#i am Still marty as we Speak
sparxymcfly · 2 years
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Hi everyone I happened to realize I had the perfect opportunity to contribute to the growing empire of @odddelorean . Hopefully this satisfies <3 Marty finally receives his duly deserves pizza!
There's a SICK 80's pizza place nearby that I just HAD to christen Marty at and Yes that's the Terminator in the background. Apologies for him! But we Had to sit at the Back to the Future table so alas! The Terminator is here.
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erikiara80 · 2 months
About Will
Last year the Duffers said that in S5 Will takes center stage again, and now they're even telling us how the season starts, with the flashback of Will in the UD. That's why I think the reveals about him should be huge, like the ones about Henry and El in S4.
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This makes me happy. Will and his story are my favorite thing, and I have so many questions.
Was Will really just in the wrong place at the wrong time, a random victim who later became the brother of Vecna's actual target, Eleven?
Maybe. But I'll be honest, I think this would be disappointing. Most of the audience already believes that. All these years, all the mystery surrounding Will, and in the end it was just to hide Vecna, who was introduced in S4, so when we see S5 it's not even a plot twist anymore? Hm.
There could be an interesting parallel with Henry winding up in Dimension X tho. Wrong place at the wrong time. But Henry developed powers. What about Will, who ended up in the UD? Also, if he was just in the wrong place, why did they make his abduction so different from all the other attacks? It's just because it was the first one and they wanted it to be cool? Again, disappointing, imo. And if the reason was just "make the scene cool", I don't know why in other seasons they kept making parallels between the Demogorgon opening the Byers' door, something it only does in 1x01, and El opening a LOT of doors with telekinesis.
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I think it's more likely that Will's flashbacks in S5 will be like El's flashbacks in S4. They made us believe that Eleven killed all the other numbers, only to reveal later that it's not what really happened. I expect something like that for Will too. Maybe at first, everything seems to confirm that he was just a random victim, and then we find out that it's not true. Or he was a random victim, but then, like Henry, he developed psychic abilities.
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Speaking of that
Does Will have powers or not?
I am a Will-has-powers truther, this is not a mystery lol. But does it make sense in the story? (some thoughts here) Does he have powers like Harry Potter, or the Turtle (here), or Bastian, or he's like Peter Bishop, Marty McFly and Frodo Baggins? Noah said that Will's superpower is his heart, but you know, you can have that and also powers. Plus, in S4 they connect the concept of time travel to emotions, so if there's a timeloop or something like that, and Will's name is on the grandfather clock...
Maybe his abilities are different from anything we've seen. Maybe something more connected to the UD. I'm just saying, why making him a wizard/cleric, if he's just a normal kid?
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For example, they never really explained why he's still so connected to Vecna and, I suspect, the UD (because he is also like Radagast, and the kid in Poltergeist, who gets kidnapped because of her powers) Yes, Max seems to have answered that question: when Vecna makes a psychic connection, you are marked. In fact, at some point she even says that she can still feel him. But when she's in his mind lair, she doesn't feel his thoughts. She says that he was surprised and didn't want her there... but he actually says that. Also, they would really answer the questions about the big mystery of Will's connection to Vecna like that, when he's not even the focus of the scene?
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That's why I think the answer is more complex for him. Max can't feel Vecna's thoughts or feelings, Will can, like Harry can feel Voldemort. Could the reason be that he was connected to the hive mind? We can't be sure, he's the only one who survived a possession. There are no particles left in his body (as far as we know) or he would've died in S2. So, why is the connection still there and so strong, that the moment he's back in Hawkins, he can feel that Vecna is hurting and wants to destroy everything?
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Why in S2 Will knows that the evil wants to kill everyone but him? And why would Vecna/Mind Flayer want to kill everyone but a random kid with no powers, whose only ability was to hide from a monster for a week? Henry Creel considered all the lab kids, people with powers, inferior to himself and Eleven, but for some reason he wanted a sensitive child who's just good at hiding? It doesn't make sense to me.
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In the game, they seem to give us the answer. Well, they don't explain if Will was just in the wrong place at the wrong time on Nov 6, but they say that the reason he is the key and Vecna wants him, is that he wants to use him to find Eleven.
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If this is true... Henry/Vecna needed Eleven to open a door, so he makes her make a psychic contact with a Demogorgon. When the gate opens, he lets the creature kidnap/kill random people. Then realizes that he can find Eleven, if he uses the only victim he is letting hide in the UD because, reasons. But when she finally is in the void with Will, instead of killing her, he interrupts the contact with Will, goes to Castle Byers, takes him to the library, and impregnates him with a little Demogorgon. And then? What would've happened if Joyce hadn't found Will? We still don't know if the tendril was killing him or giving him oxigen, like the facehugger does in Alien (the parallel with Sarah could be a hint tho), because we don't know what happened to Barb. If she died in the pool and then was taken to the library, or if it's the tendril that killed her.
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If Will was actually dying, then the answer in the game doesn't make sense. If Vecna just wants to use him to find and kill Eleven, he wouldn't have tried to kill him. Unless that whole process was supposed to turn Will into Zombie Boy, a creature of the UD, similar to Vecna, who could find Eleven. That's a bit complicated, tho.
Not to mention the whole possession in S2. Again, let's say that Vecna didn't want to kill Will in the library, but just turn him into a monster. He failed. So, when Will is home, he makes him have visions, then possesses him, with the intent of killing everyone but him. Because he wants him to find and spy Eleven. But in the 1959 flashback, in TFS, and in the game, we see that Henry can read any mind. So, sorry but why does he need Will, specifically, to find Eleven?
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Also, if the particles can just possess you in a vision and then appear in our world, why didn't they possess more people? Easier to find El, and even if you lose Will, you still have the others. It's what the Mind Flayer does in S3. The big difference? In S3 the particles are already in our world.
So I wonder if Will is the only one Vecna/Mind Flayer can possess like that, because they were already connected before the possession
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Ok, in S3, the Mind Flayer takes a guy named William because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. And then he uses him to build a monster that finds Eleven and takes her powers. So, maybe the 'wrong place, wrong time' is true, but the rest... is interesting. Jonathan says that they built Castle Byers the way Will drew it, and MindFlayer!Billy tells Billy to build what he sees. Also interesting that there are two Billies. It reminds me of If I go there will be trouble, and if I stay it will be double (different timelines, twin imagery, Henry and Edward, Richard and Martin. And Will and Eleven?)
So, my theory is that Will and El are more connected than it seems, and that's why Vecna needs Will. And maybe he is also using him to "build" his army, and make the UD spread? I don't know.
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But for all these reasons, I think it would make more sense if Will wasn't just a random victim, or at least he's developed some ability.
Will has parallels with Cerebro (here) and Nancy says that the lights came to life when he was in the UD, a parallel to what Steve says in S3, (Let there be light) after Will senses the Mind Flayer for the first time at the mall. When he's watching a zombie movie. There's also that beautiful theory (I don't remember who posted it, sorry) about Will being connected to the light particles and using them to destroy the black particles of the Mind Flayer.
Light particles that look like fairy dust -> Will being called fairy. Lights that come to life -> a battery
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I think I've found some big hint that this theory might be correct. Anyway, it seems that Will is connected to the very existence of the UD. Not saying he created it, but if lights came to life when he was there, maybe if they interrupt the connection, that place, whatever it is, will cease to exist.
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knickynoo · 9 months
[Fair warning that some things here may spoil parts of the show.]
• First things first: It was so good. It was so, so, very good. Incredible show. I'd been hearing great things about the show since it first came out in London, and I've been listening to the music since it dropped, so I pretty much went in knowing I'd like it but it still managed to be even better than I thought.
• Just the setup of the theater itself and the ambiance prior to it starting was so cool. The way everything is lit blue and there's all the electrical zapping and humming. THE CONSTANT TICKING OF CLOCKS THAT FILLED THE THEATER. Nothing had even happened yet, and I was like, "This is such a good show."
• My one big cause for hesitation was Casey playing Marty. I know absolutely nothing about the guy, but Marty is just so dear to my heart, and MJF's energy and physicality isn't something easily captured. I had my doubts about seeing someone try to bring Marty to Broadway, but Casey walked onto the stage, called out, "Doc?" and I went, "Yeah, okay. There's Marty."
• For real, though, Casey was phenomenal as Marty. He had the vocal inflection down. The right amount of crackliness. Very good balance of cool kid and disoriented mess.
• Um. HUGH COLES?!? Talk about brilliant casting. I mean it when I say that he somehow seemed more George than George from the movie. The audience reacted with a sense of awe when he started speaking and moving around the stage. It was like Crispin Glover had been plucked straight from the film and injected with More Georgeness. When he did the laugh, the audience went nuts. His physical acting and the way he captured George's gestures perfectly was amazing to watch.
• As I'd expected, Musical Doc is ten times more chaotic and unhinged than Movie Doc. Roger Bart's comedic timing is impeccable. He earned himself frequent howling laughter from the audience from the moment he appeared on stage.
• His "Good thing I kept this radiation suit from my Manhattan Project days" line was a nice touch.
• "Despite my fear of heights, I was standing on my toilet," was such a gem of a line.
• THE DELOREAN. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE DELOREAN. I had no idea how they were going to depict a car speeding to 88mph on a small stage, but THEY DID IT. Astounding. Honestly might be the coolest effects I've ever seen done on a stage. Also, I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the addition of it being voice-activated and talking, but it worked nicely!
• The musical obviously had to trim some parts of the movie—and even omit parts entirely—but it was done so well that you either didn't even notice or miss they were gone. The change from George being hit by a car to simply falling out of the tree was one of these changes. (Marty's under the tree trying to catch him, btw, which is how he ends up getting knocked out)
• I couldn't tell if this was an ad-lib from Casey, but when he was trying to get his pants back on in the Baines house scene, he started struggling a bit with the tangled suspenders that were wrapped around one of the legs of the jeans and muttered in frustration, "Why do I wear suspenders??" Very funny little moment.
• Great chemistry between Bart and Casey. The connection between Doc and Marty was THERE. The musical GOT IT RIGHT. So many hilarious moments between them in the form of completely unintelligible banter, where they're just talking over each other and having like...verbal tennis matches of nonsense. It's hard to describe in writing, but trust me, it was so good. It went something like this:
Doc: "Marty!"
Marty: "Doc!"
Both Simultaneously: *literal gibberish*
• There's a beautiful little addition to the scene when Marty shows up at Doc's house in 1955 and tries to convince him he's from the future. After Doc asks him to take him to this supposed "time machine" Marty goes, "Sure, hang on, I just gotta grab some flashlights." Then he goes straight to a cabinet and quickly retrieves two flashlights without a second thought, to which Doc is like, "How did you know they were in there??" Marty knows!! He knows exactly where the flashlights are because of course he does!!
• Perhaps one of the funniest moments of the show was right at the end of the "Future Boy" number, where the music stops and there's that breaking of the fourth wall moment. Doc and Marty look around in confusion at all the backup singers and dancers awkwardly standing around his house (one of the singers continues dancing/singing long after the others has stopped lol) and Doc wordlessly opens the door so they can all scurry out.
• Doc's dream of visiting the year 2020 where everything is perfect and there's "no disease" got some very loud laughter from the audience.
• Oh. Oh, the scene at Doc's house at night after the demonstration with the toy car. The way everything gets solemn for a moment, and Doc is doubting himself and worried about failing. Marty's lovely little speech about how everything will be okay because he believes in him. He trusts Doc. He knows it'll work and they'll get him home. The way Marty is the one looking after and taking care of Doc in that moment. When he asks, "Do you need anything, Doc? Can I make you a sandwich?" And then when he says softly, "Goodnight, Doc. Pleasant dreams."
• "PUT YOUR MIND TO IT" !!!! I loved this sequence so, so much. Marty gets to strut his stuff while George flails around trying to imitate him. It was funny, the choreography was great, and we get such a nice Marty and George hug at the end! Why didn't they hug in the movie??
• The audience was super engaged and reactive through the whole show, but it noticeably ramped up in the latter part—starting with the night of the dance. There was such an excitement as people anticipated George swooping in to take down Biff and protect Lorraine. When Biff went down, the audience whooped and clapped and cheered so much.
• EARTH ANGEL! THE MOMENT GEORGE AND LORRAINE KISS. It was just like the movie. The music suddenly swelled, Marvin belted out, "The vision of your happiness", George and Lorraine kissed, and the audience. Lost. Their. Minds. It was as if people were experiencing the story for the first time—that's how strong the reaction was. So cool.
• Audience also went wild at the start of Johnny B. Goode. That was a neat sequence as well. Huge laughs at the "But your kids are gonna love it" line.
• The clocktower scene! Marty handing Doc the letter and saying, "I wrote you a thank-you note; don't read it until you get home!!" LOL. So many amazing effects going on in this one. For those of you who have seen the show, you probably remember Doc running up the clocktower stairs, right? Did the audience nearly die of laughter like they did at my showing? That was truly one of the top 5 funniest moments of the show, in my opinion. It had me giggling hours later once I was home. For those of you who have not seen the show, I don't think I can adequately put into words what was happening during this scene, but it was incredibly funny. It's good there wasn't any dialogue during it, because no one would have heard it with the way everyone was laughing.
• The fire trails on stage got quite the awed reaction. Super cool.
• The hug! We get our Doc and Marty hug at the end! I'm so glad they realized that moment was missing from the movie.
• I liked the shift from Marty waking up at home to him waking up on the bench in town instead. The "George McFly Day" part was a fun addition, and it flowed nicely into Marty's "Power of Love" performance.
• THE CAR FLEW. IT FLEW UP IN THE AIR AND THE WHEELS TURNED IN AND IT WENT OUT OVER THE AUDIENCE. HOW DID THEY DO THAT. IT DID A COMPLETE ROTATION UPSIDE DOWN WHILE CASEY AND BART WAVED TO PEOPLE. If anyone knows of any videos or articles explaining how they did things with the car, please let me know because I can't find anything and I would love to know how they did it! You couldn't see anything holding the car, and i'm so confused! The effects were so good.
• Love how, when the show ended, the giant screen on the stage just said, "Make like a tree and get outta here."
...I think those are all my thoughts. I was planning to write up a post with just a couple of bullet points of highlights and instead. Well. This is what you get from me, and if you've followed my blog for any length of time, you know that. But really, the show was so well done. I had a blast. I bought a pin that says, "Whoa, this is heavy" and I'm going to put it on my denim jacket :)
For those who are planning to see the musical, I hope this helps hype you up for it. And for those who can't see it, I hope this gives you a good look at what it's like!
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senditcolton · 8 months
we were supposed to be just friends
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an introduction to Abigail Lenox and Matt Martin's tumble from friendship into something more.
series masterlist | title inspo | word count: 2.6k a/n: it's a double drop day! told you all I still loved Marty. this story is courtesy of all of you who planted this idea of friends to lovers Matt Martin in my head and that's where it stayed. this is one of the many reasons why I love you guys. warnings: none! Disclaimer: Reading/creating content for married players isn’t for everyone. Please don’t read if you don’t vibe with it, but don’t attack me or others!
The rumble of the train beneath Abigail Lenox was a welcome sensation after a grueling rehearsal, the muscles in her legs still tight after the hours spent balancing on her toes.
Many of her co-workers thought that she was crazy to make the commute from Greenwich to New York City every day, adding an hour-long commute to her already hectic schedule. But she didn’t mind it. The travel gave her time to relax and decompress. It also reminded her how far she had come; the only daughter of a single mom who clawed her way up the pyramid to become one of the principal dancers of the American Ballet Theater.
She snaps herself back to the present before she gets lost in the memories of her mom’s sacrifice, this train route, and the feeling of excitement bubbling up at the opportunity presented to her all those years ago. With a sigh, Abigail sinks down onto one of the unoccupied seats, removing her phone from her duffel bag and quickly swipes to her contact list. She doesn’t have to scroll far down the list of names before her best friend’s number is pulled up and the call button is pressed.
As she holds up the cell phone to her ear, she listens to the line ring one, twice, three times before a cheerful voice falls through the speaker.
“Hey Abby,” Matt Martin speaks and Abigail can’t help the grin that breaks out her face at the sound of his deep timbre along with the chatter of others in the background.
“Hey Matt. Are you still at practice?”
“It’s over but I’m still in the locker room with a few of the guys. Hey, say ‘hi’ to Abby.”
The grin on Abigail’s face widens as she hears a chorus of other male voices call through the phone to her. She cheerfully replies back although she is pretty sure they can’t hear her, a thought that is only confirmed when she hears Matt chuckle reverberating through the speaker.
“How was rehearsal?”
“Exhausting like always, but everyone is really excited considering opening night is only a few days away,” she replies. And, much like it always did, her mind instinctually jumps through whatever choreography was tripping her up. It was an exhausting role for more than one reason and Abigail knew the nerves would not be settled until she was out on that stage, performing in front of an audience. “Speaking of which, I wanted to check that you got your tickets. If you forgot, I still have one from the family and friends’ allowance that the company gives us.”
“Abby, I got my ticket as soon as I knew I could make it. Like I always do.”
“Oh, always?” she asks, her voice taking on a teasing tone. “So that one time I had to scrounge up a ticket last minute for you to see Giselle doesn’t count?”
“I can’t believe you still bring that up,” Matt sighs, his own words matching her tone to indicate that it was in jest rather than actual exasperation.
“Like I’m going to forget the time you almost forgot to see my American Ballet debut.”
“That was back when I was a twenty-something-year-old who couldn’t keep track of a schedule. I am much more mature now.”
“Sure, if you say so,” she sing-songs in reply, her eyes darting outside the window as she watches the suburbs of New York pass her by.  
“If you keep being mean to me, I’m going to tell the boys to return their tickets.”
The off-handed threat Matt attached to the ending of his teasing sentence has Abigail eyes darting away from the window, her body perking up in the leather train seat.
“What do you mean ‘the boys’?” she asks, the rhythm of her heart increasing in excitement and anticipation of his next words.
“I convinced a few of the guys to come along with me to see you opening night,” Matt explains, his voice ever so casual but Abigail can hear the smile coming through his voice.
“Yeah, you’re going to have five hockey boys cheering you on from the audience. Plus two wives.”
“How’d you manage that?” Abigail asks, a light-laugh falling from her lips. “Don’t you always tell me the boys make fun of you for going to the ballet?”
“Eh, I can be convincing when I need to be.”
“Okay, so I might have bribed them a little but I know they’ll love it. Anyways, you always say that seeing a performance changes people’s opinions about dance and so, I’m making them see a performance.”
“Yeah, I don’t want it them to be dragged to it,” Abigail whines. What Matt said was true: she loved her job and wanted everyone to understand the hours of work and dedication that went into this craft instead of just seeing it as a career filled with sparkles and hoity-toity people who thought themselves too good for anyone else. But she also knew forcing those people to sit down in a theatre for three hours would not be the way to change their opinion.
“I promise, it’ll be fine. They’re cool with it. I really only managed to convince the guys who were already at least a little interested anyway.”
“Oh, so you’re not as convincing as you think you are.”
“Just let me have my moment,” Matt playfully scoffs, pulling a giggle from Abigail’s lips at his voice.
“Alright, you win,” she concedes with a sigh. “So, who’s coming?”
“Well, me – obviously – and then Casey, Brock, Anders and Grace, and finally Cal and Cassie. But they might have to bow out if they can’t find a babysitter. Although I think his girls would love to go to the ballet.”
“Um,” Abigail hums, extending the tone. “Maybe don’t have Cal bring his daughters to this ballet.”
“Wait” Matt says and Abigail can hear a door closing, the voices from the locker room silencing, indicating Matt’s departure from the rink. She doesn’t have a lot of time to focus on his movements when his voice sounds again. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she replies, once again lengthening the syllables as she undoes her hair, the long brunette strands falling over her shoulders. “It’s not exactly a, um… a PG rated show.”
“Abigail, what the fuck are you dancing in?”
“I swear I’ve told you about the show.”
“Maybe but you definitely didn’t elaborate that it wasn’t family-friendly.”
“Well, considering I didn’t know that any families were attending, it didn’t seem relevant until now,” she playfully quips back and she can hear the sigh and closing car door echo through the other end of the line. There is a small moment before Matt speaks again.  
“Fine, fair point, but can you tell me now?”
“Okay. But I’m not going to spoil the plot for you. And I swear, if you look it up, I’m going to murder you. You’ve seen me prep my pointe shoes before. I can use the same methods on you.”
“I promise,” Matt replies, the hint of laughter in his voice at her threat, knowing full well the stark difference between her slight frame and his bulking figure.
“Okay, so the ballet is titled Mayerling and it follows the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, Prince Rudolph, and certain events in his life. And … let’s just say… Rudolph is not someone to be admired and the ballet really shows that.”
“I am both intrigued and terrified,” Matt says. “So, who do you play in all of this? His wife? His mother?”
“I’m his mistress,” she confesses, her out of context declaration earning a questioning glance from a passenger sitting across the aisle. Abigial thinks about adding the context but Matt’s incredulous tone pulls her back to the original conversation.
“I told you, it’s not a family-friendly show. If Cal can’t make it and wants to bring his kids next time, I’ll get him tickets for The Nutcracker or something.”
“I’m never going to look at ballet the same way after this, am I?”
“Probably not. But hey, it’s a great story and a fantastic show for some of the other guys to see. Maybe then they’ll realize ballet isn’t all silk ribbons and sparkly tutus.”
“I think I’d prefer you in silk ribbons and sparkly tutus,” Abigal hear Matt mutter and she lets out a laugh at his grumble, sounding so much like all the brothers she encountered in her upbringing; the ones that were clearly dragged to their sister’s recitals when they’d much rather be doing anything else.
“Well, I think you’re going to end up liking this one anyway,” she remarks. “Just please don’t be scandalized by the pas de deux at the end of Act II.”
“Okay, what the fuck aren’t you telling me?”
Matt’s outburst only causes another raucous laugh to escape Abigail, her joy echoing through the train car and down the end of the line. Her heart sings, not only in delight at the banter she can share with her best friend but at the knowledge that she can count on him for so many things.
One: that he will always be there to support her.
Two: that he is one of the few people who can make her laugh so freely.
Matt Martin was in big trouble.
He had always commended himself on being level-headed, on only acting out of emotion when necessary. It was a good skill to have – applicable both on and off the ice. It stopped himself from getting into messy complicated situations that could lead to plenty of negative outcomes: a penalty kill, a game suspension, injury, hurt feelings, and bruised hearts.
But now, sitting in a luxurious theater that always made him feel a little out of place and listening to the refrains of an orchestra, Matt knew his composure was dissolving. Because he was watching Abigail, the girl he had known for 10 years and one of his closest friends, dance.
And yes, while he had seen her dance plenty of times before, he had never seen her dance like this.
She had warned him as much a week ago when she advised against Cal bringing his daughters to watch the show. But no warning in the world could have prepared Matt for some of the scenes that had already unfolded and no warning could’ve prepared him for this, the final scene of Act II.
Matt watches, enraptured as his best friend moves across the stage, watches as she wraps herself around her co-star’s body, watches her facial expressions shift from teasing to pure ecstasy.
So many people would probably just say that her dancing was beautiful. And it was – it always was. But Abigail told him one night after a few too many margaritas that she hated that compliment.
‘Saying that ballet is beautiful is like saying hockey is fast. Like, duh, of course it is. But if you’re using that as a compliment, it’s superficial. It just tells me you’re only paying attention to the surface and not the substance, not the work that we put into it to make it beautiful. Think of a different adjective and then I might take it as a compliment.’
Right now, though, she was more than beautiful. The way her body moved, the strength and precision of every muscle in her body, the shapes that she could make, the positions she could twist herself into, all the while making it look like the most elegant, natural movement.
But if Matt had to attach a descriptor to what he was watching unfold on stage a few dozen feet in front of him, there was only one word echoing through his mind; Abigail’s dancing was erotic.
And that left Matt stunned. Because it was a side of his friend that he had never seen before. Or perhaps he had, but it was one that he never bothered to acknowledge.
He was being forced to acknowledge it now as he continued to watch Abigail move across the stage, being lifted, spun, and kissed by her scene partner. Watching as she plays the coy almost dangerous character with an ease that Matt still needed to wrap his head around. She was so settled into her body in a way that Matt hadn’t seen before.
It surprised him. It intrigued him.
He is snapped out of the spell-like trance that Abigial casted by the sound of the audience applauding and with a shake of his head, he shortly joined in, his eyes returning to Abigial’s frame, noticing the heave of her chest, the spark in her eyes. His eyes don’t leave her until the heavy red curtain falls, hiding her from view.
The lights turn back on for intermission but Matt’s gaze stays glued to the spot where Abigail once was before a playful nudge to his side turns his attention to Casey sitting next to him.
“You might have gotten more of the boys to come if you told them that ballet was like this,” Casey jokes, his own blue eyes glinting in amusement.
“Yeah, well, to be fair, I didn’t know that’s what this ballet was,” Matt says, trying to keep his voice light as his gaze returns to the stage.
“Really? Abigial didn’t tell you?”
“She just mentioned that it wasn’t exactly family-friendly,” Matt explains pulling a scoff of laughter from Casey.
“Well, she was right about that,” he chuckles.
There is a small pause and Matt can almost feel Casey’s eyes return to him and soon feels his friend’s gaze almost dissecting him. Eventually, the tense silence becomes too much for Matt.
“What?” he asks, his own voice doing nothing to hide his tense apprehension.
“What do you want Casey?”
“Nothing. Just wondering how you’re doing,” his teammate elaborates and Matt hates that he can feel the weight of Casey’s stare. That, coupled with Casey’s question has Matt worried that the man sitting next to him can see the impure thoughts running through his head. Thoughts about his best friend.  
“I’m fine,” he mutters out from behind gritted teeth.
“Casey. What do you want me to say?”
“No, no, it’s – it’s nothing,” Casey says, his voice dismissive and Matt almost relaxes, thinking that his friends probing is finished. But then Casey speaks again. “It’s just that you had this look in your eyes while watching Abby dance. Just wondering how you’re doing – seeing her like that.”
“I’m fine. She’s just a… really good dancer.”
“Yeah, she is,” Casey trails off, finally letting the conversation go.
Matt watches out of the corner of his eye as he turns towards Cal and Cassie and it’s only then does Matt let out the deep breath he didn’t know he was holding, Casey’s piercing gaze no longer on him. Although Matt can tell from the thickness of the atmosphere that still hovered over him that there was an entirely separate tension that had no relation to his friend’s questions.
Matt tires to shake off his teammate’s words, chalking up the ‘look’ that Casey observed as nothing more than surprise and admiration for his best friend. Who he had known for years. Who always supported him. Who understood the demand of his career because hers was so similar. Who made him smile. Who was kind and talented and beautiful.
So beautiful in so many ways. An amazing woman that Matt wanted to keep in his life.  
As a friend. Nothing more than that. It was just friendship. Nothing else.
Perhaps if he said it enough, it would return to being the truth.
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Here You Come Again [Part Five]
Fandom: Elvis Presley, RPF, American Actor
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Original Female Characters, Priscilla Presley, Colonel Tom Parker, Vernon Presley, Gladys Presley, Minnie Mae Presley, Marci Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Red West, Sonny West, Marty Lacker, Joe Esposito, Charlie Hodge, Lamar Fike, Alan Fortas, George Klein, Memphis Mafia
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 6232
Summary: When Addison Goodwin was seventeen years old her life was turned inside out after a chance encounter with her past. Now, fifteen years later her life is the best it’s ever been. She has a home, a good job and a daughter she loves more than anything in the world but will all that remain when an old familiar face rolls into town.
Tags: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Las Vegas, The International Hotel, Elvis In Vegas, 1970s, 1970s Elvis, Friends To Lovers, Rekindled Romance, Parenting, Time Line is Sketchy, Guilt, Betrayal, Teenage Pregnancy, Hawaii, Hidden Pregnancy, Jealousy, Sex, Absence of Parent, Single Motherhood, Trauma, Oral Sex, Tension
Notes:  I promise the colonel will be dealth with in due course BUT that fucker aint the centre of this story so he’s not getting more than a chapter istg
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Addison was watching the clock nervously though she wasn’t sure whether she wanted it to speed up or slow down. Elvis would be due any minute and though Addison didn’t feel nervous about seeing him again she was anxious to how Jess would react. She’d been quiet on the way home, not wanting to speak about the night much so Addison hadn’t pushed figuring she’d tell her when she was ready. And she was right. At about one am she had awoken to Jess climbing into her bed, like she often did when she was worried about something. Jess had curled herself into her side and Addison had lay there waiting for whatever she was going to say to come. And it did.   ‘Mom?’ Jess asked as her fingers played with Addison’s hair. ‘Mmm?’ Addison mumbled glancing down though she couldn’t see Jess’ face. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said quietly. ‘Sorry? Jess what are you sorry for?’ Addison asked moving to sit up which forced Jess up into a sitting position too, her blue eyes filled with worry. ‘Everything went horrible and it’s my fault,’ she said. ‘It’s not your fault,’ Addison said, ‘and it didn’t go horrible.’ ‘It didn’t go great,’ Jess said dropping her gaze. ‘Oh Jessie,’ Addison sighed capturing her attention, ‘it wasn’t that bad.’ ‘Not for you,’ she grumbled, ‘you two got along just fine.’ ‘Because we know each other,’ Addison said putting her arm around her until she was nestled into her side, ‘you two just need to get to know one another a bit more and I promise it will get easier.’ ‘I just thought it’d be instant you know? I mean he’s my Dad,’ Jess said. ‘He’s still human,’ Addison said, ‘you’ve gotta give it time.’ ‘Yeah, maybe in five years he’ll talk about me like he talks about Lisa,’ Jess grumbled though her words were sarcastic they made Addison’s heart hurt all the same. She had thought it had bothered her, but she hadn’t pushed.   ‘Just because it isn’t easy breezy just yet doesn’t mean he doesn’t feel the same way about you,’ Addison said, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her. I didn’t think.’ ‘It’s okay,’ Jess said, ‘I mean he’s been married before so I should’ve guessed. Just took me off guard that’s all.’ ‘Are you okay with it?’ Addison asked. ‘I guess,’ Jess said, ‘I mean it’s not like I can change it.’ ‘But would you want to meet her? Because if you don’t that’s up to you. Having a dad is a lot in itself,’ Addison said. ‘No I would. Just not yet,’ Jess said finally looking at her, ‘I don’t think I’m ready for much else yet.’   That was why Addison hadn’t told her he was coming. Whilst she knew seeing Elvis again would be a big thing for Jess she figured if she let it rest it would only give her chance to overthink it and work herself up. At least this way there were no stakes. Jess was laying on her stomach, her hand playing with the carpet idly as she watched TV unaware that her mother was watching her, well her and every flash of a headlight that passed by the house and the clock which ticked on minute by minute. As a set of headlights passed but then stopped outside the house Addison rose as if she was headed to the kitchen though she went the long way round, shutting the living room door behind her. Jess didn’t even look up as she left the room and Addison was barely in the kitchen when she heard a knock at the door.   ‘I’ll get it,’ she called racing down the hallway to their front door so she could open it. He was standing on the front step looking back towards the car that was parked at the bottom of the driveway, the headlights cut, but he looked back towards her when he heard the door open. ‘Hey,’ he said with a smile. ‘Hey,’ she said moving out of the way so he could come inside quickly for fear her neighbour’s curtains would soon start twitching. He stepped inside and as she closed the door he looked around. The house was nice and contemporary but not in a way that made it feel stiff or show-homey. He could hear the TV murmuring in the room beside him signalling someone was in there. Addison however didn’t acknowledge it as she walked towards the kitchen beckoning him to follow, ‘want a drink?’ ‘Sure, waters fine,’ Elvis said following her into the kitchen. ‘So how did cancelling the show go down?’ she asked as they entered the kitchen. The back of the house was roomier, the kitchen flowing into the dining room with a door to what he assumed was the living room. ‘About as well as expected,’ Elvis smirked, ‘that’s why Jer’s posted outside my room tonight. Under strict instructions not to let anyone in because I’m too unwell to see anyone.’ ‘Well I don’t envy him,’ she chuckled. Addison moved to the cupboards pulling glasses out and placing them on the countertop in front of where he was standing. He could tell she was uneasy but as he watched her he realised it wasn’t like the nerves she had had the other day, the day she had told him about Jess. This was different. The pair of them had seemed to settle into a rhythm and it comforted him just how quickly she had done so. No, the nerves were not about him which could only mean they were about Jess.   ‘Nah he doesn’t mind,’ Elvis said, ‘so, is she here?’ ‘Jess? Yeah, she’s in the living room,’ Addison said as she poured water from a jug into his glass before moving back to the fridge. Her tone was light but Elvis could read her too well. ‘She doesn’t know I’m coming does she?’ he asked making her pause and look at him, her tension evident on her face. ‘I figured it’d be better if I, if we didn’t make a big deal out of it,’ she said. ‘Throw her in at the deep end huh?’ Elvis said quirking an eyebrow but before Addison could answer the living room door swung open.   ‘Mom who was at the, oh,’ she said stopping in her tracks as Elvis turned around, ‘hey.’ ‘Hey,’ he said. ‘What’s going on?’ Jess asked looking at her mother for answers. ‘Your dad,’ Addison said still unable to get her mouth acclimatised to the word, ‘he wanted to see you so I invited him over.’ ‘Don’t you have a show?’ she asked looking at Elvis. ‘It’s cancelled,’ he said. ‘Because of me?’ Jess asked panicked. ‘Technical difficulties, right?’ Addison said looking at Elvis for help. ‘Oh, uh, yeah,’ he said, ‘I mean I wanted to see you after last night and then we had some issues and I figured it was a sign.’ ‘Right,’ Jess said still unsure. ‘I thought we could hang out. Get a pizza or something?’ Addison said casually, moving towards the opposite side of the counter. ‘You eat pizza?’ Jess asked sceptically. ‘I’m an entertainer honey, not an alien,’ Elvis joked though it made Jess’ cheeks darken. ‘Pizza it is then,’ Addison said picking the two glasses up off the counter and handing them to Elvis, ‘why don’t you take a seat in the living room while me and Jess find a menu?’ ‘Sure,’ Elvis said feeling her push at him a little so that he got the hint to leave the pair alone. He nodded at Addison and then headed to the living room, throwing Jess a small smile as he moved passed her. She waited until he was definitely out of the room and pushed the door to, racing over to her mother who was trying to find a pizza place menu in one of the drawers.   ‘Why didn’t you tell me he was coming!?’ she hissed. ‘Because I knew it would freak you out,’ Addison said. ‘I’m freaked out now!’ Jess said. ‘Well you don’t need to be,’ Addison said putting her hand on Jess’ shoulder, ‘honey he really wanted to see you. And at least here there are no expectations. For either of you. We can sit and eat pizza. You don’t even have to talk to one another if you don’t want to, okay?’ ‘Yeah, because that won’t be awkward at all,’ Jess said. ‘Well then I’ll dive in on every awkward moment and take the hit okay? For both of you,’ Addison chuckled though it lessened as she noted Jess was still chewing on her lip anxiously, ‘just humour me? And him?’   Jess seemed to deliberate on her mother’s request for a moment and then she nodded moving to the correct drawer and pulling out a take-out menu. She handed it to Addison who smiled at her. She seemed calm but there was something behind her eyes that Addison could sense.   ‘Did he really have to cancel his shows tonight?’ she asked still chewing on her lip. Addison hesitated. ‘No,’ she paused, ‘but in a way yeah.’ ‘What?’ Jess said confused. She figured there was no point in lying to her daughter though she supposed in a way it wasn’t a lie. This was something Elvis had to do. ‘Jess he really wanted to see you again,’ Addison said hoping that would clarify any confusion. ‘Well I guess I can't tell him to go away now then,’ Jess said. ‘You can if you want,’ Addison said. ‘No it’s okay,’ Jess said, ‘I want to see him too.’   When they entered the living room he was standing with his back to them, looking at the various pictures on the mantle. There was an array of them, Jess and Addison on vacation, Jess’ school pictures, Addison and Joe back at their old house. It was nice for him to see, an eye-opener into the life he had missed out on which fortunately seemed like a happy one. He did however spot something that caught his eye. It was Addison perhaps a year or so after they’d lost contact which he could tell from the fact she was holding Jess who seemed to be still a baby though that wasn’t what had intrigued him. Beside her was Marci, standing next to her friend clear as day making faces at Jess who was smiling toothlessly at her. He didn’t know she knew but then again he hadn’t seen Marci when he’d gotten back from the army, Jerry had told him they’d split up when she went to college but it seemed that wasn’t the case. He made a mental note to ask Addison about it whenever the chance arose.   ‘Do you want to take your jacket off? I can hang it up for you,’ Addison asked snapping him from his thoughts. He glanced down, realising he was still wearing the white leather jacket and scarf he had been sporting to keep the winter chill off. ‘Sure,’ Elvis said slipping it off and handing it to her. She took it from him, handing the menu she had been holding to Jess before she disappeared back into the kitchen leaving Jess and Elvis standing in the living room watching each other awkwardly.   Elvis paused for a minute watching her. He didn’t know what to do or say and all of a sudden it was like he was back in those early days of Addison coming to live with him. Those days when he had walked on a tightrope fearing he’d say the wrong thing and she retreat back into herself well until he got brave enough to call her out. Addison he could meet toe to toe, but Jess was a new entity entirely. He wondered what he should say. Fortunately, Jess seemed to find her feet a little and spoke first.   ‘Are you okay with pizza? We couldn’t find any other menus,’ she said dropping into a chair and offering the takeout menu up to him, almost like an invitation to join her. Elvis took it quickly and sat down on the couch next to her chair. ‘Pizzas fine,’ Elvis said, ‘I’m hungry enough I’d eat a horse right now so I’m good with whatever’s going.’ ‘Well this place is pretty good,’ Jess said. ‘Any recommendations?’ Elvis asked. ‘The Barbecue pizza is pretty good but most of it is. I think at this point I’ve had almost everything on the menu,’ Jess said. Her heart was beating a little slower now as she watched him peruse the menu. She didn’t know why but seeing him in her own home made him seem more like a person. Less like Elvis Presley. ‘Damn, how often are you guys ordering pizza?’ Elvis chuckled. ‘Well mom works a lot,’ Jess said, ‘and I can’t cook as well as her so I normally just order takeout. The delivery guy even gives us extra stuff here and there but that’s only when mom’s here so I think he has a crush on her.’   Elvis looked up as she spoke though she wasn’t really paying attention to him. Her words intrigued him. Not the idea of some spotty teenage boy being agog for Addison, that wasn’t hard for him to imagine, no it was the casualness Jess spoke of their situation. He knew Addison was a nurse. He knew she worked but for some reason he hadn’t pictured how that worked. Maybe it was because his working life had always been different to ‘regular’ people. Maybe it was because working hadn’t even been a thought that crossed his mind when Lisa came along. There was always going to be someone around to take care of her so he could work but as Jess spoke he realised just how different her life was from what he had thought. How similar the pair of them were to Addison and Joe.   ‘Who has a crush on me?’ Addison asked as she came back into the room, handing Jess a soda before she shuffled past Elvis and into the seat beside him. ‘Tony from the pizza place,’ Jess said with a smile. ‘Oh god I know. I don’t know how it happened,’ Addison chuckled earning a look from Elvis. ‘You opened the door in your towel!’ Jess giggled making Elvis look at her amusedly. ‘Oh that’s new information,’ Elvis chuckled looking at Jess who grinned. ‘I was in a hurry,’ Addison protested, ‘and I didn’t think it’d be a big deal.’ ‘Oh yeah and I’m sure he hated every second of it,’ Elvis chuckled as Addison flushed.   ‘He’s Jess’ age!’ Addison said as if that proved her point. ‘In that case I’m surprised he didn’t pass out,’ Elvis chuckled, ‘or assume you were coming onto him.’ ‘Either way we’ve gotten free stuff ever since,’ Jess smiled. ‘Maybe you could do a repeat performance,’ Elvis said, ‘see if we can everything for free.’ ‘You want to know something? I don’t think I like this lil alliance,’ Addison said taking the menu out of Elvis’ hands with a pout on her face. Jess and Elvis shared a smirk. Maybe it wasn’t going to be as awkward after all.   ✵✵✵     'Two Jacks,' Elvis said, placing the cards down on the pile in front of him, 'Jess?' 'You can't do that,' Addison said making him look at her with a smirk. 'Why not? Jacks skip a go,' he reasoned. 'Yeah, and you put down two,' Addison said. 'We said we can place doubles down Mom,' Jess said. 'Yeah but that would mean two skips,' Addison reasoned, 'so you can either take a card back or the go skips Jess as well.' 'Oh c'mon,' Elvis grumbled. 'Nuh-uh pal,' Addison said, 'no cheating.' 'It's hardly cheating,' Elvis grumbled tucking a card back into his hand so that Jess could have a go. 'No but I know what you're like and it's a slippery slope,' Addison smirked. 'I'm not that bad,' Elvis scoffed. 'He's the worst cheater ever,' she told Jess. 'And your mom's a sore loser,' Elvis said smirking at Jess. 'Oh don’t I know it,' Jess giggled, 'you should see her play Monopoly.' 'Let me guess, she pretends she doesn't care and then pouts all the way through it,' Elvis said. 'Or gets halfway through and then says she's not playing anymore when her debts start mounting up,' Jess chuckled. 'Okay when did it become pick on Addison day?' Addison grumbled though she couldn't help but smile at the fun the pair of them were having. She had been right about him coming to their home, in her own environment Jess seemed to be more at ease with him and he seemed to realise he didn't need to force anything to happen. So, if it meant being the butt of a few jokes she'd take it. Fortunately, there was a knock on the door which saved her.   'That'll be the pizza,' Addison said climbing up off the floor quickly. 'Yeah maybe your boyfriend can stop you from getting picked on,' Jess sniggered. 'Would you stop!' Addison said though she had a smile on her face, 'I'm not going to be able to look the kid in the eye!' 'I doubt he'll be looking at your face anyway,' Elvis joked with a smirk. Addison rolled her eyes though there was something about his teasing that felt different from Jess'. Something in his smirk made butterflies flutter inside her stomach. Something that only got worse as Elvis leaned up so he could pull his wallet out of his back pocket, producing two crisp bills and holding them out towards her. 'Here, let me get 'em,' he said. 'It's okay,' she said pushing his hand away though it only made that flutter inside of her worse. 'C'mon let me,' he said his blue eyes watching her closely. 'You get the next one,' she smiled, 'just don’t look at my cards, okay?' 'No promises,' Elvis said as she headed to the front door. He went to put the cash back in his wallet but then rethought and tucked the two bills under the coaster of his glass where they couldn't be seen. When he looked up Jess was watching him.   'She'll kill you you know,' Jess said. 'Oh I know, but I'll be out of the house before she finds 'em so,' he said with a casual shrug. He knew he shouldn't have even bothered offering to pay. It had been a struggle to ever let him pay for anything when they had been together, he supposed she wouldn't have been any different now. 'What if I tell her?' Jess asked raising an eyebrow. 'You realise if you don't say anything you could make a quick buck here, right?' Elvis chuckled which grew louder as realisation dawned on Jess, 'nah I know you wouldn't.' 'How come?' Jess said. 'You're a good kid,' Elvis said sincerely making a blush creep up Jess' neck at the compliment, 'your mom did good.' 'I'm just glad she's having a nice time. It's nice to see her laugh,' Jess said making Elvis' face fall into a look of concern, 'not that she's miserable or anything don't get me wrong.' 'But?' Elvis asked. 'I don't know this just seems like the first time she's had a night to enjoy herself since Aunt Mar left,' Jess shrugged. Elvis glanced at the door as he felt his curiosity rear its head again at the mention of Marci. He could hear Addison was still at the door and he hoped she'd stay there long enough for him to ask what he wanted.   'Mar? You mean Marci?' he asked. Jess nodded, 'she used to live in Vegas too?' 'Yeah, we used to live together,' Jess explained with a casualness Elvis couldn’t wrap his head around. 'No kidding,' he said hoping she'd keep talking and he wouldn't have to be too obvious with his prying. 'Yeah, I mean when I was really little we lived together properly but as I got older me and mom moved in here and Mar moved in with whatever boyfriend she had at the time,' Jess said, 'well until they split up and then she'd move back in with us.' 'Is that where she is now?' Elvis asked. 'Yeah but this one's 'the one',' Jess said rolling her eyes. 'You don't believe it?' Elvis asked. 'Aunt Mar’s had a lot of the ones,' Jess said in a matter-of-fact manner that made her sound just like her mother, 'but she's never moved out of state before. That's why Mom's been so down about it.' 'Ah,' Elvis said, 'where's she living now?' 'California. He's some big movie exec or something,' Jess said, 'that's why I couldn't believe it when Mom said her and Jerry used to date.' 'Whys that?' Elvis asked. 'He's not her type,' Jess shrugged. Elvis nodded and took a sip of his water as the new information digested but as it did more questions arose in his brain, one jumping to the forefront almost immediately though he had to take a second to figure out how to approach it.   'What about your Mom?' Elvis asked catching her attention, 'I mean she must have some other friends, a boyfriend or something.' 'Mom?' Jess said raising her eyebrows though as she realised he was serious she shrugged, 'I mean she has friends but she works a lot so she doesn't always get time to see them.' 'What about a boyfriend?' Elvis asked as casually as he could muster. 'Nah,' Jess said making his heart beat a touch quicker, 'I mean she has had them but not a lot and not for long.' 'Oh,' Elvis said. 'She was just always worried about me,' Jess said, 'and most guys don't exactly like a kid hanging around.' 'Right,' Elvis agreed though he couldn't help but notice the sadness he had felt from before creeping back in. Since his divorce he had dated here and there, hell after Addison he'd practically slept his way around Germany, but once more he was struck by how different their lives had been. He'd never once had to worry about finding a date with Lisa as part of his package though he could see how it might not have worked the same for Addison. He wondered if she minded. Had she wanted to date, to marry? That thought made jealousy bubble inside him though he knew it was irrational. After all, he had married.   ‘But you didn’t know then,’ his mind whispered. Before he could dwell on the what-ifs Addison popped her head around the door and told them to come into the dining room which they did quickly. When they got into the adjoining room they found two pizza boxes open on the table, a couple of bottles of soda and various containers of food Elvis was sure hadn’t been part of the original order. Addison slipped into a seat and Jess sat down opposite her instinctively as if this was their usual spots. Elvis hovered for a moment before he took a seat at the head of the table, both girls on either side of him.   ‘Looks good,’ he said as Addison passed him a plate. ‘Yeah, a lot more stuff than I thought though,’ Jess said with a wry smile that made Elvis smirk. ‘Yeah did you order chicken wings Jess?’ he said. ‘Me? No. Did you?’ Jess smirked. ‘Don’t think so,’ Elvis said as their gaze fell on Addison. ‘Well in that case neither of you can have any then,’ she said taking a couple and putting them on her plate. Jess and Elvis shared a look. ‘So come on,’ Elvis said putting a piece of pizza on his plate as Jess did the same. ‘Come on what?’ Addison said innocently. ‘How much drool is on your front step right now?’ Elvis teased. ‘Oh behave,’ Addison chastised. ‘Do we need a wet floor sign out front?’ Jess giggled. ‘You’re lucky I could even speak to him,’ Addison said, ‘I was holding back laughter the entire time because of you two.’ ‘Well I’m glad you did,’ Elvis said mid-mouthful, ‘this pizza is amazing.’ ‘As good as Lombardi’s?’ Addison asked taking him off guard and making his lump of food catch in his throat. ‘You remember Lombardi’s?’ he said looking at her. She was smiling coyly at him as she picked at the toppings on her slice of pizza evidently happy that she was able to at least give a little something back for all his teasing. ‘Of course I do,’ she said. ‘What’s Lombardi’s?’ Jess asked curiously. ‘An Italian restaurant in Memphis,’ Addison said, ‘it’s really good.’ ‘Best barbecue pizza I ever had,’ Elvis agreed. ‘Sounds nice,’ Jess said feeling a little left out. ‘I’ll have to take you some time,’ Elvis said. ‘To Memphis?’ Jess asked hopefully. Addison and Elvis shared a look but he knew her well enough to see she wasn’t stopping him. ‘Well yeah, I mean not right now but one day,’ Elvis said looking at his daughter who was watching him wide-eyed, ‘if you want to.’ ‘I’d like that,’ Jess nodded as her feeling of being out of the loop disappeared. Elvis looked at Addison who smiled at him reassuringly before she tucked into her pizza. Elvis couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Progress would be slow he knew that, but it was progress nonetheless.   ✵✵✵   ‘Night sweetheart,’ Addison called as Jess disappeared from the top of the stairs into her room. She was sure she heard a mumble in response, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if Jess was sprawled on her bed and dead to the world already. She had tried to fight it. After they’d eaten they’d moved back into the living room, favouring watching a movie over card games though they’d ended up talking most of the way through it. Jess had fought to keep up with them but as the night rolled on she became quieter, her focus on the movie until about ten minutes before the end when Addison nudged Elvis’ knee and he looked over to her laying on the couch eyes closed. That was when Addison had decreed she had to go to bed. She’d been reluctant but had conceded once Elvis agreed it was probably for the best and that he’d see her soon. After all he knew better than to go against Addison’s word.   What he hadn’t been prepared for though was the hug she had given him before she headed up to bed. Granted the one she had given her mother was a lot less awkward and a tad longer, but she had hugged him all the same. When Addison came back into the living room he was still sitting there somewhat stunned though he came to as she started collecting glasses off the coffee table. He followed her into the kitchen collecting the other glasses and plates they’d used earlier and bringing them to the sink where she was placing them down.   ‘Thanks,’ she said as she started to run the faucet so she could wipe them down. Elvis placed himself next to her at the counter, his back resting against it so he could face her. She picked up a dish towel and handed it to him which he took though he looked confused. ‘What you forgot how to dry a plate these days?’ she chuckled as she fished in the water to place the stopper down. ‘Probably,’ he chuckled, ‘I’ll give it a go though. Since I wasn’t allowed to pay for anything.’ ‘You didn’t need to,’ Addison said, ‘we’re not a-' ‘Charity,’ Elvis finished making her roll her eyes. ‘I’m just saying,’ she said ignoring him, ‘tonight wasn’t about the money. I’m just glad you came.’ ‘Me too,’ Elvis said as she handed a plate to him. Addison nodded and the two of them fell silent for a beat, reflecting on the night, ‘you were right.’ ‘Always am,’ she said before adding, ‘about what?’ ‘She did seem better here,’ Elvis said, ‘more relaxed.’ ‘Like I said she’s a lot like you when we were kids I mean,’ Addison said. ‘What scared of her own shadow?’ ‘You weren’t scared of your own shadow,’ Addison said rolling her eyes, ‘but you were shy and she can be too. And I don’t know I guess having a mom like me doesn’t help.’ ‘And what’s a mom like you?’ Elvis said. ‘Loud,’ Addison said, ‘brash. Angry at the world for the most part.’ ‘Addie,’ Elvis said quietly. ‘Don’t get upset I’m just saying,’ Addison said making him nod, ‘I don’t know I just, I guess I was always focused on making sure nothing ever hurt her I made her kinda scared of the world in general.’ ‘I don’t think that’s true,’ Elvis said, ‘she’s not some nervous wreck Addie. In fact, she’s a great kid. Nice, funny just like you.’ ‘She’s a lot sweeter than I am,’ she countered, ‘that’s why I worry about her. I just don’t want this to make her lose that.’ ‘Well then we’ve gotta make sure it doesn’t,’ Elvis said. ‘Easier said than done,’ Addison countered. ‘True but if we’re both focused on her then we’ve got a good shot at it don’t you think?’ Elvis said. Addison pondered that for a moment, placing a couple of clean glasses on the draining board instead of passing them to him. She’d finished washing everything now and took the towel out of his hands to dry her own before making him scooch further up so she could stand beside him.   ‘I think you forget,’ Elvis said making her glance at him, ‘the stuff that happened to you for the most part you had no one. Jess has you and nothing’s going to change that.’ ‘And you?’ Addison asked quietly. ‘As long as the pair of you will have me I’ll be here,’ Elvis said. ‘I’m glad,’ Addison said quietly her gaze falling on the tile floor as guilt coursed through her, ‘I wish it could’ve been different.’ ‘Me too,’ Elvis said earning himself a glance, ‘but we can’t change it now.’ ‘Guess not,’ she said. ‘Better late than never though, right?’ Elvis said. ‘Yeah,’ she said quietly. They were quiet for a moment, just looking at one another. His blue eyes were watching her making those butterflies from before run riot inside her but before he could say anything else though she pulled away going to the dining room to collect the empty pizza boxes. Elvis moved to help and soon enough the kitchen was back to normal and she was seeing him to the door. Red and Sonny were waiting at the bottom of the drive as planned but when he climbed inside he didn’t feel like answering their questions. The night had gone well but even so it had been a rollercoaster of emotions all around. Eventually they took note of his half-hearted responses and started to talk amongst themselves allowing him to look out the window unbothered.   They took the service elevator up to their floor with the boys allowing him to step off first though their rooms were on a lower floor. He trudged towards his suite, suddenly feeling the tiredness hit him now he was near home, though as he opened the door to his bedroom suite he didn’t fail to notice it opened without issue and Jerry who he had expected to be standing guard was nowhere to be seen. Yet as he stepped over the threshold he was in front of him in a flash with his excuse at the ready.   ‘I told him you weren’t able to see anyone,’ Jerry said as Elvis got into the room and clocked the Colonel standing by the window, looking out onto the city before he turned to look at the men. ‘It’s alright,’ Elvis said with a sympathetic smile to his friend. He knew he would’ve tried to keep him out and it wasn’t as though he didn’t expect the Colonel to want to see him. That however didn’t mean that he wanted to see the Colonel. ‘Do you need me to stay?’ Jerry asked quietly. Elvis shook his head gently, patting his friend on the shoulder. ‘No, thanks man,’ Elvis said. ‘Talk tomorrow yeah?’ Jerry said raising his eyebrows as Elvis got what he meant. ‘Yeah, night,’ Elvis said. ‘Night,’ Jerry said before he headed out of the door. The Colonel remained standing by the window, unbothered by the conversation the men were having even though it pertained to him. Elvis however didn’t jump in with any excuses, instead, he moved to the drinks cart and grabbed himself a bottle of water. The Colonel clocked him but stayed quiet as if trying to see if he would crack first. When he didn’t he turned fully.   ‘They said you were sick,’ he said simply. It wasn’t a question nor a statement but the tone of it was enough to insinuate that Elvis was lying. ‘I was,’ Elvis said. ‘And now?’ the Colonel said. ‘Ship, shape and shiny,’ Elvis said watching him as he took a glug of water. ‘Funny, I asked Dr Nick and he said you hadn't called him,’ the Colonel said. ‘I didn’t,’ Elvis shrugged as he took off his jacket and dumped it on the piano stool before he started fiddling with his accessories. He wasn’t lying. He hadn't called Dr Nick because he knew the Colonel would’ve fished around for whatever information so he hadn’t done anything that would get him caught in a trap. He knew better than that.   ‘So where were you?’ the Colonel asked. ‘Out,’ Elvis said. ‘My boy,’ the Colonel said warningly. ‘What Colonel?’ Elvis said tilting his head and narrowing his eyes at the man. The edge to his tone took the older gentleman off guard but he continued nevertheless. ‘You have a contract,’ the Colonel said, ‘Mr Kohn.’ ‘Would rather me duck out of one night than end up missing a string of them because I’m not well right?’ Elvis said. ‘Still a late cancellation, a cancellation at all is a breach of contract and-’ ‘And I’m sure you can smooth it out, right Colonel?’ Elvis said flatly. The Colonel hesitated. Over the span of his career Elvis hadn’t always done as expected but no matter what he had always been able to talk him around. Something in his tone worried him that might not happen though he didn’t know why. ‘Of course my boy,’ the Colonel said, ‘just wanted to make sure you were well before I speak to him. So I can reassure him for tomorrow's show.’ ‘You do that,’ Elvis said as he dropped his rings into a small dish beside his bed. The Colonel nodded and headed towards the door as if he expected Elvis to see him out when he didn’t he paused but then headed out all the same.   Once he heard the door click Elvis sighed and took a seat on the edge of his bed. A rollercoaster of emotions today had been for sure and the tail end of it was no exception. It had been all he could do not to go off at the man. Since Addison had come back into his life he had thought about her and the Colonel non-stop. He still wasn’t sure what he was going to do about him but it was hard to even look at him now, not when he was wondering just how much he had lied about in their entire time knowing one another. As he thought about the Colonel his mind wandered to Addison and then to Jess. To that photo on the mantlepiece. To the idea of Addison having to rely on a friend to help raise her daughter. To the idea of Jess frequenting a pizza place for dinner because her mom was busting her hump to keep a roof over their head. That shouldn’t have been their life. It shouldn’t have been one of hardship, one of loneliness. He should’ve been there; they should’ve been a family. Jess’ first steps should’ve been at Graceland instead of the first time she’d ever set foot in Memphis being at the age of fourteen. It was hard to weigh up of course. If he had had them he wouldn’t have had Lisa and he couldn’t think of trading her for anything. Still, his life would always be a what-if now. A lingering question at every interaction because of a choice his manager made without asking him.   And as he thought he reckoned that Addison had every right to be wary of him. She had every right to want to keep Jess out of his way. Hell, he wanted to keep Jess out of his way. And the more he thought about it he wanted to stay out of his way too. That had been why he hadn’t told him the truth. Why he was going to keep this revelation to only those he trusted for the foreseeable. Elvis knew it wouldn’t be able to keep it a secret forever, but he had realised something. If he was going to keep his girls in his life he needed to be done with Colonel. He just needed time to prepare how he was going to let him go.  
 @girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley  @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters​ @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink
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fritextramole · 2 months
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through the night like an ember
part 3 of a Nate Archibald playlist - best heard in order
tracklist and quotes under the cut
Dance The Night ~ Dua Lipa
Turn the rhythm up, don't you wanna just Come along for the ride?
Too much ~ Lou Doillon
So I smile a little too much And the glass, it comes quick to the mouth And I go on and on sometimes just like the rest of us
Silk Chiffon ~ MUNA, Phoebe Bridgers
I'm high and I'm feeling anxious Inside of the CVS Watch her turn round halfway down the aisle With that you're on camera smile Like she wants to try me on
Dance To This ~ Troye Sivan, Ariana Grande
Young ambition Say we'll go slow, but we never do Premonition See me spendin’ every night with you
This Will Be Our Year ~ The Zombies
The warmth of your smile, smile for me, little one And this will be our year, took a long time to come
Love Uncontrolled ~ Matt Doyle
Let me stay and listen to your heart beat; it's so sweet You know that I can hear it racing inside Spend the day with me under the bedsheet, in our heat Let me push those quiet fears aside
Cheek to Cheek ~ Odd Chap, Marty & his Rockin’ Comets
And I seem to find the happiness I seek When we're out together dancing, cheek to cheek
Light Personified ~ Fintan
Walk around this stupid town The lights go down, we’re silhouettes We know these streets, and walk the beat But secretly we kinda like it My younger days, my foolish ways Well, I put all of them behind me You’re all I see, you’re a part of me And I can’t find the words to write it
Lovesong ~ The Cure
Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am home again
Ode to a Conversation Stuck in Your Throat ~ Del Water Gap
The more I smoke the more I find I can't just fall asleep instead
Man on the Moon ~ Zella Day
Nobody saw us for seven days Under the covers, your body a maze I couldn't believe that deep down inside Two bodies glowing could light up the sky Alone in my dream room, I want to love you Alone in my dream room, my body above you
Another Day in Paradise ~ Quinn XCII
Touchdown throw off my own two shoes Still the same city I be used to And all the reckless things that we do
Party Tattoos ~ dodie
My mummy said to always wear a coat But it's warm and it's heavy and we're trying to float
Paradise ~ Chase Atlantic
She's always hanging with the wrong guys She's caught up in lights, you know, the big kind If I make it right then we can leave time
Superficial Love ~ Calica, Magdalena Bay
I thought we were like good friends But I don't wanna play pretend Whispers in your eyes Question your intentions
Stay the Night ~ The Internet
But maybe we should stay cooped up Like we don't know what moonlight is Lately I've been going crazy Begging you to stay
Twilight ~ bôa
Your feelings and mine are all lonely And dawn comes, you're there lying with me And you reach out to touch me But I am in the twilight
I Love You So ~ The Walters
You're everything I want but I can't deal with all your lovers You're saying I'm the one, but it's your actions that speak louder
Play Date ~ Melanie Martinez
I don't wanna play no games I'm tired of always chasin' Chasin' after you
I Do ~ Susie Suh
I don't know What am I doing here There's a shadow in my place Maybe now everything will be so clear
Test Run ~ Sunday Cruise
I thought it would be best if you left I thought it would be best if we were just friends
If only I could stay, if only I could pray If only I could wait, if only you could stay Up, up in your zone, yes, you're all alone Yes I'm all alone
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
Chasing Pavements
A/N: Had a little thought about the hopeful time jump.
“Should I give up? Or should I just keep chasing pavements? Even if it leads nowwwwhere.”
Rosa turns around as she and Tay try to bite back their smiles. “Is he okay?”
A smile curls at Kensi’s lips as her husband’s movements jostle her a little and a tone that reminds her of his sad drunk persona belts out the lyrics to one of his favorite songs. “Adele makes him weepy.”
“Adele does make me weepy.” He nods in confirmation leaning his head against hers before belting out another line.
As they make their way down the hallway of the Colosseum the girls’ excitement, buzzing. They’re still in their own little world when they all reach the elevator. The four adults exchange smiles, silence filling the void for a few seconds before Tay’s mom, Kelly, turns to the agent and investigator with a smile. “So Kensi, Marty, are you two excited about Hawaii?”
Mirrored looks of confusion cross their faces at the random question before the shaggy blonde speaks up. “Hawaii? We’re always excited about Hawaii.”
“Yeah, so much so he’s been trying to convince me that we should get a timeshare in Diamond Head since we’ve been together. Actually, even before then now that I think about it.” The brunette laughs, still, a bit confused by the odd question.
Tay’s dad, Jason lights up at the mention of one of his favorite places on the island. “Oh, that’d be great. What’s that like a 13-minute drive to campus?”
Kensi’s brow furrows sharing a look with her husband before turning back to Jason. “Campus?”
“Yeah, UH.” Kelly nods, brow furrowed.
Deeks tries his best to put the pieces together but nothing’s clicking. “Okay, I’m confused now.”
“As am I.” Kensi reiterates her partner's sentiments.
Normally someone would realize that these things haven’t been discussed yet, but Jason is not that person. “Did Rosa not tell you?”
“Tell us what?” Deeks asks as both he and Kensi turn their attention towards their 17-year-old and her best friend who have stopped talking all together and are now looking at them. The heat rising to Rosa’s cheeks not going unnoticed.
“Rosa, what’s going on?” Kensi asks, trying to hide the hurt in her voice.
Tay nudges her best friend. “I thought you were gonna tell them.”
“I was.” The raven-haired teen whispers, looking guiltily back and forth between her adoptive parents.
“Rosa?” Deeks calls her name once more trying to get some answers.
Releasing a calming breath, she relents. “A coach from the University of Hawai’i came to our scrimmage Friday.”
“Okay…” Kensi nods, urging her to continue.
“He wants me to come to the soccer camp they’re hosting this summer and…”
Her pause continues to lengthen and it’s a little agonizing so much so that the blonde feels his wife’s grip tighten around his hand more and more by the second. “And what?”
“He wants me to come to camp because he offered me a scholarship and wants me to get familiar with the facility.”
Deeks’s jaw drops as he releases his partner's hand, and closes the distance between him and their girl, wrapping her in a hug. “Oh my god, Rosa, that’s amazing! Why didn’t you tell us?”
The guilt in her eyes can’t be hidden as she’s released from Deeks’ embrace and immediately wrapped in Kensi’s. “I was going to when we got here but I fell asleep, and then I was gonna say something on our way to the concert but you guys were so happy, and I didn’t want to ruin your mood.”
The brunette pulls back, hurt shining in her eyes as she pushes the rogue hair out of the teen's face. “Ruin it? Sweetie, we’re so proud of you. You know how major it is to get an athletic scholarship your junior year?”
“That’s what I told her!”
“Tay, not helping.”
“I am definitely helping.” The corkscrew-haired teen rebuts.  
A barely there smile pulls at Kensi’s lips as she locks hands with her partner once again. Not really sure how to identify her feelings right now. “I just don’t understand why you told them before you told us.”
Tay looks between Rosa and her parents feeling somewhat at fault for this whole thing. “Oh, no, that was all me. I got offered, too, Mr. and Mrs. Deeks. I didn’t tell them not to say anything cuz I thougt they could read social cues. Anyways, for what it’s worth I’m really hoping you’ll let her go cuz I need my girl there with me in O’ahu.”
Rosa can only imagine what they’re thinking. I mean can she really asked them for honesty when she hasn’t been honest herself no matter how unintentional it was? “I know we talked about UCLA-“
Deeks shakes his head, stopping her before she can say anymore. “That doesn’t matter. If you want to go to Hawai’i then we’re gonna support you every step of the way.”
“Yeah, this is about what you want.” The brunette agrees, her eyes shining with understanding.
“Is this what you want?”
Taking another calming breath Rosa looks at Tay and then back to the two people who have shown her more love than she ever thought possible again. “Yes, I really do. I didn’t know it until it was right in front of me.”
“Well then, looks like our girl’s a D1 athlete!” Kensi beams, shouting loud enough that Adele could probably hear it from the penthouse of Caesar’s Palace.
“You know what this calls for?” The blonde asks to no-one inparticular.
The special agent looks at her husband with a knowing smile. “Rocky Road?”
“Rock Road!” Deeks throws his arm around Kensi’s shoulders once again exchanging a dad smile with Jason before the elevator dings and they step inside the box.
A few minutes later as they’re walking into the parking lot, a knowing grin forms at the corner of the form detective’s lips. Leaning in, his lips but a breath away from his partner’s ear his smile grows wider. “I knew my late-night Zillow searches for O’ahu weren’t for nothing.”
All Kensi can do is smile because as unexpected as it is, this is their new chapter. This is the life she never thought they’d get.
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greenthey · 2 months
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Several chatty gods & ancestors by the water 2day
(lol I look like my aunt in this photo w her l look of slight consternation)
I started at a bench that said James so someone in my grandfather's line
The one that has been here since colonization
A relation to Robert Ingersoll, "the Great Agnostic"
Noah Ingersoll? Is trying to speak but doesn't really know how
Or his father, James-- duh
We have an etching of Noah who he looks like
Country lawyers, farmers, coroners
"These are times of change"
Looking out on the water
I wonder how u treated women
A wife & daughter he kept safe in good standing
Barrels of wine & fresh milled grain
The best he could do for them
I ask the daughter to come thru, she seems chattier
"My father was a great man"
Ok 🙄
No, he seems decent
As much as a a white dude could be at the time
Coroner -- I wonder if he visited the dying like I have and will again
And heard the last rattling breaths
She was named after her mother, Hannah 😌
Maybe she was the favorite
Cheerful go-getter who did a lot for her parents
She bids me to walk to the retaining wall & look at the water
Like she used to sit in her port city in Connecticut
Eating bread & cheese from a pack
I didn't eat breakfast bc I thought someplace downtown would be open
I forgot it was Easter 🙄🐣
But there is a tarot deck in my pack
What did he say of the changes, Hannah?
They fly like birds on white wings
We can't see them in the sky
We aren't meant to
Look away, at your own craft
Tho you can use the astrolabe to see
I am always being told to follow my own gold
The workings of the pocket watch in my sternum
Because the bird's eye view will not always make sense
A living woman in all purple just walked by and waved 😂
Was that anyone?
No, but Marti liked her purple coat
There are many ancestors who have been waiting to speak
The calls of the birds grow louder and louder
Until they are ready to be seen
Is there anything else to know? Water, water, water
We have lived in a Capricornian world all our lives
Aquarius is air but Her water is still pouring
Where will it flow?
The Moon on the bottom of the deck for the second day in a row
Owlish Odin (or someone) in a black tree
Purple galaxies behind him
Things we will see when our senses grow sharper
Lollll drawing cards while all the Easter Christians walk past
Three cards facing the wrong way in the deck
Waiting for the world to turn right-side up again
Two together and one alone
A dog, a spotted cat
And a bluejay, the bird's eye view
Cerridwen & Odin, two birds that like to meddle
I accept the mystery
& the valley that is a cauldron
As I walk my way down from the cold mountain
Queen of Swords is also my card for my aunt
I have wondered more than once if she worked with Cerridwen
"Getting to the core of the matter is easier from your vantage point. You're able to sift through the information presented to you and see where the truth lies. This higher perspective does not come from the energy of arrogance. It comes from your concise nature and ability to think clearly."
Maybe I will be allowed the bird's eye view when I am more firmly in my logical mind.
It is difficult with the energy of Aquarius.
And what of the Moon?
"The night is brisk and the moon glows bright casting mysterious shadows all around. You too cast shadows that may need illumination."
Two ducks swim past
Their senses tell them where to go
For some reason I am bid not to show the cards
The Moon still holds secrets
Do not run the magic trick
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possession1981 · 5 months
oh so glad you reblogged the music ask game, i would send literally all of them but let me contain it to a pleasant five (hehe 🩵) so please can i get 5, 13, 17, 26, 30?
A song that needs to be played LOUD okay well i am going to cheat here and give you three vastly different songs that all fall under this description. first of all hobgoblin by clc just instantly popped in my head upon reading the question. like not to expose myself as an unhinged undying cheshire but this might be one of the top 3 gg songs ever released and when i listen to it i always imagine the gotham city sirens smashing a gang of corrupt cops to bits. it needs to be blasted at full volume. second of all i wanna say dynamite by shinee because i have to be able to absolutely scream along to it and still hear jjong going ham with the ad libs, i think we all understand. thirdly i'm going to say disintegration by the cure (although this is true of a lot of the cure songs, it just happens to be perhaps my absolute favourite) because i need to be able to have it wash all over me and feel cleansed by the raw emotion of the instruments and robert smith's screechy ass vocals as it fades out.
One of your favorite 80’s songs already said livin on a prayer to marti however i appreciate that this question is asked again because as i said in that answer the 80s are truly my musical decade so i have a plethora of 80s faves. therefore you will get multiple answers again 🫶🏼 first of all. fast car by tracy chapman. need i say more it is simply one of the most devastatingly beautiful songs ever written, every time i hear a cover of it it truly pisses me off because no one can ever capture the magic of tracy's voice and her understated emotion on that song. even as i write this i have to fight tears welling up in my eyes i love this song so much. secondly, love will tear us apart by joy division one of the greatest expressions of melancholy ever created i'm screaming crying throwing up alternative 80s bands i love you. it would be fucking wrong if i did not mention tainted love by soft cell because god knows how many times i've sung that song on the 80s edition of sing star in middle school and made it into a whole damn spectacle. and let me just mention what's love got to do with it by tina turner, call me by blondie and victims of love by buck-tick and then stop myself before i start mentioning every 80s song i love. i refrained from even thinking about the cure's discography for this question so that it wasn't just the cure songs. they will pop up for nearly every other question anyway.
A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke no air by jordin sparks with chr*s brown oh my god i LOVE singing that song so much it's ridiculous. but also promiscuous by nelly furtado and timbaland and ALSO when you believe by whitney houston and mariah carey.
A song that makes you want to fall in love just like heaven by the cure... and love song by the cure.... and burn by the cure... and fade into you by mazzy star... i feel you by the wonder girls... baby tonight by a.c.e... and also vanilla by kai. sorry i can't get into it with these songs i'll be here for ages if i do but just like. it's in their entirety it's there. the love.
A song that reminds you of yourself kill all your friends by my chemical romance tbh always feels like it's speaking to me directly. every time i listen to it. which doesn't happen so often because it makes me kind of depressed just how resonant it is.
music asks💞
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pmcmarty · 1 year
2023 - Reasons to Ride...
First off, 2022 gave me three more reasons to ride:
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Currivan Alouidor, a friend and former colleague, who lost his battle with Osteosarcoma after beating it five previous times. He was only 36.
Kathleen Hathaway, the mother of one of my daughter’s friends. She became disoriented in the Spring of 2022. When she went to the doctor they discovered a brain tumor. On August 12th, 2022 she passed away. She was only 52. Her youngest had just finished college.
Bella DuBois, my PMC Team’s 2022 Pedal Partner. She lost her battle to Osteosarcoma on December 8th, 2022. She was only 15 years old.
I will be thinking about Currivan, Kathleen, and Bella, in addition to all the others who I ride for, in this year’s PMC.
2023 Pedal Partner: Teagan!
This year my team is partnered up with another teenage girl fighting cancer.  Her name is Teagan. She is currently battling  Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
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I am a 14 year old dancer. I started to dance around my second birthday. It is something my sister Madison and I both enjoy. I like to spend time with my friends, sister, and cousin. We all love shopping. The Jimmy Fund provided me with the best treatment and support for myself and my family.
I have yet to meet her in person, but she sounds like another great kid in a very difficult battle.
My Friend from College: Chris Greklek
Chris was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a blood cancer) over 15 years ago. He's beaten it 5 times and has been in remission, finally, for over 5 years. 
However, 18 months ago, he was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer that has also spread to his liver.
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My friend Chris has really been put through a great deal. It really speaks to his character to go through all that he has gone through and still have such a positive attitude. It is truly inspiring. I asked him how I can help. He tells me to keep on riding and raising money for Dana-Farber. I will certainly be doing that for quite a while!
On top of Chris’s continuing battle with cancer, he is also suffering financially as the bills for his treatment pile up. More about that on the GoFundMe page that has been set up for him. 
PMC 2023
Right now, August feels pretty far away. This feels especially true given that we are still getting Frost Warnings here in Massachusetts. However the days are counting down and the ride is only about 80 days away. I have quite a ways to go to hit my personal goal of $15,000.
Please help me hit that so goal that I can have fewer reasons to ride...
Click here to make $25 donation
Click here to make a $50 donation
Click here to make a $100 donation
Click here to make a $250 donation
Click here to make a $500 donation
Click here to make a $1,000 donation
Click here to make a donation of any other amount
Click here to donate using your Fidelity Donor Advised Fund
Thank you for bringing us “Closer by the Mile” to a world without cancer.
With gratitude,
Marty Middelmann
My 2023 Fundraising Goal: $15,000
Raised for 2023: $1,471
Number of Donors: 16
Corporate Matches: $100
My Progress Towards that Goal: 9.8%
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For the flower themed asks: Bluebell or tigerlily, please?
I have 4 cats and three dogs. The cats are Aurora, Merlin, Marti, and Rocco. The dogs are Odysseus, Persephone, and Saber. Odysseus and Persephone are mutts and Saber is a rotten golden retriever we got from my aunt.
I have a lot of favorite quotes, or at least quotes I really like, so this is a fun one.
“I have a deeply hidden and inarticulate desire for something beyond the daily life.” - Virginia Wolf there’s something in that that just speaks to my very soul
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves” - Shakespeare
Most of LotR is quotable but these three immediately came to mind
“I would have followed you to the end… to the very fires of Mordor” - Aragorn
“There’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for” - Samwise Gamgee
“‘I wish it need not have happened in my time’ ‘So do I and so do all those who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Frodo and Gandalf
“It is possible to commit no errors and still lose. That is not a weakness that is life.” - Jean-Luc Picard
“I am and always have been your friend” - Spock
“There’s coffee in that nebula” it just makes me laugh
And oh so many more I collect quotes like dragons collect shiny things
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The Girl He Left Behind [Part Three]
Fandom: American Actor, RPF, Elvis Presley, Elvis Movie 2022
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Original Female Character
Characters: Elvis Presley, Addison Goodwin, Gladys Presley, Vernon Presley, Minnie May ‘Dodger’ Presley, Red West, Sonny West, Gene Smith, Billy Smith, Original Female Characters, Colonel Tom Parker, Billy Smith, Marci Cunningham, Steve Cunningham, Jerry Schilling, Mary Jenkins, Alan Fortas, Marty Lacker, Original Male Characters, Mona Goodwin, Joe Goodwin
Word Count: 3258 // Rating: Mature
Summary: When Elvis returns home to Graceland from the Army he’s followed by the headlines ‘The Girl He Left Behind’ but what the media don’t know is that Priscilla wasn’t the first. No, that title belongs to someone Elvis will never forget.
Tags/ Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Graceland, Poverty, Friends to Lovers, 1950s Elvis, Bad Parenting, Surprise Surprise the Colonel Is a Colossal Prick, Parental Loss, Grief, Fun Fairs, Kissing, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Movie Nights, Arguing, Tension, Denial of Feelings, Age Gap Romance, Underage, Addison is 17 Elvis is 22, Guilt, Betrayal, Extortion, Blackmail, Jealous, Army Elvis, American Draft, US Army, Lying, Time Shift with Elvis moving to Memphis, Flashbacks, Caught, 
Notes: This is a repost because the link on the masterpost doesn't work and I cant find the post anywhere x
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‘And this is your room,’ Elvis said as he led Addison into a room in the annexe. She wandered inside and dumped her suitcase on the bed as she looked around. It was small, made up of just a bed and a wardrobe but since she hadn’t got a lot of stuff to bring with her, she figured it didn’t really matter. Elvis watched her closely. She hadn’t said much on the drive over and he hadn’t pushed. You don’t get used to a big life change in five minutes he supposed but now he wanted her to speak. To say anything. Instead, her eyes remained unreadable. 
‘Thanks,’ she said quietly as she sat down on the bed. ‘The kitchen’s right by you so if there’s anything you want just help yourself,’ he said.  ‘Right,’ she nodded. ‘And Dodger’s down this end of the house so it’s not like you’ll be on your own or anything,’ he said. She nodded, ‘I mean she ain’t got the best hearin’ so if you do need her make sure you holler good and proper otherwise-’ ‘When do I start work?’ she asked making Elvis stop in his tracks. He looked at her and found her watching him nervously, chewing on her lip.  ‘Well, I mean there ain’t-’ ‘Because I meant what I said. I mean I’m grateful don’t get me wrong,’ she said, ‘but I wanna pay my way. I’m not a charity case. I wanna do my fair share.’ ‘Right, no, no, of course,’ Elvis said sitting down beside her, ‘um, how about we talk it through tomorrow?’ ‘So you’ve got time to make up exactly what you’re gonna have me doing?’ she said looking at him with a smirk. Elvis smiled and dropped his gaze bashfully.  ‘Nah, just so I can figure out what I can lump you with,’ he joked, ‘I mean the stables might need a clearing out.’ ‘Stables?’ she said, ‘fancy.’ ‘Hey, I’m still that same kid at heart.’ ‘Just flushed with cash now huh?’ she smirked. He smiled back at her watching the amusement in her eyes. It felt good to see her smile. ‘Hey now,’ he said, ‘I’d hate to have to dock your first pay packet for sassing the boss.’ ‘You say that as if my mouth hasn’t gotten me into trouble before,’ she replied. Elvis chuckled heartily which made her giggle. As their laughter died down, she looked at him, properly. 
‘I really am grateful you know,’ she said. Elvis could feel the heat of her gaze on him, but he didn’t turn away. She was watching him, somewhat shyly, and he tried to ignore the way that made his heart thump against his ribcage. ‘I know,’ he said in almost a whisper. Neither of them said anything for a moment. Instead, they just sat watching one another intently. Then they were pulled out the moment as they heard Gladys shouting for him. Elvis leapt up off the bed and moved to the bedroom door.  ‘I should go,’ he said, ‘let you get unpacked.’ ‘Yeah,’ she said. ‘See you later,’ he said and then he was bolting out of the room to find his mama. Addison got up once he was out of the room and closed the door gently blocking out the sounds of him and his mama somewhere in the house. She looked around her new little room and then sat down on the bed. 
She couldn’t believe this was happening. It was insane. She knew that. 
‘Better than the alternative,’ her brain whispered. That was true. She would’ve only been able to keep treading water for so much longer. Then who knows what would happen? Living with the Presleys had to be better than that, right?
And, she mused, she couldn’t help but think how natural Elvis made it feel. As if he had this aura about him that made everyone feel safe and secure. And after a few crappy months, she couldn’t help but feel happy about that. 
‘I just don’t see why she should become my problem all of a sudden. This was your idea,’ Gladys said folding her arms across her chest. Elvis stopped pacing for a moment and looked at her exasperatedly. They were in the upstairs office. Him, his mama and daddy and the Colonel who was watching on from his office chair, cigar in hand, observing quietly. 
‘Mama, please,’ he said, ‘we’ve been over this.’ ‘I know, I know,’ Gladys sighed, ‘she’s too young to be put on the official payroll blah blah blah.’ ‘We need to be seen as a legitimate business,’ the Colonel said taking a puff of his cigar. ‘Yeah well that sounds like a lot of hooey just so you’re not stuck mindin’ her,’ Gladys said narrowing her eyes at the Colonel who seemed unbothered.  ‘She don’t need mindin’ Gladys,’ Vernon said, ‘she’s seventeen.’ ‘Still young enough to be getting under my feet no doubt,’ Gladys said. Elvis sighed and came to sit on the arm of the chair his mother was sitting in.  ‘Mama please,’ he said with a sad smile, ‘she’s been through a lot. I mean I wouldn’t even have her workin’ if she didn’t insist on it. Can’t fault a girl who wants to earn her keep.’ ‘I s’pose,’ Gladys shrugged. ‘And you said yourself that you’re not as young as you used to be. A big house like this you need someone helping out…all I’m asking is that you keep her busy here and there. And that way she can help you out with the stuff you’ve been strugglin’ to do,’ Elvis said. Gladys looked at him peering down at her with his best puppy dog eyes. She could feel her resolve crumbling, the way it always did when it came to her son, so she sighed and said, ‘fine.’ ‘Thanks Satnin,’ Elvis said kissing the top of her head. 
Just as he did there was a knock at the door which Vernon got out of his seat to answer, finding Addison standing on the other side of it. She shifted a little, holding her arm across her locked onto her other elbow, waiting for one of them to speak. All eyes were on her.
‘Come in,’ Vernon said with a smile gesturing to the couch he had been sitting on. She smiled softly at Elvis as she entered and sat down as instructed, Vernon following after.  ‘Hey,’ Elvis said with a smile.  ‘Hi,’ she said, quickly following on to greet Gladys. Then she paused as she took in the Colonel who was watching her closely, his eyes narrowed, ‘uh hi…’ ‘Colonel Parker,’ the man said without a smile. Elvis rolled his eyes, ‘just call him Colonel. He’s my manager.’  ‘Oh, well, nice to meet you,’ she said quickly turning her gaze back to Elvis, ‘so what did you want me for? Mary sent me up here but she didn’t say-’ ‘Your job,’ the Colonel said cutting her off. ‘Oh, yeah, right,’ she said her eyes flicking between him and Elvis who immediately jumped in, ‘the Colonel and I were talking and we figured it’s better to have you do a job in house so to speak.’ ‘Okay,’ she nodded before following with, ‘what does that mean exactly?’ ‘That due to your age and well you being,’ the Colonel said trailing off as he gestured towards her vaguely. Addison glanced down at her feminine frame and then at Elvis and Vernon whose eyes seemed to be anywhere but on her. It was only at the aversion did she realise what the man was insinuating. She was being benched because she was a girl. Go figure. The Colonel however didn’t seem to notice, ‘well there’s not much we can have you do within Elvis Presley Enterprises.’
‘So how am I gonna pay Elvis back?’ she said looking at Elvis irately, ‘you promised I could pay my way.’ ‘I know,’ Elvis said, finally looking at her, ‘and like I said you don’t have to but until we can put you properly on the payroll you can help in other ways.’ ‘What does that mean?’ Addison asked, her brows knitting together. ‘That’ll you’ll be stuck with me,’ Gladys said with a forced smile, ‘I mean running the house. Mary takes care of most of the cooking and cleaning but it still needs someone to run the ship.’ ‘Right,’ Addison nodded. She wanted to bite back. To tell them that having her as some skivvy for his mama wasn’t exactly going to pay off whatever debt she owed but she kept her mouth shut. She didn’t need to rock the boat.  ‘That’s settled then,’ the Colonel said with a clap of his hands, ‘now boys I need to run over a couple of things with the pair of you.’
Addison looked up at the man who was sitting behind the desk and watched as Elvis and Vernon fell into line, getting themselves situated in front of him. Gladys stood up and headed to the door and though she didn’t say anything Addison felt the pull as if she was to follow. Once they were out of the room, and the door was firmly closed, Gladys started explaining a list of things she needed to remember. And as she listened to the reams of people, jobs and items she would have to account for she felt a wave of sadness flood in. 
She didn’t know why. That’s what people wanted right? Fancy houses with gardeners and cooks. To have to remember to book in someone to clean the pool. Or to not have to panic that one car was in the shop because hey what did it matter? There were four more parked in the garage. 
This life was what people dreamed of right? Maybe but as she tried to keep up with Gladys’ rules, she found herself missing her old life. Her old house. Her dad. It was barely twenty-four hours since she had opted to leave it and yet it felt further away than ever. 
Over the next couple of weeks, Addison seemed to fall into a routine. She would wake and have breakfast before she caught the bus to school and then once school was out she’d come home and Gladys would give her a couple of jobs to do. They were never anything big, one day she just told her to make sure the basement fridge was stocked, but it was enough that she felt as though she was at least doing something to earn her place. Which was good because she’d taken to the place like a duck to water. She loved wandering the vast grounds, listening to records in the basement or cooking with Mary. In a short space of time, Graceland had very much become home. Yet she couldn’t help but feel disconnected from its residents. 
Gladys seemed to like having the help around the house, but she didn’t welcome her as Elvis did. And since she had come Elvis had hardly been home. The meeting he had had with the Colonel after they had fleshed out her role in the house was about the rest of his tour. As summer fell into fall, he was at the back end of a tour all over the southern states and the last few weeks had coincided with her coming to live with them. She didn’t mind. After all, she supposed it wasn’t as if he was her keeper. She was free to do as she pleased. But without him, it felt a little awkward. Like she was a plus one at a party and her date was nowhere to be seen. 
Which is why she supposed she was lucky to have some normalcy in her life even if it was school. For six hours a day, her crazy new world melted back into her old one. She went to her classes and had fun with her friends just as she had done before summer. Everything was as it was, and she liked that. Unfortunately, it wasn’t going to last much longer. 
The bell had just rung, signalling not only the end of the school day but the end of the week. Addison gathered her things and headed to her locker to sort out what she would need for the weekend and to stow away what she wouldn’t. Then she met her friend Marci by her locker so they could head out towards the bus stop. 
‘What’s with the face?’ Addison chuckled as she took in the scowl on her friend’s face. ‘Mr Pearson sucks,’ Marci said as they walked down the path towards the gates. ‘He gave you a pop quiz too?’ Addison asked. ‘Worse he told us we were having a quiz on Monday,’ she said.  ‘Well at least you’ll have time to prepare,’ Addison said, unable to see the reasoning behind her friend’s grumbling.   ‘Yeah but now I know we’re gonna have one I can’t ignore it,’ she sighed, ‘I’m gonna have to spend my weekend revising.’ ‘We’re only like three weeks in,’ Addison said, ‘what could he expect you to revise?’ ‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I just know my weekend’s gone to pot. What about you?’ ‘What about me?’ Addison asked. ‘What are you doing this weekend?’ Marci asked as if it were obvious.  ‘Oh… I don’t know,’ Addison said truthfully. Last weekend she had spent tiptoeing around Gladys and Dodger, doing activities that meant she didn’t have to spend too long with either of them. She didn’t figure this weekend would be any different.  ‘Well, if you want to help me study you can always…’ Marci said trailing off mid-sentence as her attention was caught by something, ‘what’s going on?’
Addison’s gaze followed hers to where a group of girls were clustered on the pavement and in the centre, Elvis. Addison groaned inwardly, there went her shred of normality. She said a hurried goodbye to Marci and then she stormed down the path until she was on the sidewalk, at the back of the group of girls. She could hear him talking to them as they fawned over him until finally, she broke through, amidst protests, and was standing in front of him.
‘Hey Addie,’ he said. ‘What are you doing here?’ she asked irately. Elvis’ smile faded. ‘I came to pick you up from school,’ he said.  ‘I was getting the bus,’ she said. ‘Well now you don’t have to,’ he bit back.  ‘Addison do you know him?’ she heard someone say behind her, but she ignored them. ‘I don’t need you to pick me up,’ she said.  ‘Good thing I didn’t ask then isn’t it?’ he said, ‘excuse me, ladies.’  The crowd pulled back a bit as he moved away from her and round to the driver’s seat. He climbed in, watching her as he did as if challenging her to walk away. She could feel everyone’s eyes on her, and she could hear whispers from all angles as they waited for her next move. Then, her head held high she opened the door of the car and slid inside. Elvis put the car in gear and pulled off leaving a trail of heartbroken onlookers. 
As they drove through the streets of Memphis, he kept glancing at her. She was looking out her side of the car, her gaze transfixed on the passing scenery. She looked different today, younger somehow. Maybe it was the fact he had been away for two weeks. Maybe it was that her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, a ribbon around it and she was in a school uniform. Whatever it was it made Elvis feel odd. As did the way she had scowled at him when he had come to pick her up. He recalled the way her face had fallen upon spotting him there. Like she didn’t want anyone to know they were friends. That hurt him. 
After a few minutes of stony silence, Elvis decided he may as well piss her off completely and said, ‘so is the bus a better ride than the caddy or do you just have fun being pissed at me?’
She turned to glare at him which made him smirk. She’d got him all at odds with himself since the moment he had met her at the fair, so it felt good to get under her skin. 
‘I just wished you’d give me some warning that’s all,’ she said with a huff. ‘I thought having Elvis Presley pick you up from school was every teenage girl’s dream,’ he said, pulling his hands off the wheel just a touch to do a jazzy gesture around his own name. Addison rolled her eyes.  ‘Yeah, well maybe I’m not your average vapid teenage girl,’ she muttered. ‘Oh so you’re too good for me is that it?’ Elvis smirked raising his eyebrows. Addison folded her arms across her chest but said nothing. Elvis sighed, ‘look I didn’t mean to upset ya…. I just, well, I just didn’t think me picking you up from school would be such a big deal that’s all.’ ‘No, you just thought you’d show all my friends how my life’s become some fairy-tale right?’ Addison said looking at him cockily. Elvis ran his tongue along his teeth with a huff. So much for him being the one to get under her skin. She definitely gave as good as she got. ‘Okay, okay,’ he said holding his hands up, ‘so maybe I was hoping for a better reaction I’m man enough to admit it. As long as you’re willing to admit that me not telling you I was coming is not what’s got you so pissed.’
Addison watched him for a moment. He couldn’t look at her properly as he had to keep his eyes on the road, but he noticed as her face softened and the hardened scowl disappeared. 
‘Okay maybe,’ she said tentatively.  ‘So, what is it?’ he asked. Addison shrugged.  ‘I don’t know…I guess I just liked that school was the only part of my life that was still the same y’know?’ Elvis nodded. He got that more than he could admit.  ‘Well, I’m sorry I ruined it,’ Elvis said, ‘I didn’t mean it.’ ‘Sorry I was so pissed,’ she smiled. ‘I’m starting to think that’s your default setting,’ Elvis chuckled making her smile grow wider.  ‘Maybe you’re just good at pissing me off,’ she challenged making Elvis bark a laugh. They fell quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable. If anything, it felt like the kind of silence you have with those you’ve known forever. Elvis enjoyed that feeling. 
After a minute or so Addison decided to break the silence. 
‘So…’ she said quietly waiting for Elvis to look at her, ‘why exactly did you want to pick me up today?’  ‘I dunno,’ Elvis shrugged, ‘I mean it’s the weekend. I’m finally back home. I figured that we could do something.’ ‘Like what?’ she asked.  ‘Anything,’ he laughed. They were pulling into Graceland now which was thankfully deserted out front. Elvis pulled up and turned the ignition off, pocketing the key. Neither of them moved to get out instead they sat back against the seating just watching one another.
‘I don’t know,’ she said after a moment. ‘Well how about me and the guys give you some suggestions?’ Elvis asked, receiving a nod in reply, ‘because as annoying and unreal as this world can be. It’s pretty fun.’ ‘I bet,’ she said with a smirk.
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itspvg · 1 year
1, 31, 41, 43, 48 for the weird asks
Thank you again for the asks! You are the best!
1 who is/are your comfort character(s)? - Eric Draven from The Crow as well as Roland Deschain from the Dark Tower Series.
Eric Darven was always a character I loved because I find myself, if I am allowed to give myself this title. A hopeless romantic at heart. And there's something about the story of loving someone so much to the point where they are taken from you and treated with such malice and contempt. That you can't rest knowing that those who would hurt someone that you loved that much has suffered. While dark, I can't help but love the character and the story. It's dark but to me it speaks to my sense of feeling toward the concept of love in a very primal way.
With Roland Deschain, it's an odd choice. But I find comfort in his character. He's a character that is developed and you travel with across 7+ books. You see him at his formative years. Right through to what the read can only assume hundreds of years later. Stedfast on a trip through the horrors and wastes for revenge. Again a character looking to avenge those he has lost. These span close friends, family and a childhood love. A man that has been so battered and broken by the harsh realities and challenges. To the point when we first find him, he's a single minded husk. A wandering lone gunslinger/knight who has one goal in mind. But along the way, he's forced to look at himself. Accept that the world is a cold harsh place and the safe home in the comfort in others is why he fights for vengence. Given the opportunity to have friends again, to become an unexpected father. He begins to find his humanity again and understand his quest. So that people don't have to feel what he felt, hurt like he's hurt. That evolution in the character I find comfort in from the stand point that it reminds me that how you start doesn't define how you end. And that you can always strive for better.
31 what type of music keeps you grounded? - These days it's hard to say. I feel like the vibe of the music and the emotion I am experiencing can have wildy big effects on me. When I am feeling sad. I need something that connects to that emotion. If I am feeling lost, music themes around the idea of self discovery cna be helpful. Thankfully as time has went on. I listen to more than just Metal and Rock. I still love these genres but sometimes I need the lyrics to speak to me directly. I need to hear the concepts even just lightly touch upon the things I am feeling at the time. There are some good artists in Metal and Rock that can do that. But then these days where it's not the right vibe. I need something with a bit of vibrancy. When I think about it. I think back to what one of my heroes in music, Marty Friedman (form Megadeth Lead Guitarist) said something that really made sense to me. He talked about when deciding the leave the band. He needed to be able to make music that spoke to him. Megadeth was Gunmetal Gray. He wanted to paint with greens, blues, oranges, purples. And that struck a chord with me as I got older. It's not the say the Gumetal gray is bad. But I needed a wider palet. And so I guess with this long winded answer. I am trying to say, what grounds me will be very much what can connect with me depending on the driving force of that emotion.
41 how do you take your coffee? - A simple one to actually answer lol. I am sure you are happy about this... Typically I like a single serving of sugar or sweetner. And lightest splash of milk/cream.
43 what’s your take on spicy foods? - I like spicy foods a lot. They have been something I have been always quite fond of growing up. But I do tend to be of the opinion that spice for the sake of spice alone is stupid. I like flavour and if the spice can emobody an interesting flavour. I love it. But you see these fucking sauce "MEGA NUKE ASS BLASTER SATAN'S TEARS WHILE APPLYING A CHEESE GRATOR TO YOUR BALLZ sauce" can get in the bin. Fucking gimmicks that just ruin a good meal.
48 when did you first try an alcohol beverage? - Oh christ, that's a story lol. First time I think I can remmeber trying a alcoholic beverage was when I got my hands on this 35cl bottle of Jack Daniels. I must of been about 15 maybe? Maybe 14. It's hard to remember... But we all had this moment where one of friends had an empty house, no folks home. So a bunch of us got together and somehow scrapped together money for alcohol. Now of course at this point I am just getting into Rock and Metal and you see all your favourite artists drinking Jack Daniels. It's in their hands in pictures and they are wearing t shirts with the logo. So you are like "Well this is what they drink and I want to be cool like them". So I manage to get this small bottle of Jack. Not understanding the difficulty mode I just decided to start on in the drinking game. I try glugging this down and of course, my small child brain ain't fucking stomaching this shit. So I get some cranberry juice from my mate. Try and mix it and get it down easier. It works. But next thing I know I have slugged the whole fucking bottle. Needless to say I am fucking absolutely Greenhoused, not able to fucking think for myself or stand an hour later. I end up sloshed against a wall at the top of my street barely keeping myself right and eventually puking into my friend's lap. He's never let me live that down, nor should he. I was an idiot....
Again I apologise for the massive answers. I dunno, I guess I am just wordy tonight but I hope that is ok and you don't hate me too much for just giving you war and peace... Again really enjoyed doing these and would encourage anyone curious to send more in!
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glenncoco4 · 2 years
You Can Count On Me (Ch. 20)
Epilogue. Rated M.
“I still got butterflies when I saw her, but they were much different than before.” The words he spoke a year ago run through his head as he watches her sleep. The morning sunlight streams in through the window, giving her olive-toned skin a golden hue, and he feels himself fall a little more in love with her which he didn’t think was possible. 
A few minutes later he’s unable to help himself and places his lips delicately on her bare shoulder earning him a lazy smile. 
“Mmm, did I ever tell you how soft your lips are?” Her eyes are still closed, but her fingers still find his golden locks as he continues to peppers kisses across her skin.
“So that's your favorite body part of mine?”
“Top 3.”
A smirk curls at the corner of his lips as he pulls back from his ministrations, meeting her sleepy mismatched orbs. “And the other two?” He already knows the answer, especially feeling her hand wrap around his already stiff member, but he wants to hear her say it anyway.
“Number 2 is your tongue.” Her eyes darken as she leans in, pressing her lips to his and slipping her tongue into his mouth, earning a moan as he deepens the kiss. 
The desire he feels course through his body is more of a constant state where she’s concerned, and he very much wants to continue their morning delight but before that, he needs to hear the words he so very much wants from her. “And number 1?”
“Your huge, round, thick….big toe.” She tries to stifle her laughter as the words come out of her mouth but the look on his face sends her over the edge. 
No words. He has no words. Her body shakes with laughter against him and this is it. This is how he wants to spend the rest of his life. In their bed with her laughter filling the room…preferably naked. Well, not just her laughter, her moans. “You’re lucky I like you otherwise I’d have to take me and my big toe back to my old apartment.”
“You mean the empty apartment that doesn’t have food or a bed or…me?”
“Fine, go then.”
“If you don’t want to be here, go. I just need you to do one thing for me first.”
“What’s that?”
“Let me say goodbye.”
“Okay, I’m listening.”
“Oooh, I was actually talking about the toe.”
Marty scrunches his nose and has to give up the charade. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he rolls over on top of her earning him a rare girlish squeal. “You’d let me leave, just like that?”
“You’d really leave, just like that?” 
He eyes her knowing they’d both stop him before he even reached the bedroom door. “Touché.”
“Speaking of.” She bites her bottom lip as her hands find his ass cheeks, squeezing them. “Am I gonna get any anniversary nooky from my husband or do I have to do it myself?”
“Did you just say nooky?”
“Are you really talking talk about that when your cock is pressed against my wet pussy?”
As usual, his partner leaves him speechless. Letting out a possessive growl, he closes the distance between their lips giving in to the sweet desire, thinking maybe just maybe they should forgo their surprise plans for today and stay here. 
Kensi leans against her husband nervously whispering as she watches the people they love, converse. “Moms are gonna kill us.” At the time this seemed like a good idea, but now she feels like she’s gonna pee herself.
“Probably.” He smiles, placing a kiss to her forehead and giving her side a reassuring squeeze as she curls further into his body.
“You sure this was a good idea?”
“I wouldn’t change a thing.”
She tilts her head back, eyes locking with his and the rest of the world washes away. “Me either…Mr. Blye.”
He places a kiss to her lips, taking in one last moment before everyone important to them knows their secret.
Pulling back from their kiss, Marty turns to the crowd, their arms still wrapped around each other. “Hey everyone, so you all know that this is a barbeque but what we didn’t tell you is why we’re having this little get-together.”
“Please don’t tell me you broke up.” Roberta franticly shouts, looking at the pair with worried eyes.
Marty’s brow furrows, confused at the older blonde’s statement. “Mama, no. Why is that always your first guess?” 
Letting out a sigh of relief, she takes a chug of her wine before taking a seat in a nearby chair. “I may have a problem.”
“And we’ve been dreaming about you two being together for so long it feels like it’s not real sometimes,” Julia speaks up, defending her best friend.
“Well, this is definitely real. So real in fact that we’re not having a wedding.”
Don’s brow furrows. He loves this boy with all his heart but sometimes he’s obnoxiously circuitous. “Uhhhh, you lost us, son.”
As if on cue, the pair, raise their left hands, displaying the silver bands on their fingers. A resounding gasp filling the brisk fall air around them and one…
“Holy shit!” This time it’s Julia with the shout of surprise.
“We’re not having a wedding because we’re already married.” The brunette finally confirms, her bladder thankfully not spazzing out. 
“But when?” Mandy asks, a little hurt in her voice.
“Exactly a year ago. We were in Romania for work and decided to do it.” The blonde detective answers.
Kensi nods in agreement. “It just felt right.”
Kip shakes his head, a million-watt smile on his face. “Can’t say that I’m surprised. We all shipped them together before they made it official. I mean hell, he kept scoffing that he didn’t like her, and yet he always looked at her first whenever someone told a joke just to see if she was laughing too. Marty, my man, you’ve got it bad. And your wife is bad.”
“Down boy.” Deeks laughs because of course everyone in their lives wanted them to be together and he didn’t do that great of a job of hiding his true feelings no matter how much he thought he did. 
Kip’s the first to walk up to the pair, wrapping his arms around both of them, and pulls them in for a hug. “Happy for you guys.”
“And don’t think I didn’t see you two doing the walk of shame the morning after my party.”
Marty can feel the heat creep up his face at being caught by their friend. “You saw that, huh?”
“See you, press her up against the wall and grind into her? Couldn’t miss it. You two are very loud drunks.”
“What can I say, he likes my body.” The brunette smirks.
The basketball star nods in approval with a beaming smile. “Okay, Kens.” 
The special agent’s eyes lock onto something behind Kip and takes a deep breath. Not sure how this next conversation is gonna go. “Hey, could you go watch Tiffanys and make sure they don’t sleep with any of my sniper school friends?”
“Right, could you at least try?”
“You’re the boss.” Kip nods before walking off in the direction of the two other women. 
Marty gives his wife a confused look until he follows her line of sight to the group of people walking toward them. Nell, Eric, Callen, and Sam. Each with a different look on their face. By the looks of it, Nell and Eric are just as happy for them as their other friends. Callen looks like Callen and Sam, well, he looks a little agitated. This’ll be fun.
And it looks like their team leader is gonna be the first to let his feelings known. “So Romania.” 
“Romantic Romania.” The blonde affirms.
“So what uc is this for?” Sam says it, trying to get under the detective’s skin.
“It’s not a cover.” He’s not gonna let this man ruin their celebration. 
The ex-Navy SEAL snorts a laugh. “Kens, I didn’t know you did charity work.” 
She’s had it, gripping her partner’s hand tighter, she steadys herself. Sam may be a part of her team but Marty is her team, her best friend, and husband. He doesn’t deserve this. All he’s ever tried to do is be nice to Sam and she’s not having it anymore. “Listen, this is my husband and today’s a happy day. We’re celebrating our commitment to each other with the people that are most important to us. We wanted to include you guys but if you can’t get on board with that you can leave, Sam. I’m done with you acting the way you do. He doesn’t deserve it. You will respect him and if you don’t we’ll take our skills elsewhere and join a team that appreciates us…both of us.”
“We’re a package deal.” Marty finishes.
“Sam.” Callen looks to his partner.
Okay, he’s been an ass. A giant ass. The five-pair of eyes on him tells him he better say something and say it quickly otherwise he’ll lose his team. “Okay, I’m sorry. I just…I have a tough time getting to know people that are different than me and maybe I for some reason blame you for Dom being gone. It’s not rational I know, it’s just the way it is and I promise to work on it. So please stay. The team needs you. Both of you.”
“I think we should hug.” Marty does his best to ease the tense moment. 
“Don’t push it.” Sam shakes his head, cracking a barely-there smile.
“Where are my kids?”
The sound of Roberta coming towards them gives the pair little time to inform their coworkers about the spitfire approaching. “Oh, you guys will want to brace yourselves. My mama…she doesn’t have a lot of boundaries or a filter on her mouth for that matter.”
“Oooh, who’s the tall drink of water?” The older blonde smirks as she steps up to the ex-Navy SEAL, ghosting her hand over his protruding muscles. 
Kensi notices the slight tint of redness of the ex-SEAL’s cheeks and smiles. This is a good thing. “This is Sam, he works with us.”
“You look like you could bench press me.”
Umberto, wraps his arm around his wife, guiding her away from the muscular man. “I’m sure he could, Bertie. Now let's go get you some water.” 
“I don’t want water. I want a tall glass of him.”
There’s a beat of silence before Callen starts uncontrollably laughing followed by the rest. Yeah, this could work out. 
Just as the sun begins to set, Marty walks over to the dock to join his wife, her favorite food in hand. “This seat taken?”
“Yep, it’s my husband’s.”
“Well, whatdoya know, that’s me.” A smile crosses his face. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get tired of her calling him that. Taking his rightful seat next to her, he sits the plate of food down and wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side before placing a kiss to the top of her head. “You okay?”
“Better than okay.” Her arm goes around his waist as she curls into his side, taking in this beautiful moment. 
“A whole year.”
“The first of many.”
“I just want to thank you for what you did back there. Standing up for me with Sam.”
She tilts her head back, meeting his eyes, her hand finding his jaw as she rubs her thumb back and forth across his scruff. “Baby, I will always stand up for you. No matter what.”
“I know, you always do. Ever since that first day. I just don’t want to become between you and your team.”
“You are my team.”
He leans down, pressing his forehead to hers. “You’re mine.”
“And I’ve been thinking about something.”
“Tell me.”
“Aquaman would crush Cap in a battle.”
“Really?” He’s a bit intrigued by her sudden revelation concerning their first argument 22 years ago.
“No.” She smiles, unable to help herself.
“It’s been a long ride, hasn’t it?”
“Long and beautiful.”
She lets out a contented sigh, nodding her head in agreement. “Just like your legs.”
The blonde can’t help the laughter that erupts from within his belly. Ugh, he loves her so much. “I really have rubbed off on you.”
“After 22 years it was bound to happen.”
“Can’t wait to see what happens in the next 22.”
“I know one thing that will.”
“What’s that?”
“Nakedness…lots of nakedness.”
“Oooh, wanna start now?”
Before she can answer the sound of drunk Bertie’s laughter fills the air, making him cringe. “Yeah, never mind.”
The brunette huffs a laugh as her best friend presses his lips to hers just as the sun bathes them with golden rays. “I love you, Martin Blye.”
Their eyes dance together as they share this moment. A moment that was inevitable the moment they met. “I love you, Kensi Deeks.”
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Alright, I’m now moving on to S15E03 “Follow My Leader” in my series 15 Holby watch. As usual, I’ll keep liveblogging every episode of the series unless someone says it’s annoying.
Edit 1: Oh hey, hi Dr. Lilah Birdwood! I didn't realise she appeared in the very first scene.
Edit 2: Jac: "This is Hanssen. There will be a method to his madness. There always is."
Edit 3: Serena complaining about being on AAU 😂
Edit 4: Chantelle!
Edit 5: Henrik!
Edit 6: I'd forgotten this was the first appearance of Chantelle's boyfriend Torchwood Boy. I know his name is Rhys but I'm just going to call him Torchwood Boy. He also went on to masquerade as a guy named Joshua and have a thing with Marty. ...Or maybe the actor was just playing a different role. 😉😆
Edit 7: "Down here [AAU] may be Hell, but I am still God." That's actually a really badass quote, Michael.
Edit 8: For some reason, the way the chairman's daughter speaks reminds me of Ashildr from Doctor Who.
Edit 9: The chairman’s daughter saying he (Mr. Cunningham, the chairman) thinks Henrik is a liability and is just waiting for him to put one more foot wrong... have I got good news for you, Mr. Cunningham! 😂
Edit 10: Henrik saying “progress has to involve risks”. Didn’t they later establish that as being something Anders had said?? (Fredrik says something like it in “Losing Game”, Henrik says he recognises it because they’re the words of Fredrik’s grandfather.) Wild.
Edit 11: I love Sacha. He's so great.
Edit 12: Mr. Cunningham to Jac: "Don't let Hanssen drag you down with him. You've got his back. Has he got yours?"
Edit 13: Oh, of course Serena would be the one to spill the beans about the Herzig to the chairman 😂
Edit 14: Henrik, Jac, and Elliot all operating together!
Edit 15: Aaand there we are, Jac's vote of no confidence in Henrik.
Edit 16: I love Chantelle so much. And Henrik, but that goes without saying.
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allthewritem0ves · 2 years
Every Little Moment
Part 4 of The Road to Christmas With The Whos
Guy Jr. was truly a blessing. Everyone agreed with that sentiment. His father, his mother, his sister, his godfather. Everyone. Not even the small points in time went unnoticed.
Back in Zookia, at the tail end of the Great Butter Battle, Michellee gave birth to him with Guy at her side. While painful, the process was over before she knew it.
“Oh. Look at him”, Michellee said in a soft voice.
“We have a boy.” Guy was definitely thrilled, but at the same time was apprehensive, expecting the bombs lay waste to everyone and everything all around them. He kept an eye on Michellee and the baby, knowing at least they would be the last things he ever saw. It sucked that E.B. couldn’t be here for this momentous occasion.
Alas, there was no destruction. To nothing except the wall, of course.
“Did you decide on any names?”, Guy asked his wife.
“No. I didn’t want to go over any until I had a chance to talk to you.”
The couple looks down at the baby. He smiled back at them. They were both on the verge of tears.
Guy then began to think. He remembered the night he revealed the news to Sam, E.B. and Pam. Sam, naturally, was ecstatic about the announcement. He even suggested naming the baby Sam too and the name would work whether the baby was a boy or a girl.
Wanting a name that Sam would especially like, but also that he and Michellee would mutually approve of, he says, “How about we name him… Guy Jr.?”
Michellee looks at the baby some more. She locks eyes with her husband again and asks, “What gave you that idea? The fact he looks like you?” She laughs delicately.
Guy simply answers, “Just a little idea from Sam. Might remind him of an old feathered friend.”
“Okay. Guy Jr. it is. We better get out there so he can meet his sister.” Michellee begins to stand up.
“Wait. Are you sure you can stand so soon after having him?”
“I feel like a million bruckles, Guy. Plus, I gotta make sure E.B.’s okay.”
“Fair enough.”
Two weeks later while visiting the family in Stovepipe Junction, Guy’s mother spent every waking second of the day with her grandson. She personally took it upon herself to see he was cared for during the weekend.
Junior’s nuclear family looked on happily. The other kids felt a little jealous of all the attention the baby was getting, but it never really developed past arm folding. Their own fathers raised them well. Speaking of whom, Donny and Marty were proud of their younger brother and sister-in-law. They even helped Guy put together Junior’s crib for the stay.
Sadly, when it was time to go, Mrs. Am-I couldn’t bear letting Guy Jr. out of her sight.
It seemed Junior loved his big sister the most. He always wanted a hug from her and she always accommodated.
When E.B. was first told that the baby was on the way, she wasn’t jealous or expressed the belief that her parents were having him because she grew up, none of that. She was mad because her trust in Guy was severed by short-sightedness.
When she said, “You’re gonna be a terrible father to this baby because you’ve been a terrible father to me”, she came to regret letting those words pass her lips. She has since apologized for it, but still felt the damage had been done. Ever since, she made it her number one priority to make Junior feel like the luckiest brother in the world. In addition to Looka, she even made him a Christmas present with her little invention kit that Guy gave her for her birthday three months ago.
With the actual holiday on the rise, Guy revealed that the family would be vacationing to Whoville from the 18th to the 26th. He and the rest also wanted Guy Jr.’s first Christmas to be a perfect one. Now that Gluntz finally confirmed that she’ll be joining them for the trip, everything seemed to be going their way…
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