#i always wanted a charmander as a pet
90scartoons · 1 year
Can I use a gif on your blog for my header image? I'll give credit and link back to your page 😊
go ahead bro
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cyborg-franky · 3 months
Pokemon AU - Ace
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art by @ //donivanessdoodles Writing by me <3 [older au]
AN: I tried to smush in OP lore for some characters and mix it in a workable way for Pokemon but I’m not 100% in the know so I did my best.
Meeting The Team
Ace set out on his journey before any of his brothers, he always told them his first pokemon was going to be scary and powerful, he wanted to make Sabo and Luffy so jealous. His first pokemon was actually a Rattata.
He’d been taking a break on his journey, grabbed lunch out of his bag and saw the pokemon approach him with a wary look. He threw some food towards him, the little guy got closer. So close Ace was able to pet him.
The rattata seemed to enjoy his attention, showing signs of affection. Ace grinned, he always had a soft spot for the little purple pokemon that would run around the town at night and steal food, just like him with his dine and dashes.
He got out a pokeball and gently tapped the pokemon on the side with it, capturing him easily. It seemed like he just wanted to be with Ace. Rattata never spends much time in his ball, likes to sit on his shoulder or scamper around his feet as he walks.
Ace picked Charmander as his starter simply because he could relate to Charizard, like him it was so much more than people thought. Yes, the pokemon was powerful, unstoppable when trained by the right person.
Yet, the small helpless flame that flickered on the tail was what kept it alive, it wouldn’t take a lot to snuff it out, how strong, feral, powerful but also fragile the creature was. It was something he could relate to and had a soft spot for the starter straight away.
He lowkey hates how cliché his choice was but loves him, nonetheless.
Salazzle was an accident. He was travelling through the desert on an errand. The lizard stalked him for a few miles before deciding to get in his way, sizing him up and Ace was sure the pokemon was going to attack him.
He simply blasted the Salazzle with his Charmander and captured it, mostly out of spite and Ace’s stubborn nature. Salazzle has since grown very affectionate towards Ace, she is often hostile to Marco when he gets too close to him.
Also, very jealous of Ace’s rattata for getting the lion’s share of Ace’s love.
Darumaka was also a pokemon Ace found while travelling through the desert. He’d set up camp for the night, his rattata was playing with his Charmander around the fire when the pokemon decided to tuck in his limbs and roll down the slope.
Charmander and rattata were having a good time playing with the ‘ball’ while Ace cooked food for everyone over the open fire. Ace had no idea where his team had found the ‘ball’ until he realised it was a Darumaka. He didn’t see the harm in its presence since everyone was enjoying playing with him
It wasn’t till the red creature who was so full of energy just stopped and fell asleep suddenly. Ace laughed at the sudden falling asleep and simply said out loud “Me too, me too.” he liked the pokemon so much he caught him while he slept.
Lapras he came in contact with when he’d left the desert, he found the very injured Lapras who looked like they had taken damage from a battle. It seemed like someone had deemed the pokemon too weak, she was on the smaller side for a Lapras. He had his suspicions after beating the pokemon the person who caught her decided she wasn’t good enough for their purpose and left her here injured. He caught her just to take her to the nearest poke centre.
When the nurse was done, she handed the pokeball back saying that even if she was a rescue Ace should take her with him, give her a better chance at being happy, that Ace seemed like a kind soul who would help her.
So now he uses Lapras to travel, she’s small but fast and he crosses distance in no time at all.
Marowak was something that took Ace off guard. Ace and Marco went on a vacation together for their first anniversary as a couple and had been checking out caves and they came across a very angry Marowak in a form they’d never seen before.
Marco explained Cubones and Marowak’s reminded him of Ace, after knowing what Ace had been through, how he also had to evolve past anger and sadness to become the person he is today, it resonated with him.
Ace couldn’t help feeling a connection, that and the blue fire was captivating. It took Marowak a lot to warm up to Ace but now they have mutual respect for one another and an understanding.
Ace’s story
It didn’t take long before Ace decided he was ready to fight the Elite Four which is where he met Marco and Whitebeard. Whitebeard being one of the four, Ace was desperate to prove himself despite the friendly advice from Whitebeard.
That’s when Ace got his ass kicked. He was embarrassed and felt bad, but Marco told him he was still learning and growing, not to be so hard on himself. That’s when Ace wanted to join the Whitebeards under Pop’s and learn to be better, finding a found family and then finding love with Marco.
Ace likes to travel and explore; he wants to work up to being a gym leader in one of Whitebeard’s territories.
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nationaldexanon · 10 months
Hi! I’m National Dex Anon, but you can call me Dex if you want!!
I want to know what creature’s opinion on every Pokémon is! That is why I ask. :)
Feel free to send asks! Pelipper mail is on, magic anons are not :)
please keep in mind that I’m new to the community! I have no way of knowing if someone is problematic.
oh! and! any pronouns, though I lean more towards she/her and it/its!!
//Dex is a Mew. Thought I should clarify this. Under the cut is a list of what Pokémon have been asked so far and who they were asked to.
keeping track of which Pokémon and who I sent them to to hopefully avoid duplicates. I also link the post where it’s answered.
the bullet marks where the queue ends!
sent to: piers-official
sent to: blackthorn-legion-irl
sent to: silveredfeathers
sent to: normal-paldean-student
sent to: allthatglitterzz
sent to: battlelegendsredandblue
sent to: shapeanon
sent to: water-pokemon-appreciator
sent to: grafaiai-guru
sent to: changeling-lumi
sent to: gotta-pet-em-all
sent to: ball-guy-blogs
sent to: on-the--flipside
sent to: bug-type-warrior-of-sinnoh
sent to: walkingbugencyclopedia
sent to: pokemonrangercharlie
sent to: some-loser-from-kanto
sent to: featheredjohtolegends
sent to: therealchairmanrose •
sent to: teamplasmaofficial
sent to: noibatkid
sent to: traveling-historian
sent to: lovenpeace-pkmn
sent to: pkmn-trainer-axel
sent to: friendball-irl
sent to: pokedexcamp
sent to: pokemontrainerjay
sent to: darkpunkrocker
Nidoran (female)
sent to: drifting-winds
sent to: briar-and-bitsy
sent to: official-macro-cosmos
Nidoran (male)
sent to: cherengymleader
sent to: kasperconundrums
sent to: pokedelivery-girl
sent to: oh-shinx
sent to: trainerlynda
sent to: hisuianhellion
sent to: fox-poke-fanatic
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simeezkat · 1 year
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What is a Pokemon? The definition? They are types of creatures of all different kinds who have roamed this Earth longer than us. At least, that’s what I remember learning back in a biology class long ago… I think sometime in elementary or something. Ever since we began sharing the world with them, some became powerful and hostile towards us. But with others, they are curious and friendly creatures, who most don’t mean any intentional harm. Using the power of red and white spherical balls named Pokeballs, we have been able to tame these wild creatures by throwing them and encapsulating the target.
With the use of them, many have formed great friendships with their Pokemon, including myself. Some may keep them out of their balls and have them as their companions, while others train their Pokemon and fight other trainers and Pokemon. No matter what you prefer, Pokemon are some of the most diverse and fascinating creatures in the world.
There are many different types of Pokemon, so how do I know what I am? Well, I’ve always had a fascination with them. I had 2 pokemon that would travel with me outside of the balls not as pets, but more like companions. But…for some weird reason, I can’t remember them clearly currently. It just feels like it’s shrouded in fog. But, you can tell I have knowledge of Pokemon.
Charmander, the lizard Pokemon. A fire type. “From the time it is born, a flame burns at the tip of its tail. Its life would end if the flame were to go out. It has a preference for hot things.”
They have a plump, small orange body and primarily blue eyes, and a tail with a flame burning brightly on its tip. They are not just adorable (well, to me personally), they are also pretty interesting and fascinating. But now, I’m learning way, way more about them than before.
Because it's what I’ve been turned into.
. . .
My mind can clearly not comprehend this situation. I am a Pokemon. I am a Pokemon… I really am. This…this is all a joke right?! Everything felt numb and dizzy telling myself this over and over again. My whole body felt like jelly and not mine, along with unexplainable feelings. It’s just like when you feel like you are not currently there, or like that feeling when you get up too fast. All of those feelings combined into one clump of emotions, spinning like a wheel inside my head nonstop.
Once I felt it calming down and subsiding (somehow I was able to after a while), I observed the area I’ve awoken in. It was a quiet, peaceful forest, with a small river flowing nearby where I had awoken on the cool afternoon grass. I tested my “all new body” more, putting one foot in front of another. Luckily, walking is like riding a bike. You’ll always remember it, but you need time to get used to it again after not doing it for a while. I found my legs took me over the soft grass to the river from the opposite direction of the clearing I previously had awoken in. I hesitated at first, but I slowly dipped my hand into the water. The water was a bit warmer than I had expected, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I ran my hand through the water slowly, letting it run against it. It felt relaxing and refreshing, like something on a warm summer day when I was younger. It felt a bit like the backyard hose that I would use for entertainment, or a heated pool, or…
I really don’t know how long or far out I went out to feel the water in my trancelike state, but I had suddenly felt a bite and hard tug on the arm in the water, quickly submerging me into the depths at an astonishing fast pull into the water. It had all happened so fast. I immediately released lots of bubbles from my nostrils and mouth, fighting against the force. I had my eyes closed most of the time, but I was able to make a silhouette of this large, fish-like creature aggressively thrashing and pulling me downstream and deeper into the waters. This thing wanted to fill my lungs up with water and drown me out!
I continued thrashing around my arms and legs, trying to break free from the grips of this creature. This was my only hope at this point. Maybe I could get lucky, and punch it in the eye or somewhere to free me! But only the more I fought, the more my body got tired and cried out for oxygen. My ears started to pop, as I felt like my entire body was shutting down. My eyes remained closed, but became less scrunched up, losing the muscle tension in them. My arms and legs had now completely stopped flailing.
This last resort tactic failed. The only thing left was to succumb to it. I gave into the creature, as it continued to pull me into the depths. Lower, deeper, darker…
My body became numb, and I could not breathe a single puff of air. My brain must be affected by the loss of oxygen now, because I could barely even think. I went more and more into the depths. Deeper…lower…darker…
This…this really was the end.
…Or so I thought.
Read Chapter 1 Part I below
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Bulbasaur Line
The camera turns on, revealing a close up shot of a man in his early to mid thirties. He has short curly black hair and a short black beard and mustache. Dressed in a lab coat that is clearly just thrown on over casual clothing, the light brown skinned man brings his bespectacled face closer to the camera. “Alright, looks like it’s showtime.”
The man backs up and adjusts his glasses. “Hello, and welcome to The Handling and Care of Pokemon. This is a little project I have been wanting to do for a while now. Ah, but before I get ahead of myself.” The man clears his throat. “My name is William Evergreen. Well, Professor William Evergreen that is, and I am somewhat of an expert in the field of raising Pokemon. As an experienced breeder, I have raised just about every Pokemon there is. I breed Pokemon for two reasons; to ensure the survival and prosperity of all Pokemon species whether to be released into the wild or given to trainers. Also, cause I love raising Pokemon.” Professor Evergreen smiles.
“Now that you know a little bit about myself, let’s move on to this project. New trainers are beginning their journeys everyday. Which means beginners are getting their first Pokemon everyday as well. And it’s not just trainers: all sorts of people love Pokemon and want to raise them as well. Of course, there are plenty of resources for raising Pokemon, like books and websites and even other professors. However, some of these sources can be, well less then credible.” The professor realizes what he just said and quickly raises his hands in defense.
“Not professors though! You can always count on us to be well researched in our fields and to provide the most accurate information we can, heh heh heh…” He shakes his head and regains his composure. “Moving on, as I am well versed in the care of Pokemon, I decided to make this video series dedicated to sharing my knowledge on the needs and precautions of each species. This does come with a couple disclaimers, though. One, the Pokemon I will be presenting were all raised in captivity. I say this as a warning that wild Pokemon are different from captive-bred Pokemon. They are more likely to be unpredictable and may very well attack anyone in their territory. So remember to never approach a wild Pokemon unless you have your own Pokemon or an adult to protect you. Lastly, I will only be covering Pokemon that a feasible to tame and raise. That is to say, I will not be covering Pokemon classified as the following; Legendary, Mythical, Ultra Beast or Paradox. Basically Pokemon that are not known to breed, though there will be one exception. But, well, you’ll know it when we get to it.” He clasps his hands together and grins widely.
“Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get to the fun stuff.” He pulls out a Pokeball from his belt. “We’ll start off the first episode with a relatively easy Pokemon. All you trainers from Kanto should be familiar with this little guy.” The professor tosses the Pokeball and it opens, shooting out a beam of light. The light quickly forms into a small green reptilian-like Pokemon. “Buuulb.” It looks around and, seeing the professor, walks up to him and nuzzles his leg. Professor Evergreen kneels down and pets the Pokemon’s head.
“This is the seed Pokemon, Bulbasaur. One of the three Pokemon most Kanto trainers will start their journey with, along with Charmander and Squirtle. Of the three, Bulbasaur is known to be the easiest to raise. They grow fast and are fiercely loyal to their loved ones, even after a falling out or abandonment.” The professor squishes Bulbasaur’s cheeks between his hands. “Though, how anyone could abandon this little cutie is beyond me. Isn’t that right, lil’ one?” The Pokemon looks up happily with closed eyes. “Buuuulbaaaa!”
Professor Evergreen looks back to the camera. “Now, like most Grass Pokemon, Bulbasaur can gain all of their nutrients through photosynthesis: the process of synthesizing food from carbon dioxide and water by utilizing sunlight. This is, of course, the most effective way for them to gain energy and nutrition, but it’s not exactly exciting is it. Bulbasaur are actually herbivorous as well and can feed on leaves and berries to gain additional nutrients. Berries especially make for a nice treat, though spicy berries are usually avoided. There is always an exception to the rule, so my advice is to try offering a variety of flavored berries to your Bulbasaur, even spicy ones. You never know.”
Standing up, the professor walks off camera as the Bulbasaur watches, curiously. The Pokemon perks up as Professor Evergreen walks back on screen, holding a few pink peach-like berries in his hands. Bulbasaur growls happily and walks back to him as the professor holds out a berry to the grass Pokemon. Two vines come out from the bulb on the Pokemon’s back and take hold of the berry. As Bulbasaur gladly munches away, Professor Evergreen places the remaining berries in front of the Pokemon and turns back to face the camera.
“This Bulbasaur really loves sweet flavored berries, like Pecha berries. Now, onto the next topic which is care tips. Bulbasaur need lots of sunlight and plenty of water. As we have already discussed, they get pretty much all their food and nutrients through photosynthesis. Watering is especially important. Bulbasaur tend to show signs of dehydration through wilting flowers on their backs and lethargy. It should also be noted that if you live in an area where the weather is overcast a lot, you needn’t worry. Bulbasaur can store the energy from berries and leaves as fat reserves for those cloudy days. While they prefer fresh forest air, Bulbasaur can do very well in urban settings. They are also highly resistant to air pollution, thanks to being part Poison type.
While Bulbasaur may not look like the most energetic of Pokemon, they love walks, especially on those nice sunny days. So make sure to not simply allow access to sunlight, but get them outside as well. Maybe a nice walk through a park. Even better if you have access to a nature park. I know your Bulbasaur will love it.”
The professor’s expression turns serious. “Now, while the Bulbasaur family is certainly the easiest and most docile of the Kanto starters, it should be noted that each member is capable of releasing various spores and powders when threatened. Among the worst are the purple poisonous powders that they tend to rely on for self defense. They won’t readily use this on their trainer, but people and other Pokemon they don’t trust or know well, that’s a different story. These spore clouds spread, too so don’t think you’re safe just because it’s your Bulbasaur. Another thing of note is something you really only need to worry about if you have a full grown Venasaur. They are known to release pollen during mating season. This pollen is basically a signal that says ‘Hey, I’m looking for a mate. Any takers?’ This pollen is similar to regular pollen, so if you’re allergic to plant pollen, you’ll most likely be allergic to this as well.
Another note on Venasaur; if you don’t like Bug Pokemon you might want to take some precautions when going out with your Pokemon. Venasaur release a fragrance that Bug Pokemon find near irresistible. If you want to catch some new Bug Pokemon, then Venasaur will be a wonder lure. If you don’t, well make sure you have lots of repels on hand.”
The professor looks down at the now sleeping Bulbasaur and smiles warmly. He looks back at the camera as he remembers something. “I almost forgot. Bulbasaur are very nurturing and tend to be much more caring when around younger or weak Pokemon. This behavior can also be seen towards human infants and toddlers as well. So, if you’re a breeder or a family person, a Bulbasaur might just be a perfect Pokemon for you.
And with that, I guess I should wrap this up. Please contact me with any questions or inquiries. I’m happy to help. If you are looking for a Pokemon, please stop by my lab. As mentioned before, I am a licensed breeder and have many Pokemon that are looking for new homes. Please tune in next time, where I will be discussing a very popular family: the Charmander line. Until then, take care and remember to respect all living things. Goodbye.”
Professor Evergreen walks towards the camera and clicks it off.
0 notes
ruby-static · 4 years
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Haha sorry for the mess in my room but I randomly tried out the buddy feature in Pokemon Go
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library-of-ohara · 2 years
Pokemon AU Part 1 Ace
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Part one of the Pokemon AU for anon!
Request filled by @cyborg-franky and art by @donivanessdoodles
AN: I tried to smush in OP lore for some characters and mix it in a workable way for Pokemon but I'm not 100% in the know so I did my best.
Meeting The Team
Ace set out on his journey before any of his brothers, he always told them his first pokemon was going to be scary and powerful, he wanted to make Sabo and Luffy so jealous. His first pokemon was actually a Rattata.
He’d been taking a break on his journey, grabbed lunch out of his bag and saw the pokemon approach him with a wary look. He threw some food towards him, the little guy got closer. So close Ace was able to pet him.
The rattata seemed to enjoy his attention, showing signs of affection. Ace grinned, he always had a soft spot for the little purple pokemon that would run around the town at night and steal food, just like him with his dine and dashes.
He got out a pokeball and gently tapped the pokemon on the side with it, capturing him easily. It seemed like he just wanted to be with Ace. Rattata never spends much time in his ball, likes to sit on his shoulder or scamper around his feet as he walks.
Ace picked Charmander as his starter simply because he could relate to Charizard, like him it was so much more than people thought. Yes, the pokemon was powerful, unstoppable when trained by the right person.
Yet, the small helpless flame that flickered on the tail was what kept it alive, it wouldn’t take a lot to snuff it out, how strong, feral, powerful but also fragile the creature was. It was something he could relate to and had a soft spot for the starter straight away.
He lowkey hates how cliché his choice was but loves him, nonetheless.
Salazzle was an accident. He was travelling through the desert on an errand. The lizard stalked him for a few miles before deciding to get in his way, sizing him up and Ace was sure the pokemon was going to attack him.
He simply blasted the Salazzle with his Charmander and captured it, mostly out of spite and Ace’s stubborn nature. Salazzle has since grown very affectionate towards Ace, she is often hostile to Marco when he gets too close to him.
Also, very jealous of Ace’s rattata for getting the lion’s share of Ace’s love.
Darumaka was also a pokemon Ace found while travelling through the desert. He’d set up camp for the night, his rattata was playing with his Charmander around the fire when the pokemon decided to tuck in his limbs and roll down the slope.
Charmander and rattata were having a good time playing with the ‘ball’ while Ace cooked food for everyone over the open fire. Ace had no idea where his team had found the ‘ball’ until he realised it was a Darumaka. He didn’t see the harm in its presence since everyone was enjoying playing with him
It wasn’t till the red creature who was so full of energy just stopped and fell asleep suddenly. Ace laughed at the sudden falling asleep and simply said out loud “Me too, me too.” he liked the pokemon so much he caught him while he slept.
Lapras he came in contact with when he’d left the desert, he found the very injured Lapras who looked like they had taken damage from a battle. It seemed like someone had deemed the pokemon too weak, she was on the smaller side for a Lapras. He had his suspicions after beating the pokemon the person who caught her decided she wasn’t good enough for their purpose and left her here injured. He caught her just to take her to the nearest poke centre.
When the nurse was done, she handed the pokeball back saying that even if she was a rescue Ace should take her with him, give her a better chance at being happy, that Ace seemed like a kind soul who would help her.
So now he uses Lapras to travel, she’s small but fast and he crosses distance in no time at all.
Marowak was something that took Ace off guard. Ace and Marco went on a vacation together for their first anniversary as a couple and had been checking out caves and they came across a very angry Marowak in a form they’d never seen before.
Marco explained Cubones and Marowak’s reminded him of Ace, after knowing what Ace had been through, how he also had to evolve past anger and sadness to become the person he is today, it resonated with him.
Ace couldn’t help feeling a connection, that and the blue fire was captivating. It took Marowak a lot to warm up to Ace but now they have mutual respect for one another and an understanding.
Ace’s story
It didn’t take long before Ace decided he was ready to fight the Elite Four which is where he met Marco and Whitebeard. Whitebeard being one of the four, Ace was desperate to prove himself despite the friendly advice from Whitebeard.
That’s when Ace got his ass kicked. He was embarrassed and felt bad, but Marco told him he was still learning and growing, not to be so hard on himself. That’s when Ace wanted to join the Whitebeards under Pop’s and learn to be better, finding a found family and then finding love with Marco.
Ace likes to travel and explore; he wants to work up to being a gym leader in one of Whitebeard’s territories.
TAG LIST: @fire-fist-ann @rivvd-art @santoru @mimi-ya @simp4ace @aifozu @useless-potatho
@iloveportgasdace @smoleeveewrites @strawhat-bast
@gonuclear @undercoverweeeb @slut4animedilfs @acesmarigold
@sanjithesimp @aces-sweetheart @sugxrslushy @kaizokuwritings
@iloveportgasdace @bepoprotectionsquad @ace-no-isha
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inprogresspokemon · 3 years
About Me
Hey there, you can call me IPP (In-Progress Pokemon) or Jae. Any pronoun (he/she/they) is fine. I started this blog in late October 2014 and it has become a passion project for me, that will possibly never end because TPC keeps adding new Pokemon.
My first Pokemon game was Red Version and my favorite Pokemon are Swampert and Noivern. Out of the Gen 9 Starters I am currently team Fuecoco.
I have a pet Blue Tongue Skink named Burrito (he is a good, chubby boy).
What does In-Progress Pokemon mean?/What are these?
In-Progress Pokemon is my name for the concept of exploring how Pokemon might look if they physically transitioned from one evolutionary stage to another. Basically: if Pokemon grew rather than evolved. The “transitional stages” that I illustrate aren’t meant to be taken as actual additional stages; rather, as a “snap-shot” in time while the Pokemon is growing or transitioning between each evolutionary stage. The flavor text/descriptions help to bridge the evolutionary gaps as well.
I also post other Pokemon-related art, like commissioned Fakemon or my Dual-Type Eeveelutions.
When do you update/post new art?
My upload schedule for new art is every Monday and Thursday, 2:00pm EST. They’re reblogged in the evening at 8:00pm EST, and again on Sunday.
I try to always have something new to post for those days, but occasionally have to skip updates when I didn’t have enough time to finish something. I reblog older art at 2pm and 4pm on other days - they’re tagged as “old art” and “IPPreblog” if you want to blacklist them.
New art only view is here.
If they’re not meant to be new stages, why are they named? Can I suggest a name?
Originally I didn’t name them, but after time people began to suggest names, and it’s turned into something I do regularly now. When I post a new Pokemon line, people suggest names for the transitional stages and after a while I’ll look through the suggested names and pick the one I think fit best (based on origin, existing name scheme, etc) - I don’t come up with the names myself.
You’re welcome to suggest a name by reblogging, commenting, or messaging me. When the time comes I’ll make a post with all the suggestions, and I’ll tag you if I go with your name or a name you’ve seconded or showed support for.
If you decide to suggest a name, please include a brief breakdown of your suggestion inspirations (ie: Charmander is a combination of char + salamander).
Have you done [X] Pokemon?
At this point... probably! If you’re on mobile, you can try the search function or look up any Pokemon using my mobile index.
If you’re on desktop, I recommend my sprited Pokemon Index.
Both are kept up-to-date.
How’s your progress going?
They keep introducing new Pokemon, but I’m getting pretty close. As of Early 2022, only a few Pokemon lines are left pre-PLA, and now I have some new Hisuian Pokemon added to the plate that I’m quickly getting to.
What’s up with the redos?
When I started in 2014 I had little to no digital art experience, and a lot of my older art shows this. I’m in the process of redoing older lines and either updating their existing design in my current style, or redoing the design and concept completely. I dislike having my older (imo bad) art out there, so redos is a priority for me, although I know it’s not as interesting for my followers so I try to space them out. I also tend to do redos when I don’t have the time or motivation for anything else. 
I post redo compilations periodically if you want to see a comparison.
Are you okay with fanart?
I absolutely love fanart, it makes my day and fills me with joy. Please tag me if you post it so I can see and reblog your art!!
Can I use your Fakemon...
...as my profile picture? Yes - please just credit me if anyone asks about it.
...in my fanfiction? Yes - please credit me somewhere in the notes (etc.) if your fanfiction is posted publicly. Bonus points if you link to the original post for the fakemon you’re using.
...to make an OC? Yes - please credit me for the base design/species when your OC is first posted, but you don’t need to keep including credit every time going forward. And if anyone asks, please credit me.
...in my Youtube video? As a general rule, I’m fine with that so long as I’m credited and linked to in the description, but I prefer if you ask me first if you plan on my work being a large part of your video. Using a single image here or there is fine as long as I’m credited.
...in my fangame? Sorry, but I’m not allowing my fakemon in fangames or rom hacks at this time.
All that said, I can’t grant permission for Fakemon that were commissioned and belong to the commissioner, although I’m always willing to try reaching out to the commissioner and ask permission on your behalf. It will always say on my posts if a Fakemon was commissioned and belongs to someone else.
What about Mega Pokemon?
Yes, I’m doing those too.
What about Gigantamax Pokemon?
As of now, I’m not planning on doing them. They’re large, time-consuming, and I don’t really like them. I may do them in the future once I’ve completed the main lines and Megas, but no promises.
Yes, I take commissions, though I close them when I have too many commissioned queued or if my IRL is very busy. The pinned post on the top of my blog shows my commission status.
I’m in the process of revamping my commission info page to have images and be more up-to-date, but my old page is here.
I mainly do Pokemon-related commissions, but I do take others, I just don’t post them here. If you’re looking for a non-Pokemon related commission, just ask!
I accept payment only once I’m able to start to your commission and do my business through PayPal invoices, which you can pay with a PayPal account if you have one, or a credit or debit card if you do not.
Depending on what you’re looking to commission, we can work as collaboratively as you like. Some people just want me to make a certain thing and like being surprised with the final result, some people have a firm vision and want to be able to give feedback during the designing process and make changes, some people fall somewhere in the middle. Whatever you prefer is fine.
Social Media:
Email [email protected] (commissions)
           [email protected] (other)
Instagram @inprogresspokemon
Facebook In-Progress Pokemon
DeviantArt InProgressPokemon
Twitter @Inprogresspokes
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sylvie-writes-pkmn · 4 years
Milo, Hop, and Leon giving their s/o a Pokémon as a gift
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I’ll admit, I sort of procrastinated on this one, but one I got into the swing of it, it was pretty fun!
-Mod Sylveon 🌸
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❈ Milo ❈
“Aww, a Wooloo!” you exclaimed. You held the Pokémon gently in your arms. “So soft!”
“Well, since you’ve always liked my Wooloo back in Turffield, I figured that you’d like to train one of your own!”
“Oh, Milo, you didn’t have to”
“I wanted to!”
You smiled, giving your Wooloo gentle pets. “Thank you, Milo.”
❈ Hop ❈
“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!” You jumped up and down with excitement. “I’ve always wanted a Yamper! How cute!”
“Really?” Hop asked, trying to hold back his grin. “I just wanted to do something nice for you!”
You looked into the Yamper’s eyes. “You don’t have a thought behind those eyes, do you?”
The small dog barked. You held it close to your chest.
“Thank you, Hop, you’re the best!”
❈ Leon ❈
“A Charmander!” you gasped. “I barely ever see these in Galar! Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places…”
Leon put an arm around you as you pet the Charmander’s head. “I knew you’d like her, s/o! You’ve always had an affinity for Fire-types.”
You looked at him with a smile on your face. “Once this little girl fully evolves, I’ll be just like you!”
Leon froze.
Man, you always knew just what to say to get him all flustered.
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90scartoons · 5 months
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mcofthemansion · 4 years
Just thought it would be interesting to think about what pokemon starters the Ikemen vampire characters might pick! And maybe what kind of trainers they would be...well of course once Mc explained what a pokemon is...I hope this isn't boring
So here's the headcanon :
(These are just my opinions! Feel free to tell me what you think! There isn't like a wrong or right answer)
Arthur :
• Arthur finds all the starters of each generation interesting
• would probably pick a pokemon with an outgoing personality something like maybe Oshawott, Charmander, or Popplio
• Remembering when Arthur told us about when he was getting Vic...who's to say he won't make that same cute mistake twice (even with his godly observation skills, he's still capable of mistakes sometimes, rarely, besides it's cute) With a pokemon this time
• So Arthur chooses Popplio
• "don't you look like a fine gent, let's get along nicely"
• Eventually Popplio evolves into Brionne and then Primarina then he realizes his Primarina is a girl
• still sticks to his guns like he does with Vic
• He loves how pretty and majestic Primarina looks, and plenty of "Skirts" in town like his pretty Primarina too
• He would probably be decent at batting but with a beauty like Primarina maybe he would try Contests or Musicals instead, also lots of contest or musical trainers are women ;)
• Imagine Arthur dressing up Primarina as a detective!
• He would probably also be the kind of trainer to always stock up on full restores, revives, and full heals.
• He might be a pokemon breeder on the side it kinda suits him sort of, maybe eventually dabble a bit in pokemon doctoring
• He might meet Brock from the first season of Pokemon and become good friends
• Would probably be smart with like battle items too like X Attacks and X defenses and such
• perfect strategist and would set up terrains and use smart moves, would also have perfect offence and defense
• He and Primarina would probably be a delight to have a journey with
Theo :
• Would immediately look for a strong and or tough looking one
• No dog starter, that's too bad
• Stays the hell away from Litten
• Can sense great things from Charmander
• trains very hard everyday
• Charmander evolves into Charmeleon then Charizard and does not disappoint
• No one would want to mess with Theo and Charizard
• Focuses more on attack
• probably has like a potion somewhere right? Kinda forgets about that
• I can see him having a few similar personality traits from Paul from the pokemon diamond and pearl anime
• Once he becomes pokemon champion of the region he's in, he'd probably spend loads of time at the art galleries in different regions, it would be a whole new world for him
• Charizard would have a sweet tooth like Theo (They need some cute underneath that tough exterior)
• Charizard gets along well with Vincent's pokemon
• Would be a great Ally to have if your traveling and prone to regional evil team encounters
Vincent :
• Is a great friend to the shy pokemon of the bunch
• All the pokemon are at least a little drawn to his kind and caring nature, he's the snow white of the mansion residents
• I can see him eventually deciding on Chikorita
• He would probably paint pictures of it and have them put in pokemon art galleries, like the big one in Lumios city in the Kalos region
• It will look even prettier as it evolves
• C'mon Vincent and Meganium was meant to be
• He would probably be more into Contests but make no mistake, he will mop the floor with your pokemon if you dare battle him
• Would probably be great at defense and takes out pokemon in 1 hit
• He would probably immediately be good at making pokemon food, he doesn't want them to starve afterall
• His pokemon are close with Theo's pokemon
• He would probably be good about always having supplies on hand for pokemon
• Meganium would probably always have the same expressions as Vincent most of the time! Adorable!
• He Would be a delight to travel with
Will :
• Which one looks mischievous enough to keep up with him?
• Chimchar looks promising, great energy, and fire typing looks fun, what was fire symbolic of?
Well lots of things... but in this instance Hell.
• might even join an evil team just to write incredible plays for pokemon musicals, in secret of course, then possibly be a double agent for the good guys, really it depends on his mood.
• did I mention he adores pokemon musicals? New passion right here
• Although would probably beat the league to earn that respect, with you guessed it, un-evolved Chimchar like a madlad
• Chimchar would evolve into Monferno then Infernape later and be like a copy of Will
• He would probably lean more towards special attack and special defense
• Would probably at some point come across Jessie and James...just found his first play victims >:)
• Would be very entertaining to travel with, but he might dissapear if he find a scheme to cook up
Comte :
• Enjoys the beauty of all of them
• Has a hard time deciding on a typing
• Eventually he gets a sort of connection with Fennekin
• Both the beauty of the starter and his own handsomeness would complement eachother nicely
• He would probably get an Elite four position like very easily
• battling would totally be his thing, although his pokemon don't get dirty during battles
• focuses on speed
• is a very prepared trainer with items
• probably gets a big fanbase as large or larger than Raihan of the galar gyms
• He would have a very refined Braixen then Delphox
• Kalos is like home to this man, it is the france of the pokemon world afterall
• Might join a contest if the mood ever strikes him
• He and his team are the definition of elegance
• Would be incredible to travel with, although expect him to be swamped by fans everywhere
Leonardo :
• Litten reminds him of Lumiere
• Litten likes naps
• Leo just found a pokemon partner in a couple seconds
• Leo would probably be on a pokemon journey practically forever just living his life and just going with the flow
• He would EVENTUALLY get champion status...EVENTUALLY
• Would probably be a pokemon culinary genius (c'mon it's mostly berries anyways, and this man is talent galore)
• Litten would be the cat version of Leonardo
• It will eventually evolve...with time...EVENTUALLY...to Torracat then Incineraor
• Even as Incineroar it's like looking at Cat Leonardo
• His Incineroar would probably be the strongest Incineroar of all time and not give a damn about it
• His pokemon are very peaceful
• Leonardo might paint something for a pokemon gallery if Theo bugs him enough
• After having his Champion status he'll probably just move on to the next region
• a delight to travel with if you don't mind waking him up from naps occasionally
Isaac :
• So much to discover
• Where to Start? Probably with a starter pokemon
• He has a hard time opening up to a connection, but Cyndaquil reminds him of his own pet at home, and it's quiet enough to focus on research
• Eventually he picks Cyndaquil
• Isaac has started on the road to being a pokemon professor
• He is an impeccable assistant
• Will probably be most interested in ultra space and ultra beasts
• Hell yes he's going into space, it's for science
• Cyndaquil will probably be a cute assistant to Isaac, making sure he isn't cold when he falls asleep at his desk, giving cuddles when needed, and being a sweetheart
• This type of assistance warms Isaac's heart, Cyndaquil was the right decision
• Isaac isn't the best at batting, it's stressful and he's all over the place, why would he willingly put his little Cyndaquil in danger?
• But when he does he's quite defensive and uses items a lot
• Cyndaquil would probably learn to be great at finding space samples Issac might want
• Cyndaquil probably would have a hard time getting necessary experience to evolve, but in time he would probably evolve battling against ultra beasts and saving Isaac from them
• Isaac would be very nice to travel with but be warned he is training to be a professor, so expect him to stop at labs.
Dazai :
• There are bird Pokemon that remind him of Bunta but he wants something different this time
• Foakie, it seems good at stealth, which means it'll be incredible at climbing through windows
• Dazai and Froakie immediately get along, even though Froakie isn't as much into pranks, jokes, or teasing like Dazai is with the mansion residents
• They are both kinda relaxed
• Froakie is fond of the slight chaos energy Dazai seems to emit sometimes, it's fun chaos not evil chaos :)
• Dazai appreciates the more slightly down to earth nature of Froakie
• Dazai having a water type now would probably try Mantine surfing and probably make friends with Grimsley due to similar clothing styles and having water type pokemon
• Dazai would probably have the most unexpected pokemon journey out of the residents
• He would probably get to becoming a pro Mantine surfer.
• Froakie would follow that path too
• Froakie would eventually evolve into Frogadier and then Greninja due to battles with Grimsley
• He would be fun to hang around
Sebastian :
• Would probably go with Squirtle due to familiarity and nostalgia (he is from your time and Squirtle is quite popular, lots of people have a soft spot for gen one)
• He won't waste a second and get battling to make it evolve
• Now imagine this guy having a Blastoise to wash laundry.
He'll never spend too much time washing again.
• even though Blastoise is bulky Sebastian will happily train it to be a good butler like he is
• Sebastian will probably go on a pokemon journey that leads him to the Unova striaton city gym.
• Why? It's like a gym made for butlers! Did you see the uniforms?
• he'll probably still keep tabs on what the residents are doing too somehow
• He'll probably have fun learning the history of this place although re-learning history even if it is a new one might be a slap in the face
• He could probably have Blastoise do small bursts of water or a gentle bubble beam to clean hard surfaces and windows too
• He would possibly make friends with Az from Kaloa and Hapu from Alola while learning fun history facts
• traveling with him would be pleasant
Napoleon :
• He would pick Piplup
• Was there even competition? Ok maybe Charizard was an attractive offer but Piplup becomes an Emperor it's practically screaming his name.
• He would waste no time meticulously and throughly training it and his team
• He will have an Empoleon in no time
• He will probably be on par with all the strongest trainers
• Will probably become a pokemon master easily and will have beaten the league in every region
• probably feels good to pokemon battle, it's refreshing and fun, will probably battle Jean from time to time.
• hard to describe what he focuses on most, but probably special attack
• It would act just like Napoleon
• Napoleon probably likes the idea of battles with no death
• Napoleon will see Empoleon as a close partner and friend
• He probably has a bunch of Pp up's and Hp up's in his bag, not many restores or potions, c'mon this guy doesn't lose he doesn't need them
• He would probably be thrilling to travel with, like having your own 3d action novel play out before your eyes
Jean :
• holy boi is lost here, they're all kind of strange but eventually he gives in and picks one.
• Sinvy
• it's calm and honestly a bit mysterious
• He would train his Snivy well, it would be just as strong as him
• it wouldn't take long to evolve
• he'll probably become good friends with it, tell it all about where he comes from
• Jean would probably be the most homesick :(
• He would probably pick a job like looking after legendary pokemon shrines and temples
• He'll probably run into the other residents a lot
• I feel like for him to like it here something big should happen, like meeting Arceus and having a battle
• Then he and his now Serperior would probably bond over that moment
• after that he would probably come to love pokemon
Mozart :
• He was partial to Popplio Primarina but Arthur already claimed it
• Well all of them are cute and kind of interesting, and he's not against teaching it music
• Torchic it is since it's a bird and birds sing well
• Now Mozart's Torchic is quite musically gifted so they actually get along quite well, it can also dance nicely.
• He eventually evolved it into it's final evolution Blaziken with the help of Jean and Napoleon
• Mozart will probably write music for pokemon musicals and contests
• Probably during a heated session of music writing, he and Blaziken will get so in sync that he discovers that mega evolution is a thing that exists
• He will probably make writing music popular in this universe
• He might also be quite homesick
• But he does enjoy Blaziken's company
• He isn't too big on batting without the help of Jean and Napoleon but he's probably offensive rather than defensive
• He is pretty a good trainer and carries all the pokemon essentials
• It would probably be sweet and bit exhausting traveling with him, he'll get loads of music ideas
(I'll also include the unholy trio, Vlad, Faust, and Charles because why not)
Vlad :
• Would pick Bulbasaur
• Venusaur is a huge flower monster c'mon, a deadly flower has Vlad written all over it
• He would probably be excellent at training it so evolution would be easy
• He would probably be an elite four
• He probably focuses more on attack during battles
• He may or may not be on a quest to catch a legendary or all of them
• He might create a new evil team...maybe
• He really does look like a good evil team boss, and Venusaur can look threatening if raised to be threatening
• Venusaur would adore Vlad, almost worship him
• Vlad will make it the prettiest flower and care for Venusaur well
• Mega evolution would be unlocked for him
• He would probably be an interesting fellow to travel with
• would probably like pokemon
• Ultra space travel would probably be a thing for him once he and Venusaur get ahold of Lunala or Solagelo
Charles :
• Needs something as clingy and energetic as he is
• Scorbunny it is
• They would probably feel a magical connection instantly
• He would train very hard with it although battling might be difficult because he gets worried when pokemon faint
• He is probably a big fan of Gigantamax and Dynamax
• loves the loud Stadium music in Galar
• He would probably want to be a gym trainer and take over the galar fire gym once Kabu retires
• He has mastered attack and defense
• Charles would probably cuddle Scorbunny a lot
• He would still cuddle Cinderace once it's all evolved
• He would probably also be good at cooking
• He probably has a lot of potions a stuff too just incase
• He probably likes watching how cute Cinderace is when it's eating berries
• He probably loves Cinderace's fluffy ears
• He really likes how fun pokemon are
• He is probably really pumped and fun to travel with, some aspects of his personality might be slightly Ash ketchum-ish
Faust :
• Rowlet's final evolution is a ghost type you say?
• He'll take it
• He would probably also be a pokemon professor, but not quite like in a professor Oak kind of way, he also wouldn't be much like Isaac either, He'll probably resemble evil team scientists bit he'll have a heart like Colress from Unova
• He'll probably be interested in studying Giratina or Yveltal for starters
• He probably wouldn't get along with Rowlet off the bat because it's scared that it might be dissected
• But Rowlett will see his sweet side and they will eventually be inseparable friends
• Faust will love the ability spirit shackle that the final evolution of Rowlett, Decidueye possesses
• Evolving it wouldn't be a pokemon for Faust
• He has a whole vast world to research now, he's probably on cloud nine
• He's probably excellent at batting even if he doesn't do it that much
• He might join an evil team if they fall in line with his plans
• Traveling with him wouldn't be boring that's for sure
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
My Hero Academia Class 1-A and Their Pokemon Starters
(For funsies) sorry it’s kinda confusing bc I’m talking as if they were real trainers but still have their quirks.
Fair Warning: a lot of rambling. Kinda messy tbh. I just like the idea and thought it was fun. Includes all students of 1-A so it’s a bit long
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Katsuki- Cyndaquil
Loud explosion boi with smol shy explosion boi
Bakugou can’t help but pick a pokemon similar to him.
It helps him to relate to them and especially likes seeing a power similar to his.
Unlike how he talks to everyone else, Bakugou would never scream at his Pokémon
HIS Pokémon tho. Will not hesitate to scream at a weedle in his way
Cyndaquil helps him become more patient with others.
Will have to hold him back sometimes
Bakugou will squirm and try to get free. Only time he’ll insult them. “YOU STUPID OVERGROWN RAT!! LET ME GO I GOTTA KICK THIS EXTRA’S ASS!!!”
Apologizes after he cools off
Bonus: With the games, I either picture him meticulously planning out moves and stats of his pokemon OR just brute forces the entire thing
Kirishima- Chespin
Chespin is an adorable rock rolling Pokémon who then becomes a strong beast with spikes.
I don’t think there’s a Pokémon more suited for Kiri.
Cute is manly, okay?
The only downside is that they aren’t red but Kiri loves them anyway.
They are an official hype man team
If they’re both in dumbass mode, they may have a contest to see who can hit their head against the most rocks
Koda- Turtwig
You would think Koda would choose Scorbunny because of his pet rabbit, but it’s very high energy and that kinda scares him tbh.
So the perfect Pokémon for Koda is Turtwig! A chill, laidback Pokémon who’s also very sweet and a little timid.
But Koda loves them all tbh.
Also Turtwig would comfort Koda when he gets nervous and that would encourage him to be strong.
Turtwig and Koda’s bunny are friends. No idk how there are real animals and Pokémon in the same world so shhhhhh
Once Turtwig evolves, Koda may hide behind them when nervous. They’ll move out of the way and make him face his fears
If the situation is actually dangerous tho they’ll protect Koda and everyone else
Ida- Charmander
When you wanna be the very best, you have to go with a classic.
He thinks Charizard has got it all. They can fly, breath fire, and just fucking step on everyone if they wanted to (but not encouraged)
Charizard also has a similar rule follower/enforcer attitude that Ida has
They’ll cross their arms and nod while standing behind Ida as he lectures the others on how they’re not being model students
They will belly laugh tho when the others pull a prank on Ida
Both kinda scared of Aizawa
Ida is always very conscious about the flame on their tail
Aoyama- Popplio
He has to be the trainer of the most showstopping Pokémon.
Have you seen Primarina??!! They can battle and sing!
Part of training is practice poses together
They also have a skin care routine
Primarina helps when Aoyama gets tummy aches
They encourage Aoyama to shine brighter (literally)
Tsu -Froakie
Okay it’s because they’re both frogs
BUT also froakie is a water type and Tsu works best in water... which I guess has to do with frogs
Also both seem loyal and badass and caring as hell. The older siblings of the group
They go on daily swims together
High fives all the time
Best friends with Uraraka’s Pokémon
Greninja will slap Mineta on Tsu’s behalf when he’s acting up
Todoroki- Mudkip
This is basically off of vibes but there’s two ways this can go
So Todoroki never thought about getting a Pokémon bc he was too focused on his quirk training
He wasn’t introduced to the idea until everyone was in the common area talking about their favorites
They had a picture up of all the starters and he just walked up, pointed at Mudkip and went “I like this one”
He doesn’t really know what it’s supposed to be but it’s cute and cool looking and blue
That OR it was originally his mom’s and when she went to the hospital they decided to look out for one another
Either way, they’re both super powerful and love each other very much
Mudkip will spray water at Endeavor’s flames to make Shoto laugh
They always eat together, often having soba
Shoto will make sure they’re not cold in the winter
Mudkip LOVES Fuyumi. She’ll take such good care of him when they’re all home. It makes Shoto jealous a little bit
While they’re still a baby, Shoto will take one side of his bed and allow them to curl up on the pillow of the other side. Has been doing this since he was a toddler (depending on the backstory chosen)
Ojiro- Chimchar
Cute lil monkeys (even tho Ojiro’s tail reminds me of a lion)
When taking breaks from training they will often hang (literally or metaphorically) in some trees
While they’re still small, Chimchar lays in Ojiro’s lap while taking a nap or might sit on his tail or shoulder instead of walking. Hagakure will be sure to get pictures
Both Kaminari and his Pokémon will play with Ojiro’s tail
I feel like Chimchar would watch Ojiro’s karate skills and try to mimic him.
Adorable, and Ojiro would think so too. Also they evolve to be a fighting type as well as fire. Perfect match!
Random tail high fives once Chimchar gets a tail that’s not on fire
They train with Hagakure and her Pokémon a lot
Sero- Squirtle
I was going to pick Chimchar for him, but they suited Ojiro much more.
Then I pictured Sero hanging out with Squirtle and wearing sunglasses and there was no goin back
Any time they aren’t working hard, they are absolutely chillin out. Both have drinks with lil umbrellas.
Will pull pranks on classmates together (poor Kaminari)
Sometimes you can walk into a room and find them crying laughing on the ground like a bunch of dorks
Calls them cute nicknames like “lil squirt” which may or may not get Sero blasted with water
Coolest Pokémon for the coolest dude.
Both kinda underrated imo
Mina- Scorbunny
Thinks bunnies are adorable.
Plus she would love its high energy which matches hers.
Both are very supportive and encouraging to everyone
And they can both kick your ass
Even tho the two are very fun loving people, Cinderace may have to get Mina to calm down and focus on her work. This makes Mina pout but she knows it’s for the best
Definitely have to always be matching somehow. Mayhaps friendship bracelets
They’re best friends
Tokoyami- Rowlett
Bird bois. You know what they say right? Birds of a feather flock together (I’m sorry this is so stupid)
Would prefer a dark type, but at least it’s Decidueye is part ghost type that’s pretty dope
Tokoyami thinks its final evolution is badass but embarrassed of the middle ones looks
Usually no fuckboys allowed in his party, but he’ll make an exception for the baby owl
Will still roast their haircut 24/7
Decidueye and dark shadow are besties btw
Listen to emo music together while looking at the moon
Uraraka- Piplup
Both have adorable round faces.
Also I associate both with bubbles for some reason. Bubble beam?? Floating??
A stretch but I still see them together
Both cute, secretly badass, and very determined
Uraraka learns over time how to talk to them (like Groot in GOTG). They bicker a lot, in a good way
They have a cheer for when they work together. Also probably a secret handshake
Momo- Fennekin
Fennekin is cute and elegant
Momo would be impressed that its final evolution is basically a sorcerer.
Both end up learning from each other
Delphox helps Momo gain confidence in her abilities
Do tea time a lot
Momo combs their fur
Hagakure- Sobble
In my head I see Hagakure being very sweet towards Sobble, who freaks out over the fact they can’t see her.
But over time they get used to it and find Hagakure to be the only one they trust
As they train and evolve, Hagakure will be so supportive and proud of her Sobble
When first training with Ojiro, Ojiro or Chimchar may sneak up on Sobble and scare the living daylights out of them
They’ll start crying and Hagakure will have to hold them. Ojiro apologizes profusely. Will get back at him once they evolve
Shoji- Treecko
One word: Aloofness
Shoji just finds Treecko to be very cool
They both look up to each other somehow. Thinks the other is the perfect example of a good friend, teammate, hero, etc
Admire their classmates and their Pokémon too
Also both sweet and incredibly strong
Shoji will try the grass in mouth thing and Treecko (or any evolution) will try to wear a mask
Shoji wears a lot of camo and Treecko is camo (bc they’re a gecko)
Pros at taking naps anywhere and everywhere
Having Treecko with him makes Shoji feel like people will be less scared of him (people pls stop being mean to him)
Both sit back and watch during the usual class antics but will step in if they think someone is gonna get hurt
Other times they both walk into a room of chaos and look at each other to see if either of them knows what the fuck is going on
Might turn around and walk away if they’re fed up for the day, very rare tho
Jirou- Torchic
You see it too right?
Idk why but it makes perfect sense to me? Maybe bc I associate Torchic with cool women (May and JaidenAnimations).
They have very similar vibes.
Will give each other a look when the others are being ridiculous or stupid (which is often)
Jirou would try to teach them drums once they become a Blaziken
When Jirou plays new music for them they cheer and clap. They might dance around
From the start Torchic encourages Jirou to come out of her shell
They’ll just run to their classmates and Jirou will freak out “what the hell are you doing??? Get back here.” Whisper yelling
Forced to talk to her friends and have a good time
Later Jirou will be salty but Torchic will ignore her. They have a smug ass grin on their face (if possible) bc they know they did something good for her. Jirou knows it to
Mineta- Totodile
Chaos mode activate
I like to believe totodile would know better, even if he’s Mineta’s Pokémon, and stop his trainer’s pervy tendencies
Can overpower Mineta in an instant, especially when evolved
Will either hold him back or just pick him up and walk away
Can sometimes sense that Mineta is thinking about doing something and stops before he actually does it
Imagine if they also put him in time out lmaooooo
Mineta just lets them have free reign. Totodile will waddle all over the place. They’re usually good but may cause trouble
Ex: they want a certain food on the counter but can’t reach (still a baby) so they attempt to climb up and just knocks everything on the floor. Mineta hears dishes breaking in the distance and thinks to himself “shit.... oh well”
Sato- Litten
This mans. I picture it very vividly in my head
Sato would be baking and see a little stray kitty on his balcony so he opens the door to see if it’s okay
The litten is scared at first and Sato feels bad. But then he offers a little piece of freshly baked bread
Litten reluctantly comes inside and they’ve been best friends ever since
His new official taste tester
Will take a little while for Litten to get used to him. Until then Sato tries to be as gentile as possible
They’ll sometimes act like they’re in a bad mood to get extra treats
Once it becomes an Incineroar, they’re gym buddies for life too. Idk if Incineroar would work out but they may spot Sato and makes sure he doesn’t hurt himself or wear himself out too much
Kaminari- Pikachu
Okay fine
I wanted to leave it at that bc duh but I have other thoughts
They are smart but 80% of the time they share one braincell
Will be lazy and eat snacks together until they end up in food comas
But at the same time have the inability to relax when Sero invites them to
Have caused the power to go out at the dorms multiple times. They’ll both point the finger at the other
Pikachu chuckles a little at Kaminari when he short circuits but will pull him to the side and get him some water
Kaminari dresses them up with like little hoodies. Everything he picks looks exactly like his room
Pikachu will not hesitate to shock Denki and Mineta if they’re being idiots
They both make a lot of noise. It drives Bakugou insane
Like Uraraka, Denki learned how to talk to Pikachu, but for him it was like an instinct? He knew how right away?
Last but not least is Midorya
Spent so long trying going over the strengths and weaknesses of each possible starter that he never left his moms house
I’m sorry but I can’t know his favorite if he doesn’t even know
Has two notebooks: one for quirks and one for Pokémon
He likes observing how they work together
May get lucky if a Pokémon finds and chooses him while he’s out observing heroes at work
Will still take forever on deciding where to go from there based on their type and stats and level and personality and-
I do know his least favorite tho: Never give him an Eevee. His brain will implode from all the possibilities.
Bonus: Inko has a Pokémon who helps around the house like mom in all the games. Maybe like a Roselia
Also no offense to the ones I didn’t include. Bulbasaur is my fav. They just didn’t fit with them imo
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Get to know ______ P3
It’s time for THE BOYS. My biggest conclusion from putting this together is that while Raihan enjoys pushing everyone else’s buttons, Leon is the only person that can fluster the hell out of him. Please enjoy. 
Get to Know: Leon x Raihan (TrueRivalShipping)
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other? Leon. He feels like the type of person whose love language is gift giving (ex. giving Hop Wooloo and Grookey, giving Gloria Scorbunny, Yamper, and Charmander, ect.). That being said, he’s terrible at getting gifts. He can tell exactly what type of Pokemon a person would want and catch it, but presents? He once got Raihan a charmander watch made for kids without even considering it wouldn’t fit him. 
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap? Leon. They’re both tall, but Lee’s the smaller of the two. 
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes? Raihan would definitely strut around just to get a reaction out of Leon. Half the time his intentions are to get him into bed, but the other half? Embarrass Leon when he’s on Rotom calls with his mum (don’t worry, he wears pants for those instances). 
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway? They’re both night owls. They stay up either playing video games or watching Netflix (or whatever the pokemon equivalent to that is). They had to invest in a bigger couch due to how often they have passed out on it. (When I say bigger couch, I definitely mean a futon. They just straight up by the closest thing they can to another bed). 
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies? Hop inherited their mum’s cooking skills. Since Leon spent most of his young adult life as a champion who never really had time to stay at home and cook a real meal, it is up to Raihan to provide. Lee was permanently designated to cleanup duty after nearly burning the apartment down. 
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”? Leon would say,” Oh, that’s us!” and Raihan would say,” Eh, not really?” just to spite him. There is a lot of teasing and playful banter in their relationship. 
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? Raihan, but only because he would literally murder Leon if he borrowed one of his designer sweatshirts. There’s also the added benefit that Lee’s clothes are a lot comfier. 
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?” Leon isn’t allowed to run errands by himself because he’d get lost, so Raihan is usually the grocery-getter. Raihan will be in the checkout line and almost always get a last minute text from Leon asking for one more item. It drives Raihan bonkers. 
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions? Leon is the driver, and Raihan is the “direction giver” (let’s be real, he’s more focused on what song they play next than getting them to their destination). If it’s a group road trip, neither of them are allowed in the front because they’ll just end up getting everyone lost. 
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws? Ok, so I don’t really think one of them would draw the other. They’re much more of an “active, sporty couple” than an “artsy couple”. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, though. During one of their dates, they decided to doodle each other on their napkins to help pass the time. They were both terrible and it got really heated when the waitress chose Leon’s drawing as “slightly less worse”.  
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips? Are you kidding? They’d both try to out-do each other. Both backflippers. 
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking? I feel like even though Leon has more body mass than Raihan, he’d be the lightweight of the two. Both have been in the League since they were in their late teens, but Leon’s public image had a lot more specifications than Raihan’s. That meant Raihan got to go to a lot more college parties on his nights off and build up his tolerance. Leon’s public relations manager didn’t let him even look at alcohol until he stepped down as champion. He had to “set a good example for his young fans”. (Sufficed to say, Gloria quickly got a new PR manager when she filled his role). 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own? Raihan learned that if he used Leon’s last name, he could get special treatment. It’s an abuse of power! Especially when they’re having dinner at the Hoffman house and Raihan casually slips in that he’s planning on taking Lee’s last name once they marry. Leon’s convinced his grandparents like Raihan better than they like him at this point.  
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside? Raihan, though he’ll go to an early grave before admitting that. He just doesn’t want them getting webbing on his new shoes! Yeah...that’s it. 
16: Which one gives the other their jacket? Leon. It was mentioned above, but Raihan has to be in a really good mood in order to let Leon borrow his stuff. It isn’t that big of a deal, thankfully: The Hoffman boys are like personal heaters.  
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling? Ok, ok, ok: Raihan is slightly intimidated by Hop. He just wants the best for his big bro! If that means calling Raihan out of his shit from time to time to keep him in line, so be it. Raihan can’t fight back either, because that’s his boyfriend’s little brother! One of the only things Leon gets testy over is people bullying Hop, so Raihan has to do it when he isn’t around. 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other? Leon. It wasn’t one of those things where they’ve always liked each other, but after being friends for so long, their feelings blossomed into something new. Lee is a big flirt and never officially came out, so Raihan just figured he didn’t mean it whenever he complimented him. Leon literally confessed to Raihan at least five time before it sank in that he was serious. 
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting? I think they’d actually be pretty good! Leon helped raise Hop and he definitely has the dad act down, so adopting children would be something he’d be super interested in. Raihan may struggle a little bit at first (especially with where the line of what he could and couldn’t post on social media was), but he has a big heart. They would always be there for their kids. If Gloria and Hop are the cool parents, Leon and Raihan are the embarrassing ones. Would tease their kid lovingly. 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters? Leon has sent a lot of professional texts because of his former position as champion, so he’d win by default. If they’re texting each other, it is all in numbers, emojis, and abbreviations. Sonia, Piers, and Nessa hate being in group chats with them. 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them? Lee is the more protective of the two, especially when it comes to people bullying Raihan online. Raihan tries to tell him that he doesn't have to do it, but he’s secretly very flattered.  
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun? Leon makes the worst dad jokes in the world. Sometimes he does it just to embarrass Raihan. 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy? They take turns. Raihan will catch a Hakamo-o to beat Lee’s Aegislash, only for Lee to catch an Azumarill from the Isle of Armor a week later. It’s a never ending game of trying to one up the other. 
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired? Leon. He’s pretty buff, so carrying Raihan around is nothing. He usually does it without asking if his boyfriend looks tired and flusters the heck out of him. 
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering? Ever since Leon left he league, he makes it a priority to go to every one of Raihan’s matches. He often dons ridiculous disguises in order to not get recognised, but he always gets recognised. There is an online forum just made up of pictures of him in different, weird attire. He might’ve even been able to slip by public notice if not for the fact that he tries to make AS MUCH NOISE AS POSSIBLE to cheer his boyfriend on.   
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder? Is there even a possible different answer than Raihan? The man takes selfies as a living. You better believe he has 8 different folders of pictures of Leon. 
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Raihan. Leon is so close to having style, but then he’ll throw on his signature snapback and a cape and ruin everything. You know the cape isn’t even a requirement for the champion to wear? Yeah, Lee just chose to wear it. He counts it as a small victory whenever Leon decides to buy something at one of Rai’s favourite stores.  
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of? Raihan tries not to get between Leon and Charizard. It’s a similar situation to the Hop one: Charizard is Lee’s baby, which means Raihan isn’t allowed to tease them.  
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Raihan, but he purposely will move the umbrella out from above Leon to get him soaked. It’s payback for all the other stuff he does. 
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures? Like Gloria and Hop, I think they’d travel to all the regions. They’d have to do it on off seasons and couldn't stay long due to their duties in Galar, but they like seeing the new types of pokemon. Once again, Rai would take millions of pictures. He has a photo album per vacation, not just vacation in general.  
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How about headcanons on the galar gym leaders' teams?
This is gonna take a while bc there are so many pokemon in the League. I’m gonna make one headcanon for each pokemon. Hope that’s okay. And also only the team when you challenge the gym because that would be too many pokemon otherwise.
Here’s a quick overall headcanon:
Gym Leader’s teams are officially documented as battle pokemon. They are rotated out all the time. And almost every gym leader has pokemon outside of their teams that they train for events that allow them to use different teams than their official gym team.
-Gossifluer is a bit of a brat. He’s picky and will throw a tantrum when Milo changes his food.
-Eldegoss is a very nurturing pokemon. He likes to wrap his cape around people he likes.
-Goldeen is Nessa’s favorite pokemon to model with that’s on her team. Very arrogant.
-Arrokuda is constantly in trouble with Nessa because she likes to chew on Nessa’s shoes and hair.
-Drednaw, as well all know, is a big baby. But they also consider themselves the protector of the team. If the other pokemon is in danger (outside of battle obviously), Drednaw will step in to help.
-Ninetails is a pretty girl and much smarter than Kabu’s other pokemon. She likes to mess with them and look good while doing it.
-Arcanine is a ball of energy and loves anything that will pet him, play with him or feed him. If he hates you, give him a treat and he will be your best friend immediately.
-Centiskorch is constantly a meme. He always looks weird on camera, which means that there’s a new meme of him every month. And they’re all hilarious.
-Hitmontop is actually a new addition to Bea’s team. He was added to Bea’s gym team only a few months ago.
-Pangoro actually came from Spikemuth. He was causing problems in the town and Piers was struggling to handle the situation so he called Bea in. As a reward, he let her keep him, and Bea saw a lot of potential, so she started to train him, asking Piers for advice because its a dark type.
-Sirfetch’d spent a looooong time being trained by Bea before he became a part of the gym team. He struggled when he was younger to keep up with Bea’s other pokemon, but eventually he got it and is now basking in the glory of being a battle ready pokemon.
-Machamp is Bea’s assistant pokemon as well as her ace. She uses her to help train her other pokemon. Sometimes, Bea will send them all out on their own and Machamp can train them herself.
-Yamask is a very young, yet overly powerful pokemon. Allister doesn’t usually use first evolution pokemon on his team, but this Yamask is oddly strong and he hasn’t gotten the chance to evolve him yet.
-Mimikyu is Allister’s first pokemon. He has been by Allister’s side for years.
-Cursola is the only pokemon that Allister actively sought out. They’re rare in Galar and Allister was fascinated when he read about it, so he went looking for one. It took a while, but he managed to get her and he’s glad he went through the effort.
-Gengar was originally going to attack Allister when they first met in a graveyard. It wasn’t until Allister confronted him that Gengar was like “oh wait I like this kid.” And he was a Ghastly at the time.
-Opal’s Weezing is pretty old and grumpy. She bites anyone who’s not Opal. Not hard, though.
-Mawile was not very well known until Opal added her to her team. Then they spiked in popularity around Galar.
-Togekiss was a gift from an old friend. For a long time, Opal didn’t plan on training her for battle, but things changed when a pokemon from Opal’s past team had to retire.
-Alcreamie was Opal’s first pokemon, back when she was a Milcery. Opal spent a long times reasearching Alcreamies to make sure she got the variant she wanted. Also, because she wasn’t allowed to train pokemon due to being a girl when she was a kid, she snuck out into the woods and just found Milcery. It was a long time before she got a chance to catch her.
-Frosmoth was a new-ish addition. Melony was peer pressured into adding a really strong Snom to her team as a meme, but then she evolved live on TV, which was wild.
-Melony was really unsure about Darmanitan. She didn’t think she wanted a pokemon that was so volatile and able to become a fire type. However, she was proven wrong, and with Kabu’s help, she’s able to train Darmanitan really well.
-Melony only chose to train an Eiscue because she’s funny looking. She never intended to add Eiscue to her team, but she proved to be a very powerful battle pokemon.
-Lapras met Melony when Gordie was very young. They took a vacation to a nearby warm beach once, and Gordie was swept away by the waves. While Melony was scrambling to get to Gordie, Lapras found him and brought him back to Melony. Lapras followed them around the rest of the day, so Melony decided to add her to the team.
-Barbaracle makes Gordie nervous still. He’s not used to working with him and he’s a bit scared of all the hands. But there’s no denying that Barbaracle is very strong.
-Shuckle, of course, is only there for the meme. He’s also a bit of a secret weapon, though, to Gordie. He has trained this little guy so much that he’s actually one of the strongest pokemon Gordie owns. He uses the power of underestimation against his opponents.
-Stonejourner is a gift from Milo. Who knew he would be so strong? Milo’s very happy that Gordie uses his pokemon on his Gym Team.
-Coalossal was a pokemon that made Gordie realize he wanted to be a rock specialist. He appreciates that it’s also fire type, because it’s a little extra push against being an ice type specialist.
-Scrafty hoards Piers’ pillows. Anything soft he can find, he makes a pile on his bed and keeps them. Piers has to wrestle them away from him, and no matter how many pillows he buys for Scrafty, he just wants more.
-Malamar is definitely the ring leader. He’s a psychic type and a lot smarter than the rest of Piers’ team. He likes to use this influence for evil. He’s a jerk, but Piers still gives him scratches under his beak (his favorite <3)
-Skuntank is pretty much a cat. He climbs on Piers whenever he gets the chance. Easily found asleep on Piers’ lap while Piers is idly petting him. Good thing Skuntanks only smell when they’re distressed.
-As well all know based on my fic (shameless self promotion, what about it?), Piers met Obstagoon when he was very young in a dumpster. However, something I haven’t mentioned yet is that when he was a Linoone, he would constantly try to be Piers’ neck pillow.
-Torkoal has bad eyesight. Raihan often has to pick him up and carry him places because he can’t see well and he moves slowly.
-Raihan uses Goodra to present to kids. He does educational presentations about dragon types, pokemon training, and pokemon safety to students in schools. Goodra, because she’s so friendly, is Raihan’s go to for this task.
-Turtonator is actually very shy. He likes to hide in his shell whenever he can. The only time he’s confident is when he’s in battle or training.
-Flygon is Raihan’s personal transport. Faster than any Corviknight. Also makes for a really cool entrance.
-Duraludon loves attention. He loves being Raihan’s Ace and he loves being given all that love. Raihan shows him fan content of people loving him and it makes Duraludon stamp around and make happy building noises.
Leon: (And I chose Sobble so he has Rillaboom, I do make the rules and you cannot change them)
-Aegislash was a gift from Rose when he became Champion. Rose said that Leon needed a pokemon fitting of his title.
-Raihan and Leon were rivals since they were kids. Leon got Dragapult simply to compete with Raihan at first, but they now have a very strong bond.
-Haxorus actually came from a distant friend from another region. He’s also very hot-headed, which makes it risky but rewarding to train him.
-Rhyperior came from the Isle of Armor. Leon caught him while training at the Dojo. One time, while at the Isle of Armor, Hop got in trouble with some Wild pokemon. Rhyperior broke out of Leon’s pokeball and saved him before Leon could react.
-Rillaboom, as well as the other starters, came from Leon’s status. They’re only available in captivity and are very hard to come by. Luckily, Leon is the Champion, so they were the perfect gift for his brother. He was secretly hoping he’d get to keep Rillaboom, so he’s happy with the outcome.
-Charizard came from Mustard, of course, but Leon was originally going to pick Bulbasaur. Right before he made the choice, though, he left to think about it and ended up lost and in trouble. He didn’t have his pokemon with him. It was Charmander that wandered off and found him. After that, Leon had no choice but to pick him.
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Because I’m a weird pokemon nerd, I decided that I would show you guys what I think would be my most likely team and how I got them!
1. Grovyle
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When I turned 10 years old, I was given the chance to choose my very first starter pokemon at school, one that would bond with me forever. The choices were Charmander, Treeko, and Totodile. I chose Treeko in a heartbeat and we became bonded closer than any other in my class. Over time, he became a Grovyle and even later he had trouble wih deciding weather or not he should evolve into a Sceptile similar to how I was experiencing trouble knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up and if I should take on the elite four, and so the two of us made a vow to find out who we are together and I gave him an everstone to hold onto until he felt ready to evolve. He’s my Ace pokemon and I love him.
2. Sylveon
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Once I had started my pokemon adventure, it wasn’t long before I stumbled across an eevee pawing at its broken pokeball. It was covered in bruises and was startled by my presence, clearly having been abused by its previous trainer. I opened my arms to it to invite it to my team, and we grew together as friends until it evolved into a sylveon from the care I treaded him with.
3. Zoroark
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My first actual catch! I caught this one when she was a zoroua, though she was a tricky battle so late at night in the darkened forests and she later evolved through training with the rest of the team!
4. Lucario
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A good friend of mine came across a pokemon egg one day and decided to gift it to me! It hatched into a riolu and trained alongside my Zoroua, Buisel, Lycanroc, and Grovyle as well as sparred directly with me so I wasn’t so defenseless as a trainer. I’d like to think that Lucario taught me more about fighting and honor than I taught him!
5. Lycanroc (Night)
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Lycanroc has been with me since the very beginning, though he started as the family’s pet rockruff that evolved through practice fights with Treeko. Lycanroc and Grovyle have a strong relationship because of this and have become inseperable friends through and through. Lycanroc can be a bit rowdy and is always itching for a good fight and will sometimes pick on Lucario (though he will always lose)
6. Floatzel
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This one is an interesting story. Since I live and grew up by the lake, I was very familiar with our various native water types and often did some of Grovyle’s early training with those wild and dangerous water pokemon. During one training excursion, our lunch went missing! When we went to track it down, we found it in the hands of a very hungry young buisel. He immediately tried to pick a fight, but easily lost to my treeko. Even after the battle, he refused to back down and I admired his spirit, inviting him to join us. He tapped his paw on the button of the pokeball I offered and instantly joined the team!
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Pokemon AU Masterlist- Headcannons
Kakashi is the son of Sakumo Hatake, the current Champion of Kanto when Kakashi starts his pokemon Journey. He is also the grandson of Tobirama Senju, the Pokemon Professor of the Kanto region. As such, Kakashi is put under a lot of pressure to meet a lot of expectations and even before his pokemon journey begins he is followed by reporters and others who want to know all about him.
When Kakashi arrives at Tobirama’s lab to be given his first official pokemon and start his journey, he meets Maito Gai. The others who start their journey at the same time are Obito and Rin. (Genma, Ebisu, Asuma and Kurenai all start a few years before them since they are older. Iruka, Tenzo, shisui and Itachi all start a few years after them)
When it comes to choosing pokemon, Rin took squirtle, Kakashi took Venasaur and both Obito and Gai took Charmander. Obito is the only one who still has/uses his charizard for battles.
Gai notices that Kakashi is uncomfortable with the reporters that seem to be already following him, so he attaches himself to the other kids side and make sure to get between him and the camera’s whenever they try to focus on him, taking all the focus onto himself. Kakashi appreciates this and they decide to head to the first gym together.
Kakashi almost always does his gym battle after Gai so that he can get a feel for how the gym leader fights. Because of this, Kakashi is able to come up with a plan of attack by the time that he fights and is usually able to obtain the badge in one try. The only exceptions are Minato and Danzo. Minato he had to fight 3 times before he gets his badge, Danzo he gets it on the second try. Gry sometimes has to try gyms multiple times, but Kakashi is in no rush and thinks it’s fun to watch Gai train with his pokemon so he always waits for him.
In Lavander town, Kakashi and Gai meet a young kid still waiting a few years before he can start his own pokemon journey. Tenzo lives in a home with his adopted father, who is often away because he is also a gym leader, leaving Tenzo under the care of baby sitters. While they’re visiting, Kakahsi’s ivysor bonds with Tenzo so much that when they’re getting ready to leave Kakashi notices that Ivysor is sad to be saying goodbye to Tenzo. Because Tenzo doesn’t really have anyone else stable around with him, Kakashi decides to leave Ivysaur with him so that he has a friend.
Kakashi is one of very few trainers who is able to beat Fugaku in one try, and he is absolutely ruthless in the battle after hearing Fugaku bad mouth Gai’s training technique and bond with his pokemon, telling him he should focus on getting strong pokemon rather than working with weak pokemon. This is the first battle which Gai see’s Kakashi aim to absolutely destroy his competition, and the only battle in which Fugaku’s pokemon fail to faint even one of the challengers pokemon.
After his battle with Fugaku, Kakashi is presented his badge by a young Itachi. When Kakashi see’s Itachi looking at his Jolteon, he tells him he is welcome to pet Jolteon and that his pokemon won’t bite. Itachi has a lot of questions for Kakashi, but Fugaku rushes him and Gai out of the gym before storming into the back utterly annoyed that Kakashi defeats him completely.
The day after Kakashi’s gym victory and Gai’s lose, Itachi goes to the local pokemon center to see if Nurse Tsunade needs any help with the pokemon. There, he see’s Kakashi and Gai with their pokemon. Gai is in the back field training with his pokemon for his rematch while Kakashi is sitting on the sidelines with a small growleth in his lap and his Jolteon by his side. Itachi remembers the team that Kakashi brought with him, even though he only used Jolteon. Kakashi had released all 3 of the pokemon he planned to use so Fugaku could see them. They had all been Electric pokemon, leading Itachi to believe that Kakashi was an electric trainer, only to see him with a fire pokemon in his lap.
The next day, Gai and Kakashi show up so that Gai can redo his gym challenge. While Gai is doing his battle against Fugaku, Itachi slides up beside Kakashi in the bleachers and watches as he brushes Growlithes fur. While sitting there, he finds himself blurting out a question. ‘I thought you only used Electric pokemon?’ Kakashi laughs and explains that while he does only use electric pokemon, he has a certain fondness for dogs and likes to collect dog pokemon. He doesn’t use those pokemon in battle though, even though he does train them, because he wants to show people how amazing Electric pokemon are. He more likes to have Dog pokemon as companions that often play with and train with all of his electric pokemon. This is the first time Itachi has heard of anyone besides his mother keeping a pokemon as a companion and not a battling pokemon.
After Gai win’s his gym badge from Fugaku, Kakashi and Gai get ready to set off onto the next part of the journey. Before leaving though, Gai goes up to Itachi and lays a pokeball in his hand, telling him it’s from Kakashi before he runs off to join his friend. When Itachi releases the pokemon to see what it is, he finds himself faced with a beautiful Eeevee that Kakashi had caught on the way to Fugaku’s gym because he found it stealing food from his bag and decided someone had to take care of it.
Kakashi and Gai go on to face the Elite four together after getting all 8 badges and doing a lot of training. On victory road Shizune joins them until they run into Tsunade at the end. Tsunade challenges them to make sure they’re ready to take on the elite four, and when they prove themselves she gladly sends them on their way. Shizun chooses to stick around with Tsunade and learn from her, since she’s not only an amazing pokemon trainer but also a Pokemon Doctor.
Kakashi and Gai beat the elite four, but both of them lost to Sakumo. Of course, as soon as Gai see’s who the champion is he understands Kakashi’s aversion to reporters and cameras. He always knew Kakashi was the son of the champion since day one, but he never realized that Kakashi was the spitting image of his father.
After facing Sakumo, the pair decide to continue exploring Kanto to train up their pokemon and become stronger, going over to Johto about a year later to find new pokemon and try the league there. This is where they meet Professor Shikaku, who is more interested in getting the pair to help him with research projects than he is with helping them with their gym challenge. Of course, Kakashi gets a cute Chikoreta out of the deal (that he later also gives to Tenzo) so he’s not complaining too much.
A few years later, Shisui and Tenzo start off on their journey. Unlike Kakashi and Gai they decide to do their journey alone like most kids, though they do run into each other a lot on the way and have battles to see where they’re standing in terms of skill. Shisui chooses Charmander as his starter, and finds that he likes to collect a variety of pokemon. Tenzo, on the other hand, has a real love for grass type pokemon and has the Ivysaur that Kakashi gave him to start off his journey with.
Shisui first meets Kakashi and Gai in Celadon city. The pair is there to relax after getting back from the Johto region, and there’s a bit huff around the city about two top trainers being there. Shisui decides to check it out and ends up challenging Gai to a one on one battle thinking neither of these two look all that great. He is...pleasantly surprised.
Gai absolutely destroys him in battle with his Hitmonlee, and Shisui decides then and there that he’s going to train until he can beat this weird pair of ass kicking trainers.
When he has 8 badges, Tenzo heads to victory road where he finds Kakashi and Gai chilling outside. Kakashi smiles when he see’s him, having gotten word that Tenzo had finally gotten his last badge. As a reward, Kakashi lays a pokeball in Tenzo’s hand. It’s the Chikareta that Shikaku had given him a few years ago, and thankfully this time Tenzo has a pokemon to give Kakashi in return. The only electric pokemon that Kakashi had been unable to catch as of yet, because it’s a stubborn shit that keeps eluding him. Electobuzz.
Shisui and Tenzo both end up losing to Sakumo as well, though Sakumo is impressed by how many pokemon they manage to get through. Only Kakashi and Gai have managed to actually get close to beating him before.
When Itachi begins his pokemon journey, It’s Kakashi and Gai’s first year as Gym Leaders. Gai is the 7th Gym leader and a fighting type leader, while Kakashi is the 8th gym leader and the Electric type leader.
Kakashi quickly gets a reputation for being a ruthless gym leader. Not in the same way as Fugaku, who is known to insult challengers' training methods and skills. But rather because he doesn’t go easy on his gym challengers. If they want to win a badge from him, they have to earn it in every way possible.
The only person who gets a gym badge from Kakashi ever, Is Itachi. It gets Kakashi into quiet a lot of trouble with the league for not letting others have a chance at facing the elite four, but Sakumo is damn proud of his son and knows that Itachi facing him means this kid is damn strong.
Itachi doesn’t beat Sakumo the first time, but he does get Sakumo down to one pokemon which is terrifying.
Ultimately, both Kakashi and Itachi beat Sakumo. The difference is Kakashi beats his dad in a silly battle at his gym that’s not legal in any way and he’s happy with that. He never wanted his victory publicized. Itachi beats Sakumo on live TV for everyone to see and becomes the new official champion.
This happens 3 years after Itachi started his journey, and it’s huge because for years Sakumo was undefeated.
As the new Champion, Itachi gets to choose the elite four that will be working with him. He chooses Kakashi, Gai, Shisui and Rin. All absolute power houses in their own way will test a trainer's skill in brute strength, intelligence, quick reactions and adjustments and training style before they even get to Itachi.
To get past all four of them is damn impressive, but because it’s so hard it’s actually rare to see Itachi out as the champion, and thus not many people know what the champion actually looks like.
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