#i am asking you to consider these two again 👍
countrymusiclover ¡ 7 months
One - The Man Who Can Control Metal
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Battle of the Mind and Heart
Part 2
Tags - just send me an ask to be added @aintinacage
I am not sure how to really ever start the first chapter of my books. I hope I can figure out the dynamic. I want these two to go in at some point. If you have any tips on how that should go, dm me 👍
Germany, Poland 1944
Sliding on my black combat boots I pushed my hair out of my face. Standing up front the desk chair I was sitting in I could hear my father's footsteps coming closer down the hallway. I tied my hair up in a ponytail hearing the office door finally open revealing my father. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes. Yet I resemble my mother overall with bright blue eyes and blonde hair. “Addison, you're coming to work with me today.”
“Alright whatever for?” I asked knowing that he normally kept me out of his work. Always saying it would be far too much for me to handle.
He fixed the top part of his jacket, sending me a half smirking yet proud smile. “There's someone very interested I'd like you to meet.” He headed out the door immediately and I was quick to follow his heels, he never cared for me if I was dragging along behind him.
We moved up and down some stairs then through a couple of different rooms until we entered an office and he shut the door behind me. He sat down in the chair behind the desk and I just decided to lean against the side before the door opened once more. Two soldiers enter, leading a young boy that looks to be my age of fourteen years old. “What is going on, father?”
“This boy was supposed to be going to the camps until he had a disagreement with some of the men. He bent a metal fence almost in half. He's not ordinary, my dear daughter.” My father almost sounded proud of such a feet.
Shifting my gaze to the young boy he avoided my gaze and watched the floor. “What's your name?”
“Erik…Erik Lehnsherr.” He paused in his answer. “I want to see my mother.”
Glancing over my shoulder I shiver asking the question. “Where's his mother?”
“That needn't be your concern, daughter. She is where she is supposed to be and he will see her again once he shows me what he can do.” My father picked up a bell out of the desk and the guards opened the door revealing a woman who Erik ran to, meaning it must be his mother. My father took out a handgun explaining. “Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to count to three…and you’re going to move the coin. You don’t move the coin, I pull the trigger.”
“Dad, no. You can’t!” I attempted to grab the gun from him but he had the two guards by the door grab me and pin me down on my knees and just watch. “One….two….three.”
Erik couldn’t move the coin and I cried out watching his mother get shot. Yet the young boy didn’t dare turn around before he bent the bell and the metal cabinet. Throwing my elbow backwards into one of the guards they tried to grab me but at the same time he managed to crush the metal helmets on their heads until they died beside his mother. “Erik…” I breathe put covering my face until all the metal lab objects stopped getting thrown around above my head.
Uncovering my eyes I gasped eyeing his mother's dead body on the floor. He started crying in anger with my father apalding him. “Outstanding, Erik. So we unlock your gift with anger.” He placed the coin in his hand and headed for the door.
“How could you do that to him!” Rushing forward I grabbed my father's arm and he winced and I saw my hand turn red. Quickly drawing my hand backwards I saw it disappear before he could see I had some power of my own. As far as he knew I was just human like my mother.
My father Sebastian turned around to face me. “He's not like everyone else and I wish to see what he can truly do.” He left the office without saying another word to me or to the boy behind me.
“Erik, I….I'm sorry.” I noticed that he hasn't moved from where he stood and I did consider touching his shoulder. Yet decided no seeing the state he was in now.
He slowly glanced at me sniffing through tears. “You’re a monster, Addison!” I didn’t like the way he said my name for the first time which such anger and hate. Wrapping my arms around myself I left the room figuring it would be hard to gain any trust with him now.
Years later
Things haven't gotten any better between Erik and I. My father has kept me out of the supposed research he calls it. Yet I found out the truth a little while ago…about two years after we met. It was the middle of the night as I made my way down to the sort of bunker room they were keeping Erik in. It had no metal seeing as he could escape. Shutting the door behind me he sat up slightly in the bed but scoffed the second he saw it was me. “What are you doing here!”
“I brought you some extra food from my dinner if you want it.” Reaching inside my jacket I tossed him a zip lock bag that had some biscuits and a half slice of meat seeing that they didn't feed him well.
He caught the bag looking me in the eye briefly. “Why are you being nice to me?”
“Because I'm not like my father, Erik.” I responded with my hands inside my pockets.
The young mutant boy sat in silence just eating the food that I had given him. Moving downward I sat across from him with my hands laying in my lap. I wasn’t sure what to say to him. I knew that he didn’t trust me. “What is the real reason you’re talking to me?”
“Because I heard that they're shutting down everything. The camps, the experiments, everything. My father is packing to get out of here and not get executed. But I thought you should know that I’m here to help you get out of here.” Glancing over my shoulder I watched the door behind us counting down the minutes, figuring if my father found out where I was I would never see Erik again.
Erik stared at me finishing his food before he rolled up the sleeve of his shirt. I noticed the numbers that had been marked onto his left forearm and it made me feel guilty that he was suffering. “You’re really willing to help me, I still don’t understand why.”
“Come with me and you’ll see that I’m someone you can trust.” Raising myself to my feet offering him my hand.
He hesitantly placed his hand in mine asking one more question before I helped him sneak out before we could get caught. “What am I supposed to call you, Shaw girl?”
“Addison is too formal. Call me Addi.”
He got to his feet heading for the door twisting the doorknob and we both saw some flashing lights going down the hallway. He quickly turned his attention to me. “So what exactly is the plan now?”
“How about this? Since I am helping you get out of here then you agree to never hurt or try to kill me.” I suggested shrugging my shoulders.
Erik actually agreed to my shock and awe. “Fine, Shaw girl. But you'll help me find the ones who hurt me.” I squeezed his hand that was still looped with his saying that I agreed in silence before began running and haven't stopped since then.
Shutting the hotel room door behind me with my foot I didn’t hear the tv or anything on in which could only mean that Erik had either left or was just plotting in silence. Sliding my boots off of my feet at the door I paused in the doorway. “How long have you been staring at that wall?”
“That’s not your concern.” He grumbled moving the coin from my father between his fingers, never looking away from the board with pinned maps and pictures leading up to my father’s picture.
Crossing my arms over my chest I huffed. “Maybe it is my business considering the only time you leave is to kill some other Nazi members. So forgive me for being concerned.”
“I didn’t ask you to free me that night, Addison.” He scoffed using my full name knowing I didn’t care for it.
Waving my index finger at him I stepped away from the wall and to the foot of the bed. “I told you to not call me that, Lehnsherr!”
“Addison.” He just kept going until I crawled up onto the bed putting my hands on either side of his head glaring at the man in front of me.
The entire time he just kept moving the coin until I managed to snatch it from him. My freehand landed down on his thigh and he winced where I realized what I was doing and drew my hand back. “Sorry that I might actually care about you after what happened to your family. If you’re gonna hate me for the rest of our lives I guess I’ll just go!”
“Addison….” Erik called for me but I was already around the corner to my bedroom and slammed the door behind me. He noticed the coin had been dropped on the floor and so he slowly used his power, levitating it once more and then launching it right to my father’s forehead.
Once the door was shut I flopped down on my bed screaming into my pillow. A few minutes after that I heard the desk lamp move and a few markers and some of my shoes go flying around…everything had some tiny bit of metal inside them. “Urgh! Why did I have to touch him.” I scolded myself under my breath in frustration.
Sitting upright on the foot of the bed I put my face in my hands. “At some point he'll figure it out.” Raising my right hand I made the pen start to levitate in the air since I still had Erik's power running from my veins for a short time. Laying my head back on the pillow I just stared at the ceiling.
My father couldn't know the truth that I had my own mutation. Because if he knew he would have done everything that he did to Erik on his own daughter. So if them other mutant I was living with needed to hate me then I'd accept it. Since I didn't feel like I could be myself…my true self and that maybe I was broken since I could only take power from others and I didn't have my own abilities.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
The metal controlling mutant sat in silence and finally moved his gaze to my locked door. He felt slightly guilty and confused for treating you badly over the years but he couldn’t see past what he knew. That your father was the man who ruined his life…even though you decided to help him he wouldn’t let his heart change the mission he had inside his head.
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your-queer-dad ¡ 5 days
(just a heads up, i copy pasted this ask that i sent on anon on another blog,cause i wanted another opinion and im a lazy sod and i can't be bothered to type it out again)
Can you give me some advice as I'm questioning my gender yet again.
So basically, I'm an AFAB teenager, and up until about 8 I went with girl [and was very feminine], then 8 til around a year or two ago, I didn't really care cause it just didn't matter to me. Then I identified as demigirl, then genderfluid, and now nonbinary, and I was just considering starting to use he/they pronouns when I started to get stressed about gender. I feel dysphoria sometimes, and I was so upset when I got my period and stuff, though I don't know if that was just not wanting to grow up. I don' understand women, or why you'd want to be one, but occasionally I feel more fem, but I don't want to be a girl. If I could have been born a boy I would've, and if I ever think into the future, I'm only happy if I think of being a man. Sometimes i don't feel dysphoric saying 'I am a woman' and sometimes [usually] that feels so wrong and stresses me out. IDK,I'll probably just stick to being non-binary, but I also want to be a man, and I wish that I'd been born one. Also,i've been quite depressed lately, and I've hated myself since I was 11, however, because I only started questioning my gender a year or two later,it can't really be connected to that, can it?
Lately, ive been getting euphoria from the thought of having a beard, and im considering starting to use he they pronouns, but i just wish that gender didn't exist, or that i could just be a man, and have never been a girl. Sometimes i get scared that that's just misongny tho.
So yeh dad, cheers for the help,hope you're doing good, and thank you for taking the time to do this.👍
Hey kiddo! Thank you so much for reaching out. I get what you mean and honestly gender can be such a hard and complicated thing, especially because everyone has different perspectives and feelings around it, it's something so personal to you and can be really hard to figure out.
Honestly, kiddo- the rules are made up. You don't have to be completely one thing or fit into a box. You can be feminine without being a girl, or masculine without being a boy- or neither- or both! There isn't a right way or wrong way to do things, it's just your way.
To me, at least from what you've said, it sounds like youre more comfortable being masculine?
It isn't a rush or a race- I've been out for years and even I have days where I question my gender. But, whatever it is, it's yours and that's amazing.
- dad x
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I don't think i've ever done an introduction before so here's a messy one (I'll fix/add to it later)
Hey, I'm Snilk (It's a nickname my friend gave me that's short for snail milk)
I draw and write occasionally (My ao3 is the same as my username and is at the bottom of this post under the cut)
I'm only fluent in english but i also know some Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Slovenian, Gaelic (in order of how much I know the language) Also working on learning Kumeyaay, Cherokee and Chiwere (The native languages of the places I've lived and love visiting)
This is mainly a bsd account because ✨autism & hyperfixations✨ but all the fandoms i'm in/shows/book/manga i've seen or read is under cut (feel free to recommend things to my read/watch list through asks or dms)
General personality info also under cut
Socials under cut
Fandom list
Fandoms (General)
- Bungo stray dogs
- Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
- The Amazing Digital Circus
- Ramshackle
- No.6
- My little pony friendship is magic (gen 4)
~ Jkk
- Junji ito
[Past Fandoms: Miraculous ladybug, Bnha, Danganronpa, harry potter, demon slayer, hunter x hunter, bloom into you, whisper me a love song, ways of the household husband, tokyo ghoul, Tbhk, spy family, chainsaw man, yuri on ice, sk8, idk if these are considered fandoms but i was also obsessed with yt animators for a while; jaidenanimations, odd1sout, let me explain studios, jelly jess, SO MANY MORE]
Manga/Light Novels
- Bungou stray dogs light novels (1-8; Kafka Asagiri... still haven't read tdipud)
- BSD Gaiden/Another Story (Kafka Asagiri, LOVED THE ART OF THIS ONE)
- No.6 (Atsuko Asano, UGH LOVE THIS ONE)
- Bloom into you (Nio Nakatani, THE AROACE REP 🔛🔝)
Recent/Fav reads
- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
- Flower of Buffoonery (Dazai Osamu)
- No longer Human (Dazai Osamu)
- Setting Sun (Dazai Osamu)
- School Girl (Dazai Osamu)
- Time Machine (HG Wells)
(There's more i'm just lazy)
Currently reading/read list
- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsty)
- 1984 (George Orwell)
so much more (again i'm lazy)
I pretty much listen to anything and everything (Except super popular artists who only got popular because they're celebrities and not because they make actually good music, I can't stand them)
- Ado
- The Alan Parsons Project
- Alex G
- Alexander Vertinsky
- Alpay
- Conan Gray
- Chappell Roan
- Sufjan Stevens
- Mustafa Ozkent
- ďżźPsychedelic Porn Crumpets
(I'll finish this later, i'm eepy and this is too hard to pick my fav artists)
ENTP/INTP (It changes between those two every time I take the stupid test)
I'm technically Aroace and bisexual (Romantic relationships feel suffocating and cause me to have constant panic attacks and I'm fine with sex but I have to be on top and in control and refuse to take off any of my clothes so pretty much me giving cunnilingus or blowjobs👍 anything else👎 The reason being I have horrid sa trauma from when I was 8... lemme know if y'all want the story)
I've been told by everyone I know I am Dazai, no elaboration, I just simply am him
Masochist yet scared of pain, constantly paranoid and anxiety ridden lil creature (I have horrid insomnia that causes me to hallucinate), I love driving, I have horrid misophonia and will often skip meals cause i can't stand the sound if my own chewing, automatic flight response when alone, fight response with someone weaker than me, i'm an extreme people pleaser and over thinker so as much as i wanna make jokes about something i wont because im scared of it going wrong and then will proceed to overthink my screw ups for the rest of my days :D, would deal with panic attacks through self-harm/self-sabotage and would purposely embarrass myself (Haven't done that in a while tho so it's all good) uhhhh this is too long so that's it lmao
Ao3 writer curse (I've never broken a bone but pretty much every week it's something new from giving myself a concussion and missing school for days without my knowledge cause i was in a coma that my family thought was just me being lazy to a random excruciating pain in a place i didn't even know could hurt)
I make jokes when i'm in pain cause i hate having people worry about me or feeling bad because of me, I am entertainment for you, i'm not real so just laugh at me like a sad movie
I go to an art school (unfortunately) and have class from 8:30am-5pm on a normal day; I'm in production & design conservatory which is basically just running everything behind the scenes of live theater, everything you see and hear in a show that's not the actors themselves I work to control and make as good as possible, my fav positions are A2 (putting mics on people and setting up speakers) Wardrobe (designing costumes and performing/helping with quick changes) and Deck/props (Make stuff and put it on stage)
Outside if that my favorite subjects are Science and History (I love memorizing things that make sense and work together, i love understanding facts about the world and using it to express and understand things through literature)
I used to love math as i was a child prodigy but lost my spark as instead of my teachers noticing my skill and helping me, they poured water on my flame and now i can barely solve 13 time 3 without a calculator (its 39)
When I was in kindergarten, I was bored with my lessons and my sister (who was in 3rd grade at the time) loved playing school with me so by the time I started first grade I had memorized multiplication tables, could solve any equation in my head within minutes (like 2 digit multiplied by 2 digit equations) and had a concept of negative numbers, my first grade teacher loved this about me and would give me harder equations separate from the rest of the class, then in second grade my teacher would lie to me any time i said something above second grade math, like one time i brought up an equation like 2-5 and she was like "oh you can't do that" and I tried to explain it and she just kept denying it until I finally got so fed up with her bs I shouted "YES YOU CAN ITS NEGATIVE 3 JUST LIKE YOUR IQ FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING THAT!" ... I got sent to the office. Third grade was the worst because instead of just letting me be my teacher made me write down everything on paper... I don't think in numbers when i do mental math, I think in concepts, so by the time i convert the concepts to numbers and but it on paper i've lost the entire equation and have to start over again and get super confused because i forget how i got that number and why that numbers there so i end up just breaking down and getting the question wrong. AND INSTEAD IF SEEING WHAT THE ISSUE WAS SHE JUST BRUSHED IT OFF AS OH YAY IM DOING THE WORK so i became stupid as a result (I also was in math olympians for a few years and would always get pissed off cause it was a group competition and i would look at the problem, solve it instantly and tell them the answer, they wouldn't believe me, take forever to solve it and low and behold i was right and because it was a timed competition i never got higher than second place...)
(I'm not really active on Twitter/X)
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hunters-lvr ¡ 1 year
are you serious?
hunter x masc!reader
where hunter is forced to tutor one of the laziest students he's ever met.
(normal school au, meaning no possesed hunter but they're still trying to get to the boiling isles. the boy is barely figuring out how to use a fucking phone)
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a loud door slam distracted him, followed by two people walking in, more so one being dragged.
the principal walked in carrying a boy by his backpack, wearing a big ass hoodie and some sweatpants with hightops and headphones/earbuds. hunter swears on flapjack that those mans eyebags could rival his when he was still working with the emperor.
"i caught your little deviant skipping again, please keep him in check, you're the reason he's still here."
hunter always had a weird intrest in the boy who's only been in class 3 times in the past month, he watched as the tired male dragged himself into his seat, the one next to him.
he watched as (f/n) shrugged his bag off and got into his seat, as (f/n) caught him staring he turned to look at the blond.
he gave him an eyeroll and put his head into his arms slowly drifting off to sleep on his desk.
'who does he think he is? that was so rude? no wonder he's never here.' hunter huffed as he shit talked (f/n) in his head.
towards the end of class the teacher spoke up, "hunter and (f/n) will you two come up here?"
the blond stood up, while the boy next to him slowly sat up straight from his desk and wiped his mouth.
"hunter, you have the best grades in class," hunter beamed hearing the praise. "now, (f/n), undoubtedly you will fail the semester if you don't raise your grades."
now with that (f/n) swore his heart dropped to his stomach and out his ass. bro can't fail? he'll get murdered.
"due to that, i am willing to give you extra credit, that's IF," she accentuated, "you start trying."
the woman went on explaining as (f/n) was pissed, he kinda blanked out until he actually heard what was going on.
"hunter, i'll need you to tutor (f/n)," the blond let out a groan mentally, but sheepishly smiled at the teacher,
"of course miss, i'll do my best." (f/n) scoffed at this seeing the boy kiss up to the teacher, "word." he yawned covering his mouth and the teacher dismissed them two.
as they walked awkwardly next to eachother,"so, can i have your number?" hunter asked smiling, trying to put up a nice facade.
(f/n) nodded tiredly, pulling out his phone and pressing onto the phone app putting it to the keypad. the blond typed in his number, and sped off to his next class.
'what is up with him,' hunter grumbled in his head, before his phone went off.
(f/n): thanks 👍
'lmao im changing this bitches contact,' (f/n) smirked at his phone changing the display name to 'ass kisser ‼️'
ass kisser‼️: WHEN CAN YOU START
(f/n): i guess i can start today lmao, you like talkin in caps im guessing??
the more sleep deprived one smiled at his phone, 'he's funny.'
(f/n): i'll show you later dude dw
hunter stares at the phone, 'the hell is a dw?'. as he powered it off he looked at his reflection on the little black screen. maybe it would be nice trying to get to know someone like him.
(f/n) walks into the library, stretching and scanning the book filled room looking for the blond. he spotted him reading some nerdy ass comic with sparkles in his eye.
"yo, hunter!" the boy smiled as he gained a glare from librarian. he walked over to the table, pulling a chair and setting it down.
"hey, you know, this is a library so you can't really be yelling."
"oh fr? i totally didn't know that," hunter was suprised that his eyes weren't stuck in the back of his head considering how much he rolled them.
"whatever, just get out all your missing work."
hunter's eyes widened as he pulled a folder that was practically falling apart out of his bag.
"are you serious."
first time ever writing 😰 enjoy pls
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pompompurinwrites ¡ 2 years
Epel x GN!Reader (fluff)
TW: none
My first one-shot I am making…again I hope it’s good enough<3
I don’t really know if I would count the reader as insecure because there is some doubt and stuff but mmm I think I’ll just leave it as it is👍
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Epel found himself flustered when he looked your way. That’s the whole reason he has been avoiding you recently, because he doesn’t know what to say to you. Should he compliment your hair? Maybe your eyes? Say how he “could get lost in them” How cliché. How Rook…
He was too lost in his own thoughts, walking down the corridor, right into your direction (what a coincidence).
You and Epel bump into each other, and fall, before he could let out his brash accent, you quickly apologize. Grab him by the wrist, and help him up.
He stares at you…for a long…long time. An awkward amount of time.
So you just ask him.
“Epel, why have you been avoiding me recently?” anxiously you add “Have I done something to upset you?”
Epel found his words caught in his throat. He didn’t know what to say. I mean how could you of all people have done something wrong. You always give him support, friendship (even though he wishes it was more), and most importantly treats him like a manly, man.
You finally had enough of his staring, and decided to walk away. If he wants to be that way fine, so be it. You didn’t need him to be your friend anyways. You have Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Sebek ok, maybe not him, but still. The point is you’re perfectly fine without him.
Epel reacts pretty quickly to this, and immediately pushes back his own negative thoughts.
He shouts at you “Y/N, I’m sorry I have been avoiding you, I just really like you, and want to be much more than just friends!”
Epel of all people is confessing to you. Is this real, or has he lost his mind. You’re just a prefect of Ramshackle Dorm, barely even considered a student, and a “henchman” to some blue, fire-headed cat.
Your body turns back to him. The look on your face is hard to tell. Is it confusion? Uncertainty?
Your voice is quiet “Why do you like me?”
He can’t really believe you could ask such a question with such worry. You’re perfect to him. That’s why.
Epel doesn’t speak instead he grabs you by your uniform, and pulls you close to his face, so he can capture your lips in a soft kiss. Your eyes that were once wide, are now closed.
Both of you pull away. Your face is too red to look at Epel, and his is dusted with a light shade of pink.
He starts talking “I have liked you for a while, for as long as I have known you.” Face turning into a deep red as he continues “I appreciate you, and all you have done for me.”
“Now let’s kiss again.”
So you do. You lean in slightly eager to attach yourself to him. He does the same with more confidence than the first time. It’s a peaceful atmosphere. A time shared for only you two. Finally you have a reason to stay in this world, and possibly not leave.
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words-after-midnight ¡ 3 months
Hi! I went through the libaw tag while I was bored and???? It's so good??????
I am in love with Gabriel now. New blorbo acquired. All your snippets are great. And also all your chapter titles are fire.
Idk where you're at with the querying but best of luck on that. I wanna see this published so I can devour it.
Just wanted to say how much I love what I've seen of this story. You're doing great, bestie 👍
(Also, do you have a taglist?)
🥺 You just made my day! This was such a sweet message to receive. I'm glad you enjoy the snippets and titles (my titles are definitely a point of pride for me, haha), and that you find the story intriguing. That's the goal! It's not really the kind of story that tends to get much attention in these spaces, tbh, so I'm pleasantly surprised with the warm response some of my recent snippets have received.
Gabriel would most likely be shocked that someone considers him blorbo-worthy, but I'm sure he would appreciate your affections! I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with him myself, but he's definitely one of my more compelling characters and I'm proud of the way he turned out. As a character, anyway. As a person is more complex, lol. Either way, definitely poured years of blood, sweat, tears and research into that guy, and I suppose if I was trying to produce upstanding fictional specimens of humanity I'd probably be writing something other than crime thrillers.
More under the cut because this got suuuper long (💀):
RE: querying - I've been "getting ready to query" for like a year at this point, lol, but that's mostly because the edits after my last beta cycle became QUITE a bit more extensive than anticipated. It's definitely for the better, though. I'm very, very happy with the way it's turning out. Not only am I successfully addressing a lot of my own nagging issues and recurrent beta reader comments, but the structural edits are also allowing me to trim the word count quite a bit (which... the word count has been a MAJOR hurdle in my journey with this project, because of tradpub word count limits in my genre versus the complexity of the story). I'm about 70% done with edits at this point. There will be things actively happening on the querying front in the near future - I will update on that asap.
Re: taglist - I don't currently have any taglists because I worry about my ability to be consistent with maintaining them. You're not the first person to ask about a taglist for libaw specifically, though, so I might try to see if doing one just for that project is feasible. Stay tuned.
Side note, I saw your tags on my post from last year about libaw's history and while they are very (!!!) sweet I feel I must clarify: I started the project in 2008 (when I was 17, for reference), but I haven't been working on it actively throughout that entire span of time - there was a long period between late 2013 and early 2022 where I did very little writing/work on creative projects in general, so it was shelved for most of that. It took me 2.5 years to draft (2008-2011) - at the time it was two novels totalling ~400K words - and then I spent most of 2012 and 2013 doing large-scale revisions, which included a full rewrite/merging of the novels in 2013. Then I took it back up again for good in early 2022 (two years ago today, coincidentally). So that's definitely still a very long time to work on one novel, but not as long as the entire span of years since I started it.
I've always said this is the book of my heart, and I won't try to release it until I'm happy with it and know I've given it my best shot. I've never regretted that for a second, but it's taken a long time to get there, for both personal and skill-related reasons (namely, there's a social commentary element to the story that's taken me a lot of effort, research, and development as a writer to get right - it's ongoing, but I'm getting close based on recent feedback). To be close to reaching the point where I can genuinely feel "my" (independent, prior to pub-related edits) work is done after well over a decade is very cool for sure.
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crestapex ¡ 6 months
Hello! I saw a post saying COD matchups are open! If not, please ignore this ^^ Also, I haven't fone a matchup ask in forever, so sorry if I'm rusty...
I'm punk and it really shows in my appearance. I got a red mohawk, and some piercings and tattoos. I like to customise my clothes as much as possible, so battle jackets, studs, chains, pins and patches with slogans and band icons/names are my daily wardrobe.
I'm nonbinary, panromantic asexual and I go by they them pronouns. I'm trilingual and I love learning about stuff, mostly languages and time zones. I am very probably autistic, so I have issues with social interactions as well as sensory issues and I have tics, motoric and vocal. Usually I just chirp, repeat phrases or wave my hands around, twist my neck etc. But sometimes, when I'm anxious, my tics get more violent and I often punch/pinch myself. I struggle with depression a lot as well as some unhealthy coping mechanisms that involve pain, to put it lightly.
I love art, I consider myself a poet, I got one book published and I like to attend poetry competitions. I also draw a lot and paint. I like crafting as well, I have tons of little projects either going on or in my head. I have to journal a lot, because if I don't write it down you can bet I'll forget it :D I also like cooking :)
I love animals, I used to have pet rats and would want them in the future.
I think I'm kind, maybe a bit too much, I would do anything for my loved ones. My MBTI type is INFJ if that helps. I try to make others laugh and feel comfortable, I'm kind of a mix between the parent friend and the clown friend. My love language is words of affirmation and quality time. I tend to get into arguments, because a) people usually take me seriously when I'm being sarcastic or playful (another tism trait), b) because when it comes to things I'm passionate about, I always think I'm right and I have the need to convince the other person that my opinion is better. Also because I get frustrated when people don't get what I mean exactly.
My special interests are horror, in all forms, horror movies, horror books, video essays, deep dives...I like true crime as well and I like to collect bones and other things people often deem creepy (I have a bird skeleton/mummy in a jar).
I think that's it, take as much time as you need, and again, if matchups aren't open, feel free to just delete this <3
You’re all good 👍 (I’m not too familiar with the whole MBTI type of stuff, so I tried my best to look into it, lol.)
I match you with: Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra!
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I think he’d be pretty into watching video essays and deep dives with you. Rudy would have no problem setting himself on the couch right beside you, claiming that it keeps him educated and his mind sharp. But really he’d end up passing out in 30 minutes, one of his arms wrapped tightly around you as if you were to magically grow wings and fly away from him. The other resting gently on your arm or thigh if you find yourself sitting practically in his lap. It’s one of the few times he finds himself at true peace and serenity.
Having any shared friends means you guys are definitely referred to as the parents of the group. Drama at the grocery store? Off to go gossip with the two of you! Looking for relationship advice? Once again, off to you and Rudy. And when you guys get into a small, tiny even, slight disagreement in front of your friends? All of sudden it’s the end of the world and everyone is talking about having two christmases. 😐
But also most likely to be the one to bring you down from confrontation or arguments. He will tell you when it’s time to take a step back and calm down, and he’ll continue to talk you down from it and put a comforting hand on your lower back. And if you want to take a moment to continue ranting about it? Go for it, he’ll listen, only to voice his opinion on the situation if you ask for it and/or after you’ve come back down to earth. He’s pretty level headed (especially compared to someone like Alejandro… *side eye*…) and tends to have good judgment like that, so I think that would balance out your relationship, especially if you’re more on the temperamental side.
I can picture him as some sort of gift giver, which I’d imagine would go pretty well with someone who has strong collector tendencies. And they wouldn’t always be the most elaborate and luxurious gifts—though it’s not out of the question—it be something small or something he just found interesting and made him think of you. Think of a gem or crystal he found be sold at a little gift stand, or a small drawstring bag full of bottle caps from all around the world and from all kinds of bottles (that, or he’d be the one to gift you the bottle caps to add a collection, lol).
Loves your artistic side, especially your poetry. Write him little pieces of poetry on a sticky note or torn corner of a piece of paper and he will most definitely keep it in his pocket, only pulling it out to read when he’s alone and missing you—“Oh, mi cielo…” he’d whisper to himself and bring the piece of paper right over his chest, on top his beating heart. He’d close his eyes and let himself be overrun with thoughts of you, even if it’s just for a quick minute before he would have to return back to work. And while you may not believe it’s your best work, Rudy will think it’s one of the most beautiful things he’s ever read.
mi cielo = “my sky” or “my Heaven”
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insecateur ¡ 1 year
Lysandre is most averse to taking from others, but he wears a leather suit and wears fur on his collar. In other words, he is indirectly taking the life of a PokĂŠmon in order to be fashionable.
What do you think about this?
i've been thinking about this question since you sent it bc i have like two answers which are not actually related to each other
to begin with i'll preface this by saying that i usually tend to not touch too much on this in fic and otherwise bc it's just such a nightmare to think about imo - i write lysandre as not eating meat but the like. ethics of eating meat or wearing leather in the pokĂŠmon world are side-stepped so weirdly by canon i'm reluctant to get into it myself i guess. which actually brings me to my first answer which doesn't actually have much to do with your question--
i feel like where meat and "animal" products come from is becoming so muddled in pokĂŠmon gameverse canon at this point LMFAO, they added sandwiches in scavio and as the ingredients you can pick (which were also a curry ingredient in swsh actually if i remember right) there are like. regular, real life sized eggs? like who tf is laying those? pokĂŠmon eggs are fucking yoshi eggs those are wholeass CHICKEN EGGS. WHO IS LAYING THE CHICKEN EGGS. i know it's pokĂŠmon they just don't care about it making sense but it's keeping me up at night. at the same time they do reference eating pokĂŠmons clearly in canon so you know. anyway this is a tangent but this ask reminded me and sent me down this nightmare mode rabbit hole again
i think lysandre's hypocrisy is a big component of his character, actually! he's even sometimes self-aware about it - in pokĂŠmas he has a line of dialogue that references this:
"I have no intention of believing that what I do is always for the sake of absolute justice. If that were the case, PokĂŠmon would never have to go through what we put them through."
he's usually too self-righteous to be fully honest with himself that he only compromises in ways that fit his worldview, though. when you face him in his hq in xy he even admits outright that he's decided that he has to take from others in the end because he's the only one who can make things right. (note that he's also unilaterally decided that things have to be made right by him in the first place.) a lot of his character is about appearances, too, so in that respect it makes sense that some of this characteristic would be reflected in his choice of attire.
...in reality though i'm not even sure it was taken into account when designing him LOL. the fur on his collar is clearly meant to evoke yveltal, and you could argue there's no proof his outfit is actually leather, just drawn in a way that makes it look like it is (for the record i am #TeamLeather though.) i also genuinely am not sure tpc even think about how fucking weird this is in the context of the pokĂŠmon world, especially considering how they've been in recent games irt food...
BUT... i do like it as a way to highlight the disconnect between him and his ideals, similarly to what i've already pointed out regarding the team flare grunts. i think it's interesting and i do enjoy seeing it explored 👍
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andtheyweresiblings ¡ 1 year
yet again having brumira thoughts and unfortunately not enough brain power to write a proper thing, so! into your inbox they go
Mirabel brushing Bruno's hair. yeag 👍 there's no way he kept up with it while in the walls and he's too tender headed to consider attempting it. But Mirabel is so sweet and gentle, and having two older sisters means she knows the pain of someone (accidentally) ripping a brush through tangled curls.
She's incredibly careful with him, brushing out small sections at a time and stopping whenever he flinches. She traces her fingertips across his scalp, occasionally earning quiet, satisfied little sighs and groans from him. He tilts his head into her hands and unintentionally leans on her.
Mirabel might even offer to wash his hair for him, and for .2 horrible seconds Bruno conjures up the image of a shared shower before he comes to the rational realization that she'd be washing his hair in the sink.
thank u for your time
Anon! I completely relate to not having enough brain power to do the creative things I want, especially for these two. This ask really cheered me up! Thank you!!
This is honestly so sweet. I have thought a couple times about the state of his hair. In the movie, it looks surprisingly well-kept, but I think you're correct. I think he would not be taking care of it well at all.
I love this so much! It's so sweet! Bruno would be in touch-starved heaven over Mirabel's ministrations.
Even after realizing his mistake, I bet Bruno would be very torn about whether or not he should take up Mirabel's offer to wash his hair. I think he'd take her up on it eventually.
I am now having images of the two washing each other's hair on a regular basis. These two absolutely would!
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starlight-phantom ¡ 1 year
Ai the somnium files for the fandoms ask? You can include nirvana initiative if you want :3
I think I did one of these for AI about a month ago??? But my memory's terrible so I might as well just do it again 👍
3 male characters I love:
Kaname Date, I'm usually not a fan of the pervy character in things, but Date works so well because 1) He thinks all these things and makes comments but he never actually does stuff to people to make them uncomfortable, and 2) It's not his defining characteristic, he's so much more than horny. Like he's a great detective, he cares about his peers and wants to keep them safe, he's a great father figure even if he doesn't really know what he's doing, he's just such a great character. Also Greg Chun's performance is 👌👌👌
Kuruto Ryuki, *slaps roof* this boy can fit so many mental illnesses. I love this boy but goddamn he is a filthy liar whenever he says "I'm fine". But his story was so engaging and you really feel for him when it clicks into place. Like I've been giving the game a second playthrough with the knowledge of the twist and wow so many scenes hit different. Also, this is the first time I've heard Stephen Fu in a big role (The only other time I've heard him is Douma from KNY and he's only appeared a couple of times so far) and wow, I really wanna hear more of his work because his performance was incredible.
Pewter, I dunno he dresses like a fruity PokĂŠmon villain and he's got an awkward yet charming personality. Not to mention, his story in the right path of the first game made me feel so bad for him... Like damn, just let this man be happy please, he deserves it. Also, I know I'm a broken record, but Sean Chiplock's performance, his delivery on the weirder lines are so funny (Yes I am thinking about the chairs line, how did you know?)
3 female characters I love:
Aiba, I fucking adore Aiba. She's the best. I love how she's the straight man to Date's shenanigans IRL but when they're in somniums, Date is the straight man to her shenanigans, I love her excitement whenever she sees bugs, I love how she knows Date so well she can manipulate him into being a better fighter, I love her lil jelly hamster form, I love Erika Harlacher's performance, I just really, really love Aiba.
Mizuki Date, I don't even know where to start with Mizuki... She's honestly one of the best written child characters I've seen in a game. And this poor girl has been through so much in both games but her route in the first game had me sobbing buckets. Not to mention, Corrina Boegetter's performance, they really knocked it out of the park for every single facet of Mizuki's personality. Also they genuinly managed to sound like a twelve year old, that's impressive all by itself.
Shizue Kuranushi, Listen... I am not immune to hot women voiced by Allegra Clark, okay? I'm only human. But seriously... Her design, her personality, her dedication to her co-workers, her office and the funny interactions that come from all the stuff she just doesn't throw away, and the fact that's somehow simultaneously a girlboss and a cringefail milf???? Impressive. She has the range, darling.
Also, quick shout-out to Tama, I adore her and her crazy laugh so much
3 romantic ships I love:
Kaname Date/Hitomi Sagan, god those two are so cute, really bummed they barely interacted in the sequel...
Kaname Date/Kuruto Ryuki, Date has two hands. But seriously, the admiration Ryuki has for Date and the way they watch out for each other is really sweet
Iris Sagan/Amame Doi, cute bubblegum colours but also they have each others backs and they always have fun hanging out with each other
There was another ship I wanted to add but it's spoilery and a mutual was considering potentially checking out the series so I thought it would be best to leave it out. But if you've played the first game, you can probably guess who it is.
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Kaname Date/Mizuki Date, I mean... Chances are if you've been following me for a while you know that I am just a huge sucker for family dynamics. And the dynamic of adopted father/daughter viewing each other as their real family but being too embarrassed to admit is something I adore.
Kuruto Ryuki/Tama, I love these two so much. I love how IRL Ryuki is just so done with all of Tama's dirty jokes and then in somniums Tama is so done with all of Ryuki's weird suggestions and skits. But also it's their concern for each other, you can tell they're partners. I feel like the best example of this is when Tama insists that Ryuki goes to the hospital no matter how much he protests, like... She just wants him to be safe and healthy...
Ota Matsushita/Mayumi Matsushita, god the Ota route destroyed me when I played through it but seeing them as a family getting through their issues was so sweet. I won't go into detail because it's personal but a few months ago I went offline for a while because of a family emergency and it's because of similar situation to Mayumi. So yeah, playing that hit hard.
3 favorite moments in canon:
The ending scenes of both games. If you know, you know.
Again, I wanna avoid spoilers but the Annihilation Route interrogation. Holy shit that scene was incredible.
The final scene in the final Somnium of Nirvana Initiative. Just... Goddamn that hit hard and the delivery of the "I have no regrets!" Crushed me.
3 favorite headcanons:
I honestly can't think of any headcannons off the top of my head... And I've been typing this response for way longer I intended... Sorry...
3 least favorite things about it:
Some of the somniums can have some obscure logic but like... Not in the way that you proud when you figure it out, but more angry in a "how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?" Kinda way.
I really hate how Ryuki and Tama just got kinda shoved to the side halfway through Nirvana Initiative. Like they stole the show for a lot of their scenes and then once the Mizuki Route started they barely appeared and when they did, they weren't really shown in the best light, especially Ryuki. Granted there's a plot reason for this but still... It's disappointing. If there's an AI3, I hope they get more screentime.
I feel like Tearer really didn't get enough screentime in Nirvana Initiative, especially when unmasked. Like c'mon this is the main antagonist, give us more of him! Especially considering his entire backstory, that's a lot of really interesting stuff to build off of! Also just... I wanted to hear more of Billy Kametz' villainous performance. It was rare to hear him in those roles but he was so damn good in them.
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aces-and-angels ¡ 1 year
100 follower special update pt 4
who has two thumbs and has an inability to stick to writing short blurbs? this guy 👍😎👍
i’m talking to you specifically, anon 1 of 3 who requested an abel x mc blurb of them showering together. i’ve tried to write for this prompt several times and i think i finally have something worth fleshing out in its entirety. rn i’m clocking in at 1.2k words for your blurb, anon and i still have a ways to go (barring any revisions i’m bound to make) 
if this event has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t force yourself to write on command. i wanna thank yall again for being patient with me while i steadily work my way through these requests 🖤 
that being said, i am officially closing this event for the time being. the asks have slowed down and i wanna be sure to get through the ones i have already received thus far. maybe i’ll consider reopening the event in the future if i’m feeling up to it. for now, sit back, relax, and keep your fingers crossed i can post this next one by the end of the week lol 
TLDR: I suck at keeping things brief and I’m no longer accepting new requests for the 100 follower special  
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pixyys ¡ 2 years
Oh dear sis, would you like me to talk to your teachers? Having too many assignments isn't very good y'know~
And for me? Well, I'm good I guess. Lippmann has been asking about you and he says that he has a few pickup lines to try on you. I sometimes wonder why you fancy him, but then again who doesn't like him?
And I definitely am not dropping pianos on my victims or beheading them with piano wires. That is pretty disrespectful to art, and not to mention I would hate to hurt Silver's feelings (and being slapped by her is not good as well). Although she did offer to teach me piano... what do you think? Should I accept?
Please don't stress yourself out. I promise I'll take you to visit the Flags again someday when I have time.
(speaking of which should i start a Pianoman roleplay blog? lol)
I am very tempted to just take you on that offer but don't worry big bro, i'll manage👍 thanks for your concern, i hope work is going well for you
and lippmann has some pickup lines to try? tell him to keep them going, because i have a lot more coming for him too👀 and don't worry, you'll understand once you see the beauty of ✨punny pickup lines✨
good to know you're considering silver's feelings, because if you make her upset i'll personally storm into your hideout and drag you out of there <3 you should really take her offer. each day i keep thinking how blasphemous it is for someone named pianoman to not be able to play the piano. (lmao, im sorry pianoman). have fun!
thank you for your concerns, and i'll be looking forward for that.
with love,
p.s. silver might have some pickup lines for you, so i suggest learning one or two to sweep her off her feet👍
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arytha ¡ 1 year
orchid, cactus, bamboo, abelia, daffodil, mahonia, chia, camellia, jasmine, ivy, chamomile, aloe vera, palm tree, taro for get-to-know-me asks?
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I. So I don't consider things by 'perfection' honestly but Fuck is CLASS::EXSPHERE_NOSURGE; a song that will forever kick my ass. Absolute favourite song of all time.
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
Waves my little Chinese Mandarin language learning app 'Hello Chinese' that helps (but with how i remember to do stuff i keep forgetting to do things) me remember that I actually did take 2 years of Mandarin in school.
bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home?
Yeah I generally change out of my scrubs and into pjs. Usually a tank top and shorts 👍 be comfy
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?
Nope. Actually I used to wear a ring all the time, and then I lost it. And I used to wear a necklace all the time but I kept putting it in my mouth and it wore off the cheap silver coating. (for reference these were both while i was in middle school). I can't stand wearing jewelry daily anymore, it gets in the way.
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?
Yep, two younger brothers. I don't get along well at all with the older one (nothing in common at all), but the youngest has a similar humor as me and we're pretty good friends..
mahonia ⇢ what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
Ehhhhh. Mainly reading inspires me the most honestly. Sometimes a song will also give me the executive function to create too, but it depends on whether I have the time to draw or write at the time!
chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?
Logan and I have an adage we quote all the time which is simply: Don't worry about it.
Character is showing a weird side in a show we're watching? Oh, don't worry about it.
I make a weird noise? Don't worry about it.
Didn't catch the last half of a lewd joke or simply just a sentence he's said? Don't worry about it.
Its used more maliciously (in jest) than anything but its the funniest fucking thing we've let become a running joke.
camellia ⇢ what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?
Ah. Well, I basically wasn't a human being until 2018 or so, so.... Trauma (and clinical depression and overwhelming anxiety) did a number on me. Its actually rather hard to remember my life unless I focus on really trying to remember things. I was a lot quieter tho, read books to escape reality, and had like. No friends. I tried to validate myself through internet 'friends' and made a lot of mistakes in the pursuit of being a human. I have changed a lot (and I better have, i've healed and matured quite a bit), but I do think I still hold some of my core. qualities i think.
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
I'm never reading The Series of Unfortunate Events again. You can't make me. I LOVE the books. I cannot read them again. I Own the books (in nice shiny hardcover with the original printing, too), they are never going to be anything more than used space on my shelf.
ivy ⇢ what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?
Uhhh my state of attentiveness I think. Logan says I enter 'screensaver mode' when tired but I'm not sure what actually changes. They can usually pinpoint it straight away tho fhdjs
Like if I'm more attentive and listening and engaging with you (ofc this is more for real life/voice call) im usually in a better state, I tend to tune things out when i get upset or tired or annoyed. Idk.
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
I have suuuuuch a soft spot for plushies. Its insane how soft I am over even just. a little guy. I don't even collect plushies but they always end up being my favorite present somehow. My coworker gave me a really soft Pusheen last year for my birthday(? or xmas) and god that thing lives at the end of my bed now but i was holding on to it daily for Months.
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
Living in a house and not having anything in it that would deter me from. wanting to go home?This is a genuine first thought don't look into it too much..
palm tree ⇢ do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless?
am i allowed to like the little shit that is Asahi from ffxiv (the answer is no. I love him tho (and Fandaniel))
taro ⇢ if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
(if they're close enough) I'd probably talk a bit about my recent art for Era and Lorne? I don't have a life that's bery interesting unless you are willing to let me babble about my recent hyperfixations...
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toon-rp-finder ¡ 2 months
"Alright, let's do this one more time! 🕸️💞"
⭐ Hey there! F 18 here looking for other 18+ Roleplayers to indulge on some Across the Spiderverse OCxCC fun! I'm looking for FxM ships on my side. Definitely double friendly although I am not used to doing it in this fandom.
[What I am looking for]
• I am searching for someone that could play both Pavitr and Hobie for me, to be paired with two different OCs. I don't mind if you have experience musing them already or if you want to try it out for the first time, or even if you think your interpretations are a little OOC. Throw them my way! There is no shame here.
• I am looking for someone that could be at least literate, but I don't care about reply consistency at all. You can reply once or twice a day? Nice! Once a week? No bother! Whatever fits your schedule, I can adapt to it.
• By all means feel free to share any headcanons you might have and please talk OOC with me! Plotting things together and going crazy about it is one of my favorite parts.
• Although I don't expect NSFW to be a major part of the plot, I am by no means opposed to the idea. I just ask for a bit of development before we dwell on the topic if we decide to add it!
• Wether we decide to age the characters up or keep them the same age is up to you. Again, I can adapt to anything.
• Dark themes are more than welcome to be explored, I just ask that you tell me what you'd like to add beforehand so we can discuss how to better implement it in the plot! The chances of me saying no to something are very slim.
• Like I said, I am double friendly, although I have very little experience with the characters in this fandom. I can try to RP pretty much anyone for you, what type of pairing (MxF, MxM, FxF, etc) you want doesn't matter to me! I'm down to anything.
• I RP strictly on Discord, as I believe it to be more organized.
[About my OCs]
• First one is her Earth's spider person! A singer and Teen idol in ascension if you will, but it is quite hard to manage identities, just like it is for every other Spider person out there. She's latina, inspired by the Hyperpop genre when it comes to singing. She was bitten by a jumping spider.
• the second OC is the first one's Venom. Japanese, inspired by the Visual Kei subculture, be it fashion, makeup, music, etc. An alternate version of her was Hobie's Gwen Stacy, but that version of her is dead by now. She was initially a villain, but now is considered an anti-hero and my other OC's friend.
This is all! I think this is a long shot, but if anyone out there feels interested in the slightest then please interact with this post and I will come running! ^^
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cilantrospirit ¡ 8 months
orchid & sage for the get to know me asks pls!
oh yeehaw!
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
I don't believe in perfection in anything, but Come On! Feel the Illinoise! (Sufjan Stevens) is an ideal song to me, South Side (Moby) is also really well timed(?), Bodys (Car Seat Headrest) is so well done in every aspect that I wrote an essay on it last year❗, I consider a lot of Orville Peck songs as-close-to-perfect-as-possible, including but definitely not limited to Drive Me, Crazy and Turn to Hate, Frontier Psychiatrist (The Avalanches) is perfectly designed to cause me pain 👍, and this is a very cold take by now, but Bohemian Rhapsody is very good. <3 Sorry that this is a long list instead of one song but I love music and talking about it!! My cross to bear this summer was knowing and listening to a lot of Harrison coded songs but knowing that you probably wouldn't enjoy them because of the tism. Meanwhile I have the kind of tism that makes me love listening to new and jarring sounds teehee!!
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
oh poetry always! I'm a big believer that all mediums of art are equally valuable, and I try to be audience to a variety of forms and use them creatively, but poetry is usually the most affecting to me. I think that's because I think in words! not just in the sense of my inner monologue, but when I see something I instantly think of it in terms of its description, etc. and when I hear people speak I process it by first turning it into written words that I can "read" in my head, if that makes sense. so poetry is closest to reality for me, and almost all other art gets filtered into a poem for my mind to absorb it. example of what I mean by this: here is how I currently am experiencing the room I'm in: great wobbling yellow-white beaming and the vague insect whir of manmade light. a flat smoothness like balsa wood, wide plastic surface disinfected -- then beginning again its dry erase degradation (more dries than is erased). footnote: wouldn't you love to be a table? the accumulation of stains and scratches from work and purpose left to pile up without oils or bacteria mandating a bath? you need a bath. slight drowning feeling of chapstick and forehead grease. slight hunger inside, the sort that feels round. the sort like a painting of a calm ocean. cold knees. great growling squeal of a bus out the open window. thamp of dumpster overturned. humans talk like hyenas at play. bark and yap and yowl. almost full moon but it can't be seen -- only the parallel glowing sphere of campus streetlight. the sound of a whole floor of lights on, only for me. curtain closed. human dogs outside. sound of typing. sound of hunger like a cape. [I need to go eat so ending this to have a walnut <3] how I would describe the room if asked: It's got pink walls and one big table in the middle, with hand sanitizer and my stuff on it. There's a dry erase board and an open window with the curtains closed. [but the way I feel it has to be something more like a poem at first.]
anywho if someone actually reads this much nonsense from me then hi ^_^ and thanks Rachel for the ask! I can't believe I missed your birthday woe is me 😞 but you saying your top two mediums are poetry followed by music from this ask game 🤝 me agreeing in general but specifically me using this ask to talk about music and poetry... I love our minds and how they overlap <- normal thing to say (gaslighting you) normal people say this to internet people and it's normal (convincing myself)
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bills-bible-basics ¡ 1 year
Steps Pedometer: Old Fogies Walking Challenge! Hello, my friends! At the rate I am going, I will probably be in my grave by this coming weekend! 😲🙄😬😆😀😂 Yes, as the image shows, I actually did 30,894 steps — or 10.93 miles today. According to the “Steps” app, that included 79 flights of stairs. However, that is not correct, and I am not sure why it is under reporting the number of flights that I do. In actuality, this evening I broke my previous record from yesterday, and I did 140 laps on the outdoor stairs. As I have explained before, one lap consists of going down a flight of stairs which has 9 steps, then a little platform, followed by 9 more steps to the parking lot. So it is 18 steps in all. According to Apple’s “Health” app, it considers one flight to be about 16 steps. So being as my flight consists of 18 steps, it should definitely be considering each of my laps on the stairs as a flight. Therefore, being as I did 140 laps today, I don’t understand why the “Steps” app is reporting only 79 flights for today. It has been inaccurately reporting the number of flights since I first began using the “Health” and “Steps” apps on December the 18th. But as I was saying, a lap consists of going down those 18 steps, looping around in the parking lot, and then going back up those same 18 stairs again. In fact, being as I go down and up the stairs, I would think that the app should be reporting 280 flights for today, or 140 x 2 = 280. I am thinking of writing to the developer and asking them about this. Maybe they can improve the accuracy of the flights ….. unless the problem lies with Apple’s iPhone sensors, or with the iOS operating system itself. Anyway, as you can see, it took me 5 hours and 27 minutes to walk and climb those 10.93 miles, or 30,894 steps, and I burned up 1,201 calories doing so. The reason why it shows 257% completed is because I had my goal set to 12,000 steps for today, and I ended up doing almost 31,000 steps. So how did I accumulate so many steps today — and live to tell about it? 😂😂😂 Keep on reading! • Early this morning I took the bus to go do my monthly lab work. So today’s steps started with doing that. • Upon returning home, I noticed that it was approaching 7:00 AM, so I walked to the Cost-U-Less to do some grocery shopping, and ended up lugging about 40-50 pounds of groceries home. • With just the two above events, I had already accumulated 2,098 steps for the day. • After taking about a two-hour nap, I decided to experiment and see how many steps could be accumulated just by walking around my tiny apartment. I walked around for one full hour. If you are wondering how tiny my place is, well, if I walk in a loop from my kitchen, through my small bedroom, into the little bathroom, then back through the bedroom, and then loop around the small living room, and then back to the tiny kitchen, it is only 40 physical steps! My mom’s mobile home is bigger than that! 😲😆😀 In fact, if I walk in a diagonal line from the corner of the kitchen, to the opposite corner in the living room by the front door, it is only 8 steps, or maybe about sixteen feet. • Anyway, after doing those indoor loops for a full hour, I looked at the Steps app. It now showed 8,311 steps, meaning that just by walking one straight hour in my little apartment, I had added over 6,000 steps to my total! Cool! 👍 • The whole reason why I conducted the test, is because I was thinking of my elderly mom — who is 87 — and other elderly people who may think that they can’t get any exercise, because they are basically shut-ins, just like me. My indoor test proved that they can, assuming that they are healthy enough and strong enough to walk. • After doing one hour of laps, I did my regular indoor exercise regimen, which consists of a combination of body weight exercises — squats, push-ups and sit-ups — and resistance training with two 25-pound dumbbells. That usually takes me about 45 minutes every other day.
• After doing my indoor exercise regimen, I again spent a full hour doing more laps in the living room, just back and forth, back and forth, along that diagonal line. • After doing that second hour of laps in my house, I again looked at the Steps app to see what my total steps was. It now stood at over 16,300 steps, and I hadn’t even gone outside to do my stairs exercise yet! • I then took another two-hour nap. • By the time I went outside later in the evening at 8:20 PM, the total in the Steps app stood at 16,406 steps. • Considering how much hard exercise I had already done for the day, I really wasn’t sure how many laps I would be able to do. But I wanted to try to beat yesterday’s record of 124 laps, which would be very, very hard to do. • As I already mentioned, I did outdoor laps for 2 hours and 10 minutes, and ended up doing 140 laps in all. Yippee!!! 😆 • So, that is how I reached 30,894 steps — or 10.93 miles — for today. That is like doing 10,000 steps for three days straight! One thing is for certain. Tomorrow will definitely be a rest day! I will NOT be doing any indoor or outdoor exercise. This poor old body needs to recover! 😩😩😩 That’s all folks! Are YOU counting YOUR steps? Please share your experiences with us. Let’s help to motivate and challenge each other to live healthier, more active lives. Or do you wish to vegetate, grow stiff, and put on the weight??? https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/steps-pedometer-old-fogies-walking-challenge/?feed_id=19892&_unique_id=63a3317613357&Steps%20Pedometer%3A%20Old%20Fogies%20Walking%20Challenge%21
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