#i also hate architecture :
brother-emperors · 5 months
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It’s a little bit ‘I was the match and you were the rock, maybe we started this fire/We sat apart and watched all we had burn on the pyre,’ and ‘Do you understand that we will never be the same again?’ from Bastille’s The Things We Lost In The Fire
and a little bit:
‘A l’instar de son aîné, Caius Antonius sait se montrer délicieux. Il est cultivé, intelligent, plein d’esprit, gracieux, amiable. Surtout, il appartient à la même génération que Brutus, au même milieu. Depuis le départ de Cassius pour l’Orient, il y à quatre mois, Marcus a vécu avec des hommes dont il pourrait être le père, ou avec les soldats, des bas officiers plus âgés mais qui ne sont pas de son monde.’
and also
‘En juin, Cassius a enlevé Laodicée et définitivement défait les forces de Dolabella. Jugeant les autres à sq propre mesur, le beau Publius Cornelius s'est souvenu de ce qu'il avait fait subir à Trebonius…Cassius passant pour un homme violent et rancunier, pour un ami fidèle aussi, Dolabella s'est dit qu'il allait payer la mort horrible de l'ancien gouverneur.’
Brutus: Assassin par idéal, Anne Berner
actually it’s mostly about how my entire playlist for the road leading up to Philippi (after both Brutus and Cassius leave Rome after the assassination of Caesar) is Bastille’s Bad Blood album on repeat. I want their relationship to get messy. There’s another version of this scene that gets a lot more teeth to the subtext of the conversation, but I wanted to play around with it first before committing to like. room layouts. there was originally a couple of transitional panels before the last 2 because I wanted Brutus to really chew on this thought he has, but augh. stairs. didn’t feel like drawing those.
ko-fi⭐ bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost ⭐ cara.app
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sukibenders · 2 days
It's kind of annoying to see some depict Annabeth as not having/being able to have relationships, especially friendships, outside of Percy or them having a connection to him as well in some way. I'm not saying that she can't be paired with people who are also friends with Percy, I'm mainly talking about it from this perspective---if Percy and Rachel can be friends with one another without connecting back to Annabeth, the she can have the same. Like, sometimes whenever I read fics that mention Annabeth having a relationship with Connor, there always seems to be a mention of Percy in some way (either Connor being dropped for him or being used as a way to make him jealous), but that's long since stopped when it comes to Rachel being added (which is good because my girl was fighting for her life in this fandom). Not even just Connor, but I would like to see more of Annabeth's life highlighted outside of Percy and sometimes even outside of the big hero quest that she goes on. I want to see more of her interactions with Grover, Silena, the Stolls, Clarisse, etc. And this isn't any hate or shade to Percy, because I love him, but he's given more depth at times (when done right because fanon!Percy can be...) than Annabeth, even though they both are complex characters.
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kicktwine · 4 months
hey fandaniel it is ugly asf in here
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khyann · 1 year
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Sorry i havent updated since April. Had been doing my thesis from January to like 2 weeks ago and around April it killed my creativity, the whole complexity of this composition didnt really help either (if you listen closely you'll hear my sanity been slowly and painfully killed by this page, specially in the castle)
But anyway, Champions AU is back baby!
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memento-morri-writes · 7 months
Why is it that in futuristic sci-fi stories, all of the architecture is uber-modern? What's to say that in 100 years people won't be desperately trying to recreate Victorian homes, but with newer materials? Imagine a futuristic story, set 50-300 years from now, but you can tell how wealthy someone is based on how many turrets and towers their house has. Buildings are explicitly designed to look as old as possible. The ultra-wealthy live in their own personally designed medieval castles. Instead of houses made of cubes and steel and glass and all sharp angles, you have houses with stained glass chandeliers, and intricately carved spandrels, and painted porch ceilings, and walls that are a mix of wood and wallpaper.
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mikuyuuss · 1 year
Tbh, when I think about it, Kaveh is really mentally strong that he can stay passionate in a profession like Architecture.
It's not a stretch to say that Architecture ruined my mental health 🙃 that damn profession is traumatizing as hell. It got too much to the point that I had to take a leave of absence (they failed me in thesis twice) It felt like they took 5 years out of my lifespan, when I could be doing more things that I actually enjoy, and even then, lot's of people around me have lost their passion for this course too.
You have to be 110% passionate and obsessed (yep they actually encourage us to be 💀) with Architecture to survive there. You can't be a regular human with other hobbies, interests and passion that doesn't revolve around architecture, otherwise you're not gonna make it. (like me)
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ratjay-art · 23 days
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Hand letter my Beloathed
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husb & i walked by our straight male friend who I have very much been at odds with lately on the way to our dinner date & he texted the gc to tell me/our friends that I “looked fire emoji in that dress” and my ego has never been more fed in my life lol
he is self-professed only into “cute girls” (his ex looked 10 years younger than she was and weighed about 110) and I am plus sized and very much consider myself a woman who looks her age - I would lowkey be horrified if he was actually *attracted* to me, but it’s nice to be told I’m hot (because I am!)
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Yeah, fuck Kuro season 2 demon non-existant relationships. I'm writing a fic and rewriting all their backstories. Some, but not all of the ideas im gonna put/already put in it, so let me know if they suck or whatever: - Hannah and Claude met in Hell. Despite their fundamental differences they created a symbiotic partnership to survive literal hellhole. (not eagerly, more like work together or die horribly situation) - They are not together and never will be involved romantically. But they are platonically married. And with time even dumbass like Claude has to admit that they are friends. - Claude's eyes (all 8 of them in true form) were severely injured in a fight prior, rendering him basically blind. - Hannah acts as his eyes (transferring her vision to him with magic) and also lures other demons into his webs. They share their pray. Before meeting each-other they were both on the brink of starvation. - All demons are cannibals in hell. It's literally like a deep sea situation. Everything is dark, nothing grows and the only way to survive is to eat someone, before someone eats you. (human soles are off limit, they physically can't eat something already dead.) - Claude being a cold fucker, saying "survival of the fittest" is fair, Hannah gets to a lil bit change his mined by offering to kill him right there and then, cause without her, this blinded spider would be long dead. - I'm actually gonna give Hannah some ideology and say she believes that demons deserve to have a meaningful life with emotions and bonds. She also has had a lot of beef with angels in the past. - The demon sword is hers, she uses it frequently in the fights (no, Claude doesn't get his eight grabby hands on in). - It's Hannah's idea to take in three teenage demons (the triplets). Claude absolutely hates the idea, but she forces him to do it. Mainly she reminds him that he saved his life when they first meet. He offers to take one and eat the other two. That doesn't amuse her so he sees a bit worse for the next several hours. Im gonna stop here but like tldr. Triplets and later Alois see Hannah and Claude as their fucked up family. I'll also write about Seb, probably Sebaclaude. Probably in the same "universe" as those idea, but as a separate fic so people who don't want just Gen - won't be forced to sit through a big portion of just found family stuff. A lot more domestic headcanons. Like the fact that Hannah would be the one to teach triplets how to fly in demon form cause Claude doesn't have wings. Or Triplets forming older brothers relationship with Alois, but their perspective of what's good is kinda fucked. So they just teach him really dangerous things. Like how to create a nail-bomb. I'm still gonna write it, but i also wanna know if you guys are interested in something like that.
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camcorderrevival · 1 year
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larks and katydids
written 18.11.22
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bluberimufim · 4 months
My nemesis, college, has kept me from writing the ending of DoS when I am literally one scene away so, out of spite, here's a snippet of the thing (derogatory) I have to write for my history of contemporary architecture class:
Colour is an often neglected theme, but one that is undoubtedly necessary in architecture. It is intrinsically linked to the expression of a work, being, sometimes, a recognizable characteristic of a style or language of architecture (some obvious examples would be the modernist architects and their use of white or the great presence of gold in many Baroque works). It is a theme from which it is impossible to escape, even if one does not make the active choice of painting (as an example, Giorgio Grassi said to have only chosen materials which already had a colour of their own, like brick, to rid himself of the decision) - all materials have colours and textures that will, inevitably, affect the reading of an architecture project. Fernando Távora was an architect of great influence in the realm of portuguese architecture, in regards to his writings and his built projects as well. His work is marked by the search for an architecture capable of combining the best aspects of modern and traditional in a new style adequate to his ideals. Much of this search involved the use of different materials and, of course, colour. Colour, on its own, means very little. What matters is the context in which it is found: the placement, the language, the material. For example: the residential neighbourhood of Ramalde, the convent of Santa Marinha, and the tennis pavilion in Quinta da Conceição all utilize white stucco on their exterior, but it would be erroneous to claim that this colour should be read the same way in these three works - something which, of course, will be explored in the present essay.
Fuck u. I wanna write about my two codependent besties having a terrible time in a fantasy land. And you force me to write about a guy I barely care about. Why u gotta make me do this?
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unusualshrimp · 1 year
hmm gender thoughts
#the people who made pronouns page have another website right#and one of the options there is you can pin your gender on a gradient that goes hypermasculine -> androgynous -> hyperfeminine#and it's like a linear gradient and i hate that SO MUCH. this is hostile architecture for Me Specifically#[disclaimer that if you find that type of thing helpful that's completely fine]#but anyway my gender is like. im a guy but not in a trans guy way#and im a girl but NOT in a cis girl way and i call myself girl in my head a lot but i am a bit Sensitive about how other people use it?#and im always thinking too hard about ''are they acknowledging my 5D chess gender or subconsciously saying it because of my appearance''#if someone called me androgynous or whatever im stabbing them though. idk that just feels so... gender neutral? and im not gender neutral#do ya feel me.#i feel a bit silly typing all this but ah this is the transgender website i think u all would understand me#im a guy like. you know the weird guy who shows up overdressed to casual events but he looks nice so its fine really#and also like. guy who always wears black and looks cool [the cool might just be in my head but thats fine]#and. i might have to think harder abt how i feel regarding Girl ™. i dont want to discard it because i do love doing my own thing with it#but also like being perceived as a cis girl (intentionally or unintentionally) makes me want to jump out of my body. lol. anyway#this is all so sucks honestly my favourite gender is just creature.#you see a thing so weird you just go '' oh god what is that'' and not gender. although i do like the flavour of it/its that is so niceys...#oh jesus uhh#long post#<- for the tags
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allbeendonebefore · 6 months
Why am I awake?? Just to suffer? (It's to catch a flight)
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mikuyuuss · 2 months
You know I didn't expect to actually befriend people in fashion school, cuz I just applied for a short course, so I bet most people are just minding their own business, not to mention I'm sure people have already formed their friend groups and are less likely to accept new people, which is a sad reality I have to accept.
And outside of my little friend group, I'm actually pretty shy and a bit of a loner. I'm also quiet but am bubbly/friendly once you talk to me.
So imagine my surprise when I randomly got invited for lunch by a stylish friend group, like a main character moment and got deep into a conversation with someone who is not only a fellow weeb, but also someone who shares my unpopular. fandom. opinions??!!!!?
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are you jokinggggg an iconic piece of architecture in my city (not good but iconic anyways) was bought up and slated for demo to build condos and now the project is on hold because the housing market is bad. yayyyy more abandoned buildings downtown yayyyyy trying to build luxury condos when there’s a tent city in every park in the city yayyyy closing local businesses instead of trying economic reinvigoration strategies only for the former site of those local businesses to sit vacant for probably years yayyyy no consequences for developers
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purble-gaymer · 7 months
after much deliberation, i’ve decided yeah, they probably have step stools around the house because meta knight is too short to reach the bathroom sink or kitchen counter
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