#i also apparently care about retirement funds now
icryyoumercy · 8 months
called two different hospitals about a bill that really shouldn't have ended up with me, emailed disability services to ask about the current state of my case, and in the process of sorting out paperwork for taxes also ended up emailing my employer about the level of my retirement fund
many things have been done and i am proud of myself
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mindgazer · 10 months
I’m 30, stressed, and conflicted
2023 is nearly coming to its end. It’s crazy to think about how 3 years ago the world was stuck with a global pandemic. I was 26, turned 27 after the official lock down. I had just made the cut off of graduating college (December of 2019) I was at peak joy. I was proud of myself for finally getting my bachelors after so many years of struggling with school when I entered my 4 year college for the first time back in 2011. I felt maybe I can do anything. I had somewhat of a plan. Work at my crummy retail job at a college bookstore (not my Alma mater but a college that was way closer to my home than the one I attended) for a year as I heard it looked good when you worked at a place for over a year, and look for something else. But the pandemic happened and the world was on hold. I was on hold. But I feel so robbed. Robbed of the last years of my 20’s after I already personally fooled around academically in my late teens/early 20’s. And now 3 years have passed and I don’t feel 30. I feel like I’m still 20 something and I have time to figure shit out. But I’m 30! I’ll be 31 in 3 months and I feel like I should have been more. I feel like I should have been doing more. I’m 30 and I still live in my childhood home with my mother. I lost my job in the pandemic (which who hasn’t?) and struggled with work since. I get a job in September 2022 deciding to take advantage of the wfh wave as I was (and very much still) afraid of catching covid and having lasting issues from this illness. But I was let go in April of this year, I couldn’t keep up with the demands of that job and was let go on a random Thursday afternoon. I felt like such a failure. I was never fired before. I either worked temp and simply left when my time was up and my last job I was let go bc everyone was let go during the pandemic. This was the first job I was sat down and fired from. This summer was a lot going on from my sister graduating college, to my mother having some surgeries and medical procedures planned. We even had some slight renovations done to the old childhood home. I rode out the unemployment train from May to September of this year. And now I’m back where I started. Jobless and lost. Only now I’m older.
I feel like I’m running out of time. I feel like a bum living off my mom and her retirement funds. I can’t even help with any bills as I’m simply living off my savings I had from working. Like I know I’m the most useless able bodied adult in the world and I hate it. I try to push it down and not think about it but it’s becoming more and more apparent the longer this goes on.
I have hopes and dreams. I want to save money and move out of my home. Really enjoy freedom before dealing with the inevitable fact my own mother is getting older and having more medical issues. Before having to one day deal, as the oldest daughter, with future care of my mother(but that’s a whole rant for another day). I want to move to an apartment and be able to live without a roommate. I want to own a cat or 2, maybe a dog. I want to finally feel like I can contribute to a future relationship. But I know for any of this to happen I got to start with a job. Get a job and save money. But as I come to realize with all the experience I have with working… I fucking hate it. I hate retail. I hate people. I don’t want to work in person/on site because people are annoying. People are gross and I feel alien seemingly being the only person who still goes outside with a mask. The days I work retail exhausted me to be very being. Standing for 8 straight hours a day even if it was part time since I was also doing school work. Dealing with demanding customers and ignoring the shitty managers that made working there a pain. I hated every minute of it. I hate being up at the crack of dawn just to commute to work and avoid the heavy morning traffic. I hated the closing shift because I turned into a custodian. I thought having an on campus store meant there was was a separate cleaning crew for that and I never forgotten the disappointment for my first closing shift. I hated that even if the store closed at 7-8pm(I forget really) I can potentially stay until 8-9 or even 10 depending on what’s going on bc we all have to leave together only to drive home nearly too tired to eat dinner, shower and do it all again. When I hat my wfh job I was stressed from the constant phone calls. I have to decompress before and after work even without having to deal with the annoying commute. I hate working. I don’t dream of working. I have to work until I’m roughly 65 (let’s be real us millennials aren’t going to be able to retire at 65) and be too tired/too broken/ too sickly to enjoy my retirement and maybe have a good 10-15 years before the health issues really take hold. That’s horrifying. I don’t dream of labor. I don’t want to do this forever. But dammit how else am I gonna make money?! Money can’t fall from the sky.
I feel so sick. Because I’m 30 and I should have been well established in the workforce. I should already have a place of my own even if it’s with a roommate. My 25 yo sister is doing better than me with that department even if her and her roommate constantly struggle with rent at least she has her own place. All this schooling and I have nothing to show for it. And the worst part I can’t really blame everything on the pandemic. Even if it hadn’t came when it did I have no idea which job I would have taken after I dusted the retail one. How would I find field related work that’s not teaching (the curse of getting a humanities degree)? And at this point I don’t even have the motivation to be a writer like I used to be. I make countless incomplete fanfiction and even being stuck at home did nothing to improve my writing motivation l, if anything the stress of catching this unknown virus and potentially dying kept me from doing anything that required too much thought. But the pandemic is ‘over’ there’s vaccines for covid now. I’m 30 and have no excuses to be this useless. That quote floating around of
“I’m 27 years old, I have no money and no prospects. I’m already a burden to my parents. And I’m frightened.”
That’s me only I’m 30 and I’m feeling it now more than I ever did when I was actually 27. At this point I just want a job I can live with and not wake up everyday being tired and stressed but nothing I’ve seen so far seems to fit what I need. I want to be able to make adult moves. But I still feel frozen in place. I already feel over this being a slave to the job thing. Just a lot of overwhelming feelings I’m having.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Mayor Brandon Johnson has officially put his stamp on the body he now presides over, but he saw a $51 budget amendment to help care for asylum seekers blocked from a vote.
Johnson gaveled in a City Council meeting for his first time as mayor Wednesday and saw the approval of his overhaul of the Council’s leadership, led by his floor leader Ald. Carlos Ramirez Rosa, 35th.
The resolution, which sets the chairs, vice chairs and committee rosters for the next four years, was approved on a 41-9 vote despite some pushback from those left out of leadership who said the voices of their communities were, therefore, left out of the process.
Weeks before he was inaugurated as Chicago’s 57th mayor, Johnson personally became involved in negotiations, previously led by Ramirez Rosa, to undo the attempt of the lame-duck City Council in March to approve its own leadership without input from the fifth floor.
While some committee chairs supported Johnson’s electoral opponent Paul Vallas, the new team includes key allies in control of the most significant committees with the highest budgets.
The changes also include a new role for the city’s incoming vice mayor, Ald. Walter Burnett, 27th, who will be provided a budget for staff. Traditionally a ceremonial role with little responsibility, an ordinance introduced Wednesday — but not voted on — proposes a $407,000 budget for Burnett to retain his committee staff and take on responsibilities serving as community liaison for the mayor’s office.
Three committees are also set for budget increases, including the Workforce Development Committee, the Immigrant & Refugee Rights Committee and the Health & Human Relations Committee — all chaired by Johnson allies and expected to have an increased role the next four years.
After the reorganization was approved, Johnson congratulated Ald. Pat Dowell, 3rd, who is taking over the powerful Finance Committee from Ald. Scott Waguespack, 32nd. She becomes the first woman to lead the committee that was led by longtime powerbroker Ed Burke, 14th, who retired from his 14th Ward City Council seat and faces a corruption trial later this year.
Waguespack, who was a staunch ally of Mayor Lori Lightfoot and was ousted after publicly warning Johnson to stay out of the City Council’s independence effort, voted against the resolution but avoided criticizing the new mayor during a speech before the vote.
Instead, Waguespack said he was proud of his efforts to reform the committee after taking over the reins from Burke, and he congratulated Dowell on the appointment.
As he did throughout the meeting, Johnson attempted to provide levity through a potentially tense moment, joking that although Waguespack was not in a “three-piece suit,” his comments were “still very elegant,” an apparent reference to Burke’s famously bespoke wardrobe.
Others who voted no said they were left out of committee shakeup discussions altogether, learning of their committee assignments only this week, or, in the case of Ald. Ray Lopez, 15th, at Wednesday’s meeting.
“I cannot start the next four years by being excluded,” he said. “If we're truly about creating a new era, turning the next chapter, then we need to do this so everybody . . . can participate.”
The nine aldermen who voted against the committee rosters were: Ald. Anthony Beale, 9th; Ald. Marty Quinn, 13th, Lopez; Ald. David Moore, 17th; Ald. Silvana Tabares, 23rd; Waguespack; Ald. Anthony Napolitano, 41st; Ald. Brendan Reilly, 42nd, and Ald. Jim Gardiner, 45th.
Later, Beale, Lopez and Napolitano teamed up to block a vote on a mid-year budget amendment of $51 million to help pay for the city’s response to a wave of asylum seekers sent to Chicago from border states. The parliamentary maneuver stalls a vote until the next City Council meeting.
Anticipating such a move, Johnson and his allies scheduled the next meeting for next Wednesday, May 31 in an apparent effort to give the council another chance to approve the funding. 
The move follows pushback from some aldermen who have pushed back on spending the money on new arrivals, arguing their own communities are ill-equipped and under-resourced to welcome the migrants.
After the meeting, at his first post-City Council press conference, Johnson said of the legislation, “this is an urgent matter” and he hopes it will be approved next week to, “make sure that we are providing the support as needed to address this crisis that my administration inherited.”
But Johnson pushed back on when he would have a formalized plan to house migrants outside of police stations, saying he’s only been in office for less than two weeks.
Johnson said his administration is working on a “full assessment” in collaboration with Springfield, Cook County and the state’s congressional delegation.
The funds, which would be taken from unexpected reserve revenue from 2021, would only carry the city through June, according to former Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s budget team, who briefed aldermen on the plan earlier this month.
The bulk of the $51 million, around $35 million, would be spent on contract staffing to facilitate the initial reception of new arrivals, coordinate contact with friends of family of the migrants and staff temporary shelters.
Other costs include $7.5 million to pay rental costs and $5.6 million for meals. Hundreds of thousands would be spent on legal costs and transportation costs.
Johnson’s team is currently seeking temporary shelters to house the migrants, including at the city’s community colleges and park district field houses. Up to 700 asylum seekers have been sleeping in the city’s police stations, which Johnson has called untenable.
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sekceesimps · 3 years
Shimmering Through Darkness (a Zhongli x reader oneshot)
summary:   Rex Lapis finally retires and allows for Zhongli to spend time with his darling. Basically just tooth rotting Zhongli retirement fluff with a lil spice!  (tried to make reader GN)
a/n  Schlongli is so sexy I can’t. This man is literally my entire reason for shifting. Hope all of you enjoy some fluffy Zhongli. Leave some feedback and drop a request! 
Sincerely Coffee 
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Rex Lapis had been tired for so long. His responsibilities over the thousands of years in existence had drained him of strength and the will to continue his rule over the land of Liyue. 
He had been wandering the lands and been practically stripped of all purpose in his life. At least, that was until he met you. 
Your meeting had felt fated and arranged by powers far more powerful than him. Zhongli truly believed that the two of you were soulmates and quite honestly he was probably correct. He was ready to spend the rest of his entire life with you, however long that may be. 
Now the two of you had met by chance on one of your work ventures. He had been off at Wuwang Hill for funeral arrangements, a task that he found needless, but was thrust on him by the lack of workers at the parlor. You had gone there to investigate a slew of ghostly sightings, a task which you were loath to do alone. 
He had run straight into you while you were wandering around the houses looking for clues from a mysterious particle. Instantly, he had been captured by your stunning E/C eyes, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and body alert, but still relaxed. You had apologized for bumping into him and all he could do was stupidly stare at you open mouthed as you bashfully rubbed your neck with your hand. Ever the gentleman, he aided you with your commission and accompanied you back to Liyue Harbor. Well, next thing you know he’s inviting you to dinner and a few months later you’re living together. 
Your relationship blossomed much faster than either of you had expected. Zhongli was not going to complain though, every action of yours, as simple as it may be, seemed to spark something within him. Your very existence gave him reason to live and to plan a future that wasn’t a dead end one. 
He had been with many lovers over his years of existence, but none of them made him flustered or dream of keeping them close at his side. Zhongli prided himself on his calm composure, but when you gently ran your fingers across his knuckles or through his long dark hair, he was a blushing and speechless mess. To think that he was once the most fear striking and rageful Archon as you wrapped your arms around his lithe form and rested your chin on his head. 
You hadn’t really been shocked when he had told you that he was Rex Lapis. He was probably more surprised than you when all you did was shrug and leave kisses across his jaw. You truly are perfect for him, he thinks as you pull him to your side on the bed and shower him with love that he had not experienced in thousands of years. 
One of his favorite things to do with you is grasp your hand, lacing your fingers with his, and take you to all his favorite locations in Liyue. Really, his dates are just adventures of their own. He finds so much joy from being able to watch your eyes sparkle as he tells you a tale of a battle or an event that happened at a certain ruin or cliffside. His heart never fails to race when you rest your head on his shoulder and let him hold you close to his side. 
Living together was not something he wanted to ask of you, as you had yet to be married and his traditionalist ideals feared offending you. The concept of marriage was one of which he was beginning to entertain more and more. However, when you begin to stop accepting commissions in faraway regions, choosing to instead stay by his side more often, it leads to you not really being able to have a stable place to lodge. 
He was quick to use the Northland Bank’s funds to purchase a beautiful home slightly north of the bustling harbor. You were a little annoyed that he hadn’t consulted you and you could have paid for it yourself, however the pride in his eyes of being able to provide for you (ahem Childe provided for you, but neither of you say anything) just filled you with acceptance over the new developments. Shortly after, you decide to invite him to stay with you, not really knowing if he had even had a place to sleep in the first place. 
Zhongli preened under the attention you gave him at home. Almost every night, the two of you had accustomed yourselves to wrapping in eachothers arms and basking in the warm embrace of the other. These wonderful moments in your shared home gave him more meaning than he’d ever had before. His existence was now only to please and provide for you and your happiness. 
Retirement was an idea, just a faraway dream, that he could never be able to accomplish. He had his duties in Liyue! The people needed him to stave away threats and preside over the land. Yet, Zhongli no longer wanted to have dominion over Liyue, instead, he wanted to finally rest at your side. As the people of Liyue began to grow more self-sufficient, he began to see it fit to depart.
He had let the idea simmer in his mind for years, but now his plans could possibly reach fruition. He wasn’t like the Mondstadt Archon, Barbatos. Freedom was not his forte, he was the Archon of contracts. The great Rex Lapis had sworn to protect these people in the place he called home. As his definition of home shifted from the vast and diverse lands and mountainscapes of Liyue towards you and the warmth and love that you provided, his decision became clear. These people could care for themselves for the time being, and he wasn’t going to be going too far. 
When he broke the news to you, he had blushed at the way a smile broke across your face and you embraced him with fervor. He had planned for you two to live in your small home near the Guili Plains, but your begging to live somewhere with a few more people prompted him to decide to move to Qingce Village. After all, his home was wherever you were. 
You were the one who had to do most of the working and wage earning as he had no mora. He felt a bit guilty when you would come home exhausted every few days and he was just brewing some tea for the two of you. To be fair, the tea he made was very good and he was trying to master how to cook certain dishes so he could please you. 
Traditional husband and wife roles had shifted considerably as Zhongli was staying home and cooking and cleaning while he waited for you to come home from work. Your home itself was located in the outskirts of the village, allowing for a slightly longer travel, but privacy that Zhongli now desired. He was more and more relaxed and trusted you enough to mostly shed his troublesome human form. 
His draconic features were more apparent as he relaxed by your side in the spacious home. His golden eyes had a more prominent glow and two sharp curved horns protruded from his head. His nails were longer and more sharp and some days, parts of his skin would be shiny with scales. He was still in a human form for your convenience, however it helped him rest when he showed parts of his real body. Perhaps one day he’d show you his true self, but he’d have to do it in a secluded area, he is supposed to be dead after all.  
Zhongli in retirement was far more interested in children than he would have thought. While you might not have been technically married yet, something which he was eager to fix, he still wanted to start a family with you. After several long talks you decide to hold off for the moment, whether you want to have children or not, Zhongli is anxious to one day expand the home the two of you have created. 
Truly, he is much more domestic and eager to help you in any way he can. Especially in the bedroom. As he is slightly more dragon like now, those features seep into your more intimate moments. He’s more keen on marking and claiming you than he was before. Probably because he views you as his and is loath to allow others near you. He’s definitely more soft than before and prefers to have you guide the way. His yearning for that domestic life has really give you more control. It’s also given him a renewed focus on your pleasure and on taking care of you afterwards. 
Zhongli is glad that he found you. You’ve given him a sense of normalcy, a home, and love which he has never really felt before. You are his guiding light, his reason for life, and person he  wants to protect above all else. As his soulmate, you’ve cut through the darkness of the past several hundred years and provided him with everything he never knew he needed. 
a/n I’m currently writing Genshin NSFW HCs and I elaborate more about Zhongli there, so keep your eyes peeled! Hope you enjoyed this piece though. 
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
There Are No Wolves in the Desert
Part 2 - The Tell Tale Knife
(Oberyn Martell x f!reader)
Summary: After the death of his paramour Oberyn seeks out a local mercenary known as the Shadow Hunter, but who he finds is more valuable than he could have imagined.
Authors notes: Thank you for all the comments, likes and reblogs! I’ve loved Robb and Oberyn since I read the books like 10 years ago now (yes my parent gave me that book when I was like 13 😂) I’m so happy to finally write down whats been in my head for years! Thank you for letting me share it with you💕💕 as per usual let me know if youd like a tag (or untag)!
Tw: Alcohol, violence, threats of sexual assault, swearing, nudity (implied), mentions of sex.
Word count: 4.5 k
Tagged: @evyiione @ayamenimthiriel @xsadderdazeforeverx @agingerindenial (if i missed anyone please let me know im the worst for tagging!!)
3 years later
The days passed slowly while you remained tucked away, out of sight from those seeking to do you harm. A generous payment kept you safe in the attic of a local blacksmith, the promise of more ensuring you wouldn't be sold out. Once the imminent threat of assasination was over you focused on staying alive, finding the dragon queen becoming a distant memory, one that would have to wait until a more opportune moment presented itself. You used the last of your funds to purchase a horse and sought out work where you could. For a while you served as a healer to those returning from the fighting pits and other skirmishes occurring between nearby cities, until a Lannister soldier showed up searching for you. After that you moved further out of town finding work at a tavern miles from the city walls catering to a variety of characters travelling from near and far.
The owners were good folk, a retired sculptor, her wife and two young children. You’d stopped in for a drink with plans on heading further south, but an incident changed your course. A man came in threatening the owners demanding a payout when you’d stepped in, the man thought it would be easy, and it was at least for you. You helped them bury the body and they’d asked you to stay and so you did; tending to bar, training the horses and offering protection when needed. In return they offered you a bed, hot meals and a small salary despite your insistence that room and board was more than enough. It was a quiet life, a simple life, but one you enjoyed greatly. The noise of war and murder a ditant cry. Only in your sleep were you reminded of the cruelty of the world. The restful days quickly turned to weeks and it wasn't long until a year had passed, as had the memories of who you were.
The rumour of your murder had spread slowly from king landing, uttered from between the poisonous lips of Cersei Lannister, a lie you prayed one day would come back to haunt her. The day the news reached the ears of your employers you knew it was time to leave, and you rode back through the golden gates of the city. You’d resold the horse to a palace guard whose wife worked with the royal stables, training them, breeding them, caring for them, a good place for a faithful friend to live out its days. Noticing the weapons on your back the guard offered you a fee to find and kill a man who had snuck into the palace and murdered three of his wife's favourite horses after their daughter had refused his hand in marriage. He was dead within the hour, and from there the word of your skill in both tracking and murder got around amougst the nobility, and you fell haphhazourdly into mercenary work. If there was one skill you could rely on, it was your ability to unabashedly kill and you quickly became one of Dornes finest assassins. You fell into the work, the ease at which you became accustomed to it frightened you at first, but you had been hardened by loss, and it wasn't as if you hadn’t killed before.
Any semblance of emotional morality long forgotten, unable, or not wanting to have it all come seeping back, fearful of what may surface as a result. Most of your money went to keeping you fed, well rested and off any enemy radars. After the first month, money became more lucrative and you had splashed out on new armoury and weapons, nothing flashy like some of the more ornate dornish assassins who made a show of their profession. They were harmless, though admittedly annoying and from what you heard, not nearly as impressive as they boasted. Your armour was simple, lightweight leather over loose, breathable cloth, and a dark cloak, Its hood heavy and kept drawn well up over your eyes obscuring your face from prying eyes at all times. A shadow on the wall. Your weapons were similar to your clothes, your short swords and longbow were well crafted and durable, no decoration but for a few carved vines wrapped around their ends. Your only remaining identifiers were your eyes, and the dagger belonging to your late husband which stayed with you at all times, always within reach. Any remaining money was hidden away about the city, a retirement fund if you will, assuming you lived that long.
There were bonuses beside finances in your line of work, your ability to disappear into a crowd kept you in touch with the rumour mill. Words and secrets would fall from drunken mouths carelessly. Most of it stank worse than the horse's field after rain, but there were some that rang true, and a few that even brought a rare smile to your face. A young woman had spoken loudly about Tywin Lannister's death and how he’d supposedly died on the privy, causing you to snort into your soup, a fitting end for a coward of a man.
A month later you heard that the prince of Dorne had gone to King's Landing to fight for Tyrion, where he supposedly defeated a man standing well over 12 feet tall. A tall tale of a tall man you think, knowing how royal always sought to increase the truth of their abilities. You had also heard the unfortunate news of Ellaria Sands poisoning , the venom not reaching her veins until the ship had sailed out, no remedy to be found on the vaste seascape. It was a shame, she and the Sand Snakes were skilled adversaries here and they had since scattered in search of answers and allies around the seven kingdoms, to help avenge their mother. The prince apparently had to be restrained to stop him from turning the ship around, that was a story you found more believable. From what you’d heard the prince may have many lovers but he would go to war for any of them. You’d never seen his face, except for on the back of coins or from a distance. If you had you may have noticed him enter into the tavern where you sat awaiting your payment from your most recent client.
Your eyes stay on the table, your hood pulled up well over your forehead giving you a frightening silhouette beneath the candlelight that was beginning to glow more prominently as the sun set. The young man who commissioned you entered, he stank of wine and privilege, but he was rich and the payment promised was well worth putting up with his unsavoury personality. His true odor protrudes through the thin veil of perfume attempting to mask his stench, alerting you to his presence well before he’d sat down. Your time alone had heightened your tracking skills, a side effect of living under the constant threat of being hunted. The wiry man sits down next to you, his thin fingers snapping under your eyes in an attempt to get your attention, you inhale deeply, drawing yourself back to your displeasing reality and forced social interactions.
“Where's the money?” you ask, knife whittling a notch out of the table's leg with Robbs dagger.
“Where the head?” he retorts, and you pull out a small sack, shoving it into his hand watching as he pulls at the drawstring, opening the velvet bag. He raises his eyebrows and pulls out the index finger you'd removed from the corpse.
“Head was…. indisposed. I hope this satisfies,” you murmur, this job had been messier than you intended. You typically weren't so reckless especially with a noble.
“ Very much so, ” he says taking it and turning it in his hands
“The money then,” you restate, tone flat.
“Well there's one more... proposition I had.” He states, hand resting down on your thigh.
“I'll take the money for this job then you can hand me the next target,” you respond, sighing heavily, used to people getting handsy with you.
“You can make extra on this job if you play your cards right,” he whispers, hand running up your thigh. The other reaches up to pull back on your hood within seconds your dagger had impaled his hand, pining it to the table. His wail of anguish causes the heads in the tavern to turn briefly towards the scene before returning to their lively chatter.
“You stupid bitch,” he spits making a grab for the knife but you reach forward pushing it further into the table leaning in towards him.
“The money, or I cut off your head and mount it on the wall of this tavern,” you say, louder than intended.
Oberyn watches from the bar in amusement , the last time he’d seen fire like that had come from Ellaria. He needed someone to help get his revenge, someone willing to murder a man in front of witnesses, his birds had been right, this mercenary was the one for the job.
You rip the knife from the man's hand as he throws you the coinpurse you were owed you reach for it as he stands.
“Bitch,” he spits, liquid hitting the side of your face as he pulls down your hood “you better watch you back mercenary, I'll be taking you from behind in no time.” He snarls, as you hurry to pull your cover back up.
“Clever,” you retort, wiping your face, shaking out the purse and counting your pay out. Empty threats. Or threats you didn’t care about, you could kill scum like that in your sleep, and you had. You mutter another curse under your breath at being exposed, the latest delay in dye shipments had allowed the roots of your white hair to protrude through, lucky everyone inside was too drunk to notice. The money from the job was enough to keep a roof over your head for the foreseeable future, maybe even enough for a bath, it was getting to be that time. You go to stand, you had an ‘appointment’ in town, one with a handsome payout. Before you can stand you see a pair of hands adorned in jewellery slip into your view a scent of sweet fruit and honey indicating a cleanliness and a high status, a very high status, your appointment could wait.
Obery was observant, his eyes had been glued to you even while conversing with the beautiful patrons of the bar, not wanting to lose you in the crowd. “The shadow tracker”. That’s what you had been dubbed by those residing in the city according to his sources, clients of yours pleased with your services, services he was in need of. It seems you may bear more than one secret identity, it may have been for the briefest second, but the colour of your hair stood out against the dark fabric you wore. It intrigued him, white hair was uncommon in those of your age, very rare. In fact he only knew of one person still alive with such a trait. The other, one whom he’d sent a wedding gift to years prior, was long dead, or so the Lannister would have him believe, and when has he ever trusted the word of child murderers. He may have come here in seek of a mercenary, but what he found may prove to be even more valuable to his cause.
“Payments 50 for a nobody, rate goes up with each class, royals are above my paygrade, and nobles will cost you at least 6 of those fancy rings on your fingers,” you list, taking note of the martell sigil embellished on one of the larger rings.
“How much would it be to convince a wolf to take down a Lion,” he queries, hunching his head down to try and catch a glimpse of the eyes under the hood. Your heart drops.
“Above the pay grade, couple down at the docks have a death wish, you might try your luck there,” you explain, deepening your voice slightly in an attempt to disguise yourself.
“And what would be your wish, if you could have it?” he queries, leaning back kicking his feet up onto the stool beside you. As he does the yellow of his robes come into your peripheral the suns intricately stitched on, shining against the murk of the tavern's tile floor.
“To be left alone,” you chide, this was someone well acquainted with the royals here, you didn't deal with royalty, more trouble than they're worth.
“What's that old saying? The lone wolf dies, or am I mistaken? ” he returns, chuckling slightly.
“I don’t know who you think I am but I assure you…” you say, eyes finally raising, only then realizing the prince of Dorne sat before you, at least based on his impression on one of the coins in your hand.
“Lady Stark, I was hoping we’d meet face to face,” he remarks, the long forgotten address catching you off guard causing your eyes to shoot back down.
“Lady Stark died, the Lannisters ground up her body and fed it to the king's direwolf before killing it, haven’t you heard?” you say sarcastically, pulling your knife out of the table, unsure if he’d recognized it.
“Propaganda, set to diminish the power of the north,” he says, watching the blade intently as it's pulled from the table.
“I do not know if Lady Stark is alive, but for a price I could find out, granted you tell me what you need her for,” you mutter.
“I did not come here in search of Lady Stark. I came seeking a mercenary, the so-called “shadow tracker” however, this is a most welcome surprise, as for why I need you, or her, the answer is revenge plain and simple.”
“Is that what they call me?” you remark “ So you seek out a mercenary only to find something better, something you can trade?” you pose shaking your head.
“No, I needed an assassin, but found something better. Something more lethal.” He pauses.
“Which is?” you prompt, hoping to end this conversation sooner rather than later.
“One they think is dead. Besides I figured Lady Stark would want the opportunity to take down the Lannisters.”
“I assume she would, though she may think the offer stands too good to be true,” you state, gathering up your payment and making your exit he follows suit, stopping briefly to gently nudge his hand under the chin of an attractive man standing near the door, no doubt planning on returning later.
“The desert is no place for a wolf,” he calls after you, a significant distance between the two of you now.
“I shall let you know if I see such a sight, my prince,” you shout, dramatically curtsying before turning on your heel and walking off. He smiles before re-entering the tavern.
A week later
You stroll through the dark alleys of the city, a few years ago you wouldn’t have dared ventured out so late. The woods were known to you, their dangers and sights predictable, but the city was uncharted territory. While a bear could be trusted to do as bears do, the movements of man were less predictable. Your work kept you attune to the veins of the city and the people that coursed through them. You knew where to go and where to avoid depending on the day. You knew the sounds, able to pick out when something was amiss and tonight something was. The usual scurry of the rats below or the call of the parrots from above were absent, someone had been through here and not long ago. Your hand dips into the folds of your cape and you throw your dagger catching a man in the neck. You lean over and remove it from his jugular, the blood flowing out from the wound. Before you can turn him over, something hits you knocking you forward onto your stomach. You’re lifted from the ground by the nape of your neck. Your hoods pulled down and your head pulled up to see the foul smelling client and two other assassins standing before you.
“Dirron, Brant, always a pleasure” you snarl
“No hard feelings Shadow, you’re taking out all the business” Brant responds.
“How much is he paying you? Not enough I bet he didn't pay me enough. I'll double it if you let me walk.” you plead, but they shake their heads.
“I paid you more than your worth,” he spits, gesturing to the man behind you and he lifts you up slamming you into a nearby wall pressing your face against the rough brick. You can taste the blood beginning to gather in your mouth. He releases you, handing you over to the unpleasant smelling man who brings the dagger you’d dropped into your view, pressing the steel against your cheek as he begins to speak.
“This dagger belonged to Robb Stark.”
“Did it? I stole it from a client months ago,” you say, elbowing him in the stomach causing him to drop the blade. You catch it, and drive it deep into his knee. He falls, and you unsheathe his sword and throw it catching Dirron in the chest. The large brute gets to you before your next move knocking you in the stomach and pinning you back up against the wall.
“Told you I'd have you from behind,” the client says, limping over to you and spitting on the side of your face. As the moisture hits your flesh a spear pierces through his chest , pinning him to a nearby crate as the remaining two men scatter. You push yourself up spinning to see the prince standing in the alley picking up your dagger.
“Of all the souvenirs to keep, this…” he starts, examining the blade before continuing “ is the most telling. Even with your distinct traits, the Young Wolf's knife is well known, especially by those who saw it made. Dornish steel,” he explains tossing it in the air catching it by the blade and handing it back to you by its handle.
“As I just finished explaining to your dear friend there, I stole that,” you lie, taking it from him.
“No you didn’t,” he says, eyes bright even in the dark, a familiar smirk on his lips, clearly bemused by your attempts at lying.
“Yes I did,” you retort, refusing to let up on your façade.
“Shall we debate it over a drink?” he asks, retrieving his spear from the client's body which falls to the ground with an unpleasant thunk.
“A prince slumming it with the poor?” you ask watching as he uses the dead man's silks to wipe his weapon before turning back to you.
“My enjoyment of life precludes class,” he says offering you his arm
“As you speak from your riches,” you point out, watching him run his tongue along his upper lip.
“We are not as antiquated in our ideologies here, class here is less pronounced” he assures you.
“Is it?” you argue, pushing down on his extended arm and he shrugs his shoulder in defeat, pride faltering only for a fragment of a second at the notion of being rejected. The streets are busy tonight, the warm weather bringing the people out en masse to enjoy the city's nightlife. He brings his hand up to usher you into a nearby tavern by the small of your back, but thinks twice and drops it, not wanting to lose it. As you enter he raises his hand and winks at the barkeep before following you towards the back near the window sill.
“What will it cost you?” you inquire as he sits down, watching over his shoulder as the person behind the bar pours out a decanter of wine.
“What?” he asks, the downturn of his mouth and creased forehead painting a picture of confusion.
“To let me leave here, to keep this a secret, the two men who escaped know who I am now. My time here is up.” you confess as the decanter is placed on the table the bartenders hands trailing across his shoulders causing him to smile fondly up at them.
“I do not wish you to be found. It would ruin the plans I have,” he says, slowly turning his attention back to you, offering you wine. You stare at the decanter, then to him before shaking your head causing him to chuckle
“What? Have I said something amusing? “ you question, almost annoyed.
“Untrusting,” he remarks, taking a sip of the liquid before offering it to you once again. You reach over the table grabbing the cup from his hand.
“I am untrusting because in my experience people cannot be trusted,” you explain taking a sip.
“You husband certainly lied about marrying the Frey girl,” he remarks, leaning back into his seat, arms spreading out across the chairs back.
“I’ve never been married,” you state, wanting nothing more than to punch the smug look off his face.”
“You're good,” he says, eyes giving you the once over.
“At what?”
“Lying, well perhaps not good per say but committed, i'll give you that, you fight in a similar manner.” he presses, hoping to get a rise out of you.
“So, you think I can’t fight,” you say, shaking your head with a laugh
“Your words,” he states.
“I did not come here to be insulted by the likes of you, prince or not,” you scold, sitting up.
“I didn't mean to offend,” he remarks, eyes watching your movements, evidently he’d touched a nerve.
“Didn’t you?” you query, tilting your head.
“No, truly it was not my intention, I merely believe upon improvement,” he explains.
“Hard to improve without practice, hard to practice on your own,” you state, moving to leave, the prince drawing too much attention than you wanted on you. You down the rest of your wine and utter a ‘thank you for the drink’ before bidding him a farewell and exiting the bar. You don't make it far, seemingly unable to shake him.
“Why are you here?” he asks.
“That’s privileged information,” you say, turning to face him walking backwards along the cobbled streets. His eyes fall to you before looking up to the heavens, the stars were bright tonight illuminating his features. The rumours of him held true in one area undoubtedly, he was handsome.
“Come back to the palace with me.” He says, eyes still gazing up at the sky.
“I have no intention of divulging in your pleasure my prince, my heart belongs to another, I swore I wouldn’t stray from him even in death,” you reply, turning back to walk forward spitting blood out onto the street, sure one of your teeth must have been knocked out in the earlier fight.
“While I disagree with more than one of those statements I did not mean to imply, though I would be remiss to say it wouldn’t be of great honour. I heard the Young Wolf betrayed an entire kingdom for you.” he says eyes once again on you, trying to catch a glimpse of your features obscured by the hood.
“Are you suggesting I got my husband killed?” you muse, hearing him tut in disagreement
“You’re dirty, you’re tired, you’re injured and at risk of murder, the palace offers you a safe place to recuperate.”
“And what do you expect in return?” you ask.
“I simply wish to offer you a proposition once you are rested, if you decline, you are free to leave. I will ensure you are transported to a safe location where no one knows you.”
Perhaps it was the itching of your skin, or the way the dye was clinging your out of control hair or maybe it was being allowed to be who you once were, but you agree.
“This is Shana she will help you, unless you prefer a male companion, though I would gladly offer my services” he says, gesturing to an older woman of great beauty.
“I can bath myself, thank you though,” you say, turning and nodding to the woman who bows her head and exits the bathhouse.
“Whatever you wish, I'll have her bring you clothes while we clean yours... if we can clean yours” he muses, the remark cracking a smile in your icy demeanour. He leaves and you undress placing your clothes outside the door as requested. Your bare feet feel refreshed against the cool orange tiles of the bath house, the area evidently meant for the use of many people. Multicoloured tulip petals float atop the water filling your nostril with an aroma unlike one you’d ever known. The steam from the water rises in the cool air of the night and you dip your toe in water proceeding to the steps.
You stride into the water allowing your lower half to adjust to the heat before fully sinking in to cover your shoulder. Immediately the dye in your hair begins to leak into the water blending together with the built up mud and blood that has been stuck to you since your last clean. You scrub your skin until the scars scattered across your body are once again visible in the moonlight. Your hand pauses over the wound above your shoulder, memories of Robb flooding back in, as you assume your true identity for the first time in years.
You dunk your head under the water, scrubbing to remove grime from your face and to work out the last of the dye until it's all gone, your hair returned to its original state. You stay in the water for a while enjoying the heat, but sitting in your own filth is no longer a luxury and you stand up and dry yourself off. Pulling on a robe hung up for you as if they knew you’d be there that night. The cool air hits you as you exit, a welcome relief compared to the heavy heat carried around while wearing your armour. One of the palace guards leads you to your bed chamber, the bed is large and the room even larger. Tiles from floor to ceiling apart from the windows which opened up to the balcony allowing the breeze in at night. You step out onto it, hand trailing through the flowers growing along the bannisters. You thank the guard and he closes the large wooden doors leaving you to change into an orange gown true to the style in Dorne. The thin material leaves little to the imagination, but it would prove good for sleeping though not much else. You turn your head to the room's table where clothes better suited for your line of work sit. Your weapons had been cleaned and lined up across the corner of the room, your dagger shined and stabbed into the wood, holding a note in place.
“Dramatic,” you chuckle, pulling out the knife retrieving the note and opening it ‘winter is coming’ you recognize the handwriting immediately, it had been years but you'd never forgotten the letter you'd received the day at the docks. Perhaps the prince could be trusted after all. You hesitate before folding the note up and placing it back down on the table, walking over to the large bed and falling asleep with the knife tucked securely under your pillow, just in case.
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bacchxnal · 3 years
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[[hwang hyunjin, cis male, he/him]] — wait i could have sworn that was [soren kim] we just walked by, the [twenty-one] year old is a [tiktok star] who has been living in the city for [four years]. normally i see them wandering around [venice beach] but they apparently like to [figure skate] in their free time so that could explain why they’re here.  if you ask their friends they’re known to be [driven] & [savvy], but i’ve also heard some rumours about them being [intense] & [enigmatic]. something about them really reminds me of [athletic tape hidden under baggy clothes, designer cologne scented skin, & online analytics always in the green] but maybe that’s because they’re a [leo].
hi everyone! i’m cece and this is my newest child soren. i’m excited to play him here and figure him out further as i go along but if you want to plot something to go off of, we can do that too! just throw anything at me and i’ll probably say yes, honestly. also you’re gonna have to deal with gif icons because apparently not a single larger gif hunt exists for my boy sad. anyways, without further ado! 
tw: injury, addicition, rehab
adopted by a ballerina and her choreographer husband, soren was destined for a life of artistry. while he was encouraged to dance from the moment he could walk, it never really clicked. he liked the music and could see his parents’ discipline and passion for it but it wasn’t until his family moved from their prestigious new york residence to colorado after his mother’s retirement that he found his true calling -- ice skating. 
socializing was initially hard for soren. he had a soft spoken personality that directly clashed with his confident, ambitious and well-connected parents. as an only child, and an adopted one at that, soren had no one at home to really bond with besides the occasional housekeeper that smiled fondly at the sweet-faced babe.
with parents frequently busy with travel and making “appearances”, soren was often left in the care of his grandparents who owned a successful ice skating rink. olympic hopefuls would train there and soren would watch, wide-eyed and curious. his grandparents caught on and the minute they had training blades on his feet, the rest is history. 
soren blossomed into a charming, outgoing and popular child on the ice. he was a natural talent and started winning local competitions as soon as he was old enough to enter. he grew up surrounded by success and admirers, even attracting the attention of a coach to start him on a more competitive level. he made his first friends in the competition ring and while they’d often be pitted against one another, going out for ice cream together afterwards never left them with ill will or resentment. 
while his parents funded his endeavors, they were never any more present in his life to support their budding ice star. soren pushed himself harder and harder, hoping to garner their attention but besides a few spare compliments, it was more his grandparents doing the raising. he relied on his friends, even when they went long distance to meet with coaches, and kept himself busy although the homeschooling required for training of his caliber made the former more difficult. 
now an olympic hopeful himself, soren started winning championships on a national scale as an early teen. with more eyes on him, the pressure ramped up so it was less about familial approval and more about achieving perfection time and time again. he pushed boundaries and tested limits, to the point that injury was practically inevitable.
[ tw begin here ] 
the fall that put a stop in his career was a brutal one and very publicly documented. bones were broken and he couldn’t even get himself off the ice. the healing process was agonizing, both physically and emotionally. the doctors speculated plenty about whether he’d be able to get back on the ice let alone at the level to which he had grown accustomed. soren didn’t want to imagine a life without skating and so he pushed himself to get better just like he pushed himself on the ice.
he was lauded as an inspiration after his long recovery but things weren’t so simple. with his passion at a standstill, soren felt like his life was over but with the painkillers helping him feel better, he became addicted to the sensation. soon it became too painful to stop taking him and finally, his parents took notice.
how could they not? addiction is an ugly, crippling affliction that turned their ambitious, artistic son into a drug-dependent shell of himself. he was irritable and isolated, unhealthily fixated on his next fix in the same way he used to be hyperfocused on his sport. 
he was sent to los angeles under the ruse of seeing the best physical therapist money can buy but secretly attended rehab on the side. soren knew it was more for appearances sake than out of actual concern for his health so the rehab stint put an irrevocable rift between him and his family. slowly, he got better but in the interest of spending more of his parents money, soren feigned his continued struggling, draining large sums out of their accounts. even after his extended stay was up and he was given a clean bill of health and the number of his sponsor in case things went south, soren decided not to move back in with his parents and instead took residence in los angeles on his own.  
[ end tw ]
personality and present day: soren hides the troubles of his past behind fake smiles and a confident, almost cocky personality. he’s successful in a different way now, attracting attention for his physical appearance and impeccable online life. he started tiktok as a way to distract himself but the algorithm worked in his favor: an attractive former sport phenom now using his talents for dances and trends caught attention and quickly. 
he ‘dates’ other semi-famous internet stars, maintains his audience and fabricates the perfect existence. he indulges in designer brand deals and his posts earn more than most people see in a few paychecks. he creates parasocial friendships with his fans and hangs out with other tiktokers on the regular. people know him but no one knows him. 
he pushes himself behind the scenes to try and get back on the ice but it’s an uphill, and very slippery slope that may reintroduce the worst of his habits. he almost definitely shouldn’t get into competing again but with his age not slowing down, he wants to make the most of his ice time and the career he put on hold. 
tl;dr -- popular, charming (and slightly self centered) ice skater turned social media star who probably makes it into snapchat news and twitter trends on the regular. his icarian past -- the fall, the injury -- is swept aside for his successful and lucrative los angeles future. 
name: soren kim (birth name kim seojun)
faceclaim: hwang hyunjin
ethnicity: korean (adopted into a white american family)
height: 5′10
hair: blond (dyed) shoulder length 
eye color: brown
sexuality: bisexual
tiktok handle: sk8rboy (like, figure skating -- so clever)
relationship status: single
publicly, he’s only dated women but he’s made it clear in his content that he ‘goes both ways’ and is often ‘shipped’ with some of the other guys in his tiktoks 
(he doesn’t mind) (he thinks its fun really)
favorite color: black
aesthetic: think eboy meets sporty
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nexas-hart · 3 years
James “Rhodey” Rhodes Crossover AU
Okay, so, stay with me on this. It’s something that I thought of after rewatching a particular movie a little while ago.
After the Snap, Rhodey decides to retire from the military and the Avengers, just like his best friend. He doesn’t necessarily cut off all contact with them, they still talk a decent amount, but he also isn’t the most active in his communication with anyone except Tony and Pepper. Still, now that he’s out of the military and heroism, he wants to find some way to help others. However, it’s when he hears that Pepper is pregnant with her and Tony’s kid that he finally realizes what he wants to do.
When the Snap occurred, so many children were displaced and became orphans. Rhodey applies to become a social worker, going through the approval process and eventually being able to help those children find places to stay. It’s not always the best conditions, but he does try his best.
Through his job, he meets a nice woman, a teacher. She doesn’t recognize him at first. He was a decorated military leader and a regular sight when it comes to the Avengers, but he was usually only ever seen in his suit, which kind of has a big metal helmet covering his face. Still, they hit it off, and she gains an interest in him as a person before she recognizes him from his past exploits. They date and then he eventually marries her. It was a small thing, not crowded. Her family was a little shocked when they saw Tony Stark standing as their new son-in-law’s best man.
They both move on with their lives together. Helping kids in the best way they know how. That is until something interesting happens.
He’s assigned to this pair of kids. Siblings. An older teenage girl with a troublemaking and headstrong attitude a mile long; and young boy who’s intelligence, inventiveness, and natural engineering abilities get help his sister with their antics. Their parents died after the Snap, two of the many casualties that occurred from the aftermath of the disappearance of half of all life on Earth.
Something about the two kind of pulled Rhodes in. He thinks it might be the fact that they remind him of a certain troublemaking genius that he had to deal with college and most of his adult life. They just happened to be split into two people this time.
They’d moved through a couple of homes before he found one that was willing. They weren’t the most caring, but Rhodey knows for a fact that the couple that he put them with weren’t abusive.
Despite this, the kids were regularly at the police station for various different misdemeanors. The officers have long since gotten used to the sight of Rhodey coming into the station to pick up the occasional troublemaker, and the man himself continues to cover for these two kids, allowing them to stay in their current foster home without their foster parents knowing.
Then, he finally finds it. A perfect home for them to live in. They’re willing to accept older kids and seem like the kindest people, from the reviews coming from the other social workers and some of their former charges. However, despite the multiple cases of the kids expressing their wish to leave their current housing situation, they actually say no when he brings this up to them. A few days later, Rhodey figures out why.
The two children had become a major part of a large animal hoarding scandal. Countless stray dogs were found in a multistory, abandoned building. Animal control took control and the police placed them under arrest for a time. They were released, but their foster parents’ refused to take them back. They kids had apparently been stealing different items in order to use in their exploits.
Rhodey, with the other family he had lined up now no longer an option, had no choice but to send the two kids to two seperate gender specific orphanages. Ones that have been overcrowded and underfunded since the Snap.
It’s not a few days later that he gets this feeling. That he wants to know a bit more about just what those kids were up to. With what is probably more than a bit of influence from hanging out with Tony Stark, he completely ignores the police tape at the building and heads inside. There, he finds out just how much work was put into this place. Just how much love and care was put into providing for the needs of the dogs that the kids brought there.
Just as suddenly, a rush of paws is heard as the dogs all run back into the building, despite supposedly being at the pound just hours before. In the entrance of the building; police, animal control, press, and citizens crowd as they follow the dogs in. He sees his wife in the crowd, as well as he two kids that he’d come to care so much about. Using the calm confidence he’s come to possess from working in the military, as a superhero, and as a social worker, he calms the crowd and manages to show them the love, compassion, and care that these kids gave each and every dog they found.
As the press and public rush inside to see the place itself, Rhodey goes to his wife. He’s about to open his mouth, but she already knows what he’s going to say. She agrees completely, but James knows there are still a few things that have to be done, and quickly.
He calls his best friend, Tony Stark, and asks for the man’s help. Tony immediately accepts without even hearing what he’s helping with, but when Rhodey explains the situation to him, the billionaire is even more enthusiastic. He claims that it’ll just be an extension on the wedding gift that he gave Rhodey. The house was a little on the cheap side for the rich business owner’s taste anyways.
So, with that funding, James and his two newly adopted children buy and refurbish the building. They make it a haven for strays and a place where people can bring their own dogs in order to be given a fine and luxurious stay.
James “Rhodey” Rhodes becomes the first owner of the Hotel for Dogs.
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WCW Monday Nitro 09/09/1996
Shit be exploding, so you know what time it is.
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Yes sir.
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Once again we are not given a location this week, which generally means the town is too small-time for the big shots at WCW to even consider giving a shout out to. My research tells me this broadcast comes from the Columbus Civic Centre in Columbus, Georgia.  
As always we are introduced to our first hour announce team, Schiavone and Zbyszko.
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Tony is looking quite smart this evening. Larry as expected has a horrific multcoloured abomination on underneath his jacket. It’s basically his gimmick a this point so whatever. 
They talk about how the balance of power has shifted to the nWo and Larry says Giant is “the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold”, nice ancient reference there, Larry. We get a recap of last week’s awesome show-ending brawl. 
Once they’re done wrapping this up, Goldberg’s music plays. What? I check my file - yes, definitely 9th September 1996. Has Goldberg time travelled back to 1996 and changed history by debuting early?
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Well, either that is one hell of a disguise or no, actually Goldberg’s theme music was first used by this Japanese guy called Pat Tanaka. It’s really weird seeing this random fella walk out to Goldberg’s music. The crowd boo mildly - I guess just because he’s Japanese? I don’t remember there being any storyline reason to boo him, anyway. 
Pat’s opponent is... this.
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Looks like a mascot from a early/mid-90s video game brought to life. If this is Super Calo then I am curious as to what regular Calo is like. I am unsure as to what makes this version ‘Super’, but maybe we’ll find out in the upcoming match. Mike Tenay joins the announce crew because it is Calo’s debut and Tenay is the only one likely to know anything about him.
Pat Tanaka vs Super Calo
I was kind of hoping Tanaka would start the match with a spear and then jackhammer Calo into oblivion, but no such luck. 
As one would anticipate from a man dressed like a stereotypical kung-fu master in an 80s movie, Tanaka starts the match off with some kicks.
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Calo jumps around pointlessly and then gets kicked in the face. Bants.
Tenay tells us Calo’s name and look comes from the “top rap group” in Mexico. He does not name this group. Confusingly wikipedia claims Calo is named after a Mexican rock group with the same name, but his image is meant to convey a rapper. So, just... what? Also what rapper has ever looked like Super Calo? In Mexico is that how rappers dress? 
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Well anyway this odd fellow somersaults over the ropes onto Tanaka outside of the ring. 
The screen then cuts to this.
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 Then we’re back to the match. OK then. 
Tanaka hits Calo with a powerbomb, which leads to Tony talking about him being “so schooled in the martial arts”. Yes, because we all know that classic martial arts move the powerbomb. Often followed by a leg drop and a scorpion deathlock. 
The ending to this match is beyond ridiculous. 
First, Tanaka puts Calo onto the top turnbuckle.
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Neither man seems to know what is meant to happen next, so they awkwardly wrap their arms around each other.
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Tanaka then lifts Calo up like he’s going for an inverse piledriver and falls backwards.
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Apparently he knocks himself out, gets pinned, and loses.
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What an idiot.
Super Calo defeats Pat Tanaka via Pinfall.
Nothing too super about our friend Calo in this one I’m afraid. His victory came largely because Tanaka is a super dunce.
We got some lads in the front row who are big fans of the classic moustache.
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They seem quite pleased that Calo emerged victorious.
Just under seven minutes in and we throw back to Mean Gene in the locker room with Rick Steiner. This should be good.
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Shirts hanging out of the lockers behind them, as you do. 
Gene asks Rick Steiner about Nick Patrick’s questionable officiating - referring to the incident last week where Luger was disqualified in seconds for basically nothing. Rick says that he had Luger, and Gene saw it. Total bullshit as the match had barely started, and Gene does point that out. 
Luger walks into the frame as we see last week’s replay. Rick is continually going on about how he was going to win, sounding like a mentally challenged three year old. On the other hand this is a guy who also genuinely thinks he’s a dog, so... I should probably be impressed that he is able to form words and put them into a somewhat coherent structure.
Gene says that Steiner is “a little confused” in the understatement of the century, 
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Luger tells Rick that he’s “a great tag team wrestler” but he feels like he has the edge in a singles environment. Rick continues to fail to understand basic english and keeps repeating “I can beat you, ask Sting” and then starts calling for Sting.
Gene then ushers Rick away like an unruly child as Luger walks off as well. Gene says that Luger was alluding that Rick “doesn’t have it upstairs”, pointing to his head. Wow, what a dick. Luger didn’t say anything like that. All he implied was that he was a better singles wrestler than Rick. Not sure where Gene has gotten his interpretation from, but my guess is he just wants to stir the pot as usual.
Next it’s nWo announcement time.
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Just the usual t-shirt ad with Nash saying “all proceeds go towards the Ric Flair retirement fund”. Joke’s on him, that fund must have accrued some serious cash before it was finally paid out.
We’re back and...
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Somebody buy these poor kids some real nWo t-shirts. 
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Where did these people come from? Did they decide to stop by Nitro after a corporate dinner or something? 
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Are these pilots in the audience as well? Wtf? Why are all these people coming to the show dressed in their work clothes? Is this a common thing in the States?
Oh, hey, guess what - Glacier debuted. I would say “remember all that hype” but if you’ve been reading this sad collection of nostalgic drivel then you will indeed remember the many Glacier adverts that have been on every Nitro broadcast since May or so. We’re now in September and Glacier finally had his first match... on WCW Pro.
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WCW Pro is like... Sunday Night Heat or Velocity in WWE terms. It’s below WCW Saturday Night for fuck’s sake.  Tony calls it “one of the most eagerly anticipated debuts ever” - which is why he made his first appearance on WCW FUCKING PRO. Oh WCW, what are you like?
Larry says Glacier will be “a force to be reckoned with”, which, spoiler alert. turns out to be the opposite.
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  Oh good, these two walking charisma vacuums.
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And these two lumbering idiots. WCW, the best wrestling on the planet. How could WWF in 1996 find no way to entice people away from Pat Tanaka vs Super Calo and The AFC vs the Nasty Boys? Seriously. It isn’t that difficult. 
The AFC do their usual schtick of singing the Canadian national anthem badly and the crowd get angry because ‘Murica fuck yeah and whatever. The Nasty Boys say “fuck this” and attack the AFC after about 10 seconds of this bullshit, getting the match started.
The Amazing French Canadians Vs The Nasty Boys
You don’t care about this match. I don’t care about this match. Let’s just skip to the end.
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Knobbs whacks the eyepatch guy with the flag the AFC brought out. Saggs pins for the win. 
The Nasty Boys defeat The Amazing French Canadians via Pinfall.
Mean Gene comes scurrying out to interview the Nastys, for some reason.
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Saggs says everybody has been pointing the finger at the Nasty Boys, accusing them of being with the nWo (can’t imagine anybody really cares but OK, sure). Saggs says the Nasty’s are only worried about the tag titles which are in WCW, ergo they aren’t interested in joining the nWo. Does he not realise that faction affiliation is irrelevent as far as challenging for belts is concerned? I mean, Hogan is literally WCW Heavyweight champion at this point in time. 
Knobbs says that the Nasty’s don’t care about the nWo, they’re in WCW and they’re coming for Harlem Heat to take the tag team titles. Short and to the point, which is fine by me, even if the Nasty’s appear to be under the mistaken impression- that joining the nWo would invalidate them from challenging for the tag titles. 
We’re back from a commercial break to find Scott Norton and Sgt Craig Pittman in the ring.
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Sgt Craig Pittman Vs Scott Norton
The commentators bill this as a “hold versus hold” match and I’m not sure what this means, as I was under the impression every match is hold versus hold. But whatever. 
After some back and forth Pittman decides that it’s time to ram his head into Norton’s sternum. 
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It looks pretty painful and not especially effective, but Pittman enjoys it so much he does it again. 
They head to the outside of the ring. Norton gets whipped against the guardrail, the entirety of which moves upon impact, but then Norton regains control by slamming Pittman’s shoulder into the ring post. 
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Norton locks in the armbar but the Sarge will not give up. Long gets onto the ring apron to beg Pittman to give in, but he won’t. WCW, for reasons beyond my understanding, is very careful about protecting Sgt. Craig Pittman. He never gets pushed, as far as I remember, but this man WILL NOT QUIT.
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Ice Train wanders out wearing this abomination. Seriously - what the fuck? It’s like a demin vest with a backpack built in. It’s something you would expect to see an eight-year old girl in the mid-90s wearing over the top of a t-shirt or something. What clothing brand figured that this design was suitable for huge, beefy dudes? I don’t know, but they clearly have a customer in Ice Train.
Train throws in the towel for Pittman.  
Scott Norton defeats Sgt. Craig Pittman via Forfeit. 
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He enters the ring and stares down at Norton, who is looking at Train’s vest top and moobs like “dafuq?”
The two former amigos have a staredown which doesn’t lead anywhere. 
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Pepboys Power Pin of the Week is a submission. Go figure.
We head to the locker room where Gene-o is with Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Lex Luger.
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Three of these men are dressed appropriately. The other is Lex Luger.
Apparently Sting is supposed to be a part of this interview as well but is nowhere to be found. Luger assures Flair & Arn that Sting is in the building, but the Horsemen are having none of it and are concerned that Sting doesn’t have his head in the game. Flair starts going crazy and practically flings himself into an alternate dimension with his erratic movements.
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Like a jet propeller is being put directly in front of his face.
Anyway eventually these two sad sacks come lumbering in...
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Mongo looks like he’s about to explode, whilst Benoit as usual appears barely awake. Mongo yells about not being able to count on Luger and Sting. Luger reiterates that Sting is in the building somewhere, he’s just not around for the interview. The Horsemen do seem overly paranoid here - how hard would it be to track Sting down and talk to him if they are this pissed off? 
Arn says he’s called ahead to Winston, Salem (where Fall Brawl/War Games is being held) to pre-book himself a hospital room as he assumes he’s going to need one. Seems like a somewhat pessimistic thing to do, but is it even possible to pre-book hospital room? Arn is talking like he’s booked a hotel room for the night. Strange lad. He also suggests Hogan uses battery acid to burn out his eyes which... I mean, don’t give the guy ideas, Arn.  
Interview ends with everybody talking over each other and Flair wooing a lot - so, the same as most Horsemen interviews.
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People in the crowd are holding these signs which say “nWo - you haven’t seen bad... but it’s coming!” - indeed, Hogan Vs Piper is coming.
We get a recap of this thrilling DDP/Eddie/Chavo storyline which nobody cares about, but why this is recapped is beyond me as the next match has nothing to do with any of those three. 
Instead, out comes “the desparado” himself, Joe Gomez.
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Somebody throws a wad of paper at him as he enters. Obviously not a fan.
His opponent is Juventud Guerrera,  who Tony repeatedly refers to as Juventud Guerrero. 
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As Juvi enters he runs past these ladies, who appear both baffled and unimpressed with him.
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Joe Gomez Vs Juventud Guerrera
The match starts off okay, but descends into disaster fairly quickly as Juvi starts trying various lucha things which poor Joe is clearly not comfortable with. First Juvi stands on the apron, jumps onto the ropes as Gomez slowly walks towards him and does this...
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It’s clear from this angle alone that there is no way in hell Juvi is going to reach Gomez. In fairness to WCW they switch camera angle just in time to make it look slightly less terrible, although I imagine it was more down to luck than skill. Nonetheless Gomez at least tries to sell the move, falling backwards theatrically.
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Weeee! Points for effort if not execution. 
This happens next, and thanks to Uproxx “Best and Worst of WCW Monday Nitro” series (check it out, it’s great) I have a GIF to put into pictures what I would struggle to put into words.
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Speaks for itself.
After this Juvi seems to want to go for a hurricanrana from the top turnbuckle but I‘m not sure if they botch this as well or it was the plan, but Juvi ends up backflipping away from the turnbuckle and then catching Gomez with a weak looking dropkick as he jumps towards Juvi.
Juvi just about manages to hit the finishing move...
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But even that looks a little bit dodgy. At least Joe just had to lay there for this one. Ref counts to three and mercifully this one is over. Not sure if Gomez or Juvi are to blame for this shitshow, but either way I advise never putting them together again.
Juventud Guerrera defeats Joe Gomez via Pinfall.
For some reason Mean Gene is on the ramp to interview Nick Patrick. Oh good, more of this storyline.
Before they start the interview though, as Juventud walks past Gene and Patrick, Gene says “very good match there on the part of Juventud Guerrera”, then gives Juvi a disdainful look and mutters “guy just kind of... wanders around here”. LOL. Why is Gene throwing shade at poor Juvi? “Guy just wanders around here”, like he’s a lost child or something. I guess Gene is still salty about the interview with Juvi that went wrong a couple of weeks ago, but come on, that was hardly Juvi’s fault. Obvious Gene is still holding a grudge though. 
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I don’t think anybody really wants to hear from these two ballbags but here we are anyway. 
Gene is accusing Patrick of making too many controversial calls for it to just be coincidence, whilst Patrick is accusing Gene of being a shit-stirring cock cheese who needs to get a life. Neither are lying but nobody really cares either. What is funny is that Okerlund is very haughty and dismissive of Patrick - until Patrick threatens to take Gene to court - at which point Gene stutters “well I-I hope that doesn’t happen” before saying “thank you very much Nick Patrick, sir, thank you” to Patrick as he walks off. Pathetic. 
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Meanwhile Hogan, Hall, Nash and the Giant are outside in the pouring rain putting those nWo flyers with the “you haven’t seen bad... but it’s coming” slogan on random cars. This seems like a total waste of time as by the time the car owners get back to their vehicles the rain would probably have destroyed those flyers anyway.  Do these guys really have nothing better to do? Tony tells us the nWo are “literally” in the parking lot - as opposed to what, being there in spirit?
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Ted DiBiase is the smartest of the lot as he 1) has an umbrella and 2) isn’t wasting his time putting up useless flyers in the pouring rain. He’s talking to somebody in the car, and the announcers are shitting themselves as to who it might be, as they tend to do. For all they know DiBiase might just be talking to the driver. 
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Just Rick tonight. He comes out doing that sad half-bark he does whenever something is troubling him. 
His opponent, of course, is Flexy Lexy.
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Rick Steiner Vs Lex Luger
These two are not exactly known as ‘ring generals’ so I am not expecting a classic here. Let’s see, though. Perhaps we will all be pleasantly surprised. 
After various arm drags, headlocks, shoulder blocks, and so on, this happens.
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Yeah. Rick is basically molesting Luger in the ring and keeps this up for a disturbing amount of time. I guess it’s meant to show his amateur wrestling background but it basically just looks like sexual assault. Rick’s hands are going to places they really should not. 
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Hour two begins with the usual fireworks. Bischoff, Heenan and Tenay come in on commentary for the rest of the show. 
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Rick hits Luger with a nice powerslam, and Randy Anderson cannot bear to watch the impact. The crowd bark their approval which, personally, I don’t think is helpful. Rick’s clinical lycanthropy is only going to get worse if people bark at him when he does something good. Or bark at him in general, really.
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More cuddling. Back away, Rick. Even Randy Anderson is telling him to cut it out at this point.
Luger takes control with a powerslam and signals for the rack. However, before he can attempt his finishing move...
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This dicksplash comes running out waving his arms around. Looks like he’s doing the sieg heil there but fairly sure it’s just the timing of the screenshot.
Anyhow, Patrick tells Luger to follow him out the back, yelling something about the nWo beating up Sting.
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Considering Patrick’s recent behaviour, Lex, it might not be wise to...
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OK. Never mind. Of course Luger goes running after Patrick, abandoning the match entirely and getting himself counted out. 
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Everyone looking towards the entrance way like “where’s he going?” 
Rick Steiner defeats Lex Luger via Countout.
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We get a shot of DiBiase talking to the mystery man in the limo. Sting’s voice is heard but it is blatantly piped in from some other promo. He says he’s “tired of the DTA stuff, don’t trust anybody”, so I guess he’s not a fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin. DiBiase pretends to talk to the pre-taped Sting voice until Lex shows up.
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A guy who is clearly not Sting gets out of the limo and starts beating up Luger whilst Bischoff screams “NO! NO!”
I have the advantage of hindsight and my monitor is probably bigger than most people’s TVs back in 1996... but still, it’s really obviously not Sting. Were people genuinely fooled by this? 
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The nWo along with “Sting” beat Luger down and leave him laying in a broken heap in the rain...
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It has not been a good night for Luger. First he got yelled at by the Horsemen, then he spent ten minutes getting inappropriately touched by Rick Steiner during their match, then he gets smacked around by the nWo and left on the ground in the pouring rain. Bad times for sure. Although if you’re stupid enough to follow Nick Patrick anywhere... 
Luger does manage to get back up but ends up just kind of wandering around in the rain looking confused whilst the nWo flee, leaving the limos parked outside the building.
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These bois are not impressed by what they have just seen. Tenay looks like a dad who is about to grab his belt and put a whippin’ on somebody. Bischoff is indignant. Heenan wears the expression of a man who was just forced to sit through every Raw from 2015. Pure torture. 
Bischoff says he has an update which is literally “we don’t know where [the nWo] are. I’m sorry. I don’t know”. Well thanks for that. Very helpful. 
We get a long recap of last week’s angle including more footage of the amazing all-out brawl that ended the show. Then we get another nWo advert for their t-shirt. 
A bunch of random jobbers are outside with Luger and Rick Steiner milling around the limo yelling out “DIBIASE!” - as if he’ll just pop up and be like “sup bois?” - pointless endeavour. Rick Steiner is the only one smart enough to bring an umbrella outside. Let that one sink in. Luger chucks a bunch of stuff out of one of the limos onto the floor which seems unnecessary. 
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Out comes pre-Flock Billy Kidman. The commentators could not care less, just droning on about Sting’s supposed “defection”. 
The other combatant in this contest is Cruiserweight champion Rey Mysterio Jr.
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Rey Mysterio Jr Vs Billy Kidman
The announcers spend the entire match in ‘sad voice’, like their dogs have all collectively died. It’s really annoying.
The match spills to the outside very quickly. Rey gets the advantage and rolls Kidman back in. He attempts to jump off the ropes from the apron, but Kidman knows what’s coming and meets Rey with a dropkick to the chest.
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Kidman slams Rey in the centre of the ring, runs over to the turnbuckle and leaps off.
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Just a two count though. Rey wins the match soon after this by flipping off the ropes onto Kidman.
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It looks weak but whatever. This wasn’t anything special.
Rey Mysterio defeats Billy Kidman via Pinfall.
We come back from a commercial and the Dungeon’s of Doom’s “music” is playing, and I put that in inverted commas because it isn’t really music, just a pseudo-creepy OTT villainous laugh accompanied by some kind of chant. Whatever. Normally any sign of the Dungeon is enough to make me want to hang my head in despair, however!
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If Meng is involved, it might be somewhat entertaining. Just to note those aren’t two random arms sprouting out of Meng’s shoulders – the Barbarian is behind him.
The announcers are still going on about how tragic Sting’s supposed betrayal is – and Bischoff apologises for “not giving Rey Mysterio the attention he deserves in his match”. I mean, kind of tough to take that apology seriously considering how often this has happened and will continue to happen until Nitro goes out of existence. It is the only time I can recall any commentator in WCW actually apologising for the routine ignoring of the cruiserweights in favour of talking about/complaining about the nWo, though.
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These two are the opponents. Yeah, Public Enemy, they definitely deserve that pyro. Sure. Look at them waving their hands in the air like they just don’t care.
By the way, the commentators are still going on about Sting. I wonder if we’ll get another apology for ignoring this match as well? Not that I’d necessarily blame them here.
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Some diehard wrestling fans here. I think we saw them previously – seemingly someone in production has taken a liking to these ladies. They look like they got lost on their way to a PTA meeting, but fuck it, might as well enjoy themselves now. Watch out for the dude behind you though, ladies. That smile worries me a little.
The Faces of Fear Vs Public Enemy
We go to a commercial break, and as soon as we come back Bischoff says “I hate to keep repeating this, but apparently Sting has joined forces with the nWo”. Bullshit, if you hated it that much you’d have shut up about it by now. I mean, jeez, we get it.
This contest is just a brawl, as you’d expect. Not exactly a match for the ages, but all of a sudden, randomly…
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This dude on the left appears and begins running/skipping around the ring.
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The fuck? It’s like Rockstar Spud’s demented uncle or something. 
He briefly chases Jimmy Hart, then just… vanishes? Oh, and by the way, the commentators make no mention of this. They do not acknowledge this at all. Why? Because they’re talking about everything except the match itself. Literally, I’m not kidding, it’s like this match is not happening. It’s like listening to a radio show or a podcast spliced together with unrelated WCW footage.
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Wait, what? What’s happening now? The match is ongoing and they just cut to the back. Judging from the faces of these lads you’d think someone died. It’s a sombre scene to say the least – but seriously, why even have the match in the ring? What’s the point? The commentators are acting like it isn’t happening and we cut to an interview as the match is happening. Bischoff doesn’t even note that we’ve cut away from a match in progress, he just says “take it away Gene”, like this is totally normal. Whatever, I guess. It’s not like I’m desperate to see the Faces of Fear versus Public Enemy, but what a bizarre way to structure… everything.
Gene asks Arn to explain what happened in the parking lot earlier. Seemed quite self-explanatory to me and the commentators have not stopped talking about it since it happened, so the viewers really don’t need any extra information.  
Arn says he doesn’t give a shit about Luger losing a friend, or that he’s lost a team mate, he’s just shocked. He brings up Sting’s loyalty to WCW.
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They actually move to a split-screen here – I guess someone in the production truck remembered there is actually a match going on. It wouldn’t be fair to deprive the dozens of Faces of Fear/Public Enemy fans the chance to see their favourite grapplers go at it.
Anyway, Arn says he has a sick feeling in his stomach, he’s shocked, and he’s out of words. He’s said quite a few already, though, so not really.
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Flair stands there with his arms folded, eyeing the audience like a disappointed father.
Luger says he doesn’t have any answers, and that his “best friend in the whole world” stabbed him in the back. He then says he knows where Sting lives and where he works out, and he’s going to go and find him “right now”. Sounds like Lex is planning to murk Sting. However, he should keep in mind this is a guy who only last week tried to murder somebody by chucking a rock through the window of a limo, then stole a police car. Come to think of it, I’m not sure why Sting isn’t in jail. Regardless, I wouldn’t be chasing after him without a good plan.
Flair screams that he’s “sick of it” and just generally yells about how they’re going to beat up the nWo at War Games (including Sting). Arn says “it’s a fight to the death – yours, not ours”. I suppose that was worth emphasising? Also Arn has a tendency to see these matches as ending in death, even though it never comes close to that.
We return to the Faces of Fear/Public Enemy match. By “we” I mean the audience – the commentators are still talking about War Games. I genuinely don’t think they have said anything about the match – oh, wait a minute, Bischoff does mention the match, finally. Although he says the teams are “literally fighting for their lives” which is not exactly accurate. What is up with these people thinking matches are going to end so tragically?
Anyway, the brawling continues for a while and eventually, somehow, Rocco Rock ends up lying on a table. Barbarian heads for the top turnbuckle.
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Guys, I don’t foresee this ending well. Seriously, what is the absolute best result of this? Rocco (who can clearly see Barbarian on the turnbuckle) for some reason lays there and lets Barbarian jump on him. It’ll be brutal for both. Or, Rocco moves and Barbarian crashes through the table. Either way Barbarian doesn’t win in this scenario.
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Uh oh. Jimmy Hart is absolutely useless at holding Rocco down, kicked away like an insect as Rocco sits up.
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That is a fucking sick bump. It’s funny because Barbarian barely takes any serious bumps at all, on Nitro at least, then he decides to say fuck it and leaps to the concrete through a table because YOLO I guess?
Well anyway he dead. Rocco brings a second table into the ring.
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Looks pretty old. Nick Patrick wags his finger in disapproval, but incredibly that isn’t enough to persuade Public Enemy to stop. They lay Meng on the table, then Rocco goes to the top turnbuckle for a moonsault…
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He almost misses the table entirely, only catching Meng with his legs. The table is weak enough that it breaks despite the soft contact.
You’d think that would be the spot that ends the match, but no. Meng gets up like nothing happened and starts brawling with Rocco again. Barbarian is also somehow revived and back in the ring fighting with Grunge. This is weird because the outside table spot with Barbarian getting wiped out, and then Meng getting put through the table by Rocco’s moonsault, felt like the end sequence of the match. Now it’s like we’re back at the start again. Keep in mind the match has been going for about 10 minutes now. That’s at least 7 minutes longer than is ideal for these teams, really.
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Whilst Rocco and Barbarian are hugging it out in the corner, Meng puts the Tongan Death Grip on Grunge and now this one is over.
No explanation as to what the fuck was going on with that random ginger guy running around the ring earlier by the way. Oh well. During the replay Heenan accidentally calls Meng “Haku” and then goes silent immediately. Oops.
The Faces of Fear defeat Public Enemy via Pinfall.
Suddenly Okerlund appears at ringside, accompanied by the Dungeon of Doom.
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Maxx, Jimmy Hart, Big Bubba, Gene, Kevin Sullivan, Hugh Morrus and Konnan. To quote Rufus from Final Fantasy 7 – “what a crew”.
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Sullivan is no longer painting his face with those stupid markings, but for some reason is now wearing a white headband. Does he think he’s the Karate Kid now?
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He also starts making this derp face - and this isn’t just a screen grab catching an awkward expression momentarily, he’s making this face on purpose.
For some reason we go to Jimmy Hart first, who tells the Giant “it’s the beginning of the end for you, you just don’t know it yet”. I’m sure he’s quaking in his boots.  
Big Bubba then rants about Glacier, talking about him saying he’s coming for “6 or 7 months” and asking if he’s not debuting because he’s afraid. Slight exaggeration on the 6 or 7 months from Bubba, but to be fair it does feel like those vignettes have been running for at least that long. Bubba actually doesn’t seem to be aware that Glacier debuted on WCW Pro, but it’s WCW Pro, so... understandable. Bubba calls the Dungeon of Doom “the masters of intimidation”…
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What he means is that Meng is the master of intimidation. The others aren’t exactly adding much to the equation. Maxx is standing off to the side looking distinctly unimpressed by the entire thing.
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With that said, bored does seem to be his default expression regardless of what is happening. I imagine he’d have the same expression even if Bubba was in the process of sprouting three heads whilst doing a kossack dance.
After calling Gene “homes”, Konnan calls Sullivan a “hardened veterano”. He then says Sullivan has seen and led gang wars from coast to coast.
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Yes, Kevin Sullivan wearing that silly white headband is exactly what I think of when I think of leaders of gang wars. Sullivan’s ‘wut?’ expression here says it all. I’m not sure you can call the Dungeon of Doom/Alliance to End Hulkamania Versus Hogan and Macho Man a “gang war”. I’m not sure two people can even constitute a gang. Also Sullivan may be worried Konnan is unintentionally (?) implicating him in genuine gang wars… which probably isn’t in the Taskmaster’s best interests.
Konnan challenges the nWo to come out and confront the Dungeon, who he calls “the toughest set”. Yeah, sure. The challenge is not accepted, because the nWo are for sure terrified of a “gang” featuring the likes of Maxx, Kevin Sullivan, Big Bubba and Hugh Morrus.
Sullivan says that Savage thinks he’ll owe the Dungeon “a debt” for carrying him out from the ring last week. I doubt it in all honesty – maybe if they’d actually done something to help him before he’d been beaten down and spraypainted. Carrying him out after the fact didn’t really help much.
Anyhow, Sullivan says Savage can repay this fictional debt by first beating John Tenta, because why not I guess, and then by getting rid of the Giant. That doesn’t really seem like a balanced deal. We carry you backstage after you’ve been beaten up, you make it even by beating John Tenta and the Giant. Hmmm.
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Time for some nWo propaganda.
Hogan tells us that they “aren’t here for a stinkin’ reason” – directly contradicting Nash and Hall, who had previously made it clear they’d come in specifically to take over WCW. He then randomly says “we’ve got our boss with us” and points to Ted DiBiase, who’s sitting in a chair behind them.
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Homely. DiBiase looks like he’s being held prisoner, but whatever. Hogan says DiBiase makes Ted Turner look like a “pauper”. Honestly I could try to recap this whole thing but it’s really just a bunch of random sound bytes ripping on WCW for the most part. They talk about wanting “their own tag team tournament” for some reason. They also want a segment (on Nitro, presumably) where they can “highlight” their talent. What they actually mean is a segment highlighting Hogan, as we’ll discover going forward. Scott Hall says “nWo 4 life” with the hand sign (might be the first instance of this?) and they all end the segment laughing like it was an amazing joke.
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I was a satellite dish owner back then – or rather, my parents were - but no WCW PPVs in the UK, sadly. We only got a butchered hour-long version of Nitro on TNT UK during 1996 & 1997. I didn’t find out that I’d been watching an edited version of the show until many years later. At least now I can sit back and relive the glory of the Faces of Fear Vs Public…. eh, maybe TNT UK were doing us a favour after all.
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Back with your bois at the announce desk. Tenay once again has that “stern dad” look, whilst Heenan seems to be whimsically remembering something from years gone by. Take a guess as to what Bischoff is talking about?
A)     The upcoming main event
B)     Meltzer being wrong about everything
C)     Blue Chew
D)     Sting’s betrayal
If you’ve been following along thus far, you’ll know the answer. The lad does genuinely hate big Dave though, and loves that Blue Chew. Come to think of it, what is the main event? I can’t even remember. Sting’s supposed betrayal has been hammered into my brain so many fucking times at this point I can barely conceive of any other event occurring at any wrestling show.
Chris Jericho’s music plays, but…
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It’s John Tenta? Still got that stupid haircut by the way. Seriously, fish man, you’ve made your point. Get that shaved.
But yeah, I’m confused here. I thought Jericho was coming out. But hold on, that’s Jericho’s second theme, “One Crazed Anarchist”, aka the Pearl Jam ripoff, not the one he’s using at this point in WCW, which I believe is the Journey ripoff. So John Tenta is in fact the OG “One Crazed Anarchist”. For the record, the theme suits Jericho far more than it suits the former Shark.
As he comes out Tenta says “Savage, you’re not putting me down”. You think so, John?
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What exactly has that guy in the hat been up to? That is not the look of an innocent person.
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Ohhh yeahhh, it’s the Macho Man. The commentators are pretending that the result of the match is in any doubt, which I suppose they have to do.
John “anti-fish” Tenta Vs “Macho Man” Randy Savage
Savage storms to the ring, but that turns out to be a bad idea as Tenta stomps on the Macho Man’s back as he slides in and then clobbers him with a forearm to the back.
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Bad strategy, Macho. Tenta’s moobs though… whoa.
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That’s an interesting choice of attire for a wrestling event, madam.
Tenta works over Savage in the corner for a bit. Savage then begins to make a comeback, before for some reason attempting to slam Tenta…
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Goes about as well as you’d expect. Macho really needs to work on his strategy.
Bischoff actually specifically says here that Heenan accidentally referred to Meng as “Haku” earlier and wants to make it clear Meng now works for WCW and not the WWF. I guess they were really taking this kind of thing seriously due to the lawsuits flying around at this point in history. Funny though, as you hear these kinds of slip-ups all the time. I mean, if TNA or AEW were sued for every time a commentator accidentally used a competitor’s ex-WWE name there would need to be a legal department created specifically just to deal with the fucking volume. At least Heenan didn’t call it “WWF Nitro”.
Tenta hits Macho with a decent looking drop kick – quite impressive considering his weight. Outside of the ring Savage hits Tenta with a steel chair…
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He isn’t disqualified because…? He whacks Tenta twice more with a chair. This is not a no-DQ match, but it is WCW, so fuck the rules unless we need them for storyline purposes, right?
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Flying elbow drop!
Macho goes up for a second, but then Teddy Long comes to ringside yelling “Macho!” – what could the so-called “godfather” want with Savage? Also where’s my man Ice Train at? Come to think of it, I just remembered what he was wearing earlier… best for him to stay backstage.
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Savage still hits the second elbow drop. Long is gesticulating wildly at Savage and yelling something about the nWo. Savage leaps over the top rope with nice agility.
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But before we go any further…
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Son, I am disappoint. I can’t even say “A for effort” because that is the lowest tier of effort.
Anyway, Savage follows Teddy to the outside of the arena where Teddy announces “YOU GONNA GO ONE-ON-ONE WITH THE UNDERTAKER PLAYA!”
Actually, they run towards a limo.              
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The limo drives off as soon as Savage approaches it. What was the point of that?
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Flair and Mongo randomly appear as the limo drives away.
There’s another limo there, but only a box of spraypaint inside it. There are a ton of WCW guys out there now – the Horsemen, the Dungeon, Public Enemy, Juvi, Super Calo, Savage… basically everyone who was on TV tonight. They start spraypainting “WCW” on the limo windows… or rather, they try to. Due to the fact it’s been raining and everywhere is wet it ends up just looking like a green smudge. As an aside, if that is in fact not an nWo limo, somebody is going to be in for a surprise.  
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For some reason the commentators are all standing up. Tenay is looking more evil every time he’s on camera. It’s like he wants to reach through the camera and strangle each and every viewer.
Seriously though, he is repeatedly making a “pissed-off dad” face.
“Dad, I borrowed your car…”
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“Um… and… I got a speeding ticket…”
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“And there’s a dent on the front as I kinda sorta knocked over the mailbox…”
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Grounded forever.
Anyway, once they all sit back down Heenan goes on a rant about the nWo which concludes with “if we don’t stop them now then they can’t be stopped”. If only you could glimpse into the future and nWo 2000, Bobby.
Oh, by the way, I guess John Tenta won the match against Savage by count out? It wasn’t announced or shown, but Savage jumped out of the ring and never returned, so…
John Tenta defeats “Macho Man” Randy Savage via Countout.
I guess Tenta was right, Savage didn’t put him down after all. Score one for the fish hating weirdo.
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Double A suddenly appears on set. Heenan gives Arn his headset. Can’t help but think it’d be better for Anderson to be in the ring with a mic, as the fans in the arena can’t hear any of this… but whatever.
Arn says that the world is “in shock” and “outraged”. The world is probably a bit of a stretch, but OK. Flair turns up as Arn is talking, as do Benoit and Mongo. Arn says that this all began ten years ago with the original Horsemen, and that they paved the way and showed the nWo how to do it. Technically true. Arn says the nWo want to be the Horsemen “when they grow up”.
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Tenay continuing to give that evil stare, even at Arn. Bischoff looks kind of sad.
As an aside, I may have mentioned it before, but I really like this shirt design:
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Bischoff begins talking about making mistakes, but Flair interrupts him. Flair screams so loudly that the headset seems to take some damage as the volume decreases slightly. Flair explains War Games – although if you don’t know what it is by this point then what have you been doing with your life? – and says Hogan won’t leave War Games alive. Spoiler alert: he does.
Bischoff then talks about how maybe bringing Hogan in to WCW was “a mistake” and that the Horsemen “haven’t been given their just due”. The same exact sentence could have been said in 2000 and been even more relevant.
WCW then ends the show with a replay of Luger getting beaten up by “Sting” and the nWo. I’m sure he appreciates that. A good thing they reminded us, as I think a whole ten seconds passed at the end there without mention of Sting’s betrayal and my memory had started to go hazy.
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frostahesmegabite · 3 years
Letters for Fallen Employees
@daily-writing-challenge - day - 16 Sincerity/Sorrow “Read it back to me Samson. I wanna make sure it comes across proper.” The goblin, Samson, sighs as he lifts up the paper from the typewriter. He clears his throat and proceeds to read the paper before him. “Dear Missus Blackwater; I know it has been some time since the death of your husband, Maxim and it is with great sincerity that I offer an apology for that time between here and now. My own health until recently was in catastrophic straits while the Frostbite Contingent worked to bring to justice the man who was responsible for your husband's death. We accomplished this task a few months ago but due to unforeseen circumstances; an unknown explosion caused more havoc and things were set back further again. I know these explanations offer little in the way of condolences for your sorrow, but they are offered not as excuses, but as pure explanations to help reassure you that you and your family have not been forgotten. Maxim, before his passing, signed a contract with us and in said contract, it was stated that in the event of his death or permanent handicap that would make him unable to work again, that his surviving immediate family would be taken care of. It is with this news that I wish to explain to you what this means. Once a month, for the rest of your life, you will have three hundred gold deposited into an account of your choosing. All of Maxim’s children will receive a stipend of fifty gold a month into age-locked accounts until they reach the age of sixteen. At which point, if they decide to seek out formal training, that training will also be paid for by us, we just require paperwork from the establishment offering said training to verify their integrity and authenticity and everything else will be taken care of. Along with this, Maxim’s retirement funds have been unlocked and deposited into his work account. The details of which are enclosed on another form with this letter separately and your name has been added onto the account and awaits you to withdraw those funds from the Central Bank in Orgrimmar’s Bank of Honor at your earliest discretion. I am profoundly aware that this will not bring him back, but we hope that this will at least ease any potential stresses that his absence would create for you and your family. With great sincerity; Megahes Frostbite - Owner of the Frostbite Contingent” Megahes is looking out the office window as Samson reads off the letter, giving a nod at the end of it. “Do ya really think it’s wise ta do all this for them Mister Frostbite? I mean, Maxim was one of tha guys who betrayed ya and tried ta blow all’a us to hell and back for that fuckin cultist.” The venom and malice in his voice, even all this time later, was still apparent. “His wife and kids don’t need to know about that Samson. They didn’t have nothin’ ta do with that and he did what he did cause that Defiler told him he’d protect em, and look what happened. Turned em all into living bombs just to try to get ta me and tha rest’a us.” Megahes sighs and turns around to look at Samson. “Better they live on thinking he died being a good man than a traitor. It ain’t like they’re gonna be goin to anymore company barbeque or any of that shit anymore anyways… Best to let them have this.” This wasn’t one of Mega’s finest moments but it was one of those administrative responsibilities he needed to adhere himself to. “Make sure they get all the numbers and information they need…” He stops and looks back out the window, letting Samson leave to head out to get the letter and associated paperwork completed… One dead employee laid to rest, only thirty plus left to go.
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Episode 4 reaction
Sam and Max using the roach to prank the commisioner 😄😄😄 (Date Goals)
"Demonic possession is the gift that keeps on giving"
We're fighting the president? Is this the golem Abe Lincoln intro episode?
It is, I wasn't paying attention to the episode title or image I just hit play as soon as the game booted up
"Get the keys" Lol of course the only thing Max cares about is his gun
Can we talk about how much of a bop the intro is. I wasn't paying it much attention previously but it's real nice
Asdfgh how did Max's boxing glove get on the white house lawn?
Lol why is Jimmy allowed in the white house
"Doggy daddy, this is lose canon. Requesting permission to pants this goon."
"Ah, emotional violence. Good plan!"
I like Superball :)
"I'd like you to smell these two handkerchiefs and tell me which smells more like clauroform."
"I want to write down a reminder to smother you with a pillow in your sleep."
"I'll drive!" "Not while I'm alive." "Exactly."
"That fox is totally checking you out. Go for it Sam!"
Lol. Sybil is a dating service now.
"Ever feel lonely, Max?" "No, I have the voices to keep me company."
Sybil's surprised that Sam and Max want to get dates. I'm 100% sure she ships them.
Lol, she really diagnosed them with "mlm who should be dating."
Lol, she agrees with Max that being a volcano God is better than being a matchmaker.
Mr. Spatula apparently went crazy because of Sam's blood???
"I still don't trust him, Sam. He's tasted your blood."
They're keeping Leonard in the closet!?
Oh, Hugh Bliss. At least he's better than the soda poppers. (I think it says something that peepers creeps me out more than the obvious cult leader).
It's cute that Max is so into the prismatology nonsense.
Bosco is Russian now
Max breaking the fourth wall and staring directly into my soul was slightly creepy
Asdfgh HOW does he have a satellite defence system?
His truth serum is just whiskey or something, right?
Max why would you use someone's toothbrush to clean out your ears????
"I could donate my body to science again, but the guys at the lab seemed pretty spooked last time."
"It's okay Max, I've been paying them out of your retirement fund."
"Federal pudding embargo"
"--Anybody need their nuts cracked" "heehee"
Lol, I got kicked out for trying to enter the war room.
Whizzer is a governor?
Also SHIT I have to deal with the soda poppers again
Chuckles roasting Sam and Max has me dying
"Your codependency sickens me."
Max trying to give Chuckles puppy dog eyes
Sam doesn't know who George Washington is
"Foolish chief executive! Does he not fear us?"
"Just the funnies." "You mean the obituaries, Max." "Potato, patato."
Whizzer is addicted to soda?
"Pop heads"
Sorry Whizzer, we got to get rid of you, drink your soda gdi
"I don't have a conscience, Sam. What's your excuse?"
Oh, I get rid of Chuckles by sending Whizzer to the war room
Oh so we're just killing the president, huh? Good thing he was a puppet (apparently)
"Sam did it!"
Love Chuckles
Oh golem Lincoln is the Lincoln memorial!
The commissioner is omnipotent
Oh, Max gets to add president to his career list!
Superball: "Solid Oak. Good Doors. Strong doors."
"I was on TV" (Yeah my mans, you sure was)
I'm pretty sure I can give sybil Lincoln's flyer... yup!
Oh, no. Do I have to set baby girl up for disaster.
Oh Sybil honey I'm sorry
No baby girl don't cry
Max's happy run to the desk 😭😭😭
And Sam's fond look 💖
Max immediately lording his power, ofc
At least I get to make it up to sybil by giving her enough money to go on a nice vacation.
Bosco honey, please get some new hot dogs
I knew the truth syrum was alcohol.
Hehe funny Easter egg joke go vrr
I'm giving the alcohol to Whizzer. He seems like the most logical choice
Wow little man can not hold his beer
Yeah, alcohol is the best truth serum
Omg they’re actually starting a war
Superball is singing???
What is happening!?
Sam has the most wtf expression ever, Max is just staring ahead
Ok this is a bop
Superball is a really good singer
Omg it just keeps going
At least Superball is having a good time
"Well." "Let's not do that again."
Secretary Superball of Mysterious Gassy Emissions/Secretary of Meats and Cheeses
"A vacation? Permission to weep openly sir." "Granted, and encouraged."
What to do in time of war. 1. Select Target. 2. Press Fire.
Imma blow up EVERYTHING
"This will teach them to put me in the Phantom Zone!"
Oh, Bosco IS being watched
Good way to test out his defense system... It works! Good thing cause that would've totally killed him.
Ok I got the Beacon
"I like to think I transcend genre conventions Sam."
"Lincoln smash!"
Max (lounging on table): Shouldn't we revel a little bit?"
"We broke two presidents in one afternoon!"
"Sam, you're my best friend." 🥺🥺🥺
I love these two.
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papermonkeyism · 3 years
Have you ever considered making a patreon (Or similar) to fund your comics/other projects? I know I accidentally guilted you a couple years back about Wurr and felt horrible, its just so good we all crave more. Darn life and needing money! Id throw money at you if I ever get a job myself.
Oh, plenty of times.
It's just that in order to have a patreon, I'd need to know how it would work legally, but any time I try to find out I either get shrugs or walls of legal text that could as well be written in a dead language what with how my brain's inability to focus fucks me over all the time.
Collecting donations is illegal in Finland, so I'd have to think of a "product" I could "sell" with the patreon instead, but I don't actually want to paywall my stuff away exclusively.
Taxes? Hwat???
Okay, so I'm not a permanent employee at the warehouse company I usually work at, and I'd like to afford living whenever my job contract drops me off. I get union benefits BUT any money I make outside of my job contract could potentially affect my benefits. Like, I'd either have to make less than 300€/month (so it would leave my benefits alone) or over 1500€/month so I could survive on the patreon alone, and I have no idea how that middle range works.
Also there's this fucken entrepreneurship bullshit like... So there's a really dumb, weirdly arbitrary sounding amount of money I'm allowed to make in a year, before I need to get... Ugh... Yrittäjäeläkevakuutus. Entrepreneur retirement insurance? Anyway, I'd need to start paying this stupid insurance that's mandatory I think? That wasn't a thing back in 2016 when I did freelancer animator gigs at Helsinki (my billing service took care of all the side costs like that), but I apparently do need to do now, and the amount of money I need to pay for this insurance is dependant of how much money I WILL MAKE. Like, I need to pay it according to earnings I haven't yet gotten? Hwat??.
I really don't even know how relevant any of this stuff is to anything I could be making, but every time I try to ask, all I get is "*shrug* I don't know, you should ask somewhere else" (yritin kysyä työkkäriltä, missä menee kevytyrittäjän ja päätoimisen yrittäjän raja, ja sieltä sanottiin et he ei tiedä, kysy siltä, joka maksaa sun tuet, joten menin kelalle kysymään samaa, ja sieltä sanottiin et he ei tiedä, mene kysymään työkkäriltä)
I have, what seems to be a pretty severe case of ADHD and I just can't
Like I seriously need help figuring out all this stuff, but I have no idea who to ask
I just want to draw, I don't want to do any of this legal stuff
I'm so tired
*noices of extreme frustration*
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dumbladores · 3 years
Crime & Love Part 1
Fargo Calamity x fem!reader
Mixing characters of Fargo with others in a non-logical non-canon story. It’s gonna be long.
A profane title, and probably an also profane story. But here we go. Enjoy!
Definition: calamity: [noun] a great misfortune OR a piece of iron, or of certain other materials, that attracts or repels other pieces of iron etc.
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It has been a week now that I’d been waiting to make the move. I had been trained for this day. You know what you had to do. But the crime boss I were service for was waiting for the right moment. 
He held me under his iron fist. First, it was just drugs. I sold them to my college pals to finance my own education. My parents were long gone and the only thing I knew about them was that they had died in a gunfire. They probably had been in dirty business, just as myself. My aunt and uncle raised me and they were not the sort of people who cared much. Even though they had plenty of money themselves, they didn’t care to send me on a college. They had just wanted me to move out, get a job and get along in life on my own. But I wanted more. I was intelligent and clever. I wanted to go to college, so I got into some dirty business. While i got my A grades, I paid for my college funds with dirty drug money. But I had a good conscience while doing so. I was up to good while making my hands dirty. But so wanted it the society, and I had no other choice. 
Now, my boss, a man called V, wanted me to go to their enemies. He was in war with another crime syndicate, the Italians. Their boss was called Josto Fadda. He wanted someone invisible, he had said, someone unknown to them, to infiltrate their base. He wanted me to offer them information. I’d give them some information about their traffic roads, where they smuggled coke. They’d bust two of his men to let me gain their confidence. In return, I should feed him with all the information I could gather. 
It would be a risky mission, but a profitable one for me. There were 50 grand in for me. With that money, I could retire fully from crime and get on with my education and not worry for the next couple of years. It was a risk, but it would be worth it. I hoped.
One evening, the time finally came. Vs men picked me up at the bar I said they would find me. It was the fifth day in a row that I sat there and waited. I got in a car with them and got the address. They said, they’d be there, drinking. I didn’t worry. Drunk men I could handle. Besides, it would make the whole thing a lot easier if they were chill. On the other hand, drunk men could act even more aggressive. I hoped it could turn out to my favor, nevertheless.
They let me out a few blocks away from the place. I walked the pavement and there were already some men outside. They mustered me suspiciously when I made my way to the door, but didn’t say anything. The bar was full of drunk people, men and women. Some played cards at the tables, some danced to quick jazz music, and some just stood there and watched the scenery. I got to the bar and ordered a Martini. You got on the last free barstool. The men on my right stopped their conversation and turned their heads to me. 
It was not uncommon anymore that a women went to a bar on her own, but it surely was an event for those guys. They openly stared at me, while I rested my purse on the counter and received my Martini. 
“Here you go, Miss”, the bartender said friendly. “With an olive, that okay?” “It’s perfect, thank your”, I said, raised my glass to the men beside me and took a sip. 
“You know, when you salute to them once more, you’ll never leave that bar”, a voice said, coming from my other side. I quickly turned around to see a tall, handsome man with dark piercing eyes. 
“Well, I guess that I shouldn’t talk to you then, either”, I said smiling and searched for lighter in my purse.
“Here, let me”, he said and quickly pulled out his lighter. 
I smoked my cigarette while thinking how I could get to speak to the boss without drawing too much attention. I would choose one person to speak to, a person who I thought was high in rank and that could get me quickly to Fadda. I thought. Maybe the bartender. Or those men on my right? Or-
“You know that you are much too beautiful to sit here on your own”, the man on my left said. Apparently, he had watched me the whole time. He smiled softly. His Italian accent was strong, but I had to admit it suited him very well.
“Never heard that one before”, I said dryly. But then it struck me. I mustered the guy. He was tall, handsome and he wore good fitting clothes that looked expensive. He had to be in very high. 
The Italian smiled lightly. Then he leaned in closer. I could smell his perfume. It was there, just a touch but it could not erase the doubt of kills that he had assumavly executed too many times.
„No, I’m serious. The guys are gonna try something on you soon and you can’t say no to those people too often“, he said.
I swallowed. I surely was in a bar full of gangsters. I clenched to my purse, feeling the gun inside it.
„So you’re going to protect me huh?“
The Italian chuckled again. „If your fist is as sharp as your wit it doesn’t seem you need any protection. But your hands are too small. And too pretty to punch.“ He said it nearly softly and for a second I forgot where I was and what I had to do. I straightened up.
„Actually, I’m here to see the boss.“
The Italian flinched. „The Boss?“
„Yes. Fadda? I have to speak to him. Offer him a deal. I have information to offer.“
The Italian straightened in his posture and glanced cautiously through the room.
„Im alone“, I said.
Suddenly, the Italian grabbed my arm harshly.
„Who’s your boss?“, he growled into my ear.
His grip hurt, but I didn’t try to resist.
„It’s V“, I said.
For a second, he looked my straight in the eyes. Then, he yanked me out of my seat. I stumbled forward. I quickly grabbed my jacket and my purse. Some men looked at us and the two guys at the bar stopped smiling. I had a very bad feeling at a sudden.
„Come with me“, the Italian said and pushed me through the room to a door behind the counter.
Part II is about to follow soon!
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Ransom Drysdale Must Die (Chapter One)
Summary: Ransom Drysdale is a serial cheater. The only way to get him to pay for what he’s done is for him to die. Or at least be extremely humiliated. As long as you don’t fall for him.
Pairings: Eventual Ransom Drysdale x black!reader, Ransom Drysdale x Multiple OC’s
Warnings: Swearing. Eventual smut.
(Author’s Note: I was watching John Tucker must die and it made me think of my favorite sweater wearing murder daddy.)
Tags: @night-of-the-living-shred​
Word Count: 2.0k
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It's not that you were invisible. You preferred to think of it as keeping a low profile. Growing up, you didn't really have a choice but to keep things to yourself. What was the point of trusting people if all you were going to do was leave? You couldn't make friends or keep them if you'd be moving in another four to six months anyway. Not that it was your choice.
It started at a really young age. Technically before you were even born. Your mom had been a teen parent. Your dad didn't stick around which was all you knew about him. It didn't take long for you to get used to the myriad of men walking in and out of your life. Then you got used to seeing your mom, your only constant, getting treated like garbage over and over and over.
She never had an issue with dating. It was them sticking around that was apparently tricky. The problem is that when it would happen the same thing always happened. She'd binge on chocolate. Use you as a shoulder to cry on. Then you'd be moving to flee into the next city. It was kind of fucked up.
While she cried over the hundredth guy your nose was either buried in a book or painting which had been your only escape. You never wanted to judge your mom. She didn't deserve to always have her heartbroken. But, you also didn't deserve having a mom that wanted to pack up at the first sign of trouble. She didn't seem to get that.
As an adult, you promised yourself that you would find one place and stick to it. It might have hurt your mom a little to watch you go, but she understood that you had to go away for college and stuff. Which is how you ended up in Boston. You kind of remember living in Boston once back in the day. You liked the winters surprisingly and the way the trees looked in the fall. You remembered being happy which is why it sucked so much to leave.
You’d gotten your degree, but finding a job had been difficult. Which is how you ended up working at this country club. Though you could live without all the snobby rich people being total assholes, at least they tipped well. You mostly waitress in the clubhouse where it was usually the older crowd and the families that sucked up to them for the inheritance.
It was also how you first noticed him. Hugh Ransom Drysdale. From the moment you laid eyes on him you could tell he was dangerous. Just like those men, your mother would fall for that would inevitably break her heart. That same air of arrogance hanging over him like a cloud, except much better looking with a trust fund to go along with it.
He insisted everyone in the clubhouse call him Hugh. Which according to everyone is what he insists the help call him. God, he's a fucking asshole.
You remember the first time you talked to him. He was so enchanting. It was annoying. He was like Gaston come to life. Just as handsome, just as charming, just as scummy. Sure he made those white polos he wore to play golf look like he'd just stepped off a shoot for GQ. His gaze was enough to make any woman swoon. Even you as much as you hated to admit it.
It'd been one of the few times you'd worked at the bar. Someone had called out and being the new girl you were told to take their spot. "Sweetheart, be useful and get me a bourbon," he'd said in this rude tone.
"Not even a please?" You muttered under your breath as you turned your back to get a glass.
"What was that?" He asked, with a quirk in his eyebrow.
You kissed your teeth before turning back to him,  "Excuse me?" You plastered a sweet smile on your face.
"You got something to say? Say it." He challenged.
You shook your head. "I didn't... I didn't say anything."
He chuckled. "Okay, lo-"
Your jaw dropped as you put your hand on your chest. "Oh my god, Sir, if you're already drunk I can't serve you. You'd be a liability."
"That's a big word. Did they teach you that in community college?" The glare in his eye was intense and you couldn't help it as a smile spread across your face.
"Actually I think I learned it from where you get your trust fund."
You were surprised when he laughed. But, not that little sarcastic chuckle. Like an actual laugh. "Usually I'd call the manager over and enjoy them firing you in front of me, but lucky for you I'm in a good mood and kind of enjoying this. Now get me my bourbon."
"One bourbon coming up." You shrugged.
You talked with him for the rest of your shift surprisingly. The conversation going from hostile to surprisingly pleasant. He’d told you about some issue he’d been having with his grandfather that he hadn’t told the rest of his family he laughed at the idea of them finding out. Said he couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when they found out everything was going to the nurse.
It was the trashy rich people drama that you craved.
“I know there’s gonna be a lot of bullshit when they find out they aren’t getting that house,” he’d scoffed, looking up at you from his drink.
“I’d be pissed too,” you replied. “I’m sure that house looks like a museum. I’d love to see it.”
“It’s insane.” He nodded. “Imagine like a horror museum with one of those escape rooms.”
You laughed. “So like plastic spiders? Cobwebs? Ghosts!” What a turn around this had been from the initial conversation the two of you were having.
“Not at all,” he said laughing. “It’s more like everything he’s ever thought for his novels, he just adds to his home. Like he needs the visualization. He has a secret window and a chair with knives. It’s insane.”
“That actually sounds pretty cool. Your grandpa sounds like a pretty cool guy, you must admire him a lot.”
“I mean... yeah, but I’d never tell him that.”
“Why not?” You asked with a chuckle.
“It’s complicated,” he answered, before bringing his glass up to his lips. “Like, I love him, but....”
“No. I get it.” Of course, you did. Your mom was a complicated figure in your life, but you could never not love her.
“I’ve done a lot of shit.” He shrugged. “So, I think it’s mutual.”
“At least his house sounds interesting. Like a work of art. I’m kind of a sucker for art.”
“Do you paint? Draw? Doodle on an iPad.” The way he smiled up at you, you would have never guessed that he was the giant asshole everyone made him out to be. There was this softness there even if it was hiding under his arrogant exterior.
You chuckled. “I paint. Though I do partake in the doodling on iPads.”
“I’d love to see your work sometime,” he said. “Do you sell?”
“I haven’t,” you replied. “But, I’m open to it. I guess. I’d show you now, but I’m not allowed to have my phone on the floor.”
“Oh so I’m not worth risking being fired for, I get it,” he joked, shaking his head as if he was offended.
You laughed, tilting your head back. “I know right. I’m already risking it by even talking to you. Harrington is so strict.”
There was this squint on his face as he kind of looked you up and down. It felt like he was studying you and it made you feel like you were under a microscope. “You’ve got a cute laugh you know that?”
No. Don’t give in. You had to tell yourself. You didn’t want to get involved with anyone you’d have to workaround. Besides, it was Ransom Drysdale. You’d just seen him with a woman yesterday. “Thank you,” you brushed him off. “Can I get you another drink?”
He sighed, checking the time on his phone. “As much as I’d love to stay and chat. I have to get going. Maybe I’ll stop by soon so we can talk again. Maybe show me some of your work?”
He’d left you a forty dollar tip. You were not expecting that.
You’d left work that night feeling pretty good. Not that you were expecting him to fall in love with you or anything. Or for anything to happen at all. It was just a nice encounter with the guy everyone was obsessed with here. Besides you promised yourself you’d never, ever fall into the same trap as Mom had.
It’s not that you didn’t date. You were picky, though. The few relationships you’d had were okay, but you didn’t want to get hurt so you never wanted to get in too deeply.
Then the next day you had come to work, he’d walked in with Marissa on his arm. That stopped any and all thoughts you may have had. It was during that lull between when they'd stopped serving breakfast and brought out the lunch menus. You weren’t surprised that a man like Hugh Ransom Drysdale would be dating a woman like Marissa Clermont. She was exactly the type of woman men like him go for. You know a model IT girl type of deal.
It wasn’t just because he’d been dating Marissa. Of course not. It was because the day before you he’d just come in with Amber Taylor. The daughter of a retired Boston Celtics player. Also, a beautiful woman (also a model you think) who clearly didn’t know her boyfriend was two-timing her.
“Fascinating isn’t it?” Your co-worker, Britt, interrupted your thoughts as she’d come back from taking their drink order. Her arms were crossed as she tried to not make it too obvious that was she looking over at them. “He comes in here with different women and none of them have any idea.”
You frowned as you saw him whispering in her ear, making her giggle, probably telling her the same thing he told Amber just yesterday. “Yeah, I see that,” you replied. “How does he get away with it?”
“Ladies! Back to work!” Harrington, your manager, barked towards the both of you which made the both of you scurry off before she even had the chance to answer. You didn’t even get to talk to her because her shift was over soon then you were off the next day. You weren’t even sure why you cared so much.
When you got back to work it was during that lull time. Ransom was there of course with a different woman. Chloe Daniels. A blonde that had been the sole heir to her husband’s entire fortune no matter how much his ex wife or adult children tried to fight it. You were happy you got to witness the drama for that.
“He messes around with girls that don’t talk to each other,” Britt was finally able to explain. “So, they never find out. At least, that’s what the story around here is.”
“Wow he has a whole system worked out...” you crinkle your nose. Ugh what a fucking pig.  Just like your mother and those douchebags she dated.
“I mean, I kind of get it,” Britt said. “He’s hot. I might put up with being treated like trash for that much. Hell, I’ve put up being treated like trash for much less.”
You held in the laugh you wanted to let out as you could see Harrington lurking around, waiting to say something to the two of you. He never missed his chance to give out orders.
For as long as the couple sat through you couldn’t stop staring. Britt was right. It was fascinating.
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years
The Buy In
Chapter 10: Epilogue
by @dracusfyre
"I feel like you're going to try to sell me a time share," Bucky said, studying the bland conference room Tony had reserved. It looked like probably every other conference room Bucky had ever been, as if they were all ordered out of the same catalogue; beige walls, carpeted floor that had the feeling of being beige while actually having flecks of red and blue in it, and the tables and chairs with wheels on them so they could be moved easily. Tony had even pulled down a screen and to all appearances, was setting up for a powerpoint presentation. 
"It's all about presentation, Mr. Barnes," Tony said. He picked up a clicker and a red dot appeared on Bucky's chest, then started moving around in what Bucky eventually recognized as a heart shape. "Gotta know your audience and what they'll respond to. Too fancy, and they'll be scared off. Not fancy enough, and they'll feel like they're being scammed. A hotel conference room fits neatly inside that middle ground."
"You've put a lot of thought into this," Bucky said. He glanced at the clock, saw that they had a few minute before people were supposed to arrive and dipped his head for a quick kiss. 
"Well, yeah," Tony started, but then there was a knock on the door. Tony opened it to see that part of the security detail started bringing in the refreshments for the meeting, coffee and donuts and croissants and other breakfast-style food that people would probably pick at and leave mostly untouched. "Natasha helped," he continued, poking at the refreshments table and rearranging everything slightly. "She's better at that side of things, the headology, as she calls it."
"I can see that." Bucky watched Tony putter. Looked like Tony was nervous, which was kind of adorable. "So you can't even give me a sneak peak at what you're talking about today?"
Tony shook his head. "For right now, you're a potential investor, not my lover."
"Ok, ok," Bucky said. He realized he was following Tony around as he puttered aimlessly and made himself stop. "So I got to see KT today. Brought him his laptop so he could start catching up on homework."
That made Tony stop rearranging the plates and napkins and turn to Bucky with a smile. "Good! So that mean's he is doing well?" 
"Yep. Should be out of there soon. Any update on Rumlow?"
Tony's smile turned evil. "From what I hear, he's had a run of bad luck lately, such a shame. He lost his service pistol, which, you know, big no no. And did you know someone stole his patrol car, spray painted it, and left something unmentionable smeared on the seats?  Then did the same with his personal car, which was found laying upside down in front of his apartment building?"
With a force of effort Bucky kept his face blank. "Strange."
"Very strange," Tony agreed. "Insurance didn't even pay out, mysteriously enough. Apparently they had dropped his coverage the day before and he hadn't gotten the notice yet."
"Crime in this city is getting really out of hand," Bucky said seriously. "He's lucky it wasn't something worse."
"Oh it will be, give it time."
There was that smug look again that Bucky loved, and he started to sneak another kiss when there was another knock. This time the security guard was escorting people inside, a middle-aged Black couple that looked around cautiously, like they were expecting the conference room to contain something nefarious. Bucky straightened immediately, trying to look professional, and smiled at them as Tony welcomed them inside, calling them by name and offering them a warm handshake. There was a steady stream after that, until the conference room was about half full. 
"Hello everyone, let's get started," Tony said, taking a head count and looking at the clock. "All of you are here because you either were recommended by a friend or a family, or I sent you a personal invitation. Thank you for being willing to join me today for this presentation, and please save your questions for the end. As you all know, my name is Tony Stark, genius billionaire playboy philanthropist, and in this presentation I'm going to ask you for money." Tony grinned as almost everyone laughed. "Then I'm going to tell you what you're going to get for your money, and then I'm going to explain how you're not even going to notice that your money is gone." 
As interested as Bucky was in the presentation, he kept getting distracted by watching Tony effortlessly charm the room, making eye contact with each person and joking just enough to keep people interested without derailing his speech. It was a warmer, more authentic show than what Bucky had seen at the Policeman's Ball and it made Bucky's heart turn over with affection as he watched. KT had been right when he said that the buy-in speech could make you a believer; not just in the astonishing amount of benefits that Tony offered to people who agreed to the buy-in, but because Tony's enthusiasm for the project was contagious. 
"So why do you need our money?" One guy interrupted. "If you've got so much of it?"
"Good question," Tony said. He leaned against one of the tables, putting his hands in his pocket and crossing his legs at the ankle. "Yeah, the majority of the start-up money came from me. Since this organization is technically a nonprofit, I get to write it all off of my taxes, the way rich people often do. But I ask for your money because if I paid for all of it, then it would belong to me, wouldn't it? The whole point of this enterprise is to build ownership and equity in the community. You own the health clinic and the child care centers, the retirement homes and the apartment complexes. Not only does it mean you get to decide what to do with them, but it means that you start having a place at the same table that all of the billionaire developers and well-connected real estate moguls do."
"But the stuff about the taxes and stuff, where we just hand it all to you, that's tax fraud, isn't it? Which is illegal?"
"Well, yes, in a way," Tony said honestly. "You avoid paying taxes the same way rich people avoid paying taxes, by finding loopholes in the tax code and driving semi-trucks through them. But also, I'm the criminal, not you. If we get caught, I'm the big bad con artist that scammed honest folks like you out of your hard earned savings. There will be a class action lawsuit after the criminal proceedings, my lawyer will fight hard but not too hard to defend my assets, then they will eventually get divided up among all my victims in the kind of feel-good, good guys win story that is made for Hallmark TV. In the mean time, my job is to help the community fund the type of social welfare projects that the government should be doing but isn't, by taking from people who don't deserve it and giving it to the people that do. Which the government should also be doing but isn't."  
"So this is like, socialism," a young woman said in accented English. "Instead of paying the government taxes, we give that money to you, and you like, do all this stuff with it."
"Pretty much. Grassroots socialism with a capitalist veneer. I like to think of it as stone soup, from the kid's story."
"But why?"
"Because it's the right thing to do," Tony said, like it was obvious. Bucky hid his smile in his hand and hoped he didn't look too besotted; he'd sat all the way in the back for a reason. "I don't know else to say it. Why should I have so much when others have so little? I give a lot it away, because there really are so many problems that can be solved by throwing money at them, but some can't. Some need systemic change, which means empowering people, which is what I'm trying to do. That's why it's a buy-in, and not a handout." There was still some obvious reluctance among the group, and Tony's smile turned a little sad. "Look, I get it. You are used to people promising a lot and not delivering. And you think this sounds way too good to be true, right?" No one really answered, but the way they kind of avoided Tony's eyes said a lot. "Let me tell you a story.
"So I've been donating regularly to the free clinic on 17th for a while now. A few years ago, there was a kid volunteering there because he wanted to go to medical school. But he was in a shit position - his parents made too much money to qualify for the grants and needs-based scholarships, but not enough to actually afford tuition or even qualify for good student loans. So the doctor in charge of the clinic emailed me and told me to do something useful with all of the blood money I was getting from Stark Industries, and so I did. I paid for his entire education, and he came back and is currently the head physician at the rehab clinic. So if you want there to be a catch, if you need there to be a catch so that you can believe what I'm telling you, then that's the catch - you have to try to give back at least as much as you were given."
There was a long, thoughtful silence after that, and Tony wisely let it sit for a while instead of trying to fill it with words. "You don't have to answer now," he said after a few moments. "The forms that you would need to fill out for the buy-in are right here," he added, tapping a stack of papers next to him. "Take one with you, and think about it. Any last questions?"
"Yeah, I got one," the young woman said. "I heard you stole Jeff Bezos' car, is that true?"
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, come find me over at @marveltrumpshate​ where I will be participating in auctioning off TWO fanfics! One auction is a fic with art (with @massivespacewren) as WrenFyre and the other is a solo fic as Dracusfyre. All the money goes to a good cause of your choosing, so I hope to see you there!
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thessalian · 3 years
Thess vs Levies
Those of you with friends in the UK might have noticed that said friends are despairing, livid or both right now (unless you, the person reading this, is actually from the UK, in which case ... solidarity fistbump, my peep). Going by headlines, it’s ... bad. But headlines don’t say everything and honestly they seem to be actively trying to bury the worst of it. So, if you’ll permit me: an explanation as to why everyone in the UK except for the exceptionally wealthy is about to be absolutely fucked.
Some of you will have seen some blurb on the news sites, maybe (doubtful, but hey), that the Government is planning on raising National Insurance to pay for much-needed overhaul of the social care system. Except ... that’s not entirely true. I mean, it almost isn’t even remotely true.
What is National Insurance? It’s a tax on earnings and self-employed profits. Some people will tell you that it’s your contribution to the State Pension ... but it isn’t. It’s the money you pay that qualifies you to receive the State Pension. People will also tell you that National Insurance money goes to social care, healthcare, the State Pension and other benefits. That’s ... partly true. The National Insurance Contribution fund is a pool from which some of those benefits get their funding. Note the wording: not all that money goes to social benefits.
Note: you don’t pay National Insurance Contributions once you reach State Pension age - the time at which you can legally claim your State Pension. That’s on a sliding scale right now anyway - it’s supposed to be age 65 for men and women (it used to be gendered), but apparently it’s going to be age 67 by the time I’m nearing retirement age. They’re looking at moving it to age 68 by 2050 or so, and while I wouldn’t generally have issues with that, there are issues about no one being willing to hire “old people”, even when our countries are generally governed by people older than State Pension age. Plus people should be able to enjoy their retirement rather than working until they’re supposedly ready for the knacker’s yard, But there we have it; once you reach State Pension age, you can work if you need to, but you don’t make National Insurance Contributions and you’re eligible for your pension. ...For now, but we’ll get back to that.
Also note: rental income is not subject to National Insurance. There’s an awful lot of money being made out of rental income in the UK, and none of that money’s going to the National Insurance Contribution fund ... or anywhere else, apparently.
Anyway, so when they say that they’re raising National Insurance by 1.5% ... well, first of all that’s not strictly true anyway, because high earners actually pay less National Insurance beyond a certain threshold ... but anyway, that’s only going to be technically true for about a year. Oh, the 1.5% of your earnings thing is staying - but it won’t be National Insurance after a year. Once they get the bureaucratic structure in place, it’s going to become a Health and Social Care Levy, and that 1.5% won’t just be an adjunct to National Insurance. No, see, that doesn’t go far enough. Because remember the thing I said a couple of paragraphs ago about not having National Insurance Contributions taken out of your paycheque once you’ve reached State Pension age? Well, the Health and Social Care Levy is going to be an additional tax that will take that from all earnings and self-employed profits - including those made by people who are working beyond State Pension age.
Further note: rental income is STILL not subject to this.
Now, keep in mind:
We’ve just had a Council Tax hike
All the utilities had a price hike
Public Transport, particularly the rail network, has had one of its biggest price hikes ever, right when companies have stopped letting their employees work from home
The £20 per week uplift to Universal Credit is about to get scrapped
Furlough schemes are ending and probably about to land a lot of young people in the depths of unemployment
We’re looking at significant price hikes on basic items like, y’know, food owing to supply shortages and issues with importing because of fucking Brexit
And now we have this monstrosity
It is looking particularly bad for the poor at this point. And the rich? Well, the ultra-rich never get touched. The Government could make rental income subject to National Insurance right now and make a lot more than they are out of this mess, or increase capital gains tax, or actually make the uber-rich pay their taxes for once, or put VAT on online purchases like they keep threatening to ... or frankly, all of the above. But nope. That would inconvenience their uber-rich cronies - and themselves - the tiniest bit. So it’s better to make life a horror show for the rest of us plebs, apparently.
I just get more and more fucked every time I turn around, living in this country. I think I actually get hit with this, just because my paycheque just about reaches the threshold where I have to pay National Insurance Contributions. And the part that sucks the most is that the nurses who are supposed to be some of the beneficiaries of this mess will have to pay that 1.5% on their salaries ... after only having received a piddling 1% raise despite their absolute heroism in the face of COVID.
...No, actually, there are a lot of worst parts:
For instance, this was supposed to be a plan for social care reform and this isn’t a plan at all: this is “This is how we’ll pay for it - by breaking the backs of those who can’t really bear any more to spare those who want to keep basking in unearned affluence!”
For instance, it’s now being sold to us as “money to save the NHS”, and barely a mention of social care at all. And still no plan for how they intend to use that money.
For instance, their behaviour during the early days of lockdown, throwing billions at Dyson for ventilators that never worked, at Serco for PPE that was not fit for purpose, at Serco and Dido fucking Harding for a track and trace system that never worked right... They’ve thrown away billions to enrich their friends and cronies at our expense, because that is what this Conservative government does, and they’re just going to do it again, and they’re going to make so many more lives miserable doing it.
So if you’re wondering what’s going on in the UK to make people this upset: it’s because the government who threw billions in public funds at their cronies for shit that doesn’t work are making up the shortfall by taxing the people who can afford it least, and will probably throw all that at their cronies for shit that doesn’t work, too. I honestly don’t know what happens now. I mean, sure, Parliament votes on this shit tomorrow, but with an 80-seat Tory majority, it’s pretty much a done deal unless some of those Tory MPs actually grow a fucking spine.
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a-room-of-my-own · 4 years
By Julian Vigo
Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor's New Clothes tells the tale of a ruler who is unconcerned with the reigning of his kingdom—he did not care much about attending the theatre nor making any public appearances unless, of course, he was able to flaunt his latest clothes. That is until one day when two swindlers came to town and tricked the emperor successfully convincing him that they were weavers who could spin him the most beautiful cloth he had ever before seen in his life. These swindlers claimed, “Not only were the colours and the patterns of their material extraordinarily beautiful, but the cloth had the strange quality of being invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office or unforgivably stupid.” It was perfect, of course, for the emperor whose intelligence would not only allow him to see quite perfectly the beauty of the cloth before him but which would also allow him to choose his councillors wisely as he would discard any of them who were unable to perceive the magnificent beauty before their eyes. 
The emperor then bought these fraudsters the most expensive materials of silk and gold and a loom with which to make the clothes. The swindlers kept the materials for themselves and pretended to make the garments from the empty loom. First, the emperor sent his faithful prime minister to check up on the “weavers” who doubted his eyesight as he found an empty loom. He thought to himself, “Am I stupid?” wondering if he was fit for his office. In a choice between his trust of his eyesight or his desire to keep his position, the prime minister quickly came around stating, “It is beautiful. It is very lovely...What patterns! What colours! I shall tell the emperor that I am greatly pleased.” And each of the councillors the emperor sent thereafter had a similar reaction—at first doubting their sanity and then realising that if they did not concede the beauty of the cloth being spun that they risked losing their position. Soon, all those close to the emperor had announced their sighting of a magnificent cloth that in fact was non-existent.
When it finally came time for the emperor to view the completed cloth, the fraudsters and everyone around the emperor informed him how beautiful the cloth was. The prime minister exclaims, “Isn't it magnifique?” However, the emperor had a similar crisis to that of all those he had sent before to check up on the cloth: he saw nothing. He thought to himself, “I can't see a thing! Why this is a disaster! Am I stupid? Am I unfit to be emperor? Oh, it is too horrible!” However, like his officials who realised that their credibility and good-judgment lay in the balance, the emperor capitulates to his officials’ claims and announced the glorious artistry of a cloth that did not, in fact, exist at all. “It is lovely,” exclaims the emperor. After paying the thieves handsomely for their good work, the emperor decides to have the cloth cut and sewn and, in celebration of his new clothes, he has a parade. As he marches down the streets in sheer nudity, everyone in the kingdom is awed by the beauty of his clothes and shares in his delight and belief of the lie. That is until a young child sees that the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes at all and the rest of the kingdom slowly begins to realise the same.
This well-known fairy tale serves as an allegory for political ideology that a government can impose upon its citizens, that a well-funded interest group can as well—that of false consciousness. In his essay,The Power of the Powerless (1978), Václav Havel explores what he calls the post-totalitarian regime in Czechoslovakia wherein he reveals an ideology of false consciousness that is strikingly similar to the political consciousness of Andersen’s fairy tale. Havel uses the analogy of a greengrocer who displays in his storefront window the party slogan which reads “Workers of the World, Unite!” Just as the emperor's clothes are a production of artistic sleight of hand and cunning trickery, for Havel so too is the party literature, the slogan of the green grocer. The manoeuvre of an invisible cloth or a state-mandated slogan in both cases becomes the vehicle through which ideology surfaces and inscribes itself upon the masses whereby, as Havel writes, the citizens “confirm the system, fulfil the system, make the system, are the system.”
Havel’s essay is quite critical of political ideology calling it an “almost secularised religion” which maintains its force by offering the wandering masses a “home” that immediately grants the believer a life full of new meaning:
Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them. As the repository of something suprapersonal and objective, it enables people to deceive their conscience and conceal their true position and their inglorious modus vivendi, both from the world and from themselves. It is a very pragmatic but, at the same time, an apparently dignified way of legitimising what is above, below, and on either side. 
Havel goes on to assert that ideology feeds a systemic drive that creates a “world of appearances trying to pass for reality” where the post-totalitarian system “touches people at every step, but it does so with its ideological gloves on.” 
Havel’s essay is not only a damning summation of the ideological rituals common within Czechoslovakia, Poland and other Communist regimes of the era, but it eerily portrays much of what is happening in the west today fifty years later. With samizdat, a form of dissident activity across the former Eastern bloc nations long ago retired, we have laid witness in recent years to its unofficial rebirth among many critics of gender ideology. For those who have pushed back against the onslaught of gender ideology that has permeated the neoliberal left over the past twenty years, many critics of this era’s embrace of identity politics who refuse to be silenced have either taken to social media or they have published blog posts under assumed names. Due to the mounting authoritarianism from the left on this subject whereby individuals have faced losing income, being fired from their positions entirely, or being socially and politically ostracised, the protest to the official narratives of gender ideology has been emanating from unofficial spaces. 
Twitter and Facebook have been the two primary social media spaces where feminists and trans ideologues alike have created secret groups in an attempt to strategise, dialogue, and establish actions. It would be an understatement to state that the wave has not only turned in the favour of these feminists, but COVID-19 has assisted the many who previously doubted the importance of material reality, to understand the difference between identity as feeling and the somatic reality of male versus female, a virus versus a unicorn. I have been in many of the gender-critical groups that are composed of only women, only radical feminists, only leftists, and myriad other variations on a theme. Where women and men from the left have joined forces to fight what they perceive as an ideological backwater of men’s rights activism, this fourth wave of feminism has teeth and it is speaking clearly to what resoundingly appears to be a religious ideology of gender.
Now that the NHS and the BBC have radically transformed their websites in recent weeks to update the information on gender dysphoria to include mentioning childhood desistance and ROGD (rapid-onset gender dysphoria), there is now a mass wiping of servers of these and other institutions of all references to Mermaids, a UK-based lobby group and NGO that has long identified its constituency as “transgender children” and their parents. And Mermaids is no outlier in the industry that seeks the expansion of childhood medical “gender transition” as it has consistently encouraged policy changes within the British government and its agencies to effect the quickest possible transition times of the highest number of children with the fewest safeguards in place. In 2018, Mermaids received £500,000 in lottery funding to this end.
So how is it that in less than two years, Mermaids has gone from being the star charity ostensibly championing the rights of children to now being silently removed from the BBC and NHS websites in their information and support sections as all the claims that puberty blockers such as Lupron are “reversible” have also disappeared? More importantly, why is it now commonplace in recent weeks that the media and public figures as well as private and public institutions have in stealth removed mention of Mermaids and the cheerleading of “childhood transition” from their accounts or servers as if a damnatio memoriae rivalling China’s removal of Zhao Ziyang from most every public record available in China?
Last year British actor, Jameela Jamil, participated in a video in support of both sic “trans kids” and Mermaids. Yet, in the same time frame that the NHS and BBC servers were wiped clean of any reference to Mermaids with data amended that exaggerated suicide information or that omitted childhood desistance, Jamil has curiously wiped clean her many Twitter posts referring to Mermaids. While Jamil claims she deleted her history to “become a more activism focused account that I can lend to other activists and charities,” many activists have answered Jamil on Twitter noting the non-coincidence of her and British comedian Josie Long having both dumped their Twitter feed within hours of one another, to include the many tweets in support of both Mermaids and the lifetime medicalisation of mostly gay and lesbian children’s bodies. 
On the other side of this debate, you have trans activists like Katy Montgomerie who are soliciting screenshots of gender-critical people who have “bought this latest Mermaids conspiracy theory” as he calls it. One of the tweets sent to Montgomerie as “proof” of wrong-think was that of fellow-writer, Suzanne Moore, who tweeted this past week: “I see all you celebs deleting your tweets that supported the charity Mermaids? Wonder why you are doing that.” Now that Montgomerie is invested in collecting evidence of women’s words on social media (as if their clearly visible tweets were not enough), the pushback to gender-critical voices has become patently absurd, especially since feminists have been pointing out the sexism and homophobia inherent within transgender ideology for years. Next up, Montgomerie or another trans-identified male will claim that gender critics are right-wing, religious bigots because they questioned the sexism and homophobia of Mermaids which in turn made it impossible for them to question the sexism and homophobia of Mermaids. This is pretty much the cycle these online debates take in the vein of “on the wrong side of history” debates that pervade social media.
Content aside, what should trouble us all is that media of public and private institutions and individuals on social media is being scrubbed of history. As Havel’s essay shows us that the greengrocer’s shop slogan is divorced from what the slogan actually says, the true meaning of the social act of proclaiming allegiance to an ideology is quite clear and comprehensible because the code is so familiar: 
The greengrocer declares his loyalty (and he can do no other if his declaration is to be accepted) in the only way the regime is capable of hearing; that is, by accepting the prescribed ritual, by accepting appearances as reality, by accepting the given rules of the game. In doing so, however, he has himself become a player in the game, thus making it possible for the game to go on, for it to exist in the first place.
Today, here we are in the midst of a tide-turning moment where transgender ideology is being rejected en masse by gay and straight people, men and women alike. Meanwhile, the public institutions which have for years codified the social signs, sponsored the "gender identity" training, crafted the woke lessons transmitted by the BBC and the NHS permeating all arenas of media and public health, in addition to the cast of Harry Potter chiming in with their endless support for “trans people” through Twitter and other media outlets, and we have been handed the perfect storm exemplifying exactly how we got here in the first place. Of course, political ideology is a powerful tool when it leaves no oxygen in the room for anything else. Such an authoritarian narrative creates the subterfuge to the very ideology all these bodies and individuals espouse. 
For those like British journalist Owen Jones who declared in 2015 that all critics of transgender ideology were on “the wrong side of history,” we must be more circumspect in how we approach ideologues who ought to be covering the news instead of participating in it. While gender has wider implications beyond its very narrow media representation, the political backwater of how the media influences public policy, politics and even law is unparalleled today. We need to learn from Havel’s historical example of what happens when we allow ourselves to become the greengrocer who unthinkingly parrots slogans that have neither any base in reason nor any resonance within our society. The repression of artists, poets, thinkers and politicians in the former Eastern bloc countries has been well documented. So too have the attempts to purge antagonistic articulations about gender from the “party line” been noted in recent years across various anglophone countries.
Now that the gender narrative is falling apart quickly, many of its proponents are running for cover skipping over to the very side they previously denounced as “wrong.” Of course, these individuals will happily prefer their slogans be forgotten, to have their tweets removed and their websites altered from public record. “All traces of totalitarian influence, dissidents confirm, define, adopt, and integrate the methods of totalitarianism within their own structure building their 'truth' on its negation,” Havel reminds us.
Let’s now remind these political actors of the dangers that occur when espousing ideological hogwash as human rights. More importantly, let us now learn from this lesson of this dangerous era of public tyranny and return to the drawing board to continue that discussion about historical materialism and its significance today
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