#two fics in one day? who is she?
senditcolton · 9 months
we were supposed to be just friends
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an introduction to Abigail Lenox and Matt Martin's tumble from friendship into something more.
series masterlist | title inspo | word count: 2.6k a/n: it's a double drop day! told you all I still loved Marty. this story is courtesy of all of you who planted this idea of friends to lovers Matt Martin in my head and that's where it stayed. this is one of the many reasons why I love you guys. warnings: none! Disclaimer: Reading/creating content for married players isn’t for everyone. Please don’t read if you don’t vibe with it, but don’t attack me or others!
The rumble of the train beneath Abigail Lenox was a welcome sensation after a grueling rehearsal, the muscles in her legs still tight after the hours spent balancing on her toes.
Many of her co-workers thought that she was crazy to make the commute from Greenwich to New York City every day, adding an hour-long commute to her already hectic schedule. But she didn’t mind it. The travel gave her time to relax and decompress. It also reminded her how far she had come; the only daughter of a single mom who clawed her way up the pyramid to become one of the principal dancers of the American Ballet Theater.
She snaps herself back to the present before she gets lost in the memories of her mom’s sacrifice, this train route, and the feeling of excitement bubbling up at the opportunity presented to her all those years ago. With a sigh, Abigail sinks down onto one of the unoccupied seats, removing her phone from her duffel bag and quickly swipes to her contact list. She doesn’t have to scroll far down the list of names before her best friend’s number is pulled up and the call button is pressed.
As she holds up the cell phone to her ear, she listens to the line ring one, twice, three times before a cheerful voice falls through the speaker.
“Hey Abby,” Matt Martin speaks and Abigail can’t help the grin that breaks out her face at the sound of his deep timbre along with the chatter of others in the background.
“Hey Matt. Are you still at practice?”
“It’s over but I’m still in the locker room with a few of the guys. Hey, say ‘hi’ to Abby.”
The grin on Abigail’s face widens as she hears a chorus of other male voices call through the phone to her. She cheerfully replies back although she is pretty sure they can’t hear her, a thought that is only confirmed when she hears Matt chuckle reverberating through the speaker.
“How was rehearsal?”
“Exhausting like always, but everyone is really excited considering opening night is only a few days away,” she replies. And, much like it always did, her mind instinctually jumps through whatever choreography was tripping her up. It was an exhausting role for more than one reason and Abigail knew the nerves would not be settled until she was out on that stage, performing in front of an audience. “Speaking of which, I wanted to check that you got your tickets. If you forgot, I still have one from the family and friends’ allowance that the company gives us.”
“Abby, I got my ticket as soon as I knew I could make it. Like I always do.”
“Oh, always?” she asks, her voice taking on a teasing tone. “So that one time I had to scrounge up a ticket last minute for you to see Giselle doesn’t count?”
“I can’t believe you still bring that up,” Matt sighs, his own words matching her tone to indicate that it was in jest rather than actual exasperation.
“Like I’m going to forget the time you almost forgot to see my American Ballet debut.”
“That was back when I was a twenty-something-year-old who couldn’t keep track of a schedule. I am much more mature now.”
“Sure, if you say so,” she sing-songs in reply, her eyes darting outside the window as she watches the suburbs of New York pass her by.  
“If you keep being mean to me, I’m going to tell the boys to return their tickets.”
The off-handed threat Matt attached to the ending of his teasing sentence has Abigail eyes darting away from the window, her body perking up in the leather train seat.
“What do you mean ‘the boys’?” she asks, the rhythm of her heart increasing in excitement and anticipation of his next words.
“I convinced a few of the guys to come along with me to see you opening night,” Matt explains, his voice ever so casual but Abigail can hear the smile coming through his voice.
“Yeah, you’re going to have five hockey boys cheering you on from the audience. Plus two wives.”
“How’d you manage that?” Abigail asks, a light-laugh falling from her lips. “Don’t you always tell me the boys make fun of you for going to the ballet?”
“Eh, I can be convincing when I need to be.”
“Okay, so I might have bribed them a little but I know they’ll love it. Anyways, you always say that seeing a performance changes people’s opinions about dance and so, I’m making them see a performance.”
“Yeah, I don’t want it them to be dragged to it,” Abigail whines. What Matt said was true: she loved her job and wanted everyone to understand the hours of work and dedication that went into this craft instead of just seeing it as a career filled with sparkles and hoity-toity people who thought themselves too good for anyone else. But she also knew forcing those people to sit down in a theatre for three hours would not be the way to change their opinion.
“I promise, it’ll be fine. They’re cool with it. I really only managed to convince the guys who were already at least a little interested anyway.”
“Oh, so you’re not as convincing as you think you are.”
“Just let me have my moment,” Matt playfully scoffs, pulling a giggle from Abigail’s lips at his voice.
“Alright, you win,” she concedes with a sigh. “So, who’s coming?”
“Well, me – obviously – and then Casey, Brock, Anders and Grace, and finally Cal and Cassie. But they might have to bow out if they can’t find a babysitter. Although I think his girls would love to go to the ballet.”
“Um,” Abigail hums, extending the tone. “Maybe don’t have Cal bring his daughters to this ballet.”
“Wait” Matt says and Abigail can hear a door closing, the voices from the locker room silencing, indicating Matt’s departure from the rink. She doesn’t have a lot of time to focus on his movements when his voice sounds again. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” she replies, once again lengthening the syllables as she undoes her hair, the long brunette strands falling over her shoulders. “It’s not exactly a, um… a PG rated show.”
“Abigail, what the fuck are you dancing in?”
“I swear I’ve told you about the show.”
“Maybe but you definitely didn’t elaborate that it wasn’t family-friendly.”
“Well, considering I didn’t know that any families were attending, it didn’t seem relevant until now,” she playfully quips back and she can hear the sigh and closing car door echo through the other end of the line. There is a small moment before Matt speaks again.  
“Fine, fair point, but can you tell me now?”
“Okay. But I’m not going to spoil the plot for you. And I swear, if you look it up, I’m going to murder you. You’ve seen me prep my pointe shoes before. I can use the same methods on you.”
“I promise,” Matt replies, the hint of laughter in his voice at her threat, knowing full well the stark difference between her slight frame and his bulking figure.
“Okay, so the ballet is titled Mayerling and it follows the Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary, Prince Rudolph, and certain events in his life. And … let’s just say… Rudolph is not someone to be admired and the ballet really shows that.”
“I am both intrigued and terrified,” Matt says. “So, who do you play in all of this? His wife? His mother?”
“I’m his mistress,” she confesses, her out of context declaration earning a questioning glance from a passenger sitting across the aisle. Abigial thinks about adding the context but Matt’s incredulous tone pulls her back to the original conversation.
“I told you, it’s not a family-friendly show. If Cal can’t make it and wants to bring his kids next time, I’ll get him tickets for The Nutcracker or something.”
“I’m never going to look at ballet the same way after this, am I?”
“Probably not. But hey, it’s a great story and a fantastic show for some of the other guys to see. Maybe then they’ll realize ballet isn’t all silk ribbons and sparkly tutus.”
“I think I’d prefer you in silk ribbons and sparkly tutus,” Abigal hear Matt mutter and she lets out a laugh at his grumble, sounding so much like all the brothers she encountered in her upbringing; the ones that were clearly dragged to their sister’s recitals when they’d much rather be doing anything else.
“Well, I think you’re going to end up liking this one anyway,” she remarks. “Just please don’t be scandalized by the pas de deux at the end of Act II.”
“Okay, what the fuck aren’t you telling me?”
Matt’s outburst only causes another raucous laugh to escape Abigail, her joy echoing through the train car and down the end of the line. Her heart sings, not only in delight at the banter she can share with her best friend but at the knowledge that she can count on him for so many things.
One: that he will always be there to support her.
Two: that he is one of the few people who can make her laugh so freely.
Matt Martin was in big trouble.
He had always commended himself on being level-headed, on only acting out of emotion when necessary. It was a good skill to have – applicable both on and off the ice. It stopped himself from getting into messy complicated situations that could lead to plenty of negative outcomes: a penalty kill, a game suspension, injury, hurt feelings, and bruised hearts.
But now, sitting in a luxurious theater that always made him feel a little out of place and listening to the refrains of an orchestra, Matt knew his composure was dissolving. Because he was watching Abigail, the girl he had known for 10 years and one of his closest friends, dance.
And yes, while he had seen her dance plenty of times before, he had never seen her dance like this.
She had warned him as much a week ago when she advised against Cal bringing his daughters to watch the show. But no warning in the world could have prepared Matt for some of the scenes that had already unfolded and no warning could’ve prepared him for this, the final scene of Act II.
Matt watches, enraptured as his best friend moves across the stage, watches as she wraps herself around her co-star’s body, watches her facial expressions shift from teasing to pure ecstasy.
So many people would probably just say that her dancing was beautiful. And it was – it always was. But Abigail told him one night after a few too many margaritas that she hated that compliment.
‘Saying that ballet is beautiful is like saying hockey is fast. Like, duh, of course it is. But if you’re using that as a compliment, it’s superficial. It just tells me you’re only paying attention to the surface and not the substance, not the work that we put into it to make it beautiful. Think of a different adjective and then I might take it as a compliment.’
Right now, though, she was more than beautiful. The way her body moved, the strength and precision of every muscle in her body, the shapes that she could make, the positions she could twist herself into, all the while making it look like the most elegant, natural movement.
But if Matt had to attach a descriptor to what he was watching unfold on stage a few dozen feet in front of him, there was only one word echoing through his mind; Abigail’s dancing was erotic.
And that left Matt stunned. Because it was a side of his friend that he had never seen before. Or perhaps he had, but it was one that he never bothered to acknowledge.
He was being forced to acknowledge it now as he continued to watch Abigail move across the stage, being lifted, spun, and kissed by her scene partner. Watching as she plays the coy almost dangerous character with an ease that Matt still needed to wrap his head around. She was so settled into her body in a way that Matt hadn’t seen before.
It surprised him. It intrigued him.
He is snapped out of the spell-like trance that Abigial casted by the sound of the audience applauding and with a shake of his head, he shortly joined in, his eyes returning to Abigial’s frame, noticing the heave of her chest, the spark in her eyes. His eyes don’t leave her until the heavy red curtain falls, hiding her from view.
The lights turn back on for intermission but Matt’s gaze stays glued to the spot where Abigail once was before a playful nudge to his side turns his attention to Casey sitting next to him.
“You might have gotten more of the boys to come if you told them that ballet was like this,” Casey jokes, his own blue eyes glinting in amusement.
“Yeah, well, to be fair, I didn’t know that’s what this ballet was,” Matt says, trying to keep his voice light as his gaze returns to the stage.
“Really? Abigial didn’t tell you?”
“She just mentioned that it wasn’t exactly family-friendly,” Matt explains pulling a scoff of laughter from Casey.
“Well, she was right about that,” he chuckles.
There is a small pause and Matt can almost feel Casey’s eyes return to him and soon feels his friend’s gaze almost dissecting him. Eventually, the tense silence becomes too much for Matt.
“What?” he asks, his own voice doing nothing to hide his tense apprehension.
“What do you want Casey?”
“Nothing. Just wondering how you’re doing,” his teammate elaborates and Matt hates that he can feel the weight of Casey’s stare. That, coupled with Casey’s question has Matt worried that the man sitting next to him can see the impure thoughts running through his head. Thoughts about his best friend.  
“I’m fine,” he mutters out from behind gritted teeth.
“Casey. What do you want me to say?”
“No, no, it’s – it’s nothing,” Casey says, his voice dismissive and Matt almost relaxes, thinking that his friends probing is finished. But then Casey speaks again. “It’s just that you had this look in your eyes while watching Abby dance. Just wondering how you’re doing – seeing her like that.”
“I’m fine. She’s just a… really good dancer.”
“Yeah, she is,” Casey trails off, finally letting the conversation go.
Matt watches out of the corner of his eye as he turns towards Cal and Cassie and it’s only then does Matt let out the deep breath he didn’t know he was holding, Casey’s piercing gaze no longer on him. Although Matt can tell from the thickness of the atmosphere that still hovered over him that there was an entirely separate tension that had no relation to his friend’s questions.
Matt tires to shake off his teammate’s words, chalking up the ‘look’ that Casey observed as nothing more than surprise and admiration for his best friend. Who he had known for years. Who always supported him. Who understood the demand of his career because hers was so similar. Who made him smile. Who was kind and talented and beautiful.
So beautiful in so many ways. An amazing woman that Matt wanted to keep in his life.  
As a friend. Nothing more than that. It was just friendship. Nothing else.
Perhaps if he said it enough, it would return to being the truth.
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giantkillerjack · 11 months
Me: hm, I want something to put on the TV as background noise... Huh. Looks like YouTube is recommending something called The Last Unicorn. That's perfect, it's probably some old shitty animation that has aged poorly! I can watch it ironically!
Me, 2 hours later as the credits roll: *crying, cheering, buying the book, composing the songs*
Me, 2 weeks later: So I have compiled all of the quotes from the book that I think could make good tattoos, and also, HOW HAVE I NEVER LEARNED ABOUT HOW THE LAST UNICORN FUCKING SLAPS??? This gay-ass little fairytale fed my soul! Watered my crops! Transed my gender! Can't believe I heard of this story from youtube recommendations, of all places!!
#original#the last unicorn#tlu#peter s beagle#molly gru#schmendrick#schmendrick the magician#two of my favorite characters in anything right there in the center of the story! and I'm glad I saw the film first!#my reading ability has diminished due to trauma disability etc. but it seems like having a visual reference actually really helped!#no wonder i only ever want to read fan fic! turns out reading is not actually Superior to other types of Storytelling. it's just different.#to say otherwise is snobbishness I have been eminently guilty of in my life!#but like it is easier for me to consume tv and movies and that is fine actually. also that's why I'm doing a graphic novel lol#because i wanted to make something i would actually be able to read if i found it at a library. altho the audio book IS gonna be bomb#the audiobook is for visually impaired readers and anyone who wants or needs it! accessible stories for everyone! yeah!!#my gender was already transed but now I've gained an ADDITIONAL gender! which one? I'll never tell 😘#i am so powerful i have so much fuckin gender. my wife has no gender. and she is equally as powerful.#and also she has STUDIED THE BLADE#mostly zoro's blades from One Piece#normally YouTube recommends me shit movies like idiocracy or smth this is like if every day ur cat brought you a piece of rotten food and#then one day it brings you a BEAUTIFULLY ANIMATED TALE FEATURING MY BELOVED TWINK FUCK-UP WIZARD FRIEND AND MY ALL-TIME HOMEGIRL MOLLY GRU#and also it's soft and beautiful and funny and fucking weird!! i wrote melodies to the songs in the books on my ukulele
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tea-earl-grey · 7 months
i had an itching for comfort media so i went back to watch some s1 voyager episodes and s1 is soooo much better than i remembered. the later seasons appeal to my tastes a bit more but all the characters in s1 are so earnest and hopeful even when they butt heads and disagree and i'm just sitting here like "oh god they don't know what the next 7 years have in store..." i doubt it was that purposeful on the writers' part but it's so compelling how all of the characters have pretty open insecurities and are clearly people with lives and dreams beyond Voyager and bit by bit that's chipped away in later seasons. yes everyone becomes more confident and competent but is that really who they are or are they just losing themselves along the journey? (unfortunately the Doyalist explanation is just that the writers stopped putting focus on like. half of the main cast but shh i'm here for Watsonian analysis.)
like it's particularly noticeable with Janeway. she's definitely always been written as a strong leader but i forgot how much in early seasons we get to see her insecurities and vulnerabilities, how different she acts from when she's acting as captain to when she's alone, how often she questions her morality and whether she has the right to make decisions for her crew (and how often others questioned that right). then in the later seasons (around s3 and definitely by s4), she almost never questions her moral decisions, she rarely shows doubt, she plans heists on Borg cubes without a second thought, she dispenses her justice to the Equinox crew without really considering their position, she regulates others' autonomy (especially with Seven and the Doctor) without seeming to realize how easily that can go wrong. and don't get me wrong i love this development and think it's incredibly realistic for Janeway to deeply internalize her role and authority as a Captain and for it to permanently change her sense of self. Endgame is the perfect closure for Janeway's character because her future self exerts that same authority that she's been practicing over herself (also Janeway gets to live out her martyr complex one last time). i just wish the show was a little bit more self-aware that it was writing Janeway (and other characters) like this because there could be so many more interesting character conflicts.
anyways rewatching early ds9 made me say "aww these characters don't know that one day they'll all grow together and basically become family" and rewatching early voyager has me saying "uhohhhh these characters don't know the unhealthy relationships and neuroses they're going to uncover and develop". toxic found family for the win.
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formosusiniquis · 1 year
Argyle as Steve's bi realization, hear me out.
Steve is used to a certain amount of confusing feelings for people after a lot of close contact, high stress apocalypse stopping. There was the first time with Nancy (and wow Jonathan is actually a pretty cool dude, if he changed his hair a little, maybe stopped taking creep pictures in the woods he could be a really fun to hangout with).
And then there was the second time, and that hurt a little bit more cause Nancy is still just as great. Even when she's moving straight on to Jonathan, who really is just a great dude he's really come into his own and he's got kind eyes even if they are staring at Nancy all the time. It's probably just the residual heartache. Some weird things getting tied up with the only two not children that know about monsters too.
But then there's the third time with Robin. And Steve finally thinks he's figured out what's going on. It's like when you take a girl to a horror movie on the first date, only times a million. Your heart rate is up and your adrenaline is through the roof. Of course he's imprinted on any age appropriate person he's near. He probably did love Nancy, Robin is definitely the platonic love of his life, and that definitely explains all the weird feelings he still sometimes has when he's around Jon for too long. It's all just crossed wires in his traumatized, concussed brain.
By the fourth go around he's got it all figured out. Sure, Eddie is objectively, pretty attractive. Sure, he's great with kids which is like Steve's number one desirable trait he looks for. He's funny, he's got a great smile, he's constantly in Steve's space. But the swoopy feeling in his stomach, the dizzy light headedness. That's all adrenaline and blood loss. Robin isn't an option, he's already done this too many times with Nancy, his brain has found the default all that's left is Eddie Munson. But wow, big boy, that one is… something.
So when all is said and done; and Eddie has claimed to see angels and they all look like Steve Harrington -- he does giggle a little at that, feels the strange urge to kick his feet or twirl his hair. But he's just excited that he's got a new age appropriate friend and that they all made it out mostly unscathed. Any and all blush inducing thoughts and feelings can be easily explained away by the waning stress of a traumatic event and the lingering joy that fuck they really did make it out this time.
But then in the quiet, as the dust settles and they all do their best to find normal again. Jonathan has brought Argyle home to Hawkins.
Argyle who has the nicest hair Steve has ever seen. Whose first words to him are, "Dude, that is a righteous mane you're rocking, do you use oils in your routine cause I really think they'd take you to the next level." Argyle, who manages to convince Dustin 'picky eater' Henderson to try fruit on his pizza. Argyle, who made the best brownies Steve has ever eaten and helped him get high for the first time in nearly a year.
There's no adrenaline to blame this time, no lingering apocalypse.
"Robin, I need to talk to you."
He pulls her away from the rest of the older teen party as quick as he can. Nervous and confused and panicked and excited. For once in their friendship she lets herself be tugged along without complaint, understanding instinctively that this is about to be a bathroom conversation.
"You know how Vickie likes both, guys and girls."
"We do not know that, but I remember your theory."
"Well, she definitely does and I'm pretty sure I do too."
"Oh my god, Steve," she stretches his name out until it echoes, "really, I'm so proud of you. That's so great, wait , who was it? How'd you realize? Oh my gosh was it-"
"-Eddie." "Argyle." they say the names in sync.
"Argyle?" "Eddie?" In sync again even their confusion matches.
"Oh God, Eddie," and with a, mostly, clear head things do start making more sense. Eddie, who is co-parenting the kids with him. Eddie, who always makes sure Steve doesn't neglect his own needs in favor of the rest of the group. Eddie, who watched Steve and Lucas play a pickup game last weekend even though he clearly didn’t get the rules past ball in basket. Eddie, who has been reading Lord of the Rings to him over the phone when the nightmares keep them both awake and they can feel razored teeth and barbed tails clawing at their skin. Eddie, who still hasn't gotten his vest back because the thought of losing it makes something hot and tight clench in Steve's chest. "Robin, Eddie!"
Robin, for her part looks relieved, "Thank God, I did not know how to tell you that I'm pretty sure that Argyle was gonna be another partner Jonathan beat you out for."
And with that name comes another realization, "Oh my god, Robin I had a thing for Byers." He can see the laughter threatening to break through and as the giggles start he actually processes what she said, "wait, Jon and Argyle, really?"
She pushes down her laughter, "Yeah, pretty sure the two of them and Nancy are having a little ménage à trois, if you get my meaning."
"Yeah that French I do know."
Robin let's them sit on the cold tile of his bathroom floor, processing and just sharing each other's company. She let's Steve find just a moments peace before she says, "You know this means you've had a thing for everyone in that room, right?"
He lets her guide him into laughing, just like they laughed together in the Starcourt bathroom. It's easier than getting embarrassed. And anyway she's right, as always, and that feels like a crisis for after he's figured out what to do about his new Eddie problem.
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love-songs-for-emma · 3 months
im actually amazed i cant find this;
do any of u know where i could find a gif of dean saying the iconic quote of "You know who wears sunglasses inside? Blind people. And douchebags." from s9 e5 "dog dean afternoon"
i SWEAR i had it saved years ago but i cant find it. pls help. xoxo
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synonymroll648 · 1 year
au where the black swan never had to abandon alluveterre, and sophie and biana keep sleeping in the same bed so much it becomes routine and they gradually get more cuddly as time goes by. and then they get more affectionate and emotionally intimate with each other too. and then they’re at the classic sapphic ‘are we dating or just really good friends?’ stage for a stupidly long time 
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seaweedstarshine · 4 months
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You know that time in the comics when the Doctor is so depressed, he shuts off the lights, turns on an interrogation spotlight, locks himself in the console room, and argues with a bunch of judgmental shadow-figures resembling his past incarnations?
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And all the TARDIS' lights go out and her interior becomes a maze to keep his companions out of the console room, all from her psychic connection with the Doctor (“moodbleed”)?
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And his companions are left wandering in circles for two days as the air goes “stale,” not knowing where he is but thinking the worst, while he hallucinates in a dark room?
...because I'm thinking again about the times this definitely happened when he was with the Ponds.
#when they find him- Rory (one good nurse™) asks neutral questions to check on his emotional state while respecting his space#Amy knows when he's locked himself alone long enough to call River (fortunately Amy talks to her daughter often)#River can calm the tardis and go directly to the Doctor. she sits with him and nods when he rants. she tells him hes loved.#eleventh doctor#11th doctor#doctor who#words by seaweed#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#honestly same. I don't want anyone looking at me when im in that way because eyes are very uncomfortable lasers slicing my thoughts#so river doesn't look at him. she looks away and lets him look at her so he knows she's not looking at him. she also does active listening#the shadow-figures in this comic are beyond psychosis coded#emphasis: it isnt presented like some conference of past selves here (which the doctor can't just do anyway- see Power of the Doctor).#and the shadow figures dont have personalities anyway. the way theyre drawn is VERY psychosis coded (as is 11 this whole Si Spurrier run)#this is from Eleventh Doctor Year 2 Issue 3 (set between A Christmas Carol and The Impossible Astronaut) if anyone's wondering#note that he put on his comfort fez I love him#alice obiefune#poor Alice got drove up the wall from wandering in the dark for two days… I think Amy and Rory get to get used to it if they're together#eventually they work out a plan to calm the tardis enough to show them the comfy spot in the bunkbeds to wait and give him space#he joins them in their bunkbed for platonic snuggles. all in the same bunk. Rory doesnt mind. they make sure the doctor knows hes loved <3#I think- having been percieved as psychotic growing up- Amy would be conscious about making sure the doctor knows she still adores him#I really want this fic to exist
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Chapter 2 of
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there's nothing i fear
is on Ao3
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dishsaop · 2 months
does anyone have recommendations for fictional media that has like. actual lesbians in it. not like supergirl Two White Skinny Girls, One Blonde and One Brunette Kiss media, or "its implied lesbianism!!!" but just regular fucking lesbians
#i say lesbians but i guess i mean sapphic#im just like. tired of gnawing#and of men also. sorry men in my life i love you but on god if i have to pretend one more man is butch just to get#content that isnt m/m or m/f im going to turn into a horse and run into the wilderness until im saved from the glue factory by a plucky#young woman except instead of letting her have her formative summer where she trains me and bonds w me and wins a competition w me#im going to commit horse suicide in front of her & change her life forever. just because im so tired of bland CW-marketable women kissing &#digging for scraps in a refuse bin while brushing aside 7002993829292929939292929399394 gay and het romances#m text#i will also take nonfictional lesbians if its like a story#not to be whiny on main but one of the hardest hurdles i had to jump wasnt realizing i was a lesbian. i came out to myself and to friends a#lesbian multiple times. but i would always walk it back when a friend would express doubt or a male friend would ask me out#bc i dont and especially then didnt know very many lesbians in person. and so i had to turn to examples#and all i fucking had were fictional women who liked men. or fictional lesbians who were so cleaned and sanitized and prettified#(you all know what i mean right. the 2 skinny white girls one blonde one brunette. im not crazy right)#and i would be like. i dont feel things when i look at these fictional lesbians so i guess i belong back here#(this is also bc my gender ended up being fuckier than i realized but shhhhh)#I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THESE TAGS but theyre too long and im lost.#anyway the point is if people werent so fucking weird abt fictional or onscreen lesbians maybe thered be a lot more people comfortable bein#out as lesbian#like sorry but this awful ouroboros of 'all lesbians onscreen have to be cute and sanitized' meaning that people write and believe wlw has#to be cute and pure and sanitized (OR a 'badge of honor' bc good for u u doodled two women together or had it as a background in ur fic)#meaning that therefore all portrayals of lesbianism continue to be like this. is just#and im also gonna be honest theres probably a lot of good sapphic media im just in the wrong circles to have stumbled into lol. so#yknow. personal viewer bias here#but i still like swing wildly between overly brandishing my dykeness as a badge to feel like im proving im lesbian#and like. backing up under a blanket bc i dont wanna be weird or annoying or freak people out#but if people just Saw Normal Ass Lesbians. aough.#im going to watch revolutionary girl utena one of these days even if i struggled w the writing style the first few episodes#I JUST WANNA SEE AN OLD BUTCH ONSCREEN GET SOME PUSSY.#like it also doesnt help im mostly femme4butch so seeing 2 femmes on screen is like. okay cool so what. but only femmes are 'marketable'
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tarmac-rat · 11 months
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TFW you're two weeks removed from leaving your entire life behind and moving to Night City but you're restless and anxious and can't sleep so you sneak out in the dead of night and do something reckless and the only person you know who can fix you up is that old doctor guy your new friend took you to see in a basement last week for back alley chrome and fighting tips.
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teaandinanity · 10 months
TFW character decisions take a relationship from 'they could fix them' to 'they can fix each other.'
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ellalalala · 7 days
Made my OC again using this wonderful windswept oc maker :')
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poppy5991 · 1 month
I said, “I’m gonna work on some short fanfics now that Auster is complete and only focus on the original fiction that we are seeing progress on.”
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Guys, I wrote so much over the past week on a bunch of different projects but not enough on any singular one to be ready for posting.
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ritzcuit · 3 months
i aam deep in dhurkedatz specifically thoughts today. Oh the them. oh the unspoken of it all. the unlabeled. we got a good thing going. of course this is my ... he's my. You know. well hes my right hand man of course. im the fangs o' the defiant dragon. but that doesnt explain it fully.. thats business. and their lives are almost entirely business but Not Quite. and beyond the revolution they escape description...thats his best friend. that's his datz..
dhurke loves amara like crazy his love for her never died at all ... datz isn't a replacement ... hes just his datz. you know? 20 years of partnership cant go away like that. theyre together. partners!! and rumors fly and theres jokes. call off your boyfriend! so whens the marriage? and theres shared looks and pitying looks and understanding looks and skeptical looks but no one Speaks on it.. its unspoken!! but its there. by god.
like i wouldnt dream of doing anything without you. or that dhurke knows when he gets reunited with his family once more, for real this time, datz is gonna be there. and amara isn't being replaced so shes not concerned at all lol shes like ... what ... and take away his datz? what kind of monster do you take me for :( Like she knows. and everyone KNOWS. thats just his datz. and thats his dhurke. and you cant seperate them its unethical its cruel and unusual punishment its not nice
All the small tiny things... the years of history in each others actions ... the energy and focus shifting between them without needing to ask. in a discussion fixing to break out into a fight datz defuses it. datz tense and uncomfortable outta his mind and dhurke spots the way he tugs at his scarf and makes an excuse for datz to leave early. he asks to be waken up in a few hours so they can trade ofd guard duty and datz says yeah but they both know he'll stay up the whole night just to let dhurke sleep longer (this i stole from such terrible tales bc that detail made me sick) Like Ugh Like i cant Like i just dont know
and its not that they dont want to label it but its just so...what would change really. dhurke knows datz loves him and datz knows dhurke loves him (though maybe some nights he really does need reassurance, and he gets in his head about it, and somehow- through ways datz doesn't have a clue how- dhurke can tell when datz is quiet from upset as opposed to another reason, and he'll take datz's hand and kiss his knuckles and Thank Him so deeply and earnestly that it burns out any negative thought datz has ever had in his life ... crazy.)
and hes the family friend and the sort of uncle and the right hand man and compatriot and everyone knows just by the way they lean against each other and speak in half finished sentences and answer questions that weren't fully asked ... reference jokes from years ago and diffuse each other and the way datz is obviously gloomy when dhurke is gone vs perks up when he comes back And the way dhurke is on edge and his leaderly dad warmth is slightly colder while datz is in prison like even when theyre not together you can tell the impact left on each others lives LIKE IM SICK FOR REAL
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barefootcosplayer · 6 months
Rapture as a haunted house…….
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hella1975 · 2 years
my mum now knows what fanfiction is and thinks it's 'really cool' and that i should 'give it a go'
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