#i also really like bubblegum or cotton candy
tomatoderby · 1 year
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I finally made an entry for furbruary as hosted by bailie.waters.tattoos on Instagram! This is my entry for day 10 (late as hell I know): sweet. I came up with the furby name Minty Fresh Sins of the Flesh like a month ago and wanted an opportunity to draw a long furby that would conceivably have that for a name, and this challenge gave me the opportunity.
Is mint chocolate your favourite ice cream flavour? If not, what is your favourite flavour instead?
Reblogs and likes are welcome, but no reposting please.
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jellyluvr · 11 months
- Warren lipka x virgin!fem!reader ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
I'm very aware of the basic title, but I couldn't think of anything else. Unless you want "very awesome title" then you'll have to deal with this. Also sorry if this might be bad it's kinda choppy idk
Warnings: smoking weed, lots of friends, public sex?? I don't know lol 🤧 car sex, and loss of virginity (obvi)
Summary: warren basically leads you into the woods and you go with him, him making the first move. (Then u go to the car)
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(Divinelyruled's gif)
Warren swerved while driving, spencer and Chas laughing in the backseat. They were all pretty annoying, but it was their usual bullshit. Warren was wearing his stupid tropical button-up and his typical pants. You only hung out with all of them for Warren. Maybe for a little of spencer, but everyone else were absolute dipshits.
Once the car recovered from Warren's horrible driving, he spoke. Loud and proud.
"You guys wanna smoke?" Warren said, looking at you, a huge grin on his face. He was acting like a child. You really didn't know what to say, but there was no protest. Chas and spencer spoke up, both agreeing.
So, Warren pulled over in a rather sketchy parking lot before reaching in the backseat, grabbing some old textbook he had.
"Uhh, reach in the glove box, would ya, sweetie?"
You loved hated when he called you that. But, you still reached in the glove box. There were flavored wraps in there, a few boxes, actually. Bubblegum, pineapple, blueberry, and cotton candy. They were all for joints, them being 'juicy Jay's'
"Yea.. yeah.. that's the one. Here.." he took the blueberry one before setting everything on the armrest. What the hell was he doing?
"Where's the weed, man?" Warren said, pushing back his seat to lean on spencer. Chas just fumbled around for a moment before passing warren a bag, letting out a soft hm as a thank you.
"Warren what the fuck are you doing?" You didn't know what he was doing. You were really confused.. you had thought you'd just smoke cigarettes but joints? How did he even know how to make those..?
"Makin' you a treat, sweetheart. You'll loooovveee it..." he chuckled a little, his eyes shifting to you for a second. Then, he moved the textbook back on his lap, the bag of weed setting on it.
You were seriously scared. Your parents were strict assholes and this was really scary. You didn't even know how you managed to get out tonight. Your dad was like a hawk. A really fat and mean hawk.
"Warren, I can't smoke weed. My dad will know.." you spoke in a low tone, too focused on Warren's hands making the joint. You studied what he did. He got a little rectangle paper, folding it up and making a circle shape. You didn't know what that was, but you continued to watch. He carefully put the weed on the thin paper, spreading it out evenly while he tapped it slightly. Next, he put the small rectangular thing towards him on the paper, then rolling it up. Chas and spencer shouted and giggled in the back, but you paid no attention to them.
You were too fascinated with what he was doing to care. Then, the joint was done and he handed it to you, you holding it and just looking over to him with a face that read 'wtf dude?'. He laughed at you, grabbing a lighter. "It's like a cigarette. Kind of.. just put it in your mouth please." He smiled warmly, giggling a little. It made you suspect he was fucking with you, but you put the filter part in your mouth, letting him light it.
You took a puff in, immediately pulling the joint out of your mouth as you coughed. Chas and spencer laughed even more, the two of them drinking and up to their own stupid shit..
Warren held back his laughing, taking the joint from you and taking a puff expertly, a smile on his face. He admired how innocent and pure you were. And how cute.. but he'd never admit that. He started to drive again, moving his seat back up as he drove out to where smoke came out of the woods. You assumed this was a bomb fire, so you just sighed.
That sigh would've been nice if it wasn't for the horrible smell in the car. You coughed some more, Warren finally rolling down his window for the smoke to escape desperately. You turned the other way, burying your head in your arms as you closed your eyes, the comfort of your jacket over you. You hated this. You just wanted to spend time with Warren.. watch a movie maybe. But not go out and party.
It was too late to turn back when you smelt the actual familiar smoke.. and heard the screams and yells of teenagers downing beer. You dreaded this.. why couldn't you and Warren go make out or something? Whyd this have to be in motion???
Warren got out, spencer and Chas following as the laughed seeing other friends from college. I guess some weren't teens.. more of unmature adults. You groaned, getting out of the car as well in your little skirt and top. It had originally been for warren.. to impress him in some way but you weren't even sure if he liked it. Of course you hoped so.. but he was an unpredictable guy. An asshole really.
You began to walk to warren and his friends, them all fucking around and freaking out. You didn't know a few people, but they eventually led you all to the bomb fire. Clinks of beer were heard every few seconds, crackles from the fire too. You didn't understand why they even had a fire. It was like 90.. mosquitoes were sucking off of you like vampire's every 5 seconds. The fire really provided no protection to the bugs, but it did look kind of cool.
Warren talked with everyone, them sharing cigarettes and other things. Showing stuff on their small little phones and laughing.. talking about 'bitches'. But now that you thought about it you were just about the only woman there. There was 3 or 4 others, but most of the people were guys. Disgusting men.. they all looked the same. Same hair, same nose.. same outfit.. you were positive men felt the same way about you, but you didn't care.
The only man that meant anything to you was warren. Your beloved warren. You daydreamed about him while you stared.. taking in his brown eyes and cute dimples. The single mole on his nose.. the perfect shape of it. His wonderful hands.. you wondered if his dick looked the same. Veiny and girthy.. maybe you would draw it later that night. Definitely..
A sigh left your mouth as you started to walk back to the car, hoping warren would come over and encourage you to talk to others just like in the movies.. but he didn't. He didn't even acknowledge you walking over there, so you went in with no air conditioning while you looked around. There was nothing much.. just weed scraps and other various items related to weed. At least you thought.
You looked around the car still, checking the glove box in hopes for something cool but it was just a pocket knife and.. panties?! Why did warren have panties?? Why did they have hello kitty on them.. what the hell?! He didn't have a girlfriend did he? Thoughts flooded your head as you stared at the thing infront of you, your hand not daring to touch them.
What if he had a girlfriend?? Oh god.. that was horrible. You couldn't be some homewrecker. Or a slut.. or just a bitch. It was girl code. But, you were really thinking about if he had fucked another girl. Why did he have the right to do that? He should've been fucking you instead. Using you as he pleased, but he wasn't. He was talking with his stupid "bros".
"Fuck!" You screamed, your hands going to claw at your face. You were so frustrated. Why would he have panties out of all things? Maybe lipgloss would've been better or even a nail, but panties!? Who leaves their panties in their boyfriends car??
Friends with benefits maybe? But still who would do that? He didn't get any girls.. he was considered ugly by everyone else. To you, he was the most beautiful being on this earth. The most hottest—
"What are you doing, man?" Warren knocked on the car window, looking down at you as he saw you going through his glove box. He was obviously worried. That was kind of weird to do.. especially without his permission.
You jumped, your head turning up to warren as you opened your mouth to speak, nothing coming out. Warren opened the car door, it being an obvious gesture for you to get out. You did, and he seemed to know what you saw.
"It was a gift to hang up. Uhm.. Chas got me 'em." He said, leaning back into the car and closing the box before shutting the door, coming out and facing you. "You okay?" He asked, laughing lightly. You stood there, relieved and extremely excited. "Yeah.. I'm good." You smiled, feeling sparks go off in your body. He was single.. hopefully. At least they weren't some girl's panties. That would've been horrible.
Warren's friends realized he had disappeared, so they began to look for him obviously. It wasnt hard, you were just a little long away from them so they called him over, ultimately taking you with him. They laughed and had their fun, and sent Warren out to go do something. You hadn't been paying attention, all you cared about was his face really. And his personality of course.
Warren began to walk out into the dark of the woods, taking no specific path. You were obviously quite worried. Where was he planning on going anyway? No even seemed to care about him leaving.. so naturally you began to follow.
You tried to catch up pretty quickly, making sure to watch your step. That meant you had been looking down at your feet the whole time, so you never looked up to see where Warren was. When you did, he was gone. No where it seemed, and you looked behind you only to find you had ran into the woods... lost.
You cussed to yourself, looking all around you as you realized how dark and scary it was. Now you'd have to call out his name. Or anyone's.. or just scream.
Your breathing quickened as you tried to calm down, your body not helping anything. You turned to the path you were originally taking and ran down it instead. And finally.. you saw Warren's stupid tropical button up and his hair. It was sort of hard to miss, so you ran down, panting as you got behind warren. Warren turned around, jumping a little but now just confused.
"Y/n, what the fuck, man?" He asked, looking down at you with confusion. You stood up and straightened yourself, looking him directly in the eye. "I was uhm.." then, you felt that foul smell hit your nose just like in the car. He had a joint, it smoking up with a little red bud at the end. "I was worried about you." You repeated, smiling slightly. Warren just laughed lightly, sitting down on a huge rock while he smoked.
" 'kay." He nodded, and you just watched him. Warren looked up, the beauty of the midnight sky above. It was a wonderful color, stars littered over it perfectly thanks to being out so far away from the city. Warren looked over to you, laughing again. "Here, have some." He wiggled his eyebrows, pushing out the joint for you to have.
You didn't want to be lame, so you took it and actually took a puff this time. You coughed some, but not as much as before. The effects immediately hit you, and Warren realized this. He laughed some more too, you just laughing with him because his laugh was simply so funny.
You sat on the rock, very close to him as you two giggled. It wasn't controllable really.. it kind of just came out. And you closed your eyes, laughing as you smiled. Warren laughed too, his hand going to set on your thigh. You just kept laughing, until Warren said something.
"Y/n.. y/n, dude calm down." He chuckled lightly, but then he stopped. You stopped too, you two now just looking into each other. Warren didn't say anything more, and you didn't really want to either.
Then, his lips connected with yours with no warning at all. You kissed him back, closing your eyes and wrapping your arms around him as his hands rubbed your thighs. Warren slurped at your mouth almost, making you melt under him. You two were both high, and it just made everything better. The kiss was hot and desperate.. really for the both of you. Warren loved you.. he especially loved your body, but your everlasting love for him always seemed to catch his eye.
You moaned slightly into his lips, his hands going up onto your hips as lewd noises filled the area. Your eyes rolled back at Warren's strong grip on you, forcing you to stay seated. Warren pulled back, panting and cussing under his breath. He put a hand through his hair, giving you the opportunity to get on top of him.
You moved your body to be positioned on his lap, your thighs straddling his hips as you cupped his face, the sexual tension thick. You moved in to kiss him, and he kissed you back as you grinded into him. The slick between your thighs built up as your clit ached for any pleasure. You grinded a little faster, squeaking out a moan from warren as he continued to kiss you.
You two were combined in one, making out and really doing all you could. Warren stopped kissing you and frantically unbuttoned his pants while you unzipped them, not really sure what to do. You had fantasies.. sure.. but you had no idea how to fuck or suck dick. Warren leaned back against the rock, surely expecting you to do something.. but you didn't know what. You were so worked up, but how could you tell him you were a virgin?
"Uhm.." you choked out, looking at his boxers peeking through his flap. You were nervous. You were getting sweaty.. very.. you were afraid. Your head felt heavy and your eyes got foggy. This was so embarrassing. Warren looked up at you, clearly a bit confused. "You o-" you cut him off, "I'm a virgin, warren." You let it out even though it crushed you. You knew he wouldn't be okay with that.. that would just make it weird. Fuck.
"Oh." He leaned up, looking down at his bulge and sighing. He put his hands on your shoulders, looking you straight in the eyes. "Well.. uh.. am I good enough for your first time?" He laughed awkwardly, feeling like he had just led on a kid. It felt weird. He didn't think you were a virgin.. he thought you were a huge chick. Like, you definitely got dick every weekend.. but no. You didn't, which was really confusing.
But as for the question, you nodded. "Yes.. don't think I don't want to.. it's just.. I'm not ruining anything, am i?" You looked up at him, clearly nervous. He felt bad now. But, his boner wasn't going away and he knew that weed had fucked you up. "No. I'll give you a time to remember, sweetheart." He kissed your nose, his hands going to your waist as he swiftly moved ontop of you instead, moving you on the rock.
He began to kiss down your neck, making you squirm a bit. A breathy moan slipped from your lips, your wetness growing. You smelt Warren's hair, the scent filling your nostrils as you sighed, your heartbeat picking up. You had dreamed of this.. and it was actually happening.
A small gasp left your mouth as you felt Warren's hard on press against your thigh. He grinded into you, making you so much hotter than before. It felt you were in an oven.. like you were sun bathing. It was crazy.. and Warren's mouth moved up to your jaw, kissing and sucking before he moved his mouth over your ear. You felt shivers go throughout your body, more coming as his breath hit you right on your neck.
"You play with yourself?" He asked, his hair tickling your cheek. You didn't want to lie. You didn't touch yourself. You never had.. it scared you honestly, and Warren turned his head up, his hand going inside your skirt and creeping up your thighs excruciatingly.
"N-no." You said finally, Warren's fingertip grazing over your clothed slit. He wasn't going to hurt you.. he had to prepare you for him even if he was going to collapse from how hard he was. He didn't have a big ego, or dick really. But, one thing he did know was virgins bled. If they didn't have proper preparation.. or at least that's what some porn skit said. Either way, he was going to make sure it was more pleasurable then painful.
Your breath hitched as one hot finger went beside your panties, moving into your drenched pussy. He smiled feeling how wet you were, and his single finger lined your hole. "You like that?" He asked, knowing the answer. He chuckled lightly, inserting a finger inside your walls, causing you to squirm some. Jesus.. you definitely were a virgin. Your walls hugged him tight, and it even made his dick twitch a little.
He moved his finger inside you slowly, letting you get used to the feeling. You loved it though. Yours hips moved into his finger involuntarily as you moaned slightly, Warren's finger going slightly faster. But, this was one finger. Two would surely hurt.. his dick would hurt more. Maybe he should save it for another time.. maybe you two should've been more than just friends. Or friends with benefits.
So, he took his finger out, licking your arousal off before he began to touch himself. "You think you can take it?" He asked, looking at you with a warm, but desperate look. You had known about some sex things.. oral.. anal.. vaginal.. but that was it. But, if he touched you, maybe you needed to touch him too? Warren moved up on the rock some more, you moving up from your laying position as you looked down at his bulge. Your hand pulled down his pants some, then the boxers came next. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw his bush.. your hand getting so much closer to his cock.
You pulled down his boxers fully, his dick springing a little as a small sigh left Warren's lips. His head went back as he looked back down, almost like that had been too much. You felt the urge to apologize, but you didn't in order to keep the mood. You stared at his raging red tip for a moment, swallowing slightly as you drooled at the sight. Your body reacted fast. Your pussy began to clench around nothing, your clit making you feel light as you stared some more.
Your hand finally moved up to his dick, your small hand barely able to wrap around him. You hesitated for a moment, but you clenched your hand around him, straining a moan. His breathing quickened from the warmth of your hand and you felt your stomach churn from your need. The slick was building up so much more and you felt as if you could die. Regardless, your hand began to move up and down his length, a breath of air coming out of his mouth as he calmed himself down.
The stimulation was so much. So so much.. it made him squirm. The way your hand felt around him was unbelievable. Never in a million years would he think you'd feel so nice. Your soft hands touching him was so much better than his hand. His rough, large, veiny hand. He pulled up his shirt some, revealing his v line as his head shot back from the pleasure. Your hand went faster, little slick noises coming from his dick. You stared at it. You couldn't really not stare. It was hard for you to even focus with how.. beautiful it was. It wasn't gross or shaped weird.. it was perfect. Absolutely perfect.
Warren smiled, looking down at your hand as you stared. His size grew in your hand.. it becoming sort of scary. You were sure it wouldn't fit. You were sure he would say "we should just be friends" in the end. You knew something like that would happen.
And the reason was ridiculous. You knew this was too good to be true. You'd wake up any moment.. You'd have to, but that moment never came. Never would either. And that thought began to register.
Warren kept looking at your hand, it going faster and faster. You looked up at him, sort of worried in a way, but he still had that smile as waved of pleasure shot through his body. He moaned, and you felt butterflies as you smiled some. Your eyes shifted back to his cock, the tip now leaking white. It wasn't much, but soon it began to drip down the side.. following one of the veins.
"Fuck.." Warren said under his breath, looking at his dick as his head shot back again. You kept your hand around him, but you didn't move it. You just looked before your hand went up in one swift movement and took the cum off, making Warren moan some. He twitched a little, some more cum seeping out, but he didn't care. He pulled you up, kissing you one last time before your session was interrupted.
"Yo! Warren?" One guy yelled, but you soon identified it to be Chas. You looked back, jumping off Warren as he did the same, pulling his pants up quickly. Chas was walking closer by the second, but Warren didn't want this to end. Never really, so he whispered 4 words that you'd remember for the rest of your life.
"Go to the car." He patted your back, adjusting his pants a little before walking up the path, meeting Chas as he looked at you. "What's she doing here?" He asked, pointing as he looked at Warren. He just shook his head, walking up the makeshift path as Chas followed. Warren's hand made a movement, sort of a wave, and you began to catch up as your head felt so much heavier now.
You felt like you were on top of the world. Like you were the coolest, and best person ever. The feeling of the man you loved since middle school saying meet at the car felt nice. Especially just giving him a handjob.. that was wonderful. Now, you could actually imagine something right before you went to sleep at night. Or just scenarios..
– few minutes later
You were sitting in the car, the seat sort of hot. Your thighs were very hot, so you assumed it was that. You didn't really do much. You just sat there while you occasionally looked up to see warren talking. But, the last time you looked he was gone. And instead, he was opening the door.
"They think we're getting beer." Warren said, starting the car before he began to back out of the space. You turned to him, only thinking about his dick. "They think? So what are we gonna do?" You knew exactly what you two were going to do, and Warren just turned his head to you, laughing slightly. "You know exactly what's gonna happen, don't even." He shut that down immediately and the scenery changed from trees and woods to sketchy roads. You stared at the road infront of you, leaning your arm on the car door as you watched.
Warren then pulled over, a spot in the woods but awfully close to the road. You turned to him, and he immediately crawled over the barrier between you two and began to kiss you deeply once more. You kissed back, Warren's hands traveling all over your body as whimpers and little moans escaped your mouth. Warren loved those noises you made.. Your wonderful noises. "Get in the back." Warren said in between a kiss, him settling back in his seat as he began to undo his button up and pants. He stripped in the front of the car, you moving in the back while you began to pull of your skirt.
It had been a nice day to wear your pink panties, but Warren loved them. He loved what was under them too.
Once the two of you were basically stripped the to skin, he crawled into the backseat with you, placing you down on the fabric as he began to kiss you once more. His hands kneaded your tits through your croptop, but they eventually slipped under it and had free roam. You moaned into his mouth, the kiss feeling hot and steamy as his thumbs played with your nipples. "Fuck.. You're so hot.." he mumbled, pulling from you and looking at your panties. He licked his lips, his body moving down a bit before he moved your legs up, folding you in half as he looked at the wet spot on your panties.
"Oh sweetheart.." he cooed, your body beginning to feel so much more hot than before. You were practically melting under him.. it was so much. And you just watched as he began to pull up your panties, revealing your hot slick. "Wait.." you said quickly, looking up at him as you began to feel worry on top of the arousal. "What if someone sees us?" You were starting to doubt this. Why didn't you two just go somewhere more secluded? Like an abandoned parking lot or something.. "then let them watch." He smiled, pulling your panties off completely before throwing them in the bottom of the car. He looked at your folds, his right hand going down to pump himself as he stared.
It was enough to make him cum, really. Your body was beautiful.. a masterpiece even. He thought he was so lucky to be fucking you, bur you thought the opposite. You were so obsessed with him. He was something you thought about every day.. every single day. He was the reason you dressed so nicely. The reason you took commitment into makeup.. the man you wanted to impress. And it seemed to work.
"You ready?" He asked, his dick moving up to be right on top of your folds. You nodded sheepishly, choking down some saliva as you felt your body grow much more nervous. You felt his tip align with your entrance, and finally push in. You gasped softly, feeling his tip push in more, eventually going much deeper and hitting your cervix. Your breath hitched as his size stretched you, warren biting down on his lip as he felt how tight you were. "Jesus, you're tight.. You're really tight.. fuck.." he began to move in and out of you slowly, each time making warren closer to his orgasm. You clenched around him, your body barely able to handle his size.
You were a virgin.. this was a lot. Literally. His dick was so big, and as he began to thrust into you, you felt your pussy feel so much wetter. Warren knew this, and he knew it was just a natural thing. Most virgins bled, but you just provided more slick for him to work with, which was wonderful. It made him easier to slip into you, so he used it to his advantage as he began to go faster.
You moaned some, Warren's hands clutching your knees to your chest as he went a little faster, his eyes going shut as he reveled in the pleasure. He cussed under his breath, your lewd noises growing so much louder as the skin of yours and his slammed into each other.
"Warren!" You screamed, your eyes rolling into your head as he went at an unbearable pace. Soon, the both of you were cussing to yourselves as your orgasms came much closer, and finally the both of you came. Warren was quick to pull out, his cum spraying all over your stomach as you both panted, taking in the sight. Warren twitched some again, his hot cum feeling like a trophy. The view was great. You couldn't lie.
Seeing his dick slowly become softer made butterflies appear in your stomach, and you just sighed. Your head going back as you closed your eyes. Warren collapsed on top of you, sighing as well.
"We should probably go get that beer now."
This took so long omg. Yall better like this or I'm gonna die and shrivel up
But ty for reading!! Still not sure what the word count is but I'm hoping it's more than 2k.
Taglist: @kaismanwich @tatelangdonsgirll @daylas-life @hyperharlz @kaiju-superstar @howtobesasha @luttic
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dontexpectmuch · 1 year
could we pls get a part two to this 😍😍
jude bellinghams relationship habits could also be…: pt.2
when you guys are at an outing, just sitting on chairs and conserving with others, you usually sit next to him, really, there is only little space between the both of you, but, it’s still too much space for jude. it seems like he has to take matters into his own hands. so, like every other love sick puppy would do, he grabs your chairs side and pulls it closer to his, until there is absolutely no space in between you two. he explains his behavior by saying that he needs you by his side at all times and that the space between you harms his well-being.
him being a drama queen is already a well spread fact, but his dramatic habits are even more prominent with you. as soon as you pay attention to something else other than him, he clings to you like a piece of wet clothing. sighing here and there, calling you the most annoying(?), creative(?) nicknames known to mankind.
“pumkin‘ honey.“ - “my little candy floss/cotton candy.“ - “bubblegum ice cream.“ - “sauerkrautchen.“ and he strongly believes that he deserves an award for his creativity as well. all this, because you saw a cute cat on the street and pet it for a minute.
whenever you yawn, tired from all the studying you did throughout the day, jude puts his finger in your mouth and giggles like a litte school girl. laying on his stomach, feet in the air and swinging back and forth while he stretches his arm, finger stretched out as well, on its way to your slightly open mouth. you always roll your eyes afterwards, not bothering at this point.
“okay, babe.“ jude begins, taking out one shirt from your bag that you had recently packed, getting ready to go to your place after spending the weekend with him, “i will keep your shirt and as soon as you’re home, you’ll text me, askin‘. if i have your shirt, ‘kay?“ he thinks this is a fool proof plan, another reason for you to come back and for him to see your face again, even if you guys already spent the whole day together.
your mother always sends him baby pictures of you, you weren’t even aware that the two were texting, exchanging pictures of you as if they were something to collect and trade. he has two folders for your pictures, one with general pictures of you and one with your baby pictures. he likes to look at your baby face whenever he misses you, secretly imagining that this is what your own children could look like, which only makes him miss you even more.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Sorry I'm lazy also starving for this material your serving up here but may I be served... a TADC cast X Food themed reader like they look like food and smell great. If you don't feel like doing the whole cast just serve me up Caine.
Thank you ♡ Sleep well hun
Caine, Jax, and Kinger x food!themed reader!
was originally going to do the entire cast but i only have ideas for a few soooooooo you're getting caine and a few others! reader is going to be a different food only because i got ideas for specific treats for each character!
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youre cotton candy! the classic pink one! i mean thats like. one of the top circus foods, i think? popcorn is another option, though.... hmm... both could work! if you smell nice i think he would make a few comments on it, perhaps even lolling his tongue out to really sell the point. though, i dont think caine would be bold enough to pick a part of you off and eat it.... though he has been tempted... of course, this is assuming you can regenerate your pieces and its not painful, if it is hes not going to even think about it... will eat if you offer, though. i DO think hes going to have to guard you from bubble though, so theres that to look out for... if we're going with the cotton candy theme, he makes sure to avoid IHAs that involve water, and carries an umbrella over you whenever theres water... not because you would melt... no thats too morbid, though i can see it happening... no more so admins idea is just that you get sticky
sour candy, no specific one but personally the first one that comes to mind is something like sour patch kids.... reason i picked this is because jax is an absolute FIEND for sour candy imo and i think it would be funny. if you have detachable parts like zooble, and if you can regenerate unlike zooble, just know hes probably going to pluck a piece of you off and eat you. i just imagine like how princess bubble gum was taking scoops from that ice cream lady in the episode the lich was first introduced, or how she can just rip parts of her body off with ease. thats... actually kind of how im imagining the reader, just sour candy instead of bubblegum! must admit, admin hardly ever gets sour candies so hes unsure of what they smell like, but if youre fruit scented i think jax would mess with you by taking comically large whiffs around you just because he thinks the look you give him is funny
youre theme is oranges. for multiple reasons. 1, admin loves the smell of citrus. but also oranges help with anxiety and stress, at least according to admins brief google search (and the internet wouldnt lie!!!!!!!/j), and it sounds more appealing than avocados and oysters...... moving on, i think this pairs well with kinger because this man is absolutely riddled with anxiety and stress, so having you around with your smell does good for him! the thought of consuming or tasting you never crosses his mind, oddly enough.. kind of pauses when you offer to give him something, even reassuring him that it doesnt hurt and you'll regenerate... i think he would flat out refuse, though.. mix of "im not going to eat you" and "i dont want you to give yourself up for me, metaphorically AND literally"
shrugs.. likes nuzzling into you when you guys nap together
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sydneyofalltrades · 2 months
so a while back i made a poll asking if ppl wanted to see my rtc themed bracelets, and y’all said yes! now bc of my goldfish brains, i forgot, but here they are now while i can remember to post them!
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colors: orange and blue. orange bc of her obc hair color and blue bc.. ocean.
word: changed. despite her attempts at being the winner, ocean had to change her perspective on life and her attitude towards her peers and grew into a more caring person
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color: blood red. look, noel’s lament is usually always done in red lighting, it’s like noel’s main color, the color of passion and romance, it is
word: seen. noel’s wish was to be viewed as tragic, and he never achieved that in life. mischa saw him as tragic as he wished to be, and the others saw the deepest parts of himself he never could show
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color: green and orange. the green is more “this song is awesome” coded, especially gus halper’s rendition of it. the orange i wanted to based off the soft yellow lighting of talia’s videos bc i love that song
word: burned. negative enough, it shows how mischa favored passion and anger over all else, and when the chances of seeing the one he adored more than anything escaped him, his anger and his love burned him over.
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color: this kind of super dark purple (idk the official name, sue me). space age bachelor man always was otherworldly and purplish lighting really hit it home so that’s ricky’s color
word: heard. i don’t really need to explain but i will. ricky never got to voice his opinion or say anything due to a disease that took over their life. never getting to express himself in life, in death, they’re finally allowed to say the words he kept inside for so long
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color: green. for savannah’s brilliant green eyes. i had to headcanon ezra also had green eyes, and it’s something jane barely remembered
word: loved. and loved she was. jane had no one and nothing after death, no name, no memories, no head. the choir made her feel loved and accepted, and even as she came back as penny, she probably still felt that love, even if she could never remember where it came from
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color: cotton candy pink and bubblegum blue, the colors of sugar cloud!
word: grown. throughout her life, constance hated living. she was utterly depressed and had no feelings towards the things that used to bring her joy. after death, she grew to remember all the good that came out her life, and found a sort of peace in their deaths.
and that’s all of them you’re welcome byeeeee!
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seneon · 2 months
What do your moots remind you of?
wait wait this gonna be a long ass list. all under the cut. interesting question tho anon 😵‍💫
@tojiluv ⌇ ory
the smell of office documents and coffee. you radiate a comforting vibe but at the same time you have like 7261616377271 works for complete so you escape to cafés.
@amourlyns ⌇ ven
sports cars speeding through the night. maybe it's the previous batman theme, but you really remind me of those soothing late night drives through cities.
@itonashi ⌇ shina
bone china mug and any type of tea. i can picture you sitting and drinking tea from the bone china mug and humming to yourself saying "mm yes yes... tea."
@syomi ⌇ syo
wine red stilettos and a jazz bar. you remind me of an elegant woman in an old jazz bar just fancying her night through with a drooling group of men who tries to get your attention.
@anqelically ⌇ angel
japanese cherry blossoms and spring mostly. you're like a pretty sakura. you LOOK like a pretty sakura. you are a pretty sakura. so cute right. ily angel ur really an angel 🩷
@yuquinzel / @luvmequmi ⌇ hana
flowers! definitely a white tulip or a camellia. you're so sweet and you treasure + honour your friends more than yourself. so, you deserve a flower or two occasionally as achievement.
@noomon ⌇ noo
raincoats and gumboots. noo you're like a soul that always goes out after the rain stops just to jump in puddles. or or, you'd go out in the rain just to dance in it.
@caelivir ⌇ kory
a stoic apothecary. idk you remind me of someone who'd be so obsessed with testing poisons and finding a cure/medicine to everything. all done in pure stoicism.
@saewako ⌇ winter
snowy trails and misty fogs. you highly remind me of a tired village girl escaping from home and now she walks through the snow and mist with sore, red feet. heha.
@milyz ⌇ mila
clouds and a farm. you're not working on the farm though. you're a visitor of the farm and you'd sit by the balcony of the inn just to stare into the clouds. bonus if you're drawing.
@hyoismbbg ⌇ vy
konapun toys. especially the popin' cookin' ones. or a japanese drugstore. you're definitely someone who likes to buy bags of stuff from cheap drugstores.
@httpshujii ⌇ ray
red lipstick and leather jackets. add in some knee-length boots and you'll rock the look. to put simply, you remind me of a sweet, kind, and cool rockstar girlfriend.
@okkalo ⌇ kalo
bubblegum and cotton candies! you actually remind me of very sugary treats that either melts in your mouth or will have an enjoyable time chewing.
@saelestia ⌇ rain
vivienne westwood's gunmetal orb heart lighter. fancy and classy, that's the vibe that you give off. i chose a lighter because there's also a fierce and fiery side of you.
@kyoghurts ⌇ kenji
i've said this before, and it's the smell of a bakery. like the scent of a very sweet dessert. red velvet cakes, soufflé, grape-flavoured cheese tarts.
@rninies ⌇ kylin
yves saint laurent's opyum sandles. no because honestly my first thought after like checking your blog out, it reminded me of those ysl heels. and honestly? you'd look good in it.
@iluvies ⌇ luvie
white butterfly koi fishes. they're so majestic and beautiful and they honestly remind me of you, someone's who's so kind and beautiful like a butterfly koi. you're very gentle too!
@todorokies ⌇ knives
would it be funny if i said actual knives? okay maybe not... but daggers or swords. the ones which are freshly forged and ready for battle. you're like a honourable warrior. so kewl.
@steleir ⌇ vegas
penthouse night parties. along with some cool fruit punches, party music, a pool, disco lights, vice versa. all the cool fun stuff during the night because you're a cool and fun person!!
@omitea ⌇ sinnie
green tea and zen gardens. you remind me of a japanese girl who sits by the engawa (wood corridor) of an old japanese-style house's garden, relaxing with nature.
@wishmemel ⌇ safi
pearls. simply... pearls. because you're a really elegant person and all you remind me of is fancy and naturally expensive pearls. you're like a gem, an unobtainable one.
@noirflms ⌇ zen
laces and ruffle skirts. cute, coquette, soft. those are the elements that heavily reminds me of you. maybe even some strawberry shortcake and strawberry milk.
@saturvue ⌇ nyyra
gold jewelry. very specifically gold bangles. those really detailed ones worn by southern asian princesses. your name kind of sounds like a goddess' name too.
@kaiser1ns ⌇ kiki
love letters. those sweet, corny, and super romantic ones. oh and one of the letters which is from a secret admirer definitely talks about being crazy in love with you...
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ok that's all. i think i missed a few people but these are all i got LOLOLOL i love all my moots and friends and sennies and senation
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 8 months
Hey, Little Songbird
Final Chapter - AO3
Three days after the defeat of Gabriel Agreste and the arrest of Lila Rossi, Felix was invited out for ice cream by his classmates.
A little flustered, he’d agreed without thinking. Rationally, there was little reason to why Lê Chiếninvited him to join, and even less of a reason why Felix accepted. There was still too much to do in the wake of Hawkmoth’s arrest; lawyers to speak to, statements given to police and press alike, entertaining his mother who’d overtaken his home to take custody of Adrien… Frivolities like ice cream socials couldn’t be entertained.
Despite that idea, Felix found himself smiling under the sun, surrounded by classmates as they all took turns at the food cart.
Couffaine and her girlfriend—a few days of diligent study only unearthed a few of his classmates names, not all—stepped out of his way, a sundae to share between the two. He approached the ice cream stall and—“Where is your menu?”
The man, Andre or something similar, smiled merrily. “Ah, so this is your first time at Sweethearts Ice Cream? Allow me to explain.” Picking up his scoop, Andre started to fulfill his order despite Felix having never ordered anything. “Sweethearts Ice Cream has a special ablility; to connect the hearts of two people in love. The harmony of two hearts in love influences the flavors of the ice cream. And there!” With a flourish, Andre offered him his waffle cone ice cream. “Blackberry for her hair, blue bubblegum for her eyes, and black cherry for her secret you keep in your heart.”
“…This is a terrible business model.” Despite his words, Felix paid the man and took his cone. “I don’t even know who this could refer to.”
“Really? You have no idea?”
Nearly dropping his ice cream, Felix whirled around. “M-Marinette!? When did you get here?”
“Just now,” she said, squeezing up beside him at the counter. “Hey, Andre.”
“Marinette! You’re ready to give Sweethearts Ice Cream another chance then?” Andre grinned at them both. “Or… would you two like to try my Couples Sundae? It’s free for new lovers.”
Felix flushed, a protest frozen in his throat. Fortunately, Marinette could still speak. “No, thank you,” she said, voice pitched higher than usual. “Just a regular ice cream, please.”
“Of course, of course.” Changing his scoop for a fresh one, Andre started on a new waffle cone: a base of yellow with dark chocolate, with a scoop of bright blue on top. “Banana for his hair, cotton candy for his eyes, and…” He flipped the cone over and dipped it in chocolate, “…a dark chocolate shell, since you broke through his.”
Blushing, Marinette accepted her ice cream. Felix offered her his arm and escorted Marinette towards a bench separate from the class, who were watching them. Lê Chiến even offered Felix a grin and a thumbs-up, to which he awkwardly returned with a nod.
“How…” She paused to take a bite of her ice cream, dark chocolate snapping between her teeth. “How has everything been? I’m sorry for not being in class the past few days, but it’s been so busy…”
“I can only imagine.” Marinette—or rather, Ladybug—has been in and out of the police station as often as Adrien was, giving her statement. Between that and the press conference Mme. Bustier stopped class to let them watch yesterday, if she’d spent more time as Marinette than Ladybug these last few days, Felix would French-kiss Rossi. “It’s been quiet, especially once Ladybug announced that Gabriel was Hawkmoth. Ms. Bustier tried to make us talk about our feelings, but everyone’s still a bit too shocked to discuss it.” After all, it wasn’t every day when you discovered your classmate’s father was the terrorist who turned you into a supervillain. Reporters had hounded their class from the moment the news dropped.
They were even worse towards his family.
“The school’s talking about shipping in a therapist for us,” Felix explained. “Not only that whole Akuma Class nonsense, but also because we were in direct contact with a terrorist for months on end. So, you have that to look forward to when you get back.” Rossi was allowed unrestricted access to vulnerable minds for over half a year. There was no doubt his class needed therapy… including Marinette.
“At least she’s been expelled from the country,” Marinette said, sighing. “Honestly, that was harder than giving my statement ten times over. The Prime Minister wanted her trial on French soil. I had to argue with the Prime Minister! All for Lila.”
“Why?” Felix would never do anything to help Rossi.
“News of her involvement is going to drop any day now. People are already trying to attack Gabriel in his cell; when the mob of public opinion finds out about her, they’ll start trying to get her too. At least this way she’ll be tried back in her home country, by people who were never directly affected by her actions.”
Felix didn’t like it, but “It’s understandable. People are also trying to get to Adrien, despite his innocence.”
Marinette nodded, half-expected that. “How is Adrien? I haven’t heard from him at all.”
“One of his photographers leaked his phone number, so Mom took his phone away so he wouldn’t have to read all the vile filth people send him. He’s getting a new one soon.”
It wasn’t that Felix didn’t understand why people were so upset. Gabriel turned Paris into a battleground and friends into foes, but… the police had already released a statement denying Adrien’s cooperation regarding Hawkmoth, yet there are still hateful phone calls and texts coming in at every hour from people who wanted someone to blame. At least Mother was keeping a record of who sent the more illegal messages: the threats, the doxing, the… suicide baiting.
Their family lawyer would be well fed in the coming months.
It was hard with Adrien in his house. Awkward. Despite Adrien’s frame-job, he was still family, and Felix was someone who supported his family. But that didn’t mean Adrien was forgiven. Felix didn’t forgive, and he’d never forget.
Surprisingly, the tabloids were kind towards Felix. He made no effort in hiding his involvement in the case, both as the whistle blower for Hawkmoth and as a hero involved in the final take down. Mother had cut out some particularly flattering articles out to hang in their manor parlor, but fortunately the threat of arrest and restraining orders kept most of the rats away.
“How’d Adrien take it?” she asked.
Felix bit his ice cream, so he’d have time to answer. Damn that ice cream man. It was delicious. “He didn’t believe it at first… didn’t want to believe it. He’s seeing a therapist on Friday.”
Marinette wrapped her hands around her ice cream cone. “Poor Adrien…”
“He’ll recover; he’s stronger than you think. He’s already made plans to hang out for the weekend.” He gestured at Alya and DJ Boy, leaning against each other and sharing a sundae. Alya caught his eye and waved. “Everyone’s going to be okay now.”
“Yeah.” Marinette drank in the sight. Not just Alya and her paramour—though they earned a smile for finally making up—but their other classmates as well. Felix had never been invited to a class outing before, but even though they’d broken up into subgroups of couples and friends, everyone looked happy. “We’ll recover.”
The sun shined down on them all, warming skin like a heated blanket. Felix studied the melting treat at hand. “So. Ladybug?”
She flinched.
“I haven’t told anyone,” he reassured. “I understand why it’s a secret. I understand why you didn’t tell me. But…” He sighed. “I’ve been keeping this to myself for days. Can you please just… confirm?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes.” She peeked at him from the corners of her eyes. “This is me, confirming. Yes.”
Okay. A shiver ran through him. Marinette was Ladybug. His best friend was a superhero and trusted him enough to be a superhero too.
He was in love with Ladybug.
As was Chat Noir. And half of Paris. Shit.
“So, what gave me away?” she asked.
“Little things. Nothing anyone else could put together.” Little things that added up into the big picture. The way Ladybug knew he’d worn a hoodie earlier that day, the inherent trust she had in a man she previously punched in the face, the way she looked at him. But most importantly, Felix felt that she’d wanted to get caught, that Marinette had wanted him to know she was Ladybug, and that was what removed the block in his mind preventing him from realizing.
“Small mercies,” she muttered. “Did you really think I was Rena Rogue?”
Felix hid his face in his ice cream. “…It made sense at the time?”
She laughed at him. “Alya’s never going to let you live that down.”
Alya? Why would Alya care—? Oh. He felt his face growing red and it had nothing to do with the weather. “She really won’t, will she?” He asked, sounding faint.
“Yeah, you really dropped the ball on that conclusion. You should have heard her complain! “Your boy is so stupid, how do you even stand him?””
And now Felix was blushing for a different reason. Her boy?
“—I tried to keep her from talking about it in front of the other temporary heroes, but I think Viperion knows. Carapace definitely does.”
“Did she complain in front of Hawkmoth too?” he grumbled, wishing he was wearing a hoodie to better hide his face. “Throw Rossi into the loop while she’s at it? Maybe my mother would like to know all my follies?”
“Oh! Speaking of your mom—” Marinette pulled a chain out from under her shirt. His breath caught in his throat. She’d kept it on her person? “You can finally return this to her.” Threading the wedding ring off her necklace, she placed it his hand, its matching pair resting on his finger.
He squeezed it, the smooth ridges cutting into his palm… and returned it to her. “Keep it. It’s exactly where it needs to be.”
“What? But this is the entire reason you were here!” She tried to give it back again. “It’s your family ring!”
“It’s my family’s wedding ring,” he corrected. “And while most would consider this too forward of an approach, the realization that you’re the most eligible bachelorette in Paris is making me react… strongly. So, I was thinking about a spring wedding? After we graduate Lycée, of course, so it would be a long engagement—”
Marinette covered his mouth, face blush red from the tips of her ears to the neckline of her shirt. “What!?” She asked, voice cracking. “M-M-Marriage!? Felix, we can’t…”
“Well, yes, not right now. That’s why I said after Lycee.” Obviously. “I don’t see what the issue is? My family has had arranged marriages for centuries, and we like each other. Right?” Had he misidentified her feelings? She always acted sweet with him and blushed when he flirted, but what if he was wrong? What if he humiliated himself and ruined their friendship in one swift move—
“Of course I like you, but you haven’t even asked me out on a date yet!” She burst out, causing the rest of the class to glance over. She buried her face in her hands and continued, voice muffled, “Dating comes before marriage; I can’t believe I have to explain this to you!”
Oh. That was the issue. Gently pulling her hands away, he dabbed at her tears with a handkerchief. “I’m sorry, Marinette. I got ahead of myself.” Alya glared at him from over Marinette’s shoulder. Nosy overprotective reporters, getting in everyone else’s business… “I didn’t mean to pressure you. What I mean with the ring is… a promise. I would love to be in a relationship with you, if you’d have me.”
She looked up at him from underneath her lashes. “A promise?”
“To stay by your side and support you in your endeavors.” His family’s marriage vows echoed in his mind, passed down from his grandparents, from his grandfather who was so in love with his grandmother that he couldn’t think of a world where she wasn’t his equal. “As long as you stay by my side and support me in return. To lift you up through the hard times and rejoice with your success. To be equals in all things. That’s what I want to promise you.”
Tears budded in her eyes. “To stay by your side… to be equals… that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Then, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? And going out on a date with me?”
Her tears ran down her face, but her smile lit up the entirety of Paris with her joy. “Yes. I’d love to, Felix.”
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice@dur55@kris-pines04@18-fandoms-unite-08@moonlightstar64@bee-a-garbage-shipper@sol-o-shade@kittyotakunoir666@tinyterror333@allieoftheenemy@marichat00@xgxmxtx@two-faced-biatch@feliciakainzofspades@evil-cricket@emilytopaz@spicybelladonna@chocolateherringtacofan@user00000003@wannajointhecrabcult@happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmessess @toodaloo-kangaroo @troycattribunny@nikipuppeteer
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beastabyss666 · 1 year
Ok......So, the new HB episode is out, how unexpected for me. I apologize to my fellow readers for not reviewing the previous episode, but I was so tired and busy, having to deal with a lot of work. The cat must have got my tongue when I saw the dildo scene, I'm sorry. And what can I say......Actually, this episode is the best one in the 2 season at this moment. I mean, at least it wasn't that cringe and plot ruining as the other ones. ‼️TW‼️: Abuse, **cest
The animation looks pretty good in action scenes(and not so good in other, especially when some characters speak). The backgrounds look good, and I somewhat like the fact that the Sloth Ring is pink. Looks so sweet, bubblegum and cotton candy-like. But the floating pieces of ground are very cliche for a fantasy world. Also I think there were too many sound effects, when sometimes it feels like there's a lack of them. In principle, everything is as always. Stolas is a damsel in distress again, Moxxie and Millie are boring, Stella is evil(and extremely stupid for some reason), Blitzo is loud and annoying and spits cuss words every second because the authors think it's funny. Also Loona just...... didn't speak in this ep at all. No words. Don't know if it's good or not. The plotline of her going to doctor and being afraid of shots is pretty boring, tbh. I still have no idea why hellhounds are treated like some pets in this universe when they're competent and sensible beings. Also, I don't know if anyone told that or this is just me, but I absolutely hate the idea of putting fucking westerns in "Hell". I know Vivzie isn't so original and her universe is super bland and uninteresting, but shit, westerns just don't stick in the setting of Hell at all, it's not that vibe and it looks ridiculous. And that's not because I don't like westerns. Striker's song felt absolutely redundant, and Striker himself seems....unnatural? Seems like Vivzie made him that masculine bigot guy who's bigheaded and is obsessed with having a huge cock(because dicks are funny according to the writers). They have finally showed Andrealphus, Stella's brother, and there's nothing interesting about him to say. I'm just glad they didn't make him a stereotypical gay. Knowing Vivzie's "rep" and how feminine he looks, it would be predictable. As I've said before, he looks like a shameless Elsa ripoff, as his blue ice castle(covered with red fucking sky, god, these palette choices burn out my eyes). I've heard some controversial and suspicious stuff considering him and Stella(more precisely, someone says that originally they were going to have **cestuous relationship). Not sure if it's true, and I do hope that Vivzie won't go so far in making Stella an unredeemable villain.
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I didn't see anything "weird" or vulgar in their conversation, it felt like puerility. I like to imagine that their relationship is like a niminy-piminy brother always cheering up and complimenting his little sis because he can. I've seen some cartoons with a similar character dynamic and a certain part of their fandoms found indecent connotation in this, and that's their problems in their depravity. And yeah, I know that my thoughts aren't true and they obviously have a manipulative relationship. Andre straight up insulted Stella and manipulated her, btw. If Viv really wanna do them having **cest – fine, another reason to quit watching this show. But something tells me that she won't dare to lose a bunch of fans and be yet again cancelled in social networks.
Summing up, this episode was pretty good by the standards of the season and bad by the standards of..... something qualitative I guess? Viv still hasn't learned how to separate drama from comedy, which makes it difficult, no, impossible to feel Stolas' sad shit. This character is one of my personal winners in the list of the most repulsive and annoying creatures and him always being sex-crazed about Blitzo pisses me off. How the hell are we supposed to take him seriously if all he wants is a dick? The rest of the time he whines about how unhappy he is and pretends to care about his daughter. Season 2 continues to look like terrible Wattpad fanfiction and it discourages from watching this series. It's not even fun to hate or criticize it anymore, it's just...... Ehh.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
How do people even see Jungkook as this playboy/fuckboy is beyond me... Like, get off Wattpad for a second and go drink some water, cause most of ppl who think like that are like "jk be the type of boyfriend to ..." and it's some aggressive shit he'd never do lmao!
I'm not babying him at all, he's a grown ass man who has his needs (*cough*jimin*cough*) and shit but to paint him as this freaky fuckboy? Girl not every man is dying to get some coochie. Not every man wants to have meaningless sex just because they're rich and desired. Your example of Taeyang was perfect, he could have anyone he wanted but he's just not like that! He wanted his girl only.
Jungkook is SWEET and he's a really good man. He's bubblegum and soft cotton candy type of sweet. He's the breakfast in bed and candles and rose petals in bed type of boy. He seems really romantic, probably the type to believe in fate and stuff, and imo (if he was single, which I don't believe he is because I believe he is dating Jimin) he just doesn't seem like the type to do meaningless one-night stands.
He also seems possessive and jealous - not the abusive kind, bc some ppl keep saying he's a red flag for some dumb ass fucking reason, but it seems to me like he's the pouty, grumpy kind who will stare at a certain someone (oh look I'm coughing again *Jimin*) until they get the hint.
Of course I don't know him, but, based on his personality, his attitudes, his words and his posture on events, I'd say he's a very sweet guy who wants to share his happiness with someone who understands him, who matches really well with him and can also keep up with his crazy schedule. He wants someone to enjoy the ride with him, and he's already got Jimin for that, so...🤗
Here is JK talking about how he believes in destiny.
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For those waiting for JK to leave Jimin, y'all are gonna turn into fossils while you wait. Good luck
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seariii · 3 months
3, 6, 12, 19, 28, 44, 58, 66 :]
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? COTTON CANDY!!!!! bubblegum is fun and all, but it gets tiring, BUT COTTON CANDY MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH!!! AND THE TEXTURE IS NICE AND ITS SOOOOOOO PRETTY!!!!! LIKE, WHEN YOU LOOK AT IT CLOSELY AND YOU SEE ALL THE LITTLE THREADS???? THATS SO PRETTY!!! AND while the flavors dont really change THE COLORS!!!! AAAAAAAA i want some now....
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? this one i answered!! and i think the question is what i wear?? so, ig pastel, goth, grunge??? kinda??? more or less??? i do wanna dress up more goth-ish, but i need more different clothes and to actually do my make up....
12. name of your favorite playlist? either "Soft..." or "Cool stuff" even tho lately im listening to "Heartache" again because i need the angst to write a character, and also been listening to "A dream" which is a lot of fun!!!
19. sleeping position? hmmm.... on my side, hugging a pillow!! or facing down with one leg folded
28. five songs to describe you? *pulls out the "si soy" playlist and my kin list* 1. a lie and a stuffed animal - (vocaloid) DixieFlatline 2. monochrome ∞ blue sky - (vocaloid) Noboru↑-P 3. home - cavetown 4. unkown mother goose - (vocaloid) wowaka 5. torinoko city - (vocaloid) 40mP
44. favorite scent for soap? berries!!!
58. four talents you’re proud of having? um... i guess im proud of how my drawing has improved... and my singing has improved a lot too, even if i still feel like that has ways to go
66. favorite flower(s)? dandelions and forget-me-nots!!!!
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hikari-ni-naritai · 4 months
3 6 10 11 12 18 21 23 26 27 29 30 31 36 45 50 52 54 55 57 58 59 60 62 69 (nice) 74 76 86 87 90 95 97
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
man . theyre both kinda. painfully sweet. bubblegum i guess? i also like cotton candy tho its just hard to pick
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
i dotn know what like. most of these words mean. how are half of these related even. tomboy.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
man i fucked hard at dodgeball
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
these days shredded wheat
12. name of your favorite playlist?
the fuck is a playlist
18. ideal weather?
yknow, cloudy, warm, smells like its about to rain
21. obsession from childhood?
warriors cats babeyyyy. and bionicles
23. strange habits?
man i KNOW ive got some but i cant think what they are. i do this wrist flick manoeuver to crack it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
if im actually out in the warm weather? take a nice walk maybe.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
yknow. i havent done it in ages but i really like doing jigsaw puzzles. maybe put some jazz on.
29. best way to bond with you?
i dunno honestly! i dont have an answer to this one. it takes a lot of time and effort i think.
30. places that you find sacred?
the woods. the woods the woods the woods you have no idea. the woods. its the woods.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
i would die if i tried to do either of those things
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
like...... charlie the unicorn i think.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
fantasy obv
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
god there was something that destroyed me but idr what it was. the hardest in recent memory was me trying to tell a REALLY really stupid joke that wont make sense to any of you. i did not manage to say it bc i was laughing too hard.
52. favorite font?
i absolutely do not have an opinion on this
54. what did you learn from your first job?
you know at mcdonalds in order to work the grill you have to be willing to put your arms under a hot piece of metal that drips boiling grease on you? thats what i learned.
55. favorite fairy tale?
what IS my favorite fairy tale....... we'll go with red riding hood bc her modern interpretations are always the cutest
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
damn what. uhh ok, having to rebuild my entire social life after the shit that happened a couple years ago, the several year process of going from hyperconservative christian to a . whatever the hell i am now. some kind of far left girl. and uhhhh. figuring out i was trans i guess? idk
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
four??? im good at ff14 raiding, im good at writing, im good at.... uhh... im pretty funny i think, annnddddd uhhh. i dont know that its a talent, but i like to think im good at making people feel safe talking to me.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
heh... guess i shotcha... uhh 'god im fucking tired'
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
ISEKAI OBVIOUSLY specifically something like slime 300 but ill take almost any of them.
62. seven characters you relate to?
SEVEN............ god.... uhh hanako ikezawa, hikari finalfantasy (im cheating), (god i got to ONE and already had to start cheating...) yumiella dolkness, man im tappin out. look at my list of ocs i put way more of myself into them than there could ever be in any other character
69 nice. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
i feel like i know how i know most of my fun facts bc if i didnt i would not really know if i could believe them or not.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
like 8 or 9 probably. i dont really go below a 5 so. its gotta be like migraine or vertebral artery dissection bad before im like 'i should really get some meds'. unless im doing it preemptively which ive done for like when ive got raid later.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
the amount of qualifiers this question needs.... cupcakes tho probably.
87. your greatest fear?
90. luckiest mistake?
i mean most of my mistakes havent been lucky, the best i can think of is when i accidentally followed my girl @handinvampirichand and now we're mutuals with wildly different taste in things but we're cool.
95. favorite app on your phone?
i like tumblr
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
uhh mine, my moms, my moms house, my brother's, my dads. jg wentworth 877 CASH NOW. so thats 6
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whatinthe-greenbeans · 4 months
1-98 ask game
Im not gonna answer some of them just cause 1- I’m lazy, and 2- I couldn’t think of an answer. I’ll just put N/A (no answer) for those ones
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Mugs definitely, I love mugs. Teacups are a close second though, those are pretty cool.
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
Chocolate bars
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
Bubble gum (this also depends on what brand of bubble gum though)
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
I was homeschooled so idk
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda cans/bottles, whatever the soda originally came in basically
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Grunge or goth
7. earbuds or headphones?
Headphones 100%
8. movies or tv shows?
tv shows, movies are too much commitment
9. favorite smell in the summer?
This is oddly specific, my mind is blank
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
Again, homeschooled. I’ve never done p.e.
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
A bowl of cereal
12. name of your favorite playlist?
“More unnamed vibes ✨🕺”
13. lanyard or key ring?
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
The kite runner was really good. I also loved when we read Shakespeare
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
It depends which part of my body hurts that day
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
combat boots
18. ideal weather?
When it’s really sunshiney right after it rains
19. sleeping position?
On my side
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Notes app or google docs if I’m on my laptop
21. obsession from childhood?
22. role model?
23. strange habits?
I have a lot of habits but I wouldn’t say any of them are strange or out of the ordinary? I’m sure there’s something but I can’t think of it right now
24. favorite crystal?
25. first song you remember hearing?
Idk man that was too long ago for me to recall. Probably some Katy Perry or something??
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Old lady activities- but outside (reading, crocheting, etc but it’s in the sun so it’s 10x better)
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Old lady activities still but it’s inside because cold
28. five songs to describe you?
That requires way more thinking and self awareness than I posses. Ask pyxy maybe they know
29. best way to bond with you?
Literally just hang out or hold an interesting conversation with me
30. places that you find sacred?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
I dunno, probably jeans and a cool shirt ?? (I wear the same things every day)
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Probably me yelling ‘KYEL’
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
🕺 Avocados from Mexico 💃🏼
35. average time you fall asleep?
Like how many times per day? Once a night, I don’t nap. If we’re talking how long it takes me to fall asleep then it’s more like an hour+ of laying in bed and staring at the ceiling
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
Some of these questions are really challenging my memory
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
41. last person you texted?
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
44. favorite scent for soap?
I do not like scented soap
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Fantasy but I also like sci fi
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
T shirt and leggings /pajama pants
47. favorite type of cheese?
All of the above
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
A peach?? Idk
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
N/A (I can’t think of any rn but I’m sure there is some)
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Watching someone else laugh so hard that water came out of her nose
51. current stresses?
I have a concert coming up soon but I think we’ll be fine
52. favorite font?
Times new Roman (I don’t use a lot of fonts, this one is nice though)
53. what is the current state of your hands?
I’ve colored all over them
54. what did you learn from your first job?
55. favorite fairy tale?
Dude most of the original fairytales are pretty gruesome, they’re all really cool
56. favorite tradition?
My family is boring we don’t really have specific traditions
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Oh boy do you wanna know (N/A)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Creative ability in general, specifically with music and crafts like crocheting or sewing. Ig I would also consider my fixation and knowledge on psychology and brain stuff a talent.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Gaslight Gatekeep Kivenboss
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
N/A (I haven’t watched any anime so)
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
“But before I can live with other folks I’ve got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a persons conscience” -Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
62. seven characters you relate to?
Nimona(Nimona), hiccup haddock(HTTYD), Charlie spring(Heartstopper), Peter Parker(specifically the Tom holland MCU spider man), Anne Shirley(Anne of green gables), Katie Mitchell(Mitchell’s vs. the Machines). Kinda basic characters but idc.
63. five songs that would play in your
All the gay songs
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I wasn’t really on the internet as a ki
65. any permanent scars?
66. favorite flower(s)?
Marigolds and carnations are really pretty
67. good luck charms?
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
I’m not typically picky when it comes to the flavor of things, nothing comes to mind that I just really hated the flavor of.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
Pretty much everything I know about cannibalism
70. left or right handed?
71. least favorite pattern?
Anything that has so much going on it overloads my brain
72. worst subject?
The one I’m worst in is probably any type of history but I don’t hate any subjects
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I dislike weird flavor combos in general so I can’t think of any I like
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
I could probably get up to a pain level of like 5 or 6 and not even really notice just cause I suck at noticing what’s going on with my body. Pain meds also just don’t really work well for me, so I rarely take any
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I think I was six, almost seven probably?
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
French fries 🫶🫶
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
I know nothing about plants. I think plants with vines hanging out of the windowsill would look cool though
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
School ID. I have a horrible rbf in my license photo
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Earth tones
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
I grew up saying fireflies but lighting bugs is so much cooler
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
85. fairy tales or mythology?
I don’t know much about mythology but it’s cooler so I pick mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
I don’t actually know
88. your greatest wish?
My father dies (/hj)
89. who would you put before everyone else?
Your mom
90. luckiest mistake?
91. boxes or bags?
Depends what I’m putting in them
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
lamps and other alternative lighting over the big lights any day
93. nicknames?
My legal name + the nickname that goes with it (I hate these), my preferred name + nickname of my preferred name, kiven, plus whatever random crap my friends come up with
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
Tumblr (im a mobile user, tragic I know) or Spotify
96. desktop background?
A drawing of a rainy day
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
All in all it’s around eight
98. favorite historical era?
The renaissance was pretty cool. Industrial Revolution era is also really fascinating
This took way too fucking long to do but here it is
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bardocks-tiddies · 4 months
(For the question/ask thing)
3, 18, 29
ask time!!! <3
3. Bubblegum or Cotton Candy? So I actually hate both bubblegum AND cotton candy. Cotton candy has an AWFUL texture, and it like melts on your tongue?? I hate it. And I’m always too nervous about not swallowing gum. Like wdym I chew it until it loses its flavor then spit it out? No thanks.
18. Ideal weather? 60-ish degrees fahrenheit and a light rain.
29. Best way to bond with me? Games!! I love games. Games of all kind. Video games, board games, card games, TTRPGs, anything. I also love watching things together. Like TV and movies. But if you demand complete silence while watching movies, let’s maybe not 😅 I have ADHD and love engaging with people while we watch things. I’m really bad at shutting the fuck up.
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downforthegas · 1 month
Thinking about WH fragrant farts, like just the neighbors having lovely smelling farts and the clouds are also their favorite colors
Case in point, Wa//lly would have little red clouds that smell like apple cinnamon pie. Perfect for the fall but could sting your nose if you're sensitive to cinnamon.
Sa//lly and her bubbly orange farts would have a summery smell. Maybe the smell of summer or tropical fruits like apricots, pineapples and maybe even citrus.
Fra//nk of course would have yellow clouds that smell of citrus as well and maybe also have a hint of bananas. These clouds can attract butterflies, which Ed/die thinks is cute but Fra//nk sees it as embarrassing
Pop//py here has the only appropriate color of farts (besides yellow imo). I can't decide whether they should be tutti frutti (hehe tooty frooty) or baked good scented. But either way she still gets spooked by her own farts lol
How//dy the catepillar is an interesting one with his big teal colored farts. I like to think his smell earthy but not in a traditional fart way. Like they smell like nature, like leaves and fresh cut grass or maybe fresh wood
Ba//rn//aby ooh having huuuuge blue farts that smell of cotton candy. Or maybe (what's another sweet blue smelling thing)... blueberries. idk I like him having really sweet smelling ones. No matter how lovely they smell though, they'll still cause earthquakes lol
Ed//die probably has grape scented purple farts. Or passion fruit, or dragon fruit, something fruity for a fruity guy like him lol. I imagine Fra//nk flirting with Ed//die, making him a little nervous... and then he smells grapes hehe
Finally Ju//lie! I mentioned before that I think she would have flowery smelling farts, but I don't mind hers being more specific, like maybe smelling of strawberries or bubblegum
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ruubric · 1 year
There's Something About Her
Reader has a crush on Mina Ashido
Told in first person
Reader is intended as female.
Reader is also a huge tsundere.
Reader is intended to be black, but anyone can read
There was an attempt of fluff
Tumblr media
Mina Ashido.
The pink, cheerful, friendly, funny girl.
The absolute bane of my existence.
How can someone be so... annoying?
Genuinely. She doesn't even try. But every time I hear her dumb, sweet voice; or get a whiff of her dumb strawberry perfume; or happen to catch a glance of her cotton candy hair.... I get a chill of slimy irritation.
Like today, when she started dancing out of nowhere in class. Granted, it was a free period, and we were all lounging about.. so, it wasn't like she was deliberately trying to be annoying.
"She's literally always trying to be the center of attention," I huff to Kyoka Jiro as we walk to class. "I really don't get why. Like she's bubblegum pink, she doesn't need to be more be more extra."
Kyoka eyes me over coolly, "you never seem to mind when Hakagure is a little loud."
I mean, that's true. I even find her chirpy and excitable nature quite adorable. Sometimes.
I shrug, "yeah, well. Hakagure is invisible. She has to be loud or people might forget she exists."
Kyoka is the only one I can really talk to about Mina, she doesn't really care enough to tell anyone else . Because all us girls are friends, it wouldn't be classy of me to talk bad about her to anyone else.
Kyoka snickers a bit. I whip to face her indignantly. Upon seeing my face, she chuckles out, "sorry, sorry. It's just so crazy to see how oblivious you are about this."
"About what?" I snap.
"For someone who claims to hate Ashido so much, you sure talk about her a lot."
I glare at her, but she's glare proof. "I never said I hate her." Even hearing that Kyoka thinks that leaves an uneasy feeling in my belly. "I just have...a strong distaste for some of her actions is all."
Like that amazingly intoxicating perfume she wears. Is she trying to kill me from asphyxiation?!
Kyoka scoffs.
"What?" I ask exasperated, though my stomach twists and turns, as if my body knows what she's implying.
She sighs out, and stops walking. I stop too, and face her. "Dude, I'm not gonna beat about the bush about this. But it's so obvious to everyone that you like her."
Who? Ashido? The wind is actually knocked out of me. Everyone knows?! I mean, she thinks I like Ashido?!
"I think Ashido herself knows," she muses while twirling one earphone jack around her finger.
I try to compose myself, despite my heart trying to escape the prison of my rib cage. "Jiro, please. That's actually ridiculous."
"Oh, yeah?" She crosses her arms, "dude, you talk about her all the time, you're always staring at her, you notice every time she's sad! You call her by her first name."
If I were lighter in complexion, I would've been entering tomato territory.
I splutter, "psh! I call a lot of people by their first name, *Kyoka*."
My friend snorts, obviously amused by her teasing effect on me. ''You totally didn't deny any of those other things I pointed out. So you know, deep down inside-"
"There is nothing deep down inside! I am a dark and empty void!" I say indignantly.
"Well then, maybe that's why your heart knows you need some bright pink Ashido in your life," and thinking that she totally ate, she walks away.
I glare after her, fuming. That Kyoka Jiro has no idea what she's talking about. Dumb bitch.
"Hey!!'' My name is called in a cheerful coat of giggles. I hate how I instantly know who it is.
I turn, and see Mina Ashido running up to me. And my stomach immediately becomes ticklish with a million pink butterflies.
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3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
8. movies or tv shows?
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
98. favorite historical era?
hello ty my beloved mutual <33
uhh cotton candy, but we call it candy floss where im from!!!
definitely grunge, im an emo at heart :3
Movies!! my fav is devil wears prada!!
i have a scrapbook where i do all of my writing!! (mostly notetaking from video essays :3)
ooo this is a hard one, id probs be apple, cause my fav colour is green!!
probably from tumblr or smth but this is my fav quote!! "i'd rather die standing than live kneeling" i say it way too much irl
cookies!! i dont really like cake :3
94. my fav season is autumn!!! (or fall if ya 'murican) i how its not as cold as winter but still chilly <333
95. i dont have many apps on mah phone, but probably tumblr lmao. WAIT WAIT NO i have this cool app where it is like a camera and it had all of the features of a old digital camera, called proccd !!
98. i am a huge fan of ancient greece, but also love the french revolution calls to me <33
omgomg thank you so much for the ask!!!! i loved answerin all the questions :3!! i hope you have a lovely day, and remember to drink water and eat some food!!!!
xo icarus
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