#i am a moron
foolsocracy · 7 months
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quick noir mood board between the horrors (finals)
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archerygun · 2 months
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A very old collection of drawings of the Zoggs seals as selkies. Don’t ask me why, don’t ask me how. This was an exorcism. The concept haunted me for like 2 weeks until I caved and created it. I do not accept constructive criticism because I have created high art.
Excuse how ASS these proportions and faces are, these drawings are like at least a year if not two old by now.
But this is what I am best known for in some circles and I figured I may as well let you know what kind of absolute doofus you are dealing with here before anybody gets the impression that I deserve basic respect.
(Slightly influenced by the personalities and names me and my sister gave them as kids)
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lemonylepid · 11 months
Guys I'm so dumb I thought all the islands were on top of Mata Nui, and any living spaces inside Mata Nui were all stringy and techy like Metru Nui. I thought Artahka, the southern continent, all of it was hidden terraformed bodies of land like the Island of Mata-Nui is. (except Karda Nui, that made sense to me)
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cinematicnomad · 8 months
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To clear up, stiles was named after his maternal grandfather, the sheriff says that to coach during season 1. Elias is the Sheriffs dad
i'm suddenly realizing the gif in that post even says 'elias stilinski' so like??? that is all on me 😂 i only slept 4ish hours last night and it is clearly showing. thank you for correcting me!
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ramrage · 1 year
Loki Laufeyson is a Man of Many Complexes
chapter 1 of ???
“This is a very funny joke if you had all the details,” Loki says. He’s out of breath and it’s mostly likely because he’s bouncing on some blond behemoth’s behemoth dick. The man kneads at Loki’s ass, seemingly unaware of this whole exchange. Loki just smiles wryly at you.
On a particularly naughty thrust, the blond man smacks roughly at Loki’s ass, growls out a “Who’s your daddy?”
Loki turns to you with a grin, “So was that. Pardon me for a moment,” he says before leaning down to his blond’s face for a kiss. This situation would feel much more odd if Loki seemed more perturbed, but he doesn’t. In fact, having an audience seems to egg him on. He whines out a pornographic, breathless “you are, you’re my daddy”. The blond man seems pleased by this, given the appreciative sound he grunts out.
Loki smirks at this. “For context,” he says as he grinds his hips, “this is no one.” He nods to the man. “No one of import, at least. Met him at a bar and well, I couldn’t resist the opportunity.” The man grabs Loki’s hips, stilling them. Loki shoots a puzzled glance your way but complies as the large man arranges him on all fours. With an appreciative hum, Loki remarks, “Ah, backshots.” The man reinserts himself, groaning.
“So tight,” the two say in sync. Loki rolls his eyes.
“Just for you,” Loki says, glancing back. He can’t help but melt bodily into the sensation, rolling his hips. This was good.
After settling himself, the man starts up at a punishing pace, filling the room with lewd slaps of flesh against flesh. Very good, indeed. Loki leans into his touch as hands slide across his flanks, across his chest, up his neck. Fingers roughly press at the seam of Loki’s lips, and he allows them in, sucking.
“The punchline is coming,” Loki assures you around the mans fingers, pausing to smirk at the double-entendre. “I’ll tell you when.”
“When?” Loki says, sort of outraged. A limp asparagus drops to his plate, plopping lamely next to a congealing mess of gravied mashed potatoes. A mandatory excursion of unknown but longer-than-desired duration to the middle of bumfuck nowhere was not ideal. Not remotely ideal.
Frigga, otherwise known as “Mom”, spoons a heap of mashed potatoes onto Odin-Father’s plate. “As soon as your brother’s semester ends,” she explains, nodding at the blond behemoth sat at the opposite end of the dinner table.
Loki raises his brows knowingly at you. “Ba-dum tish.”
Interpreting his silence as moody disapproval, Frigga scolds her youngest son, “Loki, your grandmother left behind a lot for us to sort out with the house. This is an all-hands-on-deck operation.”
“Are we forgetting that I am employed? With a job?” Loki asks incredulously. To be fair, he didn’t exactly care about this job, but the real offense was the general lack of consideration vis-a-vis his life. “What am I supposed to do? Just leave indefinitely?”
“Family comes first,” Odin interjects.
Loki scowls impressively. “He’s become a man of few words in his later years,” Loki says, addressing you. “Mostly chiming in to offer obnoxious, unyielding moral platitudes when they’re least wanted. He also enjoys reminding me that I’m the worst.”
Odin sighs like an old man. “Your brother will be attending classes remotely and he hasn’t complained.”
Thor knows better than to react to that statement. Or maybe he doesn’t give a shit, too busy looking gorgeous as he inhales his eighth helping of steak.
“He’s a super senior.” Loki nods in Thor’s direction, but no one seems to notice. They continue eating silently in the oppressive awkwardness specific to tense family dinners. They’ve made it a weekly tradition, keeping the family bonds strong, or whatever “You can spend ten years at school and no one seems to give a shit if it means holding onto their star QB. America is weird.”
As if closing off any further commentary, Frigga sighs, not looking up from her plate. “We’re all going, and that’s that.”
“Well, you heard her,” Loki says sardonically, shrugging, “that’s that.”
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starrose17 · 11 months
Me, having a brain-gone moment and googling: "What's the flappy door on a bar called?"
Google : " A bar flap."
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qazma · 6 months
Well my brain wasn't with me until I noticed that not only is there a D for Anryu's build but for her sister also
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I messed up the body pieces and had to restart from both of the heads but thankfully I didn't go to far now just got to pull an all nighter for it now just cause of the mix up of D parts :P
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You can tell Anryu ain't looking fine right now lol
I just hope I don't mess with Tenryujins stuff now oh boy...
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bog-witch-bisexual · 7 months
Someday the U.S. Army is going to be releasing commercials to try and get women/AFAB people to join up like "war is so girlypop, queen! So go be a #girlboss and get to werk fighting to make HERstory!"
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abhi-kabhi · 8 months
Delusion: Dependence on illusions.
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officialspec · 3 months
i always roll my eyes a little bit when someone openly looks down on people who are religious/spiritual. ur telling me youve never made a wish before?? never sent a little prayer out into the universe???? get real
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ghostlydear · 1 year
imagine someone being as excited about u as u are about them
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lizard-ratt · 1 year
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artlefty · 1 year
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whalefill · 8 months
feel the need to share this where I can hopefully get more people to see it. video posted by iamsbeih today, 10/23/23
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nibeul · 1 year
jamie lee curtis winning best supporting actress over stephanie hsu for a movie that centered an asian american family and explored familiar ties through that specific lens... ohhh oscars committee when I get my hands on you
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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It occurred to me how incredibly chaotic and delightful Cheese Melt would be when put in the same room as Danny and Jack, so yeah. More silly comic doodles.
Jack, Vlad, Danny, and Danielle go camping! Vlad only agreed to this because he's frustrated and jealous of how much Dani seems to like Jack despite his best attempts to brainwash her into hating him, and he's sure that two nights in the woods will prove to her that Jack is an idiot and not nearly as good of a parent as Vlad is. Vlad knows he can't simply forbid Dani from ever talking to Jack again, because she's already such a free spirit who barely listens to him. So it's obviously the best plan to ensure that Dani comes to the correct conclusion all on her own. Unfortunately for Vlad, he yet again has utterly played himself (or rather, has let Dani play him like the master of psychological manipulation she is).
Meanwhile, Danny is just here to hang out with his dad and Dani, and point and laugh at Vlad's rising blood pressure while ALSO ensuring Vlad doesn't end up legitimately killing his dad. And Jack is of course utterly oblivious to the intensely complicated dynamic of his three half ghost companions. He's just happy to go hiking (they immediately get lost) go canoeing (they immediately capsize) and share a tent with his best friend (who immediately politely declines)
Dani and Danny then encounter a small army of blob ghosts in the woods and Dani convinces Danny to pretend to get captured with her, in the hopes that it will force Vlad to work with Jack to rescue them (and maybe fix some of the tension). Comedy and vaguely heartwarming moments ensues.
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