#i always start getting into a really reflective mood in the week or two before my birthday lol
dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Hey, I dont know if you are currently acepting asks but... Please can you write something with Clockwork/Alfred? I'll give you a cookie?
I really love how you write and i cant find fics with this ship
Danny gets a cryptic message from Clockwork the night that he, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are supposed to go on a three-week College tour road trip.
A trip that they were going to use to decide where the three graduating students planned on going to college. Jazz was coming along to ease their parents' worry, mainly as a voice of reason. She had taken time off of work and classes just to make this happen.
It had taken months to plan.
So cryptic messages put a damper on the mood. Granted, all notifications from Clockwork were cryptic, but that didn't make this any less stressful.
He had just sat by his bed, leaning his back onto his lower bed frame and mattress, when he noticed the glowing sticker note on the carpeted floor.
"What does it say?" Sam sighs, closing her suitcase. She was kneeling a few feet away from him, double-checking their luggage. "A warning about the trip? Insight of an upcoming trial? Oh, let me guess, one of us is pregnant?."
"It's me, isn't it?" Tuck asks from where he's lying on Danny's bed. He places a hand under his chin with a sigh. "I've noticed a glow in my reflection lately. Danny, you're the Father."
"Shut it, Tuck." Danny laughs, turning the glowing sticky note over. "It just has an address, a date, and a time. Nothing else. I think he wants us to go there when the day comes."
Jazz walks in carrying a tray. She insisted they all take some bedtime tea to help them get enough rest for the drive. She recently started making her own blends after much research and experimenting. Danny loves it and always begs for a jar of her tea whenever he visits her. "What's going on?"
"We have to add a stop to the road plan," Sam sighs. She takes the black mug covered in white laughing sculls, nodding in gratitude to the redhead. "In one week, we have to go to Gotham."
"That's doable. We'll be going through Bludhaven by then. We would use the following two days to go sightseeing a few cities over, but we can sacrifice one of them to head to Gotham instead." Jazz hums, mentally going over their planned-out map that she likely memorized.
Danny groans, carefully resting the black mug with white constellations on the floor beside him. "I really wanted to see the hot springs resort, though."
"Member next time, Danny." Tuck pats his head while his own black mug- this one with little game controllers- is held carefully in his other hand. "After the baby is born, we'll go again."
"Why are you stuck on the whole baby thing?"
"Danny, that's no way to speak to the father of your children, especially while he's carrying," Sam chided from her corner. "The stress is bad for the baby."
"Please stop."
"But Danny," Jazz cuts in, sitting across from him. She crosses her legs underneath her, and her black mug with white books completes the set. "You should be supportive of Tucker in this very delicate time."
"I'm going to Go Ghost and never come back."
"I knew you be a deadbeat dad," Tucker tsks.
The four burst into impish laughter; the ease of the teasing joke and the calming tea rekindled the mood of excitement, even with Clockwork's glowing sticky note being shoved into their luggage to be revisited in a week.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Danny asks again, leaning forward to where Tucker is driving.
Jaz looks around in fascination at the large houses and spacious yards they pass while Sam sleeps beside Danny in the backseat. She just finished her turn driving for seven hours and wanted to catch up on sleep.
Personally, Danny thinks she shouldn't volunteer for the first shift- they set out at four in the morning to keep to their road plan- but he knows no one else would do it if Sam didn't.
Neither Fenton works well before nine a.m., while Tucker needs help seeing in the dark, so he always gets the day shift.
Tucker's grip on the steering wheel tightens as he grits through his teeth. "For the sixth time, Danny, this is where the GPS said to go. I am literally staring at the icon move on the map as I drive."
"It's just....look at this place! It's rich people. I think they call the cops on us for driving through here." Danny defends, knowing his consent doubts driving his bed friend up a wall but unable to stop fretting.
"I don't think they call the cops....but I think we should move as quickly as possible." Jazz advised as the houses started to grow in both size and property amount. "We're almost there."
"Why would Clockwork want us to come here?" Tucker hissed as their old beat-up fan made a turn into a road that had the trees cut into arches above their heads. It was so obviously fancy that the three got highly uncomfortable. Even Sam's house wasn't so drenched in wealth, and this was just the front entrance.
"Maybe he wants us to investigate a haunted mansion." Danny offers, "Since we're in the area and all."
Danny leans back in his seat. He glances over at Sam; upon noticing the blanket she was using had slid down, he reaches over to tuck her in.
It's just as he sits back that his enhanced sight catches the faintest outline of a man in the trees, crouched down on a branch and watching them. Danny's heart spams, but he has no time to react further as the van moves on and the man's figure disappears in the floral.
"Holy shit!" Danny swears loudly, causing Tucker to jump and tilt the van.
"Dude!" Tucker hisses, "Don't do that! You scared the shit out of me."
"Sorry, sorry." Danny places a hand over his heart, trying to calm the rapid beating. "I think I just saw a demon. Pretty sure that's what Clockwork wanted us to investigate."
"A demon?" Jazz whimpers, eyes flickering all over the trees with unease. "Are you sure it was a demon?"
"It looked liked like a one," Danny responds. "I highly doubt some guy will just go around dressed like a bat for fun."
" Great. Just great. A demon, that's going to be so much fun to deal with," Tucker complains, pressing on the gas more. They don't call him out as the feeling of being watched becomes suffocating.
The sooner they're out of the open, the better.
The end of the driveway opens up to a grand manor that would have made any noble Lord green with envy. Tucker drives around the giant fountain, pulling up to the park in front of the stairway of the main entry.
He squints out the front window as he loops before gasping. "Is that Clockwork?"
The Fenton Siblings each press their noses to the glass of their windows when they come to a complete stop. Both gasped at the exact same time and in the same volume at the man who was casually waiting for them at the door.
It's obviously Clockwork, but he's not in the form they are used to. Not the flouting child, not the sticking middle-aged man, or the aged old entity. No, the form Clockwork uses is a man in his early fifties, with the grace of a sliver fox and, oh, not a ghost.
"Hello, children," Clockwork says, walking down the stairs to meet them. The three are staring at him with slack jaws, half out of their vehicle but lingering in their doors just in case.
Sam snores.
"I'm ever so glad you have come." Clockwork continues, his green eyes flickering with mirth. A smile pulls at his lips, causing laughing lines to appear around his eyes, and it complements his warm bridge skin. He is not blue. "Not a moment too late. Punctual as ever, Jasmine."
"I- ugh, thank you, sir." Jazz shutters before getting her wits about her. "Why did you call us?"
"I will be delaying your trip for the next week." Clockwork lifts up a hand as if to stop any complaints this announcement may cause, which isn't really necessary, seeing as none of them can find the strength to speak. "I will, of course, make it possible to make up the time lost. I just need you four to act as my children for the next week."
"Why?" Tucker's voice is barely above a whisper.
"I can only keep this form for seven days, as I am not a halfa, but in that time, I hope to woo a man. He is a family man through and through, so if I can show him that I am more than capable of caring for a large family, it will help me in the long run." Clockwork then shrugs. "Plus, I need an anchor, and what better than four virgins?"
"Hey!" Danny shouts offended.
Clockwork raises a brow. "Am I wrong, Daniel?"
"No, but you didn't have to expose me like that," Danny grumbles.
"Who are you trying to woo?" Jazz asks, trying to steer the conversation back on track.
Clockwork's cheeks gain a reddish hue, and the three eyes practically pop out of their socket. They never knew the time god could be so...human. It's jarring. "Alfred Pennyworth. The butler of Wayne Manor, four houses down from our manor."
"A butler?" Tucker repeats slowly, "You, the god of time and overseer of all that is, has been, and will be, want to seduce a butler?"
"Yes. He is the love of my core," Clockwork nods determinedly.
Well, who can argue with that?
"Alright." Danny agrees. "So what's our cover story?"
"Yes, my four children- all adopted- and I have recently decided to go learn about our family roots and visit our ancestral home. Only to remodel and check out the family records, we will be out by the end of the week to our next grand adventure. We are old money but one that faded from importance due to lack of contact with the rest of high society. To remedy this, I will be taking you to high-class events." Clockwork sighs dreamily. "We were invited by the Waynes to a gala tomorrow night as a welcome-back party. There, I will see Alfred."
"Alright. And the demon?"
"A man in the driveway that looked like a bat." Danny helpfully says, even though his voice wavers slightly.
"Oh, you mean Bruce. Yes, that's Alfred's son. Don't worry; he can not cross our driveway. I put a spell that causes humans to forget why they were coming here if not invited by us. Also, he is not a demon. He is a human who dresses like a bat to fight crime. Bruce's children dress like birds to help him."
There is silence that sounds louder than it should as they all take in this information. Clockwork smiles at him, mischievous and graceful in equal parts as they try to make sense of the weird kid Alfred the Butler has.
"I'm going to need a lot of stress-reducing teas for this week." Jazz sighs.
"We can go buy some for you tonight," Clockwork promises, pulling out a black card and grinning with all his teeth. "We're old money now, darling."
"oh my god."
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fandomxo00 · 4 days
Ok but imagine:
Your first autistic burnout with Logan
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It was days like today that got you. It didn't happen all at once you noticed that things begin to get harder. Self care was a necessity but sometimes you just didn't have energy for it. For you it felt like time was speeding up, like you thought it was Friday but it's really Monday. Like the world spinning but your stuck where you are. That your trying to process every day and everything that happens but it's already tomorrow.
But you don't stop pushing yourself, they tell you have to push through. That you have the break time you need so why would you need anymore? That you barely taught any classes anyway, barely a teacher there. You felt selfish most of the time because if you listened to yourself you'd try to put yourself first. But no one else understands you? Unless your autistic it's hard to understand what it feels like to be burnout.
You started having bad mood swings, unable to regulate your emotions, as you usually would be to. It was hard to get around, to do just about anything because your body was tired. Your mind was fatigued, and the wrong words come out of your mouth a lot easier. Because you weren't acting normal you usually started beating yourself up because you shouldn't feel this tired. You shouldn't feel like even breathing can be hard for you. Which in these moments because a problem because of your unrelentless anxiety about having to put your mind to anything, or having to be social situations that you didn't want to be in.
But you had to show up for your job or you were going to lose it. Charles could only be so patient with you right? Even with accommodations in place, there was a certain point where you felt like in other people's brains there was no coming back, you just didn't want to get better. That you decided one day that you were just coming to become depressed. For so long doctors who didn't know you assumed you were bipolar, though you didn't have manic epsiodes. You just really intense happiness that could last for a little while but it was usually because you were in a mood swing.
Logan was instantly drawn to the moment he met you. You had the same type of darkness he recognized in himself. When you looked at him you had the same pain in his eyes that were reflected in his. The two of you had gone through very different pain and trauma, but when he learned about yours it didn't think it was any easier. Not with the mental and emotional manipulation you grew up with. The hours you spent alone and isolated because the world was simply too much for you. That you rather stay in your little bubble and never leave.
You'd been doing good for so long, you could have a bad day or a bad week, but you always got back up. Logan had never seen you practically paralyzed. You could barely keep your eyes open, you could barely move without groaning or crying, it was like your limbs were almost lifeless.
The room was pitch black, something he knew you didn't like. You always had a night light on, and now you couldn't even open your eyes long enough. You'd even covered your ears when he tried talking to you, a faint 'shh' coming out of your mouth. He felt the pain shoot through him as he saw the pain all over your face, you almost looked lifeless. Logan spoke quietly as he checked on you, before reaching for his hand and grasping on tightly while you started to cry. "What's wrong?" He whispered.
"I-is just too much." You bawled. "H-hold me tight please." Logan's arms wrapped around you without hesitation, listening to you as you laid your head against his chest, his arms tight around your body.
Eventually you needed space, feeling almost suffocated, but you didn't want him to leave. You didn't know how to communicate this, your own anxiety of just having to talk practically making you mute. You just climbed away from him, before whispering, "Stay." Laying your head on the pillow, and he laid next to you. You moved forward eventually, wanting the comfort of his hand in yours. Logan traced your features with his hazel green eyes, trying to make sure he was prepared for whatever you were feeling. Trying to understand something that he knew you couldn't explain to him right now.
All he knew was that you needed him and he wasn't going anywhere.
note: cried while writing this, i'm sorry i'm not filling in requests rn feeling a lot executive dysfunction and just trying to remain positive.
tags: @ohtobemare @jessjessmarvelandhp @chronicallybubbly @delicateholland @bubblegumholland
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barcaatthemoon · 5 months
end of an era || jenni hermoso x reader ||
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things don't always get better, but jenni tries to help you.
major angst warning, like implied/mentioned suicide attempt angst. proceed with caution.
everything and everyone went silent the moment you fell. it was daunting to watch back as you replayed the stream of your last game over and over again. jenni sighed as she glanced over at you. the two of you had been waiting in the doctor's office for hours now to see how your surgery had gone. both of you knew that it was going to be a long and hard road back, one that you honestly weren't even sure you'd have the chance to attempt.
"will you turn it off please?" jenni asked you. she was beyond trying to be nice about it. you got upset every single time that you watched it, and jenni hated hearing you get hit and go down again and again. she hadn't been there for that game, and it was one of her greatest regrets.
your teammates had told jenni how you had been immediately following the game. jenni almost couldn't believe it, not until she saw for herself that every ounce of happiness had been sucked out of you. you had become obsessive, attempting to figure out where you could have done something to reduce the damage. rather than listen to the countless people who had assured you time and time again that it was a freak accident, you still searched for an answer.
"it's not like i have anything else to do," you grumbled. jenni was really starting to get on your nerves. she was always a little annoying, but it had gone from being endearing to infuriating. "they're just going to tell me that i'm finished. my career is over, even if i can make a comeback. it will be too fucking late, jenni."
"no. no, stop talking like that. you're gonna be fine," jenni told you. oh how you wished that the doctors hadn't made her out to be a liar. jenni believed her words right up until the surgeon came in with a team of people that neither of you had ever seen before.
you felt numb as they gave the time frame of your possible return. it would be well over a year since you required multiple surgeries to fix the tears and breaks. you didn't understand how you had fucked up your body so badly, and it was obvious that jenni didn't either. however, you weren't left wondering for very long. the doctor mentioned old injuries that hadn't healed properly, claiming that your leg was a ticking time bomb that had been resting for nearly a decade.
"that was a waste of fucking time," you grumbled as you rushed towards the car. you were on crutches, so you weren't really moving that fast. jenni had slowed her pace down signficantly to keep up with you. she was carrying your bags, something that you only let her do today because she normally did it for you anyway.
"no, we have a timeline now. that's a good first step towards getting you back to where you need to be." jenni sounded so optimistic still, but you knew that it didn't matter. you'd miss the olympics, and you'd definitely have to retire by the next world cup. your time was running out, and it had essentially been cut in half by your injury.
"jenni, i'll be lucky if i ever get to step foot on a pitch again. let's just get home. i need a fucking drink." you got into the car, ignoring the look that jenni gave you. she was worried about you, despite you technically not doing anything worrisome yet.
you were depressed, and rightfully so. jenni had hoped that the doctors would have some good news for you, but they hadn't. your mood reflected that in the coming weeks as you moped around until you were cleared to start your physical therapy and rehab. your schedule for that was pretty light, especially since you had at least two more surgeries before you were in the clear.
jenni was great, and despite it being her off season, she didn't go back to spain. instead, she had moved temporarily to america to take care of you. you could tell that the move was hard on her, but she couldn't think of letting you stay by yourself. she was afraid that you'd do something stupid or dangerous if she left you alone.
you hated it, and because of that, you started to hate her as well. you hated that jenni kept looking at you like you were made of glass. you hated that she touched you so gently whenever all you wanted was for her to hold you down against the mattress and make you forget the past four months of your life. you hated jenni, and even more so, you hated that she never showed any resentment towards you.
there was always only ever going to be so much that jenni could handle. ten months out of your injury with only one more surgery to go, it all came crashing down around the two of you. the cracks in jenni's patience with you were starting to show, so she had taken a little vacation to spain without you. it wasn't for more than a few days, but it was long enough for your anger to betray you and turn into complete despair.
you had a family history of being fucked up. addiction, depression, anxiety, and a long list of other issues had plagued nearly every other member of your family for as long as you could remember. your parents had both tried to prepare you for the worst of it, and for a time, you thought that you had seen it. you had forgone taking your pain medicine because you had been terrified fo getting hooked on it. there never should have been so many pills in the house, but jenni knew she couldn't have just taken your extra ones with her to spain.
you wanted to call jenni, but she'd talk you down. you didn't feel like you deserved it. you had treated her so badly for nearly a year, to the point where she left the continent to get away from you. however, you believed that you owed her at least a text. something to thank her for taking care of you and apologize for being such a piece of shit for so long.
the time zone different meant that jenni should have been fast asleep. you didn't count on jenni being wide awake at 2 am. how could you have known that she hadn't been sleeping well since you got hurt. the vacation to spain should have been relaxing, but jenni couldn't quiet the voice in the back of her head warning her that you still weren't doing any better mentally. that was why she hadn't even finished reading your text before she was calling some of your american teammates to check up on you, hopeful that it wasn't too late.
"i'm here! i'm here!" jenni was nearly tripping over herself as she ran into your hospital room. she stopped when she saw you. you had expected her to start yelling at you or something, but instead she just broke down in front of you.
"i'm sorry," you apologized. jenni tried to tell you not to be sorry, but she couldn't get it out. all she could do is kneel by your bed and cry as your hand weakly ran through your hair. "it should have worked."
"i-is that how you really feel?" jenni asked you. you realized that wasn't at all what she wanted to hear, and suddenly you were filled with guilt. all of that hate and anger that you had felt before came back, but this time it was fully directed towards yourself.
"yes," you whispered. jenni wiped her eyes and stood up as she stared down at you. "i've been awful to you. how can you still love me?"
"are you fucking stupid?" jenni regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth. for the first time in months, jenni finally saw you cry. "shit. shit, shit, shit, c'mere. i'm sorry, i didn't mean it like that. i love you, i want to see you get better."
"jenni, i'm not sure that there is a better. what if i come back and this happens all over again? i think that i need to retire and take some time by myself," you told her.
"a-are you breaking up with me?" jenni asked you. there was a flash of anger in her eyes, one that completely overshadowed the hurt. "i took care of you for almost a year. i waited for you to get better, to be yourself again because i love you so much. you can't just make a decision like this by yourself, not when you aren't in the right headspace."
"jenni, they're keeping me here on a hold for a while until i can prove that i'm okay. i'm selling my place here. i don't want us to be over, but i think that if you can find someone who actually deserves you while i'm gone, then you should go for it. and if you don't by the time that i'm better, then i'd really like you to consider letting me come back to you," you told her. jenni didn't like the sound of that, but it wasn't a clear breakup. it was a break, if anything, and jenni knew for a fact that she wouldn't find someone else unless you actually forced her to. "i've already been let out of my contracts, they're just waiting to make the announcements."
"i wish that you'd reconsider this, but i am glad that you can make rational decisions," jenni said. you nodded as you gave her hand a little squeeze. there was a chair by your bed, but jenni crawled right in next to you. she had a couple days to stay with you before you were moved to the facility that you'd call home for as long as it took you to get better. jenni didn't know when you'd be back, but she kept a calendar to keep count of the days you were gone.
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moonhoures · 11 months
Watch Yourself
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🕷️ kinktober — day 17: mirror sex🕸️
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pairing: jeonghan (svt) + reader (afab/fem)
genre: non-idol!au, smut, angst/comfort, fluff
warnings: 18+, minors do not interact, explicit smut, [reader is insecure & has negative thoughts about herself/her body so if that makes you uncomfy please don’t read this! mentions of stretch marks, weight gain, cellulite] established relationship, husband!jeonghan, body worship, mirror sex, fingering, marking
word count: ~1.9k
synopsis: you admit to your husband that you’re having negative thoughts about yourself again, so he tries to remind you why you shouldn’t
a/n: i usually don’t write with a focus on specific body types, so i tried to keep this vague but *shrugs* if you don’t feel comfy reading that’s okay! also, sorry for the wait! something came up and i wasn’t able to queue it in time 🤥
posted: october 17, 2023
kinktober masterlist
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The day had barely started, and you had already decided it wasn’t going to be a good one. You were rudely awoken at the ungodly hour of six a.m. The sun wasn’t even up yet, but you were. You tried to go back to bed, but each attempt at closing your eyes and relaxing were fruitless. You just couldn’t get comfortable again; you were too hot or too cold. The room was too quiet, and your thoughts were too loud. With a heavy sigh, you peeled the covers back and quietly stepped out of the bed to use the restroom. While you washed your hands, you looked at yourself in the mirror. And just like every other day this week, you frowned at your reflection.
You had a history of negative thoughts of your body. But you had spent a long time recovering from that toxic mindset. Your husband was a big part of that process. Jeonghan knew about your issues, and he had no problem letting you know that he liked you every and any way you looked. Even after five years together, no matter if you were in fancy clothes or sweatpants, his eyes lit up the same way when he set his eyes on you. He made you like your body for the first time in a long time. But some times were harder than others, and this week had been a hard time.
Nothing had really set it off. You had just been having low self esteem that then snowballed into nitpicking the way you looked in the mirror. If it wasn’t your face then it was your arms, or your stomach, or your legs, or your breasts. Sometimes it wasn’t just about your physicality. You felt like crap. You had mood swings and unwarranted anxiety. You overthought a lot. You felt like you weren’t enough, or you were boring.
You tried your absolute best to save face in front of your husband, not wanting to burden him with your issues, but he knew. He always knew. The slightest shift in your behavior would tip him off. Today was no different.
After you spent several minutes staring in the bathroom mirror, mentally berating yourself, you re-entered the bedroom. You shut the restroom light off but noticed Jeonghan’s bedside lamp was turned on, bathing the room in the softest white light. Your steps came to a halt just out of the doorway as you made eye contact with him. He was sitting up on his side, nearest to the bathroom, looking at you with a small smile just before he yawned.
“Decided to be an early bird today?” he joked.
You knew he was joking, but you couldn’t help but feel an immense amount of guilt for waking him up. You frowned once again, “Did I wake you? I’m so sorry. You can go back to bed, I’ll go in the living room.”
You went to leave the room, but he stopped you with one word, “No.”
For the second time, you came to a halt mid-step and met his eyes from across the room.
“Come here,” he gestured you over with two fingers. As you got closer, you could tell how tired he was. The skin under his eyes were smudged with that faint purplish-brown color that he only got when he didn’t get enough sleep. Your heart sank, “Sit.”
You did as he told you, sitting facing him as he scooted over to make some room for you on the edge of the bed. He looked into your eyes, searching for something, but you weren’t sure what it was yet.
“What’s been going on in that big, beautiful brain of yours?” he asked, a stray piece of his fringe falling over his eyebrow. You so badly wanted to push it back where it came from. His hair looked so soft first thing in the morning.
“Nothing, I just couldn’t go back to sleep,” you supposed it wasn’t a complete lie.
“________,” he said your name the same way a disappointed parent would, “Please talk to me.”
You took a deep, shaky breath, mentally preparing yourself to unload, “I’ve been in one of my moods lately. Just feeling bad about myself. About the way I look. The way I feel. It’s just . . . been a lot.”
Your husband’s soft features seemed to harden the more you spoke, as if he was upset or angered by the words he was hearing. You averted your gaze from his, too ashamed to meet those beautiful brown eyes. For a moment he didn’t speak, he just looked at you. You started to feel uneasy under his stare, but then he was moving, carefully pulling the sheets back to free his legs. You asked him what he was doing, but he didn’t respond.
So, with worry setting in, you sat on the edge of the bed. You watched as he got up from the bed (in only his briefs) to cross the room where your full-length mirror was propped up in the corner. Despite the mirror being pretty hefty by itself, he picked it up with what looked like minimal effort. He placed it right in front of the wall opposite from where you sat, then he climbed back onto the bed, settling in right behind you.
He placed his hands on your shoulders, and you finally met his gaze through the mirror.
“What about your body do you not like?” he asked.
You felt frozen in place, and it didn’t help that his hands felt like they were anchoring you down. You weren’t going anywhere, as far as he was concerned.
“Tell me,” he urged you again.
You swallowed the nervousness building in your throat. Your eyes, along with his, raked over the image of your body in the mirror. From only a few feet away, the first thing you noticed was how bloated you looked, “I’ve been gaining a little weight in my stomach.”
Instantly, Jeonghan’s hands were slithering from your shoulders down to your torso. His lithe fingers splayed out over the soft fabric of your shirt covering your belly, “This stomach? The one I spend hours a week cooking for to make sure it’s fed and happy? To make sure you’re healthy? A little weight isn’t anything to worry about. It’s normal, ________.”
You refused to make eye contact with him, for fear of your eyes tearing up.
“What else?”
Your eyes spotted the top of your arms, the faint stretch marks you had grown accustomed to over the years were just barely showing from where your arm brushed against your ribs, “My arms.”
Your husband’s hand encircled your wrist, carefully turning your arm so that it was outstretched and your stretch marks were on display. He leaned down just enough for his lips to effortlessly press kisses to the delicate skin there, the shallow fissures not deterring him in the slightest. Truthfully, he never noticed them until you brought them up.
“My legs have cellulite,” you muttered so quietly, not even realizing you had said it out loud until he moved his hands down to your thighs.
His blunt fingernails drew goosebumps to the surface of your skin as he dragged them smoothly up your leg. He gripped your flesh in his palm, then soothed it with a gentle, massaging gesture, “These are not things you should feel bad about, _______.”
He whispered that against the shell of your ear, making you close your eyes to keep tears from spilling. You felt his supple lips press tender, healing kisses against the skin of your neck and shoulder. His hands snaked over your body, revisiting the areas you’ve pinpointed. Without words, he was telling you how much he loved your body. Exactly how it was. He always would.
“My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world,” he said, his fingertips sliding between your thighs. Your skin there was naturally warm. Your breath hitched in your throat as he grazed over the material of your underwear while his other hand parted your legs. He loved that you didn’t wear pants to sleep. This way he could see the space between your thighs in the mirror; in fact, his eyes were locked on it, “You don’t think my wife is beautiful?”
You didn’t speak. You couldn’t. You didn’t know how to respond to that; or rather, you didn’t know how he wanted you to respond.
“Tell her she’s beautiful,” he spoke sternly, not giving you the option to say ‘No’.
“She is,” you said, a shaky gasp escaping you as his fingertips dipped beneath the edge of your panties.
He rubbed the pads of his fingers over your slit, his words ghosting over your neck as he spoke, “She’s what?”
“Beautiful,” you said.
“That’s right,” he continued to stroke your sensitive skin that was growing wet the more he worked you up. Your chest moved up and down with every heavy breath you took. He was holding back a smirk at the effect he had on you. And you could definitely feel the effect you had on him, his erection was practically poking your ass from behind, “My wife is the most beautiful woman on Earth.”
You nodded, not even really listening to what he was saying anymore. All you could focus on was the way his fingers were circling your clit perfectly. You rested your head on his shoulder, letting him have his way with his lips and teeth on your neck. Hickeys were blossoming all along the skin there, and you couldn’t care less.
“You’re always the prettiest person in every room,” he talked to you while your hips chased after his fingers that were relentlessly pleasuring you, “You’re the smartest. The most beautiful. The funniest. The most caring. You’re the best partner I could ever ask for, you know that, don’t you?”
You were too far gone, eyes beginning to close. Your thighs were starting to ache, wanting to close around his wrist. Jeonghan simply pushed them back open with his free hand before using his fingers to tilt your chin up. He caught your wide-eyed gaze in the mirror ahead of you two, and he looked like a teacher on the verge of reprimanding a student.
“__________,” just the way he said your name sent a chill down your spine.
“I know,” you agreed and, for the first time this morning, he believed you.
“Good, now I want you to watch yourself cum,” he gripped your chin gently, keeping your eyes locked on the sight before you.
You couldn’t deny him even if you wanted to. He kept you locked in. His fingers were bringing you to orgasm, his soft fingertips keeping a determined pace on the button at the top of your folds. They sent your pussy into a frenzy, clenching and pulsating around nothing, arousal leaking out onto your skin. It was getting to be too much, so you had to pull his hand away. But he only intertwined his fingers with yours, bringing your arms up to your chest as he hugged you from behind.
“Don’t keep all these thoughts to yourself,” his gentle voice floated over the skin of your shoulder before he pressed a kiss to it, “As your husband, I’ll be here for you whenever you need me. However you need me. I said that in my vows, and I meant it. Every word.”
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— taglist #1
@jaylaxies @xiaoting999 @kookthief @zaddywilk @wonrangwoo @pedriswrld @ikykleeknowww @odisdad @abby-grace @jungwonloveer @pinklemonadeflav @celestialplatinum @luvkpopp @nlklstan @kisses4denji @jenos-eye-smiles @a-l-i-y-a @channiesprincess @bekah931215 @heerinnie @fairygirl18 @cinnikoi @im-ur-calico-cat @unlikelysublimekryptonite @k-drizzle @iguanas-world
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982 notes · View notes
bbina · 7 months
there was only a day left til the staycation at anton’s villa comes to an end. everyone was tired from the past few days of activities (the hike, the campfire, and the beach day) everyone all collectively decide they’d spend the last two days just indoors. right now everyone was just in their respective rooms, starting to pack to return back to seoul in the next following days
you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, reflecting on everything that has happened in your life for the past week. first, sungchan gets a girlfriend, that of which he didn’t even tell you. second, wonbin, out of all people is your ”fake” boyfriend that you accidentally dragged into your own mess out of spite. you wondered if everything would be different if you didn’t slip up. maybe, just maybe you didn’t feel the need to drag wonbin into this mess. maybe if you just accepted–
your little train of thought gets interrupted when you hear soft knocks at your door.
“come in” you say, sitting up from your bed. it was probably wonbin
wonbin comes in with a small smile on his face. “brought my guitar like you said” he smiles, letting himself in your room and closing the door
wonbin starts to sit on the ground when you stop him
“sit here instead” you say, patting on the empty space next to you on the bed
wonbin’s eyes widens. before he can say anything you insist on letting him sit next to you.
“you’re acting like we didn’t just act like a couple the whole day” you tease, tugging on the sleeve of his hoodie, pulling him on the bed. all day you've done nothing but hang out with wonbin in front of the guys. being all clingy with him and all that funky shit couples do
“oh shut up” wonbin rolls his eyes, plopping down right next to you.
you give him a small smile, watching him strum his guitar to some songs. unintentionally setting the mood in the room
you can hear wonbin softly humming along to the songs he’s playing. it makes your heart skip a beat. you rapidly shake your head, mentally slapping yourself for even thinking of wonbin in such way.
“so..?” wonbin starts, breaking the silence, putting away his guitar as he couldn’t handle the quietness in the room anymore. not especially when it’s from you. the girl that usually bothers him and yaps all day. wonbin did not like the fact that for once you were quiet
“what’s on your mind?” he asks, placing his arms behind his head as he stares directly at your eyes
“why do you always assume i got a lot in my mind?”
“because most of the time when no one’s looking it looks like you’re going through a lot of things” wonbin points out in a joking matter. “unless you’re just all no thoughts head empty”
you let out a little gasp and grab your stuffed animal that you brought to the trip and threw it at him.
“i’m kidding!”
you start contemplating if it was even worth mentioning that you finally feel sorry for yourself when all you could’ve done was to move on. now that he’s here and the trip is seemingly coming to an end, might as well
“i’m really am sorry for dragging you into this, bin” you murmur, turning away from wonbin. wonbin simply raises his brows, surprised by your apology
“i shouldn’t have dragged you into my own mess. now everything is all weird since i think eunseok doesn’t trust me anymore, everyone is acting weird to us and i just.. i’m sorry” you shakily say, putting your hands all over your face to hide it from his gaze.
wonbin sighs and reaches out for your hand. he carefully removes them from your face.
“how many times do i have to tell you, it’s okay. i really don’t mind it at all” wonbin reassures, he starts wondering if this is why you wanted to hang out.
“is this why you wanted to hangout?” he asks
you shake your head no. that’s not exactly the reason. at first you wanted to just chill and have some company but when you were left alone with your thoughts, it just took a whole different turn
“not really. i feel like this whole thing finally caught up with me and.. yeah” you say
wonbin hums, you probably had a lot in mind right now.
“let’s play 21 questions” wonbin suddenly sits up, looking at you with a bright look. this way you can talk things out
“that’s so random?” you quip, 21 questions?
wonbin shrugs, “you seem to have a lot in mind so might as well just ask you a bunch of random shit to get them off your mind”
he’s not wrong. you do have some stuff in mind but whatever. fuck it you ball.
the questions starts easy like what’s your favorite color, favorite childhood memory with eunseok, bucket lists and more. as you both delve deeper into your late-night conversation, you find yourselves exploring intriguing topics that spark laughter, introspection, and even a touch of sarcasm.
“what’s your love language?” wonbin suddenly asks
you gave him a weird look. love language? seriously? that’s his next question after what your embarrassing moment at school was?
“what kind of question is that” you stifle in your laughter. in retrospect, you don’t really know what’s your preferred love language. not that you even have any experiences that would leave you with an answer
“like how do you like receiving love or something.. mine is physical touch and probably words of affirmation” wonbin trails off, trying to think of other things he likes
now that you think about it, wonbin is a little touchy. he always had to be near you or touching you in one way or another. he also communicates a lot with you. always calming down your nerves or when you keep apologizing for the smallest things
“then i like quality time? i don’t know i just like hanging out with people” you shrug, giving up on the question
wonbin nods and continues asking more questions like what’s your favorite animal, your favorite fashion item, luxury brand and more
“okay i just thought about this but don’t get mad okay?” wonbin starts, “in some alternate universe or something, if you and sungchan were to be a couple, do you think you’d be happier?”
that question caught you off guard. you gave wonbin a weird look, “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
wonbin holds out his hands in defense, “that’s why i said don’t get mad! but don’t get the wrong idea, i’m just curious”
you start to think about the endless scenarios imaginable if you and sungchan were to date. sure, it’s gonna be a dream but now that you think about it, if you and sungchan were a couple, you don’t think you’d be the person you are now.
“if me and sungchan were to date, i don’t think i’d be here right now” you start laughing, “i mean it would probably be real sweet and all but i’ll never experience shit like this, like being in a fake relationship to get over him” you nudge wonbin
wonbin laughs, “am i supposed to feel flattered?”
“i guess? i mean it’s not all the time you invite yourself to a fake relationship”
“okay next question, if i wasn’t beside you that night at the campfire, who would you have asked to be your fake boyfriend?” wonbin’s full attention was on you at this point. you didn’t expect him to be so curious and talkative about your life
“next question” you dismiss. not because you didn’t want to answer but you didn’t have anyone in mind. hell, you didn’t even know you were gonna bet that desperate to even ask someone in the group to be your fake boyfriend
“oh come on! i know you probably had someone in mind” wonbin boos at your lame answer
you roll your eyes, “that’s because i don’t! i didn’t even think i’d get into a fake relationship that same night!” you defend yourself, “guess you were unlucky enough to sit next to me back there” you poke your tongue at wonbin who laughs at your answer
“you were lucky it was me! i mean, you couldn’t fool everyone if you chose someone else to be your fake boyfriend” wonbin says smugly. if you were to choose between sohee and seunghan, everyone would’ve probably thought you were joking
“and you take pride in that because?” you raise an eyebrow at wonbin who simply shrugs
“because i’m good at playing boyfriend” he winks. you burst out laughing at his response. he wasn’t wrong though. he was good at this whole act. maybe a little too good that it got you rethinking the whole situation
you won’t lie to yourself, wonbin is a good looking guy. he knows how to play the guitar, he knows how to cook, he’s surprisingly good with words, he’s basically the whole package.
wonbin was the perfect candidate for your whole dilemma. he never overstepped the boundaries you placed between the two of you. he never tried taking it to the next level in front of the guys. he respected your wishes and you couldn’t have asked for more
“anyway!” you break the silence, “what question are we on?”
wonbin yawns, “to be honest i don’t know anymore but i have one more question..” wonbin pauses for a moment
“have you ever had your first kiss yet?” wonbin asks. curious of your love life.
“i dont think so..?” you say slowly that it almost came out as a question
wonbin chortles, you let out a small gasp at his reaction. was he making fun of you for not having any action
“what’s with the laugh?! so what if i never had my first kiss yet?” you pout
wonbin wipes a tear from his eyes. finding this whole conversation funny. cute, wonbin thinks to himself as he stares at you longingly.
“laugh all you want but just remember it’s not like i have any guy i could kiss at any moment!” you rambled, feeling embarrassed at the lack of romantic action in your life. damn you eunseok and your tight watch!
“i can teach you if you want” wonbin suddenly blurts out, even surprising himself. you widened your eyes at his sudden offer. wonbin kissing you? what the fuck
you don’t know what came over you but you scooted closer to wonbin. your nose barely touching his cheek. you suddenly jerk your head towards him, startling him in the process. your face was dangerously close to his
“would you really?” you ask, considering his outrageous offer. there was no harm in this right? it’s just a little offer by your fake boyfriend who you’re not supposed to be kissing. fake couples don’t kiss. of course they don’t, but..
wonbin shrugs and you take that as a yes
“this will just be a one time thing and we’ll never EVER talk about this ever again. got it?” you gave wonbin a look as you mentally prepare and brace yourself for what’s about to come.
“fine by me” wonbin nods, also gettng nervous on where this was going. he didn’t expect you’d actually say yes. he was just simply messing around but if you’re okay with it then..
“should i close my eyes?” you ask, already rethinking your choices in life. there was no backing out of this now. what have you gotten yourself into?
“if you’d like..” wonbin trails off. his hands are shaking with the anticipation. why the fuck did he even say he’d teach you if he was nervous himself? wonbin will never know
with a deep breath, your close your eyes.
“alright.. i’m leaning in now” wonbin warns you, just so you know he wasn’t being invasive to your personal bubble. you two did have a rule about keeping an inch of space between you if the guys weren’t around.
your two bodies are now dangerously close to each other. you can feel his breath fanning your face as he hovers over you. wonbin mentally calms himself down by repeatedly thinking that this was just nothing but a friendly kiss. just a friend teaching you, who never had a first kiss
and so your lips touch.
wonbin’s lips lingers for a while, all caught up in the moment. he could be imagining it but it feels like fireworks just went off. this feels so right but so wrong at the same time. you two shouldn’t be doing this. friends don’t normally kiss each other
even if he didn’t want to pull away yet, wonbin had to
“congrats! you just had your first kiss” wonbin claps his hands together awkwardly. feeling shy to face you all of a sudden. you sit there stunned by the whole thing. you just had your first kiss right there. with wonbin at that
his lips were so soft. something you’ll never forget. something you know you’ll be yearning for
wonbin couldn’t sit still with your stunned silence. was it bad? was it a bad idea? did you regret it? did he make the right choice by even offering you how to kiss?
all his questions were out the window when you suddenly crash your lips against his again.
you threw your arms around his neck as you pull him closer, as if he was going anywhere. wonbin is undeniably shocked by your actions. his hands fly to your waist as you two make out in bed
a heated make out session later, you and wonbin lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to process what the fuck just happened
“we don’t talk about this.. ever” you breathe out, looking up at the ceiling in complete awe. you just had your very first kiss– a make out session at that with your fake boyfriend, wonbin. that one rule about no kssing was now crossed out on your list
“indeed” wonbin agrees, also in complete disbelief at what just happened. his lips swollen and hair all disheveled. the way you were kissing him like no tomorrow made wonbin think that your whole rant about not having a first kiss yet was all a lie because what the fuck
you two lay in bed in silence after that. it was silent but just enough for it not to be uncomfortable. wonbin maneuvers his arm under your head, fixing your position with your head now on top of his chest.
the realization hits you with the way you are positioned right now. in bed, in wonbin’s arms, lips swollen, his hoodie on you, in a house where your brother and best friends are present where they can barge in at any given point in time
you widened your eyes as you try to pull yourself away from wonbin.
“shh.. relax, just this once” he mumbles, eyes closed as he leans his head on top of yours
you freeze in your spot but ultimately melt into his arms
“hmm.. this is what i like” wonbin continues to mumble, his satoori accent beginning to show
not even a moment later you feel him go heavy and you start to hear light snores.
oh god. this can’t be happening right now
“wonbin” you call, giving him a little nudge but to no avail, he is out cold.
with his body heat and the way he feels like a weighted blanket, you feel yourself start to get drowsy as well.
you look up at the sleeping boy next to you and you start to trace his face with your finger. delicately sliding them across his cheeks, to the bridge of your nose, up to his pouty lips.
you fear that you are starting to fall for park wonbin.
the last thing you remember was wonbin pulling you closer than ever and you were out like a light.
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between the lines ★ pillow talk ⤷ from what started as a simple arrangement to hide your feelings for a certain someone by getting into in a fake relationship soon turns into a tangled mess. in which some things are hard to tell when you can’t read between the lines
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★ notes .ᐟ IM SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE! I WAS BUSY WITH WORK LMFAO but hope this can suffice <3 damn where are we going w ynbin ??
★ taglist .ᐟ @callanton @annswwa @renjuneoo @pinkraindropsfell @lecheugo @ilovejungwonandhaechan @ahnneyong @haechansbbg @snowyseungs @sseastar-main @odxrilove @leeknowarchives @onlywonb @wonychu @leehanascent @jaeyunsb @au-ghosttype @revehosh @keilovr @kyusqult @pinkskiesdream @ether-yeol @yangasm @qwonbani @starwonb1n @ffixtionista @daegale @scrumptiousloser @artstaeh
258 notes · View notes
tortillamastersblog · 3 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 13 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none
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I sip my coffee at the kitchen island, rubbing the sleep from my eyes with my free hand.
It’s barely even six in the morning and Lena is still asleep in the bedroom.
After dinner last night, she wordlessly pulled me to bed with her and snuggled up to me.
It made my heart flip and I can no longer deny that I have utterly and irrevocably fallen in love with her, but we have yet to talk about where this thing between us is going.
I couldn’t sleep any longer because my back hurt, so I got up and took some painkillers before making some coffee.
The rain has finally stopped, but the sky is still overcast, reflecting how I’m feeling inside. I stare into my mug and watch the dark liquid swirl around.
Lex can’t get to Lena, that is one thing I’m sure of, I just don’t know how to stop it from happening yet.
Then there’s also this whole thing with Harper. I know I said we’d get coffee this upcoming week, but I honestly don’t see that happening with everything that’s going on.
I take my phone off the kitchen island and send her a quick message, asking to postpone our get together.
She unsurprisingly replies almost instantly (we’re both used to getting up this early), telling me not to worry and that she’ll be waiting for my message to reschedule.
I sigh and put the phone back down, tensing when a pair of arms wraps around my middle from behind.
“You okay?” Lena mumbles against my uninjured shoulder and I sink back into her. “Why are you up this early?”
I place my hand over hers on my stomach and close my eyes, enjoining the warmth radiating from her. “I’m okay. Just couldn’t sleep anymore,” I say.
Lena sighs and lets me go, sitting on the stool next to mine. She eyes my coffee and I smile, pushing it toward her.
It’s not quite to her taste because I always add some sugar to it, but she doesn’t complain when she takes a sip.
I watch her fondly, admiring the way her hair falls over her shoulders and how her eyes sparkle in the low light when they meet mine.
“Look,” she says, seemingly reading my mind. “I know you want to talk about us and how we move forward. I really like you, Y/N. I do. . .But with my maniac of a brother on the loose and L Corp’s stocks taking a hit because of it, I’m not in the right headspace to be in a relationship.”
I nod, but feel my heart drop. I understand what she’s saying but I can’t help but feel like this isn’t the only reason she doesn’t want to start anything serious with me.
What if she’s having second thoughts? What if she thinks I’m not good enough? What if she regrets the kiss? No, that can’t be. If that were the case, why would she still be this touchy?
My insecurities and doubt are getting the best of me, so I slip off the stool and get started on making breakfast.
“Y/N,” Lena says with a sigh, obviously sensing the shift in my mood.
I hum in acknowledgment without turning around, keeping my eyes on the stove in front of me where I just cracked two eggs into a pan.
I really like— no, I love Lena and I know she feels similarly about me, but what if she’s never ready for a relationship. She’s busy and booked almost 24/7 and there will always be something she has to deal with.
I honestly don’t know where all of these thoughts and feelings are coming from, but I can’t stop them from overwhelming me.
I’ve always been one to overthink, but not to this extent.
Lena likes me and all she said was that she can’t currently be in a relationship, so why am I doubting it?
A hand on my lower back stops my mind from spiraling and when I turn around, I force a small smile.
Lena sees right through it and tilts her head to the side, her eyes softening. “Don’t do that, Y/N. I know what’s going on inside your head. I like you, a lot, and I’m not saying I can’t imagine a future with you, because I can. Right now it’s just not the right time though, but I’d like to try with you once this whole thing with Lex has been sorted. So, please. . . Wait for me? I know it might be too much to ask but—“
I swallow my doubts and nod my head, cupping Lena’s jaw. “Okay.”
Her eyes fill with hope and she raises her hands to hold onto my wrists, keeping my hands in place. “Are you sure? Because I’d understand if—“
I bend down and press my lips against hers, effectively cutting her off.
Seems like I’m not the only one who’s overthinking.
Lena sighs and moves her hands to my hips, trying to deepen the kiss, but I pull back before she gets the chance.
The kiss was meant to shut her up and stop her rambling. I didn’t intend for it to escalate.
A dissatisfied grumble leaves Lena’s lips and I can’t help but smile and brush a loose dark curl behind her ear.
“I’m sure, but we should stop. You’re right. We should wait until this thing with your brother blows over,” I explain and Lena sighs, knowing I’m right.
She leans into my touch and I bend down again to kiss her forehead before turning back to the stove.
She doesn’t leave my side until the eggs and toast are ready to plate and we go to eat at the kitchen island.
I’m feeling better now, trusting that she means it when she says she wants to give us a chance, but I still feel like something is going to get in the way of it.
Whether it’s her changing her mind, or something happening that neither of us could have for seen, I don’t know.
I just have this gut feeling that won’t go away. The day Noah died, I also had a bad feeling when we came to a halt in the small village, but I didn’t voice my concerns because there was nothing to back them up. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and everyone would have looked at me as though I’d gone crazy if I had called off the supply run, not to mention the villagers who relied on us.
“Ms. Luthor, did you helped your brother escape from prison?”
“Where is your brother now? Are you providing refuge for him?”
“Ms. Luthor, are the rumors true that you lied in court to get your brother sentenced for crimes you committed?”
I shove the last reporter out of the way and send him a dirty glare, ignoring his shout of protest when he goes down.
Lena is tucked beneath my arm hiding behind a pair of big sunglasses and if it weren’t for her presence, I would have done much more than just shove that sorry excuse for a man.
After what feels like hours we finally manage to get to the car and Alfred opens the back door for us, working with some other security guards to keep the reporters at bay.
Lena gets in first and I pull the door shut behind us as soon as I’m in as well.
“Are you okay?” I ask immediately, noticing how she has yet to take off her sunglasses. She looks down and buries her shaky hands in her lap.
Alfred gets in the car and starts driving, leaving behind the shouting reporters and nosy passerby.
I put up the privacy screen and turn in my seat as I rech for Lena’s sunglasses. I gently pull them off her face and sigh when I see her watery eyes.
“Hey. . .” I whisper, taking one of her hands to lace our fingers together. “You know that what they’re saying isn’t true.”
She just blinks to get rid of her tears and bites her lower lip.
I only initiate this kind of contact when we’re alone because we’ve decided it’s best for now if I keep on being her bodyguard.
We haven’t kissed since that morning in my kitchen a week ago, which is for the best if I’m going to focus on my job, but I miss the taste and feel of her lips on mine.
We also haven’t slept in the same bed since that night because Lena decided to move back into her own apartment after a rather heated argument.
She said it was safer now that her whereabouts at my apartment had come out, and I only reluctantly agreed when she suggested I temporarily move into her guest room.
That way, I’m around if something happens and we have the added security measures of all the cameras and motion sensors that she has installed .
So that’s where we’re headed now after a long day at the office.
I squeeze Lena’s hand and bend down to catch her eyes. “It’s not true. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You are not your brother and you are not responsible for his actions.“
“No, it’s not true.” I cut her off, knowing that she wants to pull the we’re-related-so-his-actions-are-my-actions card.
Lena huffs and uses her free hand to wipe away her tears.
“You’re nothing like him. You’re kind and compassionate and good, Lena. Please don’t ever compare yourself to that monster.”
She stays silent, but I know I got through to her because she lets out a shaky breath and rests her head on my shoulder.
We stay like that until we get to her apartment and I help her out of the car before bidding Alfred a good night and thanking him for helping with the reporters.
The elevator ride up to the apartment is silent and as soon as we step inside, I get stared on making some dinner.
Lena heads into her bedroom, mumbling something about a shower, but I know that she just needs some space.
It’s been like this for a week now, Lena’s busy at work, she gets yelled at by reporters in the evening when we leave to go home and I cook dinner while she showers and calms down.
The fact that the police still haven’t figured out how the security system was hacked into isn’t helping either, so I try my best to be as much of a calming presence as I can be.
I chop some tomatoes for an easy pasta dish and get some water boiling, pouring a decent amount of salt into it before adding the dry pasta.
I sauté the tomatoes in a pan, addinga little pasta water and some Parmesan rind before turning off the heat and letting the sauce simmer.
Lena emerges from her bedroom right as I sprinkle some chopped herbs into the sauce and a small smile pulls at her lips when she smells the food.
I noticed her eyes are red and puffy, but don’t comment on it and strain the pasta over the sink.
“You know, I never thought you could cook like this,” she says with a hint of amusement in her voice.
I smile and decide to play along to get her mind off Lex and what the reporters said earlier. “Now, why would you think I can’t cook?” I ask, raising an eyebrow as I move to dump the pasta into the pan.
I swirl it around in the sauce before dividing it and putting it on two plates I set out earlier. I grab the Parmesan from the fridge and grate some, sprinkling it on both dishes.
“I don’t know,” Lena admits with a chuckle. “I just always thought your main source of nutrition came from protein shakes or something.”
I laugh out loud at that and grab the plates, going to the couch and sitting down. “What?”
Lena blushes and tries to hide it by turning around to grab some wineglasses from the cupboard above the stove. “I don’t know, shut up. I’m not the one built like a linebacker.”
I laugh again and don’t push her any further, accepting the glass of wine she holds out as soon as she joins me on the couch.
We eat in silence and while Lena seems to be feeling fine again, I still take notice of the dark circles under her eyes.
She hasn’t been sleeping well, I’ve heard her waking from nightmares more often than not over the past couple of nights, and even though I always go to comfort her when it happens, she refuses to ask me to stay the way she’s done before.
It makes my heart hurt, but I’ve come to realize that it’s her way of protecting herself. She’s distancing herself from me because we can’t be together just yet.
“You liked it?” I ask softly when Lena sets her empty plate down on the coffee table a few minutes later.
She nods and smiles genuinely, taking a sip of her wine before leaning back against my shoulder. “I like everything you make.”
It’s my turn to blush now and I try to hide it by taking a sip of my own wine.
The rest of the night is filled with small talk and soft laughs until Lena falls asleep with a soft smile on her lips.
I melt at how cute she looks and carefully pick her up and take her to bed. She snuggles into the covers and when I’m about to leave I notice that she’s clutching something to her chest that she didn’t have a few seconds ago.
It’s the sweatshirts I thought I’d lost in my temporary move. She must have had it stuffed underneath her pillow to hide it from me and the realization that she cuddles it while sleeping makes my stomach tingle.
I leave her bedroom with a dopey grin and go back to the living room. I clean everything and make sure all the lights are turned off before retreating to my own room.
“Y/N, come on! Why are you holding out on me?” Sam whines and I reach forward, pinching her cheek.
“Oh my God, why are you so loud?! Do you want Lena to hear you?” I hiss, looking around in fear.
Sam slaps my hand away and punches my shoulder. “She’s getting coffee. She won’t be back for another few minutes,” she argues and I roll my eyes, knowing she’s right.
We’re in Lena’s office and Sam stopped by to drop off some files, but when she saw me, she decided to stay for a little chat.
Lena used it as an excuse to finally take a break and go to get some coffee, declining my offer to get one for her.
“So?” Sam prompts again and I glance at the door to make sure it’s closed before giving in.
“Fine, we kissed when she stayed at my place, but we’re not going to start anything until this whole thing with Lex has been sorted,” I reveal.
Sam squeals with excitement and her eyes light up. “I knew it! You two are perfect for each other,” she says, giggling like a little kid.
I feel my neck heat up and turn to look at the city through the floor to ceiling windows. “Shut up. We’re not even together,” I argue weekly but Sam’s not having it.
“Yet. . .” she says teasingly, before adding, “So, how was the kiss? Was there any under the shirt action?”
I whirl around and stare at her incredulously. “Sam! Jesus, no! It was just a kiss.”
Complete unfazed, Sam just shrugs and continues to ask, “Well, was it good?”
I open my mouth, ready to snap again, but then I remember the actual kiss and can’t help but smile dumbly. “I— Yeah. It was amazing.”
Sam’s eyes glint happily and she pulls me in for a hug. “Ahhh, I’m so happy for you. And I can’t wait until it’s official. You guys will make such a power couple.”
I laugh at that and tickle her playfully so she releases me from her hold. “Thanks, Sammy.”
“What did I miss?”
I turn to find Lena entering her office with a confused smile. She’s holding her coffee in one hand and an envelope in the other.
Her dark hair is pinned up in a neat bun and like all morning, I once again have to force myself to keep my eyes on her face and not on the lower half of her body because the snug pencil skirt she’s wearing highlights all her curves perfectly.
“Oh—Uh, nothing,” I stutter and if our behavior wasn’t suspicious before it definitely is now.
“Okayyy,” Lena drawls and glances between Sam and I before shrugging and returning to her chair.
Sam winks at me when Lena isn’t looking and we chat a little longer before she excuses herself and leaves.
I return to my spot on the couch, pulling out my phone to do some scheduling for the gym.
I don’t even manage to log into my online account though before Lena gasps, earning my full attention.
“What is it?” I ask, seeing her with her eyes trained on the letter in her hand.
It must be what was in the envelope and when she doesn’t answer I get up and round her desk to look at what she’s reading.
Dearest sister—
I don’t get a chance to read much more before Lena slams the paper down on her desk. She jumps to her feet and starts breathing rapidly.
“Hey hey hey,” I say quickly, putting my hands on her shoulders. “What is it? I know it’s from Lex, but what does he want?”
Lena’s wild eyes find mine and when I see the horror reflected in them, I feel my stomach drop. “He wants me to retract the testimony I gave at his trial.”
Again, a little bit of a filler, but it’s necessary for the next part.
I promise it’s going to be worth the wait.
Tag list: @nerethos @orange15quote @nuianced-tck-enby @autorasexy @unexpected-character @nothisismax @wandatasha
90 notes · View notes
ameenvie · 9 months
Last Christmas - Jamie Tartt x fem!reader
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masterlist | ao3 | ko-fi | fic recs
"Now I know what a fool I've been, but if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again"
@emeraldsandelderberries asked: jaime x reader christmas request :) maybe a second chance romance a la “last christmas” by wham! ? Word count: 4.3k Warnings: none really! I guess anxiety and panic attacks if you squint, but not really Tags: fluff, second chance, christmas, drama, hurt/comfort A/N: This request was soooooooo sweet!!! AH I LOVED IT, I'm so sorry it's this late! 😭 IT might be a bit more dramatic/moody than you've wanted but I really hope you like it! ❤❤
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Christmastime in London was always special to you. You loved how the storefronts all dressed up into colourful decorations and cheerful lights, how the smell of warm cookies filled the air as you passed your favourite bakery on your way to work. Excitement and restlessness filled people’s hearts as they were waiting for a little break at the end of the year, a time of reflection and hope. And honestly you could’ve used a fresh start.
Work was hectic in the office before at the end of the year, but you always pushed through by thinking of the holidays approaching faster day by day. The last weeks before Christmas were all about secret Santas and Christmas gatherings at the office as well.
You were having lunch in the small kitchen at work when your phone lit up with your best friend’s name. She usually doesn’t call, so you answered suspiciously.
“I have a huge favour to ask” she said quickly without even saying hello. You put your face into your palm as you braced yourself for what was about to come and even like that you were shocked at her next words. “I need you to come to the company Christmas Party with me.”
“You what?” you asked, trying to conceal the sudden anger in your voice that was bubbling up inside you. It wasn’t like you to get angry easily, especially not on her, but this time it came so out of the blue. Why would she ask that?
“I know babes, I’m so sorry I wouldn’t ask you this if it wasn’t life or death!”
“How can a Christmas party be life or death?” you asked cynically, drumming your fingers on the table next to your lunch. You’ve lost all your appetite.
“I will die if you won’t come with me, that’s how” she joked, trying to lighten your mood.
“You’re so dramatic” you chuckled, but you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Go on.”
“Look, I don’t want to spend all my evening alone with my coworkers and their families and my rich boss, and insufferable football players!” she started. “You know this is not like a few-drinks-in-the-office kind of party, it’s full bling in a fancy hotel and shitton of food and booze!” you could basically see her waving her hand around while talking. “I thought just the two of us could hang out, get hammered and judge others. What do you say?” You rolled your eyes. She knew this was a compelling offer, but not compelling enough. Not when you could risk running into him.
“Okay, but!” You started and held up a finger like she could see it through the phone. “I have the right to leave at any time I want. Deal?” You heard her let out an annoyed groan at the other end of the line.
“Fine, whatever. I know you’ll love it.”
“I sure will. What do I wear?”
“Go all out babe. I’ll meet you tomorrow at 6. Love yous!” She hung up the call and you placed your phone on the table and just stared at it for a moment.
Your best friend was working at Richmond FC. The football club whose every match you’ve seen since you remember, up until last year. It was your family’s team. Now thanks to Jamie Tartt, you couldn’t even think of the name Richmond. And now your friend wants you to go back there, all dressed up, to an event where you could possibly – or even most likely – meet him and have to talk to him. Have to smile at him like he didn’t break your heart. Like you didn’t cry about him for months after he left.
But you weren’t that girl anymore, were you? Time has passed, you moved on, right? You didn’t cry about him anymore. But the twisting feeling in your gut when you thought about him, when someone mentioned him or even the team, when you saw ads with him told you otherwise. Told you that you in fact, have not moved on. But he doesn’t have to know that.
The walk on the way home was chilly and this time you couldn’t admire the flickering Christmas lights around you on the street, nor the sweet smell of cookies coming from the bakery. Your mind was filled with the thought of him, and the possibility of seeing him again. The thought of your friend being an asshole also crossed your mind a few times, but you knew she didn’t mean any harm. For all she knew you were over Jamie. And you were convinced of that too, but the squeezing feeling in your chest told you otherwise. You didn’t listen though. You didn’t care about him. You didn’t.
You told that to yourself the next day as you looked for that beautiful dress in your wardrobe that you might or might not wanted to wear to impress him. To make him feel like an idiot for throwing you away. You didn’t care about him. As you did your makeup a little more elegant than usual. You didn’t care about him. As you did the finishing touches on your hair. You didn’t care about him.
You picked up your purse and locked the door when you saw your friend calling, meaning she was there to pick you up with a cab. The cold air made you shiver a little and you were thankful for the ride. Wintertime was really not made for having these parties. A thin layer of snow covered the streets and the rooftops, the streetlights painting it a warm hue of gold. You let out a relieved sigh, suddenly you felt calm from the peaceful sight. You hopped in the cab and closed the door. Your friend let out an audible gasp as she looked at you.
“You look fucking fit, girl!” she squealed before she hugged you. You scoffed and chuckled before pulling away.
“Thanks, I guess” you smiled, heat crawling to your ears. Your friend gave the address of the venue to the cab driver, and you were off into the night.
“You really did go all the way, huh?”
“Your wish is my command!” you smiled at her, your heart hammering against your ribcage.
“I got you something” she said and started to rummage through her small purse before she pulled out a small bottle of liquor. You laughed.
“Aren’t we going to a party with unlimited free booze?”
“Wanted to have a moment for just the two of us. No offense” she chuckled and looked at the cab driver who smiled back at her. “Thanks for being here.”
“My pleasure” you replied and took a sip out of the bottle. You felt the liquid burn your throat before you handed it to her. Truth be told, you felt alright. Together with your best friend, dressed to the nines, having a fun night out. Who cares about Jamie Tartt?
When you stepped inside the giant ballroom, your breath got caught in your throat. You’ve been to fancy places before – mostly with Jamie -, but nothing of such magnitude. The room was framed by insanely tall walls with red velvet covering, and shiny accents. Christmas ornaments and decorations hung from the ceiling next to the chandeliers, and there was a beautiful Christmas tree in the corner, next to the stage where the band played soft jazz music. Round tables occupied half of the room in a neatly organised pattern, the other half was the dancefloor.
Kind men took your coat, and you clutched your purse to try to calm your nerves. You felt like you didn’t belong, you stuck out like a sore thumb among these gorgeous and rich people. You felt your friend’s hand squeeze your own as she led you further into the room.
“It’s gonna be fine. We’re eating, getting wasted, dancing then going home, ‘kay?”
“Okay” you breathed. You didn’t dare to look around the room in case you recognised someone. Him.
The two of you made a beeline towards the bar and ordered your favourite shot that you drank immediately. You hoped it would calm your nerves a little.
“Easy girl, the night is still young!”
“That’s especially why I’m drinking” you chuckled. You felt a tap on your shoulder and your heart dropped to your stomach, blood freezing in your veins. That was until you’ve turned and saw Sam’s face and his thousand-watt smile.
“I knew it was you! It’s so good to see you!” he cheered, his accented voice ringing in your ear as he hugged you.
“Sam, oh my God! Look at you, you look amazing!” you answered and rested your hand on his arms. “How you’ve been?”
“Good, good! We have a lot to catch up on, you should write sometimes y’know!” Fuck.
“I know, I’m sorry.” A frown settled on your face, and he immediately tried to lighten the mood.
“Just messing with you. But hey, make sure to come say hi to the others later, okay?” he said, and he gestured to the other side of the room, and your gaze instinctively followed. Mistake.
There he was, in all his glory, as tall and handsome as ever. His hair was different, a bit longer and had highlights in it. It really suited him. He wore a slightly unbuttoned shirt and had its sleeves rolled up, his jacket discarded on a nearby chair.
You’ve felt like throwing up, the content of your stomach making somersaults nonstop. Yet you smiled like nothing happened and nodded at Sam. Your friend who you haven’t spoken to in months because he reminded you of Jamie. What an asshole move. And he was so kind he just forgave you.
“We sure will” you answered and squeezed his arm before you let go. And as he turned you sneaked another peek in Jamie’s direction. You felt lightheaded as his gaze caught yours and you looked away in a blink of an eye, turning your back at him.
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry, look, we can just leave” your friend whispered as she looked at you concerned, but you just shook your head.
“I’m fine, really. When is dinner again?”
“In like half an hour” she replied.
“Mint, I’ll catch my breath outside and I’ll be right back, okay?”
“I’ll come with you.”
“No, it’s fine, really” you protested. “It’ll be just a minute, promise.”
“Fine” she sighed as she rubbed your arms. “But just a word and we’ll be out of here!” You nodded and headed towards the door that led to the back garden. Your steps were quick, and you had your head low to avoid anyone stopping you in your track. But you felt like your heels were too loud, that everyone was looking at you, that he was looking at you. In reality, only one of those was true.
As you opened the door, the cold air bit into your skin as you stepped outside. The garden was gigantic, and the grass was covered in a thin layer of snow. There were gravel paths going around in twisty patterns curving around shrubbery and statues.
To your surprise there were standing tables outside accompanied by tall heaters. You weren’t cold but you knew it was just temporary, so you took a beeline towards one of the heaters and stood next to the table under it. It was kind of magical, hearing only the distant music from the ballroom and nothing else, watching the snow-covered garden. You felt your heartbeat slow down and anxious thoughts leaving your head.
You heard footsteps approaching and you turned towards them with a smile, thinking it was Sam or your best friend. Of course, that was not the case. He took his jacket back on, but the top buttons on his shirt were still undone. He looked at you with a shy smile.
“I knew I saw you” he said, his hands in his pockets. You knew he was fiddling with them like he always did. You didn’t reply and you weren’t sure if it was the nerves or the anger. You stood in silence for a moment before he spoke again. “It’s good to see you again. I didn’t think you’d come.”
“Me neither” you replied, and your voice was colder than you thought it would be. It was perfect. He just couldn't see how he ruined you. He just couldn't.
“I can leave if you want?” he said, but it was almost like a question. A question you didn’t really know the answer for. Did you want him to leave? Or were you just over the moon that he was there, standing in front of you, with a heavy heart and a shy smile? You kind of never wanted that moment to end. You felt pathetic and you looked away from him, which he took as a cue to leave. “It’s alright. It was nice seeing you. You look beautiful.” What an asshole. What right does he have to call you that?
He turned his back on you, and you swallowed the lump in your throat as you looked at your shoes. The fancy shoes that you might or might not picked out to impress him. You did get what you wanted didn’t you? He did call you beautiful. So why was it making you so angry?
“I just” he hesitated before continuing. “Wanted to say I’m sorry. Truly.” You looked up at him. His body was halfway turned from you, and he looked back, head hung low and a few strands of his hair fell into his eyes. Your ears were ringing as your heart was pounding in your chest.
“I was a royal prick. And you-“ he scratched his throat. “You deserved better. And you deserve better than me ruining your night, so I’ll leave you be. Sorry. Truly, it was nice seeing you.” he said and turned away. You felt like your mouth acted on its own as you called out after him. His gaze snapped back and met yours.
“Would you-“ you paused. “Like to stay a bit?” You could see his shoulders relax as he let out a breath he was holding. A smile found its way past his lips as he stepped closer to you under the heater.
“I’m glad you asked because I started to freeze my arse off” he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. But he was still very aware of his situation.
“Yeah, why can’t these company parties be held in the summer? You get all dressed up only to freeze your tits off” you smiled back at him. He was leaning against the table as he looked at you. It somehow felt right, being there with him.
“Well, some of us are more dressed up than others” he grinned as his eyes wandered up and down on your body. You pretended you didn’t see it, but the rising heat in your body said otherwise.
“I know, Rebecca looks insanely good tonight” you said to deflect the compliment.
“Yeah, she’s really good at this glam thing. Kinda jealous of her.” You cocked your eyebrow at him, but you didn’t say a word. Signalling him to go on. “Most of the times I just can’t wait to bolt at these events.”
“Why don’t you? Are you on the clock or something?” you asked, clutching your purse for dear life. The more reasonable part of your brain said you should just tell him to piss off. But you didn’t.
“Nah” he shrugged. “I just like the company a bit more than usual.”
You felt your heart flutter at the compliment. Then you immediately felt sadness. Then anger.
“Jamie, why on earth are you here?”
“Umm, it’s a company Christmas party?” he answered with a question, feigning ignorance.
“I meant here. And you know that. If you really would've liked my company, you probably wouldn't have dumped me to fuck around” you snapped at him and straightened your back, preparing to leave him. “Merry Christmas, Jamie.”
You turned on your heels and headed towards the main building. Now that you’ve stepped away from the heater the cold winter air crawled against your skin once more, tears prickling your eyes. You were stupid for coming here.
You picked up your pace before you felt a warm hand grip your wrist. You felt tired. You felt like you had no energy to do this right now.
“Please, love. Just give me a chance.”
“A chance for what, Jamie? To break my heart again?” you asked in a choked voice from holding the tears at bay. He let go of you and ran his hands through his hair. You hated how you knew he always did that when he was nervous. All this knowledge of him, all that love for him. What were you supposed to do with them now?
“What can I do to make it right? I’ll do anything.”
“Stop making a fool out of me. What do you want? A good nostalgia lay? A charity one, because it’s Christmas?” You were so angry at him. If all these were true, why did he just dump you? Say all those things he said. But at the same time, you wanted this to be true. But you weren’t ready for another heartbreak.
“Piss off, I’ve cried enough because of you already.” You turned your back on him again and stormed off. You saw your friend's silhouette at the door, and you felt relieved.
“I’m so sorry babes, I’ll call a cab, okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“It’s fine. I won’t give him the satisfaction of leaving” you let out a shaky breath and hugged your friend.
“What did he want anyway?”
“He said” you started but your voice choked up. “He said he was sorry. That he wanted to make it right.”
“You’re kidding. What did you say?”
“I told him to piss off, as you can see” you answered and let out a dry laugh.
“I can see that, but why?” she asked, and you snapped your gaze at her.
“What do you mean why? Don’t you remember he broke up with me to chase models instead?”
“But maybe he does want to make it right… and you love-“ she said but you broke her off.
“I don’t. Please can we just drop this? Let’s have dinner, what do you think?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Dinner was served by elegant waiters, all different kinds of soups, meats, salads, whatever you could’ve wished for. And fortunately, they didn’t hesitate to bring you drinks as well.
“No way!” you laughed at another guy who was sitting at your table. He was your friend’s coworker, or something like that. You actually had a really great time since the dinner started. These people were nice and funny, and took your mind off of Jamie for a bit. That was all you could’ve asked for.
“It’s nice to meet finally meet you guys in person, I’ve heard so much about you I feel like I’ve known you for ages!”
“Only good I hope!” another girl, Jenna chimed in and chuckled while your friend just rolled her eyes to hide her awkwardness. Mixing friend groups was always a stressful experience for her. Suddenly Jenna whispered something to the person who was sitting next to her – you remembered her name being Ellie.
“Yeah, for sure” Ellie said, covering her mouth while laughing.
“C’mon girls, didn’t they tell you it’s rude to whisper when you have company? Spill it!” your friend whined as she took another sip from her drink. Jenna rolled her eyes playfully before she leaned closer to the two of you.
“We were just talking about how shaggable some of our footballers are” she giggled, and you choked on your drink, what earned you a few weird looks.
“I’m sorry, I just tried to laugh and swallow at the same time” you replied quickly. During your exchange the wait staff started to clear your tables as the dinner was about to end, leaving place for the music, dancing, and drinking.
“Or maybe you fancy the gaffer? No shame in that he’s pretty fit himself” Ellie continued before Jenna cut her off.
“You bet he is. And he’s such a gentleman, I’ve ran into him at the cafeteria once. Maybe even too much of a gentleman.” She gave a knowing look before she chuckled. You knew this was going to be bad.
“C’mon girls, stop it! Anybody can hear you!” your friend tried to stop the situation from getting worse, but it was of no use.
“So, new girl, what do you say? Do you have a favourite guy on the team?” Jenna rested her head in her hands as she was looking at you, batting her eyelashes. She didn’t mean no harm; she had no way of knowing that you were in fact an ex-girlfriend of one of them.
“You know what, I’m kind of a Roy Kent girl myself” you said, and your friend snorted next to you, almost spitting her drink. You flashed a huge smile at her before clinking your glass against hers. The rest of the girls made approving noises before they got interrupted.
“That kinda hurts” his voice pierced your ears, and your heart went into overdrive. Of course. You turned towards him, and you swore your eyes shot daggers at him. He had one of his hands held out towards you, inviting you to take it. “Spare me a dance?”
You already drank enough to consider his offer. You felt everyone’s eyes on you and for a second you didn’t care.
“Sure” you replied in a low voice as you stood up. You heard a gasp from behind you, but you weren’t sure who it came from. You took Jamie’s hand as he led you towards the dancefloor. You heard your friend say “I told you anyone could hear it!” in the background and you smiled.
After you reached the centre of the dancefloor, he spun you around and put one of his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. You didn’t look him in the eye, but scanned the room for anything else to focus on. The band was playing a slow song and couples started to flock to the floor next to you. You saw Ted asking Rebecca for a dance and even your friend stood up and made her way to the floor with someone. You felt Jamie trying to be sneaky and pulling you closer into him with every sway, but you didn’t say anything.
“Do you remember when you taught me how to dance?” he asked, and you heard the smile in his voice. You did remember.
“Of course” you said, barely audible.
“We moved the couch to make space. And even then, I hit my foot into it.” He spun you around to the rhythm of the music, then pulled you closer than before. And you let him, as you rested your head next to his collarbone. He smelled so good, and you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment as you closed your eyes. Like you were in your living room again, like he didn’t break your heart.
“Do you think you can forgive me?” he asked abruptly.
“It’s not-“ you hesitated. “It’s not that I can’t forgive you.” You knew you could forgive him in a second, because you loved him. You loved him so much, not a day went by without you missing him.
“What is it then?”
“I just don’t want to be hurt again. I know you just take whatever you want and when you’re bored you just toss it aside.” You fought your tears as you buried your face into his chest.
“I’m not that person anymore, love” he said and stopped the two of you, lifting your chin up so your gaze met his. “I promise.”
“Why should I believe you? You promised before you’d never leave me and then you tossed me aside. Made me feel worthless.”
“Fuck” he exhaled, pressing his palms against his eyes. “Can we talk somewhere else? Can’t hear my own thoughts.” You didn’t reply just nodded before he took your hands and led you outside to the same spot you’ve talked earlier. Tears were prickling the corner of your eyes as you followed him, looking down at your joint hands. He stood under the heater before he turned to you and placed both his hands on the side of your face.
“Look. I was a major prick, I know that.” He searched your face as he spoke. “But I promise, I’ve changed. I shouldn’t have treated you like that, I was an asshole. I know that now” he paused.
“But I-“ he started then he stopped, his eyes frantically scanning your face.
Don’t say it.
“I just-“
Don’t say it.
“Fuck, I-“
Just say it!
“I love you.” You let out a relieved sigh as you closed your eyes. He pulled you closer as he planted a kiss on your lips, shy and chaste. Your heart was stammering against your ribcage, and you felt like it was your first kiss ever.
“I love you too” you whispered as warm tears rolled down your cheeks, contrasting the cold air. He kissed you again, this time braver, and he poured his heart and soul into it as he pulled you in with his hand on the nape of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your heart felt like a thousand suns exploded inside it.
“Please let me make it right.”
“Just make sure you won’t make a fool out of me again for saying yes to this, okay?”
“I promise” he said before he kissed you again. “But I have another question.”
“Yes?” you asked and raised your eyebrow.
“Are you really a Roy Kent girl?” You laughed at how real the concern was on his face as he looked at you with his puppy eyes.
“No, actually I’m a huge Jamie Tartt girl, have you heard of him?” you grinned as you caressed his face.
“Huh, sounds like he’s a lucky fella” he smiled before he leaned in for another kiss. Maybe it wasn’t so bad your friend invited you after all.
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lavandulawrites · 7 months
Can i get yan! Jouno please? Feel free to go wild :3
A Wingless Angel
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Yandere Jouno x reader
This was really fun to write! Jouno has definitely grown on me these past days. I find his creepy personality so intriguing<3
Warnings: Violence
Word count: 1903
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Jouno’s senses were as heighten like that of a hunting animal. He’s smile was resembling a wolf baring its teeth to a helpless lamb. Jouno always knew what you were feeling before you could even place it. His angelic voice hypnotising you in a web of lies. His condescending words masked behind a gentle smile. He had sworn to you that he found greater pleasure in helping the weak and innocent than harming people. You believed that to some extent. His word would hold greater value if you haven’t seen the way his face lit up in joy when he punished those who had wronged you.
He saw himself as your saviour, and he was to some degree. He had indeed saved you from some brutish gang members who threatened to cut your tongue when you emptied your pockets to show them that you did indeed have no money on you. Jouno had suddenly appeared in the dark alley like a knight in shining armour. His white hair reflecting the light of the street lamp causing it to glow like a halo. With a swift motion akin to a angel flapping his wings, he cut down the criminals. Crimson blood rained upon you snapping you out of your trance. You screamed as you saw the dismembered bodies littered around you. You tried to get up and call for help, but the white haired man took hold of you shoulders, shaking you to get your attention.
With a voice as smooth as velvet he calmed you down. His white gloved hand gently stroking you cheek. With gentle hands he guided you to your feet. You didn’t know then that you had involved yourself with a man who was no near an angel.
He had taken you away from your normal life. It began with him involving himself little by little in your everyday life. He began hanging around the office where you worked at. His presence immediately brightening your mood. He was so easy to talk to and he was always there when you needed him. You started slowly, but surely to fell in love with him. You were naturally cautious about his job as a Hunting Dog, but he assured you that his work was to keep civilians safe. You understood of course. After a while your days consisted of him (when he wasn’t out on missions). He started to spend his time in your home making it hard to not forget that you weren’t a couple. Yet.
After a few months he urged you to move in with him after various of cases of violence around Japan. You agreed after he insisted that it wasn’t a bother, after all he did get paid handsomely for his work as a Hunting Dog. His flat was spacious and slightly luxurious. Your bedroom suited to your tastes. Weird…. How did he know that you preferred that brand of duvet covers?
You soon learned that Jouno was an excellent cook. His dishes both nutritious and delicious. Often while you ate he complained about his colleague and his rather interesting taste in food. You had asked him if you were ever going to meet his colleague (who despite his complaints, seemed like a really close friend of his), he only muttered “Not yet…” with a strained expression. You decided to not mention it further as it clearly troubled him. He was probably afraid of getting you too involved in his job.
Days pasted and you both quickly fell into a pleasant routine. It was after two weeks, he voiced his concerns about you continuing to work. “[Name] it is dangerous out there you know. Recently the number of crimes have skyrocketed. Of course The Hunting Dogs are on it, but there is only so much we can do. We don’t punish those who are doing minor crimes” he puts down his teacup.
Your brows furrow “My workplace is in a rather safe part of the city”.
Jouno smiles slightly, almost pitiful. “No part of the city is safe now. Did you not listen to what I just said?” his condescending tone cold. He slowly rose from the seat and took your hand in his. “I think you should take the day off. Or if that’s not possible at least work from home” his hand gently caressing yours. After giving it a thought you agreed to work from home, at least for the day. You missed the way his smiles twisted into something sinister.
Soon you only worked from home. The news were filled with crimes getting worser and worser. You were glad you trusted Jouno, he was after all an intelligent man who only wished the best for you. Of course he could be quite unsettling at times, but he never meant you any harm.
“[Name] I can sense that you are stressed. Is everything alright?” Jouno asked you as you were sitting in the living room after dinner.
You looked up from your book in surprise. “I am a little stressed I have to admit… All the crimes happening are stressing me out. I am worried for my family and friends. I rarely leave the house now days, but the same can’t be said for them” you sighed.
Jouno had a thoughtful expression which turned into a smile. “I think your work is stressing you out. Of course I understand that you are worried about your family, but they don’t live in the city” you didn’t notice how he ignored your concerns about your friends. “My salary is more than enough for you to live a comfortable and happy life” he smiled warmly. You fiddled with the pages of your book. Could you really quit your job?
“I think you deserve some well earned rest” he had moved beside you. His fingers running through your hair in a soothing manner. You only nodded as he slowly lulled you into a slumber.
Weeks passed and your days consisted only of Jouno except when he was on his missions. He advised you against going out alone and your outings were always accompanied by him. One particular mission required him to be away from you for almost too weeks. You had come to be sick of being imprisoned inside his flat, so you decided that you were going to escape before Jouno’s mission ended.
You only had to unlock the front door and freedom was yours. Jouno hadn’t been bothered with locking the door with other than the key, which was placed in a bowl on one of the shelves in the entryway. He trusted you to stay put, or maybe that was what he wanted you to think. Either way if it was a trap or not, you couldn’t afford to not try.
You twisted the key and the door creaked open. You held your breath and stepped outside into the hallway. You only needed to go down the flight of stairs and out the main entrance and you were free. You made your way down the stairs with shaky legs.
You decided to exist through the door by the janitor’s closet. The corridor was dark and too quiet. You turn around at every little sound, afraid of being met with an eerie smile, but no one was there.
Luckily the door was unlocked so you slip right through it.
You headed towards a small and antique café where you could ask for help. You had known the owner for years, a older woman who definitely would help you. You knew all to well that the police wouldn’t help you. The Hunting Dogs were above the police after all.
The bell rang when you entered the cozy café. You greeted the owner and took a seat in the both in the far corner away from the windows. You sat there in silence contemplating on what to do next. You needed to leave the city and that fast, but how? The kind lady brought you your favourite tea without your ordering it saying it’s on the house. You sipped on your tea while your mind was elsewhere. Suddenly the leather cushion you were sitting on dipped down.
“Found you”
You snapped you head to your left and your eyes widened. Jouno. His lips were twisted into a sickening grin. “Now tell me dear. What one earth are you doing outside of the flat?” his melodic voice sending shivers down your spine. “I have waited for you for some time. I thought you would be quicker, but of course I expected too much from someone like you” he chuckled. “I got at least to have a lovely chat with the owner of this cozy café” his words having a certain bite to them. “But I do think that everyone involved with a criminal deserves punishment. Don’t you agree dear [Name]?” his smile gentle.
You swallowed. “Please” your voice only a meek whisper.
Jouno hummed as he took your hand in his and gently stroked the back of it. “I think we should get you home before anyone gets hurt”. With a swift motion he pulled you to your feet and guided you outside. He leaned his head down to your ear and whispered “Don’t think that unruly lambs will go unpunished”.
He threw you down on the floor, towering over your trembling form. “It seems that you failed my little test. A shame really…” his tone one of faux empathy. You curled in on yourself afraid of what he might do to you.
“Please… please forgive me Jouno” a sob escaping you between each word.
His smile widened slightly “I don’t think I will”. He kneeled down and placed a cold hand on your cheek. He pulled his hand back and licked away the tears that wetted his hand with a delighted hum. “Your tears are as exquisite as the smell of your fear”. He rose to his feet and turned on his heel “Wait here dearest”.
It didn’t take long before he returned with a crowbar in hand. The tip coated in dried blood. He smiled before he stopped in front of you. “You see my sweet [Name], it hurt me so very much when I smelled your scent in the city centre. Your heart rate was so high that one would think that you very running away from some sort of monster” he chuckled. “I am so glad I found you”. He leaned down slightly “But I can’t have you running of like that again. That would be unfortunate”.
“Please… I will never escape again! I promise!” you cried.
He tched. “Escape? One should think that I kidnapped you!” he laughed. “I believe you agreed upon staying here, am I right?” his canines showing. He kneeled down on his knees and took hold of your leg. He caressed it gently before he raised his crowbar and whacked it down on your ankle.
You screamed so loudly that you thought you would damage your hearing. Jouno winced slightly at your loud scream, but didn’t falter in his actions. The loud creaks of your bones filled the air. You screamed and kicked, but he didn’t budge in the slightest. He soon repeated the process on your other leg. The pain was unbearable and white dots speckled your vision. In the coroner of your eyes you could see Jouno’s gleeful smile. Now you would never dare to try to leave him.
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yukkisagi · 1 year
"i didn't know going blind was something to find cute"
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in which you're going blind but you wish you could just straight up not see alhaitham at all anymore -no warnings, just fluff and mutual pining, not proofread, in honor of my vision just getting worse and worse and i snapped my glasses in half ha ha
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reading papers had become increasingly difficult, menus suddenly don't list out your favorite foods, and the boundaries between friendship and romance were starting to blur.
obviously the last statement wasn't the reason for your new glasses but after your fellow classmates tell you it isn't normal to mistake a cat for a rabbit, even if you were almost a mile away, you figured it was time to invest in some spectacles aids.
it was unfortunate that were no such things as alhaitham aids. alhaitham was always complicated to read, from his expressions, opinions to his literal hand writing and especially his actions.
he often walked you back to your office after lunch, claiming that it was on the way anyways. last week in the early morning, he brought you a cup of coffee, saying that the barista made him an extra because he looked tired and refused to drink it just to prove her wrong. one time he even walked over to your office, on his own accord, just to hand you back a measily pen you accidentally left behind.
but of course, these events could easily be read in the other direction. you just happened to be on his path. he didn't want to waste a perfectly drinkable coffee despite his stubbornness. maybe he was in a cleaning mood and needed fresh air and time away from his extremely suffocating office anyways so he just dropped the pen on the way.
alhaitham and you were not dating by any means and that was definite. so you don't understand why you're so hesitant to enter his office. you were just here to pass off some of your students research for the grand sage's approval and nothing else.
it's the repeated scene you see weekly as you enter his office, eyes still stuck on his desk, not wavering at all from your presence, chin rested on his folded fingers supported by his elbow on the table and his nose bridge slightly scrunched in annoyance because of the massive workload constantly covering his table.
"i have more reports that need your approval." you start, trying to shift his attention.
"sure, how many? if there isn't a lot i can sign them off right now for you." he only nods at words.
you mind can't help but hang on the last two words. was he implying only for you? just you? you needed to snap out of it, alhaitham doesn't see people as individuals or even cared enough to try, you know that.
but deep down you can't help it. even this simple favor felt special, only because it was coming from alhaitham. this could easily just be him trying to get you out of his hair as fast as possible, or it could be a special favor he'd only do for you. you really couldn't tell from him.
"four." you count through the stacks as you try to avoid glancing at him in fear of staring too long. he was almost too easy on the eyes, especially when he's focused.
"i'll just do them right now then," he then looks up at you, just briefly as he stretches out hand ready to take the papers from you. "i just brewed some tea, help yourself to a cup while you wait."
did he often offer his tea to others? did he instantly prioritize anyone's work as long at they just enter his office? are these actions normal? for him? you pour yourself a cup of tea as you rest on his couch and ponder these thoughts.
"you got new glasses." he interrupts flatly, as if he's just noting an observation in the reports he's reviewing.
you can't help even noting the way he says you. it's very rare for the sentences that alhaitham says "you" in to be not followed by a critique or insult.
"well they're on my face and have never been before right?" you say back, reflecting his tone. "but i guess i'm surprised you even noticed."
"they're cute."
you almost spit out your drink. you didn't expect "cute" to be within his vocabulary bank or if he even had the neurotransmitter to help him translate what things were actually cute to him in his brain.
"what?" you scoff, almost stuttering as you try to hide your aghast. "i didn't know going blind was something to find cute, only you would think that."
"your interpretations of my statements are incorrect," he still does not face you, shifting through the papers much too casually. "i find that the frame of your new glasses gives you a new enhancement to your overall attractiveness."
leave it to him to make sure his point is always made, completely bulldozing over your efforts at avoiding his blatant compliment.
"thanks?" you offer, unable to form a more educated response you normally give him.
"is that a question?" he asks, seemingly puzzled by your reaction. "you don't have to thank me if you prefer not to though i do appreciate your opinions as much as you do mine."
"no i just," you attempt to start as he clears his throat.
he finally looks at you, eyebrow raised. he puffs his bangs out of his face so that both his eyes are directly looking at you, analyzing your flushed face, eyes widened only by a smidge and mouth agape. for some odd reasons, he feels a sort of satisfaction eliciting a reaction like this from you, but has yet been able to pinpoint why.
"i just wasn't expecting the word cute to be within your dictionary," you clear your throat and push your glasses back up on your nose bridge in order to compose yourself again. "you surprised me, that is all."
"is this a case of when women refuse compliments from the man they like?" he chuckles, still repeating your moment of daze in his mind, as if he was trying to ingrain it in his brain instead of reading the reports like he promised you.
"woah woah," you start, completely blindsided from this almost exposure of your feelings you were not ready to admit. "slow your horses, who said i liked you?"
"y/n, i am no idiot but i didn't think you were though."
"what is that suppose to mean?"
"it's simple really," he noted as he finally sets the papers down. "i like you, you like me."
"i did not take you for a man to assume conclusions like this," you say with as much poise you have left in you, completely ignoring his candid confession. "what makes you think i like you?"
"actions, reactions, your words," he simply states, not going into any detail at all. "are you going to keep denying it?
"you know what, i'll just come back for the reports later." you start getting up, refusing to look him the eyes. you knew your dignity was starting to fall and you were not ready for alhaitham to pick it up and hand it back to you along with the small pieces of your heart you've scattered in this room.
with a huff you turn to the door. dusting yourself off, you reach for the doorknob, trying to get out of this suddenly stuffy and warm room.
"no need," you can hear him shifting in his chair as signaled by the screech it made. "i'll swing by after your evening lecture. speaking of, you should really change the time of that lectu-"
"you will not, i do not want to see you."
"but i do." he continued. "you can't really refuse the acting grand sage's attendance for a lecture check in, can you now?"
completely frazzled now, you just dash out the door before he can say anything else, leaving him completely proud and satisfied with your interaction.
he couldn't wait to see your reaction when he enters the lecture, excited by the idea of seeing you flustered for him again.
as your racing back to your office, you take off your glasses, hoping that somehow the vision of alhaitham just shamelessly flirting with you would just completely disappear.
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fiction-is-life · 4 months
hi! congratulations on 800 followers <333 i was wondering if i could get lying together in comfortable silence, maybe they’re cuddled up together, either way they’re both mutually enjoying the other’s company with topper. please and thank you!
Cuddles and Competition
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Author's Note: Hi, and thank you!! You are always so supportive!! Also, I am soooo sorry I am only now getting to this request! I just completed my hardest year in school and I had no time to write. I wanted to put this out for your birthday but I missed that, so it will be a belated gift, I guess! I hope you enjoy it, love!! 💞
Warnings: none really?
“Topper! Meet me in the kitchen. Now!” Dr. Cynthia Thornton called out to her son through the in-home PA system.  You were busy chopping onions for the soup you were making per that lady’s request. You just kept your head down; when she was in a mood it was best just to let your employer run her course.
Topper slowly made his way into the kitchen, a bored look on his face. Cynthia rolled her eyes as she looked up from her phone at him.  “Topper, stand up straight, how many times must I tell you?”
Topper straightened his spine, but his frown didn’t disappear. “Is that why you called me down here?” he intoned, a smirk now playing at the corner of his mouth.
“Don’t be cheeky,” she snapped.  This was typical of every mother-son interaction between the two.  “I have to attend a work event tonight, but I don’t want any funny business.  Rafe and Kelce are not to be here, and absolutely no girls allowed,” she explained while putting her earrings in and fixing the 24K gold bracelet at her wrist.
Topper smirked fully now - his mother had really been getting on his nerves lately with college application deadlines looming over his head.  “What about (Y/N)?  She’s a girl.  And she’s here.”  You could hear the laughter in his voice, and you had to turn away on the pretense of going to the sink so that Dr. Thornton couldn’t see you laugh as well.
Cynthia rolled her eyes.  “She doesn’t count; I would expect you to have more respect for yourself than that.”  That wiped the smirk off of your face.  “I will be home by midnight, and you are responsible for driving (Y/N) home.”  With no further words, Dr. Thornton left the house.
You both waited in silence for the front door to click shut and the roar of her sports car starting to sound a few seconds later.  Once it did, Topper turned towards you slowly, a serious expression on his face.  “So…pizza or Chinese?”
You grinned from ear to ear.  “Both!  Let me throw this soup in the fridge and then I can get Netflix all queued up.”
“Sounds good, sweet thing,” Topper replied, already ordering your usual on door dash.  
Within thirty minutes you were on the couch debating who the best baker on The Great British Bake Off was for that week between mouthfuls of the Outer Banks’ finest late-night cuisine.  The only light in the room came from the living room’s tv and the reflection of the moon and stars off of the Thornton’s pool that was visible from the windows.  
“How do they all mess up something so simple as that for a technical?  Half of them were inedible!”
“Topper, I would love to see you try to make that dessert and come up with something better than the person who took last place,” you teased.
He looked at you with incredulousness written all over his face, but you could see the smile he was holding back with all of his might.  “I could absolutely bake something passable,” he stated, fully believing his words.
“Maybe if you had a full, detailed recipe, but not the paired down version the contestants are given.  I love you, but I would not eat anything you baked without a full recipe - and maybe some youtube tutorials,” you laughed, making him break and join in your mirth before he turned “serious” once more.
“I could absolutely bake something to that standard.” He continued as he started to stand up, “In fact, let’s go into the kitchen and have a little competition of our -” he was cut off by a fast-moving piece of orange chicken hurtling into his mouth.  You giggled once more as he made a show of chewing the chicken you had used to shut him up.
“Seeing as food particles are defying gravity, I guess we can save our baking competition for another day.  To protect myself, I just want to hang out with you and make fun of their accents.  You can be my shield if any pepperoni starts flying,” Topper pulled you practically on top of him as he said this, making you shake your head and laugh, highly amused at his antics.
You didn’t say much else for the rest of the show, just breathing in his scent and basking in his presence.  You had almost fallen asleep from Topper lightly massaging your back as he held you to him when you heard his voice rumble to life after a heavy sigh. 
“I can’t wait to beat you in our baking competition, love.  I can just imagine your face when I pull something out of the oven that absolutely crushes yours.”
You pushed yourself off of his chest at this, his arms falling down to your waist.  “Alright, smarty pants, let's bake something and see who would actually win,” you retorted; he had finally played your competitive streak to his advantage, and now you fully wanted to crush him with your baking prowess.
He just leaned in and kissed the determined look on your face and practically tackled you back into his arms.  Your pout broke as he peppered kisses all over your face before settling his head onto your stomach.  “I’m just kidding, love, we both know you would destroy me in any competition except for surfing,” his smooth voice soothed your ruffled feathers, but you couldn’t help but tease him once more.
“I would destroy you in a surfing competition too, Top, don’t deny it.”
His blue eyes caught yours from his relaxed position.  “You have never surfed a day in your life, (Y/N/N),” he stated.
“And you’ve never baked, Top,” you grinned.
“Touche.” He placed a kiss on the exposed skin of your tummy before you both turned your attention back to the tv with smiles on your faces.  You stayed like that until way past the time you should have left, tempting fate that Dr. Thornton may come back and see you, but neither of you cared.  You just enjoyed spending the rare moments you had alone with each other too much to give up a single second.  It was only then when all your troubles seemed far enough away that you could truly live.
Taglist: adventuresinobx @bradleybeachbabe @starkeyobx @penny4yourthoughts @topperscumslut @drewbooooo @honeybear-yammy @gillybear17 @hoebx @spinningintheshadows @fangirlfree @get0ut0fmyr00m @poppet05 @graywrites20 @yellowbitchs-blog @laneyy003 @hydraironcaptian @honeybuzzzzzz​ @powellsugarbaby​ @ietts @art3mas @haven247
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chickenkupo · 7 months
Treasure Hoard
Summary: As Neuvillette returns from his spontaneous trip from Liyue and delivers some gifts to Wriothesley, the duke starts to notice odd things happening around their shared living space. More objects keep appearing in their bedroom, treasures that don't make sense to Wriothesley such as shells, trinkets, gemstones and even various different type of tea cups. He swears up and down he hasn't been the one to purchase any of these goods, and when questioning Sigewinne about it, she's just as lost as he is.
What exactly is going on, and why does Neuvillette seem so pleased with himself?
Recommendations before reading: This little short story is a continuation of I Promise and Now For the Next Act. But, if you don't feel like really reading those, just know that Wriothesley and Neuvillette are mates, and they live together in a little sanctuary in Fontaine that was created for Neuvillette specifically by the Focalors.
Also, I'd highly suggest playing through the Lantern Rite event. I did most of it tonight and it was amazing and the adorableness of Neuv and Wrio was just MMMMM.
Warnings: This is a tame work, a little cute fluff treat. I told ya'll I'd be keeping you fed the week of Valentine's, and I meant it, so take this as a little sweet treat for you all. A Tumblr exclusive, if you will. You all have been wonderful to me here, and I'm glad to bring some entertainment to your days.
NOTE: This has not been beta-read, and I'm literally just typing this up on the Tumblr page thingie so it's gonna be a mess, but we are going to have some fun.
Wriothesley scratched his head as he took in the sight before him. In their shared bed lied a copious amount of seashells, scattered in every direction. Some were small, others almost comically large, but all of them unique in their vast differences in coloration and patterns. In fact, a lot of these shells were ones that he had never seen along the shores of Fontaine before, so he began to wonder just where exactly did this come from, and who would have done this.
Okay, let's be real. Neuvillette would have torn up anyone that had dared crossed into their chambers that wasn't himself or Sigewinne. Wriothesley had already confronted the Melusine about this, thinking that this must have been some sort of prank against him after he told her about how much tea Neuvillette had brought back, as well as the stone slate that contained a legal codex. It confused the man at first, but taking into account how loyal Neuvillette was to his position and status, it took a moment or two for him to realize that such a gift from Neuvillette was a great thing. Hence, why he did make a little section of his office in the Fortress of Meropide to house it, something that he could stare at everyday to remind himself that he was always on Neuvillette's mind.
So, Wriothesley concluded the only logical answer was that for some reason, Neuvillette had began to hoard all sorts of trinkets he must have found on his now random outings. The duke and the traveler made sure to convince him to take more breaks and to go out and see the world as much as he can, and it looks like the mighty dragon took their words to heart and had started doing just that. Only, it seems that for some reason, Neuvillette had begun to bring back all sorts of things he found during his outings. The young man only prayed that Neuvillette would break out of this mood soon, but didn't mind allowing it for now, just as long as the dragon was happy on his adventures and seeing Teyvat for what it really was, in all of it's mysteries and splendors.
As much as he wanted to daydream about how his man would look during different locations, such as the grassy hills of Mondstadt, the electrifying peaks of Inazuma, or even how the Sumeru sun would reflect beautifully off of the elegance that was entirely Neuvillette, he had to bring himself back to reality.
This was all getting ridiculous. The shells on the bed covered it almost completely, and he had no real room to put them in, maybe some storage containers they had from where Wriothesley's belongings had to be moved once he began residing there. The duke sighed as he grabbed an empty container, getting to work and putting the myriad of shells into it, tired from the work of the day and just wanting to relax in bed for a bit for a quick nap. He made sure to keep the box of shells close by, knowing that it would crush the dragon if he had tossed whatever he had decided to collect.
Yawning, Wriothesley removed his coat and clothing, stripping down and getting dressed in a pair of simple black boxers, before he snuggled underneath the soft sheets of their bed. He had been craving a nap all day, no amount of tea drinking seemed to deliver enough caffeine into his body to keep him awake. Surely a small nap wouldn't harm anyone, right? Besides, if he slept in too late, he knew that Neuvillette would wake him up and demand attention from him in one form or another.
Yeah, a nap sounded pretty good right now.
As the young man started to awaken from his slumber, he began to stretch out his limbs with a loud yawn as he normally did, until both hands and legs seemed to crash into something, the sounds of various things falling off the bed as he continued to stretch out his limbs. This startled the duke who immediately woke up in a state of confusion, causing his limbs to turn and twist more, causing even more items to fall, crashing into the floor.
What the hell was going on?!
The man arose, being careful not to make anymore sudden movements until he could gather exactly what was happening. His eyes widened in further confusion and panic as he saw just how stuffed the room was now. Sure, the area where the water surrounded the bed was clear, but the pathway out of the bedroom and around the bed itself felt like some sort of ancient loot hall from a temple of old. Dozens of gold and silver trinkets littered the floor, statues and plates, necklaces and gemstones of various colors and details. There seemed to also be random boxes of tea scattered around, as well. Some were new boxes that Wriothesley had become recently familiar of since the Steambird's articles began releasing after the Lantern Rite event. Others seemed like old brews that were, at this point, probably more for show than for actual consumption.
There were other goodies laying about as well. Books that dealt with true crime or laws of old, scrolls that were in languages that Wriothesley was very unfamiliar with, but there was one thing that seemed to stand out to the duke. It appeared that the bigger gold and silver pieces were placed near or on the bed, as if he were the one that was sleeping in a treasure vault and taking joy in all of the splendors, the further away the goods were from Wriothesley, the less vividness and preciousness the items seemed to hold. It was as if Neuvillette kept his closest valuables towards Wriothesley, with the duke himself seemingly being the most valuable one.
As Wriothesley was about to get up and try to figure out what to do with all of this, he heard the door connecting the bedroom to the living room open, Neuvillette walking through with even more goods in his arms. This time, it appeared to be various fruits and wrapped baked goods, a large smile appearing on his face as Wriothesley took in the scene, a slight glare in his eyes.
"Neuvillette, what the hell are you doing?!" the young man growled out, still stuck in place as he was afraid to move and make anymore of a mess.
The dragon put the items down in one of the few free spaces still left, his eyes never leaving his mate, as he tilted his head in confusion.
"Oh? What do you mean? I saw how happy you were when you received those gifts from Clorinde and I, and I couldn't resist. I was awful before, never thinking to shower you in actual physical possessions, because of my ignorance and fear of leaving my position for any sort of leave. Now, however, I have all of the time in the world to make up for it. See, here even, I ventured out all the way to this bakery on the outskirts of Fontaine, the breads appear to be truly delectable, at least that is what Furina told me. Here, you can see-"
"Neuv! Honey, you don't need to do this you know!" Wriothesley uttered out as he shoved away the trinkets and treasures near him, so that he could create a path for himself to reach his ridiculous lover. Neuvillette merely paused, blinking in confusion as the duke wrapped his muscular arms around his dragon, hugging him tightly and sighing.
"W-Wriothesley?" the dragon questioned, obviously welcoming the hug as he began to return the favor, wrapping his own arms around the broad chest of the man, as best as he could.
"You can be such a big idiot sometimes, you know that? You know every law of the land, every crime with every punishment to match it, laws old and new never forgotten by you. But you just don't get the simple stuff sometimes, do you?" the young man asked, kissing Neuvillette on the cheek, which made the dragon blush, still blinking with questioning eyes.
"Listen, Neuv, love, I don't need all of these things. Sure a gift here or there is nice for anyone, but I never held it against you that you didn't really do that before. We're both busy men with schedules that drive us insane sometimes. Look, just being able to come home to you and spend time with you and being able to look into those eyes of yours every night before I drift off to sleep, and waking up to look into them too, that's the best gift I could ask for, okay?" Wriothesley relayed to his mate, in such a calm manner that it almost seemed like a whisper.
The dragon's eyes widened as he listened to his lover, holding him tightly as his mate continued explaining. In a shocking show, small droplets of tears started to form at the edges of his eyes, before a few started to roll down his cheek, which Wriothesley wiped away, smiling softly and understandably at his mate. As much as Neuvillette was such a stoic and strict man, Wriothesley knew that he was starved for genuine love and appreciation, and even though his life was forever changed by this man and his want to keep him at his side forever, it was now more of a blessing to him than a curse would ever be. If he now had an eternity to live, then he would spend every waking moment of it showing that Neuvillette is appreciated and loved dearly, in return.
"Now, let's try to clean up this mess so one of us doesn't trip and break our necks just trying to get out the door, okay?" Wriothesley chuckled, planting a few more kisses on Neuvillette's cheeks, loving the way that his man's blush would deepen with every kiss received.
Neuvillette merely chuckled as he smiled a most gorgeous, heartfelt smile that he had ever mustered, in all of his centuries of existence.
"Of course, my most precious treasure."
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thesafecafe · 1 year
Soft Days: Mommy May D2
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CW + Disclaimer: MDNI, 18+, soft! dom Lee Know, Mommy! Minho, fem! reader, soft sex, praise, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), choking (not really, just a warning), fluff for the most part, smut under the cut, enjoy!
Disclaimer:  I do not believe the members of Stray Kids would act in this way in real life, nor is this a representation or guide of their real life personalities. This is a fictional depiction for entertainment purposes.
Words: 610
The weekends were your favorite part of the week. It meant you got to spend time with your boyfriend, Minho. You’d wrap yourselves up in each other’s presence in the only time when you both weren’t busy between work and classes. The warm afternoons that you’d spend in his arms were your favorite. You could expect some of the most relaxing moments you’d get all week when you were with him. You would watch movies, order in, maybe play card games, all while decompressing and talking about anything you could think about. But your favorite days were days like today.
Days like today, when music you recommended would spill from the speakers in his apartment, loud enough to be heard in each room, but not enough to cause a noise complaint from the neighbors. Days like this, when the sunny afternoons left you feeling tired and worn out, and Minho would pick up on your mood. Days like this when he knew exactly what you needed to make you forget about your day, taking up your thoughts and senses as he made love to you in whatever room you wanted. Days where he knew you needed to be taken care of too. Like today.
“Just lay back and look pretty.” Those were his only instructions. And so far, you were the prettiest you could be to Minho. Laying under him, moaning so sweetly as he gave you his all. “That’s it baby, let yourself go. Let mommy make you feel good.” He leaned down to kiss your neck, a soft sigh of his own reaching your ears as he felt your walls flutter and spasm around his length. He latched onto your neck, leaving a dark trail of bites and markings along your throat. His hands gripped onto your thighs, squeezing them every so often. His hips rolled against yours, allowing you to feel all of him, as deeply as you could.
“Look how well you fit around me. So perfect, my gorgeous fucking girl.” Minho increased his speed, not by much, but just enough to bring you over the edge once more. Your eyes rolled back, and you called his name as your walls contracted around him. “Minho please-” You were cut off by the feeling of Minho’s hand sliding around your neck. Not squeezing, just there. A warning. "Mommy, mommy please, I'm sorry." You whimpered as he kept going, the pleasant sting of overstimulation starting to come over you. “That’s much better sweetheart. But it seems we’ll have to give you two more now, instead of one. We can’t have you so stressed you’re forgetting mommy’s name, now can we?” He purposely drove his hips harder when he spoke the sweet words, grinning when you cried out at his antics.
“Shh, you know mommy will always take care of you.” Pulling one hand away from your thighs, he caressed your face for a moment. You loved when he looked at you this way, a mixture of adoration and lust, all for you. You were his everything and it reflected in the way he looked at you like the most precious thing in the world. You could feel the knot in your stomach building once again, and Minho knew you were close. But you were holding back, waiting for his permission. Always so selfless. He leaned down, whispering to you gently. "Cum for me baby, you don't have to wait for me."
Yes, soft days like this were your favorite. When he'd gently ruin you over and over again, pleasuring you until you would forget your worries. When you would come undone in the arms of your doting lover.
Tag(s): @minhyuuk , @brownsugarbaybee​, @hee0soo​, @legbouk​, @mommyhwa​, @singularity777
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macawritesupdates · 3 days
Writing Update 9/19/2024
Been a while since I did an update! Last week I was on jury duty and it MURDERED my writing time as I had to change up my day and it took longer to get home (mentally draining....)
Been back at work this week, but still has been draining, so less time to get things done, but trying to get back into the flow of things! Hopefully more updates to show soon!
I will get back to those as soon as I clear up some other fics. Just got a lot of long fics (12 in total) and one-shots (like ...5 in total?) that I'm writing and want to finish!
Can't Help a Cuddle: It has 5k words in and that is just the spicy scene it is going to open up with lol It is going to end up being a long chapter as it introduces more plot and the like going forward! Hopefully will be updating soon!
Jealousy is Not a Good Friend: Also have it outlined and making good progress on writing it out so it should come out the same time or before Cuddle. Got some spice as always!
Broken in the Ways No One Sees: Going to speed run write out the last three chapters to the story as it one the poll for which one to finish first! I'll post chapters as I finish <3
When you Get Two Grandsons: Next chapter is coming and I'll be overhauling the tags to reflect the new developments! This story is remaining sweet and family feel wholesome!
Spouse Wanted: Experience not Necessary: the new chapter is NEARLY done and may be out tonight depending on how I finish up this last scene hehe! If not tonight, then going to be up tomorrow!
Lessons in Accidental Seduction: Eagerly writing out the next chapter! I'm excited for this one as it has nice character development and Sukuna really starting to work things out and he and Yuuji getting closer again <3
Malevolence of Love: Wanted to finish his fix before the 30th, but don't see that happening due to writing delays ; w ; BUT the next chapter is coming out and I know it is an anticipated one! Hoping it won't take long...
Who's a Good Boy: New chapter is in the works but not the priority fic at the moment!
The Yuuji Files: I am hoping a new update will happen SOON as I work through the scenes in this one. It is going to be a meaty chapter though as it has a lot of little plots going on in the B-plot area.
Careful What you Joke About: Also working on the next chapter now that the rewrites have been completed for the outline <3 I hope I haven't kept anyone waiting too long!
Mirrored Lives: Still need to rework and rewrite the outline and plot and get it to a point I'm more satisfied with.
What Sacrifices Heroes make that go Unsung: I WANT TO WRITE THE NEXT THREE CHAPTERS SO BAD AHHHH! I am going to push to make time to work on this one as ugh! I love it in my HEART so much and want to share ; w ;
A Rut Time of It: It is on the backburner as I get other fix worked out and finished up!
Pull Me Along if I Can’t Move Forward: Izuku/Bakugo sweet fic that is still in slow slow progress. Going to see if I can't finish it up soon!
Heatwaves and Curses Don't Mix: A pwp fic of Nobara/Yuuji/Sukuna with true-form Sukuna and his double dongs. Just pure smut for the heck of it that is slowly coming together
Playing House: Sukuita fic where Sukuna makes Yuuji play house like they did when kids but takes it too far. A pwp fic idea suggested when I was in the mood and is close to being done c:
Take Me to Prom?: Sukita one shot where Yuuji blackmails his cousin Sukuna to cross dress and take him to prom as his date. Shenanigans ensue
Once Upon a Blob: Sukuna, now Blobkuna, has a plan to get his body back and it involves the old fairy tale cliche of love's true kiss. Chaos ensures.
And That's When I knew It: A silly Uraraka/Kirishima one-shot where something horribly embarrassing happens and feelings are had (and spice XD)
Culturally Inappropriate: Starting to outline the fic and name the characters who are going to be with Yuuji through the Possessed Anonymous group. Letting it build its own themes and feeling good about it so far!
This is the sequel to Historically Inaccurate and keeps moving with the themes and Sukuna and Yuuji building their relationship as vessel and and cursed spirit while also their personal healing. Gonna be good hopefully!
Law Meets Disorder: (Maybe changing to Law and Disorder for the title) Still mapping out my ideas but might get to finally finishing up the outline soon!
The Dragon Story: Still more an idea with more worldbuilding done than plot. Need to find a solid plot for it....
We Wretched Few: Heian Era court drama fanfic with an ABO flair to it that I've been poking around at :b
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What would this blog be, without a Taylor-inspired one shot?😄
Right Where You Left Me
Summary: Marc Breaks Your Heart and Leave You Haunted
Marc × reader
Warnings: Angst. Like a shit ton of it. I may have almost cried. Also implementing some lines (sort of) from sad romance songs.
Part II is up BTW - its called happier x happier
Friends get break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried
Trends change, rumours fly through new skies
But I'm right where you left me
Today was supposed to be a happy day. You hadn't seen Marc in months, as he'd been doing some private security work in Egypt, under his former officer Raul Bushman, and even though you were used to him being away months at a time, you still got nervous every time you were reunited, and today, especially, you could feel your heart pound.
As you reflected on it later, maybe at the time it had been your body's way of warning you. To turn back, stay in bed all day, not meet Marc at that little restaurant you both loved to go to.
He'd been acting distant for a while. And at first, you thought it'd just been a bad day. But then, a bad day turned into a bad week, and almost a month had passed, and nothing was the same. Whenever you texted him, Marc's answers seemed short, more calculated, like he was having to put effort into spending time with you when it should just come naturally. Still, you were positive that whatever it was bothering him, you would sort it out today when you saw each other. Your relationships had grown so strong because of your ability to talk and communicate with each other.
Matches burn after the other
Pages turn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me
You blew out the candles in your shared apartment, a lavender scent, bought just so you could make it smell nicer before closing your book and stretching. You had to hurry if you wanted to make it to the airport in time to pick him up. Then, onto the little café right next to the local Barnes and Noble. It was a tradition started when he first started going on tours with the navy. You'd always pick him up at the airport, and he'd buy you a new book, and you two would go to the café for drinks and to talk. In those moments, though the entire world was going by, it felt like all there was was him and his deep brown eyes.
After getting dressed, you headed over to your car and pulled out of the drive, leaving as early as possible. Marc didn't text you when he made landfull, but that didn't matter because you spotted him in front of the airport waiting anyway. You quickly parked and ran up to him, giving him a tight hug, but even though he hugged back, something felt different. You shrugged it off, thinking it was just you. He put his suitcase in the trunk, and climbed into the passenger seat next to you as you pulled out into the main road.
"So do you wanna drop your things home and change, then go to the café, or go there first and maybe get lunch on the way home?" You asked, looking out ahead, to make sure you were turning safely
"Do we have to go to the café today?" He asked "I'm not really feeling it."
You were a little surprised by Marc's answer. Normally he was the one suggesting you go. Thinking he was just in a grumpy mood, you encouraged him
"Oh, come on, it's tradition."
"Fine." He sighed, his reaction hurting you a little, even though you acted like it didn't. Finally, you pulled up to the café and entered, Marc following suit, the comforting smell of cinemmon and coffee warming your heart.
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
They say, "What a sad sight"
You made way for the little booth in the corner by the window, where you always sat, since Marc liked to watch the world go by. You smiled at him as you sat down, though he didn't smile back. 'Maybe he didn't see it...' You thought, before one of the waiter's came up to you, asking what you wanted
"Can I have a hot chocolate please?"
"Sure. What about you sir?"
Marc was staring out the window, completely deaf to the waiter's question
"Marc." You shook his arm a little.
"What?" His eyes flickered between you and the waiter "Oh, sorry. Gimme a coffee please."
The waiter went off quickly.
That was weird. He normally got the same as you. Hot chocolate.
I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop
Right when I felt the moment stop
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
Marc didn't make any conversation like he normally did, so you decided to sart. You asked him about his time in Egypt, but his answers were short, so after the waiter delivered the drinks, you changed the topic onto yourself, feeling a little awkward. You were just telling him about work when he burst out:
"I met someone."
Time stood still.
I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
They expected me to find somewhere
Some perspective, but I sat and stared
"What do you mean?" You asked, though you knew what he meant.
"I met someone," he repeated, slightly louder "In Egypt. Layla. Her name's Layla."
You felt the tears forming, but you wouldn't let them fall. Not now. He couldn’t see you weak.
"How long?" You asked, just stirring your hot chocolate carefully
"How long have you loved her. When did you figure it out?"
"Y/N" Marc sighed, leaning back "It doesn't matter."
"Marc, if I'm going to give you up forever to another woman, I deserve to know how long you've loved her."
He sighed again
"I don't know. I didn't plan this," he replied, saying the last part hurriedly."I met her through work, and then, you know, we kept spending more time together -
"And you forgot about me."
"Y/N it's not that simple."
"Isn't it? Another woman came along, and I wasn't important anymore."
"That's not true. It's just different with her."
"How?" You asked."How is any different Marc? Does she sacrifice her sleep and comfort you when you have nightmares or panic attacks? Did she sacrifice a job to be closer to you? Did she sacrifice her dreams so you can live yours? What's so different about her, Marc?"
"Because, the way I love Layla, I can't love you!" He finally snapped, though not loud enough for everyone to hear him.
You couldn't speak. You couldn't move. It was like there was this heavy, depressed weight over you, ridding you of any power.
"And I appreciate everything you've done for me. I'm sorry, Y/N. But you deserve better... Someone who can love you better."
He moved to hold your hand, but you moved away from him, haunted. Frozen.
'I deserve you.' You wanted to say, to scream it out. 'I've been there for you through everything. Not Laila.'
Right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
You left me, you left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
Marc stood up, his coffee still untouched. A part of you knew this would be the last time you saw him. But you couldn't move. You wanted to. Hold his hand, bring him back to you, and make him forget Layla. But, you knew, in the pit of your desperate little heart it was. Over.
"I'll my things from the apartment tomorrow."
You couldn't even respond, but your eyes went blurry. He took the keys, got his suitcases out of the car, and returned them to you, almost hesitating.
"Y/N, I-m
"Just go. Please Marc. Just go."
So he did.
You stayed in that café all morning, all afternoon, all evening, all night. The world came and went. And everything was still there. The coffee Marc had gone cold. Yours had been finished earlier in an attempt to console yourself.
If it wasn't for the fact that they had to close at 11, you would have stayed there all night too. You didn't want to go home. You didn't want to face the mind-numbing emptiness of your apartment right now, but you were the one paying for it, so you might as well.
You drove home in silence, parking your car next to your building, before taking the lift up to your floor. For some reason, before you turned the door, you had this strange hope. That Marc would be there, making dinner, that it had all been some terrible but dream, but as you stepped inside, you were faced with the fact that this wasn't some typical nightmare, but your new reality, and so for the first time all day, you let yourself crack, and the tears roll down.
Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen?
Time went on for everybody else, she won't know it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
How it was supposed to be
Did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?
Break-ups happen every day, you don't have to lose it
She's still 23 inside her fantasy
And you're sitting in front of me
A few days after Marc had gotten his things (which had been done with his spare key while you were at work, which he had left on the doormat) you had turned down all the pictures framed of you and him on the shelves and kitchen counter. You didn't have the heart to throw them away. You wanted to, but just couldn't. Your friends had tried to cheer you up, take you out to parties, or introduce you to new guys, but nothing worked. The parties were packed with people, but you found them empty and lifeless, and the dates paled in compared to Marc. Your friends eventually grew tired of hearing that you missed him and told you to "just get over him." But it wasn't that simple. Marc Spector wasn't just another guy. He was your solar system; your universe. There'd never be another him
At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want
Cross-legged in the dim light, everything was just right
I, I could feel the mascara run
You told me that you met someone
Glass shattered on the white cloth
Everybody moved on
So you ended up at the fateful café where Marc broke up with you. You didn't know why. It was where he shattered you in two, but you had also had some of your happiest memories there. When he told you he liked you, then loved you. You could see it now, the dim light reflecting off his bright eyes. It was perfect. Life with him was perfect.
Help, I'm still at the restaurant
Still sitting in a corner I haunt
Cross-legged in the dim light
You revisited that café every day, for you don't know how long. Days, weeks, months, maybe even a year. You were so caught up in him. You couldn't help it. You had never been so happy. Never will be again. Sometimes, when it was dark or rainy, you thought you saw him leaning against a streetlight opposite the café. But then you blinked, and nothing was there. You wondered at that point who you were looking out for by coming there. Why were you at that stupid little place? He didn't go to it anymore. Because of you. He wanted a new life. With someone else. You were the past. Layla was the present. Had your future with him been a lie?
I, I stayed there
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
I'm sure that you got a wife out there
Kids and Christmas, but I'm unaware
'Cause I'm right where
I cause no harm, mind my business
If our love died young, I can't bear witness
And it's been so long
But if you ever think you got it wrong
A few years had passed, and you were still there. You were sure Marc had moved on by now. Sure, he and Layla were married. Were happy. Maybe she was expecting. Sometimes, you imagined it had been you. You he had chosen to love above everyone else. You hadn't found anyone new. Even though you had tried, it was almost like you were still waiting for him. In case he came back. To you.
I'm right where you left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
You left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
But you knew you would always be there. The world would come and go. Dynasties would rise and fall. People would be born and live, break up, and marry, right here in this quaint little shop. But you would stay here, forever in pain, while Marc spent his forever in love.
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smolthealmighty · 22 days
Spinaraki Week 4 Day 5: Cutscene
Counting Scales Instead of Stars
Memories flash and recollections crash as Deku and Shigaraki fight, their experiences unwittingly shared as extensions of One for All's vestige world. One memory in particular brings the conflict to a halt.
“Sometimes when I’m trying to calm down, I’ll count your scales,” Tomura Shigaraki blurted.
“You do?” asked Spinner.
“Yeah,” Tomura Shigaraki replied.
Well, the Tomura Shigaraki in this memory he meant, not the actual one who was watching the scene too. Izuku was still trying to wrap his head around the dual memory-sharing shenanigans that had taken over this battle, but unlike many of the other scenes from Shigaraki’s life, this memory seemed to truly put the fight on hold.
“I’m the kind of guy who tends to get stuck on what makes me upset,” Memory Shigaraki explained to Spinner, “The second something goes wrong or I have to deal with some rage-inducing bullshit, I can’t stop thinking about it even after it’s over and done with. I’d bet good money on it starting with Master’s insistence that I hold all my negative emotions and experiences close to my heart.”
“The fuck kind of advice it that?” Memory Spinner remarked, and Izuku had to agree with him on that point. If that’s how Shigaraki was raised, then it was no wonder he became a walking “ball of hate”, and Izuku feared about what else All For One filled his head with.
“Kept me alive and kicking out of pure spite when I was younger at least,” Memory Shigaraki placated, as if that made it any better, “But yeah, not as useful when trying to manage other people just as messed up as I am.”
“I know the league is weird, but hey!” Memory Spinner reacted, pretending to be more offended than he actually was.
Memory Shigaraki let Spinner have his fun before he got back to the topic at hand, and Izuku couldn’t help but notice the difference between the maniacal smile Shigaraki always wore in battle and the small yet warm one on his face in this memory.
“Kurogiri used to encourage me to count floorboards or snack wrappers when I’d get in a really bad mood, called it ‘grounding’ or something. And I guess at some point after leaving the old bar I found myself counting your scales instead.”
“Well, does it help?” Spinner probed.
“I’d say so,” Memory Shigaraki gladly answered. “The number of floorboards and trash was finite, but I haven’t been able to finish counting your scales. The fact that their iridescence can be easily distracting when they reflect whatever light source is around helps too, makes me lose count ‘cause I get sidetracked while committing the sight to memory.”
Memory Spinner blushed at that but didn’t turn away, leaving Izuku to question if it meant Shigaraki eliciting that kind of response from Spinner was a regular occurrence.
“… Is my body really that nice to look at?”
“I think you’re a nice sight in general. So, I guess what I mean to say is that I could look at you forever.”
Well shoot, now Izuku was blushing in second-hand embarrassment.
“Thanks,” Spinner beamed, “You’re nice to look at too.”
“Objectively wrong but okay.”
Izuku watched the two lean into each other as they burst into laughter, the joyful sounds slowly fading away along with the scene.
“I was still trying to count all of them you know,” Tomura broke the silence. The hero turned to look at him, the real Tomura, taking in the fond expression on his face... only to watch in alarm as it changed into one of remorse. It was all he could do to not breakdown with Tomura as a cascade of all the tears he’d never cried dripped down his face.
“I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t regret much, but fuck… I really wish I found the time to find out the total. I wasn’t finished counting them. I wasn’t finished.”
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ijumpbridges · 11 months
woah my first time requesting off anon
anywyaydbsbbdb if requests are open i’ll req Scp 035 x ghost!reader where whenever 035 is a little mean/“manipulative” towards reader, reader just scares the shit out of him for a week as a “haha i get the last laugh” kinda thing BRHDHHDSJH
thanks! and if you don’t feel comfortable writing this, your free to decline/delete it, no worries! ^^ (if any part of my request doesn’t make sense lmk!)
035 x Ghost!Reader
I love you… WHO SAID THAT
Anyways, request are open thank you for requesting, i also love Ms. Pauling.
It is unclear how you two meet, but it you two had stick together for a long time ago.
Every time Dyo wakes up you had be there in a corner greeting him or just around even before he takes over a host.
Overall your friendship with him is okey, but in all friendships there are always flaws.. very big ones.
He would literally try to annoy you on purpose to help him cuz he says that ‘we are friends right? Then help me with x or y” But then ignores you or invalidates your feelings.
This had happen for a while, but you decide to put a stop at it.
Since you are a ghost, ghost tend to have those weird days where reality turned towards you and being around has become ills to the point of feeling like you were about to have panic attack, but never had it.
Those times Dyo thought since more vulnerable, the better.
Oh he thought wrong..
“Hey… how are yo friend?” Dyo said coming closer to you, as you were on a corner trying not to loose your mind.
“Leave me alone Dyo, im not in the mood to be manipulated by you” You spitted out.
“Me? Manipulate you? Never!” He said with his fake tone, but you didn’t reply only looking away hoping he had left you alone.
“I need a tiny favor from you” he said and then started to yap his life away on wanting to escape, but stop when he realize you weren’t listening.
“Oh come on, you know friends help each other! I always been there for you when remember when… when..” He tried looking for an example but immediately brush it off “that doesn’t matter” He said coming closer to you “But what matters is that friends help each other and.. and we are friend-“
“LEAVE ME ALONE” you yelled. You grew big and scary, you grew even bigger tha touch the ceiling and had to stretch out, everything around started floating, the cristal box and holder of 035 mask.
035 felt back and hit the floor as soon as you scream at him to leave you alone. One of the cameras that was on too of you ended up hitting him, he then ran out and and shouted for help. Foundation personal were confused as to what happen.
After that incident you were pretty much mad at him, as to for many time that he wouldn’t leave you alone when you were down.
With or without a host you will show up, in a corner making sure he can see you.
He would try to use telepathy for her, but be immediately shut down by thousands of whispers that he couldn’t keep up on what they were saying, changing his expression to a frown.
Sometimes you would shake his container, one time you shake it so hard it almost felt down.
You would come really close to him and look at him with unsettling eyes and show a reflection knowing that you were right behind him watching him.
Sometimes you would follow him making him paranoid, at the same tike you would move things around to purposely make him trip or fall.
One time you threw a guards head at full force at him, it missed but he got blood splashed.
Sometimes you would chase him, not in a comical way. He got even hurt one time and almost got in danger to which you save him too.
Of course he will force himself to apologize to you and say he wont do it again. He will eventually but less persistently. He couldn’t take the abuse any longer.
This sourt of give you a sense of security next time he will think twice before he even tries to mess with you.
That is all y’all i hope you all enjoyed it!
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