#i always like seeing you pop up in my inbox even if its just a tag game
toniiswrld · 1 day
okay walk with me here. imagine spending a day out with boyfriend!eunseok and your circle of friends, just a plain gathering at some restaurant or whatever. you sit in front of him and as the gathering drags on, you catch eunseok's wandering eyes, staring at your slightly exposed chest, just smiling innocently when you meet his eyes. an idea pops up in your head and you excuse yourself to run to the bathroom, but not before signaling for him to check his phone 🏃🏼‍♀️ you snap a quick photo of yourself in the stalls with your top pulled up and u send it to eunseok (bonus points if there were bite marks everywhere) it's not something you usually do, and eunseok never pressures you into it so you just know he'd love your surprise 😌🙏 he opens the message unsuspectingly, smiling like usual only for him to completely freeze when he sees the photo you sent him. he'd look around to check if anyone's paying any attention (like let's just say their friends can't get a clue) before going back to look at it again. you'd be on your way back, a huge smile plastered on your face as you sit back down. you notice eunseok's shift in behavior, he is pissed 🤩
eunseok would tell whoever was next to you to switch seats with him. he would just smile at you before leaning in to whisper something along the lines of "if you wanted to get fucked that badly in front of our friends, you could've just asked nicely" he'd keep the smile on his face, hand gripping your thigh while you're practically trembling in anticipation. eunseok would be forgiving for the first few offenses (wearing a pretty top, sending him nudes in public) but if you decide to push him even further, he's making sure everyone knows how bad you've been 😋 but of course you're his favorite brat so he expects nothing less— you'd be struggling not to cry out loud in front of your friends, whole body shaking as eunseok pushes you to your orgasm with only his fingers, he won't be stopping at that too 😇 he'd be whispering to you the whole time, "is this what you wanted, you dumb slut?" or "is this why you wore a pretty skirt today? been planning this the entire time?" or something worse. you wouldn't be able to keep a straight face but eunseok can despite how much you clench down on him 🗿 you'd be begging him, tears spilling from your eyes from the overstimulation, trying your hardest to hide whatever obscenity you two were doing while your friends were busy having fun. once he's satisfied, you're finding yourself slumped over, breath hitching from what eunseok just did.
he'd make up an excuse to drag you out of that hellhole and fuck you as soon as he could. "felt how tight you were around my fingers, i couldn't miss out on it, pretty girl" 😇😇
this is so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i like the way you think. i love when u guys write in my inbox cuz the ideas are so good i dont even have anything else to add you really said it all
but eunseok is so shameless and he’d just act so innocent its honestly evil. but its so hot 😣 like yeah you might have been begging for attention with your behavior and of course he’d always be ready to give you what you want but to do it so openly while acting like he’s not actively making you see stars… that turned you on even more. and you trying to hold in your reactions just eggs him on to try and get a reaction out of you so you can get flustered and basically embarrass yourself in front of your or his friends. i think he’d be even more evil if it was around the boys 🤭🫣
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Just had the idea of doing a Roxy askblog that's based on it being a secret blog she's not allowed to have and every so often if someone asks her something she just says stuff like "To the Fazspy reading this, I'm not the real Roxy." to try and throw the staff off her trail lmao
Will probably never make a blog like that, but it could be kinda funny. Maybe I bring the idea of an 'ask Roxy anything' game back where I draw the answers for it instead so it's not a whole ass blog dedicated to Roxy being a sneaky lil shit on the internet
#there's several reasons I probably won't do it but it's a fun spin on stuff#roxy exploring the closed off parts of the plex in first person lmao#taking pictures like 'look see? its right there!' and she's pointing at literally nothing because the camera doesn't see what her eyes see#could be funny!#but doing things is... I would say it's improving but not really#it's improving in a maybe it is maybe it isn't sort of way so who knows if I'll ever get to do it anyway#ANYWAY yeah I'll probs not do this. literally no one would interact with it#the people are bored of my plex history stuff anyway so like... yeah it's cool I know when something won't work#an askblog only works if it gets asks and uh yeah the amount of askblogs I've seen die off within a week here because of that is crazy#no thank you to that I think!#I'm not putting the effort into something like that just to have it die so fast#hi if you read this far go find an askblog and pester the shit out of them it's fun#I haven't seen any around for a while but I also can't view half of tumblr on my phone#so it's really fucking hard to see them even if I follow them :(#but yeah if there's any sb askblogs out there or anyone that wants to have a go at it tag me in a post.#I WILL show up to be silly in your inbox though I may not always remember the plot if there is one#again. I can't see half of tumblr on mobile and that includes blogs but I'll do my best man#askblogs are fun! they're goofy and chaotic!#highly recommend!! I haven't ran one in years but they were very fun!!#ANYWAY Roxy just making posts like 'Jerry. Sandy. I know what you two keep doing in the Gator Golf caravan. :)'#just name dropping random plex guests to be like 'I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE' for shits and giggles#'who are they?' 'oh just two morons that dont know I know Everything Ever. Don't worry about it.'#ya know?? fun! goofy shit! could be funny!#random pictures from inside the plex like 'lmao they think I cant see them' and its just a fucking wall like yeah I wonder why#maybe it's the fucking wall in the way who knows? it's a mystery sdfdsf#pop rox talks
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
🌟 If you get this answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send this to the last 7 people in your notifications, anonymously or not 🌟
wowee twice in one day? I feel mighty popular 😤 thank thank Dayne
I worked in a bookstore for many years and I loved it. Until the company got bought out. Working there allowed me to learn a lot about the current major publishers and what the book selling process was actually like and what sold. Very useful experience.
And that was useful for me because I'm writing a book. I have some short stories I'm trying to get published in a couple literary magazines right now but I really want to finish my book.
On an unrelated note, two days after my high school graduation I broke my foot clean in half bc I am an idiot. I couldn’t walk for almost six months. But the same day I broke it I still managed to get to theaters to see Deadpool 2. Priorities.
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Alright, so there's been a lot of chatter about some of the most common racist takes in the fandom lately, and I know most people aren't engaging in good faith but I'm gonna spell some things out anyway. Here's a handy-dandy White Fan's Intro to Racist Fanon 101
Why is it racist to depict Ed as uncontrollably violent?
Because he's not actually depicted that way in the show. OFMD goes out of its way to depict Ed's relationship with violence as complex and intensely traumatic for him. Because he has so many hangups around violence, Ed is one of the least violent characters in a show full of violent characters. He is always shown giving people many chances before they're able to push him into reacting with violence.
Even if you think you're just doing a character study on a guy who is really very complex and nuanced, please take the time to consider if you're assigning more weight to Ed's violent actions than those of other characters or assuming he's worse than he actually is (for example, Ed never physically hurt the crew during his kraken spiral, just Izzy. His crime was being a shitty boss, not going on mindlessly violent rampages).
What do other common fanon depictions of Ed that are racist look like?
The biggest ones are depicting Ed as untidy/messy, as illiterate, and as needing a white man (most often Izzy) to clean up after him. I hope I shouldn't have to spell out why these are racist, but please keep an eye out for them in the fanon you consume so you can be critical of how you respond when they pop up.
Are you saying that all Izzy fans are racist?
Liking a character is morally neutral. Insisting that the viewpoint of an antagonistic character is the lens through which the show should be understood, though, especially when that antagonistic character's whole deal in the first season of the show was trying to control the behavior of the brown lead so he could gain power for himself, however...
Just please consider - why do you find Izzy's tears more deserving of sympathy and compassion than Ed's?
But my hot take/fic/meta doesn't say anything about Ed's skin color!
It doesn't have to. Most of the racist takes/fic/meta out there don't mention Ed's skin color explicitly. Racism doesn't just look like saying "this character is a brown man so he's bad." Everyone who grows up in a racist society (that's everyone on the planet, btw, you included) has biases to unlearn, and those biases impact how you interact with the world around you, including with the media you consume.
The thing is, OFMD isn't a subtle show. It's very consistent with telling us who Ed is, how he responds to situations, and why he behaves the way he does. If you find it easier to throw all that aside in favor of believing what a white antagonistic character tells you about him, then you should really take a bit to examine that.
And here's the most important thing to keep in mind:
This is not about you.
Trust me, it has to be pretty damn bad for fans of color to call out racism in fandom. Every time we do, we know we're gonna harrassment and just some truly awful shit in our inboxes. But you, random white fan who Did A Racism? No one is out to get you. No one thinks you're an awful person for including a racist trope in your stuff, we just wish you'd examine it so we can make this fandom a better place for everyone.
I have had amazing discussions with white fans who saw my posts on fandom racism and wanted a sensitivity read or a check so they could fix an instance where they uncritically included a racist trope. But most people who make similar mistakes will just double down and insist they didn't do anything wrong, and that makes fandom a worse place for all of us.
Fans of color deserve to feel safe and included in this fandom, and we're just tired of feeling like we have to beg to get some circles to see poc as people. You can do your part by being critical of these tropes and your reactions to them when they pop up.
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elsweetheart · 1 year
cats cradle
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synopsis: ellie and her failed lab experiment bestie navigate her first ever heat.
♪ lana del rey, the weeknd — stargirl interlude ♪
cw: whew, this is gonna be a lot. fem reader, reader is a failed lab experiment which gives her cat like appearance in a few ways (ears, tail, claws etc) not furry porn, reader is mentioned to be 20 purely just for detail purposes but you can just change to whatever in your head idk, readers tail touches ellie in the night without knowing really lol, smut / strap on sex / foreplay / dry humping, overstimulation, small blood kink feature but nothing crazy at all, reader is just crazy and horny and primal, cockwarming. lmk if i missed any !
an: alrighty, here it is. i cannot stress this enough — if this isn’t your kind of thing, please just don’t read it. i won’t be offended if you don’t, i just don’t wanna hear any bs in my inbox please! this was experimental and i don’t even know if i like this fic or not so please be gentle. to the people who have been so sweet and encouraging throughout my up and downs of writing this, thank you and i love you! as usual, minors and ageless blogs do not interact you aren’t welcome here. enjoy! 🐈‍⬛ 🤍
Spring would be here soon. That was all you could think of, a dull anxiety thrumming in the pit of your stomach at the thought. You stared at the solitary bright yellow flower peeking through its blanket of snow, the downfall of ice from the blizzard outside the window beating it mercilessly against the wind— and yet it stood, continuing to pop back up, almost like it was taunting you. You wished you could love spring. The thing about seasons changing was that they happened without permission and whether you liked it or not. Truthfully, you loved the idea of flowers and dresses and warmth on your skin, but it made it all the more difficult to hide the…elements of you that people wouldn’t understand. You weren’t talking about scars, or hair or bumps, no. You were talking about —
“What’cha lookin’ at.” The mellow voice of your best friend Ellie Williams broke you out of your thoughts, traipsing up behind you to sit with you on the window seat, tucked into an alcove below rotting bay windows in the abandoned house the two of you were holed up in on patrol, whilst the blizzard outside came down hard. She gets comfortable, drawing her knees up as she leant against the chipped paint, accommodating to make more room for you. Your head snapped towards her, towards her grey hoodie that — wasn’t you wearing that last night? shutup, and her khaki green jacket zipped up over it, jeans and Converse and messy bun tucked into the nape of her neck. Pretty. Always pretty. Always just a friend you couldn’t touch. Not how you wanted to, anyway.
“Nothing? Just watching the snow fall.” You sigh out wistfully, knowing you’d both rather be in bed on this early, freezing cold morning.
“Yeah? Y’looked worried about something.” She rasps, toeing you with the dirtied white tip of her maroon chucks and tilting her head. You dart your eyes back to the yellow flower springing up to see it finally get pummelled down by a huge globe of powdery snow. Hah.
“Just scared the snow will cover up the door and lock us in here.” You nibble your lip, tugging your pink wooly hat tighter over your head, ensuring it was still in place. She shook her head, casually, and her blasé attitude to most things often eased any anxieties that dwelled within you.
“There’s a smashed window in one of the rooms I checked, can climb out if we need to. S’why it’s so fuckin’ freezing in here.” She rubbed her arms in tribute to this statement, puffing out her cheeks for a moment. “You not cold?”
“Oh, I’m cold.” You flit your eyes over her with faux judgement. “Just not being a baby about it.” She huffs out a laugh, folding her arms.
“Fuck you, dude.”
Dude. You roll your eyes. Always dude, but ‘baby’ in your late night daydreams. You scrub the thought away.
An hour passes, and the snow is still coming down hard. 8:54AM.
“Okay, I’m sorry — what do you mean you’ve never played truth or dare before. Have you like, never met someone your age?” She’s smirking, always relishing in your lack of general knowledge because honestly, it made her feel like she had more to offer and teach you. You’re drawing a palm tree on the window’s condensation, the tropical sight doing nothing to mask the dreary weather outside of it.
“Okay first of all, we aren’t the same age — you’re twenty-two. That’s a few more years of experience to learn stuff that I haven’t.”
“And how old are you again? Eighteen?” She pretends to think.
“Twenty. And you knew that, idiot.”
She snickers, muttering a teasing “Baby face.” under her breath, drawing a comical penis shape with her finger beside your palm tree making you tsk and swat her away.
“Secondly, no— my old camp were all like, old people. I was the youngest there. Didn’t have anyone to teach me any of your weird games.”
It took you about twelve years of your life to realise that normal preteen girls didn’t have pointed ears atop their head, or a tail, or retractable claws and fangs. You knew you were different, yes. No one else in your small camp had features quite like yours, and you really knew you were different because you spent your life in hiding. Under protection. Ears shoved under hats and tail bunched beneath tight jeans. Hence, you know — the fear of warmer weather approaching.
You didn’t quite know where you came from and you were okay with that. Whispers between the couple that raised you, talks of your real dad being a scientist before this all went down which explains things… enough. You didn’t really want to know how you ended up this way, because it couldn’t have been good — or ethical for you to grow up part girl part animal.
19 years old, and you had moved into Jackson. Found at the gate. No more camp. No more found family. Just a girl who survived, stood in the snow. You’d met Ellie, a friend of Jesse who’d found you — and the two of you had hit it off instantly, as friends of course. Ellie liked how different you are to her, pretty naive with lots to learn in comparison to her hard edges and weathered attitude. When you weren’t biting back playfully at her sarcasm you were the ray of sunshine she’d needed in the snow globe that she lived in. She’d even stepped up to take you with her on patrol and ease you into learning how to fend for yourself a little, a skill you never acquired with your old group. That brings you here, sat on a window seat, trapped by a blizzard, doing very little learning. Okay, back to you Ellie.
“Truth or dare is not weird, I swear. Look, we can play it. Pass the time whilst we wait for the blizzard to chill out. You in?”
“So,” She crosses her legs now. “You can pick, truth or dare. If you don’t answer your truth, I get to pick a dare. And uh, vice versa. Yeah. It’s simple.”
You nod, and she continues — rambling in typical Ellie style.
“Like, okay. Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” You grin happily.
“Alright, I dare you to run into the blizzard naked.”
“Uh — truth! Truth!” You change your answer, making her laugh.
“Alright… tell me about your first kiss.” She’s giddy, on the precipice of a laugh, dying to make fun of whatever story you come out with and you falter, dragging your eyes back to the window. The palm tree you drew in the condensation is starting to drip and create long clear lines down the window.
“I already told you, never met people around my age so… haven’t had one.” You shrug, peeling a bit of old paint off the windowsill. You glance up and she’s nodding with her lips turned down, trying really hard not to look judgy because she wasn’t, she swears and she didn’t want you to feel bad. She tucked away the thought that she found it cute. Found you cute. The thought of being your first kiss flashed through her mind as quickly as she erased it.
“Alright. No shame in the game. We’ll get you there.” She pats your foot reassuringly and you tense up in embarrassment slightly, a claw spiking through the knit of your glove making you close your palm into a fist on your lap. Ellie had heaps of experience, which kind of made your confession more embarrassing.
“Your turn. Truth or dare?”
“Truth.” Her answer is almost instant.
“Boring.” You giggle.
You sigh… eyes wandering around the room, over the dusty canvases on the wall with paintings of mountains, perhaps the very mountains that surrounded your town— you couldn’t tell. What could you ask her? What did you actually want to know? What didn’t you already know? You bite your lip, eyes flickering around.
“Take your time.” She raises an eyebrow and you huff at her impatience.
“Okay, tell me something you’ve never told anyone else before. A secret that’ll literally bind us for life.” Your eyes twinkle and now it’s her turn to falter. She doesn’t want to glance at her covered arm, but she does anyway. Not that you’d ever be able to guess her big secret. No one could, you probably wouldn’t even believe her.
“Good question, see you’re getting the hang of it.” She raises her eyebrows, impressed and you bask in the sound of the icy winds outside, head slowly tilting to the side as you watch her grow a little uneasy. Ellie Williams, your best friend had a big secret. And you knew all of her secrets, so you were doubly intrigued. You knew about the time her and Dina got too drunk and kissed before practically yelling at eachother that it felt too wrong and they’d never do it again, you knew about the time she didn’t wanna trade any items at the little store for food so she selfishly shoved a can of tomato soup in her pocket and ducked out, knew all the rest of them because you remember her drunkenly shoving her hand over your giggling mouth and whispering “You actually can’t tell anyone, okay? Shit, why do I tell you these things?”
“Okay. I’m immune.”
“To being slapped? Answer my truth or face your forfeit.” You were grinning ear to ear, like she thought you would and — she nearly wanted to just leave it there. Let you believe she was joking. But oh, your perceptive self. You saw the falter of her bashful expression, the way honesty coloured her face and for once she couldn’t make eye contact. Surely not? “Immune?” You repeat, more like a statement but you’re confused nonetheless.
“Uh, yeah.” There’s no humour in her tone and yet you’re still smiling, waiting on her still to smirk or chuckle or something. When you just stare at her, she starts to undo her jacket. “I can uh, I can kind of prove it, I guess?” She pushes her hoodie sleeve up, and you’re faced with the tattoo you’ve stared at many times before. The pink pad of her finger traces along the inside of her arm, and your eyes focus — honing in on the faint scar curtained behind the dark blue ink. “There… was a bite here. Me and my friend were together when we were kids and we both got bit. She turned and… yeah, guess I’m still waiting.” Her eyes were distant, and yeah — Ellie played jokes on you sometimes. You were gullible and naive, not having faced the usual prankish behaviour of people similar in age to you before but this? She wasn’t that great of an actor. There was actual, real life pain behind her avoidant gaze.
“You’re serious?” You furrow your brows and she purses her lips, a pinkie-finger of gesture held in the air.
You stare at her arm, and she reaches for her jacket again — feeling the chill of the house again despite an uncertain heat creeping up her neck. “How do you know it wasn’t just a one off?”
She shrugs. “Guess we’ll know if I get bitten again.” She chuckles dismissively. You go to speak, tell her how life changing her secret was but she’s quicker. “Alright, your turn. Now I’ve told you something no one else knows you gotta do the same. Biggest secret, go.” She exhales, and it feels like the room is alleviated of some of the pressure.
“Excuse me, what if I wanted to pick dare?”
“Do you?”
“Well then.”
Your ears twitched and you brought your knees to your chin. Ellie was just so vulnerable with you, but you’d always been told — under every single circumstance not to tell anyone about your…rarity. It was something that not even you understood, so sharing it with others could put you in danger. People often lashed out at what they didn’t understand, you were told it was that way in the old world too— though you’re sure people weren’t quite dealing with being a hybrid with a literal animal.
“I’m not sure you’re ready for my secret.”
“Dude, I just fucking told you I can’t get infected, you’re not gonna top that.” She exasperated, prodding your leg with her knuckles. She didn’t beat around the bush with her secret, or make you beg for the reveal — so you figured you’d cut straight to the chase. You pulled your hat off your head, ears standing to attention — hearing just that tiny bit clearer. Ellie raised an eyebrow, not sure what she was looking at, about to make some kind of comment like ‘Uh, your secret is that you have hair?’ — until her eyes darted up and stayed there. You pulled off your gloves too and held your hand between the two of you, sharp claws extending. Ellie jumped, and you pulled back shamefully.
“What is… what am I… what am I looking at?” She gawked breathlessly, eyes widening at the way your ears twitched shyly, the outside of them coated by fur the same colour as your hair, the inside of your ears pink, sprouting wispy white hair from it. Ellie could barely keep her mouth closed.
“Yeah, so… I’m like a girl who is also a cat who is also just a girl— nothing weird I swear — apparently my dad was a scientist and he made some fucked up combination DNA and — ah, it doesn’t matter. I’m a freak. Laugh it up.” You ramble, waving your hand in a way you hoped was dismissive and in that moment a gun to your head wouldn’t have made you make eye contact with the auburn haired friend parallel to you.
“Hey, wait — I’m just trying to… holy shit?” She furrows her brows before chuckling. “I feel like I’m having a weird ass dream right now, dude.”
You reach for your hat to shove it back on, and her heavy hand lays on top of yours. She watched the way your ears flattened like aeroplane wings and you frowned a little. “I’m sorry… I’m not laughing at you. That’s… fucking awesome. You’re like a comic book character, man.”
Your eyes lifted from her hand, heart thundering in your chest both from her reaction to your big reveal and her hand laying on yours. “So, a freak.” You go to move your hand but she grips it.
“No, just… cool… don’t… put your hat back on yet. I’ve got questions.”
A pause sat between the two of you, and she broke out into a smile again. “Fuck you, your thing totally beats my thing.”
“Thats not a question, Els.”
“So does this mean you’re immune too? Pretty sure animals can’t get infected.”
The window had fogged over completely now, view of beyond the window obstructed but you didn’t mind. It felt more enclosed, in a good way. The outside world didn’t exist anymore.
“I’m not fully an animal though. Don’t wanna risk finding out.”
She sat back, looking at you incredulously. Not like you were a spectacle, or a circus performer from the old world — but like you were something magnificent. Like a unicorn, or a fairy.
“This is gonna… take me some time to get used to. You sure you’re not fuckin’ with me?” She turns her head suspiciously.
“Oh I’m pretty sure. Had to live my whole life with cat ears and a tail, would be a awfully sick prank.” You huff, focusing your attention on scraping off the shimmery pink nail polish you had acquired on a previous patrol. You’d painted them to distract from the subtle claw-like appearance they had even when they weren’t extended.
“You have a tail? Show me.”
“Oh yeah, I’ll just pull down my pants.”
“Oh shit, yeah. My bad.”
You sat together, and you shifted under her gaze, palms itching to pull your hat back over your ears, shielding yourself from her prying gaze. This was… out of your comfort zone. You trusted Ellie with your life, sure. But this was a lot. You’d been hiding this element to your self your whole life and suddenly you’re practically hollering it from the mountain tops all because you were enticed to share a secret during a silly little game? Who else would you tell just because they’d given you positive attention?
“You wanna touch my ears?” You blurt out. What the fuck?
Ellie’s smile grew, telling you her answer and it was too late to take it back now. She slid her ass forward a little, knees pressing directly against yours now and lifted her hand slowly, carefully, almost as though you’d spook like a real cat if she moved too quickly. You seemed to blink, and then she was right there, her face so close to yours that her warm breath fanned over your face making your eyelashes tickle at the breeze she created. She clears her throat, eyes just floating up above your hairline and you feel the pads of her fingers gently trail down the backs of your ears.
She lets her knuckles gently smooth back the velvety fur coating, before getting more comfortable — short blunt nails scratching right in that sweet spot behind them. With the ball of her hand gently pressed to your temple as she scratched, you melted. The best way to describe it would be the feeling of sinking into a hot bath after being out in the cold wind, rain and snow. A sheet of goosebumps lined up across your arms and up your spine, your tail struggling in your jeans to curl up in pleasure. There was a gentle humming sound, like an engine maybe… a low rickety wind passing through a wooden floor board…
“Are you purring?” She cooed, and your eyes fluttered open. You don’t even remember closing them. The ghost of an alarmed bullet shot through your body but it just… felt too nice to react. Your pupils were dilated to fuck, it was almost startling to see.
“I guess.” You chuckle, a shudder flying through you, the warm purring sound continuing on. “Sorry.” You offer, but it’s half hearted.
“No, don’t.” She whispers with an impressed smile, eyes pinned by your intense gaze — voice gentle, as if not wanting to break the intimate force field she’d created around the two of you. “You’re so… cute.” She grins enough to show her teeth now, you rest the weight of your head more into her hand, pushing for more scratches now that her fingers slowed down, distracted. Your eyes flutter closed, sleepy and euphoric— and then open once more, a constant battle between wanting to just melt away, and also wanting to look at Ellies beautiful face so close up. She seemed to get closer each time you opened them, eyes drifting from your blackened gaze… to your lips…
Maria’s voice was the last thing you expected to hear in that moment and you both jumped. It was static-y, buzzing, making your head snap towards the radio Ellie had let clatter to the floor beneath the window seat. “Blizzards gone and cleared up now, two of you can start headin’ back now before it decides to pick up again.”
You swipe at the fogged window creating a viewing hole through the condensation, snow settling now instead of batting down hard against the ground. You sigh out, and you’re not sure if it’s in relief of the weather clearing up or the tension breaking — but Ellie seems to be shaking herself out of it too.
“Alright, uh — y’ready to head back out there kitty-cat?” She’s back to her usual self, hopping off the window seat and scooping her backpack and radio off the ground, securing them back onto her person.
“Ready as ever. Can’t wait to go home and nap.” You stretch, now standing beside her waiting for instruction. She sways in your direction with a smirk, raising a brow.
“A cat nap?”
“Are you gonna do this from now on?” You hide your amusement, leaning on your hip. She chuckled to herself, pulling her gloves back on before nodding her head for you to follow — taking off in a casual stride.
“Sorry. Let’s go get Shimmer from the garage.”
You pout, padding along behind her as you think of her stood there alone. “I hope she wasn’t too cold. She was shut in there for ages.”
“She’ll be fine. Old girl’s a trooper.”
You didn’t regret telling Ellie, infact you were so glad.
It seemed to have brought you closer, the two of you against the world. The weather had finally cleared of snow by mid April, the green returning to all of nature. She’d helped you accommodate, coming to your home in the mornings and helping you pin your ears down to your head, gently manoeuvring your hair to sit on top of them, inconspicuous. Asking you “Does that hurt?” and “Can you hear?” in a sleepy morning voice. You, on the other hand would sit there trying not to pur at her touch. There was still some bite in the air, especially around evening time so you could still get away with stuffing your tail into your jeans, but the two of you often walked around in the sunshine on the days one or both of you weren’t outside the gate on patrol. Nights were spent having sleepovers, falling asleep cuddling because you know — it was convenient and cold at night time, especially convenient if you were getting up early for a patrol together. Definitely not because you wanted to spend every waking moment together.
You had been curled up reading, relaxed, ready to head to bed in an hour or so when there was a knock at your door. Your ears perked up, and you scuttled out of bed and looked through your peep hole, relieved to find the wind bitten, pink cheeked face of your best friend. You figured she’d just gotten back from patrol, swaddled in a khaki green windbreaker and jeans, hair in your favourite style — half up half down. You swing the door open, ushering her in.
She doesn’t mean to ogle you, but it happens anyway — eyes drawn to your bushy tail shyly curling round your thigh, a hole cut in the back of your pyjama shorts specifically for that reason when you turned around. “Hey you, couldn’t be bothered to walk all the way back to my house. Plus, I got somethin’ to show you.” She wiggles her brows, heading to your room.
“Y’want a drink?” You call after her to which she promptly replies with “Please!” already disappearing into the warm comfort that was your bedroom. Your bedroom, a God damn hassle for Ellie to construct. You had… a vision, and that vision became Ellie’s problem when you’d started to build your little home space. “Els if you see any pink blankets on your patrol today please please please grab me one?” “Ellieeee I need a picture frame, like — a cute one.” “If I don’t get a fluffy throw cushion for my bed soon, I might die.” The list goes on. Her patrols were ever-filled with heavy backpacks, trinkets carefully balanced on top of eachother or stuffed into pockets. She smiles warmly at the memory, walking around your room — taking in each item along with its memory of finding it and smuggling it back into Jackson. Her eyes are glazing over your bed sheets now, thinking about you curled up in the you-spaced shape you’d left on the blankets, thinking about you fast asleep in the night beautiful as ever, thinking about you writhing on them with less clothes on — gross, Ellie — shake it off.
A matted tuft of darkened hair peeped from your mass of bed covers and Ellie squinted, bending over to get a closer look before pinching it with her fingers and lifting it. A clump of hair sat in her palm and she raised her eyebrows. Was that a —
“What you lookin’ at?” Your voice is sudden, lighthearted, right behind her— and she jumps, turning her head over her shoulder to glance at you guiltily. You stand wide eyed and innocent, a glass of water for her clutched in your hand.
“Jesus, fuck — we gonna have to get you a collar with a bell on it or what?” She rolls her eyes, clutching her chest before recovering, taking her glass and sipping as she holds up her findings. For a moment, something twitches in you down below at the thought of wearing a bell around your neck for Ellie. The feeling is warm and homely and disgustingly horny and you feel a little shame. She swallows her water an ‘ah’ and explains “Was just uh— I found a fur ball.”
You look at the clump of hair in her hand, then up at her, then back to the clump — and then you’re moving past her. You straighten out your blankets, revealing a hair brush and hold it up— plucking the ‘hairball’ from her hand and grasping it side by side. “From my hairbrush… doofus.”
Ellie makes an ‘o’ shape with her mouth and chuckles, scratching her arm awkwardly after placing down her glass — feeling maybe she’d jumped to a conclusion. This feeling is unfortunately confirmed when she sees your brows furrow, softening in stature ever so slightly.
“Do you really think I’m like… dirty and animalistic? I don’t get fur balls, Ellie.” You sound defeated and just a smidgen whiny, but she’s a sucker for it and grasps your arms gently either side with two strong hands.
“No! I’m an idiot! I’m sorry. Total jackass.” She reassures and you tilt your head, pout turning into a gentle smile. This gives her the green light to move things along. “However, I did get you a little something that might help us understand your… condition a little better.” The auburn haired girl is already shucking off her black beaten up backpack, struggling with the zip for a moment before sliding out a thick hard back book, a manual of some kind. Her eyes are on you, searching for any sign of offence and you catch the title when she spins it around proudly — ‘Caring for your kitty’.
She’s off like a race car with an excited explanation before you even get the chance to breathe, opening it up and flicking through it. “Stopped at that old library today, you know the one we thought the entrance was blocked off and we couldn’t go inside? Well — Jesse found another way in — so I was just lookin’ around, seeing if there was anything interesting and I found this bad boy. It tells you everything you need to know about caring for a cat and well… don’t wanna be a dick but… I’m caring for a cat, kind of.”
As she spoke, your grin only widened — pathetically, and totally embarrassingly so, because it was going against everything you had taught your self. You’d wanted to push this side of you down for what, your whole life? And then Ellie comes along, with her pretty green eyes and her tattoo and her hand veins and her — whatever, and suddenly you’re completely and utterly embracing the fact you’re like, absolutely fucked up, genetically? Crushing on your best friend makes you do crazy, stupid things. You bat your eyelashes at her, regardless.
“You care for me?” It was kind of a joke, but your voice came out softly anyway and Ellie couldn’t look at you because of it, continuing to thumb through the pages, very concentrated, what was that one page again?
“Why’d you think I brought this big ass manual back? Wanna look after you.” She mutters. You soften completely, and she realises that she said that out loud. You look at her, and she looks at you — and then she looks away because God damn, she’s falling in love. “Anyways. Thought we could go through it together. You got those sweatpants I left here? My jeans are like, damp.” She rambles, and you let it slide — though you’re positively floating when you point her to your dresser, pressing the neatly folded grey pants into her arms with a hazed out smile. “Thanks.”
You turn around when she changes. You’re not sure why, she’s wearing boxers — and you have some skirts stashed away that are probably shorter and more revealing (which you unfortunately couldn’t wear due to having a tail) but you look away anyways, out of respect. You clamber back onto your bed waiting for her, and soon she’s sliding up beside you in just her black tshirt and sweatpants, comfy and warm. Ellie clears her throat, sitting up against the headboard and opens the manual for the two of you to check out. “Ahem, caring for your kitty. With special thanks to Juliana.” She reads formally and you giggle, scooching closer until your cheek is pressed to her arm so that you could see the book. “Shout out to Juliana.” She comments, flipping the page.
You snuggle in closer to her, because well — it feels natural. The two of you had always been affectionate since becoming friends and since you’d shared your secrets it had only become more binding. When Joel had comment that you two were literally attached at the hip, it was by no exaggeration. The fat of your cheek pushed up enough to shut one eye as you practically tried to merge with her bicep, warm breath tickling her light arm hair.
“Y’always smell like oatmeal.” You comment, voice sleepy from her warmth and she’d barely even gotten the chance to read anything yet.
Her hand freezes on the page for a millisecond as she acknowledges your statement. “So— wait, oatmeal? That’s gross dude. I don’t wanna smell like oatmeal.” She complains, causing you to lift your head having busted out into a giggle fit. She lifts her hand and sniffs it, looking at you with a displeased expression trying to decipher your observation.
“No! It’s a good thing I like it. It’s just… Ellie smell.” You rub your eye tiredly and she’s fighting every urge not to kiss all over your cheeks at how God damn adorable you are.
“Oatmeal. Great.” She chuckles, shaking her head before nudging you with her elbow — a silent command for you to lay back down on her so that she could read.
And the two of you did, for a little while anyway. The manual was more helpful than the both of you had originally thought, and you came to realise that you had a lot more in common with the animal than you’d had believed. Between each paragraph, the two of you would launch off into conversations and comparisons, Ellie asking you questions about your behaviours and habits. It made your heart swell at how much she truly cared. “Kitten will feel attached to her owner when being scratched behind the ears.” Ellie reads out monotonously, thinking, before reaching up and scratching behind your ears. “To say I’m your owner would be a little crazy, I must admit. Can’t deny you some good old scratches though.” She chides in amusement, watching your happy smile melt into a dozed pur. You can own me, Ellie — God you can —
She read and read and read until you were nodding off, eyes fluttering shut and disappearing off into a dream land as Ellie’s raspy voice trails off, fondly watching you as your lips parted a little, more of your warm weight sinking into her side. “Okay.” She whispered, to no one in particular— and closed the book quietly, stretching to reach behind her and place it on your bedside table, turning off your lamp too.
Ellie was always a light sleeper, maybe she was paranoid or just protective — because she seemed to wake up constantly when she’d stay with you. Not that you didn’t make her feel more relaxed than anyone ever had, because you certainly did. She just… fuck, she didn’t know. She needed to be alert at all times. Just in case.
Tonight was like any other time, stirring at the cooing of a heavy wind outside the rattling windows. Her eyes found the back of your head immediately and settled a little, comfortable and dozed with the feeling of your ass grazing her front and the warmth of your back blanketing her. You slept like two people in love and if she were more awake she’d probably mourn the relationship that was out of her grasp. Too much of a pussy, too much of a risk to ruin things. But this, this she could enjoy in her half awake consciousness.
She was about to drift back off, perhaps a deeper sleep this time knowing that everything is alright and you’re safe from the harsh winds of Spring. Until, she felt a prodding. That was the best way to describe it. Like you were poking her, despite both of your arms being curled at your front visibly. She panicked for a moment, which woke her enough to open her eyes and gaze down at whatever the hell was poking her in the stomach. Your tail.
It curled at the end like a question mark, curious and wandering. She watches, fascinated at how you could be sound asleep and yet your tail had a mind of its own. It knocked on her, like it was asking for entry before it poked lower, lower, Jesus, lower. Without time for her to respond, your tail slots itself between her thighs, curling around and cupping her cunt. She gasps, bringing a hand up that was originally going to cover her mouth, but ran over her own head instead, frozen and unsure of what to do in this situation.
Why was your tail touching her up whilst you slept innocently on the other end of it? She knew you were sleeping for sure because of the quiet snores and the even quieter hum of your pur — making her wonder how she never noticed it before you’d told her about your rarity. Your tail slithered like a snake as if trying to get comfortable, which made Ellie’s mouth hang open as it practically moulded itself to the shape of her. The agile tip of your tail curled around, brushing against the material of her sweatpants all the way up to her clit and she winced, enough to stir you a little. Your tail seemed to go a little limp as you groan quietly, your sleep disturbed. God, what if she wakes up and finds me like this? Her fucking tail getting me off. That’s weird, oh god — you’re a creep Ellie. Move, move now. Jesus.
She spins around so the two of you are back to back, staring at the wall. Ellie clenches her thighs so that your tail can’t slip through them and grope her again, frowning as she squeezes her eyes closed in shame at how good it felt. It was wrong. Wrong and creepy and awful and she hated herself for letting it go on for that long. She willed herself to sleep, repeating those words like a mantra.
The next day you plant flowers together in the community garden. She doesn’t bring it up.
There were certain pages in the manual that the two of you would skip. It was too awkward, too intrusive — pages you would separately read in your own time.
If you don’t get your female cat spayed, they’re going to go into heat. How exciting! And if you’re experiencing kitty in heat for the first time, you’re probably wondering: how do I cope with this? Dealing with a restless, frisky kitty may seem like a challenging task, but it’s not nearly as difficult as you may think. We’ve outlined plenty of quick tips and suggestions to help calm your cat down in the short term, as well as some solutions to prevent heat in the long term. In just a few minutes, you’ll be able to give your loving furball the support and respite she needs during this tough time.
Ellie snickered when she read it the first time, a night where you’d fallen asleep at her house, curled up on the end of the bed by her feet. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep there, it just happened — trying to give yourself space on the particularly warm evening. Not everything in this manual applied to you, like you’d insisted plenty of times — you’re mainly all human. Despite the purring, you hadn’t felt you’d demonstrated any feline-like behaviours (Ellie disagrees strongly, but can’t bring herself to argue.) That night she had sat up later, reading about cats in heat — wondering if… you’d ever… what would she do… no, Ellie. Stop.
When summer had approached, something had flipped. Things were normal until they weren’t— and at first you could blame it on the weather, the serotonin flooding everyone’s systems from the influx of Vitamin D, being able to wear less and enjoy more. Days seeming longer. Life seeming better. You’d grown more affectionate with Ellie, not fighting the urge anymore to be touching her at all times. Gently sinking your teeth into her freckled skin when you felt the urge, wrapping your tail around her leg when you’d stand side by side in your kitchen, clambering onto her lap with the manual and urging her to read some more so you could get sleepy and comfortable and fall asleep on top of her. You saw the way people would look at the two of you around Jackson together, they thought you were together — and you didn’t mind — even though you weren’t. Just two super close best friends.
When the calendar had rolled over to July, things seemed to intensify by ten. Things were changing, urges growing stronger. You couldn’t control yourself purring when Ellie would simply enter the room, kneading your claws into your seat of the canteen area pulling up threads, needing to be near her. Practically vibrating the floorboards in total bliss when she’s give you a friendly, subtle ear scratch in public being careful not to unpin your ears. Saliva pooling inside your mouth with the urge to lick her all over when she’d arrive to your home late at night after a rough patrol, ready to crawl into bed beside you and surrender herself to your grabby paws hands. Wanting to pounce on her when she’d greet you by the gardens, knuckle knocking gently beneath your chin with a friendly “Mornin’ kitty-cat.” Worst of all, the growing neediness you’d succumb to each night you weren’t together, mewling as you’d grind against a pillow pretending it was her thigh, soaking the sheets. You were starting to accept that you were experiencing your first ever heat.
You particularly enjoyed summer evenings in Jackson. The air was was balmy and warm without the scalding, overwhelming sunshine like there was in the day. Most if not all citizens would be in the town centre at movie night or the bar — which created a perfectly calm and empty landscape for walks. It was one that day, the one that’s about to unfold — that you were particularly dazed. You felt high, sensitive, walking on air. You wear a bell around your neck now, a giggly patrol gift from Ellie — something that tinkles quietly and could be confused with simple jewellery to the untrained eye. It sounds each step you take, a comforting noise that was special to you and your best friend. Your summer dress grazed above your knees, and due to no one being around, you didn’t quite care that your tail would occasionally peak out when a warm breeze would pass through.
You stroll past the flowers you and Ellie had planted in spring, stroll past the empty playground with the wooden climbing equipment that you had to continue walking on from to not give into the urge to dig your aching claws into. Your mind was set on finding Ellie — Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, who’d supposedly just be returning home from patrol. As expected, nothing quite getting past your astute cat wisdom — there she stood, facing away from you in just her adorable oversized white tshirt, greenish brownish greenish flannel and long baggy denim shorts. Your whole body felt hot and the sight of her, heart pumping and palms tingling. Approaching slowly, you hear her quietly talking to Shimmer as she undresses her of her equipment, occasionally stopping to give her affectionate pats and love. Ellie was always good with animals.
You step closer, alerting Ellie of your presence. “Here kitty.” She smirks, continuing to remove Shimmer’s saddle before turning over her shoulder, eyeing you briefly.
“How’d you know I was here?” You swoon, dumb smile on your face as you step up to her. Probably too close, but something inside of you was clawing to be able to smell her, be able to feel the warmth radiating off her body. She doesn’t react to the proximity, just lifting a finger and jingling the bell at your neck. You fight a shudder when her coarse fingertip grazes the soft skin of your neck.
“Hard to miss you. That bell was definitely a good investment, you’re not sneakin’ up on me anymore, huh.”
She continues tending to Shimmer as you watch, a fond smile on your face.
“How was patrol? ‘Missed you.” You tug at her flannel sleeve for attention and she chuckles good naturedly, rolling her eyes.
“Wasn’t gone for that long, was I? You’re always missing me lately. Is somethin’ up?” She turns her head to you again inquisitively, concern flashing through her eyes — as well as the stream of bright light from the sunset through the crack in the barn wall. She squints.
“Uh…” You sigh out softly. Yes. I need you. I want you. Come here. Fuck me. “No. I dunno.” You shrug, forcing yourself to look away, defeated. No, you’re here for a reason. “Can you come over tonight? Sleepover?” You realise you’re still clinging to her sleeve and she’s letting you, her eyes drifting to the way your hand slides downwards and catches her hand, intertwining your fingers. You know, just best friend things.
“Jesse asked me to hang out but…” She started, but trailed off when you became all fluttery lashes and bambi-eyed. “Fuck it,” She breathes. “I’m too tired for his shit today anyway.”
You grin, successful and tilt your head. “Not too tired for my shit?” and she scoffs, squeezing your hand.
She steps back, your joined hands bridging the two of you still. Her eyes are trailing down again. That little sundress, she hadn’t seen that before. Maybe hanging in your closet, but not out of the house. Her eyes dip lower and she sees a flash of fur swinging behind you, jostling your dress. Her eyes widen a little. “Hey.” She emphasises, nodding her head down. You’re still staring at her, at her freckles and the way they’re shaded from the sun — a halo of bronze and natural flush.
“Hm?” You sing. She furrows her brows.
“Your dress is short.”
“Don’t you like it?”
“What? Uh— fuck, I mean, yeah — but I’m saying other people might see your…” She nods again in gesture, nervous.
“Tail?” Your fingers trail up her flannel sleeve a little.
“Yeah. People might not be as… open to all that, babe.” Babe. A slip up, usually — usually said when she wanted to soften the blow, or when she physically couldn’t stop the affection from meeting her lips. You preened at the word anyway, didn’t even bother to hide it.
“No one’s around.”
Your claw traces the blue green vein on her pale wrist. You don’t remember it coming out, these days it seemed they just did it on their own. She winces at the light scratch, but she lets you anyway. Just ogling, wide eyed, a little confused and a little turned on — which confused her all the more. She silently begged herself, get a grip.
She tore her hand away, hoisting her backpack off her back and swinging it around — damn near smacking you in the face with it. “Got you a present. Know you like those.” She rushes out, sounding a little out of breath like she’d been running. You liked it, liked that you did that to her. You’re smiling and she’s like, ignoring it — because she knows you know you flustered her and that’s not like Ellie. Not like calm and collected Ellie Williams.
“For me? You shouldn’t have.”
She digs around, pulling out a black rectangular VHS tape. Hard to come by, but always a delight seeing as you had a TV facing your bed in your room that refused CD discs and would only play grainy tapes. Ellie turned it in her hands, displaying the white tape across the front that read in someone unknowns Sharpie’d handwriting ‘Disney Aristocats’
“Think it’s about cats. Thought it would be funny.” She chuckles humbly, her ‘you hate it. fuck my life.’ thoughts kicking in as expected.
“We can watch it tonight!” You grin, gently taking it from her — clutching it proudly in your hands. She relaxes, shoulders unstiffening.
“Cool. Uh, yeah.” She nods, scratching her scalp which made the half-up-bun bob at the back of her head. She looks at you, and then looks around, and then back at you. Always back at you. “Alright. Let me go home and shower, you go set everything up and I’ll be round soon. Just… get outta here, before anyone sees you. Yeah?” Ellie exasperates, softly clapping two hands down on your shoulders and spinning you around, carefully nudging you to start walking away.
“M’kay. See you then, Els.”
“See ya, trouble.” Eye roll. Or maybe her eyes just rolled back at the sight of you swishing away in your little sundress. She’s not sure.
You were stood in front of the mirror when the door knocked. Your heart jumped — like you weren’t expecting Ellie to even come for some reason — but more so because you wasn’t sure you could get away with pyjamas this skimpy. You wanted to seduce her, sure. But this was just obscene. You wore, what essentially was just a long tank top. It fell mid thigh, flimsy and thin, showing every curve and dip and plumpness to you. You didn’t ever feel insecure around Ellie, no — but she might just call you a slut.
There was no time to change, so you ran and got the door, feigning confidence. Something was… different about the way she was stood there. Her hands were in her jean pockets awkwardly, like she didn’t know what to do with them. She’d actually cleaned up surprisingly, wearing her jeans and off white wifebeater. She somewhat looked like she was trying, but maybe that was all in your head. She didn’t look you in the eye either, thick brown lashes fluttered slightly as her eyes jumped down you in segments. Tits, then tummy, then hips, and then tail. The sight of it flapping about freely made her usher you inside quickly, always aware of the risks.
“Hey furball, y’ready to watch the movie?” She clears her throat, looking around your house like she’d never seen it before. Nervous? Something else?
“Told you not to call me that, doofus. But yes, follow me.” You giggle, and that’s all you seem to do around her these days if not purring — constant girlish giggles tumbling past your lips at the slightest joke. It bordered on pathetic.
She enters your room with a chuckle, like — the type that says ‘you’re so fucking cute.’ in Ellie’s voice, if you can imagine. You’d set the movie up, the screen buzzing with static playing old timey music with the start up screen for the movie awaiting the two of you. You’d rustled together every blanket and cushion you could get your hands on to create some kind of nest for the two of you to get all cuddled up in, and even more than that if your plans went how they should. It smells like you in the room, and Ellie wants to stand there and breathe in so hard her ribs crack from the expansion just to inhale you in completely. There’s no time for that, because you’re ushering her down on the bed. It’s almost horny just from the way you push her down, both hands on the warm skin of her freckled shoulders — your smooth and grabbable thighs between her legs. “Get comfy. But not too comfy. You always fall asleep when we watch movies.”
But how could she fall asleep when you’re dressed like that? In your natural form, wearing so little and showing so much. Her palms felt like little ants were inside her skin, running around like their tiny heads were on fire — or maybe it was just the hand static from not being able to touch your electric skin, to graze her coarseness over your smoothness and hear the sizzle of you up against fingertips. She wanted to hold you by the back of the head, take all your weight, all your thoughts, all of you.
But she was here to watch a movie, like a good best friend. And if that’s what you needed that’s what she’d be.
Turns out trying to seduce someone into scratching the itch that’s been aching you for weeks was harder than expected. How were you supposed to initiate this again? Hadn’t you thought about this time and time again, written about your dream scenarios of getting down and dirty with Ellie in the middle of your diary where no one would look if they’d found it and opened it up? You’d practised this, time and time again whilst you fall asleep — or whilst you’re fucking your hand, or whilst you’re staring at her profile idly whilst she sits and draws. God, how do you make the first move?
You’re staring at her whilst this rackets your brain, and you don’t realise how shamelessly you’re gawking at her until she side-eyes you, a fond little smirk daring to grace her features — it was audacious how cute she was. “Somethin’ on your mind?”
She’s practically handing you the opportunity. Your skin burns, body pressed to hers. Her arm is wrapped around your shoulder, the two of you propped up laying back on your bed and it’s all set up perfectly. You could say a million things, you could push your weight up on your elbow and reach up and kiss the side of her rubied lips. You want to slot a hand right between your thighs there and then, relieve yourself, show her what she’s done to you. The mess she’s made out of you.
You squeak out a “Nope.” despite all of this.
You keep planning and rehearsing, not concentrating on the cat movie anymore, that’s for damn sure. Who was that old lady again? What was that cats name? Who cares. You’re staring, syncing your breath to hers. You think yourself to sleep, cheek pressed to her collar bone and soft snores. Completely unsuccessful, but there’s always next time right?
When you wake up a few hours later things feel different. You’re not touching Ellie anymore — Hell, she could be gone for all you know. But you’re feverish, throat dry and prickly. Your skin is broken out into goosebumps despite the heat, your thin tank top dress completely stuck to your skin and sheering from the pure amount of sweat drenching you. What the fuck? Were you sick? You’re panting, aching but not all over — only in your… you reach down, half awake and feel your slick coating your inner thighs, pooling your cunt. You felt feral.
Your eyes shoot open now, because — well, you can’t be doing that. Can’t be touching yourself like that with Ellie right there. The room is glowing blue, and you locate the TV screen causing it. The movie is gone, finished, and the screen is on a standby channel, quiet and staticy as it alights the bedroom. You turn to Ellie, because you need her suddenly, feeling like you’ll burst into tears or cum without touch, whichever comes first and you don’t know why. Any shyness has left you when you turn, spinning onto your hands and knees to touch her and shake her awake.
She’s laying on her front, her wifebeater having ridden up a little to display some of her back. Her arm hugs her pillow, and you don’t remember her being that sculpted — her arms, the ones that hold you when you hug and lift the heavy gates on patrol. You reach out and touch, and then grab, and then you shake her awake. “Els, Ellie please.”
It doesn’t take her much, she’s a light sleeper as mentioned before. She panics a little, flipping onto her back when she hears your trembling, whiney tone. What’s wrong? What happened? She’s reaching for you before her eyes are fully open.
“Hey, wha’samatter?” She croaks, one eye squinting shut in the bright blue glow. You go to tell her but you just whisper her name again, and again and you just need her to touch. Your hand grabs her arm again and she sits up fully, eyes widening a little as she wakes up properly. “Hey, talk t’me.”
“Look at me I’m—” You whine quietly, gesturing to your fevered appearance but you feel like you don’t have time to explain. You have no sense of patience or shame when you scooch closer, hands sliding over her shoulders so your foreheads are nearly touching. You look deranged and her cunt twitches.
“I need you Els. Somethin’ is going on with me and I just... I don’t know but I need you.” You beg. Jesus, she must be having some kind of wet dream.
“What? Uh— you — need me how?” She stutters, and she feels like a fuckin’ idiot because where was the suave flirting skills and pizazz she promised herself she’d have when the day came that you finally asked her to touch you? Let her have you? Her stomach clenches in cringe but she barely has time to overthink it because you’re moving impossibly closer. Your tits are practically spilling out and Ellie’s palms are sweating so much that it makes her insecure.
“Think somethings wrong with me, think I’m in—”
“You’re in heat.” Your words overlap and the two of you are whispering like there’s anyone else in the house that might overhear you. “Yeah, uh — shit man, I read about it in the book, you know? I didn’t know if you’d… if you’d be able to… whatever. What do you need? You need some water?” She’s rambling, needing to think carefully about her actions. She didn’t wanna take advantage of you when you were so vulnerable… was this like, weird? Not because you’re her best friend — no, this has been Ellie’s long game since you met — but because of the whole… feline thing.
“No I don’t need water Ellie, I just want you to help me. It… it aches.” You cry miserably, dropping your face into her shoulder defeatedly. She smells so good, just like her — like Ellie, but so much stronger than usual, your senses heightened by ten. It weakened you, feeling this out of control. You sniffle, rubbing your nose into her top and she rubs your drenched back — sympathetic.
“Is it because it’s like… a full moon or something?” She asks quietly and your brows furrow in annoyance, pushing yourself off her to be face to face again.
“M’not a werewolf Ellie.” You pout, and her lips twitch up into a nervous half chuckle, relaxing a little as she reaches up and smoothes her thumb between your brows. She sighs. And then laughs quietly.
“I know that.”
The two of you look at eachother for a moment, a silent conversation in the place of what should be confessing feelings. You feel like you take the first step when you glance at her lips, and she returns it by glancing at yours. The looks get more eager, and your bodies thrust closer, and you kiss.
You wished it was romantic, like you’d planned for months. But it’s needy and eager and you’re panting and whining within thirty seconds of having her tongue glide against yours. You’re lucky that Ellie is just eagerly going with it, happy to be there. You didn’t wanna make her uncomfortable or come across as forceful — but that didn’t seem to be the case at all, especially not when she let out a little groan at the feeling of of you sinking down pointed teeth into her bottom lip.
She topples back when you lean into her more and you’re clambering onto her lap, thighs shaking. You hear yourself before you realise you’re not kissing anymore, instead whispering “Please, please, please.” against her lips with your eyes screwed shut as you grind your soaked cunt onto her jean covered one. Where you’d usually make a comment about her sleeping in jeans, you pant — and she lets out an embarrassingly loud, wide eyed groan at the feeling. The zipper digs into both of your clits from either side.
“Fuck, fuck okay.” Her hands hover, and she doesn’t know where to grab first. This is happening, God this is really fucking happening. She blushes at the thought of her dorkishly pinching herself, just to check it’s not some super torturous vivid dream as her hands float before just pawing at your back, pulling you closer. Closer. Need her closer.
You shuffle back in the dark, hands fumbling for that zipper that you’d made warm and wet through your cotton underwear and tug it down so harshly you think it’s gonna come off. Buttons get unpopped, and fingers get tucked into a waistband before you’re yanking down. Ellie’s getting whiplash at the speed you’re moving, eyes flickering across your desperate and pained expression. Fat tears sit beneath your eyes as you mutter the word ‘closer’ again, an inkling of relief when you pull her jeans down to her mid thighs revealing soft black boxers.
You sit on her again, and — that’s it, that’s the friction you wanted. You can feel the raised, round mould of her pussy through the material and she gasps when you grind down onto her, forcing herself up onto her elbows, eyes rolling back a little, hands gripping your thigh creases as she stared down at your white underwear smushing itself into hers in the dim light. You’re whimpering (and so is she for a moment), hips jerking forward and Ellie genuinely doesn’t know what to do with you. It feels so fucking good, but she feels like she’s not stepping up the way she should. She wants to take control, make it all better for you like she always does.
“Fuck, okay babe. Chill, okay? Mhpm, I got you. Let me help you. S’what I’m here for right? Lay back.” She whispers, and leans forward again to ease you backwards and like she can’t help it, presses another kiss to your lips. You both freeze, because this time it has feeling behind it. That’s also what you needed, you needed her to take control. You relax for a moment, letting her roll you onto your back barely breaking apart the kiss.
When she pulls back, she strokes your hot cheek with her thumb — staring into each others eyes. Hers are still beautiful and vibrant even in the feverish blue light, glancing all across your face with concern and fondness etched into her features. “Kay?” she speaks, tapping her thumb to your cheek for a response and you nod, huffing out a breath. Okay. Try to calm down.
She kisses the corner of your mouth, which trails inevitably into the crook of your neck, her swollen lips sucking the slippery skin with a hum. Your fingers are bunched tightly into her shirt and her jeans are still below her ass from your dry humping craze. You take some deep breaths, and she hears you — outwardly appreciating your efforts to be calm. “Thats good, keep doin’ that.” She whispers when you push air out of your mouth shakily, and the praise makes your legs fall open limply.
“You gonna let me help you out, pretty girl?” She kisses the centre of your chest and you mewl, body vibrating with purs as you nod. “Tell me, please. I’ve uh, I’ve waited so long to hear it.” She sounds nervous in the sweetest way possible, making you even in your haze reach out to comfort her, pushing her auburn strands out her face as she looks up at you pleadingly.
“Please help me Ellie, want you to touch me.” Your voice is jumpy from your shudders, and it transfers to her — your eyes just catching the way she trembles a little from adrenaline in the dark.
“Alright baby, I got you.”
Hearing her call you baby like you’d always hoped she would makes you heave out a sigh, pushing your hips up into her body weight trying to relieve yourself somehow. She shushes you, distracted by the feel of you beneath her palms now as she drags them down your body. Her thumbs swipe across your hard nipples through the thin material of your pyjamas and you mewl again, arching into her hands.
“Gonna make you feel better, promise.” She whispers but it feels more like she’s talking about you and not to you so you try to keep quiet so that you can just observe. She’s sliding down the bed ‘til she’s practically half off it, pushing your dress up to press fond kisses to your tummy. It feels right, like it’s something she’s been doing for months despite it being her first time down there. It’s Ellie, your Ellie. You can’t think of anyone you’d be in better hands with.
“Never,” kiss. “Had,” kiss. “Someone down here,” kiss. “Before have you?” She drags her lips downwards this time, gripping the meat of your thighs and spreading them. You sigh out a whimper and shake your head, embarrassed by how needy you were for a flash of a second before getting lost in your lust again. She whispers out an ‘Th’sokay’ against your hipbone as she pushes your thighs open before pulling back — taking a look. Her tongue wets her lips at the sight before her, eyes adjusted into the low light now to see how you’ve completely soaked through your underwear — lips fat and wanting through the material. Ellie let’s out a breath she was unaware to be holding, forefinger stroking through your covered folds with a glance upwards to make sure it was all still okay.
“God damn.” She comments, and you know what she means — she probably didn’t know it was possible to get this wet.
“Take’m off, please.” You whimper, writhing your hips around growing impatient once more and she nods frantically, peeling the cotton down your body making you hide your face in your arm when your centre clings to the fabric.
“So ready, huh.” She whispers, hot breath fanning over your bare cunt now. She breathes out a barely audible chuckle as she strokes the side of her finger across the small curled tuft of pubic hair that sat on your skin.
“Yeah, b—been ready for you Els. Wanted this for so l—ong.” You can’t stop trembling, and perhaps it was your feverish chills or the fact you were so excited to finally have your best friend in the way you’d wanted her.
“Yeah?” She cooes, but she’s barely listening — both thumbs pushing the fat of your lips outward, spreading you for her viewing pleasure. “Been hiding all this from me? But it’s so pretty…”
You sniffle, and she takes that as her sign to dive straight in — tongue flattening against your exposed clit and flicking upwards before dragging her lips down through your quantity of arousal. You moan, barely able to hear yourself through the loud purs emitting from you and buck your hips against her face.
You knew Ellie had experience, from the gutwrenching stories she’d tell you about her escapades with her ex girlfriend Cat (Funnily enough, actually her name — a foreshadowing all things considered.) But you’d figured it was just fooling around behind the barn, or maybe when Joel wasn’t home as the two of them used to share a residence. You didn’t expect her to be so… ravenous. If you knew that the girl sat beside you for so long could eat like this, you might have felt more inclined to approach her for help a little sooner.
The room was filled with obscene sounds, the sound of Ellie’s mouth ministrations which can only be compared to noise that belonged to stirring buttery pasta — mixed with her low moans against you because apparently you tasted that good. This was also mixed with, but not overshadowed by your desperate cries and purs as you pull her head further down into your crotch, panting up against the ceiling praying for release.
You hear yourself cry for “More!” and as if the thought had already sprouted for your best friend, her middle finger immediately pressed in against your hole — applying pressure and massaging that warm spot — a challenge for it not to slip right in given how wet you were for her.
“Can give you more. Lemme in, babe.” She murmurs against you when she finally sinks it in, sucking on your clit as means to get you to loosen up around her — which in hindsight wasn’t her most clear-minded idea as you only clenched harder. Ellie, much to your dismay removes her mouth for a moment to sit up on her elbow a little higher. She blows over your clit, smacking a wet kiss to it before looking up at you seriously — finger frozen only a little way in. Her free hand comes up, wide palm stroking across your lower stomach soothingly. “Gotta relax. Don’t wanna hurt you and you’re tight, babe. Relax.”
This side of Ellie made it difficult to not challenge this by clenching even harder. You could tell there was still an element of nerves to her, not wanting to fuck it up — but it just came so naturally to her to look after you. You push a shaky breath out through your mouth in a small ‘o’ shape, eager to make her proud again like before and focus on unclenching, her thumb on the connecting hand softly stroking your clit up and down to assumably aid you in this. “Good job, that’s it.”
She smiles when she returns her mouth to your folds, absolutely ecstatic to get back in there. You would have giggled at this if you weren’t so worked up, placing all your concentration into keeping loose for her and letting her press her finger up into a delicate spot you hadn’t discovered before. You jerk, briefly clenching again as her gaze snaps up to you— free hand coming back to smooth down your hip and ass, calming you. “C’mon babe, this is gonna get y’there. Help me out here.” She whispers and you try for her again, letting her press up into that toe curling devastating place. The bed rocks with movement, the same feeling you get when you’re half awake in the back of a moving car — and you glance down to realise it’s Ellie, and she’s fucking humping the bed, grunting against your pussy with her nose smushed to your clit. You feel the tears welling, and something turning like cogs in your stomach. Your orgasm approaches, but it’s only at the precipice of your cunt— the ache reaching much deeper and you panic at the idea of being left unsatisfied despite your deep lust, Ellie’s touches only making you ache more.
“Els, Ellie w—wait I’m gonna, let — wait I can’t it’s not — s’not deep enough I need more, need more it’s too —” You’re suddenly crying out, pushing yourself up with a look of absolute devastation on your face which is so sobering that she pulls her fingers out of you completely — pushing her self up at crazy speeds to meet you half way and cup your face.
“Babe, you’re panicking. Just talk to me, tell me what you need I — I can give it to you. Breathe.” She whispers, lips brushing your own as she attempts to comfort you, swiping away the tears leaking down your cheeks still. Your lip curls over, puffing out and wobbling as you suck in a quivering breath.
“More— just need to be… fucked, need you to fuck me, need it deeper.” You wail and she shushes you again, her slender hand coming back down to just cup your cunt in a way that made you dizzy, an attempt for her to comfort you and hold you in a way that you needed. Your eyes squeeze shut and tears moisten your lashes, feeling guilty for asking for such things, unsure if she can really give it to you. You didn’t want her to feel bad.
Ellie bites her lip in thought and tastes you. She did have that one thing… though she hadn’t actually used it before. It was a harness, a thick purple dildo lodged into the centre of it — stashed in a shoebox and shoved under her bed with crimson cheeks and clammy hands. She’d found it on patrol, and figured it could be useful one day maybe — a vision of you taking her with an arched back and her hips slamming against your plush ass making her wince and cup her cunt through her jeans in that very sex store. She had something that could help, and she had to push her pride aside to offer.
“Got something I can fuck you with. It’s… literally for that purpose but uh, it’s back at my place.” When she see’s the way your eyes light up with hope she’s jumping up, yanking her jeans up back around her waist, fumbling to do up her zipper as she continues to stare at you for permission. “I can run, be back in literally five minutes — do you want it babe? I’ll be so fucking fast you won’t even know I’m gone.” She’s not sure who’s begging who anymore, because since handed the opportunity Ellie has become obsessed with the idea of finally getting to fuck you good and proper.
“Yes j—just be fast, Ellie please be fast.” You mewl weakly, dropping back against the bed. She gives you a once over as she stumbles for her shoes, pulling her Converse on at a speed you didn’t think was possible and roughly tying laces. She’s out the door before you know it, leaving you to your own devices.
It feels like hours when she’s gone and you slip further into that dream-like, hazy space you’ve been fighting since she’d laid hands on you. Without her touch, the ache began to settle deep into your centre again — skin on fire and sensitive to the touch. You felt like you were being burned from the inside out without her there, rolling around on your sheets attempting to find comfort and coming up unsuccessful. The arch in your back only opened your cunt wider to the balmy air, and your nipples grew sore quickly from rubbing up against your bedsheet. A bead of sweat rolls between your tits.
Ellie’s feet hurt from the speed her Converse would slap the concrete of Jackson’s town— sprinting her way through the 4AM streets on a mission to bring you the equipment to satisfy your urges. Her heart thunders when she reaches her place, dropping her keys and swearing to herself as she fumbled to get the door open. She doesn’t bother closing it behind her when she runs inside, wood creaking beneath her heavy steps to sliding down on her knees beside her bed, reaching her hand along the dusty floor to find that shoe box. She finds it, muttering a borderline deranged ‘There you are’ before sliding it out, popping it open just to check it’s still there before slamming the lid back on and tucking the box under her arm, heading back to you.
You know she’s back because through your daze you hear the door shut and her loud high-pitched grunt of exertion, the image of her doubling over in your hallway to catch her breath coming to you almost like a prophetic vision. The ache worsens as her footsteps draw closer, her voice strained and out of breath as she calls out to you. “I almost — Fuck, almost ran into Jesse on the way to his early patrol. Saw him and, had to take a detour behind someone’s house cos’ he would have asked what was in the box and like — I can’t just get it out and show him…” Her panted words trail off when she re enters the bedroom, eyes falling on your desperate state once more.
It was a blow to her heart, seeing you so worked up. You were completely naked now in just your collar, brow slick with sweat and body practically glowing. Your tail curls around your thigh self soothingly, ears pointed high and alert. Your back arches painfully as you drag your hands down your thighs. You sniffle, defeated.
“Can’t even touch myself n’make it better cos my claws won’t go back in.” You shake, dragging your hands down your thighs desperately. Your sharp claws catch the delicate skin leaving long thin marks but you don’t even seem to notice. Ellie’s brows furrow and she rushes to you, sitting beside you on the bed and taking your hand in hers, looking at your clawed fingertips.
“Hey, don’t… don’t do that. M’here now. Can look after you yeah? Let me just…” She struggles for the box and pulls out the clattering harness and toy. You’re distracted for a moment as you watch, intrigued by the contraption that she’s pulling up her jeans and fastening at her hips. When she’s done, a purple plastic cock stands proud in the centre of her crotch, and your mouth practically waters.
It was animalistic, truly — and a little embarrassing the way you grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed. She even had the nerve to stumble a little bit, her back bouncing against the sheets as she scrambled to get comfortable and you crawled onto her lap. You press your lips to hers again like she’s your life line, letting out a muffled moan because you missed her. She’d been gone for five minutes and you’d missed her. You knew she’d tease you for that if it were any other time, but this time was like no other. She groans against you too, her hand cupping up to cup the back of your head and hold you there. You couldn’t get enough of eachother, all this waiting was finally paying off.
Your thighs shake around her as you wrap your hand around the dildo, sitting back as you can rub it up and down your slick a few times, collecting it’s juice. Ellie sits up a little, watching with wide eyes. “Jesus. Y’look so fuckin’ pretty.”
Her words send a surge of need through you again and you push the fat tip against your hole, adjusting so you can sit straight down on it. She winces for you, hands hovering above your hips. “Careful you haven’t taken anything bigger than my fingers before it’s gonna—”
You groan, melting into her as you sink down all the way. She’s right, it does hurt — and you’re frozen, laying against her shoulder hiccuping and quietly sobbing at the stretch. It’s way too much, but — it scratches the itch. Dulls the ache inside. You could power through this.
Her voice is gentle when she speaks, hands slowly coming down on your back to rub soothing circles on your clammy skin. “Hey.” She leans back a little, tilting her head trying to get a look at you. “Look at me, baby.”
You do, because how could you not — blinking big wet, eyes at her in the dark. She wipes away some tears with her knuckle, brows frowned and concerned. “You gotta be careful. Okay? I don’t… I’m not going to hurt you. I can’t.” She admits, and it seems to carry more meaning than what she’s letting off in the moment. Your doe eyes well again, fist curling in her wifebeater and then loosening as you try and calm your jerky breaths. She slowly reaches down until the pads of her fingers meet your clit, engorged and pushed out from the way your cunt is stretched open around her. She rubs it in light circles, softly — making you preen into her touch. The pain of the stretch lessens and you can’t help but grind down.
With each grind, you become more frenzied — picking up the pace as you chase the feeling you’d been after. You’re moaning over the sound of your pussy squelching around her and all she can do is grab onto your ass and help you, eyes all over you. “Fffffuck, babe — look at you, takin’ it so well. Who taught you how to fuck like this huh? Thought I was your first?” She chuckles, breathless from your incessant bouncing and grinding.
“You are, Els — m—my first and my only, don’t wanna fuck anyone else ever again.” You whine, so loudly it can probably be heard from outside but who cares — not when she’s got you like this. This worked up and needy for her. It was something from her wildest dreams.
“Yeah? Wanna be my girl?” She grunts, your grinding aiding the harness in hitting her clit just right with each movement. With all this time spent helping you, Ellie hadn’t realised how pent up she was.
“Yes, m’your girl Ellie, m’your girl you — you own me!” You admit, and it seems things go a little quiet at the confession. You clench hard, burrowing into her shoulder as she processes the words. Ellie hears an incoherent ‘More’ again, and her body goes on autopilot — feet sliding up to press flat against the bed. She holds you still, arm across your lower back and pins you to her whilst she fucks up into you fast. She grunts at the feeling, and you cry. With each bounce she forces out of you, your bell collar jingles humiliatingly.
Ellie can’t seem to keep her hands in one place, leaving your back to feel the way your tits jump with each movement caging them under her hands. “Yeah, baby? Like that?” She cooes and feels you nod frantically into her, nothing but mewls and moans able to leave you. You’re gushing over her strap, walls spasming trying to suck her back in each time she draws back — Ellie feels like she can feel it herself.
“Y’own me. M’all yours forever Els.” You babble like you’re trying to keep yourself awake, alive, conscious whilst Ellie fucks up into you like it’s the last chance she’ll ever get.
“Yeah? This all mine, sweet girl?” She cooes, and finally you feel it — the hint of a knot in your stomach, the orgasm you’ve been chasing — one that resides deep inside you, the ache that felt like it could kill you, soon to be soothed by Ellie herself.
“Yes! Yes! Mphm, g’nna cum on your dick!”
Her dick. She’d never thought of it like that before. The words leaving your mouth sparked something in her, and suddenly she was the feral one. Her jaw clenches, strong hands pushing and tugging and rolling you onto your back. You gasp at the feeling of her cock sliding right out to the tip at the jostling, tits bouncing as you lay back on the bed. You looked vulgar and improper and so far from your innocent self, and Ellie couldn’t help but feel that maybe this was all on her. Maybe you wouldn’t have gone into heat if the sexual tension between you wasn’t so strong. What had she done to her sweet best friend?
You stare up at her with doe eyes, and she stares back for a moment — lips parted, jaw squared and eyes dark. This was the Ellie you’d needed.
Her hands slide up the backs of your thighs and push your knees up to your chest, pressing her strap deep inside of you. Her breathing is erratic, hair falling into her face as she thrusts in and out at a punishing pace, the tip of her cock nudging your cervix just right. It’s almost too much to take and you turn your head with a weak mewl, sound punched out of your lungs. She doesn’t let you, grabbing you by the jaw so that fucked out your eyes stayed on her own glossy ones.
“Yeah that’s right, look at me. Stay right here with me.”
“You can. Be good, c’mon, j’st keep taking it, angel.” She moans and your toes curl. Needing her as close as humanely possible, your hand curled around the back of her head tugging her to your lips. You feel her arm pressed between the two of you, giving herself just enough space to toy with your clit as she groaned against your mouth.
You detached, unable to keep up with the kissing as you wrapped your arms around Ellie’s neck — and she was okay with that, focusing on her thrusting to get you where you needed. You squeeze extra hard with a pained mewl, every one of your moans met with a cooed ‘Yeah?’ or ‘That right?’ until you were actually finally cumming.
You’re not aware of yourself when you actually do, feeling like water was being thrown over the fire that was your body all whilst igniting another at the same time. The sounds coming from you were…a lot. Purs and squeals and moans and squelching, nothing left to do but to let Ellie ride it out for you, telling you how good you are for letting go. You hear her wince and it brings you back a little, realising you’d been scraping your fangs along Ellie’s bare shoulder — drawing thick beads of blood.
You pant, and she stares down at you with a clenched jaw as you calm your self, recuperating after that Earth shattering orgasm given by your best f— you couldn’t surely still be calling her that right? After all that?
Your eyes focus, puffy lips smeared slightly with the blood you’d drawn from Ellie’s skin and you heave out a whispered apology, trying to blink back your concentration which was proven difficult with her strap still seated deep inside you the way it was.
“S—orry, got carried away I didn’t mean to.”
She goes to shrug, but the air is then punched out of her lungs as you lean forward a little, looking at her with pensive, wide submissive eyes before flattening your tongue against the wound and cleaning it up. She watches, still not having said a word before she’s gently grabbing your shoulders and pushing you to lay flat again. Her hips shift, a slow experimental grind rolling out from her hips as she watches you. Your brows furrow, jaw gaping at the sensitivity as you grab at her strong arms in a slight panic. She takes your hands and pins them down in a soft and loving way.
“What’you doin’ Els?” You sigh out almost in one breath, and that’s when she leans down and presses soft kisses to your cheek once more, her hair tickling your nose, wanting you to feel the love radiating off her.
“Makin’ sure it’s all out your system. You’ll let me do that, yeah?” She mutters, still breathless and you whine in response with a vicious nod. “Good girl.”
Your thighs, which you hadn’t realised had tightened around her hips loosened and fell open, your tail pushing out from under you to absentmindedly tickle your own skin. Maybe it was for comfort, self soothing you through the pleasurable pain of your overstimulation.
Ellie picked up her pace a little, her movements different from before— long and lengthy rolls of her hips making sure to graze every wall inside of you. “How’s that? That make you feel good?” It’s an earnest and honest question, genuinely wanting to know but you tip your head back, controlling everything in you not to hurt her when you dig her claws into the fat beneath her ass now — trying to pull her deeper inside since she’d let your arms out of her pin.
“Feels so good, Ellie. Y’look after me so well.” You whimper, one hand reaching up to push her hair out of her face and she blinks at you a little off guard— preening at the praise a little. “My strong, clever Ellie. Always doin’ what’s right f’me.” You whine, and it seems the praising is turning the both of you on as her brows knit, lips parting just a little as she grinds harder in a way that rubs her good down below.
“Okay, okay fuck.” She chuckles when she catches herself, which only makes you bite your lip and spread yourself wider for her. The angle hits your gummy insides yet again in a way that you just couldn’t handle and your legs are jerking, eyes squeezing shut as you ride out another soft orgasm — letting her pleasure herself inside of you.
She keeps going, and keeps going, and keeps fucking going until you’re all fucked out — Ellie’s boxers soaked and the strap shiny all over from your releases. The sun is starting to come up through the blinds making Ellie squint tiredly when she rolls you over back on top of her, your thighs splayed either side of her body — plastic dick still burrowed inside of you.
She lets out a sigh of exertion and a gentle ‘Alright’ when she tries to carefully lift her hips, trying to get a good grip on the base of the dildo so she could pull it out of you but you whine, clenching around it selfishly as you smush your cheek against her — fucked out and senseless, already half asleep. “J’st keep it… keep it inside, please. Just for a little while.”
The sentence makes her heart tighten a little and she just nods, letting herself fall back and relax into the soft pillows more, hand opting to instead lazily trail up and down your back until the movements were halting with her journey into sleep— drifting off to the visions of your beautiful face, and the memory of your kisses against her lips.
She’ll ask you out officially tomorrow. For now, she could just enjoy the peace that you brought her.
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rookiesbookies · 5 months
Oh my God, if you wrote more sex doll!141 I would be thrilled. It's such a good concept and you've executed it wonderfully!! (Personally I'm partial to simon but if you wrote any of the other characters I would still eat it up).
So I’m going to be honest, Simon is a very difficult character for me to right in intimate situations because of how his character is structured. It’s one of the reasons I have trouble flushing out how I write him and why he may be much more varying than my other boys when I write them fic to fic. He’s truthfully the hardest character for me to right and he’s the one I know the most about so I hope this is good.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, check out my AU list for more like this. Don’t forget to leave me a comment (i always try to respond) or a request in my inbox (i also try to respond to these when I can), a reblog, or even just a like to let me know what yall want to see!
I gift you, Sex Doll!Simon and his loser!reader as a gift. As always, under the cut.
A doll and his loser 2, electric boogaloo.
When Simon’s lady had ordered him, she had also been drunk. She was ovulating, feeling sorry for herself, and incredibly horny when the ad on whatever porn site she was on popped up for the sex dolls. So she scrolled through the options, noticing the ‘Johnny’ Doll was sold out, but it didn’t matter, one had caught her eye immediately. The doll style they had named ‘Simon’. His mask made her run wild. She noticed how the pants clung to his thighs and wide shoulders and it made her mouth water. She couldn’t even remember what she ordered the next morning between headaches and vomiting but she just assumed it was something she forgot and paid off that credit card charge.
It was days later when the box arrived.
“Big ole box you got there,” her neighbor teased, “need help getting it in, little lady?”
She huffed, she had been trying to push it in for about 20 minutes. “Please,” she whined.
Her neighbor helped get the probably 200 pound package into her room. The box was all scratched, fragile stickers torn. She thanked her neighbor and ushered him out as she began to open the weird box.
The language seemed made up, but she didn’t expect to get the box open and a giant Ken doll to fall on her with a loud thud as the two hit her floor.
“You’re a big bitch,” she groaned as she shoved the doll off her. His eyes fluttered open and she watched him curiously. “Hi.”
She was met with silence. He seemed mute, like his mouth was stuck shut.
Confused and slightly disappointed, she stared down at the doll lying on her floor.
She had expected an interactive experience, a companion that would fulfill her desires, but all she had in front of her was a lifeless figure. Frustration began to well up within her, fueled by the lingering effects of her hangover.She had gotten wasted the night before again.
Frustrated, she decided to give the doll a chance. After all, she had spent a considerable amount of money on it, and maybe there was a way to activate its features. She carefully inspected the doll, running her hands over its smooth, artificial skin and marveling at the intricate details. But no matter how hard she looked, there didn't seem to be any buttons or switches that would bring it to life.
Determined to find a solution, she grabbed her laptop and searched for the website where she had made the purchase. But it was as if the site never existed. It wasn’t in her search history, it wasn’t in her purchase history, she couldn’t even find a number on the box.
Frustration turned to confusion as she scrolled through her browsing history, desperately trying to find any trace of the website that had led her to this mysterious doll. It was as if the entire transaction had been erased from existence.
Feeling a mixture of unease and curiosity, she decided to take matters into her own hands. With the doll still lying motionless on the floor, she sat down next to it and began examining every inch of its body. Perhaps there was some hidden mechanism, some secret activation method that she had missed.
Then she saw the icon on the box between the gibberish writing, something about the lips.
She crouched down and tenderly pressed her lips against the cool, skin textured rubber of the cheek of the robot. In response, his previously stiff body began to move and his facial features softened into a look of happiness.
A surge of excitement coursed through her veins as she realized that there was more to this doll than met the eye. She had stumbled upon something extraordinary, something beyond her wildest dreams. Her hangover instantly forgotten, she eagerly awaited what would happen next.
Slowly but surely, the doll began to move. Its previously inanimate limbs twitched and flexed as if awakening from a deep slumber.
“Hi,” she said softly, running her hand over the mask.
He flipped his mask up over his lips and quickly kissed her passionately.
She let out a squeak as he climbed on top of her.
“So pent up,” he mumbled, kissing down her neck as she giggled. His hands roaming free. “So stiff, I could use a good stretch, love. And it seems based on your purchase of me, you could too.” He said with a teasing tone before pulling off her pants she wore to work.
He began to eat her through her panties, but it was more lip locking with her lower set. He moved her panties to the side and continued his make out session with her labia. His teeth occasionally gently pulling on them. He took his sweet time getting her wet before he did any more. He spit on her then dug in.
Messy, his face covered in her natural lube, mask rubbing against her clit.
She sat there like this for a while but she got too loud so he stretched his long arm so his palm stretched over her mouth, thumb rubbing her cheek as he continued. Her eyes rolling back as he edged her slowly. One, then two, then three times. Her body convulsing as he finally lifted himself, she let out a whine and he shushed her before freeing himself from his jeans.
He got real close to his ear. “How badly.” He commanded.
She whined out pitifully as a plea.
“Good.” He said, throwing a leg over his shoulder before sliding in and thrusting. A fast pace in, a roll of the hips, and slow pull out. He held this pace for so long she began to feel like the sex doll. It was brutal in the most wonderful way.
Toe curling.
Ball smacking.
Pussy dripping.
Best sex of her life.
Her cervix thoroughly bullied.
Her moans muffled and covered by his rough palm.
Her rug covered in sweat, her flooring under it glistening with heat.
When he finally let her come it was like reaching the peak of Everest. She gasped and whined and moaned, almost screamed into his palm. He fucked her through it and came not long after from her body milking his cock.
He removed his hand and cock making her whine, returning his mouth to her cunt to make out with it again.
He cleaned her of his cum before picking her up and running a bath.
“Worth every penny.” Was all her mushed brain could muster.
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jeonjcngkook · 2 years
What about a drabble where the oc hasn't seen jk in a while and when they are hanging out, she like finally sees him and smothers him with affection, kissing his moles and you know just giving him kisses and he's all giggly and blus.... Omg what have i done.
right where you left me | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x female reader genre(s)&au(s): sfw, fluff, romance, established relationship, domestic happiness, slice of life word count: 2.7k warnings: mention of alcohol + 1 sip bcs oc rather be drunk on luvin koo 🤤🥴 oh bet believe we r bringing back blue haired koo just 4 u sarah 🙃, making out, kisses kisses kisses 😚😚 — srsly i say it 24 times n its still !! not !! enough !! grr, ((maybe a surprise daddy koo who fuckin loves his baby ??)), how many times can i call koo 'pretty' ; the answer is also not enough 🥹 !! um, suggestive hints at sex 🫣 & sav being her typical self and never letting the est rel romance agenda go — srsly i cant do anything else 🫠. rating: mature nc17+ for suggestiveness note: unedited asf 🤷🏻‍♀️… ive had this lil request in my inbox for a while n wanted so save it for something special. so for @caelesjjk — i hope this makes you smile as much as it did me writing this. happy bday angel ♡ and for the anon who requested this, tysvm i love lil fluff requests like these n hope to do more 💘 hopefully you also like it too
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Sighing a sigh of relief, you have never felt so happy to kick your shoes off at your front door after being away from work for so long. The all too familiar feeling of your feet sinking into the plush grey carpet beneath you fills you with a sense of comfort completely overriding the homesickness that once hovered over you like a bleak grey cloud.
The house is quieter than usual, the only sounds are from the floor creaking as you swap your shoes for your fluffy slippers filling the empty spaces. You pick your keys that you had just thrown on top of the shelf at the front door and hang them up next to your husband's set of car keys; the sight of them hanging gives you the answer that you’ve been asking yourself.. Jungkook should be home.
Making your way further into the living space, you notice that the house is kept in the exact same condition it was when you left last week for a girls getaway trip to London. There are the odd toy lying on the floor but other than that, it’s spik and span. The lack of sound from the TV, which is usually showing a rerun of Jungkook or your own favourite show is almost deafening, used to always hearing something playing in the background. Come to think of it, there are also no signs of melodic sounds from Jungkook’s usual soft r&b playlist either. 
The smell of cooking fills your nose and your mouth starts to water immediately. If Jungkook is unaware of the fact you’re home then you decide that you would keep this up and slowly tip toe into the kitchen in hopes to surprise your husband.
Slowly, you creep through the warmth of your living room and into the kitchen area where Jungkook doesn’t seem to be. You frown at the lack of husband in the room, a little worried about his whereabouts. He knows you’re returning today, even offering to pick you up at the airport when you land himself but you refused as your friend’s boyfriend was providing you transport home already.
However, as quickly as your frown came, it left when you find a bottle of red wine sitting on the island in the middle of the kitchen, and sitting next to it are two glasses and you can’t help but gnaw on your bottom lip to try and suppress your smile. You decide to rummage through the drawers, pulling out a corkscrew and removing the cork from the neck of the bottle. With a pop, the wine bottle opens and the scent of the fruity alcohol mixes with the smell of dinner, which is in the slow cooker behind you and you can’t help but let out a low hum of satisfaction. You pick up the bottle and pour the liquid into both glasses until half way.. If you're going to surprise your husband then you may as well do it with a glass of wine to greet him with.
Picking up the glasses in each hand, you decide to head up the stairs to the top level of your home to find Jungkook. As you pass the stairs, you stop and look at the wall which is filled with pictures of you both together as well as pictures of your family. You smile as you look at the images of family holidays, special occasions and fun times you’ve spent together. Your wedding picture of you both is centred in the middle and you can’t help but smile wider at the image.
Dressed head to toe in white lace and tulle with a diamond centrepiece on the dress, which glitters in the picture as the camera caught a moment between you and Jungkook staring at each other with love and admiration for each other. Jungkook stands next to you in his custom made all white wedding tuxedo and a matching diamond brooch clipped onto his suit jacket. One of his hands was wrapped around your waist as the other was playing with the ends of your hair. You remember in the moment that Jungkook was laughing a boisterous and beautiful giggle right before he kissed you so tenderly for the picture.
It wasn’t an image that was meant to be taken but it ended up being your favourite from the wedding shoot.
You move on and climb the rest of the stairs slowly and quietly. As you reach the top, your head turns in the direction of your shared bedroom and immediately you see the door is wide open and the room empty meaning there is only one other place Jungkook could be. You head in the opposite direction when you see the last door at the bottom of the hallway cracked open slightly, only to let a sliver of red light into your view from the hallway.
The faint sounds of keyboard clicks can be heard as you approach the room. Gently, you push the door open to be greeted with Jungkook’s dual monitor screens lighting up the room along with the dark LED’s. The top of Jungkook’s head can be seen over the headrest of his gaming chair as you see his giant headset resting over his ears, blocking out the sound of the outside world as he continues to click away at the buttons on his keyboard, successfully managing to kill an opponent on the opposite team of the game he is playing.
On one of the monitors, you manage to see the little pop up figure of his body in the corner and notice that he’s shirtless, which isn’t something he usually does when he streams. You scrunch your eyes slightly to find that Jungkook has your eight month daughter wrapped up in her favourite white blanket resting herself on his chest as one of his hands sits underneath her to keep her placed comfortably. It’s now that you register the little snores coming from your baby girl as you lean against the doorway and take in the sight in front of you. Your little girl has her tiny palm opened and resting against her daddy’s skin and her chubby cheek pressing into the bare skin of his chest.
You hear Jungkook hum as he watches over the comment section of his stream as he continues to play, making sure to answer people as quickly as the comments come.
“...Yeah, it’s proven that skin to skin contact between newborn babies and their parents improves bonds long after birth,” you hear Jungkook say and you grin at his answer. You bought those books on pregnancy for you but you swear you caught Jungkook amongst the novels more than yourself. Every night through your pregnancy,  Jungkook would tell you a new fact that he had learned for the day and couldn’t wait to share it with you.
“It also lowers stress levels for babies and parents too, as well as promotes a healthy breastfeeding cycle for the little one. I’d do anything I can to help out _____ in any way I can. She’s brilliant. She gave me everything I could ever want right here,” Jungkook says as your little girl rustles slightly against him. “Speaking of ______, she should be home soon,” he thinks out loud.
Placing both of the wine filled glasses on top of the table on the side wall, you’re able to rummage your hands in your pocket to pull it out. You snap the image in front of you of him on the monitor with your baby in his arms before opening your thread of texts between each other and captioning the moment before sending him the picture.
Jungkook’s own phone lies on the desk with the screen up; lights up with your notification. You watch as he’s quick to grab it and clicks into the notification to enter in your direct messages together.
You [8:32pm] : {image attached} shes already home ;)
Jungkook turns around and sees you standing there waiting for him with the glasses in your hands, smiling fondly at both him and the infant in his arms. He immediately replicates your smile before turning back to the camera he has set up and announcing his departure from tonight's live stream.
Slowly, he moves out of his gaming chair and makes his way over to you. In the week you have been gone his hair has already grown out a few extra inches, the blue ends now long enough to touch his jawline. The front of his hair falls over his face in pretty black wispy curls while some fall from the sides and have been clipped back by a few of your hair clips. He’s just so beautiful. His bare chest rises up and down gently and slowly while the eight month old girl continues to snuggle herself against her father. You take in the image of intricate swirls and patterns of ink that extend over his shoulder, flexed bicep as he keeps your daughter secure in his arms, all the way down his forearm and hands. He’s just the prettiest.
“Welcome home, sweetheart,” he whispers as he bends down ever so little to meet you halfway into a sweet kiss. You reach a hand around his neck and pull yourself towards him as he kisses you, chasing his pretty cherry flavoured pouty lips.
“It’s so good to be back home,” you admit. “How long has she been asleep?” You ask as you run your fingers delicately through her hair.
Jungkook thinks for a moment before telling you it’s only been a couple hours. Jungkook had already fed her and bathed her before he started his stream, so all there is to do now is to put her to bed in her crib.
You exit the gaming room with Jungkook following right behind you. In your bedroom, you place down the wine glasses and you’re quick to sift through your wardrobe to pull out a comfortable outfit to lounge around the house in, one that you hadn’t spent falling asleep in on an aeroplane for hours. Jungkook bends over the wooden structure of the crib and places the baby inside. The latch of the crib is secured once more and the sound of her hanging mobile sounds out a soft melody.
Once dressed, you make your way over to Jungkook who is admiring you from the other side of the room having missed his beautiful wife for a week. With his hair now removed from the hair clips and almost fully covering his glittering eyes, he flashes you that all too familiar, signature pretty smile he has before reaching out for you and enveloping you in his arms.
You jump into his embrace and lock your legs around his waist from behind, cupping his cheeks as you smother each other in kisses, whispering soft greetings and compliments.
“I’m so happy to see you again,” you whisper faintly as you continue to press kiss after kiss after kiss onto his lips. “I’m so lucky to have you as mine,” you finish.
Jungkook smiles as he starts to walk out of the room, reaching for the baby monitor as he keeps you secured in his arms and you reach for the wine from behind him, taking a generous, long overdue sip. Jungkook carries you down the stairs and into the kitchen where he places you down on the kitchen island and closes the gap between the both of you, placing his lips back on yours quickly and much more demanding than the last few times.
He grins at you, a glimmer in his eye and he hums suggestively. “I’m right where you left me darling,” he winks, his accent lacing his words as you listen to him attentively.
After years of being with each other, it never stops getting exciting being with Jungkook. The warmth that was once in your tummy has spread all over, goosebumps now covering your skin. Being in his arms definitely feels like home; a sense of safety and security that you yearn for that only Jungkook can provide you.
Deepening the kiss, you push your tongue past the seam of his lips eagerly and let it tangle with his own. You both smile into the kiss as his grip on your waist tightens, pulling you closer to the edge of the marble island and further into his embrace.
You can’t help but whimper when you break the kiss in favour of leaning into his neck and kissing the skin there. You lick your lips and make sure to leave wet trails as you travel further down towards your desired target. You give the little mole on the side of his neck a sweet peck, over and over, the wet sounds of your mouth leaving his skin fills the space.
A small growl vibrates through Jungkook’s chest, his hold on you becoming slightly tighter as you continue to dote on him. It isn’t long before your kisses turn into soft bites and vigorous sucks, planting cherry shaded blossoms over the mole on his neck. 
“_____,— mm, baby, am I not the one that is meant to be taking care of you tonight.. afterall you have just come back?” Jungkook moans.
Jungkook pulls away from you and stands taller to await your answer. Gazing into your eyes, you watch as his own eyes do that pretty thing where it smiles before Jungkook physically smiles. It’s your favourite trait he has.
“And who said that was the case, huh?” You jest with a light and teasing tone before continuing, “you’re taking care of me by letting me kiss my pretty husband. You’re taking care of me by letting me make you feel good.”
The only thing Jungkook can do in response is giggle, a light sanguine blush finding home on the apple of his full cheeks and you can’t help but wrap one of your hands around his neck and the other flat against the taut, hard muscle of his pectoral, caressing the skin back and forth before pulling him back in to chase his lips once more.
The kiss is unhurried, soft and gentle, yet with a hint of hunger for each other as the both of you take your time to enjoy being together once more. You bite Jungkook’s lower lip, drawing a shaky moan out of him as your teeth grazes his bottom lip and then letting it snap back into his smile pleasantly.
You can’t help but peck at the tiny mole under his lip and smile back at him, your silent way of telling him you love him. And then a thought pops into your head, one you know that Jungkook loves that you do.
Drawing Jungkook back in towards you, you press another little kiss to his bottom lip mole before travelling a little further down and kissing on the beauty spot just on top of his chin. You make a scene of it, letting out a loud ‘mwah’ sound as you continue to kiss away.
Moving on, you find the next two moles that are top and bottom of each other close to his ear and bathe them in love and affection just like you had done to the other two previous.
Jungkook loves when you’re soft and delicate with him. It isn’t something he would admit too to his group of friends but being dotted on, being cared for and loved admirably the way you do melts at his heart.
“Baby,” he whines as you tilt your head back slightly to plant a tiny kiss on the tip of his nose, your favourite place to kiss kiss kiss.
His hands slide under the fabric of your sweater, his hands warming your skin up more than the material did. “The last time we started off doing this,” he exaggerates his words by squeezing at your hips and then removing one of them to point towards the ceiling, “that happened,” he grins as fond memories of filthy kitchen antics replays in his mind.
His words ignite something inside of you akin to fireworks as he mentions your sleeping baby currently curled up in her cot. You react by wrapping your dangling legs back around his frame, pushing him further into you by your ankles as you heat up at his words and grin at him playfully.
“And what would be so wrong with that?”
Stunned, Jungkook doesn’t seem to know how to react to your words. It hasn’t been a topic of conversation about having another baby this soon, although you both have agreed that you both want a larger family.
“This soon?”
Now you ponder his words for a split second, already knowing your answer and already knowing that you want to start trying again for another baby as soon as you can. You lean in closer, your lips ghosting his as you close your eyes and breathe in your husband’s natural scent. “Take me to the dining table, koo.”
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note2: don’t be a silent reader & leave some feedback in my asks, reblog with a nice comment or even a lil reply saying if you enjoyed — big or small, they go a long way! supporting writers is always important <33
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botboots · 10 months
Saw that your requests were open so what about TFP cons with an adorkable teen human reader? A really close friend (the emotional support bundle of joy™) that is really artistic, kind, understanding and just a pure cinnamon roll, what would be the bots reaction to the lil' human? Optimus, Ratchet,Bulkhead, Arcee, BB, and if you do the kids then the kids. If not the other bots, stay safe!
im back!! so sorry for the long ass wait, had so much going on in my life recently (graduating, going back home, etc.) but hopefully i'll be back to posting somewhat regularly! tysm for the continuous support :] love seeing the notifs pop up every day this is one of the first asks in my inbox (and i completely forgot that the prompt said reader was part of the cons... whoops) and i've wanted to get it done for a while now! have so many more to get through but will get them done eventually - this isn't the best but its cute <3 and you can 100% tell who my favs are lmao warnings: none word count: 939 (GN reader)
he finds your outlook on things is a nice change of pace compared to the more pessimistic views that some members of the team can have at times
values your compassion greatly, often turning to you as a confidant over the time you’ve gotten to know each other. a mission went wrong and he’s putting all the blame on himself? you’re there to reassure him in a heartbeat, reminding him that he did his best and there’s always another chance; you keep him grounded
has an innate interest in art and writing - he used to be an archivist, after all
so he enjoys watching you indulge in your hobby, your excitement about it reminds him of his younger years of being a clerk at iacon when he would become giddy over a newfound archaic text
he’s very fond of you and makes sure you know it, taking note of the small things you like and getting you whatever little gift he can manage to find - genuinely thinks you’re cute and likes seeing you happy :] 
while it may have taken him a little longer than the others to warm up to you fully, he grew to start looking forward to your company (despite his his best efforts to hide it)
he appreciates your quiet company; you’re much less rambunctious than both the other humans and his own team - you complain a lot less too, probably one of his favorite qualities about you
like optimus, your bubbly attitude gives him a much needed break from the dreary duties that come with being the autobot medic
you often find yourselves working in tandem, with you sitting on the couch working on your newest project while he stands at his terminal typing away. occasionally you’ll walk over with a nervous smile, and with a roll of his optics he’ll lower a servo for you to climb into and lift you up onto the corner of the console, huffing when you chirp a thank you before the both of you quietly return to your tasks (he enjoys it, really)
while he’s not one to vent his frustrations to you, he’ll always be open to listen to you vent about yours. even if he doesn’t respond with much, he’ll offer logical solutions and observations for whatever issue you’re having
the big guy loves art, having been exposed to his fair share of it by miko, and is very encouraging when it comes to your projects
he might not get some of the nuances or meanings of the things you make, but he tries - oftentimes making you laugh a bit at the sheer amount he misses. it’s endearing though, and you appreciate the effort
too fidgety to sit and watch you do anything for too long, but he’ll offer to drive you to a vista for some inspiration while he does his usual scouting routes, miko tagging along of course. she’ll probably bring her sketchbook with her and sit next to you and draw, chattering the entire time while blasting some music from her ipod, offering you one of her earbuds
similar to ratchet she takes a while to get used to you, a little cold at first to your attempts at friendliness
she notices how happy you seem to make everyone else and eventually makes a legitimate pass at being friendly despite how awkward it feels
but with how eagerly you accept it she doesn’t feel as bad, sighing in relief as you immediately start filling her in on how much you’ve enjoyed your time with the autobots
she’s not much of a conversationalist (especially when it comes to humans) so your chattiness is almost a relief - not having to keep up fake interest and energy with someone puts her in a more comfortable position; especially since you’re not one to comment on it like others tend to
will sit and watch you work on whatever your newest project is, a comfortable silence shared between the two of you
rambles about random stuff from her past sometimes - you turn out to be one of the few people she trusts enough to mindlessly dump her thoughts to, both good and bad
one of the first to get to know you, overly excited about having a fresh face around
super curious when he sees you working on something, a barrage of questions translated from mechanical chirps and whirrs with the help (and annoyance) of ratchet
he’ll actually try and mimic some of your art on the walls of hidden ditches where he and rafael hang out, excitedly bringing you along to show off his latest work and buzzing happily when you praise it
will eventually, with your encouragement, try and make something original - he ends up finding it pretty soothing and an easier way to feel understood; communicating his feelings without words can be unsurprisingly helpful for someone who can’t use any of his own
you’ll spend hours hanging out and working on your stuff - he likes when you help him with his own art, adding your own brushstrokes to the concrete wall
he’ll let you sit up on his shoulder just to watch him make whatever he feels like making, or even just taking you on joyrides in the desert where he doesnt need to worry about anything going wrong
while it’s usually you, him and raf hanging out he does enjoy spending solo time with you - usually in silence or one-sided conversations, but you understand each other well enough without words
will also figure out what your favorite songs are and surprise you with them; he loves when you get all giddy about literally anything
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ambrozjas · 4 months
Could you do a song-fic with Sodapop Curtis w/ the song "Stupid Cupid" by Connie Francis? Love your writing, take your time 💕
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stupid cupid ꨄ︎
sodapop curtis x fem!reader
✧˖*°࿐ notes 🧸ᰔᩚ
✧˖*°࿐ warnings ᰔᩚ
reader is referred to as a girl and a lady, reader is called gorgeous and beautiful, beginning of this fic has soda in highschool so it takes place before the outsiders
✧˖*°࿐ word count ᰔᩚ
1609 words, 8588 characters
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
stupid cupid, you’re a real mean guy
i’d like to clip your wings so you can’t fly
it felt like the roman god of love had shot sodapop right through the heart, and boy did soda hate it. that’s all that he thought while he gazed at you, chin held in palm as he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. when the school air had a chokehold on everybody, it left out you. you looked absolutely divine. soda wondered if the gods, if there were any or it was just some stories made up to fill the minds of lovesick kids like himself, favored you. because as he looked at you, the sun just seemed to reflect off you just right, to where it coated the side of your face with a honey orange. you looked like an angel sent on earth, disguised as a teenager in soda’s highschool. he asked himself what you were doing in tulsa rather than some other fancy state like california.
i’m in love and it’s a crying shame
and i know that you’re the one to blame
“mr. curtis.” a stern voice broke through to sodapop, breaking the stained glass that in soda’s mind, was a mural of you and only you.
he snapped his neck to look up at the teacher, hovering over his desk as a finger harshly pointed at the paper on soda’s desk, almost empty.
“uh—sorry, sir.” mumbled sodapop as he grabbed his pencil and put his best thinking face on, hoping that the teacher would take the hint and retreat back to his old scratched up desk that looked like it had survived world war one.
the teacher narrowed his eyes at him, his upper lip curling into a sneer as he looked down at soda, before slowly walking back to his desk.
soda comically sighed in relief, taking one more glance back at you. he pressed his lips together tightly as he saw you talking to your friends. he always loved seeing you smile.
he exhaled sharply, earning another warning look from his teacher. soda tilted his head down as he studied the math problems below him, cradling his hand in his hand as his brain tried his best to work.
hey, hey set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
i cant do my homework and i cant think straight
“what’s up with you?” ponyboy asked, not looking up from his book. in the corner of his eye, he watched sodapop bounce his leg vigorously as he tried to rub his temples to somehow think better.
“nothin’, pony. don’t worry ‘bout it.” soda responded. he threw his head back to lean on the top of the chair, he was really out of ideas. all that occupied his mind was you. he was writing an essay? you pop up into his brain, he accidentally writes your name to which he has to erase afterwards with red ears.
i meet her every morning ‘bout half past eight
i’m acting like a lovesick fool
you even got me carrying your books to school
how could sodapop miss this once in a lifetime opportunity? he just had to talk to you. one day, when you guys met before school, your breath both evident in the cold oklahoma morning, you made a joke about soda carrying your stuff for you.
“here, be a gentleman, yeah?” a laugh slipper past your lips, and when soda heard that gorgeous sound come out of your mouth, how could he deny you?
your mouth fell into an ‘o’ shape, not even getting the word out before soda grabbed the books from under your arm and held them under his.
you tilted your head as a smile graced your face. gosh, were there wedding bells? soda definitely heard them.
“y’know i was jokin’, right?” you asked, making sure you weren’t forcing him into doing anything. “i can take them back if you want—“
“nah, it’s alright.“ he brushed it off, waving his free hand dismissively before starting again, “plus, you’re right. how could i leave a pretty lady to carry her books on her own?” to that, you sheepishly grinned wider as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear shyly when you looked away.
you mixed me up for good right from the very start
hey now, go play robin hood with somebody else’s heart
the more that soda talked with you, the harder it was to get you out of his head. but the more he talked with you, the less he minded.
soda had dropped out of school. sure, you somewhat contributed to him failing with how much you occupied his head, but it was also on his own.
he was working at the dx with steve, working on cars all day to especially help darry out.
soda wiped his face with his forearm, cleaning his oily rag as steve rambled about something in the background. he hadn’t seen you in awhile, considering that instead of walking with you to school, darry had dropped steve and soda off at work.
but suddenly, the door tripped the bell, giving it a loud ring as soda looked up at who was walking through the door. and speak of the devil.
he could recognize you just from your sneakers. his head whipped back up to meet your eyes, and gosh was it refreshing to see your face again. a soft smile still remained on your face, as it usually did.
“sodapop! so you really was workin’ here, huh?” you asked, eyes roaming around the multitude of shelves in the gas station interior.
soda’s mouth gaped, opening and closing like a fish. he watched as you walked up to the register and drummed your hands lightly on the counter.
“yeah!”, soda finally managed to blurt out, “how’ve you been? anythin’ new happen at school?” he asked, hearing steve finally shut up. soda could just imagine his ears pricking up at the sound of a pretty girl’s voice appearing.
“nothin’ much,” you leaned in and put a hand to the side of your mouth in a secretive manner, “mandy got pregnant.” soda gasped as he comically brought a hand up to his mouth. you guys whispered and gossiped, steve eyeballing both of you cautiously before slinging an arm around soda’s shoulders and brashly giving him a loud, “who’s this, soda?”
sodapop squinted at his friend and slowly turned his head, full of embarrassment. your eyes darted between the two of them, before giving steve a small wave and quietly giving him your name. your eyes fell back on soda, “well, i was just wonderin’ if you’d like to go to the drive-in wit’ me on saturday?”
“yeah, sure!” why was he acting like such a dork now? in front of the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen? but he sighed with relief when you nodded, giving him the same sweet smile you always greeted him with.
you got me jumping like a crazy clown
and i don’t feature what you’re putting down
once you had left the dx, soda went out to the garage and almost squealed, punching the air in excitement. steve narrowed his eyes as he watched through the garage windows, genuinely considering if soda was possessed or not.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
saturday couldn’t come quicker. it was already a great time leading up to the date, soda was confident. he was looked at himself in the mirror, popping his collar with assertiveness and heading out the door.
during the actual date, he tried to make subtle moves. shifting closer to you, touching thighs or linking pinkies. although you seemed okay with it, there was no engagement on your part. that almost worried soda, he knew you asked him on a date, but he was still overthinking. was he not all you expected? was he doing too much? too little?
but at the end of the date, when he drove you home in darry’s car that he begged to drive in, a small silence fell over you when you had reached your destination.
“y’need me to walk you up?”
“it’s alright, but do me a quick favor, will you?” soda couldn’t tear his eyes off your mouth when you spoke, lips painted a wine maroon color that somehow flowed so delicately with your words.
“anything.” was all soda said, before you placed your hand on the side of his cheek, giving him enough time to pull away, before closing your eyes and kissing him.
in that moment, it felt like you two were the only people in the world. just you, and soda, crammed into darry’s truck in the darkness of the night, only illuminated by the small light above you two on the car’s roof.
when you pulled away, you looked at soda’s lips, slightly parted and stained with a light purple-ish red as he looked at you, absolutely mesmerized.
“thank you. i’ll make sure to drop by the dx on my way home, ‘kay?” you said, not waiting for an answer as you bolted out of the vehicle due to your nearing curfew.
well since i’ve kissed her loving lips of wine
the thing that bothers me is that i like it fine
all soda could do was gape as he watched you depart into the sea of outside lights surrounding your front door and windows, watching you turn around give him a small wave once you opened the front door.
still dazed, all soda could do was wave back. before a wide grin appeared on his face as he covered his eyes with his hands.
stupid cupid, sodapop thought.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ this better get some likes i worked my ass off for this little fic and it’s only a thousand words 😭😭
kiss kiss ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
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hi! it's the pregnancy-as-plot-device anon again! thank you for your answer to my ask. I'm so grateful
could you help me on how to write a scene where the readers know that the main couple had (s*x) together but without a smut and a "waking up together nak*d* scene too? I just don't wanna make my main female character pop up pregnant out of nowhere and don't want to write an explicit chapter too.
Thank you so much.
Non-Explicit S*x Scene
** Note: I am choosing to follow the text convention Anon used (s*x) here. If that bothers you, keep scrolling.
There are a few different ways you can handle a s*x scene without being explicit or having them wake up together naked.
1 - Fade to Black - This is where you "fade out" before things get too spicy. What's great about this method is you can control how little or how much you want to show before that fade out occurs. You can do as little as having one lead the other into the bedroom and the door closes (leaving the rest up to the reader's imagination), or you could have them start kissing and then fade out, or you could ramp up toward some spicier making out before you fade out. And the fade doesn't have to be them going into the bedroom and closing the door. You can get a little poetic instead... maybe they start kissing, and the narrator says, "They spent the rest of the night getting lost in one another's souls." It's not explicit... it's not even specific, but it's reasonable for the reader to guess what exactly they got up to.
2 - Implicit Description - With implicit description, the reader is present for intercourse, or at least some of it, but it's described in a way that leaves things to the reader's imagination. It's more about emotion, thought, and feeling than describing body parts and what they're doing. It's poetic, like the "getting lost in one another's souls" bit, but more emotional and descriptive. Just not explicit.
3 - The Morning After, Just Not Naked - You can still skip to the morning after without the couple having to wake up naked together or waking up together at all. A day can begin when one character wanders into the kitchen to find the other making pancakes. Maybe they exchange a sly grin. Maybe one says something like, "Last night was amazing," or teases, "I see you found your underwear..." Here again, it's pretty clear what happened the night before without explicitly stating it. It doesn't matter whether or not the reader figures out they went all the way... they know something happened, so it's not going to be a huge shocker if someone ends up pregnant.
4 - Hinting Through Dialogue - Another option is to have one or both characters talk about it--not with each other as in the "last night was amazing" type of remark, but with other characters. For example, maybe Character A goes to meet friends at a coffee shop the next day, and Character C asks, "So, how did it go with Character B last night?" and Character A blushes, leading Character C to say, "NO! You didn't?! Did you two...?" Now it's out in the open. And this method can be used on its own or to clarify one of the methods above.
5 - Combination of the Above - Just as you can match #4 with any previous method for clarification, you can use any of these in combination to get the point across. You don't need to hit the reader over the head with it--especially if you're trying to be subtle--but if you combine methods, you'll definitely get the point across.
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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greatstormcat · 9 months
Birthday Surprise
Gaz x f!reader
TW: NSFW 18+, phone sex, talk of body confidence issues, MDNI, chubby reader
Summary: you surprise your boyfriend with some special photos
You had known that is was highly unlikely Gaz would return from his most recently deployment before his birthday, and you were right. It wasn't too much of an issue when it came to his gift though, you could still get at least part of it to him while he was away.
"Happy birthday, babe" you smile into the camera on your laptop as you saw his tired face appear. He broke into a grin as soon as he saw you, warmth quickly replacing the exhaustion in his eyes.
"Hey you, thanks. Seeing you makes up for being stuck out here," he replied. The background behind him shifted wildly as he lay down on his cot, holding the phone above his face so you were looking down at him, his other arm behind his head.
"So, I have a bit of a birthday surprise for you. The best thing is you can enjoy it while you are away still," you tell him cryptically, and his eyebrow creeps up.
"Oh yeah? Am I waiting for a something to be airdropped here or something?" he teases with a grin.
"No you idiot," you chuckle, your face beginning to heat with a touch of embarrassment as you continue. "Its something I can email to you, go and open your inbox but be discreet. I don't need Johnny getting in on this."
With a confused look the world tilts again as Gaz sits up, the background tilting wildly again and his brow creased with a frown as he changes apps on his phone to open his email. The screen freezes and goes grey but you can still hear him while he opens his email. You know when he sees the contents as his breath leaves him in a rush followed by the most guttural groan you've ever heard.
The camera comes back and his face is a mask of shock, his pupils blown wide as he looks at you. "You went and had a photoshoot...you?" he asks with genuine surprise. "Wait..." the screen goes grey again as he switches app and goes to look at the three photos go sent him again, random noises of awe escaping his throat.
"Yeah, I booked it ages ago. Its what they call a boudoir shoot," you explain, blushing furiously. "I saw some videos online of bigger girls like me having doing this and I thought it might help my confidence, and you'd finally have the naughty photos you always wanted." Your fingers twist into the hem of your top while you speak.
"Fucking hell babe, these are so hot," Gaz says, popping up on your screen again. "I mean smoking hot. You have no idea how gorgeous you are. Thank you for doing this... are there more pictures or just these?" he asks earnestly. He shifts uncomfortably, and you suspect he is adjusting himself to accommodate his arousal.
"Oh there are quite a few more, I didn't want to blow up your phone with them," you smile shyly at his response. Suddenly someone in the background is calling out for him, and Gaz looks pissed off at the interruption.
"Shit, I gotta go. Call me before you go to bed, I want to talk to you again about these. Love you," and the call ends abruptyl.
You spend the rest of the day on cloud nine thinking about his reaction to the photos. He was always trying to help you with your self confidence and body image as you were wracked with insecurities about your weight and appearance. You’d always refused to send him any nudes or anything risqué when he was away, and he had never complained, but you knew he was disappointed. This was a huge step for you, and he had made it completely worth it.
That evening you climb into bed and phoned him as promised. He picks up the call and purrs your name with his silky smooth voice, making the hairs on your arms stand on end. You can hear him put you on hands free and the tell-tale sounds in the background making it clear that he was jerking off. "These photos of you babe... fuck... so goddamn hot..." he praised you.
"Kyle, are you looking at them right now?" you ask softly, closing your eyes so you can picture him somewhere secluded, cock in hand looking at the photos of you.
"You bet I am... my hot girlfriend wearing nothing but lace underwear... right on my phone screen," he growls. "Always wanted this... fuck..."
"Bloody hell, I can hear you stroking it," you mutter, feeling your thighs clench together in response. There’s a wet sound over the phone as his fist slips over the length of his cock repeatedly, his breathing ragged as his pulse races.
"Good," he replies, his voice strained as his jaw clenches trying to hold back his orgasm. "When I get back, I'm gonna be inside you before my bags hit the ground. Promise you that babe. Gotta repay you for these... shit… gotta fuck you so bad… till you can’t take it any more… fill you up… need to… shit.. oh shit…”
You hear the breath rush out of his body as he releases all over his fist, the contended grunts as he relaxes into the waves of euphoria. Your clit throbs as you listen, begging for attention.
For a moment there is just the sound of his breathing, then a rattling sound as he picks up the phone and holds it to his ear. “As crap as it is not being with you, this made it a little less crap,” he murmurs, words breathless and soft.
“I’m glad, I love you,” you tell him. “Can’t wait to see you again.”
“Me too love,” he replies with a grin to himself. “Do me a favour? Send another photo tomorrow.”
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cowgirlcherrie · 11 months
⬭ 𓈒 hey there! all star. chapter two: the pink pen
╰   * rockstar! ellie x singer! reader x rockstar! abby
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synopsis: At All Star University deviance isn’t tolerated. When the band room is up in flames with 3 music students to blame, community service at a band camp in the summer is in order.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, smoking, mentions of arson, fighting, sexual undertones if you look closely, jealousy, slighty dark! ellie n abby, descriptions of blood, stabbing (with a pen), touching, jabs at hooking up, crazy-exes, if you watched tsitp (like a team conrad vs team jeremiah type beat), big feelings denial
a/n: (9k + words) There is definitely a change of speed this chapter, now for the fun, a lot of stakes a presented this chapter which lines up for future chapters, thus why there is one flashback to the fight scene, and some gaps of events — as always my inbox is open I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter if you ever wanna pop in to talk about it, I would love to hear theories as well
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previous. next chapter
02. the pink pen
You wish you could super-glue your eyes shut. 
The heat scorned your back, as the light layer of sunscreen you applied started to melt. The terrible air circulation from the broken bus fans didn’t help how sticky you felt against the red leather seats of the school bus.
Of course, apart from the 3 of you that had to volunteer, some other campus students were there as well; naturally volunteering out of the kindness of their own hearts. They were often plastered on the University’s Instagram as appreciation for their service.
Recognizable to you was first, Nora, who walked onto the bus with a pep in her step, followed by Dina and Jesse who you knew as friends of Ellie, Manny -- Abby’s practice buddy, and the silhouette of the last person who made your heart drop. A scowl appearing on your face as you brought a hand up to your face in shock.
Elora was the last campus student to enter the bus. 
The smug look on her face made you want to walk right up and slap it off of her. This was ridiculous. In this very moment, you hated the fact that you signed up for this – you should have just taken the expulsion, this was fucking awkward. You turned your head to look at Abby who was already looking at you as if she wanted to slam her head into a wall. 
With a loud – thud, Abby’s head hit the window, while you slowly slid down in your seat.
“If you act like you don’t see IT…it’s not even there” Abby whispered, referring to Elora as ‘it’ - making you only groan in response.
Ellie was to your right in the 3 seater, making you sandwiched between the two. Squinting at the two of you in confusion. The loud screaming music of her headphones masked any sounds your lips were making – so she tried to read lips. 
Ellie only got “don’t look” “not… there” and she eventually just tilted her head forward to mind her own business. Ellie was quiet this go round, you were waiting for her to just unclip her seatbelt and try to switch with Nora, who sat with Dina. Mentally, you thought she probably had enough of you and Abby’s shenanigans. 
Ellie wore long jorts in the heat, her leg rubbing against your own; one leg slightly further out in the middle aisle but her left leg still touching yours. You could feel Ellie’s cold hands slightly brushing at your knee from its position that it had on your own. You were overstimulated at this moment. Between Elora looking at you, Ellie being basically on top of you, and Abby throwing insults about Elora in your ear, it was too much. 
Abby and yourself went from cracking jokes and laughing to now trying your best to be invisible and unseen on the bus. 
“It’s hard not to she’s literally looking at me.” You hissed lowly back to Abby, who popped up from her slumped position like a popcorn kernel to look back at Elora as she twirled the drumstick in her hands some more. Abby pretended to throw the drumstick at Elora’s head, clicking her tongue and pretending that she hit her target. “Maybe I should wack her…again”
“Maybe you shouldn’t”
“Nah maybe I should, ya know…poke her eye out or—”
“The bitch can’t even read music!”
“What is up with you guys?” Ellie’s voice boomed as she took out her headphones to look at the two of you. Her sea green eyes were deep into your own, suddenly feeling yourself shake slightly under her gaze. Now that you got to see her features up even closer, she was more beautiful than your brain sought her to be. Her freckled face is slightly red from the sun and glossy from the sunscreen she wore as well. A cropped Guns & Roses muscle tee on her body, exposing the familiar tattoos on her arms. Sunglasses on her forehead – mirroring Abby. You broke the contact, your eyes pleading with Abby to help you.
Deny Deny Deny 
“You know…ex-flings” Abby blurted out, making sure to emphasize the word ex making you gasp and jab an elbow into her hip. Abby let out a huff at your unexpected jab. 
Abby entirely missed your que. 
You could feel your body getting jittery, your cheeks warm as your lips were slightly parted. You were not about to tell your crush about your failed situationship that nearly set you off. 
“I wasn’t asking you, rookie, I’m asking y/n…” Ellie interrupted, not breaking eye contact with you. Great. She was staring you down like a hawk watching its prey. She was onto you. Ellie bit her lip leaning into you “Y/n…?” 
You couldn’t focus. Between Ellie’s peppermint, eucalyptus scent that was hovering over you, your mind almost shutting dow; you looked past Ellie to look at Elora, who was already staring at you. Like you were a hunk of meat. It grossed you out, body shifting under her gaze, you could feel her eyes shifting to parts of your body that were exposed. Looking at places that she shouldn’t. Like your thighs, or your cleavage that was showing as your boobs pressed against each other in the tight pink halter top you wore.
Abby, on the other hand was twirling her drums got faster…and faster – to the point where you can hear the whizzing of the wood slapping against her flesh fingers.
You swore the wood was going to snap.
Ellie followed your train of vision, her lips shut as she looked at Elora. You could feel Ellie tense next to you, taking her hand off of her own thigh to crack her knuckles briefly.
“You fuckin’ around with Elora?” Ellie sounded disgusted, “ooh you could do better” she sang, reaching down to fix your signature necklace that was slightly crooked at the center of your chest. Your hand gently grabbing at her own, but still looking elsewhere.
You were still hyper-focused on Elora, Ellie periodically looking back between you and Elora to see if she stopped looking.
“I’m not– I didn’t,” you sighed “We used to talk she kinda fucked shit up it’s just awkward to see her here…and now she won’t stop looking at me” Your voice was small, soft, almost whining.
Ellie could feel that you were uncomfortable. So could Abby to your left who fallen awfully silent. Your discomfort makes both girls grow angrier by the minute. Ellie didn’t like Elora. It wasn’t even for the fact that you were previously entangled with her but Ellie had her personal beef with Elora. 
Starting with the fact that Elora swept her own ex-girlfriend from right under her own arms and was pretty determined to make sure anything Ellie touched would be briefly removed from her hands. Ellie’s hands gripped the backboard of the seat in front of you, her knuckles turning white.
“Stop staring back at her, just look at me” Ellie whispered aggressively making you blink rapidly out of the haze you were in. 
Her raspy voice was like a siren call, making you instantly submit yourself to do whatever she said, whatever she wanted “Want me to do something– say something? Cuz I will” Ellie whispered her voice, dark.
Ellie looked murderous at the moment. What the fuck were you doing to her? Ellie hasn’t felt this way in months. Jealousy nagged at her heart, enraging her head until all she could see was red. She hated the way Elora looked at you, it wasn’t in a saying hi to an old friend way, but like she was stirring the pot in her head cooking up the most chaotic and disruptive recipe. 
No sugar, bitter table-salt. 
Given the opportunity to put Elora in her place, she would do it any day free of charge. A scowl made home on Ellie’s face. In the moment she was rather expressive– extremely expressive, in comparison to her stoic face 10 minutes ago. Ellie dug into the front pocket of your shorts taking out your pink pen that was peaking out. Double clicking it a few times. The clicking becoming obnoxious to the ears, like nails on a chalkboard — Abby sat up this time watching Ellie’s hands as her eyes flickered to Elora who of course was aloof as ever.
Ellie spoke up again, 
“Say the word…” 
You couldn’t find it in you to speak. Your silence defies the room. Ellie bounced her leg steadily growing irritated at the fact that you weren’t giving her an answer. The minute your supervisor turned to sit in her seat after doing attendance checks, Elora took the chance to give one final glance at you - Ellie’s jaw clenched as she felt the pen almost liquifying in her hand and flying uncontrollably.
Ellie held the pen like a dart as it whizzed in the air whacking Elora in the face. Elora turned around holding her cheek, letting out a groan that could be heard throughout the bus. Abby laughed to your left in amusement at Ellie’s sudden behavior;  your mouth going wide staring at Ellie who only sunk back into her chair with a smug I don’t care - look on her face. Ellie’s head was skewing out different curses. The red she was seeing was pulsing, like a beating heart. 
Two could play that game. 
“So you let her do it but not me?” Abby shamelessly admitted, trying her best to conceal her laughter against the window. Even though she wasn’t the one to do it Abby found the situation entertaining.
Elora turned again, trying to figure out who threw the pen, locking eyes with Ellie who was already staring her down.
“Next time…” Ellie croaked,  raising a hand to point at her right eye “It’ll be your fuckin’ eye” Ellie’s voice was prominent, threatening; sending Elora a cocky wink to finalize her statement. 
It was safe to say that Elora didn’t look at you for the rest of the bumpy ride. Eventually, your head slumped against Abby’s bulked arms letting out silent snores as you slept peacefully for the 30-minute bus ride to the cabins. Abby was doing the same her head against the glass of the window while her hand was gently on your thigh.
Ellie looked like a guard dog, a Doberman, protective and alert – wired headphones returned in her small ears, zoning out ahead. Occasionally boring a hole into the back of Elora’s head before hitting the skip button to the song on her phone.
Ellie’s green eyes tilted down to Abby’s hand that was protectively over your leg — like a blanket keeping you warm in the winter. She wasn’t sure why she was feeling jittery all of sudden, she knew better than to think anything more of it.
Just a friend…
Abby was just a friend, right?
Arriving to the camp-site, smelling the air filled of freshly cut grass, merky salt water from the lake, a boost of serotonin ran through you. When summer calls and nature picks up the phone it was truly a sight to see. The buzzing of the bees – working overtime in pollination and flies out for blood put you at ease. 
Stepping off the bus, you took your bags from the lower compartment to sling the pink duffle over your shoulder. Waiting in front as Abby did the same thing. Abby rightfully brought her drumsticks, tucking them in her butt pocket like she always does, while Ellie had her guitar case strapped to her back. A guitar pick hanging from her neck around a ball-chain silver necklace. 
It truly reminded you of the times there was marching band practice during high-school summers. 
Certain cabins with labels on them indicating the music rooms, dorms, and dining hall, nostalgia hitting you like a wet brick. A navigation stick at the center with arrows pointing at different locations of the camp. 
The bee’s decided that your perfume was perfectly sweet, making you swat your arm around your head at the bees that were effortlessly trying to kiss your ear. 
Abby, slid into the empty pocket of standing distance next to you, as you turned slightly to point at Abby’s sunglasses – your way of asking to wear them, to which she gracefully handed them to you with a smile.
Abby cleared her throat, “Ehm…Robin, hope you didn’t forget about our deal” 
Right. The fucking bet, you wanted to forget the bet and honestly just ditch it. Feeling ridiculous and immature for making the deal in the first place — words slipping out of your mouth uncontrollably. You looked like you just got caught doing something you shouldn’t – shrouding bashfully away from Abby, looking up at her through your tinted glasses.
“How about we delay that til’ fall?”
“It’s too late we already swapped spit” Abby grumbled, pretending to do the act of spitting in her hand and shaking an imaginary one in front of her. 
You puffed out your cheeks, rolling your eyes as you did so, letting the air deflate “I’ll bump it up to $40”
“Hey…you have one little interaction with the punk and now you’re giving up?” Abby began, nudging you with her arm “She got you feelin' hot and wet don’t she?’' Abby teased, her voice low and cunning almost as if she was daring you to try something. 
Abby slyly put two fingers in her mouth, slowly sucking on her fingers – humming out a low moan deep in your ear before pushing her fingers out of her mouth with a loud pop! 
Abby wasn’t wrong you were hot and bothered, probably not in the way she was thinking but definitely in need of a long cold shower to kill any sexual desires arising in your psyché. 
Lewd thoughts attacking your neurons, sending shots of dopamine throughout your body – wondering what sweet nothings she would whisper in your ear, lips grazing your ear – before meeting your jawline, running her tongue against your skin. Then swirling her tongue at your neck occasionally giving the flesh a bite like a vampire, creating art on your body and leaving you in violet hues.
Was it normal to have such lewd, unholy thoughts about your best friend? 
You couldn’t— no you shouldn’t. It felt almost illegal like you have been committing a crime.
No…you didn’t feel some type away it was just how she was. Maybe it was how she flirted you like always, but that was who she was, that was just…Abby. You needed to distract yourself - refocus, so you chose Ellie.
It didn’t help with how good Ellie looked under the sun’s gaze either. Shifting your gaze to where Ellie stood talking to Dina and Jesse who were giving very animated responses back to the girl. Ellie’s hands were on her hip slightly applying more pressure to lean on one leg. You could see the pack of Marlboro Reds in her back pocket, peaking out just a tad. Her cropped muscle tee lifts up every few minutes exposing the hemline of her boxers. You could feel the lace of your underwear in your denim light wash shorts, feeling stickier and wetter.
You were frustrated…extreemly frustrated, sexually.
Was it the sun beaming or was it her?
Maybe it was the way Abby was seductively trying to get a rise out of you that was turning you on even further.
Snapping out of your trance, that had you tilting your head in different directions, biting at your pink glossed lips while your fingers played with the ends of your hair.
Abby was an asshole, an asshole that was causing your heart to palpitate in an unusual manner. She was a little devious devil on your shoulder pushing you to the edge.
“Dude seriously! – gross”
“Whatever you say dear” Abby sang putting her hands up in defense – a shit-eating grin on her lips. “Ellie’s about to make you her bitch…watch…not like it’s hard” Abby swiftly looked you up and down.
Not that you would mind – sitting at her feet begging her to touch you, it was your perfect wet fantasy.
But you wanted to prove Abby wrong. You wanted to be in control and call the shots, you desperately wanted the ball to be in your court.
“Yeah…we’ll see”
As if on cue, your supervisor tucks the clipboard under her arm giving a triple clap to grab everybody’s attention. The woman appeared to be in her 50s and the name tag on her her breast pocket saying ‘Adalaide’ sealed the deal for you. Her smile was wide, and looking up at everyone through her visor, she almost looked robotic – artificial. 
“Welcome counselors to All-Star sleep-away band camp!” She shouted, bringing up her hands to give a mini applause. No one else followed suit to clap. It was almost humorous.
“We are so pleased to have you here! Helping to aid our student ran camping program is a big responsibility and the All-Star University family thanks you! At this table I have your staff shirts and name badges which you will be expected to wear, if you don’t wear your staff shirt because it gets dirty or unsanitary at any moment, name pins must be worn. Upon receiving your shirts you will initial next to your name, which has your cabin number at the top. We typically have separate cabins for the counselors…So that line of cabins,” 
Adalaide pointed to the row of cabins down the rocky road from where you were standing
“...has two beds and a bathroom. On the desks of each bedroom, there will be a clipboard with rules and the group you are running or teaching. We will be meeting back here – at this central spot,  around 12:30 which is when the campers start arriving”
You turn around to give Abby a slight smirk, taking off her sunglasses from your face and putting them on your head this time.
“We ensure you have a great experience, we hope you can make this a responsible and fun summer for the kids” Adalaide finished her announcement with an ear-splitting smile, the woman out of breath, clasping her hands together to make a loud clap. 
The group of you made your way towards the wooden picnic table, picking up a woefully ugly red shirt with the word STAFF bolded in white lettering on the back, it was definitely something you had to personalize.
 Initialing your name with the blue ink trailing your painted nail across the thin paper seeing your cabin number and bunkmate.
You mentally cursed at yourself, it was as if your downfall was being prayed upon. It’s not that you didn’t want to bunk with Ellie, but the thoughts of her that possessed you drove you insane. You didn’t think you could hold yourself back in a room alone with the girl.
Tilting to look at Abby, you let out a sigh seeing that she was occupied.
Abby got into a good conversation with Nora, Abby smiling, occasionally pushing her bangs out of her face. She was beet red, fiddling with the shark tooth around her neck.
Your small grin turning into a frown at the sight of it. It’s not that you were jealous…of course not — but Abby looked at Nora with such admiration, like she was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen.
You wanted Abby to look at you like that— no
You wanted someone to look at you the way Abby looked at Nora. You let out a growl at the conflicting voices in your head.
Looking around the mix of counselors you saw that Ellie had already disappeared off into the cabin. Deciding it would be best to just walk off on your own.
Heading down the trail, your white vintage classic rebooks got dusty. The sand gravel blowing onto your feet from the breeze of the trees. You walked into your cabin, the door letting out a loud creek as it slammed behind you.
It was homey – definitely smelled of slightly rotting wood and water from the lake, and was rather small; It was going to do the job for the month. Ellie’s bed and your own are across from each other with a desk at the center of the room. The in-cabin bathroom is small and in the corner of the 4x4.
Ellie’s eyes shifted up, eyebrows raised in amusement as she saw you come into the cabin. Looking at you up and down with a small smirk across her lips.
“Hey roomie, it’s an honor to share a bunk with you” Ellie teased taking out clothes from her bag and putting them into the bedside drawers. Her tone was cocky, almost poking fun at you.
“Something tells me I’m gonna regret it” You challenged cracking a smile. You slammed your bag down on your bed, which was followed by your body resting against the hard mattress that almost was the equivalent of sleeping on a box. Ellie was moving with great speed, picking up her fitted linen sheets and putting her blankets on the bed. She was almost finished packing. There was silence between the two of you. Mutually comfortable as you both did your own thing. 
Ellie fluffed out her pillow one last time and looked up to where you were resting. Her eyes skimmed over your exposed skin: from how your shirt rode up and the way your shorts rested on your thighs. Ellie bit her lips looking closely at your waistline to see the light-pink underwear strap peaking through. She felt dirty for doing so, but she couldn’t help it. Your eyes were closed long eyelashes poking at your cheeks, giving your under-eyes butterfly kisses.
“Need a hand?” Ellie spoke up gently, as you heard a drawer close from her end, followed by the creaking of her bed. 
“…y-yeah I could use the help juuust taking a breather” you whispered, bringing up your arms to block your face almost as if you were about to start a game of 7-up. 
“You don’t mind me touching your stuff right,” Ellie asked, dipping a knee into your mattress and she fiddled with the puffball at the zipper of your duffle bag. 
“No no– go ahead, do your thing” you responded, mentally counting to three before pulling your body weight to help. The two of you put away your clothes, followed by your sheets and blanket in silence.
You tried to ignore the fact that Ellie was gracefully putting your intimates in the top drawer with ease, her fingers running across the hemlines and edges of your bras and underwear as she slid them into the drawer.
Was it bad that you wanted her to take one?
“The shirt they are making us wear is fucking ugly” Ellie confessed, as she pulled down the remaining corner of your blanket, her muscles flexing as she moved. Ellie shifted her body this time, collapsing on your bed as she watched your body move. Ellie thought you were attractive – she always did, but granted the right person wrong time was very much real, the both of you were somewhat involved in relationships before she could make a move.
Ellie was smitten for you, hell half of the shit she would do for you, she definitely didn’t do for her ex. 
Lifting up the red shirt and the pair of scissors on the desk, you pretend to snip air “Ugh I know, I was about to cut it into something” you began.
This wasn’t uncommon for you, fixing and revamping old clothes has been your creative passion since you were 10. Freshly in the 6th grade making your outfits yourself no matter how badly the colors matched. It was you; came strongly from your large heart. This was one of the moments where you could express your authentic self freely.
You rested the shirt flat on the desk, cutting a vertical slit at the neckline to create a small v-line and splitting the bottom into two halves so it would be easier to crop and tie in a knot. Smiling at your work you swiftly pulled the pink-halter top off –  ignoring the presence of Ellie who was gawking at you. Her eyes glossed over your boobs admiring how nicely they sat in your push-up bra. The glittery lace compliments your skin well. Her thoughts were interrupted when your previously displayed bra had been covered by the red shirt.
You were teasing her.
Giving her a show — just enough to where she wanted to taste you and then pulling it back with that typical sweet look that was placed back on your dolled-up face. You tied it off in a knot at the bottom, the shirt fitting as you turned around to face Ellie fully this time.
“Ta-da!” you sang giving a twirl as Ellie whistled at you from her positioning at your bed. Ellie bit her lips watching the way you playfully danced. She wanted to grab you by the waist and pull you on top of her. Grabbing at your hair and your face like it was her last time touching it. 
Ellie walked over, slightly tugging you aside by the waist as she set down her own red shirt on the table cutting off the sleeves – the shirt now in a muscle-tee format. Ellie mimicked your actions, disregarding her black top over her head leaving her in a Calvin Klein sports bra as she put the red top on. Ellie wasn’t breaking eye contact with you – like she always does. Staring you down as you adjusted her shirt to her body. It seemed like she got the hint – perhaps you were teasing her, maybe you did want her to look at you.
You DID want her to look at you 
“That’s more like it…” Ellie mumbled, stretching her arms in the shirt. 
“Looks like we are going to be having a lot of fun this summer” Ellie whispered, her fingertips ghosting over your waist, as she trailed her fingers along the side of your exposed skin, before picking up the clipboard behind you. You exhaled at the feeling of her cold tips on your skin sending shocks through your body at the sudden temperature change.
Your body being hit with flashes, from cool to warm and eventually burning hot, as if someone turned on a heater and blasted in your face. Heart thumping in your ears like rolling thunder.
You quickly cleared your throat trying to push the out of body experience you were having out — followed her actions. Turning around to face the desk–  lifting up your own clipboard to see the thick layers of paper. A stack of 4 to 5 pages. 1-2 being rules, 3 being your attendance sheet and any dietary restrictions, 4 being the section you were teaching – which in this case was vocal lessons, and page 5 was your daily hour schedule. 
“So…where did they place you?” Ellie inquired, tilting her head to try to get a glimpse of your board.
“I’m at vocal lessons, with Jesse…” you mumbled eyes furrowing at what you were being expected to teach “Who were you so lucky to get?”
“More like unlucky… guitar lessons with your little weird friend, Elora” Ellie snickered bitterly, you almost choked on the air at her words. It seemed like a never-ending slope of bad luck – now would have been a good time to tape a clover to your chest. When things were doing just fine they would eventually reach the lowest of lows that you have seen them. Perhaps it was your karma for your negligent and careless way of thinking. Perhaps this was being done to punish you. 
“She’s not my friend”
“I know, just teasin’” Ellie shrugged, as she grabbed the sunscreen off the table to quickly reapply the aerosol. You watched as her body started to glisten, almost twinkling under the dim overhead light in the cabin. The thoughts of Ellie and Elora possibly working together escaping your thoughts. “Want some?”
Ellie shook the bottle of sunscreen in front of your face. You nodded faintly reaching for the bottle and making Ellie slap your hands away. Ellie took the initiative to spray the sunscreen for you, hitting your arms legs, and your exposed neck. Settling down the can with a faint smile. Ellie was sweet to you – from helping you avoid creeping Elora, unpacking, and now she was applying your sunscreen. You tried to keep your head screwed on tight. She was just being nice. You were convincing yourself that every little inkling or intuitive tingle you had about her liking you was untrue. You couldn't believe it. You didn’t want to. The bet also reappears within your head in flashes.
What Abby doesn’t know – won’t hurt her right?
That was your best friend, why did you suddenly care what Abby thought, what she felt?
You couldn’t grasp why that had such meaning for you.
So what if you got close with Ellie…fucked around – kissed and maybe even profess your liking. Wasn’t this all you wanted? Your happily ever after?
Ellie was making her way out of the door, while you were preparing to follow suit. Looking around swiftly for your pink pen – noticing its absence on your body. Right…it was probably with Elora after Ellie chucked it at her head. 
“Wait…Ellie!” you called out, rushing out the door with the clipboard tucked under your arm like a blanket. “Can you get my pen back?” 
Ellie smirked, casually rolling her eyes at your request. Of course, she’ll do it, she’ll do anything for you. 
“What– you’re gonna die without it?” Ellie teased abruptly turning around to face where you stood on the porch of the cabin, “Of course I’ll get it, back in blood” Ellie sent you a wink. 
By the tone of her voice, you couldn’t tell if she was joking or if it was just her dark-humored nature. Nodding your head to yourself, trailing behind her to get back to the main campsite. 
Taking care of children was free parenting to you. The runny noses, spontaneous injuries; “he said” – “she said”. It was enough to make you never want to have children. Today went rather peacefully than you expected. Naturally, the campers were settling in, making best friends with their bunk buddies, provided with a tour from Adalaide, meeting with the counselors briefly for an introduction and schedule update, and now they were briefly in the lunch rooms for a quick lunch break. 
The dining hall was well cleaned and put together, wood against wood with fairy lights hanging through the ceiling. It was a cute attraction – something that the youth definitely would enjoy. On the wall there were plaques with BEST CAMP and CHEF OF THE WEEK engraved in the metal. Paddles hanging from the wooden banisters made years prior at the camp. 
With a sharp inhale, you dove head first for the table that sat all the counselors. Parking yourself next to the empty seat that Abby had left open for you. You felt like you haven’t seen your best friend in hours – so caught up in the camping activities it was like you didn’t exist to each other. Abby gave a comforting smile as she patted the wood next to her. You of course sitting at the table. The rotation was rather odd, Jesse, Dina, Abby, and Nora sat at this table but two familiar faces were missing. The absence of the cocky redheaded airhead was gone. 
Ellie and…Elora. 
“Where’s Ellie?” you question, looking at the empty spot next to Jesse. The mood of the table shifted at your words. Everything suddenly became awkward, Abby letting out a small unprovoked cough – Dina taking an awfully large sip of water and Jesse suddenly finding interest in the ice pop that was melting in between his lips.  You quirked an eyebrow, lips apart as you analyzed the faces at the table everyone was silent – avoiding eye contact. “Uhm..hello?”
Jesse coughed, “Infirmary [seriously Jesse!]” 
As soon as the words left his mouth everyone at the table tried to hush him up, Abby muttering under breath, Nora had her head in her hands, and Dina was jabbing at him in his hip. Scolding him. Something was up. “So…why is Ellie in the infirmary?” you pushed fiddling your thumbs against the wood of the table.
“Elora stabbed her hand with a pen” Dina finished, making everyone at the table groan. Ellie’s familiar words of Back in Blood ringing your head. 
“Now that the cat is out of the bag” Abby shot a glare at Jesse and Dina “Special delivery for you” Abby lifted the pen, your pink pen from her back pocket handing it to you gently. Taking it within your hands you felt almost guilty – like a criminal holding a murder weapon, your once cute and pink pen was now splattered in a crimson gooey mess – blood cleaned but spots noticeably there. Ellie’s dry blood was on your pen, staining the plastic. If you knew that Elora would have spontaneously jabbed a pen at her you would have never asked Ellie to fetch it for you.
Elora had her own intentions with Ellie – their beef running deeper than Ellie and Abby’s ever could. 
“Great…” you dragged, grimacing and almost gagging at the blood on the pen – carefully rotating it so your fingers wouldn’t touch the pen.
“This is a fucking biohazard”
Taking a napkin from the napkin holder you gently wrapped the pen with the cotton - briefly walking it to the trash and sitting down again.
“So why did this happen?”
“Payback from getting hit with it earlier, according to Ellie it was unprovoked”
Ellie was pacing in the room, walking around the group of kids doing a headcount – having them stand around in the circle. Ellie just had gotten finished reading the rules and expectations and playing a gentle round of icebreakers for the day. Everything was going fine – apart from Elora staring down Ellie like she wanted to kill her, everything was presumably fine.
“Okay, looks like everyone is here you are all free to go to the dining hall – no running right! We don’t want an injury” The students nodded pushing and shoving their way out of the cabin as Ellie let out a breath of air at the slam of the door. The students were gone. Ellie’s mouth was dry from all of the talking she had been doing. 
Sliding her guitar off from around her neck, she launched it into the stands – backing away to where her water stood on the floor. Picking up the bottle as the lukewarm liquid traveled down her throat, making Ellie groan in satisfaction.
Elora was hunched over in a chair. Watching Ellie as if she had been plotting something rather devious. 
“Is there something on my face or…” Ellie spoke up. Tightening the rest of her water bottle, before tossing it to the floor with a loud BANG! 
“Nah, I’m not even looking at you” Elora spoke up bluntly, her eyes still focused on Ellie. Are you fucking kidding me? Ellie thought. With the absence of people around leaving the two of them alone, she wouldn’t hesitate to send a fast blow to Elora’s rather punchable face.
“Yeah, the fuck you are– you got a real staring problem…do we have a problem?” Ellie was raising her voice, clearly irritated at Elora fucking around with her. Ellie’s hands crossed her chest as she looked at Elora up in down in disgust. 
“You know Cat warned me about you”
Ellie froze at the mention of her ex's name. Cat, who was vastly swept off of her feet by Elora and whatever bullshit lies Elora was feeding her. Ellie felt that her love for Cat was real – rather raw, one of the happiest points in her life. Then Joel died and every strip of happiness faded away into black and grey. She didn’t wanna see Cat anymore – enraged by anything and everything, she didn’t like how open Cat was about their relationship – now everything she did was catching up to her at full speed. Cat confided in Elora who whispered sweet nothings and “Ellie doesn’t know how to treat you right” in her ears.
Elora was a demon sent straight from hell.
“Warned you about what?” Ellie laughed, bitterly,  walking closer to Elora who had stood up from her seat.
“About how reckless you are…how you hit and quit…serial heartbreaker…a cheater, a player” Elora spat making Ellie roll her eyes at her statement. 
“Notice how she only said that after you stole her from me – you stole my girlfriend”
“Same fuckin’ shit!” Ellie fussed, throwing her hands up.
“She said since the death of your father you got reckless… that you get possessive to bitches n’ groupies you taped once…that you’re a freak who can’t control her anger” It was all true. Ellie feeling betrayed by the exposure. But for Ellie’s sake, she would deny it. For your sake…she would deny it too.
Deny Deny Deny.
“Tis’ not true” Ellie then thought about the situation again. “That would be the pot calling the kettle black don’t you think?” 
“Sure about that? Wonder what Y/N would think when she finds out her little crush is no better than her last” Elora shot back, with a shit-eating grin on her face. Ellie was rather startled. 1. By the sudden mention of your name and 2. That Elora was so far up her ass to bring you into this mess and 3. The fact that you liked her. It seemed wrong to come from Elora – your personal feelings had nothing to do with her. Ellie felt herself heating up. 
“Our issues got nothing to do with her” Ellie confessed “She doesn’t want anything to do with you either!” 
“They will now…the way I see you looking at her like you want to eat her.. I dunno fuck her – let her see how much of a crazy bitch you are…bring the lion out rockstar”
Ellie snapped, “Well she’ll be screaming my name over…and over…and over again – and not yours if that's what your insecure ass is worried about” 
“Oh, not for me…I think you should be worried about Abby” Elora warned, making Ellie furrow her eyebrows. Abby? What the fuck did any of this have to do with Abby either? That was your best friend like hell she had to worry about Abby. But Abby did sit a little too close, grab at your waist, call you names, kiss your forehead– do friends do that?
Elora smirked watching as Ellie began to rethink every interaction she saw between you and Abby. Like the day she returned your pen and Abby just had to drag you away. Her arm around your shoulder rubbing circles into your skin. No No No, Elora was just trying to get in her head, Abby wasn’t a threat to her and she knew that.
“And what about her?” Ellie squinted 
“Anderson’s got a wandering eye…y/n might be screaming her name before yours – she’s been 2 steps ahead of you this whole time,”
Ellie poked her tongue in her cheek about Elora’s warning, choosing to ignore it and change the subject. She couldn’t think about that right now she didn’t want to. Fuckfuckfuck! Elora was already enough. Ellie looked down to the clipboard on the chair remembering what you said about the pen. Perfect time to change the subject during this brief period of silence. 
Ellie swiftly pointed at your pink pen in the clipboard “Oh and I need that back” 
Elora turned around to look at your pen, darting her eyes back and forth between Ellie and the pen. The mood shifted again it was hostile, like the moment of peace and tranquility before everything goes terribly wrong. Ellie felt her intuition bubbling, sharp pains jabbing in her stomach – Elora was up to no good.
Before Ellie could say anything else Elora bolted for the pen jabbing it into the flesh of Ellie’s left hand making Ellie let out a blood-curdling scream. Blood pooled out of her gash as Elora twisted the pen-point side allowing the tip to dig into her bloodstream. Ellie shook off the pain bringing up her free hand to right-hook Elora in her face. 
“Fuckin’ bitch – and you’re calling me crazy?” Ellie shouted, reaching for the pen in her hand and taking it out with an animalistic growl. While Elora was still trying to recuperate from the sudden smack, Ellie took this as an opportunity to tackle Elora to the floor, straddling the brunette as Elora’s hands grabbed at Ellie’s face. Ellie bit her finger in a rush, sending another punch to Elora’s face with a loud THUD as Elora’s skull bounced against the wood floor.
The thud almost matched Ellie’s heartbeat - the adrenaline pumping through her veins as she felt herself reaching euphoria at Elora’s displeasure. Ellie always wanted to punch Elora, get the deed out of the way and she didn’t particularly care if she looked like a bad person now. Ellie wasn’t pulling her punches.
With each punch Elora’s words kept on playing in limbo at the back of her head ‘what would y/n think”
What would you think if you walked in at this very moment seeing Ellie on top of Elora hitting her repeatedly? That would make anyone pray it wasn’t a dent. Blood on her rings dripping down her hands both from the stab wound and Elora’s now bloody nose, Elora sent a hand up to Ellie slapping her across making Ellie fall back. It was Elora’s turn this time – getting on top of Ellie and sending two punches to her face. Ellie groaned out with each tension-filled punch, watching as Elora’s hand drew back one more time before a big- muscular hand dragged Elora off of Ellie. It was Abby, almost crushing Elora’s hand 
“Get the fuck up…and get this fucking shit off your face you look ridiculous”  Abby spat at Elora, Elora scrambling out of the cabin holding her face.
Ellie was beat…on the floor letting out heavy breaths as she tried to recollect her thoughts. A wave of relief cast over her body at the sight of Abby. Ellie wasn’t sure why she felt relieved or why Abby’s presence wasn’t bothering her anymore. Perhaps Ellie was tolerating Abby, just for you…But Ellie didn’t want to make Ellie an enemy, not anymore.
“Well don’t you look like shit” Abby sneered bringing an arm down to Ellie. A helping hand. Ellie grasped on with ease as Abby pulled her up from the floor. “What happened here?” 
“I was just asking for y/n’s pen and she stabbed me unprovoked – a crazy shit talker too” Ellie spat, wiping her bloody nose at the back of her hand. Ellie recalled your pen, bending down to lift up the pink pen that was tinted red, coated in her blood.
“I’m not giving her this…” Abby pinched her fingers together to hold the pen trying to avoid touching any blood. “Clean it and don’t tell her…just give it back”
Abby ignored her statement, “What’s your deal with Elora?” Ellie let out a sarcastic laugh at Abby’s question. 
“Try having a girl steal your ex-girlfriend and then try to plot on a girl you’ve been eyeing…I’m sure you’d react the same” Ellie breathed out, reaching for her water to take a sip.
“What are you gonna tell y/n?” Abby spoke up again.
“You ask a lot of questions…j- just that I fell” Ellie shrugged skewing a ridiculous lie. She didn’t spend years of heartbreaking to be a shit liar. 
“She’s not gonna buy it fuck-face…what about Elora, I mean come sunrise her face is pretty fucked up too” Abby confessed. Ellie cursed under her breath. She didn’t care anymore. Elora could tell you whatever she wanted – that’s if she could even catch you
“She can tell her whatever the fuck she wants “ Ellie’s voice was monotone. The freckled-face girl dug in her pockets pulling out the flavored stick to her lips realizing she didn’t have a lighter. Sitting on the chorus bleachers that were set up in the cabin for the students. “Got a light?”
Abby dug into her pocket flicking out a black BIC lighter, a replacement for the one from the school fire. Safety broken off, Abby lit Ellie’s cigarette for her – the fresh smell of tobacco filling the room. 
Ellie’s bloody hand was the one to bring the cigarette too in from her lips. 
“She brought up my dad…what kind of fucker does that?” Ellie mumbled as Abby took a seat next to her, “I want to–no I need to get rid of her, she is plotting something against y/n and I can feel it” 
Abby hummed looking at the small smudge of blood against the floor, “I could help you”
Ellie was confused. Why would Abby want to help her? Why would the blonde go out of her way to give Ellie a hand? Clearly, it was not for her but rather for you. Ellie knew that Abby cared about you more than you can imagine or even muster up in words. Abby was your safety blanket, the bell ringer to call you home.
“It’s not for you…” Abby whispered, looking up at the ceiling briefly before finishing her statement “We both don’t like Elora, and we both want to protect Y/n…I say we team up”
“You wouldn’t…”
“You don’t know how far I’ll go…”
“Jeez, I don’t wanna kill her Abby, just fuck around with her a little – make her kiss my boot you know…She has this isolation technique I know how she moves – only a matter of time before she makes Y/n hate you too” Ellie assured, tapping the ash building up at the edge of the bleachers, Ellie spoke like a pro. Abruptly remembering the words that left Elora’s mouth that tormented her.
 “You like her or something” 
Abby was silent, it was evident she was hesitating and thinking before she gave her answer. It wouldn’t be an honest answer of course not.
“Actually scratch that…how long?” 
Abby’s eyes went wide at the question. Ellie wasn’t even giving her any room to answer. 
Abby scratched at her neck, reaching into her back pocket and cursing when she realized her drumsticks were missing. Clearing her throat, she instead played with the bracelets on her wrist, “Uhm…3- no, 5 months”
Ellie cursed under her breath. Ellie only liked you for 3 ½ Abby led the majority and she was a strong believer of first come first serve. Ellie quite frankly didn’t know how she felt about sharing – Elora wasn’t exactly wrong about her possessiveness. Ellie reached into her pockets of Marlboro’s offering Abby a stick – it was her offering solidarity. Abby obliged sticking the slender tobacco in between her lips and bringing a light up to get herself started.
“She knows?” Ellie questioned watching as her cigarette got shorter and shorter.
“Hell no, I’m not telling her either – she thinks I like Nora I wanna keep it that way”
“No, you don’t” Ellie read right through her like a book. Abby ‘nepo-baby’ Anderson certainly didn’t wanna hide it from you it was painfully obvious, no mind reader needed to see! 
“I don’t do the sharing shit” Ellie confessed blowing out the smoke, “But I can accommodate” 
“Let her choose it isn’t our decision…” Abby elaborated, making Ellie nod at the response. She was right. Who were they to choose who gets to have her? Ellie knew deep down you would trade her for Abby any day – she’s been with you through it all. 
“And if she wants both of us?”
“We let her have it” Abby shrugged.
 Abby could care less nor give a flying fuck if she had to share you…She rather it is with Ellie than some dick-wad like Elora. Ellie was a pure reflection of herself – perhaps that's why they clashed so much. Maybe that’s why she hated her. It was like arguing with a broken mirror. 
She was arguing with herself.
 Ellie nodded at Abby’s response, putting out the butt of her cigarette. 
Ellie took her bleeding hand out preparing to shake Abby’s with a mischievous grin, Abby’s lips slowly curled into one as well, taking Ellie’s bloodied hand in her own. A tight firm handshake. Business is business. 
“But seriously… go to the infirmary, it looks is gross” 
After the lunch break, the campers were settling around the burning wood for a quick bonfire and s'mores night. Fire sparks filled the air as the radio blared a mix of recent pop hits while other mini activities and s'more building stations were happening. The sun was down, stars twinkling in the sky like a scene right out of a movie. 
You had enough of the fire. Flashbacks to how you ended up at this camp in the first place peaking through.
When the music room advises no outside equipment, like liquids – don’t bring them. Save yourself the trouble, the fines, and the embarrassment. 
Making a plate of s’mores, you looked around realizing the absence of Abby and Ellie. Other counselors dancing or talking to the kids but you were alone. Your best friend wasn’t around and the familiar faces started blending in with each other. It seemed like since you arrived at the camp this disappearing act had started. If it wasn’t disappearing then it sure was secrecy. Your white pullover sweater rested on your body, while your lower half was still covered in shorts, picking up your flashlight from the picnic table. Now that it was nightfall Adalaide was responsible for the children. She was the one to do bunk checks making the counselors free for the rest of the night. 
You walked down the gravel trail from the main campsite, the flames getting smaller and smaller behind you. Reaching up to your cabin the shiny number 3 flashing under the moonlight brought you comfort, flashing your flashlight around the open air to make sure there was no one else behind you. You haven’t seen Elora all afternoon. Not that you wanted to, nor did you care but it was as if she became a ghost. There one minute and gone the next. 
Approaching the steps, as the wood creaked underneath you, your nose tilted up at the sudden smell of freshly lit tobacco almost lethargic to the nose. The air was potent and spicy which lead you to believe that the people you were looking for were nearby. Deciding to reverse your feet at the steps, pausing to listen if you heard any voices. Hearing Abby’s subtle raspy voice against the wind you fully reversed your steps, turning away from the cabin to follow the voices. This leads you down a mini trail in the gaps between each of the Cabin, finding Abby and Ellie leaning up against the cabin walls, on opposite sides of each other blowing out smoke in conversation.
This was weird – strange almost.
It didn’t make sense to you – last time you checked they didn’t get along. You held up your flashlight at the two flashing it which caused their conversation to stop. 
Abby smirked seeing your figure approach the two, admiring your relaxed state. Her eyes eventually trailed down to the plate of s’mores that you had in her hand, three perfectly placed and put together on the plate. Abby thought to herself about the common phrase, “The best things come in 3’s"
“What are you guys doing here?” you whispered, voice soft as always – angelic and pure. Ellie looked up at you blowing smoke away from your face. This was the first time you got to see her all day, her hand wrapped in white gauze almost like a cast and the plump flesh around her eye was swollen. Hues of purple, yellow, and green blended around her eye, her skin clearly sore from all of the hits she had taken. A frozen ice bag was placed near her temples just above her eye. It was worse than you expected. 
“Well hello to you too…” Ellie spoke up, bringing the cigarette up to her lips for another hit. Abby pulled you into the two of them, her hands reaching down to the plate to take one of your s’mores off of the plate. 
“Thanks for the treat [It wasn’t for you?]” Abby whispered, sending you a quick wink as she took a bite of the rich and sticky dessert. Abby let out low moans in satisfaction at the gooey substance. Ellie looked down at the plate seeing that you had two more smores left. Mocking Abby’s actions and taking one for herself. You weren’t sad about it hell you weren’t gonna finish the dessert anyways. Queasy knots turning in your stomach.
“Why aren’t you hanging out at the bonfire?” Ellie pondered. It’s not like you would enjoy it anyways, ever since the fire incident in May that was enough to have you never want to see a fire again. The burning of the wood was enough to make your chest burn – having flashbacks of your feet feeling cemented into the practice room floor as the instruments melted and melted. Ellie’s tone was kind of cold almost as if you had been interjecting something you shouldn’t have. 
“Sorry…am I interrupting something” Your question was enough to shut up the both of them. Between Abby’s aggressive chewing, she abruptly stopped — eyeing down Ellie, very slowly shaking her head. 
“No, why would you be?” Ellie was reclining from her original tone, giving Abby the quickest glance before focusing on you with a killer smile. The way the light from the moon gently cast onto your face was enough for you to fully see how her eye looked.
“Holy shit…your eye” Your voice was full of concern, pushing the plate with s’mores into Abby’s hands as you walked towards Ellie running your fingers gently along the side of her face, Ellie fluttering her eyes closed briefly as her free hand dusted yours to bring it down, squeezing softly in appreciation.
“You should see the other guy” Ellie joked, putting the cigarette back up to her lips. The joke brought a slight frown to your face, you vastly looking at her hand that was bandaged up to the best security. “How’d you get the..uhm, bruise?”
Ellie cleared her throat, spitting out the build-up of phlegm onto the rocky road to her right, taking a breather – she wanted to stay true to her lie. “I fell, bumped into a table as I was crashing down – I’ll be fine though just have to keep icing until the bruising goes down”
Ellie’s voice was convincing – not a single hint of a lie being there. She was telling you the same story she told the nurse.
Abby cleared her throat making you redirect your attention towards her who was leaning against the wall with your plate of smores, She looked up at you through her lashes, a rather serious tone in her voice “You see Elora?”
“Mhm no not really…She was at the bonfire for a quick second…seemed like her face was bruised too” You recalled, voice trailing off as you glanced at Ellie briefly squinting your eyes at the girl. Something was up, and you knew it…the two just weren’t telling you. You weren’t to be fooled and you were gonna find out what the issue was – but you instead played it off while the deep intuitive knowing itched at the back of your brain.
“Well if she tries to talk to you, avoid her – come find me or…Ellie for that matter” Abby’s tone was rather serious. You knew she wasn’t the biggest fan of Elora but this time it seemed more advanced than the time that she had comforted you the night Elora broke things off. She was angered.
Your head jolted back in confusion at Abby’s mention of Ellie’s name. Reminding you of all the times she would be throwing insults – jabbing negatively at the girl, what was with the sudden switch up?
“Wait since when were the two of you, friends?”
Abby and Ellie looked at each other briefly – Ellie putting the cigarette back up in silence meanwhile Abby looked back at you, “Not important…– but I’m serious don’t talk to her”
“Not like I planned on it” you shot back, Abby nodded her head – Ellie repeating the nod as well.
“Good [yeah, good]” The both of them talked over each other.
“You guys are being weird…very weird” you blurted out, finally stating what was on your mind. They weren’t doing the best job at hiding it – it was painfully obvious. A thick awkward tension was in the air as well. 
“If the Elora issue was about me you’d let me know right?” you inquired. Testing the waters to see what they would tell you, “Right?” you repeated yourself.
“Yeah…yeah – of course, but it isn’t about you so don’t worry your pretty little head about it” Abby smiled at you reaching to grab at your head, shaking it gently like she had done in May after your meeting in the Dean’s office. Abby didn’t exactly deny that there was a problem though, her poor word choice digging – almost scratching at your beliefs. Abby reached a hand down grabbing you at your waist with one hand before bunching up the fabric of your sweater in the ball of a fist at your back.
“You look sleepy – think you should call it a night?” Abby analyzed your face, pushing the plate with a singular s’more in your hands. You weren’t tired – well at least you thought you weren’t, you couldn’t focus with Ellie’s gaze on you and Abby touching you. As if on instinct you let out a yawn bringing the back of your hand to your lips to block your mouth that was agape. At this moment Ellie knew that Elora’s words were correct. Ellie’s eyes were zapped on Abby’s hand, clenching her jaw seeing that Abby had gentle control over you. Dear ol’ Abby knew what was best. 
and Abby was 2 steps ahead of her.
But she didn’t wanna cave in now, or turn it into some fucking competition when she was already trying to handle Elora – but if she could just sway you to want her and her only, she would do it in a heartbeat.
This might have been the rocky first day of counseling. From losing your pink pen, Elora’s unwanted appearance, Ellie getting into a fight, and Abby and Ellie’s consequential team-up, this only seemed to be the beginning of a dark, wild, treacherous ride. Every action from this night forward would have consequences. Back in blood, definitely meant deeper now.
Eye for an eye…tooth for a tooth. 
@ellsss @rarestdoll @luvrgalore @starologist @destielcore @beforeimdeceased @kissesskittens @emluvselandabs @abbyily @sawaagyapong @zahraaziza
© cowgirlcherrie 2023
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ghostbite0 · 3 months
I feel like regression content is always treated so poorly. Especially when it comes to traumatized characters in a popular fandom. I'm really happy you make what you like and don't let anyone knock you down.
I deal with a lot of bs, and so I find a lot of comfort in drawing children. Both just for the simple joys felt in youth as well as a case study of the "what went wrong".
Your content is very wholesome and definitely falls into the first category for me. And honestly, I too, get really bad baby fever 😭 So I sometimes just like seeing my favs as kids or just drawing kids. They're so damn cute and I want them to be happy.
I hope no one gives you too much trouble. Keep doing what you're doing. Especially since you enjoy it.
oh goodness waking up to this in my inbox truly made my week! sorry for the late response, my internet was out all day D:
i wasn't always able to make the content i like; in fact, when i first began drawing de-aged/regression content, i used an alt to hide my identity because i was so scared of how people would respond to it-- since, to ur point, regression content is always treated horribly and there's a stigma around it (like how ppl looooove to sexualize agere stuff. exploding them with my mind). but i think its really endearing and healing! even now posting is really scary sometimes... it took me about a week to gain the confidence to post the tiny 21 trio art x-x so im really glad the feedback thus far has been positive!!!
i love drawing characters, particularly the ones with more trauma, as little kids-- they get a second chance at childhood and get to cope with the horrors^tm, and it's always a lot of fun to think about how their close ones would react and how they would take care of them and stuff... I've worked with children in the past, and im hoping to be an educator in the future, and it just makes me really happy when //they're// happy.
im so glad you think my work is wholesome and it provides some joy :( drawing is how i cope with the horrors^tm and I've found drawing happy sweet little things with my favorite characters really healing vs constant angst stuff. provides that comfort i don't really get anywhere else, and so i always really appreciate messages and comments like these
im also a really huge fan of your work and its always such a joy to see you post, so seeing you pop up to convey your support genuinely means the whole wide world to me :( thank you so so so much!
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
i requested for scud but you never replied so im gonna req gf finding out scud works for a blade again
Apologies, Baby | Scud Frohmeyer x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Long ago, back when you were only ten years old, vampires murdered your parents and left you an orphan, forcing you into foster care. You hated the species with a passion, and wanted nothing to do with them. So when your boyfriend revealed that he was working for a half-breed, you didn't know how to feel.
Genre: Angst, some fluff towards the end.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and blood.
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: For some reason your first request never popped up in my inbox, so I'm sorry I didn't see it back then. I hope this is somewhat decent enough to make up for it (I don't really like this). Also, I feel like Scud is a little ooc in this, but I wanted to write a tender moment for our favourite stoner.
“Baby, could you please just listen to me? It's not like you think, okay?”
You shook your head and let out a bitter laugh, clutching your side tightly as you limped away from your boyfriend. Bruises littered your skin, the recent vampire attack you had found yourself in taking its painful toll on you.
Everything was a blur. One minute, you were walking back to your apartment after a long shift at work. The next, some creep in a mask—later revealed to be a bloodsucking monster—grabbed you and forced you into his car. And a few hours, maybe even days, later, a mysterious man with freakish abilities came to your rescue. Thankfully, the vampire hadn't bit you, but he did take great pleasure in hearing your screams, so he tortured you. Hence the injured side you were currently clutching to.
You had always known of vampires' existence. They were the reason you became an orphan at the mere age of ten years old. And to top it off, nobody believed you when you told them the real story. They were the reason why you were sent to a facility to treat your "absurd beliefs".
You hated vampires and anything to do with them. So it came as a great shock to you that when the mysterious man, who had introduced himself as Blade, took you back to his workshop to tend to your wounds and you found your boyfriend there. The same boyfriend who told you that he was too sick to hang out after your shift. The same boyfriend who lied to you about his job. The same boyfriend who revealed that he was working for a guy who was half vampire.
To say you were pissed would be an understatement.
Scud hurried to you, gently but firmly grabbing your wrist in his hand. He spun you around, forcing you to look at him. His blue eyes gazed down at you, begging, pleading for understanding. For you to listen to him.
“Babe, please. Just... let me clean you up while I explain everything. You deserve that much,” Scud begged, frowning deeply as guilt swarmed around in his beautiful blue eyes.
You shook your head. “Josh, I—”
“Please,” he pleaded. “Just... Please.”
You sighed, giving him a reluctant nod. “Alright,” you agreed, pulling your hand from his grip. “You have until I'm bandaged up.”
In no time at all, you were seated on top of what you assumed was Scud's workbench while your boyfriend carefully helped you out of your shirt, leaving you clad in only your bra. The wound on your side was deep, but it luckily didn't look like it needed stitches.
“You probably want that explanation now, huh?” he asked, breaking the silence well he brought a washcloth with lukewarm water closer to clean your wound.
You hissed in pain when the cloth made contact with your side. “Yeah,” you said through gritted teeth. “I was promised an explanation.”
A few beats of silence passed. Scud sighed and shut his eyes momentarily, as if gathering his thoughts. “You remember that week before we got together, when I came home from my hiking trip and I was all messed up?” When you nodded, he continued. “I was attacked by two bloodsuckers. They tore into me and wanted to drain me of my blood. The only reason I came out of that situation alive was because B saved me. He brought me back here and patched me back together. I owe him a debt because of that.”
You frowned and brought a hand to rest on Scud's cheek. He instantly nuzzled against your hand, sighing in content at the warm feeling. You didn't know this, but when Blade had relayed your full name to him over the radio, he was out of his mind with worry. He nearly abandoned everything just to go after Blade and make sure that he brought you back in one piece. You were important to him. You were the only girl who would put up with him and his habits with a smile on your face. You were the only girl that actually ever meant anything to him.
“B saw what I could do, what gadgets I could make, and he decided that I would make a great addition to his team, so to speak,” Scud continued, withdrawing from your touch and switching over to clean the wounds on your hands. “It was a great opportunity for me. This gig meant that I could make things, and not just those shitty fucking mini flamethrowers I made back in college. I mean actually make things. I felt wanted, needed, like I could actually be a part of something bigger for once. That I wouldn't be such a big fucking letdown. I wanted to tell you, especially since I know how you feel about vampires, but B swore me to secrecy. He said that working for him came with risks, and if the bloodsuckers were to find out about you, they would use you to get to me. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't.”
“So you had to lie to me to keep me safe,” you concluded, realisation dawning on you.
“Please believe me when I say that I didn't want to,” he said hurriedly, halting his movements with the bandage and looking deeply into your eyes. “I never wanted to lie to you. Hurting you was something I didn't want to do, ever. I love you so much.”
A minute of silence passed between you. Scud was anxious, his hands nervously fidgeting with the bandage that was now wrapped securely around your hand. The last thing he wanted was for you to hate him. He wouldn't be able to live with himself.
“So this Blade guy... He hunts vampires?” you finally asked, taking him by surprise.
“Yeah,” Scud confirmed, nodding his head.
“Why? Isn't he like them?”
“Yes, in a sense. He has all of their abilities, but only the good ones. The only bad thing of his is that he inherited their thirst. Thankfully we have a serum that helps him with that. B's cool, I swear.”
You pondered over his words for a moment before letting out a small sigh. “I don't like it,” you began, wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer, much to Scud's suprise and great delight. “You know how I feel about vampires, but that Blade guy did save my life, so I guess he's okay.”
Scud gave you a smile. “He is, I promise you.”
“So as long as you promise me that you'll stay safe, and promise to keep me in the loop with what happens around here, I guess I can learn to live with it. You look like you're enjoying yourself.”
Scud smiled brightly and brought you into a hug, pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too. You're my little stoner baby. Nothing's gonna change that.”
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Hey, love love ur work! I was wondering if you could write a clingy, horny Jotaro begging his black girlfriend for sex like it's just been a hot day and all that he have been thinking about is her and how he wants to lick the sweat off of her back and inhale the stench in the air from their two bodies like I just wanna see a clingy, whinny Jotaro beg...
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ARSENIC - Jotaro x Black!gf fem reader
contains: NSFW, male masturbation, descriptions of sex, horny!jotaro
GOSH YOURE SO GOATED FOR THIS REQUEST HONESTLY?? like as soon as it dropped into my inbox i literally evil laughed omlll. hope i did your vision justice!! enjoy <3
Even towards the end of the year, the dry season of Japan’s summers were excruciatingly hot; The blossom petals that decorated most of the ground were starting to malt, the joyous bellows of school children still sounded in the air as they attempted to achieve their Coming of Age: 1000 Days of Summer activities and the skies still omitted every sighting of a swollen bellied cloud.
Drip, drip.
For Jotaro however, Japanese summers weren’t always the best. Coming home to a house that now seemed unfamiliar, he found it harder each time to settle well within the first week.
Ever since he’s been doing the whole ‘living in two countries’ thing — spending term times abroad but holidays at home here in Japan — Jotaro found it extremely difficult to get any proper enjoyment out of the constant moving around.
Even now that he finally chose to keep the citizenship passport of where he resided with you (much to Sadao’s dissatisfaction, but it’s not his fault that Japan doesn’t allow dual citizenships), coming home to his parent’s house always felt like a chore, like a restrictive prison.
And you never helped with that.
Drip, drip. Drip.
Swallowing a stiff gulp, Jotaro watched the ice lolly that you sported secret it’s syrup all over the garden ground as you currently hovered it in your hands over the deck chair’s arm rests.
At the lucrative sight, he couldn’t help but to turn towards you with a fresh whine already beckoning from the back of his throat.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘p’.
Lapping your tongue across your dripping rocket shaped ice lolly, the sticky juices coated your hands as you ate the melting sugary snack with juvenile spirit.
“Oh, come on.” He groaned.
Right now, the both of you were 6 days into your two weeks holiday in Japan but Jotaro was having his concupiscence’s fine edged to the max by you.
You have this thing, that when the both of you came to stay in Japan, and specifically when you stayed at Jotaro’s childhood home, you wouldn’t sleep with each other the whole time you were there.
Obviously to Jotaro, this was a ridiculous oath because ‘what do you mean we can’t fuck just because it’s my “family home”? Just shut the doors and shut up when we do it — its not that hard’. But you had been brought up within very different circumstances and applied respect in contrasting ways to how Jotaro did. One of those things was that you respected who’s roof you were under and acted accordingly to the respect you bestowed upon them.
And because you deeply respected his parents, you wouldn’t disregard their hospitality and engage in such acts with their son under their roof, despite your big ages.
Jotaro’s eyes watched in wanton with how you ate the snack before making a face of disappointment. You took one long swooping suck of the lolly, beckoning the whole lolly into your mouth and essentially soaking up all of the excess liquid with a slurp before pulling it out excruciatingly slow.
You could see your boyfriend opening his mouth within your peripheral, clearly wanting to try his luck again, but you didn’t even let him finish.
“I said no—”
“I promise I won’t ask again this whole holiday but can we please just do it this one time?!” He begged.
You shrugged as you made a single dry laugh.
“I’ve already told you my answer.”
“But no ones home and no one will be home until several hours from now. It’ll be the perfect opportunity and we won’t have to be discreet and you can be as loud as you want.” Jotaro’s voice turned into a low whisper as he tried to entice you with the dangling carrot of ‘messy, loud and robustious sex’.
Scoffing, you couldn’t help but to turn your head away from your boyfriend. It didn’t help much concerning you were semi lying down on a deck chair, but it didn’t have to help because you knew where you stood on this opinion.
“But I don’t wanna be loud or obscene or non-discreet, Jotaro. The stakes are different than they are back home. You know the oath I made and you even agreed to stick by it with me, remember?”
Jotaro ran his hand down his face. Even after all these years, Japanese summers still soaked his tanned skin in buckets full of sweat.
“Yes! Yes, of course I fucking remember! There isn’t a fucking second where you let me forget.” He stressed.
“So you know what my answers gonna be.”
A long and tedious whine left the man’s throat. He began to continuously jolt his legs, bouncing it on the tip of his toes. You noticed that as one of the stim habits he had once he was frustrated. After a few seconds of contemplating, Jotaro turned to you again as he invaded your space, leaning over onto your deck chair as he tried to look you in the face.
“Why have you got to be like this?! Why are you denying me this one thi—Baby, please!” The last part of Jotaro’s statement came out high pitched as he almost capsized your deck chair considering you had just moved out of it.
Seeing you walk inside wordlessly but still sucking on your lolly, Jotaro tried calling out to you in desperate succession for just a small piece of something.
“Baby, please, pleaaaseee.”
“Goodbye, Jotaro.” You deadpanned.
Once you had disappeared, Jotaro flopped back onto his own deckchair in a show of huffy attitude. Another elongated whine left his throat but this time he couldn’t contain the physical effect it had on him.
God, his cock was always so hard nowadays.
From the minute he woke up to the second he finally put himself to rest, he was encompassed in constant lustful peril. There was no amounts of cold showers or jerking off that could satisfy what he needed from you and it was so bleak how you had yourself under so much constraint compared to him.
Jotaro wasn’t a sex addict.
Well, he doesn’t think he is. Even though he’s currently in the back garden of his family home, rubbing his legs together like a pathetic loser (He and the crying summer crickets were two of the same) — trying to subside just the mere thought of your body under his — he had long realised that sex wasn’t the issue.
He could get sex anywhere. In his home town, that wouldn’t even be a challenge, concerning how so many of his old flames from school would drop the pride of their stale marriages at the mere opportunity to get in close contact of his low hanging fat cock. But this wasn’t about sex, this was about you.
It was about how you called his name like a saccharine prayer once he got his rhythm right and plunged passionately in and out of your warm cunt, a song so strong it’d be enough to call the sailors home. It was how palatably soft you became once taken care of, how your eyes would look up at him with that licit doeness as your lips stretched around his length.
The taste, fuck the taste of your sweet pussy as he found himself doused within your abundance of honey that just never seemed to know any end. He doubts it had a telos but if it did, he had an aim to get there himself.
Don’t even remind him of that cloy smell of sex that perfumed the room once he was done fucking that sirenlike cunt of yours — the way he could even smell it once you were done playing with yourself and he happened to have followed into the room after you — that shit was what drove him insane.
Just by the sheer memories of you, Jotaro was able to tug himself to completion right there in the garden, cock out in the wide open as he woefully spilled his seed onto the ground.
He didn’t even feel any shame at what he had done because it still wasn’t enough and didn’t help with how hot and itchy he felt or how much he yearned for the real thing of what the two of you usually shared.
In a spur of the moment decision, Jotaro haphazardly pulled his shorts over his flaccid length before scurrying into the house to try and find where you were situated. Once he found you in the living room, he called out your name and stood in front of the TV, the pleas starting all over again.
“I am begging you. You’ve literally got me at my breaking point, it isn’t fair. I just wanna fuck real quick one time and then I won’t pester you for the rest of the trip.”
With a face of annoyance, you tried to look past your boyfriend’s obstructing figure, the show on the TV just about getting good. It however seemed a lot harder to tolerate his behaviour with no benefactor of a lolly to keep you calm.
“How is it my fault you can’t control yourself for just two weeks? Sounds like a you problem…” You muttered.
Practically stamping his foot, Jotaro jolted his body in frustration.
“But this isn’t about that—I’m not—If this were anywhere else at any other time, I’d understand but… It’s a lot more than just…Shit.”
With crude intention, your eyes glanced up at the whining man. Jotaro would class the smirk that decorated your face as borderline sadistic.
“Understand what, Jotaro? That you’re in heat or something? Like, please.”
“With how bad it is I might as well be!” He exclaimed. His glassy eyes were a testament to how worked up he was getting.
With a tired sigh, you rolled your head backwards onto the sofa back, a sign of your patience for the man’s rampant libido running thin.
“Okay, Jotaro, enough playing around now. It’s getting annoying.”
“But I’m being serious.”
“Serious enough that you can’t just jerk it off until we get back home?!” You chided.
“I’ve tried that! Trust me, I’ve tried every way I can think to get off by myself but nothing works.”
The black haired man waved his hands in front of you but all it did was annoy you even more than he originally was. Pushing yourself off of the sofa you waved your hand in Jotaro’s direction in a dismissive gesture.
“Oh, this is just getting stupid.”
But before you could get anywhere far, the large figure of a man scurried in front of you before getting down onto both of his knees, his hands resting on top of his thighs whilst his head dipped in shame.
Jotaro’s words came out in a jumbled off-the-dome mess of impulsive thought.
“Okay, okay. Look, look, look look. I’m on my knees. You’ve got me on my knees and I’m begging and I never ever beg but I am because I just really need to have you one time, like I’m so horny it hurts. It fucking hurts and I just…I really need to be inside you just once this whole trip. It’s all I ask.”
Astonished at his act of shameless pleads, you’d be lying if you said that it didn’t move you to some extent.
“J-jotaro, get up. You don’t need to be doing all of that.” You said as you raised your hand out to pull him up but the man stayed put, determined in his stature.
“But I do. I do need to do all of this because I need you to see how serious I am and how much I need this from you. I am begging and I am desperate.”
In all retrospect, you were speechless.
Even speechless was an understatement because the sheer lengths Jotaro seemed to be going for this couldn’t simply be brushed off as horny and it quite genuinely rendered you with no words else to say.
What was currently happening in front of you was the complete humbling of a man, who would never do else wise, under any other circumstance, but had to do so under the pure submission to one’s carnal desires.
With how many stripes he was pulling off of his pride right now, who were you to deny him off his simple ask?
Mentally you had to apologise to Holly and Sadao. Maybe the respect you had for them could be found in another way.
At the sound of your soft curse, Jotaro looked up at you in expectation. However he didn’t utter a single word. One, because he didn’t want to try digging up anymore dirt than he already had done, but also because there was nothing more that he could say.
Looking down at your boyfriend, you could only sigh in deep anguish, albeit you couldn’t deny that it was also dressed with the petticoats of adoration.
“You’re so lucky.” You mumbled.
Perplexity softly worked it’s way onto Jotaro’s face, his position on the floor making him look all the more pathetic.
With a lick of your lips, you could only dryly let out an answer of true defeat.
“Coz’ it seems like I’ve given into you.”
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writers-potion · 15 days
What's your take on this idea? I'm struggling with the execution. Good and Evil are actual entities/personifcations, not characters simply representing them. These two get separated - split into two worlds. The plot is to reunite them and restore balance. But I don't want to get stuck with a Utopian Society, or Dystopian... I just hate the idea of a world that's overly light and good or overly dark and evil. But if Evil is absent, then how can it exist in Good's world?
Is there anyway to work with this or should I discard Good and Evil as characters entirely?
Story Ideas for Good vs. Evil Societies
Hey there! Sorry for the long wait and no, your question was safely in my inbox :)
Here are some ideas about how you can introduce Evil back into the land of the Good
Good and Evil as Parallel Universes
I'll just throw some ideas for linking the good and evil worlds structually. These ideas assume that although Good and Evil were separated, they can never truly stand on their own.
When someone evil pops up in the good world, they are immediately whisked away to the land of the Evil through some sort of magic. One day, this magic stops working.
Good and Evil are actually parallel universes with the exact same people, economy, buildings, etc. The only difference is that Person A in the Good world will always make the right decisions while Person A' in the Evil world will make the bad ones. So, people in the good world doesn't know hardship or failure, and they lead a relatively boring life (they will ALWAYS choose to eat salad rather than cholocate cake for dinner, how boring is that?). Evil "creeps in" to the good world when a person chooses to eat...(gasp)...a whole pack of Oreos at midnight.
The way this "separation" works is Good and Evil divides the newborns entering the world by foreshadowing their predetermined fates. One day, a baby is born and none of them can see their future...would this baby grow up to be a saint or murderer?
Bad As the Shadow of Good
Shadows and darkness are long-standing analogies for the evil. So the "Good" world is the world in the light, while shadows are in fact the world of the Evil, living a life of their own (think your shadow moving and having a life of its own).
The Light World and Shadow world don't mix (You can't touch or hug your shadow, right? Your shadow cannot harm you physically)
The Shadows and Light People can't talk to each other
A woman falls in love with a Shadow man and she somehow manages to give him a proper body rather than being a shadow on the wall...what next?
None of the people in the "Good World" have shadows, which means they are transparent (think Invisible Man). Now, one of them happens to figure out that if they get a shadow, they can see themselves in the mirror...
Twisting the Concepts of Good and Evil
How do you define good and evil? The yardsticks of morality have changed with time and cultural development, and it truly isn't easy to draw a clear line on what each of your societies would have.
Instead, try working with other concepts of good and evil.
Good = Love for self and others vs. Bad = No Love. The "Bad" society will comprise of people who have no love whatsoever, not even for themselves. Thus, all of them would end up committing suicide. When a child is born, Good and Evil can foresee how the child would die - if they're destined for suicide, Evil takes the child. When the two worlds are combined, the good people bring love into the lives of those who had none. Problem solved and balance restored.
The Banality of Evil. This concept is based on Hannah Arendt's book, Eichmann in Jerusalem. She argued that the average person is capable of horrible deeds if they don't "think for themselves" and "mindlessly follow instructions" of bad leaders like Hitler. You can show a world where Evil rules over such mindless people who does anything Evil will say while people in the Good world will act under their own values.
Good = Balance. Evil = No balance. This is based on Virtue Ethics. The sheer fact that there is no balance is in fact a bad thing. Thus, Good will lead its people to strike a balance between two values while Evil would encourage his people to always do too much of everything.
I hope this helps!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* . ───
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