#i always come to hxh tumblr in the night
faulty-writes · 1 year
Hey faulty, it’s currently 4am and I’m feeling really sick rn aha. Could you maybe do a oneshot of Iida x fem reader where she gets sick at night? Like they’re on a camping trip with the class 1A and they end up having to share a bed? (Cliché ik but I love this trope sue me) and she gets sick at night. I’m talking fever keeping her up until 3am then going to the restroom in the bedroom to puke. She doesn’t want to wake up iida and tries to just deal with it alone.. but she ends up waking iida up anyway when she goes to the restroom. She got so hot that she had to take off her t shirt but left the sweats on. She’s in a white tank top btw. (For plot you’ll see) Iida knocks on the door bc like he’s worried ya know? She says it’s open and then a few min later after talking, she asks him to bring her a black tank top from her luggage bc the one she has on is kinda see through. She’s red from the fever btw. Iida brings it and she turns her back and just slips it off to replace it with the black one. Normally shy but friendly reader would feel embarrassed in changing in front of him (and even being in a tank top) , but at this point, she feels like dog water so she doesn’t care. When she quickly slipped the white tank over her head, iida gets flustered (you know naturally bc u know girl he likes). He’s gonna turn around (or act how iida acts) but he sees some scars on her back for just 2 seconds. This leads to late night caring and reader opening up about trauma from rich parents. (Think like Killua from hxh just for the abuse he went through- parents wanted to make reader really strong and we’re obsessed over it-she’s in a better home now tho with a relative)
iida and fem reader are in the “I kinda like you a lot but I’m not going to do anything bc I love our friendship rn phase.”
Could you make it cute and fluffish and domestic? (I think that’s how u use that word lol) Reader and iida grow closer through it too. I’m sorry this ask is so specific lol, I have a vision in mind. I also think sweet shy fem reader x iida is really cute. (This is not self indulgent at all aha😂)
It’s ok if ur not up to it.. tho I would be really happy if u did write it up. I love ur fanfics!! Been a fan for like 3 years even before I had tumblr!(❁´◡`❁) just lemme know if ur busy rn or don’t wanna write it! No pressure. :)
Thank you!
[ Alright! Sorry this took a bit, but I hope you're feeling better and I hope I did this story justice. It was kind of fun to write, I like the whole "I like you but need to stay friends" trope because it can always grow into something more. Anyways, I tried to make Tenya flustered just enough in this fic. I love embarrassing him. ]
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“Are you most certain you’re correct?” Tenya urged, and Izuku held up a piece of paper muttering under his breath. “That’s w-what I counted,” he replied before yelping when Katsuki grabbed the back of his head. “Shut the hell up already!” he snapped before glaring at Tenya.
“Who the hell cares if two of us have to share a damn bed!? It’s your fault for not accounting for this, four-eyes,” he growled, making Tenya frown in response. “I am afraid that I did not anticipate the weather causing our pre-scheduled camping trip to be postponed,” he explained, slightly annoyed by Katsuki’s behavior.
He wanted to make graduation special and insisted that Class A take a camping trip. However, due to the rainy weather and the persistence of his female classmates, the choice to pull over and book hotel rooms for the night was made.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Katsuki responded, releasing his hold on Izuku. “Come on you spikey-haired idiot!” he growled at Eijirou who nervously chuckled. “Well, I guess that means Bakugou and I are taking the first room,” he said.
“Best of luck figuring out who shares the one-bedroom suite for the night!” With that, he waved goodbye and chased after Katsuki. “Mineta and I can share a room!” Kaminari announced. “Yes, and Jirou and I can share a room,” Momo said.
“Mm, very well,” Tenya replied, looking at Izuku and Shoto. “I assume you two wish to share a room,” he said. “Oh w-well uh…” Izuku tried to reply but Tenya ignored him. You were sitting on one of the provided chairs in the lobby of the hotel, remaining quiet as you watched the scene unfold.
You coughed and cleared your throat a few seconds later. “Are you okay Y/n?” Tsuyu questioned laying her hand on your back. You nodded. “Uh, yeah just a bit of a sore throat,” you replied, rubbing it to ease the discomfort.
“Everyone please, pair up in groups of two and take a room key!” Tenya announced, and you looked at Tsuyu. “Go ahead,” you said, waving her away. “I don’t care who I spend the night with,” you soon regretted those words when only Tenya and you were left.
“Forgive me,” he said, unlocking the hotel room and turning on the light. “I hope this accommodation does not cause discomfort for you,” he said, gesturing you into the room. He could hear a steady stream of rain hitting the window and vicious thunder rumbling outside.
“I guess this camping trip turned out...s-sour, huh Iida?” you tried to joke, but he didn’t seem to find any humor in your words. Your smile faded and you folded your hands in front of you, focusing on the floor. ‘Well, that didn’t turn out the way I wanted’ you thought with rosy cheeks.
You moved out of the way when Tenya walked into the room, placing the bags on the floor by the bed. He insisted on carrying yours, and it didn’t come as a surprise considering he was a gentleman. “Are you feeling well?” he asked, noticing your reddened cheeks.
“Uh…w-what?” you replied, snapping your head up and trembling when he glared at you. “Are you feeling well?” he repeated. “Um, I uh, y-yeah I’m f-fine,” you choked out, thinking that your sore throat was nothing more than the rain irritating your allergies.
“I see,” he walked over to the bed and asked, “Do you prefer sleeping on the left or right side?” You knitted your eyebrows, unsure what he meant. “Uh, w-whichever side is fine,” you replied but knew your answer wouldn't satisfy him, so you thought of a diversion.
“I wanna take a...a shower!” you exclaimed, trying to ignore his now suspicious glance. The worst part was that you could barely stand looking at his gorgeous eyes. “Very well, you are welcome to freshen up in the shower. I trust you have the appropriate slumber wear, yes?” he asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Uh, y-yes,” you said. Maybe taking a relaxing shower would alleviate your throat soreness. “I’ll um, just g-get them from my s-suitcase,” you said, pointing to it. “Um, t-thanks for carrying it for me, uh, b-by the way,” Tenya nodded.
“I do not believe it would be appropriate to expect a lady to carry her luggage,” he explained, watching you open the suitcase and look through it for your sleeping clothes. Once you gathered everything, you scurried to the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
“What is wrong with me!?” you hissed, walking to the large tub, and turning on the water. You stripped your clothes off and carefully climbed inside, sighing in contentment as the water eased your body’s muscles. You lay there for what felt like hours before carefully climbing back out.
Droplets of water fell from your body, creating a rhythmic pattern as they hit the floor. You drained the tub before walking to the sink. You placed your hands on the counter and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You felt a bit odd and wondered if you had spent a little too much time in the tub.
Well, maybe you’d feel better when you lay down. Once you had dried off, you slipped on a white tank top, a short sleeve shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. “The b-bathroom is free,” you said, walking past the bed. “Hm?” Tenya was sitting on the right side of it reading a book.
“Oh, I see. Thank you,” he replied, closing his book, and placing it on the nightstand near the bed. You closed your eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to lie down. You pulled back the blanket and sat, pressing one hand against the mattress to feel its firmness.
You looked up when Tenya stood, although he didn’t say anything when he gathered his sleeping clothes and headed to the bathroom. You took a deep breath, coughing softly when you laid your head down and pulled the blanket back over you.
The sound of running water accompanied by the rain and thunder that still bellowed outside helped you drift off to sleep, but a few hours later you woke up sweating. “Ah…” you blinked, feeling exhausted, and reached up to touch your forehead. ‘Why am I so hot?’ you thought, wiping your face dry.
Hearing soft snoring, you turned your head. Tenya was lying beside you in blue pajamas and a matching sleeping cap. His face looked content and part of you wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming about anything at all.
‘Maybe this fever will go down if I keep resting’ you thought as you closed your eyes and tried to relax your body. Unfortunately, you found yourself restless and your fever grew more severe, making you whimper on occasion. This combined with the nauseating feeling growing in your stomach finally made you sit up.
“I’m gonna barf…” you muttered, turning to look at Tenya to ensure he was still asleep. The last thing you wanted was to wake him up, especially after all the planning he had put into this camping trip. Besides, maybe it was better you dealt with this by yourself as you never wanted to burden others. You winced, holding your stomach as you stood.
You swallowed hard, tasting acid on your tongue. You turned to look at Tenya one last time before scurrying to the bathroom quietly. Your breathing was heavy and sweat dripped from your skin so profusely that your clothing stuck to your skin making movement uncomfortable.
As you swallowed again, you slowly pulled your arms inside your shirt. You intended to take it off despite being hunched over the toilet. You sighed in relief when the cool air hit your skin, somewhat thankful you made the choice to wear a tank top underneath said shirt.
At the moment, it didn't matter to you that it was white and see-through. You closed your eyes and wiped the sweat from your brow, your mouth salivated so much it dripped down your chin. You dry heaved, feeling your stomach twist until its contents splashed into the toilet.
When you coughed, Tenya's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, noticing you absent from the bed. He sat up slowly and grabbed his glasses. He was more than certain the noise that had woken him was you.
It was natural that he wanted to check you were okay, so he stood up and walked to the bathroom, noticing that the door was closed. He pressed his ear against it growing more concerned when he heard heavy breathing, followed by sniffles. He frowned and paused before knocking three times.
You snapped your head up, eyes wide but vision blurry as you looked at the bathroom door. “Y/n, do you require assistance?” he asked, and you latched onto your lip to suppress the gag threatening to come. The inside of your mouth tasted sour, and your throat burned.
You shifted your eyes back and forth, knowing if you didn’t answer soon, he’d likely do something drastic. “I…” Your voice was weak, but you tried to push through it. “I…I don’t know,” you replied, before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
Your answer alarmed Tenya, and seconds later he heard a toilet flush followed by running water. “What is the matter? Are you feeling ill? Are you injured?” he questioned, feeling ridiculous for talking to you through a door. You took a deep breath, resting your hand on your stomach.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror, noticing your hair was disheveled and your cheeks red. Your eyes looked swollen and irritated, in other words, you were a mess. “I…just…” Maybe it would be better if he saw for himself.
“Um, t-the door is open,” you said reluctantly. “Very well, may I enter now?” came his reply. “…yeah,” the door squeaked, and you wrapped your arms around yourself before turning to face him. His eyes widened upon seeing you, noting your irritated-looking eyes and reddened face.
He didn’t want to assume anything, but you certainly looked ill. “Forgive me, but you look rather...ill and I do not believe I have a thermometer so I cannot take an accurate measure to confirm or deny any possible fever,” he replied, tapping his chin. “I…I’m not running a fever,” you lied.
He narrowed his eyes and reached out. “Pardon my touch,” he said, pressing his hand against your forehead. Yes, it was a rather outdated method to use, but it would allow him to feel your temperature regardless. “Hm,” he raised his eyebrows and lowered his hand.
“Your forehead is rather warm,” he noted. “May I check your pulse?” You blinked in response, hissing softly when you noticed how dry your eyes felt. “Um…okay?” you replied and gasped when he took your wrist, pressing his thumb against it.
The seconds ticked by awkwardly as you clenched your bottom lip. “Your pulse appears slightly elevated, suggesting possible sickness,” he said, lowering your wrist. “Oh um…” you wrapped your arms around yourself again, suddenly anxious, and self-aware of your see-through tank top.
“Hey Iida,” you said, glancing away shyly. “Yes?” he replied. “Uh…c-could you…get me another tank top? The black one from my luggage?” you asked sweetly, nervously rubbing your upper arms. Tenya knitted his eyebrows together, uncertain why you asked for a tank top when you already had one on.
However, out of curiosity, he glanced down, and his eyes widened. He covered his mouth when he noticed that the fabric of your current tank top was rather…well perhaps it was rude to continue to stare at someone's exposed body.
“Y-yes!” he suddenly shouted, immediately looking away from you. His cheeks glowed a furious red color which was accompanied by a feeling of shame. He knew he should not look at a young lady in such a disrespectful manner. It was improper!
After all, he did not mean to look at you that way, but it seems his mistake caused him a bit of embarrassment. “I would be honored to…” He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the unfamiliar heat that ran through his cheeks.
“I would be honored to assist you, please give me a moment,” he said, promptly turning around and scurrying out of the bathroom. He took deep breaths as he opened your suitcase, searching for the black tank top you requested.
Despite his concern about his fast-paced heartbeat, he believed it to be a natural reaction given his feelings toward you. Of course, he didn't want to ruin your friendship by acting on said feelings. “Here we are,” he said, neatly folding the article of clothing before returning to the bathroom.
“I do hope this is the correct item,” he said, hesitantly holding it out. “Yeah,” you replied, taking it. Unless you were in a relationship or classified yourself as a free spirit there was a certain level of modesty when it came to changing in front of the opposite or even the same sex.
However, given how horrible you felt now you didn’t think twice about turning your back on him and removing your current tank top. Tenya’s eyes widened when he realized what you were doing. His cheeks flushed, and he immediately raised his hand, intent on scolding you, but no words came out.
Despite not anticipating activating his engines, his nervous state made them spark to life and a soft rumbling echoed through the air. “P-pardon!” he stuttered and turned to face the door, feeling his heart accelerate again. “Hm?” You paused and briefly looked over your shoulder at him.
‘Weird…’ you thought, before dropping the white tank top to the floor. A groan escaped your lips as you slipped the black tank top over your head. While he knew it was rude to look at you when you were topless or changing, your groan concerned him enough to make him turn his head.
That's when he noticed the scars on your back, and instead of flushing yet again or feeling embarrassed, he grew concerned. Although your scars looked old and healed, he wanted to know what caused them. It is natural for heroes to receive injuries which then created long-lasting scars.
But yours almost looked…well perhaps it was more appropriate he didn't assume where they came from. He turned his head back, feeling the slightest amount of sweat drip down his face and he almost regretted not having brought a handkerchief to bed.
He cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his pajama top, and was tempted to undo the first few buttons to cool himself. His cheeks were a deep rosy color, and his engines continued to rumble softly although he hoped they were not too audible.
Just as you finished putting your new tank top on, you heard Tenya clear his throat. “Huh?” you raised an eyebrow when you turned only to stare at his back. “Um...” you stepped closer to him, hesitantly reaching out to touch him.
You stumbled back when he trembled in response and turned to face you, his eyes wide and his face red. You blinked, unsure if you had scared him or if he was beginning to feel sick as well. “Um…a-are you okay?” you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
“I…” he glanced away. His mind filled with images of those scars, and he lowered his eyebrows in thought. Frankly, he wished to address what he had seen but did not want to appear strange or alarming. Furthermore, he did not wish to force information out of you or make you feel uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat once more and raised his hand, chopping it through the air as he said, “P-perhaps it would be best if we retired to the bed to further address your question.” You knit your eyebrows, not fully understanding him. Then again, did anyone understand Tenya?
Maybe his closest friends, but even they seem baffled by his antics sometimes. You placed your hand on your stomach, somewhat relieved you were feeling better. You shrugged. “Okay?” you replied, following him out of the bathroom. Your fever was still high, and you wiped your brow.
For a split second, you debated running to the ice machine. However, the thought of walking down an empty hotel hallway made you feel uneasy. Come to think of it, you didn’t know how late or early it was, not that it mattered because who knows how long Tenya could take to answer your question.
“Please sit,” he said politely gesturing to the bed. You looked between him and the bed before sitting down as requested. The bed gave a soft squeak when he sat down next to you. The two of you exchanged glances before he cleared his throat.
“I…do not wish for you to think I am being disrespectful when I ask this as I understand personal matters are quite difficult to speak about with those you are not close with,” as painful as it was to admit, despite the many challenges Class A went through together, there was still distance between all of you.
Yes, a few classmates had admitted their personal matters and remorse over certain things or times in their lives. However, he noticed that you tended to keep to yourself. While you were kind and compassionate, there was a shy nature about you, and he had noticed you struggle in social situations before.
“W-what do you mean?” you asked, your voice trembling and your anxiety rising. He was silent for a moment, and you noticed his shoulders were stiff. He shifted his legs almost as though he were uncomfortable, but you swear you heard a soft rumbling.
Was his quirk acting up? You quickly glanced at his face, his eyebrows were lowered and there was an uncertain glance in his eyes. His cheeks were slightly reddened, and his hands were in his lap, but you noticed his fingers were interlocked.
“Forgive me, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to explain more clearly. I…” he took a deep breath, laying his hands flat on his thighs. He cleared his throat again and reached up, tugging at the collar of his pajama top.
“I noticed that there were…rather severe-looking scars on your back.” A chill ran down your spine and you leaned away from him. Your eyes were wide, and he expected you to be angry, but instead a look of hurt and dread spread across your face.
You fisted your hand into your chest and the other into the blanket, keeping silent. Tenya frowned. “I…apologize,” he said, carefully placing his hand over yours but immediately jerked back when you gasped. “I…pardon I did not intend for my touch to-” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s f-fine Iida,” you replied, despite your heart racing in your chest. “It’s just…” you glanced away, “no...n-no one has asked that b-before.” Then again you weren’t exactly the type to flaunt your body and usually changed in the locker room stall.
You latched onto your lip, the thought of your parents made your stomach twist, and you suppressed a dry heave. “Are you well?” Tenya asked, slightly alarmed, and though you nodded, he wasn’t fully convinced. “Forgive me,” he said, standing up from the bed.
“Perhaps I should not have inquired. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable,” he said, turning with the intent of walking to his side of the bed. “N-no!” you cried out, grabbing his arm. He stumbled back and looked at you bewildered.
“Uh…” You blinked, and your cheeks grew red. You felt so hot you were liable to faint, but you shook your head trying to fight through your anxiety. “S-sorry!” you said, quickly letting go of his arm. You swallowed hard, groaning out of embarrassment.
“Um…I…the s-scars are…” you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck. You felt the bed dip when Tenya sat down again. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you and once again extended his hand, placing it on your shoulder.
Your head shot back, looking at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “Please do not be afraid,” he said, his voice hushed and full of concern. Oddly enough, you smiled and nodded. “Right, s-sorry,” you said, glancing at your lap.
Your throat felt tight, but you forced yourself to speak. “The scars…are from the training m-my parents put me through,” you explained, refusing to lift your head to look at Tenya's expression. You expected him to be worried and maybe even feel sorry for you.
Instead, you gasped when he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you. He knew it was irrational, and he did not know how you would respond. Although he could not confess the feelings he had for you deep down, he would not stop trying to physically prove it to you.
A part of you wanted to push him away because you weren't used to this type of affection, and because you didn't want him to catch whatever you had. But you couldn't help but melt into his touch. He was aware of the training that was deemed necessary in order to become a worthy and true hero.
However, there were other, unethical training methods such as the ones that Shoto went through that proved to leave long-lasting emotional and physical scars. He could not fathom why certain families pushed their children so hard during training.
Yes, a villain would not be easy on a hero, this much was certain. But to inflict such pain that it left physical scars was unacceptable, and it made righteous anger burn deep within him. However, he took a deep breath, calming himself.
“Forgive me,” he said, pulling away. “I…I do not believe I could help myself,” he stated, bringing his hands to his lap. He knew very well that he let his emotions get the better of him and at this moment, he needed to remain focused.
“Would you favor continuing our conversation?” he asked. “Um…well, my p-parents aren’t heroes but…t-they’re rich and w-when my quirk manifested they...” you paused and curled your fingers inward, ignoring how your nails dug into your palms.
He leaned closer with a serious expression on his face. You closed your eyes, sighing. “They…saw promise in it and…wanted to u-use me as a tool. If their daughter c-could be a hero…then it would boost my family‘s name and...r-reputation.” That spark of anger ignited again, but he held himself back from speaking.
You frowned and opened your eyes. “T-they forced me to train...every day. P-pushed me to my limits, and t-that's why I have...scars on my back. They always t-told me heroes don't feel...pain, they just do whatever it takes to gain f-fame.” Your eyes watered over, but you quickly wiped them.
“The...the m-more pain you can withstand, the more l-love you will receive,” you said, continuing to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I-I'm sorry,” Tenya frowned, uncertain how to comfort you. “Please do not apologize,” he said, reaching over to gently grab your wrists in order to pull them away from your face.
“You are likely to irritate your eyes further if you continuously rub them,” he explained before cupping your hands in his own. “I am quite honored that you have shared such memories with me, but are you physically and mentally well?” You glanced down, nodding.
“Yeah…” you replied, tightening your grip on his hands. “I live with a r-relative now….” and you hoped it would remain that way. He leaned closer, making you stiffen out of shyness. “Uh…” you dared to look back up and your face flushed when you locked eyes with him.
“I am…grateful to hear you are safe. Please know that I would never allow anyone, not even the fiercest villain to subject you to such injuries or pain.” While you assumed he was lying, the heroic and loving look in his eyes said otherwise.
And the way he embraced you further convinced you. His arm was tightly around your waist, and when he pulled you close, his opposite hand tangled itself in your hair. Whether it was the fever talking or the fact you were a little touch starved, you wrapped your arms around him in return.
His eyes widened and his heart accelerated. Being this close to you was something he always desired, but knew he could not have. At least not now, but there was always hope for the future. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly pulled back.
His cheeks burned pink, and he cleared his throat, lifting his hand into the air. “Perhaps it would be best if we retired to sleep,” he suggested, and you turned away shyly. “Oh, uh…” How many hours passed anyway? What time was it? You were tempted to look at your phone but decided against it.
“Please allow me,” he said before standing and walking over to your side of the bed. He pulled back the blanket and shifted the pillows. “Hm,” you looked at him with a blank expression but walked over and sat down.
“Place your legs under the blanket,” he instructed and for a moment, you felt like a young child being tucked in but knew you shouldn’t take it that way. Tenya was just trying to be kind and after everything that happened tonight, it felt comforting to be taken care of by someone.
Once your legs were underneath, Tenya pulled the blanket over you and ensured you were comfortable before walking over to his side. Your face was glowing, and you closed your eyes, wishing your fever to go away. When you felt the bed dip, you mumbled and turned on your side so your back faced Tenya.
He glanced at you but said nothing and removed his glasses, placing them on the nightstand by the bed. Then he lay down with his arms by his sides. His attention was focused on the ceiling for a few minutes, allowing silence and your breathing to ease him to sleep.
Morning came too quickly, and the blinds didn’t stop the sunshine from leaking in. You groaned, fluttering your eyes open. Your head ached softly, and sweat droplets trailed down your forehead. You reached up, intent on wiping it but noticed your arms were stuck.
“Huh?” You looked down, and heat rushed over your face when you noticed a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened and you turned your head, seeing Tenya’s sleeping face, and realized how heavy his body felt against yours.
You snapped your head back and panicked as you thought of the ways you could get out of this situation. You also thought of how to wake him up without making this awkward. Then again, maybe there was no way you couldn’t make this awkward.
You moved your body and wiggled your arms to jolt him awake. “Iida, Iida!” you hissed out, and he moved his head with a soft mumble in response. A deep breath sounded before he slowly opened his eyes. “Are you…a-awake?” you asked nervously, and he nodded.
“Yes…” he replied, lowering his eyelids. “What is the matter?” You shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. “Uh…y-you um…” How could you explain that his arms were wrapped around you? Sucking a breath in, you tapped his arm with your fingers.
“Hm?” He glanced down, and upon seeing the rather inappropriate position you were in, he immediately pulled his arms back. He stumbled out of the bed, and you jolted up when he hit the wall. “Iida!” you cried out, your eyes wide with concern and your hand extended in his direction.
“P-please accept my most humble apologies!” he frantically pleaded, placing his hands on his thighs, and bowing. His sleeping cap slipped off his head and fell to the floor. However, he resisted the urge to pick it up until you responded.
You blinked, and slowly pulled your hand back only to fist it into your hair. Your forehead still felt hot, but somehow you felt better than last night. Your cheeks burned red, and you glanced away, unsure how to respond to Tenya’s frantic exclamation.
“I-it’s fine,” you said softly before pulling the blanket back and hanging your legs over the side of the bed. “Um…t-thanks,” you said as Tenya leaned back up. “Hm?” he responded, looking at you despite your back facing him.
“F-for last night um…” you rubbed the back of your head, “I t-think it helped,” as talking things out usually did. He looked taken aback but smiled, “I am very honored to have assisted you in such a way and I do hope to be of more assistance in the future,” yes, he wanted you to run to him whenever you had an issue.
But he supposed only time would tell whether that type of trust strengthened between the two of you and despite no longer being the class president, he still wanted to be your closest friend. You turned to look at him, slightly surprised before looking at the floor. “Oh um…s-sure, maybe?” you replied, standing up and stretching.
“I suggest we change our outfits and relocate to the lobby as breakfast is served promptly from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Then perhaps we can depart and resume this scheduled camping trip,” he said, reaching for his glasses and slipping them onto his face.
“R-right,” you replied, walking over to your suitcase, and laying it flat on the floor before opening it. You tapped your lips, deciding what outfit you wanted, unlike Tenya who more than likely already had something picked out.
As the two of you walked to the lobby, there was an awkward silence. Part of you wondered if it was your fault, and your anxious thoughts began. What does he think of you now? Is he going to look at you differently? You clenched your jaw, squeezing your eyes shut.
It was almost like something was about to burst out of you but then you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n!” Ashido called, running up to you. “Excuse me Iida!” she said, looping her arm through yours and dragging you away before you could say anything.
Out of instinct or panic, you held your hand out to Iida. However, due to his past experiences with Ashido, he thought it best not to interrupt whatever conversation she wanted with you. “Hey, Iida!” Uraraka called, she was currently sitting at one of the tables available in the lobby with Izuku.
He smiled and looked at you one last time before walking over. “How was your night with Y/n?” she asked when he approached. He paused, recalling last night's events, and cleared his throat. Uraraka tilted her head, noticing the flush on Tenya’s cheeks.
Izuku noticed this as well and they both exchanged a glance before Uraraka smiled. “What happened between you and Y/n last night?!” she questioned excitedly, and Tenya stiffened. “I…I believe I will gather my breakfast,” he stated, quickly walking away from the table and toward the breakfast area.
“Mm…” Uraraka pouted and scanned the room, easily spotting you and Ashido. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Izuku before walking away. “Your flushed face says everything! So, spill it!” Ashido shouted, raising her arms above her head. “Iida was flushing too!” Uraraka said, approaching your table.
You shivered when she turned to you and smiled. “Is everything okay between you two?” she asked suspiciously, and you shook your head. “N-no, I m-mean yes, I...I mean...” you groaned out of embarrassment. You took a breath, trying to gather your composure.
“I was just a-about to tell Mina t-that nothing happened just…” you rubbed the back of your head, glancing at your lap. “We just h-had a talk,” the girls leaned forward, eager to hear more. “A-and well…” you nervously chuckled. “I’m g-glad that he’s my f-friend.” Ashido sighed. “Seriously!?” she cried out, clearly disappointed.
Uraraka frowned and leaned closer to you. “Nothing happened between you two?” she asked, pouting. You nodded and shrugged, “Sorry?” you said before turning your head to look at Tenya who had gathered a plate of food, and happiness washed over you. ‘Yeah...just a friend’ you thought with a bright smile.
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raevior · 10 months
hi all!! i’m new to tumblr, so here’s an introduction!
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about me ^^
age: 19
sign: libra
loc: usa
lang: eng/中文
sexuality: bisexual
crochet, drawing, painting, cats, kpop, hamsters, kdrama, cdramas, cpop, sleeping, youtube, roblox, reading, vkei, sunsets, vinyls, the ocean, night time, city life, romance, flowers, uncanny counter, alice in borderland, anime
ult groups and biases:
loona - hyunjin, choerry, gowon and hyeju
billlie - haruna and siyoon
nct - taeyong
new jeans - haerin and minji
ateez - wooyoung and mingi
fave animes: dororo, tomodachi game, attack on titan, blue lock, black clover, assassination classroom, chainsaw man, jujutsu kaisen, hxh, demon slayer, erased, nana 🤍
i’ve always enjoyed writing and reading, and i love to bring mine and other peoples scenarios to life! so i’ve come on here to write fanfiction/one shots. i will always put descriptions and tw on all of my writings! most will center around kpop idols and k actors.
i started writing fanfic at around 14(?), and i’ve always enjoyed both reading and writing. i prefer to write lengthy stories but am also okay with writing short scenarios and one shots! i have decided to jump back into the community since i’ve noticed over the years, a lot of fanfics are written very poorly; that being poor grammar, no plot, no lead ups or anything. and it’s quite annoying! you know that feeling when you think you find a great story, but when you start reading it, it’s very disappointing. i’m here to save the day!!
i’m planning on making a carrd to better introduce myself. for now, im looking for moots! please make sure to read the DNI below before!
DNI: under 17 years old, stray kids fan, gg anti, solo stan, like gore, promote ed and unhealthy habits
BYF: i am 19!! soon to be 20. i am not comfortable with being friends/moots with anyone under the age of 17.
thank you all for reading! let’s be friends! 🤍
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uniform-art · 4 years
Golly I love hxh tumblr we r rlly all out here huh
Also with all this pariston talk, the first time I saw him I couldn’t stop thinking abt how I wanted to slap his capitalistic ass
He do b a rat tho
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
hi lock !!! i havent been to your blog in such a long time even thought you were like the first person i followed on tumblr,, anyways !! which yandere do you think would pay someone to harass you and beat them up/murder them unexpectedly like some knight in shining armor so you'd look at them like theyre god,,, i lit just thought of this in a whim so it might not make a lot of sense ehehe
the first person you followed?? omg... i'm honored... i hope i didn't fill up the timeline with too much cursed content. this is extremely sweet to hear <33 thank you very much!!
and let's see... for your question, i'm thinking the yanderes who would do that are:
chrollo from hxh. he tries to leave a good impression on you from the start, turning the charisma up unfairly high. if that doesn't work, then he won't dwell on it for long; that's what his many connections in the underground are for. he wouldn't just stop with saving you from hired goons. he'd sabotage your engine and offer you a ride to work/school, or steal your wallet when you're in line and swoop in at the last second to pay for everything. not all within the same time period, of course, can't have you catching on or becoming suspicious. he'll space things out so you'll remain none the wiser.
giorno from jjba. really, there's not much that you do that he wouldn't know about. he's familiar enough with your routes to know the best place to stage the "attack", where you'll feel secluded enough that your hopelessness will be higher. he wouldn't want to resort to this method, however. he doesn't particularly like the thought of putting you in a situation where you'll feel scared. giorno tells himself that he'll be able to make it up to you after. that keeps the guilt from getting to him too much. he'll come in like a perfect gentleman, kissing your hand and offering to put you up in a high end hotel for the night with guards if you still don't feel safe.
diluc from genshin impact. social interaction outside of formal events isn't his forte. which is frustrating, because he wants nothing more than to get closer to you and embed himself into your life, but isn't sure the best way to go about that. it's likely the first time you ever meet him will be a situation like this. he'll take care of the men trying to rob you, then assess you with a silent expression. you might almost find yourself frightened of him too. he's thinking to himself how nice, how fulfilling it is to protect you. it's like everything in his world clicked into place. he'll offer to walk you home that night, content with how things turned out.
kazuha from genshin impact. his setup would be different, in that he wouldn't need to hire ruffians to harass you. kazuha already stalks you enough from afar to know if you would be in any potential danger. instead of rescuing you right away, or stopping the attack prematurely, he'd allow it to begin just shy of you being placed in physical harm. then he'd jump from the thickets, gallant and swift in getting rid of the threat. he'd even lift you into his arms, carrying you bridal style to safety, fretting over any scrapes and insisting to dress them himself. if your hand is shaking, he'll hold it until you feel better. kazuha promises that so long as you're with him, you never need to be scared. he'll always protect you.
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feitansluver · 3 years
hi there!!! i saw your comment thingy to @thedancefloorsilly and saw that you started a writing account!! that is so cool i love following the writers here on tumblr and reading their works :)
anyways, do you think you could do general dating headcanons for machi (hxh) please? thank you, have a great day/night!! <3
Author's Note: AHH, hello first requester tee hee! Yeah, I've noticed a few people from Jay's account ventured here, well, welcome! I'm glad to have you. And that's amazing, I loved doing the same, so much so I created my own writing blog haha. Well, enjoy! Reblogs, likes, and constructive criticism is most appreciated!
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Machi: General Dating Headcanons
Okay, to start, we know Machi isn't exactly the very 'loving' type. she's more standoffish and only puts in her two cents when she deems it necessary
However, I like to think she's very loving towards you behind closed doors. Her favorite way of expressing her affection is leaving behind little wrapped up figurines of her own thread. Similar to the GIF above, she'll twist and knot her nen stitches together into anything she thinks you're interested in. Bears, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.
She enjoys watching you sleep as well. This is the one time in which she'll let down her walls for a few minutes. She'll pull you into her chest and take in your scent while kissing the top of your head a few times, concentrating on the beating from your heart and swearing she won't let anything happen to you.
Also, don't be surprised if you're around the troupe and you notice Machi staring at you. She refuses to partake in any sort of PDA so 98% of the time, she's giving her classic glare at you. Don't take offense, it's not with malicious intent, she's just admiring you with a stone cold face.
On that same affectionate note, she isn't a large fan of cuddling, but LOVES when you run your hands through her hair or putting your chin on her shoulder, perhaps even both at the same time.
As for how you two got together, as cliché as this sounds, I'm going to have to say Pakunoda was a key factor. Pakunoda was probably the one to even notice Machi had liked you to begin with, and spent a good amount of their time together trying to get Machi to come to terms with it. Once she does come to terms with it however, I see it as Machi wanting to confess to you but she thinks you might believe she has feelings for Paku because that's what everyone assumes. She confides in Pakunoda with her troubles because they're close, who then later relays this information to you since she can't stand seeing Machi so off balance.
She's super embarrassed when you come up to her and ask about Paku's claim, so much to the point she blatantly denies it. Paku saves the day yet again by telling Machi the cat's outta the bag and then BOOM. After a bit of conversing between you two, you decide to give it a shot so cupid struck his bow.
Nicknames are a weird topic. She doesn't give you any. It's always just y/n. No abbreviation or anything. There is an exception to this which is my next bullet point. You can give her nicknames, but know that if you use any of them in front of the troupe or a client or whatnot, she will ignore your call.
As for jealousy, she isn't a very jealous person. She isn't insecure within herself and she's 100% knowing that you love her with all of your being. HOWEVER, if she notices someone outside of the troupe being a little too nice with you, she'll come up to you and said person and say something along the lines of "Babe, who's your friend?" or "Baby, are you ready to head home?"
Since the troupe does leave for long periods of time, she'll leave behind her signature pin cushion for you in which she stitches a little something every time. (she has extra pin cushions to take with her, dw) It's usually a small note like, "always thinking of you." "stay safe y/n, be home soon."
To sum up, Machi loves you dearly, even if she won't blatantly say it to you often. However, never for one moment doubt her love for you. She may be a bit stoic and seemingly scary, but she'd burn down the whole world if it guaranteed your happiness.
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doubledgesword-2 · 3 years
hello! i saw your tumblr page while I was scrolling for headcanons and HOW COME I ONLY FOUND OUT ABT THIS PAGE😭 I love your content and your headcanons about hxh characters😏 so I dropped by and saw that the requests are open👀...so I wanted to request a scenario where Illumi is forced to participate in an arranged marriage by his parents but illumi doesn't like his soon to be wife his parents planned for him bc they're quite annoying and rude (was that too specific 💀) but illumi alr likes someone (his "friend") whom he's pretty close with because they hang out a lot with Hisoka and Illumi.
you don't really have to do this if you don't want to because it's probably too long💀...but still, Thank you so much💕
Heck yeah!! I’m all up for the angst and the heartbreak. One order of Rose tea with extra tears in it coming right up! For all the other lil’ sugarcubes that requested, rest assure your teas are coming. Hope you like this!
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You heard the moment your heart snapped.
Here he was kneeling in front of a woman you had never seen, looking as handsome as ever with a small velvet box open and a ring protruding from the inside.
The pair turned to look at you, and amidst the hurting in your heart, you swallowed the lump in your throat, widened your eyes to stop the tears from falling, and offered a joyous smile.
"Congratulations on your engagement."
"Oh, he isn't finished yet, you interrupted. Please continue, dear husband! You! Retire before I call the butlers to escort you out. You're ruining the moment!" Her high pitch voice grated your ears, and after her words, you felt even worse than before. You schooled your expression and nodded, retreating from their bubble.
But Illumi was looking at you. His head was turned in your direction still, looking how your body screamed sadness, but your smile was so convincing he felt sad himself. Perhaps, you wanted to spend some time with him today, and here he was, declaring his love to someone not worth his while. He wished the woman in front of him was you.
You heard him ask the question in that tone you had learned to love, and her obnoxious shriek of a yes, made the situation sink in further.
Illumi was getting married, and it wasn't to you.
You swallowed thickly and excused yourself, going back to the forest from where you had come, before Illumi could turn to look your way. Illumi's eyes lifted to look for you, all the while trying to pry his 'lover' from his waist, but you weren't there. You left so quietly; your absence discouraged him. His parents came around, and you heard the congratulations from both sets of parents like they just closed a business deal. Amidst your tears, you clamped a hand over your mouth as every word poked the wound in your heart.
And that's how Illumi had found you.
The two of you hadn't seen each other ever since that day with the ring and the yes. Instead, you were cooped inside your apartment, letting the hurt pass. Still, you worked and went on your merry way to solve things whenever something important came up. But even Hisoka was concerned when your kills felt way too heartless or whenever he looked into your eyes and saw nothing.
He wouldn't deny this side of you turned him on quite a lot, but that tiredness of the soul reflected in your eyes killed the mood. He knew something was up, and judging by the lack of Illumi during the work or how you two seemed to ignore each other, him more than you, Hisoka deduced Illumi was the culprit to your emotional state.
Said devil was standing by the window of your apartment on the fire escape. His dark eyes focused on your puffy, bloodshot eyes and how Hisoka comforted you with magic tricks that made you smile and chuckle occasionally. His stomach flipped seeing you smile so tired and hurt.
"It's fine Hisoka, I'll be alright." You said to the magician as he made his way to the door. Your croaky voice truly pulled at his heartstrings; it wasn't often you cried with this type of pain and not over a movie the two of you were watching.
"Mmm, let me know if you need something else (Y/N)-Chan, and if you need someone to punch and fight, always give me a call~," You snorted and pushed him out, giggling.
"Goodbye, Soka" The minute the magician was out, your smile fell, replaced by an exhausted look.
You closed the door, not turning around; you couldn't feel it in you to face the deafening silence in your apartment.
"(Y/N)" Illumi called, and in your mind, you thought you were hearing things. You missed him so much your mind was hearing him called your name longingly.
Turning slowly, prepared to be disappointed, you were greeted by Illumi standing in your living room. You gasped. He stood right under the light, and it wasn't fair how beautiful he looked in comparison to your puffy eyes and lifeless eyes.
"I want to talk to you," you swallowed, feeling your throat tighten at those words and again offered him a smile.
There was a twinge of anger threatening to bubble up to the surface. He had ignored you during missions and left rather quickly when you came up to Hisoka and him. But you didn't have it in you to fully return what he did to you.
Your practiced smile always made him doubtful. It was so worked it looked natural, and as you walked up to him with it on your lips, he felt threatened.
"Congratulations again on your engagement, Llumi. I hope you're thrilled."
"Stop" His clipped tone shocked you, and it made your smile fall. "I don't want to be with her. She's annoying, her voice grates my ears, and she's utterly unprofessional. Her nen is useless, and she's too clingy."
Both of your eyebrows rose in surprise at his outburst. "Do you want to talk about that?" Your facade was up again, and for a second, you could see the pain in his eyes at your approach.
He was expecting you to tell him to leave her. He was expecting you to scream how much you loved him. Illumi swore that if you told him to leave the arrange marriage and run away with you, he would.
But instead, you offered to listen to him.
On the other side of the spectrum, you wanted to scream at him how much you loved him, your heart broke at his uncomfortableness, it hurt to hear him say how unhappy he was, and you were powerless to help. So you did the only thing you could as a friend, offer to listen to him.
"Would you like a cup of tea before you vent or perhaps something stronger?"
"Something stronger, please."
It was painful to look at how your thoughts and emotions were so close and yet so far away from touching him. You knew it could never be; this was not a fairy tale. It was the real world, and this world was ruthless. Illumi was too gripped by his parents and their influence. He wouldn't go against them just because you willed him so. You did what you were good at and what must, pretending that nothing was wrong. Pulling the mask down to cover your face before anyone could see what's behind. Creating another layer, building the walls up higher and caving in all the exits, so your emotions didn't accidentally escape, and you confessed how miserable and how utterly destroyed you felt. Instead, you’ll think of all that might’ve been and fool yourself in the dark of the night.
"Now, tell me how I can help, Llumi,"
Your hand laying right next to his, fingers brushing but never touching.
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kuwurapikaaa · 4 years
Candlelight || Chrollo x Reader
Title: Candlelight Spider Leg!Reader || Plays during York New arc One-shot || Genre: Smut || Angst Pairing: Chrollo x Reader Summary: In the middle of the night, (Y/N) found herself entangled in the web of the spider. Warning: Sexual content, Age Gap Word Count: 3,660 Note: This story is cross-published in AO3 and Tumblr. Yes, my next fanfic would be another Kite fanfic after that, it would be a Jotaro fanfic. I like supplying content for underrated HxH characters. I am currently on a blast right now and I can’t just stop at this point. I am also getting into a new fandom so it is a more of an excuse to my followers who only saw me write hxh fanfics lol
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In one hasty night, just like any other night. (Name) was carrying a candle and a stack of antique books to the head of the phantom troupe's room. Putting his books back to his bedroom became somewhat a routine for her. - Today seems like just like any other night. 
She just secretly reads his books. Steals five of them, but always, puts them back on their shelves as if nothing happened. As she opened the door, put the books in their respective places, to her surprise, Chrollo was wide awake. The candle's warm light illuminating his handsome face as he held a book with his left hand. His legs were crossed as he sat on a wooden chair. He's probably unable to sleep tonight.
He looks so hot and bothered. - She thought to herself as she bit her lip. She never had many wanton thoughts. It was rare for her to have those. She has been thinking about him since she read that one book that had a character that looked like him. She had been crushing on him since she joined the spiders.
At first, it was simply admiration, but right now, it’s a crush. - Chrollo made her feel like a schoolgirl hiding her feelings in front of a much older and hot guy. It’s like a junior falling in love with a senior trope, yet again.
The vision is something to admire. He looked ethereal at his current stance. His hair wasn't combed back like it did on most days. His ebony hair was a bit messy right now. He also doesn't wear his earrings, which is a surprise. Yet, said view also gave the young woman an eerie feeling about it.
Number nine bit her lip. Trying to make as little noise as possible. She is trying to avoid Chrollo seeing her so late at night. Just as unlucky as she is, the books fell. It was heavy and her arms were tired carrying it from her room downstairs to his room 2 floors higher. 
A loud thud was heard as the heavy leather-bound books fell on the cement floor of their base. Chrollo's attention was right at her. He closed his book. Fate is sealed. Fuck. He heard me. - She thought to herself, biting her lip harder. She tried to leave the candle on the floor and picked the book up.
(Name) is an enhancer. A simple person and a horrible liar. At this point, she doesn't know what to say to her leader. She was speechless. As if words were stolen from her mouth. "(Name), you're still awake." He was shocked to see that anyone was still awake at this time of the night. 
She looked into her watch. "I know it's already one in the morning. I just came to return your books." She smiled at him. She tried to make an impression on him. Since she is just a new member, it would be stepping over boundaries if she tries to have her usual boisterous speech.
"So you're the one sneaking and reading my books?" He asked as he went near her, she froze. Her body tensing each step he took. She nodded and swallowed thickly. Although she sees nothing is wrong with that, she could be wrong.
"I'm not angry at you, (Name)." He told her with his charming voice. He was looking at her in the eye. She avoids his gaze like it's the plague. But there's no escaping now. He's now against her as her body pressed to the bookshelf. The two lit candles in the opposing sides of the room and the pale moonlight was the only thing that was giving light to the scene.
His arms were around her. She was quite flustered. She never got in scenes like this, ever. It was rather her first time being in something like this. She doesn't know what to do as she is wrapped around the devil's fingers. The man was devising. It's hard to distinguish his genuine affection for his fake one.
Yet here she is, throwing herself into this. She knows what she's going to get, and it's something less than tasteful.
"Don't be ashamed, beautiful." Once he said that (Name)'s blush only deepened. Nobody has gone this close to her. Just by his voice, she can feel something underneath her panties. It was an unfamiliar feeling for her.
"Since you're here, I want you to take care of something." He continued talking. Then he went near her lips and sealed a kiss. His lips were surprisingly soft. She was shocked by his advancements. No one has ever done that to her. Her eyes were wide open. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders as the kiss deepened. She didn't even bother to fight it. 
Since day one, she always had feelings about him. He made her feel things she otherwise couldn't feel. Yet, it's a secret she kept for herself. Falling in love with the spider head is the best way to ruin the troupe. "I don't think this is right." She said immediately after the kiss broke. 
Still as charming. - Chrollo breathed, his gaze still locked to hers. He can just look at her like this the whole night if something isn't bothering him. Her gaze drifted south and what she saw shocked her. Chrollo's junk seemed bigger. - Not that she's looking at it all the time. She'd be bashful and hesitant if ever caught doing so.
"(Name)... Don't be so shy." He said to her in such a hypnotic voice. His playful hands removed the velcro on the nape of her neck. Her backless shirt was freed. Her silicone bra remained. She ended up being very flustered by his actions. - Speechless in fact.
Chrollo removed the silicone bra right away, he threw them in the ground. Her halter bodysuit remained as it was in her underwear. Her breasts now were out in the open. She was frozen, shivering. With the mixture of the cold air and the shock she is feeling, she couldn't move at all. He tucked her hair on her ears as he went down to her. His beautiful purple eyes were looking at her as his hands were pressed on either of her sides. They were near her bosom. Slowly brushing against them.
It is almost tickling her as it goes higher up into her sensitive nipples. His thumb encircling the area. She was shivering at every touch. With the cold air and his warm touch, it was truly a recipe for disaster. She was having goosebumps.
"Danchou... Please be careful. This is my first time." When (Name) said that his eyes were wide open. He was shocked to hear that a woman like her is currently experiencing her first time. - Secretly, no, openly, Chrollo likes it that his partner is a virgin. It's like he's twistedly religious. He would like to teach and somehow shape them.
"I will." He said with a smirk on his face. He unbuckled his belt and removed his black pants along with his underwear. Her eyes went wide as she saw his huge length right in front of her. It was long, and a bit thick. Probably seven inches long. It was standing and hard.
"Knees down." He ordered (Name). She kneeled to the cold cement. Then, he switched their positions. He was now the one against the hard wooden bookshelf. She had no idea what he was going to do to her. Then, he aligned his cock on her small mouth. She took it eagerly.
Her head was going back and forth as she tried her best to cover his length. It was long and could choke her. She was barely halfway into his shaft. Then, Chrollo all of a sudden, he pulled your head to his cock. Tears were dripping down her face as her eyes widely opened. She gripped her hands on his hips as she continued sucking him.
He was amused by how she was bobbing her head back and forth. Her cherry-colored lips surrounding his long length. He can hear sounds of her choking as she was struggling to get into the end of his shaft. She tried her best to cover the whole area.
His cock was reaching the back of her throat. Her right hand reached for his balls. Stroking it at the same time. - It was unfamiliar territory. He continued growling and gripping onto her hair. It was obvious that she was a virgin. She lacked many facets. In other words, she doesn't have any technique. "Good for someone who did that for the first time." He smirked at the young girl in front of him.
He pulled her off from his cock. Drool connecting her mouth and his length. She was quite flustered, avoiding Chrollo in the eye. Then, as he withdrew, he held her hand and went to the chair he used to sit in. "Come here." He said in such a soothing voice.
As soon as it was said, she followed suit. She was flustered as he could see her naked body properly in this area. Minutes seemed like hours. The only indicator of time was the candles placed everywhere in the room. The white candles slowly melted.
He held her legs as he started kissing her lips again. He stroked her back. She felt a bit ticklish as he started going to her neck. Doing butterfly kisses before finally sucking in the sensitive spot. She gasped and mouth left agape, he marked the area near her flower tattoo. It's sure to bruise up. Just as he was doing that, he was also groping on her sizable bosom.
Then, he pulled her leather pants down along with the rest of her stripe bodysuit. Her slit is now on display. Looking at it, she was rather well-groomed. Her pubic hair was well-trimmed.
She removed her stilettos along with her pants as she threw all those items in the same place as her silicone bra. She was flustered as she was already naked. Her spider tattoo in her left leg was showing. She was number nine. "Keep your shoes." He whispered to her. She wore her shoes again as he continued caressing her legs.
Then, he switched her position. She was now facing the bookshelves again, he continued touching her naked body. Her soft, milky skin. He admired every inch of her. 
He tucked her hair on her ear as he gracefully watched over the mark he created. Then, he puts his fingers on his mouth as he begins to insert them on her slick folds. She gasped once more as her wet muscle encapsulated his unfamiliar finger. “This is going to hurt a bit.” He said to her, assuring all the uncomfortable and painful feelings is all normal.
The fingers were unfamiliar, they were colder than the rest of her body. She was shivering from it. As it slowly moved up and down in her slit, an elicit moan escaped her lips. He was rather amused with her. She was more flustered than ever as she spoke, "Danchou… I… I like you." She said shyly. This moment got her feeling like a young schoolgirl confessing her feelings to her crush.
He smiled at her as he heard those words escape from her lips. Her mind right now is all mushed-up. She doesn't even know what she is saying nor thinking at this point. All she knows is that her danchou is making her feel so good right now. As soon as she adjusted with the two fingers he inserted, he added a third. Her cheeks are becoming very hot as he continues.
“Danchou… so this is what it feels like?” She asked him. He responded to her with a short nod.
His fingers still slip up and down making her feel so wet for him. Juices dripping on her legs. She was flustered as he continued his actions, she looked at him, her head turning to the left. His thumb was rubbing on her neglected clit. She bit her lip as she tried to lower her voice. He simply smirked at her as she became a sweaty mess. 
Then, out of shock, he pulled his fingers off her slick folds. He made her stand up again as he fully discarded his pants with his dress shoes. She had a better view of him like this. He stood up from the chair as he carried (Name) into the table. She sat on the hardwood as her legs were wrapped around his hips. He kissed her once again in the lips. Then, she removed the last piece of clothing from him. - His dress shirt.
As soon as she removed his dress shirt, she saw it. A mirror near the bookshelves reflected. #0. The legends were right. All the gossip she has heard from non-troupe members were correct. She is indeed toying with the spider head himself. - She never saw this moment coming.
She gasped as he aligned his length onto her. “If it hurts, grip me.” He said to her as her blue eyes opened wide. She bit her lips harder as the length entered her. She gripped harder on his back. Her manicured nails marking his back, marking half-moons on his back, where the iconic spider tattoo resides in.
Strangely enough, Chrollo has more tattoos than that. He also had one in his left arm, it was a huge dragon with many religious symbols and flowers around it. He and (Name) have a lot in common. - One of them is their unquenchable thirst for knowledge and their love for tattoos.
His length slid into her. Slowly and carefully. She yelped at the large size of his cock entering her. Unlike what she expected from men, “I’ll be gentle” he promised, kissing her lip as his grip on her waist tightened. Oh, it was expected from someone like him to say that.
Her tightness and warmth surrounding Chrollo’s cock earned a growl from him. (Name) also felt more comfortable moaning now. Her moan was rather quiet as she would like to contain the pleasure she is feeling. When his length fully entered, which took a while, instead of starting, he was stuck. Waiting for her to calm down, familiarize herself with his cock. Her tight grip on his back is getting slowly undone as her core adjusted to his length.
"It feels… uncomfortable…" She said to him, biting her lip. Still registering the unfamiliar feeling of her danchou's cock inside of her From her voice and everything, no matter how much of a slut she dresses, she has innocence. The fragile innocence that he is taking away from her.
“Is it okay now, (Name)?” He asked the woman against him. (Name) was speechless. She simply nodded to tell him that he was allowed to move. Her wet muscle has adjusted to his cock. Then, as he got the signal, he started moving his hips back and forth against her, slowly.
It elicited a much louder moan from the young woman. Her eyes went up, slowly fluttering up and down as the waves of pleasure were entering her system. Her hands were still on his back, still gripping it. "Danchou, please go faster." She ordered him as he moved in his slow and sensual pace.
He did follow her order. He moved much faster this time. His other hand went in her neglected clit, rubbing it with his thumb as he crashed his lip on her. - (Name) was overwhelmed by his actions. All the string of thoughts and doubts in her head were long gone now. 
"(Name)… So tight..." He remarked as he growled. He continued thrusting in and out. Her grip on his back tightened. She can feel her end is coming near. Chrollo finally found her g-spot.
"Right there… ah… Please!" She exclaimed mouth left agape as she whimpered. He continued his thrusts on her. This time, hitting her spot at each one of them. He started growling and groaning much louder too as he continued the way his hips rock against her. - She never knew a cock felt this good. 
His thrusts were now at a much faster pace, she mewled as he thrust his hips harder into her. "Ah… Ah… I think I'm going to cum!" She remarked as he thrust much faster into her.
As he knew the young woman in front of him was near her orgasm, he withdrew his length as he kneeled on the cold cement floor. He went near her slit as he was stroking himself while licking her labia as he began eating her out. - This is something Chrollo does not do with his partners. Although he would like to make (Name) an exception.
He stopped stroking himself as he started fingering her roughly. (Name) moaned the loudest as he was mercilessly pushing and pulling his fingers in her pink hole. His mouth moved from her labia to her clitoris. "Fufu-" she said, her swears were choked as he continued licking her clit and fingering her. Tears started running down her face as she continued to moan, louder than ever.
Her vision was covered with white as her orgasm finally came into her. "Ah... Ah…" She was incredibly speechless. Chrollo made her feel so good. She was glad that her danchou was below her, licking and tasting her precious juices.
She covered her face with her hands, all the shame she felt is coming back as she finally goes back to her senses. Cheeks hot and a sweaty body, then there is her danchou who is gladly eating her out. Licking every single drop of her orgasm like he was a starved man.
To her surprise, Chrollo's cock was still hard. - Tonight, it was obvious that her pleasure was the priority. But, how about his? "(Name)…" He said to her as he puts her legs around his shoulders. She kicked her uncomfortable five-inch stilettos to the ground. She had a sigh of relief as her feet could finally rest.
She puts her head on his shoulders as he moves her to the chair. He sat on there as he started thrusting in and out of her again. The young woman was already shaking because of the hypersensitivity brought by her violent orgasm. This time, he had no mercy with her.
She almost yelled when he entered this monstrous pace. She was at Chrollo's mercy as she held tight on him. His hips bucking up and down on slick slit. "Danchou… ah… your cock is… so big…" she cannot even form words at this point.
It's like she is being sent into heaven once again by Chrollo. Her vision is being clouded again as her back arches. He continued thrusting into her pussy until she had a second climax. She gripped harder onto his shoulder as she followed his pace. His groans got louder as he was close to his own. “D-danchou… ah...” She moaned with a sharp cry.
“Fuck!” He groaned as he was reaching his orgasm. (Name) yelped as she held much tighter on his shoulder. Spurts of white got inside of her. Her vision was filled with stars as she looked up in the ceiling. They tried to catch her breath as he withdrew his length from her. His cock went back to its soft state.
Then, she stood up. She was still quite sensitive. Her legs are shaking, cum dripping on her thighs. She sat into the cold and smooth cement. Her hands held her knees as she sobbed quietly. 
Chrollo stood up from the chair and got his blanket. He wrapped the crying woman in the warm fabric. “Why are you crying?” He asked her. His voice was very comforting, but it isn’t enough for her to stop sobbing.
“Please, danchou, don’t touch me.” She told him as she carefully removed his hands from her naked shoulder. He saw that his creation was there. A purple-ish red mark was on her shoulder, near her rose tattoo.
“I feel so overwhelmed. I feel used!” She exclaimed as she wrapped the blanket to herself. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying. Luckily, her danchou seems very experienced. He knows what to do when situations like this come around. He was the firsts of many women, he knew that a lot of them would cry during their first time.
“(Name). Please. Calm down.” He said to her with caring eyes. The stars twinkled in Chrollo’s eyes.
(Name) can never handle all the burden she is experiencing. What if her family knows? She knows that her beloved mom would react in horror. She would never have a chance of having a husband. (Name) always wanted a traditional husband. Even if she has her tattoos and dresses provocatively, she wants a husband who will accept and love her.
All that is thrown in the garbage as she can never have those things anymore. She can never have a husband anymore, all because she gave in with the call of the flesh. She gave in to his desires. It’s all my fault! - (Name) yelled in her mind. It was like an empty void, no matter how you scream, nobody can hear anything.
“I…” Before (Name) can even speak, she feels Chrollo’s tight embrace. She gasped as she rubbed his back. She was speechless as the hug is very comforting.
“I love you (Name).” He cooed into her ears as he started touching her hair, calming the young girl. - Danchou is so different from her expectations. She expected someone like him to be crude and hostile. Yet, here he is, with humility and culture. He truly is a gentleman straight out of a romance novel.
“Let’s clean you up.” He said to her as he picked her up, going to the bathroom. She smiled gingerly at him as she held onto him.
Danchou is so sweet.
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In Honor of @idk48562 who has earned and captivated our passions which burn...
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Hey This is my first time posting and honestly, most of y'all probably don't know or give a fuck about who I am but I do have a few things to say b/c today I saw something truly terrible enough to bring my former bullied anti-social ass to post for the first time in a long time you don't know me but I know who y'all are and to those who have followed Tumblr recently I'm sure you all know @idk48562 and their fantastic blog they dedicated it to make us some of the most finely crafted Yandere scenarios and prompts to having conservations with us when we felt lonesome b/c I don't about y'all but @idk48562 did one hell of a job at including several different types of people in their blog they weren't afraid to be bold and be inclusive to people with other kinks and I think that's pretty significant not hating on other yandere blogs y'all should write what your comfortable with but @idk48562  was very open minded to new ideas and people that most would be uncomfortable to write or portray and even more so @idk48562 I know always made me feel at home and many others. Personally, my favorite was the hxh headcanons never was a big fan of Killua or Spider headcanons, but @idk48562 made me appreciate and see these characters in a new light and go back and look. At others content and find joy in their gems of writing drabbles one-shots etc. I only wish I hadn't been so shy and silent at first. I always wanted to send in a question to them but didn't have the guts. Which is why now after this I realize I need to declare how much they mean to me and other followers and yes a selfish part of me wants their blog back up but God what I really want to get across to y'all who may come across them is that there was nobody like @idk48562 here and for what it's worth their time here on tumblr made my lonely and miserable days in this year so much better bearable they put in a considerable influence and spark in me like I've never felt before which is why I need to say and you followers need to say @idk48562 we love you and we will always appreciate you your writing hospitality honesty you are so special and we like you and your writing just for being you so whether your reading this or not just no no matter what you decide to do just know I and many others support you I'll miss your blog and writing but you are so much more important than my and others entertainment even so just know these moments in time we had reaching out and connecting with your writing and asks it'll never go away or be meaningless not to me and several others and I know what it's like to be bullied and harassed and I'm so sorry you had to go through that to those people who did that to you , I just have to say I don't know they are or their names but I do know in comparison to you they mean nothing they are but a empty husk withering away at others while you have an incredible ember that never goes out you shine so I could see it in your writing and to all those who commented happily in your ask just wanting to bask in that shine of ember you hold no one will remember them you though I'll remember you till I die and others will to . And I want to thank @idk48562 for being there and having the courage to post, which is why I am proud to announce I'm gonna start posting my own writing blog b/c you inspired me and brought forth a fire into my fingers to dwell across page to page so that I may post and finally do what I have loved the most. I never used to think I could write I thought that door was closed. That I wasn't good enough, but that doesn't matter anymore. "What if" people getting up to tell me, no, I can't. I'm gonna say mainly b/c of your blog, yes. Yes, well, sorry for the spiel, but this is really how I feel, and it needed to be said that you @idk48562, matter so much, and your special, and we love you
So in their honor, feel free to comment here or on your blogs how much you love their writing and what pieces you enjoyed most b/c we need to stay strong and support each other in this community by lifting everyone up, so speak out from your phones, laptops devices and don't be shy!
And if anyone is at it, feel free to put in some asks to my inbox for drabbles or headcanons b/c @idk48562 inspired me, and no, I'm not shy about the stuff I write, so feel free I'm currently super into HXH right now so anything for that is automatically approved second I would do is Death note I'll add more so soon, but in the meantime, you have a nice day evening morning night and remember the good times we had with@ idk48562
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
AHH you're literally carrying the hxh tumblr community rn and you only started your blog only about a month ago?? you're so talented i love your writing so much, it's always so accurate, and umm ur literally so sweet?? nicest person on this website you deserve the world 😳
Anon, I juat woke up! Now I wanna go and bury myself back into my pillows and cry the whole day 😭
But really now, I just started, I can't be carrying the HxH Tumblr community, there are others who have been doing this for way longer than me (I mean, i just discovered HxH this summer and I'm still reading the manga 😅)
Honestly, I don't know what to say either. I'm really surprised by how much this blog has grown in literally a bit over a month and everyone's been so nice and supportive. I appreciate everyone who's been liking, reblogging and even commenting the things posted here. I'm already starting to remember some of their names because of how often I receive notifications 😄
I just want to say that your message made me really happy, anon. What a way to wake up! ♥️
Also, I'm really glad about what you think when it comes to the things I write. If you think they're accurate, then I'm happy. That's exactly how I want it to be: almost canon, but not really. 😊
And thank you! You're just as sweet, and I hope you only get the best of life! 🤗
I hope you're taking care of yourself and those you love and care about and have a great day/night! 🙇💕
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straydawg · 3 years
when the rain stopped.
summary: killua's tears are the rain that falls. (or, a short fic where killua can't live on with gon dead.)
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Rain was falling.
You didn't know what moved you to come so far out, only to lay with your back saturated against the cold concrete as the rain washed over your body.  It bruised your face with every shard of ice-like rain. There was something so violent, so excruciatingly heart-rending about the downpour. The sky was thundering in wails of misery. Raindrops surged from the sky, crashing into one another, plunging onto roofs and cars. They held no consideration for where they would land. They only poured down.
It had been like this for hours now.
Your hair was matted and soaked. You reached your hand up to the sky, feeling the pounding rain crush it. Tears, indistinguishable from the rain, streamed down the sides of your face and mingled with the rising puddle beneath you.  'Were those your tears? When had you begun crying?'
You could no longer see the sky above you, as the rain kept falling down with such fervent and passionate intensity you were forced to squeeze your eyes shut. There was no reason to cry or even be there at all, but you could feel the sky mourning.
Someone was grieving.
This had to be a real person. This was desperation, heartbreak, and loss all in one.
A deep cry of thunder lamented around you, so deafening the buildings shook. Perhaps you would drown here- if you didn't die beneath the sheer pressure of the storm first.
Just what happened to cause a thunderstorm charged with this much grief?
The cries turned into whimpers, short bursts of lightning illuminating the black sky.
It was radiant.
With every fluoresce of lightning, you saw another's life flash before your eyes.
"Gon!" He shook the lifeless boy in front of him.
"No no no no NO! Please Gon," Killua screamed, holding Gon to his chest and rocking the both of them.
Tears splashed onto Gon's eyelids, but they weren't his.
"Idiot, wake up! You can't die here. You can't die yet."
"You're meeting your dad for breakfast tomorrow. Mito is planning for you to come back home in the summertime. You're just a kid...we're just kids..."
Killua clung onto him tighter with every word, but Gon fell limp in his arms. He clenched his fist into the dirt, shoving sharp debris underneath his fingernails.
Killua refused to believe it. The person he had spent years adventuring with, the one who had helped him see his worth, the one who had saved him. He couldn't be gone, just like that. No, Gon was not the type to give up, and he would never back down in a fight even if he were outmatched. He would always come out with a smile and a, "hey don't worry about me! We did it, didn't we?"
But not this time.
Killua's sweat was sticking to Gon as he tore himself away to gaze at his friend. The bright moonlight shined on Gon's face, wet with Killua's tears. It was too bright for a night like tonight. He smudged the dirt off the boy's cheeks.
"Gon. Please wake up. D-Don't be so selfish. I.. you're the most precious thing to me. You're my dearest friend. The world.. it can't turn if you aren't there." He sniffed.
A tear escaped from the corner of Gon's eye.
"Killua.. thank you..." Gon coughed, cracking open his eyes. "From the day I met you and everyday I've been alive since...I knew I'd never find someone else like you. You made me li-"
Killua couldn't hold back the hailstorm of sobs that wracked his body as he heard Gon's words. He was still alive. He wouldn't let him die.
"Gon, don't talk like this is the end! I'm going to save you," he began scooping up Gon's body, ready to take him somewhere- anywhere that wasn't there.
"Let me finish. I want to hold onto this last moment...with you. Please."
Killua reluctantly set him back down on the dirt, laying him gently against a wall. He never let go of his hand, in fear that Gon would fade away from him in front of his very eyes.
"You made my life worth it. Ging said.. He said to enjoy the little detours in life because those are the moments you treasure the most. You never were just a detour, Killua. You became my purpose," Gon's eyes glistened. His light was fading fast.
Those few words were apparently too much for him, as it sent him into a violent fit of coughing. There was blood oozing out from his mouth. Killua quickly wiped off the redness with his fingers and grabbed onto his friend again.
He held Gon's forehead to his.
"Don't leave me."
No response.
Killua felt an exhale of breath touch his face. He didn't dare move.
After a few moments had passed, Killua found the strength to lay Gon onto the ground, and place his own longsleeve shirt over the boy for warmth.
Gon only wore a tank top. He'd be chilly without it.
Taking some steps back, Killua stared at the boy laying on the floor. Gon looked like he had shrunk, so weak and devoid of life.
There was nothing left in Killua, but a throbbing pain and emptiness.
Falling to his knees, he let out a series of gut-wrenching screams. His sobs filled the night just as much as the stars in the sky did. He beat the floor until his hands were bloodied and mangled, unleashing strikes of lightning to the earth with every devastating blow. Hopefully, the lightning would ruin him too.
What even was the point anymore? There was no longer any light left to illuminate the dark.
Once Killua had bled himself dry of all tears and every emotion there was, he weakly looked upon Gon's form.
Hadn't he said that the world would not turn if Gon wasn't there? But why was it still going? Why was he the only one suffering this cruel loss? Why were there people who were going about their lives right at this very moment, not knowing Gon had just died?
His world could not go on without Gon, smiling him on. Pushing him on. So— he had made his decision.
Memories of all their priceless times together played in Killua's mind like a movie, as if he were experiencing each one of them again for the first time.
The time they first met—
Gon hadn't even questioned Killua's line of work. He had become his first ever friend without a second thought. No one had ever put that much faith in him before.
The time Gon brought him to Whale Island—
Killua had been shocked at Mito's generous hospitality. He had learned what a real home was like, and Gon had asked him to continue travelling with him. It made him feel special, although he had never admitted it out loud before.
The time they began Greed Island together—
He never did tell Gon the real reason he followed him there. It wasn't just to find his dad. Maybe he was embarrassed, or scared too, but the truth was obvious. He loved Gon. That's why he stayed.
The time he saw Gon lying in that stupid hospital bed—
Killua wasn't sure if he felt hurt, angry or betrayed, but the one thing he knew is that he was being torn apart. He was breaking to pieces seeing Gon dying slowly in front of him. He swore he would save him, and he did.
But he couldn't save him today.
Sitting up a little straighter, Killua took a deep breath. Turning his nen against himself, he sent the electricity force of 900,000 volts straight to his heart. Enough to kill a tortured assassin like himself.
Killua fell to the ground next to Gon, and shakily reached for his hand. Once he had made contact, he sighed and closed his eyes.
He hoped and prayed that this would count as Lover's Suicide. Maybe, if the universe cared at all, and if some force out there pitied these tormented children enough— they could have a chance at life together. Souls forever intertwined in the afterlife.
Then the rain stopped.
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author's notes: hello! i'm new to tumblr and hoping to improve my writing here and make new friends! :) this blog will be multifandom, (bsd, hxh, aot, etc.)
requests are open!
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silentexplorer18 · 4 years
Author Interview Tag!
I just wrote this whole thing out and tumblr deleted it. Not mad at all.
Thank you to the wonderful @celestialceci for tagging me in this! 💙 It was really fun to sit down and relax from a long day of school by answering these questions until tumblr struck again lol.
Name: Silent. I don't know why I picked this username, but here we are!
Fandoms: Oh gosh. Currently deep into Harry Potter, and I have several TVD/The Originals fics demanding to be written. I've been reading quite a bit of Newsies and The 100. And apparently Tom Holland?? Is? A Thing?? Now?? I still haven't rented his movies yet, but they've somehow sucked me in.
Where you post: Everything ends up on AO3. Most things end up on Tumblr (or are linked to elsewhere on my masterlist). Some things end up on Wattpad. But everything everywhere is under silentexplorer18.
Most popular oneshot: We Can Never Be Friends (Drarry, Explicit) has the most hits. The Howler (Drarry, T+) has the most kudos though I don't know why. Both by AO3 cause tumblr stats are confusing lol.
Most popular multichap: Inarguably Desperate Developments (Drarry, T+).
Favorite story you've written so far: I really love my current WIP Failed Education (Draco x Reader). I also really love Battle Scars (Drarry), though the writing isn't without flaw. And I really enjoy Abandoned (Colby), though I no longer support SnC.
Fic you were nervous to post: Desperate Developments. Multichaps are difficult, and I was so worried it wasn't very good.
How you choose your titles: I either use the 'sum up the plot/setting' approach or the 'pull a line from the text and use it as a title' approach (though sometimes the text finds a way to incorporate the title). For songfics, I tend to use lyrics (speaking of, I also really like 27's plot).
Do you outline: Ish? My outlines are essentially a paragraph of summary/ideas, and then the fic is written underneath while I cross off what the paragraph covers. It works okayish. It's currently not helping with my monster of a WIP 😂
Complete: AO3 puts me at 65 woah once my latest WIP is completed next week. I was on a roll at some point lol.
In progress: Currently I have one George Weasley multichap, two Drarry fics, one Draco x Reader fic, one Kol Mikaelson x reader fic, and one HxH fic that may or may not have a 1k word outline in the works.  A few of these are currently sitting on the backburner, but I love all of them and can’t wait to finish them.
Coming soon/not started: 😬 Counting the WIPs for my current fandoms plus the pile of dead fics I have for Colby that I hope to rework into fandoms I'm comfy writing, I've got about 60 which is as outrageous as it sounds.
Prompts? I really enjoy prompts. They're fun. I want to do another blurb night once I get through my finals because those are always so exciting.  But I do have a few prompts that I haven’t been able to get anywhere with yet (sorry folks).
Upcoming work you're most exicted about: If I can get the rest of my George multichap figured out and written, I have a feeling it'll be great. I love the plot I have figured out so far. But I also love the ending I have for Failed Education coming out next week.
Tagging: @ilguna (love ya Q), @slytherinbarnes (I thought these could be fun to apply to chapters or future WIPs 😊), @stuckonspidey (if you’re feeling up to it), @candybarrnerd (sending love, Le!), @im-a-writer-right (for when you come back), and @alxmeg (hello, friend!).  No worries if you’re not up to it, but just in case you’re in the mood for something fun.  😁 And if you’re not tagged but decide to do it anyway, tag me!! I can never have enough fics on my list to read!
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bearpillowmonster · 4 years
Top 15 Anime!
I’ll be talking about them in order of appearance, that way, if you see a picture you like, you know what anime it is. The order shown does not represent how much I like one over the other. This also does not represent my ratings on MyAnimeList because since my viewing, my opinions have changed on some and I don’t want to reevaluate my score. Three more rules, NO anime movies, and some I may not have finished, only because they have 100+ episodes and nothing I’ve dropped so no One Piece.
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This is going to be controversial...heck, anime is controversial. 
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun: My tagline is “It’s an anime about art...an art about anime.” It follows the life of a manga illustrator and the friends he’s made along the way and a bit of slice of life in there too.
Plastic Memories: Red alert! We have a tear jerker. I was recommended this anime and was told it was sad, no big deal...I then got through it and cried during the ending. I talked to the person who recommended it to me and I said “About that ending...” and they said “I didn’t see it.” “What?!” “Yeah, I thought, this is too sad, I can’t watch the last episode.” Needless to say I made them watch it. I woke up in the middle of the night crying then it affected the other person the same way, this is some powerful stuff. Think of “Ex Machina”, wait no I haven’t saw that. Well maybe “Her”...yeah no haven’t saw that either...Anyway it’s just an android anime.
Sword Art Online: Address the elephant in the room, this one is a divided one. Ok, so just to clarify, I’m specifically talking about the first arc of the first season. We all know the plot at this point, people get trapped inside a full dive video game with real stakes. This resembles my resurgence with anime, I was never serious about it until I saw this. You either like it or you don’t, and even if I do like it, I’ll be the first to say it has a fair share worth of crap but I’m in so deep that it is what it is, when it shines, I really enjoy it, tell me seeing action like this isn’t cool.
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Toradora: This is THE romance anime in my opinion, it’s so well crafted. It just makes sense, even if you can’t relate it to yourself, you know somebody you can. I found it here on tumblr through a gif and that gif was the ending, I didn’t know that until later but even knowing what the ending was going to be, I didn’t care, it’s the journey, I even looked into the manga.
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Attack on Titan: Sie sind das Essen und Wir sind die Jaeger! That means “They are the prey, we are the hunters.” My friend introduced me to this by showing me the titan fight at the end of season 1, in return I showed him the Legend of Korra, so I guess we’re even. That was before Season 2 which took forever to come out so I knew the struggle just as much as everyone else. This whole series kind of took everyone by storm, I mean if you don’t care too much about the hype then it’s good, it’s something to get into, something to wait for, even if it’s dark and gory, it’s nice to know there is a big percentage experiencing the same thing.
Gamers!: I’m scared. The manga has been going on but season 2 just won’t come out “Maybe next year” I keep thinking but we’ll see, I’ve purposely been avoiding the manga because of it. I don’t like to see the word ‘Gamer’ so much because it makes me think of how cliche people try to be in order to fit into the crowd, too many fakers but this, this gets it right, it deserves its title. I started with the dub but I didn’t like the voice of a specific character, it just didn’t fit them and the sub was always at least one episode ahead of the dub so I watched the sub and then whenever the dub came out, I watched that too. I was that pleased with this anime.
Chihayafuru: The characters, the music, the visuals...all over a card game. If you can make that interesting and make me sit on the edge of my seat, not only watching it, but also awaiting the next season then you’ve done something right. This is technically a sports anime? But not, I don’t really consider it as such and is the only one you’ll see on this list because it’s not a genre I’m into so you know they succeeded in that field too.
Rurouni Kenshin: Sometimes it isn’t easy to explain something right out, it’s the feeling it gives off that explains it all. This is my calm anime, it’s just so peaceful yet has action, definitely not your average ‘sword fighter’.
Hunter X Hunter (2011): I didn’t watch the 1999 one (yet) and you know what? I probably tried the first episode 3 times all together because the first two, I just wasn’t feeling it, it was like “They’re just going to be different fighters.” NO! I kept coming back because I wanted to give it another chance and I succeeded and I loved it, I realized just how in depth it was and a lot more than “Tournaments” PUH-LEASE! I knew I’d love it as soon as Gon made it through the boat during the first few episodes.
Yu Yu Hakusho Spirit Detective: Made by the same creator as HxH, who is also married to the lady who made Sailor Moon! This family man...But yeah, I didn’t like Yusuke’s hair and I thought it was going to be a bunch of tournaments which meant a lot of filler. Yeah there is ONE tournament (that I know of) this is one of the ones I didn’t finish yet, but it’s not a whole lot of filler. In fact a lot of the stuff surrounding it has to do with the Spirit Detective part, hence why I put that part in the title. What made me change my mind and get into it you might ask? Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the opening song: 
Dimension W: If you saw my other lists, you know I like to have a few wild cards in there, this is one of them, once again, where is season 2?! It has to do with electric coils, basically what builds their economy, a new type of power source. We know about the X, Y, and Z axis but what about W? It’s not as complicated as it sounds. My favorite character is named Loser...yep, what more do I need to say, just try it out!
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Erased: Same person who recommended Plastic Memories, recommended this so gear up. This is actually a time travel anime, it seems odd at first but you’ll understand pretty quick. It’s a mystery, something I’m a sucker for, you can tell a lot went into it with some pretty talented people. It’s twelve episodes long and I watched the second half in one day, I binged this baby probably more than any other.
Rascal Does Not Dream: The poster I used is actually for the movie which finishes the title with “of a Dreaming Girl”, but I didn’t want you to take it at face value because at face value it’s called “of Bunny Girl Senpai.” and features a girl who dresses as a playboy bunny which sounds like a hentai, but it’s not! Let me explain, this is actually a conspiracy series, a series of strange events if you will. The girl only dresses like that for a little bit because she’s invisible to everyone but this dude (no, literally) and she’s trying to get attention. The dude goes around fixing problems such as that and something his sister deals with. She got bullied so bad that it hurt her (again, literally) and it caused her memory loss. Then there’s the girl who splits into two different personalities (do I need to say literally again? You got it now? Ok.)
Quintessential Quintuplets: Face Value! Looks like another harem...and it is. But listen, Miku Nakano.
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Apparently a lot of other people agree with me. It’s kind of embarrassing to explain but basically it doesn’t beat around the bush. This dude ends up with one of the quints, it even has a scene where he marries them but you don’t know which one it is because...they’re quints. I said how I liked mystery and slice of life...well, this is basically a guessing game, it keeps you interested even if you think you know who it’s going to be. The other sisters are just as good of characters with their definitive personalities.
Mob Psycho 100 II: I wanted to end this off with a bang and I while I watched both seasons, I wanted S2 to represent this one because it does better in every way. Let me put it this way, I thought the first season was alright, I gave it a 7, kind of average. This season I gave a 9, it surprised me and it did really well from its action to its art within the action to its characters, this might be the best second season I’ve watched of an anime. The story expands on these characters and explores morals and stuff that only hit the surface in S1. It shows how you don’t ‘need’ seasons worth of material to make a good final episode, there were time where I thought ‘How is it going to top this’ in the middle of the season and then blew me away by the end of it.
Well time to stay indoors, here are my recommendations for your quarantines.
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starship-squidlet · 5 years
i like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it.
Description: Leopika fluff, inspired by the song ‘I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it’ by The 1975.
A/N: So, I guess I'm getting back to my roots here by posting HxH fic again, considering it's how I got my start writing... Anyways, I've been rewatching Hunter X Hunter at the behest of one of the guys I work with, and basically it just feels like I'm in middle school discovering my favorite anime all over again and it's great. So have some Leopika fluff/angst (mostly fluff I promise) to celebrate! Also, I actually reread and edited this chapter, which I NEVER EVER do, if that tells you how I feel about this.
Disclaimer: I don't own Leorio or Kurapika, but I do own this story!!! Cross-posting to FF.net and Ao3 under ChocolatteKitty-Kat and to tumblr as maliciousbubbl3s.
(Word count: 1,499)
Leorio yawned and shifted slightly. He cracked one eye open to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand next two him. 3:34 AM glowed bright red in the dark of the room. Past the red gleam of the clock face, he could make out the shape of a large window, covered only by thin curtains, the streetlamps outside shining bright through the light fabric. There wasn’t much else in the room; Leorio knew the contents by heart. One bed, two nightstands, one wardrobe, one chair. Simple.
Outside, despite the hour, he could hear the sounds of city traffic. Nothing like it was during the day, to be clear--only the occasional vehicle passed the window--but there was still a steady flow to it. Behind him, Leorio could hear faint music playing. If he held his breath between the cars passing outside, he could even hear the soft breathing of the bed’s other occupant. He risked a glance over his shoulder, moving as little as possible.
Kurapika was curled up on his side, back pressed against Leorio’s. His legs were drawn up nearly to his chest, feet tucked under Leorio’s legs--honestly, if his feet are always so cold, why doesn’t he just wear socks to bed? Leorio grumbled internally--and his arms pulled in tight to his torso. Leorio moved further, trying to glimpse his partner’s face, before he finally gave up and turned over. He reached out and gently brushed shaggy blond hair away from Kurapika’s face, which was half buried in his pillow. The smaller man’s eyes were squeezed shut, and Leorio could tell that he was clenching his jaw. Leorio watched the rise and fall of his chest and noticed how rapid and shallow his breathing was.
With a sigh, Leorio settled back down, wrapping an arm around Kurapika’s torso to pull him up against his stomach. Kurapika let out a soft sound of protest, somewhere between a grunt and a grumble, but pressed himself back against Leorio. Leorio brushed a hand over Kurapika’s face, pushing his hair back out of the way, then reached down for one of Kurapika’s hands. He found both of the latter’s hands balled into tight fists and set at gently prying them open. It wasn’t actually hard to do, now that Kurapika had begun to relax, and once he was done, Leorio interlaced his fingers with Kurapika’s. A glance over his shoulder at the alarm clock showed that the time was now 4:02 AM; Leorio glared at the clock, but sighed and closed his eyes, hoping for sleep.
Less than two hours after he had fallen asleep, Leorio was awoken by the loud, incessant wail of the alarm clock, letting him know that it was already 6:00 in the morning. Groaning in protest, he rolled over and slapped in the vague direction of the alarm clock’s off button, finding it after only a few smacks. When the sound stopped, Leorio rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, relishing in the “quiet”--because the early morning traffic sounds and Kurapika’s soft music were practically silent compared to the scream of the alarm.
Finally, he groaned and sat up, moving carefully in an attempt not to jostle his partner, who, by some miracle, was apparently still asleep. Leorio left the lights off as he shuffled around, changing into his slacks and shirt before slipping into the tiny bathroom to brush his teeth. As he did so, he peered back into the bedroom and sighed in relief. Kurapika was still curled up in bed, although he had moved enough to pull all of the blankets around himself once Leorio got up. He looked more relaxed than he had in the night, for which Leorio was thankful. He didn’t ask about Kurapika’s nightmares, and Kurapika generally didn’t volunteer information on them, but Leorio, now that he knew what to watch for, did everything he could to calm the panic that tended to rise in his partner, even while sleeping.
Once he was finished in the bathroom, Leorio flicked the light off and slipped out into the main room of the apartment. It wasn’t much bigger than the bedroom, and was just as sparsely furnished--only a couch, coffee table, armchair, and small TV stand occupied the living area, and a tiny table with three mismatched chairs was shoved up against the blank wall in the kitchen area. Leorio turned on the light in the kitchen and set about making himself breakfast, keeping an eye on the time. When he finished, he turned around for the table, plate of eggs in one hand and coffee cup in the other, and had to stifle a shriek, barely catching himself before he dropped his breakfast on the floor.
“I thought you were sleeping,” Leorio grumbled, setting his food on the table.
Kurapika yawned and sat down across from him. He wore a t-shirt that was almost definitely one of Leorio’s--given how big it was on him--and a pair of loose joggers, and was shivering in the morning chill. “You make too much noise,” he shrugged, running his fingers through his messy hair.
“You slept through my alarm, but not through me making breakfast?” Leorio glared at the blond as he shoveled food into his mouth.
Kurapika paused. “Your alarm went off?”
Leorio rolled his eyes. “How is it that sometimes you sleep like a rock, and other times you wake up at the tiniest sound?”
Kurapika shrugged. “Is there more coffee?”
“Yes,” Leorio sighed, nodding back towards the coffee maker on the counter. “But you should really go back to bed. You were late last night. Do you have to go back to work today?”
Kurapika shook his head as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “I have the day off.”
“Finally,” Leorio teased. He finished off his eggs and chugged the last of his coffee, scalding the roof of his mouth in the process. He slipped past Kurapika--who was now, for some reason, perched on the counter next to the coffee maker--to put his dishes in the sink, and hurried back into the bedroom for his shoes, tie, and blazer. “So, you’ll be here when I get home?”
Kurapika took a sip of his coffee, looking thoughtful. “I guess,” he said finally. “I don’t really have anything better to do.”
“Thanks,” Leorio glared at him, pulling his jacket on.
“Come here,” Kurapika sighed, setting his coffee aside and reaching out for Leorio. When the taller man approached, Kurapika grabbed his tie to pull him close and adjusted it, then checked to make sure Leorio’s collar was folded down properly. “There.”
“Thanks,” Leorio grinned. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Kurapika’s forehead. “I’ll see you later?”
“Yes,” Kurapika chuckled, giving Leorio’s tie a final tug before releasing it.
“Good,” Leorio beamed. He hurried to grab his briefcase and opened the door. He took one step into the hall, then leaned back into the apartment. “Hey!”
Kurapika whipped around to face him. “What?”
“Get some rest!”
Kurapika grinned. “Doctor’s orders?”
“You bet,” Leorio winked. “See you later.”
When Leorio got home that night, he found the TV on, but the lights in the living room off. He shut the door quietly and slipped off his shoes, laying his briefcase and blazer on the kitchen counter before flicking the kitchen light on. He tip-toed over to the couch and peered over the back of it. Sure enough, Kurapika was curled up there, sound asleep, bundled up in a heavy blanket. Leorio smiled softly and brushed blond hair out of his partner’s face, using the motion to check Kurapika’s temperature as well. Satisfied that he didn’t seem to be running a fever, Leorio moved around the couch and picked the TV remote up off the table, flipping through the channels in search of something interesting to watch--Kurapika had left an infomercial channel on when he fell asleep. Once he found something, he sat down on the end of the couch, lifting Kurapika’s legs out of the way and placing them on his lap after he situated himself.
Almost an hour later, Leorio was starting to drift off himself when Kurapika finally began to stir. “Morning, sleepyhead,” Leorio teased.
Kurapika sat up and yawned widely, rubbing his eyes. “What time is it?”
“Nearly 8:30,” Leorio said.
“Seriously!?” Kurapika started. “I slept almost all day!”
Leorio laughed. “Your body must have needed the rest. I told you--you need to take it easy sometimes. You can’t always go at full throttle.”
Kurapika sighed and pulled his legs up to his chest, resting his head on the back of the couch. “Sometimes it feels like I can’t help it.”
“I know,” Leorio said softly, reaching out to rest his hand on Kurapika’s knee. “That’s why you have me. To remind you to slow down, and help you do it.”
Kurapika cracked a smile. “I guess you’re right.”
“You know I am!” Leorio grinned. “Now… what’s for dinner?”
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handgunz · 7 years
I really like to write but no matter how hard I try I feel like I never get as much attention as other fic writers on AO3. Do you have any tips to boost attention for fanfiction you write in the HxH fandom?
this is gonna be a mini-analysis on the reading and uploading patterns of the AO3 hunter x hunter tag just because i’ve built up a lot of notes that i might as well share lmao
here are posting patterns i’ve noticed:
despite what people think, friday and saturday (as well as sunday mornings) aren’t the best time to upload fanfic. it’s the time when everyone is posting shit at once so the first page gets clogged. my hits for a fic i’ve posted are always cut in half from the average if i upload on friday or saturday because the fic gets pushed back to page two within 24 hours.
imo sunday nights (5pm-6pm PST) are the best time to upload because when things slow down on monday and tuesday, your fic will remain on the front page for two extra days instead of being pushed back to the second page in 24 hours.
ideally 3 pm PST on any day is good to post/upload because east asian countries are waking up at that time, europeans are about to head to sleep, and US people are definitely awake.
noon PST is generally a safe time because people may or may not read fanfic during 12pm-3pm in the US
here are the statistics patterns i’ve noticed:
multi-chapter fics typically get less hits upon the premiere than one-shots. this is because most people will brush it off and wait until it reaches the 3-4 chapters mark to click on it and begin to read.
if a multi-chapter fic is really good it will have an approximate 100:1000 kudos:hits ratio. that means for every 1000 hits it will have 100 kudos, or for every 100 hits it will have 10 kudos. i have noticed this without fail (unless the fic gets extremely popular, for example @decembercamiecherries has a fic called “words that water flowers” that’s built up around 14k hits and 1k kudos. typically 1k kudos be aligned with 10k hits. however, there comes a point where the kudos begin to halt in comparison to the hits because a person can reread a fic again and again (adding to the hits) but a guest/account can only award kudos once. 
however, the prior is not true when it comes to one-shots. this is because although upon first read someone might not leave kudos, if they keep updated with new chapters being uploaded then they will have more chances to go “oh wow i forgot to leave a kudos, i better do it now!” this cannot happen with one-shots. once a one-shot is posted, it will not have another opportunity to end up on the first page unless you change the posting date (which is cheating btw, you shouldn’t do that)
the “Gon Freecs/Killua Zoldyck” tag on AO3 is the most popular pairing for HxH. i have noticed that any killugon one-shot that i post to AO3 (no extra uploads, no chapter updates, just posted once and it’s finished) will automatically get 300+ hits within the first few days (if i post it on a sunday night or a weekday so it stays on the front page for a while). anything besides killugon will not get as many hits so if you don’t write killugon, try not to compare your statistics on your fics to killugon ones. killugon fics are naturally more popular because it’s the most popular pairing.
ficlet collections (if you post several drabbles from tumblr) will typically get significantly less hits than regular one-shots or multi-chapter fics. you will have to update these collections several times to garner more attention.
clean summaries will attract more hits. adding things like “oh this is the first thing i’ve ever written” or posting your update schedule or other author’s tidbit things will clutter the summary and less people will click on the fic. keep things like that in the author’s notes unless it’s incredibly crucial information.
if you add “comments/kudos are appreciated” or something along those lines in the notes, your chances of getting comments/kudos increase. this is because people forget. there have been so many times where i’ve read such an amazing fic and i just close the tab before i leave a comment or a kudos. if you remind the reader like “yo your support is appreciated my dude” then they are more likely to tell you what they think of your work. however, i suggest putting the notes for something like this at the very end of the fic so it’s the last thing they read.
smut automatically gets a disaster amount of kudos when it comes to the 100:1000 kudos:hits ratio. smut always gets a higher amount of hits but a lower amount of kudos. i’m not sure why significantly less people kudos smut in comparison to regular fics but it happens.
don’t be afraid of negative feedback! i have never once seen a negative comment in the hxh fandom so it seems like people keep things civil and instead of commenting about how much they dislike your writing or whatever, they keep it to themselves. the only time you might get negative feedback in this fandom is if you write really controversial shit (like things with the rape/non-con or underage warnings) or if you ask for critique.
tl;dr: getting attention on your fic is almost always based on statistics. if you want to boost fic popularity because you don’t have a large following, you’ll have to be patient. try to advertise on tumblr about it, make graphics or art for it, etc. 
good luck!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 <3 I really missed you, and it’s so great to hear you had fun! (and omg yes so ready to see all those beautiful pics)
Yaaayyyy join me in MCU feels hell. And oooh, you have a ship for the fandom now! Like, Stoki’s still my favorite Steve pairing but Stony’s really cool too…you know I ship almost everything XD (also am I the only person who sorta hated almost everyone by the end of CW? Like, of course they’re still my favs and there are still some cinnamon rolls, but, come on. Why couldn’t you all just get along ;-;)
Speaking of Illumi, do you know that Hisoka/Illumi is an incredibly popular ship in the HxH fandom? Probably because both of them are so horrible that they have like 0 friends other than each other. Nobody else wants to hang out with these losers. (Chrollo tolerates Hisoka and the adults in Illumi’s family seem to spend enough time with him to give him orders, but that’s about it.) It’s a trash ship with two trashy people and tbh I love it XD
So continuing with the eye jokes, imagine. Hisoillu version of Helpless. Hisoillu version of Satisfied.
“Look into his eyes and the sky’s the limit”
“Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame”
(I know you did thise one before but still) “But when I fantasize at night, it’s Illumi’s eyes”
just, I’m imagining animatics for this with the ‘camera’ zooming in on Illumi’s dead fish eyes every time the lyrics mention them. It’s hilarious and also mildly terrifying
(though I guess if we’re actually making a Hamilton AU Hisoka’s way more likely to do something like Say No To This…)
idk if I’d want to be a parent either really LOL. Kids are adorable but I don’t think I’ll ever be responsible enough to raise one…
If Ishida makes a plot twist or something about it being someone else pretending to be Hide I'm actually gonna get mad. Dude. Not only would that bring the Hide feels right back it’d just make absolutely no sense omg
(also you read the new chapter, right? So, let’s talk about Juuzou and that huge death flag)
I’ve heard of Soul Eater and considered reading it but it’s not really the kind of thing I’m into…artwork’s cute, though, and Death the Kid seems like an interesting guy so maybe someday XD
AGH I’M ACTUALLY SORTA JEALOUS BECAUSE WOW I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA HOW TO WATCH THAT LEGALLY HERE IN KOREA. (unless I ask my dad for help but he doesn’t like manga/anime at all, so…) But yes, I’m really happy Lizzy finally got her moment this time! Now anime-only fans can’t complain about her being a ‘shallow’ character so hopefully there’ll be less fighting over Lizzy in the Kuro fandom :D
FINALLY. Fellow Death Note fan <3333 Who’s your fav? Do you have any ships? Are you done with the anime??? :D (also do you know…you picked a really interesting time to join the DN fandom. The American live-action movie just came out and it sucks so freaking bad, like I haven’t even watched it yet and just from the reviews/clips, here’s what I got:
-They turned Misa into this Harley Quinn-type character. Only without any depth.
-Light/Misa is an actual canon ship, like, it’s not abusive or one-sided like it is in the anime/manga, it’s just…a thing. Light loves Misa. Misa loves Light. It’s like every cringey high school romance movie ever, only with more murder
-They freaking bent the Death Note rules just so Light could get away with all sorts of ridiculous stuff
-L cries, L rants, L is overly emotional
-Light tells L where he hid a page from his Death Note. Light doesn’t deny being Kira. Light shows Misa his Death Note when they like barely know each other and she’s still a complete stranger to him. Light acts like an idiot.
-Oh sure, he’s Kira, God of the New World, but he still cares about going to prom with his girlfriend and making stupid faces as they pose for pictures
-So much unnecessary gore. Heart attacks are Kira’s thing, Light isn’t that emotional about his kills, he doesn’t care as long as the 'villains’ are dead, so why???
-Apparently Rem does not exist. Sayu doesn't exist either. Light’s mom is dead (probably so he can angst over her)
-Light Turner. Light TURNER. Out of all the surnames they could have chosen…
-And now, for the most unforgivable sin:
How dare they not include the Potato Chip scene)
And then random things: JJ and Light have the same voice actor. Yurio and Mello (imo…have you met Mello yet?) could be long-lost twins.
I’ve fallen into Steven Universe hell and now I’m imagining so. Many. Gem AUs. Have you ever heard of SU?
1- don’t stress about the messages, and come on, I’d never get mad at you over something like this! You’re way too awesome.
2-  I don’t really know what to say 'cause I’m bad at comforting people, but ugh, it sucks to hear that school’s tiring you out! Queen Luna’s gonna get through this, though. I mean, you’re great at so many things and you’re freaking smart and…this is awkward but maybe you understand Evans Language by now? XD Guess I’m just trying to say that I’m sure you’ll do great, and if you ever need someone to talk to I’m (almost) always free *hugs*
3- Um. So, other than tumblr, I think the only way I can talk with you right now is if we email each other? The email address I used this time is my real one (or rather, my dad’s, since I don’t have one of my own yet…) so maybe we can talk about this more through email and find a better way to contact each other? If that’s ok with you can you send me a message there?)
I’ve started college and have no idea what I’m doing
*slams head against keyboard* guess who managed to get sick. It’s only been a week since school started. Whatever, I’m still going to school, but I woke up breathing like a fish on land, bc asthma. Yay.
I’m definitely gonna upload the pics today!!
Okay, but one thing I’m wondering about, is How? Not in a malicious way or anything, I’m genuinely curious to why you ship Stoki (and where it began). Was it that redemption fic you told me about or did you ship it before? 
Tbh, I didn’t hate the characters in CW, I hated the situation. Because there’s so so much pointless conflict that could easily be solved if everyone sat down and talked like normal people. But nooo we have to go around attacking each other. ((ALSO CAP’S LETTER TO TONY, I AM DEAD))
I’ve already learned (and experienced) that shipping is a very weird and unusual thing, so I’ll be honest and say I’m not even surprised that ship exists. At least it has some basis XD
I’m actually tempted to go through the lyrics of the whole musical and find every single eye line there is, only to replace it w Illumi’s eyes.
Not only zooming in on the eyes, the word itself is louder than the rest XD man if only I could draw…
Tbh I’d say I’m responsible enough (HA, that’s more or less a lie), but I’m honestly way too irritated with the little ones to be able to have one of my own. My cousin recently celebrated her 3rd bday and I was stuck looking after her during the party, bc all the adults were talking among themselves and I swear to god, I haven’t moved that much since I had to run 2km for PE. Where do they get their energy. Not to mention the adults thought it would be a good idea to leave me w her, because I’d already drunk 3 glasses of wine (i was bored and not allowed to do anything other than stare at emptiness or look after a 3yo). Turns out my tolerance isn’t that bad after all.
Lol let’s be honest, Ishida would totally do that. He knows the fandom would riot and that’s the whole point.
All the death flags. Tbh I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s obvious that either Touka or Juuzou are probably gonna die and I wan’t neither (If I have to choose tho, I’d rather Juuzou survives.) Also Naki. HNNNNNNGH
I think you’d actually like the manga? It takes a pretty dark turn compared to the anime and deals with lots of mental issues (the whole theme of the later volumes is Madness). Also, lots of death XD Well, the artwork changes drastically, so which one are you talking about XD
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The girl in the coat (left first pic, middle 2nd) is the same person for reference. Death the Kid was one of my first anime crushes. The guy has OCD and is a total badass. 
MUHAHAHAHA I think someone uploaded the Lizzy fight to youtube so you can probably find it there, but I am in love. The animation is beautiful, so that’s also a huge plus. All in all, it was handled really well.
Death Note
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So last I’ve watched is ep 25, aka the one WHERE L DIES. And i am not okay. I am nowhere near okay. Nope. Not at all.
Oh i’ve heard all about the adaptation. Tbh I find the whitewashing hilarious. Setting the movie in America removes so much of the series’s logic, so why? L being the way he is is probably my favourite mistake. They took the best character and ruined him completely.  POTATO CHIP SCENE NOOOO But my question is: did everything go just according to the keikaku?
Have fun w SU! I’ve watched it for a while, but gave up at some point. I might pick it up again if I have the time ^^ Word of advice, watch out for the fandom, they’re among the most toxic ones I’ve ever encountered. One time, they almost drove an artist to suicide because she didn’t draw Rose ‘thick enough’. So yeah.
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What did I do to deserve you as my friend TT^TT Thank you so so much, those words mean more than you can imagine.
Um. Looks like we’ll be staying here, because I never, ever check my mail, despite getting school assignments there, so yeah. If we used mail, you’d probably get a response every leap year.
How does the education system work in Korea? Like, at what age do you start going to which school?
Also, I’ve told you about Mystic Messenger? I think you’d like the newest update, because damn, it’s creeping me out. Also, it’s in Korean, so + ((My thoughts during the prologue of the new route: Nani the fuck))
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tandembicycles · 7 years
I’m takin a lil snoozeroo from the ol tumblr (I don’t know why I said that like that) but I would still like to rewatch hunter x hunter (it’s difficult because Spanish is kicking my ass every night) 
I would like to watch a few episodes tonight (maybe uh.. 10 seems a little presumptuous but we can try- it’s Friday night). I’ll start from the very beginning of the 2011 anime. I’d like to watch some episodes tomorrow and Sunday as well, and as for the rest of next week I’m not sure)
HOWEVER TONIGHT. We will start. Maybe around uhm... 8 or 9 (sorry other timezoners). Tomorrow, depending on how far we get and on another friend’s stream, we can try to continue from where we left off.  
If you’ve seen hxh and you come, absolutely no spoilers. 
So yeah, and as always I’ll post a link an hour ahead of time. 
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