#architectural ramblings
bluberimufim · 8 months
My nemesis, college, has kept me from writing the ending of DoS when I am literally one scene away so, out of spite, here's a snippet of the thing (derogatory) I have to write for my history of contemporary architecture class:
Colour is an often neglected theme, but one that is undoubtedly necessary in architecture. It is intrinsically linked to the expression of a work, being, sometimes, a recognizable characteristic of a style or language of architecture (some obvious examples would be the modernist architects and their use of white or the great presence of gold in many Baroque works). It is a theme from which it is impossible to escape, even if one does not make the active choice of painting (as an example, Giorgio Grassi said to have only chosen materials which already had a colour of their own, like brick, to rid himself of the decision) - all materials have colours and textures that will, inevitably, affect the reading of an architecture project. Fernando Távora was an architect of great influence in the realm of portuguese architecture, in regards to his writings and his built projects as well. His work is marked by the search for an architecture capable of combining the best aspects of modern and traditional in a new style adequate to his ideals. Much of this search involved the use of different materials and, of course, colour. Colour, on its own, means very little. What matters is the context in which it is found: the placement, the language, the material. For example: the residential neighbourhood of Ramalde, the convent of Santa Marinha, and the tennis pavilion in Quinta da Conceição all utilize white stucco on their exterior, but it would be erroneous to claim that this colour should be read the same way in these three works - something which, of course, will be explored in the present essay.
Fuck u. I wanna write about my two codependent besties having a terrible time in a fantasy land. And you force me to write about a guy I barely care about. Why u gotta make me do this?
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ventique18 · 8 months
🐉: "People used to make gargoyles with human features as well. Also referred to as Chimeras, these human-like gargoyles are famously known for being a hybrid creature with human faces or parts. Many common gargoyles are also called as such because they combine several different features from different animals such as its face, tail, wings, and body type."
🐉: "... But this is not your area of interest, so I likely must be boring you, no? Apologies. Let me instead think of something related to things you enjoy."
🌸: "No,
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So, I've noticed a few things about Sir Pentious' blimp and how it's built.
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Its main window is all circular, and if you look at how it's structured, it resembles a flower. Specifically, a window like this is often seen in churches, and they're called "rose windows"
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Then, the windows on the side: it's like they're made of stained glass. And, what do you know? They're also found in churches!
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And finally, the ship has a pointy extreme on its frontal area. It actually looks like a spire, aka the highest architectural element in a church.
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So basically, this blimp contains elements that evoke the place where everyday people come to confess their sins and become better people and be able to eventually ascend to Heaven.
Sounds familiar?
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Notably, a certain Sinner, who happens to resemble the Biblical representation of sin and evil (the snake), became a martyr and ascended to Heaven by using this machine of destruction to save his friends with no guarantee he'd be able to survive such an action.
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Such an act of self sacrifice to help beloved ones is seen as the ultimate form of love and virtue, and it fully explains the brilliance and plot reasons behind his blimp's sacral architecture.
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John, 15:13)
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Laura Ashley Style, 1987
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traffi · 21 days
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Some quick studies from traveling Sweden. You can see where I lost the patience and stopped :DDD Fun fact: I bought three new ink pens, but all the drawings here are in charcoal.
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hjemne · 8 months
The French are so funny because instead of having art as a general category meaning a creation with beauty, they listened to Hegel about there only being 6 distinct categories of art, but then as the world develops people kept on going 'well THIS is artistic, but it's distinct from those other kinds of creative categories' and then adding new categories. Like, my guys, there is beauty to be found in all of mankind's creations. Give up on the number system. If you can get your head around the holy trinity being one god in three forms, you can also get your head around there just being ART despite its many forms. But they won't change because their govt and society are conservative and white supremacist and adding increasingly bizarre numbers of art forms to a Eurocentric and classical model is preferable to any form of fluidity and change in the culture
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Emily + Poetry
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All photo credits at the end
Criminal Minds Characters + Virtues - Emily and Humility
"The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize" - Robert Hughes
I wish Emily's character had been more fleshed out, especially because of how smart she is. She has such a talent with all of her language skills that are only touched on a few times. Really the whole team is cheated this because Spencer is labeled "Smart Boy Genius" which is deserved, but he's not the only smart one on the team. Emily is a gem, pressed so hard she became a diamond and I adore her for her strength and smarts and how humble she stays the whole show.
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
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Top: Left (@shakespearesdaughters) Center (@fedyasmoyalyubov) Right (@sitkowski)
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Bottom: Left (@kaijuno) Center (@chainsawjoy) Right (@letsbelonelytogetherr)
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matrivers · 8 months
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Headcanon that popped in the shower was that Ratio did have white hair or looked more like Alhaitham, but he just had a teen fallout with him through different ideologies and dyed his hair blue, (prob changed his LN out of spite) to not be assosiated with him, the phase is gone but he likes his dyed hair as it is so it hasnt changed much.
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sukibenders · 4 months
It's kind of annoying to see some depict Annabeth as not having/being able to have relationships, especially friendships, outside of Percy or them having a connection to him as well in some way. I'm not saying that she can't be paired with people who are also friends with Percy, I'm mainly talking about it from this perspective---if Percy and Rachel can be friends with one another without connecting back to Annabeth, the she can have the same. Like, sometimes whenever I read fics that mention Annabeth having a relationship with Connor, there always seems to be a mention of Percy in some way (either Connor being dropped for him or being used as a way to make him jealous), but that's long since stopped when it comes to Rachel being added (which is good because my girl was fighting for her life in this fandom). Not even just Connor, but I would like to see more of Annabeth's life highlighted outside of Percy and sometimes even outside of the big hero quest that she goes on. I want to see more of her interactions with Grover, Silena, the Stolls, Clarisse, etc. And this isn't any hate or shade to Percy, because I love him, but he's given more depth at times (when done right because fanon!Percy can be...) than Annabeth, even though they both are complex characters.
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i have so so many thoughts about the interior of sasha’s mind cube and i’m working on a big infodump post where i gather them but. widely speaking i imagine a lot of it resembling the inner workings of aperture from portal 1. everything soaked in a bright orange light, pipes encircling and twisting upwards, steel catwalks suspended impossibly high. a crushing atmosphere haunted by everything that’s he’s suppressed down there.
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doyou see my vision ,.,
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esteemed-excellency · 3 months
ohh I'm very curious, i *think* i know what a folly tower is, but I'm not certain! would you mind explaining please? (and maybe how this thies in witb hiram specifically?)
Of course! A folly in architecture is a building constructed for decorative purposes, there's not a precise definition in terms of scale or design, even if by modern standards the buildings are usually small, they can be gloriettes, fake ruins, artificial grottos, towers, etc. They became a trend in english and french landscape gardens during the 18th century and the term began as "a popular name for any costly structure considered to have shown folly in the builder" (quoting the Oxford English Dictionary's definition from wikipedia).
Overall they're very fun and interesting ornaments but towers in particular have their own value as landmarks, viewpoints, or historical constructions (like the irish "famine follies"). I personally like the liminal aesthetic they convey, given that they were often placed in the middle of nowhere, and the convoluted effect of some bigger constructions.
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[Hadlow Tower (Kent) / Broadway Tower (Worcestershire) / Pontypool Folly Tower (Wales) / Scrabo Tower (Northern Ireland) / La Scarzuola (Italy) / The Swallow's Nest Castle (Crimea)]
In Fallen London, the Edict of Towers is an abandoned location between Hell and Parabola (reachable via Marigold Station), described as a maze of mirrors, walls, towers, turrets, and parapets. It was an ancient defence of Hell but it's empty now, and people risk getting lost between the Is and the Is-Not trying to navigate it. So, because i'm a huge sucker for cursed escherian labyrinths, i decided that it would be the perfect place for Hiram's parabolan base.
The halls of mirrors tie in with some descriptions of Is Someone There?, and the battlements fit the theme of A Game of Chess, which are Hiram's main dreams and nightmares. They're also perfectly on brand with the pseudo-medieval aesthetic of the Red Court.
Also, the vibe reminds me of a mix between surrealist/metaphysical paintings and the XII century italian tower craze:
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[Almayer's Folly - René Magritte / The Red Tower - Giorgio De Chirico / reconstruction of Bologna during the 1200s / a depiction of San Giminiano during the 1200s/1300s by Taddeo di Bartolo]
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sixamese-simblr · 1 year
An online Sims game would never work because it can never have all the things that make the mainline Sims games appealing because if it did people would go around town stealing people's alpha cc toddlers to barbecue them.
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the-witchhunter · 2 years
DP x DC Fandom: y’all don’t know what gothic architecture is
I’m only bringing this up because it keeps popping up. Gothic architecture is a real thing, and the name Gothic is from before the modern context. In fics it’s not uncommon for Danny or Sam to make a comment about Gotham’s “Gothic Architecture” but... Gotham doesn’t really have much gothic architecture. I wouldn’t be posting about it if it was one or two people, or if it was just the characters that got it wrong.
Gothic architecture is what you would see with a cathedral. It will have pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying buttresses. It’s pretty common to also have stained glass,
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The building of Gotham are obviously much more modern. The style Gotham is actually based on is Art Deco, a style that was super common in America during the 20′s and 30′s, The first Batman comic came out in 1939, so it was based on contemporary cities at the time.
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It’s fine if it’s something the character just doesn’t know, and it’s really not a big deal, but I keep seeing gothic architecture used wrong that it feels like a bit of education is in order. 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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paranormeow7 · 1 year
been thinking about house horror a lot lately and it’s occurred to me that a lot of it takes place in houses of evil that there’s no escape from, where you fall deeper and deeper in until you are swallowed. While I love that kind of concept, I watched a couple of spooky videos today that got me thinking about a scenario where you could leave the house and go about your life as normal, but you were still forced to live in it and come back “home” to it every day.
The videos I watched were “my house walkthrough” by nana825763 and “RADAR” by lyrahorrorz. In “my house”, the protagonist walks through a noticeably decrepit, disgusting home that slowly loops over and over, becoming more corrupted and hellish throughout each walk through its halls. This protagonist treats it as normal and describes each room and how it relates to their family as a person who would live in this house, even the ones that were “closed off”. They wander into rooms that have been condemned and show off the corpses of their family as if they are still there with him.
In Radar, the protagonist is seen desperately trying to escape his house, and an entity tormenting him by reminding him of horrible things, flooding the home with an unbearable smell, and removing his hands. He tries to escape by banging his head into his door until it splits open. Eventually he gets out and simply goes out for a casual movie night with his friends, yet having to go back home to this torment directly after. His house also becomes noticeably decrepit and abandoned by the ending.
These aren’t particularly made to display the theme I thought up, but it was interesting all the same. Your house is a place of solace, a place to rest after a long day. Now imagine if this house was a horror eating away at your psyche and your very life the longer you stay in it, yet you have nowhere else to go. Your mundane every day tasks, such as going to school/work, picking up groceries, or watering your garden become your escape, your sense of normality in this nightmare you go home to every day. You may try to run away, or stay with a friend, but you always end up crawling back into the jaws of the house one way or another. You are tethered.
The most interesting and scariest part of this concept to me is that it’s a real thing that some people live. Some people have abusive family members that they stay with because they have no one else. Some people can only afford disgusting and barely livable places infested with things that want to get under your skin. I’ve known loved ones in these situations and I’m sure if I asked them what their house felt like to them, they would describe it as a monster, a sinkhole, a place of stagnation and stress. So is it really much different to be forced to live in a haunted house, or a sentient, malevolent house, or any other sort of surreal, winding nightmare of a place that you just can’t step away from for long?
You tell me.
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aachria · 3 months
My ass should most definitely be studying rn (8 and ½ days til my exams) but i just realized that i haven't updated my SSSBMTY playlist on spotify since chapter 97 or so and thats just not acceptable :/
I cant just let that slide, it'll take me two minutes!! Just.
Nevermind ill be doing it after im done studying only if i finish studying maths today (reqard system frfr 💪😤)
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