#i also feel like i explained it poorly
scripturiends · 1 year
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OHHHHH the mirror shot in this scene between joy and jerome is actually soo excellent i love a good intentional mirror shot because obviously this is a divisive moment for joy right like she has seriously fallen for jerome already but mara is determined to embarrass him so joy is at a crossroads whether to follow her heart or be a good friend. whereas for jerome, with his body almost fully turned away from the mirror, who is earnestly baring his soul, completely vulnerable and honest about his love for joy, noticing that she’s feeling down and determined to make her feel better. it’s like.. the world of difference between keeping a secret that’s eating you up inside on joy’s end and feeling so comfortable and so sure about the person on the other end that you can fully be yourself for jerome. same mirror, two completely different meanings.
i know this scene is so simple but it fits so well within the context of where these two characters stand emotionally because this is essentially the calm before the storm. after this scene jerome is going to learn the truth and there’s a shift in their relationship. both of them are going to be shattered by the end of this play. and it’s because jerome finds out what joy has been so desperate to keep hidden from him, and joy realizes she’s taken for granted all the vulnerability and honesty jerome offered to her only.
so to use these tools! the vanity for a play of all things! to create subtext… in a one-minute b-plot scene!!!! im foaming at the mouth actually. with this scene as well as the first time jerome asks joy out, why do i feel like the director and the editors approached their scenes with such care? like i don’t know just the framing and the actors’ blocking and everything.. is chef’s kiss
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Los Chicos Peleandoooooo
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vraska-theunseen · 3 months
i keep dismissing societal concepts i think are silly in my head and so i go around being like we made this up it's so pointless... abt like copyright law or whatever but then i kind of lock myself in an echo chamber of my own brain where i go around thinking stuff and then i have a conversation with a friend where i find out they put weight in [concept] i've dismissed like they're talking about how IQ is real and measurable and important for statistics and im like WHAT THE HELL...
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chuchayucca · 2 months
Tbh I'm surprised nobody else has brought up the idea of Richard being abused too
It feels like a lot of potential for it and an explanation (aside from their status) as to why Roy never got help for it either -- Richard thought it was normal.
Now this is just making me imagine a scene where Carmen remarks that Roy will "grow out of it" (it being his behavior) like Richard did in front of the other Hatz and Ross and Robert just share a Look
Anddd now I'm wondering how much Carmen knows
TW for discussions of fictional CSA/SA and mentions of alcoholism
Me too, I thought it would be an obvious assumption but I guess not.
Exactly, I’ve seen the fandom explore Carmen and Roy’s relationship regarding his CSA but never with Richard. I think it’s ashamed because there’s a lot you can write for the relationship, even outside of their CSA.
Omg that’s a good scene idea. The Hatzgang are realized there is a deeper issue, and Roy has to unfortunately unpack that generational trauma. I can see how learning his dad is a possible CSA victim, like him, starts pushing Roy to tell his parents but also discourages him because basically Richard unknowingly knew Roy was SA but never recognized it because he doesn’t know he was SA too. I also believe Richard normalized his brother’s actions too. It’s truly devastating how Richard indirectly contributed to the normalization of Roy’s abuse but he doesn’t know it’s SA. He believes those fun “games” him and his brother played were normal family bonding activities and is happy to hear his son is getting along with his brother, a brother he admired when growing up.
These headcanons might change as the series continues and the deeper I get into research.
I headcanon Carmen doesn’t know anything but has suspected something was off a few times. She never thought anything of Richard’s behavior at first because he alway been this way. When they became adults, she started questioning as Richard still had issues with intimacy at that point in their relationship and his alcoholism was at its worst. (Short ver: Richard started drinking at a young age to cope with trauma of his SA and the Uncle encouraged this, buying him alcohol for various reasons. Modern day, Richard is a functional alcoholic but has gotten better with his drinking)
As of the moment, Roy’s parents are unaware of Roy’s CSA. The day the Uncle died, Roy did get in trouble but for separate reasons. Carmen and Richard were mad at Roy for hanging out with “plebeians” and sending them to one of his uncle’s private properties. Roy doesn’t feel comfortable telling them yet because they’re snobby, judgmental people, so he assumes they won’t react well.
#sorry if the length bothers you#This idea has been taking up my brain#There is so much to unpack about this idea like Richard’s life in the past. the generational truama. and Roy’s life in the present#I also want to apologize if some headcanons are poorly implemented. I feel there was certain headcanons I have that wouldn’t make sense-#without other pre-lore headcanons to explain them and I didn’t know to add them smoothly#I have so many thoughts for this AU they obviously focus on Richard’s youth and Roy in current#I’m currently interested in fleshing out Richard’s youth and how he dealt with the CSA without knowing it#Especially the social side of like being a boyfriend and having dumbass friends who also are dealing with their own issues. develop their-#own terrible habits. and encourage one another toxic behaviors because they were stupid teenagers#I do have a scene in mind when Roy eventually tells Carmen and Richard about his SA and have written a little for it#Like I’d mentioned there’s a lot of potential with this AU and I want to see the fandom talk about Roy and Richard’s relationship-#More so regarding their CSA experiences. I believe it can be a powerful story to write#Though one thing I don’t like about it is how I have to write for the Uncle and give him a character#just a awful character to write for#eugh#BTW I do have a sensitive reader for this AU but criticism is still very much welcome#spooky month#spooky month roy#spooky month carmen#spooky month richard#answered asks#ChuchaYucca.text#tw csa mention#tw csa#tw sa mention#tw sa#tw alchoholism
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sodrippy · 8 months
need a new tattoo so baaaaad
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frogmascquerade · 5 months
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
once again wilbur obviously knows tntduo comes across as romantic & homoerotic, they explicitly flirt and have feelings for each other in canon. his statement at vidcon was based off how stupid the question was-- they asked if they were dating/had been on dates and he said no bc yeah. they never dated. they did absolutely suck face in canon, but there were no dates.
he did not say there were no romantic feelings, and he obviously felt weird about answering without talking to q about it (clearly quackity does not give a fuck, lol). imagine doing stupid gay roleplay with your friend and then being asked in front of a huge in-person audience if you meant it slash r or slash p as if you are the sole authority. id say stupid shit too 😭
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kkujo · 1 year
caejose is smth that i can only think about once every few months bc if i think abt it too hard i start to feel sick to my stomach and get so deeply upset that my brain chemistry shifts and it's not good for me
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ok so you've heard of the 'I liked this before it was popular' crowd, now get ready for the equally insufferable 'I disliked this thing when everyone else liked it & now everyone hates it so I feel smug' lot lol...
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quibbs126 · 2 years
If you consider the Kokiri to be like, immortal children of the forest or something like that, I feel like they’d get along with Hunter pretty well honestly
Especially if you say Hunter’s made of Palistrom wood, which would technically also make him “of the forest”
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esoraluco · 2 years
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what the title says but there’s no title. Gaylloween 3 but 50s
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giddlygoat · 1 year
But what if Dr. Julien and Cyrus Borg held hands? What then?
omg. pulls up a chair. flips the cap off my water bottle dramatically. cracks my knuckles along with every other joint in my body. opens power point.
i’m actually working on an au where dr julien puts his brain in a computer in his last years at the lighthouse and eventually winds up in borg tower for a bit because him and cyrus naturally become besties. to me it’s not really romantic; cyrus looks up to dr julien and admires his work a lot, and dr julien is overjoyed to meet someone with as much passion for engineer stuff as himself, but there’s a couple reasons i don’t really see them together.
first, cyrus is pixal’s dad, and while i don’t personally ship pixal and zane the fact that their relationship is canon makes me hesitant to also ship their respective parents lol [this isn’t a dealbreaker either bc obviously there are a billion scenarios where there’s no awkward context]
second, while age gaps aren’t inherently an issue, being a crusty ancient old man is pretty much ingrained into dr julien’s personality at this point and i think it changes their dynamic enough that they wouldn’t be super compatible ?? idk
however!! this isn’t to say there’s anything wrong with shipping them of course, these are just the main reasons i don’t see them that way. i will say though that in my au they practically become attached at the hip and have LOTS of witty banter and gossip. they’re besties 🫶
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cryptidcalling · 2 years
The only people I trust to review High Guardian Spice at this point are gay trans people. Not gay OR trans people. Gay AND trans people.
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spade-club · 2 years
Hm, my body is going to hate me for this in the morning *realizes it is morning already and my body does hate me*
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cosmicallyavg · 2 years
“man i havent even written that much like im not even halfway through this fic-” 
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pissdisease · 7 months
What would you call your style and any tips on how to dress like it? What are some characteristics I would need also? It’s all so cool
Awhh thank you!! ♡
Mhhhhh _(┐「ε:)_ i never really thought i had a specific style as i struggle with identity a lot. I think some people could say i have a mix between kitsch, coquette and sometimes metal styles even tho i struggle and dont relate to these "aesthetics" entirely.. I usually just stick to themes i like, for example i have a lil obsession with military stuff so i thrift cargo pants, military coats..i also enjoy finding lil items that match my personality and get inspired by my online buddies (you know who you are). I hope this helped,,
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