#with plenty of time to set aside a little bit of money each month
icryyoumercy · 5 months
called two different hospitals about a bill that really shouldn't have ended up with me, emailed disability services to ask about the current state of my case, and in the process of sorting out paperwork for taxes also ended up emailing my employer about the level of my retirement fund
many things have been done and i am proud of myself
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paypant · 9 months
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Greetings, and a Happy New Year
This is probably the first time I decided to update my personal blog in a while. It’s been a few months at least. I don’t  really remember if my time away from t his blog was the same as the time away from the role play blog. It might have been I’d have no idea unless I check my post history or something like that.
New Years Eve had been quite nice. Had suishi for lunch and dinner and some snacks along with a bottle of wine I sipped though the day. It was something new to try and it was quite nice.
Not gonna lie I think I was pretty drunk for a good portion of the day. Now in a way in which my movements were affected but I still acted pretty silly. When I do drink I don’t really overdo it anyway. There were only really a few times a drink ended up being stronger than I anticipated and I have a hard time even walking. But so far that’s only happened twice. I also don’t drink often either. At most I’d open one bottle of wine a month and even then would restrict myself to a glass a day until the bottle runs out. It’s usually good for at least three days.
One fun thing I did was do a little but of shopping when drunk. I didn’t go way too crazy. Aside from some My Hero Academia figures I mostly bought myself I’d use to better my health. Mostly workout gear. Though I do admit that within the series of figures I did get I’m only missing two of them which they didn’t have at the 5 Below. During a previous trip I’d gotten Hawks, Fat Gum, and Endeavor. This time Nejire, Tamaki,and Mirio. The remaining two would be Deku and Eri.
Then there were another type of figure which is a mystery. During a past trip I’d gotten Mirio. During the New Years Eve trip I gotten three more. Two of them ended up being Overhaul and another Mirio. I went again the following day to get two more and both were Deku.
Mostly what I did besides from eating sushi drink wine of shopped drunk was mostly listening to whatever movie was playing or listening to music. Though I did nap for a little bit because my sleep pattern isn’t so great and I didn’t sleep earlier in the day.
So the hour leading up to midnight I was mostly listening to music. Of course as I did previous years I would also have a song picked out to play timed to where a certain part of the song would ring in the new year. This time I picked New Genesis for the song of the year. Though with how obsessively I’ve been listening to the song Kick Back I could have gone with that. But I did pick New Genesis a month in advanced and I didn’t want to redo the math the last moment.
Since there were still some food leftover from New Years Eve I’ve mostly been eating that. There was an untouched cheese platter as well as plenty of fruit. I still haven’t touched the pocky I bought for that day either.
For my resolutions I decided to keep things chill and simple. Which is to attempt to work out each day even if the workout itself is something small. Also to drink more water. That’s something I’ve been trying to work on. I do drink a bit somewhat daily but it isn’t quite enough. Though if I can manage to lose 100 pounds that would be great. I’m actually so fat that if I did lose 100 pounds I’d still be fat. But I would still be less fat. Another thing I would like to try would be to set a bit of money aside each month. At most $100 a month.
Anyway, on New Years day I didn’t really do much. I slept in. Went back to 5 Below because there was something I saw the last time but didn’t bother getting so I thought I would go back to get it. I did see if they had the missing figures but they didn’t. I would also pick up some of those journals to fill one. One a daily gratitude journal and the other themed around fitness since that is one of my goals. Also picked up a My Hero Academia calendar I’d been looking at earlier. They also had some anime themed pillows and a single FNAF plush [It was Chica]
For the two pillows they had Komi and Tadano from Komi Can’t Communicate and one Seto Kaiba. I got Komi and Kaiba. He was an old favorite of mine. One can say that he was my first muse when it comes to RP.
Also picked up some after Christmas stuff from a Rite Aid. Chocolate, a deck organizer, and a makeup advent calendar.
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itsonlydana · 3 years
omg this sounds so cliché, but could you maybe do a jschlatt x fem!reader, where they’re forced to share a bed, (maybe during the recent LA trip) and schlatt somehow ends up pining you.. or something like that 🥺🥺
"And there were only three beds"➷ jschlatt
pairing: jschlatt x reader (female)
warnings/tags: bit of cursing, fluff
words: 3k
song: kiss her you fool - Kids That Fly
a/n: thank you for the request, I´m sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy it! <3 (did i interpret ´pining´ right? D:) after writing the eret fanfic and this today my brain doesn´t function anymore
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To say your life as a manager of Chuckle Sandwich is easy would be a lie, the last four months have been some of the most stressful in your life and yet the most fun at the same time.
Schlatt, Charlie and Ted were three wonderful people, but oh god could they get on your last nerve. Sometimes it was little things like a different class for a flight or arranging a hotel on short notice, but other days you'd get messages like, "Hey, (y/n), I got pulled over by the police, do you think I can make a video out of this?" or "We want to rent a studio in LA, invite twelve guests, and live together for a whole week!"
The latter was why you were sitting completely jet-lagged next to the cab driver and not in your bed on the other side of the country. The traffic was terrible, you expected nothing less, but that didn't seem to bother the mood of the men one row behind you.
You didn't expect anything different from Schlatt and his three-hour flight, but you did from Charlie, who had flown first from Vermont to join you in New York and then another six hours to LA.
Fortunately, all three of them seemed sympathetic to you, or had heard your cursing when Ian had called to say he wouldn't be able to make it to pick you up as scheduled and you should call a cab, and feared such a wall of words. In any case, they made their jokes quietly enough so you could calmly go over the plan for the next morning.
After a sharp turn, for which you would have loved to grab the driver's steering wheel or ask him what he was thinking, the car jerked to a stop at the side of the road. Slightly annoyed, you paid before following the boys and slamming the passenger door a little harder than necessary.
While the guys pulled the suitcases out of the trunk, you scrolled up through your messages on your way to the little white house. One, in particular, caught your eye.
Ian had booked the Airbnb but had included your number as a contact since you would be staying with the boys for the week, sort of like their personal babysitter.
The message sounded a bit over the top: "You'll see that we took extra care with the upkeep of the apartment".
Yeah, you would hope so, for the money you had paid.
You quickly sent a message to Ian that you had arrived and pulled out the set of keys the man had left for you at the airport. Behind you, Ted, Schlatt and Charlie came up the walkway with the suitcases and bags, and Ted held out the handle from your suitcase.
"Okay," you started after a grateful nod and slid the key into the lock, "Let's hope Ian didn't fuck up."
The lock jammed, only after a shake the door jumped open and you stepped curiously into the Airbnb. The worries were forgotten for the time being at the view of the dark living room with the open adjacent kitchen, the relief to have finally arrived was overwhelming, just like the emerging feelings of happiness to be in Los Angeles.
With every trip you worried endlessly, would everything go well at the airport? What if your luggage got lost or the hotel or Airbnb booking hadn't worked out and you were stuck in a strange place with no place to stay?
And even though the week had just started and the guys were guaranteed to give you plenty to worry about, you'd been able to really breathe since you got up.
As soon as you stepped aside, Charlie and Ted glanced at each other before running up the stairs with the clear banisters to the first-floor bedrooms. It was reminiscent of family vacations or moving into a new house, trying out all the rooms to claim the best one for yourself, and Charlie, unlike Ted, had taken his suitcase right along, which is what you used to do when you were a kid to be the first to occupy your room.
Schlatt stayed behind with you, he didn't seem to be in a hurry and instead walked into the kitchen with his hands shoved in his pockets.
You followed him, the control freak in you wanting to look in every drawer and know exactly where to find what.
Except that the first drawer you pulled open didn't stop when you pulled and fell into your hands. Incredulous, you stared at the cream-colored drawer, then heard a crash from your side.
"Shit," cursed Schlatt, who had jumped to your side as the door of a wall cabinet had flown toward him as well, falling to the countertop as it fell.
From above, the other two's chatter died away, then their voices echoed down: "You guys okay?" exclaimed Charlie.
"Yeah, the kitchen's just falling apart," you called back as you tried to slide the drawer back into the hinges on the inside of the cabinet.
If you thought that was the worst thing about the house, you were wrong.
With a slightly annoyed look on his face, Schlatt turned and headed for the door next to the entrance. Clinically white tiles told you that it had to be the bathroom, but before you could follow him -you wanted to get ready a bit if you were going grocery shopping-, Ted leaned over the railing of the stairs and drew attention to himself with a deep clearing of his throat. "Guys, is there another bedroom downstairs? There's only three up here."
At the same time of his question, Schlatt came back out of the bathroom and extended his finger back to the tiles. In a completely dismissive tone, he threw the next problem at your feet. "Ants. There are ants in the bathroom."
You wanted to scream out loud. Maybe kick something or rip the closet doors off their nonexistent hinges, somehow let out your overwhelm with the situation, but you had to keep your cool.
You blocked out Ted's statement, as he found Schlatt's finding more interesting, jogging down the stairs, Charlie following shortly after.
The four of you stood in the doorway of the bathroom, you in front of the boys, searching the internet on what to do about ants in the bathroom, who had experienced that? You'd had these critters in the kitchen once, or outside with leftovers, but in the bathroom?!
"Well they don't seem to come from one direction," Charlie noted.
Ted agreed with an "Mhm." "Maybe they went through the window?"
"They left us a bottle of bug spray, they knew they were there," Schlatt puffed, and you looked up from your phone, where you'd read something about vinegar or cinnamon, to Schlatt, who was holding a red spray bottle in his hands. The brunette didn't really look as excited as Charlie, who asked something about "I wonder if Antman is somewhere down there"
Schlatt put the can back on the sink. "Told you we should go to a hotel."
Thoughtfully, you raised your hand and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Ted, was there another bathroom upstairs?"
"Yes, but-"
"Okay, so we'll have to share, but we should be able to work that out."
"About this one, I'll call Ian or the hosts in the morning and have them take care of it, after all, that's not our job."
"(Y/n), we only have three beds!"
"Mhm? I misheard, excuse me?" you laughed, exasperation in your voice and hope you really had misheard. But Charlie and Ted looked at you so seriously that you were about to just get back on the plane home. Your heart hammered against your rib cage, this couldn't happen.
"There are three bedrooms upstairs, three beds," Charlie explained, adjusting his glasses. Ted nodded in agreement, Schlatt was silent.
You pushed past the three of them out into the hallway and ran to the stairs, up to the second floor. Before you could even look into the rooms, two papers on the wall caught your attention. You tilted your head. One had 'quiet hour 10pm-8am' written on it in black block letters and the other was a horrible collage of different people all putting their index finger to their lips. Both sheets you wanted to tear off the wall, they laughed provocatively in your face and were a shiny signature under the testimony of your doubts.
"10pm quiet hour, pah, never." you muttered to the poster, suppressing the urge to childishly stick your tongue out at people.
Instead, you went to the first of the four doors of the otherwise dreary hallway with a single window at the end, which, however, only gave you a view of the wall of the house next door, and looked inside.
One bed.
The second room also had only one bed, on which Charlie's suitcase lay open.
Behind the third door was a nice room, but it also had only one bed. Frustrated, you opened the fourth door to find yourself in a bathroom. Your mood was now finally tilting.
"(y/n)?" shouted Schlatt up the stairs as you angrily slammed the bathroom door and ran back down the stairs with loud steps. Halfway down, Schlatt met you and stopped you with a quick touch on your wrist.
"Charlie, you can get your suitcase back downstairs," you threw the words at the man who had made himself comfortable next to Ted on the small gray couch and raised an eyebrow questioningly. "I'll find us a fucking hotel for the night and sort the rest out with Ian tomorrow," you explained, running a hand through your hair.
Schlatt's hand on your wrist tugged slightly. "You don't have to do that, (y/n). Going to a hotel now? It's half past ten." the annoyed tone from before was gone from Schlatt's voice, to your astonishment.
"I thought you wanted to go to a hotel from the beginning?" you pecked out for good measure, and Schlatt nodded.
"I do," he started, shrugging his shoulders "But I don't want you to put yourself through any unnecessary stress."
You let out a sigh, ignoring the way your heart beat a beat faster. "It's my job, Schlatt. I can't put you through this. You've been looking forward to this week for a long time, and I'm sure you've been looking forward to a house that doesn't seem like it would crash down on us at any minute."
From the couch Ted huffed, "We were looking forward to doing something together, personally I don't care about the house."
Nodding, Charlie agreed with him. "Besides, I'm sure we can tell some stories about this house on the podcast, some jokes about Schlatt's discovery of the ants." - "The bottle of Reid," Schlatt added with a grin, and you too loosened up a bit as the men continued to throw ideas for stories into the room.
Then you remembered the biggest problem again. "Okay, so what are we going to do about the beds? How comfortable is the couch, then I'll sleep downstairs and you'll have your beds?" you suggested, but that didn't really seem to suit anyone. Even you weren't looking forward to the back pain that six nights on that little couch would bring.
"We can share a bed." You turned your head to Schlatt, who wasn't quite so sure of his proposal at your look, and put a hand on the back of his neck. "I mean, Ted and Charlie's girlfriends wouldn't be cool with it, I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have a problem with it. Unless you don't want to."
You knew Ian wouldn't like that, none of your friends would think it was a good idea, but Ian was to blame for the situation and your friends weren't here.
What could possibly happen?
"What are you looking at all the time?" You looked in the mirror at Schlatt, who was lying on the bed, one hand behind his head and in the other his cell phone, from which you had been listening to a wide variety of sounds for the last few minutes while you had been getting ready in front of the mirror.
Schlatt laughed softly to himself again. "Tiktok." he replied between chuckles, and you nodded, busy carefully putting your jewelry away in your jewelry box and fixing your hair for bed.
At first it had been disconcerting to sit alone in the room with Schlatt. After the four of you had ordered dinner -neither of you had felt like leaving the house after the evening's experiences- the silence was all the louder when Ted and Charlie had excused themselves to their rooms for a phone call with their girlfriends and Schlatt had also suggested going upstairs.
You had quietly brought up your bags, answering or asking very few questions, and to avoid it, you had disappeared into the bathroom for a shower.
Afterwards you had come back to Schlatt in his sleeping clothes and lying on the bed, and magically you had lapsed into a more comfortable silence.
You closed the box with your jewelry and turned around, "Do you sleep with the window open or closed?"
"Either suits me, but maybe leave it open?"
The window remained open, you only lowered the blinds so as not to be awakened by the sun in the morning, before plugging your cell phone charging cord into the outlet on your side of the bed. You procrastinated your evening routine out of nervousness of what was to come, being extra slow as you lifted the covers and sat down at the edge of the bed.
Since Schlatt was still on Tiktok, you scrolled through your planner for tomorrow as well, wondering if you should write Ian. After a quick glance at you, Schlatt straightened up, adjusted his pillow in the back, and paused the video that was playing on his phone. "Don't text Ian, he's asleep anyway and will definitely ruin our morning if he reads the message later."
You rubbed your eyes, knowing he was right. "I'm just frustrated that it went so wrong. How much bad luck can we have? We should have followed your request to sleep in a hotel," you explained your thoughts to him, then put your phone down on the small nightstand without having texted Ian.
Schlatt clicked his tongue softly and ran his fingers through his hair, which he let dry open after his shower. "Stop beating yourself up. Ian booked the house and fucked it, so what? You're here, he's not. You tried everything to make sure we had a pleasant arrival and even wanted to go to the hotel on short notice." Briefly silent, your cheeks grew hot at his positive words and only warmed as he nudged you in the side with his elbow, "You're a wonderful manager."
"Thanks, Schlatt," you mumbled sheepishly. "You're not that bad to manage either."
Now Schlatt laughed a little louder. "Come on, I know we're terrible."
"Well, I wouldn't say terrible, but I once managed a kindergarten class and they listened to me more." You joined in his laughter and Schlatt got even louder, making you giggle. "Sh, the others-" you were about to warn him, when a message lit up on Schlatt's cell phone.
the chucklers
Ted: "next time we'll find a house with walls thicker than paper. Stop giggling you kids."
You pressed your lips together to stop laughing, which proved difficult when Schlatt suddenly threw a fake loud laugh against the wall. A muffled thump followed and you nearly fell off the edge of the bed after leaning to the side.
"Come here.", Schlatt hummed and patted on the mattress beside him. The last of your inhibitions were long forgotten and you slid closer until you could feel his body heat under the covers.
Schlatt turned off the room's light at the switch on his side of the bed, the exhaustion of the day spreading through the room. Not too tired to go straight to sleep, you decided to scroll a little on Tiktok and gradually you fell more and more in Schlatt's direction, finally landing with your chin on his shoulder and in his arm.
It felt right to right so close to him, quietly laughing and joking about the videos on his phone
At one video, Schlatt suddenly paused, which you didn't directly notice through your tired giggles, you were too focused on the video of the cat than on the song in the background like Schlatt.
It wasn't until the video played a third and fourth time that your attention fell on the audio.
"Cause you've only got one chance, you've only got one chance. Kiss her you fool"
You thought nothing of it, but Schlatt appeared nervous, his thumb hovering over the display without scrolling on as before.
"You know, I wasn't that shocked when Ted told us about the three beds," he said, turning his head so the tip of his nose nudged yours.
Your breath caught, unaware but with a premonition of what he was getting at, and a part of you screamed, "finally!"
"Oh yeah?" you questioned, your heart beating so loud you feared he would hear it.
Schlatt nodded. "Yes, I've been thinking about something for a while."
"What is it?"
He leaned further forward. The butterflies you had felt and repressed at the beginning of your friendship fluttered up again in your leaping stomach.
You knew you shouldn't, not as a manager and certainly not as a friend of the other two men in the house, but Schlatt looked at you as very few had before.
"I'm thinking about how long I have wanted to kiss you."
"Then do it," you whispered, unable to think clearly as he followed your words and his lips brushed yours.
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babybluebex · 3 years
vanilla sponge [bucky barnes x reader]
➽ pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader (y/n) ➽ word count: 5.5k ➽ summary: the four times bucky said goodbye and the one time he said hello  ➽ warnings: explicit language, mentions of death, ANGST, eventual happy ending ➽ a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONK!!!! i meant for this to be a fluff blurb but it.... evolved lol. thanks @groupieforbucky​ for beta reading this! masterlist/taglist in bio!
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March 10, 1935
You sat on the hood of the car, watching Bucky mess with a candle in front of you. His lighter wasn’t wanting to catch in the cold evening breeze, but he was adamant on lighting the candle up. “What’s the big deal with this candle, Buck?” you asked. “You’re just gonna blow it right out. You really want it that bad?”
Bucky scoffed at you. “Sweet, simple Y/N,” he chuckled. “It’s a tradition for me. My mom used to do it, so I have to.” 
You sighed softly, and you stretched your hands out in front of you. Bucky looked at you for a moment, his eyes sweeping over your frame, and he stepped closer. His large hips settled between your knees easily and he put his hands in yours, and you clicked your tongue. 
“No, you twit,” you giggled. “Gimme the damn lighter.” 
Bucky tilted his head at you and smiled, and he jumped up onto the hood of the car next to you. The two of you had driven out into the countryside for a night alone, just you and your Bucky on his birthday. You had even baked a cake-- you had been saving money for months to be able to afford all of the ingredients for his favorite vanilla sponge. The cake had sat in a box in the backseat of Bucky’s car as you two had walked along the riverside and splashed cold March water on each now, and now it sat next to you as you yourself were sat with Bucky’s jacket around your shoulders. James Barnes was a great guy, charming and cordial, turning 18 that day. He didn’t have much family besides you and your friend from school Steve Rogers, but, as Bucky often said, “You’re easier on the eyes than ol’ Stevie.” 
You lit the lighter with ease, shielding the little flame with your body, and you successfully lit the candle and stuck it into the top of the cake. “Make a wish, Buck,” you said, offering him the cake. “But you can’t tell me what it is, remember.” 
“Well, why not?” Bucky scoffed. “I wanna tell you what my wish is.”
“‘Cause it won’t come true, whacky,” you giggled. “Blow out your candle before it drips wax onto your cake.” 
Bucky looked at you for a long moment, his blue eyes reflecting the orange of the setting sun, and he finally rounded his pink lips and blew out the candle in one strong, swift breath. The smoke curled upwards and you plucked it out of the cake, and you smiled at the bit of white frosting that got on your finger. “Happy birthday, baby,” you said, swiping the tip of his nose with the frosting, and he laughed. “I hope it’s a good one.” 
“It’s the best one yet,” Bucky said. “Besides the inaugural one, of course.” 
“I wish I could’ve gotten you something more than a stupid cake,” you mumbled. 
“No, I love it,” Bucky insisted. “It’s really tasty; you worked hard on it.” With that, he scooped up the bit of frosting from his nose and offered his finger to you, and you licked up the frosting. 
“Well, I’m glad you enjoy it,” you replied, straightening your posture. “C’mon, eat up. My curfew is at nine.” 
Bucky began to eat the cake with his fingers, offering you bits every so often. The car radio was playing just loud enough for you two to hear, and, even with Bucky’s jacket, you found yourself scooting closer and closer to him. You loved him. This wasn’t typical puppy love. You could see yourself baking Bucky vanilla sponge cakes for years to come. Even though he always told you that there was no chance he’d be sent over, you imagined sending him a letter with the recipe so that, at the very least, he could think of you. 
Finally, the box was empty, and Bucky laid back onto the hod, sucking bits of crumbs from his fingers. “Thanks for that, doll,” he said, and you cuddled up into his side. His arms were behind his head, and you settled your head in his underarm. It smelled so much like him and was so ridiculously warm, and you melted into him fully. “I loved it. I love you.”
“I love you too,” you whispered, and you pressed a chaste kiss to his arm. “I love this.”
“This?” Bucky asked. 
You shrugged and pressed your hand to his chest. “Just being here with you,” you said softly. “I never want it to end.”
Bucky sighed, and he leaned to kiss your head. “Me too,” he whispered. A few quiet moments passed, and you looked up to meet his eyes. “Can you promise me something, dollface?” 
“Anything,” you agreed. 
“We’ll spend every birthday together,” Bucky said. “Even if we’re apart, you’ll send me letters and all. I’ll do the same for your birthday too.” 
You nodded, and you clasped Bucky’s big hand in your little one. “Deal,” you whispered. “As long as I can make you cakes.” 
“I can’t bake worth shit,” Bucky chuckled. “You’ll have to teach me.” 
“I’d love to do that, Bucky,” you told him. 
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March 10, 1942
“Look at you,” you cooed. “All gussied up. What’s the occasion, Sarge?” 
Bucky threw his arms around your waist and spun you around, earning him a squeal. He wore his dress uniform, his tie done perfectly and belt cinched around his jacket. His shoes were shiny and his hair gelled and combed, his face clean-shaven. He smelled like the aftershave you had gotten him for Christmas. There was an obvious occasion, and you figured that it was something more than his 25th birthday. “I wanted to take my dame out to dinner,” Bucky said, turning you so that your back pressed against his front. “Is that allowed, Mrs. Barnes?” 
You giggled as Bucky snuffled his mouth into your neck. “I guess so,” you huffed. “But it’s your birthday! I should be doing something for you!” 
“You let me have dessert for breakfast,” Bucky laughed. Then, he kissed your neck, and he added, “And then you gave me vanilla sponge cake afterwards. You’ve done plenty for me, doll.”
“But it’s usually tradition for the birthday-haver to be the guest of honor,” you said. “And for you to be pleased. It doesn’t make sense that you do all the work today. That’s not how birthdays work.” 
“Well, dollface, that’s why I joined the Army, remember?” Bucky laughed. “Wanna help people, all that business?” 
“I thought it was to get away from me,” you giggled. 
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Right, because I joined the Army to get away from you and immediately turned around and married you to keep you around,” he scoffed. “You’re not thinking right, woman. What’s gotten into you?”
“I’m still fuzzy from this morning,” you admitted. Bucky’s arms tightened around you and drew you closer into him, and he took a deep breath from your neck, taking in the smell of your perfume and the powder you had used on your face. “You broke my brain, you and your stupid tongue.” 
“And my lips,” Bucky added cheekily. “Don’t forget that.”
“Oh, I didn’t,” you said. “Trust me, I won’t ever forget that. But don’t you agree?”
“Christ, woman!” Bucky laughed. “Let me take you to dinner! Why’re you fighting this so hard?” 
“I’m not fighting it!” you said quickly. “I’m just saying that it’s not how it’s usually done!”
“Well, we don’t do things the usual way, do we?” Bucky laughed. “Anyway, I think I like this better. Any day I don’t shower you with my love is a wasted day.”
“You’re corny,” you laughed. 
“But you love it,” Bucky said, and you shrugged. 
“Tolerate, more like,” you said, and Bucky laughed. The doorbell rang, interrupting the moment, and you said, “Finish getting ready, I’ll be right back.” 
“Don’t take too long, dollface,” Bucky said, knocking your chin lightly with his finger. “I already miss you.” 
You wrestled yourself from Bucky’s grip and went to the door, and you opened it wide to see a man dressed like your Bucky. Older and stern, he struck a sense of fear and apprehension into you. “Is this the home of Sergeant James B. Barnes?” he asked in a thick voice. 
“Yes,” you replied. 
“Is Sergeant Barnes around?” the man asked. 
You swallowed thickly. You already knew what this man’s presence meant. You nodded quickly, stepping aside to let the man in, and you called, “Bucky, sweetheart! You’ve got a visitor!” 
“Is it Stevie?” Bucky called from the depths of the apartment.
“No, it’s…” you started. “Just come here, James.” 
Bucky appeared at light speed. You never called him James, not even on the day that you had gotten married. He was your Bucky. As soon as he spotted the Army man at your side, his body went rigid, and he gave the man a salute. “At ease, Sarge,” the older man said. “You two seem in good spirits.” 
“It’s…” Bucky began and cleared his throat. His stance relaxed, and his arm slid carefully around your waist. “It’s my birthday, sir. We were on our way to dinner.” 
“Might have to cancel that reservation,” the Army man rumbled. “The 107th is being called to Germany.” 
Your heart sank, and you couldn’t control the tears that stung your eyes. Bucky’s jaw flexed tightly as he absorbed the information, and he sighed heavily. “When do we leave?” he asked slowly. 
“In the morning,” Bucky’s superior said. “The planes ship out at oh-five-hundred.” 
Even under Bucky’s arm, the room felt cold. The trumpet on the radio sounded so distant, and you heard the two men having a conversation behind a veil of disbelief. Bucky had promised you that he wouldn’t get sent overseas. He said the 107th didn’t do that. He had promised you. He had fucking promised you. You broke out of his grip and escaped into the kitchen, and your gaze focused on the cake that sat on the counter. A piece was taken from it, the slice that you had allowed him for breakfast, and the cake itself was housed in a pretty glass cover that your mother had bought you as a wedding present. The candle was still stuck into the top of it, the tip burnt black and curled up. 
“Y/N,” you heard from the door, and you turned to see your husband. His face was pale, his blue eyes as dark as the ocean, and he chewed his bottom lip. “Doll, I--”
“There’s nothing you can say to make this better,” you whispered. “You have to go. It’s what it is. I knew what I was getting myself into when I married you.” You turned back quickly, sniffling and trying to hide your tears, and you added, “Your bag’s in the spare room. I think your nametag’s in the box in our closet, I can check if you need me to.” 
Suddenly, his strong arms were around you, holding you to his chest. Bucky didn’t say a word. The material of his dress uniform was itchy against your skin and you could only imagine what it felt like for him, and your knees buckled. The tears came, hot and burning your cheeks, and a sob wrecked your throat. “You promised me,” you whimpered. “You fucking promised me, you bastard! You said that the 107th doesn’t get sent over, you fucking lied to me!”
“I was trying to protect you!” Bucky said, his voice rising to match yours. “You would’ve made yourself sick with all your worrying about when I’d be sent overseas, and I didn’t want that for you!” 
You broke yourself from his grip, and you sniffled up your tears as best as you could. Even if your heart wasn’t crushed, you cried when you were angry, so tears were bound to happen no matter what. “So you lied to me instead?” you asked. “What the fuck’s the matter with you, Bucky? I’ve never lied to you, and I only expected the same from you; I didn’t expect for you to lie about something so fucking big! Jesus Christ, I can’t stand the sight of you.” 
“Doll, please, listen to me,” Bucky said, grabbing your arm. “I didn’t want to hurt you.” 
Bucky was bigger than you, taller than you, stronger than you. He had a tough skin and an even tougher heart from years of neglect and rejection. But you were his weakness. He cried when you did, laughed when you did, kissed you harder when you kissed him. There was no doubt in your mind that he loved you, but your heart burned with acidic hate. “Get out,” you said. “If you’re gonna leave in the morning, I don’t see why you need to stick around here any longer.” 
“Y/N!” Bucky cried. “Darling, please settle down!”
“If you’re so keen on leaving, then do it,” you said, wrenching your arm from his grip. “And don’t call me darling. Don’t call me doll, don’t call me nothing. You gave that up when you lied to me for years! Our entire relationship! You were already enlisted when we met! You have literally lied to me every day for seven years! What else are you lying to me about? What else are you keeping from me?” 
“Nothing!” Bucky said. “Christ, you need to settle down, please. I know you’re upset, but do you really think leaving things like this will make you feel better?”
“It’ll make me feel something,” you whispered. “Something other than missing you. Go stay with Steve or whatever, I just… I just don’t want to fall asleep next to you, and then wake up and not have you there. I… I wanna say goodbye.” 
Bucky took a tentative step towards you, then pulled you close to him. His eyes were watery as he looked at your face, and he swiped away your makeup with his thumb. He smiled wistfully, every single memory of you that he had shooting through his brain as quickly as they could manage, and he said, “Then don’t. I’m coming back, my love. I promise you. And I’m not keeping anything from you. All my cards are on the table here, doll. I’m coming back for you.” 
You two devised a plan. You and Bucky would go to bed, but he would wake you up when he did, and you would get a goodbye. You helped him pack his bag according to regulation, and you carefully slipped in a picture that your mother had taken on your wedding day. You sat in the middle, veil over your hair, flowers still fresh, with Steve Rogers next to you. You were about an inch taller than him in the picture, but you both were smiling. The bride and the best man. You knew that Bucky needed to be reminded of his brother as much as he was reminded of you. 
When the alarm rang shrilly in the morning, you watched from the bed as Bucky got up and dressed in his uniform. An olive green that complimented his skin, his boots tied around his ankle, and his silver dog tags buried under his collar. He turned to you, silent, crying, and he moved back to the bed. You still wore your nightgown, and Bucky took the lacy hem in his fingers and sighed. “I’ll miss you,” he whispered. 
Your arms went around his neck and tugged him in, and he buried his face in your neck. You caressed his head as he cried, and you tried to hug him as tightly as he had hugged you. “I’ll miss you more,” you whispered back. Your chest hurt with the urge to cry, but even the notion of it made you feel sick to your stomach. “I love you so much, Bucky.” 
“When I get home,” Bucky said. “I’m gonna hold you and never let you go.” 
“I’ll pencil it in,” you said through your tears.
As soon as the door shut, you pulled his pillow to your mouth, closed your teeth around it, and screamed. 
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March 10, 1943
Steve’s heart ached as he looked at the door. It was a normal apartment door, a little plaque with the number on it, above a peephole, but there was a little green ribbon held to the door with scotch tape. Bucky’s place. He remembered when Bucky had told him that you and him had gotten a place in the city. He was excited and said that he couldn’t wait for Steve to come over and see it. But that was before Bucky got sent to Germany. Before Steve joined Project Rebirth, before… Everything. He would be surprised if you recognized him right away. 
He knocked on the door. There was a thumping from inside the apartment, and he heard your voice say, “Motherfucker…” before the door opened. You looked good. Your skin was glowing, your hair was done, and you were even wearing makeup. Steve had always known you as very put together, but you were Bucky’s wife. You were beautiful to him. Confusion was etched across your face, and you slowly said, “Can I help you, sir?” 
Steve slowly took off his uniform hat. “You’re Mrs. Barnes?” he said, even though he knew the answer. There was a protocol to follow. The Army allowing him to be the one to deliver the news was enough of a breach. 
“Yes,” you said carefully. “Can I inquire as to who’s asking?” 
Steve cleared his throat. “Captain Steven Rogers,” he began, and your mouth dropped into a shocked look. “With the United States Army.”
“Stevie!” you cried, and you threw yourself at him. You knew that he had finally managed to join the Army and that he was sent to Germany as well, but you hadn’t had any correspondence with him. Bucky had stopped answering your letters and, while you feared the worst, you tried to keep your anxiety at bay. There was a reason, one that didn’t involve Bucky dying. There had to be. “Oh my God! You’re so… Big! I mean, I heard about the whole Project Rebirth thing and saw pictures of you, but… You’re taller than me now!”
Steve gripped you tightly. “I missed you too, Y/N,” he said softly. “Can I come in?” 
“Of course!” you exclaimed. “I mean, it’s just me and Alpine, but you’re always welcome here, Stevie. Can I make you a drink? There’s some cake in the kitchen…” 
Steve distantly listened to your chatter as he stepped into the apartment. It was warm and smelled like vanilla, and the walls were a pleasant beige with pictures. An official picture of Bucky hung in a nice frame right by the door, and Steve smiled at his best friend. “Cake?” he repeated suddenly, processing your words. 
“Yeah!” you replied. “Buck’s favorite birthday cake. I’ve made it for him every year and, even though he’s in Germany right now, it didn��t feel right not to make it, ya know?” 
Steve carefully sat down at the little wooden table in the kitchen, and he watched a fluffy white cat jump up to meet him. You served him a slice of cake on a pretty china plate, and you sat and buried your chin in your palm. “So what’s going on with you? Did you just get back?”
Steve couldn’t even bear to look at the cake. “No,” he said. “I have to go back in the morning.” 
“Oh,” you said, and your heart sank. “Is everything alright?” You pulled Alpine into your grip and gently stroked her back, and you watched Steve’s gaze falter between you and the cake. “Steve. Is something wrong?” 
Steve sighed, and his big shoulders sank. “A few months ago, Bucky and other soldiers in the 107th Infantry were taken as POWs. I led a team and we managed to rescue them. But then Bucky joined a squad that I was a part of, The Howling Commandos. As part of a mission with the Howlies, Bucky was--” 
“Stop,” you hissed. You set Alpine aside and stood up, and you pressed your knuckles to your mouth. You knew it. You knew that Stevie was too good to be true. He was there to deliver bad news, the worst news for a military wife to be told. You sighed and hung your head, and you whispered, “Is there a body, at least?” 
The chair creaked as Steve stood up, and he placed a hand on your shoulder. “We couldn’t locate one,” he whispered. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” 
You sniffled. “An empty casket,” you mumbled. “An empty home, empty promises… Steve. Is there any hope that he’s alive? Even, like, infinitesimal? Even one percent?” 
Steve shook his head, blond bangs falling onto his forehead. “He fell from a train, Y/N,” he said carefully. “We couldn’t recover a body. If he is alive, then… I think that would be worse. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” 
Your legs felt weak, and you braced yourself on the table. Bucky was dead. Your greatest fear had been realized. “What do we do, Stevie?” you whispered. 
“We?” Steve asked. 
“He was your brother,” you said softly. “He had you when he had nobody else. I think you’re more important to him than me.”
“That’s not true,” Steve said simply. “I chose him, but he chose you. He chose you to live the rest of his life with. He was stuck with me.” 
You felt like a ghost as you walked into the living room and sat on the floor. You stared at everything, letting the silence gather around you. The coffee table was still crooked from where Bucky had last sat on the couch; his legs were longer and he always pushed it back to rest his feet. You fussed at him about it, but you didn’t actually mind it all that much. His favorite record was still on the player, playing empty static from when it had ended and you hadn’t flipped it over. Alpine had made a nest out of blankets on the couch, and you tilted your head when you saw that one of them was one that Bucky had made you. He was rather adept at knitting and had made it with yarn he had smuggled back to base, and it came in a package postmarked from Germany. You had referred to it as Bucky’s German blanket, but it was soft and smelled like him. You imagined him sleeping with the unfinished scraps every night. He was gone. He wouldn’t ever put his feet on the coffee table again. He wouldn’t ever get up with a grunt to flip his record and sweep you into his arms and dance with you. 
Steve came to sit next to you, and he put a heavy arm over your shoulders. “I managed to nab this from his stuff,” he began, clasping his hand with yours. “Figured you’d want it. He took it off before missions because he said he didn’t want it to get messed up, and it stayed with his bag. It takes forever to out-process a soldier’s personal belongings, and I… I knew you’d want it sooner rather than later.” 
A gold ring. The one you had put on Bucky’s finger that day. The wedding was beautiful for what it was. It wasn’t big by any means, just you and Bucky, Steve, and your mother. Your mother provided the veil and Bucky the rings, and Steve had picked a few flowers from his neighbors’ garden box. You had elected to get married at the courthouse rather than a church, and you remembered Bucky being flushed and giggling the entire time. You still wore your gold rings; you never took them off. 
You grasped Steve’s hand and gave him a watery smile. “Thanks, Stevie,” you whispered, and your tears finally fell. “It means a lot.” 
“You’ll see him again,” Steve told you. “I know you will.” 
You sighed and held the ring tightly in your palm. “I hope so.” 
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March 10, 2023
The breeze was cold as it drifted off of the lake, and Bucky nestled further into his jacket. He was sure there was some level of impropriety to wearing a leather jacket to a funeral, but it was a last minute thing. He didn’t want to come. He felt like he was disrespecting Tony by being there, but Steve had talked him into it. The jacket was the only black thing he owned that covered his arm. 
“You sure you wanna go?” Sam asked again, and Steve scoffed. “I mean… There’s so much here.” 
“You know that’s a lie,” Bucky laughed. “There’s nothing here for Stevie.” 
“Or Bucky,” Steve added. “We’re not from here, Wilson. Not really, anyway. We belong… Somewhere else. Sometime else.” 
Sam nodded slowly. He knew that it was true. Steve and Bucky were better off back in the 1940s. “Buck,” he started. “Just… Be good to her.” 
Bucky turned to Sam. “Who?” he asked, even though he knew exactly who Sam was talking about. He had never once mentioned his wife to Sam, and he knew that Steve wasn’t one to tell. Any artifact that Bucky had of you had been lost to Hydra or time, and the only concrete thing he had was a little newspaper clipping that he kept tucked away: your name, listed in the obituary section. You were nearly a hundred when you were dusted five years ago. Bucky had Washington DC the first chance he had and had hunted down your name on the memorial. Y/N Barnes. Two simple words that had the weight of the universe crashing down on Bucky’s shoulders. Apparently, you had never remarried. You never had children. You had lived as a social worker, helping kids in the system go to good homes, and Bucky knew that he had chosen a good one 88 years ago.
“You say a woman’s name when you sleep sometimes,” Sam said. “Y/N… That’s why you’re going back, right? To see her?”
Even the sound of your name brought a smile to Bucky’s tired face. “Who told you that you could talk to me about my love life?” he asked, even though he was laughing and smiling now. “We’re work partners, remember? We’re not friends.” 
“Right, right,” Sam laughed, kicking a rock with his boot. “Just don’t do anything stupid while you’re gone. Neither of you. I don’t trust the two of you together… All kinds of shenanigans.” 
Bucky smiled at Steve. “How can we?” he asked. 
“You’re taking all the stupid with you,” Steve said, throwing a smile to Sam. “Be good, Wilson. Maybe get a hobby.”
“I hear knitting’s pretty nice,” Bucky said, and he took Steve’s hand to assist in climbing onto the platform. 
“Or baking,” Steve added. 
“Oh, man, I could do with a slice of cake,” Bucky chuckled. 
“Give it ten minutes,” Steve said. “You’ll get your birthday cake.” 
“Whoa, birthday?” Sam said. “Is it your birthday, Buck?”
“Don’t answer that,” Bucky snapped. 
“Jerk,” Steve mumbled. 
The sound of the machinery began to whir, and Sam called, “Happy birthday, old man!” 
And they were gone. 
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March 10, 1949
You flitted around the apartment, stepping quickly to avoid the little grey kittens all over the floor. As much as you tried to keep them corralled in one place, kittens did what they wanted. The sun coming through the window kept the kitchen floor warm, and Alpine and her babies were often found lounging on the warm tiles. 
“Christ above, Jefferson, look at the mess you’ve made!” you exclaimed, bending down and picking up the little kitten. Jefferson was the second of five kittens, and he was the most rambunctious of the group. He was the one to skitter around the apartment at three with a sudden zest for life and, as cute as it was, it made your sleep schedule hell. The little kitten had wet food all over his face, and you quickly wiped him clean with the corner of your dress. “Need to get you a bib, you little wild man.” 
The doorbell rang, and a firm knock landed on the door simultaneously. “Coming!” you called, then, quieter, you said to Jefferson, “They really wanna see me, huh?” 
You kept Jefferson under your arm as you traipsed to the door, and you knew that Monroe and Buren were right underfoot; they always were. You could hardly walk anywhere without the risk of smushing a kitten. You really needed to get started on adopting these fellas out, but something about being the crazy widowed cat lady at the end of the hall seemed to suit you. The knock came again, harder, threatening to bust the door in two, and you huffed in annoyance. “I said I’m coming!”
You opened the door and pushed Monroe and Buren away with your foot. Little escape artists, they were. “Can I help you?” you asked, looking up to the man that stood there. 
He was familiar, but so distant. He had long, dark hair tied back, wrinkles around his eyes from exhaustion, dark hair around his mouth. He was all muscle underneath a buttoned shirt, and your eyes canvassed the weird shining metallic sleeve over his left arm. His mouth was slightly open as he looked at you, and you furrowed your eyebrows. “Hello?” you asked, raising your eyebrows expectantly. “Do you need anything?” 
“Y/N…” he started, and your body ran cold. “It… It’s you.” 
You quickly set Jefferson on the floor, and you closed the door behind you to prevent kittens from spilling into the hall. “James?” you whispered, your voice cracking. “You… Are you real?” 
Bucky laughed lightly, and he took your hand. He looked down at it, still wearing your rings, and he laughed again. “Oh, dollface,” he whispered, and he put his hands on your face. You flinched away from the sting against your cheek, and Bucky quickly pulled his left hand away. “You’re as pretty as the day I left you.” 
“Buck…” you said softly. “I can’t even begin to… How? I was told that you… You died, Bucky. How are you here?” 
“I’ll tell you, doll,” Bucky said. “I’ll tell you everything.” 
Bucky looked around the apartment as he stepped in, his eyes skating in wonderment. “Looks the same,” he said softly. 
“I couldn’t bear to change it too much,” you said softly. “Oh, umm, the white cat’s named Alpine, and all the others…” You gestured to the kittens littered around the room. “Jefferson, Monroe, Buren, Polk, and Pierce… I can’t tell them apart, really. Jefferson is the energetic one, and Monroe and Buren are always underfoot, but the rest--”
Bucky kissed you. You melted into his body, the way you always had, and you tugged him close by his hair and kissed back. You had missed him. Seven years was a hell of a long time to miss someone. You had almost forgotten the feel of his body against yours. He smelled just like himself, sounded like himself, and looked like himself (maybe a bit worse for wear than the last time you saw him, actually). “Bucky,” you whispered, and his arm went around your waist and pulled you against him even closer. His touch and grip was rougher than before, but that was war, you supposed. “Bucky, I just--”
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so fucking sorry, doll. I got here as fast as I could.”
“I don’t need an excuse, love,” you told him. You had forgotten the way he looked at you, his blue eyes gazing at you like you had fixed the stars in his likeness, and you felt like the silly little girl back in high school who had a crush on a senior. “I don’t need anything.”
“Just me,” Bucky whispered. 
“Just you,” you agreed. You sighed and kissed him again, and your heart swelled. Your Bucky was finally home. “Actually, I do wanna know about--”
“The arm?” Bucky asked. 
“The hair,” you finished, twirling a dark strand around your finger. “But, yeah, I’m curious about the arm too.” 
“It’s a long story,” Bucky sighed. 
“‘Long’ as in ‘there’s a lot of moving parts’?” you asked. 
“‘Long’ as in ‘I’ve waited for 81 years to get you back’,” Bucky said, and he pushed your hair behind your ear with a deft metal finger. “‘Long’ as in ‘I was kidnapped by Nazis and frozen for decades’. ‘Long’ as in I traveled back in time to get you’. ‘Long’ as in… Just fucking long, doll. It’s gonna take me a while to tell the story.” 
Your mind was whirling, and you pulled him down to the couch. “So, you fought Nazis and time to get to me?”
Bucky shrugged slowly. “I mean, that’s a vast oversimplification, but, essentially, yeah.” 
You smiled. “You’re gonna need to explain this real slow,” you laughed. “I’ve never been as smart as you.” 
The smile that you had coveted for years was back. “You’re selling yourself short there,” Bucky said. “You’re the best girl I know. You’re my best girl, ya know that? The only girl I’ve ever wanted.” 
After years of crying tears of sorrow, your tears were of happiness. You were smiling and laughing, kissing Bucky and tasting his own salty tears. “Happy birthday, Buck,” you whispered. 
“Did you make a cake?” Bucky asked. 
You nodded. “Of course. Your favorite: vanilla sponge.”
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
One of Them Girls
Angel Reyes x Reader
Request by @lakamaa12: I have a request.. if you don't want to do it, no worries (or it's been done by another blog and I missed it).I was wondering if you would consider writing something with Angel based around the song One of Them Girls by Lee Brice?
(Part 2 can be found Here)
Warnings: language, alcohol, Angel being the cutie we know he is
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: To the best of my knowledge, no one else has written an Angel fic for this song yet! If you have and I didn’t see it, my bad! But real talk I’ve been obsessed with this song lately and I wanted to write a fic for it so I’m super glad you sent this my way. Hope you enjoy! xo
Angel Taglist: @mayans-sauce @helli4nthus @angelreyesgirl @starrynite7114 @queenbeered @sincerelyasomebody @sadeyesgf @thesandbeneathmytoes @appropriate-writers-name @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @multiyfandomgirl40 @sillygoose6969 @beardburnsupersoldiers @louisianalady @gemini0410 @paintballkid711 @chibsytelford @yourwonkywriter @sesamepancakes @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @amandinesblogofstuff @garbinge @bucky-iss-bae @enjoy-the-destruction @encounterthepast @lilacyennefer @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ (If you want to be tagged let me know! xo)
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Your roommate had been trying for months to get you to go to one of the MC parties with her. She knew them from working at Vicki’s and she swore that you would have a good time if you just came to the clubhouse with her.
“Just for a couple hours,” she pleaded as she stood in the doorway to your room, “and if you’re really not having a good time, we can leave and I’ll never bother you about it again. Promise.”
You sighed, leaning your head back against your headboard, “Fine. Just so you won’t bother me about it anymore.”
She beamed, “Yes! Oh this is gonna be so fun,” you could practically see the thoughts racing through her head, “Wear those skinny jeans that make your butt look good.”
You groaned, “You’re gonna dress me, too?”
She laughed, “It’s just a friendly suggestion.”
It was a suggestion that you begrudgingly took her up on. She really wasn’t that pushy about what to wear, but she knew that she was able to nudge you out of your comfort zone a little bit sometimes. You’d ended up with a simple, low-cut black tank top, the jeans she had suggested, and a pair of black boots. You weren’t going to risk snapping your ankle in a pair of heels when you didn’t know what you’d be walking into.
Elena may have been persistent, but she was a woman of her word. She stayed by you when you first arrived, knowing the scene was a little overwhelming when you first walk into it. You weren’t quite sure what you had been expecting, but this wasn’t quite what you had pictured in your mind. It was a little tamer, a little less chaotic than your brain had been telling you it would be.
“C’mon,” she tugged you towards the bar, “I’ll get you a beer.”
“Elena, who are all these people?” you asked quietly as you scanned the room.
She started pointing out the members of the MC one by one, telling you their names and a few fun facts about each. Some of the facts were a little more information than you cared to know, but she got you to laugh. Some of the girls you recognized because they’d come over and hang out at your apartment sometimes, and it was nice to know that you knew more than just one person at the party. They said there was power in numbers, right?
“Hey, querida,” a voice piped up from behind the two of you.
Elena turned, a smile instantly spreading across her face as she walked up to the man who had been speaking to her and letting him scoop her up in a hug, “Angel, hey!”
He set her down and his eyes found their way over to you. You felt small under the weight of his gaze but you tried not to let it show. He glanced back to Elena, “You brought a friend?”
She laughed, nodding, “Angel, this is my roommate, and best friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Angel, the biggest pain in the ass in the MC.”
He placed a hand over his chest, an exaggeratedly pained expression on his face, “Right to my heart.”
The three of you laughed and you shook your head slightly, the nerves beginning to dissipate a little bit. You weren’t expecting him to plop down on the stool next to yours, but he did. You looked over to Elena, as if to ask if you should be worried about anything. She flashed you a smile as she sat down on the other side of you, giving your arm a light, reassuring squeeze as she reached for her drink.
“So what questionable decisions led you here tonight?” he asked with a laugh as he took a swig of his beer.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Just throwing Elena a bone. She’s been wanting me to come here with her for a while.”
“Didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of degenerates?” there was a playful smirk on his face.
You smiled, “More like I didn’t want to be hanging out with a bunch of people in general,” you laughed, “I’m a bit of a homebody.”
“I’m working on that,” Elena piped in with a smile.
The three of you sat at the bar and talked for a little while. You could tell that Angel was trying to get a read on you, the new girl. You couldn’t be mad because you were doing the same thing to him. He was smooth, flirtatious, but not overbearingly so. That was a game you’d be willing to play for the night while you pacified your friend. If you were going to be forced to socialize, there were worse people to look at while doing it.
Elena must’ve gotten the vibe from you, because she politely excused herself from the conversation, letting you know that she wouldn’t be far if you decided that you wanted to bail and go home. You saw the smirk tugging at her lips as she walked away though, knowing that you were having a much better time there than you’d ever admit.
“So I gotta know,” Angel asked as he idly toyed with the beer bottle in his hands, “how does a homebody like you end up rooming with Miss “Life of the Party” Elena?”
You laughed, trying not to stare at the way his ringed fingers traced and curled around the neck of his beer bottle, “We actually had a few classes together our first year in college,” you shook your head, “Nothing bonds two people together like suffering through statistics classes together.”
He chuckled, “Fuck that.”
“That was exactly how we felt.”
The longer the two of you talked, the more he tested his boundaries. He wasn’t pushy, or inappropriate, but he was definitely trying to figure out what made you tick. You weren’t going to give him that kind of satisfaction so quickly, though. You bantered back and forth with him, and you couldn’t remember the last time a guy had you laughing so hard.
Angel was in the middle of an incredibly cheesy pickup line that he swore has worked for him before when the song coming through the speakers changed. You couldn’t help but to perk up a little bit at the familiar beat and Angel noticed the shift immediately. He watched you for a moment as he tried to feel out the situation.
“Wanna dance?”
You shook your head no with zero hesitation, “No thank you.”
He laughed, “C’mon, why not? Live a little.”
You smiled but didn’t move to get up from your stool, “I’m sure there are plenty of women here tonight that would love to dance with you, Angel.”
He didn’t push the topic any further. You were smiling but he could see the flash of emotion in your eyes and he knew that there was something there that you weren’t ready to tap into yet with him. So, instead, he got you another beer and delved back into his cheesy pickup line story. When you realized that he was going to move past what you just said and not make it awkward, the tension immediately melted out of your body. You gladly took the beer bottle from him as you listened him ramble into another story.
“Yo, Angel,” Coco called from the pool table, “get over here. Bring your friend, we need two more.”
“You play pool?” Angel asked you, curious to your answer.
You shrugged as you hopped off the stool, “I mean I know how to.”
He laughed as he followed you across the clubhouse, “That’s not a super reassuring answer, querida.”
“Man, fuck him. You can be on my team,” Coco said with a laugh, “He and Gilly can fend for themselves.”
There was something reassuring and welcoming about the way that Coco spoke to you—like he had known you for years. He handed you your pool stick, smile still plastered onto his face. This wasn’t how you had originally pictured your night going, but you weren’t upset about it.
About halfway through the game, Angel was pissed that he didn’t try to team up with you. You and Coco were on a hot-streak and he really didn’t expect that from you. He shook his head as you sank another shot, and you had to laugh at the way that Coco was able to effectively gloat with just a simple look thrown Angel’s way.
“I mean I know how to,” Angel mocked you with a laugh as he shook his head, watching you line up to take another shot, “Can’t believe you fuckin’ hustled me.”
You laughed, “I don’t think you can call it hustling if there’s no money involved. You’re just mad because we’re about to whoop your ass.”
He chuckled and glanced over at Coco, “Don’t look so smug, Coco. She’s fuckin’ carrying you right now.”
The game wrapped up quickly with you and Coco both doing so well. Gilly had been more than content to sit back and watch it all happen, reveling in the fact that someone, and someone new at that, was kicking Angel’s ass at pool. Angel was shaking his head as he set his stick aside, still trying to figure out how all of that just happened. For someone who claimed that they didn’t like going out and doing things, you seemed to be full of surprises.
“Since I am a gracious winner,” you said with a laugh as you let Coco put your stick away, “I’ll buy you all a drink.”
Angel went to protest, not wanting you to be buying anything for any of them, but Gilly slapped his chest to stop him. The look on Gilly’s face made it very evident that no matter how cute the girl was, none of them were about to be turning down free drinks. Angel laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
As the night wore on, slowly but surely people began to trickle out of the clubhouse. You hadn’t really talked to Elena since you got wrapped up playing pool with the guys, but the two of you kept an eye on one another. Every now and then she’d shoot you a look, one that asked if you needed to get out, and you would just shake your head. She’d smile, sometimes throw you a wink, before getting wrapped back up into whatever she was doing. You knew that she was just glad to get you out of the house and socializing with people.
You and Angel were sitting next to each other on the couch talking, keeping your conversation low in the midst of music and noise still filling the clubhouse. You were shaking your head at him as he told you about some of the scrapes he’d gotten into with his brother, someone that you knew you’d also love to sit and have a conversation with eventually.
Elena walked up and gave you a nudge, smiling when you turned to her, “Not trying to rush you, but I think a couple of the girls and I are gonna head out. You want me to bring you home before I go with them?”
Truthfully, you didn’t want to leave. But she was your ride, so it wasn’t like you were going to have much of a choice. Just as you were about to speak up and say you’d get ready to leave, Angel interrupted, “I can take you home if you want.”
You glanced back at him, arching one eyebrow, “Oh?”
“Yea,” he shrugged, smiling, “I don’t mind.”
Elena bit at her bottom lip, trying to fight back a smile, “You good with that, Y/N?”
You nodded, “Yea, I think so,” you laughed, “Worst case scenario I have pepper spray in my bag.”
“Jesus,” Angel laughed.
Elena shook her head with a grin as she leaned down to kiss your cheek, “Text me when you’re home. Love you.”
“Love you too. Text when you get to wherever the hell you guys are all going,” you chuckled.
“Will do,” she turned and hugged Angel, “Get her home safe, or I’ll beat your ass.”
He nodded, trying hard not to laugh because he knew that she was serious, “Yes ma’am.”
When she was gone and it was just the two of you again, things felt a little different. You suddenly became very aware of the way that his arm was draped over the back of the couch, his fingers almost brushing against your shoulder. Despite the number of people that were still in the clubhouse, it felt like it was just you two left. Everything else felt farther away.
“Can I ask where you’re from?” he leaned in a little closer to you and took a sip of his beer, “Because I feel like you’re not from around here.”
You smiled, shaking your head, “I’m not. I’m from the East Coast—came out this way for college,” you laughed, “Very cliché, I know.”
“Ah, you’re one of them girls, huh?”
“Who are them girls?” you chuckled.
“Had to get the hell outta dodge?”
You smiled and nodded, not really wanting to get into the details of your decisions, “Something like that.”
“You musta broke a lot of hearts when you left,” there was a smirk tugging at his lips.
You laughed, “Wouldn’t know—haven’t been back to find out.”
Somewhere along the line of your conversation, the two of you had gotten very comfortable. You had your legs pulled up underneath you as you leaned into him, his hand resting lightly on the nape of your neck. Every now and then when you laughed your hand would come to rest on his thigh for a moment or two before you pulled it back to your own body. He wasn’t bold enough to say it but he wished that you’d leave it there.
There was a brief lull in the conversation and you looked around the clubhouse, seeing that the two of you were some of the last people there. You checked your phone, seeing that you had gotten the safety update from your roommate almost an hour before and hadn’t noticed from being so enthralled with Angel.
“You got that look on your face like you gotta get going,” Angel said knowingly.
You sighed, “Yea, unfortunately I still have to go and do life stuff tomorrow,” there was a hint of laughter to your voice.
His thumb traced idly along the exposed skin at the base of your neck, “We can take the bike, if you want.”
You pressed your lips together for a moment, “I’ve never ridden on one before.”
He chuckled as he rose to his feet, helping you to do the same, “Something tells me you’ll be fine.”
The two of you walked out of the clubhouse, Angel’s hand settling on the small of your back. The chilly night air hit your skin and sent a chill through you. Without a second thought, Angel peeled off his sweatshirt that he’d put on and handed it over to you. You started to shake your head no but he wordlessly pushed the hoodie into your hands. You gave in with a smile, pulling it down over your head. It was warm, and you were practically swimming in the fabric, but you didn’t mind.
He let you use his helmet, and you settled behind him after climbing onto the bike. Your hands were lightly resting on his waist and he pulled your arms tighter around him, causing you to press flush up against his back.
“Don’t be shy, querida,” he chuckled, “For your own safety as much as anything else.”
You laughed, thankful that he couldn’t see the sheepish smile on your face as you let your body rest against his. The bike came to life underneath you and you nervously wrapped your arms a little tighter around him, and you could feel him laughing despite the fact that you couldn’t hear him over the noise of the bike.
Slowly you eased into the ride, your nerves subsiding a little bit. Angel must’ve felt the tension dissipating because he picked up the speed a little bit, causing you to laugh and tighten your hold on him. You knew that Angel knew the way to yours and Elena’s apartment, so you knew that he was taking the long way there. As much as you wanted to call him out on it, you didn’t want him to think that you minded. It was a peaceful, freeing feeling to be riding with him.
He rolled to a stop in front of your apartment building. You hopped off the bike, handing him back his helmet. The two of you stood there and you knew that he could feel the same type of tension in the air that you felt. For a night that you really hadn’t been looking forward to, it was the best time that you’d had in a while.
You went to take his sweatshirt off to give back to him but he shook his head at you, “Nah, keep it.”
“You sure?”
He nodded with a smirk on his face, “Yea. Just give it back next time I see you.”
You smiled, “Next time? Who said I’m coming back to the clubhouse?”
He laughed and shook his head, “Damn, you and Elena are both out to keep my ego in check, huh?”
“It’s good for you,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, trying to ignore the fact that you felt nervous, trying to figure out how to say goodnight.
“But really,” he stepped in a little closer to you, forcing you to tilt your head up slightly to look him in the eye, “I’d really like to be able to see you again.”
You managed to keep a straight face for a few seconds, just long enough to make him nervous. You could see him racing to try and come up with a follow-up statement to get himself out of being rejected, and you let yourself smile as you nodded, “I’d like that.”
He let out an audible sigh of relief, “Had me worried for a second,” he chuckled.
You laughed, shaking your head, “Can’t make it too easy for you.”
He smiled, “Can I have your number? Or do I gotta level up for that?”
You rolled your eyes as you held your hand out, “Give me your phone before I change my mind.”
He chuckled as he dug it out of his pocket and pressed it into the palm of your hand. He watched you intently as you plugged your number in, smiling as you handed it back to him, “This your real number? Or one of those rejection hotlines?”
You smirked, “Guess you’ll have to call me and find out. One time I gave some dude the number that would just play the John Cena theme song over and over again. That was…peak rejection.”
“That’s not exactly reassuring for me, you get that, right?” he laughed.
You smiled and shook your head, “It’s my real number, promise,” you stood up on your tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks for bringing me home.”
He couldn’t hide that he was surprised by the gesture. A huge smile spread across his face as he nodded, “Yea, any time.”
“Get home safe.”
He nodded, “I will,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” you crossed your arms over your chest, trapping the heat against your body as you watched him get back on his bike and strap his helmet on. He flashed you another smile and you waved him off.
You let out a small sigh of contentment as you turned around and made your way into your building. The walk up to your apartment seemed much shorter as you replayed the night over in your head. You turned the key in the lock and stepped in, glad to be home but simultaneously wishing that the night wasn’t over yet. You showered and threw your pajamas on, falling into your bed with a happy sigh. After shutting the light off and settling in underneath your blanket, your phone buzzed on your nightstand. You reached over to see who it was, and smiled when you saw a message waiting for you from a new number.
“Home safe. Sweet dreams” after a few seconds a second text came in, “It’s Angel by the way”
You chuckled as you typed out your reply, ‘Thanks for the clarification. Got worried for a second”
“Just tryna be sweet and you can’t let me have it, can you?”
“Nope” you were laughing in the quiet darkness of your room.
“Alright. Sweet nightmares then. Goodnight”
You could picture his face and you couldn’t stop smiling, “Goodnight xo”
You set your phone off to the side again, settling back down underneath your covers. Your body wanted to sleep but your brain was too busy replaying the entire night over again and you couldn’t stop smiling.
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binniesthighs · 3 years
telepatía | reader x binsung
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a/n: hi cuties! hope ya’ll are are staying seggsy and cozy! ;) this piece is 100% self indulgent (hehe) as well as my first time writing a poly r/ship! since i’m new at it, any and all feedback is super super appreciated!! <3 
telepatía | changbin x reader x jisung 
~aka, my love note to binsung~ 
Pairing: self insert, seo changbin x female reader x han jisung 
Genre: fluff n’ smut 
Tags: poly relationship, long distance r/ship au, established r/ship au, inspired by a song au, comfort fic, lil bit emotional but that’s bc they are in looove, idiots in love, softdom!binnie, hardswitch!reader, softsub!jisung, mentions of food, explicit language, masturbation (f), dirrrrty talking, hehe soft love makin’, lowkey size and corruption kink, unprotected sex, oral (m&f), face sitting, penetration (piv and anal), double penetration (f), nipple play (m&f), fingering (f), squirting, marking, multiple orgasms, creampie, ahhh soft n’ intimate body touching, cockwarming, shower aftercare, i am so sorry i got sooooo carried away teehee 
Word count: 7.9k 
Recommended listening: telepatía by kali uchis 
Two months. Two months that had felt like eternity. 
Your pen tapped at the table to your desk as you watched the minutes pass by. To your right, your desk calendar with your little countdown smiled at you with the little doodles had drawn along with the stickers that you had decorated there. 
Five more days! 
The golden hour of the day passed by outside your window upon the city that you had been calling home for the past two months. It was gorgeous. Unreal even. Studying abroad had been harder than you had expected--although it was often exciting at other times too. There was not a day that passed when you had regretting doing it, but there were other days when you had wished you could just transport yourself right back home; even if it meant it would be for only a couple hours of so. 
During nights like these, your cramped little studio felt even more empty than usual. The colors of gold and pink would smear in the skyline along with pale pink clouds that looked softer and lusher than anything else in the world. In the springtime, the budding and green trees lined the outside of the apartment complex and birds twittering past would flutter their wings outside of your window cracked open slightly. As the days went by, the air warmed and became more humid, and smelled of luxurious primrose and hyacinths. 
Your room was dimly lit by your desk lamp, and you hadn’t bothered to turn on any other light. Pages wrinkled, and your sense of loneliness came creeping in like the cold winter that the new season had now just chased away. You didn’t want the feeling to linger, but you couldn’t help but let it. 
The sheets of your bed were cozy, much like the rest of the way that you had decorated your studio. The cream colored covers felt like silk on your legs, but where nothing compared to the touch that you craved. 
Your phone clicked on with it’s blue-white light, showing your screensaver: a beautiful sunset image of that last walk that you had taken of the two of them before you had left. 
If it were possible, you imagined that missing one person was enough to shatter a heart, but two people? 
You hugged your phone to your chest, feigning some semblance of a hug to the two of them. Your nose sniffled as it grew more stuffed, and you let your suppressed sobs fill up the space of the room. 
You were convinced that you must've been the the luckiest or the unluckiest person in the whole world: two loves of your life, two people to share it all with had been like a dream come true. It was finally something that felt like it made sense. But, to be so closely tied to two people, meant that being away from them hurt two times as much. 
You imagined them with you in your room: they loved to sandwich you in the middle of them. This was their favorite place to have you. Nothing had been warmer and safer than that. Arms and legs would be all tied together in a way that made little sense, and both of their quiet breathing would tickle at the skin of the back of your neck and your forehead. If there was anything that you had guessed you missed most, it would be falling asleep with them. “I love you’s” would be whispered, and all space between you dissapear once the down comforter would be pulled to your noses. 
No matter how hard you pretended that they were there, it was never the same. 
[it takes three to make a thing go right] binnie, sungie, me 
binnie: have you had dinner yet? please don’t forget! 
jisung: [see image] this is what we’re having for breakfast! we wish you were here with us! 
With shaking fingers you opened the picture to view Jisung’s attempts at cooking. He had been getting into it these days. You had almost wished sometimes that you had been there to try whatever he had concocted--even if it didn’t taste the best. Today it looked like he had tried to make fluffy pancakes with strawberries and cream...but they didn’t end up as fluffy as they should’ve been. Changbin was in the background of the picture making a couple finger hearts. Undoubtedly Jisung had asked him to do it for the picture: Changbin was more of the no-nonsense and stoic type with somewhat of a goofy edge. You and Jisung always knew how to make him melt. “You two are my weaknesses you know?” 
sungie: don’t stay up too late either! finish strong before you come back, okay? 
binnie: we really can’t wait to see you, five days can’t come soon enough. 
You sniffled, sitting up. Had they been there then, they wouldn’t have liked to see you cry. Although your heart stung with a sharp pain seeing them so happy together, you brought yourself back together. You knew exactly how it would’ve been: Jisung would dry your tears gently, then cuddle right up under your arm to nuzzle into your shoulder. Behind the both of you, Changbin would spread his arms wide so both of you could be wrapped up in him. 
me: i really miss you both. i miss you so, so much. i can’t wait to see you on Friday. don’t have too much fun without me until then :) 
binnie: you kidding? we’re miserable without you!! i think that we’re both going crazy. 
sungie: he’s right!! it feels so weird, it always has been these past months. 
we’re not complete without you, y/n. we miss you too sooooo much. 
and you know that bin gets crabby sometimes. when it’s just me around... 
bin: hey! the hell you mean crabby?! i’m a frickin angel!!! 
The way that you could read each of their messages in their voices brought you comfort, and you giggled a little reading the words. 
sungie: relax! i’m just trying to make her laugh. did i succeed?
me: you did sungie. :) 
bin: you forget that i’m sitting right next to you sung, you’re playing a risky game. 
sungie: ooooh he talks such big talk, are you seeing this y/n? do you see what i mean? plz come back and save me!!! 
bin: HEY 
me: binnnnn go easy on sungie. 
bin: i do!!! 
i only go rough when he asks me too ;) 
sungie: w o w 
While it did make you laugh, it still hurt a little thinking about how even with you missing, their lives still went on, they ate meals together, went to concerts, movies, out to eat, and, at the end of the day, they still had eachother to cuddle up with to sleep. It hurt even more thinking about how they still had eachother to satisfy other comforts. Of course, you were still involved over the phone and video calls too, but with thousands of miles of distance, your hands alone could never feel as mind-blowing as theirs. 
binnie: there will be plenty of that when you get back too y/n ;) sung has maybe had it too easy. 
me: hmm too easy? 
Jisung send a series of emoji stickers that all conveyed about the same message: oh my god i’m in trouble. 
binnie: anyway, jokes aside, we are really looking forward to friday. sungie and i have been talking about it and we think we just want to spend the night in if that’s okay with you? you’ll be tired too. 
As always, your boyfriends were the most considerate people in likely the whole world. You didn’t really want to be anywhere else, but just with the two of them; as close as you possibly could be. 
me: that sounds perfect. <3 
sungie: get some rest tonight!! in the morning get yourself something nice for breakfast, i can send you some money hehe 
binnie: boyfriend of the year award over here ! ! 
sungie: hey, we’re both boyfriend of the year! duh, she loves us the same??? 
me: that’s very true. 
binnie: pffff
sungie: don’t make me tackle you seo changbin, i am sitting right next to you
binnie: is that a promise? 
me: boys, boys stop fighting, you’re both boyfriend of the year. 
binnie: see? y/n, we’re a mess without you. 
sungie: changbin, you’re my boyfriend of the year too. does that make you feel better? 
binnie: maybe. 
sungie: we’re keeping y/n from getting dinner. we should shut up now. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. take care until friday! we’re almost there!!!! 
sungie: bin, i love you, but please, shut up. 
binnie: i’m joking!! sungie i’m joking. this is an equal relationship obviously. 
By now, their usual antics had left your tearstained face dry, and the corners of your mouth sore from how hard you had smiled. 
binnie: see you soon! goodnight y/n! 
sungie: night y/n <3 
You clicked your phone closed, then let your weight drop down to your pillow that held the smell of the evening air. 
“It’ll be sooner than you think.” You sighed. 
It was much too nice of a night to be doing homework, so you decided to push it off for just a couple more hours, flicking on your dinky TV set to a local station where they spoke in the language that you had been teaching to yourself for the past couple months. Here and there you could recognize a few words, but you mostly liked it for the noise. 
You pulled your thin sheet over your bare legs, merely enjoying the simplicity of the feeling over your whole body. 
there will be plenty of that when you get back home too. 
we love and miss you a lot a lot. 
Two months for imagining...and you had learned to hone your skill especially, even if it didn’t feel the same. Even though missing them hurt, you could still feel the love from them from thousands of miles away. They had said themselves that they didn’t feel complete without you. 
The silky feeling sheets tickled at the hairs on your arms as your hand teased down your stomach, then toyed with the elastic of your panties under cotton shorts. You blamed it on the night being especially pleasant, or maybe it was just what you and needed at that moment. 
You wondered how much they had missed you, if they thought of you when their hands would run over each other, or perhaps even if they would imagine that you were there with them when they hold each other close, tiny gaps and moans stick on their lips while they would pleasure each other too. You in fact had thought of them: Jisung’s pretty moans and the way that Changbin liked to suck little bites into his neck. 
That spring air hushed into your window with the softness of a song, and curious fingers dipped into your folds and twitching bud which was wet to the touch. Your body jolted at the feeling of your fingers on your suddenly needy clit. Your mind ran wild thinking of the way that both of them had looked beside you, one of their hands dipping under the fabric of your panties and the other lightly twisting at your nipples too. Absentmindedly, your own hand reached to mimic the action on your breast while you remembered. Careful kisses would be pressed into your cheek and neck while they whispered adoring little praises in your ears. 
“You’re so beautiful baby, like nothing else.” 
“We love you so much. My princess, such a good girl for me, hm? You like how our hands look on you?” 
Your body shivered at the memory, and you rubbed circles into your clit, gathering your own sticky slick to rub over the sensitive bud. 
“Yes,” You whispered to the empty room. 
The golden setting sun reflected fractals of tiny rainbows into your room--just as your prism had done hanging in the window back at home. It would reflect on the stucco walls, and the colors would streak on the ceiling. You would catch sight of them laying tangled up in scattered sheets with both of their bodies prowling over you in bare skin. You could trace the curves of their shoulder blades like the edge of perfectly crested waves. A faraway warmth swelled over your body, and you rubbed harshly at your bud craving more and and more. Your legs squirmed under the sheets: much like they would when they would bow their heads to tease at your clit with interweaving tongues, sandwiched between your thighs which they would pull back with starving fingertips. You could almost hear it: the way that your slick would drip over your pussy, and how they would taste it too on each others lips in between. 
Your back arched recalling their praise. They would pull you between them once again, and fill your mouth with adoring kisses covered with multitudes of their love. Jisung would mewl little whines into your mouth, shaking from your hand wrapped around his cock, and Changbin kissed you like you were his reason for breathing: slow, languid, purposeful. He’d sigh out watching the way that you marked up Jisung’s body while pumping himself all the while. 
“Binnie. Sungie.” Their names became your anchor while your rubbed wider, then slower, then faster. Your soaked fingers plunged into your pussy while your head danced with the memories of them filling you up, rolling their hips in as deeply as thye could, kissing into your chest or the crook of your neck. You curved your fingers to tease at your g-spot, but your clit was even more impatient. 
“Do you want to cum for us princess?” 
“I’ll cum for you...” Your breath hitched in that room all by yourself. 
Your fingers wiggled back up to your clit, now hypersensitive from its lack of attention. Instantly, your orgasm built violently behind the twitching bud, and you threw your free arm back to grip into your pillow to steady yourself. Sweat had gathered on the underside of your thighs and on your back: it was a feeling so dirty that it only made your head feel lighter. It was as if they were in the room with you and you could see them clearly: enamored eyes dipped in lust that ate up your form until there was nothing left. 
“C-close.” You shuddered, now with pruned fingers encircling until you drew yourself right to the brink.
You came with a forceful heat that swept over your whole body and sent your hips jerking up into the air and toes digging into the bed. Your incisors bit harshly at your lip, and you stifled your unsteady and high pitched moans the best you possibly could. In your apartment complex, the walls were thin enough for there to be little left to the imagination. 
Your chest shook as you came down and you teased your bud, edging on overstimulation for as long as you could take it. Jisung had liked the way that you would convulse like this and Changbin would relentlessly give little slaps to your aching bud. Once you could take no more, you drew your hand back from the elastic, then you let the euphoria sweep over your body for a few moments of silence and tranquility. 
Yes, you had done it to yourself, but without their help, there was no way that you could’ve shown your body the same kind of fervent love. 
It was as if they could make love to you telepathically, even on this night when the sun was setting, and your bed was empty. 
You hadn’t expected yourself to feel nervous meeting them at the airport. Still, your heart pounded in your chest with a ridiculous rhythm. It wasn’t like you had a completely different face or had changed anything about yourself remotely  that would’ve shocked them. Still, a sense of anxiety swelled in you that was unexpected and unwarranted. Perhaps it was because it was so surreal. 
There was something odd about the airport, it was likely how industrial it all felt with chairs that were lined with thin upholstery and carpets that held all kinds of mysterious stains. But, while it was a bit of a undesirable area, it was teeming with excitement. There were patrons at the magazine stands busying themselves flipping through books and laughing at the outrageous titles, people sitting joyously at the little restaurants and several hyper children tugging the hands of exasperated parents with neck pillows clinging to their strained necks. Further down the way, there was the sign illuminated pointing to the pick up area past baggage claim. 
The air smelled overly filtered, but it was still as exhilarating. You took two escalators down and one moving walkway, then the light of the outdoors flooded the area with conveyor belts and the screens above them. 
“Y/n? Y/n!!!!” Jisung’s voice called over the busy sounds of baggage claim filled to the brim with his excitement. 
Before you got a chance to figure out where his voice had come from, your adorable boyfriend came charging at you with arms outstretched and an inhumanly large smile on his face. He scooped you up holding you so tightly that you had to teeter on your tip toes. While Jisung had a bit of a tiny frame, you never would’ve guessed from the scale of his hugs. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” He giggled out the words with a sense of disbelief, and he swung your body back and forth. “Oh my god I missed you sososo much.” 
Another set of arms peacefully wrapped around you and Jisung and squeezed you in even tighter. In one of his hands, the cellophane from a bouquet of pink roses crinkled. “It’s so nice to have you back.” Changbin cooed, then reached to pat your head with his free hand. 
 You blinked back your happy tears the best that you could. The three of you broke, and you looked at both of your boyfriends right in front of you for the first time in what felt like forever. Changbin squeezed Jisung’s shoulder while the boy wiped a couple tears for the corner of his eyes. 
You were biased, but they really were the most beautiful people in the world. 
“I-I missed you both too, more than you can imagine.” 
The two boys beamed, then presented you with your flowers. 
“‘Hope you like pink ‘cause that’s the last color that they had left.” Changbin chuckled, and you nodded profusely. 
“They’re gorgeous.” 
You decided, after two months of not seeing the damn loves of your life, you deserved to kiss them--fuck the glares that you would get.
First you grabbed Changbin by the cheeks to press a smiling kiss right into his surprised mouth, and kiss him like you were a high schooler starved for attention that was forbidden to them. Still, your boyfriend grabbed your face back, rubbing tenderly into your own cheeks. 
You winked to an equally shocked Jisung, “You next.” 
You kissed the stutters away on his lips, and then ran giddy lips over his which cracked with a smile so wide it made it a little hard to kiss him. He wrapped both of his arms around you to pull you in close and you ruffled up his caramel blond hair the best you possibly could. Beside you, Changbin chuckled out proudly. 
You had closed your eyes to kiss both of your boyfriends like they deserved. If someone had stared, well...you didn’t see it. 
Jisung was out of breath after your parted, then pushed up his glasses in his surprise. 
“That was....” 
“--Lets get home!!” You shined with a smile, then took off in front of them. “Are you coming or not??” 
Jisung decided not to subject you to his home cooking, regardless of the fact that you had said that you wanted to try it. You had ordered take-out, and ate it picnic style on the floor to your living room in front of the TV playing a movie that none of you payed attention to. Regardless of the fact that your jet lag had hit you like a truck, your pure adrenaline upon seeing them kept your eyes from becoming weary. 
The normal questions had been asked: how are you classes, how is the food there, what are the people like, what is your apartment like, have you made friends etc. You asked Changbin about how his classes were going, and how Jisung’s part-time job at the café was and about the silly little things that you used to do as three, but they now had to as two. The consensus was that doing anything as two was strange and even a little awkward at times because they had gotten so used to having you around. 
Changbin cleared the dishes, making space for you to make up your little pillow fort that you would do at times. “It felt like there was a piece missing from us. It was...really hard sometimes too.” 
“It was for me too. Out there all alone...I had never realized that a bed meant for one person would be like, the saddest thing that there is on this earth.” 
“Small bed no more!” Jisung piped, then proceeded to wrap both his arms and legs around you the best he could. “Also small shower no more.” He nuzzled into your chest. 
One of the selling points of the apartment that you shared was actually the comically large shower that it came with. During the first few weeks after you had moved in, it was as if the three of you were physically incapable of taking a shower without the others being there. Changbin joked that it was as if they had made it just for the three of you in some kind of destined way. 
“Hmmm well, I think that we should make use of that as soon as possible.” 
Jisung let out a happy little hum in agreement then angled himself up to plant a couple quick kisses on your mouth and nose. Changbin threw down your array of pillows and other blankets, draping them over chairs to make a little tent like the three of you were toddlers hidden away in your secret place. 
“Sungie sandwich!!!” Jisung suddenly gasped out, “Binnie come on!!” 
Changbin scoffed, “I guess it has been a while...can’t say no to that.” 
Jisung squealed and the two of you made space for your boyfriend to come slide himself on the other side and make a proper “Sungie sandwich.” He kissed careful lips into the crook of Jisung’s neck which made the other boy giggle out in a tizzy: not only was he sensitive there, but it would tickle him too. You reached your arms over to tangle your fingers up in Changbin’s dark locks which were just as soft as you remembered. 
“This feels so amazing.” You sighed into Jisung who had crept his hands up your shirt. 
“It does.” Changbin agreed. “We’re complete again.” 
Small bed no more was right. 
Jisung patted the middle spot, wearing only a white tee and his boxers. 
“Your spot awaits you princess.” 
“Don’t mind if I do!” 
Changbin sauntered over while he brushed his teeth, abandoning the idea of a shirt all together. 
Your eyes widened, “...Bin--” 
“--What?” He smugly smirked. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before?” 
Your other boyfriend scoffed, “He certainly knows that he’s hot, doesn’t he?” 
“He sure does.” Changbin dished out a prideful wink. 
With sarcasm laced in your voice, you turned to Jisung to say, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that while I was gone.” 
Changbin’s voice echoed from the bathroom “HE LIKED IT!” 
Jisung waved him off, settling to beckon you under the thick and cozy comforter that you had daydreamed of more than once. 
“Are you comfy?” He hushed. 
“Mmhm! Comfiest I’ve been in months.” 
Just as he always would, Jisung would wrap you up so tight that it might’ve been a little suffocating--but it wasn’t like you minded in the slightest. The top of his poofy hair smelled like grapefruits somehow, and you hadn’t realized how much you had missed it. The feeling of your bare legs intertwined, and there was nothing that came close to such a perfect feeling. 
Your other boyfriend clicked off the light, then engulfed the both of you with his rather strong and intimidating arms. You knew for a fact that they were nothing but cuddly and harmless. Being like this with them was what you had missed most, and it was finally yours for the taking. 
“Are you guys asleep yet?” Jisung whispered after approximately five minutes of silence. 
“No,” Changbin murmured. “What is it?” 
“I-I dunno, I can’t fall asleep, I just keep thinking...” 
You flopped over to face him, “What is it Sungie? Everything okay?” 
Your adorable boyfriend stammered, then shied under the comforter in the dark of the room. “I-I don’t know if now is the right time, but...” It was noticeable how his tone had changed; you and Changbin knew it well. Jisung’s pitch would raise and his voice would crack when he wanted something. 
Changbin leaned over to click the light back on. “Sung, you don’t have to be so coy about it. I think that Y/n and I know you better than you know yourself.” 
Jisung’s eyes widened in his embarrassment, “You what??” 
Your headstrong boyfriend sighed, “Use your words Sungie.” 
His cheeks turned rosy, then he peeped, “It’s just that it’s been a really long time and I can’t stop thinking about it, and...Bin and I didn’t really do anything for like a week cause--” 
Your head whipped in Changbin’s direction, “What?” 
Changbin nodded solemnly saying, “Let him finish.” 
“--C-cause I wanted us to wait for when you came back so it could be like, extra special? Or...something like that.” He threw the blanket over his head. “It sounds so dumb when I say it out loud.” 
You really didn’t deserve someone like Jisung. Not in this lifetime or the next. You felt your limbs practically turn to jelly to hug your shy boyfriend. 
“It’s not dumb!! Not at all!! I think that it’s so sweet! You wanted to wait for me? Oh, baby...” 
With the blanket pulled back, you held his glistening eyes with yours. He really was irresistible when he would get like this. 
“I’m assuming that you wanna stop waiting, hm?” 
Changbin joined you in leaning over the shiest of you three, then shrugged down the cotton of your loose t-shirt to paint kisses into your shoulder. In the chill of the room, the warmth contrasted beautifully. 
“Yes or no Sungie? Because I defin--” 
“--Yes! Uh--I mean, yes, but--only if you aren’t too tired or if you want to.” 
“Sungie, how can I say no to you?” You bowed your neck to press loving little kisses into his lips which still tasted faintly of mint. He immediately give into you, grabbing out to hold your neck firmly as you did so. His hips squirmed slightly, as did his legs--he always was such an impatient baby. 
Changbin scooched in closer to caress down your back as you filled your boyfriend with every single kiss that you had been waiting months to give him. 
His voice was as soft as velvet, and full of his immense love for the two of you. Seeing both of you like this made him swell with such as sense of admiration, it was as if it was a high for him. “We’ll take care of you Sungie, we’d love to.” 
Even from Changbin’s praises, Jisung’s whole body would shiver, and you could feel it on your tongue too when you had politely asked for him to allow you entrance. 
Jisung set to work pulling your shirt up over your arms once you turned to Changbin to kiss over him roughly. He had liked it more that way: a collision of lips and teeth grazing over the softer parts of your mouth, gasps getting caught in between and the heat of tongues twisting as if you were as sweet as honey. As soon as you were rid of your shirt two sets of hands greedily crept up your body to twist and pull at your nipples which had hardened in seconds. Your head fell to Changbin’s shoulder while they teased and flicked at your sensitive buds until they hurt. 
“She’s so pretty, isn’t she?” Changbin growled, then cradled your head to lay you down. 
“The prettiest.” Jisung agreed, then hooked his fingers under the lacy part of your underwear that you might’ve worn with the purpose of them not staying on you for long. In return, you tugged at both of their waistbands for them to do the same. Cloth hit the bedside floor, and all that was left was Jisung’s shirt which you pulled off yourself. You only had a couple moments to look in the dim lighting of the room, but both of them had already dripped lightly with pearly drips of pre-cum and their hardening dicks throbbed against the mattress. Not only was it a heavenly sight to behold, but you knew that both of them were entirely for you. 
Changbin leaned down to flick his tongue around your hardened bud, then used his hand to kneed at your other breast with his powerful grasp. Jisung pulled your face towards him with hungry little whimpers that tickled your bottom lip, so you returned the favor by pulling his with your teeth. He recoiled beautifully from the feeling, and you saw your prefect window to slither down his body and wrap your hand around his pink cock. At first, you grazed your thumb over his slit roughly. 
“Did you miss my hand on your cock Sungie? Look at you...so hard for me, so worked up...do you want it that bad, baby?” 
“Y-yes, p-please...” 
Changbin kissed his way up your neck from your breasts sparkling from his saliva, then sucked love bites onto your collarbones and the soft parts of your neck. “Angel, I want to see you with Sungie’s dick in your mouth, can you do that?” 
You nodded, reveling in Changbin’s instructions. There was something about being told exactly what to do that made you feel so pliable. Changbin knew it well. You then worked kisses down your boyfriend’s body, pausing for a moment to flick your tongue over his nipples in the way that made his whole chest flush with pink. He laughed out in his pleasure with an airy breath too. You kissed gently at first, teasing your lips over, then sucking harshly with a trailing of teeth. His back arched, and he let out a delightful “ah-fuck!” 
You finished by peppering other little marks on his chest which faded from pink to violet in a matter of seconds. 
“Babyboy, you wanna taste my cock too?” Changbin greedily rose to kneel, then pumped his fist with tiny trailing breaths. 
Jisung’s eyes turned into full moons at the sight, then nodded excitedly while angling himself correctly. You and your boyfriend exchanged prideful little glances over the other’s eagerness. The pads of your fingers traced down Jisung’s thin frame, ghosting over his flaring abs and drawing little scribbles into his ribs. Your perfect position was set between this quivering thighs which welcomed you easily, and you took his deliciously pink cock in your hand to tease at him with thick stripes. You gathered saliva on your tongue so he could feel it, then used another hand to pump at him too. 
Jisung flattened out his tongue to swirl it around his boyfriends angrily red tip and maintained eye contact as Changbin preferred. As the smallest boy dipped his head in closer, Changbin entangled his fingers with those gorgeous caramel trellises. He sighed out at the feeling of his cock hitting the back of Jisung’s throat, and groaned out lowly once he heard the other choke on it lightly. 
“Fuck baby. Just like that..” 
You then took in Jisung’s length as deeply as you could: and it was no easy feat. Where Changbin dominated in girth, Jisung made up for in length. The action sent Jisung whining helplessly on Changbin’s dick, which only drove the other boy further into his passion. 
“You take me so well Sungie.” He cooed, and pulled out for Jisung to catch a few desperate gasps. 
Your saliva gathered in the corner of your mouth, and you licked it up and down the sides of Jisung’s cock-- but only for a few moments. You swallowed him down, pushing down the back of your throat just as you had long learned how to do. Merely feeling the weight of him in your mouth sent your pussy throbbing and your legs twisting for some kind of sensation. Of course, Changbin had noticed. 
“Open your legs sweetheart.” 
You did as you were told, and his thick fingers came journeying through your soaked folds, and he toyed with your clit and slicked his fingers with your arousal. His index and middle finger circled around you: it was a sensation that you had dreamed of endlessly. 
“Mm, Bin...” You moaned onto Jisung’s cock. 
“Pretty pussy of yours must’ve missed this, hm? My fingers fucking your wet little cunt? I missed it too...” 
You tried your best to maintain your strength once you had returned to sucking off Jisung’s dick, but you only seemed to unravel further. He rutted his hips into your mouth needily--an action which teased at your gag reflex, but you were stronger than that. 
Jisung’s own slobber fell down the side of his neck which Changbin held, just so he could feel the way that he filled up his boyfriends throat. With his other hand, he dipped it further inside your pussy, fucking you slowly at first. You knew that he loved the way that your slick sounded on his fingers. In response, your helpless moans vibrated on your boyfriend’s dick. 
“Y/n, I want your mouth too.” Changbin asked gravely with hooded and darkened eyes. You knew what you had to do next. His fingers slipped out from you, and you loathed feeling so empty, but you weren’t one to disobey him either. 
Changbin made space for you to lay on your stomach next to Jisung and then tapped his wetted dick on your lips as well, leaving Jisung gasping next to you. 
“Fucking show me how much you missed me.” 
You took him in, and you had nearly forgotten how sizeable he really was. It was startling, and as soon as you took in his full length, you had to fight back tears over how thick he really was. Regardless, the way that he could stretch you out like this was purely addictive. 
“Oh...fuck--baby...” Your boyfriends voice dropped several decibels. “My babies suck my dick s-so good don’t they?” 
Jisung nodded in his wonder at you, and Changbin dipped his thumb into his mouth afterword. Jisung always did love the taste. 
Changbin caressed your full cheek, “Don’t forget to share.” 
You took a deep breath, then let Jisung take his turn again. As he did so, you resumed your work at jerking off his dripping tip, and he reached to slide between your folds with long fingers. 
With both of your adoring glances, you and Jisung kissed and lapped up the sides of your boyfriend’s dick and his eyes rolled back at the ethereal sight. 
“H-holy sh-shit--” 
Your hips buckled once Jisung let his fingers plunge inside of you and high pitched mewls sent you clawing at Changbin’s hips for balance. 
“W-wait...” Changbin pulled himself away, and you knew that he must’ve been practicing the best restraint he could. “Sungie, you wanna taste her pussy too? Taste how sweet she is?” 
Jisung smiled widely, despite being a bit of slobbery and tear-stained himself. 
“I’ve been waiting for months to!” 
You looked to Changbin for approval. 
“Sit on his face then sweetheart? Wouldn’t you like to ride his face for me?” 
You nodded in your thrill, and the bedsheets crinkled under the sound of the three of you shifting your bodies back into the proper position. 
As it often would, the windows to your room fogged with steam--even though it was a beautiful spring evening. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and some of them nearly fell off the bed. Nevertheless, you had never been cozier wrapped in the clean threads and with your sweating skin pressed against heated bodies.
Jisung firstly kissed at your wet lips, teasing and humming happily into them. He grabbed onto both of your thighs to open you further then pulled your folds apart to kiss directly on your bud--an action which sent you nearly screaming over how intense it all felt. 
“You can be loud for us baby. There’s nothing to be scared of here.” 
It was as if a switch had flipped within you, and each and every lap of Jisung’s tongue felt like the most euphoric sensation you had ever experienced. He looked utterly adorable under you with his pink and juicy tongue running stripes over your clit. Merely watching him like this was enough to bring you to your first orgasm. 
“D-don’t stop S-sung...” You rolled your hips over his lips. 
Changbin had snaked himself farther down Jisung’s body which glistened with a thin layer of sweat. He clicked the bottle of lube, then smoothed it over his length, finally aligning it over the smaller boy. Your hands grabbed out for something to hold onto: one of them within Jisung’s hair, and the other squeezing painfully into the headboard. 
“Rough or slow Sungie?” Changbin laughed out wickedly. 
“R-rough...” Jisung moaned onto your pussy, “H-hard...” 
Changbin entered your boyfriend carefully, and both of them shuddered at the feeling. The room was full of all of your eroticism, and Jisung groaned out loudly at the connection. From the sounds your orgasm drew itself out too, and it was heightened even more when Jisung moved to pump his fingers deeply into you as well. He curved his fingertips in the way that grazed your cervix, and then sent you quivering pathetically over his face. Lower, Changbin dug his fingers into his boyfriends hips slamming into him without pause, and panting haphazardly. 
“C-can yo-you cum for me??” Jisung whimpered in a way that was much too cute for his own good. 
“Yes.” You answered, then fucked your hips over his plush lips and you clenched your teeth hard against your lip “Mm-fingers, Sung--please...” 
Jisung did as he was told, and maintained his pace stimulating your g-spot then, and begging an orgasm out of your body. He himself whimpered like a puppy while he was fucked out. Had you not been focusing on your orgasm, you wished you could see it all happen. 
“Ji--fuck--” Your hips violently shook, and you came with a searing heat that locked your walls tight around his fingers and dripped even further down your shaking thighs and splattered into his delicate features. It didn’t startle him at all, but he merely licked his lips free of your slick. 
“B-Bin--” He gasped out, then you fell down in your aftershocks to watch the way that Changbin spread out your gorgeous boyfriend with sweat dripping down his chest and from his brow. 
“Ride him, baby.” Changbin immediately ordered. “I want you to cum all over his dick, got it?” 
With grabby hands, Jisung pulled you right into his chest once you had straddled him. He played with your nipples for a few fleeting moments as you got situated pushing his cock into your pussy still trembling from your last orgasm. 
It was beautiful how he could fill you up like this. It was intimacy incomparable a closeness that only you had shared with him. In fact, he had actually been somewhat of a virgin when the three of you had met, and both you and Changbin were his first time. Knowing that he had only shared this part of himself with you and your boyfriend felt intoxicating in a way. 
You flicked your hips over his length, and focused your strength on fucking him slowly compared to how relentless Changbin kept his pace at. 
“I love you baby. Jisung, I love you so much.” You held his gaze. 
Two tears fell from his cheeks--not out of sadness, but of his pure love for you. 
He begged with a quivering lip, “Please kiss me.” 
And you did. You kissed Jisung like he was as fragile as flower petals that could break with the smallest tear. You kissed his lips as sweet as candy and you kissed the last bits of your arousal away on the corners of his mouth. 
Still, “Harder...” He begged, and your hips dipped lower and quicker over him. 
“Want me to fuck you harder babyboy?” 
Changbin threw his hands on your shoulders, then ran them down your spine to feel the way that you moved over Jisung’s dick. 
“Want us to fuck you until you can’t say any more?” You tutted. 
“Fuck, Sung, you feel so--” 
“G-gonna make me cum-ngh!” 
Changbin angled the boys hip up a bit further, and the sound of skin on skin filled the room. 
You sang out the phrase, “~I didn’t hear you say it Sungie~” 
Jisung’s face screwed up, and he gasped out loud enough for the neighbors to likely hear, but that didn’t matter in the slightest. 
“Fuck me please.” 
The thickness of the air in the bedroom clouded, and you fucked your beautiful boyfriend with your tightening walls as hard and as fast as you could, right until you brought yourself to the brink of another trembling orgasm, right over his dick. Changbin gifted a stinging slap to your ass then bit kisses into your shoulder right as you came undone for the second time, and Jisung’s eyes rolled to the back of his head once he came inside you at the very same moment. Your velvet walls tightened around his ribbons of cum inside and you collapsed against his gasping chest to warm him after his release. 
Changbin set himself loose, groaning out loudly as he came too, and shook with delighted laughter that was mixed up in his happy little “oh’s.” and the hitch of his breath. His restless hands caressed every inch of your body that he could as he brought himself down, finally bowing down to kiss right into your shoulder blades and back. Jisung called out his boyfriend’s name too while he shook around him. 
You coaxed yourself free of Jisung’s dick and Changbin wondered in the way that Jisung and made a creamy mess of your pussy. He then did the same watching how his seed spilled out of Jisung as well. 
The three of your sweating bodies clambered flat onto the mattress and the room fell quiet, leaving space for your breaths and the way that the spring evening sounded outside of your window: distant car horns, the hush of the breeze, the ebb and flow of the early arrival of cicadas. 
“Are you okay?” Changbin asked the both of you with worried hands running over both of your sweating forms. 
“Y-yeah. I am.” You smiled. 
Jisung shied his flushed face with one of the bedsheets. “Me too.” 
“I think...if you’d like, maybe the three of us could kind of, sorta, I dunno, stay connected for a little bit?” Changbin smoothed down the little hairs on your arm with the gentlest touch. 
“If Y/n wants to?” 
You exhaled peacefully into both of your boyfriends arms, and gave them a little hum to say yes. Changbin carefully wetted his dick with your slick, then guided himself into you pussy with his half hard dick, and it felt like a dream. Jisung too took a bit of lube in his hand as well, then pumped his dick with a shiver to then slide himself into your ass. The two of them swept over your body with light and fleeting kisses to your neck, shoulders, cheeks, nose and lips. You stayed the same: wonderfully full, and so close to them that it must’ve been unreal. While it hurt a little how they had stretched you out, you wiggled your hips still to feel even more of it. Your boyfriends sighed out at the feeling. 
“Sweetheart, you do that any more and you’re gonna make us want to fuck you again.” Changbin scoffed. 
“What if I want you to?” You traced the way that his deep brown hair curved over his ear. “What if I want you to fuck me like this...close...slowly...?” 
“If she wants to, I want to as well.” 
Changbin held your hips firmly under the blanket, then started his slow thrusts into you with his dick that indulgently grew hard once more. 
He whispered the promise over your lips, “We can do that for you baby.” 
You don’t know how long the three of you had remained as such. Time became nothing of your concern as the night slipped on and both of them took every ounce of their time with you, slowly fucking up into your pussy and ass, the sounds of your slick renewed filled up the room. They brought out a couple more shaking orgasms from your core, each of them followed by careful kisses to soothe your shaking body. 
“Such a good girl for us.” Jisung nibbled into your ear. His hand got tangled with the sheets too where he reached around to twist your nipples between his fingers. 
“How do you want it baby? Do you want it inside?” 
Changbin’s skin filled up your palm, then you slung a leg over his hip so he could hit your g-spot perfectly. 
“Of course. Sung?” 
“--Mm-m’ close too.” 
A few more moments of your symphonic moans, and you unfolded between them: one last orgasm that was so encompassing that you had slipped right into a space so safe, that you felt as if nothing in the world could touch you. Changbin finished off with unexpectedly adorable sounding grunt, and he throbbed within you to the tune of Jisung doing the same. 
“Shit.” Jisung giggled, then nuzzled his head right into the nape of your neck. 
“How was that angel?” 
“Do you even need to ask?” 
The three of you found solace in the skin on skin of it all: three people, three bodies that could be closer than two bodies ever could.  
“Ready to clean off in our big-ass shower?” Jisung wiggled you in his giant hug. 
“Small shower no more.” 
“The problem is, who’s gonna get up first to get the water running?” 
Condensation dripped down the windows, and the curtains blew softly with the spring air invading the room and carrying the smell of flowers and the mist  lingering in grass. 
Water dripped like rain over the pink of muscles and intermingled with the iridescent drops of soap bubbles which held little rainbows in and of themselves. Hair slicked to the sides of faces, and transparent streams coursed down the simple breaths on rising chests. Steam filled up your lungs, a reminder that it was all real. 
You were here with them. It wasn’t some kind of dream that you had painted while in that room alone with yourself and the buzzing of a TV speaking in tongues that you didn’t know. 
Even though they said nothing, but rather touched your body down, you could hear their thoughts like a melody. 
They loved every bit of you, and it was written on their faces times two. 
Bunch of (Ro)ses! 
@minaamhh @dazzlehoseok @synnocence @jjewibeans @hyunsluvv @unexceptional-h @bobawithchaitea @lechanters @sailorhyunjinz @silencefavarchive @eunaeiekim @julesinthesoop
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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“Hi Dr J, I’m glad we finally get to chat…”
Holy shit.
Earlier that day, I’d been told at the front desk that there was a lady from Evolution Pharmaceuticals on the line, and that she’d like to speak with me. Aubrey had always been good about screening out the sales pitches, the irate patients, the people with whom I really never needed to actually talk. So that she was pulling me aside for this call told me that this one might be something I should probably take...
But - ugh. No. I didn’t want to. This had been a long day, a long week so far - and it was only Tuesday! God, the past few months had been more and more exhausting, humiliating and emasculating with each passing hour. And the more I learned, the more it seemed that this company was at the heart of my troubles. Yes, it offered the opportunities of great financial rewards for the practice with this clinical study trial in which we were going to be participating. Since Jeanette, my previous Office Manager, had left, the mismanagement of the business had us in dire straits. Without the money from Evolution’s study and the “Lean In” grant from the women’s advancement group, I’m not sure we’d still be afloat. So, yeah, maybe I should have taken the call.
“I’ll call them later,” I told Aubrey, and grabbed the films I needed for my next patient.
That had been three hours ago, before my little hallway meeting with Melissa. Since then Gianna - some woman who’d wanted to speak to me about the trial - had called two more times. Left messages. Really wanted just fifteen minutes of my afternoon. Needed to speak with me. I refused each call.
Finally done with patients, sitting in my office at the end of the day as darkness crept in from outside, I sighed as Brittni from the desk buzzed me. She said that Gianna was on the line again. “Can I transfer her?”
“No,” I replied on the intercom, noticing that a little green light had blinked to life on the camera I had clipped to my monitor. I hadn’t seen it before, this light. In fact...when did I get a camera on this computer?
“Tell her I'll call tomorrow...” I finished.
I had set back to finishing some patient notes on my desktop when, suddenly, my screen flashed to black. For a quick moment I thought - oh no, a crash - but then a new, unfamiliar window appeared, and my mouse pointer began moving on its own accord. What the…? The window went full screen and next thing I knew I was in a video chat with-
“If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were avoiding my calls…” the woman onscreen spoke, laughing casually as she tossed her hair...
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“oh, uh…” I was immediately agape. This was who’d been trying to call me all day??
“Anyway...Hi Dr J, I’m glad we finally get to chat…”
Holy shit. This girl was gorgeous. Look at those tits.
As I stared, still shell-shocked and speechless from having my computer hijacked out from under me by a bosomy corporate careerist, she went on to introduce herself as Gianna Albertini, from the clinical trials department at Evolution Pharmaceuticals. She explained how excited she and her team was to get the study off the ground at the practice. Things had been fast tracked at the FDA, they were just waiting for some rubber stamps, and everything looked very promising for their product. She apologized for not being able to meet in person, at least for a while. “I’m on some new retroviral treatment, and they have me quarantined at home,” she explained with surprising nonchalance, “yadda yadda yadda…”
Finally, after a good several minutes of watching her talk - and she held my attention easily, her rack possibly rivaling Melissa’s - she let me get a word in edgewise. I was still confused by how in one moment I was working on my patient charts, and then in the next I was in a video chat. “H-how did you…?”
“Sorry,” Gianna laughed, casually waving away any privacy concerns I was currently about to voice, “I had to remote in, take over your desktop. I really needed to speak with you.” Beyond the blatant intrusions tactics she was obviously willing to employ, there was something in this woman’s eyes, her demeanor, that was making me more and more concerned as the conversation - such as it was - continued. She may have been acting relaxed and friendly, decidedly informal, but there was a seriousness just below the surface that even I could see, even through the screen, and even in the face of those enormous tits. “Plus, maybe it’s actually better we do it this way, rather than on the phone,” she said, as she sat up nice and straight, “So we can see one another’s...smiling faces.”
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As she got down to brass tacks, this young woman went on to describe to me some of the details of the new wings in our building into which the office would be expanding, how much more space we and Evolution be acquiring to fulfill the needs of the trial, and when it would all be ready. “Construction is ultra-fast tracked,” she said, “should be done within a few weeks.”
Weeks?? I marveled, silently incredulous. I’d seen the plans; it was a huge project. I’d figured months, if it ever really got done at all. But, the teams did seem motivated, and there were a lot of them, working day-in and day-out, all through the night. Maybe, perhaps? Could they pull it off in weeks?
We also talked about the structure of the trial, what it would involve day-to-day, and the long-term forecast. Evolution seemed ready to set up permanent shop with a clinic in the building, by taking over much of the lease of the new space, with the study just the first step in the door.
“You’ll be listed as the lead investigator,” Gianna explained, continuing on to detail the ins-and-outs of the trial, “but don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of people in place. You really won’t have to do too much, or deal with anyone at the main office. You’ll be reporting just to me...”
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“r-reporting to you?” I asked, trying to ignore the impressive bosom which filled the screen, cowed me. That had taken me back a bit...'reporting to her'? I had noticed something in this young woman’s tone, through our chat, that led me to believe that she and I possibly had different views as to the, uh, hierarchy of this whole thing. I was the doctor around this place, and had gotten used to expecting a little respect, being top of the food chain. She, on the other hand, maybe had other ideas.
“That's right,” she said, “we’ll do these chats once a week, more if I feel like we need it. I’ll expect a report from you every day, but again don’t worry. It’s basically something you just have to sign, the girls will do it all. Our other providers will be handling most of the work with the patients in the study, entering data, keeping the FDA happy, blah blah blah. Maybe we’ll ask you to go in and talk to, examine a few of the subjects, just to keep things interesting for you.”
If I hadn’t felt totally emasculated and marginalized, my authority crippled by the horde of women who’d apparently taken over my practice recently, this was the clincher. It would appear that for this study I was going to be not much more than a coddled figurehead, a token man of straw, expected to satisfy the whims of some half-rate pharm company and this woman, at her beck and call. No way!
“I’m going to have to insist on directing care for, uh, the trial subjects,” I asserted, finally getting a moment to exert my will, “they will, technically, be my patients.”
“Oh, of course!” Gianna replied, smiling and throwing her hair over her shoulder, “Allowing for some oversight from the other providers we’ll have in place, you’ll have lots of medical-decision-making to keep yourself busy!”
What did she mean, ‘oversight’?
“They’ll be different than your usual patients, the subjects that we’ll be bringing in for the study, but I think you’ll like them,” she continued, trying to reassure me, “maybe a younger crowd, and of course all female. But in general all you’ll have to do is sit back and watch the money coming in.” She sat, looked into the screen for a moment, in thought. “Though I guess we have some people there handling that for you, too, hm?”
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That gave me pause, made me rethink the litany of arguments that were beginning to boil up in my throat. I’d seen some of the paperwork, quickly, as it had moved past my desk for my signatures. It involved a lot of money for the practice. Like, a lot of money. I thought of my bills, my expenses, what I still somehow owed on my student loans. If Sheryl wasn’t going to be there to provide for me, help me pay these things…
If any of it remained, there was obviously some pride I was going to need to swallow.
“S-speaking of money,” I began, “what's my compensation going to look like?“
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Something about my question, something about how I was holding myself, made Gianna smile again and then sigh, a sigh that told me she knew something I didn’t, I couldn’t help but think. With that she leaned in, her eyes locked on mine through the camera, and a shiver went up my spine. “Oh don’t worry, Dr. J,” she spoke, “you’ll be well taken care of...“
Muchos Gracias to long-time friend, supporter of the story and behind-the-scenes ninja Antares for helping me assemble these clips.
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thethirdamell · 3 years
I wanted to do something for the 2021 Handers Gift Exchange (@handers-time - Thank you for setting this up.) so I wrote a tiny one-shot as an extra gift for @un-shit-yourself about Werewolf Hawke. I hope you like it! Ao3 Link
Hawke made a face. Hawke made a lot of faces, but Anders had never seen him make that particular face before. It looked downright feral, golden eyes gleaming in the dimly lit caverns of Darktown, a snarl curling his lip beneath his mustache and revealing impressively pointed teeth Anders may or may not have imagined sinking into his shoulder while Hawke fucked him silly right there in his clinic.
Anders didn’t think about it at first.
He mentioned, off-handedly, that Gallard had been giving him problems. A game of Wicked Grace gone wrong. Sure, maybe betting his ear hadn’t been the brightest idea, but Anders had more body parts than coin most days, so what else was he supposed to bet? He’d had a good hand - no, scratch that, he’d had a great hand - but Gallard had better, because Gallard cheated, and Anders knew Gallard cheated, but he’d played with Gallard anyway.
So, the ear. Anders rather liked his ears. They were where he kept his earrings, after all, and maybe it was greedy of him to want to keep both of them, but no one had ever accused him of being generous. No one except for Hawke, in that damned flirtatious way of his, smirking with one too many teeth about how if Anders was going to keep giving things away to refugees he could sure use a shirt just like the one Anders was wearing now if he wanted to take it off.
Anders wasn’t sure how that conversation had swung back around to Gallard, but swung it had, and Hawke had made a face. Hawke made a lot of faces, but Anders had never seen him make that particular face before. It looked downright feral, golden eyes gleaming in the dimly lit caverns of Darktown, a snarl curling his lip beneath his mustache and revealing impressively pointed teeth Anders may or may not have imagined sinking into his shoulder while Hawke fucked him silly right there in his clinic.
Anders was sure they’d kept talking, but the rest of the conversation was wind. He was too distracted by the sheer wildness that came out whenever Hawke was passionate about something. It manifested in the way he moved, powerful hands doing all of his talking for him while Anders imagined all the other things those hands could have been doing. Fisting in his hair, pulling his head back and exposing his throat for Hawke to worship, holding him against the wall aaaaand Hawke was gone.
Hawke took his hands with him when he left. Anders wondered if he could get him to bet them in a game of Wicked Grace. Now there was a bet Anders would have been more than happy to match. Hawke could have his hands, and his cock, and flames take him, Hawke could have the rest of him while he was at it. Gallard though. Gallard was not his type and Gallard could not have his ears and Anders was just going to have to set that expectation the next time he came knocking, but Gallard never did.
He just vanished.
Which was nice. It was nice that he vanished, but the thought of him popping up again was not so nice, and Anders was not looking forward to that happening, so it was even nicer when he stumbled across Gallard’s corpse. Someone had stuffed it down a coal chute, and someone else had opened said coal chute, and that poor someone was him. Gallard, or what was left of him, came flopping out, half-rotten from a week of decay and covered in soot.
Anders stumbled back, gagging, but there was no mistaking the elf. Anders would recognize those reflective eyes anywhere. They were a shade like old moss, an expression of abject terror on Gallard’s face over whatever he’d seen just before he’d died. Anders didn’t doubt it was horrifying - considering it had eaten him. Just a little. Just his ears, crunched off both sides of his skull, so Anders didn’t think about it.
It seemed like a hate crime. Hate crimes happened in Kirkwall, but then it happened again. Anders mentioned, off-handedly again, that guardsman Orwald had been giving him problems too. Badgering the refugees. Demanding protection money and destroying shelters when he didn’t get it and confiscating their belongings in the process. Aveline promised to look into it - the same sort of way she promised to look into everything - but Hawke had made that face.
Guardsman Orwald stopped showing up for duty. Guardsman Orwald started showing up around the undercity. A hand here. A foot there. A conspicuously gnawed upon torso and a chewed up thigh. Guardsman Orwald kept showing up around the undercity for a whole month before they finally found all of him - or all that was left of him - and Anders finally started thinking about it.
He mentioned, maybe not so off-handedly, that Ser Mettin had been giving him more problems. Harassing the Mage’s Collective. Knocking down the doors of mages and mage sympathizers and outright killing them without even trying to capture them, and Hawke made that face. Anders followed him that evening, and Hawke followed Ser Mettin, out of the Hanged Man and down one of Lowtown’s many alleys, but Hawke wasn’t dressed for a fight.
He was wearing what Hawke always wore: a cheap pair of trousers and a cheaper tunic. The kind of clothes that would be lucky to last one fortnight and fell apart in two. He didn’t even have a weapon outside of his knuckles, but he spent plenty of time cracking each one when he cornered Mettin in the alleyway. “I heard you have a problem with mages,” Hawke growled.
“You’re going to have a problem if you don’t keep walking, serah,” Ser Mettin shot back, a hand to the hilt of his sword, and damned if Hawke wasn’t outmatched. Ser Mettin was in full armor, iron cuirass emblazoned with the flames of Andraste’s pyre and the sword Hessarian used to run her through when she burned on it. Anders hated the heraldry. It said everything it needed to say about how templars treated mages. About what templars did to them.
They called it mercy.
They called it justice.
They should have called it murder.
A surge of righteous anger burned through him, like the Veil tore inside him, and hands of molten lyrium were trying to claw their way out of the Fade. Anders took a deep breath - and then another - trying to calm down, to force it back, to shut the door, to keep from becoming what he knew he was meant to be. Not here. Anders couldn’t lose it here - but apparently Hawke could.
“I like problems,” Hawke smirked. “I like causing them.”
Hawke changed.
His body warped and contorted, the crack of bones and snapping of tendons like something out of Anders’ nightmares. Maker, he looked like a man possessed, ripping apart his shirt as his shoulders expanded past it. Claws tore through his fingers and toes, ripping apart his cheap leather shoes, and he changed. He changed into Rage. It had to have been Rage - and Hawke had to have embraced it - but Rage burned. This-...
This howled. Hair - no, fur - claimed every inch of Hawke’s skin, and all at once, he wasn’t Hawke. He was-...
He was a wolf.
He was a bloody werewolf.
“Demon!” Ser Mettin screamed, wrenching his sword from his scabbard only for Hawke to swat it aside with a vicious swipe of one massive hand - paw? - that shredded Ser Mettin’s gauntlets and took off three of his fingers. They bounced across the street like scraps of meat thrown to the floor of a banquet hall to be swallowed up by the sort of slathering mabari Hawke seemed to have become.
Hawke dove on him, powerful claws tearing through iron and flesh and painting the wall with Ser Mettin’s blood when Hawke pinned him to it. Ser Mettin drew a dagger from his hip with the only hand he had left, driving it into Hawke’s shoulder again and again, but he might have been using a feather for all Hawke seemed to notice. Bloodied claws dug into Ser Mettin’s shoulders, and before he could even scream, Hawke’s fangs were in his throat.
Chunks of flesh and veins caught in his teeth, and mingled with drool the longer Hawke kept his death grip on the wailing templar. Ser Mettin’s grip on his dagger went slack, his attempts to fight Hawke off growing weaker and weaker as he bled out, until the life finally fled from his eyes. Hawke kept hold of him, seemingly lost to the ecstasy of his kill, a satisfied rumble from somewhere deep in his chest filling the silence of the night with the steady drip of Mettin’s blood.
Hawke swallowed whatever was left of Mettin in his mouth, and dropped him in the process. He ran his paws - hands? - over his head and through his midnight fur, the color so dark it absorbed any traces of blood before licking his muzzle clean. Anders watched - frozen, fascinated - when Hawke turned and noticed him.
Starlight glinted off his golden eyes, as gorgeous in this form as any other, and for one miserable moment Anders was terrified he’d lost him. That Hawke had given into this form the way so many mages gave into their own demons. That he was just Rage and there was no getting him back and Anders had lost him the way he’d lost Karl and-
And he was fine.
And he was naked.
Hawke clamped his hands over his crotch - as wide-eyed and panicked as if Anders had just walked in on him in the wash. He spun in a fast circle and snatched up a blood-drenched bit of cloth that made as poor a loincloth as it had a tunic.
“It’s not what it looks like,” Hawke said.
“It looks like you’re a werewolf,” Anders said.
“Okay…” Hawke cleared his throat. “I guess it’s exactly what it looks like.”
“When were you going to tell me?” Anders demanded, picking his way across the bloody abattoir Hawke had made of the alleyway to his side.
“Now?” Hawke decided.
“Now would be good,” Anders reached out to wipe some of the blood from his face. Hawke turned a shade of red to match it, apparently more concerned by the fact that Anders had seen him naked than the fact that Anders had seen him transform, but after watching him kill a templar, Anders honestly couldn’t say which sight was more appealing.
“I’m a werewolf,” Hawke said. “Is that-... Is that a problem?”
Anders grinned, “I like problems.”
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nohoney · 3 years
I Just Want It To Be Us - 1.1
note: Part 1 of the Us series which is originally posted on my ao3 here
Us series masterlist
characters: Dabi/Touya Todoroki, Hawks/Keigo Takami
warnings: 18+, drug use, toxic relationships, cheating, angsty-ish
That question always rang through your mind every time he comes back smelling like one of his side whores and cash in his pocket. He’s your boyfriend but he’s been doing this since way before he met you, and he wasn’t going to stop just because you’re together. It was a condition that you pretty much forced yourself to accept from the very beginning because well… you really did like Dabi that much.
Dabi knows that it makes you upset but he’s not going to stop for your sake.
You know that he won’t.
1.1 ✧ 1.2  ✧ 1.3
Your mother would be so disappointed if she saw you with your current boyfriend.
“Marry a nice man, honey.”
“When you find someone to settle down with, make sure he’s the one.”
“Don’t flit about from guy to guy, it’s not lady-like.”
All these rules your mother set you up with when it came to finding a boyfriend, you knew it came from a good place in her heart. She was only looking out for you when she told you these things but didn’t she get that dating now was different in this age and time? You’re a free person and you can see however many people you want or you could see no one at all and that was perfectly fine as well.
She has a feeling you’re seeing someone but you haven’t confirmed with her. To be honest, you don’t think you’ll tell her anything about your current boyfriend. It would be for the sake of preserving her little, fragile heart. How horrified would she be if she found out her precious daughter was dating the local drug dealer in her college campus?
He didn’t like being called by his surname and he didn’t seem to like being called by his first name either. The first time he speaks in front of your intro to philosophy class, taking it just to fulfill one of grad requirements, he says to just refer to him as ‘Dabi’. It’s curious to the people who don’t know who he is already but who are they to argue with someone how they should be addressed?
So you call him Dabi.
You called him Dabi the first time you spoke to him in class, asking for notes from the day you missed before in class. You called him Dabi when he found you sitting alone in the library and he kicked your chair to get your attention. You called him Dabi the more you spent time together with him, even past the semester once your one shared class is over and final grades were submitted. You called him Dabi the first time he ever rails you on his cock in the backseat on his car.
You almost forget sometimes that his real name is Touya.
In his off campus apartment, he sits in a chair in front of the bathroom mirror and you stand behind him with plastic gloves over your hands, helping him dye the roots of his hair black. The dye stinks, you hate the smell of it, but he kind of suckered you into doing it for him this time. He promised that if you’d help him, he’d sit through one of your stupid romantic-comedy movies you’d been dying to watch for a while. But you had to tack on a condition if he was going to give you an incentive.
If Dabi watched a movie with you and wasn’t entertained by it enough, he’d always leave to smoke a joint and come back high just so that he could get through the rest of the film.
“No break of any kind unless it’s a snack or pee break, you understand me?” you tell him as you put the final layer of dye on his roots. “And no doing it before the movie starts! I want you sober when we watch it together.”
“Yeah, yeah doll. You have my word.” Dabi passively waves his hand at you as he looks down at his phone.
Your eyes casually glance down at his phone screen and see that he’s in his messages app.
Wonder if someone is trying to get him as a connect. You think to yourself as you dispose of the plastic gloves and the remaining hair dye. You’re cleaning up the hair dye tools and open the window to air out the awful smell of the dye, all while Dabi sits in his chair and stares at his messaging app. The sounds of incoming messages from his phone tell you that there’s a conversation going on but his fingers don’t move over the keyboard to respond. It’s not your business how he runs his operations.
“How long do I leave the dye on?” he asks as he stands up from the chair, putting his phone on the countertop, and literally rips the shirt off his body from the neckline down the middle. It’s just a regular t-shirt he bought to protect his skin from the dye dripping onto his body dispensable from the very beginning, but he didn’t have to make a show of it. The shirt drops to the floor in a heap and he kicks it off to the side; you are not picking it up for him.
Dabi’s hot, ridiculously hot, that’s the first thing anyone notices about him. Both his ears have multiple piercings and his nose as well sporting three studs on his right nostril. If he’s wearing short sleeves, the first thing anyone will see that his both arms are tattooed all black, save for where they end, at his hands and shoulders it’s detailed to look like his skin is being held together by staples. On any other person it would look ridiculous to you, on Dabi not so much.
He notices you staring and winks at you, but you scoff at him and push past him to exit the bathroom. “You know how long it stays on, you’ve done this plenty of times before by yourself.”
“I like it when you tell me doll.”
Ah Dabi could be so charming when he felt like it.
You roll your eyes at him but peck him on the lips. “Shut up, I’m going to order in some food for dinner today.”
“Wow, ordering in for dinner tonight. Such housewife material (Name).” Dabi pokes fun at you.
“And you’re going to be the perfect husband Dabi.” you tease back.
You’re not certain if Dabi is long-term boyfriend material, you’ve only been dating for about five months. It’s not a long period of time you’ve spent as boyfriend and girlfriend but you’ve had a lot of fun with him. Although you have to admit that part of the fun you were experiencing with Dabi was because of what he’s introduced you to.
Before Dabi, you’d only smoke a little bit of weed every once in a while or take the occasional edible to wind down. You never had your own stash of it, you’d only partake if a friend supplied or if you were at a party. There was no point in having your own selection if you didn’t really partake in it that much. You were okay with smoking from a joint or a bong every once in a while, maybe take an edible if you wanted something a little stronger than smoking flower.
After Dabi you’d indulge in the occasional gram of coke and maybe some ecstasy if you felt like you could afford to take two days off from work for the come down. There were still others you hadn’t given a try yet, like shrooms or 2CB or do a candy flip, but you were slowly working up the nerve to give them a try when you were ready. Dabi offered you a Percocet but god, never again because you were too fucked up the one time you tried it.
You didn’t really think in your life you’d be involved romantically with a drug dealer but honestly it’s not as bad as you thought it would be.
Oh yeah, try explaining that to Mom…
Dab treats you right for the most part, he’s never yelled at you or ever taken his anger out on you either since dating each other, he just sells narcotics on the college campus and he got you into it too, it’s not a big deal. It helped that Dabi took it easy on you rather than just pushing you to do more than you were comfortable with. The first time you were curious about coke, he made you a little thin line of it and it took you more than an hour to decide you were ready before finally snorting it. After that first one, he let you decide how long and thick you wanted your lines to be. He’d cut it nice and neat for you and point to which one was yours to take. Coke felt good but the drip was disgusting in the back of your throat.
Speaking of disgusting…
“Hey, it should have been long enough so wash that gross stuff out your hair and let’s eat dinner.” you called from the kitchen as you plated the takeout food that arrived not too long ago.
You and Dabi sit at his little dinner table with the television streaming some random drama for background noise. Dinner topics for the evening range from school, homework, family news if there is any, and when to coordinate seeing each other next in between classes and your part time job. Conversations go smoothly and you’re cleaning up the kitchen when Dabi comes up behind you and presses a kiss to the back of your head, nuzzling you as you wipe the plates you just ate off of. You feel a sense of dread because every time he does that it means…
“Hey, there’s a house party this Saturday and I gotta work.”
You bite your tongue inside your mouth and exhale through your nose.
He has to work so he’ll be gone for a while, has to disperse his inventory and has to please his regulars as well as find any potential new customers.
If it was just selling, it wouldn’t be an issue.
The real issue is that you know he fucks some of his female customers. No no no, they don’t just get free coke or acid or whatever they’re asking for by spreading their legs for Dabi. He still expects cash as payment, but if he thinks they’re pretty enough then he doesn’t mind getting something extra aside from money after a sale. He’s handsome so why wouldn’t someone want to hop on his lap and go for a ride?
Dabi saves you the trouble by just being upfront about it, swears to you that you’re his favorite and that he only sees the other girls if he’s making a sale, they’re just customers. He goes to them, he goes to their location and fucks them where they meet him. None of his side whores have ever been brought back to his place, not like how he lets you in so easily when you knock on his door. He doesn’t take them out or treat them sweetly like he does with you; it’s just a sale and a fuck. It still doesn’t matter to you though, it still makes you jealous. It makes you clench your jaw in anger and want to just deck him right where his nose piercings are.
You’re his girlfriend but did that title mean anything if he was still going to sleep with other girls?
That question always rang through your mind every time he comes back smelling like one of his side whores and cash in his pocket. He’s your boyfriend but he’s been doing this since way before he met you, and he wasn’t going to stop just because you’re together. It was a condition that you pretty much forced yourself to accept from the very beginning because well… you really did like Dabi that much.
Dabi knows that it makes you upset but he’s not going to stop for your sake.
You know that he won’t.
If Dabi gets to fuck other girls then surely you have the right to do just the same with boys right?
The thing is though is that you did one time just right before the two of you made your relationship official, you hit up an old fuck buddy of yours while Dabi was out selling at another house party in the middle of the night. He left a measly text saying not to wait up for him and that he’d see you for breakfast. It would have been sweet if not for the fact that he came to your apartment smelling like another girl, just spending just two hours with you before flitting off into the night. Two hours of him on your sofa smelling like someone else, not even offering to shower to get their stench off, and he did his best to placate you before giving up and letting you stew in your own anger.
So you hit up your old fuck buddy and you go to him, you just get straight to the point when you’re let into his dorm and fuck your frustrations out on him. You intended to go straight back to your home but angry fucking took a lot out on you so you just spend the night there instead. “Don’t cuddle me, I’ll be gone in the morning.” you tell him after patting his cheek and pulling the blanket over your body.
It’s a quarter before eight when you’re trudging back to your apartment and you see Dabi leaning against your front door. You’re going to ask how his night was but he abruptly pulls you to him and growls in your ear to, “Get in your fucking apartment… now.”
He knows you went out to get fucked, doesn’t want to know who you went to.
You and him argue for over two hours inside your home, pacing back and forth in the living room. It’s back and forth of ‘it’s just business with those girls’ from him and ‘why shouldn’t I be allowed to do it to you?’ from you. Dabi says it’s just business and they mean nothing to him, claims to you that you hurt him more because you did it out of revenge. He really got you screaming at him after he said that but he didn’t dare back down. He stands firm and so do you, that really gets him angry with you even more.
He didn’t apologize and neither did you.
You were jabbing your finger in his chest when he grabs you by the wrist, irritation and exhaustion evident in his turquoise eyes. “Don’t fucking do that to me.” he growls at you.
“Get your fucking hands off me Dabi.” you spit back, shaking his hand off your wrist. “Get out.”
“No, we’re not leaving it like this.” he insists. “We’re fucking talk about this.”
You throw your hands up in the air in exasperation. “No, you want to ‘talk about it’ until I yield to you which is never going to happen! We’re going around in circles! You’re not going to be sorry and I’m not going to be sorry!”
A tense stare off between the two of you for a few seconds.
Next thing you know, you’re pulling off each other’s clothes and you’re forced on your hands and knees in your own bed. The only foreplay you get is a few seconds of rough kissing and Dabi spitting on his fingers to prep you as quickly as he can. When he pushes in, it’s rough and a little uncomfortable but you’re quick to adjust to the punishing pace. He pulls your hair too hard, you backhand him in the face, he spanks you until your ass is red and aching, you dig your nails into his back and scratch achingly slow down his flesh to make sure it really hurts.
Hate fucking with Dabi was a whole new level of intensity for you but you keep up with him until it turns into slow love making.
The biting, angry dirty talk from the beginning turns into whining praises; from ‘you spiteful, fucking bitch’ to ‘my pretty, little angel’.
“Fuck babydoll, you know how good you feel? I think I’ve fucked you so much that your pussy’s shaped to take just my cock. This cunt damn near drained me dry but I still want more. Cum on my cock more, tell me how bad you want it.” Dabi whispers into the skin of your shoulder before licking a trail up to your chin and pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Ugh, baby it’s so fucking good, only you know my body like this. I don’t want it from anyone else but you… shit, I’m going to cum again!” you groan as you clamp down on him once more and your pussy strangles his cock for more cum.
You fall asleep after two hours of fucking, your head resting in the crook of his neck and his arm around your shoulders to keep you close. The both of you are all fucked out but your mind is still fixated on the fight. Despite the intimate sex that’s brought you closer together after rounds of hate fucking, it doesn’t change the fact that Dabi still fucks his customers sometimes and you’re still resentful about it.
“If it makes you feel better then fine (Name), you can fuck who you want.” Dabi says to you when the both of you wake up and are pulling your clothes back on your bodies. “But know this, if you want to be in on this then you’re just going to have to accept that I’ve been doing this since before I met you and it’s not going to stop just because we’re together. So go ahead, fuck who you want but as long as you always come back to me. I always come back to you, don’t I sweetheart?”
You’re smoothing your hair down, taking in his words before looking up at him and asking, “We’re together?”
Dabi’s eyes are full of mirth as he approaches you, pulling you close to his body and squeezing one of your asscheeks in his hand. “You’re my favorite, my number one, I like you (Name). The things I do for you, what I’ve done to you, no one else gets that from me.”
He didn’t apologize and neither did you.
But funnily enough even though he gave you permission to sleep with whoever you wanted, you didn’t really have the desire to do so. He comes to you smelling like other girls sometimes and that should be your cue to go find your own rando to hump on but you just… don’t.
Part of you wonders if Dabi is happy that you don’t go around like he does despite his blessing. You’re resentful towards yourself sometimes that you don’t go out and have some fun with someone else too. He gave you permission so you should take him up on it, that makes sense given the circumstances. Apparently the only thing that was important to him was that he always be your priority the same way that you were his.
Maybe at the time you just wanted the rush of revenge and now it was different that Dabi took that away from you by giving you permission. Maybe he knew that once he gave you the green light that you weren’t going to bother anymore with seeking anyone else out.
You were certain that he was manipulating you but you didn’t have solid evidence so there wasn’t much you could do. What the hell were you supposed to say to him?
Hey Dabi you tricked me into not sleeping with other people?
Dabi did always give you a heads up at least when he was going out to sell and he always tried to make you happy when he comes back. He offers to order in your favorite food, bring your favorite bottle of alcohol with your favorite juice to chase, eat you out until you’re a quivering mess on his mouth, or nudges half of a tablet of ecstasy in your hand and says that he just wants to put on music and house roll with you.
It still doesn’t change that you get jealous no matter how many sweet things he does for you.
But you like him enough to deal with his shenanigans… just barely.
“Why don’t you come with me?” Dabi asks you as soon as you’re back from work. You’re tossing your purse onto your sofa and drop your body onto the cushions, your head in his lap and seeking his warmth. His hand goes to your head to start massaging your scalp, his fingers working magic and making you groan in pleasure. “Come with me tomorrow doll.”
You roll your eyes and turn your head to look at whatever show Dabi was watching while he was waiting for you. “To watch you flourish your business? I don’t think so. I’ll stay behind like I usually do.” you scoff, pressing your cheek against his leg and sighing.
He’s never asked for you to come along before, he doesn’t need the distraction of babysitting you. You wonder what’s caused him to ask you to tag along.
“Come on doll, just come along. Odds are I won’t be coming back the night of the party and Keigo will be there tomorrow, he can keep you company.”
Ah you loved Keigo, he was the only one that Dabi really considered to be a friend to him. Maybe it was because he could keep up with your boyfriend in regards to their drug consumption but you could see that they had a bond beyond just getting high together, more than just pills or powders or tabs that keeps them together. Together they both seemed like laid back individuals but Dabi only seemed laid back due to how apathetic he was whereas Keigo was actually a chill person because that’s how he actually was, it wasn’t just the air about him that made him seem so.
You loved being with Keigo, he always spoiled you silly and made you laugh.
“I don’t know, what exactly will I get out of it?” you shrug your shoulders and huff out quietly.
Suddenly two little baggies come into your view, one filled with white powder and the other with a little pink tablet. “Is this supposed to be a bribe to get me to come along?” you ask, staring at the bags and not bothering to take them from your boyfriend’s fingertips. You won’t lie that it is a little bit tempting, just a little bit.
“Maybe so, you know that my merchandise for you is discounted doll. Nothing but the best for you, my shit is always clean.” Dabi shakes the little baggies as if the contents are going to be more enticing if he does so. There’s definitely a big truth to what he said, the quality to his inventory is nothing less than superb. It’s why his clientele always kept on coming back to him but the absolute best was either for his favorites or it was apart of his own personal stash.
You’re staring hard at the baggies and start debating in your mind. Dabi would still give it to you even if you insisted that you stay home but there was no fun in doing it alone. You had some friends that could help you kill the coke if you asked them over but god forbid they start feening, that’s when they became difficult to deal with. There was no point in you holding onto them either if you weren’t going to do anything with them right away.
Since Keigo was going to be at the party tomorrow and if Dabi was going to give the baggies no matter what…
“Alright, only since Keigo is going to be there. Nothing else.” you give in and pluck the two baggies from Dabi’s hand and sit up on the sofa. “Now how much do I owe you for your merchandise sir?”
Dabi smirks at you as he crawls over you until you’re lying flat on your back, like you’re his prey and he’s the predator. “Just your usual payment madame, if you please.”
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
A Road To Somewhere.
For prompt: road trip
Thanatos/Zagreus/Meg in the background.
5.7k total, link to part two at the end.
Warnings: some sexual stuff are talked about but the most that happens is kissing and cuddling. Jokes about cannibalism as well. Alcohol uses. No beta.
Summary: Why talk about your feelings with your childhood best friend when you can just go on a road trip?
A/N: sorry for going silent, I was dealing with some medical issues on top of helping my partner with stuff.
To the Anon who requested this, I'm sorry about the wait, I hope you like this and feel free to always hit me for another request!
At three in the morning, your phone rang. 
You groaned as you rolled across your bed. and you squinted at the brightness of your phone. 
Hypnos' photo flashed on the screen, the one where he stole your letterman jacket to nap in on the school bus that Zagreus had sent it to you. And if you kept the photo five years after high school, well that is your business and nobody else's.
You hesitated, not sure you want to talk to him right now. After that night, the only thing you and Hypnos traded was polite, almost cold texts. not your usual meme or lazy chatting about whatever. But something about the picture of Hypnos' sleeping face pushed you to respond. 
You swiped the green button.
"You are coming with me." Hypnos said, or rather slurred.
You covered your face,"Hypnos, dude. Are you drunk right now?"
"You- you said you have never seen the ocean right?" Hypnos asked, ignoring your question.
"Where are you? I am coming to get you." You turned on your lamp, looking for a pair of jeans to wear.
"No- no." Hypnos said firmly and very drunkenly. "Y/N, dude. I'm fine. I'm at my shitty apartment." Hypnos paused, "You know, the one where my brother hooked up with Meg. And Zagreus. At the same time. Which is really effing weird for me."
"I - Hypnos-" you tried to think of what to say. The said incident happened over a little month ago and Hypnos had the misfortune of walking in at the wrong time. Which of course because Hypnos got his heart broken by Meg lead up to Hypnos trying to hook up with you to get over her.
"Look, you always said you wanted to see the ocean right?" Hypnos yawned, which you took as a good sign. Hopefully it means your dumb best friend will pass out soon and not ruin his liver for rest of the day.
"Yeah, what of it?" You asked, frustrated at Hypnos for doing this to himself and to you.
"Road trip!" Hypnos dragged out the words with a laugh. "I will be picking you up tomorrow. Love you bestie."
"Hypnos wait no, we can't just leave." You said. You waited for a response, "Hypnos?" You asked worriedly.
A snore came through the phone and you sighed. You turned off the lamp and laid back down, listening to Hypnos' deep breathing.
You stared at the ceiling, and tried not to think about the last time Hypnos got this drunk. Or about that night or how Hypnos acted like nothing happened the next day.
You rolled over to face your phone and closed your eyes.
You will just stay on the line in case Hypnos wakes up.
"You can't be serious, Hypnos." You said as he went through your clothes, uncaring of any boundaries you may have.
But honestly with Hypnos, you had long lost any boundaries. You knew you should actually try to enforce some but you craved just being near him.
"I am! I need to get away for a bit and you told me you were taking a week off right? And it starts today or last night technically." Hypnos held up a lime green shirt and made a face at it.
"Yes for a staycation, I don't have extra money for a motel or anything like that." You replied, and took the shirt away to place it back on its hanger.
"It's my treat, Y/N." Hypnos leaned on you, his head on your shoulder. You tried not to notice how warm he was against you or his big golden puppy dog eyes. "Come on, a free trip away with your best friend aka me aka the best thing ever with your favorite person ever-" Hypnos rambled.
"Fine, only because you said you will pay for everything." You sighed, You hated how hard it was to say no to him.
Hypnos cheered and pulled you into a bear hug. You savored the warmth despite not wanting to.
You just needed a vacation too. To clear your head. And who knows, you and Hypnos could finally get back to being normal.
Hypnos was in the driver's seat as you closed the truck and joined him in the car. A pen dangled from his teeth as his golden eyes flicked across the map. He glanced at you as you strapped in.
"It will be a two days drive if we only stop when we need to. That gives us three days at the beach or wherever else we end up doing." Hypnos took the pen out and marked a couple spots on the map.
"Couldn't we just use our phone GPS?" You asked.
"Nope, the place I'm taking you isn't a normal public beach and we have to drive through some mountains and mountains always win over gps." Hypnos pointed the pen at you. "Always." He said in a mock doom voice.
You rolled your eyes, and with a finger pushed the pen out your face. "Alright but if we get lost in the mountains. I call first dibs on eating you."
"Ha, jokes on you, bestie. I got almost no tender fat on me. So enjoy gnawing on my worthless bones." Hypnos crackled as he started the car. He tossed the map in your lab and peeled out of the driveway.
His deft fingers quickly found some music as Tom Petty sang through the radio.
Hypnos sang along badly. You covered up your smile, it feel good just near him again even if you didn't want to admit it.
Within minutes, Hypnos had weaved into the midmorning traffic. But even with the traffic, you already feel a little lighter.
The first day of the drive went surprisingly well, even with traffic for the first hour. The skies were a vivid blue with fat, lazy clouds that casted shadows across the land.
Hypnos had the windows rolled down, one arm out of the window and music blasting. His shades should have made him look like a frat boy but you actually liked how they looked with his messy white curls and dark red shirt.
You kept your mouth shut and just watched the landscape change from suburbia to the fields dotted with cows and horses.
It was the most peace you had felt in a long while even with the elephant in between you and Hypnos.
It wasn't until twilight had followed you to the motel that the problems started.
"Is that a permanently closed sign?" Hypnos asked flatly, his shades resting on his head.
You nodded, "I had a feeling the trip started a little too well."
You and Hypnos both stared at the sign, the red and white words mocked you.
"I knew google was lying to me." Hypnos murmured.
"We can just sleep in the car, Hypnos." You followed him as he turned back. "We probably shouldn't drive anymore tonight."
Hypnos shook his head, "Nope, we would get murder so fast." He snapped his fingers to make his point. He threw an arm around your shoulders and guided you back to the car. "Come on, I bet there's another place just up ahead."
"And if there is not?" You asked, noticing how easily you fit next to him.
"There will be." Hypnos said confidently.
At your doubtful look, he said cheerfully,
"Or we could just get murder in a much nicer area."
It was almost an hour before you saw the faint vacancy light just peeking behind the trees.
You gasped, "There! Do you see it?"
"Yeah, I see it." Hypnos replied, perking up. The rundown motel looked like someone's idea of what an old western inn looked like without actually never seeing one before.
But after driving for an extra hour and half, it looked like heaven.
Hypnos pulled up in the first empty spot he found which was plenty of.
"Stay here, keep an eye on the car. Don't get murdered." Hypnos said as he locked the car up. He only looked back once as he entered the building.
You slumped in your seat, exhaustion overtaken you. Your phone buzzed in your hand, Zagreus's name popped up.
'Is Hypnos with you??'
You stared down at the text, why is Zagreus asking you?
'Yeah, why?' you replied.
Immediately, Zagreus responded.
'He hasn't responded to any of our texts or calls.'
In a separate text, 'Is he okay? I knew my talk with him was rough but I didn't expect this. '
You bit your lip, just realizing that you haven't heard Hypnos' phone go off all day. Normally, Hypnos' phone was glued in his hand and he was always constantly texting or playing a game.
You looked up, making sure Hypnos was still in the building.
You replied, 'I think he just needs a break. I will let you know if anything happens but maybe just give him some breathing room. Also what talk?'
Three dots appeared and disappeared a few times before Zagreus' response came.
'No, I know. We just wanted to make sure he wasn't alone. Thanks.'
You rubbed your face, unsure what to make of the texts and that Hypnos, a known phone addict, hasn't been on his phone all day. And that Zagreus didn't bother to tell you what 'talk' he had with Hypnos.
You looked back up and saw Hypnos walking back a grin on his face. When your eyes met his, he waved the roomcard and a plastic bag triumphantly.
You pushed your worries aside for now, Hypnos will talk to you when he is ready.
"Uhh, dude. There is only one bed." You said blankly when Hypnos turned the lights on. All the room had was a single hotel bed and a little table with two chairs. The whole area looked like it never left the seventies.
"And a sofa." Hypnos pointed out as he flopped down on it. The sofa creaked loudly as if threatening to snap in half. "I can sleep on anything, remember?"
"If you are sure." You grabbed the plastic bag from the floor as you sat down on the bed.
You dumped the goods on the bed. There was a healthy mix of spicy ramen bowls, candy bars and cans of soda.
You picked out the one you knew Hypnos liked and set on making dinner.
The sofa kept creeking each time Hypnos twitched or even breath. Hypnos' eyes were close but there was a tension to his body that kept him looking truly relaxed.
You debated on telling him that Zagreus had reached out to you but the tight frown on his face kept you from saying anything.
The microwave gave a high pitch beep and you quickly pulled out the ramen and placed the hot bowl on the table. "Hey, Hypnos. Soup on." You told him as you got your bowl ready.
"Oh. Thanks. Wanna have a soda?" Hypnos asked.
You thanked him as you dug into your own dinner and honestly the cheap ramen was the best thing you tasted after not getting lunch during the drive.
Hypnos was unusually quiet during dinner and while getting ready for bed. You couldn't help noticing that Hypnos never once picked up his phone.
Hypnos yawned and sat on the sofa much more carefully yet the beast still creaked in warning.
You sighed, there was no way you or him would sleep with all that creaking.
"Hypnos, just come to bed. I think it's a queen so we got plenty of room." You told him as you got under the covers. You met his gaze, his eyes bright even with the dark circles under them.
"Okay." He agreed softly. He gave you a look that you ignored as he joined you. He turned off the lights. "Good night, Y/N."
You rolled on your side, back facing Hypnos. "Good night." You yawned widely, already halfway to sleep.
You didn't quite wake up all the way, not at first. You blinked at the wall, small cracks in the blinds allowed for small rays of sunlight to break though. It made the motel room feel cozy even with the ugly decor.
There was an arm loosely wrapped around your shoulders and you sank into its hold with a sigh.
Your eyes closed before your brain realized that you could feel another body pressed against your back, legs tangled together.
You snapped awake, your body went rigid and you heard Hypnos grumbled against your nape.
You relaxed, letting out a breath when you remembered Hypnos was in bed with you. Hypnos, during sleepovers when you were children, always ended up clinging on to you.
It was almost nice, a return to a simpler time. Almost.
It was a very different experience when you both were adults. You flushed when Hypnos pressed a little harder against your body, a pleased, sleepy hum rumbled in his chest.
You could feel him pressed against your lower back and damnit, your traitor of a body was responding. You squeezed your eyes shut, flushed from shame and want.
Your mind flashed back to the last time you allowed Hypnos this close.
You could still remember how he pushed you into his dark bedroom and kissed you again and again. How it felt being under him on his bed. How you almost let him have more.
And you knew you wouldn't survive if Hypnos acted just like he did the morning after.
With the small strength you were able to find, you pulled out of his hold or rather you tried to.
His arm went tight and kept you in the bed, "Where are you going so early?" His sleep rough voice mumbled against your skin.
You ignored the goosebumps he caused and you sighed annoyed. "Come on, you're being a jerk. I need to go get ready for the trip."
"Hmm, we drove more than we planned. We still have some time." Hypnos murmured, clearly going back to sleep. You grabbed the blanket with your free arm and yanked it off the both of you.
Hypnos yelped at the sudden cold and let you go. You darted out the bed and grinned at the scowl Hypnos had. You tossed the blanket over his face and walked away. "Early birds get the worm Hypnos!" You called out as you headed to the bathroom.
You bit back a laugh at the loud groan Hypnos made.
After a quick stop for coffee and pancakes with bacon which Hypnos immediately drowned in syrup much to your disgust of the sheer amount of sugar, you were back on the road.
After an hour of staring out the window at patches of woods between the farmlands, you turned to look at Hypnos.
"What is it about this place that made you pick it? I looked at the map, we could get to the ocean quicker if we went along the other route. " You thought for a moment, "And you know, not to have to drive past the mountains."
"Yeah, if you want to see what everyone else sees and deal with the crowds." Hypnos scoffed. He pulled his shades down a bit to look at you, his windblown curls bounced with the movement.
You prayed he didn't notice your blush.
"Also my mom told me about this place a million times. Trust me, it is going to be worth the wait." And with that, Hypnos focused back on driving.
You turned back to the open window, silently hating yourself for still being attracted to him.
"Hey- is that a cow?" Hypnos asked, already slowing down. You looked down the road and saw the animal. You couldn't help the laugh that came out. "Yeah it is."
The stray cow stared down at the car. It was apparently unconcerned about being hit as it chewed on the grass in its mouth.
Hypnos pressed down on the horn repeatedly and long. The cow kept chewing on its bit of grass, blinking slowly.
"Dumb cow. It knows what it is doing." Hypnos muttered.
You laughed again, "I think that is an oxymoron."
Hypnos scowled and waved his hands at the cow whose tongue had found its nose.
"Well, what bright ideas do you have, Y/N?"
You looked into the bag of snacks down by the footrest. And pulled out a bag of barbecue chips.
"I'm going to lure it out of the road, first chance you get, drive past."
Hypnos pulled his shade down, an eyebrow crocked.
You shook the bag at his doubtful look.
Hypnos' eyes narrowed, eyes sharp and calculating. "That won't work."
"Oh?" You raised a brow. "And why not?"
"Those are barbecue chips, I'm pretty sure even that dumb thing know that smell. And when it smells the barbecue, it will just run you over enraged about the chips."
You leaned toward him, "Wanna make a bet?"
He matched your lean, a bright glint in his eyes. "Sure. If I win, you have to agree to everything I say until we get to the hotel."
"Fine." You agreed. "And if I get the cow out of the way, you can only speak in moos until we get to the hotel."
"Deal." He leaned back into his seat. "Easiest win ever."
You scoffed at him as you got out. "Gee, thanks for believing in me."
You stared down the cow who merely blinked at you.
Hypnos poked his head out the window, laughing "Hey Y/N, when it's moving, start running!"
You shushed him and crinkled the bag at the cow. It took a wary step forward and you opened the bag and it took a sniff.
The cow immediately tried to bite the bag but you took several steps and it followed you. You couldn't stop your smirk at Hypnos' outraged face. "Good cow." You cooed. "Good cow."
You took several steps back into the tall grass and dumped the chips on the ground.
The moment the cow started eating the chips on the ground, you took off like a shot and almost fell into your seat. You barely had a chance to close the door before Hypnos drove off.
You pulled your seatbelt on and waited, a huge grin on your face.
When Hypnos refused to say anything or even look at you, you poked him in his cheek.
"Hypnos." You called his name in a sing-songy tone. "I won the bet. Hypnos. Hypnos." You poked him with each word. There was an evil, childish part of you enjoying this too much.
Hypnos batted your hand away. "Moo fucking moo." He replied sourly.
You playfully frowned, "I don't think cows can say fucking."
"Oh my god."
"They don't say that either."
Part Two
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9tzuyu · 4 years
my guitar is slightly out of tune, but i’m eternally yours.
[reuploaded and revised from my old blog.]
↠ prompt: you have a terminal illness but you have a chance with treatment but you deny it, then you meet wanda and you feel alive again.
↠ warnings: kinda angsty, but worth the read :>.
requests are always open!
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∘∴∙*⋆∙∴⋆∘∙*. ∘
“Oh–” was all you managed to say. “I recommend we start radiation treatments-” You zoned out and watched your feet dangle from the edge of the exam table. Was this it? Was this really all there was for you? It seemed hopeless to even do anything at this point. You figured if this was affecting you again, it was for a reason. 
"No. I don't want treatment." The doctor looked at you and his gaze faltered. "You do understand that if you refuse treatment this will inevitably kill you?" You nodded. The words felt empty, they carried no weight behind them anymore. Nonetheless, the doctor continued to try and persuade you. 
"I said I don't want the treatment. I'm refusing medical advice. I don't want to have to go through this again, it's obviously not going away. Now where the hell do I sign the papers?" You exasperated. The doctor gave you one last look before getting the papers for you to embark your signature on.
“You’re one-hundred percent sure about this?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I've got nothin' left for me here anyways. Might as well just let nature take its course.”
"Well surely you've got someone, a friend maybe?" You shook your head.
 "Nope." You replied, popping the P at the end. The doctor seemed to finally grasp the situation when you handed the papers back to him as if you were turning in a job application.
He pursed his lips, "I'm going to give prescribe medication for the pain. Based on the size of the tumor I'd say you have about eight months to live, but only about half of those months will be enjoyable." You nodded your head in reply and gathered your stuff together. 
So how were you going to spend your last months on earth? That was the question you asked yourself. You walked out of the building and found yourself in a coffee shop. It was busy, but you found yourself a seat next to a window in the back of the shop. Your eyes gazed out the window as you pondered your question from earlier.
'I could move to New York and see broadway shows I've never wanted to see'
'There's always casinos–'
'–Or what about splurging your money on dumb things that you'll quite literally never need?'
You laughed at your thoughts. You made up your mind right there, you were going to live the rest of your life just the way it was. It’d be easier that way. You didn't have friends, no longer had parents, so it's not like anyone would really miss you really. All you had was your pet cat and your guitar. And truth be told, that's all you needed. 
"Hello?" You snapped out of your gaze to see a beautiful brunette standing in front of you. The second thing you noticed was her accent, you'd never heard it before. “I was wondering if this seat was taken?” She softly smiled at you. You returned the gesture and shook your head no. "The place is cram packed and you seemed trustworthy. I hope I'm not disturbing you or anything, you seemed to be pretty deep in thought." The young woman blushed a crimson color, "I'm sorry I probably seem weird or something, I'll go."
Normally you would have cared, but at this point in time you didn't mind the company. So, with the slightest bit of hesitation, you called out for her.
“Wait! It’s fine, don’t worry. I-I’m all alone.” The woman’s smile widened as she took a seat across from you. “Thanks. I'm Wanda, what's your name?”
"Y/N..." She flexed your name on her tongue, "That's a beautiful name."
"I'm stuck with it for life, so I sure hope it's at least a decent name." You narrowed your eyes at her as you joked. A giggle escaped the gap between her lips, causing a small flutter to emit in your stomach.
"So what do you do?" She asked, intrigued by your presence.
"Well I do a lot of things, I walk, I talk, I breathe-"
"Oh shut up! You know what I meant." Wanda’s eyes gleamed with friendliness and warmth. She seemed like the type you'd be friends with if you weren't dying. "Okay, okay, I play guitar and sing while my cat eats her food." Wanda's eyes lit up at the mention of a cat. 
"You have a cat? What's her name?" Her elbows were propped up on the table with her head resting in her hands, showing just how actually interested she was in you.
“Her name is Nala. You know, from The Lion King?”
Wanda’s brows furrowed together. She’d never seen The Lion King, much less heard of it.
Your jaw dropped at her confusion. “You mean to tell me you’ve never seen The Lion King?”
“I’m Sokovian, what do you expect?” 
“Ahh, I see. Well, do you at least have any pets?”
"My apartment doesn't allow pets."
"So? Sneak one in." You replied nonchalantly, crushing ice between your teeth. Wanda looked at you in shock. "No way! Knowing me I'd get my ass caught on the first day." You shrugged in reply and the conversation quickly went dead.
Wanda checked her phone, moving abruptly to get up from her seat. "I'm so sorry, I have to go now. I'll see you around, okay?"
After another half hour of waiting on nothing and thinking about everything, you finally decided it was time to leave. A feeling of regret washed over you. The woman was kind, very friendly, something that you craved.
But you couldn’t allow yourself these things now, especially given the direction you were heading.
Over the next few weeks you'd spent your time songwriting, journaling and a midst of other lonely, boring things. Sometimes you'd catch yourself thinking about the woman in the coffee shop, but you tended not to dwell too much on the past. 
You thought about your tumor and all the different ways it was growing inside you. It grossed you out more than anything, but you weren't afraid. At least not now you weren't. 
A heavy sigh slipped from your lips, and the sudden urge to go to the park overtook the need to do anything else. You’d never really visited the park in your area before, so you decided now was the time. 
The beige acoustic guitar rest heavily on your shoulders, similarly to the weight of the world. It was bitter, no taste of sweetness was left over in the aftermath.
Leaves crunched under your feet as you made your way into the park. The smell of pine and bark surrounded you, just as the pinch of cold air that struck your face. It was tranquil.
You marched your way over to a nearby tree secluded from everyone else. Setting your guitar down, you nested cozily against the wood. Your journal rest aside your hip as did the pen that exchanged your thoughts into words.
Humming quietly, your fingertips grazed the instrument’s delicate strings. Music filled the air around you, but it came to a quick stop nearly ten minutes after you’d begun.
"Hey, I know you. Y/N, right?" You heard a familiar accented voice behind you. You turned around to find Wand standing above you. "Uh yeah, that's me. What's up?" She sat down beside you, making you a little uncomfortable, but you figured you could deal with it for the sake of being nice. 
"Nothing. I just saw you and thought I’d say hi. What about you? I see you have your guitar."
“Just singing,” you mumbled quietly.
She smiled and pushed a strand of hair out of your face that was blown in from the wind. "You’re really pretty." You bit your lip and you could feel the heat rise to you face. "Thanks."
"Mhm. So last time I didn't get your number, maybe I will this time?" She asked (although her eyes were begging). You couldn’t help but feel something while she bit her lip, her doe eyes unintentionally focusing on your lips.
"I'll have to give you mine, I didn't bring my phone with me – don’t use it much." You replied. She handed her phone to you and you typed your number in.
"Do you not have family or friends you keep up with?" Her brow quirked in curiosity.
"Parents died, no siblings, and no friends. I don't have many people to worry about."
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"It's fine, I don't mind." She looked down in her lap before asking another question. "What about a job? Do you work?" Wanda was definitely a curious one, but each question she asked carried you in a way you’d never felt before. It was refreshing to have someone interested in you, and not your disease. 
"Nope, when my parents died they left all their life savings to me. It's plenty enough for me to live on." Your fingers began lightly playing the chords of a song. It was often that you unknowingly played when you were scared or nervous. You'd only realize afterwards. 
"That's good– not that your parents died, but you know, you have money and stuff. Even if it's– oh my god- " 
You cracked out a laugh, causing her to look at you in terror. Noticing this, you rest a hand on her shoulder. "Wanda, it's okay. You're fine, I know what you mean." She nodded shyly and looked up to the sky. 
"Hey, it's sunset! I love sunsets, I used to watch them all the time with my brother back in Sokovia." Her voice wavered at the end of her sentence, and you easily picked up on it.
"Something wrong?" You asked. She laid her head on your lap and you stiffened, but quickly relaxed. This is fine. This is okay. You set your guitar aside and began to play with her hair.
"I miss him. Pietro..." She paused for a second before continuing. "He died a couple of years ago from cancer." You felt your heart drop for the first time at the mention of the horrid disease that stripped you away from most of your life. "Oh." The word seemed to become your go-to for whenever you didn't know how to accept information you were given.
"He was the other half of me. We were twins, I felt like my whole world fell apart. After he died I moved out of my country and moved here. Since then I've made some good friends. You might like them." 
“I’m sorry about your brother. I’m sure he was wonderful, Wanda.” You whispered, bringing a piece of her hair to the end of a braid. “I'm happy you've made some friends." Wanda nodded and snuggled closer in your lap. "Maybe I can be your friend?" You gave it a thought. You weren't sure you could do that to her, not with your illness anyway. Guilt nawed at you already. She’d already lost someone so beloved and close to her from it, how awful you began to feel if you had to put her through that again.
You stared at her for a few moments before answering. "I don't know, maybe." She turned over to face you, but you avoided her gaze. "I'm going to figure you out you know." You stifled a laugh, "And you'll be sorry you ever did."
Four months passed and you thought they would be empty, meaningless months, but with Wanda nuzzling her way into your life you began to feel alive for the first time. When she came around it was like a switch you couldn't turn off. 
Right now, you sat at your desk strumming your guitar while watching Nala play with a toy dinosaur you’d bought her just weeks ago. This life was good too, you thought. But it was lonely.
You weren't quite sure what Wanda meant to you yet, but you were slowly discovering that whatever the two of you had, blossomed into something more each second you spent together.
Popping a Vicodin in your mouth, your phone buzzed. It would be no one else but Wanda.
be there in a few, it's urgent. 
Panic set in your body as you worried for the safety of your friend. What could possibly be the matter? Normally Wanda talked about what was bothering her.
A knock at your door brought you out of your gaze and you stumbled to answer it. Wanda was distressed, her hair a mess and her eyes red.
“Whats wro-” You were cut off By Wanda smashing her lips onto yours. 
She pulled back in shock. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I-"
You shut her up by pushing her into the wall, door closing behind you. Her lips tasted of strawberry and her hands began to roam your body.
One thing led to another and you both ended up naked on your bed. How amazing it must be to wake up and know that you won’t be dead in the next few months.
"You're good. Almost too good. Where did you learn all that from having no friends?" She smirked at you. You gave her a smile and kissed her again. Your arms wrapped around her nude body and together you felt the utter bliss and excitement radiating from one another.
. . . . 
Three weeks later yoy began to shake. It was hardly noticeable, and it just so happened to occur when you were playing
It’s downhill from here and you know that.
"Can you fix it? Can you fix this?" You yelled at him, despite knowing it was all your fault. If you would've just taken the treatments you wouldn't be in this place. But back then your life had no real meaning, it was just you and your cat.
You hadn't planned on falling in love with someone. 
"There's nothing I can do now. Treatments won't work, it's too far gone. I'm surprised it took this long to start showing symptoms."
For the first time in years, you felt tears beginning to build in your eyes. "You don't understand, I love her and now I'm just going to leave her? This can't be happening, you have to do something!" You pleaded, but the doctor’s eyes were solemn, giving you the only reply you needed. 
You stormed out of the hospital and made your way to Wanda. Silence rang through your ears.
Tell her. You have to tell her.
It will be over.
Sobs wrecked your body as you fumbled with the keys to your shared apartment. The door opened to a sight you wanted to live forever.
There she was, perched on the couch while massaging Napa’s scruffy fur. She was content, happy, and here you were to ruin it.
"Y/N? Baby what's wrong?" She got up from her spot and rushed over to you, worry etched on her face. You clung onto her for more life than you had left. And god, You weren't scared before, but you sure as hell were now. 
"I have terminal cancer."
Wanda froze.
"That's not funny, Y/N. You know how I feel about this topic." Her glare was hasty, burning into your skin.
"I was diagnosed almost five months ago, please Wanda you have to believe me. I have tremors, don't you see?" You raised your hand up to show her, but she slapped it away. "You're making yourself do that, Y/N. Stop joking, or I'm leaving." She crossed her arms
"W-What?" Your chest tightened.
"I said stop joking."
"I'm not joking, Wanda!"
"I'm leaving," She huffed, snatching her jacket before slamming the door shut.
And it was true, she did leave. However, Wanda didn't leave for the reasons she gave you.
She loved you, but she couldn’t handle another loss like this.
. . . . 
During the next two months you experienced the most heartache you'd ever felt before. The combination of vomiting, body aches, and dizziness didn't help. If anything, it made it worse. You missed Wanda. Everything about her gave you a reason to live.
You were on your seventh month and the pain was unbearable. It hurt to reach out for a cup of water, your hands shook uncontrollably all while sending jolts of scorching pain throughout the entirety of your arm.
Undoubtedly, the hospital bed became your next best friend (although it was the worst one you’d ever had. But it somehow managed to weasel its way back in your life).
Wanda was nowhere to be seen, and if anything that only progressed your disease. The only thing that kept you sane was your guitar, and the fact that Nala was being taken care of by a sweet, old nurse (who sometimes snuck her in so you could see her).
It was about the small things now. 
More days passed and each one was getting worse. By now you just wanted to end it all on your own, but you were physically too weak to do that.
There was a knock on your door, but you ignored it thinking it was just another nurse. "Y/N?" The voice was soft, it felt like it'd been years since you last heard it. You turned your head slightly to see Wanda standing in the doorway. A weak smile formed on your face.
"Hey you." 
Wanda quickly dropped her things and ran to your side. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She mumbled over and over again as you calmly stroked her hair.
"It's okay, you know it is." You whispered in her ear. She looked up at you and shook her head, "But it's not okay, I left you when you needed me the most." You stared at her adoringly and the tips of your fingers gently rubbed away the tears from her face. "But I'm still here, aren't I?" She laughed through her cries, "Yeah... you're still here."
Both of you knew you didn't have much time left, but you ignored that other than the fact that you made her promise to take care of Nala when you were gone. She held your hand and got you everything you needed.
And you love her so deeply for that.
One night you had the feeling that your time was coming soon, so you woke Wanda up from her sleep. "Sweetheart?" She stirred a little before finally sitting up. 
"Hand me my guitar?" She tilted her head, "But your shakes?" You ignored her and asked for it again. 
When she handed you your beloved guitar you took it with grace. "Come help me, I wanna play a song." She nodded and came to your side.
Your fingers struggled as they strummed the delicate strings on the instrument. You picked one of Wanda's favorite, and when you were done you spoke lightly.
"My guitar is slightly out of tune, but I'm eternally yours."
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Part 1 Here!
A/N: I’ve been writing this since March, and finally wrapped it up. Slightly NSFW, and apartment scene is inspired by Lore Olympus by Rachel S. 
- You’ve been dating for 2 or 3 months.
- You do it basically every chance you get
- You moan as he pushes you up against the wall, trailing kisses down your neck, sucking at your collarbone
- “Dra-Draco please” you mumble into his shoulder
- “When do you have to be back at work?” He asks between kisses, piercing grey eyes peering into yours
- He never seems to lose his composure, not even during sex
- Which of course only makes you more flustered
- The first time, it had been fairly dark
- But over the past few months you’ve been with him so often you’ve got a very good idea of what his body looks like
- Toned arms, a firm outline on his abs, pale skin blooming with the hickeys you’ve left
- Not to even get started on that face
- No wonder you couldn’t keep your hands off of him
- He bites your collarbone and you yelp, only to be met with a raised eyebrow in return
- You feel your face grow hot, you were so busy admiring him, you forgot to answer his question
- “H-half an hour I think” you mumble.
- He frowns, that’s not as much time as he’d like
- “I guess you’re going to be late” he mumbles against your skin, his hand making quick work of your blouse
- You’ve got this glow, and everyone has noticed
- “Hey! Took a long lunch today?”
- You feel your face growing warm, your hand moving over the new hickey forming on your neck
- “Just lost track of time” you say with a laugh
- You haven’t told anyone at work about you and Draco because of his popularity in your office
- “Hey (Y/N)! Come over and look! The hot guys walking by our office again!”
- Draco’s got a scowl on his face, thin, pale eyebrows practically pressed together. His eyes hold a fierce glare.
- God, you haven’t seen that expression on him in months
- You had completely forgotten that you both hated each other at first
- You catch a glimpse of his soft, pale hair, falling against his eyes. A gloved hand moves to push it aside.
- A hand that had been somewhere rather intimate only a handful of minutes ago.
- Draco’s never been happier in his entire life
- Even his employees have noticed
- “Is it just me, or does Mr. Malfoy seem more chill than usual?”
- “Yesterday That part timer, Natalia, spilled coffee all over his coat. He didn’t even blink, just said ‘these things happen’, usually he’d sack her on the spot!”
- “Maybe he finally got laid”
- They both laugh at that, while Reginald is practically sweating buckets at his desk behind them
- Little do they know they’re spot on.
- Ever since Draco started seeing you, he’s constantly come to Reginald for advice on “navigating the muggle world”
- “The traps of the muggle world are terrifying” Draco had said with a shiver. “Y’know she wanted me to use one of these?”
- Draco pulls out a condom
- “I mean what even is this? A sweet? It tastes just like plastic”
- Reginald’s not sure what’s more embarrassing, that his boss tried to eat a condom, or that he had to spend an hour and half explaining what a condom was to him, and how to use one.
- “So you can shag as much as you want with these, and nothing happens?” Draco says with a face of sheer amazement.
- Reginald has to remind himself to be empathetic. He’s lucky his parents are muggles, and generally very open minded.
- It’s not surprising Draco doesn’t know anything. The wizard world’s typical propaganda encourages procreation to increase the wizard population.
- The truly desperate can drink a potion or cast a charm, but Reginald’s sure something of that sort is never discussed in pureblood familys.
- “Muggles are pretty brilliant aren’t they?” Draco’s staring at the small plastic square in his palm, with true wonder.
- Reginald can’t help but smile, he looks like a kid that just discovered sweets
- “They are”
- Draco’s feeling pretty good, he’s got your favorite take out in one hand, flowers in the other, and a smile on his face
- He’s got someone he loves, he knows what condoms are, he’s on top of the world
- “Draco, how come I’ve never been to your place?”
- Happiness is fleeting, and reality is a lie
- He’s just set down the take out on your dining table, watching you sitting on the edge of the sofa
- You’re only a few feet away from him, but you feel an ocean away
- Well, he can hardly tell you that he still lives with his parents and that they despise Muggles and would probably curse you before you could even make a sound
- His mouth opens, brain scrambling to find an excuse
- He’s going to go with “he lives at his parents estate” when he actually looks at you
- You’re not looking to him, waiting for an explanation. You’re looking at your hands, eyebrows creased together and teeth nibbling into the flesh of your lip.
- He places a hand under your chin, nudging your face to look up at him.
- “Is that really what you’re worried about?”
- It’s not
- You were too much of a coward, and chickened out asking him your initial question
- You hadn’t thought of it before today, when all the women in your office crowded around the window to look at him
- He must have women throwing themselves at his feet
- You were together so often, you doubted he had the time to have anyone else.
- But you never had dates at his place, always yours
- In fact, you had never visited his place
- He could have an entirely different life than what you imagined, and this relationship, the blossoming feelings inside of you could just be in your head.
- Well, you’re only half right. Draco does have a whole other life, but not like you think
- “It’s just- what are we?” Biting on your lip, mustering up every ounce of courage you have you add “...are we dating?”
- Or are you both just f*cking
- He’s taken aback that this is what you want to ask, and honestly he’s a bit annoyed
- In his mind he’s already given up so many things to be here with you now
- His pride, his family, his heritage, he’s even ready to give up magic if it comes to it
- It’s all so obvious to him, that he doesn’t realize it’s all in his mind, he hasn’t conveyed any of this to you
- A softer expression moves across his face, as he takes you in, your gaze lingering on your hands. 
- Of course you’re confused
- He kneels beside you on the ground, his fingers wrapping around your hand
- “Of course we’re dating, you’re my (girlfriend/boyfriend), my lover, my significant other, my partner” each title is pronounced by a soft kiss on your knuckles. He peers up at you through his eyelashes, taking in your flushed face
- You’re his entire future
- “How do you feel about me?” He asks, his breath held in his throat as he watches you carefully
- He’s only now realizing that much of your relationship has existed in his mind
- The thought that perhaps you don’t see your relationship as anything long term only occurs after the words leave his mouth.
- You’re flushed hiding your face in your large sweater
- It’s hard for you to be honest with your wants and needs, especially in relationships
- “I want you to be my boyfriend” you mumble, and he squeezes your hand
- The words take courage you didn’t know you had, but Draco’s grin is worth it.
- He places kisses on your hand, then your face, and finally your lips. You feel his smile, and can’t help but smile as well.
- Then his kisses trail to your neck
- “Draco... the food will get cold...” you murmur, but your hand creeps under his shirt.
- “It’s fine,” he mumbles against your neck. “Gives me an excuse to invite you to my place for a proper meal next time”
- Cue to the next day, with Draco sitting across from his mother in their home. She’s flipping through a book with her wand.
- “I want a flat!” He practically shrieks out, Narcissa doesn’t even look up
- “To own, or rent?”
- Crap. He didn’t think this far ahead, he didn’t really think the words would actually come out. But he promised you a date at his place, and he can’t exactly bring you to the manor now can he?
- Besides, possible hexes and curses aside, his parents being here would definitely kill the mood
- “Rent, I guess. It’s just hard commuting to the office from home.”
- He half expects his mother to tell him to quit then, not like he needs the salary anyway. They have plenty of money.
- But instead, she says:
- “Fine, I’ll tell your father to contact our real estate connection.”
- Draco lets out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, about ready to walk away, his mother looks up from her book for the first time
- “And Draco,” He meets her gaze, stopping midway from exiting “do bring them home sometime.”
- He’s attempting to play dumb when his mother adds
- “And make sure to cover up the marks on your neck before you see your Father. You know how he is.”
- Draco just nods, feeling the heat creep into his face.
- Apartment hunting is surprisingly stressful. Partially because of how little he understands the muggle world.
- “This is the electrical closet, it stays locked.”
- Muggles. Don’t they realize he can just use a quick ‘alohomora’ to open it.
- When the realtor isn’t looking, he opens it, takes in the air conditioning unit and the wires, and promptly closes it again
- The muggle world is truly terrifying
- He ends up choosing a flat a few streets away from yours, in a posh upscale building. Naturally he lives in the penthouse. 
- He considered moving into the same building, but decides against it
- He has to remind himself that even though he plans on marrying you, he has to play it cool.
- From your perspective you’re a new couple that’s still falling in love
- He hates his apartment, he doesn’t understand how anything works, he has to cook all his meals himself, and he didn’t realize how much cleaning went into living without servants
- He has a newfound respect for house elves as he scrubs pasta sauce off of the ceiling
- In addition, none of the appliances in this place are enchanted, which means he has to actually use his hands to turn on the water or open the refrigerator
- He hates it
- “Wow, I considered this building too, but it was pretty expensive” you say as he helps you out of your coat
- You wonder if the reason he never invited you over was because he was trying to hide the fact that he came from money
- Not like it was a secret, what with the clothes and the restaurants he took you to, he was either rich or close to bankruptcy
- Draco’s just hoping you haven’t figured out he only moved in a week ago
- Thankfully the red sauce stains on the ceiling and Draco’s inability to clean very well thoroughly mislead you into believing this is a well lived in apartment
- Your eyes twinkle as you take in the incredible view from the large panel window in his living room
- “The views absolutely bewitching” you murmur with a smile, enchanted as you gaze at the twinkling lights of London
- He watches you, watching the lights. You look like you’re almost glowing, your form wrapped by the scenery
- “You’re the one that’s bewitching” he murmurs, watching your grin
- Well he can manage for a bit longer
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fatal-error-blog · 4 years
A Peaceful_Fundraiser has Occurred - An Effort to Fight Against Racial Injustice!
Hey everyone, this is going to be a long (but important) post. Given the title of this post, I’m sure you know what I’m about to mention. So before I get started I just want to say that it’s totally okay to not want to see this on your dash, coming from this blog specifically. While this is a really important issue that shouldn’t be shied away from, I do 1000% recognize that this blog has always been (very purposefully) kept as a fun and safe place for us all to enjoy a good story together. Heck, this blog is a safe place for me, too. I like knowing that I can come here and focus on content that makes me happy, and that makes you all happy, and just escape from how gross the world can be for a little while. But I also realize that I have the power to do some good, and I want to try to do some good, with your help, hopefully. I want you to know that it’s okay if you don’t want to see mention of what’s going on out there, here.
Any post I make on this blog that specifically references the racial injustice movement going on right now will be tagged with ‘FE BLM Fundraiser’. You are more than welcome to block that tag so you don’t have to see it here. It’s truly okay, I promise.
With that being said, let’s get into this!
I’ve never done anything like this before, so please bear with me! But like I said, I want to do some good with your help, hopefully. So I’ve made a charity fundraiser page where the proceeds will be going to the Black Lives Matter Global Network. If you’re not aware, there has been a lot of turbulence regarding racial injustice and police brutality going on all over the world, centered mostly in the United States. There are so many resources out there with information on what’s going on and different ways you can help (even without donating any money!) and I encourage you to do your research if it’s something you feel you need to be more enlightened on. I took a couple of days to think about how I wanted to help, and I thought that a fundraiser with awesome goals could be a really great thing! To be honest I’m not sure if we’ll reach many goals, but I think it’s worth a try, and no matter what, every little bit helps :) So here’s the deal:
A link to the donation page is here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fatal-error-blog
This fundraiser will run through the month of June, all the way up until midnight, June 30th EST!
Anyone who donates at least $15 will be able to receive a free commission from me!
Commissions will be a colored character bust (so like, from the top of their head to just below their shoulders) of a character of your choosing (not necessarily just Undertale themed, and can also include original characters or characters in different fandoms). This is a bit cheaper than my normal commission rate, so it’s a great opportunity to get some cool art if you’ve always wanted some!
If you want to claim your free commission, you need to: 1) Contact me via tumblr (@xedramon or @fatal-error-blog) or via email ([email protected]) saying you’d like your commission
2) Send me a screenshot of your (at least) $15 donation
3) Tell me the name of the character you want, and a reference picture I can use
*** You MUST contact me to get your commission. Pretty sure I’m not able to see how much people donate so I will have no way to reach out to you, so you have to reach out to me first! Commissions will get done as quickly as possible, and will be sent via however you contacted me (so either tumblr or email)
So along with the commissions, there are community goals we can all reach together! I feel like some of the higher goals are a bit daunting to reach, but if we reach them, good for us! Each goal has a fun reward attached to it that I think is worth the goal we’re trying to reach. $50 - Everyone here gets to vote on an Undertale AU to be featured in an upcoming chapter of A Fatal_Error has Occurred! It can be anything, from an AU that hasn’t appeared yet, to one that already has, to one that you think would be hilarious or cool to see, whatever! Only stipulation is that the creator of that AU has to give me permission to include it. If this goal is reached, I’ll make a list of the AUs people want to see in order of what was voted for, just in case the 1st place winner doesn’t give me permission, I’ll check with 2nd place, and so on.
$100 - I’ll host a Game Night Livestream! We’ll pick a date, and play some stream-friendly games (like Jackbox Party Pack!) for several hours! Perhaps we’ll even do two nights so that people can choose which night works better for them :)
$175 - I’ll host a 12 Hour Art Livestream! What’ll happen is that the stream session will be broken down into different segments (so maybe for a couple hours we do a request stream, and then we switch to working on something else, etc). People will have the opportunity to vote on the date we do the stream.
$250 - Everyone here gets to vote on which side comic I work on next! This means I’ll give everyone a couple of choices to pick from with a brief idea of what each side comic would be about. Everyone votes, and I’ll start on the winning side comic immediately. This is a great opportunity to basically demand that you get to see what you’re most excited about sooner rather than later!
$500 - This goal guarantees that Chapter Five of A Fatal_Error has Occurred will be completed by the end of THIS YEAR. Which is some seriously insane pacing, but hey if we reach this goal, a promise is a promise!
$750 - I will create a (hopefully awesome) Fatal_Error animation! I have a couple of ideas in mind, and perhaps I’ll let you all vote on what idea you’d like to see come to life the most. I am the most nervous about this goal, haha!
$1000 - I’ll host a 24 Hour Art Livestream!!! That means exactly what it sounds like! We’ll pick a date, I’ll take the most intense nap the world has ever known before we start, and then we’re gonna stream for 24 hours straight. I’ll set up a schedule so we do different things every few hours to keep it interesting. It’ll be so rad!
$2000 - Everyone here gets to vote on an Undertale themed tattoo (an honest to goodness permanent one) that I will, 100%, absolutely get! How this will work is that everyone will be able to suggest what I should get, I’ll pick a handful of the most popular ideas (that I’m cool with having on my body for the rest of forever) and you all will get to vote on what I get! This would, of course, occur once tattoo shops are allowed to open back up and it’s safe for me to go get one. But I promise you, I’ll do it and it’s gonna be AWESOME.
$3000 - Last but certainly not least, if this goal is reached then I will resume working on Sondertale again, alongside working on A Fatal_Error has Occurred. What’s Sondertale? Well, it’s another UT AU comic I started on before I ever began Fatal_Error’s comic. I ended up setting it aside so that I could focus on Fatal’s comic instead, and over time there has been some...surprisingly popular demand/request that I return to working on it. Originally I was going to consider what to do with it after Fatal’s comic is done, but if this rather large goal is reached then I will pick right back up where we left off and commit to finishing the comic, in it’s originally intended comic format. It’ll be a LOT of work (which is why getting a legitimate permanent tattoo is an easier goal to reach than this) but if we work together to donate this much, then it’ll be absolutely worth it.
And that’s it for the goals! I think that the higher goals will be plenty hard to reach, but if somehow we surpass the highest goal then uhh...I guess we’ll talk about what kind of goals you all might like to see after that, haha.
This fundraiser will run through the rest of June - so if you would like to donate and help contribute to seeing some of these goals realized, please do!
I will reblog this post on the following days: June 7th, June 14th, June 21st, and June 28th as a reminder, and also to update everyone on how the fundraiser is going. As goals are hit, I’ll also mention them on the blog so we can all share in the excitement of what’s to come!
Thank you so, so, so much for your consideration, your help, and your support. Please stay safe, stay hopeful, and stay determined.
Link to fundraiser page: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/fatal-error-blog
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adarlingwrites · 3 years
After playing a game with two of The Beach's most dangerous members, the dormouse gets her tail caught by a tiger's paw.
He’ll make a wildcat out of her.
Author’s Notes: A character study for my AiB OC, Minami Yamane. The story takes place months before the main events of the series.
Edit 4/27/2021: I edited the chapter and added a few more paragraphs to highlight how desperate Yamane's living conditions were before the Borderlands. Some of the changes include more scenes of her happily pillaging stores because she never had plenty of groceries before, and changing her apartment into a 1R apartment.
everybody's looking for something / some of them want to use you / some of them want to get used by you
Mice and rats are vermin.
They are filthy, scurrying little creatures that will take anything they can lay their little paws on. In an urban city such as Tokyo, they thrive outside the human view, in the dank, dark underbelly of the bustling city.
They have no place in polite society, and neither does the girl running from an accessory shop in the populated streets of Harajuku.
It was just supposed to be a simple swipe. She had been shoplifting for quite a while now, ever since her parents threw her out and cut all her access to their money.
Yes, this little mouse wasn’t always one.
This happened all because she no longer wanted their control on her life anymore.
“You’re going to take Business Administration and take over the family business,” they would always remind her, drilling it into her thick skull since she can remember. But screw that, she’s not about to let them decide what she will be any further.
Now, look where that got her.
Scurrying, panting, and her feet skidding against the sidewalk, she ran into a busy boutique, blending in with the crowd. She almost ran into a baby carriage, muttering a quick apology to the annoyed mother pushing it. Eyes alert, she spotted an open storage closet an employee had left open. Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, she slipped inside, and shut the door.
Outside, the police are asking around if they had seen a girl with her description. Heart in her throat and pulse rapid, the mouse bit back a curse when the woman with the baby carriage pointed at the storage closet she’s in. Their footsteps approaching, she was bracing herself to slam the doors open once they’re within range.
But the lights flickered, and the officers never came.
Dark, damp, and musty, she’s a rat in a cage. Her only source of light was the faint sunlight that streamed through the glass storefront, seeping into the corners of the door. It was so quiet; too quiet. She swore she can hear her own heartbeat and the sweat rolling off of her skin.
With caution, she slowly opens the door, and the previously populated boutique is deserted. Not a single soul was in sight. Anxiety and bewilderment made her pulse quicken even more.
“Where the hell is everyone,” she mumbles to no one.
Confused, she runs out of the store, to the streets. The city is bustling no more. Everyone vanished.
If this was some kind of sick joke, this little mouse was not having it. She takes out her cell phone from her bag, only to see that it’s dead. Cursing, she runs back to the store to find an outlet, and plugs her flip phone in, to no avail. It’s still dead. She looks around and sees that all the displays are powered down.
Electricity is gone, and so is the water, she found out when she went to the bathroom in plans of dousing herself awake. All utilities had been cut. Taking a moment to compose herself, the mouse left the store once more to walk around. The streets are deserted, cars lining up in the desolate roads. Some of the windows are rolled down, and the mouse reaches in to unlock the door.
Turning the keys, she tried to get it to run, but to no avail. With a baffled look, she looks around in the car. Beside her was a plastic bag, still warm to the touch. A fried chicken sandwich is nestled inside, along with the receipt, a half-eaten bag of fries, and a few packets of ketchup.
She takes that, steps out of the vehicle, and begins eating while making her way back to her apartment, occasionally checking inside cars to see if anyone’s inside.
Everyone is gone, and no one is watching.
Relief replaces the little mouse’s horror upon realizing that among those gone are her landlady. “If she’s gone, I don’t have to pay rent anymore,” she gasps to no one in particular, and a smile slowly spreads on her lips.
“I don’t even have to pay bills anymore. I don’t have to watch out for security guards and cops.” The mouse starts laughing at that point, palming at her forehead. 
“Ha! I can finally do what I want now.” Her laughter was equal parts bitter, and cathartic.
Upon arriving to her apartment, she realizes that the chicken sandwich would probably stave off her hunger for the afternoon. She still had her bike and her delivery bag with her from work, and an idea forms in her head. She doesn’t know what the hell is going on, but if no one is around to watch her… she might as well do the thing she’s best at: take.
She will need to survive while waiting this out, after all.
Riding her way to the nearest convenience store, the mouse stuffed her bag with canned and non-perishable goods, filling it to the brim with groceries she normally couldn’t afford. From behind the counter, she takes several plastic bags and fills it with frozen goods, and dumps that in the front basket of her bike. The food probably needed to be heated up, so she made it a point to check for a butane stove. Luckily for her, there was one in the back, along with a few canisters of fuel.
Giddy, she bikes her way back to her apartment, unloads her haul, and comes back for more.
She targeted the water next, but found it too heavy for the bike. Not willing to leave the goods behind, she grabbed a shopping cart and filled it to her heart’s desire, until it was almost too heavy for her to push. The mouse carted the goods back to her apartment, exhausted, but genuinely relieved for the first time in months.
By the time that the sun is down, the mouse is sitting happily in her apartment, sorting through groceries that would last her weeks, if she’s careful with them. The mini fridge was still cold despite the lack of electricity, so she stuffed the frozen goods inside, the door barely closing due to the amount of content inside. Once littered with cobwebs, her pantry is now full with various dry goods and snacks. Some of them couldn’t even fit in the shelves, so she put them in the bedroom instead, which doubles as her living space, separated by a divider from the kitchen.
A contented grin on her face, she takes a breather and opens one of the snack cakes she took, and a box of coated biscuits.
The mouse finished her snacks blissfully, not one care in the world as she devoured them.
When she was walking back to fetch her bike from the convenience store, a billboard lights up, catching her attention.
She was in for a world of danger.
Two weeks later, the mouse stays in her apartment, her nest in this strange new world, tending a shoulder she bruised days ago. She quietly thanked herself for scouring the pharmacy after her first game.
The last one she participated in was a Three of Diamonds, and she almost didn’t make it out. It was good to see other people, but she had witnessed them die right before her eyes because of a wrong answer, and plain selfishness.
It was a game held in an abandoned variety show set. Get the answer right, you get to live to answer the next. Get it wrong, you have to work with the other contestants to survive a game of hole in the wall... or fall in a pool of acid. Contestants will take turns answering questions, and they weren’t allowed to coach each other.
The contestants were Mugi Nakamura, a high school girl in a swim team, Taro Kobayashi, a salaryman and father of two, and the mouse herself, Minami Yamane, a part-time seamstress in a factory by day, food courier by sundown, and a full-time troublemaker.
It was going so well. Yamane had gotten all of the questions right, and so did Nakamura, but Kobayashi made a mistake. The curtains drew back, and the wall revealed a single, round hole near the bottom. Time was running out.
Eyes haunted, Yamane looked at her reflection in the mirror as she pressed the compress against her shoulder, the dark circles under her eyes deepening, and so did her frown. There are some things she wished she could scour from her memory.
Kobayashi was willing to throw the two girls under the bus, despite Yamane insisting that they can all survive it if they formed a straight line and curled into a deep bow. Disgusted by his selfishness, Yamane shoves the salaryman aside and dives through the circle. She turned around to see if Nakamura followed suit, but the only thing she saw was her body dissolving in the pool.
Their pained, agonized cries filled the room, and Yamane couldn’t tear her eyes away. The last thing she saw before she got a “game clear'' was Nakamura’s faux fingernail floating to the surface before getting eaten away by the acid.
Around her, makeup and trinkets that she couldn’t afford on her salary littered the desk, her small sources of comfort and joy. Empty packages of frozen foods lined neatly up in her trash can, and so did the empty cans and bottles. Yamane was beginning to run low on her supplies. She will have to scavenge farther from home. That wouldn’t be a problem. On days that she isn’t risking her life on a game, she started working out to improve her stamina, and improve her odds of surviving these games. Spade games were the most physically demanding ones.
The little mouse is starting to get used to this life. There are no parents to tell her what to do, and no expectations from society, but in return, she will have to risk her life playing these treacherous games.
After tending to her shoulder, it was time for Yamane’s nightly routine. With make up wipes, she’d wipe off the makeup off of her face. She undoes her twin buns, and brushes her hair down; thankfully, it wasn’t time to wash them yet, and her shoulder hurts. Cleaning herself off with a towel and a little water, Yamane changed into cleaner clothes and went to bed, nestled in pillows and sheets she snatched from a nearby mall’s home section on the way home from the Diamond game.
There were other people loitering about when she made her haul. The initial relief she had upon meeting people in the games were replaced by paranoia after that game with the salaryman. Purging the mental image of their dissolving bodies off of her mind, she pulls the covers over her head and curls into a fetal position.
Her ears perked up when she heard footsteps in the kitchen.
“Shit, did I forget to lock the door?” Yamane thought to herself. 
Listening intently, she approximated the size of the person intruding her home through their footsteps, something she learned to do while living under the scrutiny of her family. They were light.
Like a child’s.
Carefully getting out of bed, Yamane tiptoes her way to the kitchen, and clamps her hand over the intruder’s mouth.
“Don’t make a sound,” she hissed, and she can sense the fear coming from the small body. Yamane spins the intruder around only to see a young girl. Judging from her height and prepubescent looks, she might be in early middle school. “What the hell are you doing in my house?”
“Oneesan, I’m so sorry for trespassing, but please, I’m starving. I saw you walking away from the grocery store with a huge haul a few days ago-”
“Great,” she thought.  People are starting to notice her hauls.
“Out. Get out now.”
“B-but please! I don’t know what else to do. I’m not a thief, but I’m so desperate… I’m so hungry.”
Taking a deep inhale, Yamane eyes the girl. She’s rail-thin, her uniform is soiled, and her hair is a tangled mess. Her lips are dry from the lack of water, and her hair is dull from the lack of proper nutrition. Groaning and rubbing her face, Yamane relents.
“Fine, take what you need and go.”
“Can I please stay with you?”
Yamane scoffs. “What? I don’t have time to look after a kid.”
“I can’t find my parents. I have no friends to talk to. It gets scary at night without all the lights too. Please, let me stay.”
Yamane should be kicking this girl out. Instead, she’s now handing her a pillow over as the kid ate dinner on the floor couch in her room. It was nothing special, but Yamane went through the trouble of preparing something somewhat healthy for the girl, despite her reluctance in letting her stay. Begrudgingly, Yamane tosses her a blanket too.
“This help’s not for free. You’re going to have to make yourself useful if you want to stay with me. And if you try to steal from me, I won’t hesitate to hurt you,” Yamane says, sitting on her mattress right across the couch.
“I promise I’ll be good.”
“What’s your name? How old are you?”
“Fumiko Sato. I’m twelve years old.”
The mouse’s expression softens against her will. Yamane thought someone that young shouldn’t be in a world such as this. Sure, it suited her, but it didn’t suit the preteen sitting on her couch. A girl her age’s problems should be about school, crushes, and which accessories she should wear tomorrow, not a brutal survival game.
“I’m Minami Yamane. Twenty three. How many days do you have left on your visa?”
“Shit”, Yamane thought. “I’ll have to bring her to a game soon.”
“Go to sleep. You’ll help me scavenge tomorrow, then we’ll go to a game.”
“Thank you. I’ll do my best!”
Without uttering another word, Yamane goes to bed, pulling the covers over her head. It’s been a long time since she looked after someone else. Exhaling slowly, her mind wanders back to home.
“I wonder how Mai and Riku are doing”, she thought.
A photograph of her and Mai, her little sister, sits on a desk, with a picture of an infant boy attached to it. Mai would have been nineteen now, and Riku would have been three. Such a huge age difference between the siblings, a result of her father remarrying after her and Mai’s mother died.
Yamane didn’t even visit her funeral.
Not wanting to waste precious minutes she could’ve used to rest on thinking about the life she left behind, Yamane got back in bed and closed her eyes.
The next morning, she woke up to the smell of food.
“Good morning, oneesan,” Sato greeted, setting rice balls and two cups of instant miso soup on the table. Yamane checks out the stove, and the butane is almost out. They’ll have to look for more. Without electricity, it’s a precious commodity, especially if they want to continue having hot meals.
Sato says her grace, and without saying a word, Yamane sits and eats the food prepared for her. The middle schooler was looking at her with expectant eyes as she chewed on her rice ball.
“These are good. Thanks. I hope you rested well. We’re going to the train station to get you a bike, then we’ll go to a grocery store father from here for goods.”
Sato nodded and they spent the rest of the meal in peace. After freshening up and getting dressed, Yamane tosses Sato her thermal bag. “Be alert around strangers and stay close to me.” Yamane instructed her as Sato strapped the bag on. “For now, you’ll be riding on the backseat.”
Nodding, Sato follows her down the apartment complex’s stairs, feeling secure for the first time in days. She gets on the bike, and wraps her arms around Yamane’s waist as they ride to the train station.
Meanwhile, Yamane’s mind wanders back to her little sister. They used to ride like this when she was a little younger, before her parents forced her to go to university for Business Administration. Five years ago, on her eighteenth birthday, she and Mai snuck out of the house to celebrate with her friends. They ate shabu shabu together and Yamane had her first taste of liquor.
They never heard the end of it when they got back, and Yamane got a few bruises from the beating she had to endure, but it was a precious memory.
Yamane and Sato arrived at the train station, and took a bike from the rental booth. This one had a child’s seat at the back, which was decent for groceries too. The bike is Sato’s bike now.
Today’s haul was bountiful. Aside from necessities, Yamane even managed to score some box dye. Her highlights were fading out. Sato also found clothes her size, and a mild, fruity cologne for teenagers, then she placed those in the front basket of her bike, along with some sweets she was previously wasn’t allowed to eat too much of.
After sorting the groceries and having dinner, Yamane and Sato sat in the older girl’s room, where the younger girl helped the older one dye the fading red streaks of hair, just like her friends did.
“Maybe having this kid around isn’t so bad”, Yamane thought to herself. She’ll have an extra pair of eyes to watch her back now. Sato helped her rinse her hair in the bathroom sink and they laughed together.
“Alright. Time for some rest,” Yamane says, running a towel through her hair, sitting on her mattress. “We need to participate in a game tomorrow to extend your visa.”
“Okay. Thanks again for everything, Minami-neesan.”
Secretly, Yamane’s heart leapt from being called older sister again. But she would never admit it. She convinced herself that she’s only using her as a pack mule.
The next night, they arrived at a game venue. An arcade. A laser tag arena, to be precise.
The two of them took phones from the table, and waited for other participants. There was a rowdy group of four boys, all high school age, and judging from their appearances, they must be delinquents. Or perhaps, in this world, they have the freedom to act tough now. Sato stepped a little closer to Yamane, feeling uneasy.
Then, two men arrived.
The group of boys fell into a hush at their arrival. Yamane kept her head straight on, but she was looking at them from the corner of her eyes, her field of vision obscured by her shades. Sato, on the other hand, was trembling beside her.
One of the men was wearing a black patterned shirt, part of his shoulder-length hair tied, and on his face were various piercings. He was toting a gun, and he shoved one of the highschool boys aside, brusquely telling them to get out of his way.
The other was the quiet type. He was taller than the other man, shoulders broad despite his wiry build and bad posture. This one had tattoos on his face, wearing a sleeveless cloak with the hood up, and he carries a katana.
“Where did he find a fucking katana,” Yamane thought to herself. If there’s one thing she couldn’t find on her hauls, it was decent weapons to defend herself with.
Yamane pretends not to notice them, but Sato is staring at the two men outright. The younger girl pulls at Yamane’s sleeve urgently.
“Oneesan, they’re scary.”
“Don’t give them any attention. Focus on the game.”
Sato keeps quiet, fidgeting and sweating. The preteen made the mistake of looking at them again, and she tugs on Yamane’s sleeves once more.
“Oh God, they’re looking at you!” Sato whispers urgently, wrapping an arm around Yamane’s.
Yamane tilts her head, and sees that they are indeed looking at her. The one with piercings is openly leering, his tongue slipping out of his mouth, revealing another piercing. The one with the tattooed face was harder to read. His mouth was slightly open, twitching on one side.
“Let them stare,” she tells the younger girl.
“Just what I needed,” Yamane muttered, a wave of discomfort washing over her. “They look dangerous. I hope they’re not perverts,” she adds, shielding the younger girl, and Sato couldn’t help but take another peek.
“Ew, they do kind of look like perverts, oneesan. Especially that one with the piercings.”
“Then let’s not attract their attention.”
Yamane pulls her jacket’s hood over her head, then she folds her arms and looks away. She knew better than to provoke them.
A third man catches up with the two. Then, Yamane notices it; the tag on their wrists with numbers. The other two had them too. Were they a team?
Yamane had no time to think when the final contestant arrived, a balding middle-aged man. He took the last phone, and the synthetic voice flooded the room.
“Please proceed further into the arena.”
Instead of the usual laser tag equipment, they were met with real firearms, along with some melee weapons. The sight of them made Sato squirm, and Yamane herself was disturbed. There are written instructions to take as many weapons as they desire.
The delinquent boys eagerly reached for the guns, leaving Yamane and Sato with none. The two intimidating men and their third companion didn’t need them, and stayed in their spots, watching the two girls pick a weapon. Sato sheepishly opted for a pocket knife, while Yamane quickly reached for the daggers. They came with leg holsters which she strapped on her thighs.
She can feel the two’s gaze burning her back as she bent over to adjust the straps.
“Great. They are perverts,” she thinks to herself, straightening and looking over her shoulder to give them a chastising look.
The monitor comes to life, and the synthetic voice crackles through the speakers. The participants’ faces were on the screen, where they are divided into two teams. Team A consisted of the four delinquent boys, and the middle-aged man. Team B consisted of Yamane, Sato, and the three men with the bracelets.
“Please sort yourselves accordingly and proceed to your team’s base.”
Yamane didn’t know if she should be relieved or concerned that she got sorted with those two. She stands next to the one with tattoos. Her shades obscured her eyes, which trailed on his arms, observing the ink. A muscle flexes as he unsheaths his katana; he looks like he possesses a wiry strength. Then, he turns to her, slowly, and Sato squirms beside her. Yamane only pulled her shades down slightly and stared back, raising an eyebrow.
The tense moment was shattered by the synthetic voice once more.
“Registration closed. There are currently ten players. Difficulty: Seven of Clubs.”
“Seven? That’s difficult, isn’t it?” Sato asks Yamane, and she hushes her.
“Game: Elimination. Rules: Work with your team to eliminate the opposing team. Clear condition: Team with the most number of members left by the end of the time limit wins. If there are equal numbers of participants from each team, everyone loses. Time limit: thirty minutes.”
“Wait, wait! Elimination? We’re supposed to kill the other team? Minami-neesan this is bad!” Sato exclaims, pulling on Yamane’s sleeve again.
“Calm down, calm down! We just need to survive until the thirty minutes is up,” Yamane hushes her, pulling her closer.
“That’s right little mice, you two better hide,” the man with the pierced face interrupts them. “Don’t get in our way.”
“We have no intentions to,” Yamane replied sharply, before whisking Sato away to look for a hiding spot.
Yamane looks over her shoulder one last time, and the tattooed man gives her one last curious look before walking towards the arena.
“These thirty minutes are going to be hell.”
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 4 years
Safe House- Tom Felton x Reader (Introduction)
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“Tom, this is getting ridiculous, you’re not safe,” my manager says to me as I try to catch my breath from the recent attack of fans.
“I’m fine, really, it was just some scratches,” I try and reason but it landed on deaf ears. My whole support system, professionally and personally, had grown concerned about my safety because almost every public appearance of mine, more fans than anyone could plan for, show up and cause a bit of trouble.
“But next time it might not be. These fans are getting out of hand and you end up hurt almost every single time. Look, I know how much you love your fans but you have to worry about your safety too. Maybe you should think about that offer your Mom suggested you take,”
“I don’t need to go to some stupid ski resort in the middle of nowhere to get away from the fans; it’ll be fine,”
“Tom sweetie, you really do need to be more careful and this might be a good thing for you. Go up to the mountains, invite some of your friends, and spend Christmas there,” my own Mother had began worrying about my well being and when she worried, I took it seriously.
“Alright fine, I’ll go up there but I’m staying a whole bloody month!” I try to argue but who did I get my stubbornness from?
“Thomas Andrew Felton, you will stay up there for a month, spend Christmas up there and be with friends. And maybe meet a nice girl up there. Who knows, maybe you’ll come back a little less…wound up,”
“Mother!” I exclaim.
“What? I know my son and I know he needs a good girl to bring back down from the mountain and finally give me some grandchildren,”
“Mum, you have grandchildren,” I remind her.
“But not from you! Now go pack up, you have a lot you need to pack for and you need time to cope with everything,”
Mum was right, life had gotten out of control lately and I needed an escape of sorts. My team found one of the more remote ski resorts all the way out in the States, where they ensured that none of the staff or any guest would bother me if they recognized me. Everyone was so set on me being safe that fighting them on this, was pretty pointless. I texted a few of my friends, seeing if they were interested in spending time away from the crazy worlds we all lived in and got myself packed for the next month. I didn’t know what exactly I would be getting out of this trip but since I did end up hurt a lot, it shouldn’t be too bad.
“Alright, so do you have everything? Boarding pass, passport, wallet, plenty of money, chargers for your phone?” Mum asks, listing off essential items.
“Yes Mum, this isn’t my first trip to America. I know what I need and I’ve packed accordingly,” I say, kissing her cheek as I lift my backpack over my shoulder.
“Good, and you’ll call me every day?” She asks.
“I’ll be sure to get in touch with you every morning before I start my day; I promise,” I reassure her, hug her tight, and bid her a farewell before I was whisked away to the airport. The flight took a lot less time than I originally thought but I was relieved when I saw the hotel in sight.
“Hello, welcome to the Harrington Ski Resort. Do you have a reservation?” A young woman said to me as I approached the counter in the lobby to check in.
“Hello, yes, the reservation should be under Felton?” I say, hoping they had reserved the space I had asked for. Since I was having friends join me, I booked half of the top floor so everyone could have their own rooms and we could still be near each other, for safety reasons.
“Oh yes, I have ten rooms set aside for you and your friends. We have all the rooms in the same block of the top floor and a short walk away from the elevators. Breakfast is served to the guests from 6am to 9am Monday through Friday and 7am to 10am on Saturday and Sunday. If, for any reason, you run into any trouble, you can call the front desk here and we will send security to the floor immediately. We will be monitoring the hallways and the rest of the resort 24/7 to ensure your safety during your time with us,” the lady from behind the desk explained, typing in some information onto the computer to her left, her fingers clacking as she typed due to the nails on the tips of her fingers. Taking out a credit card and my identification card, she typed in all that information before handing me a small envelope with my room key and my cards back to me, before she wished me a pleasant stay and to ask for her, the manager, if I needed anything. I curtly nod my head to her and thanked her before heading for the lift.
Almost immediately I was recognized but security had stepped in and ushered me straight away to the lifts. I came to terms with the fact that I needed this time away very quickly and was secretly relieved to be here. I just hope the rest of my time here would be uneventful when it comes to incidents with fans, but maybe Mum was right. Finding a girl up here may not be so bad.
Chapter One
Forever tags: @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @hobby27​ @to-my-beloved-fandoms-2​
Harry Potter tags: @angelinathebook​ @slut4mggstyles​ @lunalovecroft​ 
Tags: @marvelfansworld​ @angeredcrow​ @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @spnjediavenger​ 
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