#i am SO BAD at giving names to my characters
Do you confirm that Spinel doesn't exist and PD never had Spinel in this AU? You can't just end this au with Steven solving all of his issues and he and the crystal gems become happy that they won't have to deal with drama anymore while Spinel is still stuck in the garden waiting for her best friend (PD/Rose) to come back.
Okay, I'm glad you're on anon, because I want to post this ask and make a point.
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Disclaimer: You, the asker, are not a bad person for asking this, nor do I feel personally offended by you sending me this, but let me make it absolutely clear:
This is not a healthy way to interact with media.
You make several assumptions here:
That Spinel is a real live person who is actually effected by real abandonment, as opposed to a character, which does not exist except in our creative consciousness.
That I, as an author of a separate AU, am capable of somehow 'preventing' further harm by writing stories about something happening or not happening.
That I have a moral obligation to write a specific storyline, in order for a character to not come to 'harm'.
And this all simply... does not work.
Holding authors - ANY authors - responsible for the safety and wellbeing of ANY characters is not a healthy way to approach creative fictional media.
Characters are not human beings, or creatures that exist. They are real to US, yes, and they matter and they are important. But harm cannot come to them as it can to real life people and animals.
Harm to Spinel, including the harm of being sad in a garden for 6000 years, does not actually exist. I need you guys to understand that.
Yes, it's an important character. Yes, it can make you sad, and it can cause you happiness to see that plotline resolved. I get that! I also feel happy and sad when certain characters achieve their goals, or fall short of them. Those emotions we experience ARE real.
But saying "you can't just end a story without giving this character a happy ending" means you value a character's safety and happiness (a character who ultimately cannot feel pain) above the needs and desires of me, a real life human person who may or may not be capable (time-constraints, physical capability, emotional bandwidth, you name it) to fulfill that need.
Ultimately, what you're saying when you demand ANY author writes the plot the way YOU want it to go is: "My feelings about this story trump your needs. I demand you go through the trouble of creating something so I can feel a certain way about it."
And that simply ain't gonna fly, my friend.
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Be Careful, She Bites!
Synopsis: What happens if you snatch a dhampir-baby without her consent
Based on @elora-the-slutty-songstress idea!
Tags: fluff, dadstarion, Alethaine bites, a snippet of the future
Alethaine's age: 4.5
Thanks @themadlufor beta-reading!
Read on AO3
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Daggerlake is a peaceful town far from the troubles of richer places. On most days.
But not today.
A gang of bandits attacked the town in the middle of the night burning the huts and taverns on its surface. 
Death, blood, and gore – that’s what entered through the gates.
“Kitten,” Alethaine hears her mother’s voice through the veil of sleep. “Kitten, wake up.”
Alethaine opens her pitch-black eyes. Tiriel sits on the bed, wearing her spider silk armor. 
“Hm?” Alethaine is still half asleep but can already hear the distant sounds of a fight.
And she also smells blood.
“The town is under attack, we are going up. Come on,” Tiriel takes her daughter in her arms and heads to the basement. 
Astarion is already there, donning a light armor as black as Alethaine’s night dress. 
“Princess, you sit there,” he says to her. “And don’t go unless we or someone you know comes to get you.” 
Alethaine nods.
“And if someone notices you, run to the ceiling.”
“And what if they can run to the ceiling too?” She yawns. Now she is afraid too. Both her parents are leaving and she is going to be in the house all alone. 
“Then run as fast as you can.” Tiriel places her on a bench and gives her a plushie dragon, also black, and a wooden doll. “We will be back soon.”
Alethaine nods watching her parents leave. Tiriel goes first, she is going to engage in the fight with her battle ax. Astarion will hide in the shadows ready to peel someone’s skin off. 
And the little dhampir is going to stay here. 
In the dark.
She almost doesn’t hear the sounds of the fight, but the basement is uncomfortable and cold. One blanket is absolutely not enough to warm her feet and Alethaine presses the dragon plushie to her chest.
What if her parents don’t come back?
What if they get killed?
Who is going to take care of her? Maybe she will have to live on her own? Alethaine remembers a story she once read – it was about a girl whose parents were enslaved by Drows and she had to survive all by herself till she met a kind wizard who took her into his tower to teach magic. Alethaine actually did like that story (especially when the girl learned how to cast fireballs), but the part of the main character being all alone in a big cold house made the dhampir so sad she came to her parent’s bed to sleep.
Alethaine places the plushie in front of her.
“...I am Aurix the wyvern! Who dares to challenge me?!” She tries to imitate the voice of a big scary dragon. “I am the princess of all elves, I am not afraid of you!” Alethaine places the doll in front of him. “My father taught me sword fighting and my mother taught me dark magic!”
The door slams above Alethaine and the girl gets silent.
Those aren’t her parents. 
“Check all the rooms for something valuable! This place looks well off!” She hears a hoarse female voice. “And go check the basement!”
Alethaine moves to the darkest corner of the basement. Oh no, are they going to kidnap her? They totally are. And they will eat her, that’s for sure, that’s what bad people do to little girls!
A half-orc comes down the stairs and immediately notices a chest with gold and silver in the opposite corner of the basement.
“I told you they keep valuable things here! These people are adventurers!”
The other bandit, a one-eyed human male, follows her, but something else catches his attention.
“Look at this!” He chuckles playing with a dagger. “It seems like the host is home! What is your name, fairy?”
Alethaine presses her back against the wall. These people are bad. They are going to do something bad to her, she knows it.
“Answer me, fairy, or I’ll get angry!”
“I am not allowed to speak with strangers.” she mutters. 
“Hey, don’t hurt her '' The half-orc says. “If her parents make it through the fight, we can ask for a ransom.”
“And if they don’t?”
“Then you can do whatever you want with her.”
The man grabs Alethaine’s long hair. “Come on, little fairy! We will not…” He laughs. “Hurt you.”
“LET ME GO!!!” She cries out as the man lifts her up. The bandit smells horrible – of sweat, dirt, and blood. “Let me go!”
“I saw rope in the kitchen. Make sure she doesn’t scream.”
Alethaine squirms trying to set herself free but the man grabbing her is too strong.
“Interesting teeth you have,” he suddenly notices. “Aren’t they too big?”
There are many things Alethaine isn’t allowed to do. Talk with strangers. Go into the woods alone. Be outside after sunset.
Bite people she doesn’t like. 
Alethaine makes a screeching sound and bites the man’s neck.
Fangs easily pierce the skin and rip the artery. Alethaine immediately pulls away clenching her teeth as the blood splashes her face and head, soaking her black dress and the toys that lie on the floor.
There is one more rule, the most serious of them all.
Don’t try to take someone’s blood. Something bad will happen if she tastes it. 
“What the…” The half-orc exclaims seeing her partner falling dead on the stone floor. “Fuck!”
The half-orc rushes upstairs dropping whatever she’s collected in the Ancunins’ basement.
Alethaine sits on the floor. Now she isn’t only cold, she also feels disgusting as the blood covers her body.
She wipes her mouth.
And how the fuck does dad even drink it, she thinks. 
The man takes his final breath and Alethaine hears its heart beating its last.
Alethaine looks at herself. She is soaked in blood. Her hair, her dress, her skin, even her toys. 
And no one is around.
She feels tears pricking her eyes and she starts crying. 
“Stupid bandit!” Alethaine kicks him with her leg. “Stupid!”
She tries to wipe herself with a blanket but it’s too thick. And now the blanket is dirty too and Alethaine starts bawling, rubbing her eyes.
“Fuck, my ax got stuck,” Tiriel mutters trying to set her weapon free. The half-ork’s armor is made of something weird and the blade won’t come out. 
Astarion presses his leg to the dead bandit’s chest and Tiriel finally releases the ax.
“Now I need to bathe and sleep,” She says. “Come on!” Tiriel takes her husband’s hand. Astarion looks the same as he did a couple of hours ago. If it wasn’t for his blood-stained clothes and hair, that’s for sure.
They walk back home in silence, though Astarion keeps making jokes about dumb people who chose the wrong town to attack.
“Stop,” Tiriel says. “Something is wrong.”
“The door is open,” Astarion notices it too. “But no one is inside.”
Tiriel feels a knot in her stomach – the worst thing that could have happened did happen.
Someone was in their house.
Someone could have hurt Alethaine.
“I am going to rip their spines out,” Astarion bares his fangs and rushes inside. Tiriel follows him.
At first, Tiriel doesn't exactly understand what she sees.
There is a dead man on the floor with his throat ripped out.
Alethaine sits beside the body all covered in dried blood, sniffing and hiccupping. 
“Mum, dad,” she hiccups again. She tries to say something else but bursts into tears once again.
Astarion lifts her up and Tiriel caresses her back.
“It’s all right, baby kitten, we are here.”
Alethaine wraps her arms around Astarion’s neck.
“I peed myself,” she says, much quieter. 
Astarion kisses her cheek. “Did he hurt you?”
Alethaine shakes her head but Tiriel senses her daughter’s fear. Poor girl! All alone with people who could do all possible horrible things to her!
“I will wash her,” Astarion says. “Get some rest.”
“Are you hungry, kitten?” Tiriel asks. Alethaine nods. “I will cook something.”
“Perks of being a vampire – I am never hungry after a fight” He grins.
Alethaine sniffs and Tiriel squeezes her little fingers, assuring her baby that she is safe now.
The tub with warm water feels much nicer than usual. Astarion splashes water over Aletaine's head and she rubs her hands and legs with a sponge.
“I wasn't scared!” She says. “I just bit him like a vampire!”
“He got what he deserved,” Astarion takes another sponge to rinse her back. “You are such a fierce little girl”
“I am!” Alethaine proudly says. “I was playing as a princess fighting the dragon!”
“And did she kill the dragon?”
“What? No! Who kills dragons?! Only bad people kill them, Dad, everyone knows it! She was going to challenge him and become a dragon rider! She is an elf like you and me but she has red hair like Mum. And she is also a princess, her father is the king of all elves.”
“Does he rule Moon or Sun elves?” Astarion asks. 
“All elves! Like, all the Tel’Quessira!”
“Princess, I hate to break it to you but elven nations never unite. Especially Sun elves. They hate everyone else.”
“That’s stupid. If elves unite under one king, we can have all these kingdoms and realms!”
“We, princess? Last time I checked I was a vampire and you were a dhampir.”
“We are still elves!” Alethaine insists. “And mum, too, no one thinks she is half human.”
“The form of her ears doesn’t agree. Now stand up.”
It takes almost an hour to wash all the blood away from her silver hair. By the time they finish, Alethaine catches the scent of food coming from the kitchen.
Astarion gives her a towel and once Alethaine is ready to leave the bathroom he picks her up again.
“Daddy,” she whispers, “I didn’t taste the blood, I promise.”
“I believe you.” He kisses the tip of her nose. 
“And can I sleep with you two?” Alethaine adds.
“Of course! Someone as scary and dangerous as you needs to sleep safely, right?”
Hours later, Alethaine nestles between her parents and falls asleep. In her dream, she sees herself going through a dark field toward a dark mountain. Alethaine knows she is an adult and she must do something important, something vital, something…
She looks around and sees ten thousand dead warriors marching behind her.
304 years later
“O’si! O’si!” The red-haired elven girl grabs her mother’s hand. “Come!”
“What is it, Little Fire?” Alethaine yawns. She’s just got back home after trying to put some rational thought into her subordinates, a small tribe of aqua elves who still believe they can survive on their own. This is the side of her adult life she loves the least. Apparently, just being scary and dangerous isn’t enough for the king’s wife. And those water-loving morons weren’t even on the battlefield when Alethaine had resurrected the army of the dead, so she has little to no authority in their ocean blue eyes.
“I told you! I told Dad and he thought I was making things up! And you told me it was dead and you are a necromancer, you need to be good at this!”
Tiri (named after her grandmother, Alethaine didn’t even have a second thought about it) opens the door to her bedroom where it’s almost impossible to breathe because of the blazing fireplace. 
“Tiri, I told you the egg was dead. It turned to stone when the Star Elves still lived in Sildëyuir. I brought it only because it looked nice. And because your grandpa stole it for you – ”
Alethaine stares at the egg.
It’s not an egg anymore.
A small red wyvern crawls out and immediately stares at Tiri. The elven princess makes a squealing sound and kneels in front of the newborn beast.
“Mum, look! It’s not just a wyvern, it’s a wyvern that can carry a dragonrider!” Tiri grabs it. “Dad told me to read stories to the egg, and I did! I read about Dragonriders and the war-dragons… And… Oh, he needs a name!”
Alethaine sits on her daughter’s bed looking at Tiri and her little dragon. Well, within her lifetime Alethaine Ancunin has seen all types of strange things. She has fought demons, resurrected an army of the dead, advised a human king on how to rule his kingdom, hunted an infinite amount of monsters and mortals. 
But this is something different. 
Besides, it really was just a beautiful dead stone egg. Astarion probably stole it just because it caught his eye and then decided to shove it into Aletaine’s hands as a gift for Tiri. 
He would love to hear what happened next.
“Aurix!” Tiri says. “I will call you Aurix, it means Fire in Draconic!”
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entirelysein-e · 1 day
『 Baby said 』
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☼ synopsis: After a rough day at work you want to relax but Choji just has so much energy to spend, you let him eat you out until he tires himself out
☼ character: Choji
☼ wc: 0.9k
☼ cw: gn!reader, afab!reader, cunnilingus, fingering
☼ notes: uh hello windbreaker fandom I'm joining you guys for the giggles!! 🥹🫶 || don't forget to sign up for the taglist and that requests are open!
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Baby said when you're talking I go dead, shut your mouth, give me your head...
Your head was pounding especially bad this day and you were counting down the minutes until you could leave work, just wanting to head home to cuddle up in bed. When the time finally came you made your way home as quick as possible, a small smile appeared on your lips when your boyfriend was already home so he would cuddle up with you in bed.
And you were right, he wanted to cuddle but he had so much to tell you as well. “And then- then he really said that! Can you believe it?” he asked excitedly and laughed along, telling you about what happened after the fight on the weekend - a fight you happened to be involved in and a story you've heard at least a hundred times these past few days and normally you wouldn't mind but today your head threatened to explode if he said one more word.
“Babe- Baby… CHOJI TOMIYAMA” Your voice boomed through the room, laced with desperation and much louder than intended. Choji now sat up, previously having laid on his back, limbs stretched out across the bed and your body
“Am I in trouble?” He asked softly, his expression similar to a hurt puppy, hating it when you used his whole name in a situation like this.
“N-No- I didn't mean to scream, but you talk nonstop, not even giving me a chance to tell you that my head is killing me” you explained seriously as you let your eyes close. The man next to you just hummed in acknowledgement, a pout resting on his face when he looked over to you - He just had way too much energy to be laying around in silence but really wanted to respect you.
The way his charcoal colored eyes burnt holes into your body didn't go unnoticed by you, despite your eyes being shut tight. You let go of a long sigh.
“How about you do the talking between my legs, hm?” you asked and a small smirk started to form on your lips when you felt him shift before taking his place between your legs, wasting no time to get rid of your pajama pants along with your panties.
When he spread your folds all you could hear was a chuckle “Look how wet you already are for me. Does my voice turn you on so much?” He asked with a shit eating grin to which you only groaned and pulled him towards your core by the hair.
“Just shut up,” you mumbled quite flustered and for once, Choji decided to listen. The next thing you could feel was his warm tongue dragging through your folds completely, licking a long stripe from your entrance all the way to your clit and back down.
“You're reacting so well to m-” he was praising you but caught off guard by your hips bucking into his face, making him chuckle against your cunt before sucking on your sensitive clit which earned him a satisfied moan.
“Less talking, more licking. Understood.” He teased you and let his tongue dance through your folds once more with a zigzag motion. When the tip of his tongue reached your entrance he pushed it in to get a good taste of your juices. A loud moan escaped your lips the moment he continued to fuck you with his skilled tongue, his calloused thumb starting to rub small circles onto your clit to make your head spin. The lewd slurping noises coming from Choji almost drowned out your own moans as you neared your high - and who would Choji be to deny you your much needed release? Without missing a beat he pulled back slightly just to spit right onto your clit, making his thumb glide smoothly over the bundle of nerves while his tongue returned to its previous place, thrusting into your tight cunt.
Your hands were harshly pulling on his hair as his name fell off your lips like a prayer when the knot in your lower abdomen finally snapped and the slurping noises of the man between your thighs turned into whimpers and soft moans when he got to taste your release.
Without giving you any time to recover, his tongue trailed up to your clit, giving it more attention. He was busy flicking your sensitive bundle of nerves around and gently sucking on it, that he almost neglected your poor cunt, stuffing it with two of his fingers the second your moans grew in pitch again and like the menace that he is, he started to curl his fingers right into your sweet spot without mercy - throwing you into yet another orgasm.
His goal was clear now, tire himself out on your poor pussy until you felt better and he was tired, whatever would come first. The pace he set was relentless, unbothered by the way you screamed and cried his full name in pleasure this time, his tongue and fingers kept working their magic.
Three… four… five… you lost your count after the sixth orgasm, any touch borderline painful now and the man between your legs seemed to grow tired, his licks slowing down and only once you pushed him away, far too overstimulated, he admitted to being tired. Choji’s head was resting against one of your thighs as his eyes fell shut, slipping away into a sweet slumber along with you - the puddle of cum in his underwear long forgotten and an issue for after this nap.
Baby said let me taste your silhouette, you can talk between my legs...
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ficsforeren · 2 years
hiiiii wait now that you said the name for your oc in nlmg im dying to know the names of your oc's in your other fics!!!!!
also wait i had no idea i could make my text pink (that just made my day sorry that's super irrelevant but i'm psyched right now)
but anyways back to your oc's names
hiiii, baby, thank you for your message ❤️
Hmmm let's see
I haven't put that much though into it but maybeeee
Himbo Eren's YN: Vasilisa (Lisa, for short)
Soldier Eren's YN: it can either be Anya or Akari if she was Asian
Rockstar Eren's YN: Aria
Knight Eren's YN: Freya (i've also always imagined Freya Allan as his princess so it fits LMAO)
Secret Agent Eren's YN: Alicent or Danielle (so he can call her Dani 🥺)
Idol Eren's YN: probably something more common like Chloe
Mafia Eren's YN: something that's not moanable lakjdsflka like Constance or something
Spidergirl AU's YN: Gwen LMAO cause yeah i can only imagine gwen stacy in my head
Pornstar Eren's YN: i asked aleks about this and she said she would name her Valentina and i think it's really cute if eren calls her Val 🥺
Vampire Eren's YN: Felicia or Felicity
College Eren's YN: Keira or Reina
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littlehatmouse · 2 months
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i finished this in the last 20 minutes of lesbian visibility week after not drawing at all LETS GO
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whydoihavetoart · 2 years
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dayurno · 2 months
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#i will warn you only once: tsc spoilers#literally just finished it as i am drafting this its 5am where i live#so you may be subjected to some nonsense#that all being said i have thoughts.and feelings#the kevin was lovely and tasted delicious! jean defending him at every turn even when he swears to hell and back he'll kick his ass#the kevjean was surprising i was only half expecting that#the dog metaphors i have to say i need this one cashed in. nora run me my check#im joking of course dont quote me on it#jean taking kevins promise to the end and living on it is seriously so. well.#'be careful with him' 'take kevin's name out of your ignorant mouth' 'you promised me'#also kevin getting called the court's queen had me tender and on my back oml#jean's relationship with the trojans is sweet and he is very interesting and complicated#a character with many moving parts im sure#there were a few things i did not care for#namely jeremy and the trojans felt remarkably flat to me bar lucas (by far the most interesting) and catalina on occasion#i didnt quite enjoy jeremy's pov and felt like he spent perhaps way too much time worrying over jean? if that makes sense#i wish he had some more complexity to him or really anything to catch a hook on#all we know is hes attractive and smiley and gets along terribly with his family#so much of his character is sucked out by jean he didnt feel like much more than a plot device to me#which i wouldnt mind if jeremy wasnt the literal main character alongside jean#i was living for everything jean thought but had to drag myself through jeremy's pov if im honest#uuuuh what else. neil! funny. deranged. i have to love him#andrew couldnt give less of a fuck about jean which is funny as all fuck#two bugs placed in the same habitat ignoring each other#the thing with elodie i thought was complicated. i wish we knew some more about her or that shed been mentioned a little earlier#but im assuming thats a topic to be revisited#uuuuuuuh yeah so thats most of it. i think my first thought and the one that sticked out the most to me is that the book felt remarkably#pedestrian#not necessarily in a bad way#it lacked to me one of the main appeals of aftg which were the numerous interesting side characters
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mishapen-dear · 1 year
no but im thinking about how 4halo could be together while keeping their dynamic intact. forever asks bad on a date and bad is like yeah :D friendship date. several dates later bad's the one to propose and he says "will you merry me" as in like. be merry with me. feel joy forever for we're together and we have 11 children aka all of the eggs we have forcefully adopted from the other parents and i dont know what life would be like without you. you changed my life for the better. besties 4evar, forever
#and then richarlyson falls into pieces#and dapper gets to be smug#i don't super enjoy the ship when theyre lovey-lovey but oh my god its so fucking funny to be in a relationship and just Deny it#to each other to everyone else to themselves#is that a wedding ring no its a donut#made of metal#a decoration i wear that's inscribed with my bestie's name because i just like him so much :3#do you see the vision the vibe is queerbait themselves to Hell while being Actively Queer#more thoughtful examination of bad's character is that i think a relationship that actively rejects sincerity is what he'd be most#comfortable in#he's Full of compliments for the other players and eggs but he will Never say that to their faces. he uses sillytime and insincerity as a#shield. if he ever trusts someone to be like. close to them. to consider them a teammate like he considers dapper a teammate#then it doesn't matter what label it gets -qpp or genuine besties or romantic or another option i cant think of- i think that not#acknowledging that sincerity is the only way he could bear letting them into his heart#i don't know forever as well to give a thoughtful analysis but i think that giving him something low pressure that isn't a Romance might be#good for him too if only for the fact that his Romances have all failed p badly. better to just be silly about it yknow just joke around a#lil if it doesn't mean anything then it wont hurt#<- basic angst trope im not sure fits him but be rest assured i am Looking at him. studying that beast.#qsmp#4halo#qsmp shipping
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rattytaffy · 3 months
So iv slowly been working on a The Sun and Moon Show fic.
I've been on the fence about posting anything of it all. Mostly due to the fact I cant edit for spelling in google docs any more and my spelling is HORRIBLE!!!!
However a good friend convinced me to try anyway.
However on that note I am a newer TSAMS fan and am no ware near caught up with it. I have only gotten to "Eclipse's SAD ORIGIN STORY in VRCHAT" and am trying to avoid to many spoilers. I also have stayed largely away from the fandom for that reason This story starts after Luner gets his own body but before blood moon dies. This fic is about magical humanoid versions of Sun and Moon and Eclipse (security breach) seeking out TSAMS Moon for help. After this TSAMS Sun and Moon wind up mixed up in a second Celestial family's drama. OCs will be used when necessary to fill empty rolls. The fic is under the cut. If anyone finds it interesting ill try to continue it and probs post it to my AO3 when i have time and energy. I also very much need help finding a title for this >.<
It was quiet for the moment.  Lunar had his own body and was doing rather well, killcode was active but had made a deal with moon.  Sure there creator said something about a sister named earth showing up at some point, but she hadn't yet.  Blood Moon was a problem and potentially Eclipse but it was unsure if he was even out there any more.
There where problems yes but at the moment they were not in Suns face and he had a moment to do the daycare cleaning he had not had the time to do in detail.  Yes a quiet day to clean and record some videos was exactly what he needed
Sun Fliped around to the ball pit as the tell tail sound of an interdental portal opening.  Moon was home Luner was home. who the hell could be coming threw there?
in the ball pit where two largely human looking figyers.  they looked alot alike as they clung to each other.  One had golden hair and clear crystals  floating in the air around his heads like suns rays.  the other had white hair, blue crystal rays that had orbs and crescents at there bottom.  Both looked haggard as they held each other. They stood even hunched over weekly taller then any human hell they were tall enough standing strait they were as tall as Sun. there skin was an inhuman color the one with golden hair and clear crystal rays looked like his body was made of tarnished gold, the other with the blue crystal rays looked to be made of silver.  There facial features were largely human and if Sun where to guess they seemed to be in there early 20's
The one with blue crystals looked at sun "Is there a Moon here? one with magic?" his tone was desperate bordering on panic
"I'm not answering that untell I know who you are!" Sun answered coming over the barrel with the gun hidden in it in his hand
"I'm Eclipse, this is my brother Sun.  There's dimensional counterparts to us here" the one with blue crystals explained watching as the robot Sun stiffen at that "Please our brother Moon is sick and dying. WE need another Moon with magic to help him" The not human not seeming to be there Eclipses counterpart Eclipse begged.
"Well I'm Sun, " Robot Sun said looking skeptical
"Thank fuck" The not robot Sun said stumbling forward and nearly falling untell Eclipse grabbed him "Please at least let us talk to him." The not robot Sun's voice became high pitched with strain.
"how can he help with your moon" Robo Sun asked skeptically
"I want to know that to" Moon, the robotic one, Said as he landed from his jump off the balcony.  It was rare another version of him or Sun came by.
Not Human Sun looked at Robot Moon like a man offered water in a heat wave. "His magic has become completely unstable. Only another Moon with magic can stabilize it it."
"Please this is the last jump we can make" begged the Not Human Eclipse
"What happens if i don't?" Robot Moon asked. He knew he probably would go help but it was best to have all the info you could. Not Human Eclipse looked sick and stuttered some before Non Human Sun took charge "We end his suffering and seal the magical wounds left in me and Eclipse before we fall ill to"
"Please" begged the Not Human Eclipse "We don't want to lose our brother" Robot Moon sighed "Fine Suns coming with me" "Thank you" Said Not Human Eclipse "Its a big jump but we have an anchor at our uncles house to make it easier" "Most of our family is there but they won't bother you while you work" Not Human Sun assured them The home was despite the oppressive air of dread, cozy. The walls were painted with abstract murals wherever a shelf or hanging display for knickknacks wasn't. There were large windows but each was covered with a blackout curtain. The many lamps were all low bathing the space in a soft warm light that wasn't really strong enough to read in. It was clear under normal circumstances this home would be welcoming and easy to relax in.
However in this moment the comfortable couches were taken up by more creatures like the Not Human Sun and Eclipse all with there heads hung. One with wrinkled dress shirt on and black slacks stood from his spot between two much younger members of his species. He looked a lot like Not Human Sun with crystal rays that spun around his head those his seemed to be made of amber rather then clear. His skin looked like Bronze and his four arms were folded close to his body clearly from nerves "Oh thank fuck" he said his voice tiered and gravelly "I'm guessing your the Moon?" The Humanoid that was sitting next to the one that got up launched to his feet. This one was small and short probably no more then 5 foot with a singular large crescent crystal in light blue floating over his head.  His blond hair was a mess and he was so shyly sunk into his huge sky blue hoodie it was hard to see much of him.  "You found another Moon who can help?" he asked desperately the voice just like Luner's "Luner lets not get in there way"  Said the other Not Human this one with liquid gold shaped into ray shaped points. Robot Sun looked at this one in fear as he realized this sounded like there Eclipse... If he hadn't gone threw puberty yet.  This one was taller then the Luner with black hair and skin that looked like copper. The Not Human Luner glared at him. "Soler is right Luner" said a truly massive one of these beings.  With 6 arms standing easily taller then Robot Sun or Moon even while sitting.  He was dressed all in black and sounded much like a very tiered KillCode.  In his arms was a small child of there species dressed in red with several spinning star shaped smooth crystals that were a blood red. The child couldn't be more then 7 and was simply refusing to let go of the larger beings coat. The Not Human Luner rolled his eyes but went to sit back down led by Soler. 
The one with rays and four arms sighed deeply and looked at the last being in the room. This one also four armed but was distinctly fem with a set of swooping crescent horns going down the back of her silver hair. "Let me take the other Moon to see ours Albedo.  You comfort Furry and our Nephews" Albedo sighed and his four arms dropped to the side. "Alright Lune." he turned to Robot Sun "Come sit with us ill enplane what i can while your Moon works" Robot Sun looked nervously at his Moon Robot Moon shrugged and followed Lune up stairs while sun went to sit with the other. The Not Human Sun and Eclipse had already stumbled to a free couch and simply collapsed in it.
Lune opened a door at the top of the homes stairs.  It was a bedroom and completely dark. On the bed was what Moon didn't need to be told was his counterpart in this world. The being had porcelain like skin that was off color like it was sick. Long black hair tangled with the feathers of raven wings that twitched slightly sometimes. The being had one crescent with and orb between its points. They weren't floating however just kinda flopped on the pillow. Robot Moon could feel the magic gushing out of the Not Human Moon like an arterial wound. "You must enter his mind with magic, Find him and stabilize his magic. Model it after your own, but if he insist something goes some ware do so. You have one chance Moon, but once your magic connects with this Moon it should stabilize him for however long you need to work." Lune said softly "Should you be able to do this all of us will be in your debt" Robot Moon nodded becoming more and more horrified at watching a version of himself so sick "yah I got it from here" Lune nodded and left the room quietly shutting the door behind her "Better get to work" Muttered Robot Moon as he reached out to the other Moon casting the spell to enter his mind.
The other Moons mind was a haze of dark clouds. In the center sat the being his hair in his face shoulders shaking in sobs.  Before him a large low table colored green with dozens of little colorful blocks no bigger then the wooden kind you would give a toddler scattered over the table, the other moon and the foggy ground below. "Hay" said Robot Moon
Slowly the other Moon looked up and for a brief moment hope flashed in his eyes. His brothers had done it his brothers had managed to find another Moon and one with magic.
The Robot Moon sat across from the Not Human Moon.  Up close it was clear the beings hair was matted, tears streaked his face. His shoulders where slumped in defeat and sorrow. "So they found one?" "Clearly" Said Robot Moon "What's all of this" he gestured to the blocks scattered about "Its a metaphorical manifestation of my magic" the other Moon said weekly picking up what looked like a minecraft grass block. "It looks like a minecraft diorama" Robot Moon said picking up a block. Like someone hitting a gong magic reverberated for a second hard between them. 
Slowly other Moon took a deep breath starting to relax. "Eh magic can appear in weird ways in the mind. Though I'm guessing MineCraft is your worlds version of CraftyBlocks" "That is such a dumb name" Robot Moon said setting the grass block down on the table where it felt right. The block glowed slightly and seamlessly attach itself to the table. "Of course MineCraft isn't much better"
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undermostcorgi · 3 months
the media which consumes your entire soul at age 12 will forever be a part of you. this is an unavoidable consequence of living and you have to accept this fact. no matter how old you get, no matter how long it has been since you last saw its smug face peeking out from the bushes as it follows you, no matter if you think you have outrun it for good and that you're finally finally safe and you hardly even remember it exists anymore and your brain knows a few brief moments of true peace, it WILL catch up to you in your moment of weakness. and listen you don't want to hear this but sometimes this is necessary for your mental health. you will on instinct want to reject it and run away again but sometimes. sometimes you just need to watch that old show or listen to that silly song or read that weird book again as an adult and it will hurt you a little bit in various little ways but it will also heal you a little bit. you can call it nostalgia you can call it connecting with your inner child or whatever you want but just listen to me it WILL HAPPEN TO YOU TOO AT SOME POINT AND YOU HAVE TO BE PREPARED FOR THIS (i am forcibly dragged off the stage by security)
#heed my warning boy#it seems i am not well today#recently made the reluctant decision to revisit what was probably my VERY FIRST real hyperfixation#something that i don't necessarily want to mention by name right now because. well#its pretty objectively bad LOL like i dont think i know of ANYONE still posting about it or really proud of having liked it back in the day#i dont think it is as well known to the general public so it wont get me hunted down for sport even if i did name it probably hopefully#but for those who know its. probably not the best thing to be revisiting lmao (even though i think it might still be being made?? wtf)#but i felt i had to because i was about to start my period and was going crazy insane like you do you know how it is#and i randomly remembered a fanfic i loved and then remembered my fav character and how much i loved him#my actual first ever blorbo oh my GOD he was everything to me#so i reluctantly decided to rewatch “just the first few episodes” just to see how much i remembered and also to prove to myself it sucks#but surprise surprise: nostalgia and hormones are making me actually kind of enjoy it#and now i am suffering from fucking Catholic-like Guilt for not hating it which i think is pretty silly lmao#so im kind of posting this in an attempt to convince myself that its like. FINE and cringe is dead and all that#and that sometimes i gotta be nice to my little mentally ill brain and give it the junk food (bad media) it craves#ESPECIALLY when im on my period LMAO#anyway completely unrelated: why the FUCK do i still remember almost every single fucking word to the delicious tomato song SDHJFKSAJF#i hope no one actually reads this far in the tags bc i know that reveal will probably deal psychological damage to some of you LMAO SORRYYY#ok yeah posting this and then immediately going to bed so that the Haters cant reach me LOL SEE YA
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duck-era-lexi · 2 years
i miss traves and cscoop so much even tho i literally have never been interested in streamers/mcyt content at all i just remember watching mcm. 
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un-pearable · 2 years
okay. s6 thoughts. you can pinpoint the part where my heart breaks right at the beginning of the season
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i have to say though i was pleasantly surprised at how decent jay/naya was at like the 2/3rds way point of the season and onwards when its just them. like as you can tell i am not particularly fond of the way the writers attempt romance. but either way all i ask for is that jay/naya doesnt get any more drama. since i can never win with shipping in this series im not counting on it, but a girl can dream.
anyways i think its really kind of weird how all naya wanted this arc was some agency and then she... didnt even get to significantly contribute to ending the djinn. like man the only reason jay's wish got made was because she was dying for man pain. the irony is almost too much. but i digress
i simultaneously like and dislike jay's final wish bc i dislike that nya had to die and also that it undoes the whole season (except for jay and naya for some reason (????? like why does nobody else remember this. actually scratch that ive given up trying to understand how the djinn wishes work)) but i also like it because the way its presented feels like. i dont know. complete? rounded? its really weird. also fun fact im pretty sure i saw the final episode of this season and like none of the rest of it other than maybe the episode where the ninja go to jail. the wonders of cable tv
it is really terribly unfortunate, btw, that the only darker skinned character in the whole show is a rapist. i really dont like that i really dont like that at all.
in other news, zane continues to get nerfed by the writers by things outside his control because otherwise he'd be too powerful. they nerfed him when he took control of the team last season and they nerfed him again with the djinn wishes. i STILL dont understand how he deleted pixal. it makes no sense he just. did that (??????) and they didnt even try to explain
speaking of djinn lore that doesnt make sense to me, i still dont understand why he didnt just marry anybody on his ship and then wish them to be his girlfriend. like idk man that seems so much more simple.
i am also terribly terribly TERRIBLY disappointed we didnt get a "STOP THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" like for real what is Even The Point. whyd you even bother doing this at all. the answer is so that we could get jay/naya but man its not even explained how getting married gives him all those powers. just because. the other person doesnt even have to CONSENT and it works ????? somehow ????????? actually speaking of if she doesnt have to consent. whyd we even bother going through all this at all when she gets captured way earlier. man the lore of this season is just a mess.
im not gonna lie i really dont like the fact that zane's dad made a replacement for him. not even like a different kid its literally just zane 2.0 despite the fact that both of them are sentient and, yknow. people. that would, however, be a very interesting subplot to explore re: zane's identity as a robot but unfortunately we wont be getting that bc i dont think this show likes what i like very much. also very sad that the other zane, who is still a person btw, is gonna be trapped in that lighthouse for the rest of time.
also really really funny that old lloyd looks like a garmadon clone. reminded me of something my friend who i am liveblogging my ninjago revival to said like 3 days ago
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anyways watch them give lloyd a girlfriend and watch me tear my hair out as the ninjago writers continue to curse me with their attempts at romance. im also like 40% sure a time travel arc is coming up soon but maybe im remembering wrong. guess we shall Wait And See.
also unrelated but i have to say the djinn response to a wish being "your wish is yours to keep" instead of "your wish is my command" is honestly pretty epic. i do love that.
also. a . question. are we.... are we ever going to get back to the fact that jay's bio dad is (presuming hes still alive. well i guess at the point the season leaves off he is but still you get the idea) a world famous actor and dumped his son off at a junkyard despite being fabulously wealthy and then named said son as his heir without ever contacting him (????????????????) please tell me we're going back to that. please. who the heck is his bio mom. many questions no answers.
so, my wishes for the next season: no love drama please i am on my hands and knees i am begging i am pleading no more romance. give me a break dear writers please. um other than that i was talking to previously mentioned friend earlier and i was like "well im pretty sure garmadon is coming back because if theres one thing this show hates its letting go of its cast" and she said that he comes back in an extremely mediocre way and thinks i will be mad so. that. is a thing i am . well i want to see him again but im also not so sure i want to see him again with this new information. so theres that. um i want more team interactions as always. i want people hanging out and being friends. i also want bad alt outfits. im a simple lady honestly
(preface: my infinite apologies for not getting this till now my life is a disaster rn. i am GREATLY enjoying these)
the immediate turnaround.... yeahhh. i'm a filthy early seasons stan and boy does it become very clear the more seasons they get that the struggle between the writer's cool ideas and their ability to execute them is constant and ongoing (and largely losses). im pretty sure s6 had some notoriously bad crunch too and it definitely shows
kudos to them for finally getting their one-on-one dynamic down bc it can be REALLY fun when used to its full potential but the majority of the time nya gets nerfed and its the biggest loss ever. theres so much to do with your deconstruction of the damsel how dare they fuck it up so many times 😔 dangers of an ever growing cast but cmon
i can do nothing but agree with your complex feelings on the ending bc its both incredibly frustrating and incredibly fitting. the racial implications of this show only get more,, concerning. as time goes on so tragically yeah. yeah. fuckin hell lego
zane king of my heart. the cornerstone of the team my tag is loadbearing nindroid for good reason. you are constantly correct
!!! yes!!! the one thing that could have made that entire plot line (slightly) more comedic than uncomfortable. literally nothing about this season has logic that makes sense even within JUST this season its terrible its great.
i can't even comment on the echo zane stuff its just baffling to me they don't ever use it. fucking WILD thing to make canon and then never bring it up again dear god. both intriguing implications for dr. julien's.... everything and completely squandered opportunity to actually get into robot storylines again which are 80% of the reason i watched the show. eternally crossing my fingers that those rumors about the villains are true bc dear god does julien get more fucked up the more you think about him. (preboot) chuck and dr julien are the same archetype stop making connections brain. that is a negative statement they're both well meaning but fucked up. and self flagellating for the wrong reasons
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oHHH yeah. the familial symbolism in this series is like a drug to me i can't get enough of it. approaching lloyd and garmadon as the same core traits just with vastly different circumstances... ninjago has fascinating implications for the nature vs nurture debate ill leave it at that
it is!!! its cool as hell.
everything about jay is fascinating to me he has as many bonkers decisions behind his existence as lloyd does only he's supposed to be The Normal Guy so it loops back around. untapped comedic potential in him being wealthy enough to subsidize their entire crimefighting lifestyle but being too traumatized to explain why. the larry butz of ninjago.
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liesyousoldme · 1 month
don’t give kids video games. it’s a trap. my 7-year-old nephew just gave me a 15 minute rundown of poppy’s playhouse and then QUIZED ME ON IT
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polaraffect · 2 months
lol lmao when the people in your performance group project didn't prepare AT ALL for anything so now you have to attempt to edit what you filmed into something vaguely watchable and it's Not Working
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Mutuals I have a dilemma and I require assistance okay
I have a massive crush on someone that I am friends with and I want to shoot my shot cuz it’s getting like unbearable keeping this to myself lol but they were in a long term relationship that ended badly a while back and it kinda messed them up so I don’t know if they’d really wanna consider dating me, or if they even like me that way and I would just be like. Really sad if I got rejected and they’re such a good presence I don’t wanna lose our friendship but I’m like gonna explode if I have to keep this in any longer so what should I do and how should I go about bringing this up 🥺
#i am also just gonna talk about them a bit cuz teehee i just NEED TO#theyre so fucking cool theyre all punk rock they play the electric guitar and can SCREAM really good#theyre only a little bit taller than me and they got this pretty shoulder length dark hair#theyre really shy and dont talk much but theyre so funny they did these really good spongebob impressions to make me laugh#and i literally started happy flapping it made me so happy!!! and they like my impressions too!#and theyre so sweet like so sweet to animals they love animals so much they said its a fault#they have this baby orange cat named momo hes just the cutest baby i love him so much#and they work horrible jobs just because they needed to move out cuz momo was being forced to live outside in a cage#and they were just so upset they worked really hard to give momo a good life#and they took me to this cemetery where their family was buried for generations and like we found one grace that was broken#like the top had fallen off and they put the pieces back together and pat the top and was like ‘there you go buddy!’#guys i was like OHHHH like that was the final straw that got me down so bad#theyre really smart too they told me all about exotic fruit and this forest in utah thats the biggest organism in the world!#like all the trees are all connected its so cool!#and we played mario party they were donkey kong they spammed the button that makes thre characters laugh#going ooh ooh aah aah#and theyre soooo cute they have like nose rings and painted nails and a rose tattoo and nice hands really pretty lips 😳#they were trying to make a black denim skirt out of jeans and they cant sew well so it kinda fell apart#i definitely think im just gonna take it and sew it up for them myself cuz they were SO EXCITED to have a skirt and im just#IM NOT LETTING THEM BE ROBBED OF THIS EXPERIENCE I WILL SLAVE AWAY WITH THE NEEDLE IF I MUST#hnnnghh god i just like them so much i really just wanna kiss them and like cuddle and wrap my legs around them and uhhhh 🫣#like i dont get crushes much and even the ones ive had ive been skeptical to if they even were crushes#but i literally cant stop thinking of this person we talk like every day and just talking about them has my heart pounding#im just so worried about them not liking me back or them being too hurt from their last relationship to give me a shot#according to jackie i ‘got it bad’ so getting rejected would just be like. hnnghhh scary#WHAT DO I DOOOOOO
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seiko-yume · 1 year
I LOVED the owl house finale, ok. I know everyone was working under limited time and had to roll with what they had to wrap this all up. I had more questions than the episode prior, but it doesn’t matter. There are things in life we will never have the answer to, and it’s better to be content with the unknown than to die trying to find the answer to it. I dont even care that my sexyman died cause I got to see my son (The Collector) again. Also wtf King’s dad is Sans Undertale???? I just know everyone’s simping over The Titan.
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