#i hate academic writing
blueautumngrave · 4 months
Cobra Starship and Fall Out Boy save me from this essay
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bluberimufim · 5 months
My nemesis, college, has kept me from writing the ending of DoS when I am literally one scene away so, out of spite, here's a snippet of the thing (derogatory) I have to write for my history of contemporary architecture class:
Colour is an often neglected theme, but one that is undoubtedly necessary in architecture. It is intrinsically linked to the expression of a work, being, sometimes, a recognizable characteristic of a style or language of architecture (some obvious examples would be the modernist architects and their use of white or the great presence of gold in many Baroque works). It is a theme from which it is impossible to escape, even if one does not make the active choice of painting (as an example, Giorgio Grassi said to have only chosen materials which already had a colour of their own, like brick, to rid himself of the decision) - all materials have colours and textures that will, inevitably, affect the reading of an architecture project. Fernando Távora was an architect of great influence in the realm of portuguese architecture, in regards to his writings and his built projects as well. His work is marked by the search for an architecture capable of combining the best aspects of modern and traditional in a new style adequate to his ideals. Much of this search involved the use of different materials and, of course, colour. Colour, on its own, means very little. What matters is the context in which it is found: the placement, the language, the material. For example: the residential neighbourhood of Ramalde, the convent of Santa Marinha, and the tennis pavilion in Quinta da Conceição all utilize white stucco on their exterior, but it would be erroneous to claim that this colour should be read the same way in these three works - something which, of course, will be explored in the present essay.
Fuck u. I wanna write about my two codependent besties having a terrible time in a fantasy land. And you force me to write about a guy I barely care about. Why u gotta make me do this?
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tardis--dreams · 8 months
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y010isaghost · 2 years
i want to produce a cover so bad but i have an assignment due in like 2 hours and i still havent got a word on it
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crybaby-bkg · 10 months
asking nerd Bakugou to give you a ‘pearl necklace’ and he starts grumbling about you tryna drain him dry but instead of pulling out his cock, he pulls out his phone to actually search for a pearl necklace </3
and to both his surprise and embarrassment, his phone is quickly tossed away in favor of you showing him what you’re actually asking for. he’s not mad though—not when you end up looking so pretty covered in white, grinning, and asking for another necklace <3
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chiquilines · 7 months
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Yeah yeah genderswap kiribaku are getting me through the week what about it
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greenconverses · 2 years
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richard is banned from writing annabeth from here on out
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thedesiurge · 3 months
I think I have lost my inner academic acheiver. I am not giving my 100% anymore and I know it (and I absolutely hate it. Despise it).
I need that academic validation to feel that my existence has some meaning to it. That I am worth. That I should not die and rot in hell instead.
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synthwayve · 6 months
Hi I wrote another Micolaurence thing. It is BAD(TM) because I was experimenting and I will probably hate it every day of my life but if I just let every writing project rot in my google docs I’m going to have more putrefaction than prose 🤧
There is also a surprising lack of angst because I am making these 2 suffer in literally every other project so. Commercial slug break!
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omgeto · 8 months
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utilitycaster · 1 year
ok you know what new fandom word we need is like. when someone has a character they claim isn't their favorite but who shows up in their fics and meta constantly and often in a positive light (sometimes even more so than their alleged favorite ships or characters), and/or is the primary character from whom they pillage traits and details to assign to the character they say they actually like the most.
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ivaspinoza · 1 month
For the ones joining my new writing-only blog, my baby Substack: I will upload one poem every day for the next 15 days, so expect some e-mails in your inbox! :)
If you have been here for a while, you must know I was in desperate need of a writing-only platform — in fact, if you remember, I even tried a side blog, but that didn't work for me (and the novel is cooking atm). So, for the sake of my peace of mind and my writing, I will upload all the poetry in here to this sparkling, brand-new Substack.
After a few days on that platform, though, I can already tell I'm not going to follow what I perceived to be the pattern. Do I feel like a fish out of the water? Yes. Do I plan to change? No. Is it good for ''marketing''? Nope! But I literally can't force myself into a non-authentic space. It gives me anxiety.
I believe in using the platform instead of letting the platform use me. I'm free. That is unnegotiable. So, I will do my best on my own terms, as many things annoy me about the writing culture of these times we live in and I refuse to wear the halter. Oh, I promise I'll never try to coach you, start mothering you, or try to sell you a "how to write poetry in 5 steps" guide. No hooking titles. I won't join the experts-on-shit FOMO cult to prey on other people's triggers or to feel ''good'' about myself at the expense of others. This type of thing actually creeps me out.
But I do promise we can just resonate and inspire each other by being honest and raw, by having a brave heart so we can keep being kind, and by pursuing truth, beauty and art... How about that? We can enjoy the vibe and cultivate this appreciation of words! We can even chat as writer friends, as reader friends or just as friends friends — and encourage each other through real, second-intention-free presence.
If my writing doesn't touch you, it's fine. If yours doesn't touch me, it's fine. It's not personal, it's not a bad thing. We are all finding our voice. The day you think you know everything, you're dead, so we have to keep searching, moving and growing together! How many times have I needed the words from @cssnder @goodluckclove @hersurvival or @remnantofabrokensoul, and so many others around here (iykyk)? And I'm very grateful for every word and idea you all shared here in this amazing space, helping me to keep going, to break from my shell and lay another brick in the foundations of what I want to create.
That is the beauty of it. Creation demands connection. That is respect and human experience. And I repeat it: sometimes what I create won't touch anyone but me.
Oh, but what if it does!
Well, that being said: I actually do have some crazy ideas for the Substack. At first, the focus was on creating some substantial and self-indulgent content about literature (I like to study). Although I still think that's important, exciting and valid, Poetry is making its way through my inked fingers more and more, demanding space, attention, and voice; so I will not neglect this calling.
What about the future? I don’t know. Paid subscriptions for specific academic literature content? Prophetic, devotional newsletters?Generating debates on books for the community? Just poetry that you can read for free and not engage at all because I can be quite antisocial at times? Digging around some old ancient advice on writing? None of the above? Anything is possible, really. For now, I will slow down and avoid contributing to the hamster wheel of modern despair for the speed of light living and likes.
For now, poetry, please.
And tea. Lots of tea, because it's raining.
The grass looks so green!
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akuma-tenshi · 2 months
there are some characters where i look at them and go "i don't want anything bad to happen to them ever" and others where i look at them and go "i need them to suffer so fucking much until they b r e a k" and there's no telling which is which until you talk to me about them
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tricksterlatte · 2 months
There was this post I saw awhile back that asked what was the one thing you would get pretentious about since everyone has at least one. I didn’t reblog it at the time, but my god if I have to see any more bad faith or media illiterate surface level take about Chainsaw Man, I’m going to become the literacy devil
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doomsdayoption · 6 months
Looking for academic articles on JSTOR be like:
What you WANT to search: "Representations of Sexuality in 19th century France"
What JSTOR, for some unfathomable reasons, puts in the FIRST PAGE of results: "The Inherent Homophobia Of Agricultural Machineries Used in Sixteenth-century Indonesia"
JSTOR, What the fuck, man?
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siobhanromee · 3 months
kind of wild to think that my rejection from my top 3 schools prompted a career trajectory change. what career goal did I switch to? The rejection industry.
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