghost on his other shoulder.
“Price! We got Alexandra and Ghost and they're injured! Where’s Nikolai?” Soap yelled over comms.
“He won’t be here until after two hours. Shepherd’s making his escape using the river.
Roach! Go grab that boat, we won’t let him get away!” Price’s final transmission was relayed to their ears as the connection turned blank.
He had no idea where Alex and Jack are, but as long as the Nuke hasn’t launched yet, they still have time.
Halfway through the prison cells, Soap and the rest of the team heard footsteps echo from nearby.
“You have got to be bloody kidding me!” he cursed as they picked up the pace and escaped the area.
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They hid themselves in the room with the aviation books, barricaded the two unconscious allies while France continued to tend to Ghost’s wound.
“Haaah- You’re getting nowhere with me like this. Just leave us. Like Romeo and Juliet.” Ghost whispered, his tone was serious and both France and Soap didn’t like it.
“No.” France spat as he unslung her rifle and tossed it to Soap, along with her ammo.
“I’m not going to leave anyone behind. Not again.” She declared, eyeing at Soap, someone she once lost on a mission. This prompted Soap to move forward and take a peek outside.
“It’s clear.” he announced, the ground rumbled once more. He went back to assist France, Ghost tugged his rifle.
“I think I can still shoot.” he mutters as Soap gave him the gun without any arguments. And so they moved to the docks, it was going to be a long walk from their location, but they did it anyway. Their formation occupied the whole width of the hallway, meaning any bullet flying toward them would surely hit its mark.
Despite the huge flaw, Ghost managed to make it easier for the group to move forward, despite the room being dark and blinking red, and the fact that Ghost was still injured and continuously losing a lot of blood, he still could target and shoot down enemies.
"Nice shot." Soap praised as they carefully navigated to the outer part of the cave, the raging river coursing below them.
Soap could feel another tug on his rifle as Alexandra started to move.
"Gun. I'll cover your six." She whispered faintly as Soap did his best to give her his gun.
They became a human tank of sorts. With Soap and France as the tires, capable of carrying and navigating their descent to the river, while Alexandra and Ghost were the weapons, shooting incoming hostiles that dared to block their way.
From the distance, Soap and France could see speedboats coursing through the river, following a huge helicopter not too far ahead of them. The trail they left behind was utter chaos. The ground shook as they almost lost their balance, urging them to descend quickly.
Under normal circumstances, Soap would've felt pain, but his adrenaline rush compensated through, making him finish the last step and board on the remaining boat.
The engine hummed as Soap navigated through the river, they carefully followed the path of destruction caused by the two.
Broken speed boats were everywhere, unconscious or dead bodies floated by the water as the grand chase happened. Soap wondered if Price and Roach caught up with Shepherd.
"All these for info on Nero." France frowned, her hands tended to both Ghost and Alexandra.
"There's still a nuke out there. I wonder how Jack and Alex are holding up." Soap glanced at France and muttered. Her short hair blew as she assisted the two, Soap envisioned her as a nurse for a short while, then shook it off immediately after a bump on the river.
"John! Look ahead." France warned as John turned. The place was hugely filled with water and destruction was still everywhere. He coursed the safe path without all the debris and the wreckage.
"What happened here…" Alexandra groaned.
From a distance, the ground shook and smoke bellowed just by the horizon ahead.
"There's a…" Francine whispered.
"Shit! We're headed to a  waterfall!" Soap roared and gripped the controls to shore, luckily they saw it quickly as they settled on the dusty riverbank as the sand blew against the team.
"This is dangerous. Sand might infect their open wounds." Francine said, concerned about the situation of the two injured. 
"I'll help you seek shelter then I'll check on Price." He said, lifting Alexandra and assisting France on carrying Ghost.
They soon found a small cavern like structure that would provide shade from both sun and dust that masked the area. Soap took his rifle from Alexandra, slung it on his body and left.
"John. Be careful." Francine said, her eyes looked very concerned and Soap would do just about anything to protect that kind of look. He didn't want to disappoint.
"I always am." He smiled and turned back, his head hitting the roof of the cave.
"Ack!" he muttered and left, causing France to chuckle. 
A quick peek of the waterfall and Soap saw the plane crash which bellowed black smoke. The rest of the ground was unclear as the sandstorm covered most of the area. There were no signs of movement and Soap carefully crossed the mountain path downward to the crash site. Shepherd didn't make it out. This is the end of the line for him.
Next Chapter : The TEN Kilometer River
Notification Squad my Beloved
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